Emerson 2021 Convenience Sampling Revisited Embracing Its Limitations Through Thoughtful Study Design

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Statistical Sidebar

Journal of Visual
Impairment & Blindness
2021, Vol. 115(1) 76-77
Convenience Sampling Revisited: ª American Foundation
for the Blind 2021
Embracing Its Limitations Through Article reuse guidelines:

Thoughtful Study Design DOI: 10.1177/0145482X20987707


Robert Wall Emerson1

In one of the first Statistical Sidebars I wrote slightly greater generalization, but the lack of
(published in the March–April 2015 issue of random selection of participants means that
the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blind- selection bias restricts large-scale generaliza-
ness), readers were introduced to types of tion of the findings.
sampling. The point was made that when con- In the current issue, the author of the article
ducting research in the field of blindness, entitled, “Locus of Control in College Stu-
researchers often make use of convenience dents with and Without Visual Impairments,
sampling. A convenience sample occurs when and the Visual Characteristics That Affect It,”
participants who fit a study’s criteria are used convenience sampling to gather partici-
enrolled in the study, sometimes by simply pants who are blind for the study. He put
going to a location that is likely to have a large together a sample of 15 participants who are
number of people who are blind (e.g., to a blind. This sample is larger than a single-
state school for blind students or a convention subject approach, thus, it has the potential to
of a blindness organization). The main draw- show that any experimental effects are more
back of convenience sampling is that the study generalizable than they would be if the author
results lack generalizability due to the bias of had studied just one individual. The conveni-
the sample. As such, a study that uses conve- ence sampling procedure the author used,
nience sampling is somewhat caught between however, drastically limits generalizability
a single-subject approach (where a treatment
or intervention is used with very few partici-
pants to focus on the efficacy of that treatment Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies,
or intervention) and a randomized control Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
group approach (where a sample of partici-
Corresponding author:
pants are randomly chosen from a large pop- Robert Wall Emerson, PhD, Department of
ulation and randomly assigned to treatment Blindness and Low Vision Studies, Western
and control groups). The use of a larger sample Michigan University, 1903 West Michigan
through convenience sampling, rather than uti- Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA.
lizing a single-subject approach, allows for Email: robert.wall@wmich.edu
Emerson 77

of study effects, since all participants were of blindness with the study’s variable of
college students from one college in Iran. In interest. In essence, the author embraced the
addition, the study’s subjects were college limitations of convenience sampling and
students who happened to visit their college’s designed the study to specifically mitigate
center for students who are blind on a partic- those limitations, as much as he was able.
ular Sunday. It would be a stretch to general- The take-home point is that although the
ize the study effects from such a sample to a “gold standard” for research designs that
much larger group, given the particulars of study groups is to use a randomly drawn
place, time, and circumstance. sample and randomly assign participants to
To try to limit the drawbacks resulting treatment and control groups, it is generally
from convenience sampling, these authors not possible to gather such large groups in
also hand-picked a set of participants with the field of visual impairment because of the
sight who matched the blind participants on fact that vision loss is a low-incidence dis-
the variables of gender, education, and age ability. Instead, researchers in the field need
(variables that previous research showed to determine what are the limitations of small
might be particularly impactful on the vari- sample sizes, conveniently drawn samples,
ables of interest of the current study). By and heterogeneous groups and then use study
creating this matched group, the authors designs, data structures, and statistical anal-
were better able to isolate the relationship yses that address those limitations.

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