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Prayer Guide

for Families
“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is,
and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16
Mon 12 - Sun 18 June 2023
Over the last number of weeks, we’ve been digging deep into God’s Word, discovering
the ancient, time-tested, God-ordained principles that will help our families to thrive and
keep them in a place of health.

When we choose to build our families on the Word of God (Jeremiah 6:16), we will
experience His blessing and find rest instead of chaos, confusion, pain and

Over these next seven days, we are inviting you to set aside time every day to specifically
commit your family to God in prayer, and to also intentionally come together as a
family to pray. We will crown this special week of prayer on Sunday during the
celebration services.

Prayer Guide for Families

Mon 12 June 2023
Thanksgiving and
Scripture Reference: Psalm 111
As we begin our week of prayer for the family, take time to thank God for your
family and what He has done in it.

• Thank God for your:
» Marriage
» Parents/guardians
» Children and other relatives

Take time to commit these days of prayer for family to God and ask Him to:

• Grant us His presence as we seek Him

• Reveal Himself in power by healing, delivering and performing miracles, signs and
wonders in our families
• Renew the fear of God in our hearts and in our families so that our homes will
become His dwelling place.
Special Activity: Take a moment to specifically thank each member of the family for
being a part of your life. Tell them why you are grateful for them.

Praise God by sharing and writing down what God has done or is doing for you as a
Prayer Guide for Families
Tue 13 June 2023
God designed marriage to be a covenant relationship between one man and one woman
for life. This divine design has increasingly faced attacks seeking to destroy this
foundation, causing untold pain in the family. Let's ask God in prayer to safeguard our
marriages as we obey His Word.

If you are married, pray for your marriage. If not, pray for the married couples that God
brings to mind. It could be your parents, friends, workmates, neighbours etc.

Husband, pray for your wife:

• That God would form in her the character of a virtuous wife (Proverbs 31:10-31, Titus 2:4-5)
» Give her a humble and submissive heart
» Give her the grace to be a homemaker and helper
» Give her a heart to love you
• For her salvation/deliverance in case, she is not born-again or has turned away from a
Godly lifestyle

Wife, pray for your husband:

• That God would give him a heart to love you and lead you in righteousness (Ephesians 5:23,
• For him to cherish and care for you
• God to anoint him to be the priest in the home
• God to give him a vision for the family
• For his salvation/deliverance in case, he is not born again or has turned away from a
Godly lifestyle
Prayer Guide for Families
Pray as a couple:

• Be reconciled by forgiving one another.

• Recommit yourselves and your marriage to God.
• Ask God to heal your hearts from any past or on-going disappointments and hurts.
• Ask God to help guard your hearts and marriage from evil and worldly
• Ask for the strength and courage to be faithful to your vows.

Special Activity:
• As a couple, if there are areas you need to talk about and resolve, please take time
to do so.
• If you have children or relatives you live with, invite them to pray for your

Prayer guide for families

Wed 14 June 2023
Parenting and Children
Psalm 127, Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Genesis 18:19, Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21
Children are a gift and blessing from God. And as parents/guardians, we’ve been given the
privilege and primary responsibility to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of
the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Unfortunately, many have abdicated this responsibility. Let's
renew our commitment to this God-ordained principle and become the primary voice of
love and instruction to the children God has placed in our care.

• If you recognise that you’ve not been involved in your children’s lives, take a moment
and ask for forgiveness and recommit yourself to God, and to them.
• Ask God to give you a fresh zeal for your children:
» To be committed to love, nurture and care for them
» To discipline them from love, not anger
» To be present and available for them as they grow
• Ask God for wisdom to:
» Know the call and gifts of each child so that you can nurture them for Him
» Understand their emotional, psychosocial needs and guidance on how to meet them
» Guide and teach them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord
» Understand and guide you in your role as a parent
• Take time to pray for your children (Numbers 6:24-26, 1 Chronicles 4:10):
» Wisdom, health and favour before God and man
» Protection from all forms of evil and schemes of the enemy

Prayer guide for families

» The fear of God to rule in their hearts
» That God would reveal Himself to them
» Salvation/deliverance for the wayward child

• Ask God to help you obey your parents/guardian (Luke 2:51)
• Ask God to give you a heart that honours (respects) your parents

Special Activity: Are there any issues between parents and children? Please take time to
talk through and resolve them.

Prayer Guide for Families

Thur 15 June 2023

Family Relationships
Amos 3:3, Psalm 133, Proverbs 17:17, Acts 16:31-34, Ephesians 6:4
The health of the relationships within the family will impact its health. Whether it’s
between husband and wife, parent and child, between siblings, or even with extended
family, it’s important that we strive to be united and at peace with one another. Unity
is fostered when there is healthy communication as well as constant reconciliation.
Where there is unity, God commands a blessing.

• Take time to seek God for a family vision (vision gives us focus and purpose) Proverbs 29:18
• Ask God to keep you as one (Philippians 2:2-4):
» United in spirit and purpose
» Always serving one another in humility
» That we look out for each other
» That your home will be marked as a place of peace and joy
• Pray that there will be healthy communication in your family:
» For the grace to learn to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger and
words that encourage and build up will be expressed
» The truth will be spoken in love
• Pray that there’ll be healing and reconciliation in your family:
» There’ll be a willingness to seek and offer forgiveness for the hurts, pains and
disappointments of the past
» That God would mend the wounds from the hurts and pains and renew love between
» Relationships would be healed, and harmony restored
• Pray for the salvation/deliverance for unsaved family members.

Prayer Guide for Families

Fri 16 June 2023

Family Finances
Deuteronomy 8:18, 1 Timothy 5:8, 1 Timothy 6:10, Proverbs 10:22, Proverbs
21:25-26, Philippians 4:19
God has always and will continue to provide for our families so that our needs are
met but also so that we can further His Kingdom. We must learn to steward our
finances in a way that honours God. Throughout the Bible, we also see Jesus
speaking severally about money. It’s clear that God is concerned about our finances and
this applies to our families as well.

Take time to pray:

• That God would bless the work of your hands (career or business)
• That God would give you a diligent and excellent spirit as you work
• For wisdom on how to steward your family finances:
» Guide you on making a financial plan
» Lead you to make the right investment decisions
» Give you innovative and creative ideas on how to make wealth and grow your income
• For a heart of generosity towards God and family members
• That God would open doors for family members who are seeking work
• For God to protect your finances and income ventures from the schemes of the enemy
• For God to protect your hearts from the love of money

Prayer Guide for Families

Sat 17 June 2023

Freedom from
Spiritual Bondage
John 8:36, Galatians 5:1, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 8:32, Isaiah 61:1, Colossians 2:13-15,
Luke 10:19
Spiritual bondage in a family is a pattern of sinful behaviour or practice or a discernible
pattern of mysterious events or situations that Satan uses to oppress family members.
Spiritual bondage is a curse operating in someone’s life.

It is for freedom that Christ came to set us free, and in destroying the work of the
devil (1 John 3:8), He invites us to share in His victory.
For us to experience this freedom, we need to know what those patterns are.
• Proverbs 26:2 tell us that curses are caused by our own sin, or an of our ancestors
• Take time as a family and prayerfully evaluate your family as well as the extend
family. Are there any patterns that you observe e.g drunkenness, sexual immorality,
divorce, stagnation, poverty…?
• Following the pattern of Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9:4-19:
» Confess and acknowledge your sins and that of your family and ancestors
» Ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness; plead with God to deliver you and your family
members from all the bondages and curses you’re experiencing.
• Stand in the gap for your families and wage war against every enemy that seeks to
attack and destroy them - witchcraft, lust, greed selfishness, and illnesses e.g.
miscarriages, chronic ailments, unexplained deaths, poverty, mental health issues.

Prayer Guide for Families

Sun 18
June 2023

Corporate Prayer during

Celebration Services
Join us for prayer during our celebration services.

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