Leadership and Innovation - Politecnico Di Milano - 09-09-16

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NAME: ___________________________

SURNAME: ___________________________
ID (matricola): ___________________________


A.Y. 2015/2016 – Prof. Cagliano
Exam Call of September 9th, 2016
□ TEAM-BASED – Team N: _____________

□ If requirements are met, I would like to take the optional oral exam.

DURATION: 1h 30min
 The questions have been formulated thoroughly and they are intended to have a precise and clear answer.
 The answers have to fit in the space that has been allocated to each of them.
 The synthesis ability it will be positively evaluated.
 We will NOT accept any extra/scratch pages.

INNOVATION (15 points)

Apply the following innovation models to the cases (Use the model to “critically” read the case):

 The innovation model: The emergence of Dominant design

 Case: The evolution of drones

While we are just about to get accustomed to drones being used by the military for
missions where threat to human life is very high, a new trend seems to be booming over
the last couple of years. We are now very close to a world where commercial and
consumer drones will be flying across our friendly skies, day in and day out.
Ever since September 11th, the U.S. army has relied heavily on unmanned drones for
their missions into Afghanistan against the Taliban. […]
Many people may think that it was the U.S. army that brought drones to life, but
that’s not true. It was in fact, Samuel Pierpont Langley who, way back in 1896,
designed a drone that ran on steam and was made from wood, steel and fabric. His Delivery rotary drone
flight did get a little attention, but then the Wright brothers (the inventors of the
airplane) came into the picture and everyone forgot about this unmanned aerial vehicle.
Drones have been used in multiple different ways between then and now […].
There are more than 50 companies that are currently developing more than 150 drones.
These range all the way from miniatures to those with wingspans as large as airliners.
Law enforcement is relying on drones to survey criminal activity and search for missing
children. They are even used in countries, such as India to protect animals from
poachers in a few national parks. They can even be used to fly first-aid supplies to
inaccessible areas.
Consumer drones are now available for sale to the public at very affordable prices, and Rotary drone with camera
the possibilities with them are endless. The main issue is still related to the duration
of battery life.
One thing you should know about drones is that they have a few, much prettier names
as well, quadcopter and UAV. That’s right, these unmanned aerial vehicles are of
two types, rotary drones and fixed wing drones.

This industry is growing at a rapid pace. This major boom happened as soon as drones
were strong enough to carry cameras. This further led to the Motion Pictures Military fixed wing drone
Association of America requesting exemptions from the ban, citing how much easier
it is to film using drones. Even journalists and rescue fighters have asked for
permission, since it will make their work a whole lot easier. And I’m sure I don’t have
to tell you how much help a quadcopter could be while searching for someone in the
middle of a forest or even a crowded city.
At the end of the day, the fact remains that the drone, quadcopter, UAV market is
taking off. It is up to the government to ensure that it does so, in a regulated manner
allowing consumers and commercial companies to make the best use of this wonderful
technology. Fixed wing drone with camera

(Adapted from Nubivision.co.uk)

Fixed wing drone for area scanning and


 Please apply the emergence of Dominant design model to the “Evolution of Drones” case:

Leadership & Innovation – Exam Call of June 27th, 2016
NAME: ___________________________
SURNAME: ___________________________
ID (matricola): ___________________________
 The innovation model: S-Shaped Curves and Technology Substitution
 Case: Amazon delivery service
“The fast-growing global drone industry has not sat back waiting for government policy to be hammered out before pouring investment
and effort into opening up this all-new hardware and computing market.
A growing ecosystem of drone software and hardware vendors is already catering to a long list of clients […] Large defense-focused
companies and industrial conglomerates are beginning to invest in drone technology, too. We project revenues form drones sales to top
$12 billion in 2021, up form just over $8 billion last year. Shipments of consumer drones will more than quadruple over the next five
years, fueled by increasing price competition and new technologies that make flying drones easier for beginners”

 (Adapted from Business Insider UK)

“Amazon will begin testing aerial drones in UK suburbs and rural areas through a partnership with the UK government, the first
time the ecommerce company has won permission to operate its vehicles under such flexible conditions. Amazon’s drone programme,
known as Prime Air, has been working since 2013 on developing aerial vehicles that can deliver packages directly to customers’ houses.
However, the programme has constantly encountered red tape and shifting airspace rules, particularly in the US, and has not launched
commercially in any country. The new tests in the UK mark a breakthrough for Amazon as it is allowed to fly drones outside pilots’
line of sight, a key step in testing the vehicles’ sensors. Amazon pilots will also be able to fly multiple drones at one time… A key focus
of Amazon’s research has been the “sense and avoid” technology that allows its drones to perceive obstacles in their path.”

 (Adapted from Financial Times)

 Apply S-Shaped Curves and Technology Substitution model to the “Amazon delivery service” case:

2) Define what early prototyping is and provide examples of possible methodologies/technologies to
implement this practice. What are the main advantages of early prototyping in an innovation process?
In which type(s) of process it can be useful and for what purpose?

A. Definition of early prototyping and examples of possible methodologies/technologies to

implement it

B. Main advantages

C. In which type(s) of process it can be useful and for what purpose?

Leadership & Innovation – Exam Call of June 27th, 2016
NAME: ___________________________
SURNAME: ___________________________
ID (matricola): ___________________________
3) EATPASTA is a company that produces pasta. They want to come up with a new type of
pasta, and one of the middle manager during a meeting suggest to apply the Six Hats
Technique. Please describe what this technique is about and provide specific examples of

Leadership & Innovation – Exam Call of June 27th, 2016
NAME: ___________________________
SURNAME: ___________________________
ID (matricola): ___________________________
LEADERSHIP (15 points)

1) What types of problems can be associated with the definition of roles within a team? Please
provide examples and possible actions to avoid or reduce these problems.

Problem Definition Example Solution(s)

2) Describe the managerial grid model

a. Describe the theoretical framework

b. Make specific examples about when adopting a specific style is appropriate in an


Leadership & Innovation – Exam Call of June 27th, 2016
NAME: ___________________________
SURNAME: ___________________________
ID (matricola): ___________________________

3) BARBA is a consultancy company specialized in digital transformation. The manager of

a team working for a client in the energy industry is having hard times in understanding
how to manage and motivate two new junior consultants because they are very different.
Here their main traits:
- Smith is well organized, he is a good planner and problem solver, and willing to take
personal responsibility
- Jones is a very good team player, a good listener and she is able to persuade people of
what to do
A. Which is the motivational theory that explain these differences?

B. What would you suggest to the manager of the team in order to successfully motivate
Smith and Jones?

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