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cyDOCS - a Document Management Solution from Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd.


a new generation Document Management System with:

• Document Control
• Version Control
• Workflow and Routing
• Free and Full Text Searching
• Document Management and Processing
• Engineering Drawing Management
• Imaging And OCR
• Viewing more than 150 formats including
Word Processor Formats
Spread Sheet Formats
Raster Image Formats
Vector Image Formats
Engineering Drawing Formats
Video and Sound Formats
Database Formats
Archival Formats
Postscript Formats

• ODBC Interface
• Report Generation
• Client-Server and Web Versions

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cyDOCS - a Document Management Solution from Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd.


cyDOCS is a document management and control system designed to store, retrieve,

view and manipulate a wide range of documents created in various formats. Documents
in cyDOCS refer to the digital files captured by the computer either through scanning,
OCR or by using desktop computer applications such as wordprocessors, speadsheets,
CAD/CAM, graphics, image editors, report generators and so on.
cyDOCS allows users to track, control, and distribute documents in a network
environment and over the Internet. The system contains modules for image scanning,
OCR, image manipulation, document management, drawing management, workflow,
redlining, hyperlinking and text retrieval.

The system is a combination of a structured and unstructured databases. While

structured databases are used to capture structured information are used to capture
structured information such as the document attributes (e.g. control number, title,
author, type date ..etc.), the unstructured free text databases are used to index on the
context of the documents. Free text indexing in cyDOCS is optional. Users can choose
to index on selected documents or setup the system to automatically index each
document as and when it is captured and registered into the system.

cyDOCS is designed as a generic system that can be tailored to wide range of

applications covering different industrial segments. Some of the applications that it is
currently used for include:

• Document imaging and text retrieval

• Drawing management
• Product query system
• Patient information system
• Document management and control (office automation environment)
• CD-ROM publishing for technical manuals and standards.
• Special Library collection such as rare materials, research papers, maps, ..etc.
• Photo archival and slide management.
• Course reserve and copyright management

Document Types handled

cyDOCS is designed to handle a wide range of documents including multimedia

documents, compound document, raster and vector images. For documents which
cannot be viewed by cyDOCS internal viewers, cyDOCS provides facilities for
configuring and integrating external viewers that can be used to view and manipulate
these documents.
Input of document in cyDOCS is supported through a variety of mechanisms:

• Hardcopy, (print) documents - Image scanning and OCR conversion facilities are
provided to convert the original paper documents into digital form. cyDOCS
supports over 150 digital file formats. In addition to conversion and storage within

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cyDOCS - a Document Management Solution from Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd.

the digital database, the system provides for pointers to the original hard-copy
document’s archival storage location.

• Electronic Documents - Files generated by almost by any computer application

can be captured and managed by cyDOCS. For examples, documents generated
by word processors, spreadsheets, CAD/CAM image editing applications can be
captured and managed by the system.

cyDOCS also support document exchange formats such as RTF, SGML, HTML, PDF,
and DXF. For formats that are not supported directly by cyDOCS conversion utilities,
cyDOCS allows for the integration of external conversion and viewers applications.

Document Grouping and Registration

The folder is the highest level of organization within the cyDOCS system. Within each
folder, the user may define sub-folders depending on the application and requirements.
Inside each folder or sub-folder, the document records are deposited. The creation of
folders is optional, the user can create document records without folders. cyDOCS has
the ability, depending on the file format, to bring up the appropriate viewer or application
for viewing and manipulating the digital files.
cyDOCS provides the user with a number of powerful options to create and manage
the document collection. Options under document control enable users to create,
update, and delete folders and document records, index and modify document content
using free-text or controlled indexing, and then link and delete digital files attached to
the document records.
cyDOCS provides a simple and easy methods for organizing and grouping documents.
Document records can be created with or without folders. The document record
consists of the document’s attributes such as the document number, title, authors, dates
of creation ..etc. Attached to the document record are all the digital files or the electronic
documents. These documents can be in any formats.

Version Control
cyDOCS provides a secure, enterprise-wide environment for editing and updating the
organization’s documents. The system ensures that appropriate version control
procedures are followed. This capability meets functional systems requirements
necessary for ISO processes and certification.

Version control also ensures that mistakes such as overwriting, deleting or changing
content, or elimination of the document without authorization will never happen. Each
document record ID in cyDOCS is unique; this means that only one document record
can be created under any document ID. The ID number format in cyDOCS consists of:

• The document control number

• The version number, and
• The revision number
• The number of pages

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cyDOCS - a Document Management Solution from Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd.

When creating new versions and revisions the user will not be able to change the
document control number. The user may, however, link multiple digital files to one
document record. Upon modifying any one of these digital files, cyDOCS creates a
new document record allowing the user to change the version or revision without
changing the document control number. The modified digital files are then automatically
attached to the newly modified records.

Workflow and Routing

Workflow processes within cyDOCS allows users to route documents over the network
in a controlled and safe environment. Only authorized users with workflow routing
rights are allowed to set up routing tables. In the workflow environment users can send,
view, process, and track documents moving through the system according to these

Annotations and Redlining

Redlining allows users to create annotations on a “layer” displayed above the image of
the document. The original image remains unchanged, the effect being that of pasting a
“sticky-note” over the screen display. The annotation or the entire layer with several
annotations can be printed with or without the original image. Annotations enable
several people to comment on the same document without changing its content, and are
normally used to show errors corrections, or comments.
Combing cyDOCS’ routing and annotation functions, several people can add their
comments to a document at different times without affecting the original information in
the document. For example, the author of a document can route it to a selected list of
users for comment, and then incorporate the comments as desired after reviewing the
Redlining allows similar comments with manipulation of the original text. In cyDOCS,
modifying documents is controlled according to the access rights assigned to
individuals; only authorized users can modify the original documents routed for review
and comments.
Those who are not authorized to modify or change the content of the document can use
the appropriate tools to reflect their comments and route the documents electronically
back to the author or editor.

Searching and Retrieval

cyDOCS provides users with a number of options for searching and retrieving
documents. An attribute option is available to enable the user to search on primary
attributes associated with the document records and folders. Searching on the textual
content of the document is provided through the use of either Boolean or fuzzy-logic
searching. Searching on full-text content of documents is often best-supported by
employing fuzzy-logic searching with relevance ranking. Users more familiar with the

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cyDOCS - a Document Management Solution from Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd.

traditional Boolean search logic can use these tools effectively to locate indexed
Very few systems support the variety of searches available in cyDOCS:
• Known-item Searches - Document Number, Folder Number, Folder Title,
Document Title, Author, Subjects, Publisher, Call Number, Notes etc.
• Term/Phrase Searches - Folder Keywords, Document Keywords, Full-text Search
(Boolean or Fuzzy)


cyDOCS provides two types of security levels, users level and document level security.
Users level security include:

• Read-Only (Viewers)
• Read-Write (Update)
• Read-Write (Workflow Managers)

Read-Only viewers can carry out functions such as searching, printing, viewing,
redlining, hyperlinking, and some routing of documents. They cannot create, modify, or
delete documents. Read-Write users on the other hand can create folders, create
documents, modify documents’ contents, and attach digital files to existing document
Workflow Managers can create workflow processes, document routing, and other
system tasks. System administration users have access and management rights to all
facilities within cyDOCS including management of other user rights. Document level
security is provided through access denied and access allowed privileges at the
document level. This can be applied to one user or a group of users depending on the
requirement of the application.

Client-Server and Web Versions

cyDOCS is available in two versions, one a regular client-server version to operate on
a company LAN or a Web browser version allowing user to access cyDOCS databases
using the popular Web Browser such as Netscape, Microsoft or any other web browser
available in the market. The integration of cyDOCS with the Web Server provides an
open system document management solution over the Internet and the Intranet.
Accessing documents remotely enables organizations to deliver timely, consistent and
accurate information to their employees worldwide.

System Administration

cyDOCS provides a wide range of internal housekeeping, operational audit, and

archiving facilities. Reports can be generated in a variety of formats employing an
ODBC compliant Report Generators such as Crystal Report.

Archiving documents and database can be done using normal search criteria employed

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cyDOCS - a Document Management Solution from Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd.

by cyDOCS. In this case, all digital files attached to the document will be removed from
the database(s) and archived off-line. cyDOCS also provide facilities for creating a
smaller databases which can include the archived material. These databases are
searchable by the cyDOCS software similar to the original database. This facility
enables the user to extract and publish CD-ROM titles.

System Environment

cyDOCS supports multi-user operation in a client-server environment. The clients run

on PCs running Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME, or Windows NT/2K workstations for
high-performance environments. The server operates on multiple platforms including
Netware, Windows NT/2K/XP, Digital Alpha Series.
cyDOCS Web version uses any standard web browser like IE or Netscape as clients
on a TCP/IP network connecting to an intranet or internet Web Server running on
Windows NT/2K/XP using IIS 5.0 and above with ports

The database can be on MS Access, MSDE or MS SQL Server. The design being
based on ODBC concepts can support Oracle, DB2 or Sybase RDBMS also.

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