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Approved Statement of the Objective

1. To develop a volcano model with baking soda component
2. To emphasize the role of baking soda in the volcano model
3. To determine the challenges in the development of volcano
4. To develop a brochure showing how the volcano model is done

How you have finalized the idea of doing the project

The researcher have already completed the idea of making a Volcano Erupting Model
As it is important to know about volcanoes because volcanoes spew out hot,
dangerous gases, ash, volcanic mud, and rocks that destroy with great force and can
kill you. They must gain knowledge about the vulcanic eruption and they will be able
to protect themselves. Through the volcanic model they can learn about the various
features, benefits of impotance, biological significance and much more.

How the project be useful to the community/household

Throughout the geological period, volcanic eruptions and related processes have
directly and indirectly benefited mankind: Volcanoes eventually collapse and climate
change to form one of the most fertile soils on Earth, its cultivation producing
abundant food and a thriving civilization, The internal heat associated with young
volcanic systems has been used to generate geothermal energy Most of the world's
iron ore - such as copper, gold, silver, lead, and zinc - is associated with the magmas
found deep in the extinct volcanic roots.

The project promote the development of scientific thinking in people. Rather than
making the kids memorize the facts, they are made to think and understand
things and the world around them. People would be more likely to learn and
discover if a volcanic model is constructed. Children can learn about the
characteristics of volcanic rocks and how components are mixed to create
chemical reactions. They're useful since they're simple to make, easy to do with
easily attainable ingredients and almost always works. It depict a volcanic
eruption, and are simple enough for kids to do. They're common at science fairs
and are a bit of a stale project. Students should select more complex experiments
that demonstrate the scientific method and lead to more relevant or topical
learning. The experiment is a particularly useful method to explain change, to look
at cause and effect, or to deduce a hypotheses from a theory. 

What you need to do to accomplish

The researcher makes sure to have everything prepared in advance. When they’re
running the experiment, they make sure to give it the full focus. If multiple people
are involved in the experiment, they make sure everyone knows their role ahead of
time. Record Everything, Write down any information from the project, and any
difficulties they experienced while carrying out the experiment. So they need to
make sure to include all the information. Analyze the Results, Hopefully, the
experiment turned out as expected, and the data will lead them to the next step of
the project. Talk to people who have experience with the technique to help them
accomplish it, and don’t be afraid to ask around for advice.

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