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Data analysis:

1. Q: What is the purpose of outlier detection in data analysis?

A: Outlier detection is used to identify observations that significantly deviate from the expected
patterns in a dataset. It helps identify errors, anomalies, or unusual behavior that can impact the analysis
and results.

2. Q: What is the difference between parametric and non-parametric tests in statistics?

A: Parametric tests assume specific distributions and make assumptions about the data, while non-
parametric tests are distribution-free and make fewer assumptions. Non-parametric tests are generally
used when data does not meet parametric assumptions.

3. Q: What is data aggregation in data analysis?

A: Data aggregation involves combining multiple data points into a single value, such as calculating
sums, averages, counts, or other statistical measures. It is used to summarize and condense data for
analysis and reporting purposes.

4. Q: What is the concept of data granularity in data analysis?

A: Data granularity refers to the level of detail or specificity present in a dataset. It can vary from fine-
grained (detailed) to coarse-grained (generalized). The choice of data granularity can impact the analysis
outcomes and insights derived from the data.

5. Q: What is the purpose of data visualization in data analysis?

A: Data visualization is used to represent data visually through charts, graphs, plots, and other
graphical elements. It helps in understanding patterns, trends, and relationships in the data, and
facilitates effective communication of insights.

6. Q: What are some common data imputation methods used to handle missing data?

A: Common data imputation methods include mean imputation, median imputation, mode imputation,
forward filling, backward filling, and regression imputation. Each method has its advantages and
limitations, and the choice depends on the specific context.

7. Q: What is sentiment analysis?

A: Sentiment analysis is a technique used to determine the sentiment or emotional tone expressed in
text data. It is often employed to understand public opinion, customer feedback, social media sentiment,
and other textual sources.

8. Q: What is the concept of dimensionality reduction in data analysis?

A: Dimensionality reduction refers to techniques used to reduce the number of variables or features in
a dataset while retaining important information. It is often employed to overcome the curse of
dimensionality and improve efficiency and interpretability in analysis.

9. Q: What is data-driven storytelling?

A: Data-driven storytelling is the practice of using data, visualizations, and narratives to convey insights
and tell compelling stories. It combines analytical findings with effective storytelling techniques to
communicate complex information in a more engaging manner.

10. Q: What are some ethical considerations in data analysis?

A: Ethical considerations in data analysis include ensuring data privacy and security, obtaining
informed consent, minimizing bias and discrimination, maintaining data integrity, and being transparent
about the methods and limitations of the analysis.

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