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CITIZENSHIP - A persons membership in a 1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at

particular state. That brings the duties of loyalty the time of adoption of Constitution.
and allegiance. 2. Those fathers/mothers are citizens of the
 A person with alien citizenship brings forth a 3. Those who are born before January 17, 1973
foreign element that triggers the conflict of of Filipino mothers who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority.
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with
People now trade and communicate with each
other without regard to the other persons
nationality. People no longer act because they are
nationals of this country but they at because this is Two principles in the acquisition of citizenship at
what is good for them and their families. birth
1. Jus Soli- by born within the territorial
- The rules of citizenship have been so liberalized boundaries of the estate
that the element of exclusivity that citizenship once 2. Jus Sanguinis - by blood
occupied is already gone. Hence, there are group of
nations willing to give multiple citizenship to their
Multiple Citizenship- acquired by multiple
citizens and subjects.
application of the doctrine of Jus Soli and Jus
Citizenship how acquired? (sec 1, article IV of
the of the constitution) Natural Born Citizens- Citizens of the Philippines
without having to perform any act to acquire or
perfect their relationship

IMPORTANCE OF CITIZENSHIP the amount of successional rights and to the intrinsic

- Citizenship important because it is source of validity of testamentary provisions, shall be regulated
rights. by the national law of the person whose succession is
under consideration, whatever may be the nature of
- Source of duties and obligations
the property and regardless of the country wherein
- Citizenship defines voting rights and the right
said property may be found.
to hold public office
- Certain rights also flow from citizenship. What is Dual allegiance? What is Dual Citizenship?
Having dual or multiple State of having two or
Citizenship in relation to conflict of laws allegiance to several more citizenships
-Citizenship is releavnt to conflict of laws because states.
ceratin states require the application of state’s laws Resulted from voluntary Resulted from
to certain matters affecting citizens. involuntarily act
- Application of the laws of two or more states results
in a situation where a person becomes a citizen of
Dual allegiance is consdired inimical to the national
two or more countries.
interest and shall be dealt with according to law
(section 5, Article IV of the Constitution). Citizens who
Eg. Article 15. Laws relating to family rights and
are already Filipino but who by their acts maybe said
duties, or to the status, condition and legal capacity
to be bound by a second allegiance. There is a
of persons are binding upon citizens of the
seeming inconsistency with respect to our policy on
Philippines, even though living abroad.
dual allegaince. With the enactment of RA 9225,
congress has now allowed dual allegaince for Filipinos
ARTICLE 16. Real property as well as personal
as the law allows former Filipinos to reclaim their old
property is subject to the law of the country where it
citizenship without them renouncing their present
is situated.
citizenship. While naturalize citizens are not allowed
However, intestate and testamentary successions,
to have dual allegiance the same does not apply to
both with respect to the order of succession and to
natural born citizens.
Bengson III vs HRET Poe-Llamanzares vs COMELEC Djumantan vs Domingo

Repatriation results in Foundlings: Abandon children with no known natural parents The marriage of the
the recovery of the are considered natural born citizens as long as there us high petitioner to a Filipino
original nationality. Thus, probability that the foundlings parents are Filipino. citizen did not
a naturalized Filipino automatically bestow upon
who lost his citizenship Petitioner is a Filipino citizen. The solicitor general offered her the privilege to enter
will be restored to his statistics from PSA, the statistical probability that any child born and stay in the Philippines.
prior status as a in the Philippines in the decade is a Filipino citizen is 99.83% .
naturalized Filipino
Citizenship. While the 1935 constitution enumeration is silent as to
foundlings there is no restrictive language which would
definitely exclude foundlings either. Marriage of an alien to a
A naturalized Filipino, Filipino husband does not
one who have to undergo excuse her from her failure
The rule of adoption all expressly refer to Filipino Children and
the process of to depart from the country
include foundlings as among Filipino children who maybe
naturalization to obtain adopted. upon the extended stay
Philippine citizenship. As here as an alien. The entry
respondent Cruz was not of aliens into the country
Natural born citizen are those who are citizen of the Philippines
required by law to go and their admissions as
from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or
through the process of perfect their Philippine citizenship. “having to perform an act” immigrants is not a matter
naturalization means that the act must be personally done by the citizens. In of right even if they are
proceedings in order to this instance, the determination of the foundling status is done legally married to a
re-acquire his Filipino not by the child but by the authorities. Filipino Citizens.
citizenship , he is a
perforce a natural-born Foundlings are likewise citizens under international law.
Filipino. Generally accepted principles of international law forms parts of
the laws of the land even if they do not derive from treaty
obligations. At-least 60 countries in Asia have passed legislation
recognizing foundlings as its citizens . It is a generally accepted
principle of international law to presume foundlings as having
been born of nationals of the country in which the foundling is

Board of Immigration Commissioner vs Go

Whether the prolong stay from the Philippines
and recognition of their father are expatriating

Recognition of the petitioners of their own

Chinese father is not among the grounds for losing
Philippine citizenship under the Philippine law.
Even renunciation cannot be cited upon to
support the conclusion that petitioner has lost
their citizenship because the law requires an
express renunciation and not left to inference or
by implication. Moreover herein petitioners were
all minors when they are brought to china. They
were without legal capacity to renounce their
status. Under Ph law there is no requirements of
voluntariness in expatriation. Mere commission of
expatriating act results in the loss of citizenship
Expatriation- the commission of an act the results Section 5(2) of R.A. 9225 compels natural born
on the loss of citizenship Filipinos, who have been naturalized citizens of
Section 3 of Article IV of the constitution gives the foreign country, but who reacquired or retained
state the power to strip the people of their their Philippine citizenship to: 
Citizenship maybe loss by any of the following acts: 1. Take the oath of allegiance under Section 3 of
1. Naturalization in a foreign country R.A. 9225 and; 
2. Express renunciation of citizenship
3. Subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support
the constitution or laws of the foreign country 2. For those seeking elective public offices in the
upon attaining 21 yrs of age or more Philippines, to additionally  execute a personal and
Note: A Filipino may not divest himself of sworn renunciation of any or all foreign citizenship
Philippine citizenship while PH is at war with any before an authorized public officer or simultaneous
country. to the filing of their certificate of candidacy, to
4. By rendering serviced to or accepting qualify as candidates in Philippine Election.  
commission in the Armed forces of a foreign
country Sobejana-Condon v COMELEC 
A. The ph has a defensive or an offensive pact of
alliance with the foreign country GR. 198742, August 10, 2012
B. The foreign country maintains armed forces on
Ph territory Petitioner took the Oath of Allegiance on December
Provided that the PH citizen at the time of rending 05, 2000. 9 Months later she filed an unsworn
service and taking of oath of allegiance thereto declaration of Renunciation of Australian
states that he does so only in connection with his Citizenship before the Dept. of Immigration and
service to said country and he shall no be Indigenous Affairs, said office subsequently issued
permitted to participate nor vote in any election of a certification that she has ceased to be an
the republic of the PH during the period of his Australian citizen.  
5. By cancellation of certificate of naturalization The petitioner won as Vice Mayor but a quo
6. having been declared as a deserter of the AFP in warranto proceedings was filed against her on the
time of war exp. Plenary pardon and amnesty has ground that she failed to renounce her foreign
been granted. citizenship as required by Section 5(2) of RA 9225
7. Citizens of the PH who marry aliens shall retain which provides that renunciation must be sworn
their citizenship unless by their act or omission before an officer authorized to administer an oath.  
they are deemed under the law to have renounced
ISSUE: whether the sworn renunciation of foreign
citizenship is a mere pro-forma requirement? 
Jacot vs. Dal 
Held: The court ruled in the case of Lopez vs
GR. 179848, November 27, 2008   COMELEC that renunciation must be contained in
an affidavit duly executed before an officer of the
Jacot applied for re-acquisition of his Filipino law who is authorized to administer an oath
Citizenship under R.A. 9225 upon approval Jacot stating in clear and unequivocal terms that
took his oath of allegiance to the Republic of the affidavit is renouncing her foreign citizenship.  
To hold the oath to be a mere proforma
He then filed a certificate of candidacy, a requirement is to say that it is merely for
disqualification was filed against him on the ceremonial purposes resulting in a mere or
ground that he failed to renounce his US qualified allegiance when the constitution or
citizenship as required by Section 5(2) of R.A. legislature demands otherwise.  
Since Section 3 of RA 9225 is the operative act that
ISSUE: WON the oath of allegiance and the oath restores their right to run for public office. Unless
contained in his certificate of candidacy operated she executes a sworn renunciation of her
as an effective renunciation of his foreign Australian Citizenship , she is ineligible to run and
citizenship.  hold for any elective office. 

HELD: Nothing in the oath of allegiance and the ISSUE: WON the Australian Citizen Act under
oath contained in the certificate of candidacy which she is deemed to have lost her citizenship is
provides for the renunciation of foreign entitled to judicial notice? 
citizenship. Jacot is disqualified from running as a
HELD: No. Foreign laws must be alleged and disqualification in the 2010 election. Since then
proven. Petitioner failed to prove the Australian and up to the time he filed his CoC for the 2013
Citizenship Act of 1948. If the aforesaid act will be elections, Arnado has not cured the defect in his
read into the application and operation of RA 9225 qualifications. The ruling in Maquiling, therefore is
we would be applying not what our legislative binding on this case.
department has deemed wise too require.  
 Maquiling v. COMELEC 

G.R. 195649, April 16, 2013 Reacquisition Retention

Before filing for certificate of candidacy, Arnado

RA 9225
applied for repatriation under RA 9225 where he Sept. 17,
took an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the 2003
Philippines and executed an affidavit of
renunciation of U.S. Citizenship Naturalized before RA Naturalized after RA
9225 9225
The other mayoralty candidate seek to disqualify Not considered as Considered as Filipinos
Arnado on the ground that Arnado continued to Filipinos from the time from naturalization up-
use his U.S. passport in his travels abroad even of their naturalization to the time they took an
after executing an affidavit of renunciation.   up-to taking of oath of oath of allegiance.
 ISSUE: WON the use of foreign passport amounts
to undoing an earlier renunciation?

RULING: The act of using foreign passport does not RA 9225 allows former Filipino citizens to
by itself divest Arnado of Filipino citizenship but repatriate themselves by taking the oath of
the representation of himself as American citizen. allegiance to the Philippines without renouncing
their present citizenship.
The Filipino citizenship requirement for an elective - Grants derivative Filipino citizenship to the
public office is a continuing one. Any act which
unmarried children below 18 years of age. The
violated the oath opens the citizenship issue to
attack.  privilege comes with no qualification that the
child should have stayed in the Philippines for a
The renunciation of foreign citizenship is not a number of years .
hollow oath that can simply be professed at any
time and be violated the next day. It requires an - RA 9225 no longer places that much value of
absolute and perpetual renunciation of foreign unitary citizenship. The Philippines if following
citizenship and a full divestment of all civil and a growing trend among nations of allowing their
political rights granted by the foreign country.   citizens to possess dual or multiple citizenship.
With migration now a fact of life more citizens
Arnado vs COMELEC  embraces another nationality in favor of a better
GR. 210164, August 18, 2015  life for themselves and their families.

The court decided Maquiling on April 16, 2013, - Since beneficiaries of RA 9225 are natural born
after the lapse of the period for filing of Certificate citizens once more they are restored of their
of candidacy. On May 09, 2013 Arnado submitted
civil and political rights . Just like ordinary
an affidavit affirming his affidavit of renunciation
dated April 3, 2009.   Filipinos they can acquire properties without
limitations. They can practice their profession as
On 2013 elections Arnado won. The other well as the right to take the bar -exam. However
candidate filed a petition to nullify Arnado’s the restoration of one civil and political rights
proclamation . are subject to pre-conditions. Before a dual
citizen can enjoy the privilege granted by law,
ISSUE: WON Arnado complied with the for instance, the right to hold an elective office
requirement of personal and sworn renunciation is conditioned upon the persons renunciation of
of any and all foreign citizenship prior to or at the his foreign citizenship.
time of the filing of his certificate of candidacy. 
-Being a dual citizen of the Philippines and
HELD: Arnado’s use of passport in 2009 another country presents several advantages.
invalidated his oath of renunciation resulting in his
1. Allows the person to stay indefinitely in our parents was still a
country since the person is already a Ph citizen. Filipino citizen shall
2. Allows the person to enjoy civil and political be cinsidered a natural;
rights. born Filipino and may
3. Allows the persons minor children to become apply for reacquisition
Filipinos as well. for his own behalf.
4. The beneficiary maybe entitled to possess Revocation The order of approval
several passports which the person can use issued maybe revoked
overseas for convenience. by the DOJ upon a
substantive finding of
The procedure for re-acquisition is specified in
misrepresentation or
memorandum Circular No. AFF 05-002
concealment on the
part of the applicant
Coverage Natural born citizens and adminsitrative
who have lost their Ph hearing.
citizenship by reason
of their naturalization
to foreign country.
Filing of verified Former natural born
petition Ph citizen in the Section 5(2) of RA Section 5(3) of RA
Philippines - bureau of 9225 9225
Immigration Personal and sworn Renounce their oath of
renunciation of any allegiance to the
and all foreign country where they
Former natural born
citizenship before any took that oath
Ph citizen in the
public officer
Abroad - file a verified
authorized to
petition with the
administer oath.
nearest Philippine
Foreign Post.
Oath of Allegiance - If the applicant is in DAVID v. AGBAY
final act to retain/ the Ph, he may take his
reacquire Ph oath of allegiance G.R. 199113, March 18, 2015
citizenship before the
commissioner of On 1974 Petitioner became a Canadian Citizen by
Immigration. naturalization.

If the applicant is On April 2007, Petitioner applied for Miscellaneous

abroad, only the Lease Application with the DENR, petitioner
consul general or duly indicated in is application that he was a Filipino.
commissioned foreign
service officer may On October 2007, petitioner re-acquired his
administer the oath. Philippine citizenship. A case for falsification of
Beneficiaries of RA A child below 18 yrs public documents was filed against Petitioner.
9225 of age shall be
considered to have Petitioner asserts that re-acquisition and retention
reacquired the Ph in RA 9225 should not be distinguished in view of
citizenship at the same the constitutional presumption of innocence. The
petitioner being a non-lawyer at the time of the
time the mother or
commission of the offense.
father reacquires Ph
citizenship provided
the applicant included ISSUE: WON Petitioner is liable for falsification.
the child as the
beneficiary. HELD: Petitioner made the untruthful statement in
the MLA, a public document. Stating that he is
Filipino citizen at the time of the filing of said
A child who is more application when in fact he was still then a
than 18 years of age Canadian Citizen. While he re-acquired Philippine
born when either citizenship under RA 9225 six months later. The
falsification was already consummated. The said Practice of Profession
law having no retroactive effects insofar as his dual
status is concerned.

 The practice of professions being a privilege is therefore restricted to Philippine Citizens.

 Foreigner is not allowed to practice his professions without obtaining a permit or license.


B.M. No. 2112, July 24, 2012

ISSUE: Whether Muneses is entitled to resume his practice of law in the Philippines after he lost and later
re-acquired his Philippine citizenship?

HELD: Yes, A Filipino lawyer who becomes a citizen of another country and later re-acquires his Philippine
citizenship under R.A. 9225, remains to be a member of the bar. However the right to resume practice of law
is not automatic. He must apply with the proper authority for a license or permit to engage in such practice.

General Principles In Dealing with Conflict of Nationality Laws. (Hague Convention)

Article 1 Each state shall determine its own laws as to who

are its nationals, subject to international
conventions, customs and the principle of laws that
is generally recognised.
Article 2 Whther a person possess a nationality of a particular
state shall be determined in accordance with the law
of that state.

DOMICILE - the relation which the law Domicile by operation of law - domicile
creates between and individual and a assigned or attributed to a person by law.
particular locality. * There are instances when a person leaves
his state of citizenship and establishes his
The place where he has his true, fixed, domicile or residence in another state. Thus
permanent home and principal establishment in determining a persons domicile one must
to which when one is absent he has the look beyond a persons citizenship to
intention of returning determine his domicile
Citizenship may be presumed from ones
Elements of Domicile domicile but this presumption is disputable ,
1. Physical presence in the place further proof may be presented
2. Intention of returning * Domicile maybe lost through the
performance of certain acts indicative of an
3 kinds of Domicile intent to abandon domicile.
1. Domicile of Birth/ Origin * The question of Domicile is determined by
2. Domicile of Choice the law of the forum of the state.
3. Domicile by Operation of Law * domicile is significant for it is a source of
rights and obligations.
Domicile of Birth/ Origin - Domicile of a
persons parents/ head of the family Acts indicative of domicile are;
Domicile of Choice - place chosen by a 1. Persons residence
person to replace his former domicile 2. Membership in church
3. Voting
4. Holding Office petition for adjustment of status from non-
5. Paying taxes immigrant status to permanent resident.
6. Ownership of property
* For people who are still in the Philippines
To successful effect of change of domicile and who are petitioned by their loved ones
one must abroad, they have to wait for the approval and
1. Actual removal or an actual change of release of immigrant visas before they can go
domicile abroad
2. Bonafide intention of abandoning the
former place of residence and establishing a * A permanent Visa or a green card is issued
new one to applicant who have the privilege to stay in
3. Acts which correspondence to the purpose the US on a permanent basis. Compared to
holders of tourist or student visa, these latter
* For people with non-immigrant visas categories only allow temporary stay in the
(tourist and students) they usually file a US with the holder thereof still maintaining
their domicile in their country of origin.
Romualdez Marcos vs Jalosjos v COMELEC Caballero vs COMELEC Caasi vs CA
Issue: Whether Leyte is the Jalosjos migrated to ISSUE: Whether petitioner Whether Miguel has
domicile of Marcos Australia and returned has abandoned his abandoned his domicile in the
to the Philippines and domicile in Batanes Philippines
Held: Leyte is the domicile of stayed at his brothers
Marcos. house in QC. He took HELD: Residence refers to HELD: Miguel's immigration
Residence indicate a place of his oath of allegiance dwelling and habitation to the United States
abode whether permanent or to the PH and while domicile is partly or constitutes an abandonment
temporary renounced his constructively a of his domicile and residence
Domicile - Fixed Permanent Australian citizenship. permanent home. A in the Philippines. He entered
residence to which when Jalosjos then bought a domicile of origin is the united states with the
absent, one has the intention residential property in acquired by every person intention to live there
of returning. IN Election law QC and a fishpond in at birth. It is usually the permanently as evidenced by
residence means domicile. Isidro place where the child's his application for immigrant
What is inescapable is that parents reside and visa and not a tourist
petitioner held various ISSUE: Whether continues until the same is passport. Immigration is the
residences for different Jalosjos has able to abandoned by acquisition removing into one place from
purposes during the last four proof his bona fide of new domicile. It consist another.
decades. None of these intention to establish not only the intention to
purposes unequivocally point his residence is reside in a fixed place but ISSUE: Whether Miguel’s
to an intention to abandon Zamboanga, Sibugay also personal presence in return to the Philippines and
her domicile of origin in that place coupled with presenting himself as a
Tacloban Leyte. She grew up HELD: When he came the conduct indicative of candidate for Mayor in
in tacloban and reach her to the Philippines in such intention. Bolinao waive his status as a
adulthood there. Even during November to live with Petitioner was born in permanent resident or
her husband presidency his brother in Batanes and later worked immigrant of the united
petitioner kept her close to Zamboanga Sibugay, it in Canada and became a states.
ties to her domicile of origin is evidence that Canadian citizen. In
by establishing residences I Jalosjos did so with Coquila vs Comelec we HELD: The waiver of his
Tacloban, instituting well the intent to change ruled that naturalization green card should be
publicized projects for the his domicile for good. in a foreign country may manifested by some acts or
benefit of her province and He left Australia and result in abandonment of acts independent of and done
hometown. renounced his domicile in the Philippines prior to filing his candidacy
A change of residence allegiance to that since a permanent for elective office in this
requires an actual and country. A candidate is resident status in Canada country. Miguel did not
deliberate abandonment and not required to have a is required for acquisition posses the qualification
one cannot have two legal house in a community of Canadian citizenship. because he was a permanent
residences at the same time. It to establish his Frequent visits in Batanes resident of US and he resided
cannot be correctly argued residence or domicile during his vacation from in Bolinao for a period of only
that petitioner lost her in a particular place. It work in Canada cannot be 3 months. “Without menta
domicile of origin by is sufficient that he considered as waiver of reservation or purpose o
operation of law as a result of should live there even such abandonment. evasion”. The assumption is
her marriage to the late if it be rented or a Petitioners retention of his that those who are resident
President E. Marcos, what house of a relative. Philippine citizenship did aliens of a foreign country are
petitioner gained upon Jalosjos has proved not automatically make incapable of such entire
marriage was the actual two things actual him regain his residence in devotion to the interest and
residence. She did not lose physical presence and Uyugan Batanes. He must welfare of their homeland.
her domicile of origin. an intention of making still prove that after
Petitioner's acts of following it his domicile. Jalosjos becoming a Philippine
her return to the country bought a residential citizen he had
clearly indicate that she not lot in the same village reestablished Batanes as
only impliedly but expressly where he lived and a his new domicile.
chose her domicile of origin. fishpond in San Isidro. COMELEC found that
petitioner failed to present
competent evidence to
prove that he was able to
reestablish his residence
in Uyugan within a period
of one year immediately
preceding the election.

Coquilla v COMELEC Poe-LLamanzares vs Macalintal v COMELEC Nicolas-Lewis v COMELE

Facts: Coquilla joined the Grace married Fil-American ISSUE: Whether Section
US navy on 1965 he Llamanzares in 1991. She 5(d) of RA 9189 violate There is no provision in t
subsequently naturalized joined her husband in the US section 1 Article V of the dual citizenship law
as a citizen of the United where she naturalized as a 1987 Constitution. 9225 requiring duals
States. He returned to the citizen in 2001. In 2004 she actually establ
Philippines and apply for return to the Philippines to be HELD: Petitioner solely residence and physica
repatriation under RA No. with her ailing father who focus on Section 1, Article stay in the Philippines fi
8171. His application was dies in early 2005. For this V of the constitution totally before they can exerc
approved and he took his purpose she and her husband ignoring the provisions of their right to vote. On t
oath as a citizen on purchased a condominium Section 2, empowering the contrary duals are m
November 10, 2000. He unit and enrolled her children congress to provide a likely non-residents. Du
then applied for in Philippine schools. She system for absentee voting may now exercise the rig
registration as a voter. made a quick trip to the by qualified Filipinos of suffrage through t
United states in February abroad. RA 9189 was absentee voting sche
ISSUE: Whether petitioner 2006 to dispose of their enacted in obeisance to and as an overse
had been a resident of properties then promptly the mandate of the first absentee vot
Eastern SAMAR at least returned to the Philippines in paragraph of Section 2 “Derivative Citizensh
one year prior to Election. March 2006. She and her Article V of the constitution Next generation duals m
husband purchased a condo that Congress shall provide nonetheless av
HELD: No, he lacks the unit and enrolled her children a system for voting by themselves the right
residency requirement. in Philippine schools. She qualified Filipinos abroad. enjoy civil and politi
Petitioner lost his Domicile made a quick trip to the By the doctrine of rights under section 5
after enlisiting in the US United States to dispose of necessary implication, the RA9225 then there
Navy. From then in until their properties hen promptly which maybe applied in no reason why the orese
November 10, 2000 when returned to the Philippines in construing constitutional days duals be denied
he reacquired Philippine March 2006. In the process of provision the strategic their suffrage.
Citizenship petitioner was settling here they sold their location of Section 2
an alien without any right house in the Unites States and indicates that the
to reside in the Philippines informed the US postal Constitutional Commission
except as visitor or service of the abandonment provided for an exception
resident alien. The fact of their United states address. to the actual residency
that he is naturalized Grace applied for repatriation requirement of Section 1
abroad he lost his on July 7, 2006. When she with respect to qualified
Philippine citizenship and filed her certificate of Filipinos abroad. Section
with it his residence on the candidacy for president she 5(d) of RA 9189
Philippines . Petitioners declared that she is a resident disqualified an immigrant
contention that he of Philippines for 10 years or permanent resident who
reestablished his residence and 11 months. COMELEC is recognized as such in the
in this country when he disregarded the evidence host country because
came back to prepare for presented by petitioner on immigrant or permanent
the mayoralty election and the basis that petitioner could residence in another
constantly declares to his have started residence in the country implies
town mates his intention to Philippines in July 2006 when renunciation of ones
seek repatriation and run her application was residence in his country of
for mayor cannot be given approved. origin. The execution of
credence, The only affidavit required in
evidence of petitioners ISSUE: Whether petitioner section 5(d) is an explicit
status was when entered domicile is the Philippines expression that he had not
the country on October 15, HELD: IN earlier cases in fact abandoned his
1998 is the statement decided by the court because domicile of origin thus it is
Philippine Immigration of the sparse evidence on not correct to say that the
Balikbayan in his 1998 US residence in the four cases execution of the affidavit
Passport. The stamp bore cited by the respondents, the violates the the
added inscription good for court had no choice but to Constitution that
one year stay Under hold that residence should be prescribed provisional
Section 2 of RA 6768, the counted only from the registration or a promise
term balikbayan includes a acquisition of a permanent by a voter to perform a
former Filipino citizen resident visa or from re condition to be qualified to
which had been acquisition of Philippine vote in a political exercise.
naturalized in a foreign citizenship. Based on the
country and comes or evidence presented it is clear
returns to the Philippines- that when petitioner returned
visa free-entry. on May 24. 2005 it was for

Section 1, Article V of the Consti Section 2, Article V of the Consti

Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the OFW who are not disqualified y law maybe
Philippines…who shall have resided in the able to cast their vote on election day in
Philippines for at-least one year and in the Philippine consulates and authorized foreign
place wherein they proposed to vote for at- stations.
least 6 months immediately preceding the

This residency requirement must conform with

the doctrine of domicile.

RA 9225- dual citizenship have allowed dual citizens of the Philippines to vote even though they
lack the residency and domicile required by law
The state of the law now is that all Filipinos overseas may vote without demonstrating actual
residency of domicile in the Philippines.

RA 10590 “Overseas voting act of 2013” Omitted the affidavit requirement found in RA 9189.
1. All citizens of the Philippine abroad not disqualified by law
2. At least 18years of age on the day of election
3. May vote for President, Vice-president, Senators and Party-List representatives as well as
national referanda and plebiscites.


1. Those who have lost their Filipino citizenship in accordance with the PH law.
2. Those who have expressly renounced their Philippine citizenship and who have pledged
allegiance to a foreign country
EXP: Reacquired or retained their Philippine citizenship under RA 9225
3. Those who have committed by final judgement by a Philippine court of an offense punishable
by imprisonment of not less than 1 year
EXP: Plenary pardon or amnesty
4. Any citizen of the Philippines abroad previously declared insane or incompetent by a
competent authority in the PH or abroad as verified by PH embassies.

Venue in estate proceedings:

 Residence for venue purposes usually refer to an actual residence or place of abode and not
a persons domicile.
 Actual residence signified personal residence ie. Physical presence and actual stay thereat.
This physical presence nonetheless must be more than temporary and must be more than
temporary and with continuity and consistency.

Jao vs Court of Appeals San Luis vs San Luis

ISSUE: Whether venue in the estate There is a distinction between residence for
proceedings refers to ordinary residence and purposes of election laws and residence for
not domicile purposes of fixing the venue of actions. In
HELD: Venue refers only to ordinary residence election cases, residence and domicile are
and not to domicile. Venue for ordinary civil treated as synonymous terms. Venue under the
actions and that for special proceedings have rules of court, the residence of a person is his
one and the same meaning. Residence means personal actual and physical habitation
nothing more than a persons actual residence
or place of abode provided he resides therein
with the continuity and consistency.

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