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GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 15
Finding the number of terms in a geometric sequence

Find the number of terms in each of these geometric sequences:

a 0.15, 0.45, 1.35, … , 12.15 b 440, 110, 27.5, … , 0.4296875

Press p 7 I. Press y SET and change the settings so

that the table starts from 1 and ends at 10.
Press d.

u1  0.15, r  3
un  0.15  3n1  12.15

Type 0.15  3 ^ X  1 and press l to enter the first equation

as Y1.

Press u TABLE.
A table of values is displayed. Scroll down the table using N.
From the table, Y 1  12.15 when n  5

This sequence has 5 terms.

u1  440, r  0.25
un  440  0.25n1  0.4296875

Press d to display the equation entry screen.

Type 440  0.25 ^ X  1 and press l to enter the first

equation as Y1.

Press u TABLE.
A table of values is displayed. Scroll down the table using N.
From the table, Y 1  0.4296875 when n  6

This sequence has 6 terms.

© Oxford University Press 2019 1

GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 18
Finding the number of terms in a geometric sequence

The first term of a geometric sequence is 16 and the common ratio is
Find the biggest term that is smaller than

Press p 7 I. Press y SET and change the settings so

that the table starts from 1 and ends at 20.
Press d.

u1  16, r 
1  1
un  16    
 2  1000

Type 16  0.5 ^ X  1 and press l to enter the equation as


Press u TABLE.
A table of values is displayed. Scroll down the table using N.
From the table, Y1  0.000977 when n  15

1  1
An alternative method is to solve 16     using the
 2  1000
numerical solver.

Press p A a.
Press e SOLVER.

Type 16  0.5 ^ X  1  0.001 in E1 and press l.

© Oxford University Press 2019 1

GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 18
Finding the number of terms in a geometric sequence

Press u SOLVE to obtain a solution to the problem.

1  1
16     when n  14.96...
 2  1000

Hence the smallest value of n for which un  is 15.

Press p 1 q to display the Run-Matrix screen.

Calculate 16  0.5 ^ 15  1

The biggest term that is smaller than is u15  0.000977

© Oxford University Press 2019 2

GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 23
Finding the sum of a geometric series

Determine how many terms are required for the sum of the geometric series given by

to exceed 1000.

Press p 7 I. Press y SET and change the settings so

that the table starts from 1 and ends at 10.
Press d.

In calculation mode, the fx-CG50 has a summation function,

however this is not available when working in table mode.
Instead of using the summation function, you must use the
n 6 1  2n 
result:  32
i 1


6 1  2 ^ X 
Type using b to add a fraction template. and
press l to enter the first equation as Y1.

Press u TABLE.
A table of values is displayed. Scroll down the table using N.
The values calculated for the sum are the same in Y2 as they
are in Y1.

From the table, when 8 or more terms are added, the sum
exceeds 1000.

© Oxford University Press 2019 1

GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 43
Calculating values using factorials

Find the value of these expressions:

7! 3! 8!× 4! 7!× 5!
a b c d
5! 5! 10! 10!× 6!

Press p 1 q to display the Run-Matrix screen for

arithmetical calculations.

Press i u  e PROB
You will see a menu of probability functions.

Press b to select the fraction template.

Type 7 and press q x!
Then press  to move to the denominator type 5 and press
q x!
Press l.
 42

The menu of probability functions will remain on the screen.

Press b to select the fraction template.

Enter 3! In the numerator, 5! In the denominator and press
3! 1

5! 20

Press b to select the fraction template.

Enter 8! 4! In the numerator, 10! In the denominator and
press l.
8! 4! 4

10! 15

© Oxford University Press 2019 1

GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 43
Calculating values using factorials

Press b to select the fraction template.

Enter 7! 5! In the numerator, 10! 6! in the denominator and
press l.
7! 5! 1

10! 6! 4320

© Oxford University Press 2019 2

GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 47
Calculating values using factorials

There are eight boys and five girls who attend the Senior Mathematics Club. Find how
many ways the teacher can choose a team of six students to represent the school in a
competition if:
a There are no gender restrictions.
b The team is to be made up of three girls and three boys.
c At least two of each gender are included in the team.

Press p 1 q to display the Run-Matrix screen for

arithmetical calculations.

Press i u  e PROB
You will see a menu of probability functions.

Type 13, press e nCr and type 6

Press l.
C6  1716

The menu of probability functions will remain on the screen.

Type 8, press e nCr and type 3

Press ×, type 5, press e nCr and type 3
Press l.
C3  5C3  560

Type 13, press e nCr and type 6

Press –, type 8, presse nCr and type 5. Press ×, type 5,
press e nCr and type 1.
Press –, type 8, press e nCr and type 6. Press ×, type 5,
press e nCr and type 0.
Press –, type 8, presse nCr and type 1. Press ×, type 5,
press e nCr and type 5.
Press l.
C6  8C5  5C1  8C6  5C0  8C1  5C5  1400

© Oxford University Press 2019 1

GDC skills: Casio fx-CG50

Chapter 1 / Example 47
Calculating values using factorials

Type 8, press e nCr and type 2. Press ×, type 5, press e

nCr and type 4.

e nCr and type 3. Press ×, type 5,

Press +, type 8, press
press e nCr and type 3.
Press +, type 8, press e nCr and type 4. Press ×, type 5,
press e nCr and type 2.
Press l.
C2  5C4  8C3  5C3  8C4  5C2  1400

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