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Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences

AJVS. Vol. 77 (2): 9-16 April 2023

DOI: 10.5455/ajvs.148101

Advanced Studies on Toxoplasma in Buffalo Meat

Diaa E.E. Hussein, Ahmed M. Abou Khashaba, Ayman M. Kamar
Food Hygiene Department, Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Port of Alexandria,

Since buffalo meat, has been demonstrated to be a potential source of human
Key words: infection, a careful evaluation of the prevalence of Toxoplasma infection in this
Buffalo meat; Toxoplasma
gondii; Meat juice; Serology. meat is needed. Tissue cysts of Toxoplasma gondii are frequently found in the
skeletal muscles of buffaloes. This study evaluated the prevalence of Toxoplasma
*Correspondence to gondii in the meat juice of buffalo meat samples via several diagnostic techniques
to protect public health. Peptic digestion, histopathology, and serology were
performed on meat juice from 100 buffalo meat samples from local butchers and
Article History
retail beef markets. Eighteen samples (18%) were suspected of the presence of
Received:05 Feb 2023 bradyzoites after digestion and were subjected to histopathology which illustrated
Accepted: 30 Mar 2023 that only six samples (6%) were suspected to be Toxoplasma tissue cysts. After
that periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain confirmed that only three samples (3%) were
Toxoplasma. Finally, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) asserted that
those three samples were Toxoplasma gondii. This study provides significant
evidence about the risk of human exposure to Toxoplasma through the
consumption of raw or undercooked buffalo meat potentially contaminated with
infectious tissue cysts..

1. INTRODUCTION El-Razik et al., 2014). Therefore, the disease is

Toxoplasma is a typical meat borne zoonotic considered to be a public health issue in areas where
coccidian protozoa, where most human infections beef has been destined for broad scale human
occur through the bradyzoite stage that present in the consumption (Singh et al., 2023).
edible meat and exceeding opportunistic human Overall, the worldwide prevalence of T.
impact sequence to toxoplasmosis (Abd El-Razik et gondii infection in humid tropical areas is generally
al., 2014). Infection with Toxoplasma gondii (T. higher than in hot and dry areas, and cooler areas
gondii), an obligate intracellular protozoa, may cause (Tenter et al., 1992). It is likely that the hot and humid
abortion in food animals, cerebral and ocular lesions climate in the south provides better conditions than
in children with perinatal infection, and fatality in the colder and drier climate in the northeast to support
immunocompromised individuals (Taiching Fuh et the circulation of T. gondii in the natural environment
al., 2013). (Inpankaew et al., 2021).
One of the main routes for human infection
by T. gondii is the consumption of raw or Cysts have been isolated and detected from
undercooked meat of infected intermediate hosts, 3–22% of fresh and frozen buffalo meat samples
containing tissue cysts (Belluco et al., 2018; Pinto- obtained from retail stores, markets and abattoirs in
Ferreira et al., 2019; Robert-Gangneux and Dardé, many regions (EL‐TRAS et al., 2012) (Gencay et al.,
2012). Other risk factors as oocysts dusting and 2013) (Bărburaș et al., 2019). A rural settlement
placental diffusion come after meat consumption location near to the grazing areas had led to the
where amplifying awareness against undercooked abandonment of domestic cats. These stray animals
meat minimizes human prevalence world-wide (Abd now feed on birds or small wild mammals, including

Hussein et al. AJVS. 2023, 77 (2): 9-16

rodents in that area, and this is likely to increase their aseptically in ice box to laboratory as soon as
chances of contracting toxoplasmosis (Albuquerque possible.
et al., 2011) (de F. Santos et al., 2013). Consequently, Three portions from each sample were taken;
there is an increased risk that they transfer the the first part was exposed to peptic digestion. The
parasite to cats and livestock animals (Meerburg and second part was kept in a 10% formalin solution for
Kijlstra, 2009) (Yan et al., 2016). the histopathological examination, and the third was
One distinct characteristic of T. gondii in preserved in ethyl alcohol 70% for the molecular
immune -competent hosts, the tissue cysts were able analysis. All samples’ remnants were frozen at - 20°C
to persist for several years (life of the host) after until the end of the experiment.
infection and the immunity does not eliminate an
established infection (Waree, 2010). The formation 2.2 Peptic digestion:
of tissue cysts under certain circumstances is an Digestion was carried out to all of the 100
important aspect of the pathogenesis of meat samples according to the method described by
Toxoplasmosis. The cyst wall may considerably Hussein et al. (Hussein et al., 2017), and Dubey
reduce the availability of exogenous materials to the (Dubey, 1998). The appearance of clear bradyzoites
bradyzoites. Thus, the switch from tachyzoites to under the microscope, as a characteristic indication of
bradyzoites was done (Filisetti and Candolfi, 2004). coccidian parasites, was considered a positive result.
However, the parasite persists in its bradyzoite form,
inside the intracellular cysts. The periodic rupture of 2.3 Histopathological examination:
these cysts was thought to be the origin of maintained Only the tissue samples positive for
immunity against Toxoplasma (Innes et al., 2009). bradyzoites were fixed in 10% neutral-buffered
Based on various serological tests and formalin for 24 hours then dehydrated in ascending
convenience samples, the current situation of grades of ethanol and inserted in paraffin blocks. 4–5
toxoplasmosis in Egypt is not clear. There is no µm thickness serial sections were cut and mounted
central laboratory or group of researchers actively (Bancroft and Gamble, 2008). Some slides were
investigating toxoplasmosis in humans or animals, stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) and
and no reports on the national level are available others were stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS)
(Abbas et al., 2020). As a result, clinical stain to distinguish Toxoplasma from Sarcocystis
toxoplasmosis in humans from Egypt needs further (Hill and Dubey, 2018). Two independent observers
investigations using definitive procedures. performed the histopathological evaluation blindly.
Although there are many serological surveys
for T. gondii in animals, data on infections of buffalo 2.4 Serology:
meat are lacking. Hence, we critically focus on the Antigen-antibody (Ag-Ab) rapid test was
status of Toxoplasma infections in buffalo meat in performed to confirm the positive meat samples
Egypt, which should be useful to biologist, public infected with toxoplasma resulted from the previous
health workers, veterinarians, and physicians. two methods. This test was done using Atlas Toxo
Latex Kit®, Germany; a rapid latex agglutination test
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS for qualitative detection of Toxoplasma gondii
antibodies according to method described by
2.1 Sample collection: Wallander et al. (Wallander et al., 2015), as shown in
A total of 100 samples of buffalo meat (from Figure (1). This method illustrated that serum drained
different meat cuts) were purchased from local from meat samples (at 4 °C for 24 h) called ‘‘meat
butchers and retail beef markets. Each sample juice’’ could be used in serological assays when
weighed approximately 250 g, and transferred diluted to about tenth of the serum dilution.

Hussein et al. AJVS. 2023, 77 (2): 9-16

Fig. 1: Serum draining from the suspected meat samples to obtain meat juice that was
utilized for the detection of Toxoplasma by Ag-Ab rapid test.

3. RESULTS samples, as only one of them was PAS positive

The digestion of all of the 100 meat samples having pink bradyzoites (+ve Toxoplasma), while the
revealed the presence of bradyzoites in 18 of them other 3 samples contained Sarcocystis with violet
indicating the existence of coccidian protozoa. Those bradyzoites when stained with PAS.
18 samples were subjected to histopathology which From the previous results, three samples out
illustrated that 12 samples were infested with of a total of 100 buffalo meat samples were suspected
Sarcocystis only, 4 samples had a mixed Sarcocystis of Toxoplasma infection (3%) and subjected to
and Toxoplasma infection, and only two samples serology where they were confirmed to be infected
were infested with toxoplasma only as observed in with Toxoplasma gondii as demonstrated in Figures
Figure (2). (4, 5).
PAS stain was used to differentiate between
Toxoplasma cysts and Sarcocystis in the 4 mixed


Fig. 2 (A, B): Toxoplasma tissue cyst stained with H & E on histopathology (oil immersion x1000) having a
very well-circumscribed cyst with regular rounded cyst wall and full of multiple small bradyzoites without any
compartmentation inside the cyst. Bradyzoites had deep purple nuclei.

Hussein et al. AJVS. 2023, 77 (2): 9-16

ii iii

Fig. 3: (i): Positive PAS stain Toxoplasma tissue cyst on histopathology (oil immersion x1000) having pink
bradyzoites. (ii, iii): negative PAS Sarcocystis with violet bradyzoites.

Fig. 4: Positive agglutination test (minute white clumping) in partitions 1, 2, and 3 indicating the presence of
Toxoplasma gondii.
4. DISCUSSION were analyzed by Gazzonis et al. (Gazzonis
Generally, the existence of toxoplasmosis in et al., 2020) with commercial ELISA and T. gondii
buffaloes and cattle is subclinical and this antibodies were detected in 28.6% sheep and 27.5%
complicates disease identification when it is based goats. In addition, Felin et al. (Felin et al., 2017)
only on clinical presentation. Hence, the only option confirmed that ELISA methods helped in detecting
to estimate the risk of transmission to humans from Toxoplasma antibodies in the meat juice, and also for
raw and undercooked meat is to employ laboratory- slaughterhouse-based serological monitoring of
based approaches that offer data on the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in pigs to identify positive farms.
T. gondii infection in these animals (Dubey, 2021). To diagnose the existence of Toxoplasma
Several serological methods have been utilized tissue cysts in buffalo meat in the present study, we
globally to detect the seroprevalence of T. gondii used peptic digestion, followed by histological
infection (De Barros et al., 2020). inspection and serology. In the current investigation,
Recently, Shaapan et al. (Shaapan et al., we discovered that only 3% of buffalo meat samples
2021) concluded that the development of an effective tested were positive for T. gondii tissue cysts. These
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test findings disagreed with Almashhadany
for the detection of T. gondii in meat juice could be (Almashhadany, 2020), who observed a higher
considered as a promising tool for monitoring prevalence of anti-T. gondii antibodies among meat
Toxoplasmosis in meat and meat products of cattle in juice of red beef meat in Iraqi markets, which was
large-scale. Also, the meat juices of small ruminants 15.2% (19 positives out of a total of 125 samples)

Hussein et al. AJVS. 2023, 77 (2): 9-16

according to the Latex agglutination test (LAT), and confirmed that the digestion of meat samples in
13.6% (16 positives out of a total of 125 samples) by trypsin or pepsin is used to concentrate T. gondii in
ELISA. meat. This could be explained by the fact that
However, the infection of water buffaloes Bradyzoites of T. gondii are more resistant to
with T. gondii has been investigated worldwide in digestive enzymes, (pepsin and trypsin) than
many continents, with prevalence ranging from 0 to tachyzoites. Therefore, ingestion of viable tissue
88% reported using different serological techniques cysts by a non-immune host will usually result in an
(De Barros et al., 2020). Moreover, Gencay et al., infection with T. gondii (Dubey et al., 1998).
(Gencay et al., 2013) investigated frozen buffalo Instead of digestion, Gencay et al., (Gencay
meat in Turkey and found tissue cysts of T. gondii in et al., 2013) employed another assay to detect the
15% of the samples that analyzed by light microscopy presence of T. gondii tissue cysts using a high speed
of percoll dilutions. tissue homogenizer, centrifugation, and percoll
Conversely, our results were in disagreement dilutions.
with Tienthai & Sajjarengpong (Tienthai and Concerning the histological examination, our
Sajjarengpong, 2013), who affirmed that neither T. study revealed that 6 out of the 18 samples were
gondii cysts nor antigens were detected in the suspected for Toxoplasma tissue cysts. These results
imported beef samples by ELISA, although 15% of were endorsed by Hussein et al., (Hussein et al.,
samples were positive for T. gondii using PCR. Also, 2017), who concluded that the histopathology was a
our study contradicted with El-Tras et al. (EL‐TRAS successful method for the detection of coccidian
et al., 2012), who didn’t find any T. gondii tissue tissue cysts in buffalo beef. On contrary, our findings
cysts in the imported frozen buffalo meat (0%) were repudiated by Tenter et al.(Tenter et al., 1992),
compared to 15.4% in the fresh buffalo meat via who believed that Toxoplasma was more frequently
bioassay of meat samples in cats. detected in the brain, and heart than in muscle
In the current investigation, 18 samples were samples especially in sheep. Furthermore, Al-Khafagi
positive for bradyzoites after digestion, before & Zainab, (Al-Khafagi and Zainab, 2016) noted that
confirming the suspected Toxoplasma via histopathological test showed multiple variable sizes
histopathology. These findings were in accordance of Toxoplasma cysts embedded and scatter between
with Abdel-Rahman (Abdel-Rahman, 2017), who cardiac muscle.

Fig. 5: A Schematic diagram illustrating the number of suspected or positive Toxoplasma

samples found through the different diagnostic methods.

Hussein et al. AJVS. 2023, 77 (2): 9-16

The reason for the prevalence of T. gondii peptic digestion were helpful in the diagnosis of
infections in humans and animals from Egypt is the Toxoplasma cysts in the meat samples.
fact that the living circumstances in Egypt favor the While the world is facing ascending volumes
transmission of T. gondii, as up to 95% of domestic of trade in buffalo meat, the presence of T. gondii
cats, the key host of T. gondii, are infected with T. tissue cysts in buffalo meat needs further
gondii; and they are abundant in rural and suburban investigations, in addition to the diagnosis of these
areas, spreading T. gondii oocysts (Abbas et al., cysts in other meat products or mixtures derived from
2020). buffalo meat to maintain buffalo meat safe for human
Regarding blood serum samples from living consumption.
buffaloes, the same seroprevalence percentage of our
study (3%) was reported in buffaloes by Huong et al. Availability of data and materials
(Huong et al., 1998) in Vietnam and Sharma et al. The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current
(Sharma et al., 2008) in India. While slightly higher study are available from the corresponding author on
percentage of positive samples for T. gondii (6.8%) reasonable request.
was declared by Inpankaew et al. (Inpankaew et al., Competing interests
2021) in Thailand suggesting that humans and The authors declare that they have no competing
animals living on those farms may be exposed to interests.
infection. Funding
In Menoufia province, Ibrahim et al. This study was self-funded.
(Ibrahim et al., 2021) examined the seropositivity of Acknowledgements
Toxoplasma in water buffaloes by estimating the Not applicable.
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