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LET… (ir a…) / (permitir) BE ALLOWED TO (a una persona le ALLOW SB TO (una persona le

permiten algo) permite a alguien algo)

Structure: let’s + infinitive
Let’s = let us Structure: to be (am, is, are) + Structure: Allow + object
Present (with questions and allowed to + infinitive pronoun + to + infinitive
negatives): Present: am, is and are
do/does/don’t/doesn’t Past: was/were Ie. My parents allow me to go out
Past (with questions and Future until 11.00pm
Did/didn’t Ie. I’m allowed to sing in the class
Future: will let + inf
Ie. Let’s go to the party
My mum didn’t let me play
computer games

Use the expression be allowed to in the next sentences:

My parents let me go out until midnight 
They didn’t let us run in the corridor 

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