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Where Contemporary Jews Embrace Traditional Judaism

August 2011


Av 5771



Pre K and K

Grades 1 2

Grades 3 5

Grades 6-7


The beginning of a new school year gives us the opportunity to examine our goals and to review our educational priorities. The primary focus is not on what we are going to teach, but rather on what we expect our children to learn and to integrate into the thinking, actions, and essence of soul. We want our children to learn Bible and classical texts not as stories in the shadow of God, but as life-giving lessons that help us to lead Godly lives. Through the ages, students and sages have learned different lessons from the same narrative. By adapting the lessons for the time in which they lived, our

teachers presented the text as being both the most ancient and the most modern. We want our children to learn Jewish History not as facts and figures, dates and personalities, but as a meaningful response to what happens in the world around us. The heroes of history are those prophets, philosophers, teachers and parents who understand that Jewish life does not happen in a vacuum. We want our children to learn that prayers and rituals represent not Gods commands, per se, but the responsibilities we accept to help God strengthen the Jewish People and to play a significant role in making the world a better place for the next generation. Prayer helps us to focus on the timeless priorities that make life worth living; Kashrut helps us to appreciate the gift of life and to remind us to be compassionate descendants of compassionate ancestors; Shabbat reminds us that spending time with friends and family is more important than spending money, and that taking a break from routine is more important than getting things done. We want our children to be at home with Judaism, to have a comfortable sense of belonging. We want their Jewishness to be neither a burden nor a source of shame to them. It should be instead, a source of pride, to be used as a guiding light when making the difficult and not-so-difficult decisions of life. We want their being Jewish to be as natural to them as their breathing. We want our students to have a religious attitude toward life: to develop a sense of awe and mystery about the known as well as the unknown; to be warmed by the sun of knowledge; to have a feeling of beauty. We want our students to appreciate that their religion is concerned with all reality, that it can flourish only when the mind is open and free. We want our students to look upon Judaism not as something to be inherited, but rather as something to be discovered. The goal of Congregation Beth Ams religious, education and youth program is to give our children and and every member of the congregation the tools that will give life meaning through the universal and eternal values of our Tradition. We want to enhance our lives with a sense of belonging and purpose as we comfortably participate in the rituals and religious activities of our People.

Rabbi Rick
SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS IN PROGRESS Sc hool registration is currently underway. Please fill out the registration form in this Bulletin and return it to the Of-

fice PRIOR to the first day of class. All the instructions for registration, including waivers and payments are on the form. No child can be admitted to class without having completed the requirements

Our 9 a.m. Shabbat morning Mitzva Program resumes August 20 for our 6th and 7th grade classes. After Judaic Study classes, the students will be brought into the Sanctuary to conduct various parts of the Shabbat morning service. Parents are encouraged to attend the service with their children.

Our first session for pre-K through grade 5 is Sunday, August 21st. Registration for students who have not preregistered takes place at 9 a.m. that day. All students will assemble in the Sanctuary at 9:30 before going to their assigned classes. A meeting for parents will follow approximately at 10:00 a.m.


Well, here we are -- summer is almost over and we look forward to a very exciting fall, one filled with the holidays and exciting new programs and social activities. During the summer there was much activity at the Shul, even though our education and social programs were on hiatus. We were able to move forward with our school expansion and make much needed repairs to the building. Every day has been very special as we watch the design plans for the new school come to life. Even the summer rains couldnt stop us from our school expansion. Having received ALL of our Seminole County approvals, we are full steam ahead with our construction. BUT we need your help to complete our building expansion. If you have already contributed to the building fund thank you very much, and if you have not, please do so. We NEED your financial support to finish construction of the educational wing and turn our vision into reality. The improvements have transformed the building and given it a bright and fresh new look. Among other things, we repaired the Rabbis office so it doesnt rain on him, as well as the main business office and the floors in the classrooms. As this article is being written the final touches are being completed. The Beth Ams Mens club was responsible for funding the new coat of paint, replacing the ceiling and installing a brand new floor. You know what my saying is, A happy Rabbi is a happy congregation and now with Rabbi Ricks improved office he is one happy Rabbi. I would like to thank every member of the Beth Am Mens Club for their generous support in helping renovate Beth Am. As you see our building being transformed, remember that this transformation is not being made just for aesthetic reasons. Our building has been neglected for a number of years; temporary patches to fix immediate problems just dont work. We need to provide our young people with a comfortable and safe place to learn Jewish tradition and culture. We as a congregation will be facing many challenges in the future. With the current economic instability we will have to figure out how to maintain our current facilities. This year weve focused on reducing expenses, from building insurance to utility bills, without impairing the quality of our synagogue life. We have made substantial reductions in monthly operating expenses and still maintain a very comfortable building. We now have a blueprint for a multi-year plan. Your approval to go ahead with improving our educational facilities laid the

groundwork, but there is still much more to be done. We can do it, but we need your help. Whether by a donation of funds or a donation of your time, please help Beth Am be the shining (of David) of Central Floridas Jewish community.


Jim Riola President

From this

To this

And now this!!

As we approach the High Holy Days, our thoughts turn to our departed loved ones. A plaque on the Memorial Board in our Sanctuary is a fitting way to remember family members whom we recall with warmth and affection. To honor the memory of a loved one with a plaque, please submit your request (accompanied by payment of $360) no later than Friday, August 5. This will ensure that it is in place in time for the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur. The form is available in our office or on the secure Payments Page of our website, where you can also make payment.



I hope everyone is enjoying the remainder of the summer. With the new school year around the corner, I look forward to getting to know and interacting with even more of you. Whether its becoming part of our student tutoring group on Sunday mornings or attending events for our youth group, Chalutzim, there are numerous ways for the youth to become involved at CBA. In the coming year, we anticipate CBAs youth programming to work closely with Beit HaMidrash and BBYO in order to create more fun opportunities for the kids. Finally, I would love to hear suggestions from all of you. Please send me an email at with ideas you may have to help grow and strengthen our youth program here at CBA. As always, any and all thoughts are welcome! Lshalom, Talia Boxman Youth Program Advisor


Fable of the Porcupine It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive. The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can seek out and admire the other person's good qualities. What we learn from this is that when we pull together for a common goal we are all winners and survivors. We have the opportunity to insure the future Jewish education of our next generation by coming together to support the new wing we are building. Please donate generously to this project either on line via the Payments Page of our website or by calling the office.


We are reviewing our records to determine which members are eligible to receive invitations to attend all High Holy Days services. To be eligible, a member must have fulfilled all financial obligations to Beth Am. These financial obligations include payment of: All amounts due from 2010 and prior, Religious School tuition for the 2010/2011 school year, at least 75% of 2011 dues and at least 75% of the 2011 Building Fund. If you are not currently eligible to receive an invitation, please call Joanne at our office and ask her how to become eligible. If you have any other questions or concerns, please call Joanne.

Steve Leibowitz President-Elect

eBay at CBA
While doing your summer cleaning, did you find things you just dont want or cant use but theyll have some value to someone? If so, please donate these items to us it's a win-win situation. You support Beth Am and get the tax deduction we sell the items on eBay and other venues and use the proceeds to fund operations, activities and programming at Beth Am. Please call Herb (407.774.9695) if you have any questions or to

Visit Us On The Web go to


CBA Sisterhood Affiliated with Womens League for Conservative Judaism

CBA Sisterhood is ready for a new year of programming and activities and NOW is the time for you to become a part of this wonderful group of women! Our membership dues are unchanged at $36 for the fiscal year (July 1 June 30) which includes both membership at the synagogue level and the Womens League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ). Your WLCJ membership brings you the CJ Magazine which is published jointly by Womens League, Federation of Mens Clubs and United Synagogue. Through your dues you are connected locally, nationally and internationally. Your voice is heard in meetings of such organizations as the Jewish Braille Institute, Girl Scouts of America, MERCAZ, Sharsharet, KOACH, Jewish Theological Seminary, Religion in American Life and Masorti Movement in Israel, to name just a few. Within our shul, the CBA Sisterhood is looking forward to a variety of programs that support and enhance our communal life as a congregation.
th On August 7 we are hosting a Hurricane Preparedness workshop with WESH meteorologist Amy Sweezey. Join us at 10 am in the social hall for a light breakfast and valuable informationhopefully we wont need it this season, but it is best to be prepared!


The CBA Book and Movie Club continues to meet throughout the summer. During the month of July we read one of the current best-sellers, and a controversial one, as well, the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is the story of raising children, in America, by a strict Chinese method. It is definitely a book worth reading. Coming up in August we will be reading and discussing The Amber Room by Steven Berry. During World War II, the Nazis stripped the incredibly complex and intricate panels made of Baltic amber from St. Petersburg, Russias Catherine Palace. An elderly concentration camp survivor knows a few secrets about the lost room and where it might be located. This novel is filled with historical tidbits enticing and thrills. It is an exciting thriller that incorporates much, if not all, of the facts about the Amber Room and the search to find it. We will meet on Thursday, August 18, 2011 at Panera Bread on 434 (next to Wal-Mart & across from Costco. We meet at 7PM. Come out & join us for a lively discussion. Everyone is welcome! Norma Greenberg 407.788.2285 ASSIGNING BAR/BAT MITZVA DATES We are now assigning dates for the 2012-2014 Bar/Bat Mitzva lists. We plan early so as to give our long-standing members first access to open dates. If your child was born in 1999, 2000 or 2001, and you have not yet arranged for a date to be reserved, please contact Rabbi Rick so that your child will not be inadvertently overlooked. Assignments are made on the basis of one's 13th Hebrew birthday, with flexibility for summer birthdays and special circumstances. reading of Aykha, the Book of Lamentations. Since the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, the day has become a day of hope as well, reminding us that devastations can be rebuilt. We celebrate the rebuilding of our spiritual center with Hatikva and songs of hope. Congregation Beth Am has the honor of hosting this year's joint observance with SOJC. and its newly appointed spiritual leader, Rabbi Hillel Skolnik. This service of remembrance and hope will begin at 8 pm. Each congregation and the entire community is encouraged to come and participate in this most moving service.

August 14th we will be carpooling to Gainesville for a Florida Region Cluster Meeting. This is an excellent opportunity to see Sisterhood at the state and national level for a fraction of the cost of a multi-day convention. Even if you are just curious about Sisterhood feel free to join us for an interesting day. We will meet in the CBA parking lot at 7 am. Our CBA Sisterhood membership application can be found on our website ( Please take a moment and fill it out and return it with your dues. Our Paid Up Membership Luncheon will be held in September. We would love to see you there! For more information contact me Cathy Swerdlow President CBA Sisterhood TISHA BAV The Evening of August 8th Tisha bAv the 9th day of the Hebrew month, Av commemorates the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem. It is a day of fasting and sadness as our spiritual center was destroyed by the Babylonians and the Romans, in 586 BCE and 70 CE respectively. The special Evening Service features the



The organizational meeting was held on June 30, 2011 at Beth Am. It was attended by 14 adults and represented the diverse make-up of our Congregation. There were men, women, seniors, young adults, retirees and current workforce members. Some attendees had decades of handling firearms and some were novices wanting to learn more. Mike Stricker and Rick Gardner directed the meeting. Topics discussed were:

Firearms safety as the priority of the organization which includes education for people of all ages (children need to know what to do if they are at a friends house and a firearm is exposed) and backgrounds Social networking with other Jewish shooting clubs (yes, they exist) Certified classes Group rates at ranges and group events

? ? ? ? ?

Monthly meetings on the third Thursday of each month Beth Am has members who are nationally certified instructors who are willing to donate their time Other interesting facts that were presented included:
? ? ? ?

Shooting is still an Olympic sport The Boy Scouts of America still award Merit Badges for rifle shooting There are a multitude of pistol and rifle ranges available locally

Florida law on firearms constantly changes and updates are available The July 21, 2011 meeting will be over by the time you receive this Bulletin. At that meeting the instructors first reviewed all safety measures in place for the handling of firearms. Ground rules were set down to include the fact that at no time will any ammunition be brought to any meeting (unless it is at a shooting range) and the handling of any firearms will be done under supervision and direction of the instructors. The rest of the meeting was dedicated to the fundamentals of shooting grip, stance, breathing and all that is needed for proper preparation to shoot. We hope you will join us for our Thursday, August 18, 2011 meeting at 7:30 pm at CBA. We will have a session on firearms cleaning (after the firearms safety portion). As with any tool, if it is not clean and in working order, it makes a good paperweight but nothing else. If you have a firearm that hasnt been looked at in a long time, please e-mail us. Mike Stricker Rick Gardner


Ben Swerdlow, son of David and Cathy Swerdlow, was the salutatorian for Lake Brantley High School Class of 2011 attaining a GPA of 4.59. Ben is the recipient of the National Merit Liberty Mutual Merit Scholarship, a UF Honors scholarship and a National AP Scholar. He will be entering the Honors Program at the University of Florida in the Fall, 2011 with plans to study Materials Science and Engineering.


SHABBAT: In our ongoing effort to "service" our many members in Winter Springs, Oviedo and East Orlando, we want to return to our practice of holding periodic 7 p.m. Friday evening services at The Tremont on Red Bug Lake Road. Please leave a message for our Religious Activities Vice President, Mark Davids ( if you are willing to coordinate or help with this family event.



Religious School Registration Form 2011/2012 5772

Where Contemporary Jews Embrace Traditional Judaism


Parents'/Guardians' names Address City Home phone


______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________ Emergency contact information (Parent/Guardian): Primary Secondary _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ZIP ______________

Cell phone: Business phone E-mail

_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

Please notify the Synagogue office if any of the above information changes CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD 3

Full name Hebrew name Date of birth Public school grade as of August 2011

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________



If my child is ill or injured at school and needs emergency care, and I cannot be contacted, I hereby authorize Congregation Beth Am ("CBA") to make whatever arrangements are necessary. I agree to assume all responsibility and expenses, including transportation, incurred at that time. Emergency care will be provided as directed by emergency personnel responding to CBA. Please indicate any food allergies, medications or special conditions: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________ Date: _______________



Please attach a confidential note to this form describing any special areas of which the school should be aware in order to best meet the needs of your child.



I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all activities of the CBA Religious School. The undersigned, individually and as legal guardian, hereby releases CBA, its agents, representatives and employees from any acts or omissions that cause or result in injury to the registered child occurring at outings or going to and from outings, regardless of cause. Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________ Date: _______________


Rev 06/10




I hereby give permission for my child to be involved in publicity for CBA and/or its Religious School in photos either displayed or printed in such venues as newspapers, television or the CBA website. Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________ Date: _______________

Grade Level* Pre-K (Age 4) K through Grade 2 Grades 3-5 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-7 Grades 6-7 * ** Day(s) Sunday Sunday Tues./Sun. Wed./Sun. Tues./Shabbat Wed./Shabbat Location(s) Longwood Longwood Winter Spgs./Longwood Longwood Winter Spgs./Longwood Longwood No. of Children ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Tuition** $250 $425 $525 $525 $525 $525 Non-member $500 $850 $1050 $1050 ** ** Sub-total Sibling discount Grand Total Total $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______

As of August 2011 Must be a member of CBA to enroll in these classes


1. There is NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE for books, materials and snacks. 2. If more than one child is enrolled, there is a tuition discount of $50/child for the younger sibling(s). This discount is not available to siblings enrolled in the Pre-K class or with the non-member rate. 3. Non-members may enroll their children in grades Pre-K through 5 for one year only. After that, CBA membership is required to re-enroll children. Membership is ALWAYS required to enroll children in grades 6-7


At least 1/2 the tuition is due at the time of registration in Religious School. The remainder is due by December 31, 2011. Children may not attend class until payments have been received when due and this Registration Form has been received by the CBA office. In cases of special need, alternative payment arrangements may be made with the CBA Office.

Initial payment made: Cash Credit Card* Credit Card no. Expiration date Signature $__________ $__________ _________________________________ ____ / ____ _________________________________ Check no. ______ $__________

*Credit Card payments can be made through the secure Payments page on our website (

Rev 06/10



Catering By Artisans
(Your CBA Caterer)

As a Congregational Family, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Mike Stricker and family, on the loss of his father, Melvin Stricker HA-MAKOM Y'NA HEM

Celebrating a simha at Beth Am?

If you want...
? ? ? ? ? ?

delicious food an impressive presentation personal, caring attention every last detail taken care of unbeatable pricing catering profits to benefit Beth Am Then...

We Welcome New Members Nick Altidore and Evelyn Ambroise Sherwin and Barbara Sokolov

Catering By Artisans is your only choice! For information, contact: Sheri Rosenberg 321.356.1529

Promote your business with a Bulletin ad For information, contact Joanne at the office at 407.862.3505

Support Beth Am AND celebrate your special occasion with custom invitations and announcements. We carry a full line from Regency, Encore and Checkerboard. You can also order a tallit for yourself or for your child's Bat/Bar Mitzva. Contact Debbie Davids at 407.869.0238.

WE THANK hbr hdwt

The CBAs Mens Club for their donation which enabled us to redo Rabbi Ricks Office. Joanne and Jacque, our office staff, for their tireless efforts in keeping us up and running.


Share the news with members who don't have e-mail Share your compassion with recently bereaved members Share your time with members who are home alone Share your time with members who are in nursing homes Share your time with members who are in a hospital Join the Care Team for additional information, please contact Debbie Zelkowitz (407.862.7471)
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If we have inadvertently omitted a birthday, anniversary or yahrtzeit or published incorrect personal information about you in this Bulletin, we apologize. Please let us know so that we can correct our records.

We encourage you to support our advertisers who support us with their ads in the Bulletin, Membership Directory and on our web site

Randy Ames CRS, GRI

Full service butcher shop Fresh cut meat and poultry Prepared kosher foods of all kinds
Mon: 9 - 3 Tues - Thur: 9 - 5 Fri: 9 - 4 Sun: 9 - 1 Under supervision of the Vaad Hakashrut of Pinellas County

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Internal Medicine and Women's Health

Providing modern medical care with an old-fashioned touch

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407.862.3505 Please direct all correspondence to: P.O. Box 915756 Longwood, FL 32791-5756 We're located at: 3899 Sand Lake Road Longwood, FL 32779
- 11 -

Currently accepting new patients

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Our tradition teaches us the importance of tz'daka. What a wonderful and lasting way to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, yahrtzeit, recovery from illness or hardship, Bat or Bar Mitzva, wedding, new baby or other occasion! Or give just because... ! We maintain various funds, donations to which are used to support our many activities and to make Beth Am the Synagogue we want it to be. Please show that you care make a contribution to the fund of your choice. All contributions are tax deductible.

Pollack Family, in memory of wife and mother Patty Pollack Phil & Louise Brown, in celebration of the engagement of their son David Brown to Bonnie Ebner Dr. Lane & Suzanne Mercer, in celebration of the marriage of Meredith Mercer & Neil Horowicz Rita & Larry Lee, Steve & Ronnie Wortman, in celebration of Adam Wortman becoming a Bar Mitzva Dr. Erica & Dr. Paul Karlinsky, in celebration of Nina Karlinsky becoming a Bat Mitzva Bernice & Joe Davids, in celebration of the 27th wedding anniversary of Mark & Debbie Davids Terre & Glen Wattman, in celebration of Zachary Wattman becoming a Bar Mitzva Matt & Sharon Feinman, Melissa & Seth Harac Gabe & Melissa Yopack, in celebration of friendship and with best wishes for a Happy 30th Birthday to Rabbi Josh Sherwin

Alan & Arlene Appelbaum, in memory of Arlenes mother Clarice Kohn Betsy & Steve Batwin, in memory of Betsys mother Annette Rosenthal & in memory of Betsys father Jim Rosenthal Heddy & Michael Bernstein, in memory of Heddys grandmother Gita Grunberg Gwen Bloom & Don Seligman, in memory of Gwens father Stanley Bloom & in memory of Dons son Greg Seligman Rhonda DesIslets, in honor of CBAs choir Al & Cyndie Elman, in memory of Sandi Grobergs father Mathew Rothman Carol Francis, in memory of her husband Leonard Francis Hilda Frishman, in memory of her mother, Julia Elman Becky & Michael Goldstein, in memory of Beckys father Harry Bear Ed Pollack & Family, in memory of wife and mother Patty Pollack Richard & Ruth Rubin, in memory of Richards mother Irma Rubin Ilene Sabulsky, in memory of her father Jacob Lehon Pearl Seidler, in memory of her mother Stella Socal Marc & Nancy Sharfman, in memory of Marcs father Sheldon Sharfman Bernard Siegel, in memory of his father Harry Siegel Marc & Diane Siegel, donation of 26 TV Elly Soski, in celebration of the engagement of Felicia Bernstein to Capt. Isaac Greenberg & the engagement of Amy Rubin to Dani Vaknin Lloyd & Mary Lavin, with thanks to Rabbi Rick and CBA members


Dennis Gene Clayton Jason & Robyn Eichenholz Becky & Mike Goldstein Jacque Johnston, in memory of Melvin Stricker Dr. Lane & Suzanne Mercer, in memory of Beth Zwicks father Sophia Poliak, in honor of Fabian Poliak graduating Harvard Lillian Tobias, in honor of grandson Ben Swerdlows graduation from Lake Brantley High School Mark & Susan Schulman Sherwin & Barbara Sokolov Joanne Weiss, in memory of Melvin Stricker


Dilly Clarke, in memory of husband Stanley Clarke Mike & Joanna Cohen, in celebration of their daughter Rayna reading Torah for the first time Joseph & Bernice Davids, in memory of Joes mother Sadie Davids Miles & Kate Landis, with thanks to Rabbi Rick Stricker Family, with thanks to Elissa Sherwin for her tireless commitment to our Hebrew School


Fran & Phil Gelfand, in celebration of the engagement of Amy Rubin to Dani Vaknin Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Lipnick, in memory of David Losen

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1 Louis Lazoritz, father-in-law of, Rose Lazoritz 2 Nathan Feldman, father of Mary Lavin Benton Rose, father of Ed Rose Hyman Tulip, father of Cyndie Elman 3 Ruth Goldstein, grandmother of Tracy Rebar 4 Benjamin Weiss, grandson of Joanne Weiss 5 Rea Gelfand, mother of Phil Gelfand Betty Martinez, mother of Marlene Levin Sarah Morris, mother of Lester Morris Harry Steiner, grandfather of Glen Wattman 6 Arthur Schanz, father of Barbara Sokolov 7 Dimitiri Beyerle, grandfather of Debra Davids William Golberg, grandfather of Steven Leibowitz Sylvia Pearl, mother of Frederick Pearl 9 Jerry Berenson, husband of Vera Berenson Bernard Feld, father of Debra Davids 11 Stanley Bloom, father of Gwen Bloom Seymour Kaplan, father of Robert Kaplan Mitchell Weiner, son of Rachel and Sanford Weiner. 12 Carrie Grumbach, mother of Vera Berenson 13 Harold Hochman, father of Lisa Fishman Dora Jacobson, mother of Linda Bernstein Barry Shankman, father of Stacy Gotlib Shirley Abelson, mother of Elissa Sherwin Jennette Bloom, mother of Norma Greenberg Mervin Hornreich, 1st husband of Jeri Leavitt Joseph Klugman, grandfather of Deborah Wittig Morris Zaritsky, father of Lillian Tobias Dolores Chyzik, sister of Nancy Kucaba aunt of Michelle Kucaba Eva Lesser, grandmother of Jill Riola Mitchell Baumstein, father of Jody Blattner Bertha Bresnick, mother of Simmie Golub Herman Rubinger, father of Harriet Gair Morris Fineberg, grandfather of Nancy Mendel Irving Zang, granddfather of Michael Berren Donald Mundell, brother of Mildred Harris Sam Stein, uncle of Simmie Golub Joseph Lesser, grandfather of Jill Riola Barbara Sarnoff, mother of Jill Riola Israel Podolsky, father of Elyse Baclar Barry Lewis, husband of Bette Lewis Sadie Wilicins, grandmother of Linda Zlatkiss


16 19

20 22 24 25 26 27 28 30

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 9 9 Jonie Goldberg Eliana Weiss Ella Wilson Nikki Botwinik Jacqui Reiss Jeri Leavitt Peter Bial Debbie Davids Shelby Poiley Dan Smith Rob Bial Eva Gaber Matt Loory Morris Rashy Aaron Kaltbaum Randy Seidler 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 Josh Greenstein Doug Robbins Vali Agranovsky Marcia Rosen Zena Sabell Madeline Katz Debbie Swerdlow Bob Goldberg Ira Gordon Sandy Pearlman Emma Gotlib Rachel Scheinberg Vera Skall June Werk Sherry Williams Helene Gold 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 Lane Mercer Rebecca Shapiro Michael Maguire Zoe Cain Sean Lewis Cliff Reback Cindy Halperin Glen Wattman Jeff Golub Scott Sabulsky Melissa Yopack Josh Katz Jackie Lichtenstein Samantha Weiss Larry Herwitz Alex Jaffe 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 Louise Brown Jacob Suberman Lauren Herwitz Kris Rashy Aimee Hefley Tom LoMedico Edith Schulman Lori Citrenbaum Amabel Estrin Stephanie Lichtenstein Judy Suberman Ella Eichenholz Alexander Levin Aaron Botwinik Jonathan Caplan Joshua Levine

2 7 8 8 8 12 12 12 13 Louise & Phil Brown Cal & Janice Fisher Cindy & Scott Halperin Joanie & Tom Mayer Nancy & Simon Mendel Lis & Mike Abrams Jackie & Stan Levine Karen & Harry Lipkind Suzanne & Lane Mercer 14 14 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 Minna & Gil Alstein Judy & Rich Altman Kristina & Jason Tollefson Shelley & Herb Weissman Amber & Bob Goldberg Kris & Dan Rashy Michael & Roxanne Baron Marlene & Lester Morris Lori & Todd Sitrin
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22 23 25 25 27 30 30 31 31

Joan & Marty Schwebel Ellie & Brian Cooper Pam & Eric Levy Barbara & Sherwin Sokolov Ruth & Bill Newman Stephanie & Craig Golub Shari & David Pudles Cheryl & Paul Allen Anne & Alan Brown

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Sure, you're a full-blooded American. But would it be such a problem if you were one pint short? Sunday, August 28 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Mark this date the Bloodmobile from Florida's Blood Centers will be coming to CBA.
Since the donation cycle is 56 days, if you wish to give blood when the Bloodmobile comes to CBA, please make sure you havent donated within that cycle

Mens Club Hosts a Yard Sale

Friday, August 26, 2011 from 9:00 am until. Congregation Beth Ams Parking Lot Well sell your old itemsyoull get the donation to Beth Am If you want to sell your ownCall Herb for a table (407.774.9695) Come by and see what we have

Visit Us On The Web go to

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Vol. 36, No. 8

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1180 Spring Centre South Blvd. Suite 310 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Tel: 407-682 -3390 Fax: 407 -682-3185 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Admitted to Practice in Florida (1991) Admitted in Massachusetts (1981) Member: Central Florida Estate Planning Council, Florida Bar Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section and Orange County Bar

Transfer Tax Planning Business Law Real Property Transactions

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