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Lesson Planner (Week …9,10)

Semester / Week: _______,9,10_______________ Grade/Sec: ____6__________ Subject/Topic_________The Rights of fellow human beings_______________Duration: 2week_

Monday/Week Date: Tuesday /Date: Wednesday /Date: Thursday /Date: Friday /Date:

Objectives: : by the end of Bio monthly Test Objectives: : by the end the end of Objectives:
the lesson students will be of the lesson students the lesson students will
able to: will be able to: be able to.

1.Define the term Rights. Describe the rights of Describe the rights of the
2.Elaborate the rights of the children

Contents: Pg19 Contents: Contents: pg20,21 Contents: pg21,22 Contents:

Material Required: Material Required: Material Required: Material Required: Material Required:

Textbooks Textbooks Textbooks

Procedure: Students will be Procedure: Procedure: Second group Procedure: Procedure:

divided in groups and will be will share their findings in
alloted different topics. front of their class about 3rd group will share their
1.The rights of parents the rights of children findings on the rights of
the needy.
2.The rights of children

3.The rights of needy Lesson development: Lesson development:

Lesson development Teacher will ask the sts

about their rights .She will
write their responses on
board. Lesson development:
Lesson development:
Teacher will ask the sts
Teacher will ask the students Written Work:
how they help the
to give their own definition of Written Work: poors ,esp their servants.
They will be asked questions
about the rights of their Plenary:
parents and their responses
will be written on the board. Plenary:
Written Work:
Written Work:

Q.1.Elaborate the duties of Plenary. Q. Define a needy

person? Write the related
the children in detail. Teacher will ask the hadith of the Holy
students what are their Prophet(P.B.U.H).

How they want their

parents to look after

Plenary: Plenary:

Students will be asked to list Quiz of the chapter

their duties towards their
Each group will prepare
questions to ask from
Their responses will be written
on the sticky notes and will be other groups.
pasted in their copies.

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Assignment Assignment Assignment

Q.5 Book pg 55

Approved By: ____________________

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