Example of Kickoff Agenda For A Complex and Failing Outsourcing Project

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XXXXXXX Management Services – Service Management Kickoff Meeting - XXXXX

Audience, Aims and Deliverables

Target Audience

 XX Service Management team remaining with XXXXXXXX

 Key XX Operations Managers transferring to XXXXXXXXXX
 XXXXXXXX Contract Management, Project Management and Strategic Sourcing specialists
 XXXXXXXXXX Account Management


To provide attendees with a common high level of understanding of the :

 XX “deal” – strategy, Business Case, Contract, Services, Service Levels and Governance
 The current XXXXXXXX XX operation – to be transferred “As Is”
 The project process followed so far and future plans
 To identify key deliverables required to be in place both before and after 1/5
 To plan responsibilities and required activities – specifically over the next two weeks


Deliverables required from this meeting include actions and owners to develop and agree the following :

Service Management Function :

 Clarity of Strategic Sourcing and Contract/ Commercial requirements
 Roles & responsibilities of the XXXXXXXX SM team documented and allocated to named
 Roles & responsibilities of other parties documented and allocated to named personnel in
 Skill gaps identified and initial on the job training and support given for critical areas
 More ?

Service Management Processes :

 Clarity of Strategic Sourcing and Contract/ Commercial requirements
 Documentation of critical processes and knowledge transfer to involved individuals
 More ?

Risk and Contingency Planning :

 Identification and prioritisation of key risks
 Development of mitigation and contingency plans
 SWAT team plans

Management and Control

 Resource availability and workload planning
 Input provided to Programme Management – milestones, RAG reporting, Risk Register, Action
Further deliverables will be identified during the meeting and responsibilities assigned to allow
individuals to work in a flexible way.

Chris Lawn – XXXXXX Page 1 of 2

XXXXXXX Management Services – Service Management Kickoff Meeting - XXXXX

Time Session Summary

9:00 – 9:15  Introductions
Chris Lawn  Review of plans for the day
 Deliverables
9:15 – 9:45 Outsourced Service Management – an external perspective and checklist
Chris Lawn  Planning assumptions
 What is Outsourced SM and what are XXXXXXXX’s expectations?
 Functional overview
 SM team objectives
 The challenges
 Demand management
 Supply management
 Critical success factors
9:45 – 10:30 Contract and Commercials overview – what’s “The Deal”
Jim Philbrook
10:30 – 11:15 Project Management overview
Steven Bryce
11:15 – 11:30 Break

11:30 – 12:15 Strategic Sourcing overview – Managing Contractual Relationships

Wendy McGillivray
12:15 – 12:30 Initial questions, risks and actions discussion – how do we achieve our deliverables
Chris Lawn in the short timescales ?

12:30 – 13:00 Break

13:00 – 16:00 Current Operations

 Presentation from each XX Operations Manger

Short break around  XXXXXXXXXX Mail In – Derek XXXX
15:00  S & I – Jackie XXXX
 Archive (Dean) – Clive XXXX
 Micro – Cath XXXXXX
 Print – Kenny XXXXX
 Print - XXXXX
 Fulfil & Despatch – Gordon XXXXX

 Approx 20 minutes each

 Current organisation
 Services provided
 Preparedness for 1 May
 Risks, mitigation & actions
16:00 – 17:00 End of Day Review and Activity Planning
Chris Lawn  Check back against this morning’s deliverables
 Review and update of responsibilities for actions and deliverables – due dates
 Identification of any further issues and actions
 Fine tuning of plans up to and beyond 1 May

Chris Lawn – XXXXXX Page 2 of 2

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