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A long time ago, in a dense forest, there were a lot of animals. Among the animals
which lived, there was an arrogant cat. She was really clean, hairy and smooth white. So,
many animals liked her but she was too proud and arrogant of the excess.

One day, the cat wanted to live alone without cat family, because she already felt
great to separate hersef without the help of her family.

On her way, she’s resting adjacent to the chicken family. On sunny morning, the cat
was angry because the chicken voice has awakened her “hi chicken, presumptuous of you to
wake me up, added with your son, your son is so ugly” said the cat. Chicken family was
really really angry as well. They chased the cat away, and with feeling annoyed, cat leaved
the place.

Now, the cat was feeling so tired. The cat slept in the shoulders of an elephant.
When elephant was about to wake up, the elephant accidentally dropped the cat “ hi you
fool elephant, why you dropped me, you want to kill me?” elephant closer and said “oh
you’re so beautiful”. Cat scratched the elephant, and the rampage elephant made that cat
darted him.

Cat was really upset and hungry, she tried to look for food on the ground. She met
worm, and the worm said “you are a beautiful cat but why did you take my food?”. The cat
said “all animals are well aware of my beauty so I am entitled to do as I please”. And worm
said “what an arrogant cat! Then, can you survive to live in the soil?”. “hahaha oh come on,
it’s a piece of cake” said the cat. They made a deal.

Eventually, after a day on the ground, the worm group tried to see the cat, but the
cat was already dead. Some worms told this to the cat family, but when her family got
there, the arrogant cat who had died, had been eating by the lions.

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, disebuah hutan yang lebat tedapat hewan yang sangat
banyak, diantara hewan-hewan yang tinggal, ada seekor kucing sombong yang sangat bersih,
berbulu lebat dan halus berwarna putih. Sehingga banyak hewan yang menyukainya, tapi ia
terlalu angkuh dan sombong dengan kelebihannya.

Suatu hari sikucing itu ingin hidup sendiri tanpa keluarga kucing, karena ia merasa
sudah hebat bertahan hidup sendiri tanpa bantuan keluarganya.

Didalam perjalanannya ia beristirahat berdekatan dengan keluarga ayam. Pada waktu

pagi yang cerah, kucing itu marah karena sang ayam telah membangunkan tidurnya, “hai
ayam, lancing sekali kamu membangunkanku ditambah lagi dengan anak-anak mu yang jelek”.
Keluarga ayam sangat marah, mereka mengusir kucing, dengan perasaan kesal kucing
meninggalkan tempat itu.

Dengan perasaan yang begitu lelah kucing tidur diatas pundak gajah, ketika gajah
hendak bangun tanpa sengaja gajah menjatuhkan kucing. “hai kau gajah busuk, mengapa kau
menjatuhkanku, kau ingin membunuhku?” gajah mendekat dan berkata “oh..kau begitu
cantik”. Kucing mencakar gajah, membuat gajah mengamuk sehingga kucing terpelanting

Kucing sangat kesal dan lapar, ia mencoba mencari-cari makanan di dalam tanah ia
brtemu cacing. “kau kucing yang cantik, tapi mengapa engkau mengambil makananku”. Kucing
berkata. “semua hewan mengetahui kecantikanku karena itu aku berhak melakukan
sesukaku” lalu cacing berkata “ dasar kucing sombong, apa kau bisa bertahan hidup didalam
tanah?”. “hahaha… itu hal kecil”. Kata kucing. Mereka pun membuat kesepakatan.

Akhirnya, setelah sehari kucing didalam tanah sekelompok cacing mencoba

melihatnya, namun kucing itu telah mati, beberapa cacing memberitahukan hal ini kepada
keluarga kucing. Tapi disaat keluarganya sampai , kucing sombong yang telah mati itu, telah
dimakan singa.

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