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Arranging a meeting


Arranging a meeting
After this class, you’ll be able to talk
about time and arrange a meeting.

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Arranging a meeting

Let’s talk about time

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Arranging a meeting

Complete with the correct day of the week

Café Otto - Opening times


Monday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Tuesday

_________ CLOSED
_________ CLOSED
Thursday 9.00 am - 11.00 pm
_________ 9.00 am - 11.00 pm Wednesday

Saturday 9.00 am - 11.00 pm Thursday

_________ 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Which days is Café Otto open?

It is open on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and all weekend.

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Arranging a meeting

Ask and answer

● What day is it today?

● What day is it tomorrow?

● What day was it yesterday?

● What’s your favourite day of the week?

● What’s your worst day of the week?

● What days are the weekend?

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Arranging a meeting

Prepositions of time on, in, at

Days of the week On Monday I go to work.

Days + parts of days On Monday evening I play football.
Dates On the 5th February I will have a party.
Special days It will be sunny on my birthday.

Months It is rainy in October.

Seasons It is warm in summer.
Years She was born in 1964.
Times of day I am busy in the morning.

Clock times We will meet at 5 o’clock.

at Festivals At Easter my children eat chocolate.
Night/Weekend At the weekend we are going swimming.

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Arranging a meeting

Choose the correct option

0. We have breakfast later at Saturdays / the weekend.

1. I start work at 7 o’clock / the morning.

2. My birthday is on / in / at Friday.

3. I have lunch with my mum on the weekend / Wednesdays.

4. On Sunday, we have pancakes for breakfast on / in / at the morning.

5. Is your English class on / in / at Thursday evening?

6. Our anniversary is on / in / at / – this weekend.

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Arranging a meeting

Telling the time

to (the next hour)

In English, there are two ways of saying the same time
that correspond to digital and analogue clocks:
Digital Analogue 11 1
1:00 It’s one o’clock It’s one o’clock
10 2
1:10 It’s one ten It’s ten past one
1:15 It’s one fifteen It’s quarter past one
8 4
1:30 It’s one thirty It’s half past one
7 5
1:45 It’s one forty-five It’s quarter to two 6

1:50 It’s one fifty It’s ten to two

past (the hour)

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Arranging a meeting

Match the items

What time shall we meet?

Let’s meet for lunch at _______. A D

Let’s meet for dinner at _______.

I can’t meet at _______, I sleep then!

How about we meet after lunch at


I have a break at work in the morning B E

at _______, let’s meet then.

I finish work at _______.

What is your daily routine?

I get up at six o’clock and go to work at eight. C F
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Arranging a meeting

Ask and answer

Are you busy at 6pm tomorrow

When are you free this week?

Are you free on the weekend? When can you meet next week?

What time are you free this What time could we meet for
evening? lunch today?

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Arranging a meeting

Listen and choose the correct option

0. It’s 4.15 / 4.50 and I’m at Katy’s house.

1. I come here every Tuesday / Thursday.

2. I drink coffee every morning / evening, but between 3.30 and 4.00 / 4.30 I drink tea.

3. The wedding starts at 3pm / 4pm.

4. Café Otto is open Wednesday to Saturday / Sunday.

It’s open from 9am to 10pm / 11pm Thursday to Saturday.

Listen carefully for times and days

Times and days often come at the beginning of the sentence:
On Wednesday, I have lunch with my mum.
Some days and times sound similar:
It’s Tuesday / It’s Thursday. It’s five fifteen / It’s five fifty.

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Arranging a meeting

Complete the dialogue

Hi Adam, want to hang out ___

Hi Ulla, I’m busy ___ Friday, how
Yes, I’m not free ___ the morning about Saturday?
Let’s meet ___ the afternoon
then, what do you want to do?
Want to go swimming?
It’s too cold! Maybe we could go
Perfect! When and where shall to a gallery?
we meet?
How about ___ 2 o’clock outside
the City Gallery?
Great, see you ___ Saturday!

at on in

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Arranging a meeting

Your turn!

Phone a friend and make a plan to meet.

Include the following phrases in your conversation:

● hang out

● meet up

● when are you free?

● what do you want to do?

● to go swimming/running/surfing/hiking

● to go to a gallery/beach/restaurant/museum

● see you [on]!

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Arranging a meeting

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Arranging a meeting

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