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Pentium Processor 32 MB RAM 15 MB free disk space

Windows 98, ME NT ,2000, XP

How to install the Software from a CDROM. 1. Insert the CD into your CDROM drive. 2. Open the CDROM. 3. Run Setup.exe. 4. Follow the instruction of the Installation-Assistent.

3.Overview User Interface (Configuration)


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Version 1.06 / last update 11.03.05

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Select with which Com-Port you want to communicate. You can choose between Com1, Com2, Com3, Com4. Default is Com1. In this option the Com-Parameters can be set. They will be set automatically when you select your INT-MP-Version. Select your INT-MP-Version. In this Option-Menu you can set the addresses for the MP and the PC. Defaults are MP=1, PC=9. Select the language you want to use. Default ist english.

3.Overview User Interface (Transmission)


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Pushing this Button will generate a connection between the MP and the PC, in which the PC is waiting for data from the MP. Pushing this Button will disrupt a connection, if there is one available. The transfered data will be lost. Pushing this Button will transmitt the data back from PC to MP. This Button is only active if you already load data from a file 9 into cache. Pushing this Button you can load an article list into cache. Pushing this Button you can save the data, which were transmitted from MP to PC, as an file on your Computer.


Version 1.06 / last update 11.03.05

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4. Set INT-MP to RS-232 Mode

Push Shift-F3 at power up while the 2 bars appears in display, as shown in the picture below

The INT-MP is now set to RS232-Mode.

5. Connect a 1to1 Cable from the PC to the RS232 of the INT-MP

Ask INTERTEX for this cable, when you are not sure you use the right one.

6. Transmitt data from MP to PC (MP->PC)

01. Klick on Start->Program Files->INTERTEX->INT_DaSi_1.05 to start the INT-DaSi Software 02. Make sure that the MP and PC are connected with each other via a serial cable as discribed in step 4 and 5. 03. Make sure that the Version, MP and COM-Parameters are correct. 04. Push the PC->MP Button. The Software is now ready to receive data from the MP. Now you have to make MP ready for data transfer. 05. To get into the Part Nomber Manager of the MP, you have to push [F6] (p/n) in


Version 1.06 / last update 11.03.05

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documentation the main menu of the MP.



06. Now you have to push [F5] (prn/pc) to get to the menu point print inventor/ pc connection. 07. Now you have to push once again [F5] (to pc) to get to the data backup MP->PC. 08. Now you have to enter the user password (default is 9753). 09. Now push [F4](save) to start the data backup. You can disrupt the transfer by clicking on the disconnect-button or by pushing [F6] (cancel) on the MP 10. After transmitting the data from MP to PC, you can save the data to a file, by clicking on the Save-Button.

7. Get the data back on the MP (PC->MP)

01. Klick on Start->Program Files->INTERTEX->INT_DaSi_1.05 to start the INT-DaSi Software 02. Make sure that the MP and PC are connected with each other via a serial cable. as discribed in step 4 and 5. 03. Make sure that the Version, MP and COM-Parameters are correct. 04. The next step is to choose a file. You can look on the datawindow to see which files are available. Select the one you need and proceed with the next step. 05. To get into the Part Nomber Manager of the MP, you have to push [F6] (p/n) in the main menu of the MP. 06. Now you have to push [F5] (prn/pc) to get to the menu point print inventor/ pc connection. 07. Now push [F2] (from PC) to get to the databackup (from PC to MP). 08. Enter the userpassword (default is 9753). The MP is now ready to get the data. 09. Now push the PC-MP Button of the software to start the data transfer. You can disrupt the transfer by clicking on the disconnect-button or by pushing [F6] (cancel) on the MP. 10. All the data will be transfered to the MP.


Version 1.06 / last update 11.03.05

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