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a panting to get dressed

a painting to get dresed

a painteeng to get dressing

to piant to have breakfast

to paind to have brakefast
to paint to have breakfest
to watch TV to hawe lanch
to votch TV to have lunch
to vatch TV to have lanch
to have dinner to get up
to hawe diner to gat uo
to hawe dinner to gat ap
to get home to have a shover
to gat houm to have a shower
to get houme to have a shove
to do homework to brush my teeth
to do homwork to brash my teath
to do homevork to brush my teath
to go to bed to go for school
to go on bed to go in school
to go on bad to go to school

an art gallery a artist

a art gallery a atist
a art gellery an artist
to go athletics to play volleyball
to play athletics to play voleyboll
to do athletics to play vollayball
to do gymnastics to play baskatball
to do gimnastics to play besketball
to go gimnastics to play basletball
to swim to play featball
to svim to play football
to swinn to play footboll
to play tannis to play table tannis
to play tenis to play teble tenis
to play tennis to play table tennis
to go to the sinema a park
to go to the cinema a part
to go to the cineme a peak
to hang out with
to reed magazines
to hang with
to read magazines
to hang out friends to read megazines

to go shoping to vatch DVDs

to go chopping to watch DVDs
to go shopping to votch DVDs
to talk on the fone to pley chess
to talk on the phone to play chess
to tolk on the phone to play chass

to surf the Net to listen to music

to sirf the Nat to listen to music
to serf the Net to listan to music
to hoower to cleen the windows

to hoovar to clen the windows

to hoowar to clean the windows

a flat to tidy my room

a flet to tidi my room
a fleat to tidi my rum
to take the dog for a
to do the washing ap
to take the dag for a
to do the washing up
to take the dog for a
to do the woshing up
to take out the rubbish to do the woshing
to take away the
to do the vashing

to take up the rubbish to do the washing

to do the
to wash the car
to wosh the car to do the homework
to wash the kar to do the hosework
to colict coins to make model planes

to kollect coins to mak model planes

to collect coin to make model plenes

to do ats and crafts to go fishing

to do arts and crafs to go fiching
to do arts and crafts to go feshing
to kollect stamps to kollect comics
to collect stemps to collect comics
to collect stamps to colect comics
to do bellet to make jewellery
to do ballet to make jevellery
to do balled to make jevelery
to make paper flowers to go rolerblading
to mak peper flowers to go rollerbleding
to make papper
to go rollerblading

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