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Completar y aprender para presentarse:

Good ______________________

1. My name is ______________________________
2. My last name is ___________________________
3. My nickname is: ___________________________
4. Iam _____________________ years old.
5. My Birthday is on _____________________
6. Iam from ____________________________
7. I live in ______________________________
8. I am ________________________________
9. My phone number is ________________________
10. My favorite subject is ______________________
11. My favorite color is ________________________
12. My favorite food is ________________________
13. I want to be ______________________________

Nice to meet you!

Escribe tu propia rutina diaria en inglés:


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate month:

* Halloween takes place in .

* comes after February.
* The last month of the year is
* The month between August and October is
* Christmas and Hannukah are celebrated in
* Saint Patrick's day is in
* The first month of the year is
* Thanksgiving takes place in
* April showers bring flowers.
* has 28 days.
* The 6th month of the year is

It was not my intention – No fue mi intencion

You are right, sorry – Estas en lo correcto, lo siento

I am sorry – Lo siento

I am very sorry – Lo siento mucho

Activity in class

Colorea las siguientes expresiones con los colores correspondientes y escribe su

significado al español:

It was not my intention – Blue

You are right, sorry - Orange

I am sorry – Green

I am very sorry – Yellow

Usamos el present simple tense Para hablar de hábitos, rutinas o
hechos que se repiten en lapsos de tiempo determinado

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