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Name: Raja M. Dawood

Class: BSCS 1
Subject: English composition & comprehension
Submitted To: Ma’am Summiya Imtiyaz

“A Short Scary Story”

A long time ago, a young couple got married. They were as happy as anyone could ever be. One
day they decided to have a baby, so they prayed over and over again that they would have one.
They didn’t have any luck for a while until finally the wife conceived. The nine months went by
quickly, and the wife gave birth to a precious little boy. There was something off about the child;
he was alive, but he didn’t really look like it. His skin had a unnatural grey tint to it, and his eyes
were different colors: brown and green. People who knew about the boy believed he was a
demon, and the disturbed parents of the boy did too. They tried all they could to get rid of him:
poisoning, making him go without water, leaving him at someone else’s place. Nothing worked
and he kept coming back. It drove the once happy couple crazy, and both committed suicide in
front of the poor, somewhat strange boy. He was sent to live with his greedy uncle in a town
called Angel’s Cavern. The uncle made the boy work around town of money. He never let him
take a break or let him go play with the other kids. However, none of the other kids wanted to
play with him, they were either mocking him or running away. It made him angry. Why did they
treat him like this? He never did anything to them. His uncle wouldn’t give him food or water
after learning that he couldn’t die. His throat was dry and hurt when he spoke, so he stopped
talking. When he was older, he decided he had enough of this. He was angry at this mean uncle,
the uncaring town, and his cowardly parents. He wanted to be alone, to get away from everyone.
But when he tried to leave the house, his uncle wouldn’t let him. This made him furious, so he
pulled out the very same gun that his parents killed themselves with and blew his uncle’s brains
out. In his adrenaline rush, he went out and killed the entire town. Months later, the town
disappeared off the maps. People considered it a ghost town. Rumors say that if u go into a
certain room in the rundown abandoned house where the couple committed suicide, you’d be
taken to Angle’s Cavern. It’s been said to look like it did before the killing, like they are all stuck
in purgatory. Once you’re there, you might never leave. You could run into the boy now a tall,
silver-haired man, carrying a 45 Caliber pistol. Sometimes he is wearing a red mask he made for
himself. Everyone in the town might have died but he hasn’t.

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