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Task 5

Road Maintenance:

Problem: Our neighborhood roads have been deteriorating, with several potholes forming over
time. This not only poses a safety hazard for pedestrians and drivers but also damages vehicles.

Solution: We should collaborate with the local municipality or providing evidence of the damage,
we can emphasize the urgency of the situation and prompt necessary repairs.


Problem: Unfortunately, we often see litter scattered around our neighborhood, which not only
makes it look untidy but also harms the environment and poses a health risk.

Solution: Let's organize a community cleanup day! We can gather our brooms, rakes, and garbage
bags and join forces to remove litter from our streets and parks

Street Safety:

Problem: Some of our streets lack proper signage and crosswalks, creating potential hazards for
pedestrians and drivers alike.

Solution: We can collaborate with local authorities and petition for better street safety measures

Task 6

Playing volleyball requires a combination of physical, technical, and mental skills

Communication: Volleyball is a team sport, and effective communication is essential.

Serving: The serve is the starting point of every rally. A good server can place the ball accurately
and with enough power to make it difficult for the opposing team to receive.

Passing, also known as forearm passing or bumping, is the technique used to receive the serve or a
hit from the opposing team. It involves using the forearms to direct the ball to the setter

Hitting, or spiking, is the act of attacking the ball over the net to score points. It requires good
timing, footwork, and technique.

Task 7

Gustavo Petro is a prominent Colombian politician and former presidential candidate. Born on
April 19, 1960, in Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba, Colombia, Petro has played a significant role in
Colombian politics over the past decades. He is known for his progressive and leftist views,
advocating for social justice, poverty alleviation, and environmental sustainability.
In 2018, Petro ran as the leftist candidate in Colombia's presidential election. He campaigned on a
platform that emphasized reducing inequality, combating corruption, and pursuing a more
equitable peace process. Although he reached the runoff stage, Petro ultimately lost to the
conservative candidate Iván Duque, at the moment is the president of Colombia.

Task 8

I am writing to express my deepest apologies for the unfortunate car accident I deeply regret the
incident and the inconvenience and distress it may have caused you and your family.

I take full responsibility for my actions and the consequences that resulted from the accident. It
was an unfortunate lapse in judgment on my part, and I am sincerely sorry for the damage caused
to your vehicle. Please know that I am committed to resolving the situation and taking necessary
steps to rectify the damages.

Wishing you and your family good health and peace of mind.

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