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Inej is hurt and Kaz can’t focus

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
Relationship: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa
Character: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa
Additional Tags: POV Kaz Brekker, Hurt Inej Ghafa, Pining Kaz Brekker, Fluff, Kaz can’t
focus, he is so in love but he don’t know it, Before the books, angsty
kaz, i would die for them, literally die, love them so much, No Beta we
die like bitches
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-06-28 Words: 865 Chapters: 1/1

Inej is hurt and Kaz can’t focus

by atizzon


Inej hurt her arm and Kaz wants to know how.

Kaz loved being alone. He like when the only sound was coming from him, the pen rasping on the
paper whilst he checked the accounts from the previous week. It had been a calm night, a calm few
days actually. A naive person would believe this was good, a catch of good luck they would say
and smile brightly. Kaz knew better than that. Calm never meant any good in the barrel, and he
could almost smell the trouble coming.

He anticipated another arrival as well. His spider should have been here, Kaz checked his watch,
six minutes ago. It wasn’t usual behavior for Inej to be late. Not that Kaz cared for her well being,
but it would be annoying and a waste of investment if she would have gotten herself killed. That’s
what he told himself as he gripped his pen a little tighter as the minutes ticked by.

A sound from the window made his head snap up. Inej was crawling through and Kaz stoped a
small breath escape his lips. She landed gracefully on the floor, although Kaz could see something
was wrong. That his spider had made a sound whilst sneaking in was alarming enough however
seeing her discreetly clutching her right arm, made him irrationally angry.

Instead of asking what’s wrong as he was dying to know, he looked back at his papers waiting for
her report.
“Anderson was occupying himself at a brothel all night.” He could hear the underlying disgust in
her voice clearly appealed by the mercher. “It made it easy enough to go in an take a look in his
office.” She handed him a note, “I wrote down everything about his trades and transfers.”
He cast her a quick glance, noticing a small tremble in her outstretched arm. Was she hurt? He
gave her a nod motioning her to lay the note on the table and she turned to leave.
“A hurt spider is a liability. I don’t want you leaving a trace of blood everywhere you go.” His
voice sounded cold and irritated.

She stiffened, putting a hand over her obviously hurt arm. “It’s not badly injured, I can do the job
just the same.”
“Didn’t ask.”
She had her back turned to him so he missed her rolling eyes. She made to leave again, she was
tired, her arm aching and in no mood for a snappy Kaz.

And Kaz was going to let her leave. He liked being alone, if she would just leave he could sit in
silence and look over the information Inej brought. Although he couldn’t stop the words from
leaving his mouth, “Did you get hurt on the job?”
Inej turned back to him, slightly surprised he wanted to know how she got injured. “No.”
Kaz furrowed his brows, “Then how did it happen?”
She signed, all she wanted was to go and get some sleep. “I got my tattoo removed.”
“From someone in the barrel?”
He nodded, imagining some big lump probably only gave her alcohol before scraping her skin of
her body to numb the pain. If you didn’t have money for a grisha that was the only other way to do
it in the barrel.

This didn’t really calm him down. It was good she hadn’t been hurt on the job, he would have to
question her abilities if she had. However the only thing his mind could focus on now was if her
wound had got infected or not. He didn’t trust whatever idiot that had handled her arm to have
cleaned his knife before getting to work.

And so for the second time that night Kaz couldn’t stop himself from blurting out words. “Show
Inej brows raised but she said nothing as she roller up her sleeve and stuck out her arm for him to
take a look at.
The wound was a nasty one, she hadn’t had more than hot water to clean it and it made her whole
arm throb. Kaz took one look at it before he made his way up from the chair and away from the
desk. Stopping at his basin.

Inej wondered what had gotten in to him. Maybe he really was worried she couldn’t handle jobs
with her arm hurting. He came back with a flask and bandage.
“Here.” He said roughly, practically shoving them into her hands. “Clean that up and get some
sleep, I need you first thing in the morning.”

She took a quick look at the flask, disinfectant. She hide a smile that nearly broke out on her lips
and gave him a short nod before heading for the window, him not stopping her this time.

He went back to his desk, trying to find his way back to the numbers staring up at him. Although
he couldn’t stop himself for a final glance. She was just shutting his window from the outside,
catching him looking at her. The smile still tried to break through on her face, but she settled for a
quiet “Night Kaz.”

He heard her, but he didn’t answer. However his breath hitch just an inch. Her voice felt like a soft
breeze to him.
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