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Certificate of Analysis


Please note that the certificates of analysis are also conveniently available on your BASF online portal.


CPQ 2020-12-14
AV. 8 DE JULIO 2166 QC
Dorthe Loeb
45601 TLAQUEPAQUE +45 447 30-255
SAN SEBASTIANITO Certificate No 8824
México Page 1 of 2

Certificate of Analysis according to DIN 55350-18-4.2.2

Vitamin D3 100 GFP kosher Material 50051636

Order 0117778185 000010
25KG Cajas de cartón Delivery 0145071125 000010
Purchase Order/Customer Product# Lot 0022973998
2338 Lot/Qty 50.000 KG
DRY VITAMIN D3 100 GFP - 25KG Total 50.000 KG
Transport T-12

Lower Upper
Characteristic Unit Value Limit Limit Method
Vitamin D assay (incl. pre-D) IU/g 109000 100000 HPLC
Calculated Vit. D (incl. pre-D) activity µg/g 2740 Calculated
Appearance* - OK Visual
Through mesh 20 USP % 100 100 Sieving
Through mesh 40 USP % 99 90 Sieving
Through mesh 100 USP % 6 15 Sieving
Loss on drying % 3 5 Gravimetric
Total aerobic microbial count (TAMC) 1/g 100 1000 Ph.Eur./USP
Salmonella - Absence in 25g ISO 6579

Additional Information

Production Date: 28.06.2020

Release date: 08.07.2020

Best before / Retest date: 28.06.2022

Inspection lot no: 300021374133

* Free-flowing white to off-white powder consisting of fine spherical

Confirmation, based on random sampling:

Lead max 0.5 mg/kg ICP-MS

The aforementioned data shall constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product at the time of passing of risk. The data are controlled at regular intervals as
part of our quality assurance program. Neither these data nor the properties of product specimens shall imply any legally binding guarantee of certain properties
or of fitness for a specific purpose. No liability of ours can be derived therefrom.

This is a computer-generated document. No signature is required.

Certificate of Analysis


Please note that the certificates of analysis are also conveniently available on your BASF online portal.


CPQ 2020-12-14
AV. 8 DE JULIO 2166 QC
Dorthe Loeb
45601 TLAQUEPAQUE +45 447 30-255
SAN SEBASTIANITO Certificate No 8824
México Page 2 of 2

Certificate of Analysis according to DIN 55350-18-4.2.2

Vitamin D3 100 GFP kosher Material 50051636

Order 0117778185 000010
25KG Cajas de cartón Delivery 0145071125 000010
Purchase Order/Customer Product# Lot 0022973998
2338 Lot/Qty 50.000 KG
DRY VITAMIN D3 100 GFP - 25KG Total 50.000 KG
Transport T-12

Cadmium max 0.5 mg/kg ICP-MS

Mercury max 0.1 mg/kg ICP-MS
Arsenic max 1 mg/kg ICP-MS
Heavy metals max. 10 mg/kg USP< 231 >Method II

Total yeasts and moulds count (TYMC) max. 100 cfu/g

Staphylococcus aureus Abs. in 10 g Ph.Eur./USP
Escherichia coli Abs. in 10 g Ph.Eur./USP
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Abs. in 10 g Ph.Eur./USP
Enterobacteria Abs. in 1 g ISO 21528

,,Malmparken 5 Malmparken 5
,,DK-2750 Ballerup DK-2750 Ballerup
,,Denmark Denmark
Quality Assurance
Malmparken 5
2750 Ballerup

The aforementioned data shall constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product at the time of passing of risk. The data are controlled at regular intervals as
part of our quality assurance program. Neither these data nor the properties of product specimens shall imply any legally binding guarantee of certain properties
or of fitness for a specific purpose. No liability of ours can be derived therefrom.

This is a computer-generated document. No signature is required.

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