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Chapters Topics To Be Covered Status

1. Classification of General survey and classification of different Phyla
2. Protozoa - Nutrition and Reproduction in Protozoa Complete
- Structure and Life cycle in:
- Entamoeba
- Paramecium
3. Porifera Structure and life cycle Sycon Complete
4. Coelenterata Polymorphism in Coelentrates Complete
5. Platyhelminthes Structure and life cycle of Taenia
6. Nematoda Structure and life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti
7. Annelida - Adaptive radiation in Polycheata
- Structure and life cycle of Hirudinaria (Leech)
8. Arthropoda - Larval forms and parasitism in Crustacean
- Structure and life cycle of Palaemon
9. Mollusca - Adaptive radiation in Mollusca Inomplete
Non-chordate - Structure and life cycle of Pila (Pond Shell)
10. Echinodermata - Larval forms in Echinodermata Inomplete
- Structure and life history of Starfish
Taxonomy/ Classification, Structure, habits and Life Cycle of
animals against each phylum mentioned below:
1. Protozoa: Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Paramecium,
Euglena. Protozoa and human disease.
2. Porifera: Leucosolenia, Sycon. Canal system of porifera.
3. Coelenterata: Hydra, Aurelia, Obelia.
4. Platyhelminthes: Fasciola, Taenia.
5. Aschelminthes: Ascaris. Helminthes and human disease.
6. Annelida: Nereis (Sand worm), Pheretima (Earth worm),
Hirudinaria (Leech).
7. Arthropoda: Periplanata (Cockroach), Musca,
Mosquitoes, Paleomon (Prawn). Economic Importance of
8. Mollusca: Pila, Unio.
9. Echinodermata: Asterias.
11. Classification - General survey and classification of different classes
of Chordates - Origin of chordate and tetrapoda,
Structure and principal characteristics of Herdmania and
12. Pisces Locomotion in Fish
Structure and function in Scoliodon
13. Amphibia Parental care in Amphibia
Chordata 14. Reptilia - Structure and function in Uromastyx
- Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes of India
15. Aves - Migration and flight adaptation in birds
- Structure and functions in columba
16. Mammals General characteristics & affinities of prototheria,
metatheria and Eutheria
17. Comparative Comparative anatomy of digestive, circulatory, respiratory,
Anatomy of excretory and reproductive system in vertebrates
Chordata: Protochordata (Herdmania), Cephaloehofdata
- Pisces- Scoliodon.
- Amphibia: Rana tigrina.
- Reptilia: Uromastyx, Lizard
- Aves: Columba livia.
- Mammalia: Hares (Lepus).
18. Animal - Outlines of development of:
Development - Amphioxus - Frog - Chick
Developmental - Development of placentation & evolution in mammals
Biology - Metamorphosis in insects
- Rules of cellular differentiation
- Embryonic development Amphioxus, Frog, Chick.
- Placentation in Mammals
19. Evolution - Principles and evidences of evolution
- Genes in population
- Micro, macro and mega evolution
Evolution - Organic Evolution: Evidences of evolution,
- Theories of Evolution: Lamarckism, Neo-Lamarckism,
- Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism,
- Process of evolution: Variations, Mutation, Evolution
through Era, Evolution of Man.
20. Taxonomy - Methods in Taxonomy
Taxonomy - Species concept
- Artificial Vs. Natural classification
21. Environmental - Species concept
Biology - Artificial Vs. Natural classification
- Aquatic & terrestrial habitats
Environmental - Natural resources and their conservation
Biology & 22. Toxicology - Scope of toxicology and survey of environment toxicants
Toxicology - Selective toxicity and
- Antidotal (Antivenom) procedure
- Environmental management
Toxicology and Pollution.
23. Wild Life - General study of wild life and
- Endangered wild animals of India
- Wildlife sanctuaries
Wild Life - National parks and
- Biosphere reserves in India
- Activities of various organizations for the conservation of
wild life
Conservation of Natural Resources
24. Economic - Protozoan disease causing in human & Helminthes
Zoology parasites
- Lac culture & - Sericulture
Economic - Apiculture
Zoology - Pearl culture and
- Fish culture industries
- General survey of economically important mammals
- Medicines obtained from animals
25. Biostatistics - Central Tendency and Variation
- T-test
- Probability
- Analysis of Variance
- Null hypothesis
Biostatistics - Chi-square test
- Normal distribution
- Binomial distribution
- Poisson distribution
26. Nutrition & - Digestion and absorption of food
digestive System - Nutritive requirement in balanced diet
- Regulation of Hunger and secretion of digestive juice
27. Respiratory - Regulation or breathing and transport of gases
28. Circulatory - Physiological categories of heart and
system - Regulation of heart beat
- Blood pressure and blood volume
29. Excretory - Patterns of nitrogen excretion in different animals
System - Salts and water balance
30. Muscular - Ultrastructure of muscle contraction
31. Endocrine - Endocrine organs and their secretions
Physiology and system - Regulatory action of hormones at the cellular levels
Biochemistry 1. Integumentary System 2. Skeletal System
3. Muscular System 4. Nutrition and digestive System
5. Blood & Circulatory system 6. Respiratory system
7. Excretory System 8. Reproductive system
9. Endocrine system 10. Nervous system 11. Sensory
12. Immunity & Disease
32. Biochemistry - Law of mass action
- Elementary thermodynamics
- Kinetics of enzymes reaction
- Coenzymes
- Basis of immune response
- Energy production from carbohydrates, lipids and amino
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Enzymes and Hormones
33. Animal - Patterns of Behaviour
Behaviour - Types of Stereotype and Learning behaviour
Animal - Communication among animals
Behaviour - Sexual behaviour
- Migration behaviour in reference to fish and birds
- Instincts
34. Cytology - Ultrastructure and function of cell organelles
- Chromosomes: Structure, Types & Aberration
35. Genetics - D.N.A. replication
Cytology & - Gene interactional
Genetics - Cytoplasmic inheritance
- Sex-linked inheritance
- Linkage and crossing over
- Lethal gene
- Protein synthesis
- Principles of biotechnology
- Cell biology: Cell Structure and Organisation, etc.
- Molecular Biology: DNA, RNA, Protein synthesis, etc.
- Cell Cycle: Mitosis, Meiosis, Linkage, Crossing Over, etc.
- Genetics: Mendel's Law, Eugenics, etc.
36. Prokaryotes - Elements of prokaryotic
- Genetic recombination, Transformation, Conjugation and
Transductional plasmids
Prokaryotes - Plasmids and their roles in prokaryotic genetics
- Basic principles of Genetic Engineering
- Microorganisms of economic importance and their
application in human welfare


37. Viruses - Definition, nature, structure and

- Transmission of viruses
Viruses - Symptoms of viral disease and control
Definition, Characteristics features, Infection, Morphology
and structure, chemical composition, Importance,
Diseases caused by Viruses
38. Bacteria - Classification of bacteria
- Structure
- Reproduction
Bacteria - Scope and importance of bacteriology
Definition, characteristics features, form and morphology of
Bacteria, shapes of bacteria, reproduction in bacteria,
economic importance of bacteria.
39. Lichens - Occurrence & nature
- Structure,
Lichens - Classification
- Economic importance of Lichen
General characteristics and economic importance of
40. Algae - Classification of Algae by Fritsch
- Occurrence, Habit, Range of Thallus structure
- Nature, structure and life cycle of:
a. Gloetrichia, b. Oscillatoria,
c. Scytonema, d. Chlamydomonas, e. Volvox,
Algae f. Oedogonium, g. Chara,
h. Fucus, i. Ectocarpus
j. Padina k. Batrachospermum.
- Classification of Algae
- Characteristic of BGA (Blue Green Algae) and Brown algae
- Habitat, structure and life cycle of:
Nostoc, Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Ulothrix, Spirogyra,
Oedogonium, Ectocarpus and Betrachospermum.
- Economic Importance of Algae
41. Fungi
- Alexopoulos,
- Mucor and Rhizopus,
Fungi - Classification of fungi,
- Characteristic features, nature and life cycle of:
Pythium, Albugo, Saccharmyces, Penicillium, Puccinium,
- Economic importance of fungi.
42. Bryophyta Occurrence, distribution, structure and life cycle of:
a. Riccia b. Marchantia c. Pellia d. Anthoceros
e. Sphagnum f. Funaria.
Bryophyta - Classification of Bryophyta,
- Main characteristics features, Habitat, classification and
life cycle of:
a. Riccia b. Marchantia c. Funaria.
43. Pteridophyta - Ecological distribution, structure & life cycle of:
a. Psilotum, b. Lycopodium, c. Selaginella, d. Equisetum
e. Marsilea,
- Steler system
Pteridophyta - Heterospory and Seed habits in pteridophytes
- Classification of pteridophyta,
- Main characteristic features, habitat, classification and life
cycle of:
a. Lycopodium b. Selaginella c. Equisetum d. Marsilea.
44. Gymnosperms - Classification, ecological distribution, morphology,
anatomy, reproduction and economic importance of:
a. Cycas b. Pinus c. Ephedra.
Gymnosperms - Classification of Gymnosperms
- Main characteristic feature, Habitat, Classification and life
cycle of:
a. Cycas b. Pinus.
- Economic importance of Gymnosperms.
45. Paleobotany - Geological Time Scale with special reference to origin of
fossils of main plants, class & development
- Fossilization &
- Fossilization methods of study
Paleobotany - Plant species of world’s fossils
- Scope & application of Paleobotany
- Geological time scale, Types of fossils & Importance of
46. Taxonomy of Classification, Origin of Angiosperms (Artificial, Natural and
Angiosperms Phylogenetic) with special reference to Bentham & Hooker
System Nomenclature
- Systematic study of families like:
Taxonomy of 1. Ranunculaceae, 2. Cruciferae, 3. Capparidaceae,
Angiosperms 4. Cucurbitaceae, 5. Composite, 6. Malvaceae,
7. Rosaceae, 8. Leguminosae, 9. Acanthaceae,
10. Verbenaceae, 11. Solanaceae, 12. Labiatae,
13. Euphorbiaceae, 14. Palmaceae, 15. Musaceae
16. Gramineae
- Field & herbarium technique
- Bentham & Hooker system of classification.
- Study of families: Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae,
Papaveraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae,
Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Umbeliferae, Compositae,
Acanthaceae, Labitae, Euphorbiaceae, Liliaceae &
47. Economic Distribution, characteristics and uses of following plants:
Botany 1. Timber: Teak, Sheesham, Sal, Pine
2. Fibre: Cotton, Jute, coconut, sun hemp
3. Oil: Mustard, Coconut, Castor, Ground nut
Economic 4. Sugar: Sugarcane, Sugarbeet
Botany 5. Medicine: Opium, Rauwolfia
6. Spices: Coriander, Cardamom, Black pepper, Cloves
7. Beverages: Tea, Coffee
A study of Wood, Fibers, Oils, Medicine and Spices yielding
48. Morphology of - Plant body and its development
Plants - Meristems and mature tissue
- Concepts of morphology and anatomy of vegetative and
Morphology & reproduction parts
Anatomy Roots, stem, leaf, Inflorescence, Flower
49. Anatomy of - Normal and anomalous secondary growth in roots and
Plants stem
- Development of plant anatomy in India
- Cell, tissue and organ culture
Tissue and Tissue system, secondary growth.
50. Embryology of Life cycle of Angiosperms with special reference to
Plants - microsporaogenesis and
- megasporaogenesis
Morphology and structure of:
- Ovule
Embryology - Embryos sac
- Endosperm formed and
- Seed
Recent trends in embryology of angiosperms
Microsporogenesis, Megasporogenesis, Male and female
gametophyte, Endosperm and life cycle of Angiosperms.
51. Ecology - Individual & Community study
- Ecosystem
- Ecosystem- dynamics
Ecology & - Photo-geography
Environment - Production ecology
Ecology: Ecosystem, Ecological factor, Biosphere, Biotic
Community, Ecological Pyramid etc.
52. Environment - Pollution: Human & Environment
- General introduction of pollution
Cytology & Cytology - History of cytology & genetics
Genetics - Ultrastructure of chromosomes and its function
- Chromosomal aberration
- Cell division and its significance
Plant cell, cell wall, cell membrane, cell organelles, cell
division, structure and chemical composition of
Genetics - Linkage and chromosomal maps
- Mendelism and deviation from Mendelian ratio
- Sex determination with special reference to
environmental and hormonal control
- Mutation and its molecular basis
- Polyploidy and its role in evolution
- Modern concepts of gene
- Recent trends in cytological and genetic research with
emphasis on principle of molecular genetics
Mendel's law, Linkage & Crossing over, sex determination,
Mutation, Theories of Evolution.
53. Transport in - Water relation of plant cell
Plants - Transpiration
- Absorption
- Salt uptake
54. Photosynthesis Photosynthesis
55. Mineral - Nitrogen assimilation
56. Respiration - Respiration
- Fat metabolism
57. Plant Growth - Physiology of growth
Plant & Development - Reproduction & Movement
- Mineral nutrition & water relations in plants
- Mineral Nutrition
- Water relations of cell
- Absorption of water
- Ascent of sap
- Transpiration
- Translocation of food
- Photosynthesis
- Respiration
- Plant growth and movements
- Protein synthesis
- Nitrogen cycle
58. Soil Science - Soil characteristics
- Soil profile
- Soil water relation
Soil Science - Types of soil in India
- Problems of soils
- Reclamation of usar soils
- Soil erosion &
- Soil conservation
Soil profile, Types of soil, soil erosion and Soil conservation.

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