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Where Contemporary Jews Embrace Traditional Judaism

September 2011


Elul 5771 / Tishri 5772



I thought of this Bulletin for September, 2011, and realized that it is commonly referred to as 9-11, the darkest day in recent world history. On 9-11 of 9-11, we will observe the FROM tenth anniversary of the extremist attacks by Osama Bin Laden. The death of Osama Bin Laden has not put an end to religious extremism. OUR In the view of many, religious differences are the source of the most dangerous violence. As I see it, the dangerous divides in the world are not between religions, but RABBI rather between fundamentalist extremists and moderate pluralists, especially within the same religion! Modern moderate pluralists of all religions celebrate difference and teach mutual respect for people of other religions, as well as within their own. Fundamentalists teach hatred for all who do not accept their narrow definitions of truth. Extremists allow no compromise and consider tolerance a weakness. They cannot solve problems or create any basis for peace, because they believe that they and only they are right. Rabbinic Tradition often rejected by Jewish fundamentalists offers a fascinating insight of God (Jerusalem Talmud): Would that My children forget about Me, as long as they treat each other with respect. Do not declare that you are acting in the Name of God, our Sages caution, but that you are acting with respect to each other. Our highest priority must be to recognize the humanity of others and treat their ideas with respect. Fundamentalists may believe in the ideas they hold, but their beliefs can quickly become entangled with a yearning for the power to realize those ideas by wrongly attaching them to God. When people are sure that they are right, it is natural for them to want the power to enforce their ideas. What binds people together are the Godly values that are valid in every context of humanity across the boundaries of time and geography (Exodus): compassion, patience, kindness, respect, impulse control, and forgiveness. By focusing on these commo n values, people of different religious traditions and different political persuasions, who understand the importance of respec t for difference and know how to work with people who are different from themselves, have far more in common with each other and can accomplish much more together. The world is based on multiple paths to transforming the world from the way it is to the way it needs to be. The Talmud a debate between two of our great Rabbinic teachers, Hillel and Shammai. They argued for two and a half years about the merits of God creating humanity. One said no because of the reality that people tend to believe that we are right and those who disagree with us are wrong. The other said yes by virtue of our potential to reflect Godly values in our actions. The Voice of God then calls out saying, Both sides are the words of the living God: Both are true. God then declares the yes opinion the winner by virtue of human potential, which includes respect for other views and perspectives. 9-11 should be a day of intra-faith and interfaith cooperation. It is a significant way to introduce the High Holy Day season, beginning with Rosh ha-Shana, the anniversary of the created world. It reminds us that we have a responsibility to bring people together in a common effort to create a better world. May God grant us the strength of conviction to oppose extremism in every form religious, political, cultural regardless of source, regardless of victim. We pray that God gives us the wisdom and moral courage to link arms in partnership with those around us in building a world of peace. Rabbi Rick Sherwin

Question of the Month

HOW OLD IS THE WORLD? We say that Rosh ha-Shana is the birth of the world, and the year is 5772. Jewish Tradition agrees with scientists that the world is 4.6 billion years old. The number 5772 is an arbitrary number based on the number of generations in the Bible. Most Traditions have calendars that begin with religious events, such as the birth of Jesus 2,010 years ago or the hegira (pilgrimage) of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina approximately 1,290 years ago. You might think that the Jewish calendar should begin with Abraham and Sarah, the first Jews, or with Moses who gave us the Torah at Mt. Sinai, or with Joshua entering Israel, or with Solomon building the Temple in Jerusalem. The Rabbis of the Talmud wanted to start counting the years from Creation to teach us that all heritages started off together, and we need to make the world better together. The number 5772, therefore, is not a scientific number, but a teaching number to convey the lesson that we have to look beyond our own Tradition and cooperate with others to complete the world that started at Creation. After all, Adam was not Moslem, Christian or Jewish: he was a human being. Every heritage has its own strategy for transforming the world from the w ay it is to the way it needs to be for everyone. The Jewish strategy is to fulfill religious responsibilities called mitzvot.



Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur is a time when we reflect on our actions and try to make amends with each other and God. It is the start of a New Year in which we all rejoice and commit ourselves to improving our lives in the New Year. It is a time of year to start with a clean slate and look to making the future year brighter and more complete. Thank you all for making Beth Am what it is today. Chag sameach, from Jill and myself.

Vacations are now over and it is time to get back to our normal daily routines of going to work, managing the house and attending school. Here we are entering the month of September and it is one of my favorite months. September is the month of our High Holy Days and this year the season will be even more special with the completion of our new and renovated school. While everyone was off on vacation a few of us dedicated members were working diligently repairing the old classrooms, renovating the Rabbis office, (thanks to a generous donation from The Beth Am Mens Club, and constructing the new school. As the Rabbi always says when people ask the question about how impossible things get done; his response is always God only knows. How are we accomplishing this monumental task of building a new school in these very depressed financial times? It is through the support of our congregation and the volunteers who contribute much of their personal time to make our dream come true. As president of Beth Am one of the things that made this summer so special is that two very charming ladies have volunteered to join the board as Co-Vice President of Education. It is not often that anyone who volunteers to join the board actually follows through with their request. With great pleasure at the July board meeting the board unanimously voted to accept Robyn Colley and Rachel Shapiro as new board members. Both Robyn and Rachel are parents of children that attend the Beth Am School and both have been active members of the congregation for over five years. With Robyn and Rachels experience as young parents I am sure they will bring great insight into strengthening our family/educational programming and parental involvement. I am also very pleased that we will be giving Robyn and Rachel along with the Rabbi and Elissa a new facility and renovated classrooms to create a great educational and family environment to educate our children. I ask as we enter into the New Year please do what you can to help and support Robyn and Rachel in making a difference at Beth Am. This year as we enter the holiday season to celebrate the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with our families and friends it will be an amazing feeling to see our new facilities with a new school building and updated class rooms. As visitors return for the Holiday services I am sure that they will also be amazed at the transformation that has occurs to Beth Am over the past year.

Jim Riola President

CBA Office Hours Saturday, Sunday & Mondayclosed Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 am3:00 pm Wednesdays during School until 6:00 pm


We decided to postpone last years scheduled congregational pilgrimage until next summer. To date, 60 members of our congregation enjoyed exploring Israel as to fulfill the mitzva of Tmikhat Yisrael, Supporting Israel. Each tour in the past has offered a spiritually inspiring experience specifically designed for the group. We fully toured Israel from coast to coast, up to the Lebanese border and across to the Golan Heights, then back down to Jerusalem and beyond. One highlight of our 2009 tour was a morning service at the Wall lead by six Bnai Mitzva where each one read from the Torah, and everyone received an aliya. We will again offer this opportunity to both teens and adults. We have tentatively set the trip for next June. We need a minimum of 30 people for the trip to take place. Please contact Rabbi Rick if you are even considering the possibility of joining the group and enjoying the experience of a lifetime.



The Summer of 2011 - Towards 2012 - and Beyond

407.862.3505 Please direct all correspondence to: P.O. Box 915756 Longwood, FL 32791-5756 We're located at: 3899 Sand Lake Road Longwood, FL 32779

BY LAW REVISION COMMITTEE With that in mind, by now you should have received a copy of the proposed revised by-laws of CBA. These revisions were necessitated by the growth of our Congregation, the expansion of our building and the changes needed to insure viability long into the future. If you misplaced your copy (electronic) or would like a hard copy to review, please call our office and they will arrange for you to get one. Any questions or comments about the by-laws should be directed to me either by phone (available in the CBA directory) or e-mail ( These proposed changes will be voted on as a package (up or down) at the General Meeting in November. Just as an aside, the old by-laws were nearly twice as long. So please, if you have comments or questions, let me know by October 1 so we can respond.

ASSIGNING BAR/BAT MITZVA DATES We are now assigning dates for the 2012-2014 Bar/Bat Mitzva lists. We plan early so as to give our longstanding members first access to open dates. If your child was born in 1999, 2000 or 2001, and you have not yet arranged for a date to be reserved, please contact Rabbi Rick so that your child will not be inadvertently overlooked. Assignments are made on the basis of one's 13th Hebrew birthday, with flexibility for summer birthdays and special circumstances.

Within the next month you will receive a lot of information from us. The High Holidays are approaching, the November General meeting is closing in and a host of events are planned for Beth Am. The Board members are working hard to make sure that all events go off without a hitch. Please look over all the information that you receive. Itll make our jobs easier. Also at the General Meeting in November you will be voting on a Board of Directors for 2012-2013. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact Rick Gardner (, Mike Stricker ( or Joanne Weiss ( who are this years Nominating Committee and let one of them know. Their phone numbers are in the Directory. I encourage everyone to support the growing organizations within Beth Am. The Mens Club, Sisterhood, Book and Movie Club, Sports Shooting Club and our School (both for the kids and adult education) are all something to experience. By joining, enrolling and attending at least one meeting or event youll expand your horizons, meet other members and it will open you up to new the frontiers of congregational participation. Social networking is so much easier in this age of technology. Be a part of Beth Ams collective expansion. That was a segway to an important topic. Our building expansion should make everyone realize that we had a very busy summer. You all know that sometimes growth makes the atmosphere a little less friendly. We looked around at a lot of other projects and decided that our expansion wouldnt change our friendliness and inviting nature. The Sanctuary and social hall were left intact. We kept the philosophy of trying to keep people from getting lost in an oversized room. Our current school wing got new walls, floors, ceilings, paint and a new roof. The new wing is nearly done. With these two projects we will have room for our kids to learn, our groups to meet, our environment to be safer and new, our grounds to be enhanced and a new attitude of pride for us and the Jewish community and our neighborhood. There are so many ways you can show your support for the volunteers and employees who have put in the long hours over the summer to make sure all the projects were completed. Come to services; attend a club or group event; become a volunteer; reach into your pocket and make a donation to Beth Am for something important to you (in honor of, in memory of, just becauseetc.) With all that has been going on, we have still maintained membership costs lower than anyone else, school tuition costs lower than any comparable program and lowered our monthly bills (a lot). Believe me when I say we have managed all our projects with frugality. The High Holiday Campaign needs support. Please give what you can knowing that Beth Am doesnt have a mandatory security fee, mortgage assessment fee, required High Holiday donation, or other additional costs that other similar Houses of Worship have. Other than dues and school tuition, we want to count on your feeling of connection to us for supporting Beth Am.

Steve Leibowitz President-Elect


Our Paid-Up Membership event will be held on Sunday, September 18th at 12:30 in the CBA Social Hall. All members who have paid 2011-2012 dues may attend at no charge. You may pay your dues at the event, but please RSVP in advance! To become a member on line go to: sisterhood%20membership%20application.pdf. Our speakers for the day are Tim and Michele Niemi who will present an overview of Kundalini yoga. Kundalini yoga involves movement related to our chakrahs (energy points) in our bodies. As the energy flows in our bodies, we can relax and reach a very deep meditative state. Come join Michele and Tim as they explain, demonstrate and lead you through this wonderful form of yoga and show how one can relate it to Judaism. If you plan to take an active part in the program, please come dressed in comfortable clothing for movement and bring either a mat or a beach towel. Men may also attend for a charge of $10. Childcare will be available for $5. RSVPs are due to Cathy Swerdlow ( or 407 862 2374) by September 15, 2011. As the High Holidays are nearly upon us, the women of CBA Sisterhood would like to take this opportunity to wish our fellow CBA congregants a sweet and joyous New Year. May the New Year bring us a year of renewed dedication to our families, our CBA community and our Judaism. LShana Tova
Cathy Swerdlow President CBA Sisterhood


The September meeting of the CBA Book & Movie Club will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2011. Our regular meeting spot is at Panera Bread on Forest City Road (next to Wal-Mart and across from Costco). We meet at 7 PM. The book for the month of September is In the Garden of the Beasts by Erik Larson. This book focuses on Hitlers 1933 consolidation of power as witnessed by two Americans: William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany and his daughter Martha, 24. As the elder Dodd presciently realizes Hitlers threat, Martha becomes infatuated with the Nazi revolution and the first Gestapo chief. Although we all know what finally happens in Germany, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat. This is a non-fiction book. For your future information, we will show the movie Water for Elephants. This will be held at a members home and will be the third Thursday of October. Come join us any time. Have a cup of coffee, enjoy the discussions and schmooze a little. Everyone is always welcome!


A number of adults have expressed interest in becoming Adult Bnai Mitzva. Some of the explanations: (1) I did not have the opportunity when I was younger, (2) I went through the experience but it didnt go through me, (3) I just want to learn more, and/or (4) I wasnt Jewish when I was younger. We are looking for a minyan of adults who would like to be part of the Bnai Mitzva experience, with opportunities to participate in joint or individual services at Beth Am and/or at the Wall in Jerusalem for those who travel with the congregation next summer. Please contact Rabbi Rick if you are interested in participating in this program. The first session will meet on Sunday morning, September 11.

A plaque on the Memorial Board in our Sanctuary is a fitting way to remember family members whom we recall with warmth and affection. To honor the memory of a loved one with a plaque, please submit your request (accompanied by payment of $360) to our office. The form is available in our office or on the secure Payments Page of our website, where you can also make payment.


Our names are Robyn Colley and Rachel Shapiro . . .

We would like to introduce ourselves as co-Vice Presidents of Education. Our families have been members of Beth Am for over 5 years and we both have children in the Religious School. We are very enthusiastic about strengthening our programming and parental involvement. We have several goals for the next year revolving around family connectedness. The following are things that we would like to put in place this year: A. Room Parents - We need a Room Parent for each Sunday School grade. This mom, dad, grandma or grandpa will automatically be on our Education Team helping to plan small events for your childs grade and connect your children to other classes as well as to other generations within Beth Am. B. Sunday Morning Coffee - How about a Coffee and a Schmear to get to know other parents in your childs grade? This can be done at Beth Am (once the new building is in place) or at someones home. It is always nice to see a familiar face when you walk through the doors of Beth Am C. Pre-Sunday School Parents - Dont think we have left you guys out! There is a large number of families with toddlers and pre-school aged children. We want you to get to know each other as it really wont be long before you are vying for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah dates for your precious little ones! Wouldnt it be great to connect with other parents with whom your children will be growing up? D. Connect with Sisterhood, Mens Club, Seniors Club and the Care Team - There are so many wonderful programs in place already here at Beth Am. Lets take this opportunity to connect with other groups of fund-raisers and community givers! E. Education Council - This advisory council will be made up of parents who have a vested interest in their childrens Jewish education. We will meet bi-monthly, along with Elissa and Rabbi Rick, to discuss curricular goals to help continue to shape our childrens educational future. With your help this can be just the beginning of what is to come for our families of Beth Am. Sincerely,

Robyn Colley 407-754-9805

Rachel Shapiro 407-886-7180

eBay at CBA
While doing your summer cleaning, did you find things you just dont want or cant use but theyll have some value to someone? If so, please donate these items to us it's a win-win situation. You support Beth Am and get the tax deduction we sell the items on eBay and other venues and use the pro, activities and programming at Beth Am. Please call Herb (407.774.9695) if you have any questions or to arrange for pickup of your unused treasures.

WE THANK hbr hdwt

The Mens Club and their Director, Herb Weissman for the E-bay sales and yard sales. Sisterhood and their President, Cathy Swerdlow for organizing the Hurricane Preparedness Seminar Dr. Sherwood Weissman for organizing the blood drives AND to all the blood donors Debbie Zelkowitz and her Care Team for coordinating the packages for our troops in Afghanistan Norma Greenberg for her tireless efforts organizing the Book & Movie Club activities Mike Stricker and Rick Garner for creating a very popular and well attended Sports Shooting Club

Visit Us On The Web go to


Under our congregation's bylaws, a Nominating Committee convenes each year to select members who have the requisite skills and passion to consistently improve CBA and to lead the congregation. These members will be recommended to the membership for election as the 2011 Board of Directors at the Annual Membership Meeting in November. As President, I appoint the members of the Nominating Committee and I make every effort to get a representative cross-section of the congregation. The committee process is not intended to be exclusive but to be open to all members who feel they can make a positive impact on the future of CBA. Members can run for Board positions by simply contacting the synagogue office at least 20 days before the election. Their names, together with those members selected by the Committee, will then appear on the ballot. In addition, nominations can be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Consistent with being "Our People's Home", we wish to make the election of Board members as open, available and democratic as possible. If you have an interest in serving on the Board of Directors, or if you would like to recommend someone for a Board position, please do not hesitate to contact Joanne at the synagogue office. I also encourage you to call me directly (407.810.5595). The Nominating Committee intends to consider as many candidates as possible. There are talented and experienced people in our midst; however, our Nominating Committee may not be fully aware of everyone's capabilities. All suggestions from our fellow congregants will be welcomed. As a congregation, we have some tremendous opportunities and challenges ahead of us. Assembling a Board of Directors that is capable of realizing those opportunities and meeting those challenges is critical to our future.


For millennia, shaking the lulav and etrog has been the Jewish way of thanking God for the blessings of the earth on the holiday of Sukkot. By holding together the four types of plants grown in Israel, we symbolically get our own act together as we begin the New Year. By reciting the brakha and pointing the lulav and etrog in six directions, we remind ourselves that Gods Presence touches every aspect of our lives. And by vigorously shaking the lulav and etrog, we commit to being movers and shakers in the world to bring goodness and blessing in the New Year. During the Sukkot (except on Shabbat) we will all bring our lulavim to shul and parade with the children in an impressive show of appreciation to nature, followed by goodies in the Sukka! Please return the form below to the office no later than September 23rd.

Please order __________set[s] of lulav and etrog at $36 each for:

Name ________________________________________________________ Telephone number or e-mail address ________________________________________________ Enclosed, please find $_________________________________


Services highlighted require a ticket
9/24 9/28 9/29 Saturday night Wednesday evening Thursday morning Slihot at S.O.J.C. ROSH HA-SHANA Erev Rosh ha-Shana Thursday afternoon Rosh ha-Shana I Torah Service Shofar Service Musaf Rosh ha-Shana II Torah Service Shofar Service Musaf Welcoming Shabbat At Home Shabbat Shuva Service YOM KIPPUR 10/7 10/8 Friday evening Shabbat morning Kol Nidre Morning Service Torah Service Yizkor Musaf Study Session Minha (afternoon service) Family Nila Havdala and Shofar Break-the-Fast 7:00 10:00 11:30 12:30 1:00 4:00 5:00 6:15 7:45 p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 9:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Noon 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Noon 10:00 a.m.


Friday morning

9/30 10/1

Friday evening Shabbat morning

Shabbat afternoon

Parking on CBA's property is reserved for those members who have "Handicapped" stickers and Senior drivers who are not able to walk long distances. If you meet the above criteria, you may park: 1. in any of the spaces on the asphalt, 2. on the grassy area along the driveway or 3. on the grassy area by the wall on the Line Drive side of the property. If you park in one of the spaces in 2. or 3. above, please park straight in (not parallel or on an angle) You are welcome to drive into our parking lot to drop off your family near the front doors. Parking for all others is available along Sand Lake Road and Line Drive: ?To maximize utilization of these space, please park straight in (not parallel or on an angle). ?Please comply with any "No Parking" signs to avoid being ticketed. Parking is NOT available on the vacant lot adjacent to the south boundary of our property. There are "No Parking" signs and vehicles parked on this property may be towed away. Parking may also be available in residential neighborhoods. Please be considerate of and respectful to our neighbors do not park in a manner that would obstruct access to their property. Conserve parking spots carpool with another member!


Dear Beth Am Member: As the High Holy Days approach, we are pleased to announce that we will have programs designed with your children in mind childcare for younger children and Junior Congregation for children in Grades 2-3 and 4-6.

UNDER AGE 3 (or still in diapers)

We will have rooms available for parents to take their children. These rooms will NOT be staffed with a babysitter so you must supervise your children. Please bring diapers, wipes and formula (or a dairy or parve [no meat or poultry] lunch and drink that do not require refrigeration) for your children. To assist us in our planning, please contact our office by Monday, Sept. 12, if you and your child(ren) might use these rooms.


The program will be staffed with professionals, assisted by high school and college students. Children will be grouped by age and appropriate programs will be offered in each room. The children will have the opportunity to hear stories about the holidays, play outside, play games and eat lunch with their friends. Please provide your child with a dairy or parve (no meat or poultry) lunch and drink that do not require refrigeration. Please label the bag with your child's name and age. Make sure that siblings have their own, individually packaged, container for lunch. This program will be available as follows: Rosh ha-Shana Wednesday, September 28:No childcare at the 8 p.m. Erev Rosh ha-Shana service Thursday, September 29: 9:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Friday, September 30: 9:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Yom Kippur Friday, October 7 (Kol Nidre): 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. (BABYSITTING ONLY) Saturday, October 8: 10:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. To ensure that we schedule sufficient staff, only children who have been pre-registered be be guaranteed a space in this program. The recommended minimum donation Form must willreceived by the office by Wednesday, Sepdays. Your tember 12. payment and Registration for this program is $36 per child, which covers up to four


These age groups will participate in separate Junior Congregation services. The services begin at 10:30 a.m. on both days of Rosh haShana and end at noon. At that time, the children will join their families in the Sanctuary. On Yom Kippur, Junior Congregation begins at 11 a.m. and ends at 12:45 p.m. To assist us in our planning, please contact our office (407.862.3505) by Wednesday, September 1 if your child(ren) might attend this service.


Thursday, September 29: Family Service at 4 p.m., followed by Tashlikh at 5 p.m. Babies and children are welcome at this community-wide program!

High Holy Day Programming Child Care Registration Form

Cost is $36 per child. Please detach this form and submit with payment or call the CBA Office Parent's Name ______________________________________ E-mail address __________________________ Child 1 Name ____________________________________________________ Age _________ FOOD ALLERGIES, SPECIAL NEEDS:_________________________________________________________________
Please indicate days you will have your child in our babysitting/childcare program: Rosh ha-Shana Day 1 (Sept. 28) Rosh ha-Shana Day 2 (Sept. 29) Kol Nidre night (Oct. 7) Yom Kippur (Oct. 8)

Child 2 Name ____________________________________________________ Age _________ FOOD ALLERGIES, SPECIAL NEEDS: ________________________________________________________________
Please indicate days you will have your child in our babysitting/childcare program: Rosh ha-Shana Day 1 (Sept. 28) Rosh ha-Shana Day 2 (Sept. 29) Kol Nidre night (Oct. 7) Yom Kippur (Oct. 8)

Child 3 Name ____________________________________________________ Age _________ FOOD ALLERGIES, SPECIAL NEEDS: ________________________________________________________________ Please indicate days you will have your child in our babysitting/childcare program:
Rosh ha-Shana Day 1 (Sept. 28) Kol Nidre night (Oct. 7) Rosh ha-Shana Day 2 (Sept. 29) Yom Kippur (Oct. 8)


September 2011

Congregation Beth Am

Elul 5771 / Tishray 5772






2 7:29

3 NO MITZVA CLASS 10:00 AM Shoftim

8:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

Sunset: 7:47 PM

6 5:00 PM Religious School (Winter Springs)

7 4:15 PM Religious School (Longwood)

9 7:23


10 9:00 AM Shabbat Mitzva Program 10:00 AM Kee Taytzay Sunset: 7:41 PM

8:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

11 9:30 AM Religious School (Longwood) 10:00 AM Adult Bnai Mitzva


13 5:00 PM Religious School (Winter Springs) 7:30 pm Board Meeting

14 4:15 PM Religious School (Longwood)

15 7:00 PM Book & Movie ClubPanera Bread 7:30 PM Sports Shooting Club

16 7:16

17 9:00 AM Shabbat Mitzva Program 10:00 AM Kee Tavo Sunset: 7:34 PM

8:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

18 9:30 AM Religious School (Longwood) 10:00 AM Mens Club at Sweetwater Oaks Club House





23 7:09

5:00 PM Religious School (Winter Springs)

4:15 PM Religious School (Longwood) 7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service

24 9:00 AM Shabbat Mitzva Program 10:00 AM Nitzvim 9:15 PM Slohot @ SOJC Sunset: 7:27 PM

25 9:30 AM Religious School (Longwood)



28 No Religious School 8:00 PM Erev Rosh ha-Shana*


30 7:02

5:00 PM Religious School (Winter Springs)

9:00 AM Rosh haShana I

4:00 PM Family Service* 5:00 PM Tashlikh*

9:00 AM Rosh ha-Shana II* Welcoming Shabbat at Home with your family

This calendar is refrigerator friendly -- please post it!

Rev 06/10

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When we light the Havdala candle to conclude Shabbat, we resolve to do something during the week to bring us a little closer to the vision of the world as it should be. On the Saturday night before Rosh ha-Shana, we accompany the lighting of the special multi-wicked candle with the resolve to do something during the New Year to grow into the person we have the potential to be. For the past few years, Beth Am has shared the S'lihot program with SOJC. In 2010, we gathered at Beth Am; in 2011 we will kick off the High Holy Day season at SOJC. The social gathering begins at 9:15 pm, followed by a study session and the brief meaning and moving Slihot service. Just as SOJC traveled in numbers to Beth Am for last years Slihot and this years Tisha bAv services, we hope that people will carpool to SOJC and give support to the congregational partnership between SOJC and CBA.


It became a custom for Jews to go to a free-flowing body of water on the first afternoon of Rosh ha-Shana for a brief ceremony of throwing our sins into the depths of the sea." We help God by symbolically casting our own sins into the water (represented by bread crumbs), concretizing our prayer for a clean slate to begin the New Year. We will meet at the synagogue for this special service at 5 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, September 29th. We will then walk together to the water at Wekiva Cove. The entire community is welcome.


We have reviewed our records to determine which members are eligible to receive invitations to attend all High Holy Days services. To be eligible, a member must have fulfilled all financial obligations to Beth Am. These financial obligations include payment of: All amounts due from 2010 and prior, Religious School tuition for the 2010/2011 school year, at least 75% of 2011 dues and at least 75% of the 2011 Building Fund. If you are not currently eligible to receive an invitation, please call Joanne at our office and ask her how to become eligible. If you have any other questions or concerns, please call Joanne.

Rev 06/10

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Catering By Artisans
(Your CBA Caterer)

As a Congregational Family, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Andrea Behn and Judy Suberman on the loss of their mother, MADELINE WOLFE BEHN And Mae Weisman as she remembers her sister SYLVIA LEVINE BECKERMAN

Celebrating a simha at Beth Am?

If you want...
? ? ? ? ? ?

delicious food an impressive presentation personal, caring attention every last detail taken care of unbeatable pricing catering profits to benefit Beth Am Then...

We Welcome New Members Michal Cohen David & Juli Goldstone Helene & Leonard Becker Jessica & Seth Rosenblatt Brandee & Justin Foxworthy Steve & Doreen Bierenbaum

Catering By Artisans is your only choice! For information, contact: Sheri Rosenberg 321.356.1529

Support Beth Am AND celebrate your special occasion with custom invitations and announcements. We carry a full line from Regency, Encore and Checkerboard. You can also order a tallit for yourself or for your child's Bat/Bar Mitzva. Contact Debbie Davids at 407.869.0238.

Promote your business with a Bulletin ad For information, contact Joanne at the office at 407.862.3505


Share the news with members who don't have e-mail Share your compassion with recently bereaved members Share your time with members who are home alone Share your time with members who are in nursing homes Share your time with members who are in a hospital Join the Care Team for additional information, please contact Debbie Zelkowitz (407.862.7471)
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If we have inadvertently omitted a birthday, anniversary or yahrtzeit or published incorrect personal information about you in this Bulletin, we apologize. Please let us know so that we can correct our records.

We encourage you to support our advertisers who support us with their ads in the Bulletin, Membership Directory and on our web site

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Full service butcher shop Fresh cut meat and poultry Prepared kosher foods of all kinds
Mon: 9 - 3 Tues - Thur: 9 - 5 Fri: 9 - 4 Sun: 9 - 1 Under supervision of the Vaad Hakashrut of Pinellas County

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Phone: (407) 679-3400 Fax: (407) 679-3412 E-mail:
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Our tradition teaches us the importance of tz'daka. What a wonderful and lasting way to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, yahrtzeit, recovery from illness or hardship, Bat or Bar Mitzva, wedding, new baby or other occasion! Or give just because... ! We maintain various funds, donations to which are used to support our many activities and to make Beth Am the Synagogue we want it to be. Please show that you care make a contribution to the fund of your choice. All contributions are tax deductible.

Neal & Bernadette Silverstein, in celebration of their 7th wedding anniversary Mike & Joy Stricker, Melissa & Naomi, in memory of their father and grandfather Melvin Stricker Rachel & Sandy Weiner, in memory of their beloved son Mitchell Simon Weiner Steve & Linda Leibowitz, in celebration of Jim Riolas 70th birthday Malene Levin, in memory of mother Elizabeth Martinez Steven & Cindy Ross, Lawn equipment Rhonda Scorzelli, in memory of sister Wendi Zumda Stephanie Shames, in memory of father Andrew Cedar Karen Stroup, in memory of father Chaim Ben Maliah Helen Tishman, in memory of sister Jean Jacobs Joy & Lon Winter, in memory of mother Jean Jacobson and Mazal Tov to Sherril & Frank Bracco on the birth of their first grandson Jerrod & Linda Zlatkiss, in memory of mother Bessie Simon


Faith & Kail Brotman, in memory of mother, Hannah Heller Mike & Joanna Cohen, in memory of Caryn Coultoffs mother Marcia Balaban George Cybul, in memory of Melvin Stricker Irving & Rohan Granoff Mary & Lloyd Lavin, in memory of her father Nathan Feldman Lester & Marlene Morris Rebecca (age 8) & Lindsey (age 6) Shapiro Jason & Lisa Shenkman, in memory of Melvin Stricker Mike & Joy Stricker, in memory of father Melvin Stricker Lillian Tobias Lloyd & June Werk, in memory of mother Doris Werk and father Bernard Adler


Joe & Bernice Davids, in memory of father Aaron Davids Laurel Davis, in celebration of Albert & Lorraine Cibleys Anniversary Mark & Beverly Rich, with thanks to Rabbi Rick HIGH HOLIDAY NO APPEAL APPEAL

Dear Members of the Beth Am Family,

We thank the many of you who have supported our Building Addition and Enhancement project. Without your generosity, we would not be able to create the structure for our spiritual drive into the next generation. Having said that, we still want to be able to make Beth Am a spiritual home that is comfortable and welcoming place to be, warm in the winter and cool every other season of the year. Our High Holy Days Appeal goes out for that purpose. DUES ALONE DO NOT PROVIDE SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO PAY ALL OUR OPERATING COSTS AND OFFER THE SERVICES YOU EXPECT. Like every other synagogue, we must supplement this with fundraising. As in previous years, we are conducting our annual HIGH HOLY DAYS APPEAL in advance with the hope that we will not need to diminish the spiritual significance of the Yom Kippur service with any formal request for funds. We ask you, as a member of the Beth Am Family: Please give as much as you can! We hope you will go to the secure Payments Page of our web site and make a generous gift today. You are also welcome to call the office, or mail your donation to us. We wish everyone in the Beth Am Family a Shana Tova, a year of goodness. The Beth Am Board of Directors

Gitty Adler, in memory of father Moses Konigsberg Alan Applebaum, in memory of mother Edith Applebaum and father Joseph Applebaum Myron & Allyson Ascher, in memory of father Morris Bart and mother Sydelle Gates Lucy Belnick & Jeff Cohen, in memory of mother Anne Hornberg Belnick Vera Berenson, in memory of father Matthew Grumbach and mother Carrie Grumbach and husband Jerry Berenson Carol Francis, in memory of father Nathan Loeb Hilda Frishman, in memory of mother Julia Elman Larry & Carolyn Kaplan, in memory of mother Betty Kaplan and uncle Jacob Kaplan Yearch & Rivka Lazarovitz, with thanks to Rabbi Rick

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1 2 Mae Winter, mother of Lon Winter Emanuel Mann, father of Elyse Baclar Julias Levy, grandfather of Jason Eichenholz Barbara Goldfarb, sister of Marcia Rosen Andrea Wagner, sister of Christina Michaelson Sam Socal, father of Pearl Seidler grandfather of Stephen Seidler Esther Golberg, grandmother of Steven Leibowitz Nathan Roher, father of Helen Tishman Rebecca Zaritsky, mother of Lillian Tobias Sam Wattman, grandfather of Glen Wattman Robert Groberg, father of Michael Groberg Victor Landis, father of Miles Landis Thelma Miller, mother of Sherman Miller Ethel Lavin- Greene, mother of Lloyd Lavin Rubin Harris, husband of Mildred Harris grandfather of Jacki Harris Sigmond Pagenkopf, father of Risa Page Isidor Wolfson, father of Janice Fisher Anna Schuster, grandmother of Florence Kuppe 18 21 22 Judith Ehrenberg, sister-in-law of Sherman Miller Arthur Hertz, grandfather of Cindy Halperin Sue Herbach, mother of Nancy Stern Allen Bernstein, father of Harry Bernstein Sylvia Leichner, aunt of Rose Lazoritz Samuel Weissman, father of Herbert Weissman Sarah Gotlib, grandmother of Daniel Gotlib Sarah Meister, grandmother of Joan Mayer George Pearl, father of Frederick Pearl Samuel Bookshin, father of Lucy Estrin Belle Gold, mother-in-law of Helene Gold Fred Frishman, husband of Hilda Frishman Jean Bernstein, mother of Harry Bernstein Arthur Swerdlow, father of David Swerdlow Arnold Siegel, brother of Bernard Siegel Robert Estrin, husband of Lucy Estrin George Schwebel, father of Martin Schwebel Casimera (Casey) Riola, mother of Jim Riola Laura Lichty, daughter of Frances and Fred Brown

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1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 11 11 Jori Allen Jim Riola Jules Baclar Sheri Kaplan-Cohn Greg Alman Justin Zinovoy Max Pollack Ashley Weinstein Jacob Bartfield Fred Brown Neal Silverstein Ernie Myers Jana Shear Ed Rose Hilton Bernstein Ron Bobele 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 16 17 17 19 19 19 19 19 20 George Berger Craig Blattner Jake Goldstein Jennifer LoMedico Meredith Woociker Susan Weisman Ron Suberman Marlene Levin Jacob Alstein Don Seligman Danny Ascher Brandon Leibowitz Krystina Leibowitz Stefanie Leibowitz Andrea Lewis Felissa Gaber 20 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 Joanie Mayer Joseph Wilensky Anne Zahary Alexander Bishop Mathew Endahi Harrison Robbins Sheri Rosenberg Jared Shear Sheri Berren Jordan Harris Nicole Kuperberg Benjamin Abrudescu Dara Golub Jonathan Hefley Candace Jaffe Sue Robbins 26 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 Jessica Rosenblatt David Shames Megen Gold Bette Lewis Andy Mackler Khalil Oxborough Nathaniel Enos Eric Smith Adam Steinfeld Janice Fisher

2 2 2 2 3 3 Lauren & Zoe Cain Brett & Ellen Jewell Janet & Robert Kaplan Debbie & Mike Zelkowitz Betsy & Howard Batwin Margie & Paul Schlesinger 4 6 6 8 9 10 Tracy & Daron Rebar Amy & Brian Dorman Joy & Lon Winter Irma & Hilly Karasik Andrea Behn & Jeff Grushka Arlene & Alan Applebaum 15 18 24 30 Sherry & Dan Williams Marie & Alex Agranovsky Sandi & Mike Groberg Beth & Thom Oxborough

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