First Learners Activity

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In your previous research, last 2nd quarter period. Please summarize what you experienced
during the last 2nd quarter period. Limit your words to 100 words only.

Research is very important to us, as a Grade 12 student at Philippine College of Science and
Technology. We’ve done a lot of things in this research with my groupmates. We did some
investigation and survey through virtual and google meet.
After completing our research paper it’s time to defense our work. So I ask our leader to have
a conversation through google meet and ask my groupmates to read and analyze about our
research so that they can answer every panelist question. All of us were very nervous during
our schedule of defense, but we’ve successfully answer what the panelist ask. I am amaze to
myself because all of the sacrifices and effort we’ve been through we’ve completed the task
and I do believe in the saying that “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” by Theodore

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