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Parts Of Speech:

 (preposition) He walked around the corner. around

 (adjective) He has spent many years working with these amazing

creatures. amazing
 (conjunction) But instead of eating the bird. of

 (noun) To get the crocodile to do this crocodile

 (verb) He’s really into films too. really
 (adjective) If you are interested in it, you can see it on YouTube! interested
 (Pronoun) Yes, and his name is Mark. his
 (interjection) Oh, I don’t know about that. oh
 (noun) I even won a prize once in a science competition. prize
 (verb) What subjects do you like at school? like

 (adverb) We often continue working into the night. often

 (preposition) Most of the customers who shop here are young. Most of
 (adjective) When my friends and I go shopping, we look for cheap
clothes. cheap

 (conjuction) Over
100000 children make clothes for the fashion
industry and many of them live and work in terrible conditions. for

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