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Required changes in reskin.

1. Change loading logo animation

2. Change Home screen design
a. Change background
b. Remove these two animating characters and instead put animating game
name like Ludo challenge but different design
c. Change the play button to circular and sound button design to square
d. Change the design of sound menu and change way this menu popup to
horizontal instead of vertical.(note: don’t put the same design to horizontal…)
3. Game Level Selection Menu
a. Change the background ( the current design of level buttons and path is
good, just need to reskin the background image..). Please make the
background look as attractive like this one.. The game you provided in the
link had big sized level buttons and ugly looking level menu. So, what I need is
same path, same sized level buttons(tabs), but just the background image
b. Change the profile pic of (fig.2) to something other.
c. Change shop logo(graphics)
d. Change back button graphics
e. Change the loading logo in cloud same as you put at start screen.. Put the
cloud as it is. That looks nice design.
4. Store Reskin
a. Change the dialog box to attractive looking one. Replace this type of dialog
box everywhere in game with new design( attractive like Ludo, but not same)
b. Change coin icon
c. Change all these powerup design(icon reskin) and just try renaming these
powerups to little different name. Their Function will be as it is, only graphics
and name different
d. Change button design and change icon of the video watch and rate button
e. Adjust alignment and size of rate app and watch video option properly.
5. Gameplay Screen
a. Change background image of all levels.
b. Change the instruction board (dialog box) design
c. Replace witch character, shooter and the pot by new concept like shown in
fig 3 but not same.
d. Replace Parrot by new animated character that looks like rescued when
popped( in fig 3 they have used cat that drops down and stays there roaming
here and there whole game after rescue)
6. More in Gameplay screen
a. Change bubble design of all level, and replace the dialog box in first figure
with screenshot of our game only( here the bubble shown doesn’t match the
game’s bubble)
b. Reskin the star counter and rescue counter accordingly
c. Change the design of all power balls ( probably by changing color in green
powerball, and fireball design in case of fireball).
d. Change powerup logo(of fig 2) design as well - the powerup function will be
same only design change.
e. Change the root color accordingly and little modification to root graphics of
green powerup.
f. Change parrot to new character animated and looking good like many other
app have done. Don’t copy the exact character from other game. At least
graphic wise need to look different.
g. Change The level badge of level complete menu( as highlighted in fig 3) and
change the background dialogue, and internal styles of winning menu.
h. If any new design/extra ordinary type of bubbles are present in higher level,
change all those bubbles

• All this points completed will be the final.

• No any layout change.
• Same layout but each and every corner graphics should look unique
no any graphics should match original game.
• Regarding ads placement we will discuss after the completing

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