Final Module 1

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Fundamental of Criminal Investigation


Concept of a Criminal Investigation

The Law enforcement Agencies primarily the Philippine National Police as the primary police
force in the country is vested with the power to effect investigation of cases as a result of crime
commission. It is mandatory obligation of the police to conduct investigation as it is one of their primary
function, this also constraints their capability and lengthen the time to finish investigating certain case as
the state also recognizes and protects the fundamental rights of every person subjected to investigation
and maintain the principle of presumption of innocence. Presumption of innocence is founded on the
principle that every person subjected to a criminal case is deemed considered innocent unless proven to
be guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Beyond reasonable doubt is a principle which states that a person is
guilty base on moral certainty. Moral certainty in a sense that a person proven guilty base on how the
court appreciated the evidence presented during trial which produced a conviction. Conviction on the
other hand is a judgement rendered by the trial court that the accused person is guilty of the crime charge
against him.


At the end of this section, you should be able to:

1. Differentiate the phases of investigation.

2. Identify the primary job of the investigator
3. Identify the good qualities of an investigator

Topic Outline:

I. Concept of a Criminal Investigation

a. What is a Criminal Investigation?
b. What are the 3 Phases of Investigation
c. What are the cardinal points of investigation
d. What are the qualities of a good investigator
Try This!

Activity No. 1

Consider these pictures below. Which of the following pictures could tell what phases of
investigation. by Identifying each pictures by placing what phases of investigation.
1st Phase (Identifications of criminal)2nd Phase(Locating of criminal) and the 3rd Phase
(Providing evidence for court proceeding).

___________________ ______________________ ____________________

What Phase of Investigation What Phase of Investigation What Phase of Investigation

Activity No. 2.
Encircle the word or words which you think described to a quality of a good investigator.

leadership dominating honest friendly Understanding of

the people and
Strict perseverance humoruos Keen power of intelligence
Think Ahead!

1. Read and Analyze the questions below and identify what is being asked.
Fill-out your answers for each of these 3 phases of investigation. By mark X on the box.

The collection of
facts to accomplish a Identifying Locating
three-fold aim:
to know who is the
perpetrator,suspects and
to know what has been
used by the suspect to
consummate the criminal
Examined all criminal
Collections of evidence

Using of maps, sketches,


2. Give examples which correspond to the Six Cardinal points of investigation (5Ws and 1H)

5 w’s
and Six Cardinal Points






Read and Ponder!

Training, is one of the foundations of investigation, is concededly a vital ingredient in the

creation of a total investigator. Experience alone does not make one good investigator. Many
who had been hostage to this notion often ended in jeopardy. The ideal conjugal partnership is
training and experience. The fusion of the best training and vast experience is a formidable
force that can threat even the most sophisticated technology and syndicated crimes. The
necessity of training as a purveyor of change builds the investigator’s confidence. It widens his
vision for professional growth and strengthens his will to survive and prevail over crises.

CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION – is an art which deals with the identity and location of the
offender and provides evidence of guilt through criminal proceedings.

INVESTIGATION DEFINED: The collection of facts to accomplish a three-fold aim:

a. to identify the guilty party;
b. to locate the guilty party; and
c. to provide evidence of his guilt.


The primary job of the investigator is to discover whether or not an offense has been
committed under the law, after determining what specific offense has been committed, he must
discover how it was committed, by whom, where it was committed, when and why it was
committed (Cardinal points of Investigation 5W’s and 1H).


WHAT specific offense has been committed? Nature of crime
WHERE crime was committed? Place or location
WHEN it was committed? Time and date
WHOM it was committed? Persons/s involved
WHY it was committed? Reason or motive of
Committing the crime
HOW it was committed? Manner, method or modus


1. Perseverance
2. Intelligence
3. Honest
4. Understanding of the people and environment
5. Keen power of observation
See if you can do this!

Now that you were able to know the three Phases of Investigation, the primary job of the
investigator and good qualities of being a good investigator. Now please List down at least 2 examples in
the blank provided below.

Give two examples of 1st phase of 1.

investigation 2.
Give two examples of 2nd phase of 1.
investigation 2.
Give two examples of 3rd phase of 1.
investigation 2.
Enumerate the following qualities of 1.
good investigator 2.
Name atleast 5 evidence could be 1.
found at the crime scene 2.

Congratulations for a job well done!


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