03 Struture II

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Course Title: Structure II (2 Credit)

Course Code: ASC 205

Year- II /Semester IV

Student Evaluation Scheme

Weekly Contact Hours Final Internal

Lectur Tutorial Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical Total


2 2 0 50 0 50 0 100

Course descriptions:
This course helps in understanding the theory of structures through various methods of

Course Objectives:
After successful completion of this course the students will be able to;
a. Acquire knowledge of linear and non linear structures.
b. Understand and analyze displacement and slope.
c. Understand and analyze the behavior of moving loads in simple structures.
d. Analyze the simple beam & three hinges arches.

Course Contents:
1. Introduction (2hrs)
1.1 Linear and non linear structures.
1.2 Determinacy in structure.
1.3 Geometrical stability of frame structure.
2. Theorem’s on Displacement (5 hrs)
2.1 Betti’s law
2.2 Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem.
2.3 Castigliano’s theorem.
2.4 Real and virtual work method.
3. Deflection of beam (12hrs)
3.1 Methods of calculating deflection and slopes for determinate and
indeterminate structure.(Simple Beam and frame)
3.2 Slope deflection method.
3.3 Moment distribution method.
4. Influence line for simple structure (Simple Beam) (6hrs)
4.1 Concept and significance of ILD
4.2 ILD for reactions, Shear force and bending moment of simple beam.
5. Three hinged arch (5hrs):
5.1 Definition and types of arches.
5.2 Reaction, Shear, Bending in three hinge arches.

Text Books and References:

1. Wang, C.K., Intermediate Structural Analysis, Mac-Graw Hill international, New
2. Norish C.H. and et. Al, Elementary Structural Analaysis, Mc Graw-Hill,New-
3. A. Darkov and Kuzresov, Structural Mechanics, Mir Publishers, Moscow.
4. Bhavikatti, S. S., Structural Analysis II, VIKAS Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New

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