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|| LISTENING | 11 Write the words in the box in the family tree. ¢ aunt brother cousin father grandmother | ‘grandfather mother sister uncle Pat Low >} aaer LJ my (vy © 2 Look at the family tree in Activity",Read and write the speakers’ names. Then, listen and check: Aci. tm | have got one brother and one sister. My brothers name is Pat and my sisters name is Liz, 8: My names I have got two children. My son's name is Chris and my daughter’ name is Margaret. I've also got four beautiful grandchildren. CHello. I'm I have got one daughter. Her name's Sue. | have also got one niece, Liz, and two nephews, Pat and Liam. GRAMMAR IN USE: possessive (’s) “ Raman 80x 3 Look at the family tree again and complete My brothers name is the sentences. Pearse tee Cirle tia epteoraete 5 Ny a David: I'm husband, We yet a to orks { b Liam: i'm cousin, © + we namie:th ee ¢ Sue; My . name is George. Bitter theca ge Perore/ d Pat: My name is David Possession e Sarah: I'm mother. &E Gi Os ata ' Wy Cian VOCABULARY: numbers 21-100 uly 4. complete the list with the numbers in the box. Then, listen and check your answers. fifty eighty thirty sixty seventy forty ninety Ten, twenty, i 8 hundred. LISTENING G 5 tisten and write the missing words and numbers. have got —.... brothers a anne ICFETS. Wout Have you got any cousins, Chief? ROMAR BOK J have got 27 brothers. « GRAMMAR IN USE: have got Bhavan’ got hahaa Have you got any cousins? Cc 6 Complete the dialogue with got, have and haven't. Yes, | have. / No, |haven''t Then, listen and check your answers. Complete é Si cosve you any brothers? = Affirmative sentences ‘ B: Yes, | 1 four brothers. TH You? We ( They got. A: And you any sisters? ‘= Negative sentences B:No, | \ any sisters. 1 You / We [They have A: What about cousins? gat you any cousins? + Interrogative sentences 8: Yes! | twelve cousins! T/ you) we Pthey got...? js 2 «= Short answers 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Yes [7 voll wo tthe your families. Then, make a family tree of your Nee arpa partner's family. be Grn Have you got any brothers / sisters / cousins? What's your mum's / daa's name? Ee VOCABULARY: descriptions 1 (V) the words that describe you. 6 stright hair) 2 Olona hair Coeur hair © short hair “Jaren eyes Cibrown eyes = Ciblue eyes 2 write sentences to describe yourself. 9, I have got brown eyes, !am short : @ ~ GRAMMAR IN USE: has got / hasn't got 3 Listen and match the names to the pictures. e a lade) Martin] ckely(_) Patrick) Agent 1: Tell me about these photos, ° ‘Agent 2: OK. We've got four new actors: Jade, Kelly, Martin and Patrick. ‘Agent 1: OK, Tell me about Jade. “Agent 2: She is tall and slim. And she's got long hair ‘Agent 1: Has she got red hair? ‘Agent 2: No, she hasn't got red hair. She's got blonde hair. Agent 1: Oh, OK. So, Kelly has got red hair. Agent 2: Yes, that's right. ROMA Agent OK ta me abut te boys 80x Agent 2: Their names are Martin and Patrick, Martin is tall He has got blue eyes. He's got blue eyes and he's got short brown hai | ‘Agent 1: Is he slim? Hehasn’tgot brown eyes. | Agent 2: Yes, he is. Complete. Agent 1: OK. |» Affirmative sentences \ He/She It...:..... got. 4 complete the sentences with has got or hasn't got. —_ |. Negative sentences a Jade curly hair. d Kelly blue eyes. » Hel SheTithas .®..... got. bb Patrick short hair. e Patrick blond ha. Ginn ¢ Martin red hair. f Martin blue eyes. & ee LISTENING 5 write sentences comparing Kate and Tina. hai Kate has got curly hair Tina hasn’t got c. ‘She has got straight hair. C 6 Listen and circle the correct adjectives. a The actress has got brown / blue / green eyes. b The actress has got brown / blonde / black hair. ¢ The actress has got short / ong hair. 7 Who is the right actress for the role: Kate or Tina? GRAMMAR IN USE: Has she got...? © 8 tisten again and complete pe. the dialogue. Agent 1: OK. I need an actress Agent 2: What about this new girl? Agent 1 ‘Agent 2: Yes, she is. Agerif': OK. / Agerit 2: No, she hasn't. She's got brown eyes. Agent 1: Oh, OK. Agent 2: Yes, she has, Agent 1: Good! And “Agent 2: Yes, she has. She's got long straight hai Agent 1: OK, she's great! DESCRIBE OTHER PEOPLE a Choose a person to talk about. your brother or sister your mum or dad b In pairs, ask and answer questions about your partner's Has he got dark hair? Has he got brown eyes? ¢ Write a description of your partner's person Greg is Rober’s father. He has got short black hair etc your bestfriend person, Has she got brown hair? Yes, she has. //No, she hasn't. Complete + Interrogative sentences he I she 1 it got..? * Short answers Yes, he tshe Fit (No, he/she fit Gian SS al | ‘11 Quickly look at the e-mail | and answer these questions. . Who is the email from? b Whois it to? © What is it about? \ Hil My name is Emily Green. 'm 13 years old. I'm from Sydney, Australia. 1am medium-height and slim. | have got long blonde hair and blue eyes. | have got a nice smile. My favourite band is Tame Impala and my favourite singer is Iggy Azalea. She's Australian. Liam Hemsworth is my favourite actor. He is a famous Australian too. | Rugby and cricket are the most poputar sports in Australia, but my favourite sport is surfing. | What about you? Where are you from? Who are your favourite singers? What's your favourite ‘sport? | | Write soon! Your new friend, | Emily @ 2 What information does Emily include in her e-mail? (name (home address (Q)nationality O age (hometown (iavourite colour 0 favourite band {_] favourite singer {_] favourite actress (favourite actor () description (Jievourite website 3 Correct these sentences. a Emily is fourteen years old, Enily ig not fourteen years old. She's, thirteen, b She is from Toronto, Canada. € She has got short blonde hair Her favourite singer is Justin Bieber Her favourite sport is cricket. To: [mary sii Hi, My 1 My favourite actress . Dublin, I'm 12 n. My band is Linkin Park and my favourite is rugby. : about you? Where you from? old are you? your favourite singer? Please write soon, Your new frien Pat. USING THE INTERNET The Internet is great for learning English. But be careful...! * Don't give away your address, telephone number fr the name of your school without permission * Don't send pictures of yourself without permission, 2 Check in pairs. * Don't accept any invitations from people you meet online 3 Write an e-mail to Pat or Emily. ee | can do this very well talk about my family. can do this describe people. @ lean ee I need more practice. write an e-mail 1 Look at the fact files on page 33 and match the countries to the flags. 2: Enoland Wales Scotland Northern ireland 2 Read the fact files again and label the capital cities on the map. 3 Answer the questions. ‘What nationality is Alan Hutton? Is Swansea in Northern Ireland? = How many people live in Scotland? Where is Catherine Zeta-lones from? Is Northern Ireland part of Great Britain? Is Stonehenge in Scotland? Make a similar fact file about your country. Use the ones on page 33 as a model. Find similar information. Add photos or draw pictures. Write sentences and check them in pairs, Make a poster of your factfile, Write your sentences on | a piece of paper and use your pictures to illustrate them | How about using @ web tool to make your poster? Ss The UK means Famous places: the Gigrt's Rathiin Island, Carrick-eRe Famous Northern trish people: Jamie Dornan, Liam Neeson, C.S. Lewis Population: 1.9 milion WALES Flag: a red dragon on 3 green and white flag Capital city: Cardiff Other cities: Swansea, Bangor Famous places: Caernarfon Castle, Mount Snowdon, Millennium Stadium Famous Welsh people: Anthony Hopkins, Gareth Bale Population: 1 million United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’ ‘are four countries in the UK: Together these three a) England b) Scotland ©) Wales ‘NORTHERN IRELAND @ red cross on a white flag with a hand and crown in the middle. Capital city: Belfast Other cities: Derry, Arr (a gf} Northem treland SCOTLAND Flag: a diagonal white cross on a blue flag Capital city: Edinburgh Other cities: Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee Famous places: Loch Ness, Edinburgh IGéstle, St Andrews Golf Course Famous Scottish people: ‘Alan Hutton, Ewan MeGregor, John Logie Baird (inventor of the television) Population: 6.4 million ‘1 Complete the questions and answer them. a son is yOUr surname? bo you spell hat? c oid are you? 4 are you from? enn is your e-mail address 2 Write the correct nationalities. Jean is from Paris. She is b Mike is from Sydney. He is Juan is from Salta. He is d Sarah is from London. She is Luigi is from Rome. He is 3 Match the family members to the definitions. a my grandmother 1 my father’s brother b myaunt 2-my cousin's mother my uncle 3. my father's mother d my niece 4 my sister's daughter @ myarandson 5 my son's son ‘1 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of to be. ala) you famous? B:No, 140) but my brother © a famous football player acta) you Argentinian? B:No, we (e) ‘We (i) Brazilian AQ) he a Juventus player? B: No, he (h) ‘an FC Barcelona player. A:Really? They () my favourite team. ‘What (j) your brother's name? 4 Look at the map and complete the sentences. There are three b There's a big € There are two big d I play tennis at the @ love sunbathing at the next to the funfaie 55 write these people's jobs. a Carlos Tévez b Jennifer Lawrence © Nicole Neumann d Maluma Daniel Radcliffe Marks; 135 2 Does ‘s mean is or possessive? Read the sentences and complete the table with crosses (x). Possessive is ‘a My brother’ a singer. b I'm Bart Simpson's father. © My name's Homer. di My brother's caris red. © Where's the beach? 3 Unscramble the questions. a the / computer /is / Where /? b How / lamps / are / there / many / ? ¢ the / chairs / are / Where /? the / cat / under / bed /1s/ the /? @ Emily / got / mirtor/ Has /a/? 4 Now look at the picture and answer the questions in Activity 3. ‘1 Read the e-mail and answer the questions. ‘a Where is Dimitei from? -b What is next to Dimitris house? © What is his favourite sport? Has Dimitri got blue eyes? © Has Dimitri got any brothers or sisters? 2 Now write a reply. Tell Dimitri about your family and your favourite sport. Subject fr — Hit Myname. 5 Choose the best option (A, B or C) to fill in the blanks. 1 Ihave a got a brother name is Tim, Aver 8 His C Their 2 My uncle and auntie live in Jujuy, house is very big, AOur 8 There Their 3 My sister and I love films. favourite actor is Ryan Gosling AQur BHis — C Their 4 My brother {an American e-pal ave got B is C has got 5 My mother from Dublin, is Ish AShe = BWe —C Her 6 This is Paulo, He from Brazil Als Bae Che 7 My father ‘all and thin Ahas — Bhasgot Cis My sister and | brown eyes, Aare B have got C has 9 your sister's name? ‘A Who's 8 Whats C What ‘How many cousins you got? Ado Bhas have Marks: 110 Newthessage Subject: [a Pn My name is Dit 1am from Aéhens In Greece. There is big sports centre next to my house Tove valloybal whats your fevourte sport? ve a picture of my ami. My father Is 9 writer ‘ad tay pote s's teacher 1 have got short Black Bot TN green eyes My esters name Is Mana. She ree ea et. Se hee got long black ha: Have sseegot any brothers or cers? Write soon, Dim Tota 170 u@ s0G vn G LISTENING © 1 Listen and tick (/) Pat's friend’s name. Che Cewis Orichard Pat: This is my school, Shamrock High School. Sue: Wow! Its big Pat: Yes, there are 1,000 students here Sue: How many students are there in your class? Pat: About twenty-five, Ths is our classroom and this is my friend Joe. Sue: Hi, Joe, Nice to meet you. im Sue. Joe: Hello, Sue. Pot: These are our desks. | sit here and Joe sits there. Sue: Are these your computers? Pat: Yes, there are about twenty computers. We have got a lot of good fazilities here. There is also @ science lab, a library and a gym. Sue: Wow! This isa great school © 2 tisten again and correct these sentences. Then, read and check. ‘a Pat's school is small bb There are 35 students in Pat's class. ‘¢ There are 40 computers in Pats classroom VOCABULARY: school objects 4 Match the words to the pictures. a 5 pencils f 1 notebook b teraser 9 2 dictionaries cI gluestick hh 2 pens to. @ tcalelator 1 2 schoolbags e truer J 1 pencil sharpener [5 Look at the pictures in Activity 4. Listen and make a list of Pat's school items and Sue's school items. 3 Complete the sentences with this ol ange This is my friend Joe, These are our desks Complete these rules. ‘To introduce a person and to talk about eee ‘of objects that are near: we 3 ut oF we use 10 talk ab __ Person or object. ac as + We use talk about ‘wo or more people or objects, k ir these. are our desks. are my friends. % “Gar is my cousin Sue, is @ good book ze ¥ 0) GRAMMAR IN USE: plurals 6 Write the plurals of these words in the table. » library tomatoe actress boy ty Ti ’ e examples and complete woman wolf wife child person olomig wale eer pencil > pencils * We add ... ate ye A class > classes = Words ending in “consonant + y change “the ve. on aNd leaf > teoves 5 "risen ie « Some plurals are change the -F to ...... | itregular ' en: add PRONUNCIATION: /s/, /z/ or /1z/ ‘ © 7 Listen and write these words in the table. pencils classes students not erasers exercises tables lamps ~ — [B.S tisten again and repeat the words. al 9 Ask your partner about the schoo! objects, in Activity 4. How many pens have you got? I have got three pens. LANGUAGE IN USE: do a survey 10 Work in pairs. Look at the graph and talk about the results of Pat's class survey. ‘raha have yt conet 11 Do a similar survey about your class. ENT) talk’about’a’day ‘at’school?, VOCABULARY: school subjects ‘1 Write the words in the box next to the pictures in Pat's timetable. Art Geography History Maths Music PE (Physical Education) Science eee se me eco Uae foe LISTENING © 2 Listen. what are Pat's favourite subjects? 2° Which is his favourite morning? Sue: What's your school timetable lik, Pat? Ave the mornings buy Pat: They'te OK. Monday morning is pretty easy. Our first class is Geography and then we've got Maths. After break we've got Computer Studies and Science ~ my favourite subjects ‘Sue: Maths on Monday morning? That's unlucky! Maths is cifficult. Pat: Maths is OK. | think English is dificult, so Wednesday morning, n't good. English is our first class on Wednesday. Sue: So, what's your favourite morning? Pat: Thats easy. Its Thursday. On Thursday we've got PE and then Art. Then at 10:30 we've got Computer Studies and at 11:30 we've got Geography. Sue: Yeah, that's a nice morning, © 3 Listen again and complete the timetable. On Wednesday at 10:30, Complete these rules + We use the preposition... GRAMMAR IN USE: on / at 4 Complete the sentences with on or at. with the days of the week. ‘a Maths is my first class Tuesday. | * We Use the preposition b Computer Studies is 10:30. with time expressions. T've got Music Tuesday, a B00 Ty. ke og ee Objective LANGUAGE IN USE: telling the time Aen 5 Complete the cartoon with the words in the box. time late quarter B 6 Listen and check your answers. ™ 7 Match the sentences to the clocks and watches. Its eleven o'clock Its twenty past two Its half past one. Its twenty to six Ws a quarter past three. Its ten past ten. Ws @ quarter to five h Its five to ten, 8 Draw four clocks with different times. Show your partner the clocks and ask him / her the time. What time is it? It's half past one SCHOOL TIMETABLE In pairs, ask and answer questions about your schoo! subjects. Then, complete a timetable with information about your class. What class have we got on Tuesday at 10:00? Now make your ideal school timetable. Talk about it with your partner. What is your favourite day? How many PE lessons a week are there in your timetable? gli siatrbor tig Sony joemee at EXWTO read about the'subjects you like?, Pat: What sports are there at schoo! in England? Sue: Well, in summer there is tennis and athletics. In winter there is rugby, football and hock What about Ireland? Pat: We have got football and rugby too. And we go swimming | ‘Sue: Do you like swimming? Pat: its OK. like football and rugby. What subjects do you like? Sue: I ike Geography and Art. | don’t ike Music and | don’t like English. Pat: Yeah, | don't like English, And | don't ike French. its dfficut, But like Science and Art | | 1] Read and label the subjects. i i 2 Read again and complete the table with the subjects Pat and Sue like / dislike. | Pat | Sue GRAMMAR IN USE: present simple with like (1* / 2" person) 3 Complete the sentences. al(@) rugby and hockey. bud) swimming, but | (©) athletics

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