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CLEA ENGINEERING | MEDICAL | FOUNDATION VECTORS Position Vector Of A Point: let O be a fixed origin, then the position vector of a point P is the vector OP. If 4 and 6 are position vectors of two points A and B, then, AB = b—a =pvofB—pvofA. DISTANCE FORMULA: Distance between the two points A (a) and B. (b) is AB = | a-b | na+mb at —— Mid point of AB = a SECTION FORMULA x | m+n Scalar Product Of Two Vectors: =/al| bl cos 6, where |41,| b| are magnitude of @ and b respectively and 0 is angle between a and b. . ab Lijejk=kizo > projection of 4 on B= 1 =kk= IG saitaj+ak&b =b,i+b,j+b,k thendb =a,b, + a,b, + a,b, The angle $ between d&b is given by COS > = a.b=0a41b (#0 b#0) ~— a ENGINEERING | MEDICAL | FOUNDATION Vector Product Of Two Vectors: If &b are two vectors & 0 is the angle between them then AXxb: where fii is the unit vector perpendicular to botha&b such thatab&n forms a right handed screw system. Geometrical [ax0| = area of the parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are represented bya&b . Wa=aj+aj+ak ab=b,j +b,j +b, then i jk axb=|a, a ay b, by by axb=6 © @andb are parallel (collinear) (a+ 0,b + 0)i.e.4=Kb, where K is a scalar. axb jaxb| Unit vector perpendicular to the plane of A2& bis A If4b&G are the pv's of 3 points A, B & C then the vector area of triangle cl ABC = gers bxc+ex The points A, B & C are collinear if Axb+bxé+éxa=0 Area of any quadrilateral whose diagonal vectors are d, & d, is given by ~— nl ENGINEERING | MEDICAL | FOUNDATION Scalar Triple Product: The scalar triple product of three vectorsa, b & ¢ is defined as: xb. pt o Volume of tetrahydron V=fab¢] In a scalar triple product the position of dot & cross can be interchanged ie. 4. (bxd=(4xb).¢ OR [Abe] = [bea] = [Fab] @.(bxd) =-4.(éxb) ic. [a b é] = -[8 tb] . 444243] If A= ajitajea,k; b = b,itb,j+b,k &€ = c,itc,j+c,k then [abc]=b;b,b,|. [CC 2C3| 0. 4,b,€ are coplanar =[abé Volume of tetrahedron OABC with O as origin & A(a), B(b) and C(é) be the vertices 1 an. —[ab 68 ¢ The positon vector of the centroid of a tetrahedron if the pv's of its vertices - - li = area ,b,¢ &d are given by 4 [a+b+¢+4+d]. Vector Triple Product: Gx (Bx G)= @.Ob-(@.b)s, @xb)xF=@.Ob-(. HA * (@x b)x é 4 4x(bxO), in general

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