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Inferring Skills



My Inference
Brain Clues /Background Knowledge I can infer that/ I think
The text says… Based from my experience, I know that… that/I can tell that…

Now, put it all together!

Now, put all your sentences together in a paragraph!

Inferring with Character Traits
Text: The Wolf and the Crane

Question/Prompt: What can you infer about the crane’s character? How would you describe the crane?)

Text Clues
My Inference
The text says… Brain Clues /Background Knowledge
I can infer that/ I think that/I
Based from my experience, I know that…
can tell that…

The text says the crane Based from my experience I know I can infer that the crane is
pulled out the bone from that if someone needs help I will help compassionate.
The text says…throat.
the wolf’s My Inference
them without asking for anything
2 back. 1
Now, put all your sentences together in a paragraph!

I can infer that the crane is compassionate. The text says the crane pulled out the bone from the wolf’s
throat. Based from my experience I know that if someone needs help I will help them without asking for
anything back.

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