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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

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Volume 59, No.39

September 25, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

The Time is Here

We have been praying for this week for a long time. Ever since our elders decided to make holding a multi-night Gospel Meeting as one of our 2011 goals, these days have been on our minds and hearts. We have been working for this week for some time, too. Our speaker, Eddy Craft, was contacted some time ago, and several meetings have occurred to make sure all things are ready. Advertisements were made and have been sent out, both from the office and by many of you individually. Now, the time is here. All our prayers and preparations have led to these few days. What can you do to make our meeting a success? Here are a few things: 1. Continue to pray for the meeting. Even as the meeting is underway, we need to pray. Pray for our speaker, and pray for our guests. 2. Continue to invite. You may know someone who has to work on Sunday, or who attends elsewhere, but who might be able to attend one of the weeknight sessions.

Adam Faughn
3. Attend! If we are going to have a successful meeting, we must support the meeting ourselves. Our theme for the meeting is Seeking Jesus, and each of us need to be doing that! This morning, we will have a fellowship meal after our worship and Bible class period. What a great time to continue the encouragement we are gaining from our meeting. Make sure you come to that, too, and bring your guests with you! On Wednesday, September 14, Don Morris responded to the Lords invitation. He stated that he faced several struggles and needed prayers of encouragement. We are touched by brother Dons tender heart, and I hope you are continuing to remember him in your prayers. I hope to see you at every service of our Gospel Meeting with a Bible in your hand and a friend by your side. Lets have a great meeting!

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Gospel Meeting

East Tennessee Evangelist Eddy Craft will conduct a 4-day Gospel Meeting September 25-28.

Seeking Jesus
Sunday 9AM: Three Days Without Jesus Bible Study: Wise Men Still Seek Jesus Sunday 6PM: Jesus: The Light Of The World Monday 7PM: Jesus' Baptism Tuesday 7PM: Jesus' Death Wednesday 7PM: Jesus' Resurrection

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Everyone Is Welcome! Sunday morning following Bible Class Bring plenty of extra for our guests. Drinks and Paper Products will be provided

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: Three Days Without Jesus (Eddy Craft) PM: Jesus; The Light of the World (Eddy Craft)

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Nettie Rose Flippen is recovering from back surgery and staying with her daughter, Debbie Sawyers. Nita Johnston is recovering at home. No Visitors Please. Tina Rich had surgery in Memphis and is staying with her son while she recuperates. Tom Steen is at St. Thomas in room 518. Hilda Thomas is recovering from knee surgery at McKendree, room 261. No Visitors Please.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Carlos 889-3185) Opening Prayer: Joe Adams Read Scripture: Gavin Hammers Closing Prayer: Mark Pugh Sermon: Eddy Craft Song Leader: Adam Faughn Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Ted Fox 1 Bob Butler 2 Ralph Brewer 3 Philip Denny 4 Wayne Davidson 5 Cary Clay 6 Wes Carnahan 7 Jarrod Barefoot 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Cary 883-5909) Opening Prayer JD Buckner Closing Prayer: Scotty Studer Read Scripture: Tim Hill Sermon: Eddy Craft Song Leader: Adam Faughn Serving Lords Supper (Room) Tommy Moore 1 Joel Greene 2 Wednesday, September 28th (Contact: Tim 883-4343) Read Scripture: Michael Rader Opening Prayer: Harry Middleton Closing Prayer: Steve Ledbetter Speaker: Eddy Craft Song Leader: Adam Faughn Announcements: Harry Middleton - Wayne Davidson Nursery Attendant: Lisa Hager

by Harry Middleton
There was this very rich Texan who threw a big Texas bash for his daughter. Now, he was a very rich Texan with tens of thousands of acres of land, thousands of cattle, hundreds of producing oil wells, a large twenty-nine room mansion with a swimming pool, and a beautiful young daughter. For this party he invited all the eligible young men he knew to meet his daughter. After the party had been going on for some time, he called everyone out to the pool for an announcement. He lined up all the young men at one end of the Olympic-sized pool, which he had filled with snakes and alligators, and said, To the first one of you who jumps into the pool and swims to the other end I will give the choice of $1 million, a thousand acres of choice land, or the hand of my daughter in marriage. No sooner were the words out of the Texans mouth when there was a splash at the far end and a streak through the pool. A young man emerged, setting what must have equaled an Olympic record. The Texan approached the young man and asked if he wanted the million dollars? The man said, No, thank you. Then asked if he wanted the thousand acres? Again the young man said, No, thank you. Well then, the Texan said, you must want the hand of my lovely daughter in marriage? No, thank you, replied the young man. Well, son, then just what is it that you do want? What I want, sir, is to know the name of the person who pushed me in the pool!

JDs Jargon

Hello everyone, It seems as though fall is upon us; bringing cooler temperatures and relaxing days. I hope you are able to enjoy the changing of the seasons. I am very excited about the Gospel meeting beginning this Sunday. I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting. Maybe we will also have many visitors during the week. Eddy Craft is sure to be a great speaker and will bring us very beneficial messages from God's word. It is good to take just a week out of the year and put a little extra study into the Bible. Gospel meetings are a great opportunity to revitalize our Christianity and refocus our mission in this world! The youth have a devotional this Sunday night at the Rader's home. I hope to see all of our young people there! Have a great day. Thank you very much! --JD :)

Mens Breakfast
All men are invited to breakfast Saturday, October 1st At 7:45AM In the fellowship hall.

Senior Adult Rally

Saturday, October 1st West 7th Church in Columbia, TN Speaker: Marlin Connelly

Appreciating Your Age

The bus will leave the building at 8:30 AM.

Hiking Trip
Saturday, October 1st 1.8 miles at the Narrows of the Harpeth Meet at the building at 9AM Perfect for families Invite your friends

Mark Your Calendar...

September 25-28: Gospel Meeting with Eddie Craft Today: Congregational Potluck Today: Sycamore services at 2:00 led by the Young Adult Class Tonight: Visitation team #2 and letter writers will meet tonight.

Van for Sale

The elders have decided to sell the 15 passenger van that we currently own and replace it with a newer van. If you know of anyone wanting to purchase it with 65,000 miles, for $12,000.00 please see Paul Woods or one of the elders.

Ladies Retreat
October 21-23 A Worthy Walk Sign up by October 5th if you plan to attend. Ladies are in the foyer with additional information.

The Record
Wednesday Night 09/14: Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Contribution:
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197 283 229 246 $11,040.50

October 1: Mens Breakfast October 1: Senior Adult Rally at West 7th Church in Columbia October 1: Hike at Narrows of the Harpeth October 21-23: Ladies Retreat

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