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Worst 6 Negative Effects of Gadgets on Children

As we know, this is often referred to as the “Digital Era”, due to the fact that our lives are
affected in large part by software technology and the use of digital device; laptops,
smartphones, TVs, PlayStation, tablets, etc. As much as we acknowledge the positive effects
of these devices in making our daily tasks and entertainment easier, accessible, and engaging,
we cannot deny that there has been a downside to the excessive use of these devices.
Although adults may or may not be aware that they are excessively dependent on technology,
this article is addressing the adverse effects of the overuse of devices on the physical,
emotional, and mental well-being of children (students), and how they consequently affect
their academic achievement and overall development.

Psychologist and child development expert state that there is no universal age for a child to
be ready to use a smartphone. Pamela Rutledge, psychologist and the director of Media
Psychology Research Centre (MPRC) in United States, said that introducing children to the
mobile technology in a young age will give them a strong base in the developing digital world.
But parents also have to accompany their children according to their emotional and physical

The American Academy of Pediatrics and The Canadian Society of Pediatrics state that
children below 2 years old are better to be without gadget. The usage of gadget 4-5 times a
day can have a serious effect.

We can generally define digital addiction as overuse of one’s device to the point that it
causes damage or disruption to one or more areas of one’s life.
Below are some of the major side effects of digital overuse by children. These effects are:

1) Effect on sleep
2) Effect on health
3) Behavioral changes
4) Effects on learning new things
5) Effects on social life and relationships
6) Mental well-being

Effect on Sleep

Sleep is a vital biological necessity by humans, especially children. They need sleep in order
to activate the hormones responsible for cognitive development. Using devices for several
hours into the night can disrupt the child’s sleep pattern. Studies have shown that kids who
regularly get an adequate amount of sleep have improved attention, behavior, learning,
memory, and overall mental and physical health. Not getting enough sleep can lead to high
blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and even depression.

Effect on Health

Sitting in one position for long hours viewing blue-light screens can have detrimental effects
on the child’s health. Recently, pediatricians have been consulted by parents to treat children
that have complained about back pain, neck pain, and eyesight with risk of macular

*Macular degeneration: - A vision impairment resulting from deterioration of the central part of
retina, a thin layer at the back of the eye on the inner side.
- Urgent medical attention is usually recommended by healthcare providers
- Treatments can help manage condition, no known cure
- Often requires lab test or imaging
- Common for ages 60 and older
- More common in females
- Family history may increase likelihood
Other physical health issues that children suffer from is dehydration due to them forgetting
to drink enough water, and diabetes as a result of poor nutrition or food choices, opting for
frequent snacks and fast foods rather than wholesome nourishment.

Behavioral Changes

Children engaging in digital games for extended periods of time have become short-
tempered, fidgety, and violent. The nature of the games that they occupy themselves with
are noticeably intense and violent in nature, where the goal of the game is to either
exterminate an opponent or engage in lawless behavior. The extensive time spent in these
games make it difficult for the child to detach themselves from the behavior required to

Effects on Learning New Things

Having their senses heightened during their engagement with digital devices has decreased
the children’s ability to focus on their daily academic lessons, and has hindered their desire
to engage in the classroom. This is similar to the effects of any substance abuse, where the
addict cannot wait for their ‘next fix’, thus causing the student to disconnect from the
physical presence needed in learning new information.
Effects on Social Life and Relationships

Typically, children learn to adapt to different environments, and to interact with other
people through social events attended with their parents from an early age. Social
interactions become difficult for children overusing technology because they do not desire
to leave their homes, and as a result they lack the know-how of how to act and react in normal
social settings.

Mental Well-Being

The aforementioned effects will eventually result in the children falling behind in life. As time
passes the physical effects will hinder their academic progress, along with the feeling of
isolation when they realize that the virtual world that they have immersed themselves in has
deprived them of many valuable moments that define us as human beings.

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