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Task 1: States of Matter

Solid Liquid Gas

Arrangement Definite shape and Definite volume, no No definite volume, no

volume definite shape definite shape
Movement Do not move around, Move slowly, closer Big spaces between
packed together together particles

Energy Low energy - strong Moderate energy - loosely High energy - weak
bonds bonded attraction between
Spaces between Packed together Closer together Big spaces between
particles particles
Particle Diagram

Task 2: Kinetic Molecular Theory

The kinetic molecular theory explains the forces between molecules and the energy they possess. This theory has 3
basic assumptions:

1. Matter is made up of small particles.

2. The molecules are always moving. The motion of the molecules increases as they gain kinetic energy as a
result of the change in temperature.

3. In solids, particles are tightly closed in a regular pattern. Particles in solids do not move around at a fixed
position as they have low energy. In liquids, particles are slightly apart. They have more energy to move around and
flow to follow the shape of the container. In gas, particles are furthest apart. Gas particles have the high energy and is
able to move around quickly.


Explain the relationship between temperature and energy of the particles.

When particles are heated and gain energy, they move faster and the spaces between them expand in size. When
particles are cooled and lose energy, they move slower and the spaces between hem contract in size. If the transfer
of energy is quite dramatic the state of matter changes.

Are you able to meet the objectives of this asynchronous task? What are the struggles you faced?

I am able to meet the objectives of this asynchronous task where I could recall the properties of different states of
matter that I learned in grade 8 until now, defining kinetic molecular theory, and understand the relationship
between temperature and energy of the particles.

Task 3: Thermal Expansion


Thermal Expansion is the tendency of matter to expand on heating. This tendency of expansion can be observed in
solid, liquid, and gas.


When a matter is heated, particles gain kinetic energy and vibrates/moves faster. The increase in the motion of
particles causes the space between particles to increase. This results in an expansion in volume/area of the matter.
Likewise, when a matter is cooled down, particles lose kinetic energy and vibrate/moves slower. The decrease in the
motion of particles causes the space between particles to decrease. This results in a contraction in volume/area of
the matter.

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