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Palm oil

Almost everything contains palm oil. Foods like chocolate, biscuits, cakes, pizza,
ice-cream and so on. Palm oil can be found in countless products in supermarkets. It’s
cheap and easy to process.
People avoid eating palm oil these days. Because palm oil is high in saturated fat
which has long been linked to heart disease, it increases levels of LDL cholesterol.
When LDL cholesterol level is high, it raises your heart disease and stroke. That’s why
we should avoid eating food that contains a lot of palm oil. Something like red meat, like
beef and pork. Full-fat dairy, like cream, whole milk and butter, baked food and sweets.
Fried food and butter.
Palm oil causes habitat loss. This might be a problem for people who already have
high cholesterol. And when palm oil producers want to expand their business but run
out of available lands, they turn to forest cutting. This destroys critical habitat for many
endangered species including rhino, elephants and tigers.

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