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Soner Kasapoglu

157 Manor Crescent Leeds, LS26 0QX

Date of Birth - 10 August 2005

I am a highly capable, dedicated and motivated student looking for experience of
being in a workplace environment. I have a great interest in sports - football, rugby
league, golf and formula one. I’m also highly interested in fashion and music.

● Great communication and people skills - through working as a freelance
graphic designer I have learned how to clearly communicate with clients,
always keep them updated on progress, take their feedback into
consideration and make sure the experience is a good one for them.
● Tech-savvy and great with Adobe programs - through my own experience
at home and at college, I have mastered quite a few of the Adobe softwares
which I use to create posters, logos, videos, animations and more. I am also
fully capable of using google and Microsoft programs.
● Hardworking and reliable - my attendance at college is very good and I am
almost always on time, I always try my best to put in 100% into all my work
and usually excel at doing so
● Independent and also great in a team - with my projects at college they
usually require me to both work by myself and with other people, I find
myself being fully capable of doing both and I thrive in both situations.

Freelance Graphic Design
2019 - PRESENT
● I have built up an Instagram page from scratch where I consistently create
poster designs for different players and teams: Leeds United and Leeds
Rhinos mainly as I am a massive fan of both clubs. Through doing this I
have gained lots of traction and attention from lots of different rugby
players. I have been requested by and completed designs for players such
as Ryan Bailey and James Donaldson.
● A lot of my designs catch the attention of the players they are for and they
often share them on their own social media pages and use those designs as
their profile pictures and banners.
● I was approached by The Square Ball magazine to do a 2-page spread for
rugby league legend Danny McGuire. This design was posted across all of
their social media channels credited to me which substantially helped my
pages grow.
● At college, I always like to incorporate fashion into all my projects in one way
or another as it is something I have a great interest in. For my final major
project, I created a streetwear fashion brand from scratch, I stitched and
printed on a pair of jeans, I photographed an entire lookbook magazine and
presented it using Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop and Indesign. This helped
me achieve a merit grade in my first year.

Rodillian Academy, Wakefield
September 2016 to July 2021.
In my GCSEs I achieved an 8 in media studies, 3 6s in English language and
literature and also business. I achieved a 5 in maths and a 4 in geography.

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