Group Reports

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Group Report

Wednesday 6th October 2021

This was our first group meeting. We got acquainted with each other.
We learnt each other’s names as well as the best way to communicate with
each other. We also discussed when we would host another meeting to
discuss what our group topic for the S.B.A was gonna be. Afterward, the
meeting was concluded. Joshua Gustav was not present for the meeting
because of technical difficulties.

Friday 8th October 2021,

We decided upon what our general group topic was gonna be. We chose
the group topic called “ How Covid-19 affects families”. The group
meeting lasted about 10 minutes. We decided that we shouldn’t do
anything further until we discussed the group topic with our English
teacher. Joshua Gustav was not present for the meeting due to his
grandmother needing medical care at the time.

Monday 11th October 2021,

After discussing the group topic with our teacher, we began to do our
S.B.A. We spent the time during the meeting figuring out what was the
sub-topics for the S.B.A, then we figured out who would be doing each
sub-topic. We concluded the meeting afterwards. Joshua Gustav was once
again absent for unknown reasons.
Friday 15th October 2021,

There was no call for this meeting, we talked on discord . We ensured that
everyone had their 3 pieces for their individual sub-topics. There was
trouble with sending the pieces for our teacher but it was soon resolved.
Everyone was present for the meeting including Joshua Gustav.

Tuesday 11th January 2022,

First group meeting held in school and not online. We got a new group
topic from our teacher called “Effects of Covid-19”. We had to changed
our group topic because it was too complicated. We also discussed our
new sub-topics. Jaden Alexis was absent.

Saturday 15th January 2022,

Meeting was hosted online. Discussed with the group leader, Jaden Alexis,
all the changes made to the S.B.A. and finalised which person would have
done which subtopic.

Thursday 26th May 2022,

We started the making of the first draft for the oral presentation. Joshua
Gustav and Tristan Karamath were absent for this meeting. Meeting lasted
a few minutes.
Tuesday 8th June 2022,

Mickel Cooper, Jaden Alexis and Kareem Huggins all finished and
presented our first draft of the oral presentation. Joshua Gustav and Tristan
Karamath were both told to finish and present their oral presentation
before the end of the term. Meeting was concluded afterward.

Friday 30th September 2022,

This was a short meeting to discuss the writing of the group meetings. We
double checked the group meetings to make sure they were good. Joshua
Gustav and Tristan Karamath have yet to complete their oral presentation
despite constant reminders to do so.

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