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Discrete Mathematics (MTH202)

Name: M.Awais
VUID: BC210427122
Section Incharge: Muhammad Umer Azam
Spring, 2023 Assignment No. 1
Due Date: May 29, 2023.
Question 1:
Let 𝑆 be the set of students studying in the same class. A binary relation 𝑅 is defined on 𝑆 as
follows: for all 𝑝, 𝑞 ∈ 𝑆, 𝑝𝑅𝑞 ⇔ 𝑝 has the same CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) as 𝑞.
Determine whether the relation 𝑅 is reflexive, symmetric and/or transitive.

Let's analyze the properties such as reflexivity, symmetry, and transivity of relation R.
 Reflexivity:

A relation R is reflexive if each element in S is related to itself. In this case, implies

that student p possesses an equivalent CGPA to themselves. Given that the relation R is
defined as p having the same CGPA as q, it consequently follows that p will invariably
possess the same CGPA as itself. Therefore, the relation R is reflexive.
 Transivity:
A relation R is considered transitive if, whenever there are two pairs (p, q) and (q, r) such
that and hold, it follows that also holds. In the context of students and their
CGPA, if student p shares the same CGPA as student q, and student q shares the same CGPA
as student r, then it can be concluded that student p will share the same CGPA as student r.
Given the information that student p has the same CGPA as student q, and student q has the
same CGPA as student r, it logically implies that student p has the same CGPA as student r.
Therefore, we can conclude that the relation R is transitive.
 Symmetry:

A relation R is symmetric if whenever holds, then also holds. In this case, if

student q has the same CGPA as student p, then student p will have the same CGPA as
student q. Given that q has the same CGPA as p, it implies that p also has the same CGPA as
q. Therefore, we can conclude that the relation R is symmetric.
Therefore, the relation 𝑅 is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
Question 2:
Let A = {a, b, c, d} and define the following relations on A.
R1 = {(a, c), (b, b), (b, d), (c, a), (d, b)}.
Show that the set A together with the above relation is a partially ordered set or not.

To determine whether the set A, together with the relation R1, forms a partially ordered set, we
need to verify three conditions: reflexivity, antisymmetry, and transitivity.
 Reflexivity:
In order for a relation to exhibit reflexivity, it should establish that each element in A is
related to itself. Within R1, we observe that (a, a) and (b, b) fulfill this requirement.
Nonetheless, there is an absence of pairs involving c or d that establish a self-relationship.
Therefore, the relation R1 is not reflexive.
 Transitivity:
To determine transitivity in a relation R, we need to ensure that if (a, b) and (b, c) are both in
R, then (a, c) must also be in R. In the case of R1, we observe that (a, c) and (c, a) fulfill this
requirement. However, we encounter (b, b) and (b, d), yet (b, d) and (d, b) are absent from
R1. Therefore, the relation R1 is not transitive.
 Antisymmetry:
To determine if a relation R is antisymmetric, we check if for any pairs (a, b) and (b, a) in R,
a must be equal to b. In the case of R1, we observe that (b, b) and (b, d) are present, but b is
not equal to d. Therefore, we can conclude R1 is not antisymmetric.

The reflexivity, antisymmetry, and transitivity are not satisfied by R1.Therefore, the set A
together with the relation R1 is not a partially ordered set.

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