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CLASS: 2362ENTH1511

2022 – 2023


BODY........................................................................................................................... 5
1. CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS...............................................................5
2. WAYS TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT................................................................7


GROUP: Group 4

Time: 22:00 – 22:45, 27-02-2023

Place: Google Meetings

Participants: All group members

Contents for discussing: Ways to protect the environment.


- All group members contributed very good ideas and effective, positive
- The project advisor offers some interesting and useful ideas and measures.

Duties for participants:

Task Owner(s) Deadline

Introduction (1) Le Nguyen Tra Giang 1/3

Current Environmental Problems (1) Trinh Tra Giang 1/3

Ways to protect the environment (2) Tran Thi Thanh Duyen 1/3
Nguyen Minh Hanh

Conclusion (1) Doan Nhat Ha 1/3

Check content + Word (1) Nguyen Thuy Giang 2/3

Pptx (1) Nguyen Thuy Giang 7/3

Present  All group members 15/3


Name Role Work

- Completed the deadline on time

Trần Thị Thanh Duyên Member - Take on the presentation of:

- Completed the deadline on time

Lê Nguyễn Trà Giang Member - Take on the presentation of:

- Organize meetings and give opinions

on sections
Nguyễn Thủy Giang Leader - Make powerpoint and word version
- Division of work for each member
- Summary of topic content

- Completed the deadline on time

Trịnh Trà Giang Member - Take on the presentation of:

- Completed the deadline on time

Đoàn Nhật Hạ Member - Take on the presentation of:

- Completed the deadline on time
Nguyễn Minh Hạnh Member - Take on the presentation of:



Human society is getting closer to sustainable development. It is both modern

economic development in parallel with protecting the ecological environment.
However, environmental pollution is still raging everywhere on the green planet.

In fact, environmental pollution takes place not only in urban areas but also in
rural areas. The main sources of environmental pollution in rural areas are the first
abuse and use of chemicals in agricultural production; The waste treatment of
traditional craft villages has not been thoroughly; awareness of environmental
protection of people living in rural areas are limited. In the city, mainly due to
emissions, waste from industrial parks, people's living habits such as using fast food,
online shopping habits, personal vehicles ...

Environmental pollution has a negative impact on human health (especially

causing respiratory diseases), affecting ecosystems and climate change such as
greenhouse effects, acid rain and reducing ozone layers, ...

So how to protect the environment? Stemming from that reality, group 4 chose
the topic "ways to protect the environment" to research and thereby propose some
solutions to protect the environment.


1. Current Environmental Problems.

Environmental pollution is a global concern. All across the world, people are
facing a wealth of new and challenging environmental problems every day. Some of
them are small and only affect a few ecosystems, but others are drastically changing
the landscape of what we already know. So is our country and it is at an alarmingly
high level. With the rapid rate of industrialization and urbanization, along with the
increase in population, increasing pressure is placed on the environment of Vietnam.

According to statistics, Vietnam alone consumed about 10,000 tons of chemicals

in just one year. This chemical is used to protect plants. In addition, we also have 2.3
tons of household waste, 7 million tons of industrial solid waste, and dozens of other
waste products.

More than 250 industrial parks have discharged 550,000 m3 of wastewater into
the environment every day. It is worth mentioning that not every industrial park
discharges waste when it is properly treated. Mostly, in Vietnam, about 615 industrial
clusters, only 5% of them have wastewater treatment systems in accordance with the
standards and processes set out by the Environment. The rest are discharged directly
or not treated according to standards. This does not include the thousands of medical
facilities that produce waste every day.

Despite providing a series of statistics to let people know the alarming level of
environmental pollution. However, these conditions show no sign of stopping and are
still increasing. That creates a serious danger to the living environment and human

Here are some of the most common types of pollution:

 Water pollution:

Surface water pollution in river basins is serious and continues to develop in a

bad direction. The amount of urban wastewater generated is increasing day by day,
mostly untreated, discharged directly into the environment, polluting surface water
sources in urban centers and residential areas; infrastructure for wastewater collection
and treatment has not met the requirements.

 Air pollution:

In particular, dust pollution (PM10, PM2.5) is becoming an alarming problem in

Vietnam, directly affecting health, causing psychological insecurity and anxiety for
people. In recent years, the air pollution in some localities tends to increase due to the
increase of pollutants from economic activities; Air quality in urban areas and densely
populated areas, especially Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, has declined.

 Pollution of the soil environment:

Nowaday, people have used land to plant trees and land to create forests to
satisfy their living needs. Build dozens of works, industrial parks, factories. Therefore,
each green patch of the Earth becomes less than before. Not to mention, a series of
works and production areas daily discharge wastewater and chemicals into the
environment. Do not treat, just let them soak into the soil. Make the land no longer
worth exploiting.

2. Ways to protect the environment

There are several reasons we should strive to live a more sustainable lifestyle
and protect the environment. Protecting our environment is the foundation for
sustaining our planet, community and economy. Our environment supports and houses

our ecosystems, allowing them to grow and thrive. If we fail to protect our
environment, we will put the lives of humans, animals, plants and more at risk.

Ecosystems within our environment are deeply connected. We must protect them
all to protect our environment. After all, we live and rely on nature to provide basic
human survival needs. Protecting the environment means paying our dues to ensure
opportunities for future generations. Natural resources are running out, and we must
find ways to live more sustainable lifestyles to support future generations.

Below are some simple ways to conserve the environment.

 Save water and electricity.

Install a water saving device in your taps, toilets and showers. Turn off the tap
when you brush your teeth and collect rainwater to water your back yard with instead
of using a hose. Rain-water harvesting is a simple, yet powerful way to save gallons of
water. Further, we should put efforts to keep the freshwater bodies (such as rivers,
ponds, etc.) clean and safe.

Anytime you can use less electricity, it’s a win for the planet. Try some of these
quick ways to conserve energy around your home: Take a look around your home and
office: any appliance that operates on electricity can be made more energy - efficient.
Using natural light whenever possible instead of relying on artificial light can greatly
reduce the amount of electricity you use during the day. Turn off the lights. This is the
simplest, most common way to save electricity, and it really works. When you leave a
room, make a habit of turning off the lights, every single time.

 Walk, bike, carpool or take public transport whenever possible.

For short trips, try walking or biking, you’ll also get a healthy dose of exercise
without setting foot in a gym. If traveling on foot or on two wheels isn’t feasible, try
carpooling with a friend, neighbor, or coworker to a mutual destination. Reducing
your carbon footprint by taking the train or bus to work or walking, which is very
healthy in addition. You will also save money by not purchasing a gas-guzzling car.

When it comes to air travel, try taking the sleeper train instead of shorter-distance
flights to reduce your carbon footprint.

 Consume less: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R)

One way to protect the environment is to reuse. Instead of using plastic bags,
bring reusable bags when going shopping, packing food or leftovers. We should buy
responsibly. When going out, purchase items that are easy to recycle. Avoid items that
are individually wrapped or in single servings.

Recycle and reuse packaging and other waste materials wherever possible to
help save the environment. Utilizing trash removal and recycling services can help
you to manage waste effectively. You can even recycle when you are away from
home. For example, why not bring your own travel mug to cafes instead of taking
away a paper cup which is not always recyclable.

Reducing the amount of garbage generated through lifestyle changes, changes in

the way people consume, improvements in production processes, etc. For example,
applying cleaner production solutions, green chemistry in production activities, or
encouraging the habit of "durable dress" in people's lives and activities This is the
most effective of the three solutions because it optimizes the production and
consumption processes in terms of the environment, producing the most products
while using the least resources and emitting the fewest emissions.

 Avoid fossil fuels emissions.

Save fuel by insulating your home with double glazing and sealants for cracks.
Choose green fuels and power sources such as wind and solar energy instead of fossil
fuels like coal which contribute to the greenhouse effect. For example, we can replace
cars that run on gasoline with electric vehicles charged by low-carbon grids. We can
replace gas-burning furnaces with electric heat pumps. Instead of steel mills that burn

coal, shift to electric furnaces that melt scrap. Roughly another one-quarter of global
emissions could conceivably be electrified in this fashion. This daunting task of
“electrifying everything” becomes easier if we’re also curbing our energy use at the
same time. That could entail making cities less dependent on cars, upgrading home
insulation and boosting energy-efficiency in factories.

Governments and businesses will need to invest in new technologies. Some

possibilities: power airplanes with sustainable biofuels from crop waste; use green
hydrogen, created from renewable energy, to produce industrial heat; or suck carbon
dioxide out of the air to offset the emissions we can’t eliminate.

 Sustainable use of natural resources

Natural resources such as fossil fuels, wood, land, air, water, wind, etc should be
used in a way that ensures the sustainability of the environment, its various
ecosystems and biodiversity. For electricity generation, focus should be made on
renewable sources of energy such as hydro-energy, wind-energy, solar energy, thermal
power generation, as it involves burning of fossil fuels and should be discouraged.

 Forest protection and planting trees.

Forests provide habitat for a multitude of species, store carbon, maintain water
quality, stabilize the climate, and provide places for people to recreate and connect
with nature. So, please encourage your local government to conserve forests, create
parks, and oppose destructive suburban sprawl and other developments. Besides, we
must all do our part to spread the word about the importance of forest ecosystems.
Spread awareness of forest issues. You can start by sharing these issues on social
media! Humans will not survive without forests. We must all work together to ensure
that these magical places survive and thrive for our children and grandchildren.

At the same time, engage in community reforestation projects. Or the simple act
of planting bee or butterfly friendly plants in your garden can really help to boost

populations of these beautiful (yet often struggling) insect populations in your local

 Protect endangered animals.

Animals play an important part in our environment; they help maintain the
biodiversity in nature. Today many animal species are in danger of extinction. People
should organize different activities to raise people's awareness of the urgent needs to
protect these animals. For example, the government should hold international
conferences, seminars and forums about the great importance of ecology and
biodiversity. At the same time, they should appeal to governmental agencies in the
world to contribute to the programs of protecting and preserving plants and animals
that are driven to the verge of extinction. In addition, people should contribute to the
fund of preserving the earth's valuable natural resources for future generations.
Besides these, governments should enact laws to ban activities that can damage or
destroy nature.

 Being responsible.

Environmental protection is a joint responsibility of every person on earth, not

just of environmental agencies and governments. The goal of a sustainable and healthy
environment can be achieved only if we all start behaving responsibly towards the
environment. For example, we can buy items that will last and do not succumb to the
culture of ‘fast fashion’ and buy cheap clothing that wears out quickly and ends up in
landfill. Look for ethical, vegan companies with a low carbon footprint if possible.
Your buying and consumption habits can protect the environment!

 Appreciate the environment.

It is hard to feel motivated to save the environment when we feel disconnected
from it. So, take time to appreciate the environment. Go for walks, meditate in a local
park or other green space and do a little gardening each weekend. That way, you will
realize how much better a gorgeous natural world can make our lives – and this will
help to spur you on to take action to conserve the environment for future generations.


In conclusion, the protection of the environment remains an ongoing challenge

that requires a sustained effort from governments, organizations, and individuals.
While significant progress has been made in raising awareness about the need for
environmental protection, there is still a long way to go to achieve effective action.
The issue is complex and multifaceted and requires a collaborative approach that
balances economic growth with environmental preservation. As individuals, we can all
play a role in protecting the environment through our daily actions and choices.
However, without strong political leadership and global cooperation, it will be
difficult to achieve the level of change necessary to ensure a sustainable future for our
planet. The protection of the environment is not an inconclusive issue in and of itself,
but rather it is the lack of consensus and commitment that has made it so. It is up to all
of us to continue pushing for progress toward a cleaner, healthier, and more
sustainable world.

To achieve effective environmental protection, there needs to be a shift in

societal values toward sustainability and conservation. This requires a significant
investment in education and awareness-raising programs, particularly in developing
countries where environmental issues are often not prioritized due to more pressing
concerns. Governments also need to play a stronger role in enforcing environmental
regulations and promoting green technologies and practices.

Moreover, it is important to acknowledge the interconnectivity of environmental

issues with social and economic factors. Climate change, for instance,

disproportionately affects marginalized communities and exacerbates existing
inequalities. Therefore, solutions to environmental problems must also address social
and economic issues and ensure that they do not create further inequities.

Finally, the inconclusive nature of environmental protection is also a result of the

complexity and unpredictability of ecological systems. While we can take steps to
mitigate the negative impacts of human activity on the environment, we cannot fully
control or predict the outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to approach environmental
protection with humility and an acknowledgment of our limitations.

Overall, while the inconclusive nature of environmental protection may seem

discouraging, it is important to remember that progress is being made. The global
community is increasingly recognizing the urgency of environmental issues, and there
are many individuals, organizations, and governments working towards a more
sustainable future. By continuing to prioritize environmental protection, we can ensure
that future generations inherit a world that is healthy, vibrant, and thriving.


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