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Lava Ridge PE Disclosure

2011 -2012
Ms. Dalton, Mr. Wilding, Mrs. Finklea,,, Course Description: Students will participate in a variety of team sports and team building activities while learning to enjoy a healthy lifestyle of activity. Grading: Students will receive two grades 1) Effort Grade
The effort grade in PE will report the behavior and efforts a student demonstrates in class and will include: Daily class time, participation in activities, and behavior.

2) Academic Grade
In PE the academic grade will report the level of mastery on the Presidential Fitness Test.

1) EFFORT GRADE: Daily Class Time: 100 points possible each day not being able to participate for 50 points for DRESS:
1) school uniform OR plain white or gray t-shirt with first and last name on front 2) any color knee length athletic shorts with an elastic waist NO BELT LOOPS OR CARGO POCKETS 3) non marking gym shoes (must have shoe laces ) 4) Socks that day. Students will need to dress for 2 consecutive weeks to restore citizenship grade.


1) Students are expected to do everything scheduled for the day 2) Participate in all warms ups and stretches 3) Points will be deducted for students who choose to stand around, sit, or walk when the directions are for running. 4) Poor sportsmanship and other inappropriate behaviors will result in a loss of points and affect citizenship mark

Consequences for not dressing 3 or more times a week

Parents will be notified Citizenship grade will drop Daily consequences for not dressing may result in students

2) ACADEMIC GRADE: Fitness Tests: Students will be tested using the Presidential Physical Fitness test.
Tested in 5 areas: sit ups, sit & reach, shuttle run, push ups, and mile run Each test is worth 100 points Graded on IMPROVEMENT OF OWN score If they dont improve but put forth effort they will get 73 points Can redo the test as time is permitted If students reach the national fitness level they must maintain that level to be awarded the 100 points

MAKING UP ABSENCES: If a student is absent they will lose their 100 daily class time points. Students can make up all points by filling out a make up sheet. Forms are by the locker room offices. More than 1 absence can be put on the form.

Important Dates: Students will be pre-tested for fitness testing and then tested ONCE each trimester. Trimester 1 Aug 15- Nov 4, Trimester 2 Nov 8 Feb 17, Trimester 3 Feb 22 May 23

Course Expectations: LOCKER ROOM RULES 1. Use an appropriate voice level 2. NO FOOD, DRINK, or GUM 3. No one is allowed in locker room during class. 4. You are responsible for taking care of your lock, locker, and area. 5. No home locks allowed.

CLASS TIME RULES 1. Respect ALL persons. 2. Listen to ALL of the directions from teacher. 3. Leave equipment alone until permission is given. 4. You may not leave class without permission. 5. Use appropriate actions and language. 6. Wait quietly in assigned roll call place.

Other items of importance 1) Deodorant Only roll on or CLEAR solids allowed. Any white solids will be discarded. ABSOLUTLY NO SPRAY KINDS 2) If your child suffers from asthma or other illnesses that might affect their participation in PE a doctors note is needed to make modifications. A parent note will only excuse a student from physical activity for 1 day. 3) If your child has an inhaler there is a form in the office that needs to be filled out by the doctor. Please get one filled out and sent to the office to be kept on file. 4) PE clothes should be taken home every Friday to be cleaned and then brought back on Monday. 6) Gum is not allowed at school. Please leave all gum at home. Violation will result in a loss of 50 points and receive a drop in their citizenship grade. 7) The locker room/gym IS a classroom. The teachers will dismiss you the bell does not. Students leaving early will lose 50 points and receive a drop in the citizenship grade. 8) Parents will you allow your students to have their picture/video taken that would possibly be put on a class website. Names will not be used. Student Name: Student Signature: Parent Signature:

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