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Anatomy & Physiology: Ms. Darling

54 points total

The Anatomage Table is the most technologically advanced 3D anatomy visualization

and virtual dissection tool for anatomy and physiology education and is being adopted by many
of the world’s leading medical schools and institutions. It has been featured in the TEDTalks
Conference, PBS, Fuji TV, and numerous other journals for its innovative approach to digital
anatomy presentation.
The Anatomage Table is the only fully segmented real human 3D anatomy platform.
Users can visualize anatomy exactly as they would on a fresh cadaver. Individual structures are
reconstructed in accurate 3D, resulting in an unprecedented level of real accurate anatomy,
dissectible in 3D. Anatomy is presented as a fully interactive, life-sized touch screen experience,
in operatory bed form.

The cadavers we dissect in this table are/were REAL. Each one of these people actually
YOUR JOB: is to find out how they died.
You may use any manipulation tool that you have learned from me, or any new ones that you
discover on your own.
BOLD words: words we have learned, words you should already know.
*** = graded for correctness
Not starred? = graded for effort
Cadaver 1: Caucasian male
TIP: Pay close attention to how all organs look. *Most* of them are normal/healthy and you will
need to remember how they appear to compare them to your other patients.
Before answering the questions:
Take a picture of the patient’s:

 Spine
 Liver
 Kidneys
 Sternum
 Chest cavity
 Lungs
Cause of death hypothesis 1: 2 points
Pieces of evidence for hypothesis 1: 1 point each
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
Cause of death hypothesis2: 2 points
Pieces of evidence for hypothesis 2: 1 point each
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. Cadaver 1 is missing an organ within the abdominal cavity. What is it? 2 points

4. Cadaver 1 is missing an organ that you may notice externally. What is it? 4 points

Cadaver 2: Asian Male

Cause of death hypothesis 1: 2 points
Pieces of evidence for hypothesis 1: 1 point each
1. ___________________________________________________________________
Cause of death hypothesis 2: 2 points
Pieces of evidence for hypothesis 2: 1 point each
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ***Perform a coronal section of the patient’s abdomen. There is something majorly and
visibly wrong with one of his organs in the thoracic cavity. What is it? 4 points

4. ***Look at the patient’s kidneys and compare them to cadaver 1’s. How are they
different? 2 points

5. Look at the patient’s liver. What do you notice about its size, relative to cadaver 1? 2

6. ***What do the functions of the kidneys and the liver have in common? (yes, you can
look it up) 4 points

7. How might abnormalities in both of these be related? 2 points

8. Now, come up with a third hypothesis for why this patient died: 2 points

Cadaver 3: Asian Female

For this cadaver, you are not formulating a cause of death, just looking for a few

1. ***The patient has ten screws within her bones. They are all located in the same
area. Where are they? 4 points
2. ***Turn the patient so that you are viewing her posterior side. Do all of her vertebrae
look normal? If not, around what area does one look abnormal? 4 points

Patient 4: Caucasian female

1. ***Look at her sternum: what is wrong/different about it? 4 points

2. ***Which part of the sternum is affected (look up parts of the sternum)? 4 points

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