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Project Targeted Reading Intervention:

Improving Reading Level of the KS1 Learners in

Apolonio Casimiro Faustino Elementary School

An Action Research Presented to the

Department of Education
Schools Division Office - Valenzuela


Principal II

Apolonio Casimiro Faustino Elementary School

January 2023
Project Targeted Reading Intervention:
Improving Reading Level of the KS1 Learners in
Apolonio Casimiro Faustino Elementary School


School Head
Division of City Schools- Valenzuela


Research examining effective reading interventions PROJECT TRI for learners with
reading difficulties in the KS1 grade level specifically Grade 1 learners. In the current study,
we examined the effects of a PROJECT TRI reading intervention for learners with full
refresher as result in reading proficiency level. Learners with full refresher are often unable to
master word recognition and often fail to acquire reading comprehension skills at basic levels
as measured on reading assessments. Project: T.R.I (Targeted Reading Intervention) it is a
reading intervention that aims to cater to the needs of learners in line with reading proficiency
level to enhance reading comprehension. The purpose of this quantitative and qualitative
single group research design was to determine the extent to which the reading intervention
programs implemented at the research school improved reading proficiency level for KS1
(Grade1) learners with learning difficulties in reading, and to determine how much scores
changed from the pretests to the posttests. The theoretical framework for this study was the
cognitive load theory. Data included BOSY and EOSY scores of CRLA. The respondents of
this study are 29 learners from KS1 (Grade1) with full refresher in reading proficiency level.
The data were analyzed using descriptive dependent T-test pretest-posttest of single group
design. Data analyses indicated statistically significant differences in the reading level scores
of the learners’ participants, indicating they had higher reading proficiency level scores after
participating in project targeted reading interventions (Project TRI). This research contributes
to positive social change by motivating learners to be actively engaged in their reading and
apply the skills they have learned as result of participating in project targeted reading
interventions. This research also prepares students for the competitive job market through
identifying viable interventions to help improve their reading proficiency level as well reading


Chapter 1 Introduction
Research questions………………………………………………. ...8

Chapter 2 Methodology
Participants of the Study/Data Source …………………………......9
Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………….10
Data Gathering Instruments………………………………...……...10
Data Analysis………………………………………………………10

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion………………………………………. ……11

Chapter 4 Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings…………………………………………. …..12
Implication/ Reflection and Recommendation……………………..13
Advocacy and Dissemination Plan…………………………………14

Action Plan



Curriculum Vitae
Chapter 1

Context and Rationale

The improvement of literacy and numeracy and the integration of “peace

competencies’ will be some of the priorities of the Department of Education in making the K
to 12 curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, active and responsible citizens, as part of the
Matatag: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa agenda said Vice President and Secretary
of Education Sara Z. Duterte (, February 2, 2023).
In Philippine setting, efforts to promote literacy are encouraged by the government,
organizations, or even private individuals as the ability to read and write is considered an
utmost priority (Cristobal, 2019).
Based on an assessment conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the
National Capital Region (NCR), as many as 50, 000 students from Grade 1 to 3 have
difficulty reading According to the survey presented by DepEd-NCR, among the 384,000
learners from Grade 1 to 3 who went through the comprehensive rapid literacy assessment
before starting the current school year, there are 49,636 learners who can be considered
"total full refresher." (issuesph, September 21, 2022)
There are various literacy-specific initiatives of the Department of Education purposed
to improve the literacy rate among students and these are “Every Child A Reader Program
(ECARP)”, “The Library Hub”, “a focus in K-3 Curriculum language development”, “The
Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)”, “Journalism program under
Republic Act 7079”, and lastly, activities throughout the year which includes Book Week and
National Reading Month (Cristobal, 2019).
According to Colorin Colorado (2019), reading intervention strategies are interventions
put into place to help students struggling with reading in some way. There can be many
different reasons a student may be struggling, but by using specific reading intervention
strategies, educators can help these students improve their reading skills. Common reasons
students struggle with reading include difficulty decoding words, poor comprehension skills,
and low reading fluency.
The study indicated not all students read at a level of proficiency. When this is the
case, reading intervention strategies are necessary. Reading intervention provides additional
strategies and activities to boost reading skills in the areas of decoding, comprehension, and
fluency for struggling readers. Reading intervention programs act as a supplement to the
mainstream reading program curriculum (Angela Burke, 2021).
Furthermore, the Department of Education –SDO Valenzuela acknowledges and
highlights the initiatives of all schools in addressing reading difficulties/problems among
learners. Schools need to provide reading interventions through contextualized strategies
and programs to continuously address the gaps in learners’ reading performance. Hence, the
need to sustain these initiatives in times of health crisis is imperative (SDO Valenzuela
Deped Memo No. 891s.2021).
In Apolonio Casimiro Faustino Elementary School in the Division of City Schools of
Valenzuela were the researcher designated for almost two years as school head found that
learners of the KS1 experienced difficulties and lack of understanding in reading
comprehension that effect on the academic performance during the previous school year
(S.Y. 2021-2022). After analyzing the BOSY data of CRLA (Comprehensive Rapid
Competency Literacy Assessment), The CRLA was initially conceived as a 5-minute start-up
reading assessment designed to help teachers quickly determine the reading profiles of their
G1-G3 learners and develop appropriate reading instructional strategies.
The researcher discovered the KS1 learners have the greater number of full
refreshers which are supposed to be zero non-reader before the end of the school year. The
KS1 consistently recorded with full refresher during the end of school year is an area of
concern; this only proves that a new intervention should be provided to the KS1 learners to
improve their reading proficiency level and reading comprehension that bridge to their good
academic performance as a result. The KS1 learners should meet the zero-rate non-reader
or grade level ready before the end of the school year.
After finding the reading proficiency level in literacy of KS1, the full refresher,
moderate refresher, light refresher, and grade ready were identified as reading proficiency
level. The researcher reviewed previous studies and used these visions to develop and
implement a literacy educational intervention for reading proficiency level.
Reading intervention strategies are essential for helping students who are struggling
with reading. By using specific interventions that are tailored to the student’s needs,
educators can help these students improve their reading proficiency level and become
successful readers (Colorin Colorado,2019).
In more study, Angela Burke, 2021 concludes that reading intervention strategies
should be designed to address the needs of the student. When crafting an intervention plan
for a struggling reader, teachers should consider a variety of strategies that support reading

Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

In line with the K to 12 Program and the goal of making every child a reader and
ensuring that every learner is a reader appropriate to his grade level. It continuously aims to
elevate reading comprehension of the learners by amplifying its campaign of establishing
reading through “Project: Targeted Reading Intervention (Project TRI)”.
Project: T.R.I (Targeted Reading Intervention) it is a reading intervention that aims to
cater to the needs of learners in line with reading level and skills to enhance reading
proficiency and comprehension. The teachers will be provide the reading materials that
appropriate to meet the needs of the learners. It is collaboration intervention with the parent,
learners, and school. The school was able to reach the identified full refresher and provided
them with the reading materials and interventions needed to improve their reading
proficiency level that enhance their reading comprehension.
This project aimed the following activities are to: (a)promotes the “Every Child A
Reader” program, (b) equips learners with reading skills to make them proficient and
independent readers in their grade level; and (c) develops the love for reading and literacy
among learners.
This research utilizes single group design which follows the pre-test-treatment post-
test-method. The action research project aligns with the overall curriculum, the performance
standard, and learning competency in the Grade 3, K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.
Actions Research Questions

This study will use the PROJECT TRI as a reading intervention and investigate
whether it improves the reading proficiency level in KSI of Apolonio Casimiro Faustino
Elementary School. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is the reading proficiency level of KS1 learners (Grade 1) before and after
the implementation of Project TRI?
2. Is there a significant difference between the reading proficiency level in the pretest
and posttest of the KS1 learners (Grade 1)?
3. How does the Project TRI work in improving the reading proficiency level of the
KS1 learners in the perspective of select grade 1 teachers who administer the
Project TRI.

Chapter 2


Participants/Data Source

This study was conducted to provide preliminary evidence that PROJECT TRI was an
effective intervention in improving the reading proficiency level of KS1 learners. Formal
communication and series of consultation with the teacher concern, parents and school head
in the field were made. Preliminaries for the conduct of the study were prepared including (1)
master list of KS 1 pupils, (2) reading materials (3) monitoring and evaluation tools. Based on
the BOSY CRLA reading assessment of KS1 learners, 62 learners were identified as full
refresher: 29 learners from Grade 1, 19 learners from Grade 2 and 14 learners from Grade 3,
approximately. Specifically Grade 1 full refresher learners in KS1 which came from three (3)
sections, and they were heterogeneous groups and served as the study participants.
The primary reference of the data from the CRLA BOSY (Beginning of School Year)
results school year 2022-2023. The scores of pre-tests and post-test will be analyzed to find
the significant difference to determine whether the reading proficiency level of the learners
The learning competencies targeted based on the needs of the learners to meet the
grade level ready indicated in the CRLA are reading competency and reading
comprehension. The participants will undergo Project TRI intervention for four (8) weeks. The
study was facilitating by the KS1 teachers with the guidance and monitoring of school
reading coordinator and will be conducting after class hour (1:00-2:00PM) to avoid
interruption of classes.
The pre-test and posttest used was the standard assessment implemented by the
division of Valenzuela the CRLA, BOSY was the pre-test and EOSY was the posttest used.
The reading materials used was teacher-made and evaluated by the expert teacher/ English
and Filipino coordinator. The assessment are the combination of word/phrase recognition
and comprehension. The results of the test will be recorded.
The pre-test will be administered during the first quarter period for KS1 learners, and
the post-test will be administered after the remedy or during fourth quarter. The scores and
reading proficiency level of each learner will be evaluated and analyzed.

Data Gathering Procedure/Instrument

The learning competencies targeted based on the needs of the learners to meet the
grade ready level indicated in the CRLA are reading competency and reading
comprehension. The learners will undergo Project TRI intervention for eight (8) weeks.
Conducting and facilitating by the KS1 reading teachers will be after class hour (1:00-
2:00PM) to avoid interruption of classes.
The pre-test and posttest used was the standard assessment implemented by the
division of Valenzuela the CRLA, BOSY was the pre-test and EOSY was the posttest used.
The reading materials used was teacher-made and evaluated by the expert teacher/ English
and Filipino coordinator. The reading assessment is with time. The results of the test will be
The pre-test will be administered during the first quarter period for KS1 learners,
and the post-test will be administered after the remedy or during fourth quarter. The reading
proficiency level of each learner will be evaluated and analyzed.
Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics will be used to determine the reading proficiency level of the
Grade 1 learners by comparing the mean and standard deviation of pretest and post test
results. To determine if there is a significant difference in reading proficiency in pretest and
post test results, dependent T-test will be used.
Qualitative approach will be used to analyze the narratives based on the perspective
of the Grade 1 teachers who experienced implementing project TRI. Patterns were identified
to generate the common themes that will describe how the Project TRI work in improving the
reading proficiency level of the Grade 1 learners.

Reading Proficiency Level

Grade 1

Word Scores Reading Profile

Rhyme Score
0 to 14 Full Refresher
15 to 20 Moderate Refresher
Letter Score
7 to 16 Light Refresher
17 to 20 Grade Ready

To categorize the reading proficiency level of the learners in the KS1 Grade 1 in the
pretest and posttest as reveled by their correct responses, the above prescribed scale for
reading proficiency level of the CRLA of DepEd was used.

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the data gathered by the researcher from the respondents
through pre-test and post-test intended for the purpose. The data gathered were utilized to
answer the specific problems of the study. The researcher constructed a reading profile
based on the needs of KS1. Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation to
answer the specific question as stated in chapter 1.
The results of the study on utilizing Project TRI as an intervention in improving reading
proficiency level of KS1 learners, word, phrase and sentence recognition for Grade 1 in
Apolonio Casimiro Faustino Elementary School.

Research Question No. 1

Table 1
Reading Scores and Proficiency Level of Grade 1
before and after the implementation of Project TRI

1 CERTEZA MARY IRISH Female 6 Full Refresher 11 Full Refresher Not Improved
2 CUIZON, ARIES ANTONIO Male 6 Full Refresher 12 Light Refresher Improved
3 FABONAN, MARCUS JAIDEN TORRES Male 5 Full Refresher 18 Grade Ready Improved
4 GARAIS, JAY ANGELO CALMA Male 6 Full Refresher 18 Grade Ready Improved
5 GRACILLA, RUBEN III Male 6 Full Refresher 13 Light Refresher Improved
6 BASIRA, PRINCESS ARIAN ANGCON Male 6 Full Refresher 19 Grade Ready Improved
7 CABILLAN, MARY ELIZA JOHANNA Male 6 Full Refresher 16 Moderate Refresher Improved
8 FAUSTINO, ALDHEN JAMES FERNANDEZ Male 8 Full Refresher 15 Light Refresher Improved
9 GALLEGOS, ZIAN REY C. Male 11 Full Refresher 14 Light Refresher Improved
10 GUPALAO, IVAN ESCALO Male 10 Full Refresher 15 Light Refresher Improved
11 MAGANAYE, AJ MATTHEW LUZANO Male 10 Full Refresher 15 Light Refresher Improved
12 OEPERINA, PRINCE CARL GAJO Male 10 Full Refresher 9 Full Refresher Not Improved
13 RAYOS, KEITH RANIEL Male 10 Full Refresher 16 Moderate Refresher Improved
14 AGHELAM, MARIA ALTHEA TORLAO Female 9 Full Refresher 18 Grade Ready Improved
15 CASTIL, RHIAN ANDREA OBIS Female 9 Full Refresher 19 Grade Ready Improved
16 FAJARDO, YLEIN YZOBEL SILVERIO Female 7 Full Refresher 16 Moderate Refresher Improved
17 MENDOZA, YHANNIE LEXY SALINAS Female 9 Full Refresher 14 Light Refresher Improved
18 MOSUELA, MARIA ELAINE R. Female 5 Full Refresher 13 Full Refresher Improved
19 RAQUEDAN, ZANIA MONTALLANA Female 11 Full Refresher 18 Grade Ready Improved
20 MISA, MARK KEANN GUPALAO Male 6 Full Refresher 11 Full Refresher Not Improved
21 OCAMPO, IAN XANDER SILVERIO Male 11 Full Refresher 13 Light Refresher Improved
22 OGAYA, KHEEYO CLYDE PERAL Male 13 Full Refresher 13 Light Refresher Improved
23 CERTEZA, JASMINE R. Female 12 Full Refresher 9 Full Refresher Not Improved
24 ADO, PRINCESS STAR R. Female 9 Full Refresher 18 Grade Ready Improved
25 AMAMAG, TRISHA MAE Female 10 Full Refresher 13 Light Refresher Improved
26 AUREADA, LEE ANN VIZCONDE Female 11 Full Refresher 19 Grade Ready Improved
27 CRISTOBAL, ANDREA BUGARIN Female 9 Full Refresher 13 Light Refresher Improved
28 IDJAO, PRINCESS JHENJHEN ANITO Female 13 Full Refresher 18 Grade Ready Improved
29 PANTALEON, FRANCHESKA NICOLE SAMSONFemale 11 Full Refresher 19 Grade Ready Improved

Table 1 shows the results of the reading proficiency level of KS1 learners (Grade 1)
before and after the implementation of Project TRI. It reveals that 4 out of 29 learners or
13.79% of participants have a reading proficiency level of “Full Refresher”, 3 out of 29
learners or 10.34% of the participants have a level of “moderate refresher’, 11 out 29
learners or 37.93% of the participants have a level of “light refresher”, and 34.48% of the
participants or 10 learners have a proficiency level of “grade ready”. It verifies on the data
that the scores of the participants increased after the implementation of the Project TRI,
however increasing scores don’t mean improving of reading proficiency level. Therefore,
improving reading proficiency is most important. Moreover 25 out of 29 grade 1 learners or
86.21% of the participants improved their reading proficiency level after the implementation
of the Project TRI.
Research Question No. 2

Table 2.1
Reading Scores of Pretest and Post Test
Table 2 shows the score of pretests and posttest. It reveals that score in posttest
improve however 3 out of 29 or 10.34% of learners did not improve the reading proficiency
level. The data results show that 4 of 29 or 13.79% of learners remain full refresher/full
intervention, and 25 of 29 or 86.21% of learners improved the scores as well reading
proficiency level.

Table 2.2
Test of Difference in the PreTest and Post Test Scores
Results of Paired t-test
Mean SD t=computed t-critical p-value
Pretest 8.79 2.43
-8.66 2.04 2.06
PostTest 15 3.04

Table 2.2 shows the data obtained from the pre-test results of the respondents. The
pre-test mean score is 8.79 with the standard deviation of 2.43 which indicates that the
individual mean scores of the respondents are closer to the mean. The mean score of
posttest is 15 with the standard deviation of 3.04 which indicates that the individual scores of
the respondents are higher to the mean. This suggested that their mean scores are different.
The mean scores of 9 to 15 of pre test and post test, respectively, it can be observed that the
individual scores of the learners are close to 9 but after utilizing Project TRI the score
increased significantly and some individual scores improve their reading proficiency level to
about 86 % as it shown in the result which can be supported by the mean score of 15.

It also shows that the mean score of posttest was 6.25 bigger than the mean score of
pre-test. The standard deviation of the posttest was 0.61 difference from pre-test. This
indicates that there is improvement on the respondent’s reading proficiency level after
utilizing Project TRI in reading intervention as reflected by the mean compared to pretest.
Paired sample correlations can be observed from the two quantities (pre-test and post-test)
that there is positive strong relationship between the two variables. The paired t-test design
or dependent t-test design, in this case, provides a more powerful hypothesis test than would
an independent samples test carried out on the same data.

Findings revealed that the mean score in post-test in utilizing Project TRI in reading
intervention increased compared to the pre-test. It shows that the reading proficiency level of
learners in utilizing Project TRI gradually improved and progressed. The improvement was
based on the action that is being applied on the pedagogical needs or reading level needs of
learners. It reveals that utilizing Project TRI as reading intervention provides an effect on the
reading proficiency level of the learners. This also showed positive response of the learners
to the reading strategy used by their adviser or reading teachers.
Research Question No. 3

How does the Project TRI work in improving the reading proficiency level of the
KS1 learners in the perspective of select grade 1 teachers who administer the Project
Emerging Themes

The researcher conducted an interview with the grade 1 teachers who administer the
Project TRI to measure the quality of interventions for the improvement of learners reading
proficiency level. When the researcher asked the teachers how the project TRI work in
improving the reading level of Grade 1 learners. The reading teachers gave their opinion and
experienced that focuses to (a)parents’ involvement (b)learners’ participation (c)materials
needed. while implementing Project TRI.
The following are some direct quotations from the reading teachers:
-Reading Teacher A-
(1) “I keep communicating the parents of my students who needs immediate action
regarding reading but only some of the parents gave positive response and follow

(2) “I tried to reach some students via online reading intervention, but I observed that
not all students are responsive.”

(3) “If there is a chance to have free time or breaktime I tried to reach some of
students to do an intervention one on one, for them to

-Reading Teacher B-

(1) “I used reading materials that cater the needs of my students.”

(1) “My parents are very responsible and supportive, for the learning benefits of their
children, they do a follow-up every after our session that’s why the reading
progress was commendable.”
(2) “I observed that one (1) of my students had a speech defect that cause no
progress in reading, I talked to the parent about this, and I suggest need to consult
the doctor why her reading attitude not normal on her age.”

(3) “Different reading materials are very useful but its better to supply all the learners
specially if sabay-sabay na gagamitin”
-Reading Teacher C-

(1) “Follow up and cooperation of the parents are very important, one of my students
did not even attend on our reading session, kaya kinakailangan ko pa siyang one
on one on my free time.”

(2) “Another concern, I had other one student not consistently go to school,
pumapasok lang during examination, I make a home visitation, the parents
answered me, “ok po maam”, “sige po maam.”

(3) “Most of the reading materials are applicable based on the needs of the learners,
kaya lahat nagamit namin”

How does the Project TRI work in improving

the reading proficiency level of the KS1 Emerging Themes
learners in the perspective of select grade 1
teachers who administer the Project TRI.
commitment and follow up parents are highly
Parents involvement needed

Consistency attendance and actively

Learners’ participation participation

1 is to 1 reading materials
Applicable Materials

Reading teachers found that using Project TRI an intervention is very challenging but
significant. To improve the reading proficiency level of KS1 learners the following must be
contemporary first,
parents’ involvement such as commitment and follow up are highly desirable second
learners’ participation by consistently and actively attending the session and lastly the
reading materials that cater on the needs of each learner are important.
Chapter 4


Summary of Findings

The study was directed with the purpose of determining if the reading level including
word recognition and comprehension using the Project TRI as intervention among KS1
learners of Apolonio Casimiro Faustino Elementary School, Valenzuela City.

The study was limited to full refresher learners in KS1 (Grade 1) with 29 identified
learners. Those pupils were subjected to undergo a Project TRI intervention. It is revealed in
the study that the effect of the intervention is statistically significant and very effective.

In the result of posttest in utilizing Project TRI an intervention, it is significantly higher

than the pretest result. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected, and it can be concluded that
there is significant difference between the reading proficiency level in KS1 between the
pretest and post-test results. It shows that utilizing Project TRI as reading intervention was
found to be effective in progressing the reading proficiency level among KS1 (Garde 1)
learners of Apolonio Casimiro Faustino Elementary School.


The significant enhancement can be associated with the Project TRI in the eight (8)
weeks utilization. Learners are struggling in recognizing words and reading comprehension.
Therefore, the learners struggled to understand reading text such as phrase, sentence,
paragraph, passage and so on. Teaching reading difficulties among full refresher learners
with great challenges is never an easy task. Reading progress on the part of the learners
signifies achievement on the part of the teachers. The more improving reading proficiency
level of the participants only shows good results. The improvement of the reading proficiency
level of the learners represents success of the utilization of the newly introduced intervention.

Implication/ Reflection

Good reading is a fundamental element that learners must have to attain. Through
research, it is clearly stated that reading proficiency level has a strong relationship between
reading comprehension and academic success at all ages included in the elementary level. It
is important to discuss what intervention is the best way to practice improving KS1 learners
reading proficiency level for the sake of learners’ success in the field of teaching.

Improving reading proficiency level in learners is one of the key goals of every early
education program. It is through reading that learners expand their vocabulary and learn
about the world. Reading is also the key to success in spelling and writing. If a learner is
having problems with literacy skills, it can affect their performance across the school
curriculum and have a negative impact on motivation to learn and self-esteem.

It was stimulating to note the readiness of the learner-respondents from the beginning
up to the end of the study which is difficult to the expectation of the researcher. Based on
utilization of PROJECT TRI the researcher observed that since the time allotted was 1 hour
after the class to avoid class disruptions, lots of issues encountered. First uneasiness to
identify the reading needs of the learners, every learner has different needs to be addressed.
Second, attendance of the learners after the class is challenging. Third continuous follow up
of the parent for their child’s progress. Lastly the attitude of the learners towards reading

On the other hand, it can be observed that participants from the latter part of the
session gradually improved the level of reading compared to the beginning of the session. If
the researcher will be given another chance to utilize PROJECT TRI to further enrich the
level in reading of the learners from full refresher to grade ready. Moreover, since the session
was one (1) hour after their dismissal and sometimes postponed of session due to class
cancellation was experienced during implementation. One-on-one tutoring may also be used
to fully maximize the effectiveness of the intervention depending on the needs of the
learners. Indeed, adjustment of time to 1 and half hour for the replacement of missing
session. PROJECT TRI as reading intervention may also be used in other grade level both
Filipino and English aside from the research. The detailed and well action planned used by
the researcher may also be used by other researchers to utilize the new intervention.
The present research analytically addressed the claim that learners can improve their
reading proficiency level while utilizing Project TRI provided that the research are willing to
reach out the at-risk learners and to meet the goals of the school that “every faustinian are
readers”, no learner left behind. However, some issues remain to be answered in future
research. It is significant to be aware of the motivation of the students in improving their
reading proficiency level beyond class-hours. The present research has been focused on the
progress of reading level aspect of understand the text read. A logical follow-up would be
used to examine the exact application of the reading level and constant exposure to the

Moreover, the method employed in the present research only involved standardized
reading assessment of division. While the study going on there are some changes occur in
the template and descriptive in the standardized reading assessment CRLA, wherein use as
pretest and posttest of the study, full refresher to full intervention, light refresher to light
intervention, moderate refresher to moderate intervention and grade ready to meets
expectation. This is only one of the possible ways for measuring the reading proficiency level
that benefit to improve reading proficiency level and progress of academic performance of
the learners. After all, it is not only knowledge-based but a skill-based competency. Research
on the use of this Project TRI as intervention to other grade level can be subject of future

More importantly, this study proved that learners could become light refresher or
better grade ready despite their difficulties in reading which cannot be ignored by the
researcher and KS1 teachers. It can be argued that learners struggling in word recognition or
reading comprehension cannot be accommodated in the beginning grade level. However, it
would be important to pay attention to discussed reading issues or needs of the learners
while designing and implementing reading intervention which aim to improve the reading
proficiency level and be grade ready/meets expectation.

The researcher would like to recommend to reading teachers to develop an action

plan and reading materials that use for Project TRI as intervention to improve reading
proficiency level in KS1. This will help the learners to lift their burden and difficulties through

Advocacy and Dissemination plan

Meanwhile Project TRI as reading intervention is found to be effective, the researcher

may request a SLAC session for the training of reading teachers and for creating reading
materials where this intervention be utilized by the other teachers and grade level who have
the same clienteles who have difficulties in reading. This new reading intervention is
recommended to be introduced during the Inservice training (INSET) or school learning
action cell (SLAC) and series of group discussion or teachers quality time (TQC) with the
reading teachers. If the continuously utilize this intervention will become successful, training
and reading module for the other reading competencies using this intervention may also be
proposed. This will give opportunity for the other learners who are struggling in reading on
other grade levels be accommodated and be given attention. This intervention may also be
used even in other grade level. This only proved that teachers must calibrate their reading
strategies and approaches to improve learners’ reading proficiency level for better result of
academic performance in all subjects. Teachers must also be encouraged to conduct action
research to continuously bridge the reading gap between learners with full refresher and light
refresher with reading comprehension.


Areas of Persons
Objectives Activities Time Frame
Concerns Involved

Introducing Discuss the LAC November 2022 AC Faustino

PROJECT TRI action research Teachers
results to the AC
Faustino Faculty

School-based Give feedbacks LAC Mid-Year INSET AC Faustino

utilization on PROJECT SY 2022-2023 Teachers
TRI as
Implementation of Utilized Project Follow Year Round English
Project Tri Tri as discussion starting the Third Teachers, and
intervention in Quarter of SY Reading
reading 2022 - 2023 Teachers in KS1

Monitoring and Monitors and Teaching Year Round KS1 Teachers

Evaluation evaluates the Learning process starting the Third
utilization of Quarter of SY
Project Tri an 2022 - 2023


 Angela Burke 2021: Learn about reading interventions. Discover examples of reading
intervention strategies and learn about reading intervention programs for struggling
 Colorin Colorado 2019: Reading Comprehension Strategies for English Language
 Cristobal, L. (2019). Literacy in the Philippines: The Stories behind the Numbers
 (2016). Reading Intervention Programs. Retrieved
 SDO Valenzuela Deped Memo No. 891s.2021)
, February 2, 2023


128 P Faustino St. Punturin Valenzuela City

 Doctor of Philosophy Major in Education Management
Bulacan State University
June 2012 – April 2016
 Master of Arts in Education Major in Psychology
Meycauayan College
June 2005 – April 2010
 Bachelor of Elementary Education
Philippine Normal University
June 1993 – March 1997
 Secondary Education
Lawang Bato National High School
June 1989 – March 1993
 Elementary Education
Punturin Elementary School
June 1983 – March 1989


Date of Birth : October 10, 1976 Civil Status : Married

Place of Birth: Punturin Valenzuela City Height : 4”10
Religion: Roman Catholic Weight : 65 Kg

Board Passer Licensure Examination for Teachers

August 17, 1997


DepEd - Valenzuela
DepEd- NCR
DepEd - National
DepEd - National
DepEd Central Office


School Head
2021 – up to present




Master Teacher II


Master Teacher I


Teacher III

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