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Principles of Marketing (MGT301)

Name: M.Awais
VUID: BC210427122
Spring, 2023 Assignment No. 1
Due Date: May 24, 2023.
Total Marks: 10

Which Marketing Concept is represented in the above scenario? Justify your answer with valid
The societal marketing concept is represented in the above scenario. In response to the growing
demand for eco-friendly transportation and the increasing concern for environmental
sustainability, a car manufacturer adopts a marketing approach aligned with the societal
marketing concept. Their primary focus is to cater to the needs of environmentally conscious
consumers by providing them with sustainable transportation options.
To achieve this, the manufacturer dedicates significant resources to research and development,
aiming to design and manufacture electric vehicles that are both aesthetically pleasing and
technologically advanced, ensuring exceptional performance and safety standards. Through their
research and development efforts, they focus on creating sleek and efficient EV designs that not
only appeal to consumers but also deliver optimal performance and safety.

Which demand situation is represented in the above scenario?
The latent demand is represented in the above scenario. In the context of the scenario, the
increasing concern for environmental sustainability creates a latent demand for eco-friendly
transportation options. By investing in research and development to design and produce electric
vehicles, the manufacturer aims to tap into this latent demand and meet the needs of eco-
conscious consumers who are seeking environmentally friendly transportation. The latent
demand could refer to the potential desire for electric vehicles that has not yet been fully
recognized or addressed by the car manufacturer.

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