Modes Analysis Chart To Know Your Mode

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Sr. No.

Characteristic Ignorance Passion Goodness

1 Total sleep in 24 hours 6.5 to 8 Hrs 4.5 to 5.5 Hrs 6 Hrs
2 Nature of interaction with others Irritating Miserable Joyful
3 In the mind Fear Material desires Dutiful
4 Driven by Madness Fruitive action Knowledge
5 Attached to Inactivity Results Activities
6 While getting up in the morning Heavy headed & eye opening difficulty hasty awakening brisk body and mind
7 Lover of Unclean & untidy surroundings No time to look around Clean & tidy
8 Like to Not know the reasons behind the act collect a lot of data do things after knowing why to do
9 Food likings tasteless, stale, burnt chapatis etc salty, bitter, hot, burning Juicy
10 Sacrifice some dear objects out ot fear of something for material benefits in return as a matter of duty
11 Interest in injuring, criticizing others Puja, labh, pratishtha helping others by extending oneself
12 Movements stepping on others w/o proper seeing hitting, dashing others look before leap/step/walk etc
13 In actions very slow Too fast and unsteady Slow and steady
14 In eating Overeating Undereating Moderate
15 Enthusiasm No enthusiasm Post Sb enthusiasm Pre SB enthusiasm
16 Sadhana scores Failing Sometimes passing else failing Always passing
17 Performance Hardly any output Overloaded Optimim output
18 Japa Performance Sleepy Mind wandering Peaceful hearing
19 SP books reading 2-3 Hrs/Week 4-5 Hrs at weekend Daily 1 Hr minimum
20 Washing( Bead bag, bedding, Chaddar) Once in 6 months haphazard once in 1-3 months
21 Feedback by others Lazy, Sleepy, Slack Hyperactive Regulated
22 16 rounds After 5pm Fluctuating By 10am
23 SB Class reaching Quite late or sometimes missing Running for attendance Punctual, since interest in hearing
24 Frequent occurances of Forgetfullness of seva/ details in it Crashlanding successful outcome of services
25 Nails cutting Once in 5-6 weeks Varies Once in fortnight
26 Habits Putting fingers in nostrils, spitting all over etc appropriate in public, not o/w Ideal
27 State of the mind Laziness Ambitious Satisfied
28 Thoughts Cruel Aggressive Compassionate
29 When alone Sleep overpowers Lust overpowers Reading, hearing or planning
30 Nature Vaishya type Kshatriya type Brahmin typr
31 Austerity Aversion if selfish agenda/ to show off Natural
32 Natural inclination wasting things/ money lavishly spending and living Simple living

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