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Unit 4- The Manger as a Person

Learning outcome 1 describe the various personality traits that affect how
managers think, feel, and behave.
 Extraversion the tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and
to feel good about oneself and the rest of the world

 Negative affectivitythe tendency to experience negative emotions and

moods, to feel depressed and to be critical on oneself and others.
o better at detecting deception
o Sceptical and quickly identify people’s false pretences and actions
o Not as easily fooled by external appearances and smooth talking as people
with positive affectivity

 Agreeablenessthe tendency to get along well with other people, NB for a

top managerwork in a collaborative way. This quality is associated with
friendliness, sociability, a warm, amiable personality.

 Conscientiousness the tendency to be careful, scrupulous and preserving.

It means that you are hardworking, diligent, thorough, and dedicated at what
you do.

 Openness to experience the tendency to be original, have broad interests,

be open to a wide range of stimuli, be daring and take risks.

 Locus of control
o refers to how strongly people believe they have control over situations and
experiences that effect their lives
o Internal locus of control they believe that their success or failure is the
result of their own efforts.
o External locus of control the tendency to locate responsibility for one’s
fate in outside forces and to believe that one’s own behaviour has little impact
on outcomes
Other Important Qualities of a Manager
 Self-esteem  the degree to which individuals feel good about
themselves and their capabilities
 Need for achievementthe extent to which an individual has a strong
desire to perform challenging tasks well and to meet personal
standards for excellence.
 Need for affiliation The extent to which an individual is concerned
about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations, being
liked and having other people get along.
 Need for Powerthe extent to which an individual desires to control or
influence others

Learning Outcome 2 explain what values and attitudes are, and to

describe their impact on managerial action.

 Values a system of established values, norms or goals existing in society.

These are values, norms and goals, that build a society

 There is often a relationship between a company’s values and an individual’s

values. Organisations tend to employ individuals who have the same values
they stand for, and employees feel comfortable when working for a company
that has the same values as they do
 True leaders transfer their values to the company by living it. They create a
company with values that they have
 Milton Rokeach wrote a book on the nature of human values, published in
1973. He said that a human value system terminal values + instrumental

 Terminal values goals that people would like to achieve during their
lifetime  vary among different groups of people and in different cultures

 examples= sense of accomplishment, equality for all, a clean and

prosperous planet, The Sustainable Development Goals
For companies may be like what individuals seek to achieve, but in a
collective sense to be the most successful and innovative company in the

 Instrumental values  modes of conduct – different modes of behaviour - to

achieve the terminal values

Example= if your terminal value is equality for all, your instrumental may be
being broadminded, or open-minded

 Normsunwritten, informal codes of conduct that prescribe how

people would act in situations and are considered important by most members
of a group or organisation.
In some companies the codes of conduct are written down to make it easier
for a diverse workforce to comply and not insult.

 Attitude collection of feelings and believes. When you have positive

energypositive attitude, attitude can be negative too.

Attitudes are not created by situations; it is rather how you approach


Learning Outcome 3  to be able to discuss how moods and

emotions influence all members of an organisation.

 A mood  described as a feeling or a state of mind

 Emotions  are intense, relatively short-lived feelings

Learning outcome 4  Describe the nature of emotional

intelligence and its role in management

 Emotional intelligence one’s ability to understand and manage your own

moods and emotions and the moods and emotions of others.

it is important for managers and employees to develop their ability to

understand and manage their own emotions and moods, and the moods of

Learning Outcome 5  to define organisational culture and explain

how managers both create and are influenced by organisational

 Organisational culture shared set of beliefs, expectations, values, norms

and work routines that influences how members of the organisation relate to
one another and work together to achieve organisational goals.

Factors that maintain organisational culture are the values of the founder,
ceremonies and rites, socialisation and stories and language.

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