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Fundamental of Criminal Investigation


Concept of a Criminal Investigation

The Law enforcement Agencies primarily the Philippine National Police as the primary police
force in the country is vested with the power to effect investigation of cases as a result of crime
commission. It is mandatory obligation of the police to conduct investigation as it is one of their primary
function, this also constraints their capability and lengthen the time to finish investigating certain case as
the state also recognizes and protects the fundamental rights of every person subjected to investigation
and maintain the principle of presumption of innocence. Presumption of innocence is founded on the
principle that every person subjected to a criminal case is deemed considered innocent unless proven to
be guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Beyond reasonable doubt is a principle which states that a person is
guilty base on moral certainty. Moral certainty in a sense that a person proven guilty base on how the
court appreciated the evidence presented during trial which produced a conviction. Conviction on the
other hand is a judgement rendered by the trial court that the accused person is guilty of the crime charge
against him.


At the end of this section, you should be able to:

=643Identify 3 tools of investigation.

1. Differentiate classes of information
2. Difference between interview and interrogation
3. Uses of instrumentation in field of investigation

Topic Outline:

I. Concept of a Criminal Investigation

a. What are the three tools in investigation
b. What are the classes of investigation
c. What are the difference between interview and interrogation
d. What is instrumentation in the field of investigation


Try This!

Activity No. 1

Describe the picture by placing the 5W and 1H ( Who, What , When, Where, Why and How)
Think Ahead!

1.Read and Analyze the questions below and identify what is being asked.
Fill-out your answers for each of these. By mark X on the box.

What happened/ determined what crime






Read and Ponder!


A. Receipt of Briefing and Designation of Command Post
Command Post – an area which, is ideally located adjacent to the Crime Scene where
the CSI Evidence Custodian stays and receives the pieces of evidence turned over to him
for safekeeping by the other evidence collectors.

1. Initiation of Preliminary Survey (Team Leader of CSI or SOCO)

a. Makes a general assessment of the scene;
b. Takes a cautious walk- through of the crime scene;
c. Takes down extensive note to document important factors;
d. Establishes the evidence most likely to be encountered;
e. Defines the extent of the search area;
f. Determines the personnel and equipment needed and makes specific
assignments; and
g. From his assessments, he develops a general theory of the crime scene.

2. Preparation of Narrative Report

The Team leader uses the systematic approach in making a narrative report.

3. Documentation of the Crime Scene

The photographer begins taking photographs as soon as possible. The evidence
collectors do not touch or moved any evidence once it is located until it has been identified,
measured and recorded.

Initial report- must include the 5W and 1H

Progress report- the 5Wand 1H Must be completed
Final report- everything has been completed, including legal papers, result of laboratory
Example of Initial report
Example of Progress Report
Example of Final Report
Example of request letter for examination of evidences in crime lab
Example of result of examination
See if you can do this!

Think of a scenario and make your own initial report , progress and final report

Congratulations for a job well done!


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