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Management of

Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury
Evidence, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Terje Sundstrøm
Per-Olof Grände
Teemu Luoto
Christina Rosenlund
Johan Undén
Knut Gustav Wester
Second Edition
Management of Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury
Terje Sundstrøm  •  Per-Olof Grände
Teemu Luoto  •  Christina Rosenlund
Johan Undén  •  Knut Gustav Wester

Management of Severe
Traumatic Brain Injury
Evidence, Tricks, and Pitfalls

Second Edition
Terje Sundstrøm Per-Olof Grände
Department of Neurosurgery Department of Anaesthesia
Haukeland University Hospital and Intensive Care
Bergen Lund University Hospital
Norway Lund
Department of Clinical Medicine
University of Bergen
Christina Rosenlund
Department of Neurosurgery
Odense University Hospital
Teemu Luoto
Department of Neurosurgery
Tampere University Hospital
Knut Gustav Wester
Department of Clinical Medicine K1
University of Bergen
Johan Undén
Department of Operation
and Intensive Care
Halmstad Hospital

ISBN 978-3-030-39382-3    ISBN 978-3-030-39383-0 (eBook)

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

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Foreword I

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) constitutes a vast global health problem, impact-
ing over 50 million people worldwide each year and costing the global econ-
omy $400 million USD. TBI has been described as “the most complex disease
in our most complex organ.” We now recognize that it is a process, not an
event. A disproportionate burden of death and disability exists in low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs). Concerted efforts are required to address
this global pandemic. Concerted efforts in the sense of both international col-
laborations and of interactions between basic neuroscience and clinical
This second edition of the textbook Management of Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury: Evidence, tricks, and pitfalls constitutes an amazing concerted
effort, bringing together contributions from world-leading experts, linking
basic neuroscience to clinical research and practice, and presenting this in a
very clear and educational format. The Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee
(SNC) deserves a huge compliment for this achievement. Importantly, this
textbook also bridges the neurotrauma gap between high-income countries
(HICs) and LMICs, true to the long-standing interest of Scandinavian neuro-
surgery in promoting educational activities in Africa. Over 90% of neu-
rotrauma occur in LMICs, whilst over 90% of TBI publications originate
from HICs. LMICs are severely underrepresented in TBI research. Surgery
for neurotrauma represents more than 40% of neurosurgical procedures per-
formed all over the world and more than 60% in developing areas of the
world. Acquiring detailed knowledge of TBI, its pathophysiology and man-
agement, should thus be a priority for all neurosurgeons and neurosurgical
trainees. This knowledge needs to extend far beyond a narrow focus on surgi-
cal management.
As past and current presidents of the Neurotrauma Committee of the
World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, we greatly welcome this new
edition for its pragmatic approach, which will serve clinicians and research-
ers across the world. This book is relevant to basic scientists who wish to

vi Foreword I

understand more about clinical dilemmas, to neurosurgical trainees across the

world, and also to seasoned experts like ourselves who are sure to find some-
thing new!
The book should belong on the shelf of every neurosurgical department.

Edegem, Belgium Andrew I. R. Maas
Tariq Khan
Peshawar, Pakistan
Foreword II

The book is the result of a carefully concerted venture from the most dedi-
cated neurosurgeons, neurointensivists, neuroanaesthesiologists, trauma sur-
geons, neuroradiologists, rehabilitation physicians, and psychologist
throughout Scandinavia working on traumatic brain injury (TBI). Together,
and through the Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC), they have
described the current knowledge—and sometimes the lack thereof—in a
structured and easily readable form. The book covers all topics from the epi-
demiology and organizational considerations of trauma management, via
evidence-based treatment strategies and monitoring, to long-term follow-up
and rehabilitation.
The first edition of this book was published in 2012. Although brain injury
research is clearly under-financed, the field is making rapid progress. The
SNC has published treatment guidelines for the management of minimal,
mild, and moderate head injuries, paediatric injuries, and the prehospital
management of severe TBI. This work has structured the treatment of these
patients throughout, and beyond, Scandinavia. Importantly, it has also fos-
tered a range of studies on implementation and follow-up of such guidelines,
giving rise to further improvements—as well as this second edition
Management of severe traumatic brain injury: Evidence, tricks, and pitfalls.
Overall, the SNC is a great example on how a regional multinational effort
can make an impact. The epidemiology of TBI is vastly different throughout
the globe, but the underlying challenges on organization, clinical decision-­
making, prevention of secondary damage, and rehabilitation remain very
This book covers the topic of severe head trauma in a well-written and
pedagogical way. It is a “must read” for all residents in neuro- or trauma sur-
gery, anaesthesiology, and intensive care medicine. It should also be an
important resource to all seasoned clinicians for updated information. The
layout of the book makes it a good everyday reference. This book should be
found in any and all units dealing with trauma patients.
I am very proud of the work performed by the SNC, and I am sure that you
will enjoy reading this book as much as I did.

Einar Osland Vik-Mo
The Scandinavian Neurosurgical
Society, Oslo, Norway

In Memoriam Bertil Romner

Bertil Romner was one of the founders and a leading member of the
Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC). He died of cancer when he
was 59 years old in August 2013. He was trained as a neurosurgeon at the
Department of Neurosurgery, Lund University Hospital, Sweden. He
defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1991, became associate professor in 1994 and
led the neurointensive care unit in Lund from 1996 to 2006. In 2006, he
became professor of neurosurgery at the University Hospital of Copenhagen,
Denmark. In 2010, he became professor of neurosurgery at the Lund
University, Sweden. From 1999 to his death, he held a second professorship
at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, Norway.
Bertil will be remembered as an active scientist, supervisor, and inspirator.
He was a popular speaker with tremendous scenic talent and had a huge net-
work of collaborators and friends all over the world. He spent countless after-
noons together with members of his “research family,” and through his
leadership he raised the bar for scientific and clinical excellence. He was
internationally acclaimed for his contributions to neurosurgery and neuroin-
tensive care and published more than 150 articles. His main research field
was transcranial Doppler measurement of blood flow and, in more recent
years, noninvasive Doppler measurement of intracranial pressure. He also
made seminal contributions on treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage, low-­
pressure hydrocephalus, and clinical use of and research on brain biomarkers,
such as S100B. Over the last years, his research was focused on management
of head injuries. Notably, he spear-headed the development of Scandinavian
guidelines for minimal, mild, and moderate head injuries published in 2013,
including for the first time a biomarker as an alternative to CT in the diagnos-
tic workup of head injuries. He was also the main organizer of several con-
gresses in Lund on clinical and research applications for biomarkers.
“I’m on my way,” Bertil often replied on the phone when he was late to a
meeting. He was always on the move. He constantly initiated new projects
and always participated with infectious enthusiasm. When matters became
difficult, he always said: “It’ll be solved” (“Det löser sig”). He was almost
always right.
Bertil truly enjoyed life. He had a great sense of humor and a strong social
competence. His warm personality and genuine consideration for others were
clearly reflected with patients, relatives, colleagues, and neighbors. In spite of
his disease, he refused to give up and kept on working full time as a professor,
both in clinic and research. Before he died, he said “I have so much undone.”

x In Memoriam Bertil Romner

Through Bertil’s death, we have lost a dear friend and a dedicated clinician
and scientist. He has left a great void that is impossible to fill. We all really
miss him and honor his memory.
On behalf of the SNC.

Per-Olof Grände
Lund, Sweden
Copenhagen, Denmark Vagn Eskesen

Tromsø, Norway Tor Ingebrigtsen

Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee

The Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC;

was founded in 1998 after an initiative from the Scandinavian Neurosurgical
Society. The committee comprises dedicated neurosurgeons, neurologists,
intensivists, anaesthesiologists, radiologists, and paediatricians from
Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden (population 27 million, 22 neuro-
surgical centers). The SNC is independent of industry funding and members
are supported by their respective institutions. The biannual Nordic
Neurotrauma Conference is hosted by the SNC.
The major objective of the SNC is to improve the management of neu-
rotrauma patients in the Nordic countries.

Members of the Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee

Knut Gustav Wester (president)

Bergen, Norway

Terje Sundstrøm
Bergen, Norway

Mads Aarhus
Oslo, Norway

Tor Brommeland
Oslo, Norway

Anders Christian Feyling

Oslo, Norway

Kent Gøran Moen

Trondheim, Norway

xii Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee

Carsten Kock-Jensen
Aarhus, Denmark

Bent Lob Dahl

Aarhus, Denmark

Stig Dyrskog
Aarhus, Denmark

Ramona Åstrand
Copenhagen, Denmark

Christina Rosenlund
Odense, Denmark

Olli Tenovuo
Turku, Finland

Teemu Luoto
Tampere, Finland

Rahul Raj
Helsinki, Finland

Bo-Michael Bellander
Stockholm, Sweden

David Nelson
Stockholm, Sweden

Peter Reinstrup
Lund, Sweden

Johan Undén
Halmstad, Sweden
Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee xiii

Per-Olof Grände
Lund, Sweden

Niklas Marklund
Lund, Sweden

Zandra Olivecrona
Örebro, Sweden

Johan Ljungqvist
Gothenburg, Sweden

Olga Calcagnile
Gothenburg, Sweden

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important public health problem. In

Europe, TBI has been estimated to annually account for 82,000 deaths and
2.1 million hospital discharges (Majdan et al. 2016). Many survivors suffer
long-term disabilities incurring significant personal and societal costs.
TBI incidence rates are increasing in elderly people, especially in high-­
income countries (HICs) (Roozenbeek et al. 2013). The situation in low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs) is particularly concerning, with a signifi-
cant increase in the number of TBIs coupled with substantial resource limita-
tions, poorly developed trauma management systems, and lack of qualified
medical personnel (Rubiano et al. 2015).
Many different TBI guidelines have been developed, all aiming to improve
the quality of care in and between prehospital services, primary hospitals,
neurosurgical departments, neurointensive care units, and rehabilitation facil-
ities. The Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF; has been
instrumental in this work. Their first evidence-based guidelines were pub-
lished in 1995 and have been updated several times, most recently in 2017.
The Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC) published their first
guidelines for the management of minimal, mild, and moderate head injuries
in adults in 2000 (Ingebrigtsen et al. 2000a, b; Romner et al. 2000a, b). These
guidelines were extensively updated in 2013 (Undén et al. 2013), and sepa-
rate paediatric guidelines were published in 2016 (Åstrand et al. 2016). In
collaboration with the BTF, the SNC published guidelines for the prehospital
management of severe traumatic head injury in 2008 (Bellander et al. 2008;
Juul et al. 2008; Sollid et al. 2008).
The groundwork for the first edition of this book was started in 2007. The
major goal was to create a comprehensive, yet practical, manual for severe
TBI management throughout the entire chain of care. In this perspective, it
was of significant importance to recruit recognized professionals from most
centers in the Nordic countries, and from most of the involved specialties in
neurotrauma care. The first edition—Management of Severe Traumatic Brain
Injury: Evidence, Tricks, and Pitfalls—was published in 2012. It was a wel-
come addition to the TBI literature and has been actively used in many clinics
to improve TBI management. Two years ago, in conjunction with the first
Nordic Neurotrauma Conference, the SNC therefore decided to embark on
the second edition.

xvi Introduction

The second edition is a major update on severe TBI. Most of the previous

chapters have undergone substantial revisions and 24 new chapters have been
added, reflecting both advances and key challenges within the field. The first
edition included 59 authors from 36 departments at 19 hospitals or universi-
ties in 5 countries. Notably, almost all of the authors from the first edition
have also contributed to this second edition, and more than 40 new authors
have participated.
The authors performed literature searches, not only with reference to the
BTF guidelines from 1995 and later revisions, but also within other areas of
the medical field, which is reflected in the index of this book. Based upon the
literature, clinical recommendations were made (influenced by grading sys-
tems such as the United States Preventive Services Task Force, the National
Health Services (UK) Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, the Cochrane
Collaboration and the GRADE guidelines (Guyatt et al. 2011)). In order to
achieve a high degree of clinical practicality, the classifications were refined
through an independent review process and consensus discussion in the SNC
Levels of recommendation:

–– Level I recommendation: Based upon properly designed (prospective) ran-

domized controlled trials (the gold standard of clinical practice).
–– Level II recommendation: Prospectively collected data or retrospective
analyses concerning relevant studies and based on clearly reliable data in
well-defined populations. This includes prospective trials that did not meet
the strict criteria for Level I recommendations, as well as non-randomized
studies, observational studies, case-control studies, and cohort studies.
–– Level III recommendation: Descriptive studies, consensus reports, and
expert opinions.

Most of the provided recommendations are Level II or III. As a whole, the

scientific foundation for management of severe TBI is extensive, but rarely
grounded on high-quality evidence. These recommendation levels allow the
reader to appreciate the scientific background behind the recommendation
whilst also providing a practical and clinically useful message (in particular
in the absence of high-quality evidence).
Each chapter has been given a standardized setup, with the exception of a
few chapters where this approach was not practical. The reader is given initial
Recommendations. An Overview gives a short summary of the relevant litera-
ture with emphasis on more recent studies, also including older, but impor-
tant, research. A section with Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls provides practical
advice and expert views. The relevant literature is reviewed in the Background
section. When applicable, a final section entitled Specific Paediatric Concerns
is provided.
The SNC hope that this updated book will prove useful for those faced
with the clinical and scientific problems of severely brain-injured patients.
Introduction xvii

The aim is to help establish a systematic and sustainable healthcare system,

including all aspects of TBI, from injury to long-term recovery.
This book would not have been possible without the initiative and support
from the SNC. We are grateful to all the authors for their enthusiasm and hard
work. We would like to thank all the section editors for their consistency and
imperative scientific input. We are also deeply indebted to all of the above
affiliated institutions for financial support and facilitation. Finally, we would
like to extend our sincerest appreciation to Springer International Publishing
AG for their invaluable editorial assistance.

Terje Sundstrøm
Per-Olof Grände
Teemu Luoto
Christina Rosenlund
Johan Undén
Knut Gustav Wester


Åstrand R, Rosenlund C, Undén J.  Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee

(SNC). Scandinavian guidelines for initial management of minor and
moderate head trauma in children. BMC Med. 2016;14:33.
Bellander BM, Sollid S, Kock-Jensen C, Juul N, Eskesen V, Sundstrøm T,
Wester K, Romner B.  Prehospital management of patients with severe
head injuries. Scandinavian guidelines according to Brain Trauma
Foundation. Lakartidningen. 2008;105:1834–38.
Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Schünemann HJ, Tugwell P, Knottnerus A. GRADE
guidelines: a new series of articles in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:380–2.
Ingebrigtsen T, Rise IR, Wester K, Romner B, Kock-Jensen C. Scandinavian
guidelines for management of minimal, mild and moderate head injuries.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2000a;120:1985–90.
Ingebrigtsen T, Romner B, Kock-Jensen C. Scandinavian guidelines for ini-
tial management of minimal, mild, and moderate head injuries. J Trauma.
Juul N, Sollid S, Sundstrøm T, Kock-Jensen C, Eskesen V, Bellander BM,
Wester K, Romner B. Scandinavian guidelines on the pre-hospital man-
agement of traumatic brain injury. Ugeskr Laeger. 2008;170:2337–41.
Majdan M, Plancikova D, Brazinova A, Rusnak M, Nieboer D, Feigin V,
Maas A.  Epidemiology of traumatic brain injuries in Europe: a cross-­
sectional analysis. Lancet Public Health. 2016;1:e76–83.
Romner B, Ingebrigtsen T, Kock-Jensen C. Scandinavian guidelines for man-
agement of head injuries. Evidence-based management of minimal, mild
and moderate head injuries. Ugeskr Laeger. 2000a;162:3839–45.
xviii Introduction

Romner B, Ingebrigtsen T, Kock-Jensen C. Scandinavian guidelines for man-

agement of head injuries. Evidence-based management of minimal, mild
and moderate head injuries. Lakartidningen. 2000b;97:3186–92.
Roozenbeek B, Maas AI, Menon DK. Changing patterns in the epidemiology
of traumatic brain injury. Nat Rev Neurol. 2013;9:231–6.
Rubiano AM, Carney N, Chesnut R, Puyana JC. Global neurotrauma research
challenges and opportunities. Nature. 2015;527:S193–7.
Sollid S, Sundstrøm T, Kock-Jensen C, Juul N, Eskesen V, Bellander BM,
Wester K, Romner B.  Scandinavian guidelines for prehospital manage-
ment of severe traumatic brain injury. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen.
Undén J, Ingebrigtsen T, Romner B, Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee
(SNC). Scandinavian guidelines for initial management of minimal, mild
and moderate head injuries in adults: an evidence and consensus-based
update. BMC Med. 2013;11:50.

Part I Traumatic Brain Injury as a Public Health Problem

1 Epidemiological Aspects������������������������������������������������������������������   3

Marek Majdan, Tor Ingebrigtsen, and Olli Tenovuo
2 Challenges in Low- and Middle-­Income Countries ��������������������   9
Tsegazeab Laeke, Knut Gustav Wester, Morten Lund-­Johansen,
and Terje Sundstrøm
3 Challenges in the Elderly����������������������������������������������������������������  15
Teemu Luoto and Thoralph Ruge
4 Challenges in Children��������������������������������������������������������������������  21
Olga Calcagnile, Ulrika Sandvik, and Erik Edström
5 Biomechanics and Prevention ��������������������������������������������������������  25
Svein Kleiven

Part II Classification and Assessment

6 Pathophysiology of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury ��������������������  35

Niklas Marklund and Olli Tenovuo
7 Classification of Head Injury����������������������������������������������������������  51
Ramona Åstrand and Johan Undén
8 Primary Clinical Assessment����������������������������������������������������������  61
Jacob Bertram Springborg

Part III Prehospital Management

9 Prehospital Guidelines��������������������������������������������������������������������  69

Riikka Takala
10 What the Neurosurgeon and the Trauma Team
Want to Know: What, Who, When, and Where?��������������������������  77
Mads Gilbert and Knut Gustav Wester
11 Transportation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������  83
Magnus Olivecrona and Zandra Olivecrona

xx Contents

Part IV Admission, Diagnostics and Planning

12 The Trauma Team Concept������������������������������������������������������������  91

Christina Rosenlund and Rico Frederik Schou
13 Trauma Protocol (ABCDE)������������������������������������������������������������  95
Christina Rosenlund and Rico Frederik Schou
14 Hospital Response to Mass Casualty Incidents ���������������������������� 101
Pål Aksel Næss and Christine Gaarder
15 Cervical Spine Injury���������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
Tor Brommeland and Hege Linnerud
16 Blast-Induced Brain Injury������������������������������������������������������������ 109
Niklas Marklund
17 Radiological Evaluation of Head Trauma�������������������������������������� 115
Christian Rahbek, Ronni Mikkelsen, and Vibeke Fink-Jensen
18 Radiological Evaluation of Cervical Spine Trauma���������������������� 123
Christian Rahbek, Ronni Mikkelsen, and Vibeke Fink-Jensen
19 Blood Samples���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Bo-Michael Bellander and Rasmus Philip Nielsen
20 To Treat or Not to Treat in the Acute Setting
(Withholding) and Withdrawal of Treatment ������������������������������ 135
Magnus Olivecrona
21 Potential Organ Donor: Organ Donor Management�������������������� 145
Pia Löwhagen Hendén
22 Ethical Aspects and Communication �������������������������������������������� 153
Christina Rosenlund

Part V Acute Surgical Treatment

23 Basic Trauma Craniotomy�������������������������������������������������������������� 159

Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth, and Knut Gustav Wester
24 Surgical Management of Traumatic Intracranial
Haematomas ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 163
Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth, and Knut Gustav Wester
25 Surgical Management of Penetrating Brain Injuries ������������������ 173
Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth, and Knut Gustav Wester
26 Decompressive Craniectomy���������������������������������������������������������� 177
Jussi P. Posti and Pål A. Rønning
27 Skull Fractures �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Pål André Rønning and Tor Brommeland
28 Vessel Injuries���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191
Pål André Rønning and Tor Brommeland
Contents xxi

29 Insertion of Intracranial Monitoring Devices ������������������������������ 195

Zandra Olivecrona and Bo-Michael Bellander
30 Maxillofacial Fractures������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Ann Hermansson
31 Considerations in Patients with Concomitant
Cervical Spine Injury���������������������������������������������������������������������� 207
Tor Brommeland and Terje Sundstrøm
32 Soft Tissue Injuries�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 211
Daniel Isacson and Daniel Nowinski
33 Surgery Outside Neurosurgical Units�������������������������������������������� 219
Per Enblad
34 Planning of Cranial and Extracranial Surgery
in Multitraumatised Patients���������������������������������������������������������� 225
Aqeel Chaudhry and Thomas Geisner

Part VI Perioperative Anaesthesia

35 Choice of Anaesthesia, Drugs and Medications���������������������������� 233

Christian Sigvald Langfrits and Bent Lob Dahl
36 Blood Pressure, CO2, and Oxygen Saturation������������������������������ 239
Kristian Dahl Friesgaard and Bent Lob Dahl
37 Intracranial Pressure Reduction���������������������������������������������������� 245
Bent Lob Dahl and Kristian Dahl Friesgaard

Part VII Monitoring in Neurointensive Care

38 Secondary Clinical Assessment������������������������������������������������������ 255

Jacob Bertram Springborg and Christina Rosenlund
39 A Wake-Up Test in the Neurointensive Care Management
of Severe TBI: Pros and Cons �������������������������������������������������������� 259
Niklas Marklund
40 Intracranial Pressure (ICP): Theoretical
and Practical Aspects���������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Peter Reinstrup
41 Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring �������������������������������������������������� 279
Troels Halfeld Nielsen and Jon Axel Forsse
42 Monitoring Microdialysis���������������������������������������������������������������� 283
Peter Reinstrup and Carl-Henrik Nordström
43 Jugular Bulb Measurements (SJVO2)�������������������������������������������� 291
Bo-Michael Bellander and Peter Reinstrup
44 Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Cerebral Metabolic
Rate (CMR)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
Peter Reinstrup, Eric L. Bloomfield, and Elham Rostami
xxii Contents

45 Transcranial Doppler (TCD)���������������������������������������������������������� 309

Peter Reinstrup and Jan Frennström
46 Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) or Cerebral Oximetry�������� 319
Peter Reinstrup
47 Clinical Neurophysiology: Evoked Potentials ������������������������������ 323
Birger Johnsen
48 Clinical Neurophysiology: Continuous EEG Monitoring������������ 327
Birger Johnsen
49 Imaging of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the
Neurointensive Care Unit���������������������������������������������������������������� 331
Leif Hovgaard Sørensen and Kent Gøran Moen
50 Serum Protein Biomarkers in the Management of Severe
Traumatic Brain Injury������������������������������������������������������������������ 343
Eric Peter Thelin, David W. Nelson, Johan Undén,
Ramona Åstrand, and Bo-Michael Bellander
51 Cardiopulmonary Aspects�������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Karen-Lise Kobberø Welling, Malin Rundgren,
and Kirsten Møller
52 Renal Aspects������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 377
Jens Aage Kølsen-Petersen
53 Neuroendocrine Aspects������������������������������������������������������������������ 381
Marianne Klose and Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen

Part VIII Treatment in Neurointensive Care

54 Guidelines for Treatment of Patients with Severe

Traumatic Brain Injury������������������������������������������������������������������ 395
Per-Olof Grände and Niels Juul
55 The Lund Therapy: A Physiological Approach���������������������������� 403
Per-Olof Grände and Peter Reinstrup
56 Pharmacological Neuroprotection�������������������������������������������������� 409
Niklas Marklund
57 Subacute Surgery in Neurointensive Care������������������������������������ 421
Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth, and Knut Gustav Wester
58 Management of Extracranial Injuries ������������������������������������������ 425
Nikolaj Preus Hatting and Rico Frederik Schou
59 CSF Drainage ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 429
Lars-Owe D. Koskinen
60 Hyperventilation������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 433
Niels Juul
Contents xxiii

61 Osmotherapy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 437
Jens Aage Kølsen-Petersen
62 Barbiturates for ICP Management������������������������������������������������ 449
Mads Rasmussen
63 Management of Fluids and Electrolytes���������������������������������������� 453
Per-Olof Grände and Niels Juul
64 Sedation: Including Pain Treatment and Withdrawal
Symptoms������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 461
Geir Olav Dahle
65 Nutrition�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 467
Anne Berit Guttormsen, Bram Johan de Hoog,
and Jennie Witte Hernæs
66 Management of CNS-Related Infection ���������������������������������������� 473
Christian A. Helland, Steinar Skrede,
and Jens Kjølseth Møller
67 Management of Extracranial Infections���������������������������������������� 485
Jan-Erik Berdal
68 Temperature Management�������������������������������������������������������������� 493
Per-Olof Grände and Peter Reinstrup
69 Seizures �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 497
Elisabeth Ronne-Engström and Jon Axel Forsse
70 Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity���������������������������������������� 503
Christina Rosenlund
71 Prophylaxis Against Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)���������������������������� 509
Ulf Schott and Morten Zebitz Steiness
72 Coagulopathy (Bleeding Tendency)������������������������������������������������ 515
Bo-Michael Bellander, Alexander Fletcher-­Sandersjöö,
and Martin Engström
73 Corticosteroids �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 533
Jens Jakob Riis
74 Management of Acute Psychiatric Problems�������������������������������� 537
Arne Einar Vaaler

Part IX Rehabilitation and Follow-Up

75 Rehabilitation After Severe TBI ���������������������������������������������������� 547

Nada Andelic, Solrun Sigurdardottir, and Olli Tenovuo
76 Long-Term Follow-Up �������������������������������������������������������������������� 557
Olli Tenovuo, Nada Andelic, and Solrun Sigurdardottir
xxiv Contents

Part X Outcome and Prognosis

77 General Overview���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 565

Eirik Vikane and Teemu Luoto
78 Somatic Consequences�������������������������������������������������������������������� 569
Johan Ljungqvist
79 Neuropsychiatric Consequences ���������������������������������������������������� 575
Salla Koponen
80 Neuropsychological Perspectives���������������������������������������������������� 581
Aniko Bartfai and Eirik Vikane
81 Neurosurgical Challenges���������������������������������������������������������������� 591
Jussi P. Posti
82 Minimally Conscious and Vegetative State������������������������������������ 605
Alison K. Godbolt
83 Specific Paediatric Concerns���������������������������������������������������������� 613
Olga Calcagnile, Catherine Aaro Jonsson,
and Ingela Kristiansen
84 Socioeconomic Consequences �������������������������������������������������������� 623
Olli Tenovuo, Marek Majdan, and Nada Andelic
85 Subacute MR Imaging: Traumatic Axonal Injury,
Brainstem Lesions and Prognostic Factors ���������������������������������� 629
Toril Skandsen, Kent Gøran Moen, and Anne Vik
86 Neurodegeneration and Dementia following
Traumatic Brain Injury������������������������������������������������������������������ 637
Niklas Marklund

Part XI Research in Severe TBI

87 Neurointensive Care Unit as a Platform for Advanced

Clinical Research����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 647
Per Enblad, Tim Howells, and Lars Hillered
88 Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research �������������������� 659
Andrew I. R. Maas, David K. Menon, and Niklas Marklund
Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 685

Catherine  Aaro  Jonsson Child and Youth Rehabilitation, Östersunds

Hospital, Östersund, Sweden
Nada  Andelic  Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Oslo
University Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway
Research Centre for Habilitation and Rehabilitation Models and Services,
Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo,
Oslo, Norway
Ramona Åstrand  Department of Neurosurgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Aniko Bartfai  Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Clinical
Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Bo-Michael  Bellander Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Jan-Erik  Berdal Infectious Diseases Department, Akershus University
Hospital, Nordbyhagen, Norway
Eric L. Bloomfield  Department of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Tor  Brommeland  Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital
Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway
Olga  Calcagnile Department of Paediatric Medicine, Halland Regional
Hospital, Halmstad, Sweden
Aqeel Chaudhry  Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland Trauma Center,
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Bent  Lob  Dahl Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Silkeborg
Regional Hospital, Silkeborg, Denmark
Geir Olav Dahle  Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Haukeland
University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

xxvi Contributors

Bram  Johan  de Hoog Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,

Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Erik  Edström  Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Per  Enblad Section of Neurosurgery, Department of Neuroscience/
Neurosurgery, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
Martin Engström  Department of Health Care, Region Halland, Halmstad,
Vagn  Eskesen  University Clinic of Neurosurgery, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen  Department of Medical Endocrinology, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Vibeke  Fink-Jensen Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Alexander  Fletcher-Sandersjöö  Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska
University Hospital, Solna, Sweden
Jon Axel Forsse  Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital,
Odense, Denmark
Jan Frennström  Department of Neurosurgery, Skåne University Hospital,
Lund, Sweden
Kristian  Dahl  Friesgaard Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive
Care, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Christine Gaarder  Department of Traumatology, Oslo University Hospital
Ullevål, Oslo, Norway
Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Thomas  Geisner Department of Vascular Surgery, Haukeland Trauma
Center, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Mads  Gilbert  The Clinic of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital of
North Norway, Tromsø, Norway
The Anaesthesia and Critical Care Research Group, Institute of Clinical
Medicine, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Alison K. Godbolt  University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, and
Department of Clinical Sciences, Karolinska Institute, Danderyd Hospital,
Stockholm, Sweden
Per-Olof  Grände Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Lund
University and Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Anne  Berit  Guttormsen Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Contributors xxvii

Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Nikolaj  Preus  Hatting  Department of Neuroanesthesiology and
Neurointensive Care, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
Christian A. Helland  Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University
Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Eirik  Helseth Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo,
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Ann Hermansson  ENT Department, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Lund University Hospital, Lund,
Jennie Witte Hernæs  Eating Disorders Unit, Skaraborgs Hospital, Skövde,
Lars  Hillered Department of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden
Tim  Howells Department of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden
Tor  Ingebrigtsen Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health
Sciences, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Department of Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology and ENT, University Hospital
of North Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Daniel  Isacson  Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Uppsala
University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Birger Johnsen  Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Niels Juul  Department of Anaesthesia, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
Tariq Khan  Department of Neurosurgery, Northwest School of Medicine,
Peshawar, Pakistan
Svein  Kleiven  Division of Neuronic Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Huddinge, Sweden
Marianne  Klose Department of Medical Endocrinology, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jens Aage Kølsen-Petersen  Department of Anaesthesia, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Salla Koponen  Department of Psychiatry, Hospital District of Helsinki and
Uusimaa, Helsinki, Finland
xxviii Contributors

Lars-Owe  D.  Koskinen Department of Clinical Science-Neurosciences/

Neurosurgery, Umeå University and Umeå University Hospital, Umeå,
Ingela Kristiansen  Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala
University and Uppsala University Childrens’ Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Tsegazeab Laeke  Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen,
Bergen, Norway
Department of Neurosurgery, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Christian Sigvald Langfrits  Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care,
Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
Hege  Linnerud Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital
Ullevål, Oslo, Norway
Johan  Ljungqvist Department of Neurosurgery, Sahlgrenska University
Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy University
of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Pia Löwhagen Hendén  Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care,
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Morten  Lund-Johansen Department of Clinical Medicine, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen,
Teemu  Luoto Department of Neurosurgery, Tampere University Hospital
and Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
Andrew  I.  R.  Maas Department of Neurosurgery, Antwerp University
Hospital and University of Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium
Marek  Majdan  Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences
and Social Work, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovak Republic
Niklas  Marklund Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurosurgery,
Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
David  K.  Menon Division of Anaesthesia, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, UK
Neurosciences Critical Care Unit, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK
Ronni  Mikkelsen Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Kent Gøran Moen  Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department
of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Department of Radiology, Nord-Trøndelag Hospital Trust, Levanger Hospital,
Levanger, Norway
Contributors xxix

Jens Kjølseth Møller  Department of Clinical Microbiology, Vejle Hospital,

Vejle, Denmark
Kirsten  Møller Department of Neuroanaesthesiology, The Neuroscience
Centre, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,
Pål  Aksel  Næss Department of Traumatology, Oslo University Hospital
Ullevål, Oslo, Norway
Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
David W. Nelson  Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Section of
Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,
Rasmus Philip Nielsen  Department of Anaesthesiology, Regional Hospital
West Jutland, Herning, Denmark
Troels  Halfeld  Nielsen Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University
Hospital, Odense, Denmark
Carl-Henrik Nordström  Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University
Hospital, Odense, Denmark
Daniel Nowinski  Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Uppsala
University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Surgical Sciences, Plastic Surgery, Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden
Magnus Olivecrona  Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine,
Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
Section for Neurosurgery, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,
University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
Zandra Olivecrona  Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine,
Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
Section for Neurosurgery, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,
University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
Jussi  P.  Posti Clinical Neurosciences, Department of Neurosurgery and
Turku Brain Injury Centre, Turku University Hospital and University of
Turku, Turku, Finland
Christian  Rahbek Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Mads Rasmussen  Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Section
of Neuroanaesthesia, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Peter  Reinstrup  Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care, Skånes
University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Lund University and Lund
University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
xxx Contributors

Jens Jakob Riis  Department of Neurosurgery, Aalborg University Hospital,

Aalborg, Denmark
Elisabeth  Ronne-Engström Department of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Pål  A.  Rønning Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital,
Oslo, Norway
Christina  Rosenlund Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University
Hospital, Odense, Denmark
Elham Rostami  Department of Neurosurgery, Uppsala University Hospital,
Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Thoralph  Ruge  Department of Emergency and Internal Medicine, Skåne
University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Department of Internal Medicine, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
Malin  Rundgren  Neurointensive Care Unit, Department of Intensive and
Preoperative Care, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Department of Clinical Sciences, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Medicine, Skåne University Hospital, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Ulrika Sandvik  Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Ulf  Schott Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Institution of
Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Rico  Frederik  Schou Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical
Care, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
Section of Neuroanesthesia and Neurointensive Care, Department of
Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Odense University Hospital,
Odense, Denmark
Solrun  Sigurdardottir Department of Research, Sunnaas Rehabilitation
Hospital, Bjørnemyr, Norway
Toril  Skandsen  Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of
Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, St. Olav’s Hospital,
Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
Steinar  Skrede Department of Medicine, Section of Infectious Diseases,
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Contributors xxxi

Leif Hovgaard Sørensen  Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University

Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Jacob Bertram Springborg  Department of Neurosurgery, University Clinic
of Neurosurgery, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Morten  Zebitz  Steiness Spine Section, Department of Neurosurgery,
Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
Terje  Sundstrøm Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University
Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Riikka  Takala Perioperative Services, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain
Management, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland
Olli Tenovuo  Turku Brain Injury Centre, Turku University Hospital, Turku,
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Department of Clinical Medicine, Turku Brain Injury Centre, Turku
University Hospital, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Eric  Peter  Thelin Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University
of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Johan  Undén Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Hallands
Hospital, Halmstad, Sweden
Department of Operation and Intensive Care, Hallands Hospital, Halmstad,
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Arne Einar Vaaler  Department of Mental Health, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Eirik  Vikane Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Anne Vik  Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Department of Neurosurgery, St. Olav’s Hospital, Trondheim University
Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
Einar  Osland  Vik-Mo Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University
Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway
Karen-Lise  Kobberø  Welling Neurointensive Care Unit, Section 6021,
Department of Neuroanaesthesiology, The Neuroscience Centre,
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Knut  Gustav  Wester  Department of Clinical Medicine K1, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Part I
Traumatic Brain Injury
as a Public Health Problem

Olli Tenovuo
Epidemiological Aspects
Marek Majdan, Tor Ingebrigtsen, and Olli Tenovuo

1.1 Introduction Epidemiological data are key for influencing

the occurrence and outcome of any disease. They
Injuries are a significant cause of disability and provide data on how often diseases occur, what
death. Based on the estimations of the Global their causes are, which populations are at highest
Burden of Diseases study (GBD), in 2013 glob- risk, and the impacts on the level of individuals
ally 973 million people sustained an injury requir- and populations.
ing medical attention and about 4.8 million died Valid epidemiological data on TBI are not yet
from an injury (Haagsma et  al. 2016). TBIs are sufficient, but both the quality and quantity of
among the most severe injuries. In the European available information have improved over the
Union (EU), estimated 2.5 million people sustain past decades. Three systematic reviews have
a TBI annually (Maas et al. 2017), of which about summarized epidemiological data on TBI for
1.5 million people are admitted to hospital, and Europe (Brazinova et  al. 2018; Peeters et  al.
57,000 people die (Majdan et al. 2016). 2015; Tagliaferri et  al. 2006). The most recent
study (Brazinova et al. 2018) identified 84 meth-
odologically valid studies presenting data on
M. Majdan (*) regional or national level.
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health It should be noted that systematic reviews syn-
Sciences and Social Work, Trnava University,
Trnava, Slovak Republic
thesize data from epidemiological studies with
e-mail: substantial differences in study population, case
T. Ingebrigtsen
ascertainment procedures, study period, and
Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health other aspects. This potentially causes bias and
Sciences, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, complicates pooled estimates. Some of these lim-
Tromsø, Norway itations can be overcome by using uniform case
Department of Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology ascertainment procedures and a common study
and ENT, University Hospital of North Norway, period, and by overseeing or validating the data
Tromsø, Norway
collection. Examples of such practices are sur-
veillance systems, such as the one implemented
O. Tenovuo
Turku Brain Injury Centre, Turku University
in the US (Taylor et al. 2017), trauma registries,
Hospital, Turku, Finland or studies using uniform data for their analyses
Department of Clinical Medicine,
(Majdan et al. 2016, 2017).
University of Turku, Incidence, prevalence, mortality, and case
Turku, Finland fatality rates are all traditional epidemiological

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 3

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
4 M. Majdan et al.

indicators used to describe the occurrence and other hand, studies relying on administratively
outcome of diseases and injuries. They provide collected data using ICD definitions (such as
excellent data on the number of occurring and databases of causes of deaths or hospital dis-
existing cases, but are not able to fully capture charges) provide a convenient way to compare
the impact of a disease in its full width, especially epidemiological characteristics over time, or
in case of heterogenic conditions as between populations of different countries. The
TBI.  Therefore, modern indicators providing disadvantage is that investigators do not have the
more detailed information about the true burden possibility to validate the given diagnosis and
to individuals and populations are increasingly therefore have to rely on the coding provided.
used. Among these are years of lost life (YLL), This may cause biased results. A number of stud-
years lived with disability (YLD), disability ies using administratively collected data use the
adjusted life years (DALY), and healthy life ICD definition of head injuries to describe TBI
expectancy (HALE). These indicators were intro- epidemiology (Majdan et  al. 2016, 2017;
duced and used for example in the GBD study Brazinova et  al. 2018; Mauritz et  al. 2014).
(GBD 2017 DALYs and HALE Collaborators Although some of the minor head injuries do not
2018). Table 1.1 provides an overview of all these include a TBI, the similarities in the incidence of
indicators and their use. TBI-related hospital discharges estimated using
When estimating epidemiological patterns of data from hospital cohorts (Brazinova et al. 2018;
TBI, case ascertainment is of key importance. Peeters et  al. 2015; Tagliaferri et  al. 2006) and
While studies on hospital cohorts of patients with administrative sources (Majdan et al. 2016) sug-
TBI have their limitations in terms of generaliz- gest that ICD-10 head injury codes provide a rea-
ability, they usually provide a good opportunity sonable estimate of hospital discharges due to
to define and characterize TBI in detail. On the TBI.  In fact, in multiple investigations, ICD

Table 1.1  Indicators of occurrence, outcome, and burden used to describe the epidemiological patterns and impact of
TBI in populations
Measure How to calculate What it expresses
Incidence rate The number of new cases in a given time period A measure of the risk of developing
divided by the total population from which they are some new condition within a specific
drawn period of time
Prevalence rate The total number of persons with the observed A measure of how common a condition
condition (old and new cases) divided by the total is within a population at a certain time
population from which they are drawn
Mortality rate The number of persons dying from the condition per A measure of the number of deaths in a
unit time (e.g. year) divided by the total population population, scaled to the size of the
from which they are drawn population within a specific period of
Case fatality The number of persons dying from the condition per A measure of the ratio of deaths within a
rate unit time (e.g. year) divided by the total number of designated population of people with a
persons in the population with the same condition particular condition over a certain period
of time
Years of life lost Reference age (life expectancy in the population) A measure of potential years of life lost.
(YLL) minus age of death = years of life lost The reference age corresponds to the life
expectancy of the population, commonly
set at age 75
Years lived with Reference age minus age of onset of condition/ A measure of the years lived with the
disability disease = YLD impact of disability
Disability-­ YLL + YLD = DALY A measure of overall disease burden,
adjusted life expressed as the number of years lost
year (DALY) due to ill health, disability or early death
Adopted from Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury—Evidence, Tricks and Pitfalls (Sundstrom et al. 2012)
1  Epidemiological Aspects 5

codes have been shown to underestimate the The former estimate is based on a meta-analysis
­incidence of TBI (Barker-Collo et al. 2016; Deb of incidences from published studies (including
1999; Shore et al. 2005). hospital cohorts and studies using administrative
data and the broader definition of head injuries)
(Peeters et  al. 2015) and the latter on hospital
1.2 Causes records from a single year from 25 European
countries (using the broader definition of head
In general, road traffic accidents (RTAs) and falls injuries based on ICD-10) (Majdan et al. 2016).
are the two major external causes of injury lead- An estimate of the relative proportion of the head
ing to TBI (Maas et al. 2017; Majdan et al. 2016; vs. brain injuries suggested that about 56% of all
Brazinova et  al. 2018; Peeters et  al. 2015; head injuries treated as inpatient were also intra-
Tagliaferri et  al. 2006). Previously, RTAs were cranial injuries (Majdan et  al. 2016). Capturing
the most important cause. In recent years, a TBI in the whole range of its severity can lead to
decline in the number of road traffic accidents incidences, which are substantially higher; for
and ageing of the population has caused a transi- example, a community-based study in New
tion in the relative proportions of RTAs and falls Zealand about TBIs of all severities resulted in
as causes for TBI in high-income countries 790 cases of TBI per 100,000 person years
(Roozenbeek et al. 2013). The Nordic countries (Feigin et al. 2013).
have a zero-vision for traffic deaths, and this goal
has been approached for several months in a row
in some regions ( 1.4 Mortality and Case Fatality
port-og-reiseliv/statistikker/vtu). Falls are indeed
nowadays the dominant cause in many countries Deaths as a consequence of TBI are usually
(Maas et al. 2017). Based on data extracted from reported using two different indicators: case
death certificates, falls were the predominant fatality rates indicate the proportion of fatal cases
cause of fatal TBI in Europe in 2012, followed by of all TBI cases per unit of space and time, and
RTAs, suicides, and violence (Majdan et al. 2016; mortality indicates the number of cases relative
Brazinova et  al. 2018; Peeters et  al. 2015). The to the overall population.
causes of non-fatal TBI can be estimated from Most studies of hospital cohorts report case
hospital cohorts, registry-based studies, or sur- fatalities, and these vary widely based on the char-
veillance data, and they display a similar pattern: acteristics of the cohort: in a systematic review,
falls are predominant, followed by RTAs they ranged from 1 to 60%, with recent studies on
(Brazinova et  al. 2018; Peeters et  al. 2015; TBI of all severities reporting 16–25% and those
Tagliaferri et al. 2006). based on cohorts of severe TBI reporting about
50% (Brazinova et al. 2018). With increasing age,
case fatality rates increase: a meta-analysis of TBI
1.3 Incidence cases in those over 60 years of age showed a rate
of 57% (McIntyre et al. 2013).
The reported incidence of TBI varies widely in The close correlation with age is apparent in
published studies. In Europe, it ranges from 47 to mortality rates as well. Based on data from death
694 new cases per 100,000 people per year certificates, the proportion of persons 65 years or
(Brazinova et al. 2018). Much of this variation is older among deaths due to TBI was 55%, and in
probably caused by differences in study designs females as high as 68% (Majdan et  al. 2016).
or case ascertainment. Two summary estimates Mortality also varies from study to study and
of TBI incidence for Europe were recently pub- between countries, although not to a degree
lished (Majdan et  al. 2016; Brazinova et  al. observed in case of incidences: in a systematic
2018), and they are close to each other; 262 and review, mortality ranged from 6 to 12 per 100,000
287.2 per 100,000 people per year, respectively. population (Brazinova et  al. 2018), and in an
6 M. Majdan et al.

analysis of death certificate data from 25 about 54% of cases (Maas et al. 2017). The age-­
European countries, between 2.8 and 20.3 per adjusted TBI mortality rate increased from 13 in
100,000 (Majdan et al. 2016). The pooled mortal- 2003 to 17 per 100,000 population in 2008
ity rate in Europe has been estimated to 11.7 (Cheng et al. 2017). In the USA, each year about
cases per 100,000 people, and TBIs caused 37% 2.5 million are admitted to EDs, hospitalized, or
of injury deaths in Europe (Majdan et al. 2016). die due to TBI, as estimated in 2010 by the CDC
An important aspect of mortality after a TBI is (Taylor et  al. 2017). There is a massive lack of
the time after injury at which the death occurs. information from low- and middle-income coun-
Usually, deaths in the ICU, before hospital dis- tries where the incidence, mortality, and general
charge and by 6 months post injury are reported burden is presumably much higher than in Europe
in the literature. The time of survival after the and the USA.
injury in general has implications for the burden Disease prevalence is the most appropriate
and cost of TBI to society. This is dealt with in indicator for assessing the need for care and con-
other parts of this book in greater detail. tinuous health services. In case of TBI, the infor-
mation on prevalence (e.g. the number of people
alive with a sequelae after TBI at a point in time)
1.5  he Burden of TBI and Global
T is very limited. Those few estimates that are
Aspects available are mostly based on self-report surveys
and may thus be biased. A systematic review
The epidemiology of TBI is increasingly being summarized the available findings and reported
studied using modern indicators of the burden of lifetime history of TBI in about 12% of the inter-
disease. A recent study from New Zealand esti- viewed persons, 17% in males and 9% in females
mated that 20,300 DALYs can be attributed to (Frost et al. 2013). A more precise estimation was
TBI in New Zealand (Te Ao et al. 2015), while a derived from a Swedish birth cohort where 9.1%
study from the Netherlands estimated 171,200 of the cohort members sustained a TBI before the
TBI-related DALYs (Scholten et  al. 2014). A age of 25 years, but the percentage of those with
study based on detailed data on causes of death permanent symptoms was not studied (Sariaslan
from 16 European countries estimated that about et al. 2016). Another approach of estimating the
17,000 TBI-related deaths resulted in about prevalence is mathematical modelling. With this
375,000 YLLs, which translates to about 259 approach, the prevalence in the general popula-
TBI-related YLLs per 100,000 people, or to about tion of New Zealand was calculated at 13%
24.3  years of lost life per TBI death (Majdan (11.4% in females and 14.8% in males) (Te Ao
et al. 2017). For the year 2016, the burden of TBI et al. 2015). On the global scale, the prevalence
is estimated on a global scale within the GBD has been modelled in the GBD study, where the
study, but due to limitations of causes of death global prevalence of TBI was estimated at 55.5
data, it is restricted to YLDs, resulting in 8.1 mil- million cases (GBD 2016 Traumatic Brain Injury
lion YLDs (GBD 2016 Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Collaborators 2019).
and Spinal Cord Injury Collaborators 2019).
Greatly contributing to the global occurrence
of TBI are developing countries with growing References
economies, where road traffic is increasing rap-
Barker-Collo S, Theadom A, Jones K, Feigin VL, Kahan
idly while authorities are not able to keep up with M.  Accuracy of an international classification of
preventive and control measures. It is estimated diseases code surveillance system in the identifica-
that one TBI death occurs in India every 3 min, tion of traumatic brain injury. Neuroepidemiology.
and annually about one million people become 2016;47(1):46–52.
Brazinova A, Rehorcikova V, Taylor MS, Buckova V,
disabled due to TBI, of which 60–70% are caused Majdan M, Psota M, et al. Epidemiology of traumatic
by RTAs (Maas et al. 2017). Similarly in China, brain injury in Europe: a living systematic review. J
RTAs are the main cause of TBI, accounting for Neurotrauma. 2018. [Epub ahead of print].
1  Epidemiological Aspects 7

Cheng P, Yin P, Ning P, Wang L, Cheng X, Liu Y, et al. Mauritz W, Brazinova A, Majdan M, Leitgeb
Trends in traumatic brain injury mortality in China, J. Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury in Austria.
2006-2013: a population-based longitudinal study. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2014;126(1–2):42–52.
PLoS Med. 2017;14(7):e1002332. McIntyre A, Mehta S, Aubut J, Dijkers M, Teasell
Deb S. ICD-10 codes detect only a proportion of all head RW.  Mortality among older adults after a trau-
injury admissions. Brain Inj. 1999;13(5):369–73. matic brain injury: a meta-analysis. Brain Inj.
Feigin VL, Theadom A, Barker-Collo S, Starkey NJ, 2013;27(1):31–40.
McPherson K, Kahan M, et al. Incidence of traumatic Peeters W, van den Brande R, Polinder S, Brazinova A,
brain injury in New Zealand: a population-based Steyerberg EW, Lingsma HF, et  al. Epidemiology
study. Lancet Neurol. 2013;12(1):53–64. of traumatic brain injury in Europe. Acta Neurochir.
Frost RB, Farrer TJ, Primosch M, Hedges DW. Prevalence 2015;157(10):1683–96.
of traumatic brain injury in the general adult pop- Roozenbeek B, Maas AI, Menon DK. Changing patterns
ulation: a meta-analysis. Neuroepidemiology. in the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury. Nat Rev
2013;40(3):154–9. Neurol. 2013;9(4):231–6.
GBD 2016 Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Sariaslan A, Sharp DJ, D’Onofrio BM, Larsson H, Fazel
Injury Collaborators. Global, regional, and national S. Long-term outcomes associated with traumatic brain
burden of traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury in childhood and adolescence: a Nationwide
injury, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Swedish cohort study of a wide range of medical and
Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol. social outcomes. PLoS Med. 2016;13(8):e1002103.
2019;18(1):56–87. Scholten AC, Haagsma JA, Panneman MJ, van Beeck EF,
GBD 2017 DALYs and HALE Collaborators. Global, Polinder S. Traumatic brain injury in the Netherlands:
regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years incidence, costs and disability-adjusted life years.
(DALYs) for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e110905.
life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and ter- Shore AD, McCarthy ML, Serpi T, Gertner M.  Validity
ritories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the of administrative data for characterizing traumatic
Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. brain injury-related hospitalizations. Brain Inj.
2018;392(10159):1859–922. 2005;19(8):613–21.
Haagsma JA, Graetz N, Bolliger I, Naghavi M, Higashi Sundstrom T, Grände P-O, Juul N, Kock-Jensen C,
H, Mullany EC, et  al. The global burden of injury: Romner B, Wester KG.  Management of severe trau-
incidence, mortality, disability-adjusted life years and matic brain injury—evidence, tricks, and pitfalls.
time trends from the global burden of disease study Berlin: Springer; 2012.
2013. Inj Prev. 2016;22(1):3–18. Tagliaferri F, Compagnone C, Korsic M, Servadei F, Kraus
Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD, Andelic N, Bell J. A systematic review of brain injury epidemiology in
MJ, Belli A, et al. Traumatic brain injury: integrated Europe. Acta Neurochir. 2006;148(3):255–68; discus-
approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and sion 68.
research. Lancet Neurol. 2017;16(12):987–1048. Taylor CA, Bell JM, Breiding MJ, Xu L. Traumatic brain
Majdan M, Plancikova D, Brazinova A, Rusnak M, injury-related emergency department visits, hospital-
Nieboer D, Feigin V, et al. Epidemiology of traumatic izations, and deaths—United States, 2007 and 2013.
brain injuries in Europe: a cross-sectional analysis. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2017;66(9):1–16.
Lancet Public Health. 2016;1(2):e76–83. Te Ao B, Tobias M, Ameratunga S, McPherson K,
Majdan M, Plancikova D, Maas A, Polinder S, Feigin V, Theadom A, Dowell A, et  al. Burden of traumatic
Theadom A, et al. Years of life lost due to traumatic brain injury in New Zealand: incidence, prevalence
brain injury in Europe: a cross-sectional analysis of 16 and disability-adjusted life years. Neuroepidemiology.
countries. PLoS Med. 2017;14(7):e1002331. 2015;44(4):255–61.
Challenges in Low- and 
Middle-­Income Countries 2
Tsegazeab Laeke, Knut Gustav Wester,
Morten Lund-­Johansen, and Terje Sundstrøm

2.1 Overview road traffic as well as within professional and

domestic life lead to a manifold increase in the
According to data from the World Health frequency of injuries compared to HICs.
Organization (WHO), trauma causes more deaths The leading causes of injuries worldwide
than tuberculosis, HIV and malaria combined include road traffic accidents (RTAs), falls and
(World Health Organization 2014). It accounts for violence. Injury mechanisms differ geographi-
15% of the burden of death and disability world- cally. RTAs contributed to 30–86% of all trauma
wide, and this is expected to rise to 20% by the admissions in LMICs (Odero et  al. 1997) and
year 2020 (WHO 1996). Trauma has now been are projected to be the fifth leading cause of
recognized as a significant public health burden in death worldwide (WHO 2008). Interpersonal
LMICs (Nordberg 2000). In a recent global sur- violence is also found to be one of the common-
vey, trauma accounted for 12% of all deaths in est injury mechanisms in some LMICs (Seedat
LMICs, compared to 6% in HICs (Norton and et  al. 2009). Fall from heights in young con-
Kobusingye 2013), and nearly 90% of all trauma- struction workers is a common mechanism
related deaths in the world occur in LMICs encountered in LMICs, where occupational
(Hofman et al. 2005). Poor safety measures within safety is poorly implemented.
Neurotrauma is the most common cause of
permanent disability, causing the highest loss of
T. Laeke (*) disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (Rubiano
Department of Clinical Medicine, University et al. 2015). TBI causes half of all trauma-related
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway deaths, and the number of victims is increasing at
Department of Neurosurgery, Addis Ababa an alarming rate. The WHO has therefore pre-
University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia dicted TBI to be the third leading cause of death
K. G. Wester in the world in 2030 (WHO 2015; Mathers and
Department of Clinical Medicine, University Loncar 2006). TBI, along with stroke, constitutes
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
nearly 60% of the causes of death related to brain
disorders (Dewan et  al. 2018). Sixty percent of
M. Lund-Johansen · T. Sundstrøm
all head injuries are due to RTAs in LMICs, and
Department of Clinical Medicine, University
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway mortality and disability from TBIs are higher in
LMICs. Cost of care and treatment for patients
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University
Hospital, Bergen, Norway with severe TBI are big challenges for families
e-mail:; and caretakers in resource-limited settings, given

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 9

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
10 T. Laeke et al.

the high expenses incurred and prolonged recov- were performed in HICs, which comprise only
ery time for the patients. one third of the world’s population. Neurosurgical
Despite alarming figures drawn from available care is particularly needed in many parts of the
data, there is no centralized database to exactly world (Servadei et  al. 2018), and dedicated
quantify trauma deaths in LMICs. This shortage trauma centres fully equipped to treat severely
poses a challenge when quantifying the problem, injured patients are lacking. Most centres in
and hence, it becomes difficult to propose pre- LMICs lack clinical protocols for TBI and orga-
ventive and tailored treatment guidelines (Dewan nized trauma teams (Newgard et al. 2015).
et  al. 2018). It is believed that this absence of Most patients with TBI have no access to basic
structured neurotrauma registries leads to an neurosurgical care, mainly due to lack of infra-
underestimation of the true burden of TBIs structure and treatment costs (Park et al. 2016).
(Rubiano et al. 2015). Very few hospitals, if any, are adequately
Treatment of severe TBI in LMICs is charac- equipped to treat these patients in most of the
terized by significant resource limitations, poorly
resource-limited setups, and they are often inac-
developed trauma management systems and lack cessible in a timely manner because of very long
of qualified medical personnel. distances and poor transportation facilities.
Hence, patients get neurosurgical care late and at
an advanced stage of their condition; this makes
2.2 Prehospital Care the management and treatment challenging
(Punchak et al. 2018).
Prehospital care is at its early stage in most Surgical infrastructure to give emergency care
LMICs (Meskere et  al. 2015). Incidental wit- is severely compromised. Reports show that as
nesses to the accident or patient relatives often many as 65% of 231 district hospitals in 12 Sub-­
bring trauma victims to the hospital. According Saharan countries lack continuous supply of elec-
to a study from Ethiopia, only 10% of hospital-­ tricity, and oxygen supplies are only available in
admitted TBI patients were transported by 40% of surgical hospitals in East Africa (8 MDG
ambulance from the accident site (Laeke et al. 2015). These limitations can have detrimental
2019). Ambulances are rarely staffed with consequences for patients with severe TBI.
medically trained personnel, and they lack CT scanners are not necessarily easily avail-
appropriate life support equipment. Inadequate able, and there is a paucity of intensive care unit
care at the accident scene and during transport (ICU) beds. Facilities such as mechanical venti-
may lead to impaired outcome due to second- lators and equipment for arterial blood gas analy-
ary brain injuries, and hospitals giving trauma sis are scarce, if at all present. Thus, in-hospital
care are usually far away. Patients therefore limitations force physicians to improvise and to
have to be transported for a long time with do hard prioritizations based on salvageability.
inadequate care before arriving at the hospital.
This leads to poor survival rates. In conclusion,
suboptimal prehospital care and long transpor- 2.4 Clinical Protocols
tation time both play a significant role for poor and Guidelines
patient outcomes.
Most treatment guidelines on the management of
severe TBI are based on evidence generated from
2.3 In-hospital Care HICs with affluent resources (Rubiano et al. 2015).
They do not take into account the challenges with
The Lancet Commission report documents a sig- regard to both infrastructure and human resources
nificant lack of surgical care worldwide. Reports that are faced in LMICs. This has made it difficult
show that about 74% of all surgeries globally to directly transfer advanced treatment guidelines
2  Challenges in Low- and Middle-Income Countries 11

into resource-limited settings (Gosselin 2009). 2.7 Interventions to Strengthen

Moreover, there are very few studies on TBI man- and Improve Care
agement and outcome from LMICs (Sitsapesan
et  al. 2013). Notably, only 4.3% of all surgical 2.7.1 Education and Training
research papers come from LMICs. This poses a
challenge when trying to tailor the surgical man- Locally tailored training programs in neurosur-
agement based on locally generated evidence. gery have been developed in several LMICs. The
Ethiopian neurosurgical training program has
shown that this strategy has a significant impact
2.5 Lack of Specialty Care by increasing the number of neurosurgeons in the
country (Lund-Johansen et al. 2017). The quality
Neurotrauma care in LMICs is also characterized of care is significantly increased with more
by a large deficiency of human resources. The timely and efficient treatment, especially as neu-
ratio of neurosurgeons in the population is 1 per rosurgical services are developed at district hos-
6.4 million in Sub-Saharan Africa as compared to pitals. Improved patient follow-up is a key
1 per 62,500 in the United States (El Khamlichi element. Only 20–30% of patients are currently
2014). In a recent study, Dewan et al. estimated followed after treatment (Araki et  al. 2017).
the global deficit in neurosurgical care to be 5.2 Efforts are ongoing to train healthcare providers
million cases per year, of which Southeast Asia at district hospitals in monitoring patients for
and Africa take the lion’s share with 2.5 and 1.8 complications, diagnosing conditions that need
million unaddressed neurosurgical cases, respec- further neurosurgical care, referring patients and
tively (Dewan et al. 2018). The huge manpower registering data in centralized registry systems.
deficiency has made optimal neurosurgical care
very difficult.
Patients succumb before getting the appropri- 2.7.2 Research
ate neurosurgical expertise. Neurotrauma care is
often provided by non-neurosurgeons in an Studies on the management of neurotrauma from
attempt to salvage life before patients are referred LMICs are unfortunately underrepresented in the
to hospitals where neurosurgical care can be international literature relative to the scale of the
given. Trained ICU doctors and nurses are also problem. This is important, as different regions
scarce. have their own needs and obstacles; neurotrauma
research and management need to be contextual-
ized. It is not possible to directly transfer cost
2.6 Lack of Rehabilitation Care demanding, evidence-based guidelines from
Western counties to LMICs, which lack the neces-
Rehabilitation care is less developed in LMICs. sary finances, equipment and human resources
Patients with severe TBI will usually be sent (Rubiano et  al. 2015; Laeke et  al. 2019; Lund-­
home directly after treatment of acute neu- Johansen et al. 2017). Thus, there is a great need for
rotrauma. Rehabilitation mainly relies on family more and better data on epidemiological aspects,
members who are trained a few days in the hospi- in-hospital care and patient follow-up to facilitate
tal while visiting patients. Follow-up of patients development of locally tailored guidelines, to
is challenging due to a general lack of infrastruc- improve the quality of care provided and to identify
ture in the community; lack of postal addresses region-specific focus areas for preventive efforts. A
and changing mobile telephone numbers are only key issue for further development of neurosurgical
a few of the factors that may hamper follow-up training programs is to stimulate more research and
and consequently result in poor patient outcomes formal research training (e.g. PhD), particularly
(Sitsapesan et al. 2013). within the most prevalent disease conditions.
12 T. Laeke et al.

2.8 Specific Paediatric Aspects brain injury: qualitative review. World Neurosurg.
Dewan MC, Rattani A, Fieggen G, Arraez MA, Servadei
TBI affects more than three million children F, Boop FA, et  al. Global neurosurgery: the current
worldwide every year (WHO 2008; CDC 2015). capacity and deficit in the provision of essential neu-
In comparison, two million children are diag- rosurgical care. Executive summary of the global neu-
rosurgery initiative at the program in global surgery
nosed with HIV and 500,000 with meningitis. and social change. J Neurosurg. 2018:1–10.
The frequency of trauma deaths in children in El Khamlichi A. The World Federation of Neurosurgical
LMICs is more than twice that of HICs (Dewan Societies Rabat Reference Center for training African
et al. 2016). In a Nigerian 12-year retrospective neurosurgeons: an experience worthy of duplication.
World Neurosurg. 2014;81(2):234–9.
analysis of paediatric trauma deaths, TBI was the Fink EL, von Saint Andre-von Arnim A, Kumar R, Wilson
most common injury (Newgard et al. 2015). PT, Bacha T, Tirsit A, Laeke T. Traumatic brain injury
Falls and RTAs are the most common causes and infectious encephalopathy in children from four
of paediatric TBI in LMICs (Dewan et al. 2016). resource-limited settings in Africa. Pediatr Crit Care
Med. 2018;19(7):649–57.
Children injured in RTAs are more likely to be Gosselin R. The increasing burden of injuries in develop-
pedestrians in LMICs as compared to vehicle ing countries. Direct and indirect consequences. Tech
occupants in HICs (Dewan et  al. 2016). Many Orthop. 2009;24:230–2.
children in LMICs work from a very young age Hofman K, Primack A, Keusch G, Hrynkow S. Addressing
the growing burden of trauma and injury in low-
without proper safety precautions, and children and middle-income countries. Am J Public Health.
are often unattended, predisposing them to unin- 2005;95(1):13–7.
tentional injuries. Laeke T, Tirsit A, Debebe F, Girma B, Gere D, Park KB,
Children and adults with TBI in LMICs face et al. Profile of head injuries: pre hospital care, diagno-
sis and severity in an Ethiopian tertiary hospital. World
many of the same challenges when it comes to Neurosurg. 2019;127:e186–92.
prehospital care, hospital treatment and rehabili- Lund-Johansen M, Laeke T, Tirsit A, Munie T, Abebe M,
tation (Dewan et al. 2016; Fink et al. 2018). Very Sahlu A, et al. An Ethiopian training program in neu-
few centres are actually capable of treating severe rosurgery with Norwegian support. World Neurosurg.
paediatric TBI patients. Management of children Mathers CD, Loncar D.  Projections of global mortality
with TBI remains basic and focused on initial and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030. PLoS Med.
care at healthcare facilities when comprehensive 2006;3:e442.
care is needed. Inter-hospital transport is rela- Meskere Y, Dinberu MT, Azazh A. Patterns and determi-
nants of pre-hospital care among trauma patients treated
tively frequent and associated with a significant in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Emergency
treatment delay and a negative impact on out- Department. Ethiop Med J. 2015;53(3):141–9.
come (Newgard et al. 2015; Fink et al. 2018). Newgard CD, Meier EN, Bulger EM, Buick J, Sheehan
Educational and research efforts are needed to K, Lin S, et al. Revisiting the “golden hour”: an evalu-
ation of out-of-hospital time in shock and traumatic
support the development of tailored diagnostic brain injury. Ann Emerg Med. 2015;66(1):30–41,
and treatment protocols for children with TBI in 41.e1–3.
LMICs (Fink et al. 2018). Nordberg E.  Injuries as a public health problem in sub-­
Saharan Africa: epidemiology and prospects for con-
trol. East Afr Med J. 2000;77(12 Suppl):S1–43.
Norton R, Kobusingye O.  Injuries. N Engl J Med.
References 2013;368(18):1723–30.
Odero W, Garner P, Zwi A.  Road traffic injuries in
8 MDG. MDG Gap Task Force Report 2015. Taking stock developing countries: a comprehensive review
of the global partnership for development. 2015. of epidemiological studies. Trop Med Int Health.
Araki T, Yokota H, Morita A.  Pediatric traumatic brain 1997;2(5):445–60.
injury: characteristic features, diagnosis, and manage- Park KB, Johnson WD, Dempsey RJ.  Global neurosur-
ment. Neurol Med Chir. 2017;57(2):82–93. gery: the unmet need. World Neurosurg. 2016;88:32–5.
CDC—Overview. GHAa. 2015. www.cdc.govglobalaids/ Punchak M, Mukhopadhyay S, Sachdev S, Hung YC,
resources. Peeters S, Rattani A, et al. Neurosurgical care: avail-
Dewan MC, Mummareddy N, Wellons JC 3rd, Bonfield ability and access in low-income and middle-income
CM.  Epidemiology of global pediatric traumatic countries. World Neurosurg. 2018;112:e240–e54.
2  Challenges in Low- and Middle-Income Countries 13

Rubiano AM, Carney N, Chesnut R, Puyana JC.  Global Sitsapesan HA, Lawrence TP, Sweasey C, Wester
neurotrauma research challenges and opportunities. K.  Neurotrauma outside the high-income setting: a
Nature. 2015;527(7578):S193–7. review of audit and data-collection strategies. World
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K.  Violence and injuries in South Africa: pri- WHO.  The global burden of disease. In: World Health
oritising an agenda for prevention. Lancet. Organization Bulletin; 1996.
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KB.  The role of neurosurgery in countries with lim- World Health Organization. Injuries and violence: the
ited facilities: facts and challenges. World Neurosurg. facts. Geneva: WHO; 2014.
2018;112:315–21. healthinfo/global_burden_disease/en/.
Challenges in the Elderly
Teemu Luoto and Thoralph Ruge

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls • Chronological age and TBI severity

• The most common cause of TBI in alone are insufficient to predict out-
elderly are ground-level falls and not come, instead management should be
high energy impacts such as motor vehi- based on biological age, pre-injury
cle accidents as in younger patients. health and functional capacity.
• Early suspicion of an underlying TBI • Evidence-based treatment guidelines of
event may be essential for a favorable geriatric TBI are lacking.
outcome in elderly patients.
• The clinical signs of acute TBI in elderly
patients may initially be masked, mim-
icked or magnified due to age-related
issues such as brain atrophy and general 3.1 Overview
functional impairment.
• Pre-injury health problems worsen the The number of elderly TBI patients is growing
prognosis of TBI in elderly patients, rapidly, especially in high-income countries
however prior health issues do not dis- (Gardner et  al. 2018; Harvey and Close 2012).
qualify for further treatment. Elderly patients with TBI experience both a
higher mortality and pre- and post-injury morbid-
ity compared to younger patients (Brazinova
et  al. 2015; Kumar et  al. 2018). In contrast to
T. Luoto (*) younger patients, elderly patients also have a dif-
Department of Neurosurgery, Tampere University ferent injury mechanism profile. The majority of
Hospital and Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
elderly TBIs are sustained in low-energy impacts,
especially ground-level falls (Brazinova et  al.
T. Ruge
2018). Younger patients are more prone to high-­
Department of Emergency and Internal Medicine,
Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden energy injuries, with motor vehicle accidents
being the major cause of severe TBI. Women are
Department of Internal Medicine, Skåne University
Hospital, Lund, Sweden more affected in higher ages than men (Gardner
et al. 2018).
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University,
Malmö, Sweden In relation to geriatric TBI, there is a clear
e-mail: lack of evidence-based guidelines. Major barriers

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T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
16 T. Luoto and T. Ruge

in the management of geriatric TBI include 3.3 Management

under-representation of older adults in TBI
research, lack of systematic measurement of pre-­ Acute management of geriatric TBI is challenged
injury health and lack of geriatric-specific TBI by pre-injury conditions, medication side effects
common data elements (Gardner et al. 2018). In and lack of proper information on prior function-
elderly patients, pre-injury health may be a better ing. Moreover, medication history can be unreli-
predictor of outcome and response to treatment ably attainable. Clinical assessment may
than age and TBI severity. Without proper guide- inadequately capture the true burden of acute
lines and evidence-based guidance, the manage- TBI. For example, age-related brain atrophy can
ment of severe geriatric TBI is challenging. allow an extra-axial hematoma to expand sub-
Clinicians are frequently faced with difficult ethi-stantially before resulting in clinical signs or
cal decisions on how to treat this growing and symptoms of TBI. Elderly patients have a higher
challenging patient population. Neurointensive incidence of CT-detectable traumatic lesion com-
(Dang et  al. 2015) and neurosurgical care (De pared to younger patients; subdural hematomas
Bonis et al. 2011) and also rehabilitation require being the most frequent TBI lesions among
complex medical judgement. Pursuing active elderly. Hypothetically, this increased risk is
treatment can be futile and inhumane. On the multifactorial: age-related changes in vasculature
other hand, decision-making on treatment with- and white matter, which render vessels more vul-
holding and withdrawing can be excruciating nerable to rupture and white matter tracts more
while proper guidelines and prognostic models susceptible to shear injury; weakened muscula-
are missing, and pessimistic prognosis becomes ture in the neck and trunk; pre-existing condi-
easily a self-fulfilling prophecy (Robertsen et al. tions and medications such as antithrombotics
2017; McCredie et al. 2016). (Gardner et al. 2018). Furthermore, acute evalua-
tion of TBI-related mental, physical and cogni-
tive alterations can be mimicked or masked by
3.2 Pre-injury Health pre-injury illnesses or deficits.
There is a huge lack of evidence on neurosur-
Pre-injury health problems are extremely com- gical and neurocritical management of geriatric
mon among patients with geriatric TBI and TBI (Gardner et al. 2018). A few recent observa-
become more abundant with ageing. tional, largely retrospective studies have assessed
Cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, neurolog- the value of various acute neurosurgical inter-
ical and psychiatric conditions are all common ventions, including intracranial pressure (ICP)
comorbidities. Additionally, a substantial number monitoring (Dang et al. 2015; You et al. 2016),
of elderly patients have a history of earlier TBI craniotomy (Kinoshita et  al. 2016) and decom-
(Hamill et al. 2015). Chronic medical conditions pressive craniectomy (De Bonis et  al. 2011;
are usually accompanied by multiple medications Kinoshita et al. 2016) in older adults with mod-
(Catapano et al. 2017). Along with diseases and erate to severe TBI. However, these studies may
polypharmacy, many older adults suffer from be limited/confounded by indication and other
frailty. Frail individuals have impaired adaptabil- potential sources of bias, such as the physician’s
ity to stressors such as acute illness or trauma. opinion of a patient’s prognosis, which may
This increased vulnerability contributes to higher impact treatment decisions (Gardner et al. 2018).
risk for diverse adverse outcomes (Joseph et al. No generalizable evidence is available to guide
2017; Chen et al. 2014). Pre-injury comorbidity, clinicians in relation to neurosurgical and neuro-
polypharmacy, frailty and functional dependence critical management of geriatric TBI.
are associated with worse outcome post-trauma It is generally thought that older patients have
(Evans et  al. 2012; Joseph et  al. 2014) and are less potential for rehabilitation than younger indi-
also risk factors for sustaining a TBI (Dams-­ viduals due to prior functional deficits, limited cog-
O’Connor et al. 2013). nitive capability and physiological receptiveness.
3  Challenges in the Elderly 17

However, there is substantial evidence that inten- post-­TBI, the observed higher mortality among
sive inpatient rehabilitation greatly benefits also older versus younger individuals may predomi-
older adults with TBI (Uomoto 2008). Geriatric nantly be accounted for by expected age-related
severe TBI is less studied in the context of long- mortality observed in the general ageing popu-
term rehabilitation. Patients with geriatric TBI with lation (Gardner et al. 2018).
different injury severities have shown to gain func- Cognitive symptoms and impairment are
tional independence after rehabilitation (Yap and common after elderly TBI, and the prevalence
Chua 2008; Graham et al. 2010). Limited rehabili- of these sequels correlate with the severity of
tation resources often force to prioritize long-term the injury (Graham et al. 2010). Older patients
treatment to younger individuals. Nevertheless, age tend to recover slower cognitively than younger
should not be used as a main denominator for reha- patients with TBI (Cifu et al. 1996; Green et al.
bilitation suitability. On the contrary, overall evalu- 2008). Apart from cognitive problems post-
ation that takes into account a wide range of TBI, elderly patients with TBI are at increased
pre-injury factors (e.g., health, frailty, functional risk for post-traumatic epilepsy (Gardner et al.
impairment, realistic rehabilitation goals) should 2018) compared to younger patients. Geriatric
be applied. TBI is also associated with a higher incidence
Prognostication in TBI is difficult, and the of dementia (Fann et  al. 2018), Parkinson’s
existing prediction models can explain only disease (Ascherio and Schwarzschild 2016;
approximately 35% of the variance in outcome in Perry et al. 2016), stroke (Albrecht et al. 2015;
populations with severe and moderate TBI (Maas Kowalski et al. 2017), and depression (Menzel
et al. 2015). Withholding and withdrawing deci- 2008).
sion on life-sustaining therapies are mainly based
on a poor prognosis (Delaney and Downar 2016;
Souter et  al. 2015). As evidence-based decision
tools and prognostic models for elderly with TBI
are lacking, alignments on conservative versus Albrecht JS, Liu X, Smith GS, Baumgarten M, Rattinger
aggressive management should be made cau- GB, Gambert SR, Langenberg P, Zuckerman IH. Stroke
tiously, avoiding age discrimination (Gardner incidence following traumatic brain injury in older
et al. 2018). Management should rather be based adults. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2015;30(2):E62–7.
Ascherio A, Schwarzschild MA.  The epidemiology of
on biological than chronological age and account Parkinson’s disease: risk factors and prevention.
for the patient’s pre-injury health and functional Lancet Neurol. 2016;15(12):1257–72.
capability, as well as considering patient’s wishes Brazinova A, Mauritz W, Leitgeb J, Wilbacher I, Majdan
about life-saving and aggressive treatments. M, Janciak I, Rusnak M.  Outcomes of patients with
severe traumatic brain injury who have Glasgow coma
scale scores of 3 or 4 and are over 65 years old. J
Neurotrauma. 2010;27(9):1549–55.
3.4 Outcome Brazinova A, Mauritz W, Majdan M, Rehorcikova V,
Leitgeb J. Fatal traumatic brain injury in older adults
in Austria 1980-2012: an analysis of 33 years. Age
Chronological age and TBI severity alone are Ageing. 2015;44(3):502–6.
insufficient to accurately predict the outcome. Brazinova A, Rehorcikova V, Taylor MS, Buckova V,
A subset of older adults, even those with severe Majdan M, Psota M, Peeters W, Feigin V, Theadom
TBI, may achieve outcomes similar to younger A, Holkovic L, Synnot A. Epidemiology of traumatic
brain injury in Europe: a living systematic review. J
patients (Lilley et  al. 2016; De Bonis et  al. Neurotrauma. 2018. [Epub ahead of print]. https://doi.
2010; Taussky et  al. 2012; Mak et  al. 2012). org/10.1089/neu.2015.4126.
Nevertheless, the generally reported in-hospital Catapano JS, Chapman AJ, Horner LP, Lu M, Fraser DR,
mortality of elderly with severe TBI is high, up Fildes JJ. Pre-injury polypharmacy predicts mortality
in isolated severe traumatic brain injury patients. Am J
to 70–80% (Mitra et al. 2008; Brazinova et al. Surg. 2017;213(6):1104–8.
2010). Among older adults who survive the ini- Chen X, Mao G, Leng SX. Frailty syndrome: an overview.
tial hospitalization and rehabilitation period Clin Interv Aging. 2014;9:433–41.
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Cifu DX, Kreutzer JS, Marwitz JH, Rosenthal M, Joseph B, Pandit V, Zangbar B, Kulvatunyou N, Hashmi
Englander J, High W.  Functional outcomes of A, Green DJ, O’Keeffe T, Tang A, Vercruysse G,
older adults with traumatic brain injury: a prospec- Fain MJ, Friese RS, Rhee P.  Superiority of frailty
tive, multicenter analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. over age in predicting outcomes among geriatric
1996;77(9):883–8. trauma patients: a prospective analysis. JAMA Surg.
Dams-O’Connor K, Gibbons LE, Bowen JD, McCurry 2014;149(8):766–72.
SM, Larson EB, Crane PK. Risk for late-life re-injury, Joseph B, Orouji Jokar T, Hassan A, Azim A, Mohler MJ,
dementia and death among individuals with trau- Kulvatunyou N, Siddiqi S, Phelan H, Fain M, Rhee
matic brain injury: a population-based study. J Neurol P. Redefining the association between old age and poor
Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013;84(2):177–82. outcomes after trauma: the impact of frailty syndrome.
Dang Q, Simon J, Catino J, Puente I, Habib F, Zucker J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017;82(3):575–81.
L, Bukur M.  More fateful than fruitful? Intracranial Kinoshita T, Yoshiya K, Fujimoto Y, Kajikawa R, Kiguchi
pressure monitoring in elderly patients with traumatic T, Hara M, Wakayama A, Yoshimine T. Decompressive
brain injury is associated with worse outcomes. J Surg craniectomy in conjunction with evacuation of intra-
Res. 2015;198(2):482–8. cranial hemorrhagic lesions is associated with worse
De Bonis P, Pompucci A, Mangiola A, D’Alessandris QG, outcomes in elderly patients with traumatic brain
Rigante L, Anile C.  Decompressive craniectomy for injury: a propensity score analysis. World Neurosurg.
the treatment of traumatic brain injury: does an age 2016;89:187–92.
limit exist? J Neurosurg. 2010;112(5):1150–3. Kowalski RG, Haarbauer-Krupa JK, Bell JM, Corrigan
De Bonis P, Pompucci A, Mangiola A, Paternoster G, JD, Hammond FM, Torbey MT, Hofmann MC, Dams-­
Festa R, Nucci CG, Maviglia R, Antonelli M, Anile O’Connor K, Miller AC, Whiteneck GG. Acute isch-
C.  Decompressive craniectomy for elderly patients emic stroke after moderate to severe traumatic brain
with traumatic brain injury: it’s probably not worth the injury: incidence and impact on outcome. Stroke.
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Challenges in Children
Olga Calcagnile, Ulrika Sandvik, and Erik Edström

4.1 Incidence and Global range of 180–300 per 100,000 population.

Perspectives These rates include all severities. The majority
(80–90%) of these are mild and approximately
Severe TBI in children and adolescents is a com- 10% is believed to be moderate to severe TBI
plex disorder, with large heterogeneity in both (Astrand et al. 2016). In developing countries,
pathology and mechanisms. The impact of severe the incidence of TBI is increasing, probably
TBI is enormous as it is the leading cause of due to increasing use of motor vehicles.
death and life-long disability in children and According to the WHO, TBI is expected to sur-
causes significant societal costs and conse- pass many other diseases as a major cause of
quences (Murphy and Duhaime 2012; Maas et al. disability and death by 2020 (Murphy and
2017; Hawley et al. 2002). Duhaime 2012). Boys are generally at a higher
The real incidence of paediatric TBI injury risk for TBI.  Among children younger than
is difficult to assess due to the lack of definitive 3 years, the gender distribution is split evenly,
classification and lack of reliable data. The but with increasing age, boys have nearly twice
incidence numbers also seem to vary between the injury rate of girls (Faul and Coronado
publications, reflecting the difficulty in extract- 2015). Data on the impact of ethnicity and
ing data out of different hospital systems and socioeconomic status is generally lacking
regional differences in data collection. Usually (Dewan et al. 2016).
the annual incidence rates in the paediatric
population for European countries are in the
4.2 Age Distribution
and Mechanisms
O. Calcagnile (*)
Department of Paediatric Medicine, Halland Regional Activities and thus vulnerabilities vary greatly
Hospital, Halmstad, Sweden within the paediatric population, which is
U. Sandvik · E. Edström reflected in the mechanisms of injury. Incidences
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska vary with age and societal factors. The majority
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
of TBIs among infants and young children are
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University due to falls, while adolescents are mostly injured
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
during sports, recreational activities, and motor

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T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
22 O. Calcagnile et al.

vehicle accidents (MVAs). In the age group or too injured to report the assault, the clinical
between these two (5–14 years), falls are as com- challenge is profound.
mon as collisions (Maas et al. 2017; Trefan et al. The term “shaken baby syndrome” was intro-
2016). The highest incidence of TBI registered in duced in the 1970s, indicating the triad of enceph-
the paediatric population is among infants and alopathy (irritability, vomiting, altered level of
young children (0–4 years old). The second peak consciousness), SDHs, and retinal bleedings. It
of incidence is reported among adolescents. has been considered to indicate a mechanism of
Most paediatric TBI injuries are due to MVAs violent shaking of the infant. However, some
(6–80%) and falls (5–87%). Abuse and other reports have shown that the presence of this triad
forms of non-accidental trauma represent 2–12%, is not exclusively associated with abusive head
and sports-related injury <1–29%. As can be seen injury (Swedish Agency for Health Technology
from the wide ranges, regional and cultural dif- Assessment and Assessment of Social Services
ferences are great. Among sports, soccer, cycling, (SBU) 2016). The outcome of abusive head inju-
and horseback riding are most commonly associ- ries has the worst prognosis among all forms of
ated with paediatric TBI in Europe. In Africa, paediatric TBI. Mortality rates range from 13 to
Asia, and India more than half of the MVAs in the 23%. Approximately 55% suffer from neurologi-
paediatric population involved pedestrians, while cal deficits, among which visual impairments are
in China 43% of MVAs involved a bicycle. In common (Keenan et al. 2004).
Australia, Europe, and the United States, how-
ever, the MVAs typically involve vehicle occu-
pants. Falls seem to be a more frequent cause of 4.4 Prevention
paediatric TBI in Asian populations than in west-
ern countries. Sports-related paediatric TBI was At best modern trauma care prevents secondary
more common in Australia and the United States injuries, but preventive measures are absolutely
(2–29%) than in Asian countries (0.7–2%) needed to diminish the burden of TBI.  Many
(Dewan et al. 2016; Davies et al. 2015). causes of paediatric TBI are preventable and
have obvious remedies, which need to be imple-
mented effectively. For instance, the introduc-
4.3 Child Abuse tion of a road safety program in Brazil, China,
Kenya, Mexico, Turkey, and Vietnam is esti-
The incidence of child abuse or non-accidental mated to have a profound effect, resulting in
trauma (NAT) is difficult to determine. Reported 109,000 lives saved during 2014–2023. The pro-
data varies widely between countries. Published gram includes legislation on drunk driving,
data indicate an incidence of 2–12% of TBI in motorcycle helmets, safety belt use, and use of
children, and NAT is the most common cause of fines to improve adherence to traffic regulations.
severe paediatric TBI in infants and small chil- Albeit with a great variability between countries,
dren (Dewan et al. 2016; Davies et al. 2015). A reduced drunk driving was the single most
newly published Scandinavian study on the epi- important factor (84%) in reducing lives lost
demiology of subdural haemorrhage (SDH) dur- (Miller et  al. 2018). While it is obvious that
ing infancy shows an incidence of 2.3 per 100,000 reduced numbers of MVAs will result in reduced
infants for abusive SDH in the Swedish popula- numbers of severe TBI (Chen et al. 2018), data
tion (Högberg et al. 2018). NAT is often very dif- also suggests that helmet use during biking in
ficult to distinguish from accidental injuries. The children reduces the risk of hospital stay and
clinical presentation may range from normal neu- head and neck injuries (McAdams et  al. 2018)
rological findings to unstable vital signs and and that this translates into reductions in severe
coma. Often no external signs of injury are pres- TBI and trauma deaths (Socialstyrelsen 2017).
ent. As the victims typically are either too young This holds true also for sports-related TBI, where
4  Challenges in Children 23

helmet use in biking and horseback riding trans- may develop into “growing fractures”, where the
lates into reduced frequencies of trauma-induced underlying dural tear will result in herniation of
amnesia, ­unconsciousness, and epidural hemato- the brain. On the other hand, if the dura is intact,
mas (Bandte et al. 2018). small skull fractures will heal completely thanks
to the high osteogenic capacity of children’s
bones (Singh et al. 2016).
4.5 Features of Paediatric TBI Special considerations should be taken for the
vulnerability of the parenchyma of the develop-
The peripheral and central nervous system in ing brain. At birth the axons lack their protective
children differs from adults both in its anatomy myelin sheet, and it will take several years before
and physiology; as a direct consequence, TBI in the myelinisation process will be completed. It
paediatric population shows some specific fea- has been shown that unmyelinated axons are
tures and challenges. Anatomically the propor- more vulnerable to injury leaving the young child
tions between head and body differ between brain more easily subjected to diffuse injury pat-
children and adults and vary during childhood. terns (Babikian et al. 2015).
In newborns and infants, the head is large and In this chapter, we have presented only some
heavy in respect to the rest of the body, and it aspects that characterize and differ paediatric
will take several years to reach adult propor- TBI from TBI in adults. The anatomical and
tions. The brain of a newborn is around 25% of physiological differences are clear; however, we
the size of an adult brain, while the total body are still lacking paediatric-specific data and
weight is only 5% on average of that of an adult guidelines. There are only few studies available,
(Figaji 2017). Moreover, the heavy head is sup- and at the moment, there is not enough evidence
ported by weak neck muscles and stretchy liga- to support clinical recommendations. More
ments that make it easier for both head and spine paediatric-­specific studies are needed.
to get injured after a fall or other traumatic events
(Hickman et al. 2015).
The skull and the cervical region reach differ- References
ent maturity stages at different ages. The poste-
rior fontanel is the first to close around 2 months Astrand R, Rosenlund C, Undén J, et al. Scandianavian
guidelines for initial management of minor and
after birth while the anterior fontanel may stay moderate head trauma in children. BMC Med.
open until 18 months of age. Even sutures close 2016;14:33.
at different times, and this, together with fonta- Babikian T, Merkley T, Savage RC, Giza CC, Levin
nel, allows some adaptive margins when the H.  Chronic aspects of Pediatric traumatic brain
injury: review of the literature. J Neurotrauma.
intracranial volume increases. However, the level 2015;32:1849–60.
of volume increase is limited and does not adapt Bandte A, Fritzsche FS, Emami P, Kammler G, Püschel K,
in case of quickly expanding volumes. Moreover, Krajewski K. Sport-related traumatic brain injury with
children have a lower intracranial pressure (ICP) and without helmets in children. World Neurosurg.
than adults and tolerate only limited changes in Chen C, Peng J, Sribnick EA, Zhu M, Xiang H. Trend of
ICP (Figaji 2017). (More details on ICP physiol- age-adjusted rates of pediatric traumatic brain injury
ogy, monitoring and treatment will be discussed in U.S. emergency departments from 2006 to 2013. Int
elsewhere in this book.) J Environ Res Public Health. 2018;15.
Davies FC, Coats TJ, Fisher R, Lawrence T, Lecky FE. A
The skull in young children is thinner and profile of suspected child abuse as a subgroup of major
more easily bendable than in adults. The skull trauma patients. Emerg Med J. 2015;32:921–5.
may be easily deformed affecting the underlying Dewan MC, Mummareddy N, Wellons JC 3rd, Bonfield
parenchyma, even without any visible fractures. CM.  Epidemiology of global pediatric traumatic
brain injury: qualitative review. World Neurosurg.
Typical fractures in infants and young children 2016;91:497–509.
are for instance “ping-pong” fractures that will Faul M, Coronado V.  Epidemiology of traumatic brain
often remodel spontaneously; linear fractures injury. Handb Clin Neurol. 2015;127:3–13.
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Figaji AA.  Anatomical and physiological differences McAdams RJ, Swidarski K, Clark RM, Roberts KJ, Yang
between children and adults relevant to traumatic J, Mckenzie LB. Bicycle-related injuries among chil-
brain injury and the implications for clinical assess- dren treated in US emergency departments, 2006-­
ment and care. Front Neurol. 2017;8:685. 2015. Accid Anal Prev. 2018;118:11–7.
Hawley CA, Ward AB, Magnay AR, Long J.  Children’s Miller TR, Levy DT, Swedler DI. Lives saved by laws and
brain injury: a postal follow-up of 525 children from regulations that resulted from the Bloomberg road
one health region in the UK. Brain Inj. 2002;16:969–85. safety program. Accid Anal Prev. 2018;113:131–6.
Hickman ZL, McDowell M, Anderson RCE.  Principles Murphy S, Duhaime A. Update in pediatric neurotrauma.
of pediatric spinal column trauma. In: Albright Curr Trauma Rep. 2012;2:222–31.
AL, Pollack IF, Adelson PD, editors. Principles and Singh I, Rohilla S, Siddiqui SA, Kumar P.  Growing
practice of pediatric neurosurgery. 3rd ed; 2015. skull fractures: guidelines for early diagnosis and
p. 789–805. surgical management. Childs Nerv Syst. 2016;
Högberg U, Andersson J, Squier W, Högberg G, Fellman 32:1117–22.
V, Thiblin I, Wester K.  Epidemiology of subdural Socialstyrelsen. The Swedish National Board for Health
haemorrhage during infancy: a population-based reg- and Welfare. Statistical database. 2017. http://www.
ister study. PLoS One. 2018;13:e0206340.
Keenan HT, Runyan DK, Marshall SW, Nocera MA, Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and
Merten DF. A population-based comparison of clini- Assessment of Social Services (SBU). Traumatic
cal and outcome characteristics of young children shaking: the role of the triad in medical investigations
with serious inflicted and noninflicted traumatic brain of suspected traumatic shaking. Report 255E/2016.
injury. Pediatrics. 2004;114:633–9. Trefan L, Houston R, Pearson G, Edwards R, Hyde P,
Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD, et  al. Traumatic Maconochie I, Parslow RC, Kemp A. Epidemiology of
brain injury: integrated approaches to improve pre- children with head injury: a national overview. Arch
vention, clinical care, and research. Lancet Neurol. Dis Child. 2016;101:527–32.
Biomechanics and Prevention
Svein Kleiven

5.1 Biomechanics of Traumatic and eEn 22.05 oblique impact tests for motorcy-
Head Injuries cle helmets. These tests are, however, only used
to assess external projections and surface friction
The interior and exterior surfaces of a car are by measuring the tangential force. A pure radial
designed to protect the occupants from injury at impact will cause primarily linear acceleration of
accidents through the use of energy-absorbing the head, while a pure tangential impact around
materials and clever structural solutions. The pri- the head’s centre of gravity will cause both rota-
mary verification tool in the design process is the tional and linear acceleration of the head. In real-
head injury criterion (HIC) applied in a free ity, pure radial impacts are very rare and would
motion head-form experimental set-up, where a mainly cause skull fractures and injuries second-
rigid dummy head is launched towards specific ary to those fractures. Bicycle, motorcycle and
locations (National Highway Traffic Safety equestrian accident statistics from Germany,
Administration (NHTSA), U.S.  Department of Canada, Belgium and Finland have, on the other
Transportation (DoT) 1995). Linear accelera- hand, found the most common accident situation
tions in three perpendicular directions are mea- to be an oblique impact, with an average angle to
sured in the head-form during the impact, and the the ground of 30–40° (Harrison et al. 1996; Otte
performance is evaluated according to the et  al. 1999; Richter et  al. 2001; Verschueren
HIC.  The test procedure is established interna- 2009). Thus, the highest likelihood for oblique
tionally and thus used by automotive manufactur- impacts is causing both linear and rotational head
ers all over the world. Sports and automotive kinematics (Fig. 5.1).
helmets are also only tested for pure radial The human brain is sensitive to rotational
impacts to the helmet, except for the Bbs 6658 motion (Holbourn 1943; Gennarelli et al. 1987;
Kleiven 2013). In a pioneering work, Holbourn
(1943) observed shear strain patterns in 2D gel
Parts of the text has previously been published in “Kleiven models and claimed that translation is not injuri-
S.  Why most traumatic brain injuries are not caused by ous, while rotation could explain the majority of
linear acceleration but skull fractures are. Front Bioeng TBIs due to the nearly incompressible properties
Biotechnol. 2013;1:15.”
of brain tissue. The bulk modulus of brain tissue
is roughly five to six orders of magnitude larger
S. Kleiven (*)
than the shear modulus (McElhaney et al. 1976),
Division of Neuronic Engineering, KTH Royal
Institute of Technology, Huddinge, Sweden so that for a given impact, it tends to deform pri-
e-mail: marily in shear. Therefore, distortional strain has

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 25

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
26 S. Kleiven

Impact direction Kinematics Skull stress Brain strain Injury types

Fringe Levels Fringe Levels
5.000e+06 3.000e-01
4.500e+06 2.700e-01
4.000e+06 2.400e-01
3.500e+06 2.100e-01 • Skull fracture
3.000e+06 1.800e-01
• Contusion (secondary)
2.500e+06 1.500e-01
• Epidural Hematoma
2.000e+06 1.200e-01
1.500e+06 9.000e-02
1.000e+06 6.000e-02
5.000e+05 3.000e-02
0.000e+00 0.000e+00
Fringe Levels Fringe Levels
5.000e+06 3.000e-01
4.500e+06 2.700e-01
4.000e+06 2.400e-01 • Concussion
3.500e+06 2.100e-01 • Diffuse Axonal Injury
3.000e+06 1.800e-01 • Contusion
2.500e+06 1.500e-01 • Subdural Hematoma
2.000e+06 1.200e-01
• Intracerebral Hematoma
1.500e+06 9.000e-02
1.000e+06 6.000e-02
5.000e+05 3.000e-02
0.000e+00 0.000e+00

Fig. 5.1  Illustration of the biomechanics of an oblique principal strain (Green‐Lagrange) at maximum for the
impact (lower), compared to a corresponding perpendicu- brain are illustrated together with the maximum von
lar one (upper), when impacted against the same padding Mises stress for the skull bone. (Modified from Kleiven
using an identical initial velocity of 6.7  m/s. Maximum 2013)

been used as an indicator for the risk of TBI in difference between radial and oblique impacts,
the current chapter. The maximal principal Green perpendicular impacts through the centre of grav-
Lagrange strain was chosen as a predictor of ity of the head and 45° oblique impacts have been
CNS injuries, since it has been shown to correlate simulated (Kleiven 2013). It is obvious that sub-
with diffuse axonal injuries (Gennarelli et  al. stantially higher strain levels in the brain are
1989; Galbraith et  al. 1993; Bain and Meaney obtained for an oblique impact, compared to a
2000; Morrison et  al. 2003), as well as with corresponding perpendicular one, when impacted
mechanical injury to the blood–brain barrier towards the same padding of expanded polypro-
(Shreiber et al. 1997). This gives a large sensitiv- pylene using an identical initial velocity of
ity of the strain in the brain to rotational loading 6.7 m/s. It is also clearly illustrated that the radial
and a small sensitivity to linear kinematics impact causes substantially higher stresses in the
(Kleiven 2006). Therefore, rotational kinematics skull, with an associated higher risk of skull frac-
should be a better indicator of TBI risk than lin- tures (Fig. 5.1, upper).
ear. It has also been shown that the most common
severe injuries, such as subdural haemorrhage
and diffuse axonal injury, are more easily caused 5.2  rain Injuries Primarily
by rotational head motion (Gennarelli et al. 1972, Induced by Rotational
1987). Gurdjian and Gurdjian (1975) suggested Kinematics
that a combination of skull deformation, pres-
sures and inertial brain lag could present a clearer 5.2.1 Concussion
picture of head injury. Gennarelli et  al. (1982)
stated that all types of brain injury could be pro- The classical cerebral concussion involves imme-
duced by angular acceleration. According to diate loss of consciousness following impact
Ommaya (1985), rotation can produce both focal loading (Melvin et  al. 1993). This is the most
and diffuse brain injuries, while translation is commonly occurring type of TBI injury, account-
limited to focal effects. ing for around 70% of the total, where more than
The aim of this chapter is to point out future 99% of the patients have left the hospital within
directions when it comes to the prediction of 14  days (Kleiven et  al. 2003). Gennarelli et  al.
head injuries, based on the predominant mecha- (1972) subjected squirrel monkeys to controlled
nisms behind each type of injury. To illustrate the sagittal plane head motions. It was found that in
5  Biomechanics and Prevention 27

animals subjected to pure translation of the head, maximal principal strain in the brain tissue for
cerebral concussion was not observed. In contrast, the onset of the malfunction of the neurons in
the animals that were subjected to head rotations the brain, which could be seen as a first stage
were all concussed. Visible brain lesions were of DAI.  Maximum principal Green Lagrange
noted in both translated and rotated groups, but strain of 0.2 has also been shown to correlate
with a greater frequency and severity after rota- with cell death and neuronal dysfunction asso-
tion. Patton et  al. (2012) suggested rotational ciated with DAI (Morrison et al. 2003). Ueno
kinematics above 4500  rad/s2 and 33  rad/s for and Melvin (Löwenhielm 1975) found, when
peak resultant angular acceleration and maximum applying kinematics to a 2D head model, that
change in resultant angular velocity, respectively, the rotational acceleration has a dominant
to predict concussions involving loss of con- effect on shear deformation, while linear accel-
sciousness lasting longer than 1 min in rugby and eration is related to pressure.
Australian football impacts. Recently, Rowson
et al. (2012) recorded 57 concussions and a large
number of sub-concussive impacts during the 5.2.3 Contusions
2007–2009 collegiate American football seasons
and proposed 6383  rad/s2 in rotational accelera- Cerebral contusion is one of the most frequently
tion associated with 28.3 rad/s in rotational veloc- found lesions following head injury. It consists
ity to represent a 50% risk of concussion. Studies of heterogeneous areas of necrosis, pulping,
on giant squid axons (Thibault 1993) suggested a infarction, haemorrhage and oedema (Melvin
maximal principal strain of around 0.10 to cause et  al. 1993). Contusions generally occur at the
reversible injury to the axons, which could be site of impact (coup contusions) and at the oppo-
used as an approximate axonal strain threshold for site remote sites from the impact (contrecoup
concussion. During simulations of concussions in contusions) (Fig.  5.2). In the absence of skull
the National Football League (NFL), the strain fracture, contusions are likely induced by shear-
magnitude in the brain was found to be sensitive ing and scratching of the brain tissue against
to only the rotational kinematics and not the trans- edges and sharper ridges in the dura/skull and
lational motion (Kleiven 2007a). therefore caused by excessive head rotational
loading (Gennarelli 1981). Moreover, Shreiber
et al. (1997) derived a threshold of 0.19 in prin-
5.2.2 Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) cipal logarithmic strain in the cortex for a 50%
risk of cerebral contusions induced by vacuum.
DAI is associated with mechanical disruption As previously mentioned, this strain is sensitive
of many axons in the cerebral hemispheres and only to only the rotational kinematics and not to
subcortical white matter, illustrated as shear the translational motion (Kleiven 2007a;
strain in Fig.  5.2. Severe memory and motor Löwenhielm 1975).
deficits may be present, and posttraumatic
amnesia may last for weeks (Melvin et  al.
1993). DAI is the prevailing mechanism also in 5.2.4 Subdural Hematoma (SDH)
mild TBI—it is only a matter of extent and
severity. High-resolution imaging may show Acute SDH together with DAI injury account for
small haemorrhages and axonal swelling. The more head injury deaths than all other lesions com-
maximum strain needed to cause damage to the bined (Gennarelli and Thibault 1982). SDH is the
axons has been discussed above in previous most common of the severe TBIs, accounting for
publications. Studies have been performed around 50% of the total of this category in Sweden
with giant squid axons (Ueno and Melvin (Kleiven et  al. 2003). The most common mecha-
1995), and a strain of 0.3 was suggested as nism of SDH is tearing of veins that bridge the sub-
threshold for DAI. Bain and Meaney (Bain and dural space as they go from the brain surface to the
Meaney 2000) proposed a threshold of 0.2  in various dural sinuses (Fig.  5.2) (Gennarelli and
28 S. Kleiven

a Initial velocity b SHEAR


Impact force BRAIN



Fig. 5.2 (a) Schematic description of the biomechanics of the biomechanics of concussions, contusions, intrace-
of subdural hematoma caused by tearing of blood vessels rebral hematomas and diffuse axonal injuries caused by
such as the bridging veins induced by relative motion brain tissue deformation when impacted against a surface
between the skull and brain during impact. (b) Illustration as illustrated in Fig. 5.1. (Modified from Kleiven 2013)

Thibault 1982). Based on previous primate experi- 5.2.5 Intracerebral Hematoma (ICH)
ments, Gennarelli (1983) s­uggested that SDH
was produced by short duration and high ampli- ICHs are well-defined homogeneous collections
tude of angular accelerations. Lee and Haut of blood within the cerebral parenchyma. It was
(1989) studied the effects of strain rate on tensile possible, through the reconstruction of a moto-
failure properties of human bridging veins and cross accident, to re-create the injury pattern in
determined the ultimate strain to be about εf = 0.5, the brain of the injured rider using maximal prin-
which was found to be independent of the strain cipal strains (Kleiven 2007a). The strain levels at
rate (ε = 0.1–250 s−1). Earlier research done by maximum for two locations of intra-cerebral
Löwenhielm (1974) showed that the failure strain hematomas were around 0.4–0.5, which is close
was markedly reduced from about 0.8 to 0.2 as to the known thresholds for rupture of cerebral
the rate was increased. Lee et al. (1987) used a veins and arteries (Lee and Haut 1989;
2D sagittal model and Huang et al. (1999) used a Lövenhielm 1974; Monson et al. 2003), indicat-
3D model (previously presented in Shugar 1977) ing that the risk of intra-cerebral hematomas can
to study the mechanisms of SDH.  They found be predicted by the pattern and magnitude of
that the contribution of angular acceleration to maximum principal strain.
tearing of bridging veins (measured as observed
change in distance between a node in the interior
of the skull and a node in the brain) was greater 5.3  ead Injuries Primarily
than the translational acceleration. Substantially Induced by Linear
larger relative motions between the skull and the Kinematics
brain as well as higher strain in the bridging veins
have been found, when switching from a transla- 5.3.1 Skull Fracture
tional to a rotational mode of motion using a
detailed 3D head model, including 11 pairs of the It is obvious that a purely radial impact pro-
largest bridging veins (Kleiven 2003). duces higher contact forces and larger linear
5  Biomechanics and Prevention 29

accelerations increasing the stresses in the skull rotational kinematics would probably best pre-
bone, which predicts the risk of skull fractures vent the following impact- or inertia-induced
(Fig. 5.1). Consistent mean fracture force levels TBIs:
in the range of 4.8–5.8 kN for the frontal bone
and 3.5–3.6 kN for the temporoparietal area of • Concussion
the skull have been reported (Nahum et  al. • Diffuse axonal injury
1968; Allsop et al. 1988; Schneider and Nahum • Contusion (in absence of skull fracture)
1972). The reported fracture forces do, how- • Subdural hematoma
ever, vary depending on the impact surface area • Intracerebral hematoma
(Hodgson and Thomas 1971, 1973). These
force values can be related to the linear accel- This can be accomplished by built-in rota-
eration of the head through Newton’s second tional protection systems in helmets such as
law. A study by Mertz et al. (1997) estimated a MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protections
5% risk of skull fractures for a peak accelera- System) (Halldin et  al. 2003). In a helmet with
tion of 180 gravities (g) and a 40% risk of frac- MIPS, a low friction layer separates the shell and
tures for 250 g. the liner. When subjected to an angled impact,
the low friction layer allows the helmet to slide
relative to the head (Fig. 5.3). This reduces rota-
5.3.2 Epidural Hematoma (EDH) tional motion when implemented in a helmet by
absorbing and redirecting rotational energies and
EDH is a relatively infrequently occurring sequel forces transferred to the brain.
to head trauma (0.2–6%) (Kleiven et  al. 2003; On the other hand, minimizing the magnitudes
Cooper 1982). It occurs as a result of trauma to of linear acceleration or the impact force would
the skull and the underlying meningeal vessels probably best prevent the following TBIs by min-
and is not due to brain injury (Melvin et al. 1993). imizing the magnitudes of linear acceleration or
the impact force:

5.3.3 Contusions (Secondary • Skull fracture

to Skull Fracture) • Epidural hematoma
• Contusions (secondary to skull fracture)
Cerebral contusion at the site of impact in the
presence of skull fracture is likely induced by the This can be achieved by introducing an
direct impression of the skull against the underly- energy absorbing liner, usually polymer foams
ing brain tissue and therefore, as for skull frac- such as expanded polystyrene or expanded
ture, caused by the contact force and well polypropylene, which absorbs energy when
predicted by the linear acceleration. compressed (Fig.  5.4a), and thereby reducing
the linear acceleration and radial impact forces
endured by the head (Fig.  5.4b). The density
5.4 Prevention of Traumatic and strength of the helmet liner has to be cho-
Brain Injuries sen so that as much energy is absorbed in com-
pression as possible, while keeping the linear
The results presented and discussed in this chap- accelerations and radial impact forces into a
ter deal with TBIs induced by inertia or due to minimum. It is obvious from Fig. 5.4a that most
impacts and exclude penetrating injuries due to energy is absorbed for the medium density
projectiles, fluid percussion injury systems or foam (area under the curve of a force–deforma-
blast-induced TBIs, where the mechanisms are tion or stress–strain curve) for a compressive
not yet well understood. Nevertheless, it can be stress level of 0.3 MPa. Choosing a too stiff and
concluded that minimizing the magnitudes of strong, high-density liner will produce a large
30 S. Kleiven

Fig. 5.3 MIPS (Multi‐directional Impact Protection tional motion by absorbing and redirecting rotational
System) where the shell and the liner are separated by a energies and forces transferred to the brain. (Modified
low friction layer (Halldin et al. 2003), reducing the rota- from

a b Accelerations for three different densities

Stress-strain curves for EPP foams of EPP foam
1.5 800
EPP r=145 EPP r=145
EPP r=45 EPP r=45
EPP r=14 700 EPP r=14

Too weak
Resultant acceleration (G’s)
Compressive stress (MPa)

(‘bottoms out’)
Too stiff
Absorbed energy for
‘Best choice’ foam ‘Best choice’


0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 5 10 15
Nominal compressive strain Time (ms)

Fig. 5.4 (a) Three different energy‐absorbing liners of tude for the three different liners illustrating a too soft, too
expanded polypropylene, which absorbs energy when stiff and best choice liner material for a 6.7  m/s radial
compressed. (b) The resulting linear acceleration magni- impact. (Modified from Kleiven 2007b)
5  Biomechanics and Prevention 31

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Part II
Classification and Assessment

Johan Undén
Pathophysiology of Severe
Traumatic Brain Injury 6
Niklas Marklund and Olli Tenovuo

Recommendations epigenetic/metabolic factors, co-morbidities) by

developing targeted personalized medicine
Level I therapies.

There are no Level I recommendations for this

topic. 6.1 Summary

Level II TBI should be regarded as a disease process initi-

ated at time of injury, complicated and markedly
There are no current Level II recommendations exacerbated by a complex set of secondary injury
for this topic. factors. The vulnerability of the injured brain
partly explains the progressive deterioration that
Level III contributes to increased cell death, white matter
atrophy, and brain network dysfunction over a
There are numerous observational and mechanis- period ranging from hours, days, or even years
tic studies evaluating the pathophysiology of post-injury (Masel and DeWitt 2010). The dam-
TBI, where available data shows that a) TBI is a age sustained at primary impact is caused by
disease process rather than a single incident, b) mechanical deformation of brain tissue, resulting
there is a vast heterogeneity of TBI at both clini- in neuronal and glial cell death, axonal shearing,
cal and molecular levels, and c) improvement of and injury to cerebral vessels with ensuing
TBI care needs to better address inter-individual blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption and dis-
differences (including age, gender, genetic/­ turbed regulation of the cerebral blood flow
(CBF) (Marklund and Hillered 2011). Key patho-
physiological events are summarized in Fig. 6.1.
N. Marklund (*)
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurosurgery, The damage caused by the initial impact cannot
Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, be treated, only prevented. At present, rapid sur-
Lund, Sweden gical treatment and modern neurocritical care
e-mail: may be lifesaving and attenuate the TBI-induced
O. Tenovuo secondary injuries. However, no pharmacologi-
Turku Brain Injury Centre, Turku University cal treatments with proven clinical benefit are
Hospital, Turku, Finland
available for severe TBI, although increased
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of understanding of the secondary injury and late
Turku, Turku, Finland

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 35

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
36 N. Marklund and O. Tenovuo

Ca2+ TBI-induced neuronal
Ca2+ K+
Edema/cell swelling
Glutamate CBF
induction Mitochondrial damage ATP

ROS/RNS DNA damage Demand

Axonal injury
for ATP

Neuroinflammation Apoptotic or
Membrane necrotic cell death

BBB Energy failure

Microglia Leukocyte
activation infiltration

Fig. 6.1  Schematic overview of the pathophysiology of bral blood flow, BBB blood–brain barrier, ATP adenosine
TBI. ROS reactive oxygen species, RNS reactive nitrogen triphosphate, sTBI severe TBI
species, Ca calcium, Na Sodium, K potassium, CBF cere-

processes raise hope for the development of novel CPP, seizures, and CBF impairments leading to
treatments targeting both the short- and long-­ ischemia (Kinoshita 2016). Furthermore, neuro-
term factors contributing to the progressive inflammatory and neurodegenerative cascades
injury. Such therapies need to target the vast het- initiated early may be prolonged and continue for
erogeneity of TBI and consider patient-specific years following TBI (Johnson et al. 2012, 2013a;
factors, moving towards more individualized Smith et al. 2013a; Ding et al. 2008). In the fol-
therapies (Saatman et  al. 2008). Plausibly, such lowing paragraphs, the pathophysiology of severe
approaches are needed to further decrease mor- TBI from a clinical and molecular perspective is
bidity and mortality, which remain high without outlined.
marked improvements during the last decades
(Stein et al. 2010).
Some of the secondary injury processes may 6.2 Pathophysiology of Severe
be monitored clinically, although the detailed TBI: Clinical Perspectives
molecular events worsening the injury are incom-
pletely known. Examples of the systemic factors 6.2.1 Primary and Secondary
monitored clinically in neurocritical care are cov- Injuries
ered elsewhere in this volume and include hypo-
tension, hypoxia, hyperthermia, infectious TBI can be classified in several ways. One of the
complications, electrolyte disturbances, and clinically most important is the classification into
hypo/hyperglycemia. Intracranial factors primary and secondary injuries. Primary injuries
detected clinically using neurocritical care moni- include those pathophysiological events and
toring, clinical evaluation, and/or neuroimaging brain lesions, which are caused by the primary
include enlargement of TBI-induced hemor- trauma energy affecting the brain. These energies
rhages, cerebral edema, raised ICP/decreased may be caused by a direct impact (such as when
6  Pathophysiology of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 37

the head hits the ground in a fall), acceleration/ most important and common intracranial second-
deceleration, or from a penetrating object. Blast-­ ary injuries are increased intracranial pressure,
induced TBIs belong to primary injuries and brain edema, and cerebral ischemia. Table 6.2 lists
comprise complex multiple mechanisms, but are the most important systemic and intracranial sec-
rare outside war zones. Different types of pri- ondary injuries, most of which have been dis-
mary injury mechanisms are not mutually exclu- cussed in detail elsewhere in this book.
sive, and it is very common that both direct The devastating consequences of the secondary
impact and deceleration occur in the same injuries may be exemplified by the axonal injury
incident. process. Primary axonal injury from shearing
Primary injuries may be either extra-­ forces may occur from the initial, primary impact
parenchymal or intra-parenchymal (Table  6.1). although it is a rare event in TBI survivors. Instead,
Extra-parenchymal injuries include epidural worsening axonal injury is a slow pathological pro-
hematomas (EDHs), subdural hematomas cess reaching full extent weeks or months after the
(SDHs), and traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhages trauma event (Ljungqvist et  al. 2017), if ever in
(tSAH). Intra-parenchymal lesions are traumatic some cases (Cole et al. 2015), as discussed later in
intracerebral hemorrhages, contusions, or trau- this chapter. Similarly, brain contusions (Figs. 6.2
matic axonal injuries. Traumatic axonal injury is
usually widespread and diffuse, known clinically
as diffuse axonal injury (DAI). Regularly, many Table 6.2  The most important systemic and intracranial
secondary injuries
of these may co-occur in the same injury, e.g. a
Systemic Intracranial
combination of SDH, tSAH, contusions, and axo-
Hypoxia Increased ICP
nal injury is common in cases of severe TBI. The
Hypotension Brain edema
presence of a certain type of primary injury is not Hypo-/hyperglycemia Convulsions/seizures
directly linked to TBI severity, and all types may Hypertermia Brain ischemia (focal or
be seen in both mild and severe cases. global)
Secondary injuries are various pathophysiolog- Electrolyte imbalance Delayed intracranial
ical events that are either triggered by the primary bleedings
Coagulation disturbance
injury or consequences of other injuries or compli-
cations, with a detrimental effect on the injured
brain. Traditionally, secondary injuries have been
classified into systemic and intracranial. Systemic
secondary injuries include events that may exacer-
bate the consequences of the primary injury, often
by impairing oxygen supply or cellular homeosta-
sis. The most important and common systemic
secondary injuries are hypotension and hypoxia.
Intracranial secondary injuries are often conse-
quences of the primary brain injury but not unre-
lated to systemic secondary injuries. Among the

Table 6.1  Classification of primary brain injuries

Extra-parenchymal Intra-parenchymal
Epidural hematoma Contusions
Subdural hematoma Intracerebral
Traumatic subarachnoid Diffuse axonal injury
bleeding Diffuse vascular Fig. 6.2  A typical bilateral frontal contusion after hitting
injury the occiput on the ground
38 N. Marklund and O. Tenovuo

Fig. 6.3  Edema rings surrounding hemorrhagic contusions

and 6.3) may progress markedly within the first and the skull fracture easily escapes clinical
post-injury days leading to clinical deterioration. examination if it is not depressed. As the blood
Thus, TBI is a highly dynamic disease where both collects between the skull and dura, it may rap-
rapid deterioration and a gradual, progressive idly lead to a deteriorating clinical situation,
decline can be observed. manifesting itself as lowering consciousness,
hemiparesis, and clinical signs of brain hernia-
tion. EDH is often the reason for deaths in jail
6.2.2 Epidural Hematomas (EDH) and is a main reason why patients with head
trauma need frequent observation and monitoring
Epidural hematoma (EDH) is, according to its of vital signs in the emergency department (ED).
name, located between the skull and dura. It Once treated in time, the prognosis of EDH is
usually originates from a rupture of a  menin- very good if not accompanied by intracerebral
geal artery, caused by a skull fracture. The lesions. Small EDHs may not require neurosur-
middle meningeal artery injury is the most gery but need careful observation until the risk
common source of the bleeding. EDH may be for progression is over.
caused also from a venous injury, most often EDH is more frequent in young people,
from a ruptured sinus in the posterior fossa, or because with age the dura adheres more tightly to
from venous channels in the skull bone. In both the skull, leaving no room for an EDH. EDH is
cases, the amount of bleeding is often signifi- usually easy to separate from SDH on
cant; hence, these usually require rapid CT-imaging, by its lens-like structure, and fre-
neurosurgery. quent association with a skull fracture at the site
EDH is typically the cause of  the classical of hematoma. However, a skull fracture is not a
‘talk and die’ or ‘walk and die’ course, when prerequisite for an EDH.  In addition, EDHs do
after a head trauma there is a lucid interval and not cross epidural compartments, which are
the patient is in good clinical condition. The defined by the skull sutures, whereas SDHs often
patient may not have lost consciousness at all, cover the whole hemisphere.
6  Pathophysiology of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 39

6.2.3 Subdural Hematomas (SDH) 6.2.4 Traumatic Subarachnoid

Hemorrhage (tSAH)
Acute SDH has the worst prognosis and highest
mortality of traumatic intracranial lesions Similar to other intracranial bleedings, tSAH
(Ryan et  al. 2012). SDH is usually of venous may appear as the sole injury, or be accompanied
origin and located according to its name with other types of injuries. It is usually easily
between the dura and the brain. SDH may also separable from spontaneous aneurysmal SAH
be caused by an arterial bleeding, but rupture of because of different localization of the blood and
the bridging veins on brain surface is the typi- presentation after a trauma, as well as from SAH
cal cause of SDH. caused by an arteriovenous malformation.
SDH has much worse prognosis than EDH for However, in some cases, this differential diagno-
many reasons, even if treated in time. First, con- sis is not straightforward, and it may be difficult
tusions and DAI frequently accompany it. to tell if the SAH caused the fall/injury or if the
Second, SDH has a  higher risk of rebleeding. fall/injury caused a tSAH. If clinical doubt of the
Third, SDH frequently causes ischemia and met- origin of SAH exists, imaging of brain vascula-
abolic disturbance in the underlying brain tissue. ture is needed.
Fourth, brain edema frequently develops after The severity of tSAH is very variable, ranging
SDH, causing elevated ICP and brain ischemia. from small amount of blood in one cortical sulcus
As in the case with EDHs, small SDHs may be to large amounts of blood in the subarachnoid
observed without neurosurgery, and they may space, including the ventricles. If not confounded
spontaneously resolve within a few days or by other concomitant lesions, the amount of
more. On the other hand, it is also common that blood correlates strongly with the severity of
an acute SDH leads to subacute and chronic clinical symptoms. Similarly as in non-traumatic
forms of SDH, where the subdural blood has SAH, subarachnoid blood disposes to vaso-
partly or wholly turned into subdural fluid spasms in cerebral arteries and to impaired CSF
collection. flow and hydrocephalus.
The neurological symptoms from SDH are In many studies, the presence of tSAH has been
usually caused because of its influence on the a poor prognostic sign and is included in some of
underlying brain tissue, either from pure com- the CT scores with predictive value in TBI (Thelin
pression or ischemia and metabolic dysfunction. et  al. 2017). Yet, there are studies with opposite
Because of its tendency to cause ischemia, SDH results (Nassiri et  al. 2017), showing nicely the
may also mimic stroke or transient ischemic complexity of TBIs, where no single variable is
attacks. Compressive effects are often easily able to give reliable prognostic predictions. In case
visible on brain CT, but the neurological symp- of tSAH, the amount of blood, other concomitant
toms do not always correlate with the degree of intracranial lesions, and level of consciousness
compression because of these other potential together largely determine the prognosis and not
mechanisms. If sufficiently large, the compres- the lack/presence of tSAH itself. Indeed, small
sive effect and edema may lead to brain amount of tSAH without other signs of severe TBI
herniation. usually has a fairly benign course (Thelin et  al.
SDH is usually fairly easy to recognize in 2017; Nassiri et al. 2017).
brain imaging, especially when presenting as a
large subdural collection of blood covering most
of the hemispheric surface. SDHs may also be 6.2.5 Contusions and Traumatic
quite small, when distinction from an EDH is Intracerebral Bleedings
not always easy. Small SDHs located on the
inferior surface of the brain may escape detec- Contusion is the most common type of intracra-
tion by CT imaging and be better visible on MR nial visible traumatic lesions. It is a typical impact
imaging. lesion, although it may be caused also from pure
40 N. Marklund and O. Tenovuo

acceleration/deceleration, when the moving brain 6.2.6 Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
bruises either against the bony ridges of the skull
base or inner skull surface. The vast majority of In the original report by Strich in 1956, wide-
contusions are located either frontally or tempo- spread axonal injury was observed at autopsy
rally and often bilaterally. These predilection sites 5–15  months following severe TBI.  Extensive
are caused either by the aforementioned skull experimental and clinical results later character-
base anatomy, with bony ridges causing bruises in ized the clinical entity of DAI (Adams et  al.
the overlaying frontal and/or temporal lobes in a 1982) and showed that axons and other compo-
sudden movement, or by a contra-coup injury nents of the white matter were vulnerable to rota-
where the side opposite to the skull impact shows tional acceleration–deceleration forces causing
the greatest brain movement against the skull. shear injuries. It was suggested that axonal injury
This coup/contra-­coup mechanism is typical for was the mechanism explaining unconsciousness
contusions, where there may be a small contusion and prolonged coma post-TBI in the absence of
at the site of impact and a larger contusion on the focal injuries (Gennarelli et al. 1982). At autopsy,
opposite side of the brain (Fig. 6.2). In a typical DAI was found to be characterized by β-amyloid
ground-­level fall, the posterior part of the head precursor protein (βAPP) accumulations
strikes  the  ground, resulting in bilateral contu- observed as either a classical axonal bulb, caused
sions in the frontal lobes and often to a lesser by a single large axonal swelling, or axonal vari-
extent bilaterally in the temporal lobes. cosities with several localized swellings in a sin-
Consequently, injuries of several brain lobes gle axon (Johnson et  al. 2013b). The βAPP
simultaneously are fairly common. When a per- accumulation is caused by impaired axonal trans-
son falls frontwards, usually the outstretched arms port by injury and is described in more detail in
absorb most of the impact energy; hence, occipital the following paragraphs.
contusions are less common. The tentorium also Diffuse injuries can be classified using the
protects the occipital parts of the brain from Marshall CT classification, or other CT classifi-
contusions. cation scores. None of these are specific for
Although many contusions are visible DAI. The commonly used classification proposed
on admission, they may also develop with delay, by Adams in 1989 is based on histopathology
often becoming visible not before the second or obtained at autopsy (Adams et al. 1989), where
third day from the injury. Often neurological Grade 1 is axonal injury in the cerebral hemi-
deterioration is caused by delayed contusion spheres, in particular the grey–white interface,
progression  with surrounding edema. Some of Grade 2 axonal injury in the corpus callosum,
the contusions are resolving while others are and Grade 3 axonal injury in the brainstem.
expanding, with expanding ones often sur- Increasing use of MRI enabled adoption of this
rounded with a “ring” of edema and ischemia grading scale to modern neuroimaging. In
(Newcombe et al. 2013) (Fig.  6.3), resembling patients with severe TBI, MRI commonly reveals
the classical penumbra surrounding a brain Grade 3 DAI, although it must be noted that also
infarction or hemorrhage. Most contusions con- high-resolution MRI is unable to depict the full
tain a hemorrhagic core and surrounding edema, extent of axonal injury (Abu Hamdeh et al. 2017;
with variable relationships. The terms “intrace- Skandsen et al. 2010). Several recent studies have
rebral traumatic hemorrhage” and “traumatic attempted to improve the prognostic use of the
intracranial bleeding” are often used inter- Adams classification by using a detailed evalua-
changeably with contusion, especially if bleed- tion of brain stem pathology post-TBI (Moe et al.
ing predominates instead of local edema. Most 2018). It should be emphasized that e.g.
contusions do not require surgical measures, but ­microhemorrhages observed on CT and/or MRI
large superficial bleedings may require evacua- is not diagnostic of DAI—it merely suggests the
tion if they cause marked compression, elevated presence of axonal injury. Furthermore, the link
ICP, and neurological deterioration. between vascular injury and DAI cannot be con-
6  Pathophysiology of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 41

firmed on regular MRI imaging. It is now estab- receptors and the ensuing cascades that lead to
lished that axonal injury is not only observed in detrimental intracellular effects. When high con-
patients with a severely depressed level of con- centrations of glutamate in the synaptic cleft act
sciousness, but isolated DAI in the absence of on post-synaptic NMDA receptors, cation chan-
any focal mass lesions is yet a rather infrequent nels for calcium and sodium are opened in an
finding acutely  in patients with severe TBI uncontrolled fashion. This leads to the failure of
(Skandsen et al. 2010). Instead, in up to 50% of Na+/K+ ATPase ion pump and excessive intra-
those with focal lesions, widespread axonal cellular calcium levels. Furthermore, the
pathology is also present at autopsy, and some increased intracellular calcium, which is another
degree of axonal injury is plausibly present in a crucial pathophysiological event in TBI, leads to
majority of severe TBI patients (Tsitsopoulos mitochondrial swelling. This, in turn, has numer-
et al. 2017). ous negative consequences for cell function,
Axonal injury commonly has a profoundly including impaired generation of ATP, which
negative impact on outcome (Adams et al. 2011; would be needed to restore membrane pump dys-
Kampfl et al. 1998; Graham et al. 2005). In severe function. The depletion of high-energy phos-
TBI, patients with “pure” DAI presenting with phates (ATP) may be a rapid event and is
deep unconsciousness have a poor prognosis associated with the increase of lactic acid and
reflected by the extent of brain stem and/or tha- local acidosis (See Fig. 6.1).
lamic injury. Axonal injury also induces brain net- Additionally, impaired mitochondrial func-
work disconnections with consequences such as tion leads to increased generation of reactive
impairment of cognition, executive functions and oxygen species, impaired radical scavenging
attention, visualized by newer MRI methodolo- and release of cell death promoting molecules
gies such as resting state MRI and diffusion tensor such as B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCl-2), apoptosis-
imaging studies. Disruptions in important white inducing factor (AIF), and cytochrome-
matter tracts such as the thalamo-frontal network, C. Furthermore, elevated levels of peroxynitrite
corpus callosum, limbic fibers, and interconnect- contribute to the oxidation of cellular compo-
ing pathways related to the hippocampus and the nents in a process named lipid peroxidation,
diencephalon have been revealed and are linked to resulting in cell membrane dysfunction and
cognitive deficits (Kinnunen et  al. 2011; Hayes impairment of cell function. The increased cal-
et al. 2016; Fagerholm et al. 2015). cium levels also lead to increased activation of
enzymes with destructive properties (lipases,
proteases, nucleases) including caspases and
6.3 Pathophysiology of Severe calpains, dysfunction of the Golgi apparatus,
TBI: Molecular Perspectives and disaggregation of polyribosomes leading to
impairment or dysfunction of protein synthesis.
6.3.1 Excitotoxicity, Mitochondrial TBI may also disrupt the delicate balance
Disturbance, and Cell Death between neurons, astroglia, and the cerebral vas-
culature, further making the neurons vulnerable.
A pivotal initiating event in TBI is the massive It must be stated that although neurons have
release of the excitatory neurotransmitter gluta- received most attention in TBI, other cell types
mate, which may act on different types of gluta- such as glial and endothelial cells may be highly
mate receptors. These receptors may be divided vulnerable to TBI as well. The key role of gluta-
into ionotropic (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-­ mate has been repeatedly ascertained, and block-
isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA/kainate) and ade of glutamate receptors protects neurons from
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)) and metabo- excitotoxicity and attenuates experimental neuro-
tropic (mGluR1-5) receptor subtypes. In TBI, nal damage in vivo. To date, attenuation of exci-
increased extracellular levels of glutamate lead to totoxicity has not translated into clinical treatment
excitotoxicity due to excess activation of these options, probably due to the difficulty of
42 N. Marklund and O. Tenovuo

a­chieving sufficiently high concentrations of a death associated with autophagosomes and

pharmacological compound at the immediate autolysosomes. There is some controversy
post-injury time point (Cheng et al. 2012; Lamade whether this is a specific mechanism of cell
et al. 2019). death.
Neurons are highly complex, are not
replaced  following injury to a significant degree Under normal conditions, proteolysis of regu-
during adulthood, and may live over 100 years. A latory, oxidized, and misfolded proteins, as well
constant protection against endogenous and exog- as aggregated proteins and even organelles takes
enous toxins, replacement and repair of intracel- place in the proteasome. Misfolded proteins may
lular constituents, and a continuous production of avoid detection by the ubiquitine system, and
energy is needed. For cellular function, an intact thus escape degradation in the proteasome sys-
cell structure and maintenance of intra–extracel- tem. This may allow certain proteins (tau, beta-­
lular osmotic and ionic gradients is crucial. The amyloid, α-synuclein, etc.) to aggregate and
ability to maintain membrane integrity—cellular accumulate in the injured brain, ultimately lead-
compartmentalization—is of paramount impor- ing to cell dysfunction and/or cell death.
tance and when disrupted by the previously men- Thus, a mix of cell death patterns is antici-
tioned cascades, cell death ensues. Although cell pated in TBI. Importantly, severe TBI results in a
death may be considered a continuum across a progressive atrophy of the injured brain—to the
spectrum of cell death mechanisms, some key same extent to that observed in Alzheimer’s dis-
mechanisms may be identified. ease (Cole et al. 2015). Both neuronal cell death
and, most importantly, white matter atrophy con-
–– Necrosis is considered an uncontrolled, pas- tribute to the ongoing loss of brain tissue.
sive, and non-programmed form of cell death, Importantly, oligodendrocyte death has been
without the intricate regulatory mechanisms observed in severe TBI (Flygt et al. 2016), which
as observed in apoptosis. It induces inflamma- may contribute to the observed white matter
tion of surrounding tissues due to release of pathology.
intracellular contents. It is also characterized
by variable morphology, loss of cell mem-
brane integrity, and lysosomal involvement, 6.3.2 A
 lterations of Cerebral Blood
leading to autophagic and nonlysosomal Flow (CBF)
–– Apoptosis is a “programmed” and active form The delivery of sufficient blood flow is impera-
of cell death with complex regulatory mecha- tive after severe TBI.  Under normal conditions,
nisms, which require energy. In the cell the brain receives about 15% of the total blood
nucleus, chromatin condensation and nuclear volume, uses 20% of all oxygen, and consumes
fragmentation are observed. Membranes and 25% of all glucose, despite constituting only
organelles including mitochondria are pre- ~2% of total body weight. In uninjured condi-
served during early apoptotic cell death, tions, the brain receives a CBF of 50–54 mL/100 g
including the formation of apoptotic bodies brain tissue/min. Critical level is considered
densely packed with cellular organelles and 18–20 mL/100 g brain tissue/min, and imminent
nuclear fragments. These cellular constituents cell death occurs at a CBF <10 mL/100 g brain
are phagocytized by surrounding cells, and tissue/min. Physiologically, the energy need at
compared to necrosis, apoptosis is “cleaner” rest is,  to a vast majority, fully met  by aerobic
and does not induce an inflammatory response. oxidative phosphorylation.
Apoptosis is also observed during normal After TBI, the energy requirement of the brain
development. increases tremendously for the reasons described
–– Autophagocytosis is mainly a morphologic in the previous paragraphs. Furthermore, a CBF/
definition and is considered a type of cell energy metabolism mismatch is common
6  Pathophysiology of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 43

(Fig. 6.1). Although the CBF levels following TBI Following severe TBI, there is an inevitable
are markedly heterogeneous and may depend on a increase in ICP due to e.g. hemorrhages and the
variety of individual factors, some characteristic accumulation of cerebral edema. The accumula-
CBF changes may be identified. First, in severe tion of edema may lead to increased mass effect,
TBI patients who have died from their injury, 90% increased ICP, and potentially herniation. When
show widespread ischemic changes at autopsy tissue pressure increases due to swelling, there
(Graham et al. 1989). However, although there is a may be a capillary lumen collapse leading to
clear reduction of CBF during the first 12 post- cerebral ischemia, thus exacerbating the edema.
injury hours in about 1/3 of patients, PET studies In fact, cerebral edema and brain swelling after
indicate that the metabolic needs are usually met traumatic brain injury were estimated to account
and that frank ischemia has not developed (Kawai for up to 50% of patient mortality (Donkin and
et al. 2008; Rostami et al. 2014). During the first Vink 2010).
few days, a reduced CBF down to about 50% of Cerebral edema can be defined as a pathologi-
normal values may be observed. Thereafter for up cal increase in the water mass contained by the
to 4–5 days, either a normal or increased (“luxury brain interstitial space. The current concept of
perfusion”) CBF emerges, again followed by a edema formation post-TBI includes a sequence
second phase of reduced CBF lasting up to 2 weeks of events from an initial cytotoxic edema that is
post-injury (Rostami et al. 2014). In severe TBI, rapidly followed by ionic edema and then vaso-
the tight coupling between CBF and neuronal genic edema, elegantly reviewed in Stokum et al.
metabolism is typically lost. Impaired energy (2016).
metabolism in TBI is not only related to CBF, but Cytotoxic edema occurs in the immediate
it is also related to the increased energy require- post-injury minutes after TBI and is caused by
ments of the brain and on the availability and use influx of mainly Na+, Cl− and water from the
of energy substrates. Both PET and microdialysis interstitial spaces. It occurs in all cell types in the
data suggest that a metabolic depression due to brain, although predominately in astrocytes. An
mitochondrial dysfunction is common. important difference to the transvascular types of
Furthermore, early hyperglycolysis, defined as edema (ionic and vasogenic edema) is that cyto-
increased cerebral glucose utilization relative to toxic edema does not generate tissue swelling,
cerebral energy demand, is a common feature of since it merely rearranges water in the brain.
TBI (Glenn et  al. 2003). Finally, in severe TBI Ionic edema arises following the cytotoxic
frank ischemia may occur, and if so it is strongly edema, occurs extracellularly, and is character-
correlated with clinical outcome, as observed in ized by an intact blood–brain barrier (BBB). It is
fatal TBI cases. Thus, in severe TBI cases, isch- caused by the Na+ gradient generated by cyto-
emia should be avoided at all costs, although  it toxic edema and is the result of extravasation of
may be less common than previously thought. Na+ and water, with Na+ accumulating in brain
parenchyma. The vasogenic edema also arises
extracellularly hours after the injury and in
6.4 Cerebral Edema Post-TBI ­contrast to ionic edema it includes extravasation
of plasma proteins and breakdown of the BBB,
Normal ICP is commonly stated to be in the allowing IgG and albumin to enter the brain inter-
range of 7–15 mmHg. However, due to the inva- stitial space, although not erythrocytes.
sive methods used  to measure ICP, the assess- Surrounding TBI-induced hematomas, a perihe-
ment of a completely normal ICP has been matomal edema arises triggered by the marked
difficult. Recently, using implanted ICP sensors toxicity of blood to brain tissue. The hematoma,
following unruptured aneurysm surgery or fol- and its degradation products, leads to the forma-
lowing removal of small brain tumors, the normal tion of ionic edema, vasogenic edema, and
ICP was estimated to be ~0.5 ± 4.0 mmHg in the delayed vasogenic edema. Thrombin, one of the
supine position (Andresen and Juhler 2014). key components in a cerebral hemorrhage, is a
44 N. Marklund and O. Tenovuo

major contributor to the formation of perihema- responses and cascades can be classified as local,
tomal vasogenic edema by inducing an inflam- affecting the brain and injured brain regions; or
matory response with the release of cytokines systemic, affecting the whole body.
and infiltration of leucocytes from  the circula- The immunological reactions triggered by a
tion. The delayed vasogenic edema is mainly TBI involve a variety of immunological cells
formed in response to hemoglobin degradation and mediators: neutrophils, macrophages,
products such as methemoglobin, its heme moi- microglia, T-cells, and a large number of cyto-
ety, and free iron which reaches peak tissue levels kines and other immunological mediators
in ~3 days post-injury. Free iron is then known to (McKee and Lukens 2016). The rapid immuno-
lead to ROS production and BBB breakdown. logical events occurring after TBI are purpose-
BBB breakdown, known to persist up to a year or ful protective reactions, aiming at neutralizing
more in a significant proportion of TBI survivors harmful mediators, cell constituents, and other
(Hay et  al. 2015), is another key component of potentially toxic substances. This complex acute
edema formation in TBI. Numerous factors con- immunological reaction subsides, and slower,
tribute to the maintenance of an intact BBB such reactive inflammatory processes will be acti-
as the interaction of the endothelium with e.g. vated. These aim at stabilizing the pathophysio-
neurons and glial cells that constitute the neuro- logical cascades, and  initiating scarring and
vascular unit (Nag et al. 2011). The BBB is cru- other healing measures. It appears that these
cial for maintaining cerebral homeostasis and physiological mechanisms may be considered a
TBI matrix metalloproteinases, as well as angio- double-edged sword, turning into prolonged and
genic factors and growth factors may be future exaggerated inflammatory reaction escaping
treatment targets post-injury. Cerebral edema is a proper control, and leading to chronic neuroin-
crucial injury mechanism in TBI that can partly flammation and secondary brain damage (Simon
(and briefly) be attenuated by hyperosmolar solu- et al. 2017).
tions such as hypertonic saline and mannitol, Although still quite poorly known, the immune
although much more research is needed to better system may have a major role as a predictive fac-
refine pharmacological treatment options. tor in patients with TBI.  Elevated cytokine lev-
els are strongly associated with poor outcome (Di
Battista et  al. 2016). This is logical: the more
6.5 Inflammation and Immunity severe TBI, the stronger is the immunological
response. More interesting is the role of the
Traditionally, TBI has been considered as an immune and inflammatory systems in long-term
acute mechanical injury, and only recently, the processes and outcome. For reasons still poorly
possible major role of immunological aspects has known, about 20% of patients with TBI do not
been recognized. The disruptive energy forces of show expected recovery after the acute phase, but
TBI predispose the brain for immunological cas- rather show a slow constant and chronic decline
cades at least by two different mechanisms: cell (Wilson et  al. 2017). Although the  explanations
death and necrosis liberating pro-inflammatory for these poor outcomes are apparently
substances from cells; and disruption of the BBB ­multifactorial, there is increasing evidence from
allowing circulating immune cells to enter the both experimental and human studies that chronic
brain. In addition, some aspects of the immune neuroinflammation may be a cause of this unfa-
reactions triggered by a TBI can be classified as vorable outcome (Faden and Loane 2015). This
beneficial, aiming at limiting the injury and has also raised hope that this course could be
destroying harmful constituents released by the inhibited or reversed by anti-inflammatory thera-
injury, whereas others are detrimental, consid- pies and that the time window for these interven-
ered to exaggerate and prolong immune responses tions may be very long. Thus far, clinically useful
resulting in chronic inflammation and progres- interventions have not been found, but research
sive damage. Furthermore, the immunological in this field is active. Why only some patients
6  Pathophysiology of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 45

with TBI have this adverse clinical course is not axonal mechanoporation—leads to further exac-
known, but it seems likely that genetic properties erbation of calcium influx, distal axonal
might play a role. fragmentation and axonal  disconnection.
Not only does the immune system affect the Furthermore, the rapid calcium influx results
injured brain, since experimental studies suggest in  local mitochondrial damage with subsequent
that a severe TBI has a permanent effect on the increase in the release of reactive oxygen species
immune system, leading to accelerated immune (ROS) and an impaired energy metabolism. In
aging and chronic deficits in the immune system the event of axonal transection, the distal axonal
(Ritzel et al. 2018). This might be one explana- segment will undergo a process of disintegra-
tion for TBI as chronic disease, which not only tion—the Wallerian degeneration.
has an additive effect with aging phenomena but These events are initiated early post-injury
also is disease-causative (Masel and DeWitt and then progress over the course of days to
2010). weeks or even longer. As noted in the previous
section, βAPP is the hallmark histopathological
finding of axonal injury and is detected in injured
6.5.1 Pathophysiology of Axonal and swollen axons. βAPP is the precursor of
Injury β-amyloid (Aβ) species, found aggregated in the
brains of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) victims.
The principal mechanism resulting in axonal βAPP-degrading enzymes such as presenilin-1
injury  is rotational acceleration–deceleration and beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE-1)
forces resulting in deformation of the brain tis- also aggregate within injured axons, leading to
sue, surpassing the resilience to mechanical the accumulation of Aβ peptides (Chen et  al.
stretch of the uninjured brain. Due to the variable 2004). In addition, immunohistochemistry and
densities of gray and white matter, rotational PET studies have shown prolonged accumula-
forces result in tension at the gray/white matter tions of Aβ years after the injury (see Chap. 86).
interface (Andriessen et  al. 2010), and a rapid The small, monomeric Aβ peptides may also
stretch of the axon will result in injury to the axo- assemble as large soluble oligomers, forming
nal membrane, then leading to injury of the axo- protofibrils. Plausibly, the Aβ oligomers and pro-
nal cytoskeleton. Primary axotomy has been tofibrils may be important factors resulting in
observed in very severe TBI in patients dying at neurotoxicity following TBI (Abu Hamdeh et al.
or shortly after the injury, but it seems to be rare 2018). The soluble protofibrils may subsequently
in those who survive longer times after a form the insoluble fibrils typical of Aβ plaques
TBI. Instead, a cascade of events will trigger axo- observed in TBI and in AD. Intriguing data show
nal pathology leading to delayed axotomy (Smith that Aβ plaques, developing over many years in
et al. 2013b; Hill et al. 2016). The TBI-induced AD, are deposited in the brains of about a third of
axonal stretch initiates opening of sodium chan- TBI victims within the first post-injury days. The
nels, with ensuing calcium influx. The rapid aggregation of Aβ seems to be linked to the
increase of intracellular calcium then leads to the genetic presence of the ε4 allele for the lipid
activation of calpains and caspases, which then transporter protein apolipoprotein E (APOE ε4),
causes disruption of microtubuli and neurofila- a well-known risk factor for both AD and worse
ments. The injury to the cytoskeleton leads to outcome following TBI (see Chap. 86).
impaired axonal transport, both antero- and retro- In AD, the hallmark histopathological finding
gradely. This disturbs neuronal functions and is not only the Aβ plaque but also neurofibrillary
leads to intra-axonal accumulation of numerous tangles (NFTs) consisting of hyperphosphory-
proteins and axonal swelling, which in turn lated tau (P-tau) protein. Tau is microtubule-­
may cause delayed axonal transection. In severe associated, and its physiological activity is
axonal injury, rapid opening of the axolemma regulated by the degree of phosphorylation.
with loss of control of membrane permeability— Hyperphosphorylation may cause aggregation of
46 N. Marklund and O. Tenovuo

tau into NFTs, and increased tau release is asso- OLIGODENDROCYTE

ciated with axonal injury and a  worse clinical C MAG
outcome (Magnoni et  al. 2012, 2015). In long-­
time survivors of TBI, increased numbers of Nogo-A
NFTs were observed at autopsy, similar to Aβ Nogo-66
N OMgp
deposits (Johnson et al. 2012), suggesting a per-
sistent pathophysiological process causing NFT
aggregation that may be linked to axonal injury. Neurite

Severe TBI is a known environmental risk factor inhibition

for AD (see Chap. 82). The mechanisms outlined AXON CYTOSKELETON

here may be contributing to the link between TBI

and various neurodegenerative disorders,
although the exact role of axonal injury in these Fig. 6.4  Heavily simplified overview of the factors con-
processes remains to be established. tributing to the absence of outgrowth possibilities follow-
Although axonal injury has received and ing axonal injury in the adult CNS. NgR Nogo-66 receptor
deserved most scientific attention, there are other 1, MAG myelin-associated glycoprotein, OMgp
oligodendrocyte-­myelin glycoprotein
components of the white matter that may contrib-
ute to the pathophysiology of TBI. Importantly,
white matter degradation has been shown to per- mately leading to a failure of axonal regeneration.
sist for years following TBI, linked and associ- Furthermore, neuronal-intrinsic factors specific to
ated with a persistent inflammation (Johnson the CNS may be additional contributing factors to
et  al. 2013a). Myelin injury has also been the inability of CNS axon regeneration (Armstrong
observed in both the  experimental and clinical et al. 2016; Geoffroy and Zheng 2014).
TBI setting. Recently, death of the myelin-­
producing oligodendrocytes (OLs) was observed
in human TBI, associated with an increased num- 6.5.2 Temporal Aspects
ber of the resident oligodendrocyte progenitor
cells (OPCs). Obviously, loss of mature OLs may TBI and especially severe TBI is a very dynamic
lead to impaired neuronal signaling and to injury. Both rapid recovery and sudden deteriora-
increased axonal vulnerability. Whether the tion are common and well-known clinically. At
increased number of OPCs may replace the lost the molecular and cellular level, all the various
OLs and/or lead to remyelination of demyelin- pathophysiological cascades have different tem-
ated axons remains to be established. Also, even poral courses, both what comes to the initiation
though myelinated axons have been more exten- and duration of the  injury process. During the
sively studied, unmyelinated axons may have a first hours and days, edema formation, neutrophil
higher vulnerability to injury, which needs fur- activation, necrosis, excitotoxicity, and calcium
ther studies. influx are the prevailing events. After a few days
Unfortunately, central nervous system (CNS) post-injury, apoptosis and microglial activation
axons do not spontaneously regenerate after emerge, while e.g. necrotic cell death has sub-
injury. Important contributors to the restriction of sided. Later, demyelination, neuronal disconnec-
CNS plasticity are the myelin-associated inhibi- tion, neuroinflammation, and Wallerian
tors (MAI (Johnson et al. 2012), Fig. 6.4), includ- degeneration become important, and epilepto-
ing the molecules Nogo-A, myelin-associated genesis may start developing. Although all these
glycoprotein (MAG), and oligodendrocyte-­ different pathophysiological processes have their
associated glycoprotein (OMgp), all sharing the typical courses and time windows, individual dif-
NgR1 receptor. After injury, the expression of ferences may be marked due to several reasons,
Nogo-A increases, which may lead to the activa- both injury- and treatment-related, as well as
tion of numerous down-stream cascades, ulti- genetic.
6  Pathophysiology of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 47

One of the main reasons for lack of major treatment-related causes, such as drug-related
progress and lack of targeted therapies for TBI effects, there are also biological processes, which
has been insufficient knowledge of the patho- may manifest unpredictably.
physiological cascades, and especially lack of During the acute phase, recovery mechanisms
tools to detect and monitor them. Targeted inter- are only beginning to emerge, but fairly rapid
ventions cannot be developed, if ways to measure improvement of the clinical stage may be
the presence and severity of the target pathophys- observed due to resolving edema, cessation of
iology are not available. This temporal variability cortical spreading depression or epileptiform
and complexity are  big challenges both for the activity, or reversal of subtle brain ischemia.
clinical conventional diagnostics and for new During the first days and weeks, true recovery
diagnostic tools. For example, the  optimal time mechanism will become active (Mannino et  al.
for using different MRI sequences to detect TBI-­ 2018) and start by both limiting the injury and its
related pathology is not known. Continuous mon- consequences, as well as promoting regeneration
itoring of the  gross cerebral  physiology at the and plasticity.
ICU tries partly to overcome these challenges During the subacute period following  severe
and helps to prevent and treat some secondary TBI, it is clinically difficult to separate the contri-
injuries. However, the cellular mechanisms bution of resolving pathology from active recov-
behind most events remain unknown, and thus ery as a driver for clinical recovery. Biological
the treatments are often made on a “best guess” mechanisms favoring recovery during this period
basis. Microdialysis (see Chap. 42) may aid in include at least partly remyelination, immuno-
solving these problems, and it helps to determine logical neutralization of toxic substances and
if deterioration is caused by ischemia or mito- constituents, and metabolic adjustment including
chondrial failure, guiding treatment decisions. increased CBF and glucose and energy metabo-
The active research on brain-injury biomark- lism. However, at least on an individual level, it is
ers has also suffered from simplistic views, as if difficult or impossible to determine when these
one sample (and one biomarker) at admission phenomena are signs of active recovery and when
could give sufficient information. It has become caused by chronic damage. All these alterations
evident that the complex and dynamic events of have been reported also at the chronic stage
TBI have to be measured and monitored by serial (McGuire et  al. 2019) obviously reflecting the
samples of a panel of biomarkers, thus enabling increased needs of the injured brain.
to determine which processes are emerging and Long-term follow-up studies show that at least
which ones are subsiding. This kind of approach 50% of patients with TBI gradually improve over
is especially important in severe TBI, where mul- time, in some cases substantially. The mecha-
tiple mechanisms may be operating at different nisms for recovery are intriguing in view of the
time points. lack of axonal regeneration and that lost neuronal
cells are not replaced to a significant degree
within the injured brain. Instead, a key ­mechanism
6.6 Recovery Mechanisms for recovery is endogenous plasticity, which is in
and Plasticity turn affected by both environmental and genetic
factors. The molecular mechanisms leading to
As discussed in more detail elsewhere in this brain plasticity after TBI remain poorly under-
book, the unpredictable outcome remains a major stood, although sprouting of both local and long-
challenge for the clinicians. This is true for both range axonal projections, synaptic plasticity with
short- and long-term predictions. During the altered neurotransmission, and re-shaping of the
acute stage, the clinical course of a severe TBI neuronal networks (Bose et al. 2015) may all be
may take sudden turns, not only towards worse involved. Several neurotrophic substances and
outcome but often also unexpectedly towards neurotransmitters have been shown or suggested
recovery. While these may often have obvious to regulate and/or promote plasticity. Most
48 N. Marklund and O. Tenovuo

e­xperimental studies have focused on cortical macological agents from experimental studies to
mechanisms (Wolpaw 2007; Pruitt et  al. 2017; clinics are mainly due to lack of tools to control
Axelson et al. 2013; Combs et al. 2016), although the vast heterogeneity of human severe TBI.
recent data suggest that plasticity may occur in
the entire CNS, including the spinal cord, and be
related to behavioral recovery (Wolpaw 2007; References
Sist et  al. 2014; Tennant 2014). Rehabilitative
efforts such as enriched environment as used in Abu Hamdeh S, Marklund N, Lannsjo M, Howells
the experimental setting and/or physical activity T, Raininko R, Wikstrom J, et  al. Extended ana-
tomical grading in diffuse axonal injury using MRI:
may stimulate endogenous neuroplasticity path- hemorrhagic lesions in the Substantia Nigra and
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6.7 Conclusion Axelson HW, Winkler T, Flygt J, Djupsjo A, Hanell A,
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edge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms is Chen XH, Siman R, Iwata A, Meaney DF, Trojanowski
still insufficient. Research efforts should address JQ, Smith DH. Long-term accumulation of amyloid-­
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Classification of Head Injury
Ramona Åstrand and Johan Undén

Recommendations 7.1 Overview

Level I Head injuries can be categorised in several ways:

by mechanism of injury (closed or penetrating
There is insufficient data to support Level I injury), morphology (fractures, focal intracranial
­recommendation for this topic. injury and diffuse intracranial injury) or severity
of injury (minimal to severe).
Level II Immediate triage and assessment of the sever-
ity and probable survival of the traumatised
The Glasgow Coma Scale score (GCS) is a reli- patient should be made whenever possible
able and widespread indicator of the severity of already at the scene of injury. Of useful help are
TBI. the various trauma scores that have been devel-
oped to triage patients for care and to evaluate the
Level III severity of injury. The scores are based on physi-
ological and/or anatomical features, as well as
Guidelines, such as the ones from the patient responses. Physiological scores are exem-
Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC) plified by Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) scale
for adults and children, respectively, often strat- (Teasdale and Jennett 1974), the Revised Trauma
ify patients into severity. The SNC stratification Score (RTS) (Champion et  al. 1989) and the
has been validated in external cohorts for both Paediatric Trauma Score (PTS) (Tepas et  al.
adults and children. 1987). The Injury Severity Score (ISS) is an ana-
tomical score based on the Abbreviated Injury
Scale (AIS) that provides an overall score of the
patient (Baker et al. 1974).
The GCS scale has been the most valuable and
frequently used scoring system for assessing the
R. Åstrand (*) level of consciousness and thereby the severity of
Department of Neurosurgery, Rigshospitalet, head trauma. It has, however, some limitations,
Copenhagen University Hospital, especially with regard to the verbal component,
Copenhagen, Denmark
which is difficult to use in intubated and coma-
J. Undén tose patients and in patients with aphasia. The
Department of Operation and Intensive Care,
Hallands Hospital, Halmstad, Sweden Swedish Reaction Level Scale 85 (RLS) is a
somewhat simpler scale than the GCS, though
Lund University, Lund, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 51

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
52 R. Åstrand and J. Undén

seldom used outside of Sweden (Starmark et al. 7.2 Background

1988a, b).
The Full Outline of UnResponsiveness In the 1960s, there was a common belief amongst
(FOUR) score is a relatively new coma score neurosurgeons that, aside from evacuating occa-
with four components: eye response, motor sional hematomas or elevating depressed frac-
response, brainstem reflex and respiration. It tures, little could be done to influence outcome
does not include assessment of verbal response after head injury. However, with improvement of
and has therefore an advantage in assessing criti- intensive care and resuscitation, the challenge for
cally ill patients in the intensive care setting neurosurgeons was to assist in reducing mortality
(Wijdicks et al. 2005). and morbidity for these severely head-injured
To estimate severity of brain injury after head patients. Studies in Glasgow showed that by
trauma, various classification systems of head avoiding potentially preventable secondary brain
injury have been proposed and modified through- damage, one could limit the degree of disabilities
out the years. Most of them are based on the in survivors (Reilly et al. 1975).
patients’ level of consciousness according to the Complications, such as the development of
GCS, as e.g. the Head Injury Severity Scale intracranial haematomas or increased intracranial
(HISS) and the Mayo Classification System pressure, were difficult to recognise and treat-
(Malec et al. 2007; Stein and Spettell 1995). ment could be delayed. These concerns lead to
the development of the GCS by Jennett and
Teasdale in 1974 (Teasdale and Jennett 1974).
The scale was initially designed as a research tool
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
for the assessment of the comatose patient, but is
• Severe head injury is defined as a patient now one of the most frequently used scales in tri-
with conscious level of GCS 3–8 (RLS age of head injuries and in daily assessment of
4–8) after head injury. severe head injury. The drawback of using the
• Traumatic brain injury is defined as pri- GCS is the confounding effect of alcohol or other
mary or secondary injury to the brain drugs, especially during the first few hours after
after trauma. injury. Heavy alcohol intoxication has been asso-
• The definition of a paediatric patient ciated with a reduction of 2–3 points in GCS in
varies in Scandinavian hospitals, with assaulted patients (Brickley and Shepherd 1995).
an upper age limit either below 16 or
18 years.
• Neurologic assessment, including GCS 7.2.1 Classification Systems
and pupil response, should be assessed
as soon as possible either pre-hospital or In 1981, Rimel and colleagues defined minor head
at admission, before sedation and intu- injury as a head trauma with a GCS score of 13–15
bation for a more correct classification at admission, loss of consciousness (LOC) less than
of the severity. 20  min and a duration of hospital admission less
• Intoxicated patients are challenging to than 48  h (Rimel et  al. 1981). Approximately a
classify and should be treated with decade later, Stein and Spettell introduced a modi-
higher awareness. The GCS score may fied classification system, the Head Injury Severity
be decreased by 2–3 points due to heavy Scale, a five-interval severity scale (minimal
alcohol intoxication or drug use; a prob- through critical) based primarily on initial GCS
lematic confounding factor when score. The HISS scale also includes the aspects of
assessing the level of consciousness in a retrograde amnesia, loss of consciousness and focal
head-injured patient. neurological deficits for each severity interval (Stein
and Spettell 1995). Other definitions of mild and
7  Classification of Head Injury 53

moderate head injury vary in the literature, espe- (Fig. 7.1), the classification system has been even
cially with regard to the importance of a GCS score further modified (Unden et al. 2013):
of 13 and the duration of loss of consciousness.
In 2000, the Scandinavian Neurotrauma • Severe head injury includes all patients with
Committee (SNC) presented management guide- an initial GCS score of 8 or below, hence,
lines for head injury (Ingebrigtsen et  al. 2000), unconscious patients.
using a modified version of the HISS classifica- • Moderate head injury defines a patient with an
tion, dividing head injuries into minimal, mild, initial GCS of 9–13.
moderate and severe (Table  7.1). In the revised • Mild head injury is split into three categories:
Scandinavian head injury guidelines from 2013 the high-risk, the medium risk and the low-­
risk, each with defined risk factors for the
Table 7.1  Classification of head injuries according to development of an intracranial complication
SNC in 2000 (Ingebrigtsen et al. 2000)
after head trauma. Mild, high-risk head injury
HISS includes patients with GCS of 14–15 and at
category Clinical characteristics
least one of the following risk factors: post-
Minimal GCS = 15, no loss of consciousness
traumatic seizures, focal neurological deficits,
Mild GCS = 14 or 15, brief (<5 min) loss of
consciousness or amnesia, or impaired depressed skull fracture or basal skull frac-
alertness or memory ture, shunt-treated hydrocephalus or therapeu-
Moderate GCS = 9–13, or loss of consciousness tic anticoagulation or coagulation disorder.
≥5 min, or focal neurologic deficit Mild, medium-risk injury includes patients
Severe GCS = 3–8
with GCS of 14–15 and being older or equal to

All adult patients with minimal, mild and moderate head injury (GCS 9-15) within 24 hours of injury See help sheet for explanations and more details

Moderate Mild Mild Mild Minimal

high-risk medium-risk low-risk
GCS 9-13 GCS 15
GCS 14-15 and GCS 14-15 and GCS 14
• Posttraumatic seizures
• BOTH age ≥65 or
No • Focal neurological deficits No No No
• Clinical signs of depressed years AND anti-
GCS 15 and
or basal skull fracture platelet medication
• Suspected/confirmed
• Shunt-treated hydrocephalus loss of consciousness
• Therapeutic anticoagulation • Repeated vomiting (≥2
or coagulation disorders episodes)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

• Consider admission for ≥ 0.10 • If < 6 hrs after injury, sample
observation ≥12 hours after µg/l serum for S100B analysis
injury as an alternative option • If ≥ 6 hrs, extracranial injury or
if S100B is unavailable, do CT
normal abnormal CT
or normal < 0.10
abnormal µg/L

Admission for observation ≥24 hours Discharge with oral and written instructions
• Consider consultation with neurosurgeon • Some patients may need admission for reasons other than their
• Repeat CT if neurological and/or GCS (≥2 points) deterioration head injury

Fig. 7.1  Flowchart and classification of severity according to Scandinavian head trauma guidelines for adults (Unden
et al. 2013)
54 R. Åstrand and J. Undén

65  years of age and on anti-platelet medica- trauma. The scale is divided into three parts: eye
tion. Mild, low-risk head injury are patients response, verbal response and motor response,
with a GCS of 14 or GCS of 15 and suspected adding to a total score of 3–15 points.
loss of consciousness or repeated vomiting The GCS scale has, however, been considered
after head trauma. difficult to apply on especially preverbal children
• Minimal head injury is presented by a patient (Yager et al. 1990), since their ability to express
with GCS 15 at admission and with none of themselves verbally or non-verbally in a consis-
the other risk factors from the previous tent manner is limited. The response from an
categories. infant is also clearly different from an adult.
Reilly et al. were the first to design the paediatric
The above risk stratification has been exter- version of the GCS, where verbal responses were
nally validated (Ananthaharan et al. 2018; Unden reported as appropriate words, social smiles,
et al. 2015). “Commotio cerebri”, or concussion, cries, irritability and agitation (Reilly et al. 1988;
is a post hoc clinical definition of an awake Simpson and Reilly 1982). Later, some modifica-
patient with posttraumatic amnesia, possibly due tions of the scale have also been made to suite
to brief LOC after head trauma, but without any even the youngest children and infants (Table 7.2).
apparent brain injury. This is a diagnosis used The paediatric GCS scale has proved to be accu-
after discharge when complications to the head rate in evaluating preverbal children with head
injury have been ruled out, hence, not useful in trauma with regard to the need for acute interven-
the acute setting. Amnesia is most often retro- tion (Holmes et al. 2005).
grade, but in some cases even antegrade amnesia In Sweden, the most frequently used scale for
is present, i.e. the inability to recall new memo- the assessment of the level of consciousness is
ries after the head injury event. the Swedish Reaction Level Scale 85 (RLS)
(Johnstone et al. 1993; Starmark et al. 1988a, b).
This scale evaluates the consciousness in an
7.2.2 Primary and Secondary inverted manner to the GCS, with a scoring range
Brain Injury from 1 (best) to 8 (worst), and without specific
focus on the verbal response (Table 7.3). This has
Primary brain injury refers to the immediate made the score more practical to use, particularly
brain damage caused upon impact. This includes on neurologically traumatised patients (who also
cerebral contusions, shearing lesions (diffuse may suffer from aphasia) and children, as well as
axonal injuries—DAI) and lacerations from a more easily remembered in acute situations.
foreign body. Secondary brain injury refers to The Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR)
progressive brain damage due to development of score was developed to improve assessment of
the primary brain injury and/or extracranial fac- comatose intubated patients due to the limitations
tors. This includes cerebral oedema, hypoxia/ of the GCS. It consists of four components: eye,
ischemia, expansion of cerebral hematomas (sub- motor, brainstem and respiration, each with a max-
dural and epidural) and the expansion of cerebral imum score of 4 (Table 7.4). It is considered to be
contusions and the surrounding focal oedema, all superior to the GCS due to it being more neuro-
which causes an increase in intracranial pressure logically detailed and can also recognise a locked-
(ICP) within the confined skull and can lead to in syndrome and different stages of herniation.
cerebral herniation and death. The FOUR scale has been validated in the neuro-
ICU and medical ICU showing some advantages
in predicting mortality compared to GCS (Iyer
7.2.3 Assessment Scales et al. 2009; Wijdicks et al. 2005; Wolf et al. 2007).
A few studies have assessed the use of the FOUR
The Glasgow Coma Scale has been the most score in adult and paediatric patients in an emer-
valuable and frequently used scoring system for gency setting after head trauma. None of the stud-
assessing severity of neurologic injury after head ies showed an advantage of the FOUR score in
7  Classification of Head Injury 55

Table 7.2  The Glasgow Coma Scale

Paediatric version
Standard 1–4 years <1 year
Eye opening
4 Spontaneous Open
3 To speech To voice
2 To pain To pain
1 None No response
Verbal response
5 Orientated Oriented, speaks, interacts Coos, babbles
4 Confused conversation Confused speech, consolable Irritable cry, consolable
3 Words (inappropriate) Inappropriate words, inconsolable Persistent cry, inconsolable
2 Sounds (incomprehensible) Incomprehensible, agitated Moans to pain
1 None No response No response
Best motor response
6 Obey commands Normal spontaneous movement
5 Localises pain Localises pain
4 Flexion, withdraws to pain Withdraws to pain
3 Flexion, abnormal to pain Decorticate flexion
2 Extension (to pain) Decerebrate extension
1 No response No response
3–15 Total score

Table 7.3  The Swedish Reaction Level Scale tal setting to triage trauma patients to the most
Reaction Level Scale (RLS 85) Score appropriate emergency care. A total RTS score
Fully awake, oriented 1 < 11 indicates a more severe trauma and need for
Lethargic, confused, contact after mild 2 immediate treatment.
stimuli The Injury Severity Score (ISS) is an anatomi-
Stupor, confused, contact after rough stimuli 3 cal score that provides an overall score of the
or pain
patient with multiple injuries after severe trauma
Unconscious, localises to pain 4
Unconscious, withdraws to pain 5
(Table 7.6). It is based on the AIS score, which
Unconscious, abnormal flexion to pain 6 determines six body regions (head, face, chest,
Unconscious, abnormal extension to pain 7 abdomen, extremities and pelvis, and external).
No response to painful central stimuli 8 The three most severely injured regions are
squared and added to produce the ISS. The ISS
correlates to mortality, morbidity, hospital stay
predicting morbidity and mortality compared to and other measures of severity but is not consid-
the GCS (Buyukcam et al. 2012; Eken et al. 2009). ered a good tool for triage (Baker and O’Neill
The Revised Trauma Score (RTS) is a numeric 1976; Baker et al. 1974).
grading system for estimating the severity of
injury. It is composed of the GCS, systolic blood
pressure and respiratory rate, each giving rise to a 7.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
coded value score between 0 and 4 (Table 7.5).
The severity of injury is estimated by the total In some hospitals, the level of consciousness is
sum of the three physiological parameters (GCS more properly evaluated with the use of the pae-
score, systolic blodd pressure and respiratory diatric GCS score (Reilly et  al. 1988). The
rate), ranging from a total RTS of 0 (no sign of Paediatric Trauma Score (PTS) has been devel-
life) to 12 (normal vital signs). The trauma scale oped as an assessment score for trauma severity
was revised in 1989 into the RTS (Champion in children (Table 7.7), but its use in Scandinavia
et al. 1989) and is primarily used in the prehospi- has so far been limited.
56 R. Åstrand and J. Undén

Table 7.4  The FOUR score

Scores Eye response Motor response Brainstem Respiration
4 Eyelids open or opened, Thumbs-up, fist or peace Pupil and corneal Not intubated, regular
tracking or blinking to sign reflexes present breathing pattern
3 Eyelids open but not Localising to pain One pupil wide and Not intubated,
tracking fixed Cheyne-Stokes
breathing pattern
2 Eyelids closed but open Flexion response to pain Pupil or corneal Not intubated, irregular
to loud voice reflexes absent breathing
1 Eyelids closed but open Extension response to pain Pupil and corneal Breathes above
to pain reflexes absent ventilatory rate
0 Eyelids remain closed No response to pain or Absent pupil, Breathes at ventilator
with pain generalised myoclonus corneal and cough rate or apnoea
status reflex

Table 7.5  The Revised Trauma Score (RTS) scale children vary even more extensively in the litera-
ture than for adults, especially with regard to the
GCS Systolic blood Respiratory rate Coded
score pressure (mmHg) (breaths/min) value duration of LOC (Committee on Quality
13–15 >89 10–29 4 Improvement, American Academy of Pediatrics
9–12 76–89 >29 3 and Commission on Clinical Policies and
6–8 50–75 6–9 2 Research, American Academy of Family
4–5 1–49 1–5 1 Physicians 1999; Schutzman et al. 2001). Other
3 0 0 0 clinical factors such as scalp haematoma, low age
(<2 years), history of excessive vomiting and sus-
pected skull fracture and posttraumatic seizures
Table 7.6  The Injury Severity Scale (ISS) have in former studies and proposed guidelines
been considered as risk factors for developing an
description Square top intracranial complication (Dunning et  al. 2006;
Region (examples) AIS three Holmes et  al. 2004; Schutzman et  al. 2001),
Head and neck No injury 0 requiring hospitalisation or further radiological
Face Minor 1 investigation.
injury The Scandinavian head trauma guideline for
Thorax Moderate 2
children was published using similar, but not iden-
Abdomen and Serious 3 a tical, definitions for the different severity levels as
viscera injury for the adult population (Astrand et al. 2016). The
Bony pelvis Severe 4 a head trauma guideline is applicable to children
and extremities injury younger than 18 years of age and with minimal to
External Critical 5 a
moderate head trauma within the last 24 h. Head
structures injury
trauma is classified into five categories based on
Injury Severity Score = sum 0–75
the different risk factors present (Fig. 7.2):
Lethal injury (incompatible with life) = AIS 6 = ISS 75
The three most severe injuries are squared and added, to
produce the final ISS score • Moderate head trauma is defined as the child
having a GCS of 9–13 on admission.
• Mild head trauma is classified into high risk,
The head injury classification systems mainly medium risk and low risk, depending on dif-
apply to adults, although in clinical practice the ferent risk factors for development of
previous Scandinavian head injury classification intracranial complications. The mild, high-
has also been used for children and adolescents. risk category includes children with an admis-
Definitions of mild to moderate head injury in sion GCS of 14–15 and with at least one of the
7  Classification of Head Injury 57

Table 7.7  The Paediatric Trauma Score (PTS)

Component +2 +1 −1
Size ≥20 kg 10–20 kg <10 kg
Airway Normal Maintainable Unmaintainable
Systolic blood pressure ≤90 mmHg 90–50 mmHg <50 mmHg
CNS Awake Obtunded/LOC Coma/decerebrate
Open wound None Minor Major/penetrating
Skeletal None Closed fracture Open/multiple fractures
Sum total points: −6 to +12. Scores <9 = potentially significant trauma

All children <18 years after minimal, mild and moderate head injury See help sheet for explanations
and further details.
within 24 h of injury

Moderate Mild, high-risk Mild, medium-risk Mild, low-risk Minimal

GCS 9-13 GCS 14-15 and GCS 14 GCS 15 and GCS 15

no no or no no
• Focal neurological • Post-traumatic amnesia, or
deficit, or GCS 15 • Severe/ progressive headache, And none of
or the previous
• Post-traumatic and risk factors.
• Abnormal behaviour according
setzures, or
to guardian, or
• Clinical signs of skull • LOC ≥ 1 min, or • Vomiting ≥ 2 times, or
base fracture or • Anticoagulation or • Suspected/ brief LOC, or y
y depressed skuII coagulation disorder • Shunt, or e
fracture • If age < 2 years: large, temporal s
e or parietal scalp hematoma or
s y irritability
yes e
Observation ≥ 12 h® yes
CT Alternatively do a CT scan
Observation ≥ 6 h®
abnormal normal
and normal

Admission for ≥ 24 h ♦ § Consider discharge with oral and written instructions for

♦ CT or repeat CT if clinical deterioration or NB! Some patients may need admission for reasons other than the head injury.
fall in GCS ≥ 2 points. In-hospital treatment should be given to children with suspected non-accidental
injury, a bulging fontanel and to children with high-velocity injury mechanisms.
§ Consider neurosurgical consultation
Also consider admitting all children < 1 year of age with head injury for
observation regardless of symptoms.

Fig. 7.2  Flowchart and classification of severity according to the Scandinavian guidelines for initial management of
head trauma in children (Astrand et al. 2016)

following symptoms present: focal neurologi- children with initial GCS of 15 and at least
cal deficit, posttraumatic seizure or clinical one of the following: posttraumatic amnesia,
signs of skull base fracture or depressed skull severe/progressive headache, abnormal behav-
fracture. The mild, medium risk includes chil- iour according to guardian, repeated vomiting,
dren with admission GCS of 14 (and none of suspected or brief LOC, or intracranial shunt
the high risk symptoms) or GCS 15 and loss system. If the child is younger than 2 years of
of consciousness for more than 1  min, or in age, have an initial GCCS of 15 and have a
treatment with anticoagulation medicine or large temporal/parietal scalp hematoma or if
having a known coagulation disorder. Mild, the child is irritable, this is also classed as
low risk is the largest category and includes mild, low risk.
58 R. Åstrand and J. Undén

• Minimal head injury includes children who c­hildren with head trauma: comparison of FOUR
score and Glasgow Coma Scale. Ulus Travma Acil
are fully awake on admission and do not have Cerrahi Derg. 2012;18:469–73.
any of the previously mentioned symptoms. Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Copes WS, Gann DS,
Gennarelli TA, Flanagan ME. A revision of the trauma
The paediatric guidelines have been externally score. J Trauma. 1989;29:623–9.
Committee on Quality Improvement, American Academy
validated in a large independent cohort with of Pediatrics and Commission on Clinical Policies and
encouraging results (Unden et al. 2018). Also, as Research, American Academy of Family Physicians.
for the adult guidelines, the risk stratification The management of minor closed head injury in chil-
seems justified (Unden et  al. 2015). The dren. Pediatrics. 1999;104:1407–15.
Dunning J, Daly JP, Lomas JP, Lecky F, Batchelor J,
Scandinavian paediatric head trauma guidelines Mackway-Jones K.  Derivation of the children's head
are currently being validated in a Nordic multi- injury algorithm for the prediction of important clini-
centre study. cal events decision rule for head injury in children.
The definition of severe head injury in chil- Arch Dis Child. 2006;91:885–91.
Eken C, Kartal M, Bacanli A, Eray O. Comparison of the
dren still include all children with GCS 3–8 after full outline of unresponsiveness score Coma Scale
head trauma (Adelson et al. 2003). and the Glasgow Coma Scale in an emergency setting
population. Eur J Emerg Med. 2009;16:29–36.
Holmes JF, Palchak MJ, Conklin MJ, Kuppermann N. Do
children require hospitalization after immediate post-
7.4 Note traumatic seizures? Ann Emerg Med. 2004;43:706–10.
Holmes JF, Palchak MJ, MacFarlane T, Kuppermann
The flowcharts of the Scandinavian head injury N. Performance of the pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale
guidelines for adults (Unden et al. 2013) and for in children with blunt head trauma. Acad Emerg Med.
children (Astrand et  al. 2016) are presented in Ingebrigtsen T, Romner B, Kock-Jensen C. Scandinavian
Figs. 7.1 and 7.2, respectively. guidelines for initial management of minimal, mild,
and moderate head injuries. The Scandinavian
Neurotrauma Committee. J Trauma. 2000;48:760–6.
Iyer VN, Mandrekar JN, Danielson RD, Zubkov AY,
References Elmer JL, Wijdicks EF.  Validity of the FOUR score
coma scale in the medical intensive care unit. Mayo
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DW. Guidelines for the acute medical management of JL.  A comparison of the Glasgow Coma Scale
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Primary Clinical Assessment
Jacob Bertram Springborg

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls

Level I • Do not use simultaneous verbal and tac-

tile stimuli when evaluating the
Data are insufficient to support Level I recom- GCS.  Start with verbal commands and
mendations for this subject. proceed only to painful stimuli if the
patient does not follow commands.
Level II Also, remember to start with a near mid-
line painful stimulus to appreciate if the
The Glasgow Coma Scale score (GCS) is a reli- patient localises.
able indicator of the severity of TBI; the Injury • Remember that not all ‘fixed and blown’
Severity Score (ISS) can be used to predict sever- pupils are caused by ipsilateral cerebral
ity in patients with multitrauma. herniation. Most neurosurgeons know
of patients who have been operated on
Level III the wrong side because of a false local-
ising sign and because a CT scan was
When pupil fixation or dilation is observed, not done for time reasons.
cerebral herniation should be suspected and
­ • Pupillary abnormalities in a patient who
appropriate interventions initiated. However, like is conscious are almost never a sign of
other patients, patients with TBI may demon- cerebral herniation.
strate iridoplegia, which is not due to cerebral

8.1 Background

8.1.1 Measures of Consciousness

In 1974, Teasdale and Jennett introduced the

GCS as an objective measure of the level of con-
J. B. Springborg (*) sciousness 6  h after TBI (Teasdale and Jennett
Department of Neurosurgery, University Clinic 1974), and in 1976 the scale was adjusted to its
of Neurosurgery, Copenhagen University Hospital, current form (Teasdale and Jennett 1976)
Copenhagen, Denmark (Table 8.1). It has since become the most widely

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 61

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
62 J. B. Springborg

Table 8.1  Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Table 8.2  Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR)
Adult GCS Paediatric GCS
Eye opening Eye opening FOUR score
Spontaneous 4 Spontaneous 4 Eye response
To speech 3 To speech 3 Eyelids open or opened, tracking or blinking to 4
To pain 2 To pain 2 command
None 1 None 1 Eyelids open but not tracking 3
Verbal response Verbal response Eyelids closed but open to loud voice 2
Oriented 5 Coos, babbles 5 Eyelids closed but open to pain 1
Confused 4 Irritable cries 4 Eyelids remain closed with pain 0
Inappropriate 3 Cries to pain 3 Motor response
words Thumbs-up, fist or peace sign 4
Sounds 2 Moans to pain 2 Localising to pain 3
None 1 None 1 Flexion response to pain 2
Motor response Motor response Extension response to pain 1
Obey commands 6 Normal spontaneous 6 No response to pain or generalised myoclonus 0
movements status
Localises to pain 5 Withdraws to touch 5 Brainstem reflexes
Withdraws to 4 Withdraws to pain 4 Pupil and corneal reflexes present 4
pain One pupil wide and fixed 3
Abnormal 3 Abnormal flexion 3 Pupil or corneal reflexes absent 2
flexion Pupil and corneal reflexes absent 1
Abnormal 2 Abnormal extension 2 Absent pupil, corneal and cough reflex 0
extension Respiration
None 1 None 1 Not intubated, regular breathing pattern 4
Not intubated, Cheyne–Stokes breathing pattern 3
Not intubated, irregular breathing 2
used early clinical measure of the severity of Breathes above ventilator rate 1
TBI.  The GCS allows repetitive and relatively Breathes at ventilator rate or apnoea 0
reliably recordings of the level of consciousness
and a standardised method of reporting the find-
ings (Braakman et  al. 1977; Menegazzi et  al. (Wijdicks et al. 2005) and the GCS-Pupils score,
1993; Matis and Birbilis 2008). The GCS evalu- which is a simple arithmetic score (1–15) deduct-
ates three independent responses to stimuli: eye ing the number of non-reacting pupils (0–2) from
opening, verbal response, and best motor the GCS score (Brennan et  al. 2018). Most of
response. In patients unable to follow commands, these scales are reliable and valid, but none have
a painful blunt stimulus is applied, first near the gained the same general acceptance and use as
midline, e.g. to the supraorbital nerve, to see if the GCS, which should therefore be considered
the patient localises, and if not so, peripherally, gold standard. However, one should keep in mind
e.g. to the nail bed, to see if the patient with- that the use of the GCS scale has expanded
draws. The motor score is based on the extremity beyond the original intension, and the limitations
with the best response and the eye opening score of the scale should be acknowledged (Matis and
on the eye with the best response. Birbilis 2008).
Other scales have been designed to evaluate In intubated patients or in patients with lesions
the level of consciousness and predict outcome. causing aphasia or cervical medullary dysfunc-
Examples are the Swedish Reaction Level Scale tion, the use of the GCS is problematic as the ver-
(Starmark et  al. 1988), which has eight values bal or motor scores of these patients may be
and resembles an enhanced GCS motor score, the difficult to interpret. Likewise, patients may have
Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) score additional injuries to the extremities complicat-
(Table  8.2), which besides eye and motor func- ing the assessment of the best motor score.
tion, includes brain stem and respiratory function Furthermore, the GCS score can be affected by a
8  Primary Clinical Assessment 63

number of pre- and posttraumatic systemic fac- population, completely neglecting the quality of
tors that may impair the neurological response, life in survivors.
e.g. alcohol, drugs, hypoglycaemia, hypotension,
hypoxia or sedation. Intoxication is a common
phenomenon in the trauma population. Therefore, 8.1.2 Clinical Examination
these conditions should be corrected prior to the of the Pupils
evaluation of the GCS, or if not possible, the
GCS should be recorded as a modified This is an important aspect of neurological
GCS. Finally, ocular or facial trauma can hinder assessment and is not included in the GCS score.
the evaluation of the eye or verbal response, and Pupil assessment is defined as each pupil’s size
pre-existing factors such as hearing impairment, and response to light stimulation. Pupil asymme-
dementia, or psychiatric diseases may affect the try is defined as more than 1  mm difference
evaluation of especially the verbal response. To between the two pupils, and an absent light
overcome the problem with the evaluation of the response (‘fixed pupil’) is defined as less than
verbal score of intubated patients, different mod- 1 mm constriction on bright light. The light reflex
els have been proposed to predict the verbal score depends on a normally functioning lens, retina,
from the eye and motor score (Rutledge et  al. optic nerve, brain stem, and oculomotor nerve.
1996; Meredith et al. 1998). However, the appli- The parasympathetic pupillary constrictory nerve
cability of these attempts has been questioned fibres run from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in
(Chesnut 1997). the high midbrain with the oculomotor nerve to
Several studies have confirmed the predictive the ciliary ganglion and from that with the short
value of the GCS in estimating outcome after TBI ciliary nerves to the pupillary constrictory mus-
(Narayan et al. 1981; Rocca et al. 1989; Fearnside cles. The direct light response assesses the ipsi-
et al. 1993; Alvarez et al. 1998). However, as the lateral optic and oculomotor nerve, and the
CGS is a combined score of 120 different possi- consensual light response assesses the ipsilateral
ble eye–verbal–motor score combinations sum- optic and contralateral oculomotor nerve. The
ming up to just 13 different scores (3–15), it is examination is generally easy and quick.
not surprising that different patients with the Increased intracranial pressure causing cere-
same initial GCS score may have different out- bral uncal herniation may compress the oculomo-
comes, which has in fact been demonstrated in tor nerve resulting in a reduction of
the general trauma population (Healey et  al. parasympathetic tone in the pupillary constric-
2003). In addition, these authors have demon- tory muscles and thereby ipsilateral pupil dilation
strated that most of the predictive power of the and an absent light reflex. Bilateral fixed and
GCS resides in the motor score and that a math- dilated pupils are consistent with direct brain
ematical transformation of the motor score gives stem injury or marked elevation of ICP with cen-
an almost perfectly calibrated line between pre- tral herniation. Metabolic or circulatory distur-
dicted and actual mortality (Healey et al. 2003). bances including hypoxia, hypotension or
However, the design of that study leaves some hypothermia may, however, also be associated
unanswered questions about the reliability of the with pupil asymmetry or abnormal light reactiv-
collected GCS values and the external validity of ity (Meyer et al. 1993). Therefore, resuscitation
the study, which as mentioned included general and stabilisation should be initiated before evalu-
trauma patients (National Trauma Data Bank). ation of the pupils. Direct trauma to the eye or
Nevertheless, others have confirmed that in oculomotor nerve, e.g. from skull fracture
patients with TBI, the motor score is the single through the sphenoid bone, may cause pupil dila-
most precise predictor of mortality (Kung et al. tion and thereby mimic severe intracranial injury
2010). However, the National Trauma Data Bank or herniation. Moreover, traumatic carotid dis-
end point ‘survival to discharge’ and mortality section may cause Horner’s syndrome with ipsi-
are poor indices of outcome for the head injury lateral pupil constriction from decreased
64 J. B. Springborg

sympathetic tone making the contralateral pupil to a full clinical investigation and potential sur-
appear dilated (Fujisawa et  al. 2001). However, gery, the ISS, along with other anatomical scor-
in Horner’s syndrome, there is ptosis associated ing systems, is not useful as a triage tool. As
with the miotic eye, and the contralateral pupil multiple injuries within the same body region are
appearing dilated will have a normal reaction to only assigned a single score, a modification of
light. This assessment may be tricky in the acute the ISS, the “New Injury Severity Score” (NISS),
setting. Finally, in patients with severe swelling has been proposed (Osler et al. 1997). This is cal-
of the orbital regions, the evaluation of the pupils culated as the sum of the squares of the top three
can be impossible. AIS scores regardless of body region. The NISS
In summary, pupillary function may be an has been found to statistically outperform the tra-
indicator of brain injury after trauma, but is not a ditional ISS score and is possibly a more accurate
specific indicator of severity or involved anat- predictor of mortality in TBI (Lavoie et al. 2004).
omy. Nonetheless, studies support the assessment
of pupils after severe TBI as both a guide to
decision-­making and for prognostic reasons 8.2 Specific Paediatric Concerns
(Braakman et  al. 1977; Chesnut et  al. 1994;
Halley et al. 2004). Standard GCS scoring of non-verbal children is
inapplicable. The responses of children change
with development, so the GCS requires modifica-
8.1.3 S
 ystems Designed to Grade tion for paediatric use (Table  8.1) (Matis and
Patients with Multiple Injuries Birbilis 2008). In children with severe TBI, the
GCS is an independent predictor of mortality, as
The most commonly used is the ISS (Baker et al. in adults (White et al. 2001; Holmes et al. 2005;
1974), which is based on the Abbreviated Injury Tude Melo et  al. 2010). However, in children,
Scale (AIS). The AIS is an anatomical scoring pupil examination seems to be of less value
system first introduced in 1969 (MacKenzie et al. (Halley et al. 2004; Chan et al. 2005).
1985). The system describes single injuries, and
injury severity is ranked on an ordinal scale of
1–6 with 1 being minor, 3 serious, 5 severe, and 6 References
an unsurvivable injury. The ISS provides an over-
all score for patients with multiple injuries. Each Alvarez M, Nava JM, Rué M, Quintana S.  Mortality
injury is assigned an AIS score and is allocated to prediction in head trauma patients: performance of
one of six body regions (head, face, chest, abdo- Glasgow Coma Score and general severity systems.
Crit Care Med. 1998;26:142–8.
men, extremities including pelvis, and external). Baker SP, O’Neill B, Haddon W, Long WB.  The injury
Only the highest AIS score in each body region is severity score: a method for describing patients with
used. The three most severely injured body multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J
regions have their scores squared and added to Trauma. 1974;14:187–96.
Braakman R, Avezaat CJ, Maas AI, Roel M, Schouten
produce the ISS score. The ISS score takes values HJ. Inter observer agreement in the assessment of the
from 0 to 75. If an injury is assigned an AIS score motor response of the Glasgow “Coma” Scale. Clin
of 6 (unsurvivable injury), the ISS score is auto- Neurol Neurosurg. 1977;80:100–6.
matically assigned to 75. The ISS score corre- Brennan PM, Murray GD, Teasdale GM.  Simplifying
the use of prognostic information in traumatic brain
lates linearly with mortality, morbidity, hospital injury. Part 1: the GCS-pupils score: an extended index
stay, and other measures of severity. Its weak- of clinical severity. J Neurosurg. 2018;128:1612–20.
nesses are that any error in AIS scoring increases Chan HC, Adnan WAW, Jaalam K, Abdullah MR,
the ISS error, many different injury patterns can Abdullah J. Which mild head injured patients should
have follow-up after discharge from an accident and
give the same ISS score and injuries to different emergency ward? A study in a University Hospital
body regions are not weighted. Also, as a full setting in Kelantan, Malaysia Southeast. Asian J Trop
description of patient injuries is not known prior Med Public Health. 2005;36:982–93.
8  Primary Clinical Assessment 65

Chesnut RM. Appropriate use of the Glasgow Coma Scale Meredith W, Rutledge R, Fakhry SM, Emery S, Kromhout-­
in intubated patients: a linear regression prediction of Schiro S. The conundrum of the Glasgow Coma Scale
the Glasgow verbal score from the Glasgow eye and in intubated patients: a linear regression prediction of
motor scores. J Trauma. 1997;42:345. the Glasgow verbal score from the Glasgow eye and
Chesnut RM, Gautille T, Blunt BA, Klauber MR, Marshall motor scores. J Trauma. 1998;44:839–44.
LE.  The localizing value of asymmetry in pupillary Meyer S, Gibb T, Jurkovich GJ.  Evaluation and signifi-
size in severe head injury: relation to lesion type and cance of the pupillary light reflex in trauma patients.
location. Neurosurgery. 1994;34:840–5. Ann Emerg Med. 1993;22:1052–7.
Fearnside MR, Cook RJ, McDougall P, McNeil RJ. The Narayan RK, Greenberg RP, Miller JD, Enas GG, Choi
Westmead Head Injury Project outcome in severe SC, Kishore PR, Selhorst JB, Lutz HA, Becker
head injury. A comparative analysis of pre-hos- DP.  Improved confidence of outcome prediction in
pital, clinical and CT variables. Br J Neurosurg. severe head injury. A comparative analysis of the clin-
1993;7:267–79. ical examination, multimodality evoked potentials,
Fujisawa H, Marukawa K, Kida S, Hasegawa M, CT scanning, and intracranial pressure. J Neurosurg.
Yamashita J, Matsui O.  Abducens nerve palsy and 1981;54:751–62.
ipsilateral Horner syndrome: a predicting sign of Osler T, Baker SP, Long W. A modification of the injury
intracranial carotid injury in a head trauma patient. J severity score that both improves accuracy and simpli-
Trauma. 2001;50:554–6. fies scoring. J Trauma. 1997;43:922–5.
Halley MK, Silva PD, Foley J, Rodarte A. Loss of con- Rocca B, Martin C, Viviand X, Bidet PF, Saint-Gilles
sciousness: when to perform computed tomography? HL, Chevalier A.  Comparison of four sever-
Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2004;5:230–3. ity scores in patients with head trauma. J Trauma.
Healey C, Osler TM, Rogers FB, Healey MA, Glance LG, 1989;29:299–305.
Kilgo PD, Shackford SR, Meredith JW. Improving the Rutledge R, Lentz CW, Fakhry S, Hunt J.  Appropriate
Glasgow Coma Scale score: motor score alone is a use of the Glasgow Coma Scale in intubated patients:
better predictor. J Trauma. 2003;54:671–8. a linear regression prediction of the Glasgow ver-
Holmes JF, Palchak MJ, MacFarlane T, Kuppermann bal score from the Glasgow eye and motor scores. J
N. Performance of the pediatric Glasgow coma scale Trauma. 1996;41:514–22.
in children with blunt head trauma. Acad Emerg Med. Starmark JE, Stålhammar D, Holmgren E. The Reaction
2005;12:814–9. Level Scale (RLS85). Manual and guide- lines. Acta
Kung W-M, Tsai S-H, Chiu W-T, Hung K-S, Wang S-P, Neurochir. 1988;91:12–20.
Lin J-W, Lin M-S.  Correlation between Glasgow Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment of coma and impaired
Coma Score components and survival in patients with consciousness. A practical scale. Lancet. 1974;2:81–4.
traumatic brain injury. Injury. 2010;49:940–4. Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment and prognosis of coma
Lavoie A, Moore L, LeSage N, Liberman M, Sampalis after head injury. Acta Neurochir. 1976;34:45–55.
JS. The new injury severity score: a more accurate pre- Tude Melo JR, Di Rocco F, Blanot S, Oliveira-Filho J,
dictor of in-hospital mortality than the injury severity Roujeau T, Sainte-Rose C, Duracher C, Vecchione A,
score. J Trauma. 2004;56:1312–20. Meyer P, Zerah M. Mortality in children with severe
MacKenzie EJ, Shapiro S, Eastham JN. The abbreviated head trauma: predictive factors and proposal for a new
injury scale and injury severity score. Levels of inter- predictive scale. Neurosurgery. 2010;67:1542–7.
and intrarater reliability. Med Care. 1985;23:823–35. White JR, Farukhi Z, Bull C, Christensen J, Gordon
Matis G, Birbilis T.  The Glasgow Coma Scale—a brief T, Paidas C, Nichols DG.  Predictors of outcome
review. Past, present, future. Acta Neurol Belg. in severely head-injured children. Crit Care Med.
2008;108:75–89. 2001;29:534–40.
Menegazzi JJ, Davis EA, Sucov AN, Paris PM. Reliability Wijdicks EFM, Bamlet WR, Maramattom BV, Manno
of the Glasgow Coma Scale when used by emergency EM, McClelland RL. Validation of a new coma scale:
physicians and paramedics. J Trauma. 1993;34:46–8. the FOUR score. Ann Neurol. 2005;58:585–93.
Part III
Prehospital Management

Johan Undén
Prehospital Guidelines
Riikka Takala

Recommendations moderate or severe TBIs. Severe TBI is

­associated with a high mortality, 30–40% (Maas
Level I et al. 2017).
TBI is a dynamic process where the primary
There are insufficient data to support a Level I injury occurs at the time of insult. Secondary
recommendation for this topic. injuries start to develop immediately after the
insult and may continue to progress even days or
Level II weeks after the insult. The aim of treatment and
care is to prevent and decrease secondary inju-
Hypoxemia and hypotension increase morbidity ries. Quick and correct emergency treatment is
and mortality after TBI. therefore a corner stone of TBI care. Severe TBI
patients should be transferred to a hospital with
Level III neurosurgical facilities as quickly as possible.

Securing the airway, maintaining adequate blood

pressure, oxygenation and ventilation are all key Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
factors in the prevention of secondary brain • Secondary injuries start to develop
injury. After stabilization, rapid transport of within minutes of the insult.
patients with severe TBI to a neurosurgical centre • Hypotension and hypoxia increase mor-
is crucial. bidity and mortality.
• Hyper- and hypoventilation increase
9.1 Overview • Repeat neurological assessment often:
GCS and pupils.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a worldwide • Continuous monitoring: ECG, SpO2,
health problem with an incidence rate of 262 per blood pressure.
100,000/year. Most TBIs are mild, approxi- • GCS < 9 patients need to be intubated.
mately 70–80%, with the rest being classified as

R. Takala (*)
Perioperative Services, Intensive Care Medicine
and Pain Management, Turku University Hospital,
Turku, Finland

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 69

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
70 R. Takala

9.2 Summary of Prehospital 43.9% if both conditions existed (Spaite et  al.
Treatment 2017a).
Of those patients who did not have hypoten-
Hypoxemia (SpO2  <  90%) and hypotension sion or hypoxemia, only 5.6% died. Updated
(RRsys  <  120  mmHg) increase morbidity and Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF, www.brain-
mortality. They must be avoided and promptly guidelines from 2017 recommends
treated. The rule of ABC (ensure protected air- systolic blood pressure values higher than
way and provide adequate oxygenation and ven- 90 mmHg. They recommend that SBP should be
tilation (breathing) and circulation) applies to the kept at ≥100 mmHg for patients 50–69 years and
emergency care of TBI. at ≥110  mmHg or higher for patients 15–49 or
Patients who have impaired consciousness >70 years old. In a TBI patient material consist-
(Glasgow Coma Scale ≤ 8) are unable to main- ing of over 3800 patients, aged 10 years or older,
tain their airway, may have impaired respiratory there was a linear association between systolic
drive and are at risk of aspiration. Endotracheal blood pressure, ranging from 40 to 119 mmHg,
intubation and controlled ventilation are ­therefore and death. An increase of systolic blood pressure
needed. Intubation is also needed if the patient of 10  mmHg was associated with an 18.8%
has better consciousness than GCS of 9, but has decreased adjusted odds of death (Spaite et  al.
concomitant multitrauma and supplemental oxy- 2017b). A bimodal distribution of death has been
gen does not correct hypoxemia. One must observed in TBI patients, optimal SBP being
always assume that head-injured patients also between 120 and 140 mmHg (Zafar et al. 2011).
have an injured neck, until otherwise proven. Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is calcu-
Normoventilation is recommended (etCO2 lated as: mean arterial pressure (MAP) − intra-
35–40  mmHg, 4.5–5.5  kPa) as both hyper- and cranial pressure (ICP). BTF recommends that
hypoventilation increase mortality. However, if CPP should be kept between 60 and 70 mmHg.
there are signs of cerebral herniation (i.e. pupil Blood pressure should be monitored fre-
dilatation, Cushing’s triad), short lasting hyper- quently if it is measured noninvasively. If possi-
ventilation may be considered. Hypertonic saline ble, an arterial cannulation and continuous blood
or mannitol may be used to decrease increased pressure measurement would be preferable as it
intracranial pressure (ICP) and in situations with is less prone to disturbances during the transpor-
cerebral herniation. tation and allows simple sampling for blood gas
Hypotension is treated with isotonic or hyper- analysis. Electrocardiography and SpO2 must
tonic crystalloids and vasopressors such as nor- also be monitored continuously.
adrenaline or phenylephrine. Glasgow Coma Scale
The most common tool for assessing level of con-
9.3 Background sciousness is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
(Table 9.1). Chapter 3 discusses this topic further,
9.3.1 Prehospital Assessments and demonstrates in
detail how it should be performed. GCS is a clini- Oxygenation and Blood cally important tool, and it should be performed
Pressure immediately after the ABC evaluation. When
Hypoxemia, defined as peripheral oxygen evaluating GCS, hypoxaemia, hypoventilation,
­saturation (SpO2) < 90%, and hypotension (previ- hypotension and hypoglycaemia must be cor-
ously defined as systolic blood pressure rected, otherwise GCS is not reliable. There are
(SBP) < 90 mmHg) are both associated with high also confounding factors that may decrease the
mortality and morbidity. A recent study including summed GCS score, such as alcohol and narcotic
13,151 patients observed that 20.7% and 28.1% drugs, spinal cord injury, orbital swelling and
patients died if they had only hypotension or dysphasia. Repeated and documented GCS are
hypoxemia, respectively, and mortality was valuable means for monitoring the trend of con-
9  Prehospital Guidelines 71

Table 9.1 GCS information. Normal pupils may have a 1  mm

GCS diameter difference. A bright flashlight is used to
Eye opening assess the light reactivity. In a normal situation,
Spontaneous 4 the pupil constricts to a light and so does the con-
Speech 3 tralateral pupil (direct and consensual reaction).
Pain 2
Both the right and left pupil findings must be
None 1
Verbal response
Oriented 5
Before pupil evaluation, hypoxemia, hypoven-
Confused 4 tilation and hypotension must be treated.
Inappropriate 3 An important sign of uncal herniation is a uni-
Incomprehensible 2 laterally dilated and unreactive (fixed) pupil. In
None 1 this situation, the ipsilateral anterior temporal
Motor response lobe is pushed through the tentorium and the
Obey command 6 uncus of the temporal lobe compresses the oculo-
Localize pain 5 motor nerve (III cranial nerve). Damage to the
Flexor withdrawal (normal flexion) 4
medulla results in bilaterally dilated and fixed
Abnormal flexion 3
pupils. Acute pupil dilation is considered a neu-
Extension 2
None 1 rological emergency.
Orbital trauma or a direct trauma to the eye
may injure short ciliary nerve and pupillary
sciousness and for identifying possible worsen- sphincter muscle, respectively, also resulting in a
ing in neurological status. GCS is known to dilated pupil. Documentation of traumas to the
correlate with the severity of TBI. However, GCS aforementioned areas is therefore important.
at the scene is not such a reliable outcome predic-
tor as GCS obtained upon admission, and motor
score has the best predictive power (Marmarou 9.4 Prehospital Treatment
et al. 2007; Lesko et al. 2013). GCS is performed
by evaluating the patient’s eye opening (1–4 9.4.1 Airway, Ventilation
points), verbal response (1–5 points) and best and Oxygenation
motor response (1–6 points) to speech or painful
stimulus. When testing eye opening to pain, a A TBI patient with GCS ≤ 8 must be intubated as
peripheral stimulus should be used as the gri- they are not able to maintain their airway and
mace associated with central pain may cause eye may have low respiratory drive, and they are at
closure. If patients do not obey commands and risk of aspiration. Short-acting anaesthetic agents
motor response to painful stimulus is used, then should be used for intubation and maintaining
central stimulus should be used. This is done by sedation during the transport as the neurological
pressing the supraorbital notch. However, in status is often reassessed when the patient arrives
cases of facial fractures adjacent to supraorbital to the emergency department. Short-acting opi-
notch, a peripheral stimulus is safer and is per- oids, propofol and short-acting benzodiazepines
formed by applying slowly increasing pressure to are suitable for intubation. Ketamine has become
nail tip. The points of each area are recorded popular in the emergency medicine due to its
separately, and the summed GCS score must be stable haemodynamical properties, but there are
documented. currently not enough data regarding its safety in
TBI patients, used as a sole anaesthetic agent. Pupils and Their Reactivity Some data shows that, when it is used in conjunc-
Chapter 3 elaborates on this topic in detail. tion with other anaesthetics such as midazolam
Evaluating and documenting the size of the pupils or propofol and patients are already mechanically
(in mm) and their reactivity to light are also ventilated, it does not increase ICP (Chang et al.
essential as any changes in them give valuable 2013). In addition, hallucinations associated with
72 R. Takala

ketamine administration may impair reliable neu- 2014) are suitable for fluid resuscitation in the
rological assessment upon admission to the hos- TBI patients. Hypertonic crystalloids can also be
pital. However, in haemodynamically unstable used as they decrease the ICP, but they do not
patients with multiple trauma, ketamine is prob- improve the outcome of the patients (Cooper
ably a safe choice as propofol is known to et al. 2004). The use of colloids and albumin are
decrease blood pressure. not recommended (Myburgh et al. 2007; Reinhart
Prehospital intubation of TBI patients has et al. 2012; Cooper et al. 2013; Oddo et al. 2018)
resulted in conflicting results regarding their sur- as they may increase the mortality in TBI patients.
vival and neurological outcome. These contradic- Glucose containing fluids should be avoided,
tory results seem to arise from the experience and unless the patient has hypoglycaemia (B-gluck
skills of the personnel. Data supports that <5  mmol/L). If fluid therapy does not increase
­unexperienced and untrained personnel should the blood pressure, vasoactive agents should be
not intubate TBI patients (Bossers et  al. 2015). used. Noradrenaline and phenylephrine are rec-
The correct endotracheal tube placement must be ommended as continuous infusion.
ensured by pulmonary auscultation and end-tidal
CO2 (etCO2) measurement. Endotracheal tubes
should be secured with drapes, and the head of 9.4.3 Cerebral Herniation
the bed should be elevated 15–30° and neck and
head positioned in neutral position to ensure Frequent neurological assessment is important as
cerebral venous return. Of note, semi-rigid col- the patient’s clinical status can worsen rapidly
lars may also obstruct cerebral venous return. due to ongoing processes such as mass lesions,
Normoventilation (etCO2 35–40 mmHg, 4.5– cerebral oedema or hydrocephalus. Clinical signs
5.5 kPa) is recommended as both hypoventilation of increased ICP and cerebral herniation are loss
and hyperventilation result in increased mortality of consciousness or progressive neurologic dete-
(Davis et al. 2010). Hypoxaemia is corrected by rioration (at least 2 points decrease in GCS), one
administering supplemental oxygen. SpO2 is or both pupils dilated and unreactive to light,
aimed to be maintained at >90%. Hyperoxia may Cushing’s triad (hypertension and bradycardia)
be harmful in critically ill patients and normoxia and extension or no reaction to painful stimulus.
is suggested in TBI patients, although high-­ Sedation and analgesia must be sufficiently
quality studies on the topic are still lacking. provided, preferably with a continuous infusion.
Hyperosmolar therapy with either mannitol or
hypertonic saline is recommended. They both
9.4.2 Fluid Resuscitation increase osmotic gradient, which induces water
to move from cerebral tissue to the extracellular
Isolated head trauma does not lead to hypovolae- space, thus reducing cerebral oedema. Mannitol
mia but may cause hypotension (Mahoney et al. may cause electrolyte disturbances and hypovo-
2003). However, if the patient has concomitant lemia due to excessive diuresis (Torre-Healy
high cervical injury, this may cause neurogenic et al. 2012). Hypertonic saline increases cardiac
shock with hypotension and bradycardia. In addi- output, blood pressure and cerebral blood flow
tion, TBI with concomitant multitrauma with (Torre-Healy et  al. 2012; Tyagi et  al. 2007).
haemorrhage may result in hypovolaemia and Hypertonic saline may be more effective and
hypotension. Both result in reduced cerebral per- have longer lasting property to reduce ICP than
fusion pressure and oxygen delivery, predispos- mannitol (Kamel et  al. 2011; Mortazavi et  al.
ing the already injured and vulnerable brain to 2012).
secondary injuries. Fluid resuscitation aims to Hyperventilation constricts cerebral arterial
restore oxygen delivery and adequate cerebral vessels and reduces cerebral flow (CBF) and
perfusion pressure and cerebral blood flow. ICP. CBF is often reduced in the acute phase of
Isotonic or hypertonic crystalloids (Gantner et al. TBI and further decrease in CBF may lead to
9  Prehospital Guidelines 73

cerebral ischemia. In a small study of TBI traumatology and intensive care. There are no
patients, hyperventilation decreased ICP and prospective randomized studies comparing
improved CPP but increased hypoperfused brain “scoop and run” with “stay and play” on the out-
volume (Coles et  al. 2002). Hyperventilation come of TBI patients, and both the approaches
worsens the neurological outcome in TBI patients are used in Nordic countries (Cnossen et  al.
(Stocchetti and Maas 2014). However, short-term 2018).
hyperventilation can be useful in cases of immi- Severe TBI patients seem to benefit from a
nent herniation and may outweigh its harmful rapid transfer directly to a neurotrauma centre,
effects. In such a case, hyperventilation should be and during transport all efforts must be done to
titrated to etCO2 of 30–35 mmHg, 3.9–4.6 kPa. prevent secondary injuries.
In patients with concomitant multitrauma,
increased ICP can also result from increased
venous pressure due to pneumothorax or abdomi- 9.6 Paediatric TBI
nal injury. Pneumothorax must be treated
promptly at the scene with chest drain or with Paediatric patients are not small adults, and the
thoracosentesis if drainage is not possible. aetiology and pathology of paediatric TBI differ
from that of adults. However, like in adults, hypo-
tension and hypoxia increase mortality in paedi-
9.4.4 Seizure Treatment atric TBI patients. Accordingly, assessment,
treatment approaches and principals, such as
TBI patients are at risk of epileptic seizures, which avoiding hypoxemia and hypotension, are applied
may cause and worsen secondary injuries. They in the same way as in adults.
must be promptly treated. Intravenous propofol or Paediatric patients should be transferred to
benzodiazepines such as lorazepam or midazolam Level I or II trauma centres familiar with paediat-
are first-line choices. Of antiepileptic drugs, phos- ric TBI patients or to trauma centres familiar with
phenytoine and levetiracetam are currently the paediatric TBI patients.
most widely used. They both seem to prevent early
seizures in TBI, but in long-term use, phosphenyt-
oine may worsen neurological outcome (Szaflarski 9.6.1 Oxygenation and Blood
et al. 2010; Bhullar et al. 2014). Pressure

Paediatric SpO2 target is also >90%, whereas

9.4.5 Hypothermia blood pressure targets are age dependent. In the
paediatric population, hypotension is defined
Hypothermia has been considered as neuroprotec- according to American College of Surgeons as
tive, and several studies have assessed its role in follows:
the outcome of TBI patients. The recent POLAR Age 0–28  days, SBP  <  60  mmHg,
study demonstrated that early prophylactic hypo- 1–12  months, SBP  <  70  mmHg, 1–10  years,
thermia in TBI patients does not improve neuro- SBP  <  70  +  2× age in years, >10  years,
logical outcome or reduce mortality (Cooper et al. SBP < 90 mmHg. Current paediatric TBI guide-
2018), and its use is not recommended. lines from 2019 state that in children minimal
CPP is 40  mmHg and threshold 40–50  mmHg
should be considered, with infants at the lower
9.5 Transport end and adolescents at the upper end (Kochanek
et al. 2019).
TBI patients should be transported to Level I or However, it may be that these hypotension and
Level II trauma centres with 24  h coverage of CPP thresholds in paediatric TBI patients are too
neurosurgery, anaesthesiology, radiology (CT), low (Suttipongkaset et al. 2018), and they should
74 R. Takala

Table 9.2  Paediatric GCS tion in traumatic brain injuries. CNS Neurosci Ther.
Cnossen MC, van der Brande R, Lingsma HF, Polinder
Eye opening S, Lecky F, Maas AIR.  Prehospital trauma care
Spontaneous 4 among 68 European neurotrauma centers: results
Speech 3 of the CENTER-TBI provider profiling question-
Pain 2 naires. J Neurotrauma. 2018.
None 1 neu.2018.5712.
Verbal response Coles JP, Minhas PS, Fryer TD, Smielewski P, Aigbirihio
F, Donovan T, et  al. Effect of hyperventilation on
Coos, babbles 5
cerebral blood flow in traumatic head injury: clinical
Irritable cries 4 relevance and monitoring correlates. Crit Care Med.
Cries to pain 3 2002;30:1950–9.
Moans to pain 2 Cooper DJ, Myles PS, McDermott FT, Murray LJ,
None 1 Laidlaw J, Cooper G, et  al. Prehospital hypertonic
Motor response saline resuscitation of patients with hypotension and
Normal spontaneous movement 6 severe traumatic brain injury—a randomized con-
Withdraws to touch 5 trolled trial. JAMA. 2004;291:1350–7.
Cooper DJ, Myburgh J, Heritier S, Finfer S, Bellomo
Withdraws to pain 4
R, Billot L, et  al. Albumin resuscitation for trau-
Abnormal flexion 3 matic brain injury: is intracranial hypertension
Extension 2 the cause of increased mortality? J Neurotrauma.
None 1 2013;30(7):512–8.
Cooper DJ, Nichol AD, Bailey M, Bernard S, Cameron
PA, Pili-Floury S, et al. Effect of early sustained pro-
be more age specific (Allen et al. 2014), but data phylactic hypothermia on neurologic outcomes among
patients with severe traumatic brain injury. JAMA.
is currently too limited. 2018;320:2211–20.
Davis DP, Peay J, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Simon F, Tominaga
G, et  al. Prehospital airway and ventilation manage-
9.6.2 Paediatric GCS ment: a trauma score and injury severity score-based
analysis. J Trauma. 2010;69:294–301.
Gantner D, Moore EM, Cooper DJ.  Intravenous flu-
Just like in adults, in paediatric patients GCS is ids in traumatic brain injury. Curr Opin Crit Care.
assessed after stabilization. In children over 2014;20:385–9.
2 years old, adult GCS can be employed, whereas Kamel H, Navi BB, Nakagawa K, Hemphill JC III,
Ko NU.  Hypertonic saline versus mannitol for the
the paediatric GCS is used in pre-verbal children treatment of elevated intracranial pressure: a meta-­
(Table 9.2). analysis of randomized clinical trials. Crit Care Med.
Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Carney N, Totten AM, Adelson
PD, Selden NR, et al. Guidelines for the management
References of pediatric severe traumatic brain injury, third edition.
Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019;20:S1–S82.
Allen BB, Chiu Y-L, Gerber LM, Ghajar J, Greenfield Lesko MM, Jenks T, O’Brien SJ, Childs C, Bouamra
JP.  Age-specific cerebral perfusion pressure thresh- O, Woodford M, Lecky F.  Comparing model perfor-
olds and survival in children and adolescents with mance for survival prediction using total Glasgow
severe traumatic brain injury. Pediatr Crit Care Med. Coma Scale and its components in traumatic brain
2014;15:62–70. injury. J Neurotrauma. 2013;30:17–22.
Bhullar IS, Johnson D, Paul JP, Kerwin AJ, Tepas JJ III, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD, Andelic N, Bell MJ,
Frykberg ER. More harm than good. Antiseizure pro- Belli A, et al. The lancet neurology commission trau-
phylaxis after traumatic brain injury does not decrease matic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve
seizure rates but may inhibit functional recovery. J prevention, clinical care, and research. Lancet Neurol.
Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014;76:54–61. 2017;16:1–62.
Bossers SM, Schwarte LA, Loer SA, Twisk JWR, Boer Mahoney EJ, Biffl WL, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG.
C, Schober P. Experience in prehospital endotracheal Isolated brain injury as a cause of hypotension in the
intubation significantly influences mortality of patients blunt trauma patient. J Trauma. 2003;55(6):1065–9.
with severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review Marmarou A, Lu J, Butcher I, McHugh GS, Murray
and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0141034–26. GD, Steyerberg EW, et  al. Prognostic value of the
Chang LC, Raty SR, Ortiz J, Bailard NS, Mathew SJ. The Glasgow Coma Scale and pupil reactivity in trau-
emerging use of ketamine for anesthesia and seda- matic brain injury assessed pre-hospital and on
9  Prehospital Guidelines 75

enrollment: an IMPACT analysis. J Neurotrauma. Spaite DW, Hu C, Bobrow BJ, Chikani V, Sherrill D,
2007;24:270–80. Barnhart B, et  al. Mortality and prehospital blood
Mortazavi MM, Romeo AK, Deep A, Griessenauer CJ, pressure in patients with major traumatic brain injury.
Shoja MM, Tubbs RS, Fisher W. Hypertonic saline for JAMA Surg. 2017b;152:360–9.
treating raised intracranial pressure: literature review Stocchetti N, Maas AIR. Traumatic intracranial hyperten-
with meta-analysis. J Neurosurg. 2012;116:210–21. sion. N Engl J Med. 2014;370:2121–30.
Myburgh J, Cooper DJ, Finfer S, Bellomo R, Norton R, Suttipongkaset P, Chaikittisilpa N, Vavilala MS, Lele AV,
Bishop N, et al. Saline or albumin for fluid resuscita- Watanitanon A, Chandee T, Krishnamoorthy V. Blood
tion in patients with traumatic brain injury. N Engl J pressure thresholds and mortality in pediatric trau-
Med. 2007;357:874–84. matic brain injury. Pediatrics. 2018;142:e20180594–9.
Oddo M, Poole D, Helbok R, Meyfroidt G, Stocchetti N,
Bouzat P, et  al. Fluid therapy in neurointensive care Szaflarski JP, Sangha KS, Lindsell CJ, Shutter
patients: ESICM consensus and clinical practice rec- LA.  Prospective, randomized, single-blinded compara-
ommendations. Intensive Care Med. 2018;44:449–63. tive trial of intravenous levetiracetam versus phenytoin
Reinhart K, Perner A, Sprung CL, Jaeschke R, Schortgen for seizure prophylaxis. Neurocrit Care. 2010;12:165–72.
F, Johan Groeneveld AB, et  al. Consensus state- Torre-Healy A, Marko NF, Weil RJ. Hyperosmolar ther-
ment of the ESICM task force on colloid volume apy for intracranial hypertension. Neurocrit Care.
therapy in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med. 2012;17:117–30.
2012;38:368–83. Tyagi R, Donaldson K, Loftus CM, Jallo J. Hypertonic saline:
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in major traumatic brain injury. Ann Emerg Med. brain injury: a bimodal distribution of death. J Trauma.
2017a;69:62–72. 2011;71:1179–84.
What the Neurosurgeon
and the Trauma Team Want 10
to Know: What, Who, When,
and Where?

Mads Gilbert and Knut Gustav Wester

10.1 Overview gical unit during the first contact with the refer-
ring hospital or the ambulance medical staff.
Poor communication causes fragmented care. The information must be documented using a
Important information is often missing during paper form, preferably a standard hand-written
interhospital transfers. Improved, standardised checklist type of form or digital format (see the
communication during interhospital transfers can end of this chapter). Updated information should
close the information gap and improve patient be given by the referring partner or asked for by
safety and time-critical clinical decisions. the receiving neurosurgical unit. This sheet may
The responsible MD in the neurosurgical unit be copied and used in the neurosurgical unit.
in the receiving hospital must be given updated, In many emergency medical systems, patient
correct, and sufficient information by the and logistical information is best conveyed via
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) staff during the emergency medical dispatch centre by medi-
the clinical handover. This information must cally trained dispatchers during a multi-party
build on information gathered by those who had telephone or radio/telephone conference.
the first contact with the neurotrauma patient or Telemedicine is also an efficient tool in many
from the local hospital’s emergency department emergency medical scenarios and will become
(ED) or both. The transfer needs effective com- more relevant also in neurosurgical patient care.
munication with concise, rational, clear, and Telemedicine solutions are more efficient when
time-efficient exchange of information. The exact combined with web-based ‘live’ transmission of
and quality-assured patient history and clinical dynamic numeric and waveform data from a
and logistical information should be transferred patient-connected multimonitor. More and sys-
to the responsible neurosurgeon of the neurosur- tematic use of digital medical tools can facilitate
timely and precise patient clinical information
and safeguard earlier diagnosis and emergency
M. Gilbert (*)
The Clinic of Emergency Medicine, University management. Smartphone-based social media
Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø, Norway clients such as WhatsApp may be the future for
The Anaesthesia and Critical Care Research Group, even faster and reliable communication of clini-
Institute of Clinical Medicine, The Arctic University cal as well as radiological data during on-call
of Norway, Tromsø, Norway neurosurgical referrals. The ‘SBAR’ (Situation—
K. G. Wester Background—Assessment—Recommendation)
Department of Clinical Medicine K1, has also been launched as a structured way of
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway communicating information that requires a

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 77

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
78 M. Gilbert and K. G. Wester

response from the receiver: Injury Mechanism

resources/Pages/Tools/SBARToolkit.aspx. • High velocity (yes/no)?
• Road traffic accident (RTA)?
–– Car collision?
10.2 What? Driver?
Vital Functions: ABC Speed?
–– Any A, B, or C problem? Roll-over?
–– Open airways? Ejection from the vehicle?
Airway adjuncts needed? –– Motorcycle?
Suction needed? Speed?
–– Adequate ventilation? Helmet used?
–– Respiratory rate? More vehicles involved?
–– Oxygen saturation? –– Bicycle?
–– EtCO2? Other vehicles involved?
–– Updated blood gases? Helmet used?
–– Adequate blood pressure (BP)? –– Pedestrian?
BP over last 20–30 minutes? Hit by what?
–– External or internal blood losses? Speed?
–– Ongoing bleeding, not controlled? • Fall?
–– Hypothermia? –– From which height?
–– Indications of fractures (extremities, pelvic, • Violence?
spine)? –– Blunt blow? By what?
–– Penetrating injuries?
Current Level of Consciousness and –– Gunshot injury?
Neurological Status • Multitrauma (yes/no)?
• GCS score (total and each function score) –– Any A, B, or C problem?
–– Current score? –– Adequate ventilation?
–– Trended scores? –– Adequate blood pressure?
• Signs of herniation –– Hypothermia?
–– Pupillary dilatation (uni- or bilateral)? –– External/internal blood loss?
–– Extension spasms? –– Indications of fractures (extremities,
–– Cushing reflex (irregular breathing, brady- ­pelvic, spine)?
cardia, hypertension)? • Hypothermia prevention started?
• Any other crude neurological deficit (hemi-, • Current core temperature?
para-, or tetraparesis)? • Any indication of a neck injury?
–– Para- or tetraparalyses?
Other Signs and Symptoms Following Injury –– Localised neck pain?
• Vomiting? –– Is the neck stabilised before the transport?
• Amnesia (duration)? • Is the patient otherwise stable for transport?
• Loss of consciousness following impact –– If not, what needs to be done and where?
• Any focal neurological deficit since the Radiological Examinations
injury? • Radiological examinations performed and
• Any suspicion of a skull fracture or penetrat- findings?
ing head injury? • Can emergency CT or MRI-images be trans-
• Any seizure since the injury? ferred via telemedical systems?
10  What the Neurosurgeon and the Trauma Team Want to Know: What, Who, When, and Where? 79

10.3 Who? 10.6 Logistics?

Name Present Location, Transport, and Professional

Age Companion to the Neurosurgical Unit?
Gender • Is the patient in a hospital or in an ambulance?
• Professional capacity of ambulance unit?
Previous medical conditions? Intoxication? –– Emergency physician present?
• Any history of bleeding or clotting disorders? –– Paramedic?
• Anticoagulant medication now (yes/no)? –– Airway management expertise?
–– Type of anticoagulation medication? Endotracheal intubation?
Antidote available? Supraglottic airway?
–– If warfarin, last INR value? • Established treatment and monitoring?
• Hydrocephalus with CSF shunt (yes/no)? –– IV line(s)?
• Actual alcohol or drug intoxication? –– Intraosseous line(s)?
• Other? –– Pulse oximetry with SatO2?
–– Repeated non-invasive blood pressure
measurement (NIBP)? Intra-arterial line
10.4 When? with intra-arterial blood pressure (IABP)?
–– ECG?
• Approximate time of accident? –– Capnography with end-tidal CO2 (Et CO2)?
• Time of contact with the neurosurgical unit? –– Body temperature?
• Estimated exact time of arrival at the neuro- –– Anti-oedema treatment given (mannitol,
surgical unit? hyperventilation)?
• Potential delays (weather, capacity, other –– Blood transfusions given?
potential delays)? –– Damage control surgery performed at local
• Telemetry and telemedicine possibilities?
10.5 Where? –– Live transfer of ongoing patient monitoring?
–– Digital transfer of diagnostic imaging
• Site of accident? (CT, MRI)?
• Weather (hypothermia)? –– Videoconferencing from local hospital?

Neurotrauma emergency sheet
Name: Gender: M/F
Date of birth: Date and time of first contact:
Vital functions—ABC:
• Any A, B, or C problem: Yes_/ No_/
•  Open airways: Yes_/ No_/
•  Adequate ventilation: Yes_/ No_/
• Adequate blood pressure: Yes_/ No_/
• External or internal blood losses: Yes_/ No_/
• Fractures (extremities, pelvic, spine): Yes_/ No_/
80 M. Gilbert and K. G. Wester

Neurotrauma emergency sheet

Current level of consciousness and neurological status:
GCS score (total and each category): Total:   E:  M:  V:
• Unilateral pupillary dilatation: Yes_/ No_/
• Bilateral pupillary dilatation: Yes_/ No_/
•  Extension spasms: Yes_/ No_/
Any other coarse neurological deficit: Yes_/ No_/
•  If yes, what?
Injury mechanism:
•  High velocity: Yes_/ No_/
• Multitrauma: Yes_/ No_/
•  Road traffic accident (RTA): Yes_/ No_/
•  Car collision: Yes_/ No_/
• Motorcycle: Yes_/ No_/
• Bicycle: Yes_/ No_/
• Pedestrian: Yes_/ No_/
• Fall: Yes_/ No_/
•  From which height:
•  Other injury mechanisms—what?
•  Neck stabilised before the transport?
•  Patient otherwise stable for transport?
•  If not, what needs to be done and where?
Radiological examinations:
•  Radiological examinations performed and findings:
• Can emergency radiology be transferred via telemedical
•  Approximate time of accident:
•  Time of contact with the neurosurgical unit:
•  Estimated time of arrival at the neurosurgical unit:
•  Site of accident:
Present location, transport, and professional companion to
the neurosurgical unit:
•  Patient in hospital or ambulance:
•  Professional capacity of ambulance unit:
•  Emergency physician present:
• Paramedic:
• Anti-oedema treatment given (mannitol,

Aktüre E, Goodwin A, Tranmer B.  Rescue strategies to

Suggested Reading facilitate emergency neurosurgery in patients on anti-
platelet or anticoagulant agents. In: Loftus CM, edi-
Harl FN, Saucke MC, Greenberg CC, et  al. Assessing tor. Anticoagulation and hemostasis in neurosurgery.
written communication during interhospital transfers Basel: Springer; 2016. p. 243–56.
of emergency general surgery patients. J Surg Res. Surveillance report 2017—Head injury: assessment and early
2017;214:86–92. management. NICE guideline CG176. 2014. https://
Mason S, Kuczawski M, Teare MDell J, et  al. AHEAD
study: an observational study of the management of lance-report-2017-head-injury-assessment-and-early-
anticoagulated patients who suffer head injury. BMJ management-2014-nice-guideline-cg176-4476227152/
Open. 2017;7(1):e014324. chapter/How-we-made-the-decision?tab=evidence.
10  What the Neurosurgeon and the Trauma Team Want to Know: What, Who, When, and Where? 81

Fahim Yegane SA, et  al. Clinical information transfer Nanah A, Bayoumi AB. The pros and cons of digital health
between EMS staff and emergency medicine assistants communication tools in neurosurgery: a systematic
during handover of trauma patients. Prehosp Disaster review of literature. Neurosurg Rev. 2018:1–12.
Med. 2017;32(5):541–7. Joshi SS, Murali-Krishnan S, Patankar P, et  al.
Kim DK, Yoo SK, Kim SH. Instant wireless transmission Neurosurgical referral service using smartphone cli-
of radiological images using a personal digital assis- ent WhatsApp: preliminary study at a tertiary referral
tant phone for emergency teleconsultation. J Telemed neurosurgical unit. Br J Neurosurg. 2018;32(5):553–7.
Telecare. 2005;11(2_suppl):58–61.
Magnus Olivecrona and Zandra Olivecrona

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
Level I An uneventful transport is a good
There are no data to support a Level I recommen- The fundamental requirement is that
dation on this topic. every doctor, nurse and paramedic likely to
be involved in the transfer of seriously
Level II brain-injured patients has had formal train-
ing in the theoretical and practical aspects
There are no data to support a Level II recom- of the subject. This will include the
mendation on this topic. following:

Level III • The principles of managing a patient

with an acute brain injury.
The recommendations given are based on physi- • The principles and practice of ATLS.
ological knowledge and clinical experience and • Better one too many intubations than
expertise. too few.
There are some observational and retrospec- • Always perform a neurological exami-
tive studies to support the recommendations. nation before an intubation—there is
• The adverse physiological changes
associated with moving the patient.
• Practical aspects of working in an ambu-
lance or aircraft.
• Knowledge of the equipment and drugs
used in transfer.
• Communications.
M. Olivecrona (*) · Z. Olivecrona
Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of The sending physician is responsible for
Medicine, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden securing a smooth and medically safe
Section for Neurosurgery, Department of Anaesthesia transportation.
and Intensive Care, University Hospital,
Örebro, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 83

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
84 M. Olivecrona and Z. Olivecrona

11.1 Overview The principles of ATLS are valid on the scene

of the accident, as well as in the hospital. This
Patients with severe traumatic brain injuries are includes securing a patent airway, good breathing
often primarily treated or triaged at a local hospi- and an acceptable blood pressure.
tal without direct access to neurosurgery. Thus, The securing of the airway has the highest pri-
many patients with serious brain injuries have to ority. As a basic principle, all unconscious
be transferred between hospitals. Other patients patients (i.e. GCS ≤ 8) should be intubated. Other
with suspected significant head injury may be reasons for placing an endotracheal tube is a drop
transported directly to a facility with comprehen- in GCS of two (2) or more points or a restless,
sive trauma care and neurosurgery. Consequently, agitated patient. It is better to have intubated one
a large number of patients with severe head injury too many patients rather than too few. Intubation
will experience two transportations within a short requires adequate sedation and muscle relaxation
time, i.e. from the accident to the primary receiv- to avoid an increase in ICP.
ing hospital and from this hospital to a hospital The person doing the intubation should use
with comprehensive neurotrauma care. the drugs she or he is familiar with. Ketamine and
Transfer of patients with brain injury is poten- S-ketamine seem to be safe in persons with head
tially unsafe, and patients may suffer from sec- injuries (Cornelius et  al. 2018; Kramer et  al.
ondary insults and brain injury due to a poorly 2018; Zeiler et al. 2014). Preferably, short-acting
performed transport. This can unfavourably drugs and/or drugs that can easily be reversed
affect the outcome and can be avoided if basic should be used in order to allow for clinical neu-
principles are applied. The main causes of sec- rological examination on arrival to the
ondary brain injury are raised intracranial pres- destination.
sure (ICP), hypoxia, hypotension, hypercarbia, In the evaluation of a potentially head-injured
hypocarbia, hyperpyrexia and cardiovascular patient, it is important that the neurological con-
instability. The principles guiding the safe trans- dition is evaluated before the patient is sedated
fer of a head-injured patient are common to all and intubated. A neurological evaluation consists
seriously injured persons, but there are some spe- of examination of the level of consciousness
cific considerations that have to be made in the (GCS), pupillary reaction, corneal reflex and, if
case of head injury. These principles apply the patients is unconscious, an evaluation of the
equally to transfer of patients both between and reactions to central and peripheral pain stimula-
within hospitals. tion. This is easily done in less than 1 min and so
there is always time for this essential evaluation.
The information attained is very important for the
11.2 Principles of the Preparation receiving neurosurgeon.
Before Transportation A patient that is still hypotensive despite resus-
citation at the local hospital must not be trans-
11.2.1 Basic Preparations ported until all possible causes of the hypotension
and Considerations Before have been identified and the patient stabilized. In
Transportation of the Head-­ this situation, the correction of major haemor-
Injured Patient rhage is superior to transfer. It is important that
these measures are not overlooked in an attempt
An uneventful, boring transport is a good transport. to speed the transfer of the patient, as resulting
All preparations before a transport should complications may be impossible to deal with
have the aim of anticipating possible adverse once the transfer has begun. Persistent hypoten-
events and making interventions and preparations sion will adversely affect neurological outcome.
in order to prevent those. As an example, endotra- When other causes of hypotension are excluded,
cheal intubation during transportation should be consider the use of inotropes/vasopressors to off-
avoided, as it is both challenging and dangerous. set the hypotensive effects of sedative agents.
11 Transportation 85

Almost all patients with head injury will have 1. Tranexamic acid—give 1  g intravenously

been given a neck collar. A neck collar can restrict (New evidence points in the direction that
the venous flow on the neck, with an increase in tranexamic acid may prevent progression of
ICP as result, and should therefore be so loose as intracranial bleeding. A large study is under-
possible. In the intubated, ventilated, sedated and way) (Chakroun-Walha et al. 2019; Fakharian
muscle-relaxed patient, one might consider loos- et al. 2018; Perel et al. 2012; Yutthakasemsunt
ening it or even to remove the collar during et al. 2013).
transportation. 2. Fluid substitution—aim at normovolaemia.
(a) Try to avoid crystalline fluids.
(b) Give blood.
11.2.2 Special Treatment Goals (c) Give plasma.
in the Transportation (d) If crystalloids are used, use isotonic solu-
of the Severely Head-Injured tions such as saline.
Patient 3. If the patient is treated with anticoagulants,
actively reverse the drug using specific anti-
The main goal during transportation of a head-­ dotes as soon as possible, irrespective of the
injured patient is to avoid secondary brain indication for the anticoagulation.
injury. This is achieved by avoiding hypoxia, (a) If not antidote is available, discuss other
hypercapnia, hypocapnia, hypotension, cardio- options with a coagulation expert.
vascular instability, hyperpyrexia and seizures. 4. If necessary, use noradrenalin or phenyleph-
The aims of ventilation and blood pressure dif- rine to maintain an acceptable blood
fer from that of a non-head-injured patient, in pressure.
order to avoid secondary brain injury during 5. Seizures should be treated immediately.
transportation. (a) Diazepam or midazolam
The following treatment goals during trans- (b) Loading dose of levetiracetam
portation are set with the injured brain in mind: (c) Propofol (risk for hypotension)

1. Airway The sending physician is responsible for the

(a) Secure a patent airway. transportation and should be aware of the special
• Consider endotracheal airway, and be considerations before and during the transporta-
generous. tion of a head-injured patient. She or he should,
2. Breathing regardless of the competence of the transporta-
(a) SaO2 > 95% tion crew, communicate these to the person(s)
(b) PaO2 > 12 kPa by FiO2 < 0.5 directly responsible for the transportation. In
• By a FiO2 > 0.5, PaO2 > 10 kPa most cases, a physician should accompany a per-
(c) PaCO2 4.5–5.5 kPa son with severe head injury during the transporta-
3. Circulation tion, especially in a potentially unstable patient
(a) Systolic blood pressure  >  100 (110) where transport interventions may be necessary.
(b) MAP >70 mmHg
11.2.3 Monitoring During
Patients ventilated by hand are in danger of Transportation
being  hyperventilated. Hyperventilation to a
PaCO2  <  3.5  kPa can cause ischaemic brain During transportation, the following parameters
damage due to vasoconstriction (Curley et  al. are recommended for monitoring:
Other measures to prevent secondary brain • Oxygen saturation
damage: • Capnography
86 M. Olivecrona and Z. Olivecrona

• Blood pressure—preferably invasive tion may be needed than in patients who do not
• ECG have head injuries. There can be an indication for
• Urinary output antiemetics. Hearing protection should be
• Pupillary size considered.
• Pupillary reaction to light

If the patient is not intubated, repeated exami- 11.4.1 Air Transport

nations of the level of consciousness (according
to the GCS) should be performed more often, not Specific considerations have to be taken for head-­
fewer times, than upon departure and upon injured patients during air transport. The gravita-
arrival. tional forces during take-off and landing, cabin
pressure, temperature and the humidity can all
affect the ICP.
11.3 Signs of Herniation
and Rising Intracranial Fixed-Wing Transportation
Pressure During Transport 1. Gravitational forces
The positioning of the patient in relation to
During transportation, the patient may deterio- the movement direction of the aircraft is
rate and show signs of herniation due to rising important. The aim is to give the gravitational
ICP.  Signs of a threatening rise of the ICP and forces as little influence as possible on the
herniation are anisocoria, bilateral dilatation of patient. Ideally, this can be achieved if the
the pupils, loss of corneal reflex, increasing blood patient is positioned across the aircraft. In
pressure and decreasing heart rate (Cushing’s most aircrafts, this is not possible. If the
response). patient is positioned with the head forward
If this occurs during transportation: and the feet aft, then due to the gravitational
force the ICP will be lowered during take-off
1 . Increase ventilation, i.e. lower the PaCO2. and raised during landing. The latter can then
2. Give mannitol 15  mg/mL, 250–500  mL
be counteracted by tilting the head upwards to
rapidly. a sitting position. The opposite is true if the
3. Give hypertonic saline. patient is positioned with feet forward and
Increase sedation, and consider using head aft, and then the gravitational forces at
thiopental. the take-off can cause a rise in ICP, which can
be counteracted by head elevation.
2. Cabin pressure
11.4 Special Consideration At cruising altitude, most airplanes have at
Concerning Mode cruising altitude a cabin pressure, which is
of Transport significantly lower than the pressure at sea
level. The cabin pressure usually corresponds
The transfer can be made by land or by air. If the to the air pressure at 2400 m (8000 ft). This
transfer is made by air, it can be made by helicop- means that the partial pressure of oxygen is
ter or by fixed-wing aircraft. The latter involves a almost 30% lower than at sea level. This
combination of land and air transport, i.e. trans- implies the need for supplementary oxygen
portation to and from airfields and the air trans- for the head-injured patient in order to keep
port. All kind of transports can be noisy and the goals stated above.
rough. This calls for special considerations con- The lower pressure in the cabin also means,
cerning the need of treatment for motion sickness in accordance with the general gas equation,
and the level of sedation. Motion sickness and that the volume of gas enclosed in the skull,
noise can elevate the ICP, and thus a deeper seda- e.g. after a skull base fracture or after an
11 Transportation 87

­peration, increases in volume with the

o 11.5 Organising Transportation
decreasing pressure in the cabin. From this, it
follows that with the increasing volume of the There should be local instructions for how to
gas, the ICP may rise. This can especially be organise a transport of a head-injured patient.
true if the volume of the gas exceeds approxi- There should also be agreements in place between
mately 10  mL (Brandstrom et  al. 2017). If the referring hospital and the trauma service/hos-
there is a suspicion or knowledge of intracra- pital to which the person is referred. This means
nial air especially over the volume of 10 mL, that every physician that can be involved in tak-
or if the patient has undergone an emergency ing care of a head-injured person in a hospital
craniotomy, the physician sending the patient without neurosurgical competence has to familia-
should consider asking for ground pressure in rise herself/himself with the treatment protocols
the cabin, in order to avoid the risk of and transport organisation in the specific hospital
­increasing ICP. and in the specific healthcare organisation.
3 . Humidity
The air in an airplane has very low humid-
ity, often below 5%. This means an increased 11.6 Specific Paediatric Concerns
loss of water for the patient and thus an
increase in the need for volume substitution. The transfer of paediatric patients will require
This is especially important during longer size-specific equipment and, if possible, staff
transfers. experienced in the transfer of critically ill
children. Helicopter Transportation
1. Gravitational forces
The position of a helicopter accelerating or References
flying is not horizontal but tilted downwards
Brandstrom H, Sundelin A, Hoseason D, Sundstrom N,
ahead. This means that a patient lying on the Birgander R, Johansson G, et  al. Risk for intracra-
gurney in the helicopter with the head forward nial pressure increase related to enclosed air in post-­
and with no head elevation de facto is in a craniotomy patients during air ambulance transport:
Trendelenburg position, i.e. with the head a retrospective cohort study with simulation. Scand
J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2017;25(1):50. https://
lower than the heart. Because of this, the ICP
may rise due to reduced venous outflow and/ Chakroun-Walha O, Samet A, Jerbi M, Nasri A, Talbi A,
or increased pressure in the jugular veins. The Kanoun H, et  al. Benefits of the tranexamic acid in
recommendation would be to elevate the head trauma with no extracranial bleeding: a prospec-
tive follow-up of 180 patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg
headrest on the gurney during flight to coun- Surg. 2019;45(4):719–26.
teract the venous outflow resistance (Maissan s00068-018-0974-z.
et al. 2018). Cornelius BG, Webb E, Cornelius A, Smith KWG, Ristic
S, Jain J, et  al. Effect of sedative agent selection on
morbidity, mortality and length of stay in patients
with increase in intracranial pressure. World J Emerg
11.4.2 Land Transport Med. 2018;9(4):256–61.
1. Gravitational forces Curley G, Kavanagh BP, Laffey JG.  Hypocapnia and
the injured brain: more harm than benefit. Crit Care
The same principles of acceleration and Med. 2010;38(5):1348–59.
deceleration apply to ground transport, e.g. in CCM.0b013e3181d8cf2b.
an ambulance. Depending on the positioning Fakharian E, Abedzadeh-Kalahroudi M, Atoof F.  Effect
of the patient, there can be an influence on the of tranexamic acid on prevention of hemorrhagic
mass growth in patients with traumatic brain injury.
ICP during acceleration and deceleration. It is World Neurosurg. 2018;109:e748–e53. https://doi.
important to drive as smoothly as possible. org/10.1016/j.wneu.2017.10.075.
88 M. Olivecrona and Z. Olivecrona

Kramer N, Lebowitz D, Walsh M, Ganti L.  Rapid Zeiler FA, Teitelbaum J, West M, Gillman LM.  The
sequence intubation in traumatic brain-injured adults. ketamine effect on ICP in traumatic brain injury.
Cureus. 2018;10(4):e2530. Neurocrit Care. 2014;21(1):163–73. https://doi.
cureus.2530. org/10.1007/s12028-013-9950-y.
Maissan IM, Verbaan LA, van den Berg M, Houmes RJ,
Stolker RJ, den Hartog D.  Helicopter transportation
increases intracranial pressure: a proof-of-principle
study. Air Med J. 2018;37(4):249–52. https://doi.
Some Guidelines
Perel P, Al-Shahi Salman R, Kawahara T, Morris Z, Accident Compensation Corporation, New Zealand. 2011.
Prieto-Merino D, Roberts I, et al. CRASH-2 (Clinical
Randomisation of an Antifibrinolytic in Significant transfer.pdf.
Haemorrhage) intracranial bleeding study: the effect Intensive Care Society Guidelines for the transport of the
of tranexamic acid in traumatic brain injury—a critically ill adult. 2011.
nested randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Health Guidelines___Standards/ICS/guidelines-and-standards.
Technol Assess. 2012;16(13):iii-xii, 1–54. https://doi. aspx?hkey=4ed20a1c-1ff8-46e0-b48e-732f1f4a90e2.
org/10.3310/hta16130. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and
Yutthakasemsunt S, Kittiwatanagul W, Piyavechvirat Ireland. Recommendations for the safe transfer of
P, Thinkamrop B, Phuenpathom N, Lumbiganon patients with brain injury. 2006. https://www.aagbi.
P.  Tranexamic acid for patients with traumatic brain org/sites/default/files/braininjury.pdf.
injury: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-­
controlled trial. BMC Emerg Med. 2013;13:20.
Part IV
Admission, Diagnostics and Planning

Christina Rosenlund
The Trauma Team Concept
Christina Rosenlund and Rico Frederik Schou

Recommendations Level III

Level I Level and timing of communication between the

prehospital system and the primary receiving
There are insufficient data to support a Level I hospital influences timeliness in patient treatment
recommendation. and transfer to definite care.
Implementation of trauma teams has reduced
Level II the time spent on primary trauma care and the
frequency of overseen injuries.
Patient outcome is directly related to the time
elapsed between trauma and properly delivered
definite care.
Trauma outcome is improved if critically 12.1 Overview
injured patients are cared for in trauma centers.
Implementation of standardized trauma evalu- Receiving and treating severely injured patients
ation, trauma centers, and better prehospital care involve many different groups of personnel and
has shortened the time from the trauma scene to medical specialties which constitute the trauma
definite care. team. The trauma team is formed by a team leader
(often a surgeon or anesthesiologist in
Scandinavia, an emergency medicine physician
in other European countries), a dedicated anes-
thesiologist and nurse—emergency department
C. Rosenlund (*) nurses and a radiologist. Other specialties will be
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University
called forth as necessary, e.g., thoracic or general
Hospital, Odense, Denmark
e-mail: surgeon.
It is important that the trauma team and the
R. F. Schou
Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical trauma team settings are well organized and of
Care, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark high quality since the acute diagnostics and treat-
Section of Neuroanesthesia and Neurointensive Care, ment can be very challenging. The foundation for
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care optimal patient care is knowing your way around
Medicine, Odense University Hospital, the trauma bay area, keeping the equipment most
Odense, Denmark
necessary for patient treatment close at hand, and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 91

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
92 C. Rosenlund and R. F. Schou

preparing two steps ahead whenever possible.

Make sure all equipment is tested regularly and Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
fully functioning. • The team leader should not participate
Systematic and strict procedures should be in the practical management of the
outlined in a trauma manual. The trauma team patient but should concentrate on keep-
leader is ultimately responsible for coordinating ing track of the process.
the process, gathering information, and making • Communicate in closed loops whenever
the final decisions for further treatment. you take an assignment. Teamwork is
Optimally, the trauma patient is delivered essential.
to definite care in a trauma center with special- • Step away from the scene whenever you
ties capable of treating the injuries in question. are without an assignment.
A well-organized prehospital triage system will
preferably prevent secondary transfers from other
hospitals, should the trauma patient initially have
been delivered to closest treating facility with- 12.2 Background
out the necessary specialties or competences
available. Death due to injury occurs in one of three peri-
Before a secondary transfer is effectuated: ods, first described in 1982. The primary injury
during trauma is inevitable and occurs within
1. Ensure that the patient’s ABCDEs are appro- seconds to minutes after the injury. The second
priately managed (see other chapter). period is within minutes to several hours follow-
2. Do not wait for test results other than those ing injury and trauma, and the timing and priori-
necessary to ensure hemodynamic and respi- tizing of treatment in this period is of crucial
ratory stability. importance to the patient outcome. It is the
3. Ensure that the level of care does not deterio- responsibility of the prehospital personnel and
rate, including the care delivered during trans- their medical director to ensure that appropriate
port to definite care. patients arrive at appropriate hospitals and to
4. Ensure that the proper written information is alert the receiving hospital as early as possible.
following the patient or available electroni- The third peak occurs within hours to days or
cally/online. weeks following trauma and is due to sepsis or
5. Contact the trauma team leader when transfer multiple organ failure, MOF.
is initiated. The development of standardized trauma train-
ing, better prehospital care, trauma centers, and
Information provided directly to the trauma protocols for intensive care of injured patients
team leader at the receiving hospital should has improved the prognosis and altered the pic-
include: ture (Sarkar et al. 2011). The golden hour of care
after injury is characterized by rapid assessment
1. Patient identification and resuscitation, which are the fundamental prin-
2. Brief history of the incident, including perti- ciples of Advanced Trauma Life Support—the
nent prehospital data ATLS program. Many countries worldwide are
3. Initial findings in the primary hospital now providing this program to doctors. Studies
Patient’s response to the therapy have shown significant effect on morbidity and
administered mortality following implementation (Ali et  al.
12  The Trauma Team Concept 93

1993; Anderson et al. 1997; van Olden et al. 2004; References

Williams et al. 1997; Magnone et al. 2016). The
principles are founded on the fact that the inju- Ali J, et  al. Trauma outcome improves following the
advanced trauma life support program in a developing
ries causing the deaths within the second period country. J Trauma. 1993;34:890–9.
are intracranial hematomas (epi- and subdural); Anderson ID, et al. Advanced trauma life support in the
thoracic injuries causing problems with the air- UK: 8 years on. Br J Hosp Med. 1997;57:272–3.
ways, breathing or circulation; and abdominal or Magnone S, et  al. Impact of ATLS guidelines, trauma
team introduction, and 24-hour mortality due to
extremity injuries causing massive bleeding; for severe trauma in a busy, metropolitan Italian hospital:
the ABCDE principle, see other chapter. a case control study. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg.
It is essential that doctors assess their own 2016;22(3):242–6.
capabilities and limitations, as well as those of Mullins PJ, et al. Outcome of hospitalized injured patients
after institution of a trauma system in an urban area.
their institution, to allow for early recognition JAMA. 1994;271:1919–24.
of patients who may be safely cared for in the Orliaquet, et  al. Management of critically ill chil-
local hospital and those who require transfer for dren with traumatic brain injury. Paediatr Anaesth.
definite care. Once the need for transfer is recog- 2008;18(6):455–61.
Sarkar B, et al. American College of Surgeons’ Committee
nized, arrangements should be expedited and not on Trauma Performance Improvement and Patient
be delayed for diagnostic procedures that do not Safety program: maximal impact in a mature trauma
change the immediate plan of care. Transfer agree- center. J Trauma. 2011;71(5):1447–53. discussion
ments must be established as early as possible to 1453–4.
Schoettker P, et al. Reduction of time to definite care in
provide for the consistent and efficient movement trauma patients: effectiveness of a new checklist sys-
of patients between institutions. The patient must tem. Injury. 2003;34:187–90.
be as r­espiratory and circulatory stabile as pos- Sharar SR, et  al. Air transport following surgical stabi-
sible and should be transferred with personnel lization: an extension of regionalized trauma care. J
Trauma. 1988;28:794–8.
capable of monitoring and giving treatment to the van Olden GDJ, et al. Clinical impact of advanced trauma
trauma patient. The information accompanying life support. Am J Emerg Med. 2004;22:522–5.
the patient should include a written record of the Williams MJ, et  al. Improved trauma management with
problem, clinical findings, treatment given, and advanced trauma life support (ATLS) training. J Accid
Emerg Med. 1997;14:81–3.
patient’s status at the time of transfer in addition
to demographic and historical information perti-
nent to the patient’s injury (Mullins et  al. 1994;
Schoettker et al. 2003; Sharar et al. 1988).

12.3 Specific Pediatric Concerns

The recommendation regarding pediatric trauma

patients follows the adult protocol. Pediatric
patients with TBI should be treated in a pediatric
trauma center, if possible (Orliaquet et al. 2008).
Trauma Protocol (ABCDE)
Christina Rosenlund and Rico Frederik Schou

Recommendations procedure is the preferred method for emergency

Level I

There are insufficient data to support a Level I 13.1 Overview

Systematic evaluation and re-evaluation of the
Level II patient following the ABCDE principles will
diminish the risk of overlooking injuries in the
There are insufficient data to support a Level II trauma patient. Primary focus in the first 5 min is
recommendation. to discover the most critical injuries and treat
those first. The secondary survey is more thor-
Level III ough and will reveal the injuries causing prob-
lems later.
Implementation of systematic trauma protocols
has shortened the time interval to definitive care
and reduces the frequency of overseen injuries. A Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
lateral (or mini-) thoracostomy is recommended • (Airway) Nasopharyngeal airway is not
to relieve tension pneumothorax. Rapid four-step an option in patients with skull base
• (A) The presence of gastric contents
(vomiting) in the oropharynx represents
C. Rosenlund (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University a significant risk of aspiration. Suction
Hospital, Odense, Denmark and rotation (log roll) are indicated.
e-mail: • (A) Abusive and belligerent patients
R. F. Schou may in fact have hypoxia and should not
Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical be presumed intoxicated.
Care, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark • (A) Performing a needle cricothyroid-
Section of Neuroanesthesia and Neurointensive Care, otomy with jet insufflation can provide
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care the time necessary to establish a definite
Medicine, Odense University Hospital,
Odense, Denmark airway when all other options have

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 95

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
96 C. Rosenlund and R. F. Schou

quickly assessed and the injuries are managed, as

failed, and hypoxia and patient deterio- they reveal themselves according to the ABCDE
ration are a threat. The rapid four-step mnemonic. The greatest threat to life is treated
tracheotomy procedure is recommended first.
over standard technique for emergency
• (Breathing) Patients with a penetrating 13.2.1 Airway
thoracic trauma are presumed to have a
pneumothorax until proven otherwise. • Assess airway patency simultaneously with
• (B) Both tension pneumothorax and securing the cervical spine. Bleeding, facial
massive haemothorax are associated fractures, direct trauma against head/neck or
with decreased breath sounds. Hyper-­ unconsciousness can cause problems handling
resonance in percussion confirms a the airway.
pneumothorax and dullness a haemo- • GCS < 9 indicates intubation.
thorax. Definite diagnosis, however, is • Endotracheal intubation includes sedation,
made by lung ultrasound, LUS or X-ray especially in the presence of TBI.
(noise in the trauma settings can make • See (alertness, colour, breathing movements,
the differentiation impossible!) lesions/obstructions).
• (B/Circulation) Pressure pneumothorax • Listen (breathing sounds/noise, speech).
and cardiac tamponade can cause shock. • Feel (trachea in midline).
Pneumothorax is much more frequent
than tamponade. Endotracheal intubation for secure/definitive
• (C) Until proven otherwise, bleeding is airway is a multiple-person procedure: one per-
the reason for shock in a trauma patient! son fixating the head and cervical spine, a person
Replace the volume loss. giving medication and providing suction and tube
• (Disability) Intracranial haemorrhage is whenever necessary and an intubator to do the
almost never the reason for shock—at laryngoscopy and insert the tube. There is no lon-
least not because of bleeding! Important ger general consensus to the use of cricoid pres-
exception: infants! sure application during rapid sequence induction.
• (ABCDE) Initial monitoring and tests: It may be detrimental and worsen the conditions
–– Pulse oximetry for laryngoscopy (Algie et al. 2015; Salem et al.
–– Capnography (intubated patients) 2017; Caruana et al. 2017; Bohman et al. 2018).
–– Invasive blood pressure If a definite airway is not obtainable through
–– Continuous ECG endotracheal intubation, a surgical airway is nec-
–– Temperature essary. This is done through the cricothyroid
–– Urinary catheter membrane either as a needle or surgical cricothy-
–– Plain X-ray (thorax, pelvis) roidotomy, in which the latter is to consider as a
–– FAST (abdomen) definite airway with insertion of a small endotra-
cheal or a tracheostomy tube through the mem-
brane. The rapid four-step technique is the
recommended procedure of choice (Holmes et al.
13.2 Background 1999; Schober et al. 2009).
Temporary options to a definite airway
The initial 5 min is the primary survey and should includes chin lift, jaw thrust, oro- and nasopha-
include a rapid and prioritized attention to life-­ ryngeal airways (see Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls),
threatening injuries (Enderson et  al. 2001; laryngeal mask airway, multilumen oesophageal
Esposito et  al. 2005; American College airway, laryngeal tube airway and of course
Committee on Trauma 2012). The patient is ­ oxygen provided either directly through the
13  Trauma Protocol (ABCDE) 97

established airway, through a nasal catheter or 13.2.3 Circulation

through a mask (American College Committee
on Trauma 2012). Shock is defined as insufficient perfusion of the
organs and is presented by a clinical picture with
symptoms and objective findings from all the
13.2.2 Breathing organ-related systems. It is imperative to recog-
nise the presence of shock in order to treat it
• See (movement of the thorax, lesions). accordingly.
• Listen (percussion, stethoscope).
• Feel (fractures of the ribs/sternum, subcutane- • Stop apparent bleeding by compression.
ous emphysema). • Introduce two large-calibre intravenous cath-
• Measure respiratory frequency, pulse oxime- eters. Other peripheral lines and intraosseous
try and end-tidal CO2. and central venous lines or cutdowns should
• Check for signs of tension pneumothorax, be used when necessary in accordance with
haemothorax, unstable thorax (at least two the shock level of the patient and the skill level
fractured adjacent ribs, flail chest) and cardiac of the doctor.
tamponade. • Draw blood samples for blood type, cross-­
match, haemoglobin, electrolytes, arterial
Open pneumothorax can be immediately han- blood gases, toxicology studies, and, if indi-
dled by placing a closed bandage on the lesion, cated, pregnancy test.
fastening it to the skin on three sides and with the • Administer warmed crystalloids (lactated
fourth open as a one-way valve. This turns it into Ringer’s or normal isotonic saline) and initial
a closed and simple pneumothorax. bolus of 20 mL/kg, which can be repeated.
A tension pneumothorax can potentially be • If continued need for volume arises, transfu-
managed by placing a large-calibre needle into sions with blood products (SAG-M, plasma,
the second intercostal space in the midclavicular platelets) are warranted. Use of colloids is
line of the affected hemithorax. However, these controversial. They have been associated with
needles tend to bend and loose effectiveness—or a worsened outcome if administered in the
they are simply too short and quickly end up with patient with burns, multitrauma, renal insuffi-
the tip outside the pleural cavity—the latter being ciency or severe coagulopathy (Rehm et  al.
very probable and should be anticipated espe- 2017; Mullier et al. 2016). Other studies don’t
cially in adipose or very muscular patients. A find a significant difference in mortality or
failure rate of up to 80% is described with needle morbidity (Orbegozo et  al. 2014), and yet
thoracocentesis (Kaserer et al. 2017). newer literature suggest a favourable outcome
An alternative in managing a tension pneumo- if designed colloids, such as polygelenes, are
thorax in the emergency setting is a lateral/mini-­ used (Singh et al. 2017).
thoracostomy or tube thoracostomy in case of • It is recommended with goal-directed therapy
coexisting massive haemothorax (Drinhaus et al. including viscoelastic haemostatic assays for
2016). early and management of trauma-induced
More than one chest tube may be needed. coagulopathy (Stensballe et al. 2017).
Treatment of an unstable thorax is primarily • Evaluate response. Circulatory parameters
­intubation and ventilation. have to normalise, not just stabilise!
Cardiac tamponade is diagnosed using ultra- • The goal of resuscitation is a systolic blood
sound/focused assessment with sonography in pressure >90–100  mmHg. Permissive hypo-
trauma (FAST) and treated initially by pericardi- tension where lower targets are accepted has
ocentesis under ECG monitoring (American been suggested for patients awaiting definitive
College Committee on Trauma 2012). Definite haemostasis. This is by delaying aggressive
treatment is surgery. fluid resuscitation until haemostasis is
98 C. Rosenlund and R. F. Schou

achieved (American College Committee on Continuously reassess ABCDE throughout the

Trauma 2012). Head trauma patients, though, initial treatment period. Make sure that the inter-
should have a systolic blood pressure >110– vention actually provides the response expected
120 mmHg to ensure sufficient cerebral blood (American College Committee on Trauma 2012).
• Seek the source of bleeding! Damage control
surgery, DCS, may be necessary in the emer- 13.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
gency setting (Rodrigues et al. 2016).
• Reasons for shock are the following: bleeding, The recommendations regarding paediatric
tension pneumothorax and neurogenic (med- patients follow the adult protocol, apart from the
ullary compression) and cardiac tamponade different reference values in children and the alert-
(American College Committee on Trauma ness regarding the shorter interval between seem-
2012). ingly normal values during monitoring and the
sudden deterioration leading to a shorter period for
resuscitation, if alertness is not appropriate.
13.2.4 Disability NB! Intracranial bleeding may on rare occa-
sions cause hypovolaemic shock before neuro-
A rapid neurological exam is performed. logical deterioration in small infants!

• Glasgow Coma Scale score.

• Pupil reaction, size and form. References
• Movement of the extremities, lateralizing
signs? Algie CM, et al. Effectiveness and risks of cricoid pres-
• Indication for intubation at GCS < 9. sure during rapid sequence induction for endo-
tracheal intubation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
• Rule out hypoglycaemia. 2015;18(11):CD011656.
American College Committee on Trauma. Advanced
trauma life support. 9th ed. Chicago: American
13.2.5 Exposure College of Surgeons; 2012. p. 1–366.
Bohman JK, et al. A pilot randomized clinical trial assess-
ing the effect of cricoid pressure on risk of aspiration.
Hypothermia is of great concern in the trauma Clin Respir J. 2018;12(1):175–82.
patient. A cascade of hypothermia, acidosis and Caruana E, et  al. Effect of cricoid pressure on laryn-
coagulopathy (resuscitative haemodilution) is geal view during prehospital tracheal intuba-
tion: a propensity-­ based analysis. Emerg Med J.
nick-named the “Trauma Triad of Death” or “The 2017;34(3):132–7.
Lethal Triad” (Gerecht 2014; Michail 1999; Drinhaus H, et  al. Chest decompression in emer-
Martini 2016). Coagulopathy alone is a prognos- gency medicine and intensive care. Anaesthesist.
tic factor for increased mortality and a challenge 2016;65(10):768–75.
Enderson BL, et al. The tertiary trauma survey: a prospec-
if the patient is being resuscitated and in need of tive study on missed injury. J Trauma. 2001;50:367–83.
DCS (Samuels et al. 2017). Esposito TJ, et  al. General surgeons and the advanced
trauma life support course: is it time to refocus? J
• Undress the patient in order to make a com- Trauma. 2005;59(6):1314–9.
Gerecht R.  The lethal triad. Hypothermia, acidosis &
plete and thorough examination/inspection coagulopathy create a deadly cycle for trauma patients.
including the back. At the same time avoid JEMS. 2014;39(4):56–60.
hypothermia. Holmes JF, et al. Comparison of 2 cricothyrotomy tech-
• Use warmed fluids. niques: standard method versus rapid 4-step tech-
nique. Ann Emerg Med. 1999;32(4):442–6.
• Use blankets to cover the patient. Kaserer A, et al. Failure rate of prehospital chest decom-
• High room temperature should be maintained pression after severe thoracic trauma. Am J Emerg
in the resuscitation area. Med. 2017;35(3):469–74.
13  Trauma Protocol (ABCDE) 99

Martini WZ. Coagulation complications following trauma. Salem MR, et al. Cricoid pressure controversies: narrative
Mil Med Res. 2016;22(3):35. eCollection 2016. review. Anesthesiology. 2017;126(4):738–52.
Michail J.  The trauma triad of death: hypothermia, Samuels JM, et  al. Damage control resuscitation.
acidosis, and coagulopathy. AACN Clin Issues. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2017;112(5):514–23.
1999;10(1):85–94. Schober P, et  al. Emergency cricothyrotomy-a compara-
Mullier F, et al. Facing coagulation disorders after acute tive study of different techniques in human cadavers.
trauma. B-ENT. 2016;Suppl 26(1):67–85. Resuscitation. 2009;80(2):204–9.
Orbegozo CD, et  al. Colloids for fluid resuscitation: Singh A, et al. Effectiveness and safety of polygeline in
what is their role in patients with shock? Minerva patients with hypovolemia due to trauma. J Emerg
Anestesiol. 2014;80(8):963–9. Trauma Shock. 2017;10(3):116–20.
Rehm M, et al. State of the art in fluid and volume ther- Stensballe J, et  al. Early haemorrhage control and man-
apy: a user-friendly staged concept. Anaesthesist. agement of trauma-induced coagulopathy: the impor-
2017;66(3):153–67. tance of goal-directed therapy. Curr Opin Crit Care.
Rodrigues RR, et  al. Bleeding and damage control sur- 2017;23(6):503–10.
gery. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2016;29(2):229–33.
Hospital Response to Mass
Casualty Incidents 14
Pål Aksel Næss and Christine Gaarder

Recommendations 14.1 Overview

Level I Mass casualty incidents (MCIs) are events incur-

ring casualties large enough to overcome the
There are insufficient data to support a Level I capacity of even large trauma centres in certain
recommendation. situations. In an MCI, the strategy of medical
care must be switched from optimal treatment of
Level II the individual patient to do the greatest good for
the greatest number of patients. The MCI hospi-
There are insufficient data to support a Level II tal response should clearly reflect such a strategy
recommendation. and must be based on an updated disaster plan.
Trauma-competent staff is a limited resource in
Level III most hospitals. Key personnel must be regularly
In most multiple casualty incidents, the number
of severely injured patients is modest. Still, these
incidents pose a huge challenge to the involved Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
hospitals. • Retriage patients at the entrance of
the  ED.
Abstract • Keep walking wounded away from
areas designated to the treatment of
In an MCI, the strategy of medical care must be severely injured.
switched from optimal treatment of the individ- • Trauma-competent surgical personnel is
ual patient to do the greatest good for the greatest a limited resource.
number of patients. • Split surgical command, triage and
• Start planning for the following days
P. A. Næss (*) · C. Gaarder immediately.
Department of Traumatology, Oslo University
Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway
Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo,
Oslo, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 101

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
102 P. A. Næss and C. Gaarder

14.2 Background the ED during an MCI, including patient flow

and personnel deployment. A second physician
While the spectrum of MCIs is unlimited, they should supervise the delivery of trauma care by
share similar medical and public health concerns. the trauma teams and assign priorities for sur-
Most MCIs affect a limited area, and although the gery. The use of the dual command concept has
number of severely injured is often moderate, the been reported to make supervision of trauma
medical capacity of the receiving hospital is chal- teams possible and allow effective use of trauma-­
lenged. A consistent predefined reaction to MCIs experienced personnel (Gaarder et al. 2012).
is the accepted practice worldwide (Roth et  al. Triage errors will inevitably occur in most
2013). This MCI response is aiming to provide MCIs especially in the initial phase of patient
the greatest good for the greatest number of peo- influx. The importance of trauma-trained staff in
ple based on optimal use of available resources. core control positions for retriage and optimisa-
All hospitals must have an institution-specific tion of resources after the patients have left the
disaster management plan. The plan should be ED has been underlined in several reports (Aylwin
updated regularly and cover all aspects rel- et al. 2005; Cushman et al. 2003; Gaarder et al.
evant to various scenarios anticipated during an 2012).
MCI. The plan should include relevant protocols The ideal situation during an MCI is to main-
and standing orders. All designated personnel tain adequate capacity at all treatment locations
should undergo educational programs, and key (Aylwin et al. 2005; Hirshberg et al. 2001). In the
roles must be trained regularly. ED, this can be achieved by maximum mobili-
In an MCI, prehospital triage is challeng- sation of personnel. Additionally, the standard
ing and overtriage is more common. Moreover, of care must be set at a different level com-
less severely injured patients, i.e. the walking pared to the normal situation, termed minimal
wounded, tend to migrate to the nearest hospi- acceptable care (or institutional damage con-
tal. To avoid resuscitation areas in the emergency trol). As part of this approach, time spent in the
department (ED) being overwhelmed by less ED should be kept to a minimum. The use of
severely injured casualties, all patients should imaging tests should be restricted to diagnosing
enter the hospital through a single entrance and life-­threatening conditions (Roth et  al. 2013).
be triaged by a trauma-competent team to pre- Ultrasound (i.e. focused assessment with sonog-
defined admitting areas. These areas must be des- raphy for trauma, FAST) has been recommended
ignated to different patient categories based on to be used liberally for detection of free fluid in
severity of injuries and staffed accordingly with the abdomen or the pericardial sac (Roth et  al.
trained personnel. To make these areas ready for 2013). However, if a positive FAST is followed
incoming patients from the MCI, evacuation of by mandatory laparotomy in all patients during
regular patients from the ED must take place an MCI, a high rate of negative operations must
immediately. be expected (Aylwin et  al. 2005; de Ceballos
In most institutions worldwide, the surgical et al. 2005; Gaarder et al. 2012). If available in
trauma competence is a limited resource (Gaarder the ED, computed tomography scan should be
et al. 2012). Moreover, the entire treatment chain restricted to patients with suspected severe head
cannot be supervised from the ED entrance. On injuries (Young et al. 2017). Radiological capac-
that background, the dual command concept as ity elsewhere in the hospital should be increased
a universal principle to conserve resources and as part of the MCI response and should be
provide optimal patient care during an MCI was offered patients after transfer to an intensive care
put forward (Hirshberg et al. 2001). The idea was unit (ICU) or wards.
that one physician should be responsible for the In the initial phase of an MCI, the operating
overall medical and administrative operation in room (OR) resource use should be minimised
14  Hospital Response to Mass Casualty Incidents 103

by applying damage control surgical principles References

or delaying operations when possible. Planned
elective activity should be postponed and ongo- Aylwin CJ, et al. Reduction in critical mortality in urban
mass casualty incidents: analysis of triage, surge and
ing procedures completed as quickly as possible resource use after the London bombings on July 7,
(Roth et al. 2013). When patient influx is under 2005. Lancet. 2005;368:2219–25.
control and available OR capacity is deemed suf- Cushman JG, et  al. Two New  York Hospitals’ surgical
ficient, the transition to a more definitive treat- response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in
New York City. J Trauma. 2003;54:147–55.
ment approach should be initiated. de Ceballos JP, et al. 11 March, 2004: the terrorist bomb
ICU bed is another limited resource in most explosions in Madrid, Spain—an analysis of the logis-
hospitals, and once the MCI alert is activated, the tics, injuries sustained and clinical management of
staff in the ICU should start planning for patient casualties treated at the closest hospital. Crit Care.
arrival. Extra ventilator beds should be staffed Gaarder C, et al. The twin terrorist attacks in Norway on
with competent personnel. July 22, 2011: the trauma center response. J Trauma
Some patients with complex injuries will Acute Care Surg. 2012;73:269–75.
require multiple operations and long-time stay in Hirshberg A, et  al. Hospital trauma care in multiple-­
casualty incidents: a critical view. Ann Emerg Med.
the ICU. Such patients should be discussed in mul- 2001;37:647–52.
tidisciplinary meetings on a daily basis. Planning Roth RN, et al. Chapter 18: disaster, mass casualty inci-
for “tomorrow” to provide continuity and optimal dents. In: The trauma manual: trauma and acute care
timing of treatment should be an integrated part of surgery. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;
the MCI response from day 1. Young VS, et  al. Radiology response in the emergency
department during a mass casualty incident: a retro-
spective study of the two terrorist attacks on 22 July
14.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns 2011 in Norway. Eur Radiol. 2017;27:2828–34.

The recommendations regarding paediatric

patients follow the adult protocols in principle.
Cervical Spine Injury
Tor Brommeland and Hege Linnerud

Recommendations spine board, a collar, and/or manual in-line stabi-

lization of the cervical spine (Kornhall et  al.
Level I 2017). Patients with SCI seem to benefit from
early decompression and stabilization (<24 h) as
There is no clinically significant effect using well as maintaining a middle arterial pressure
high-dose steroid infusion in patients with spinal (MAP) above 85  mmHg for 5–7  days (Saadeh
cord injury (SCI), and the complication risk is et al. 2017).
increased. Patients with concomitant traumatic
brain injury (TBI) may have increased mortality
rates using steroid infusion (Edwards et al. 2005). 15.1 Overview
In trauma patients that are awake, sober, with-
out neck or distracting pain, neurologically intact, Attend to life-threatening injuries first, minimiz-
and able to complete a functional range of motion ing the movement of the patient until spinal
(ROM) examination, spinal stabilization and trauma has been excluded. Obtain as much infor-
radiographic assessment of the cervical spine are mation as possible from the patient history and
not recommended (Theodore et al. 2013). physical examination in order to establish a base-
line in the patient’s neurological status. Physical
Level II examination of the spine includes palpation of
the vertebral column (log-rolling the patient),
The American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) neurologic evaluation (motor and sensory deficits
score is recommended as the preferred neurologi- including reflexes), and rectal exploration. An
cal examination tool in the assessment of acute alert, awake, sober, pain-free, and neurologically
SCI patients (Hadley et al. 2013). intact patient with normal ROM does not need
stabilization or radiological investigations of the
Level III spine (Theodore et  al. 2013). All other patients
should have a radiological examination. CT
One can attempt to prevent secondary neurologic imaging of the cervical spine is the method of
injury following spinal trauma by applying a choice. X-ray (AP, lateral, and odontoid view)
should only be used as an initial evaluation if CT
T. Brommeland (*) · H. Linnerud is not available. Based on CT findings and/or
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University neurological status of the patient, MRI of the cer-
Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway vical spine may be necessary to complete the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 105

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
106 T. Brommeland and H. Linnerud

radiological investigation. MRI is superior in open surgery, (2) external immobilization, and
order to reveal injuries to ligamentous structures, (3) no stabilizing treatment needed. Surgical
the spinal cord, and intervertebral discs as well as treatment consists of internal fixation, with or
displaying hematomas within the spinal canal. without additional reduction and/or decompres-
All patients with neurologic symptoms such as sion. This can be done by either an anterior or
paresis, sensory disturbances, or radiating pain posterior approach. In cases with severe instabil-
should have MRI of the cervical spine, even if the ity, such as subluxation injuries, a combined
primary CT investigation is considered normal. anterior and posterior procedure is required.
In the obtunded trauma patient not eligible for Patients with SCI seem to benefit from early sur-
clinical examination and with a normal CT of the gical intervention with decompression of the spi-
cervical spine, the available evidence is not suf- nal cord as this may improve the final neurological
ficient to support a uniform strategy. However, outcome, as well as decreasing systemic compli-
there is increasing support in favor of cervical cations. Some studies indicate that this should be
collar removal after a negative high-quality cervi- done within 24 h after the trauma and that very
cal spine CT scan alone (Ryken et al. 2013, Patel early decompression (<8  h), if possible, may
et al. 2015). even further add benefits to the neurological
result (Fehlings et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2018). In
addition to decompression and stabilization of
15.2 Background the injury, these patients should maintain middle
arterial pressure (MAP) above 85  mmHg for
The distribution of spinal injury shows the tho- 5–7 days (Saadeh et al. 2017). External stabiliza-
racolumbar region (Th12/L1) to be the most tion is usually performed using a rigid collar for
commonly affected followed by the cervical 6–12  weeks, less frequently a cranio-thoracic
region (Leucht et al. 2009). Approximately 20% orthosis. A minor group of injuries (isolated
of patients admitted to a trauma center with a ­spinous or transverse process fractures) do not
cervical fracture also have a SCI.  The preva- need any stabilizing treatment.
lence of a concomitant cervical spinal injury of
any kind in patients with TBI is ca. 6.5%
(Pandrich et al. 2018). 15.3 Specific Pediatric Concerns

In pediatric trauma patients >3 years of age that

15.2.1 Classification of Cervical are alert, not intoxicated, not having midline neck
Spine Injuries or distracting pain, neurologically intact, and not
having unexplained hypotension, radiographic
Based on the radiological and clinical investiga- assessment of the cervical spine is not
tions, the aim is to classify the injuries of the recommended.
cervical spine as stable or unstable. We recom- For pediatric patients <3 years of age, the same
mend using either the Subaxial Cervical Spine criteria for cervical spine clearance apply, but
Injury Classification System (SLICS) or the lat- additionally a high-energy trauma mechanism
est AO classification for this purpose. (motorized vehicle accidents, falls from more
than 3 m, and non-accidental trauma) should be
ruled out to clear the cervical spine without radio-
15.2.2 Treatment of Cervical Spine graphic assessment (Rozzelle et al. 2013).
Injuries The incidence of cervical spine fractures in
pediatric patients is less than in adults, and the
Based on stability assessment and degree of com- type of injuries shows a higher share of pure liga-
pression of neurological structures, we sort cervi- mentous disruption like atlanto-occipital injuries,
cal spine injuries into three treatment groups: (1) C1-C2 subluxations, and SCIWORA. There is no
15  Cervical Spine Injury 107

literature supporting elevated MAP in pediatric References

patients with SCI, but adult guidelines are usu-
ally adapted. Edwards, et al. Final results of MRC CRASH, a random-
ized placebo-controlled trial of intravenous cortico-
steroids in adults with head injury—outcomes at 6
months. Lancet. 2005;365:1957–9.
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls Fehlings, et  al. Early versus delayed decompression for
• Immobilization on the spine board traumatic cervical spinal cord injury: results of the
surgical timing in acute spinal cord injury study. PLoS
should be of as short duration as possi-
One. 2012;7:e32037.
ble (less than 2  h) in order to prevent Hadley, et al. Clinical assessment following acute cervi-
decubitus ulcers. cal spinal cord injury. Neurosurgery. 2013;72(Suppl
• CT scanning is the radiological exami- 2):40–53.
Kornhall, et al. The Norwegian guidelines for the prehos-
nation of choice, but you should be
pital management of adult trauma patients with poten-
aware that disc and ligament lesions are tial spinal injury. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med.
difficult and in some cases impossible to 2017;25:2.
see on CT imaging. Lee, et al. Early surgical decompression within 8 hours for
traumatic spinal cord injury: is it beneficial? A meta-­
• Spinal shock is a reversible condition
analysis. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2018;52:101–8.
and defined by the flaccidity and loss of Leucht, et al. Epidemiology of traumatic spine fractures.
reflexes seen after spinal cord injury, Injury. 2009;40:166–72.
whereas neurogenic shock refers to Pandrich, et  al. Prevalence of concomitant traumatic
cranio-spinal injury: a systematic review and meta-­
impairment of the sympathetic path-
analysis. Neurosurg Rev. 2018:1–9.
ways in the cervical or upper thoracic 10.1007/s10143-018-0988-3.
spinal cord. Both conditions, however, Patel, et al. Cervical spine collar clearance in the obtunded
indicate spinal cord injury. adult blunt trauma patient: a systematic review and
practice management guideline from the Eastern
• Neurogenic shock includes loss of vaso-
Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma
motor tone and sympathetic innerva- Acute Care Surg. 2015;78(2):430–41.
tions to the heart, causing vasodilatation, Rozzelle, et al. Management of pediatric spine and spinal
hypotension, and bradycardia. cord injuries. Neurosurgery. 2013;72(2):205–26.
Ryken, et al. Guidelines for the management of acute
• The ASIA (American Spinal Injury
cervical spine and spinal cord injury: 2013 update.
Association) score can be used to clas- Neurosurgery. 2013;60:81–92.
sify the spinal cord injury. Saadeh, et al. The impact of blood pressure management
• Injuries located at C6 or higher can after spinal cord injury: a systematic review of the lit-
erature. Neurosurg Focus. 2017;43:E20.
result in partial or total loss of respira-
Theodore, et  al. Prehospital cervical spinal immobili-
tory function. zation after trauma. Neurosurgery. 2013;72(Suppl
Blast-Induced Brain Injury
Niklas Marklund

Recommendations 16.1 Overview

Level I During warfare, individuals may be exposed to

explosives caused by e.g., bombs, artillery shells,
There is no Level I evidence for a treatment with land mines, grenades, and roadside/antipersonnel
proven clinical benefit for severe blast traumatic improvised explosive devices (IEDs). These
brain injury (bTBI). explosives lead to injuries referred to as blast
injuries. A bomb blast may lead to a traumatic
Level II brain injury (TBI) of all injury severities from a
mild concussion-like disorder to a severe, life-­
There are no current Level II recommendations threatening TBI (Rosenfeld et  al. 2013). Blasts
for this topic. are the primary cause of TBI in war zones, at
least among military staff. Blast-induced TBI
Level III (bTBI) was recognized as the hallmark brain
injury among American soldiers during the
Numerous observational studies at a Level III Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in
evidence exist. These studies imply that blast 2001 and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003
traumatic brain injury represents a unique sub- (Miller et  al. 2018; Terrio et  al. 2009; Warden
type of TBI. Although there are features of severe 2006). Up to 70% of blast injuries are caused by
bTBI with similarities to other head impact or IEDs (Warden 2006; Clark et  al. 2007). The
penetrating TBIs, the pressure wave-induced severity of the bTBI depends on the energy
brain injuries are unique to bTBI. released by the blast and the distance from the
individual to the epicenter of the blast. The bTBI
induced by the explosion may be divided into
four (or five) different injury mechanisms (Masel
et al. 2012). The primary blast injury is caused by
the explosion itself resulting in a sudden rise in
atmospheric pressure, and as part of the blast
N. Marklund (*) wave the primary blast injury is induced. This
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurosurgery, also represents the mechanism unique to
Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, bTBI.  The secondary blast injury results from
Lund, Sweden fragments, released by the explosion, which may

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 109

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
110 N. Marklund

cause a penetrating TBI.  The pathology of this 2006), which may also r­ ender the patient suffi-
secondary blast injury is similar to that observed ciently stable to be transported by air to the
in “regular” ballistic penetrating TBI discussed nearest experienced trauma center (Bell et  al.
elsewhere in this volume. The tertiary blast 2010a; Ragel et al. 2010). Other surgical mea-
injury occurs when an individual is thrown sures include wound debridement and/or dural
against or into a solid object by the blast forces repair, removal of accessible foreign bodies,
and may be similar to other high-energy TBIs hematoma evacuation, removal of superficial
such as those observed in high-speed motor vehi- foreign bodies, and insertion of an intraventric-
cle accidents. The quaternary blast injury may ular drainage (Rosenfeld et al. 2013).
result from e.g. significant blood loss from asso-
ciated injuries or from exposure to burns, chemi-
cals, or radiation (DePalma et al. 2005). A fifth
(the quinary blast injury) more controversial Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
mechanism has also been proposed, resulting in • Blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI)
markedly delayed injuries due to the chemical, results from explosive devices, most
biological, or radiological substances, released at commonly the antipersonnel improvised
time of explosion. explosive devices (IEDs), resulting in
Thus, although both blunt and penetrating TBI rapid formation of a blast wave.
may be caused by the blast, the distinct patho- • The distinct pathophysiology of bTBI is
physiology of bTBI results from the primary caused by the primary blast wave, and
blast wave. When the primary blast waves tra- evidence point to predominant roles for
verse across a human head, widespread brain tis- axonal injury and blood-brain barrier
sue injury may ensue leading to either mild, disturbance.
moderate, or severe bTBI (Wang et al. 2014). A • The vast majority of bTBIs are mild and
new classification for bTBI was proposed, in accompanied with a high degree of
which a blast-induced mild bTBI is characterized symptoms (headaches, memory prob-
by loss of consciousness (LOC) <1  h and post-­ lems, irritability, sleep problems)—even
traumatic amnesia (PTA) for <24  h post-injury, in those not obviously wounded by the
moderate bTBI characterized by LOC for 1–24 h explosion.
and PTA for 1–7 days, and severe bTBI charac- • Biomarkers in serum for diagnosis and
terized by LOC > 24 h and PTA > 7 days (Ling prognosis as well as neuroimaging are
et al. 2009). rapidly advancing areas of research and
Of all bTBIs, more than 80% are mild. The might help to further categorize these
severity of injury is determined also by the injuries.
presence of obstacles, entrapment, and protec- • Although helmets protect against regu-
tive clothing, as well as if the explosion occurs lar blunt impact or missiles/penetrating
in a closed or open space (Masel et  al. 2012). TBI, and should be recommended for
Severe bTBI may result from any of these caus- that reason, they may in fact impair the
ative factors and is characterized by cerebral blast wave-induced brain injury.
edema, intracranial hemorrhage, delayed vaso- • The use of rapid decompressive craniec-
spasm, and pseudoaneurysm formation tomy, wound debridement with water-
(Rosenfeld et al. 2013). The treatment of these tight dural closure, as well as repair of
severe bTBIs follows principles outlined for the cranial vault and/or skull base defects
treatment of severe TBI. Examples found effi- following severe bTBI may result in
cacious for the massive brain swelling and outcomes at least similar to those
increased intracranial pressure include early observed in other forms of severe TBI.
decompressive craniectomy (Armonda et  al.
16  Blast-Induced Brain Injury 111

16.2 Background Cristian 2009). If the explosive compounds har-

bor metallic fragments, these may be converted
The use of explosives to inflict injury to others is into projectiles by the released energy (Chandra
not a novel invention. For instance, the first and Sundaramurthy 2015).
recorded terrorist bombing occurred in Belgium The blast mechanism may be divided into
in 1585, where a bridge was destroyed resulting four, or five, phases. The primary blast injury is
in the death of 800 soldiers. Explosions resulting caused by the explosion and the resulting
in brain injuries may occur also in civilians, increased atmospheric pressure striking the
caused by industrial accidents, fireworks, and affected individual. The blast wave is influenced
others, although they are much more common in by the surrounding environment and is mark-
warfare/terrorism. In modern warfare, explosion-­ edly increased in a closed environment causing
induced TBI, commonly referred to as blast-­ reflections of the pressure wave from, e.g.,
induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI), is walls, floor, and ceiling. Many roadside explo-
frequently observed. Blast injuries were increas- sives including the IEDs are filled with metal
ingly acknowledged since the early 1970s, ini- fragments, and the secondary blast injury results
tially as a cause for lung injury which led to the from fragments released with high energy which
development of improved body armors. The may cause penetrating injury to the brain or
cause of these explosions is mainly antipersonnel other parts of the body. The tertiary blast injury
improvised explosive devices (AP-IED), or sim- is the result of the individual being thrown by
ply IEDs, commonly in the form of roadside the blast into a solid object and may cause brain
bombs using high-order explosives such as nitro- injuries similar to those observed in civilian
glycerine, dynamite, TNT, C4, ammonium nitrate high-energy motor vehicle accidents. These
fuel oil, and others. Other IEDs use low-order types of injuries are associated with accelera-
explosives in pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails, and tion/deceleration forces and blunt force trauma
so forth, although no shock waves are created to the brain similar to that observed in blunt TBI
from those. When a chemical explosive deto- by the acceleration/deceleration type of injury
nates, enormous amounts of energy are rapidly observed in high-­speed motor vehicle accidents.
released in a very short time, expanding quickly The quaternary blast injury is a secondary
and c­ompressing the surrounding air (Chandra injury resulting from e.g. blood loss from trau-
and Sundaramurthy 2015). Thus, it has been esti- matic amputations or even from inhalation of
mated that at time of detonation, the explosive toxic gases resulting from the explosion, heat,
material is converted to combustion gases at chemicals, or radiation. A quinary blast injury
extreme pressure (up to 400,000 atmospheres) mechanism has also been proposed and results
and temperature (>2500  °C) in the course of a from markedly delayed injury due to chemical,
few microseconds (Masel et  al. 2012). Then, a biological, or radioactive substances released by
shock wave, a sphere, is formed which travels at the explosion.
supersonic speed. This rapid positive pressure In particular, air-fluid interfaces such as those
wave is then followed by a negative pressure at the ear, lung, heart, and gastrointestinal tract
wave, named a Friedlander wave. The size of the are vulnerable to the extreme pressure differ-
IED determines the blast wave velocity and the ences caused by the blast (Mayorga 1997). In the
duration of the pressure increases (Chandra and lung, the alveoli-capillary interface may be dis-
Sundaramurthy 2015). It is estimated that a peak rupted, and a high percentage of blast-induced
pressure of 1 pound per square inch (PSI) is suf- mortality is due to lung injury. Furthermore, the
ficient to knock over a soldier, 5 PSI ruptures the pressure increases within the thorax may cause
tympanic membrane, 7–8 PSI overturns a railway vagal nerve-induced hypotension typically
car, and at a PSI of >80, mortality exceeds 90%. resolving in 1–2 h (Eskridge et al. 2012).
For obvious reasons, explosions are worse in To date, improvements in the personnel pro-
confined spaces than in open air (Elder and tection have led to increased survival of soldiers
112 N. Marklund

since penetrating injuries are reduced and the mation (Ling et  al. 2009). A key management
effects of the blast wave on the heart and lungs strategy is the use of early decompressive crani-
were attenuated. Unfortunately, although body ectomy for the treatment of brain swelling and
armors saves many lives, they also make individ- increased ICP which also enables air transport
uals more susceptible to sustain brain injuries. (Bell et al. 2010a; Ragel et al. 2010). Furthermore,
Commonly, a majority of blast victims is wearing wound debridement and removal of easily acces-
a helmet at time of injury (Clark et  al. 2007). sible foreign material, evacuation of mass lesions,
However, although helmets work well against and placement of an external ventricular drainage
ballistic impact, they may actually aggravate are all part of the management strategies. Of
bTBI (Chandra and Sundaramurthy 2015). The utmost importance is the closure of all associated
two most important mechanisms of bTBI are (1) dural defects. Liberal use of the angiography and
direct transmission of pressure into the skull cav- transcranial Doppler enables the detection of
ity leading to an increase in intracranial pressure pseudoaneurysms and vasospasm, respectively
(ICP) and (2) indirect transmission through the (Bell et al. 2010b).
skull flexure (Chandra and Sundaramurthy 2015). As expected, the initial Glasgow Coma Scale
The short pressure pulse and a potential propaga- score is associated with clinical outcome
tion of the pressure wave via the blood vessels (Weisbrod et  al. 2012; Ecker et  al. 2011).
produce brain injuries unique to bTBI (Rosenfeld However, the outcome of severe bTBI is surpris-
et al. 2013). In addition to the increased ICP, the ingly favorable and compares well to that of a
blast pressure wave may impair cerebral blood matched civilian severe TBI population. As exam-
flow and brain oxygenation. Many details of the ples, at 2  years following severe bTBI, 32% of
pathophysiology of bTBI have not been estab- patients with initial GCS scores of 3–5, and 63%
lished although much experimental and clinical of those with a GCS score of 6–8, had achieved
work suggest an important role for axonal injury, functional independence (Weisbrod et al. 2012).
due to shear stress induced by the pressure wave,
that may evolve during the first post-injury year
or more (Davenport et al. 2015). References
Furthermore, bTBI may be accompanied by a
blood-brain barrier disruption (Shetty et al. 2014), Agoston DV, Kamnaksh A. Modeling the neurobehavioral
consequences of blast-induced traumatic brain injury
correlating with blast intensity with IgG accumu- spectrum disorder and identifying related biomarkers.
lating in cells located in the cerebral cortex and In: Kobeissy FH, editor. Brain neurotrauma: molecu-
the hippocampus. Improvements in neuroimag- lar, neuropsychological, and rehabilitation aspects.
ing and biomarkers, both rapidly advancing Frontiers in neuroengineering. Boca Raton: CRC
Press/Taylor & Francis; 2015.
fields, are needed to further outline the mecha- Armonda RA, Bell RS, Vo AH, Ling G, DeGraba
nisms of bTBI see (Chandra and Sundaramurthy TJ, Crandall B, et  al. Wartime traumatic cerebral
2015; Agoston and Kamnaksh 2015). vasospasm: recent review of combat casualties.
To manage warfare severe bTBI, management Neurosurgery. 2006;59(6):1215–25. discussion 25.
Bell RS, Mossop CM, Dirks MS, Stephens FL, Mulligan
systems and protocol including, e.g., early injury L, Ecker R, et  al. Early decompressive craniectomy
management, rapid transport to a military hospi- for severe penetrating and closed head injury during
tal experienced in trauma care, early damage wartime. Neurosurg Focus. 2010a;28(5):E1.
control and resuscitation, and neurointensive Bell RS, Vo AH, Roberts R, Wanebo J, Armonda
RA. Wartime traumatic aneurysms: acute presentation,
care, have resulted in improved outcome for these diagnosis, and multimodal treatment of 64 craniocer-
critically injured individuals (Rosenfeld et  al. vical arterial injuries. Neurosurgery. 2010b;66(1):66–
2013): As previously noted, severe bTBI is char- 79. discussion.
acterized by dynamic changes in ICP due to the Chandra N, Sundaramurthy A. Acute pathophysiology of
blast injury-from biomechanics to experiments and
presence of cerebral edema and intracranial hem- computations: implications on head and polytrauma.
orrhage, as well as vascular complications such In: Kobeissy FH, editor. Brain neurotrauma: molecu-
as delayed vasospasm and pseudoaneurysm for- lar, neuropsychological, and rehabilitation aspects.
16  Blast-Induced Brain Injury 113

Frontiers in neuroengineering. Boca Raton: CRC Mayorga MA. The pathology of primary blast overpres-
Press/Taylor & Francis; 2015. sure injury. Toxicology. 1997;121(1):17–28.
Clark ME, Bair MJ, Buckenmaier CC 3rd, Gironda RJ, Miller L, Pacheco GJ, J CJ, Grimm RC, Dierschke NA,
Walker RL.  Pain and combat injuries in soldiers Baker J, et  al. Causes of death in military work-
returning from operations enduring freedom and Iraqi ing dogs during operation Iraqi freedom and opera-
freedom: implications for research and practice. J tion enduring freedom, 2001–2013. Mil Med.
Rehabil Res Dev. 2007;44(2):179–94. 2018;183(9–10):e467–74.
Davenport ND, Lim KO, Sponheim SR.  White mat- Ragel BT, Klimo P Jr, Martin JE, Teff RJ, Bakken HE,
ter abnormalities associated with military PTSD Armonda RA.  Wartime decompressive craniectomy:
in the context of blast TBI.  Hum Brain Mapp. technique and lessons learned. Neurosurg Focus.
2015;36(3):1053–64. 2010;28(5):E2.
DePalma RG, Burris DG, Champion HR, Rosenfeld JV, McFarlane AC, Bragge P, Armonda RA,
Hodgson MJ.  Blast injuries. N Engl J Med. Grimes JB, Ling GS.  Blast-related traumatic brain
2005;352(13):1335–42. injury. Lancet Neurol. 2013;12(9):882–93.
Ecker RD, Mulligan LP, Dirks M, Bell RS, Severson Shetty AK, Mishra V, Kodali M, Hattiangady B. Blood
MA, Howard RS, et al. Outcomes of 33 patients from brain barrier dysfunction and delayed neurological
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan undergoing bilat- deficits in mild traumatic brain injury induced by blast
eral or bicompartmental craniectomy. J Neurosurg. shock waves. Front Cell Neurosci. 2014;8:232.
2011;115(1):124–9. Terrio H, Brenner LA, Ivins BJ, Cho JM, Helmick K,
Elder GA, Cristian A. Blast-related mild traumatic brain Schwab K, et  al. Traumatic brain injury screening:
injury: mechanisms of injury and impact on clinical preliminary findings in a US Army Brigade Combat
care. Mt Sinai J Med. 2009;76(2):111–8. Team. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2009;24(1):14–23.
Eskridge SL, Macera CA, Galarneau MR, Holbrook TL, Wang C, Pahk JB, Balaban CD, Miller MC, Wood AR,
Woodruff SI, MacGregor AJ, et al. Injuries from com- Vipperman JS.  Computational study of human head
bat explosions in Iraq: injury type, location, and sever- response to primary blast waves of five levels from
ity. Injury. 2012;43(10):1678–82. three directions. PLoS One. 2014;9(11):e113264.
Ling G, Bandak F, Armonda R, Grant G, Ecklund Warden D. Military TBI during the Iraq and Afghanistan
J.  Explosive blast neurotrauma. J Neurotrauma. wars. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2006;21(5):398–402.
2009;26(6):815–25. Weisbrod AB, Rodriguez C, Bell R, Neal C, Armonda R,
Masel BE, Bell RS, Brossart S, Grill RJ, Hayes RL, Levin Dorlac W, et al. Long-term outcomes of combat casu-
HS, et  al. Galveston brain injury conference 2010: alties sustaining penetrating traumatic brain injury. J
clinical and experimental aspects of blast injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012;73(6):1525–30.
Neurotrauma. 2012;29(12):2143–71.
Radiological Evaluation of Head
Trauma 17
Christian Rahbek, Ronni Mikkelsen,
and Vibeke Fink-Jensen

Recommendations Evaluation of vascular injuries requires spe-

cific angiography series with contrast (CT, MRI,
Level I DSA) (Shetty et al. 2016).
MRI within the first days after trauma should
Data are insufficient to support Level I recom- be reserved for patients where the CT does not
mendations for this subject. sufficiently explain the clinical state of the patient
(Shetty et al. 2016).
Level II

Data are insufficient to support Level II recom- 17.1 Overview

mendations for this subject.
(Please note that there are no cohort or ran- CT imaging is the examination of choice in the
domized studies in part due to the fact that head acute setting because it is readily available and
CT is the gold standard for evaluation of head fast, offers full-body investigation with detailed
trauma, and therefore it would be unethical to imaging including imaging of bones with recon-
make randomized studies.) struction in all planes and allows close observa-
tion of the patient.
Level III In unstable patients, the teamwork between
the radiologist, anaesthesiologist and trauma sur-
A CT scan of the head is recommended as first- geon becomes vital to select the correct examina-
line examinations for a patient with head injury. tion, to monitor the patient and to avoid motion
artefacts. In these cases, immediate radiological
C. Rahbek (*) · V. Fink-Jensen assessment should be carried out to ensure the
Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University quality of images and the need for supplementary
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark examination (i.e. angio).
The time of examination has significantly
R. Mikkelsen decreased with recent advances in technology,
Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark allowing for full-body imaging in a few minutes.
CT of the head is in most places performed
Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University,
Aarhus, Denmark with helical technique, as multidetector CT scan-
e-mail:, ners are readily available in most trauma centres. This will allow reconstruction in all planes and
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 115
T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
116 C. Rahbek et al.

evaluation of both soft tissues and bones from • Intra-axial lesions—intraparenchymal haema-
one scan series. It is recommended to include the tomas, contusions, oedema with or without
facial skeleton from the hard palate in cranial herniation and/or DAI.
direction including the mandible if there is clini-
cal evidence of that region being involved. Some The possibility of vascular injuries should also
centres perform one scan series that cover the be considered. Cranial CT is usually performed
cervical spine, facial skeleton, brain and skull in as a non-contrast study, and more specific angi-
one. Some neurosurgical centres use neuro-­ ography series (CT, MRI or angiography) with
navigation for emergency procedures such a contrast may be necessary.
placement of an external ventricular drain, and in
such setting it is beneficial to ensure that the pri-
mary trauma protocol is compatible with their
navigation software. Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls: CT Imaging of the
Haematomas will appear white (hyperdense) Head
in the right window setting, whereas ongoing To avoid overlooking critical injuries in the
bleeding will appear darker (hypodense), and immediate setting, perform a systematic eval-
older haematomas will be similar to grey matter uation using three different window settings:
Contusions of the brain parenchyma appear as • Brain parenchyma window (Level
focally darker areas around punctate haemor- 30–40 Hounsfield Units (HU); window:
rhages, often more apparent on later scans. 65–120 HU).
Diffuse cerebral oedema is seen as a dimin- –– Is the ventricular system of normal
ished differentiation of grey-white matter bound- size, and symmetrical around the
aries, sulcal obliteration and narrowing of the midline?
basal cisterns and often also the ventricular –– Is there any extra- or intra-axial blood?
system. –– Is the grey-white matter differentia-
Also the falx and tentorium will appear whiter tion normal? Are there any focal
than normal against the brain parenchyma. Focal lesions?
oedema is seen darker against the surrounding –– Are the cortical sulci discernible and
more normal parenchyma, but also with the symmetrical, or are they narrowed or
above-mentioned signs. even obliterated?
Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is often underes- –– Are the basal cisterns of normal size
timated or not seen on CT. MRI is the examina- and symmetrical?
tion of choice for DAI, where lesions will appear –– Are there any scalp lesions?
as small black spots on T2-weighted gradient • Subdural window (L: 70–100 HU; W:
echo series, but MRI is not as readily available as 150–300 HU):
CT and is far more complex to perform with trau- –– To avoid overlooking smaller subdu-
matized patients. MRI should therefore be ral haematomas due to the density of
reserved for those patients where CT within the bone and artefacts at the interface
first days after trauma does not sufficiently between the bone and soft intracra-
explain the clinical state of the patient. nial tissue, use a subdural window.
One should always evaluate: This will allow you to detect a thin
layer of sub- or epidural blood.
• Scalp lesions—lacerations, foreign bodies, • Bone window (L: 500 HU; W: 2000–
oedema and/or subgaleal haematomas. 4000 HU):
• Skull fractures—including the facial bones. –– Are there any fractures involving the
• Extra-axial lesions—epidural haemorrhage, skull base or the calvarium? If so, are
subdural haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemor- there dislocations and/or fragments?
rhage and/or intraventricular haemorrhage.
17  Radiological Evaluation of Head Trauma 117

–– Is the optical canal intact?

–– Is the carotid canal intact?
–– Are there any indirect signs of frac-
ture, i.e. opacification of the nasal
sinuses and/or mastoid cells or intra-
cranial air bubbles?
–– Are there fractures of the facial
–– Are there any foreign bodies extra- or

Especially regarding fractures, make

good use of the possibility of three-dimen-
sional reconstructing.

17.2 Background

Intracranial lesions can be subdivided into extra- Fig. 17.1  Epidural haematoma
and intra-axial lesions.

17.2.1 Extra-axial Lesions

Epidural haematomas (Fig. 17.1)

• Located between tabula interna and dura.

• Ninety per cent of cases occur in association
with skull fractures involving the middle men-
ingeal artery or less common one of the
venous sinuses.
• Rarely crosses sutures but can cross the
• Usually a biconvex appearance.

Subdural haematomas (Fig. 17.2)

• Located between the dura and arachnoid.

• Venous bleeding from superficial bridging
cortical veins.
• Cross sutures but not midline.
• Often located along the falx cerebri or tento-
rium cerebelli. Fig. 17.2  Acute subdural haematoma
118 C. Rahbek et al.

• Concave appearance towards brain surface. • Often, the intraventricular bleeding is seen as
• Chronic subdural haematomas appear dark; blood in the posterior part of the occipital
fresh bleeding in a chronic subdural haema- horns with a blood-CSF level. Even very small
toma will appear as white areas, often in amounts of blood can be detected here (Parizel
compartments. et al. 2005).
• After 2 days to 2 weeks, subdural haematomas
can become isodense and very difficult to dis-
cern from the brain. Look for shift of midline 17.2.2 Intra-axial Lesions
or difference of right and left hemisphere
sulci. Cerebral contusions (Fig. 17.4)

Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage (Fig. 17.3) • The most common injury of the parenchyma.
• Are seen as punctate haemorrhages that after a
• Fresh blood found focally in most cases in a few days are surrounded by oedema, often
few sulci over the convexities or in the basal multiple, located near the brain surface
cisterns often the interpeduncular. supratentorially.
• It may look as though the sulci are effaced, • Are caused as the brain hits the skull base or
when in fact it is blood replacing the CSF. the falx/tentorium and are therefore often
• If there is abundant and diffuse spread of located inferiorly and anteriorly in the frontal
SAH, one should always consider rupture of and temporal lobes.
an aneurysm. Perhaps that was the cause for
the traumatic incident to happen. Intracerebral haematomas

Intraventricular haemorrhage • Larger than contusions.

• Located deeper within the brain parenchyma.
• Seen as fresh blood (white on CT) in the ven-
tricular system.
• Can be caused from direct trauma with tearing
of subependymal veins, breakthrough from
parenchymal hematoma or reflux from SAH.

Fig. 17.3  Acute traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage Fig. 17.4  Multiple brain contusions
17  Radiological Evaluation of Head Trauma 119

• Frequently progress during the first few post- and functional MRI have shown promise in
traumatic days, especially if a surgical decom- experimental settings, but is not yet standard in
pression of epi- or subdural haematomas has the clinical setting.
been performed. Cerebral oedema (Fig. 17.6)
• A few days after the trauma, an oedema
around the haematoma will occur. • Can be diffuse.
• Associated with DAI or hypoxia, but can also
Diffuse axonal injury (Fig. 17.5) develop without concomitant traumatic
• Caused by shearing of the axons in rotational • Develops during the first 24–48 h.
acceleration/deceleration closed head • Focal oedema can be associated with intra- or
injuries. extra-axial haemorrhage.
• Most often not seen on the initial CT or only • Can cause compression of blood vessels and
as very small haemorrhages at the grey-white eventually evolve into ischaemic areas of the
matter boundaries. brain.
• Can appear during the next few days, but as
over 50% are non-haemorrhagic, they will not Cerebral herniations
appear on CT with certainty.
• Occur secondary to intra- or extra-axial expan-
MRI is much more reliable for showing sive lesions and/or oedema.
DAI.  The patient’s clinical condition will often • Subfalcine herniation is radiologically the
be worse than expected from the first CT. The use most common type. It involves displacement
of advanced MRI techniques such as diffusion of the cingulate gyrus under the inferior mar-
tensor images/tractographies, MR spectroscopies gin of the falx, compression of the ipsilateral

Fig. 17.5  Diffuse axonal injury, DAI and intraventricular haemorrhage

120 C. Rahbek et al.

Fig. 17.6  Cerebral oedema. Day 1 and day 2 with bilateral craniectomy

lateral ventricle, blocking of the foramen of

Monro and dilatation of the opposite lateral
ventricle and midline shift.
• The anterior cerebral artery can be compressed
until occlusion with infarction following.
• Transtentorial herniation is most often descend-
ing, where the medial part of the temporal lobe
is pressed downwards, narrowing the ipsilateral
basal cisterns and compressing the oculomotor
nerve and eventually the posterior cerebral
artery with infarction following.
• Can also be ascending with the vermis dislo-
cated upwards, obliteration of the fourth ven-
tricle and subsequent hydrocephalus.
• If the intracranial pressure increases, even- Fig. 17.7  Dissection of the right vertebral artery
tually herniation and incarceration at the
foramen magnum will occur (Parizel et  al. • Subarachnoid haemorrhage can cause vaso-
2005). spasm and subsequent infarction, although the
clinical course is often milder than in aneurys-
mal haemorrhage (Kramer 2013).
17.2.3 Vascular Injuries

• Compression of vessels due to raised ICP can 17.2.4 Skull Fractures

cause hypoperfusion and eventually
infarction. Skull fractures will not be presented in detail.
• Trauma can cause dissection or laceration of Facial fractures, however, represent the risk of
vessels either intra- or extra-cranially and respiratory problems and should be assessed on
hypoperfusion or thrombus (Fig. 17.7). the first CT scan. One should pay particular atten-
17  Radiological Evaluation of Head Trauma 121

tion to the orbits, especially the optic canal, the

central skull base, especially the carotid canal,
and the temporal bone as fractures here may
require immediate surgical intervention.
Intracranial air bubbles imply fractures involving
the nasal sinuses or temporal bone.

17.2.5 S
 pecific Intracranial
and Cervical Vascular Concerns

Suspected vascular injury and in particular vas-

cular dissection require MRI or CT angiogra-
phy. A conventional angiography may be
Lack of cerebral circulation confirms brain
death. In these cases, filling of the intracerebral
Fig. 17.8  Complex skull fracture in a child
vessels during conventional angiography is
absent due to extremely increased intracranial
pressure. Angiography is considered to be a con-
firmatory test in doubtful situations, where brain
death has to be stated before possible organ dona-
tion (Yousem and Nadgir 2017).

17.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns

In children with trauma, unilateral infarction is

seen in association with acute subdural haema-
toma. Also, cerebral oedema is more common in
children than in adults.

17.3.1 Non-accidental Injury (NAI) or

‘Battered Child Syndrome’

Always consider NAI in young children with

head trauma, particularly in those without appro-
priate trauma history. Most NAI head injuries
occur under the age of 2 years. The neurological Fig. 17.9 Subdural haematoma, hypoxic ischaemic
presentation is often non-specific. CT is the most encephalopathy and subfalcine herniation
appropriate acute imaging procedure (Lonergan
et al. 2003). For additional information on possi-
ble “Child abuse”, see also Chap. 4.3.
Typical imaging findings in NAI are: • Cerebral oedema
• Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (Figs. 17.9
• Skull fractures (Fig. 17.8) and 17.10)
• Subdural haematomas, often of different age • Rarely intraventricular, intracerebral or
(Fig. 17.9) ­epidural haematomas
122 C. Rahbek et al.

• Subdural haematomas become isodense

after about a week (depends on size),
but dating of subdural collections is
very imprecise.
• MRI gives greater detail of subdural
haematomas, may help to date the injury
and is helpful to assess the extent of the
parenchymal injury.
• Remember: None of the aforementioned
features are pathognomonic!
• Remember also that children with tem-
poral arachnoid cysts may get subdural
and/or intra-cystic haematomas even
after mild head traumas!

A child suspected for NAI should not be

sent home! Contact the paediatrician on
call! Refer to a complete skeletal survey if
NAI is suspected in infants and young chil-
Fig. 17.10  Acute reversal sign (‘white cerebellum’) due
to diffuse hypoxic brain injury dren. Occult injury is rare in children over
3 years of age.

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls: Paediatric Head

Traumas References
• Accidental skull fractures are usually
linear and unilateral, affect the parietal Daniel R. Kramer, Jesse L. Winer, B. A. Matthew Pease,
bones and do not cross sutures. Arun P. Amar, William J. Mack, (2013) Cerebral
Vasospasm in Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurology
• Non-accidental fractures are often more Research International 2013:1–7.
complex. Lonergan GJ, et al. From the archives of the AFIP. Child
• Linear skull fractures can be missed on abuse: radiologic-pathologic correlation.
axial CT scans! Radiographics. 2003;23(4):811–45.
Parizel PM, et  al. New developments in the neurora-­
• Accidental subdural haematomas are diological diagnosis of craniocerebral trauma. Eur
more often unilateral, non-accidental Radiol. 2005;15:569–81.
more often bilateral. Shetty, et al. ACR appropriateness criteria head trauma. J
• Non-accidental subdural haematomas Am Call Radiol. 2016;13:668–79.
Yousem DM, Nadgir R.  Neuroradiology: the requisites.
extend more often into the interhemi- Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier; 2017. p.  150–73.
spheric fissure. Chapter 4.
• Acute reversal sign (‘white cerebel-
lum’) + loss of grey-white matter differ-
entiation  +  interhemispheric subdural
haematoma is suggestive of NAI.
Radiological Evaluation of Cervical
Spine Trauma 18
Christian Rahbek, Ronni Mikkelsen,
and Vibeke Fink-Jensen

Recommendations 18.1 Overview

Level I CT should be the examination of choice, as it has

a very high sensitivity and specificity for detect-
Data are insufficient to support Level I recom- ing injuries. Supplemental MRI for ligamentous
mendations for this subject. or disc injuries should be reserved to cases with
persisting neurological disability.
Level II Particularly, multiplanar reconstruction and
3D reconstructions are valuable to visualize frac-
A 3D CT of the cervical spine is far superior to tures and bone fragments.
plain X-ray (Holmes and Akkinepalli 2005). Fractures of the cervical spine can be divided
based on the mechanism of injury into flexion,
Level III extension or compression fractures or according
to stability into stable or unstable fractures, using
MRI scan reveals damage to soft tissue that often the three-column model (Fig.  18.1). There are
isn’t visible on a CT scan. multiple classification and scoring systems for
spine injuries, some based on their anatomical
location and others based on the osseous and lig-
amentous injuries.
Description/classification of injuries should
be systematic and reflect a consensus between
radiologist and treating physicians in regard to
the classification systems used.
C. Rahbek (*) · V. Fink-Jensen
Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls: Cervical Spine
R. Mikkelsen
• Always do reconstructions and evaluate
Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark sagittal and coronal images.
• Be systematic when evaluating cervical
Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University,
Aarhus, Denmark images; look for:

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 123

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
124 C. Rahbek et al.

condylar fractures and results often in severe soft

–– Maintained height of the vertebral tissue damage and brainstem injury.
–– Alignment.
–– Normal distances and parallel sur- 18.2.2 Atlanto-axial Distraction
faces between endplates in disc
spaces, facet joints and spinous Atlanto-axial distraction causes widening of the
processes. distance between C1 and C2 with concomitant
–– Continuous cortical margins. prevertebral soft tissue swelling and ligamentous
–– Paraspinal haematomas and disrup- tears. Dislocation in the transverse plane with
tion of the architecture of the mus- rupture of the transverse ligament and associated
cles of the posterior neck. fractures results in increased distance between
• Alignment is evaluated along the lines the anterior surface of the odontoid and the pos-
of the anterior and posterior longitudi- terior surface of C1.
nal ligament, the posterior margin of the
spinal canal and along the posterior
margin of the spinous processes. 18.2.3 Jefferson’s Fracture

Jefferson’s fracture is a compression “burst”

fracture of C1 and involves disruptions of the
anterior and posterior arches of the atlas. Tears
of the transverse ligament are associated. More
often, a hyperextension injury is seen with com-
pression of the posterior arch of C1, resulting in
a stable posterior arch fracture (Fig. 18.2).

18.2.4 Hangman’s Fractures

Hangman’s fractures are fracture dislocations of

C2 caused by hyperextension injuries. If there
are bilateral neural arch fractures, anterior dis-
placement of C2 on C3 occurs. The posterior
ring is usually fixed by the inferior articular pro-
cess, unless there is accompanying facet disloca-
Fig. 18.1  The three-column model. Instability occurs
when two of the three columns (anterior, middle or poste-
rior) are injured

18.2 Background

18.2.1 Atlanto-occipital Dislocation

Atlanto-occipital dislocation in anterior-­posterior

or longitudinal direction results in increased
­distance between the basion and the odontoid. Fig. 18.2  Jefferson’s fracture. Arrow heads indicate frac-
This injury can be associated with odontoid or tures disrupting anterior and posterior arches of C1
18  Radiological Evaluation of Cervical Spine Trauma 125

Fig. 18.3  Hangman’s fracture: Arrow heads mark bilat-

Fig. 18.5  Odontoid fracture, type II
eral fracture through the posterior arch of C2

18.2.6 Associated Vascular Injury

Due to the anatomy of the vertebral artery, high

cervical injuries (predominantly C1 and 2) can be
associated with vascular injury (including both
dissection and transection). In cases with
­significant dislocation or high injury, a supple-
mental CT-angio should be considered.

18.2.7 Compression Fractures

Fig. 18.4  Odontoid fractures. Type I: upper portion of
the dens. Type II: junction of the dens with the body. Type Compression fractures of a vertebral body can
III: through the body of the axis involve one or both endplates. Most are wedge-­
shaped without involving the posterior cortex.
Burst fractures also affect the posterior cortex of
tion. However, most Hangman’s fractures result the vertebral body, and fragments can be dis-
only in minimal translation and angulation placed into the spinal canal.
(Fig. 18.3).

18.2.8 Teardrop Fractures

18.2.5 Odontoid (“Dens”) Fractures
Teardrop fractures can be caused by hyperflexion
Odontoid (“dens”) fractures are divided into or hyperextension injuries (Fig. 18.6).
three types according to Anderson and D’Alonzo In hyperflexion injuries, a triangular fragment
with type II being unstable and type III relatively can be found at the anterior-inferior border of the
stable unless significantly displaced (Figs.  18.4 vertebral body with reduction of the anterior
and 18.5). body height and soft tissue swelling. Disruption
126 C. Rahbek et al.

Fig. 18.7  Locked facets. Anterior displacement of infe-

rior articular process is marked by the (arrow). Note the
concomitant fracture of the articular process

Fig. 18.6  Teardrop fracture C6 (arrow)

18.3 Imaging of Intraspinal
of the anterior part of the disc and the posterior Injuries
ligament complex results in posterior displace-
ment of the fractured vertebra and diastasis of MRI is the modality of choice to visualize spinal
the interfacetal joints. These fractures are soft tissue lesions such as spinal cord haemor-
unstable. rhage and oedema, transections, ligamentous
Hyperextension injuries may also result in an tears, epidural haematomas, disc herniations,
avulsion of the anterior-inferior corner of the ver- nerve root avulsion and cord compression and
tebral body, but leave the posterior columns intact also visualizes subluxations and fractures. Be
and are stable. aware that most of these lesions may occur with-
out fractures or dislocations. Spinal cord oedema
and ligamentous or disc lesions will appear bright
18.2.9 Locked Facets on T2-weighted images (Fig. 18.8). Bright signal
on T1-weighted images is related to acute haem-
Locked facets are the result of anterior displace- orrhage. Medullary haemorrhage is associated
ment with interfacetal dislocation and the articu- with poor prognostic outcome.
lar mass of the vertebra above lying anterior to
the articular mass of the vertebra below.
This occurs uni- or bilaterally. The facet cap- 18.4 Specific Paediatric Concerns
sule is the strongest part of the cervical ligamen-
tous complex, and so dislocation of the facet joint In children under the age of 8 years, distraction
is often associated with severe ligamentous and subluxation injuries (such as atlanto-­occipital
­injuries with disruption of the interosseous liga- dislocation and rotatory subluxation of the atlas
ments and discs (Fig. 18.7). upon the axis) are more common than fractures
18  Radiological Evaluation of Cervical Spine Trauma 127

Suggested Reading
Grainger RD, Allison DJ, et  al. Diagnostic radiology:
a textbook of medical imaging. London: Churchill
Livingstone; 2001. p. 1815–33.
Holmes JF, Akkinepalli R. Computed tomography versus
plain radiography to screen for cervical spine injury: a
meta-analysis. J Trauma. 2005;58:902–5.
Lockwood M, et  al. Screening via CT angiogram after
traumatic cervical spine fractures: narrowing imaging
to improve cost effectiveness. Experience of a Level I
trauma center. J Neurosurg Spine. 2016;24(3):490–5.
Panczykowski D, et  al. Comparative effectiveness of
using computed tomography alone to exclude cervi-
cal spine injuries in obtunded or intubated patients:
meta-analysis of 14,327 patients with blunt trauma. J
Neurosurg. 2011;115(3):541–9.
Parizel PM, et  al. New developments in the neurora-
diological diagnosis of craniocerebral trauma. Eur
Radiol. 2005;15:569–81.
Shah L, Ross J. Imaging of spine trauma. Neurosurgery.
Fig. 18.8  T2-weighted STIR image. Cervical fracture and 2016;79(5):626–42.
dislocation with oedema of the spinal cord and posterior Yousem DM, Nadgir R.  Neuroradiology: the requisites.
soft tissue laceration (bright areas posterior) Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier; 2017. p.  393–604.
Chapter 14.

and often involve the occipito-atlanto-axial seg-

ment. Keep the congenital variants in mind
including the absence of the posterior arch of C1
and the os odontoideum arising from the second-
ary ossification centre of the odontoid.
Blood Samples
Bo-Michael Bellander and Rasmus Philip Nielsen

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Level I • In the acute setting, have a predefined
list of routine blood samples to be taken.
Data are insufficient data to support Level I rec- • Consider saving a blood sample in the
ommendations for this subject. freezer for later analysis.
• Take additional blood samples later,
Level II when the patient is stable and the
patient’s history is known.
Data are insufficient data to support Level II rec- • Evaluate the need for “routine” blood
ommendations for this subject. samples every day.
• Hyponatremia may occur rapidly and is
Level III dangerous due to the development of
brain edema.
Recommendations from other topics implicate • Unconsciousness may be due to other
the use of certain blood samples. There is Level issues than the traumatic brain injury.
III evidence for avoiding hypoxia and hypo−/
hyperglycemia. For this reason, measuring PaO2
and blood glucose is evident.
19.1 Overview

Blood tests on patients suffering from traumatic

brain injury should help the physician to identify
B.-M. Bellander (*) potential conditions that may cause secondary
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska brain damage that is avoidable if adequate inter-
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden vention is instituted. Avoidable secondary insults
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University that can lead to ischemia have been well described
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden (Jones et  al. 1994) of which some are detectable
using adequate blood samples. A specific blood test
R. P. Nielsen is also indicated to make a proper diagnosis. Other
Department of Anaesthesiology, Regional Hospital
West Jutland, Herning, Denmark explanations for impaired consciousness, such as
e-mail: substrate deficiency or electrolyte disturbances,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 129

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
130 B.-M. Bellander and R. P. Nielsen

must be ruled out. An episode with severe hypogly- hypotension (Chesnut et  al. 1993; Stocchetti
cemia increases mortality significantly (Krinsley et  al. 1996; McHugh et  al. 2007). An arterial
and Grover 2007). Hyponatremia is a well-known blood gas (ABG) at admission will reveal hypoxia
explanation for brain edema formation. Circulatory by presenting a low pO2 and hypotension by pre-
impairment with a subsequent metabolic acidosis senting a negative base excess. Furthermore,
needs to be rapidly corrected. In addition, there are pCO2 in the ABG will also disclose an ongoing
conditions leading to progressive bleeding due to hyperventilation due to stress, pain and anxiety
platelet dysfunction caused by the trauma itself or due to excessive artificial ventilation nega-
(Nekludov et al. 2007; Zhang et al. 2018) but also tively affecting the cerebral blood flow. A high
other bleeding disorders caused by ongoing antico- pCO2 indicates a ventilatory insufficiency that
agulant (Wiegele et al. 2019) or platelet inhibiting needs immediate correction.
therapy (Tollefsen et al. 2018) that need to be man-
aged. Furthermore, blood samples, e.g. biomark-
ers, may also help in grading the severity of injury 19.2.2 Hematology
and predict outcome (Thelin et al. 2019).
When the unconscious TBI patient arrives to Oxygenation is dependent on the hemoglobin
the trauma center or emergency room, an arterial level; that is why it is important to detect anemia.
blood gas (ABG) is mandatory to analyze pH, Low hemoglobin is an independent predictor of
PaO2, PaCO2, base excess (BE) and/or bicarbon- poor outcome (Murray et  al. 2007), but blood
ate. Venous samples may as well be obtained via transfusion does not appear to significantly
the arterial line and should at least include improve outcome in anemic patients with TBI
sodium, potassium, creatinine, hemoglobin, leu- (Salim et al. 2008). A recent review by East and
cocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), platelets, INR/ co-workers stated that “there is insufficient evi-
PP, glucose, ethanol and methanol, ABO blood dence to make strong recommendations regard-
type, activated partial thromboplastin time ing which hemoglobin threshold to use as a
(APTT), fibrinogen and myoglobin. transfusion trigger in critically-ill patients with
Depending on the patient’s premorbid condi- TBI” (East et al. 2018).
tion, known illnesses and other extra-cranial inju- When deciding on transfusion, it is important
ries, additional blood sampling may be necessary, to differ between a patient with pre-shock anemia
such as liver enzymes and amylase. Signs of exten- and circulatory instability due to an ongoing
sive hemorrhage indicate blood cross-­matching in hemorrhage and an anemic circulatory stable
case of a subsequent need for blood transfusion. A patient with no signs of ongoing secondary brain
more extensive toxic screening may be indicated, damage. Laboratory values are to be assessed in
and it is always wise to keep an additional blood relation to other clinical factors.
sample in the freezer for later analysis.
Normal values for adults (over 18 years) may
differ between laboratories and equipment, why 19.2.3 Electrolytes
it is important to know the specific normal values
at the actual site. S-Osmolality and s-Sodium are important in the
development of brain edema. A rapid decline in
osmolality due to hyponatremia may be deleteri-
19.2 Background ous to the patient and must be restituted acutely
unlike chronic hyponatremia that may be cor-
19.2.1 Arterial Blood Sample rected over days, as a rapid restitution bears the
risk of inducing osmotic demyelination (George
Two very prominent and frequently found sec- et al. 2018).
ondary insults with serious impact on outcome Magnesium Hypomagnesemia following
following traumatic brain injury are hypoxia and traumatic brain injury is associated with neuro-
19  Blood Samples 131

logical dysfunction, and restitution in the experi- 19.2.5 Glucose

mental setting attenuates these neurological
changes. Unfortunately, substitution in the clinic Glucose is the main substrate for the glycolytic path-
has not been proven effective (Temkin et  al. way, and hypoglycemia may lead to energy failure
2007). and increased mortality (Krinsley and Grover 2007).
Phosphate acts as a substrate for adenosine On the other hand, severely head-­injured patients
triphosphate (ATP) and plays a crucial role in frequently develop hyperglycemia (Lam et al. 1991)
energy metabolism. Hypophosphatemia is a seri- that also has been shown to be an independent pre-
ous condition that may lead to a decrease in car- dictor of poor outcome (Nelson et al. 2012). Tight
diac and respiratory muscle contractility with a glycemic control has been suggested (Van den
subsequent acute cardiac and respiratory failure, Berghe et al. 2005), but contradictory findings (Oddo
cardiac arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. et al. 2008; Vespa et al. 2012) have led to the finding
Osmotherapy to lower ICP will increase uri- that the majority of European intensive care units
nary output and affect the levels of electrolytes. today prefer conventional glucose management over
Accurate balancing of fluid in- and output is tight glycemic control (Huijben et al. 2018).
essential, including control of the serum concen-
trations of electrolytes.
19.2.6 Myoglobin

19.2.4 Coagulation Patients suffering from general trauma often

show a release of myoglobin from injured tissue
Acute traumatic coagulopathy has 19 different with a subsequent risk for acute renal insuffi-
definitions in 22 studies (Epstein et  al. 2015), ciency (Polderman 2004).
but an INR of >1.3 appears to be a stable indi-
cator despite that it only measures the extrinsic
pathway of the coagulation cascade. The tissue 19.3 P
 re-existing or Concomitant
injury and hypoperfusion are important factors Disease and Differential
for coagulopathy, but the brain trauma also Diagnosis
appears to create a platelet dysfunction.
Furthermore, the elderly group of TBI patients At our hospital, the basic blood samples obtained
often are treated with anticoagulants or platelet at admission to the intensive care unit include a
inhibitors adding more hemorrhagic issues to simple screening shown in Table  19.1.
the emergency room (Uccella et  al. 2018). Furthermore, unconsciousness may be due to
Basic coagulation parameters are necessary to other issues than the traumatic brain injury.
determine, especially INR, APT-time and Encephalitis, uremia, epileptic seizures, Korsakoff
fibrinogen. The number of thrombocytes does syndrome and Wernicke encephalopathy, menin-
not add any information on platelet function; gitis, septicemia, intoxication, hypo- or hypergly-
that is why thrombelastography (TEG) or rota- cemia and respiratory insufficiency are medical
tion thromboelastometry (ROTEM) may be conditions that should be considered and might
used to assess clot formation and the subse- need additional blood samples.
quent fibrinolysis. Furthermore, by analyzing
the receptors located on the platelets using mul-
tiple platelet function analyzer, e.g. Multiplate®, 19.4 Specific Pediatric Concerns
further information concerning ongoing anti-
platelet treatments or trauma-induced platelet Blood samples should be obtained with micro
dysfunction may be gathered (Ganter and Hofer techniques due to the reduced volume of circulat-
2008). ing blood in children. The use of routine blood
132 B.-M. Bellander and R. P. Nielsen

Table 19.1 Specific sampling (adults) at NCCU East JM, Viau-Lapointe J, McCredie VA.  Transfusion
Karolinska practices in traumatic brain injury. Curr Opin
Anaesthesiol. 2018;31:219–26.
 1. Blood
Epstein DS, Mitra B, Cameron PA, Fitzgerald M,
   (a) Erythrocytes, EVF, hemoglobin, MCH, MCV Rosenfeld JV.  Acute traumatic coagulopathy in
  2.  Acid-base status the setting of isolated traumatic brain injury: defi-
   (a) Arterial blood gas including b-glucose nition, incidence and outcomes. Br J Neurosurg.
 3. Electrolytes 2015;29:118–22.
   (a) P-Sodium Ganter MT, Hofer CK.  Coagulation monitoring: cur-
   (b) S-Osmolality rent techniques and clinical use of viscoelastic
point-of-care coagulation devices. Anesth Analg.
   (c) P-Phosphate
   (d) P-Potassium George JC, Zafar W, Bucaloiu ID, Chang AR. Risk factors
   (e) P-Magnesium and outcomes of rapid correction of severe hyponatre-
 4. Coagulation mia. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018;13:984–92.
   (a) Thrombocytes Huijben JA, Volovici V, Cnossen MC, Haitsma IK,
   (b) P-fibrin soluble Stocchetti N, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Ercole A, Citerio
   (c) P-fibrinogen G, Nelson D, Polinder S, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma HF,
   (d) P-PK(INR) van der Jagt M, C.-T. investigators, and participants.
Variation in general supportive and preventive inten-
   (e) ROTEM and/or Multiplate in certain cases
sive care management of traumatic brain injury: a
 5. Infection survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the
   (a) Leukocytes Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness
   (b) p-CRP Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI)
   (c) s-Procalcitonin study. Crit Care. 2018;22:90.
 6. Glucose Jones PA, Andrews PJD, Midgley S, Anderson SI, Piper
    (a) b-HbA1c (IFCC) IR, Tocher JL, Housley AM, Corrie JA, Slattery J,
Dearden NM, Miller JD. Measuring the burden of sec-
 7. Renal
ondary insults in head-injured patients during inten-
   (a) p-Creatinine sive care. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 1994;6:4–14.
  8.  Liver and pancreas: Krinsley JS, Grover A. Severe hypoglycemia in critically
   (a) p-ASAT ill patients: risk factors and outcomes. Crit Care Med.
   (b) p-Urea 2007;35:2262–7.
   (c) p-Bilirubin Lam AM, Winn HR, Cullen BF, Sundling N. Hyperglycemia
  (d) p-GT and neurological outcome in patients with head injury.
  (e) p-Pancreas-amylase J Neurosurg. 1991;75:545–51.
McHugh GS, Engel DC, Butcher I, Steyerberg EW, Lu
 9. Muscle injuries
J, Mushkudiani N, Hernández AV, Marmarou A, Maas
   (a) p-Myoglobin AI, Murray GD. Prognostic value of secondary insults
10. Biomarkers in traumatic brain injury: results from the IMPACT
   (a) s-S100B study. J Neurotrauma. 2007;24:287–93.
11. Heart Murray GD, Butcher I, McHugh GS, Lu J, Mushkudiani
   (a) p-Troponin T NA, Maas AI, Marmarou A, Steyerberg
EW.  Multivariable prognostic analysis in traumatic
brain injury: results from the IMPACT study. J
samples should be avoided due to the risk of ane- Neurotrauma. 2007;24:329–37.
Nekludov M, Bellander BM, Blombäck M, Wallen
mia in small children. Some reference values will HN. Platelet dysfunction in patients with severe trau-
differ from the adult values. matic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 2007;11:1699–706.
Nelson DW, Rudehill A, MacCallum RM, Holst A,
Wanecek M, Weitzberg E, Bellander BM. Multivariate
outcome prediction in traumatic brain injury
References with focus on laboratory values. J Neurotrauma.
Chesnut RM, Marshall LF, Klauber MR, Blunt BA, Oddo M, Schmidt JM, Carrera E, Badjatia N, Connolly
Baldwin N, Eisenberg HM, Jane JA, Marmarou ES, Presciutti M, Ostapkovich ND, Levine JM, Le
A, Foulkes MA.  The role of secondary brain injury Roux P, SA M.  Impact of tight glycemic control on
in determining outcome from severe head injury. J cerebral glucose metabolism after severe brain injury:
Trauma. 1993;34:216–22. a microdialysis study. Crit Care Med. 2008;36:3233–8.
19  Blood Samples 133

Polderman KH. Acute renal failure and rhabdomyolysis. Uccella L, Zoia C, Bongetta D, Gaetani P, Martig F,
Int J Artif Organs. 2004;27:1030–3. Candrian C, Rosso R. Are antiplatelet and anticoagu-
Salim A, Hadjizacharia P, DuBose J, Brown C, Inaba K, lants drugs a risk factor for bleeding in mild traumatic
Chan L, Margulies DR. Role of anemia in traumatic brain injury? World Neurosurg. 2018;110:e339–45.
brain injury. J Am Coll Surg. 2008;207:398–406. Van den Berghe G, Schoonheydt K, Becx P, Bruyninckx
Stocchetti N, Furlan A, Volta F.  Hypoxemia and arterial F, Wouters PJ. Insulin therapy protects the central and
hypotension at the accident scene in head injury. J peripheral nervous system of intensive care patients.
Trauma. 1996;40:764–7. Neurology. 2005;64:1348–53.
Temkin NR, Anderson GD, Winn HR, Ellenbogen RG, Vespa P, McArthur DL, Stein N, Huang SC, Shao W,
Britz GW, Schuster J, Lucas T, Newell DW, Mansfield Filippou M, Etchepare M, Glenn T, Hovda DA. Tight
PN, Machamer JE, Barber J, SS D.  Magnesium glycemic control increases metabolic distress in trau-
sulfate for neuroprotection after traumatic brain matic brain injury: a randomized controlled within-­
injury: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Neurol. subjects trial. Crit Care Med. 2012;40:1923–9.
2007;6:29–38. Wiegele M, Schochl H, Haushofer A, Ortler M, Leitgeb J,
Thelin E, Al Nimer F, Frostell A, Zetterberg H, Blennow Kwasny O, Beer R, Ay C, Schaden E. Diagnostic and
K, Nyström H, Svensson M, Bellander BM, Piehl therapeutic approach in adult patients with traumatic
F, Nelson DW.  A serum protein biomarker panel brain injury receiving oral anticoagulant therapy: an
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traumatic brain injury: impact of preinjury platelet localized injury. Blood. 2018;131:2001–6.
inhibitor or warfarin treatment. World Neurosurg.
To Treat or Not to Treat
in the Acute Setting (Withholding) 20
and Withdrawal of Treatment

Magnus Olivecrona

Recommendations There is insufficient evidence for the prognos-

tic value of biomarkers.
Level I There is insufficient evidence to base treat-
ment decisions solely on prognostic calculators
There are no data supporting an individual prog- and instruments.
nosis at this level.

Level II Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

• Be aware that the presentation of poor
There are no data supporting an individual prog- prognostic factors such as bilateral
nosis at this level. dilated and fixed pupils does not neces-
There is prognostic value in age, GCS, GCS sarily mean that the patient will not sur-
motor score, pupillary reaction, hypotension, vive or even have a favourable
hypoxia, CT findings, blood chemistry, ethnic outcome.
origin, and social background. • Be aware of not letting poor prognostic
factors become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Level III • There is, at present, no prognostic
instrument or tool which allows for
There are some data supporting individual prog- prognostication in an individual case,
nosis using prognostic models and calculators at and thus no sole instrument or tool can
this level. be used to make treatment decisions in
There seems to be some prognostic value in an individual case.
ICP, CPP and PRx.

M. Olivecrona (*)
Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of
20.1 Overview
Medicine, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
Prognosis is derived from the Greek πρόγνωση
Section for Neurosurgery, Department of
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, which means literally “fore-knowing” and
University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden “foreseeing”.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 135

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
136 M. Olivecrona

The prognosis of a condition can be used to recent attempts to prognosticate in relation to

discuss the seriousness or likely outcome. It can more refined outcomes such as quality of life
as such be used as an aid in the information pro- have been attempted (Haller 2017; Norup et  al.
cess to the patient and/or her/his relatives. It also 2017).
gives information to the treating physician about The influence of different prognostic factors
what she/he could expect. on the outcome can be analysed using statistical
The accuracy of prognosis on group or popu- methods. The influence of a single factor on out-
lation level can be very precise. At the individual come can be analysed using univariate analysis.
level, the prognosis is most often considerably This result is of limited value. To adjust for con-
less accurate. founders, and/or the influence of other prognostic
There are several factors that prognosticate factors, more advanced statistical methods have
poor outcome in severe traumatic brain injury. to be used, e.g. logistic regression or multivariate
Among these are age, GCS, pupillary dilatation analysis. Further statistical modelling can result
with loss of light reflex, hypoxia, hypotension, in prognostic models, which even can have the
intradural mass lesions on the CT scan and pres- intension of prognosis at individual level.
ence of subarachnoidal or intraventricular blood Factors analysed for prognostic value can be
on CT scan. of different kinds: patient characteristics (e.g.
The ultimate use of the prognostication would age, sex), admission data (e.g. GCS, blood pres-
be that the prognosis was so precise, on an indi- sure), or data from the clinical course (e.g. ICP,
vidual level, that it allowed for treatment deci- CPP, seizures). These factors are then analysed
sions and thus to individualisation of the against different outcome measures such as GOS,
treatment and care. GOSE, or quality of life.
The treating physician has to be aware of the Several attempts have been made to create
limitations of the prognosis and thus show cau- complex prognostic models using several of the
tion in using the estimated prognosis for making prognostic factors. An interesting observation is
treatment decisions for the individual patient. that in most of these attempts to create a prognos-
There is a risk that a single negative prognos- tic model for severe traumatic brain injury, the
tic factor, e.g. bilaterally dilated and fixed pupils, treatment protocols used are not taken into
which is, on the group level, a strong negative account.
prognostic factor, will be used as foundation for a
treatment decision in an individual patient and
thus becomes a self-fulfilling prognostic factor. 20.3 Prognostic Factors

20.3.1 Patient Characteristics

20.2 Background
Sex: In severe traumatic brain injury, the majority
Prognosis of the outcome in head trauma has of the patients are men. There is no difference
always interested man. In the ancient literature, between the sexes in regard to prognosis
references to the prognosis of head trauma are (Ellenberg et al. 1996; Husson et al. 2010; MRC
found, e.g. in the Edgar Smith papyrus (n.d.) and CRASH Trial Collaborators et al. 2008; Butcher
in the writings of Hippocrates (1999). et al. 2007).
Today, the prognosis of outcome of severe Age: Increasing age is a strong predictor for
traumatic brain injury is mostly defined in rela- poorer outcome (MRC CRASH Trial
tion to the outcome, measured as GOS or GOSE Collaborators et  al. 2008; Combes et  al. 1996;
(Jennett and Bond 1975; Wilson et al. 1998). This Hukkelhoven et  al. 2003; Mushkudiani et  al.
can be in relation to every single level of the 2007). Some studies show a breaking point
scales or to different dichotomisations, such as around 30–40  years (Hukkelhoven et  al. 2003;
dead/alive or favourable/unfavourable. More Mushkudiani et al. 2007). The most head injury
20  To Treat or Not to Treat in the Acute Setting (Withholding) and Withdrawal of Treatment 137

trials have an upper age limit of 60–70 years; so Pupillary reaction: The absence of pupillary
not so much is known of the prognosis in the reaction in one or both eyes is a strong, negative
elderly (Ostermann et al. 2018; Patel et al. 2010; prognostic factor (MRC CRASH Trial
Wan et al. 2017). Collaborators et  al. 2008; Marmarou et  al.
The relation between age and outcome in the 2007a). This factor is claimed to be less sensitive
paediatric population is not very well studied. for changes over time. In many studies of severe
Ethnic origin: There are some studies that traumatic brain injury, dilated fixed pupil or
indicate that the prognosis in black patients is pupils are an exclusion criterion. There are papers
found to be poorer as compared with Caucasians that report good outcome (GOS 4–5) in patients
(Mushkudiani et  al. 2007; Perrin et  al. 2014; with dilated and fixed pupils (Mauritz et al. 2009;
Shafi et al. 2007; Sorani et al. 2009). Olivecrona et al. 2009a; Clusmann et al. 2001).
Minority status and poorer socio-economic Also loss of pupillary reaction unilaterally is a
status: There are some publications indicating bad prognostic sign, though not as bad as the loss
poorer outcome after moderate and severe trau- of pupillary reactivity bilaterally. For poorer out-
matic brain injury in people of minority status or come, an odds ratio of around 7 for bilateral loss
in poorer socio-economic status (Arango-­ of pupil reactivity has been reported, as com-
Lasprilla et al. 2007a, b). pared with an odds ratio of 3 for unilateral loss of
pupil reactivity (Marmarou et al. 2007a).
Hypotension: Hypotension, defined as a sys-
20.3.2 Injury Severity, Clinical tolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, is a strong prog-
Characteristics nostic factor (Butcher et al. 2007; Chesnut et al.
1993a; Miller et  al. 1978; Murray et  al. 2007;
Glasgow Coma Score, Glasgow Motor Score: Walia and Sutcliffe 2002). A bell-shaped curve
Both are strong predictors for outcome irrespec- for the impact of blood pressure on outcome has
tive of time point for assessment (Husson et  al. been reported. This curve shows a better progno-
2010; MRC CRASH Trial Collaborators et  al. sis for systolic blood pressures between 120 and
2008; Marmarou et al. 2007a). The assessment of 150 mmHg, corresponding to mean arterial blood
GCS is time dependent in the course of severe pressure of 85–100 mmHg (Butcher et al. 2007).
traumatic brain injury (Arbabi et  al. 2004; Hypoxia: Hypoxia is a factor for poor out-
Stocchetti et al. 2004). The time point has to be come (Chesnut et  al. 1993a; Miller et  al. 1978;
taken into consideration, if the assessment is done Hukkelhoven et al. 2005; McHugh et al. 2007).
in the site of trauma, in the emergency room, after The definition of hypoxia varies between studies
stabilisation, or even after intubation. (SaO2 < 90/92% or PaO2 < 8 kPa).
In unconscious patients, the motor score has Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), Injury Severity
been claimed to be more reliable than the total Score (ISSS): These scores are commonly used to
GCS score (Healey et al. 2003). describe extracranial injury (Rating the severity
The modern care of severe traumatic brain of tissue damage 1971; Baker et  al. 1974).
injury includes early intubation and sedation, Whether extracranial injuries affect the prognosis
which has to be taken into consideration or not has been discussed, and findings in both
(Stocchetti et al. 2004; Balestreri et al. 2005). directions have been reported. It seems that the
We have to bear in mind that a GCS of 3 is an extent of the extracranial injury has a larger influ-
exclusion criterion in many studies; however, ence in persons with milder brain injury than in
papers reporting good outcome (GOS 4–5) in persons with severe brain injury. It also seems
patients with an initial GCS of 3 have been pub- that the extent of extracranial injury mostly
lished (Chamoun et al. 2009; Mauritz et al. 2009; affects the early mortality (van Leeuwen et  al.
Olivecrona et al. 2009a). 2012).
138 M. Olivecrona

20.3.3 Laboratory Parameters than the Marshall classification (Maas et  al.
2005). It also allows for the comparison of the
Initial blood glucose: A high blood glucose level CT scans over time.
correlates positively with poor outcome (Helmy Magnetic resonance tomography: MR imag-
et al. 2010; Van Beek et al. 2007). ing might have an important role in prognostica-
Initial sodium levels: Low and high sodium tion after severe head injury. The method is
levels are associated with poor outcome (Van complicated to use in an intensive care setting. In
Beek et al. 2007). almost all of the studies reporting on MR find-
Haemoglobin: Low haemoglobin is a factor in ings, the investigation has been done at 1 week or
poor prognosis (Helmy et  al. 2010; Van Beek later after trauma. Thus, the findings will have
et al. 2007). little consequence on the early prognostication.
Biomarkers: Biomarkers such as S-100B, The timing of the MR investigation seems to
neuron-­ specific enolase, and ApoE (ε) have have an influence on the use of the results for
attracted much attention for their possible prog- prognostication (Moen et  al. 2012; Skandsen
nostic value. The findings have been confound- et al. 2011). On the other hand, it can be a useful
ing. Some authors find prognostic value in the tool in understanding the process of the disease.
biomarkers (Nylen et  al. 2008; Rainey et  al.
2009; Rothoerl et al. 2000; Teasdale et al. 1997;
Vos et  al. 2010) and some authors do not 20.3.5 Clinical Course
(Alexander et al. 2007; Olivecrona et al. 2009b;
Teasdale et al. 2005). Intracranial pressure: Intuitively, one would
No biomarker has yet been proven to have a assume that ICP should be a strong prognostic
strong predictive value. factor. Some treatment concepts are focused on
reducing the ICP (ICP targeted therapy). Most
authors report correlations between, e.g. the
20.3.4 Structural Imaging highest observed ICP and outcome and the mean
ICP over at certain time or the “delivered” ICP
Computerised tomography: In 1991, Marshall over time (Farahvar et al. 2011; Vik et al. 2008).
and collaborators introduced a system to classify The majority of authors do present a prognostic
CT scans. This system was initially designed as a value of ICP (Balestreri et  al. 2005; Farahvar
descriptive method (Marshall et  al. 1991). The et  al. 2011; Vik et  al. 2008; Marmarou et  al.
Marshall classification, which focuses on mass 1991). Strictly, the prognostic value of ICP is dif-
lesions, has been correlated to prognosis ficult to interpret.
(Servadei et al. 2000). The importance of the CT Cerebral perfusion pressure: Intuitively, the
scan features for the prognosis was well estab- CPP should be a prognostic factor. The same
lished in the treatment guidelines published in applies for the CPP as for the ICP; there have
2000 (The Brain Trauma Foundation 2000). A been many different ways trying to establish a
combination of different CT features, such as prognostic correlation. Authors have reported the
shift of the midline structures, the presence of prognostic value of CPP (Clifton et al. 2002; Juul
subarachnoid blood and epidural haematoma, or et al. 2000; Kirkness et al. 2005), and others have
compression of basal cisterns, increases the prog- reported of the non-prognostic value of the CPP
nostic value (Maas et al. 2005, 2007). The pres- (Balestreri et  al. 2006). Strictly the prognostic
ence of subarachnoid blood seems to be one of value of the CPP is difficult to interpret.
the strongest predictors of poor outcome (Maas Periods of hypotension and hypoxia: There are
et al. 2005). The Rotterdam classification of the reports stating that the number and duration of
CT scan introduced by Maas and collaborators in episodes with hypotension and/or hypoxia during
2005 seems to have a stronger predictive value the course of treatment correlates negatively to
20  To Treat or Not to Treat in the Acute Setting (Withholding) and Withdrawal of Treatment 139

the outcome (Chesnut et al. 1993a, b; Sarrafzadeh from the prospective trials. These data have then
et al. 2001). been analysed using advanced statistics to pro-
Autoregulation, Pressure reactivity—PR index duce models of prognostication. One of the goals
and PRx: The PR, which is the regression coeffi- has been to try to find a model allowing for indi-
cient of several MAP/ICP points, can be regarded vidualised prognostication.
as a surrogate measure for the autoregulative Some of these attempts have resulted in prog-
state of the brain, with a negative to zero value of nostic formulas or calculators of which some are
the PR regarded as indicator of intact autoregula- available on the Internet (see Table 20.1).
tion. A disturbed autoregulation has been reported Several of these prognostic models have been
to correlate with or even predict poor outcome validated using external data. These validations
(Balestreri et al. 2005; Adams et al. 2017; Hiler have found a fairly good reliability (Castano-­
et al. 2006; Howells et al. 2005; Sorrentino et al. Leon et al. 2016; Han et al. 2014; Majdan et al.
2012; Zweifel et al. 2008). 2014; Olivecrona and Koskinen 2012; Olivecrona
and Olivecrona 2013). On attempts to validate
these prognostic tools, several authors found a
20.4 Prognostic Models: To Make tendency to an overestimation of the risk for
a Prognosis poorer outcomes. None of the instruments are
good enough to allow for prognostication and
During the last decade, several attempts to con- thus not allowing for treatment decisions in an
struct a prognosis model based on different prog- individual case. The user of these prognostic
nostic factors have been done. One has used tools has to be aware of the limitations of the
pooled data from large series of patients, e.g. prognostication.

Table 20.1  Prognostic calculators available on-line

Name Factors used Link Predicts for
IMPACT (Marmarou et al. Clinical data Mortality and
2007b) CT findings calc unfavourable outcome
Laboratory data at 6 months
CRASH (MRC CRASH Clinical data Mortality at 14 days
Trial Collaborators et al. CT findings Risk%20calculator/index.html Unfavourable outcome
2008) at 6 months
Nijmegen (Jacobs et al. Clinical data Mortality at 6 months
2013) CT findings Unfavourable outcome
at 6 months
Helsinki score (Raj et al. Clinical data Mortality at 6 months
2014) CT findings Unfavourable outcome
at 6 months
Stockholm score (Nelson CT findings Probability score for unfavourable Best outcome at 1 year
et al. 2010) Clinical data outcome:
1/1 + e(3,5-1,1∗tally)
Tally = midline-shift
(mm)/10 + SAH/IVH-score/2–1 (if
EDH) + 1 if DAI + 1(if dual-sided
SDH) + 1
Stockholm rule of thumb Probability for unfavourable Best outcome at 1 year
(Nelson et al. 2010) outcome:
Age—3 ∗GCS + mid-line shift
(mm) + 10 rule
10 rule = +10 if non-responsive
pupils; +10 if SAH/ÌVH; +10 if DAI;
−10 if EDH
140 M. Olivecrona

20.5 T
 o Treat or Not to Treat: information about the risk of cerebral hypo-­
Does the Knowledge About perfusion/ischaemia.
Prognosis Help? If one starts with an aggressive treatment
approach, one also has to be open for continuous
When the unconscious trauma victim, i.e. the re-evaluation of this treatment decision. It is in
person with a severe head injury, arrives in the this process of a continuing re-evaluation of treat-
A&E, the receiving physician or surgeon is put to ment that the knowledge about certain factors’
a challenge. She or he has relatively limited influence on prognosis comes to use. This in a
information to make difficult decisions, the basic synthesis with clinical experience, local experi-
question being to initiate treatment or not. ence, and knowledge about the attitudes of the
First of the questions is if diagnostic proce- stricken and its relatives, will build a ground on
dures should be initiated or if the patient e.g. has which the treating physician or surgeon can make
fixed and dilated pupils upon arrival, the decision decisions about the treatment ambitions, level of
to just say that the prognosis is so bad that there treatment, or even withdrawal of treatment.
is no indication for any kind of diagnostic mea-
sures. As the author has tried to outline above,
there are so many factors to take into consider- 20.6 Specific Paediatric Concerns
ation in this decision.
Irrespective of later decisions, one should There are relatively few studies of severe trau-
even in this acute situation try to gather as much matic brain injury in the paediatric population.
information as possible. Generally, one can assume the severely injured
To manage this would, in the opinion of the child has a better prognosis than the adult with a
author, be to (if so needed) secure the airway and corresponding injury. This might be due to sev-
progress to doing a CT scan, preferable a “trauma eral factors, such as greater plasticity of the
CT” including not only the head but also the main young brain, a general better healing capacity,
part of the body. In this time, there is an opportu- and fewer concomitant diseases.
nity to gather more information about the history One recent publication indicates that PRx has
of the patient, the circumstances surrounding the a prognostic value for children (Hockel et  al.
accident, and primary clinical and neurological 2017).
status. This together with the information attained Generally, the recommendation must be to
from the CT scan gives valuable information for treat a child with severe traumatic brain injury
the decision-making process. aggressively.
Even though several markers for poor progno-
sis might be present, we also know that the exact-
ness of the prognosis is not very good at the References
individual level.
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Potential Organ Donor: Organ
Donor Management 21
Pia Löwhagen Hendén

Recommendations 21.1 Introduction

Level I The primary aim in the critical care of severe

TBI is to provide full neurointensive care until
There are mostly insufficient data to sup- treatment is regarded futile. If all objective signs
port Level I recommendations for this topic. indicate complete loss of brain function, proce-
Randomized controlled trials on active lung treat- dures leading to the diagnosis of death are initi-
ment, including lung protective ventilation, have ated. For the potential organ donor, the critical
shown increased number of eligible and trans- care is changed toward maintenance of organ
planted lungs with unchanged recipient survival function and investigation of donation will.
rates. Potential organ donor, according to the termi-
nology recommended by the WHO 2010, is “a
Level II person whose clinical condition is suspected to
fulfill brain death criteria” (Dominguez-Gil et al.
Active donor management according to “bundle” 2011).
protocols is associated with more organs trans- Diagnosis of death is regulated in national
planted per donor. Hormone replacement therapy legal documents and is subjected to modifica-
(HRT) and strict blood glucose control are both tions. The basis of diagnosis of death is, in most
associated with more organs transplanted per western countries, the irreversible cessation of all
donor. functions of the entire brain, including the brain-
stem (Citerio and Murphy 2015). We emphasize
Level III that organ donation from diseased persons is reg-
ulated by each country’s legislation.
Active donor management according to “bundle” Death due to brain-related criteria leads to
protocols is associated with more organs trans- circulatory, pulmonary, renal, hepatic, and meta-
planted per donor. bolic consequences that need attention in order
to maintain sufficient organ function. The treat-
ment strategies should aim at normalization of
P. Löwhagen Hendén (*) organ physiology as far as possible (Maciel and
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Greer 2016; Kotloff et  al. 2015; McKeown and
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Ball 2014).
Gothenburg, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 145

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
146 P. Löwhagen Hendén

21.2 O
 rgan Donor Management 21.3 Pathophysiology
Goals of Brainstem Herniation
and Death
Rigorous organ donor management is a major
determinant of outcome after organ transplan- With increasing intracranial pressure, the brain-
tation. The use of an organ donor management stem herniation into foramen magnum leads to
protocol with physiological goals is mandatory. pathophysiological changes explained by the ros-
Several studies have shown that achieving organ tral to caudal brainstem ischemia evolution. The
donor physiological goals before the organ faster the herniation process, the more aggra-
donation surgery results in a higher number vating pathophysiological signs are seen. Initial
of available organs per donor and better organ parasympathetic stimulation with profound bra-
outcomes (Patel et  al. 2014, 2017; Abuanzeh dycardia is followed by a sympathetic storm with
et  al. 2015; Marshall et  al. 2014). Common hypertension and tachycardia. Finally, loss of
organ donor physiological goals are presented sympathetic tone causes peripheral vasodilation
in Table 21.1. However, management strategies and hypotension.
for the treatment of the organ donor and pres- Both the hypertension and the hypotension
ervation of organ function are based on sparse have the potential to result in end-organ damage
scientific evidence. during and after the brainstem herniation process.

Table 21.1  Organ donor management goals

Parameter Goal Commentary
Systolic blood pressure >100 mmHg Maintain normovolemia with sufficient fluids and use vasopressor
Mean arterial pressure >60 mmHg support
Cardiac output >2.5 L/min/m2 Maintain normovolemia with sufficient fluids and use vasopressor
Inotropic drugs as needed
Lactate <2 mmol/L Maintain normovolemia with sufficient fluids and use vasopressor
Urinary output >1 mL/kg/h Maintain normovolemia with sufficient fluids and use vasopressor
Hemoglobin >70 g/L Transfusion of red blood cells
PaO2 >10 kPa Use lung protective ventilation, avoid atelectasis and aspiration
PaCO2 4.5–6.0 kPa Normoventilation
Central venous pressure <10 mmHg Maintain normovolemia. Too high PEEP will impede venous return
Body temperature >35 °C Warming blankets, warm fluids
Blood glucose <5–10 mmol/L Short-acting insulin
Sodium <155 mmol/L Desmopressin, restricted use of sodium-containing fluids
Potassium-magnesium-­ Normal Electrolyte supplement
pH 7.35–7.45 Maintaining normovolemia, normoventilation, sodium bicarbonate
Platelet count >50 × 109/L Transfusion of platelets if hemorrhage
PT/INRa >1.5 Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma if hemorrhage
Prothrombin time/International Normalised Ratio
21  Potential Organ Donor: Organ Donor Management 147

Cessation of the cerebral blood flow leads Subsequent hypotension, due to loss of vaso-
to hypothalamic and hypophysis insufficiency, motor tone, is the major problem in the care of an
resulting in lost thermoregulation, hypother- organ donor. Hypotension caused by vasodilation
mia, and lack of hypophysis hormones. The can be aggravated by hypovolemia due to diabe-
­sympathetic storm triggers the inflammatory sys- tes insipidus or pre-existing hypovolemia before
tem as well as the coagulation system and leads herniation, caused by hemorrhage and cerebral
to peripheral insulin resistance. edema treatment (i.e., mannitol and negative fluid
Not all patients experience all the described balance).
effects. Diabetes insipidus, for example, as a sign To achieve the organ donor goals, blood pres-
of posterior hypophysis insufficiency, is described sure should be kept at an acceptable level using
in 65–90% of brain-dead persons (McKeown and sufficient fluids, with balanced salt content to
Ball 2014; Essien et al. 2017; Smith 2004). avoid hypernatremia, and in addition, most
donors need vasopressor support. Fluid resusci-
tation should exclude hydroxyethyl starch solu-
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls tions due to the possibility of negative effects on
Be prepared for the pathophysiological kidney function (Patel et al. 2015). No scientific
changes after brainstem herniation with the evidence exists regarding the use of crystalloids
following: versus albumin or plasma.
The preferable first-line vasopressor is, in
• Vasopressor infusion most guidelines, arginine vasopressin (antidi-
• Desmopressin uretic hormone). Another commonly used vaso-
• Warming blankets pressor is norepinephrine. Arginine vasopressin
might be in favor of norepinephrine for hemody-
By these measures, the most common namically instable patients and patients with car-
problems, i.e., profound hypotension, diac failure, due to the lack of adrenergic receptor
hypovolemia, hypernatremia, and hypo- stimulation (Kotloff et al. 2015). The vasopressin
thermia, can be avoided. analogue desmopressin has no significant vaso-
pressor activity.
In case of increasing vasopressor support,
hemodynamic monitoring (PICCO, PA cath-
21.4 Circulatory Considerations eter, repeated echocardiography) should be
instituted to differ between vasoplegia, hypovo-
Hypertension during brainstem herniation is most lemia, and cardiac failure and to tailor the treat-
often self-limiting. The sympathetic storm results ment and avoid coronary, renal, and splanchnic
in increased preload and afterload for the heart vasoconstriction.
with an obvious risk of cardiac ischemia, arrhyth- Dopamine, milrinone, dobutamine, or epi-
mia, and pulmonary edema. Treatment with short- nephrine may be used in primary cardiac pump
acting agents (i.e., esmolol, labetalol, metoprolol) dysfunction. Hypothermal myocardial depres-
might be necessary to protect the heart. sion must be avoided. Repeated echocardiog-
Bradycardia in this setting cannot be treated raphy examinations should be performed in
with atropine as the vagus nerve is not active. assessment for heart donation, as myocardial
If bradycardia has to be treated, beta-receptor-­ hypokinesia occurring during brainstem hernia-
stimulating drugs can be used (isoprenaline). tion might be reversible.
148 P. Löwhagen Hendén

Recommended doses for vasoactive drugs are lead to severe hypovolemia and hypernatremia.
as follows: Clinically manifest diabetes insipidus (urinary
output >300 mL/h, serum sodium >150 mmol/L,
• Norepinephrine <0.2 mcg/kg/min urinary sodium <20  mmol/L, urinary specific
• Arginine vasopressin 0.5–4 U/h gravity ≤1.005) can threaten organ donation due
• Dopamine <10 mcg/kg/min to the profound hypovolemia.
• Dobutamine <10 mcg/kg/min Treatment is by bolus dose of the vasopressin
analogue desmopressin (1-deamino-8-d-arginine
If recommended doses are exceeded, a combi- vasopressin, DDAVP) or by infusion of argi-
nation of vasoactive drugs should be considered. nine vasopressin (8-arginine vasopressin, AVP).
Bolus dose of methylprednisolone is included Arginine vasopressin is an exact synthetic protein
in most protocols for its effect on hemodynamic of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
stabilization, although the scientific evidence is Recommended doses are as follows: for des-
weak (D’Aragon et al. 2017; Dupuis et al. 2014). mopressin titrated bolus doses of 0.25–1 mcg IV
The recommendation is methylprednisolone and for arginine vasopressin infusion 0.6–2.4 U/h
15 mg/kg IV as a bolus in conjunction with the (Kotloff et  al. 2015). It is important to remem-
brain death declaration. ber that the terminal half-life of desmopressin is
In several protocols, a combined hormone around 3 h in patients without renal impairment.
replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended if Administration of desmopressin and arginine
hemodynamic goals are not met despite vaso- vasopressin does not negatively affect the kidney
pressor treatment and/or if left ventricular ejec- graft.
tion fraction remains less than 45% (Kotloff Drug administration is most often combined
et al. 2015). HRT includes arginine vasopressin, with administration of intravenous fluids and/
thyroid hormone (T3 or T4), methylpredniso- or pure water administration via the nasogastric
lone, and insulin. HRT is in retrospective stud- tube. The urinary losses of magnesium, phos-
ies associated with improved number of organs phate, and potassium must be replaced if pro-
transplanted per donor and improved graft found polyuria persists.
function (Buchanan and Mehta 2018; Novitzky
et  al. 2014). Recommended doses for thyroid
hormones are as follows: T3 bolus dose 4  mcg 21.6 Pulmonary Considerations
followed by infusion 3  mcg/h or T4 bolus dose
20  mcg followed by infusion 10–40  mcg/h The lungs have the highest risk of being unsuit-
(Buchanan and Mehta 2018). T4 is converted to able for transplantation, and historically a low
T3 in target tissues. rate of suitable lungs has been identified among
Aggressive hemodynamic support prevents organ donors. Intensified lung donor manage-
cardiovascular collapse before a planned organ ment in the intensive care unit (ICU) increases
donation operation. Without vigorous treatment, the number of lungs recovered and transplanted
25–40% of the organ donors will have a circula- (Minambres et al. 2014, 2013; Kirschbaum and
tory arrest within the first few days (McKeown Hudson 2010; Venkateswaran et al. 2008; Angel
and Ball 2014). et al. 2006).
During the brainstem herniation, the sym-
pathetic storm can result in both a neurogenic
21.5 Central Diabetes Insipidus and a cardiogenic lung edema. The use of col-
loids together with meticulous fluid balance
Diabetes insipidus, caused by decreased secre- has shown to be beneficial in minimizing the
tion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), leads to development of pulmonary edema (Dictus et al.
polyuria, and if left uncorrected, it will quickly 2009).
21  Potential Organ Donor: Organ Donor Management 149

The lungs are also most susceptible to the sys- 21.7 Renal and Hepatic
temic inflammatory response caused by the sym- Considerations
pathetic storm, and they might furthermore be
harmed following blunt trauma and/or aspiration. The kidneys and liver are affected both by the
There is also a risk of ventilator-associated pneu- sympathetic storm and by the following hypoten-
monia in the ICU. Every effort should be made to sive situation. Hemodynamic optimization is of
prevent further exacerbation of pre-existing lung uttermost importance for possible donation. The
injury. Antibiotics should be liberally adminis- urinary output should be kept >1 mL/kg/h. This is
tered after a bronchoscopy has been performed primarily achieved by adequate fluid administra-
(to obtain material for bacterial examination and tion and vasopressor support. Expert opinions dif-
culture). fer regarding which vasopressor agent should be
Most donor management protocols include first line in a kidney donor; both norepinephrine
administration of corticosteroids (methylprednis- and vasopressin are used. As earlier mentioned,
olone 15 mg/kg) moderating the release of pro- fluid resuscitation should exclude hydroxyethyl
inflammatory molecules and, in animal models, starch solutions due to the possibility of negative
improving alveolar fluid clearance (Folkesson effects on kidney function (Patel et al. 2015). In a
et al. 2000). Clinically, improved donor oxygen- multicenter RCT, low-dose dopamine (4 mcg/kg/
ation, lung utilization, and graft outcomes are min) reduced the need for dialysis after kidney
described (Naik and Angel 2011; Follette et  al. transplantation with no effect on graft survival
1998). (Schnuelle et al. 2017, 2018).
The lung donor management protocols
21.8 Metabolic Considerations
• Methylprednisolone
• Lung protective ventilation Hypophysis insufficiency includes hormones
–– Low tidal volumes (6–8  mL/kg predicted from both posterior and anterior hypophysis as
body weight) vasopressin, oxytocin, ACTH, GH, LH, FSH,
–– Normoventilation (PaCO2 4.5–6.0 kPa) and TSH.  Administration of the vasopressin
–– Plateau inspiratory pressure <30 cm H2O analogue desmopressin, in order to treat diabe-
–– PEEP of (5–)10 cm H2O tes insipidus, is considered standard procedure
In one RCT, lung protective ventilation in organ donor management (Maciel and Greer
resulted in 54% of the lungs being utilized for 2016; Kotloff et  al. 2015; McKeown and Ball
transplantation compared to 27% in the control 2014), and replacement with corticosteroids is
group (Mascia et al. 2010). included in most organ donor management pro-
• Neutral fluid balance tocols although the scientific evidence is scarce
• Avoiding atelectasis by (D’Aragon et al. 2017; Dupuis et al. 2014).
–– Adequate, individualized PEEP titration Thyroid hormone replacement might be of ben-
–– Regularly turning the patient efit in therapy-resistant hemodynamic instability
–– Humidification of inspired air/oxygen (Buchanan and Mehta 2018; Novitzky et al. 2014).
–– Appropriate bronchoscopies if necessary to Hypothalamic insufficiency leads to dysregu-
avoid mucous plugs lation of body temperature, most often resulting
–– Careful recruitment maneuvers with subse- in hypothermia. Hypothermia can cause numer-
quent adequate PEEP setting ous complications such as decreased cardiac
• Avoiding gastric aspiration by contractility, cardiac arrhythmia, and coagulation
–– Elevation of the head of the bed disorders and must be prevented by warm blan-
–– Oral care kets, external warming devices, and warm fluids.
–– Assessing for a cuff leak The body temperature should be kept >35 °C.
150 P. Löwhagen Hendén

Hyperglycemia is considered to be a conse- References

quence of elevated levels of catecholamines, infu-
sion of glucose, administration of corticosteroids, Abuanzeh R, Hashmi F, Dimarakis I, Khasati N, Machaal
A, Yonan N, et al. Early donor management increases
and peripheral insulin resistance. Blood glucose the retrieval rate of hearts for transplantation in mar-
≤180  mg/dL (10  mmol/L) was an independent ginal donors. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015;47(1):72–
predictor of number of organs transplanted per 7; discussion 7.
donor and better graft outcome in a retrospective Angel LF, Levine DJ, Restrepo MI, Johnson S, Sako
E, Carpenter A, et  al. Impact of a lung transplanta-
study (Sally et al. 2014). Normoglycemia should tion donor-management protocol on lung donation
be maintained and insulin infusion is most often and recipient outcomes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
needed. 2006;174(6):710–6.
Lingering respiratory alkalosis as a result of Buchanan IA, Mehta VA. Thyroid hormone resuscitation
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stem herniation should be corrected and results in literature. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2018;165:96–102.
normalization of arterial pH in order to promote Citerio G, Murphy PG.  Brain death: the European per-
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D’Aragon F, Belley-Cote E, Agarwal A, Frenette AJ,
abolic acidosis as a result of hypoperfusion must Lamontagne F, Guyatt G, et  al. Effect of corticoste-
be avoided. roid administration on neurologically deceased organ
Coagulopathies, e.g., disseminated intravas- donors and transplant recipients: a systematic review
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21.9 Specific Pediatric Concerns 2011;24(4):373–8.
Dupuis S, Amiel JA, Desgroseilliers M, Williamson DR,
Thiboutot Z, Serri K, et al. Corticosteroids in the man-
Scientific data concerning donor management agement of brain-dead potential organ donors: a sys-
strategies are limited in adults and even more tematic review. Br J Anaesth. 2014;113(3):346–59.
limited when it comes to children (Mallory et al. Essien EO, Fioretti K, Scalea TM, Stein DM. Physiologic
2009; Finfer et al. 1996). Pediatric organ donors features of brain death. Am Surg. 2017;83(8):850–4.
Finfer S, Bohn D, Colpitts D, Cox P, Fleming F, Barker
are rare in most hospitals. The diagnosis of death G.  Intensive care management of paediatric organ
due to brain-related criteria is the same in pedi- donors and its effect on post-transplant organ function.
atric patients as in adults, although the confir- Intensive Care Med. 1996;22(12):1424–32.
mation of death in infants may require specially Folkesson HG, Norlin A, Wang Y, Abedinpour P, Matthay
MA.  Dexamethasone and thyroid hormone pretreat-
trained staff. Consultation of specific expertise ment upregulate alveolar epithelial fluid clearance
for advice and support should be liberally used, in adult rats. J Appl Physiol (Bethesda, Md: 1985).
both for diagnosis of death and for management 2000;88(2):416–24.
of the organ donor. The level of physiological and Follette DM, Rudich SM, Babcock WD. Improved oxy-
genation and increased lung donor recovery with high-­
laboratory parameters must be adjusted for age, dose steroid administration after brain death. J Heart
especially levels for blood pressure. A cuffed Lung Transplant. 1998;17(4):423–9.
endotracheal tube is recommended even in young Kirschbaum CE, Hudson S.  Increasing organ yield
children due to the risk of aspiration (Mallory through a lung management protocol. Prog Transplant
(Aliso Viejo, Calif). 2010;20(1):28–32.
et al. 2009).
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Kotloff RM, Blosser S, Fulda GJ, Malinoski D, Ahya VN, Patel MS, Zatarain J, De La Cruz S, Sally MB, Ewing
Angel L, et  al. Management of the potential organ T, Crutchfield M, et al. The impact of meeting donor
donor in the ICU: Society of Critical Care Medicine/ management goals on the number of organs trans-
American College of Chest Physicians/Association planted per expanded criteria donor: a prospective
of Organ Procurement Organizations Consensus study from the UNOS Region 5 Donor Management
Statement. Crit Care Med. 2015;43(6):1291–325. Goals Workgroup. JAMA Surg. 2014;149(9):969–75.
Maciel CB, Greer DM.  ICU management of the poten- Patel MS, Niemann CU, Sally MB, De La Cruz S, Zatarain
tial organ donor: state of the art. Curr Neurol Neurosci J, Ewing T, et al. The impact of hydroxyethyl starch
Rep. 2016;16(9):86. use in deceased organ donors on the development of
Mallory GB Jr, Schecter MG, Elidemir O.  Management delayed graft function in kidney transplant recipi-
of the pediatric organ donor to optimize lung donation. ents: a propensity-adjusted analysis. Am J Transplant.
Pediatr Pulmonol. 2009;44(6):536–46. 2015;15(8):2152–8.
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Kubal CA, Tector AJ. Donor management parameters active donor management during the hospital phase of
and organ yield: single center results. J Surg Res. care is associated with more organs transplanted per
2014;191(1):208–13. donor. J Am Coll Surg. 2017;225(4):525–31.
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organ donors on eligibility and availability of lungs for old for glucose control in organ donors after neuro-
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Transplantation. 2014;98(10):1119–27. discussion 86.
Ethical Aspects
and Communication 22
Christina Rosenlund

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Level I • The decision to limit or withdraw treat-
ment is clinically based and is always
Data are insufficient to support Level I recom- the medical doctor’s responsibility,
mendations for this subject. never the relatives.
• When treatment is withdrawn, the
Level II healthcare professionals should avoid
making decisions on behalf of the rela-
Data are insufficient to support Level II recom- tives. The patient’s last hours or days
mendations for this subject. belong to the family and they should be
informed and, if they want to, also
Level III involved in interventions.
• Organ donation is an option and not a
Effective communication is an essential nontech- burden. Present the relatives with the
nical skill for all intensive care clinicians. possibility for organ donation when this
Training, practice, preparation, and reflective is an option.
review may improve performance when conduct- • Be honest about what you know and
ing family meetings and lead to better outcomes what you don’t know.
for patients and families. • Be true.
Decision-making regarding organ dona-
tion depends heavily on the family’s trust in the
healthcare professionals, on the professional’s
communicative skills, and on the family’s under- 22.1 Overview
standing of (brain) death.
The aim of this chapter is to overview consider-
ations regarding communication with relatives
and surrogate decision-makers in the ICU setting.
A recommendation is to undergo regular training
C. Rosenlund (*) of nontechnical skills.
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Patients with severe TBI need, by definition,
Hospital, Odense, Denmark both acute and intensive care. The situation is

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 153

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
154 C. Rosenlund

often more or less chaotic, and we, as healthcare • Physical surroundings, tidy room, closed door
providers, are busy saving the patient’s life and (not standing around the ICU bed or in the
minimizing the evolvement of secondary injuries. hallway).
Finding time to inform the relatives is important, • Honesty - not creating false hope, tell what
but challenging in the acute phase. Prioritizing you know and be honest about what you do
the patient is number 1 at all times, something not know.
that the relatives expect. Nevertheless, they have • Competence. Everything is done to save the
some basic needs we should consider: patient’s life.
• Leaving room for the relatives to react and
• What has happened? speak their minds.
• Is he/she going to survive? • Time to consume the information and a pos-
• Are you doing everything you can? sibility to have a talk again.
• Can we see him/her? • Keeping your personal opinion apart from the
• Can I trust you? ethics. What is right for you is not necessarily
right for this patient and this family. Decisions
Communicating is a multidisciplinary task. involving beliefs, feelings, rituals, etc. are for
Informal communication is as important as for- the relatives to make.
mal. The nurse talking with the relatives while • The medical doctor decides to end the treat-
nursing the patient is the typical example of an ment. The relatives are to be informed and
informal situation. It is, however, important to heard. They are not the ones responsible for
initiate and maintain the formal communication ending their relative’s life.
in a formal setting. Preparation is crucial: • Be present. Turn off your phone or let some-
body else outside the room hold it and take
• Be sure to have a thorough overview of the notes for you.
patient’s history.
• Know what has been done and what is going It is important to document a summary of
to be done. the dialogue in the patient journal. It helps your
• Know what the nurse knows about the rela- colleagues to take over, and it is crucial for the
tives, the way they are related to each other, relatives’ impression of coherence that the next
what they may have expressed concerns dialogue is a continuation of the former. Official
about, etc. documentation of specific treatment limitations
• Prepare for the dialogue in the multidisci- should be made, including that relatives have
plinary team (anesthetist/intensivist, neuro- been informed of these decisions.
surgeon/neurologist, patient-responsible ICU Consider to offer counseling to the relatives.
nurse): Who does what/who leads the dia- The chaplain or psychologist has the advantage
logue? Where are we? What is the short-term of not being part of the team treating their relative
plan? and can help them to deal with their thoughts and
concerns. This is not only helpful in cases, where
Good/effective communication, especially in the patient is going to die, but also in other situ-
the acute phase and in the situation where treat- ations where a patient is critically ill, the family
ment is withdrawn, depends primarily on: structure is complex, children are involved, etc.

• Trust.
• Sensitivity overrules effectivity. 22.2 Background
• The patient is a person (son/daughter/brother
etc.), not a complex traumatic brain injury case. Understanding the relatives’ needs and what
• Thorough information, understandable/simple they understand are not something that is in
and in small portions. every medical doctor’s genes. Effective com-
22  Ethical Aspects and Communication 155

munication is an essential nontechnical skill for the relatives first realize the truth when they see
all intensive care clinicians, and there is a still the clinical examination for brain death. It is
growing acknowledgement for the importance of helpful to give the information about brain death
this (Quinn et al. 2017). Interviewing the experts, and information about organ donation in two sep-
i.e., the relatives, has revealed that they go to the arate occasions, as it is important to understand
clinician primarily for the truth and to seek hope that the patient is going to die before the relatives
elsewhere (Quinn et al. 2017; Apatira et al. 2008). can consider what to do when death has occurred.
When treating TBI patients, it is seldom possible Some relatives will, however, mention the possi-
to say anything definite about the future—even bility themselves during the first dialogue. In the
in the short term. The uncertainty is the most same study, the relatives mentioned that it was
difficult thing to cope with for the relatives. The important for them to see the organ donation as a
only way to help them is to give them insight gift and that the healthcare professionals remem-
in our plans for the nearest future and our rea- bered to treat the patient with respect as a dying
sons for choosing this path in this specific case. person and not simply as an organ donor (Jensen
Especially important is it for parents to an injured 2011).
child to have insight and a role in care (Roscigno
et al. 2013). Avoiding discussions about progno-
sis is an unacceptable way to maintain hope, and References
being able to prepare emotionally and logistically
Apatira L, Boyd EM, Evans L, Luce JL, White
for the possibility of a patient’s death is essential. D.  Hope, truth, and preparing for death: perspec-
To understand that the patient is treated with the tives of surrogate decision makers. Ann Intern Med.
highest level of care, both as a trauma patient and 2008;149(12):861–8.
as a person, has important consequences for the Jensen AB.  Orchestrating an exceptional death: donor
family experiences and organ donation in Denmark.
relatives’ ability to cope with the situation here Ph.D.  Series no. 69. Department of Anthropology,
and now, as well as in the future (Jensen 2011; University of Copenhagen (abstract vedlagt som bilag
Apatira et al. 2008; Warrillow et al. 2016). 2); 2011.
Relatives to a potential organ donor have the Quinn T, Moskowitz J, Khan MW, Shutter L, Goldberg
R, Col N, et  al. What families need and physicians
same needs as anybody else, but a few important deliver: contrasting communication preferences
details demand special consideration. Jensen between surrogate decision-makers and physicians
(2011) refers to a series of relatives to organ during outcome prognostication in critically ill TBI
donors after brain death. They all expressed that patients. Neurocrit Care. 2017;27(2):154–62.
Roscigno CI, Savage TA, Grant G, Philipsen G.  How
it is crucial to understand that the patient is actu- healthcare provider talk with parents of children fol-
ally dead, even though there is visible breathing lowing severe traumatic brain injury is perceived in
movements, heartbeat, warm skin, and not sel- early acute care. Soc Sci Med. 2013;90:32–9.
dom involuntary reflexes. Even if the doctor has Warrillow S, Farley K, Jones D.  How to improve com-
munication quality with patients and relatives in the
explained brain death in understandable terms, ICU. Minerva Anestesiol. 2016;82(7):797–803.
Part V
Acute Surgical Treatment

Terje Sundstrøm
Basic Trauma Craniotomy
Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth,
and Knut Gustav Wester

Recommendations the most common intracranial haematomas and

bleeding sites.
Level I Patients requiring surgery for brain trauma
should be operated as soon as possible.
There are insufficient data to support a Level I
recommendation for this topic.
23.1 Overview
Level II
A basic trauma craniotomy is a large craniotomy
There are insufficient data to support a Level II (Bullock et al. 2006; Greenberg 2016; Quiñones-­
recommendation for this topic. Hinojosa 2012; Winn 2017). This allows the sur-
geon to remove the most common types of acute
Level III intracranial haematomas, such as epidural, sub-
dural and intracerebral haematomas and cerebral
A basic trauma craniotomy is a large frontotem- contusions. It also provides access to the most
poroparietal craniotomy that provides access to usual sources of bleeding. These include large
draining veins near the superior sagittal sinus as
well as contused tissue in the subtemporal and
T. Sundstrøm (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University subfrontal areas and the temporal and frontal
Hospital, Bergen, Norway poles.
Department of Clinical Medicine, University The fundamentals of surgical treatment have
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway not changed much the last decades (Valadka and
e-mail: Robertson 2007). Basic trauma craniotomies
E. Helseth should be large, and mass lesions should be evac-
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, uated without undue delay. Early surgical inter-
Oslo, Norway vention is preferable to awaiting clinical
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University deterioration, because the degree of ischemic
Hospital, Oslo, Norway brain damage is dependent on the duration of
K. G. Wester A basic trauma craniotomy, as described here,
Department of Clinical Medicine, University
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway will easily facilitate primary or secondary decom-
e-mail: pressive craniectomy. However, the neurosurgeon

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 159

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
160 T. Sundstrøm et al.

must in each case consider what is best for the Scalp injuries and potential interference with
patient and tailor the surgical approach to the circulation of the skin should always be consid-
identified pathology. ered. The skin incision is started 1 cm in front of
the tragus at the zygomatic arch, then curved pos-
teriorly and superiorly above the helix of the ear
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls to the midline in the parietal region, further along
• Always look at the patient. the midline to the frontal region and, if possible,
• Do not hesitate if there is indication for ending at the hairline. Generally, the exposed cra-
surgery. nial area must be sufficiently large to accommo-
• The best treatment for patients with very date a craniotomy with 14–16 cm anteroposterior
severe injuries can be to withhold diameter (always remember: skin flap larger than
surgery. bone flap).
• Remember that cervical instability must Haemostasis of the skin margins is obtained
be ruled out before positioning. with plastic clips or multiple curved forceps
• Always remember: skin flap > bone applied to the galea. The superficial temporal
flap. fascia and the temporalis muscle are incised
• Make sure that scalp injuries do not down to the bone, close to the margin of the skin
interfere with the blood supply of your opening. The myocutaneous flap is reflected and
planned skin flap. secured.
• If you believe that you have to remove Multiple burr holes (≥2; more holes in older
the bone flap, make sure it is large enough patients) are placed in the parietal and frontal
to yield sufficient decompression. regions, preferably over suture lines. The burr
holes are undermined, gently separating the dura
and skull, and joined to form a large free bone
flap. Special care is advised when operating near
23.2 H
 ow to Perform a Basic the superior sagittal sinus and in case of fractures
Trauma Craniotomy crossing the sinus. The medial margin of the bone
flap should be approximately 2 cm from the mid-
Up to 25% of hospital-admitted TBI patients line to avoid arachnoid granulations and large
with reduced consciousness can have a con- dural and cortical veins. The lateral sphenoid
comitant cervical injury. It is therefore impor- wing and temporal bone can be resected using
tant to rule out cervical instability before Leksell rongeurs under direct visual control,
positioning. The head of the patient is placed thereby securing adequate exposure of the mid-
on a doughnut or similar headrest (Mayfield dle fossa. The temporal exposure should extend
head holder can also be used, but be aware of all the way to the skull base.
cranial fractures), turned almost 90° to the Intracranial injuries may evolve during the
opposite side and slightly elevated above the surgical procedure, and the neurosurgeon should
level of the heart. The craniotomy opening not rely only on the preoperative imaging.
should be in the horizontal plane. A sandbag or Subdural inspection should therefore be consid-
pillow under the ipsilateral shoulder helps to ered after evacuation of an epidural haematoma
prevent positional obstruction of cranial even if only epidural haemorrhage was
venous outflow. Such obstruction can be visu- anticipated.
alised by venous stasis on the neck. The patient The dural opening is performed in a con-
should be placed in the lateral position if the trolled manner to avoid massive external hernia-
cervical spine is not radiologically cleared. tion, and care must be taken to avoid cortical
Unless deterioration is rapid, the scalp is lacerations. The opening begins over the area of
shaved and prepared as for a standard operative maximal clot thickness or in the anterior tempo-
procedure. ral region, because relatively silent cortex will
23  Basic Trauma Craniotomy 161

be affected here if the brain starts to herniate 23.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
through the opening. The dura can be opened in
a U-shaped manner going low over the frontal A three-pin skull fixation device should not be used
and temporal regions with the base towards the in infants as the cranium is thin and sutures are not
superior sagittal sinus, carefully avoiding dam- closed. Bone flaps in infants and small children
age to parasagittal bridging veins. This ensures should preferably be fixed with resorbable material
safe access to the areas along the midline, as (sutures or plates/screws). Replacement of small
well as the middle and frontal fossa. There are bone flaps in infants can also be omitted, as new
also other ways to open the dura, for example, in bone will fill the defect spontaneously.
a cruciate manner or by multiple individual slits. A craniotomy for the evacuation of an epidural
Subdural and intracerebral haematomas are or subdural haematoma in small children entails a
evacuated, and careful haemostasis is obtained risk of significant blood loss. A continuous and
by bipolar electrocautery (caution is advised meticulous haemostasis must therefore be exer-
with respect to bridging veins) and haemostatic cised throughout the procedure. The anaesthesi-
agents. ologist in charge should keep the neurosurgeon
The dura is closed primarily when there is no continuously informed about the extent of blood
present or anticipated significant brain swelling. loss and be prepared for blood transfusion.
The brain is otherwise simply covered with a
dura substitute (artificial or periosteum) and
sutureless adaptation of the dura. We do not rec- References
ommend leaving the dura open with exposed
brain if a craniectomy is indicated. If primary Bullock MR, Chesnut R, Ghajar J, Gordon D, Hartl R,
Newell DW, Servadei F, Walters BC, Wilberger JE,
dural closure is performed, multiple dural tack- Surgical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
ing sutures are placed around the craniotomy Author Group. Surgical management of traumatic
margin, and one or two are placed centrally in brain injury. Neurosurgery. 2006;58:S2-1–S2-62.
the bone flap to prevent a postoperative epidural Greenberg MS.  Handbook of neurosurgery. 8th ed.
New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.; 2016.
haematoma. Quiñones-Hinojosa A.  Schmidek & Sweet operative
The bone flap is replaced and fixed, and the neurosurgical techniques: indications, methods, and
scalp is closed in two layers. Placement of a results. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, an imprint of
­subgaleal drain can be considered. The wound is Elsevier; 2012.
Valadka AB, Robertson CS.  Surgery of cerebral
dressed, and a circular head bandage is placed. trauma and associated critical care. Neurosurgery.
Considerations on primary and secondary 2007;61:203–20.
decompressive craniectomy are described in Winn HR. Youmans & Winn neurological surgery. 7th ed.
another section. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2017.
Surgical Management of Traumatic
Intracranial Haematomas 24
Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth,
and Knut Gustav Wester

Recommendations Level III

Level I Patients with intracranial haematomas and indi-

cations for surgery should be operated as soon as
There are insufficient data to support a Level I possible.
recommendation for this topic.
Patients with devastating brain injuries and/or
Level II high probability of a poor outcome should gener-
ally not be subjected to surgical treatment. In all
There are insufficient data to support a Level II other patients with intracranial haematomas, sur-
recommendation for this topic. gery should be considered.
Indications and methods for surgery based
on the Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) guide-
lines (Bullock et al. 2006) and the expert opin-
ion of the Scandinavian Neurotrauma
Committee (SNC):

T. Sundstrøm (*)
• Epidural haematoma (EDH)
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University –– Volume >30 cm3
Hospital, Bergen, Norway –– GCS <9 and anisocoria.
Department of Clinical Medicine, University –– Can observe if volume <30 cm3, <15 mm
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway thickness, <5  mm midline shift and GCS
e-mail: >8 without focal neurological deficits—
E. Helseth but, consider surgery in all patients with a
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, GCS <14 and/or symptoms attributable to
Oslo, Norway
the haematoma.
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University –– Methods: tailored craniotomy preferably
Hospital, Oslo, Norway
providing complete exposure of the EDH
and the bleeding source.
K. G. Wester
Department of Clinical Medicine, University
• Acute subdural haematoma (ASDH)
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway –– Thickness >10 mm or midline shift >5 mm,
e-mail: regardless of GCS score.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 163

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
164 T. Sundstrøm et al.

–– Thickness <10  mm and midline shift Patients with epidural haematomas (EDH)
<5 mm, if a GCS <9 drops ≥2 points, and/or generally have a favourable prognosis, and the
anisocoria and/or ICP >20 mmHg, but con- overall mortality rate is about 10% (Bullock
sider surgery if GCS <14. et al. 2006). It is not infrequent to observe excel-
–– Methods: large craniotomy with adequate lent outcomes even in patients with ipsilateral
exposure of the frontal and temporal poles mydriasis. However, less than one-third of
and the area along the superior sagittal sinus. patients present with a GCS score below 9, and
• Traumatic intracerebral haematoma (TICH) in the subgroup of patients with a GCS score of
and cerebral contusions 3–5, mortality rates can approach 40% (Bullock
–– Volume >50 cm3 et al. 2006).
–– GCS 6–8 with frontal or temporal contu- The key factors in deciding whether to pro-
sions >20 cm3, midline shift ≥5 mm and/or ceed with surgery of an intracranial haematoma
cisternal compression are the overall clinical condition of the patient,
–– Neurological dysfunction or deterioration the neurological status (including neurological
referable to the lesion or refractory high ICP deterioration) and the CT findings. Patients with
–– Methods: large craniotomy because these a potential surgical lesion on the initial CT scan
lesions are frequently associated with should, as a general rule, have a follow-up CT
extracerebral haematomas scan within 6–8  h or sooner if clinically
• Posterior fossa mass lesions indicated.
–– Mass effect on CT scan, neurological dys- There are different attitudes towards indica-
function or deterioration referable to the tions for surgery of posttraumatic intracranial
lesion (even a small volume can have pro- haematomas and decompressive craniectomy
found effects) both in Europe (Compagnone et al. 2005) and in
–– Methods: midline suboccipital craniotomy the USA (Bulger et al. 2002). Some of the most
with access to the midline and both hemi- difficult questions are whether moderate-sized
spheres (consider placing an EVD, either haematomas or contusions should be evacuated
as an initial or closing manoeuvre) or simply observed (Valadka and Robertson
2007). Several courses of action are possible,
and the decisions are often based on the judge-
24.1 Overview ment and experience of the responsible
One of the most important complications of a The evidence-based guidelines for the surgi-
traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the development cal management of brain injuries published by
of an intracranial haematoma. Secondary brain the Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) in 2006
injury can result and reduce the likelihood of a provide us with some directions (Bullock et al.
good outcome. An effective trauma care system 2006). All the recommendations are at the
with high-quality neurosurgery is therefore option level, supported by Class III scientific
essential, as intracranial haematomas occur in evidence. The guidelines are, however, logical
25–45% of severe TBI patients, 3–12% of mod- and clinically useful, and the recommendations
erate TBI patients and approximately 1/500 on surgical indications, timing of operative
patients with mild TBI (Bullock et al. 2006). treatment and choice of operative methods are
Rates of mortality and morbidity after an acute presented here.
subdural haematoma (ASDH) are the highest of The indications for surgery provided by the
all traumatic mass lesions, with an overall mor- BTF are slightly modified, based on the expert
tality rate of 40–60% (Bullock et al. 2006). This opinion of the Scandinavian Neurotrauma
poor outcome results largely from associated Committee (SNC). This especially applies to
parenchymal lesions and subsequent intracranial patients with EDH or ASDH and a GCS <14. For
hypertension. About 50% of ASDHs have associ- these patients, it is good clinical practice to con-
ated lesions (Bullock et al. 2006). sider surgery if the neurosurgeon believes that
24  Surgical Management of Traumatic Intracranial Haematomas 165

this can provide symptomatic relief and possibly

shorten hospital stay and improve prognosis. • Intracranial haematomas in neonates
This is the expert opinion of the Scandinavian and infants may present with symptoms
Neurotrauma Committee, and not recommended of blood loss-hypotension.
in the BTF surgical guidelines. • A craniotomy for the evacuation of an
The objective of the Scandinavian Neurotrauma epidural or subdural haematoma in
Committee (SNC) with these guidelines is to give small children entails a risk of signifi-
the young neurosurgeon a practical and basic man- cant blood loss.
ual of acute surgical management of brain injuries. • In the absence of an adequate head
Details on trauma surgery per se are not exten- trauma, always look for other injuries in
sively covered in the otherwise comprehensive infants with intracranial haematomas—
surgical guidelines from the BTF (Bullock et  al. child abuse?
2006). Our descriptions of relevant surgical tech- • Adults and children with temporal
niques are therefore based on the expert opinion of arachnoid cysts are prone to get subdu-
the SNC and acknowledged textbooks in neuro- ral haematomas, even after minor head
surgery (Greenberg 2016; Narayan et  al. 1995; traumas.
Quiñones-­Hinojosa 2012; Winn 2017).
Rigorous surgical guidelines are difficult,
perhaps impossible, to define due to the diversity
of intracranial lesions, the complexity of multi- 24.2 Background
traumatised patients and a variety of individual
patient characteristics. But, when doubt exists 24.2.1 Epidural Haematoma
and consciousness is depressed, the neurosur-
geon should always monitor intracranial pres- Pathogenesis
sure (ICP) and remove significant mass lesions Epidural haematomas (EDHs) are primarily
without undue delay. located in the temporal and temporoparietal
regions (Fig. 24.1). The bleeding is often caused
by a tear in an anterior or posterior branch of the
middle meningeal artery and is frequently associ-
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls ated with a linear cranial fracture. The fracture is
• Always utilise all the information pro- thought to initiate dural stripping, and as the EDH
vided by the CT scan in the operative enlarges, the dura is progressively stripped from
planning (e.g. scout view, fractures, the inner table of the skull. The haematoma typi-
reconstructions). cally has a biconvex shape and is limited by cra-
• Withhold surgery in futile cases; con- nial sutures. EDHs have a peak incidence in the
sider surgery in all other patients with second decade of life. Due to the stronger dural
reduced consciousness. adherence to the skull with increasing age, EDHs
• Exploratory burr holes are not are a rare entity among older patients. Injuries to
recommended. the middle meningeal veins, the diploic veins or
• In general, place burr holes outside frac- the venous sinuses are other possible sources of
ture lines. bleeding, and venous origin is not as infrequent as
• Cervical injuries are prevalent in thought for many years. Venous bleeding is
patients with severe traumatic brain reported to be accountable for approximately one-
injuries. third of EDHs in both adult and paediatric patients
• Practise a lower threshold for evacua- (Mohanty et al. 1995). An arterial focus is more
tion of epidural haematomas in children often identified as a source of bleeding among
than in adults. adult than paediatric patients. Notably, up to 50%
of EDH patients display a so-­called free interval,
166 T. Sundstrøm et al.

There are insufficient data to support one sur-

gical treatment method (Bullock et  al. 2006).
However, a craniotomy facilitates a more com-
plete evacuation of the haematoma. Surgical Considerations

A tailored craniotomy preferably providing com-
plete exposure of the haematoma and the bleed-
ing source is carried out using the preoperative
CT scan and anatomical landmarks as guides
(Fig. 24.2). After the information on the extent of
the haematoma is visualised on the scout view, it
can readily be transferred to the patient’s head,
and the scalp incision and craniotomy can be
planned and carried out accordingly. Bony land-
marks, such as the coronal suture, superior tem-
poral line and ear, are also helpful in localising
the position and extent of the haematoma. The
EDH is usually clotted and removed with irriga-
tion, suction and cup forceps.
Fig. 24.1  Epidural haematoma with a typical biconvex If the neurological deterioration has been very
appearance. This patient had a very rapid clinical deterio- rapid, it has previously been recommended to
ration. The slightly darker area in the posterior region of place an initial burr hole with or without a small
the haematoma is a sign of ongoing bleeding
craniectomy over or near the area of maximal
clot thickness and evacuate accessible haema-
where they wake up after the injury and then, as toma before continuing with the craniotomy. The
the bleeding increases, deteriorate with headache rationale has been to rapidly reduce ICP and
and eventually depressed consciousness. decompress the midbrain at the tentorial incisura,
but this strategy has been largely abandoned Treatment since a complete craniotomy can today be per-
An EDH greater than 30 cm3 should be evacuated formed expeditiously without undue loss of time.
regardless of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Thorough haemostasis is obtained by using
score. bipolar electrocautery, haemostatic agents, bone
It is strongly recommended that patients with wax and tacking sutures. Bleeding from a branch
an EDH, GCS of less than 9 and anisocoria of the middle meningeal artery can usually be
undergo immediate surgical evacuation (Bullock controlled with bipolar electrocautery. EDHs
et al. 2006). arising from a tear in the main trunk of the middle
An EDH less than 30  cm3, with less than meningeal artery in relation to a petrous bone
15 mm thickness, and with less than a 5 mm mid- fracture may necessitate packing of the foramen
line shift, in patients with a GCS score greater spinosum with haemostatic material (including
than 8 without focal deficits can be managed con- bone wax). Bleeding from beyond the bony expo-
servatively with serial CT scans and close neuro- sure may require additional bone removal but can
logical observation in a neurosurgical centre often be controlled with dural tacking sutures.
(Bullock et al. 2006). However, it is good clinical When haemostasis eventually is achieved in the
practice to consider surgery in all patients with a epidural space, peripheral and bone flap tacking
GCS <14 and/or other symptoms attributable to sutures are placed. An epicranial vacuum drain
the EDH. should be considered.
24  Surgical Management of Traumatic Intracranial Haematomas 167

Fig. 24.2  Right-sided epidural haematoma with the view and go through the series slice by slice, plotting
equivalent extent delineated on a corresponding scout the anterior and posterior margins of the haematoma on
view. When planning the craniotomy, print the scout the skin

If the dura remains tense or has a bluish colour 24.2.2 Acute Subdural Haematoma
suggestive of intradural bleeding, and this was
not expected from the preoperative CT scan, the Pathogenesis
subdural space should be inspected. A limited Acute subdural haematomas (ASDHs) may arise
dural incision is initially made and expanded if from cortical contusions or lacerations or from torn
necessary. Alternatively, intraoperative ultra- surface or bridging veins (Fig. 24.3). With the lat-
sound can be used to look for underlying ter, primary brain damage may be less severe.
pathology. Approximately 50% of all patients have associated
168 T. Sundstrøm et al.

Other risk factors for ASDH are alcohol abuse

or high age with brain atrophy, shunt-treated
hydrocephalus or temporal arachnoid cysts
(Wester and Helland 2008). Subdural haemato-
mas most frequently occur in patients over
75 years of age and are twice as common in men
than in women. The mortality rate of ASDH in
the elderly is high (70–80%), and only a minority
of those who survive will be independent
(Benedetto et  al. 2017). Hence, critical judge-
ment should be exercised when it comes to surgi-
cal indication. Treatment
An ASDH with a thickness greater than 10 mm,
or with a midline shift greater than 5 mm on a CT
scan, should be evacuated, regardless of the GCS
score (Bullock et al. 2006).
A patient with a GCS score less than 9, an
ASDH less than 10 mm thick and a midline shift
less than 5 mm should undergo evacuation of the
Fig. 24.3  Left-sided acute subdural haematoma with lesion if the GCS score decreased between the
midline shift to the right. The patient herniated during
transport to the hospital. Surgery required a large fronto- time of injury and hospital admission by two or
temporoparietal craniotomy more points and/or the patient presents with
anisocoria and/or the ICP exceeds 20  mmHg
(Bullock et al. 2006).
lesions, including contusions, h­ aematomas or cor- From clinical experience, it is recommended
tical lacerations, with the majority occurring in the to consider surgery in all patients with a GCS less
frontal and temporal lobes. Thus, patients with than 14 and/or other symptoms that can be
ASDHs more frequently have persistently ascribed to the ASDH. However, it is judicious to
depressed consciousness as compared to patients maintain a stricter indication practice for ASDH
with EDHs. ASDHs are typically crescent-­shaped than for EDH.
over the cerebral hemisphere, as they are only lim- If surgical evacuation of an ASDH is indi-
ited by the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli. cated, it should be performed using a large trauma
An increased incidence of subdural haemato- craniotomy with or without bone flap removal
mas appears to be associated with the increased and duraplasty.
use of antithrombotic drugs in the population,
especially the use of vitamin K antagonists Surgical Considerations
among older patients (Gaist et al. 2017). The use A large frontotemporoparietal craniotomy, as
of vitamin K antagonists (e.g. warfarin) alone or described in Chap. 23, is typically required to
in combination with clopidogrel is associated remove an ASDH and to address associated
with a significantly increased risk of subdural parenchymal lesions. Adequate exposure of the
haematomas. In general, there is significant risk temporal and frontal poles and the area along the
related to concomitant use of more than one anti- superior sagittal sinus is essential.
thrombotic drug and moderate risk increase with The blood clot is removed with irrigation, suc-
novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) or clopido- tion and cup forceps. Care must be taken not to
grel as ­monotherapies, whereas low-dose aspirin provoke any additional bleeding (especially
only carries a small risk increase. towards the midline). The subdural space is widely
24  Surgical Management of Traumatic Intracranial Haematomas 169

inspected for additional haematoma, active bleed-

ing and surface contusions. Expansion of the cra-
niotomy margins is sometimes needed. Small
amounts of clot that are not properly visualised
and require undue brain retraction should be left
undisturbed. Cortical bleeding points and avulsed
bridging veins are coagulated with bipolar electro-
cautery, and haemostatic agents are used to control
more diffuse cortical bleeding. Bleeding from the
sinus wall should not be cauterised, as this will
only enlarge the dural opening. Haemostatic
agents combined with cottonoids should instead
be used. A fibrin sealant or muscle patch may be
needed if other measures prove inadequate.
Management of coexistent cortical contusions
and intracerebral haematomas is described in the
next section.
Dural closure is considered when the haema-
toma is evacuated and haemostasis is obtained. If
Fig. 24.4  Extensive cerebral contusions especially in the
the dura can be closed easily and future brain left frontal lobe. The patient also had a small acute subdu-
swelling is deemed unlikely, the dura is sutured ral haematoma (not visualised on this image) and was
watertight following placement of multiple dural operated with evacuation of the subdural haematoma fol-
tacking sutures, and the bone flap is replaced. lowed by a duraplasty and craniectomy
However, a duraplasty is often required, and
replacement of the bone flap should then be niotomies are performed primarily for cerebral
avoided (see Chap. 26). contusions or TICHs (Winn 2017).
The role of surgery and its timing remains
undefined. In a randomised controlled trial on
24.2.3 Intracerebral Haematomas TICHs, early surgery was found to be beneficial
and Cerebral Contusions as compared to conservative management
(Mendelow et al. 2015). The authors found a sig- Pathogenesis nificant survival benefit and a non-significant
Traumatic intracerebral haematomas (TICH) and benefit on functional outcome. Early surgery
cerebral contusions are often associated with epi- seemed most advantageous in patients with a
dural or subdural haematomas (Fig. 24.4). They GCS of 9–12; above or below this interval, there
occur most frequently in the frontal and temporal was more uncertainty. However, this study was
lobes, due to the brain impact against the irregu- underpowered and geographically skewed
lar cranial surface. The areas most prone to towards resource-poor centres, and further
haemorrhagic contusions are the inferior orbital research is warranted.
aspects of the gyrus rectus and inferior frontal Subacute surgery may be required if TICHs or
gyrus in the frontal lobes and the tips of the tem- contusions diagnosed by the initial CT scan
poral lobes. Parietal and occipital lesions are less evolve with perifocal oedema and/or enlargement
common and usually directly associated with the of bleeding. Please refer to the chapter on sub-
impact. acute surgery in Part VIII-Chap. 57.
Such lesions are seen in almost all patients
with severe head injury and up to 40% of those Treatment
with moderate head injuries (Einarsen et  al. Patients with parenchymal mass lesions and signs
2018). However, only about 25% of trauma cra- of progressive neurological deterioration referable
170 T. Sundstrøm et al.

to the lesion, medically refractory intracranial A minimalistic approach through a small burr
hypertension or signs of mass effect on CT scan hole should only be considered in patients with
should be treated operatively. an isolated TICH and no other associated lesions.
Patients with GCS scores of 6–8 with frontal
or temporal contusions greater than 20  cm3 in
volume with a midline shift of at least 5 mm and/ 24.2.4 Posterior Fossa Mass Lesions
or cisternal compression on CT scan, and patients
with any lesion greater than 50  cm3 in volume Pathogenesis
should be treated operatively. Traumatic lesions in the posterior fossa are rare
Patients with parenchymal mass lesions who and occur in less than 3% of all head injuries
do not show evidence of neurological compro- (Karasawa et al. 1997). The vast majority of pub-
mise, who have controlled ICP and no significant lished series deal with epidural haematomas.
signs of mass effect on CT scan, may be managed Subdural and intraparenchymal lesions are less
non-operatively with intensive monitoring and frequent, but the more dangerous, as patients
serial imaging (Bullock et al. 2006). with mass lesions in the posterior fossa can
Craniotomy with evacuation of mass lesions is undergo rapid clinical deterioration because of
recommended for those patients who have focal the limited space available and close relationship
lesions, and the surgical indications as listed above. to vital centres in the brainstem. Timely recogni-
tion and surgical evacuation are therefore espe- Surgical Considerations cially warranted. It is particularly important to
A standard trauma craniotomy is usually indi- monitor the respiration if the patient is not
cated because TICHs and cerebral contusions already on a ventilator, as impaired lung ventila-
are frequently associated with extra-axial hae- tion will cause hypercapnia with vasodilatation
matomas. Special surgical considerations as and subsequently a rapidly developing vicious
specified for EDH or ASDH should therefore be circle due to increased pressure on respiration
remembered. regulating areas in the brainstem. The neurosur-
Sizeable areas (>1–2  cm) of cerebral contu- geon must also be aware of any complicating
sions with irreparably damaged brain, appearing hydrocephalus and be prepared to put in an
purplish and mottled, can be removed. Ultrasound external drainage.
can be helpful in localising a TICH at consider-
able depth from the cortex. The pia and bleeding Treatment
superficial vessels are cauterised over the most Patients with mass effect on the CT scan, neuro-
traumatised area or in an otherwise non-eloquent logical dysfunction or deterioration referable to
area. A pial incision is made, and a subpial plane the lesion should undergo operative intervention.
is established. Blood clots and adjacent contused Mass effect on the CT scan is defined as distor-
brain are removed with gentle aspiration and tion, dislocation or obliteration of the fourth ven-
bipolar electrocautery. A more limited resection tricle; compression or loss of visualisation of the
of parenchymal lesions is prudent in eloquent basal cisterns; or the presence of obstructive
areas, such as along the dominant superior tem- supratentorial hydrocephalus. Close observation
poral gyrus and the central sulcus. Avoid sacrific- including respiration and serial imaging can be
ing arteries and veins that traverse a traumatised considered in patients with no significant mass
area and that supply or drain healthy cortex. effect on the CT scan and without signs of neuro-
Haemostasis after removal of a TICH or cere- logical dysfunction (Bullock et al. 2006).
bral contusions can be achieved by bipolar elec- In patients with indications for surgical inter-
trocautery, gentle tamponade with cottonoids vention, evacuation should be performed as soon
soaked in saline and lining the cavity with hae- as possible because patients can deteriorate rap-
mostatic agents. This is followed by routine idly, thus worsening their prognosis (Bullock
closure. et al. 2006).
24  Surgical Management of Traumatic Intracranial Haematomas 171

A suboccipital craniotomy is recommended 1994). EDHs are more frequent among older
for evacuation of posterior fossa mass lesions. children and adolescents than among neonates
and infants. This is due to the relatively stronger Surgical Considerations attachment between the dura and the cranium,
The patient is usually placed in the Concorde but also because of a smaller risk of bony injury
position, and a midline suboccipital craniotomy to the middle meningeal artery. A lower threshold
is performed. Access to the midline and both cer- for surgical treatment of EDH should be prac-
ebellar hemispheres is ensured. The traumatic tised in children than in adults; only neurologi-
mass lesion is evacuated, and haemostasis is cally intact patients with a GCS score of 15 with
obtained. Standard supratentorial ventricular or without headache should be considered candi-
drainage should be considered if there is a risk of dates for observation.
the patient developing hydrocephalus, as an ini- In the absence of an adequate head trauma,
tial or closing manoeuvre. always look for other injuries in infants with
Traumatic lesions in the posterior fossa are so intracranial haematomas with respect to abusive
infrequent that a detailed surgical description is head trauma. This also applies to CT findings of
not warranted in these basic guidelines on trauma interhemispheric ASDH or subdural blood of
surgery. The reader is referred to neurosurgical varying ages over one or both convexities, poten-
textbooks on operative procedures for further tially combined with traumatic subarachnoid
information. haemorrhage and/or cerebral contusions. Keep at
the same time in mind that young children or
even infants harbouring a temporal arachnoid
24.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns cyst are especially prone to get subdural haema-
tomas even after minor head traumas (Wester and
Most of the foundation for the medical and surgi- Helland 2008). These haematomas may be of dif-
cal treatment of children with severe head inju- ferent ages and thus raise unjustified suspicion of
ries is based on adult studies. This is a result of child abuse. The same applies to infants with
the lack of scientific data primarily dealing with external hydrocephalus (Lee et al. 2018).
children. Children generally have a better overall
outcome than adults, but younger children fare
worse than older children with respect to both References
mortality and long-term disability (Adelson
2000; Anderson et  al. 2005; Garg et  al. 2017). Adelson PD.  Pediatric trauma made simple. Clin
Neurosurg. 2000;47:319–35.
Moreover, the long-term deficits are often persis- Anderson V, Catroppa C, Morse S, Haritou F, Rosenfeld
tent and severe, even with aggressive manage- J.  Functional plasticity or vulnerability after early
ment. Notably, the younger brain has better brain injury? Pediatrics. 2005;116:1374–82.
potential for reorganisation after focal injuries, Benedetto N, Gambacciani C, Montemurro N, Morganti
R, Perrini P.  Surgical management of acute subdural
but the negative consequences of diffuse injuries haematomas in elderly: report of a single center expe-
can be more extensive than in adults (Dennis rience. Br J Neurosurg. 2017;31:244–8.
et al. 2018). Bulger EM, Nathens AB, Rivara FP, Moore M, MacKenzie
Young children have a more compressible EJ, Jurkovich GJ, Foundation BT.  Management of
severe head injury: institutional variations in care and
brain and flexible skull than older children and effect on outcome. Crit Care Med. 2002;30:1870–6.
adults. Because of this, there are fewer intracra- Bullock MR, Chesnut R, Ghajar J, Gordon D, Hartl R,
nial mass lesions and more white matter shear Newell DW, Servadei F, Walters BC, Wilberger JE,
injuries in young children (Hahn et  al. 1988; Surgical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
Author Group. Surgical management of trau matic
Zimmerman and Bilaniuk 1994). As the child brain injury. Neurosurgery. 2006;58:S2-1–S2-62.
gets older, the incidence of ASDH and TICH Compagnone C, Murray GD, Teasdale GM, Maas AI,
becomes more similar to that of the adult Esposito D, Princi P, D’Avella D, Servadei F.  The
(Luerssen et al. 1988; Zimmerman and Bilaniuk management of patients with intradural post-trau
172 T. Sundstrøm et al.

matic mass lesions: a multicenter survey of current lection complicated by subdural hematoma and fluid
approaches to surgical management in 729 patients collection: clinical characteristics and management.
coordinated by the European Brain Injury Consortium. Childs Nerv Syst. 2018;34:235–45.
Neurosurgery. 2005;57:1183–92. Luerssen TG, Klauber MR, Marshall LF. Outcome from
Dennis EL, Babikian T, Giza CC, Thompson PM, head injury related to patient’s age. A longitudi nal
Asarnow RF.  Neuroimaging of the injured pediat- prospective study of adult and pediatric head injury. J
ric brain: methods and new lessons. Neuroscientist. Neurosurg. 1988;68:409–16.
2018;24:652–70. Mendelow AD, Gregson BA, Rowan EN, Francis R,
Einarsen CE, van der Naalt J, Jacobs B, Follestad McColl E, McNamee P, Chambers IR, Unterberg
T, Moen KG, Vik A, Håberg AK, Skandsen A, Boyers D, Mitchell PM, STITCH(Trauma)
T.  Moderate Traumatic brain injury: clinical char- Investigators. Early surgery versus initial conservative
acteristics and a prognostic model of 12-month treatment in patients with traumatic intracerebral hem-
outcome. World Neurosurg. 2018;114:e1199–210. orrhage (STITCH[Trauma]): the first randomized trial. J Neurotrauma. 2015;32:1312–23.
Gaist D, García Rodríguez LA, Hellfritzsch M, Poulsen Mohanty A, Kolluri VR, Subbakrishna DK, Satish S,
FR, Halle B, Hallas J, Pottegård A.  Association of Mouli BA, Das BS.  Prognosis of extradural haema-
antithrombotic drug use with subdural hematoma risk. tomas in children. Pediatr Neurosurg. 1995;23:57–63.
JAMA. 2017;317(8):836–46. Narayan RK, Wilberger JE, Povlishock JT. Neurotrauma.
jama.2017.0639. New York: McGraw Hill; 1995.
Garg K, Sharma R, Gupta D, Sinha S, Satyarthee Quiñones-Hinojosa A.  Schmidek & Sweet operative
GD, Agarwal D, Kale SS, Sharma BS, Mahapatra neurosurgical techniques: indications, methods, and
AK.  Outcome predictors in pediatric head trauma: results. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, an imprint of
a study of clinicoradiological factors. J Pediatr Elsevier; 2012.
Neurosci. 2017;12:149–53. Valadka AB, Robertson CS.  Surgery of cerebral
Greenberg MS.  Handbook of neurosurgery. 8th ed. trauma and associated critical care. Neurosurgery.
New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.; 2016. 2007;61:203–20.
Hahn YS, Chyung C, Barthel MJ, Bailes J, Flannery Wester K, Helland CA.  How often do chronic extrace-
AM, McLone DG.  Head injuries in children under rebral haematomas occur in patients with intracra-
36 months of age. Demography and outcome. Childs nial arachnoid cysts? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
Nerv Syst. 1988;4:34–40. 2008;79:72–5.
Karasawa H, Furuya H, Naito H, Sugiyama K, Ueno J, Winn HR. Youmans & Winn neurological surgery. 7th ed.
Kin H. Acute hydrocephalus in posterior fossa injury. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2017.
J Neurosurg. 1997;86:629–32. Zimmerman RA, Bilaniuk LT.  Pediatric head trauma.
Lee HC, Chong S, Lee JY, Cheon JE, Phi JH, Kim SK, Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 1994;4:349–66.
Kim IO, Wang KC.  Benign extracerebral fluid col-
Surgical Management
of Penetrating Brain Injuries 25
Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth,
and Knut Gustav Wester

Recommendations cal function or deterioration referable to a mass

lesion should be considered for surgery.
Level I

There are insufficient data to support a Level I 25.1 Overview

recommendation for this topic.
Penetrating brain injuries (PBIs) have high fatal-
Level II ity rates. Patients who survive the initial phase
can however demonstrate favourable outcomes.
There are insufficient data to support a Level II The primary injuries can entail a combination of
recommendation for this topic. scalp lesions, cranial fractures, intracranial hae-
matomas and cerebral lacerations. High energy
Level III PBIs frequently encompass distant lesions and
are often followed by a detrimental increase in
Patients with penetrating brain injuries that are intracranial pressure (ICP).
otherwise stabilized and demonstrate neurologi- There is no defined threshold for whom sur-
gery should be withheld, but the patient must
have a possibility of a reasonable functional out-
T. Sundstrøm (*) come. Patients with devastating brain injuries
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University and/or high probability of a poor outcome should
Hospital, Bergen, Norway
generally not be subjected to surgical treatment.
Department of Clinical Medicine, University
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
E. Helseth Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, • Consider ICP monitoring and/or EVD.
Oslo, Norway
• Carefully plan the way in and out (vas-
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University cularity, exposure, wound closure).
Hospital, Oslo, Norway
• If you plan a skin flap, you have to take
the wound into consideration: is it most
K. G. Wester
Department of Clinical Medicine, University
suitable to incorporate the wound in the
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway skin incision or is it better to place the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 173

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
174 T. Sundstrøm et al.

25.2.2 Treatment Options

incision around it, with a broad base to
ensure a sufficient blood supply to the No surgical intervention is generally warranted
entire flap? for patients with a post-resuscitation GCS score
• Perform a thorough debridement of all of 3, dilated and nonreactive pupils and no sig-
tissue layers. nificant mass lesion on the CT scan. Patients that
• If possible, do not add foreign material. are otherwise stabilized and demonstrating some
• Antibiotics and antiepileptic medication neurological function (motor or brain stem) or
should be liberally applied. deterioration referable to a mass lesion should be
considered for urgent surgical treatment.
Small entrance bullet wounds to the head can
be treated with local wound care and closure if
25.2 Background the scalp is not devitalized and there are no surgi-
cal intracranial lesions. Treatment of more exten-
25.2.1 Pathogenesis sive wounds requires extensive debridement
before primary closure to secure a watertight
The majority of PBIs in the civilian setting are wound. In the presence of significant mass effect,
caused by low-velocity gunshot wounds to the debridement of necrotic brain tissue and safely
head (GSWH) (Potapov et al. 2001). These inju- accessible bone fragments, together with evacua-
ries have a mortality rate of more than 90% tion of intracranial haematomas with significant
(Aarabi et  al. 2014). However, survivors may mass effect, is recommended. A minimal invasive
experience a favourable recovery. Significant fac- approach is prudent in the absence of significant
tors related to outcome in PBI are admission mass effect (Potapov et al. 2001).
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, missile tra- If possible, any protruding part of a foreign
jectory, pupillary status and patency of basal cis- body should not be removed before the patient is
terns (Aarabi et al. 2014). in the operating room.
Shrapnel (fragments thrown out by an Infection is an important secondary complica-
exploding bomb or shell), and not GSWH, is tion, and liberal use of antibiotics is
the major cause of PBIs in military conflicts. recommended.
The overall mortality rate is therefore lower; it Seizures in the acute phase are unfavourable
is generally reported to be around 20% (Potapov and liberal use of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is
et al. 2001). recommended. About 50% of survivors will suf-
A combination of soft tissue injuries, frac- fer seizures and require antiepileptic medication.
tures and parenchymal lesions may constitute The neurosurgeon must carefully consider the
the primary injuries from GSWH.  The impact need for intracranial pressure measurement and/
velocity of a projectile reflects the true wound- or external ventricular drainage, in addition to the
ing potential, and deformation and fragmenta- primary surgical treatment.
tion of the missile enhance energy delivery to
the tissue. Comminute fractures may injure the
directly underlying structures, and bone frag- 25.2.3 Surgical Considerations
ments may be driven into the brain as secondary
projectiles. Brain injuries can occur along the The cranium is examined for external injuries.
path of the projectile(s), as well as in more dis- Thorough irrigation of the wound site(s) is per-
tant locations, due to pressure waves and coup/ formed. Consultation with a plastic surgeon may
contrecoup lesions. A rapid rise in ICP may fol- be warranted in selected cases. The skin incision
low a GSWH. must be carefully planned in order to, first, ensure
25  Surgical Management of Penetrating Brain Injuries 175

vascularity and enable wound closure following bone flap or fragments, ample debridement and
excision of devitalized tissue and, second, to cleaning must be secured. Foreign materials must
secure sufficient exposure of the bony defect and be utilized at a minimum, but miniplates, tita-
underlying haematomas. The cranial opening nium wires and craniofix devices are often needed
should extend well beyond the visible bone injury to assemble multiple bony fragments. The impor-
until intact dura is visualized. tance of meticulous scalp closure is previously
Herniated brain tissue and the intracerebral stated.
penetration tract are flushed through the dural
lesion, and accessible necrotic tissue, bone frag-
ments and foreign bodies are gently removed. 25.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
The dural opening may need to be enlarged to
accommodate adequate debridement and haema- There are no specific paediatric concerns. Please
toma evacuation. A thorough exploration must be refer to Chaps. 23 and 24 for supplementary
performed, but preservation of viable brain tissue information.
supersedes removal of deeply located fragments
(Potapov et al. 2001). Haemostasis is preferably
ensured by bipolar electrocautery and dural
repair by autologous grafts (e.g. temporalis fascia
or pericranium). Aarabi B, Tofighi B, Kufera JA, Hadley J, Ahn ES,
Bone replacement should be performed in Cooper C, Malik JM, Naff NJ, Chang L, Radley M,
case of no present or anticipated future signifi- Kheder A, Uscinski RH.  Predictors of outcome in
cant brain swelling. High-velocity injuries are civilian gunshot wounds to the head. J Neurosurg.
often associated with substantial oedema devel- Potapov AA, Shahinian GG, Kravtchouk AD.  Surgical
opment, and it may be wise not to replace the management of penetrating brain injury. J Trauma.
bone in these cases. Before replacement of the 2001;51:16–25.
Decompressive Craniectomy
Jussi P. Posti and Pål A. Rønning

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

Level I • Decompressive craniectomy effectively

lowers intracranial pressure and reduces
Decompressive craniectomy does not improve the mortality rate following severe dif-
the rate of patients surviving with favourable fuse TBI and intractable intracranial
functional outcome. Decompressive craniectomy pressure.
effectively lowers intracranial pressure (ICP) and • Major randomised trials indicate that
reduces mortality rate following severe diffuse the benefits are translated almost
traumatic brain injury and diffuse traumatic brain directly into survival with severe
injury with surgical intracranial lesions. disability.
• The temporal bone should be removed
Level II to the floor of the middle fossa to pre-
vent upper brainstem compression.
There are insufficient data to support a Level II • The dura should always be opened and
recommendation for this topic. closed without sutures.

Level III
26.1 Background
Decompressive craniectomy is a surgical option
to control ICP in patients with refractory ICP not
26.1.1 Overview
responding to first tier of therapy.
According to the Monroe-Kelly doctrine, the
intracranial volume is constant and dictated by
the confines of the skull, brain tissue, cerebrospi-
J. P. Posti (*) nal fluid (CSF) and intracranial blood (Wilson
Clinical Neurosciences, Department of Neurosurgery 2016):
and Turku Brain Injury Centre, Turku University
Hospital and University of Turku, Turku, Finland VIC = VBR + VBL + VCSF

where VIC is intracranial volume, VBR is brain tis-
P. A. Rønning
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University
sue volume, VBL is blood volume and VCSF is CSF
Hospital, Oslo, Norway volume.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 177

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
178 J. P. Posti and P. A. Rønning

The volume of these compartments is rigor- indications for DC are intractable brain swelling
ously regulated, and cerebral perfusion pressure due to, e.g. stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage
(CPP) is maintained by cerebral autoregulation. and intracerebral haemorrhage.
When the physiological equilibrium is disturbed
by expansion in some of these volumes, compen-
satory mechanisms are activated in order to keep 26.1.2 Major Randomised Controlled
ICP constant (Stocchetti and Maas 2014). Trials
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex con-
tinuum, which causes both cerebral and systemic Increased ICP following TBI is correlated with
events. These events may exacerbate an already poor outcome and death in several studies
sustained brain injury, often referred to as second- (Sahuquillo and Arikan 2006). Although not sup-
ary brain injury. Brain injury might disturb the ported by Level I evidence (Carney et al. 2017),
Monroe-Kellie equation by increased volumes on ICP monitoring and administration of ICP lower-
the right-hand side of the equation due to (1) focal ing measures are widely utilised in the intensive
pathologies such as contusions, intracerebral hae- care unit setting. In some patients, brain swelling
matomas and hydrocephalus or (2) diffuse brain may result in refractory intracranial hypertension
swelling from oedema (Unterberg et  al. 2004), despite tiered medical treatment (Grindlinger
hyperaemia and microvascular injury (congestive et al. 2016).
brain swelling) (Kelly et al. 1996; Logsdon et al. The current evidence leaves little uncertainty
2015). Systemic responses include, e.g. pro- about the lifesaving effect of DC in patients with
inflammatory responses (Bulstrode et  al. 2014), severe TBI and refractory ICP. However, there is
coagulopathy (Maegele et al. 2017) and fever. In a risk that survival from injury following DC
severe TBI, these phenomena appear in innumer- may come at the expense of severe functional
able combinations. disability and dependency on others. So far, two
Due to the rigidness of the skull after closing major clinical randomised controlled trials
of the sutures, an intracranial volume increase (RCTs) have investigated survival and neurolog-
causes increased pressure when the compensa- ical outcome of patients with TBI and refractory
tory mechanisms of reduced CSF and intracranial ICP following DC.
blood have been exhausted. When the standard The international multicentre DECRA study
measures for decreasing ICP have failed, an alter- investigated the role of early bi-­
native option is to increase the intracranial vol- frontotemporoparietal DC in patients with intrac-
ume (VIC) utilising decompressive craniectomy table ICP following TBI (Cooper et  al. 2011).
(DC). DC is a neurosurgical emergency proce- Out of 3478 evaluated patients, 155 patients with
dure in which a large bone flap is removed and TBI with either Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) <8
the underlying dura mater is left open in order to or CT demonstrating moderate diffuse brain
allow brain tissue expansion and thus to lower injury were considered eligible and enrolled.
ICP (Timofeev et al. 2012). Patients with refractory ICP, defined as having
Primary DC refers to the decompression pro- ICP > 20 mmHg for 15 min within a 1-h period,
cedure combined with the evacuation of a space-­ were randomly assigned to the following groups:
occupying intracranial lesion or, in case of an 73 underwent early bi-frontotemporoparietal DC
initial diffuse hemispheric swelling, the decom- and 82 received standard medical care. DC
pression alone. A secondary DC refers to an decreased ICP in patients belonging to the surgi-
intervention that is a part of tiered therapeutic cal group, but the intervention did not result in
protocol in the intensive care setting in order to improved neurological outcome: 70% of patients
reduce intractable ICP and ensure adequate CPP in the DC group had an unfavourable outcome vs.
(Kolias et  al. 2016). Along with medically 51% of patients in the standard care group at
refractory elevated ICP due to severe TBI, other 6-month follow-up.
26  Decompressive Craniectomy 179

The ensuing international multicentre in both studies, there was substantial crossover of
RESCUEicp study involved 409 eligible patients patients from the medical care group to the DC
from 2008 assessed patients (Hutchinson et  al. group: 23% and 37% in the DECRA and
2016). The inclusion criteria for the RESCUEicp RESCUEicp studies, respectively. Fourth, the
study differed from the DECRA study in two surgical procedures in the studies were different.
important aspects: the ICP threshold was higher The RESCUEicp trial allowed both bi-­
(25 mmHg for 1–12 h despite maximal medical frontotemporoparietal (bifrontal) and frontotem-
treatment excluding barbiturates) and included poroparietal (hemicraniectomy) craniectomies,
patients who had previously undergone evacua- in contrast to DECRA that only allowed bifrontal
tion of an earlier intracranial space-occupying craniectomies. Patients with surgical lesions
lesion without DC. Two hundred and two eligible were not included in the DECRA study, but in the
patients were randomly assigned to undergo DC RESCUEicp trial, patients with intracranial hae-
with medical therapy, and 196 patients were matoma accounted for nearly 20% of cases.
assigned to receive continued medical therapy
with an option for barbiturates. The surgical tech-
nique was either a large unilateral frontotemporo- 26.1.3 Other Randomised Controlled
parietal DC or a bifrontal craniectomy depending Trials
on the imaging characteristics and the discretion
of the surgeon. DC resulted in reduced ICP and Along with the major randomised trials (DECRA
mortality rate, higher incidence of vegetative and RESCUEicp), another RCT has examined the
state, lower severe disability and upper severe effect of DC on ICP following TBI. Qiu et al. con-
disability (independent at home) when compared ducted a RCT including 74 adult patients divided
with medical therapy at 6 months. Because upper into unilateral DC following medical therapy and
severe disability (Glasgow Outcome Scale medical therapy alone (Qiu et al. 2009): mean ICP
Extended 4) (Wilson et al. 1998) was included in was lower at all assessed time points in the patients
favourable outcome, 43% of the patients in the in the DC group.
DC group had favourable outcome vs. 35% of the Similar to DECRA and RESCUEicp, the
patients in the medical care group. smaller RCT indicated that DC by and large halved
There are issues that should be considered the risk for death (Cooper et al. 2011; Hutchinson
when translating the findings of these two studies et al. 2016; Qiu et al. 2009). In that particular study,
into clinical practice. First, the aims of the studies favourable outcome was reported in 32% of the
were different. The DECRA study examined the patients in the medical therapy group vs. 57% in
role of early DC in moderate ICP elevation, the DC group (p = 0.035) (Qiu et al. 2009).
which can be considered under a prophylactic
neuroprotective perspective, whereas the
RESCUEicp study applied DC as the last tier of 26.1.4 Conclusion
intervention, which can be considered rescue or
salvage therapy. In the DECRA study, the trial RCTs in patients with severe TBI face a number of
enrolment ICP threshold (>20 mmHg for 15 min problems such as lack of clinical equipoise, lack of
as recruitment criterion) is criticised to be unjus- patient consent, strong clinician preference, imbal-
tified as any potential improvement obtained by ance in surgical expertise, crossover of patients,
DC was offset by surgical morbidity. It should be difficulty with blinding and problems in translat-
noted that the DECRA study enrolled more ing the findings into clinical practice due to the
patients with fixed pupils in the DC group (27%) uncontrollable heterogeneity in practice of study
than in the standard care group (12%), but after centres (Ergina et al. 2009; Kolias et al. 2016).
adjustment, there were no differences in the rate Results from these four clinical randomised
of unfavourable outcome in these groups. Third, trials imply that DC effectively lowers ICP and
180 J. P. Posti and P. A. Rønning

reduces the mortality rate but that these benefits (Fig. 26.1). Usually, DCs are divided into hemicrani-
are translated almost directly into survival with ectomies (frontotemporoparietal) or bifrontal (bi-­
severe disability (DECRA and RESCUEicp). frontotemporoparietal) ­craniectomies. The
There are some aspects to consider when inter- indications are unilateral or bifrontal expansion,
preting these results. In most clinical situations, respectively. The authors advocate only the use of
DC is usually carried out once medical therapy hemicraniectomy, and hence, only its operative tech-
has failed, especially in young patients with nique is described.
TBI.  The validated prognostic models (MRC
CRASH Trial Collaborators et  al. 2008;
Steyerberg et al. 2008) demonstrated that young 26.2.1 Incision
age is an important prognostic factor for favour-
able outcome after TBI. Hence, in young patients The shape and placement for the skin incision
suffering from intractable ICP after failed medi- depends on the localisation of DC. For hemicrani-
cal therapy, neurosurgeons need to assess and ectomies, generally three variants are utilised. We
balance the chance of survival with an acceptable prefer using the expanded trauma flap (Fig. 26.2a)
level of disability with the possibility of perma- or the reversed question mark (Fig. 26.2b), because
nent severe neurological disability. the incisions can be placed outside the craniec-
tomy margins in order to minimise wound prob-
lems related to cranioplasty. Another option is the
26.2 Operative Technique T-incision (Fig.  26.2c). All the aforementioned
incisions provide room for temporal decompres-
The goal of surgery is to provide the brain with room sion in order to prevent upper brainstem compres-
for expansion. Therefore, a large craniectomy is pre- sion (Fig. 26.2d). There are pros and cons for all
ferred (De Bonis et al. 2013; Güresir et al. 2009) the incisions in terms of preservation of the vascu-

a b

Fig. 26.1 (a) Severe diffuse right-sided TBI with com- head CT after DC. The patient survived and became inde-
plex frontal bone fracture in a 37-year-old male patient, pendent with upper moderate disability (Glasgow
fall from height accident, (b) blossoming of the haemor- Outcome Scale Extended 6/8)
rhages causing diffuse swelling seen on postoperative
26  Decompressive Craniectomy 181

a b

c d

Fig. 26.2 (a) Extended trauma flap, (b) reversed ques- cyan spheres denote the burr holes; note that the head is
tion mark, (c) T-shaped incision, and (d) hemicraniec- tilted differently in the panel d
tomy after extended trauma flap incision; numbers in the

lature. The superficial temporal artery, including temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial
both frontal and parietal branches, is preserved nerve (Fig. 26.2a and c). Dissecting the scalp and
using the expanded trauma flap and the reversed temporal muscle en bloc helps to avoid injuries to
question mark incisions, while the posterior auric- vascular and neural structures.
ular artery and the occipital artery with its branches
may be sacrificed depending on the inferior and
posterior extension of the incisions. The T-incision 26.2.2 Craniectomy
is a modification of the reversed question mark
incision. It usually preserves the posterior auricu- The size of the craniotomy is of paramount
lar artery and the occipital artery, while it sacri- importance. If the bone flap is too small, the
fices the parietal branch of the superficial temporal swelling brain can herniate during the procedure
artery (Kurzbuch 2015). In both extended trauma causing severe strangulation. A bone flap with a
flap and T-incision, the incision should be placed diameter of 12–15 cm is considered adequate (De
close to the ear in order to provide protection of Bonis et  al. 2013; Güresir et  al. 2009). It is
182 J. P. Posti and P. A. Rønning

i­mperative to decompress the middle fossa; T-shaped dural incision centred on the temporal
hence, the hemicraniectomy should be extended lobe is preferable to other incisions centred more
caudally so that the floor of the middle fossa is superiorly due to the increased decompression of
exposed (Fig.  26.2d). The cranio-caudal and the temporal region. Haematomas that can be
anteroposterior dimensions determine the size of easily accessed should be evacuated.
the DC.  The anatomical landmarks for the DC Regarding the duraplasty, the gold standard is
are anteriorly the superior area above the orbital a synthetic sutureless, non-adhesive, on-lay dura
rim and the sinus of the frontal bone, posteriorly patch of variable materials. It is claimed that the
the lambdoid suture, cranially the superior sagittal on-lay collagen dural substitutes produce less tis-
sinus and inferiorly the zygomatic arch. We rec- sue reaction and easier dissection of the dura-­
ommend placing the first burr hole behind the galea interface when the time has come to
zygomatic process of the frontal bone (Fig. 26.2d, perform cranioplasty (Biroli et al. 2008; Horaczek
burr hole (1), the second as close to the zygomatic et  al. 2008). The use of double dural patch has
arch as possible (Fig.  26.2d, burr hole (2), the been advocated by some neurosurgeons. In this
third on the lambdoid suture approximately technique, a second dural sheet is positioned to
3–4 cm from the midline (Fig. 26.2d, burr hole (3) separate the inner dural patch from the temporal
and an optional fourth behind the coronal suture muscle in order to facilitate safe surgical dissec-
not closer than 2.5–3 cm to the midline in order to tion of the temporal muscle in the subsequent
avoid lesions of superior sagittal sinus and large cranioplasty (Missori et al. 2008).
bridging veins (Fig.  26.2d, burr hole (4).
Additionally, the cranial border of the craniec-
tomy should not be closer than 2.5 cm to the mid- 26.2.4 Closure
line in order to decrease a possible risk of
postoperative subdural hygroma and hydrocepha- Due to the large surface area of the skin flap, an
lus (Fig.  26.2d, the cyan arrow). The temporal epidural drain is recommended in selected cases
decompression is important, and the bony decom- if there is concern about haemostasis (coagulopa-
pression must be flushed with the floor of the thy is common in trauma patients). The drain
middle fossa. Thus, any remaining temporal bone should be removed within 24 h. Suturing the tem-
should be removed with a small rongeur or a rose poral fascia should not be done due to the restric-
burr bit. We advocate the use of bone wax to seal tive effect this can have on brain expansion.
the exposed cancellous bone in the temporal area Instead, the skin is closed by subcutaneous
in order to prevent CSF leak. sutures followed by cutaneous staples or sutures.
The middle meningeal artery may bleed fol-
lowing fracture of the temporal bone due to
trauma or surgical decompression. The bleeding 26.2.5 Bone Storage
can be controlled by using bipolar, bone wax or
placing tenting sutures between the dura and Synthetic implants should be preferred in cranio-
skull edges in order to eliminate the dead space. plasty (Malcolm et  al. 2018; van de Vijfeijken
et al. 2018). Autologous bone should not be used
in young patients and smokers or in case of a
26.2.3 Durotomy and Duraplasty fracture in the bone flap (Dünisch et  al. 2013;
Korhonen et al. 2018). However, if cranioplasty
Durotomy is a key element in DC as it decreases using autologous bone is planned, the bone flap
ICP substantially (Yoo et al. 1999). There are a can be frozen, or it can be stored autologously. In
multitude of techniques for opening the dura the case of freezing, the bone flap is immediately
when performing hemicraniectomy. In the dried off, marked and deep-frozen (at least
absence of hard evidence on the efficacy of the −70 °C). We recommend obtaining swab sample
different techniques, we consider that an inverse before storage and discarding flaps with positive
26  Decompressive Craniectomy 183

culture. Otherwise, the bone can be implanted in tributing to brain swelling and worsening of the
the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen. secondary injury.

26.3 Acute-Phase Complications 26.4 Decompressive Craniectomy

in Paediatric Patients
An early postoperative CT should be performed
to assess blossoming of contusions (Fig. 26.1b) The current Guidelines for the Management of
and contralateral injuries that often increase Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury reports
(Fig.  26.3a) postoperatively due to the tam- Level III evidence for DC for controlling ICP in
ponading effect of preoperative intracranial paediatric patients with severe TBI. More specifi-
­hypertension. In case of a contralateral mass cally, the evidence suggests DC in treating neuro-
lesion following DC, a subsequent lesion evac- logic deterioration, brain herniation or intracranial
uation is recommended if the prognosis of the hypertension refractory to conservative manage-
patient is not futile. Furthermore, the CSF cir- ment (Kochanek et al. 2019).
culation is often influenced resulting in convex- In a systematic review, Ardissino et  al.
ity hygromas (Fig. 26.3b) and ventriculomegaly. reported a possible benefit in the use of DC in
Usually these CSF abnormalities should be left paediatric patients with TBI for reducing high
untreated if possible, since cranioplasty usually ICP (>25  mmHg) that is refractory to medical
rectifies the problem (Stiver, 2009). However, treatment. The authors reported that the quality
in some patients, CSF diversion is recom- of evidence remains extremely low, and the find-
mended with an adjustable valve to prevent ings from RCTs exhibit substantial uncertainty in
excessive sinking flap syndrome (Timofeev translating the benefits of DC into long-term neu-
et al. 2012). rological outcome (Ardissino et  al. 2019). The
Cerebral autoregulation may be compromised only RCT included in the systematic review by
after DC resulting in hyperaemia, possibly con- Ardissino et  al. was an older study by Taylor

a b

Fig. 26.3 (a) Severe contralateral postoperative subdural haematoma following DC (note too small decompression),
(b) postoperative convexity hygroma that resolved after cranioplasty
184 J. P. Posti and P. A. Rønning

et  al. who studied the role of very early DC in brain injury: clinical study, literature review and meta-­
analysis. SpringerPlus. 2016;5:1605.
paediatric patients with elevated ICP following Güresir E, Schuss P, Vatter H, Raabe A, Seifert V, Beck
TBI (Taylor et al. 2001). Altogether 27 patients J. Decompressive craniectomy in subarachnoid hem-
were divided into (unconventional) bi-temporal orrhage. Neurosurg Focus. 2009;26(6):E4. https://doi.
DC following medical therapy and medical ther- org/10.3171/2009.3.FOCUS0954.
Horaczek JA, Zierski J, GraeweA. Collagen matrix in decom-
apy alone groups. The results demonstrated pressive hemicraniectomy. Neurosurgery. 2008;63(1
reduced ICP and fewer episodes of intracranial Suppl):ONS176–81.
hypertension in the DC group than in the conven- 0000312707.25073.CB.
tional medical treatment group. Hutchinson PJ, Kolias AG, Timofeev IS, Corteen EA,
Czosnyka M, Timothy J, et  al. Trial of decompres-
sive craniectomy for traumatic intracranial hyperten-
sion. N Engl J Med. 2016;375:1119–30. https://doi.
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Skull Fractures
Pål André Rønning and Tor Brommeland

Recommendations risk of intracranial haematomas, CSF leakage

and meningitis. Open fractures or fractures
Level I through the sinuses predispose to intracranial
infections and they can be cosmetically
There are insufficient data to support a Level I disfiguring.
recommendation for this topic.

Level II 27.2 Background

There are insufficient data to support a Level II 27.2.1 Vault Fractures

recommendation for this topic.
Vault fractures are common. They can be further
Level III divided into open or closed and depressed or non-­
depressed fractures. Fractures of the vault have a
Open fractures, vault fractures depressed more tendency to cause epidural haemorrhage which
than one bone width and cosmetically disfiguring may be arterial or venous in nature. Usually, the
fractures should be operated. arterial haematomas are caused by a bony spicula
tearing the middle meningeal artery. The venous
haematomas are usually secondary to oozing
27.1 Overview from the fracture edges and have a tendency to
expand slower than the arterial haematomas.
Fractures of the skull can be divided into frac-
tures of the vault or the base of the skull. Such
fractures are quite common and are important to Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
acknowledge because they are associated with a • The skin incision must provide good
exposure of the fracture.
P. A. Rønning (*) • The dura should be inspected for lacera-
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University tions, and a watertight dura seal should
Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway be attempted in case of CSF leakage. In
T. Brommeland case of rhinorrhea and anterior skull
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University base fracture, we advise a multilayer
Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 187

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
188 P. A. Rønning and T. Brommeland

devices. The assembled bone flap is then reat-

reconstruction including a vascularized tached in a normal fashion.
autologous pericranium layer. In case of an open fracture, the skin edge
• Minimize the use of synthetic substi- needs thorough debridement before closure, and
tutes in patients with open fractures to we advise for proper antibiotic prophylaxis.
prevent infection. In the case of comminute fractures where it is
• Tack-up sutures surrounding the frac- impossible to reassemble the bone, there are sev-
ture site should be placed to prevent eral options: make a split bone graft utilizing the
postoperative epidural haematomas. contralateral skull with a similar curvature or use
a material for bone replacement, e.g. bone
cement, prefabricated bone substitutes, etc.
Fracture lines crossing a venous sinus may (Kakar et al. 2009).
cause complete or partial thrombosis of the vein
(Slasky et  al. 2017). This may be demonstrated
with a CT venography. In some instances, anti-­ 27.2.2 Skull Base Fractures
thrombotic treatment with low-molecular-weight
heparin may be indicated. Clinical signs of skull base fractures may be hae-
The indications for surgery of vault fractures matotympanum, racoon eyes, Battle’s sign, otor-
are based on the following (Bullock et al. 2006): rhoea, rhinorrhoea or cranial nerve dysfunction.
Fractures through the base of the skull are divided
1. Infection: open fractures expose dura and/or into fractures through the anterior, middle and
the brain to microorganisms. posterior fossa. The latter entity will not be fur-
2. Cosmetics: fractures depressed more than ther discussed. The important factors to consider
one bone width have a tendency for when dealing with skull base fractures are:
3. Function: depressed fractures (or haematomas • CSF leakage: this can manifest as rhinorrhoea
secondary to the fracture) may cause symp- and/or otorrhoea. The fluid leak results from
toms such as epileptic seizures and neurologi- dural and arachnoid lacerations with fistula
cal deficits. formation.
• Infection: CSF leaks represent a corridor for Operative Technique bacteria to gain access to the CSF space.
Plan the incision to fully expose the fractured • Vessel and nerve injury: vessels and nerves have
area. After exposure, accessing the dura is essen- an intimate relationship with the skull base;
tial; this can be obtained by elevating the bone hence, fractures through the base of the skull
fragment with a periosteal elevator. If the frag- can manifest with cranial nerve deficits (I, II,
ments are wedged, a burr hole is placed clearly VI, VII and VIII most often) and vessel injury.
outside the fractured area and a craniotomy sur- Notably, temporal bone fractures may cause
rounding the fracture complex is performed. The both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.
fragments are carefully collected and saved. Any
epidural haematoma is evacuated, and we also The diagnosis of CSF leakage can be made by
advise a small durotomy if there is bluish discol- detecting clear discharge from the nose or ear in the
oration or a more tense dura than anticipated to presence of a known skull base fracture with pneu-
rule out a subdural haematoma. Next, the dura is mocephalus. When the leak is minimal, the diagno-
sewn watertight before tack-up sutures are placed sis can be much more difficult. CSF contains 60%
between the dura and the bone edges (and cen- of serum glucose; however, nasal discharge also
trally if the bone flap is large.) Fracture fragments has glucose present and discharge with a positive
can be reassembled into a large bone flap by glucose test has a high sensitivity, but low specific-
using plates and multiple microscrews or similar ity for CSF leakage. Differentiating CSF from
27  Skull Fractures 189

mucosal discharge can be made by the presence of the dura defect. In the case of a large comminute
beta-2-transferrin or beta-trace protein in the dis- anterior skull base fracture with CSF leakage, a
charge, but the tests are not always readily avail- bi-coronal incision is planned. The periosteum is
able (Davies and Teo 1995). After verifying that the left intact with a vascularized pedicle so that it
leaking fluid indeed is CSF, the site of leakage must can be used later as a dura patch. Burr holes are
be identified. If there is pneumocephalus and obvi- placed over the superior sagittal sinus, and a large
ous fracture fragments tearing the dura, the leak bi-frontal craniotomy is made, ensuring adequate
site can usually be identified rather easily. It can, access to the floor of the anterior fossa. If the
however, be difficult to pinpoint the exact location frontal sinus is opened, the mucosa should be
of the CSF leakage. Usually, CT with thin cuts can removed. Instruments used for this purpose are
provide a plausible leak site; further diagnosis contaminated by nasal pathogens and should be
requires either MR or CT cisternography. resterilized before further use. Next, the dura is
In most cases of CSF leakage associated with dissected free from the anterior skull base (as far
skull base fractures, the leak spontaneously posterior as the planum sphenoidale), and the
ceases within the first 10–12 days. Within this bony skull base is reconstructed if necessary.
time frame, the risk of developing meningitis is Most likely, this will entail tearing both olfactory
rather low. The use of prophylactic antibiotics in nerves at the thin lamina cribrosa. Next, the dura
patients with posttraumatic CSF leakage is not is opened, and the sagittal sinus and falx is ligated
indicated (Ratilal et  al. 2011). We recommend and cut at the anteriormost end. Subfrontal dis-
lumbar drainage and bed rest in order to acceler- section then allows basofrontal contusions to be
ate the resolution of leakage. The amount of CSF removed, and the intradural floor can be carpeted
drained must be balanced with respect to leakage using a dura substitute (artificial or fascia lata).
resolution, and the patient must be clinically Next, the dura is closed, and the epidural skull
monitored for symptoms of overdrainage. base can be glued with the pedicled periosteum
Treatment of cranial nerve deficits secondary flap or another dura substitute for a sandwich
to skull base fractures and their management reconstruction of the basofrontal dura. Finally,
have a poor evidence base. Some advocate the the bone flap is reattached, and the skin is closed
use of steroids, whilst others recommend decom- (Scholsem et al. 2008).
pression of the affected nerve (Samii and Tatagiba Postoperatively, care must be taken with
2002). The complexity of the anatomy also plays respect to positive pressure ventilation to prevent
an important role, and decompressive temporal pneumocephalus. The patient should be covered
bone facial nerve surgery is rarely indicated, prophylactically for upper respiratory tract
whilst decompression of the optic nerve has bet- microorganisms for the ensuing 5 days.
ter documentation and is easier to perform.
In the acute setting, indications for surgery are:
27.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
1. CSF leaks and fractures where the prospect of
resolution is deemed very unlikely Particular attention should be paid to children
2. CSF leaks that do not resolve within 14 days who sustain a diastatic fracture. Rarely, these
3. Cranial nerve deficits in progression fractures have a dural tear that subsequently can
provide the nidus for a growing skull fracture
In the chronic setting, recurrent meningitis is whereby a leptomeningeal cyst with or without
also an indication for surgery. brain parenchyma protrudes through the bony
opening. Symptoms and signs indicative of a Operative Technique growing fracture include a diastatic fracture that
The basic goal is to achieve reasonable bony con- fails to fuse, progressive neurological symptoms
tinuity, decompress neural structures and patch and/or seizures. Particularly patients under the
190 P. A. Rønning and T. Brommeland

age of 3 with a cephalohaematoma and a diastatic Davies MA, Teo C.  Management of traumatic cere-
brospinal fluid fistula. J Craniomaxillofac Trauma.
fracture should be followed up closely. 1995;1:9–17.
A “ping-pong fracture” is a localized bony Kakar V, Nagaria J, John KP.  The current status of
impression of the skull vault caused by a direct, decompressive craniectomy. Br J Neurosurg.
focal trauma to the head. It resembles the look of 2009;23:147–57.
Ratilal BO, Costa J, Sampaio C, Pappamikail
a ping-pong ball after compression with a finger. L.  Antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing meningi-
If cosmetically disfiguring, these fractures should tis in patients with basilar skull fractures. Cochrane
be operated. A craniotomy around the fracture Database Syst Rev. 2011;(8):CD004884. https://doi.
complex with remodelling of the bone and reat- org/10.1002/14651858.CD004884.pub3.
Samii M, Tatagiba M.  Skull base trauma: diagnosis and
tachment using small plates and screws may be management. Neurol Res. 2002;24:147–56.
performed. In the very young child, the skull Scholsem M, Scholtes F, Collignon F, Robe P, Dubuisson
bone has considerable plasticity, and the A, Kaschten B, Lenelle J, Martin D. Surgical manage-
depressed fracture may be elevated by a small ment of anterior cranial base fractures with cerebro-
spinal fluid fistulae: a single-institution experience.
periosteal elevator passed under the bone through Neurosurgery. 2008;62:463–9.
a burr hole lateral to the injury. Slasky SE, Rivaud Y, Suberlak M, Tairu O, Fox AD,
Ohman-Strickland P, et  al. Venous sinus thrombosis
in blunt trauma: incidence and risk factors. J Comput
Assist Tomogr. 2017;41:891–7.
Bullock MR, Chesnut R, Ghajar J, Gordon D, Hartl R,
Newell DW, Servadei F, Walters BC, Wilberger
J. Surgical management of depressed cranial fractures.
Neurosurgery. 2006;58:S56–60.
Vessel Injuries
Pål André Rønning and Tor Brommeland

Recommendations injury. We will here divide vessel injuries into

extracranial and intracranial vessel injuries.
Level I They are both difficult to diagnose without
special contrast-enhanced radiological investiga-
There are insufficient data to support a Level I tions, and a high index of suspicion must be
recommendation for this topic. entertained (Vertinsky et  al. 2008). The vessel
pathology itself can be divided into:
Level II
• Dissection—a tear in the intima leaves a
There are insufficient data to support a Level II highly thrombogenic intimal flap in the vessel
recommendation for this topic. lumen and a haematoma can develop in the
vessel wall. Hence, blood flow can be impeded
Level III by both thrombosis and mural haematoma.
Distal blood flow can be influenced due to
The radiological investigation of choice is CT embolic phenomena from the local
angiography. The goal of therapy is to prevent thrombosis.
further neurological injury by maintaining suffi- • True aneurysms—focal outpouching from an
cient cerebral blood flow and preventing embolic injured vessel where at least one layer of the
incidents. vessel wall is intact.
• Pseudoaneurysms—focal outpouching from
an injured vessel where all vessel wall layers
28.1 Overview are compromised, leaving just an organized
haematoma as the barrier to further bleeding.
Vessel injuries are uncommon but potentially
devastating to the patient. Both blunt and pene- Both true aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms
trating trauma to the head can result in vessel have turbulent blood flow and can serve as a
nidus for thrombosis and subsequent
P. A. Rønning (*) · T. Brommeland embolization.
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University
Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University
Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 191

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
192 P. A. Rønning and T. Brommeland

Table 28.1  The expanded Denver screening criteria for

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls BCVI
• Maintain a high index of suspicion for Signs/symptoms of BCVI
vessel injury when there is: Arterial haemorrhage from the neck/nose/mouth
–– Discrepancy between plain CT find- Cervical bruit in patients <50 years
ings and the clinical state of the Expanding cervical haematoma
Focal neurological deficit
Neurological exam incongruous with head CT findings
–– Subarachnoid haemorrhage in the
Stroke on secondary CT scan
interhemispheric fissure
–– Fractures in close proximity to vessels Risk factors for BVCI High-energy transfer mechanism
Le Fort II or III
Mandible fracture
Complex skull fracture/basilar skull fracture/occipital
28.2 Background condyle fracture
Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) with GCS < 6
28.2.1 Extracranial Vessel Injury Cervical spine fracture, subluxation or ligamentous
injury at any level
Near-hanging with anoxic brain injury
The incidence of blunt carotid or vertebral injury Seat belt abrasion with significant swelling, pain or
(BCVI) in hospitalized trauma patients is 1–2% altered mental status
(Weber et  al. 2018; Esnault et  al. 2017). In TBI with thoracic injury
patients with severe head injury (initial GCS < 9), Scalp degloving
the incidence may be as high as 9% and BCVI is Thoracic vascular injury
also clearly associated with major facial injury, Blunt cardiac rupture
Upper rib fracture
as well as cervical spine fractures. The usual
mechanism of injury is dissection with formation CT angiography is indicated if one or more of the criteria
are present
of a thrombus, wall hematoma or pseudoaneu-
rysm. These processes may narrow the vessel
lumen or shed an embolus to a more peripheral facial injury (Le Fort 2 and 3) or skull base
brain artery and result in a stroke. fractures.
The true risk of a stroke in patients with extra- The radiological investigation of choice is CT
cranial vessel injury is unknown, but the litera- angiography (CTA) (Roberts et  al. 2013). It is
ture indicates around 11% with a mortality rate of readily available, fast and easily performed in a
approximately 26% (Weber et al. 2018). The time trauma setting. Usually, this is sufficient to
interval from injury to onset of cerebral ischemia exclude extracranial vessel injury, but MRI can
itself is difficult to pinpoint, but from 1 to 72 h provide further confirmation and also informa-
has been documented. Penetrating injuries more tion on possible infarction.
often transect the vessel or parts of the vessel and The goal of therapy is to prevent further neu-
thereby expose the patient to compromised blood rological injury by maintaining sufficient cere-
flow and significant blood loss. Explosions and bral blood flow and preventing embolic incidents.
ballistic injuries can cause dissections due to the Therapeutic options are anticoagulation/platelet
shock wave resulting in an intima tear. inhibition or endovascular intervention. Both
Several screening criteria have been devel- heparin/low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)
oped for the detection of BCVI of which we rec- and platelet inhibitors are options for preventing
ommend the expanded Denver criteria further thrombosis and embolic events. There is
(Table  28.1) (Geddes et  al. 2016). The most insufficient documentation to recommend one
important risk factor for BCVI is a high-energy over the other, but a reasonable algorithm is to
trauma mechanism in combination with severe start with medical therapy such as LMWH with
TBI (GCS  <  9), cervical spine fracture, severe transition to acetylsalicylic acid (Harrigan et al.
28  Vessel Injuries 193

2013; Brommeland et  al. 2018). Endovascular cavernous sinus that are fed by intracavernous
intervention is usually reserved for cases with branches of the internal and/or external carotid
embolic events despite medical therapy. The nat- artery), spontaneous thrombosis of the fistula can
ural history of these lesions shows a strong ten- occur and conservative treatment may be suffi-
dency towards spontaneous healing within the cient. Usually, endovascular embolization of the
first couple of months. Treatment length for trau- fistula is the method of choice in treating both
matic dissections has not been determined, but 3 direct and indirect carotid cavernous fistulas.
months may be sufficient. A control CTA should
be performed before stopping medical therapy. Traumatic Aneurysms
Less often, patients present with an extracra- These are rare, comprising less than 1% of all intra-
nial carotid or vertebral aneurysm. They can cranial aneurysms (Semple 2004). Compared with
demonstrate symptoms secondary to emboliza- ‘spontaneous’ aneurysms, they have a larger pro-
tion, rupture or local volume effect. Therapy is pensity for bleeding: 50% rupture within the first
controversial; their natural history shows a clear week. This can be explained by the fact that these
tendency towards regression, but anticoagulation aneurysms are pseudoaneurysms. They also have a
is often indicated to prevent embolization. clear predilection for more distal localizations than
However, they should be subject to repeated spontaneous aneurysms, especially the A3 + 4 seg-
radiological investigations. Enlargement, embo- ments of the anterior cerebral arteries. They also
lization and severe compressive symptoms show a clear tendency for rapid growth, and regular
should mandate consultation with expertise profi- controls are warranted if indications for surgery
cient in either flow-sparing therapy (suturing the have not already been made. A high index of suspi-
aneurysm sac, resection and anastomosis or cion must be maintained in patients admitted with
endovascular stent therapy) or flow-stopping penetrating injuries, where the offending object has
therapy (balloon occlusion test with subsequent been in close vicinity of the vessel; in patients with
ligation/coiling or bypass). localized subarachnoid clots; in patients with large
bleeds in the basal cisterns; in patients with frac-
tures of the clivus, sphenoid sinus or medial tempo-
28.2.2 Intracranial Vessel Injury ral bone; and in patients exposed to shock waves.
Data on the sensitivity of CTA compared with DSA
These are divided into arteriovenous fistulas is lacking with regards to traumatic aneurysms.
(AVF), traumatic aneurysms, thrombosis and However, if there are any irregularities on the CTA,
sinus injuries. we recommend DSA, as it better reveals the hall-
marks of traumatic aneurysms: delayed emptying Arteriovenous Fistulas and filling of the aneurysm, irregular contours and
The most common traumatic AVF is the carotid-­ absence of a neck. Obliteration of these aneurysms
cavernous fistula. Symptoms are related to arteri- is usually recommended.
alization, volume and increased venous pressure The method of choice has traditionally been
and include headache, chemosis, ptosis, ophthal- open surgery due to the lack of a neck and the
moplegia and visual loss. CTA can give hints to poor strength of the aneurysm wall making trau-
the presence of an AVF (arterialized cavernous matic aneurysms poor candidates for endovascu-
sinus and increased size of ophtalmic vein), but lar treatment. However, there are now several
digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is manda- reports claiming good results using combined
tory to further elucidate the flow pattern. If it is a endovascular stentassisted coiling (Cohen et  al.
direct carotid-­cavernous fistula (direct connec- 2008). During surgery, these aneurysms have
tion between ICA and the cavernous sinus), been notorious for their intraoperative tendency
occlusion of the fistula is warranted to prevent for rupture and difficult clip reconstruction,
neurological deterioration; however, if it is an necessitating wrapping, ligation or trapping with
indirect fistula (a fistula within the leaves of the or without bypass (Semple 2004).
194 P. A. Rønning and T. Brommeland Traumatic Occlusion sinus involved, occlusion can increase the pres-
The most common intracranial vessel to be sure with subsequent herniation. A few case
occluded is the proximal intracranial ICA where reports indicate that if the patient does not toler-
the vessel is in intimate contact with bone. ate temporary sinus occlusion, a Fogarty® cath-
Fractures in the vicinity of the ICA should arouse eter can be inserted and used as a bypass vehicle
concern and mandate an angiographic examina- while the sinus is reconstructed.
tion. CTA is usually sufficient, but if there are any
irregularities, we advocate DSA. The occlusion is
usually secondary to dissection with subsequent 28.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
mural haematoma and thrombosis. Rates of
70–85% suffering from massive hemispheric There are no specific paediatric concerns for this
infarction have been reported. However, the subject.
patency of the circle of Willis clearly plays a role,
and previous reports are hampered by obvious
selection bias. We advocate anticoagulation and References
perfusion studies to elucidate whether the cross-
flow is adequate. In case of perfusion asymmetry, Brommeland, et  al. Best practice guidelines for the
management of cerebrovascular injury. Scand J
we recommend increasing the blood pressure and Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. Scand J Trauma Resusc
preferably utilize some form of metabolic moni- Emerg Med. 2018;26(1):90.
toring in the affected hemisphere. There are also s13049-018-0559-1.
case reports on vascular augmentation procedures. Cohen, et  al. Results of endovascular treatment of
traumatic intracranial aneurysms. Neurosurgery.
In case the patient has already sustained a massive 2008;63:476–85; discussion 485–6. https://doi.
infarction, we generally discourage decompres- org/10.1227/01.NEU.0000324995.57376.79.
sive hemicraniectomy. Esnault, et  al. Blunt cerebrovascular injuries in severe
traumatic brain injury: incidence, risk factors, and
evolution. J Neurosurg. 2017;127(1):16–22. Dural Sinus Injury Geddes, et al. Expanded screening criteria for blunt cere-
Fractures extending across major dural sinuses brovascular injury: a bigger impact than anticipated.
can potentially tear the vessel wall and produce Am J Surg. 2016;212(6):1167–74.
an extracerebral haemorrhage, usually an epi- Harrigan, et  al. Management of vertebral artery inju-
ries following non-penetrating cervical trauma.
dural haematoma. If an indication for evacuation Neurosurgery. 2013;72(Suppl 2):234–43.
is found, one should make arrangements for a Roberts, et  al. Diagnostic accuracy of computed tomo-
potentially large haemorrhage when the bone flap graphic angiography for blunt cerebrovascular injury
is raised. Usually, the sinus tear is found and can detection in trauma patients: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Ann Surg. 2013;257(4):621–32.
be plugged with a finger while contemplating the Semple P.  Traumatic aneurysms. In: LeRoux PD, Winn
next move. Depending on the size of the tear, a H, Newell DW, editors. Management of cerebral aneu-
small piece of Tachosil® or similar material and rysms. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2004. p. 397–408.
slight pressure might be sufficient, but if large Vertinsky, AT et al. Comparison of multidetector CT angi-
ography and MR imaging of cervical artery dissec-
parts of the sinus are torn, reconstruction is tion. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2008;29(9):1753–60.
recommended. Temporary occlusion using
aneurysm clips to visualize the rent while
­ Weber, et  al. Blunt cerebrovascular injury and stroke in
­reconstructing the vessel using sutures and an severely injured patients: an international multi center
analysis. World J Surg. 2018;42(7):2043–53.
overlay of dura can be done, but depending on the
Insertion of Intracranial
Monitoring Devices 29
Zandra Olivecrona and Bo-Michael Bellander

Recommendations Level III

Level I Intracranial pressure should be measured in all

unconscious patients with a severe TBI and
Data are insufficient to support a Level I recom- ­normal CT scan if two of the following features
mendation for this topic. are noted at admission: age over 40 years, unilat-
eral or bilateral motor posturing (GCS-M  <  4),
Level II and/or systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg.
ICP monitoring should be considered in TBI
A measuring device for intracranial pressure patients who require urgent surgery for extracra-
should be inserted in salvageable TBI patients nial injuries, who need mechanical ventilation
with an abnormal computed tomography scan because of extracranial injuries, or who evidence
and a GCS score of 3–8. progression of pathology on CT imaging or clini-
Management of severe TBI patients using cal deterioration.
information from ICP monitoring is recom- Brain tissue oxygen monitoring can help to guide
mended to reduce in-hospital and 2-week post-­ treatment towards improved brain oxygenation.
injury mortality. Brain temperature measurement can help to
guide treatment towards normothermia.
Cerebral microdialysis is a reliable and safe
technique that is used in the clinical management
of neurocritical care patients and in particular
those with severe TBI.
Z. Olivecrona (*)
Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of
Medicine, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
Section for Neurosurgery, Department of Anaesthesia Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
and Intensive Care, University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
e-mail: • When the map is different from the
landscape, the landscape is right! Be
B.-M. Bellander
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska aware of technical malfunction, and do
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden not trust monitoring values blindly.
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University • Two monitors telling the same story are
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden more convincing than just one.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 195

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
196 Z. Olivecrona and B.-M. Bellander

29.2 Background
• Always consider inserting an EVD in
the early phase of treatment. 29.2.1 Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
• When ICP monitoring is indicated, also and Cerebral Perfusion
consider adding brain tissue oximetry Pressure (CPP)
and microdialysis.
• It is not the values but what you do with The main objective of neurointensive monitoring
the values that improves outcome. is to maintain adequate cerebral perfusion and
oxygenation to ensure an optimal balance
between cerebral blood flow and metabolism and
to avoid secondary insults while the brain
29.1 Overview recovers.
Elevated ICP may be the first indicator of pro-
There are two main methods of measuring ICP: gressive intracranial pathology. Intracranial
via parenchymal ICP probes or external ventricu- hypertension is found in 30–75% of patients with
lar drains (EVD). ICP data can indicate progress severe TBI (Narayan et al. 1982; Eisenberg et al.
of intracranial pathology and can be used to calcu- 1990) and is an independent predictor of mortal-
late and manage cerebral perfusion pressure ity (Badri et al. 2012). Preventive treatment of an
(CPP). ICP monitoring through an EVD also per- unknown, perhaps increased ICP, is not without
mits therapeutic drainage of CSF. Cerebral blood risks (Bratton et al. 2007a, b).
flow (CBF) probes, oxygen tension catheters and The recommendations regarding ICP monitor-
microdialysis can be used to assess regional events ing in the third edition of the Brain Trauma
but may fail to detect harmful events in other parts Foundation (BTF) guidelines were mainly based
of the brain. Conversely, more global approaches on observational studies (Bratton et al. 2007a, b).
(venous oxygen saturation) fail to detect regional The recommendations were:
abnormalities (Maas et  al. 2008). Multimodal
monitoring is generally considered state-of-the- • “Intracranial pressure (ICP) should be moni-
art, including ICP, PBTO2 and microdialysis. tored in all salvageable patients with severe
Intracranial monitoring is not without risk of traumatic brain injury (TBI; Glasgow Coma
complications. Obstruction and subsequent mal- Scale (GCS) of 3–8 after resuscitation) and
function of an EVD occur in approximately 6% an abnormal computed tomography (CT)
of patients (Bavetta et  al. 1996). The risk of scan”.
infection is higher with EVDs (up to 10%) com- • “ICP monitoring is indicated in patients with
pared to intraparenchymal ICP catheters (close TBI with normal CT scan if two or more of the
to 0%) (Hagel et  al. 2014; Koskinen and following features are noted at admission: age
Olivecrona 2005). The risk of haemorrhagic over 40, unilateral or bilateral motor posturing,
complications is between 1 (Bratton et  al. or systolic blood pressure (BP) < 90 mmHg”.
2007a, b) and 5% (Kakarla et  al. 2008) with
EVDs, but very low (3 out of approximately In a recent trial, Chesnut and colleagues failed
1000 patients) with intraparenchymal ICP cath- to detect a statistical difference between patients
eters (Koskinen and Olivecrona 2005; Koskinen randomized to ICP monitoring versus no ICP
et al. 2013). Clinically significant infections and monitoring (Chesnut et al. 2012). Based on this
haemorrhage associated with ICP devices are study, the BTF changed their recommendations
relatively rare and should not deter the decision to Level IIB in the fourth edition of the BTF
to monitor ICP. guidelines:
29  Insertion of Intracranial Monitoring Devices 197

• “Management of severe TBI patients using 29.2.2 Brain Tissue Oximetry (PBTO2)
information from ICP monitoring is recom-
mended to reduce in-hospital and 2-week To prevent secondary brain injuries, the brain is
post-injury mortality”. reliant of adequate supply of oxygen and meta-
bolic substrates. This is a function of the oxygen
ICP monitoring is still the gold standard content, as well as the glucose level of the blood
for  guiding therapy and is considered in all reaching the brain (Fox et al. 1988). Development
patients with severe TBI. It is also necessary for of monitoring systems that can provide informa-
calculation of CPP.  Systemic hypotension and tion on CBF and metabolism has been a long-­
intracranial hypertension reduce CPP, and this standing goal in neurocritical care. Notably, the
has a negative impact on outcome especially depth and duration of tissue hypoxia is an inde-
when autoregulation is impaired (Guiza et  al. pendent predictor of unfavourable outcome and
2017). death (van den Brink et al. 2000).
CPP is an indirect measure of cerebral Several brain tissue oxygen monitoring sys-
perfusion that incorporates mean arterial tems that continuously monitor brain oxygen
blood   pressure (MAP) and ICP: CPP  =  partial pressure (PBTO2) are available. Jugular
MAP – ICP. Both MAP and ICP are dependent bulb measurement of oxygen content in the
on the choice of zero-points. Blood pressure is, cerebral venous outflow can be used to estimate
according to the new BTF guidelines, by con- brain oxygen saturation, and this technique has
vention calibrated to the level of the right atrium been around for many years. Furthermore,
of the heart (Carney et al. 2017). This contrasts methods to monitor cerebral perfusion bed side
the seminal paper from Rosner and co-workers, have been developed, including thermal diffu-
where the MAP was measured in supine patients sion probes, transcranial Doppler, near-infrared
at the level of the middle cranial fossa to esti- spectroscopy and jugular venous saturation
mate transcranial perfusion (Rosner et al. 1995). monitors.
In a recent UK study, it was found that the heart Studies indicate that directing treatment to
was used as zero-point for MAP in 58% of the improve brain oxygenation might benefit the
participating neurosurgical intensive care units, patient more than conventional ICP-/CPP-­targeted
while 42% used the tragus a zero-point. As 84% treatment. Most of these studies conclude that low
nurse their patients in 30° head-up position, the PBTO2 (<10–15 mmHg over 30 min) increases both
difference in CPP can be substantial between mortality and morbidity (Bardt et al. 1998; Valadka
centres (Thomas et al. 2015). In a similar survey et al. 1998; Van den Brink et al. 2000; Stiefel et al.
from Scandinavia, it was estimated that CPP 2005; Narotam et  al. 2009; Spiotta et  al. 2010;
differed up to 23 mmHg between centres, based Okonkwo et al. 2017). However, other studies have
on differences in patient positioning and zero- not been able to confirm these findings (Martini
points for MAP (Stubhaug et  al. 2003). Thus, et  al. 2009; Green et  al. 2013; McCarthy et  al.
this is important to keep in mind when using 2009), and the BTF therefore downgraded the rec-
CPP-targeted therapy and when reading or writ- ommendations for brain tissue oxygen monitoring
ing scientific literature on CPP measurements. in the fourth edition (Carney et al. 2017).
However, ICP and CPP monitoring provides
limited information regarding other important
factors in TBI pathophysiology, such as cere- 29.2.3 Intracerebral Microdialysis
bral blood flow (CBF) and metabolism. Further,
it does not eliminate the risk of cerebral Monitoring of regional cerebral metabolism is
hypoxia (Gracias et  al. 2004; Okonkwo et  al. possible to perform using intracerebral microdi-
2017). alysis, and this is a reliable and safe technique.
198 Z. Olivecrona and B.-M. Bellander

A  decreasing level of glucose together with done in the ICU or in theatre. It is also possible to
increasing lactate/pyruvate ratio (LPR) warns of insert an ICP catheter after evacuation of a hae-
a developing metabolic crisis. LPR can be used to matoma through the craniotomy opening.
differentiate ischaemic from non-ischaemic
causes of energy dysfunction and is an important Insertion of an 
complement to classical intracranial monitors Intraparenchymal
(Hutchinson et al. 2015). ICP Measuring Device
Microdialysis allows the chemistry of the Using a Bolt
extracellular interstitial fluid to be monitored Application of the different monitors is described
continuously. Microdialysis is a complementary in respective manuals and should be fol-
technique to ICP, CPP and PBTO2, providing addi- lowed  rigorously. The following are general
tional information on substrate delivery and recommendations:
metabolism at the cellular level. At a consensus
meeting on the use of microdialysis in TBI in • The monitor is placed in the right or left pre-
2015, the following recommendations were pro- frontal area, allowing the patient’s head to be
vided (Hutchinson et al. 2015): rotated without interfering with the monitor’s
function. Select the most injured side in a
• In diffuse TBI, placing the catheter in the right focal injury. In diffuse injury, the right hemi-
(non-dominant) frontal lobe is recommended. sphere is generally recommended.
• In focal TBI, there are different options for • Localize and mark the insertion point, corre-
catheter placement that depend on whether the sponding to Kocher’s point: 2–3  cm anterior
goal is to monitor tissue at risk or normal brain, to the coronal suture and 2  cm lateral to the
e.g. to guide systemic glucose treatment. midline. This point is chosen because it mini-
• Where there is a focal lesion, catheter place- mizes the involvement of eloquent brain
ment ipsilateral to the lesion and in radio- through which the catheter must pass and
graphically normal brain is recommended if facilitates nursing care.
feasible. • Shave or cut the hair and mark a 0.5 cm skin
• Multiple catheters are an option in focal TBI, incision.
e.g. placed at craniotomy for a focal lesion into • Sterilize the area using chlorhexidine or
perilesional brain with a contralateral “bolt” povidone-iodine.
catheter in radiographically normal brain. • Inject local anaesthesia (adrenalin-lidocaine
• Stereotactic placement is an option but rarely mixture) in a radial fashion around the planned
practical. incision site.
• Drape the operation area.
Assessment of microdialysis is thoroughly • A 0.5 cm linear incision is made and carried
described elsewhere in this book, but as a rule of down to the bone.
thumb, glucose >1 mmol/L and lactate/pyruvate • Use a small skin retractor to expose the bone
ratio <30 indicate that the regional metabolic and achieve haemostasis of the skin edges.
state is normal. • Drill a hole through the outer and inner tables
of the skull. Ensure the drill guard is in place
to avoid penetration of the dura or trauma to
29.3 Insertion of Monitoring the brain.
Devices • Remove the drill and irrigate the hole with
sterile saline to remove any bone or soft tissue
29.3.1 Intraparenchymal Devices debris.
• Manually screw the bolt into the skull.
Insertion of an intraparenchymal device is a • Insert the stylet through the bolt to penetrate
quick and easy procedure. The operation can be the dura.
29  Insertion of Intracranial Monitoring Devices 199

• Remove the catheter from the package and Potential risks of EVD placement include intra-
attach it to the monitor. Zero the catheter if parenchymal haematoma and infection/ventricu-
required, according to the manufacturer’s litis. The operation must be carried out under
instructions. rigorous sterile conditions, preferably in the
• Insert the catheter through the strain-relief operating room. To prevent infections, it is also
protective sheath and then into the bolt so that recommended to tunnel the drain at least 5  cm
it extends 0.5–1 cm beyond the end of the bolt under the skin, unless using a bolt.
into the brain parenchyma (any significant
resistance usually results from non-­penetration Insertion of an EVD
of both tables of the skull and the dura). • In the absence of contraindications, the right
• If using a fibre-optic catheter, pull back on the prefrontal region is chosen for insertion of an
catheter a millimetre or two so that it is not EVD.
under tension against a blood vessel or brain • Mark a 3–4  cm curvilinear incision centred
parenchyma. Then, turn the compression cap around Kocher’s point. Other approaches
clockwise to secure the monitor in place. include Keens point, 2.5  cm posterior and
Place a dressing or a suture to secure the superior to the top of the ear, and the occipital
strain-relief protective sheath to the fibre-optic parietal, 6 cm above the inion, 4 cm from the
cable. midline.
• Check for a pressure waveform and record the • The incision should be performed with a scal-
initial ICP. In order to see that the catheter is in pel and carried down to the skull. Ensure hae-
place, you might lower the head rest or per- mostatic control of bleeding skin arteries.
form Queckenstedt’s test, both should result in • The skull should be cleared of the periosteum
a rise in ICP. and a small retractor placed.
• A burr hole is made, perpendicular to the External Ventricular skull.
Drainage (EVD) • Perform haemostasis in the burr hole. Use
EVD is the most accurate, low-cost and reliable bone wax if needed.
method of monitoring ICP as well as allowing • Use a hook and a Kerrison to clean the burr
therapeutic drainage of CSF. It is always possible hole if necessary.
to recalibrate it in situ, which is not always the • The dura is opened using either cautery or a
case with intraparenchymal catheters. The exter- scalpel.
nal transducer must be constantly maintained at a • The arachnoid and cortex are cautiously coag-
fixed reference point relative to the patient’s head ulated and a small corticotomy is performed.
to avoid measurement errors. Correct placement • The ventricular catheter, with the mandrel,
of an EVD into the lateral ventricle at the level of stylet or the metal wire in place, should be
the foramen of Monro requires skill and training. directed in a plane towards the medial canthus
Patients likely to develop intracranial hyperten- of the ipsilateral side in the sagittal plane and
sion should be considered for an EVD in the first towards a point 0–1 cm anterior to the tragus
place instead of an intraparenchymal ICP cathe- in the coronal plane, essentially aiming
ter, if it is suitable according to the CT findings towards the foramen of Monro.
and coagulation status. It is often difficult to • The catheter should be advanced to 5  cm
place the EVD in a TBI patient because of mid- below the dura, which is 6–7  cm below the
line shift or slit ventricles. If so, a neuronaviga- skull surface. This will place the tip of the
tion system can help to place the EVD in the catheter just above the ipsilateral foramen of
correct position (for neuronavigation, see below). Monro.
Be aware not to bend the catheter too tightly, and • Usually, a “pop” or a “give in” is felt at about
be cautious not to put sutures that obstruct or 3–4  cm, indicating entry into the ventricle.
puncture the EVD when closing the incision. Advance the catheter without the mandrel so it
200 Z. Olivecrona and B.-M. Bellander

remains 6 cm at skull. This ensures that all the patients intrinsic CSF pathways to assume full
holes in the ventricular catheter are within the control of the CSF equilibrium.
ventricle. • If, after 24  h of clamping the EVD, the
• Immediate egress of clear or haemorrhagic patient remains neurologically stable with
(depending on the pathology) CSF is seen. normal ICP and head CT scanning demon-
Care must be taken not to lose too much CSF strates stable ventricular size, the EVD is
at this point, as the brain may not tolerate sud- removed and a single stitch placed at the skin
den decompression of the ventricles. entry site.
• The catheter should be secured externally by
tunnelling under the scalp to prevent infection Stereotactic Placement of an EVD by
(>5  cm). The drain may then be looped and Neuronavigation
secured with 2-0 nylon suture and stitched Neuronavigation is a tool that provides numerous
into place using three suture points. Make sure advantages to the neurosurgeon (AlAzri et  al.
that the catheter is firmly attached and not eas- 2017), including high-precision intraoperative
ily removable. localization of anatomical structures. There are
• Close the wound, preferably in two layers. several suppliers of neuronavigation today, but
• A sterile dressing is then placed, and the EVD they are principally very similar. An EVD stylet
is connected to the external collection system (akin to an ordinary mandrel) is typically linked
and ICP measuring transducer. to the preoperative CT images. This can support
• Check that the EVD is still working properly. intraoperative control, especially if the ventricles
are small.
The EVD is calibrated at the level of the tra-
gus, i.e. the tragus is the zero-point for the
ICP.  The drain can either be kept closed and 29.3.2 Intracerebral Microdialysis
opened at a certain level of ICP (intermittent
drainage) or be kept open as an overflow drain at Insertion of an Intracerebral
a defined height (e.g. 15  cm H2O; continuous Microdialysis Catheter
drainage). A multi-lumen bolt could be preferable if it is
Remember that an open EVD does not warn desirable to monitor ICP, microdialysis and PBTO2
for herniation as the open drain cannot measure simultaneously.
higher levels than the distance between the zero When using a bolt, it is important to make
point and the level of drainage! sure that the dura, arachnoid and cortex are open
for passage of the sensible microdialysis mem-
Weaning of External Ventricular Drainage brane. It is also important that the membrane
Once the ICP is normalized, it is essential to (the 10 mm white tip of the probe) is not dam-
determine whether the patient’s own intrinsic CSF aged during handling, which often is the reason
absorption pathways maintain an equilibrium why the perfusate does not reach the microvial
between CSF production and absorption. In this (“empty microvial”) for analysis. When attach-
case, the EVD weaning protocol is instituted. ing the microdialysis pump, it is also necessary
to ensure that there are no air bubbles in the per-
• The height of the EVD is gradually increased fusion fluid.
from the actual level of drainage, e.g. in steps It is possible to install a microdialysis
of 5–10  mmHg up to a height of 20  mmHg, probe without a bolt, e.g. after evacuation of a
for a certain time, e.g. 24 h. haematoma. In that case, the catheter should
• If the patient’s neurology and ICP remain be tunnelled under the skin and fixed with
stable, the EVD is clamped to allow the
­ sutures.
29  Insertion of Intracranial Monitoring Devices 201

29.3.3 Parenchymal PBTO2 Catheter References

Indications for installing PBTO2 catheters are no Adelson PD, Bratton SL, Carney NA, Chesnut RM, du
Coudray HE, Goldstein B, et  al. Guidelines for the
different from regular ICP measurement. The acute medical management of severe traumatic brain
PBTO2 catheter should preferably be positioned in injury in infants, children, and adolescents. Chapter 7.
a non-lesioned area in the white matter to gain Intracranial pressure monitoring technology. Pediatr
reliable O2 information. The PBTO2 catheter is Crit Care Med. 2003;4(3 Suppl):S28–30.
AlAzri A, et al. Placement accuracy of external ventricu-
more expensive than a regular ICP catheter and lar drain when comparing freehand insertion to neuro-
the cost-effectiveness is still unknown. The PBTO2 navigation guidance in severe traumatic brain injury.
catheter is more prone to dysfunctions than regu- Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017;159(8):1399–411.
lar ICP catheters, but it gives valuable informa- Badri S, et al. Mortality and long-term functional outcome
associated with intracranial pressure after traumatic
tion on brain oxygenation. Most catheters also brain injury. Intensive Care Med. 2012;38(11):1800–9.
offer information on the brain temperature. Bardt TF, Unterberg AW, et  al. Monitoring of brain tis-
sue PO2  in traumatic brain injury: effect of cere- Insertion of PBTO2− Catheter bral hypoxia on outcome. Acta Neurochir Suppl.
The procedure should be performed as indicated Bavetta S, et al. A prospective comparison of fibre-optic
for the microdialysis catheter. See also and fluid-filled single lumen bolt subdural pressure
for surgical instructions and the manufacturer’s transducers in ventilated neurosurgical patients. Br J
manual for the applied device. It is generally rec- Neurosurg. 1996;10(3):279–84.
Bratton SL, et al. Guidelines for the management of severe
ommended to use a multi-lumen bolt. traumatic brain injury. VI. Indications for intracranial
pressure monitoring. J Neurotrauma. 2007a;24(Suppl
• Note that it is possible that PBTO2 is not ini- 1):S37–44.
tially correct (in case of blood around the tip Bratton SL, et al. Guidelines for the management of severe
traumatic brain injury. VII. Intracranial pressure moni-
of the catheter), but it should read correctly toring technology. J Neurotrauma. 2007b;24(Suppl
after a possible blood clot has absorbed. 1):S45–54.
• Test the PBTO2 response to 80–100% oxygen Carney N, Totten AM, O’Reilly C, Ullman JS, Hawryluk
in the ventilator for a couple of minutes to GW, Bell MJ, Bratton SL, Chesnut R, Harris OA,
Kissoon N, Rubiano AM, Shutter L, Tasker RC,
ensure adequate readings. Vavilala MS, Wilberger J, Wright DW, Ghajar
J.  Guidelines for the management of severe trau-
matic brain injury, Fourth Edition. Neurosurgery.
29.4 Specific Paediatric Concerns 2017;80(1):6–15.
Chesnut RM, et  al. A trial of intracranial-pressure
monitoring in traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med.
The EVD enables therapeutic CSF drainage, but 2012;367(26):2471–81.
an intraparenchymal ICP monitor is also an accu- Eisenberg HM, et al. Initial CT findings in 753 patients with
rate and reliable alternative in children (Adelson severe head injury. A report from the NIH Traumatic
Coma Data Bank. J Neurosurg. 1990;73(5):688–98.
et al. 2003). Notably, children have practically no Fox PT, et  al. Nonoxidative glucose consumption dur-
extra intracranial space allowing room for hae- ing focal physiologic neural activity. Science.
matomas or brain swelling after TBI, and ICP can 1988;241(4864):462–4.
rapidly reach dangerous levels with poor response Gracias VH, Guillamondegui OD, Stiefel MF, Wilensky
EM, Bloom S, Gupta R, et al. Cerebral cortical oxy-
to pressure-reducing medical therapy. Initial genation: a pilot study. J Trauma. 2004;56(3):469–72;
insertion of an EVD instead of a regular ICP discussion 472–4
catheter should therefore be considered before Green JA, et al. Goal directed brain tissue oxygen moni-
the ventricles are obliterated due to oedema. toring versus conventional management in traumatic
brain injury: an analysis of in hospital recovery.
Implantation of a PBTO2 and microdialysis cathe- Neurocrit Care. 2013;18(1):20–5.
ters are other options that should be considered, Guiza F, Meyfroidt G, Piper I, Citerio G, Chambers I,
preferably in conjunction with an ICP monitor. Enblad P, et  al. Cerebral perfusion pressure insults
202 Z. Olivecrona and B.-M. Bellander

and associations with outcome in adult traumatic brain analysis of a brain tissue oxygen-directed therapy. J
injury. J Neurotrauma. 2017;34(16):2425–31. Neurosurg. 2009;111(4):672–82.
Hagel S, et al. External ventricular drain infections: risk Okonkwo DO, Shutter LA, Moore C, Temkin NR, Puccio
factors and outcome. Interdiscip Perspect Infect Dis. AM, Madden CJ, et al. Brain oxygen optimization in
2014;2014:708531. severe traumatic brain injury phase-II: a phase II ran-
Hutchinson PJ, Jalloh I, Helmy A, Carpenter KL, Rostami domized trial. Crit Care Med. 2017;45(11):1907–14.
E, Bellander BM, et al. Consensus statement from the Rosner MJ, Rosner SD, Johnson AH. Cerebral perfusion
2014 International Microdialysis Forum. Intensive pressure: management protocol and clinical results. J
Care Med. 2015;41(9):1517–28. Neurosurg. 1995;83:949–62.
Kakarla UK, et al. Safety and accuracy of bedside external Spiotta AM, et al. Brain tissue oxygen-directed manage-
ventricular drain placement. Neurosurgery. 2008;63(1 ment and outcome in patients with severe traumatic
Suppl 1):ONS162–6; discussion ONS166-167. brain injury. J Neurosurg. 2010;113(3):571–80.
Koskinen LO, Olivecrona M.  Clinical experience with Stiefel MF, Spiotta A, et al. Reduced mortality rate in
the intraparenchymal intracranial pressure monitor- patients with severe traumatic brain injury treated
ing Codman MicroSensor system. Neurosurgery. with brain tissue oxygen monitoring. J Neurosurg.
2005;56(4):693–8; discussion 693–8. 2005;103:805–11.
Koskinen LO, et al. The complications and the position of Stubhaug A, et  al. Hvordan måles cerebralt perfus-
the Codman MicroSensor ICP device: an analysis of jonstrykk i Skandinavia? Norsk anestesiologisk
549 patients and 650 Sensors. Acta Neurochir (Wien). forening  – Høstmøtet 2003. Rikshospitalet, Oslo,
2013;155(11):2141–8; discussion 2148. Norway. Tidskrift for Norsk anestesiologisk förening
Maas A, Stocchetti N, et  al. Moderate and severe NAForum. 16:65. 2003.
traumatic brain injury in adults. Lancet Neurol. Thomas E, et al. Calculation of cerebral perfusion pres-
2008;7:728–41. sure in the management of traumatic brain injury:
Martini RP, et al. Management guided by brain tissue oxy- joint position statement by the councils of the
gen monitoring and outcome following severe trau- Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care Society of Great
matic brain injury. J Neurosurg. 2009;111(4):644–9. Britain and Ireland (NACCS) and the Society of
McCarthy MC, et al. Neurologic outcomes with cerebral British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS). Br J Anaesth.
oxygen monitoring in traumatic brain injury. Surgery. 2015;115(4):487–8.
2009;146(4):585–90; discussion 590–1. Valadka AB, Gopinath SP, et al. Relationship of brain tis-
Narayan RK, et al. Intracranial pressure: to monitor or not sue PO2 to outcome after severe head injury. Crit Care
to monitor? A review of our experience with severe Med. 1998;26:1576–81.
head injury. J Neurosurg. 1982;56(5):650–9. Van den Brink WA, Van Santbrink H, et  al. Brain oxy-
Narotam PK, et  al. Brain tissue oxygen monitoring in gen tension in severe head injury. Neurosurgery.
traumatic brain injury and major trauma: outcome 2000;46:868–78.
Maxillofacial Fractures
Ann Hermansson

Recommendations teeth should be undertaken. Some fractures lead

to troublesome bleedings and/or airway problems
Level I that have to be addressed immediately. Airway
problems and surgical timing should be discussed
There are insufficient data to support a Level I at an early stage between neurosurgeons, anaes-
recommendation for this topic. thesiologists and facial surgeons to decide upon
the best approach.
Level II

There are insufficient data to support a Level II

recommendation for this topic. Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
• Facial fractures might cause trouble-­
Level III some bleedings and airway obstruction.
• Skin lacerations in the face should be
The outcome of white blowout fractures (green- carefully stitched with consideration of
stick fractures of the orbit) in children is better if structures under the skin that might be
the entrapped soft tissue is freed within 48 h. injured. Be aware of the facial nerve, the
tear canals, the parotid glands and the
structures in the eyelids and lips.
30.1 Overview • Try to remove asphalt stains and dust
from excoriations to avoid ‘tattoos’ after
Many facial fractures do not need surgical recon- healing. A toothbrush might be helpful!
struction. If needed, it can often be performed • Special considerations have to be made
after the acute phase. A thorough planning and regarding timing of surgery and imaging
investigation with imaging and control of the in children.
function and the mobility of the eyes, jaws and • Early evaluation of eye movements and
if possible function is important.
• Antibiotic treatment should be
A. Hermansson (*)
ENT Department, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
• Tetanus vaccination should be
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Lund University
Hospital, Lund, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 203

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
204 A. Hermansson

30.2.2 Timing of Surgery

• Evaluation of sight and hearing is
important and should be carried out as In most cases, facial fractures do not have to be
soon as possible. addressed immediately, although this is often
• Paediatric fractures, with the exception advantageous. If needed, they might be operated
of white blowout fractures, can often be within 10–14 days or even later with good results.
treated conservatively with good results. However, some fractures need to be addressed
earlier. The naso-orbito-ethmoidal (NOE) frac-
tures should be repositioned as soon as possible
(Sargent and Rogers 1999). If a regular operation
30.2 Background is not possible immediately, a closed reduction
lifting the naso-orbito-ethmoidal complex in
Trauma to the skull often results in more or less place should be considered as a first step to later
obvious fractures extending into the facial bones. reconstruction and is often effective.
These will often result in disfiguration and, per- The most obvious fractures needing immedi-
haps, disturbances in function in the orbit, mid-­ ate intervention are those causing airway obstruc-
face and/or teeth and jaws and might be obvious tion and/or life-threatening bleedings. In some
already in the emergency room. However, some cases, endotracheal intubation is not possible,
fractures are not that obvious and might be over- and a coniotomy with a cannula placed through
looked initially. It is therefore important to ­evaluate the cricothyroid membrane has to be performed
both functional and aesthetic aspects of facial early on, while in other cases, a regular tracheos-
trauma. Below follows more detailed information tomy should be considered both to facilitate the
on diagnosis, timing of surgery and follow-up. later reduction and osteosynthesis of facial frac-
Especially interested readers are referred to text- tures and the rehabilitation. If this is needed peri-
books (Zide 2006; Hammer 1995; Perry 2011). operatively, it is often wise to perform the
tracheostomy as soon as possible to facilitate
patient care (Holmgren et al. 2007).
30.2.1 Diagnostics Skull base fractures can cause both bleeding
and CSF leakage. While most leakages from the
CT scans of the facial bones (including the man- ear will cease spontaneously, liquorrhea from the
dible) with or without 3D reconstructions can nose must in many cases be patched operatively.
often be made from the initial trauma CT, but if This can be done either by open or endoscopic
not, it should be obtained. In some cases, mainly approaches.
in children, an MRI might be helpful to map soft In most cases, it is thus wise to plan the sur-
tissue in the orbit when white blowout fractures gery of maxillofacial trauma when appropriate
are suspected. evaluation has been made, often as a collabora-
In some cases, one can see fractures in the tion between ENT and plastic surgeons, maxil-
mid-face, but with very little dislocation. In most lofacial surgeons and ophthalmologists. In some
of these cases, no intervention is needed if there cases, the surgery has to be planned according to
is no impaired function. Therefore, an early eval- neurosurgical interventions, for instance, to
uation of eye movements and function will often address CSF leakages, which of course should be
be needed to decide whether to operate or not. done after surgery including reposition of a NOE
Special considerations also have to be given to fracture! In most cases, surgery is best planned in
the function of the teeth and yaws. one session.
30  Maxillofacial Fractures 205

30.2.3 Follow-Up entrapment, it is mandatory to explore the orbit

even if imaging does not show a fracture. Thus, a
All cases of maxillofacial fractures have to be forced duction test (testing the eye movements by
carefully followed. Not only must the aesthetic trying to move the eye when gripping the muscles
aspects be considered, but it is also important to with a pair of forceps) might be needed to decide
assess function. Both eyesight and hearing should whether to operate or not. It has been shown that
be checked, and teeth and jaws should be evalu- the outcome of these fractures is better if the
ated by a dentist or a maxillofacial surgeon. It is entrapped soft tissue is freed within 48 h (Grant
often wise to inform the patient and his or her et al. 2002). Delay may result in permanent prob-
family that additional operations or reconstruc- lems with double vision. Fractures of the maxilla
tions are frequently needed over the ensuing and mandible in children should be given special
years after a craniofacial trauma. consideration, keeping the possible damage to
non-erupted teeth in mind.

30.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns

Facial fractures are rare in children; when they do
occur, special considerations have to be made. Grant JH III, Patrinely JR, Weiss AH, Kierney PC, Gruss
JS. Trapdoor fracture of the orbit in a pediatric popula-
Fractures of the skull bones are much more com- tion. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002;109(2):482–9; discus-
mon but might involve the mid-face and jaws. sion 490–5.
However, most of these fractures will not show Hammer B.  Orbital fractures: diagnosis, operative treat-
much dislocation and will heal without interven- ment, secondary corrections. Seattle: Hogrefe &
Huber Publishers; 1995.
tion. To keep radiation doses low, especially to Holmgren EP, Bagheri S, Bell RB, Bobek S, Dierks
the eyes, is even more important in children than EJ. Utilization of tracheostomy in craniomaxillofacial
in adults. In some instances, MRI might be use- trauma at a level-1 trauma center. J Oral Maxillofac
ful. Greenstick fractures in the orbit, so-called Surg. 2007;65(10):2005–10.
Perry M. Fractures of the facial bones. Oxford: Wiley and
white blowout fractures or trapdoor fractures, Blackwell; 2011.
pose a special problem since they might cause Sargent LA, Rogers GF.  Nasoethmoid orbital fractures:
entrapment of the periorbital structures and diagnosis and management. J Craniomaxillofac
severely restricted eye movements. These frac- Trauma. 1999;5(1):19–27.
Zide BM.  Surgical anatomy around the orbit: the sys-
tures are often difficult to visualise both on CT tem of zones. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
scans and MRI.  If there are clinical signs of Wilkins; 2006.
Considerations in Patients
with Concomitant Cervical Spine 31

Tor Brommeland and Terje Sundstrøm

Recommendations Surgery in the prone position should be post-

poned until the ICP is manageable.
Level I

There are insufficient data to support a Level I Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
recommendation for this topic. • Cervical spine injury is rare in TBI
patients, but TBI is frequent in patients
Level II with cervical spine injuries.
• Protection from hypoxia and hypoten-
There are insufficient data to support a Level II sion is equally important for the injured
recommendation for this topic. brain and spine.
• Surgery of cervical spine injuries should
Level III be preceded by an MRI.
• Vascular injuries in relation to cervical
All patients with a severe TBI should have a CT spine injuries are more frequent than
scan of the cervical spine. previously thought.
Patients with documented cervical spine • Posterior cervical spine surgery should
injury should have a supplementary CT be delayed until the ICP is stable/
angiography. manageable.
The cervical collar may be removed in
obtunded adult trauma patients after a negative,
high-quality CT scan of the cervical spine.
31.1 Overview

T. Brommeland (*) Severe TBI is often part of a multi-trauma set-

Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University ting. Due to the biomechanical relationship
Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway between the head and neck, there is a clear asso-
T. Sundstrøm ciation between TBI and cervical spine injury:
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University The prevalence of concomitant cervical spine
Hospital, Bergen, Norway injury in patients with TBI is around 6.5% (12%
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of for patients injured in motor vehicle accidents).
Bergen, Bergen, Norway Vice versa, the prevalence of concomitant TBI in

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 207

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
208 T. Brommeland and T. Sundstrøm

patients with cervical spine injury is approxi- misalignment, MRI is needed to visualize trau-
mately 40% (Pandrich et  al. 2018). Blunt matic disc herniations, ligamentous injuries, hae-
­cerebrovascular injury occurs at a rate of about matomas within the spinal canal, or spinal cord
9% in patients with severe TBI (Esnault et  al. injury. Some institutions therefore advocate the
2017). use of MRI before the cervical spine is finally
Hypotension and hypoxia are two important cleared in TBI patients that are intubated and
parameters that predict a poorer outcome in anesthetized. However, transporting such a
patients with TBI.  This may occur in multi-­ patient from the intensive care unit to perform an
traumatized patients due to haemorrhagic shock, MRI is associated with risks related to compro-
thoracic injury or non-patent airways. Notably, mised airway patency and oxygenation, circula-
spinal cord injury with neurogenic shock can tory monitoring, and fluctuations in ICP.  In a
produce severe haemodynamic derangements, recent review of cervical spine clearance in
which are particularly dangerous for patients obtunded adult trauma patients, cervical collar
with a concomitant TBI.  A high cervical cord removal was recommended after a negative high-­
injury (from C5 and above) may affect respira- quality CT scan of the cervical spine: 100% neg-
tory function and create hypoxia. Rapid identifi- ative predictive value of finding an unstable
cation and treatment of hypotension and hypoxia cervical spine injury among 1718 patients in 11
are key to successful management of patients studies (Patel et al. 2015).
with traumatic brain and spine injuries.
Please refer to Chaps. 15 and 18 Radiological
Evaluation of Cervical Spine Trauma for consid- 31.1.2 Timing of Surgery
erations related to admission, diagnostics and for Concomitant C-spine
planning and Chaps. 28 and 34 for considerations Injuries
related to acute surgical treatment.
Timing of surgery for extra-cranial injuries is
similarly difficult. Injuries causing derangements
31.1.1 TBI and Concomitant of circulation or respiration must be dealt with
Spine Injury immediately. Early surgical management in the
form of orthopaedic damage control (i.e. external
Care for TBI patients with concomitant injuries is fixation) of extremity fractures does not seem to
often characterized by conflicts of interests: negatively affect the outcome in patients with
Rigid cervical collars may compress the jugular concurrent TBI.  In general, definitive treatment
veins, which in turn may compromise venous should be postponed until the ICP is manageable
return from the brain and increase ICP (Kolb and stable (Cryer et al. 2015).
et  al. 1999). Restrictions of mobilization are Positioning of a TBI patient on the operating
often required before unstable spinal, pelvic, or table is crucial in cases where the ICP is in the
extremity fractures have been appropriately man- upper normal range or displays unstable trends.
aged, while TBI patients benefit from early mobi- The prone position is known to increase ICP due
lization. Immobilized trauma patients require to reduced venous return and/or increased intra-
low-molecular-weight heparin for thrombus pro- thoracic/abdominal pressures. Thus, posterior
phylaxis, which again may worsen intracranial spinal procedures should not be undertaken until
haemorrhage. the ICP is manageable in this position.
Cervical spine clearance is a challenge in con-
sciously depressed trauma patients. Neurologic
deficits, neck pain, and radiculopathy may be 31.2 Specific Paediatric Concerns
revealed by clinical examinations in awake
patients, while this is not so straightforward in Data on this topic within the paediatric population
obtunded trauma victims. Though CT scanning is very limited. The recommendations for chil-
of the cervical spine reveals bony fractures and dren therefore generally follow adult protocols.
31  Considerations in Patients with Concomitant Cervical Spine Injury 209

References Pandrich, et  al. Prevalence of concomitant traumatic

cranio-­ spinal injury: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Neurosurg Rev. 2018; https://doi.
Cryer et al. Best practices in the management of traumatic
brain injury. American College of Surgeons. 2015.
Patel, et al. Cervical spine collar clearance in the obtunded
Esnault, et  al. Blunt cerebrovascular injuries in severe
adult blunt trauma patient: a systematic review and
traumatic brain injury: incidence, risk factors, and
practice management guideline from the Eastern
evolution. J Neurosurg. 2017;127(1):16–22.
Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma
Kolb, et al. Cervical collar induced changes in intracranial
Acute Care Surg. 2015;78(2):430–41.
pressure. Am J Emerg Med. 1999;17(2):135–7.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Daniel Isacson and Daniel Nowinski

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Level I • Meticulous wound irrigation is the most
important aspect of treatment of soft tis-
Wounds should be thoroughly irrigated. sue injuries.
Removal of sutures in the face should be done • There is no evidence for antibiotic pro-
within 5–7 days to avoid track marks. phylaxis except for contaminated
Level II • Lip repair requires meticulous attention
to details, as a misalignment of the ver-
Tap water is as efficient as sterile water with no million border of only 1 mm is clearly
difference in infection rates. noticeable at conversational distance.
Antibiotics may have benefits in contaminated • Staples saves time and reduces alopecia.
wounds. Pay attention to hair-bearing areas when
closing the scalp.
Level III • Always consider wound irrigation in
sedation in the pediatric consideration.
Layered closure leads to restoration of muscle
and reduces dead space with less scarring.
Timing is of importance in suspected nerve
injuries, as after approximately 48–72 h, the dis- 32.1 Overview
tal nerve end can no longer be stimulated.
Soft tissue injuries in the head and neck area are
commonly encountered in trauma patients. Their
D. Isacson (*)
Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, early identification and treatment is important to
Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden prevent hemorrhage, infections, and later defor-
e-mail: mity. Minor lacerations may usually be ade-
D. Nowinski quately treated in the emergency room. However,
Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, more complex injuries should be managed in an
Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden operating room setting with access to surgical
Department of Surgical Sciences, Plastic Surgery, assistance and instruments. Soft tissue injury
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden should always alert to the presence of deeper

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 211

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
212 D. Isacson and D. Nowinski

injuries to the bone or vital structures, and a thor- vical spine injury, 21.7% in patients with a head
ough understanding of the mechanism of trauma injury, and 24.0% in patients with a combined
is of paramount importance. cervical spine and head trauma. Furthermore,
Management of soft tissue injuries should be about 5–8% of isolated and 7–11% of multiple
performed in a systematic way following the facial fracture cases are associated with cervical
sequence of hemorrhage control, wound assess- spine injury, and appropriate care should always
ment, irrigation, and repair. Depending on the be taken to stabilize the neck before ruling out
anatomical region consultation with plastic sur- these injuries (Mulligan et al. 2010).
gery, ENT or ophthalmology should be
32.4 Irrigation

32.2 Hemorrhage Control Thorough irrigation and removal of any foreign

bodies is essential before closure. Irrigation
Hemorrhage from superficial soft tissues may reduces the risk of infection, and foreign bodies
usually be controlled by local compression. Scalp are a cause of prolonged inflammation which
injuries that disrupt major vessels may result in may ultimately lead to infection. Devitalized tis-
hypovolemic shock and may need ligation in the sue should be removed with sharp debridement.
emergency setting. Bleeding in the nasal cavity Debris must be removed from the dermis or may
that cannot be controlled by direct pressure result in permanent tattooing. Freshening the
requires packing. Packing is usually effective and wound margins contributes to rapid healing and
rarely requires a transnasal balloon catheter. If improves final outcome (Thorne et  al. 2013).
massive hemorrhage is present, the airway should Cleansing is best performed with a mild surgical
be managed first by emergent intubation, fol- soap and the light use of a scrub brush. Extensive
lowed by packing and direct pressure. Control of and contaminated wounds should be irrigated
the source bleed, usually a branch from the exter- with a pulsed lavage system (Thorne et al. 2013).
nal carotid artery, is best done by angiographic The role of irrigation cannot be overemphasized
embolization. Surgical ligation of the external and should not be delayed. A Cochrane review
carotid is not adequate and will not control bleed- and several RCTs support the role of tap water to
ing (Thorne et al. 2013). be as efficient as sterile water with no difference
in infection rates (Fernandez and Griffiths 2012;
Moscati et al. 2007; Weiss et al. 2013). The head
32.3 Wound Assessment and neck’s rich vascularity increases resistance to
infection (Adalarasan et al. 2010; Hollander et al.
Once hemorrhage control is achieved, a thorough 2001); however, the risk increases the longer a
wound assessment should be made. Location, wound is open (Waseem et al. 2012).
size, and extent of defect all determine the extent
of further treatment. The location of the wound
may lead to suspicion of nerve damage, muscular 32.5 Repair
injury, or underlying fractures. The size of the
wound, large soft tissue avulsion, or areas of Primary closure is usually the preferred treat-
necrosis may not allow for primary closure and ment. Wounds may heal by secondary intention
require consultation with a plastic surgeon. but have increased risk of scarring and infec-
Fractures to the supporting facial bones should tion which will generally result in inferior final
be excluded by clinical exam and computer appearance compared with other reconstruc-
tomography. A recent large study from the US tive options. Absolute contraindications to clo-
national trauma database found the incidence of sure are signs of inflammation(Hollander and
facial fractures to be 13.5% in patients with a cer- Singer 1999).
32  Soft Tissue Injuries 213

Layered closure of the muscles and skin is ally. The galea is very inelastic, but where the
preferred to restore muscle function and reduce galeal edges blend into the temporoparietal fascia
dead space. Further, by placing the tension of the and scalp musculature fascia, there is better
closure deep to the skin with excellent approxi- mobility (Desai et al. 2015).
mation of the dermal layer, the resulting scar is The blood supply to the scalp arises from both
improved. Layered suturing does unfortunately the internal and external carotid arteries. The
lead to increased risk of infection. Select mono- arteries form a collateralization in the subcutane-
filament sutures small enough to minimize the ous tissue. The paired supraorbital and supra-
risk of tissue damage and suture marks but strong trochlear arteries arise anteriorly. The superficial
enough to avoid wound dehiscence. Good temporal artery supplies the lateral portion. It
choices include 5-0 for face and 6-0 in the ­eyelid. branches into an anterior-frontal and posterior-­
Local flaps should be avoided in the acute parietal division at the superior helix of the ear.
setting. The posterior scalp is supplied by the occipital
Noninfected wounds in the scalp and face artery superior to the nuchal line, and inferior to
caused by clean objects may undergo primary this, perforating branches form the trapezius and
closure up to 24 h after injury (Berk et al. 1988). splenic capitis muscle. This rich blood supply
Factors that may increase the likelihood of infec- may lead to hemorrhagic shock in scalp injuries.
tion include wound contamination, laceration Shock, if present, is usually associated with
length greater than 5  cm, laceration located on underlying complex facial fractures or intracra-
the lower extremities, extensive soft tissue contu- nial injury and delayed control of hemorrhage or
sion, and diabetes mellitus (Quinn et al. 2014). other injuries such as abdominal trauma or long
Delayed primary closure should be considered bone fractures (Fonseca 2013).
for complicated wounds that present after 24 h. It The dense galea and underlying loose areolar
involves cleaning and debridement followed by a tissue predispose to large avulsion or degloving
4–5 day of waiting period. This allows the host of tissue, with maintained blood supply in the
defense system to decrease bacterial load and ini- avulsion flaps. Scalp lacerations without tissue
tialize wound healing. Antibiotics may be admin- loss should be closed with 3.0 or 4.0 interrupted
istered. Additional debridement and granulation nonabsorbable sutures. Alternatively, a layered
tissue trimming back to wound margins may be closure with absorbable sutures in the galea and
needed at time of closure (Marion 2018). Other staples in the skin can be used. The hair does not
indications for healing by secondary intention are need removal unless it interferes with wound clo-
deep wounds that cannot be adequately irrigated, sure (Howell and Morgan 1988; Tang et al. 2001).
contaminated wounds, small non-cosmetic ani- Staples are faster and more cost-effective than
mal bites, abscess cavities, and presentation after using sutures (Edlich et al. 1990; Bennett 1988).
significant delay (Berk et al. 1988). Staples may cause less alopecia on the scalp than
other forms of closure. Cautery should be used
with caution for similar reasons (Ritchie and
32.5.1 Scalp Rocke 1989).
Large shearing injuries, where there is tissue
The scalp consists of five layers: the skin, subcu- loss that does not allow for primary closure, may
taneous tissue, galea aponeurotica, loose areolar need flap reconstruction. This should not be done
tissue, and pericranium. The scalp’s blood ves- in the acute phase. When considering reconstruc-
sels, lymphatic system, and nerves run superfi- tion of the scalp, the unique characteristics of
cially to the galea aponeurotica in the scalp skin and its hair-bearing nature must be
subcutaneous tissues. The galea is continuous considered to provide an aesthetically pleasing
with the frontalis muscle anteriorly, the occipita- reconstruction. Consultation with a plastic sur-
lis posteriorly, and temporoparietal fascia later- geon is therefore recommended (Fig. 32.1).
214 D. Isacson and D. Nowinski

gus to 1.5 cm above the lateral brow (Pitanguy’s

line). The eyebrow should be preserved. Attention
should be paid to alignment, as misalignment is
aesthetically obvious. The frontalis is repaired
with interrupted absorbable sutures. The skin is
closed with nonabsorbable monofilament sutures.
With trauma to the eye or eyelid, the most
important aspect is to ensure that there is no
globe injury. An ophthalmologist should be con-
sulted. The most important aspect of eyelid repair
is placement of an everting suture along the lid
margin gray line. This facilitates proper align-
ment and makes notching of the lid margin less
Fig. 32.1  Crush injury of the scalp with underlying
fractures likely. All layers of the eyelid—inner, middle,
and outer lamella—should be repaired.
With ear injuries, hematomas should be evacu-
32.5.2 Face ated as they may cause cartilage resorption and ulti-
mately a reactive chondrogenesis, which will lead
Soft tissue injuries to the face require consider- to cauliflower ears. Hematomas are usually drained
ation of several important aspects. Besides the with an incision through the overlying skin. A bol-
obvious and clearly visible scars that may result, ster dressing is then required to avoid re-accumula-
special consideration should also be taken to the tion of the hematoma. Through-and-­through sutures
examination of the eye and lacrimal apparatus, the may be used for this. Skin laceration can usually be
external auditory meatus, the facial nerve, and the closed in one layer. It is unnecessary to place sutures
parotid duct. If the patient is awake, motor and in the cartilage as the skin adheres firmly to it and
sensory innervation should be evaluated before allows for proper alignment.
local anesthetic is administered. Testing should The nose consists of three lamella: the skin
include eyebrow elevation, forced closure of the and soft tissue, cartilaginous framework, and
eyes, voluntary smile, and eversion of the lower mucosa. Intranasal examination is required to
lip. Deficits in the presence of a penetrating injury rule out septal hematomas and mucosal lacera-
likely represent transection of a facial nerve tions. Once hemorrhage control is established,
branch and require operative exploration. Timing evaluation of the soft tissue injury is important.
is of importance, as after approximately 48–72 h, In contrast to the ear, damage to the underlying
the distal nerve end can no longer be stimulated, nose cartilage requires repair of all layers, after
making it difficult to identify and repair it during appropriate anatomic reduction. Skin lacerations
microscopic surgery. Nerve regeneration typically may be sutured with nonabsorbable 5-0 sutures.
occurs at a rate of 1 mm/day after a 1-month lag Deeper injuries require consultation with a plas-
(Thorne et al. 2013). tic or ENT surgeon.
If open fractures are present, meticulous, early Lip repair requires meticulous attention to
wound treatment is of paramount importance to details, as a misalignment of the vermillion border
prevent deep infection and enable subsequent of only 1  mm is clearly noticeable at conversa-
fracture treatment at a later stage. tional distance (Thorne et al. 2013). Prior to infil-
Forehead lacerations may injure the temporal tration of local anesthetic, the location of the
(frontal) branch of the facial nerve or the frontalis vermillion border on either side of the laceration
muscle causing brow ptosis. The temporal branch should be marked out. The lip is sutured in all
of the facial nerve and the superficial temporal three layers: the skin, orbicularis oris, and mucosa.
artery lies within the deep temporoparietal fascia. Failure to reapproximate the orbicularis oris mus-
Its course is consistent from 0.5 cm below the tra- cle separately will result in bunching of the mus-
32  Soft Tissue Injuries 215

analysis of seven RCTs with simple wounds

found that those who received systematic antibi-
otics did not have a significantly lower incidence
of infection compared with untreated patients
(Cummings and Del Beccaro 1995). Antibiotics
may provide benefit in grossly contaminated
wounds, immunocompromised patients, open
fractures, wounds contaminated with oral secre-
tion, or delayed closure (Abubaker 2009).
Bites may be associated with polymicrobial
infection. These are most common after feline
bites because of the deep, puncture-type wounds
and virulent bacteria. The most common bacte-
rium is Pasteurella multocida (Jaindl et al. 2016).
A tetanus booster dose should be given to
patients who have had (1) three vaccine doses and
whose last injection is >10 years ago or <10 years
ago if the wound is deep or (2) four vaccine doses
and their last injection is >20 years ago. Patients
who have had less than three vaccine doses should
complete a basic scheme with pure tetanus vac-
cine and diphtheria vaccine (Ljungberg 2019).
Fig. 32.2  Facial laceration and degloving injury of the
left face with the facial nerve exposed

32.6 Specific Pediatric Concerns

cle with animation and shortened scar, with an
exaggerating notching of the lip. Use resorbable Soft tissue injuries occur in the pediatric popula-
6-0 sutures for the two inner layers and nonab- tion and are usually caused by accidents related to
sports and play. The same fundamental principles
sorbable 5-0 or 6-0 suture for the skin (Fig. 32.2).
of wound care outlined above for adults hold true
in the pediatric age group. However, there are also
32.5.3 Aftercare special considerations to be made. In the case of
vascular injury, children have less margin for
Scalp wounds should be left open to air unless blood loss, and it may also be more difficult to
they require a pressure dressing. After 24–48 h, control hemorrhage by compression in the awake
they can be let to air and cleansed with soap and child. Vascular access for resuscitation should
water. Staples and nonabsorbable sutures should therefore be promptly ascertained when indicated.
be removed after 7–10 days, but large and deeper Physical examination of nerve injuries may not be
wounds warrant removal at 10–14 days. Highly as reliable as in adults; that is why proper nerve
contaminated wounds should be seen for follow- exploration should be performed if there is reason
­up within 48–72 h. Removal of sutures in the face to suspect injuries to the facial nerve.
should be done within 5–7 days. Children have less skin laxity and redundancy,
and tissue loss through avulsion is usually not
manageable by direct wound edge approxima-
32.5.4 Antibiotics tion. On the other hand, children heal efficiently
with low risk for infection; that is why some
Prophylactic antibiotics have little benefit in minor avulsion injuries may be primarily man-
healthy patients with clean wounds. A meta-­ aged by healing through secondary intention.
216 D. Isacson and D. Nowinski

Facial fractures are generally rare in the pedi- Adalarasan S, Mohan A, Pasupathy S. Prophylactic antibi-
otics in maxillofacial fractures: a requisite? J Craniofac
atric population. There are also differences in the Surg. 2010;21(4):1009–11.
typical fracture patterns compared to adults due SCS.0b013e3181e47d43. PubMed PMID: 20613562.
to less developed paranasal sinuses, a more elas- Bennett RG. Selection of wound closure materials. J Am
tic and immature bony framework, and a rela- Acad Dermatol. 1988;18(4 Pt 1):619–37. PubMed
PMID: 3286691.
tively less prominent facial skeleton compared to Berk WA, Osbourne DD, Taylor DD.  Evaluation of the
the cranium. In general, pediatric facial fractures ‘golden period’ for wound repair: 204 cases from a
can be managed more conservatively compared Third World emergency department. Ann Emerg Med.
to adults, and the future, expected growth has to 1988;17(5):496–500. PubMed PMID: 3364832.
Cummings P, Del Beccaro MA.  Antibiotics to prevent
be considered in the planning of surgical reduc- infection of simple wounds: a meta-analysis of ran-
tion and fixation. domized studies. Am J Emerg Med. 1995;13(4):396–
Depending on the age and maturity of the 400.
child, general anesthesia will frequently be indi- PubMed PMID: 7605521.
Desai SC, Sand JP, Sharon JD, et  al. Scalp reconstruc-
cated to ascertain adequate wound assessment tion: an algorithmic approach and systematic review.
and treatment while preventing psychological JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2015;17(1):56–66. https://
trauma. If local anesthetic is used, the physician PubMed
needs to be familiar with dosing. Topical anes- PMID: 25375669.
Edlich RF, Becker DG, Thacker JG, et al. Scientific basis
thetic should be used to prepare the area of injec- for selecting staple and tape skin closures. Clin Plast
tion, and sodium bicarbonate should be added in Surg. 1990;17(3):571–8. PubMed PMID: 2199146.
a 1:10 ratio to the local anesthetic to neutralize Fernandez R, Griffiths R.  Water for wound cleansing.
the solution and reduce pain when injected. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;15(2):CD003861.
Topical local anesthetic (EMLA) can also be PubMed PMID: 22336796.
applied in advance to reduce sensation to needle Fonseca R. Oral and maxillofacial trauma. Philadelphia:
injections. Elsevier; 2013. English.
Children often heal quickly, but increased col- Hollander JE, Singer AJ.  Laceration management. Ann
Emerg Med. 1999;34(3):356–67. PubMed PMID:
lagen deposition also increases the tendency for 10459093.
hypertrophic scars. Rapidly absorbable sutures Hollander JE, Singer AJ, Valentine SM, et al. Risk factors
are best utilized to avoid general anesthesia for for infection in patients with traumatic lacerations.
suture removal. Permanent sutures, if used, Acad Emerg Med. 2001;8(7):716–20. PubMed PMID:
should be removed within 5 days and wound sup- Howell JM, Morgan JA.  Scalp laceration repair without
port dressings applied for 10–14 days to remove prior hair removal. Am J Emerg Med. 1988;6(1):7–10.
tension from the wound bed. PubMed PMID: 3334801.
When the wound is well epithelialized, usu- Jaindl M, Oberleitner G, Endler G, et  al. Management
of bite wounds in children and adults-an analysis of
ally within 7–10 days, silicone sheeting or topical over 5000 cases at a level I trauma centre. Wien Klin
gels can be applied for 3 months to minimize scar Wochenschr. 2016;128(9–10):367–75. https://doi.
formation. org/10.1007/s00508-015-0900-x. PubMed PMID:
It is always important to remember that if the 26659907.
Ljungberg B. [Bett av hund och katt  - handläggning].
wound or presentation seems suspicious, child Accessed 8 March 2019.
health services should be contacted to avoid Marion D.  Minor wound preparation and irrigation.
potential further harm to the child. UpToDate, Waltham, MA.  Accessed 10 Oct 2018.
(Post T, editor.).
Moscati RM, Mayrose J, Reardon RF, et al. A multicenter
comparison of tap water versus sterile saline for wound
References irrigation. Acad Emerg Med. 2007;14(5):404–9. PubMed
Abubaker AO. Use of prophylactic antibiotics in prevent- PMID: 17456554.
ing infection of traumatic injuries. Dent Clin North Mulligan RP, Friedman JA, Mahabir RC.  A nation-
Am. 2009;53(4):707–15, vi. wide review of the associations among cervical
cden.2009.08.004. PubMed PMID: 19958907. spine injuries, head injuries, and facial fractures. J
32  Soft Tissue Injuries 217

Trauma. 2010;68(3):587–92. Thorne CH, Chung KC, Gosain AK, et al. Grabb and
TA.0b013e3181b16bc5. PubMed PMID: 19996802. Smith’s plastic surgery. 7th ed. Phliadelphia: Wolters
Quinn JV, Polevoi SK, Kohn MA.  Traumatic lacera- Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013
tions: what are the risks for infection and has the Waseem M, Lakdawala V, Patel R, et al. Is there a rela-
‘golden period’ of laceration care disappeared? Emerg tionship between wound infections and lacera-
Med J. 2014;31(2):96–100. tion closure times? Int J Emerg Med. 2012;5(1):32.
emermed-2012-202143. PubMed PMID: 23314208; PubMed
PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC3797169. PMID: 22835090; PubMed Central PMCID:
Ritchie AJ, Rocke LG. Staples versus sutures in the clo- PMCPMC3414831.
sure of scalp wounds: a prospective, double-blind, Weiss EA, Oldham G, Lin M, et  al. Water is a safe
randomized trial. Injury. 1989;20(4):217–8. PubMed and effective alternative to sterile normal saline
PMID: 2592097. for wound irrigation prior to suturing: a prospec-
Tang K, Yeh JS, Sgouros S. The Influence of hair shave on tive, double-blind, randomised, controlled clinical
the infection rate in neurosurgery. A prospective study. trial. BMJ Open. 2013;3(1)
Pediatr Neurosurg. 2001;35(1):13–7. https://doi. bmjopen-2012-001504. PubMed PMID: 23325896;
org/10.1159/000050379. PubMed PMID: 11490185. PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC3549228.
Surgery Outside Neurosurgical
Units 33
Per Enblad

Recommendations and traditions. Historically, trauma cases have

been referred also to smaller hospitals, and life-­
Level I saving evacuations of extracerebral haematomas
have been done by non-neurosurgeons in many
There are insufficient data to support a Level I countries. A survey regarding the distribution of
recommendation for this topic. acute traumatic head injury operations at Nordic
hospitals in the year 2000 using data from admin-
Level II istrative registries revealed that the patients were
operated in  local or central hospitals in 33% of
There are insufficient data to support a Level II the cases in Sweden, 19% of the cases in Norway
recommendation for this topic. and 15% of the cases in Finland, while all patients
were operated in neurosurgical departments in
Level III Denmark (Sollid et al. 2009). It has been consid-
ered important to organize the trauma care into
Acute neurosurgery on vital indications can be more centralized trauma care systems where
initiated by surgeons at local hospitals after con- patients are referred acutely only to trauma cen-
sultation with the regional neurosurgeon on call. tres better equipped for multi-specialized
Appropriate education, training and support advanced trauma care. This development occurs
should be provided by the regional neurosurgical at different speeds in different countries. The
unit. smallest hospitals are usually excluded in the
trauma care organizations. However, due to
demographic reasons in many countries, trauma
33.1 Overview centres without neurosurgical expertise need to
be included in the trauma systems. One important
The national organizations of trauma care have topic to discuss is whether it is desirable at all, or
historically been dependent on demographic fac- under certain conditions today, that non-­
tors, availability, economic factors, local interests neurosurgeons continue to perform life-saving
operations outside neurosurgical units?
P. Enblad (*)
Department of Neuroscience/Neurosurgery, Section
of Neurosurgery, Uppsala University Hospital,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 219

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
220 P. Enblad

transport of TBI patients to specialist neurosci-

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls ence centres bypassing the nearest non-specialist
• Neurosurgery should preferably be done acute hospitals could improve outcome, found an
at designated neurosurgical units, but overtriage (false positive) ratio of 13:1 for neuro-
emergency procedures on vital indica- surgical intervention (<10%) and 4:1 for the
tion can be taught to surgeons at local diagnosis of TBI (<25%) (Lecky et al. 2017). The
hospitals. criteria for inclusion (head injury, GCS < 13–14
• The neurosurgical unit should have reg- and stable ABC) fitted with major trauma bypass
ular communication about TBI manage- criteria (Lecky et al. 2017). One suggested expla-
ment, continuous further education and nation for the overtriage was that the criteria have
mutual development of trauma care with been extrapolated from the findings in TBI
local hospitals. patients at admission to the hospital which may
• The neurosurgical unit should provide not be comparable (Lecky et al. 2017). Thus, fur-
round-the-clock telephone neurosurgi- ther research is required to assess which patients
cal consultant service, and electronic in the prehospital setting would benefit from
transmission of radiology examinations direct transportation to trauma centres with
should be mandatory. neurosurgery.
• The neurosurgeon on call decides if Trauma centres without neurosurgery will
urgent haematoma evacuation is indi- probably also exist in the future due to demo-
cated at the local hospital, and the neu- graphic reasons. In this context, it is important to
rosurgical unit should be able to send a consider that patients arriving with a GCS 15
neurosurgeon to support the local may develop a life-threatening intracranial hae-
surgeon. matoma requiring acute evacuation. There may
• The patient should be transferred to the also be situations when patients with signs of
neurosurgical department for neuroin- severe head injury and unstable ABC are admit-
tensive care following surgery at a local ted to the nearest local hospital and an extracere-
hospital. bral haematoma needs to be treated after
stabilization or the patient is too unstable for
transfer to the neurosurgical unit. Thus, in the
33.2 Background future and in selected cases, non-neurosurgeons
may need to perform life-saving neurosurgical
33.2.1 Bypassing the Nearest operations.
Hospital for More Specialized
33.2.2 Primary-Secondary Brain
It has been recommended in international guide- Injury and the Time Factor
lines in, e.g. Scotland, the USA and New Zealand
(Lecky et al. 2017) that patients with suspected Patients with extra cerebral haematomas who
severe TBI at the scene of the accident should be have a free lucid interval after the trauma may
transferred immediately to trauma centres with have none or very mild primary brain injury. A
neurosurgery, bypassing nearer trauma centres later impairment is usually caused by uncal her-
without neurosurgery. Concerns have been niation and a fast increase of ICP when the ability
expressed regarding the potential risk of delaying to compensate for additional intracranial volume
the stabilization of ABC (Lecky et al. 2008) and is exhausted. The properties of the intracranial
the risk of overtriage of patients not needing neu- pressure-volume interaction in itself indicate that
rosurgery (Lecky et  al. 2017). A recent cluster a delay of neurosurgical intervention may be
randomized controlled trial, including 74 English disastrous because of progressive brain hernia-
ambulance stations, evaluated whether direct tion and the development of secondary brain
33  Surgery Outside Neurosurgical Units 221

injury. It is difficult in individual patients to cal unit, 19 of 23 (83%) had favourable outcome,
assess a precise time limit for the development of and 4 of 23 (17%) had unfavourable outcome
irreversible secondary brain injury, but the avail- after evacuation of extracerebral haematomas
able time to react is very restricted. The adverse (n  =  14), traumatic intracerebral haematomas
effects of delaying treatment of extracerebral (n = 5) and cerebral contusions (n = 4). In extra-
haematomas have been clearly demonstrated in cerebral haematomas, the difference in outcome
older keynote studies (Mendelow et  al. 1979; between the central hospital and the neurosurgi-
Seelig et  al. 1981). Mendelow and colleagues cal unit was significant for acute subdural haema-
showed in 1979 that if a delay in surgical evacua- tomas only. It was discussed whether one
tion of extradural haematomas exceeded 2 h from explanation for the poorer results in the local hos-
deterioration of consciousness (not from the time pital could be transfer selection bias. However,
of injury), the morbidity and mortality became the conclusion was that patients in need of surgi-
unacceptably high (Mendelow et al. 1979). They cal decompression should be transferred to neu-
argued that the neurosurgeons should teach and rosurgical units for surgery. This study was also
train general surgeons, have round-the-clock the foundation for the recommendation in the
telephone consultant service and provide a flying guidelines for prehospital care of severe trau-
squad assistance to support the local surgeon matic brain injury from the Scandinavian
evacuating a clot when needed (Mendelow and Neurotrauma Committee in 2008, saying that no
Gillingham 1979). Seelig and colleagues reported patient with acute brain injury should be operated
similar results for acute subdural haematomas in on county hospitals without neurosurgical exper-
1981, showing that patients who had a delay of tise (Bellander et al. 2008).
more than 4 h from injury to operation had a 90% In 2014, Fischerstrom and colleagues pub-
mortality rate as compared to 30% in those who lished a study on how often acute decompressive
had less than 4 h of delay (Seelig et al. 1981). neurosurgery occurred outside the neurosurgical
department in the Uppsala-Örebro region in
Sweden (Fischerstrom et  al. 2014). They also
33.2.3 Reported Experiences looked into whether there was a vital indication
of Surgery Outside and assessed the outcome of patients. Notably,
Neurosurgical Units in Norway there has been a long tradition in the Uppsala-­
and Sweden Örebro region of education and training of gen-
eral surgeons in neurosurgery, round-the-clock
In 1999, Wester and colleagues analysed the sur- telephone neurosurgical consultant service and
gical activity outside of neurosurgical units in possibility to send a neurosurgeon to support the
Norway by collecting data from a nationwide local surgeon evacuating a haematoma. The deci-
survey and from the records of all patients with a sion to perform acute life-saving decompressive
severe head injury treated in one central hospital neurosurgery outside the neurosurgical unit in
(Wester et al. 1999). In the survey, the Norwegian Uppsala is always made after consultation with
county central hospitals performed 2.5–3 surgi- the neurosurgeon on call. Over a 6-year period, a
cal evacuations of intracranial haematomas per total of 49 patients were operated in local hospi-
year. The operations were in general performed tals (mean 8 patients per year; 17 epidural hae-
by orthopaedic or general surgeons. In the central matomas and 32 acute subdural haematomas).
hospital, 16 of 31 operated patients (52%) had The operation was judged to have been performed
favourable outcome, and 15 of 31 operated on vital indication in all cases, according to the
patients (48%) had unfavourable outcome after presence of five evaluated severe preoperative
evacuation of extracerebral haematomas. Only characteristics (free lucid interval, unconscious-
45% of the operations (14 of 31) were judged to ness, pupillary dilatation, haematoma width
be urgent. One-third of the operations (10 of 31) >10  mm and midline shift >5  mm); 8 (16%)
were classified as inadequate. In the neurosurgi- patients had all five characteristics, 17 (35%) had
222 P. Enblad

4 and no patient had less than 2. After surgery, 1. Ability to trepanate and evacuate chronic
there was improvement on the postoperative CT subdural haematomas
scan in 92% of the patients, and the reaction level 2. Ability to evacuate extracerebral haemato-
and the pupillary reactions were also significantly mas via a bone flap
improved. Long-term outcomes showed favour- 3. Master acute pre- and postoperative evalua-
able outcome in 51% of patients, unfavourable tion and management of TBI
outcome in 33% and unknown outcome in 16%. 4. Knowledge of coma scales
Overall, considering that all operations appeared 5. Knowledge of the interpretation of CT scans
to have been performed on vital indication, the 6. Knowledge of basic neurointensive care
results were judged to be favourable, and it was principles
concluded that the regional policy to perform 7. Knowledge of neurosurgical instruments,
life-saving decompressive neurosurgery in  local e.g. trephines
hospitals by general surgeons should not be 8. Knowledge of neurosurgical haemostasis
changed. principles
9. Knowledge about principles for antibiotic
and thromboembolic prophylaxis
33.2.4 What Is in the Bowls 10. Knowledge of acute epilepsy therapy
of the Scale? 11.
Knowledge of management of skull
Is it best for the patient to be operated immedi-
ately by a general surgeon with less neurosurgi- However, it is important to emphasize that the
cal experience or to be operated later by an purpose is not to train surgeons to independently
experienced neurosurgeon? It is not easy to perform emergency neurosurgical procedures,
answer this question, but it is possible to get a but prepare them to initiate acute management of
relative indication of the need for immediate sur- severe TBI in consultation with the neurosurgeon
gery based on theoretical knowledge regarding on call.
volume-­pressure relationships and clinical expe-
rience. The following factors speak in favour of
immediate evacuation without delay: free lucid 33.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
interval with impairment, rapidly falling con-
sciousness, low GCS at the time of deciding, It is important to keep in mind that small children
pupillary dilatation, haematoma width >10  mm tolerate very little blood loss, and therefore the
and midline shift >5 mm. haemostasis must be meticulous. In case of
bleeding problems, the child should liberally
receive blood substitution, thrombocytes and
33.2.5 Neurosurgical Training coagulation factors. Compression according to
Program for General Surgeons damage control principles is recommended to
make it possible for the anaesthesiology team to
In regions where it may be relevant to perform keep up with the transfusions.
life-saving evacuations of extracerebral haemato- Children with closed skull sutures have in
mas, it is desirable that a few of the general sur- general less ability to compensate for an added
geons in  local hospitals receive education and intracranial volume compared to adults; i.e. time
training in the neurosurgical unit (Fischerstrom factor is even more important to consider when
et al. 2014). According to Fischerstrom and col- deciding to whether do immediate decompres-
leagues, the training program should have to fol- sive surgery or transport the patient to the neuro-
lowing focus areas (Fischerstrom et al. 2014): surgical unit.
33  Surgery Outside Neurosurgical Units 223

References suspected traumatic brain injury: findings of the

head injury transportation straight to neurosurgery
(HITS-NS) pilot cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open.
Bellander BM, Sollid S, Kock-Jensen C, Juul N, Eskesen
V, Sundstrom T, Wester K, Romner B. [Prehospital
Mendelow AD, Gillingham FJ.  Extradural haematoma:
management of patients with severe head injuries.
effect of delayed treatment. Br Med J. 1979;2:134.
Scandinavian guidelines according to Brain Trauma
Mendelow AD, Karmi MZ, Paul KS, Fuller GA,
Foundation]. Lakartidningen. 2008;105:1834–1838.
Gillingham FJ.  Extradural haematoma: effect of
Fischerstrom A, Nyholm L, Lewen A, Enblad P.  Acute
delayed treatment. Br Med J. 1979;1:1240–2.
neurosurgery for traumatic brain injury by general sur-
Seelig JM, Becker DP, Miller JD, Greenberg RP, Ward JD,
geons in Swedish county hospitals: a regional study.
Choi SC. Traumatic acute subdural hematoma: major
Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2014;156:177–85.
mortality reduction in comatose patients treated within
Lecky F, Bryden D, Little R, Tong N, Moulton C. Emergency
four hours. N Engl J Med. 1981;304:1511–8.
intubation for acutely ill and injured patients. Cochrane
Sollid S, Sundstrom T, Ingebrigtsen T, Romner B,
Database Syst Rev. 2008;(2):CD001429.
Wester K.  Organisation of traumatic head injury
Lecky FE, Russell W, McClelland G, Pennington E,
management in the Nordic countries. Emerg Med J.
Fuller G, Goodacre S, Han K, Curran A, Holliman
D, Chapman N, Freeman J, Byers S, Mason S,
Wester T, Fevang LT, Wester K. Decompressive surgery in
Potter H, Coats T, Mackway-Jones K, Peters M,
acute head injuries: where should it be performed? J
Shewan J.  Bypassing nearest hospital for more
Trauma. 1999;46:914–9.
­distant n­ euroscience care in head-injured adults with
Planning of Cranial
and Extracranial Surgery 34
in Multitraumatised Patients

Aqeel Chaudhry and Thomas Geisner

Recommendations The risk of secondary brain injuries can be

reduced by adhering to the ABCDE criteria.
Level I In the multitrauma setting, there are no
­isolated head injuries, and optimal treatment of
There are insufficient data to support a Level I injuries in other organ systems is crucial for
recommendation for this topic. ­better head injury and overall outcome.

Level II
34.1 Overview
There are insufficient data to support a Level II
recommendation for this topic. Surgical management of traumatic brain injuries
should as a general rule be performed as soon as
Level III possible. However, management must always be
individualised and contextualised. Guidelines for
Oxygenation and blood pressure should be moni- the surgical management of intracranial haema-
tored, and hypotension (systolic blood pressure < tomas provide recommendations primarily based
90 mmHg) and hypoxia (SaO2 < 90%) should be on haematoma characteristics (e.g. type, vol-
avoided. ume), mass effect and clinical signs, but age,
Multitraumatised patients should be managed comorbidity, clinical deterioration and concomi-
according to the well-established ABCDE tant injuries are other important factors that must
criteria. be considered. An intracranial haematoma in a
young person may give rise to more severe clini-
cal signs than in an older patient with significant
brain atrophy. Old age and severe comorbidity
A. Chaudhry (*) may contraindicate surgery that is otherwise indi-
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland Trauma cated in a young patient. Clinical deterioration
Center, Haukeland University Hospital,
Bergen, Norway suggestive of haematoma expansion requires
e-mail: more expeditious assessment and management
T. Geisner than mass effect per se. In multitraumatised
Department of Vascular Surgery, Haukeland Trauma patients, there is not only a head injury to con-
Center, Haukeland University Hospital, sider, but possibly several critical injuries in need
Bergen, Norway of acute and appropriate treatment, either serially
or in parallel.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 225
T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
226 A. Chaudhry and T. Geisner

s­urvey and the initiation of definitive care. The

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls primary survey encompasses the ABCDEs of
• Mortality is up to three times higher in trauma care and identifies life-threatening condi-
multitraumatised patients with head tions by adhering to this sequence:
injuries than without head injuries. Airway maintenance with restriction of cervi-
• The primary goal of neurosurgical inter- cal spine motion.
vention is to prevent secondary brain
injuries. • A definitive airway must be established if
• If the brain does not get a sufficient sup- there is any doubt about the patient’s ability to
ply of blood and oxygen, it does not maintain airway integrity.
matter what the neurosurgeon has to • Clear the airway; inspect for foreign bodies;
offer. identify facial/mandibular/tracheal fractures
• Minor neurosurgery, such as insertion of that may result in airway obstruction, suction-
an ICP monitor or external ventricular ing, supplemental oxygen or intubation if
drain, can be done at the same time as needed; or establish an airway surgically if
damage control surgery. intubation is contraindicated or cannot be
• Manual in-line stabilisation (MILS), neck col-
lar or other forms of spinal immobilization
34.2 Background should be applied.

Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the Breathing and ventilation require adequate
strongest predictor of overall outcome for mul- function of the lungs, chest wall and diaphragm.
titraumatised patients, and mortality rates are
up to three times higher in patients with TBI • Assessment of tracheal position, jugular
than in patients without TBI.  Clinical assess- venous distention, visual inspection, ausculta-
ment and timing of acute neurosurgery in mul- tion and percussion of the chest wall and fol-
titraumatised patients with head injuries can be lowing chest decompression if needed (tension
very challenging. TBI-specific treatment is pneumothorax/haemothorax).
often complementary or adjunctive to treat- • A chest X-ray should be performed.
ment of the trauma patient without neurologi-
cal injury. The basic principles of trauma Circulation.
resuscitation should be followed: rapid assess-
ment and maintenance of airways, breathing • Identifying and quickly controlling haemor-
and circulation. rhage/blood loss (level of consciousness, skin
perfusion and pulse). Identify any source of
bleeding by chest X-ray, pelvic X-ray, FAST
34.2.1 The ABCDEs of Major Trauma (focused assessment with sonography for
trauma) or diagnostic peritoneal lavage
Treatment of trauma patients is prioritised based (DPL).
on their vital signs, injuries and the injury mecha- • Definitive bleeding control is essential, along
nism. Vital functions must be assessed quickly with appropriate replacement of intravascular
and efficiently. Management consists of a rapid volume.
primary survey with simultaneous resuscitation • Vascular access is established; typically, two
of vital functions, a more detailed secondary large-bore peripheral venous catheters are
34  Planning of Cranial and Extracranial Surgery in Multitraumatised Patients 227

placed to administer whole blood or balance 34.2.2 Traumatic Brain Injury

transfusion of blood components. in Multitraumatised Patients:
• In severe cases, laparotomy (major abdomi- Prioritisation and Timing
nal bleeding) or thoracotomy (cardiac tam-
ponade, uncontrollable bleeding distal to the In multitraumatised patients with concurrent
intrathoracic part of the descending aorta) injuries, the trauma team may need to perform
may be indicated. rapid prioritisations of timing and sequence of
various required surgical procedures. The unde-
When the ABCs are assessed and under con- batable principle remains that the patient needs to
trol, even if it means performing haemodynami- be haemodynamically stable before performing
cally stabilising surgery in the trauma room, you neurosurgery. Open airways, breathing with suf-
may move on to D, disability: ficient gas exchange and adequate circulation are
prerequisites to keep the brain alive. When the
• Rapid neurologic evaluation (GCS, pupillary patient is stable, with or without stabilising sur-
examination, lateralizing signs) gery or fluid resuscitation, the neurosurgeon may
be called to action. No matter how severe the
Exposure and environment is the last compo- brain injury, or clear the indication for immediate
nent of the primary survey. neurosurgery, the patient needs to be stabilised in
terms of ABC first. This might include perform-
• Undressing the patient for a thorough exami- ing a laparotomy and/or a thoracotomy in the
nation of the skin and then covering up with trauma room or the operating theatre (OR) before
warm blankets to avoid hypothermia neurosurgery. Prioritising like this will secure
adequate oxygenation and blood flow to the brain
It is critical to adhere to the ABCDE sequence, and hence reduce or avoid secondary brain inju-
as different injuries kill in certain reproducible ries. Even though the brain injury may be
time frames. The loss of an airway kills more addressed with quick and accurate surgery, it is of
quickly than the loss of the ability to breathe, little help if the rescued brain suffers because of
which again kills more quickly than a depleted lack of oxygenation/perfusion due to compro-
circulating blood volume. The presence of an mised ABCs. Compromised airways, breathing
expanding intracranial mass lesion is the next and circulation are more life-threatening for the
most lethal problem. The mnemonic ABCDE trauma patient than any coexisting head injury.
defines the specific order of evaluations and The whole scale of injuries is often unknown
interventions that should be followed in all until the patient has undergone a trauma CT scan.
injured patients, as the primary goal is to keep the If a traumatic head injury needs immediate sur-
patient alive and the secondary goal is to prevent gery, and the patient is stable, neurosurgery has
any secondary injury. priority. If the CT scan reveals a traumatic intra-
The secondary survey is performed only when cranial haematoma and the indication for surgery
and if the patient is haemodynamically stable. is clear, it must generally be performed as soon as
The survey includes a complete examination possible. Other concurring injuries (abdominal,
from top to bottom: head, face, neck, upper thoracic and orthopaedic) will have to wait, as
extremities, axilla, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, gen- long as those injuries do not affect the haemody-
itals and lower extremities. namic status of the patient. If there is indication
The next step will typically be to run a trauma for minor surgery of other body parts (e.g. reliev-
CT scan to visualise the extent of injuries and any ing a pneumothorax with a chest tube), this can
ongoing bleeding. Next, the trauma team can be performed immediately before the neurosur-
plan further examinations, treatments or gery, but without interfering or delaying the
observation. planned neurosurgical intervention. When the
228 A. Chaudhry and T. Geisner

neurosurgeon has finished surgery, concomitant 34.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns

injuries can be handled surgically in the same
OR, with the necessary change of setup, or the Head injuries in children due to, for example,
patient may be brought to another OR more suit- traffic accidents, child abuse or falls can be asso-
able for the next surgical intervention. ciated with injuries in other organ systems.
Occasionally the patient needs to undergo sta- Hypotension and hypoxia (“the evil duo”) from
bilising surgery in the OR after the CT scan is associated injuries adversely affect the outcome
performed and the source of bleeding is clear from head injuries.
(ruptured spleen or liver, damage to the heart or The priorities for assessing and managing
aorta). In this case, if there also is an intracranial paediatric trauma patients are the same as for
haematoma, the patient needs to undergo stabilis- adults. However, the unique anatomical and
ing surgery first. This is necessary even if the physiological characteristics of children produce
patient shows signs of herniation (both clinically distinct injury patterns. The most serious paediat-
and radiologically). The neurosurgeon must opti- ric trauma is blunt trauma that involves the brain.
mise the conservative management as much as As a result, hypoventilation, apnoea and hypoxia
possible until it is time for decompressive neuro- occur up to five times more often than hypovole-
surgery. No matter how frustrating, this is the mia with hypotension in multitraumatised chil-
logical sequence of prioritisation, so that second- dren. Consequently, treatment protocols
ary injury to the brain can be minimised or emphasise aggressive management of the airway
avoided. The neurosurgeon should, however, be and breathing in children.
ready to commence immediately after, or by the Children are particularly susceptible to the
closing up of, the latter surgery. effects of secondary brain injury. Although the
Minor neurosurgery, which doesn’t interfere combined effect of hypovolemia and hypoxia is
with the timing of stabilising surgery, e.g. inser- devastating, hypotension from hypovolemia is
tion of an ICP probe or external ventricular the most serious single risk factor. Therefore, any
drain, might be done simultaneously with dam- bleeding source causing hypovolemia needs to be
age control surgery in the thorax, abdomen or addressed. Hence, a rapid ABCDE assessment
pelvis. You will only need access to the patient’s and management is just as crucial as in adults.
head, r­equiring a small amount of space.
Moreover, the equipment needed may be easily
transferred to the OR of choice and may even be Suggested Readings1
done in the ICU.
As already mentioned, it might be very frus- American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.
Resources for optimal care of the injured patient.
trating for neurosurgeons not to be able to per- Chicago: American College of Surgeons Committee
form immediate surgery when indicated. on Trauma; 2006.
Nevertheless, it is crucial to realise that decision-­ Atkinson JLD.  The neglected prehospital phase of head
making in a multitraumatised patient with severe injury: apnea and cathecolamine surge. Mayo Clin
Proc. 2000;75(1):37–47.
injuries to other organs in addition to the brain is Brain Trauma Foundation; American Association of
more challenging. The prioritising sequence must, Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological
however, be clear and not up for discussion during Surgeons; Joint Section on Neurotrauma and Critical
critical minutes in the trauma room. A haemody- Care; AANS/CNS. Pediatrics 2009;124(1):e166–71.
namically unstable patient needs to be stabilised
so that secondary brain injuries can be reduced or
avoided; in this way, patients will have a better In addition to the below list of references, this chapter is

chance of survival and better outcome. heavily based on expert opinion and local experience.
34  Planning of Cranial and Extracranial Surgery in Multitraumatised Patients 229

Carney N, Totten AM, O’Reilly C, Ullman JS, et  al. McSwain NE Jr, Salmone J, Pons P, et  al., editors.
Guidelines for the management of severe traumatic PHTLS: prehospital trauma life support. 7th ed. St.
brain injury. Neurosurgery. 2017;80(1):6–13. Louis: Mosby/Jems; 2011.
Chestnut RM, Marshall LF, Klauber MR, et al. The role of Neugebauer EAM, Waydhas C, Lendemans S, et  al.
secondary brain injury in determining outcome from Clinical practice guideline: the treatment of patients
severe head injury. J Trauma. 1993;34:216–22. with severe and multiple traumatic injuries. Dtsch
Chesnut RM, Ghajar J, Maas AIR, et al. Early indicators Arztebl Int. 2012;109(6):102–8.
of prognosis in severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Robertson CS, Valadka AB, Hannay HJ, et al. Prevention
Trauma Foundation: New York; 2000. of secondary ischemic insults after severe head injury.
Esposito TJ, Kuby A, Unfred C, et al. General surgeons Crit Care Med. 1999;27:2086–95.
and the advanced trauma life support course. American Valadka AB, Narayan RK. Emergency room management
College of Surgeons: Chicago; 2008. of the head-injured patient. In: Narayan RK, Wilberger
Manser T.  Teamwork and patient safety in dynamic JE, Povlishock JT, editors. Neurotrauma. New  York:
domains of healthcare: a review of the literature. Acta McGraw- Hill; 1996. p. 120.
Anaesthesiol Scand. 2009;53:143–51. Zink BJ.  Traumatic brain injury outcome: concepts for
McHugh GS, Engel DC, Butcher I, et  al. Prognostic emergency care. Ann Emerg Med. 2001;37:318–32.
value of secondary insults in traumatic brain injury:
results from the IMPACT study. J Neurotrauma.
Part VI
Perioperative Anaesthesia

Bent Lob Dahl
Choice of Anaesthesia, Drugs
and Medications 35
Christian Sigvald Langfrits and Bent Lob Dahl

Recommendations Level III

Level I There are many Level III recommendations for

the topics dealt with in this chapter.
There are insufficient data to support a Level I
recommendation for this topic.
35.1 Overview
Level II
The most important in the treatment of patients
Prophylactic administration of barbitu- with brain injury is to maintain oxygenation and
rates to induce burst suppression EEG is not blood pressure while securing airway and circu-
recommended. lation in order to ensure the best outcome for the
High-dose barbiturate administration is rec- patients.
ommended to control elevated ICP refractory to All procedures should be aimed at preserv-
maximum standard medical and surgical treat- ing a normal ICP, cerebral circulation and oxy-
ment. Hemodynamic stability is essential before genation. Use the drugs that you are familiar
and during barbiturate therapy. with. Titrate drugs carefully to avoid hypoten-
Propofol is recommended for the control of sion and changes in PaO2 and PaCO2. Head
ICP but not for improvement in mortality or should be in neutral position and elevated
6-month outcome. High-dose propofol can pro- 10–15° to increase cerebral venous drainage
duce significant morbidity. without compromising CBF. It must be checked
whether the venous drainage is compromised
by a cervical collar.
Sedatives and analgesics are widely used to
treat pain and agitation in prehospital setting as
well as during operative procedures and intensive
C. S. Langfrits (*)
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, care. The most widely used drugs are:
Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
B. L. Dahl
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care,
Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Silkeborg, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 233

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
234 C. S. Langfrits and B. L. Dahl

Sedatives Thiopental, propofol, midazolam,

dexmedetomidine, ketamine, cinylcholine can be used for rapid
etomidate, clonidine sequence intubation, unless there is
Analgesics Morphine, fentanyl, remifentanil, recent spinal cord injury or severe burns.
sufentanil, alfentanil
Volatile Sevoflurane, isoflurane, nitrous oxide
Mivacurium, atracurium, cisatracurium
anaesthetics and vecuronium or rocuronium can also
Muscle Succinylcholine, mivacurium, be used according to local instructions.
relaxants atracurium, cisatracurium, • ‘Inotropics’ such as norepinephrine,
vecuronium, rocuronium dopamine, dopexamine, phenylephrine
Inotropics Dopamine, dopexamine,
and ephedrine can be used according to
noradrenaline, phenylephrine,
epinephrine, adrenaline the clinical situation. Most TBI patients
Weak Ketorolac, paracetamol have a normal to increased cardiac out-
analgesics (acetaminophen) put and vasodilatation and may benefit
from norepinephrine infusion (0.02–
0.20 μg/kg body weight/min).
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
• Use the drug you are most familiar with.
• A decrease in blood pressure, or an
unexpected high or low CO2, may create 35.2 Background
more havoc in the injured brain than the
use of a suboptimal anaesthetic drug 35.2.1 Propofol
since the differences between the drugs
detected in clinical trials are minor. Propofol has become widely used because of its
• Titrate your drugs to avoid hypotension rapid onset and short duration, facilitating neuro-
and changes in PaO2 and PaCO2. logic examination. Propofol has been shown to
Remember many of the severely head-­ reduce cerebral metabolism and oxygen con-
injured patients have additional injuries sumption, thereby providing a potential neuro-
and are prone to be hypovolemic and protective effect. One double-blind randomized
will require smaller doses of drugs. controlled clinical trial (RCT) comparing mor-
• The acute patient has decreased intra- phine and propofol failed to show a significant
cranial compliance and hence decreased difference in GOS or mortality. In a post hoc
compensative ability for even minor analysis, a significant increase in neurological
changes in ICP. Anaesthesia and intuba- outcome was observed in patients receiving high-­
tion should be performed according to dose propofol (Kelly et al. 1999).
this. All procedures should aim at main- Propofol infusion syndrome is a safety con-
taining normal ICP. The head should be cern. The clinical features are hyperkalaemia,
in neutral position and elevated 10–15° hepatomegaly, lipaemia, metabolic acidosis,
to increase cerebral venous drainage myocardial failure, rhabdomyolysis and renal
without compromising CBF. It must be failure resulting in death. Doses exceeding 5 mg/
checked whether the venous drainage is kg/h, or any dose for more than 48 h, should be
compromised if a cervical collar is used. avoided.
• For acute intubation in a cardiorespira-
tory stable patient, propofol or thiopen-
tal can be used for sedation. Ketamine 35.2.2 Midazolam
or etomidate can be used in cardiorespi-
ratory unstable patients. All analgesics Midazolam, a relatively short-acting benzodiaz-
can be used. If relaxation is needed, suc- epine, is frequently used in neurointensive care
units. Its use carries a significant risk of a decrease
35  Choice of Anaesthesia, Drugs and Medications 235

in MAP and a sustained increase in ICP resulting the major difference between older and more
in a decrease in CPP. Midazolam can be reversed recent studies is the fact that older studies were
by flumazenil. based on sedated patients with spontaneous res-
piration, whereas all later studies are made on
anesthetized, mechanically ventilated patients.
35.2.3 Barbiturates It is important to maintain blood pressure and
oxygenation in these patients. The advantage of
Barbiturates have been used in two different situ- ketamine is that blood pressure and ventilation
ations: prophylactically and for treatment of are better preserved.
refractory intracranial hypertension. Prophylactic In the prehospital and emergency department
use of barbiturates was investigated in two RCTs settings, ketamine has been compared to etomi-
(Schwartz et al. 1984; Ward et al. 1985), which date for rapid sequence intubation (RSI), with no
failed to demonstrate significant clinical benefit. difference in mortality or patient outcome.
In patients with diffuse injury, Swartz et  al. Ketamine can, for this reason, be used in patients
observed a mortality of 77% compared with 43% with TBI, with a recommended dose of 1–2 mg/
in the mannitol control group. In both studies, an kg for RSI, but is not recommended for sedation
undesirable decrease in blood pressure was without mechanical ventilation.
observed. Prophylactic use of barbiturates is not
The use of barbiturates for treatment of refrac- 35.2.5 Dexmedetomidine
tory intracranial hypertension was investigated
by Eisenberg et al. (1988) in an RCT. The likeli- Dexmedetomidine is an alpha-2 adrenergic
hood of survival for those patients whose ICP receptor agonist with rapidly titratable sedative,
responded to barbiturates was 92% compared to sympatholytic and some analgesic effects (both
17% in non-responders. In patients with hypoten- per- and postoperative), but only minor respira-
sion before randomization, barbiturates provided tory depression. Dexmedetomidine produces a
no benefit. decrease in CBF. The effect on cerebral metabo-
A Cochrane review (Roberts and Sydenham lism in humans is unknown (Pasternak and Lanier
2012) concluded: ‘There is no evidence that bar- 2009). In a small series of healthy persons, an
biturate therapy in patients with acute severe uncoupling of supply and demand in the brain
head injury improves outcome. Barbiturate ther- was not found (Drummond et al. 2008). How it
apy results in a fall in blood pressure in one of influences the injured brain is unknown. The pos-
four treated patients. The hypotensive effect will sible benefit of attenuating the sympathetic
offset any ICP lowering effect on cerebral perfu- response (decrease in heart rate and blood pres-
sion pressure’. sure to noxious stimuli and reduction in stress
response and pulmonary vascular permeability)
remains to be investigated.
35.2.4 Ketamine Recent meta-analysis found a reduction of
inflammatory mediators and neuroendocrine hor-
Ketamine has previously been contraindicated mones postoperatively with dexmedetomidine
because of fear of increase in CBF and ICP as compared to placebo. However, due to the het-
shown in older studies (Sharma and Vavilala erogeneity of the studies, the actual outcomes as
2012). However, this effect may have been caused regards to brain protection are inconclusive
by an increase in PaCO2, since all recent studies (Jiang et al. 2017).
show no relevant signs of increased ICP during or When compared to propofol, dexmedetomi-
after ketamine infusion. Some studies even show dine has shown a noninferiority as regards to
signs of a decrease in ICP and increase in CPP cerebral blood flow velocity and brain oxygen-
after ketamine administration (Zeiler 2014). Also ation (Farag et al. 2017).
236 C. S. Langfrits and B. L. Dahl

35.2.6 Etomidate decrease in CO2 production and a decreased level

of circulating catecholamines. An additive effect
Etomidate is a short-acting intravenous anaes- of hypnotics and analgesics on cerebral oxygen
thetic agent whose primary effects of sedation and uptake may also play a role.
amnesia are mediated through the γ-aminobutyric
acid (GABA) inhibitory neurotransmitter system. Sufentanil and Alfentanil
Beneficial effects on the CNS include a decrease Comparative studies of fentanyl, alfentanil and
in cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen, in cerebral sufentanil in patients subjected to craniotomy
blood flow and in ICP. indicate that the use of the two latter drugs was
A great concern with etomidate is the inhibi- accompanied by a decrease in CPP and an
tion of the enzyme 11-β hydroxylase and thereby increase in CSF pressure. Cerebral autoregula-
reduction in cortisol production. Etomidate is not tion may play a role because correction of blood
to be used as a continuous infusion, but is largely pressure normalized ICP.  Both sufentanil and
used in several countries as an induction agent in alfentanil elicit a decrease in blood pressure. As a
the prehospital setting and in the ICU, due to its consequence, a decrease in CVR and an increase
rapid onset and favourable hemodynamic effect. in CBV may occur. Under these circumstances,
According to Cochrane (Bruder et  al. 2015), an increase in ICP is observed.
there is no evidence of increased mortality, ICU In a systematic review (Roberts et al. 2011) of
lengths of stay or time with mechanical ventila- agents used for postoperative sedation (propofol,
tion related to a single-dose administration. It etomidate, ketamine, opioids, benzodiazepine,
does however increase the risk of adrenal gland α-2 agonist and antipsychotics), no differences in
dysfunction. neurological outcome or mortality between drugs
were found.

35.3 Analgesics
35.4 Volatile Anaesthetics
35.3.1 Spontaneous Ventilation
Neuroprotection vs. brain cell apoptosis is dis-
Morphine and analogue drugs should be adminis- cussed, but mainly in infants, volatile anaesthet-
tered with extreme caution in the spontaneously ics are widely used.
breathing patient with exhausted intracranial
compliance. Careful monitoring of conscious
state, respiration, blood pressure and eventually 35.5 Muscular Relaxation
arterial blood gas analysis (PaO2, PaCO2), or cap-
nometry/oximetry, is mandatory. Even a small Muscular relaxation can be necessary for intuba-
dose of morphine (e.g. 3 mg IV) might provoke a tion and to facilitate ventilatory support, but the
decrease in AVDO2, suggesting a state of latter should be restricted because of a risk of
hyperaemia. hypoxaemia in case of extubation, masking of
seizures, association to myopathy and increased
length of stay in ICU.
35.3.2 Controlled Ventilation The neuromuscular blockade of rocuronium
and vecuronium can be reversed by Morphine, Fentanyl sugammadex.
and Remifentanil In experimental as well as human studies, suc-
In the ventilator-treated patient, morphine and cinylcholine increases ICP shortly. The rise in
fentanyl do not increase CBF or ICP. On the con- ICP is caused by activation from peripheral
trary, a decrease in ICP is observed. This is impulses from the muscles. Nondepolarizing
caused by the sedative effect giving rise to a agents such as rocuronium, vecuronium, mivacu-
35  Choice of Anaesthesia, Drugs and Medications 237

rium, atracurium and cisatracurium do not 35.8 Specific Pediatric Concerns

increase ICP during controlled ventilation.
Succinylcholine should not be used for Propofol anaesthesia is widely used for paediat-
patients with major burns or spinal cord injury ric patients. Adverse effects of propofol
from 24 h after injury to at least 6 months due to (increased mortality and the propofol infusion
upregulation of acetylcholine receptors and risk syndrome) have restricted the use of propofol for
of life-threatening hyperkalaemia. sedation and ICP control in paediatric patients
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers may with or without TBI, which are not recommended
have advantages on short-term effects on ICP as by the US FDA. Propofol for anaesthesia can be
compared to succinylcholine, but no evidence of used according to local rules.
differences in long-term outcome are found Ketamine has, in a single study, shown a
(Sanfilippo et al. 2015). decrease in ICP and increase in CCP after a
single-­dose administration, in a paediatric popu-
lation with increased ICP and unresponsiveness
35.6 Inotropics to first- and second-tier interventions.
In a small study of paediatric patients with
A sufficient blood pressure is important for out- traumatic brain injury and ICP over 20 mmHg, a
come. If hypotension is observed and hypovole- decrease in ICP and CPP was found without a
mia is excluded or treated, inotropics should be decrease in MAP (Bramwell et al. 2006). Single
used. The effect of inotropics on CBF, CMRO2 dose of etomidate is to be used with caution as
and ICP is not fully understood as there seems to regards to children due to the possible worsening
be relatively few such receptors in cerebral ves- of outcome in the septic child.
sels. The effect might depend on whether the Sedatives, analgesics and neuromuscular
BBB is broken or not. Inotropics can be used blockers are widely used in children and infants
according to the clinical situation. with TBI.  Apoptotic effects of anaesthesia and
surgery observed in animals are discussed, and an
association between anaesthesia and an increased
35.7 Weak Analgesics risk of brain damage in human infants is found.
However, the evidence is considered inconclu-
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) might decrease the sive due to methodological difficulties. Further
demand for morphine, and it lowers the body research of dosing thresholds, (age, number and
temperature. Ketorolac might also decrease the duration of anaesthesia) is necessary (Noguchi
need for morphine. Often, it is not used because et al. 2017).
of adverse effects (bleeding and inhibition of There are few studies on the paediatric conse-
bone healing). In a study by Casanelli et  al. quences of sedatives, analgesics and neuromus-
(2008) of 25 patients undergoing spine surgery, cular blockers. For this reason, their use is left to
no bleeding was observed in the ketorolac group the treating doctor (Adelson et  al. 2003;
as compared to 3 patients in the placebo group. Ketharanathan et al. 2017; Kochanek et al. 2019).
Indomethacin decreases CBF and ICP very The use of bolus doses of midazolam and/or fen-
effectively and should be used very cautiously for tanyl during ICP crisis should be avoided due to
pain management. It is regarded as an experimen- the risk of cerebral hypoperfusion (Kochanek
tal drug for reduction of ICP (Sader et al. 2015). et al. 2019).
238 C. S. Langfrits and B. L. Dahl

References Ketharanathan N, Yamamoto Y, Rohlwink U, et  al.

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brain injury: a systematic review. Neurocrit Care.
dose barbiturate control of elevated intracranial pres-
sure in patients with severe head injury. J Neurosurg.
Schwartz M, Tator C, Towed D, et al. The University of
Toronto head injury treatment study: a prospective
Farag E, Kot M, Podolyak A, et  al. The relative effects
randomized comparison of pentobarbital and manni-
of dexmedetomidine and propofol on cerebral blood
tol. Can J Neurol Sci. 1984;11:434–40.
flow velocity and regional brain oxygenation: a ran-
Sharma D, Vavilala MS.  Perioperative management
domised noninferiority trial. Eur J Anaesthesiol.
of adult traumatic brain injury. Anesthesiol Clin.
Ward JD, Becker DP, Miller JD, et al. Failure of prophy-
Jiang L, Hu M, Lu Y, Cao Y, Chang Y, Dai Z. The protective
lactic barbiturate coma in the treatment of severe head
effects of dexmedetomidine on ischemic brain injury:
injury. J Neurosurg. 1985;62:383–8.
a meta-analysis. J Clin Anesth. 2017;40(2017):25–32.
Zeiler FA, Teitelbaum J, West M, et  al. The Ketamine
Effect on ICP in Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurocritical
Kelly PF, Goodale LA, Williams J, et  al. Propofol in
Care 2014;21(1):163–173.
the treatment of moderate and severe head injury: a
randomized double-blinded pilot trial. J Neurosurg.
Blood Pressure, CO2, and Oxygen
Saturation 36
Kristian Dahl Friesgaard and Bent Lob Dahl

Recommendations Hyperventilation is recommended for acute

treatment of impending transtentorial herniation
Level I resistant to other treatments, such as sedation and
There are insufficient data to support a Level I
recommendation for blood pressure, oxygen-
ation, and hyperventilation. 36.1 Overview

Level II Experimental studies indicate that cerebral

hypoxia after traumatic brain injury is related to
Blood pressure should be monitored and hypo- cerebral hypoperfusion as well as low arterial
tension (systolic blood pressure <100  mmHg) blood oxygen tension (PaO2). As the injured
avoided. Individualization of BP minimum brain probably is more prone to ischemia because
according to age and CPP should be considered. of insufficient cellular oxygen delivery, second-
Prolonged prophylactic hyperventilation with ary insults after traumatic brain injury should be
PaCO2 is not recommended. avoided by ensuring adequate blood pressure and
oxygen saturation. Measurement of cerebral oxy-
Level III genation has either temporal or spatial limitations
(Table 36.1) especially in the initial acute treat-
Normal oxygenation is recommended. ment of TBI patients where such measurements
Oxygenation should be monitored and hypox- may have marginal value. The best possible way
emia (PaO2  <  60  mmHg (8  kPa) or O2 satura- to ensure sufficient cerebral oxygenation in the
tion < 90%) avoided. acute setting is therefore to control blood pres-
sure and blood oxygen saturation and to maintain
Retrospective data of 717 patients with
K. D. Friesgaard (*) GCS  <  9 from the Traumatic Coma Data Bank
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, showed that hypoxemia (PaO2 < 60 mmHg) and
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark hypotension (SBP < 90  mmHg) were indepen-
B. L. Dahl dently associated with a significant increase in
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, morbidity and mortality from severe head injury
Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Silkeborg, Denmark in the prehospital setting (Chesnut et  al. 1993).

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 239

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
240 K. D. Friesgaard and B. L. Dahl

Table 36.1  Advanced measures of cerebral oxygenation als on the effect of hypotension and hypoxia, our
and its limitations in acute management of traumatic brain
recommendations are based on Level II and III
Temporal MRI
Spatial Jugular 36.3 Hypoxemia
limitation bulb oxygen saturation—SjvO2
Brain tissue partial pressure of The oxygen consumption of the brain (CMRO2)
oxygen—PtiO2 is approximately 3–3.5  mL/100  g/min or
40–50  mL oxygen per minute. The oxygen
Near-infrared spectroscopy—NIRS
reserve of the brain is very limited, and cessation
Transcranial Doppler—TCD
of blood flow will lead to unconsciousness in
10–15 s.
Hypotension was associated with a doubling in In prospectively collected data from the pre-
mortality. For ethical reasons, prospective con- hospital EPIC study, hypoxemia among 13,151
trolled studies of the effect of hypoxemia and patients with moderate or severe traumatic brain
oxygenation have never been done and will prob- injury was significantly associated with mortal-
ably never be done. However, clinical intuition ity. The impact of combined hypoxemia and
and observational data indicate that correction of hypotension raises mortality considerably (Spaite
hypotension and hypoxia improves outcome. et al. 2017a, b). The same result was found in a
Observational data of 13,151 patients with mod- meta-analysis of pooled data from seven random-
erate or severe traumatic brain from the ized controlled trials (McHugh et al. 2007). In the
Excellence in Prehospital Injury Care (EPIC) classical prehospital study by Chesnut and col-
study showed that hypoxemia (oxygen satura- leagues, hypoxemia occurred in 22.4% of severe
tion < 90%) and hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg) TBI patients and was significantly associated
in the prehospital setting were independently with increased morbidity and mortality (Chesnut
associated with a significant increase in mortal- et al. 1993). Duration of hypoxemia was studied
ity. Also, the effect of combined hypoxemia and in a subgroup of 71 inhospital patients with TBI
hypotension more than doubles mortality com- of varying degrees of severity. Duration of hypox-
pared with either hypoxemia or hypotension emia (defined as SaO2  <  90%; median duration
(Spaite et al. 2017a, b). ranging from 11.5 to 20 min) was found to be an
independent predictor of mortality, but not mor-
bidity (Jones et al. 1994). In patients with severe
36.2 Background head injury (GCS 3–8), it is therefore important
to administer high-flow oxygen, secure the air-
TBI is divided in two separate events. The pri- way under C-spine control, and ventilate the
mary injury is the result of mechanical forces at patient as soon as possible. Always consider the
the time of injury, resulting in damage to neu- possibility of pneumo- or hemothorax in trauma
rons, glia cells, and vascular tissue. This leads to patients.
disruption of cell membranes and disturbance of The effect of positive end-expiratory pressure
ionic homeostasis (Stiefel et al. 2005) causing a (PEEP) has been controversial (see Chap.
neurotoxic cascade. Only preventive measures 37 - Intracranial pressure reduction) as it might
can avoid this. The secondary injury is the result decrease MAP and increase ICP leading to a
of ischemia and possibly an acceleration of the reduction in CPP. However, Mascia et al. (2005)
initial events and calls for immediate and appro- found no increase in ICP during alveolar recruit-
priate treatment. Hypotension and hypoxia might ment. In a recent observational study (n = 341),
influence outcome in a negative direction. As it is no significant clinical effect of PEEP on ICP and
unethical to perform randomized, prospective tri- CPP was shown (Boone et al. 2017).
36  Blood Pressure, CO2, and Oxygen Saturation 241

36.4 Hypotension
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
• Vigorous evaluation and stabilization In patients with TBI, cerebral autoregulation,
of the patient according to ABC prin- which normally secures CBF within a certain
ciples (Advanced Trauma Life Support range of blood pressure, is compromised, leading
2013). to a linear correlation between blood pressure and
• Start with noninvasive monitoring of CBF. Low blood pressure therefore might decrease
blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and CBF. In the study from TCDB, a single episode of
ETCO2 and, when suitable, arterial SBP < 90 mmHg was an independent predictor of
blood gas and invasive measurement of outcome and in fact was associated with increased
blood pressure. morbidity and a doubling of mortality (Chesnut
• Maintain SBP > 100 mmHg. et  al. 1993). Other studies show similar results
• Maintain oxygen saturation  >  95 or (Gentleman 1992; Hill et  al. 1993; Jeffreys and
PaO2 > 10 kPa. Jones 1981; Kohi et al. 1984; Miller and Becker
• PEEP = 2–5 mmHg or higher according 1982; Miller et  al. 1978; Narayan et  al. 1982;
to clinical situation. Pietropaoli et  al. 1992; Rose et  al. 1977; Seelig
• Avoid hypotonic solutions (isotonic et  al. 1986; Struchen et  al. 2001). Duration and
glucose). number of hypotensive events might also influence
• Hypertonic saline might correct hypo- outcome. Duration of episodes of hypotension was
tension (see individual chapter). a significant, independent factor of mortality and
• Maintain normocapnia morbidity (Jones et al. 1994). Recent studies have
(PaCO2 = 4.5–5.0 kPa). questioned the classical threshold for hypotension
• Maintain normothermia (36.5–38 °C). of SBP < 90 mmHg, and a higher cutoff might be
• In case of clinical signs of increased ICP beneficial for improving outcome (Bullock et  al.
(decrease in GCS ≥ 2, pupil abnormalities, 2007; Berry et al. 2012; Brenner et al. 2012; Fuller
or paralysis of extremities), immediately et al. 2014; Spaite 2016).
start hyperventilation (PaCO2  =  3.5– In trauma patients, hypotension is caused by
4.0  kPa), perhaps supplemented with hypovolemia until proven otherwise. However, one
hypertonic saline (7.2%, 100–200 mL) or must always consider tension pneumothorax and
mannitol (0.5–1 g/kg). cardiac tamponade. Other forms of shock in trauma
• In patients with possible hypovolemia, patients are rare, but might be the primary reason
hypertonic saline is preferable to man- for the trauma (allergic, cardiogenic, neurogenic,
nitol to avoid osmotic diuresis and or septic shock). Two IV lines must be inserted
worsening of hypovolemia. with rapid infusion of normotonic saline. Visible
• Reverse Trendelenburg position 0–15°. bleeding must be stopped immediately. Internal
• Head in neutral position. bleeding must be excluded or treated as soon as
• Indwelling catheter with the goal of a possible. According to ATLS, the response to vol-
diuresis of 1 mL/kg/h. ume treatment must be monitored continuously to
• If volume treatment of the trauma guide volume therapy as well as the stability of the
patient only transiently or not at all sta- patient. If volume treatment only transiently or not
bilizes vital parameters, ongoing bleed- at all stabilizes vital parameters, ongoing bleeding
ing must be suspected. must be suspected. Until now, a positive effect of
• Naso- or orogastric tube (nasogastric hypothermia as a neuroprotective measure in TBI
tube is contraindicated in suspicion of patients has failed to be proven (Lewis et al. 2017).
skull base fracture). In order to minimize hemorrhagic diathesis, it is
important to avoid hypothermia.
242 K. D. Friesgaard and B. L. Dahl

Table 36.2  Beneficial and detrimental effects of induced Table 36.3  Lower limits of normal systolic blood pres-
hyperventilation (Cold 1990) sure at different ages
Induced hyperventilation Age Minimal systolic blood pressure
Beneficial effect Detrimental effect 0–28 days >60 mmHg
 • Decrease in ICP  • Cerebral oligemia in 1–12 months >70 mmHg
 • Respiratory alkalosis focal or watershed 1–10 years >70 + 2× age in years mmHg
neutralizing areas >10 years > 100 mmHg
metabolic acidosis  • Decrease in diastolic
 • Normalization of filling and cardiac
cerebral output
autoregulation  • Decrease in MABP 2003). Children are more susceptible to trauma.
 • Inverse steal and CPP They differ from adults in that they have shorter
phenomenon (Robin  • Water and salt trachea, softer epiglottis, large occiput, and a soft
Hood) retention chest wall and abdomen. The spleen and liver are
 • Reduction of CSF  • Inhibition of oxygen
formation delivery to the not protected by costae, and children have a large
tissues (Bohr effect) body surface area compared to body mass; this
 • Barotrauma leads easily to hypothermia.
Hypotension (Table  36.3) and hypoxemia
should be avoided in children as well as in adults.
36.5 CO2 Hypotension is a late sign of shock in children
(>45% blood loss). Tachycardia, decreased uri-
ETCO2 should be monitored continuously, at nary output, and skin manifestations (cold,
least after intubation, and should be evaluated by clammy, cyanotic, pale skin or increased capil-
serial arterial blood gas analyses. CO2 reactivity lary filling time (>2 s)) are earlier signs of hypo-
averages a change in CBF of 2.5 mL/100 g/min/ volemia (Advanced Trauma Life Support 2013).
mmHg change in PaCO2 (Cold 1990). The theo- If ICP is measured, CPP between 40 and
retical effects of hyperventilation are summa- 50 mmHg, but not lower, is recommended. The
rized in Table 36.2. Hyperventilation is discussed thresholds for infants may be at the lower end of
in detail in Chap. 60. Prophylactic hyperventila- this range and for adolescents at or above the
tion (PaCO2 of 25 mmHg or less) is not recom- upper end (Kochanek et al. 2019).
mended (Muizelaar et al. 1991). Hyperventilation Hypoxia in children is defined as
is recommended only as a temporary measure for PaO2 < 60–65 mmHg (8–8.7 kPa) or O2 saturation
the reduction of elevated intracranial pressure <90%. Desaturation occurs more rapidly in chil-
(ICP). Hyperventilation should be avoided dur- dren than in adults; therefore, oxygen saturation
ing the first 24 h after injury when cerebral blood >95 or PO2 > 10 kPa is recommended. Priorities
flow (CBF) often is critically reduced. If hyper- in evaluation and treatment for traumatized
ventilation is used, jugular venous oxygen satura- patients (ABCDE) are the same for children and
tion (SjO2) or brain tissue oxygen tension (PbrO2) adults (Advanced Trauma Life Support 2013).
measurements can be used to monitor oxygen Prophylactic severe hyperventilation to a
delivery. PaCO2 below 30 mmHg (4 kPa) in the initial 48 h
after injury is not recommended. If hyperventila-
tion is used in the management of refractory
36.6 Specific Pediatric Concerns intracranial hypertension, advanced neuromoni-
toring for evaluation of cerebral ischemia is sug-
Resuscitation and stabilization of the cardiovas- gested (Hardcastle et al. 2012; Godoy et al. 2017;
cular and respiratory systems in the field, during Kochanek et al. 2019). If transtentorial herniation
transfer, and in the hospital need to be empha- is suspected, it is considered a medical disaster
sized in an effort to optimize outcome from and hyperventilation to PaCO2 4–4.5  kPa may
severe pediatric brain injury (Adelson et  al. temporarily (minutes) be used.
36  Blood Pressure, CO2, and Oxygen Saturation 243

References foundation guidelines. Pediatr Crit Care Med.

Kohi YM, Mendelow AD, Teasdale GM, et al. Extracranial
Adelson PD, Bratton SL, Carney NA, et  al. Guidelines
insults and outcome in patients with acute head
for the acute medical management of severe trau-
injury  – relationship to the Glasgow Coma Scale.
matic brain injury in infants, children and adolescents.
Injury. 1984;16:25–9.
Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2003;4(3 Suppl):S1–S491.
Lewis SR, Evans DJW, Butler AR, et al. Hypothermia for
traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
Advanced Trauma Life Support. 2013. https://www.ncbi.
Berry C, Ley EJ, Bukur M, et  al. Redefining hypo-
Mascia. 2005.​
tension in traumatic brain injury. Injury.
McHugh GS, Engel DC, Butcher I, et  al. Prognostic
Boone. 2017.​
value of secondary insults in traumatic brain injury:
results from the IMPACT study. J Neurotrauma.
Brenner M, Stein DM, HU PF, et al. Traditional systolic
blood pressure targets underestimate hypotension-­
Miller JD, Becker DP.  Secondary insults to the injured
induced secondary brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care
brain. J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1982;27:292–8.
Surg. 2012;72(5):115–9.
Miller JD, Sweet RC, Narayan R, et al. Early insults to the
Bullock I, Maas AI, Marmarou A, et al. Prognostic value
injured brain. JAMA. 1978;240:439–42.
of admission blood pressure in traumatic brain injury:
Muizelaar JP, Marmarou A, Ward JD, et al. Adverse effects
results from the IMPACT study. J Neurotrauma.
of prolonged hyperventilation in patients with severe
head injury: a randomized clinical trial. J Neurosurg.
Chesnut RM, Marshall LF, Klauber MR, et al. The role of
secondary brain injury in determining outcome from
Narayan R, Kishore P, Becker D, et  al. Intracranial
severe head injury. J Trauma. 1993;34:216–22.
pressure: to monitor or not to monitor? A review
Cold GE.  Cerebral blood flow in acute head injury.
of our experience with head injury. J Neurosurg.
The regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabo-
lism during the acute phase of head injury and its
Pietropaoli JA, Rogers FB, Shackford SR, et al. The del-
significance for therapy. Acta Neurochir Suppl.
eterious effects of intraoperative hypotension on out-
come in patients with severe head injuries. J Trauma.
Fuller G, Hasler RM, Mealing N, et  al. The association
between admission systolic blood pressure and mor-
Rose J, Valtonen S, Jennett B. Avoidable factors contribut-
tality in significant traumatic brain injury: a multi-­
ing to death after head injury. Br Med J. 1977;2:615–8.
centre cohort study. Injury. 2014;45(3):612–7.
Seelig JM, Klauber MR, Toole BM, et al. Increased ICP
Gentleman D. Causes and effects of systemic complica-
and systemic hypotension during the first 72 hours
tions among severely head-injured patients transferred
following severe head injury. In: Miller JD, Teasdale
to a neurosurgical unit. Int Surg. 1992;77:297–302.
GM, Rowan JO, et  al., editors. Intracranial pressure
Godoy DA, Seifi A, Garza D, et al. Hyperventilation ther-
VI, vol. 40. Berlin: Springer; 1986. p. 764–7.
apy for the control of posttraumatic intracranial hyper-
Spaite. 2016.​
tension. Front Neurol. 2017;8:250.
Hardcastle N, Benzon HA, Valvila MS.  Update on the
Spaite DW, Hu C, Bobrow BJ, et al. Mortality and prehos-
2012 guidelines for the management of pediatric trau-
pital blood pressure in patients with major traumatic
matic brain injury—information to the anesthesiolo-
brain injury: implications for the hypotension thresh-
gist. Pediatr Anaesth. 2012;24:703–10.
old. JAMA Surg. 2017a;152(4):360–8.
Hill DA, Abraham KJ, West RH.  Factors affecting out-
Spaite DW, Hu C, Bobrow BJ, et al. The effect of com-
come in the resuscitation of severely injured patients.
bined out of hospital hypotension and hypoxia on mor-
Aust N Z J Surg. 1993;63:604–9.
tality in major traumatic brain injury. Ann Emerg Med.
Jeffreys RV, Jones JJ.  Avoidable factors contributing to
the death of head injury patients in general hospitals in
Stiefel MF, Tomita Y, Marmarou A. Secondary ischemia
Mersey region. Lancet. 1981;2:459–61.
impairing the ion homeostasis following traumatic
Jones PA, Andrews PJD, Midgely S, et al. Measuring the
brain injury. J Neurosurg. 2005;103:707–14.
burden of secondary insults in head injured patients
Struchen MA, Hannay HJ, Contant CF, et  al. The rela-
during intensive care. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol.
tion between acute physiological variables and out-
come on the Glasgow outcome scale and disability
Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Carney N, et  al. Guidelines
rating scale following severe traumatic brain injury. J
for the management of pediatric severe traumatic
Neurotrauma. 2001;18:115–25.
nrain injury, third edition: update of the brain trauma
Intracranial Pressure Reduction
Bent Lob Dahl and Kristian Dahl Friesgaard

Recommendations (catecholamine), metabolic (hypnotics, analge-

The Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines (2016) sics, hypothermia), and autoregulatory control of
do not specifically deal with the perioperative cerebral circulation. Control of cerebral tissue
period. In this chapter however, the recommenda- water content is possible by osmotic acting drugs
tions from the Brain Trauma Foundation con- like hypertonic saline (HTS) and mannitol.
cerning indications for intracranial pressure During anaesthesia, it is important to have and
monitoring, intracranial pressure monitoring to apply a thorough understanding of the intra-
technology, and intracranial pressure thresholds cranial pathophysiology in order to avoid and
are incorporated for the perioperative period also. treat intracranial hypertension in adults as well as
in children.

37.1 Overview
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
ICP hypertension should be anticipated in
ICP control calls for preoperative planning
patients with traumatic brain injury.
and careful perioperative management in
Perioperatively, ICP should be measured on wide
order to avoid ICP hypertension and a treat-
indications, and treatment should be instituted if
ment plan in case of ICP hypertension.
ICP increases to more than 20 mmHg. The con-
Anaesthesia planning:
trol of intracranial hypertension (ICP > 20 mmHg)
is based on the control of intracranial blood vol-
• Planning of anaesthesia for patients
ume via either control of cerebral venous disten-
with severe traumatic brain injury must
sion (central venous pressure, neck compression)
always be in close collaboration with
or control by neurophysiologic mechanisms
the neurosurgeon.
including the chemical (PaCO2, PaO2, indometh-
• Anticipate that increased intracranial
acin, theophyllamine), neurogenic or hormonal
pressure might occur during surgery.
• Measure ICP, if possible. Ask the neuro-
B. L. Dahl (*) surgeon if the dura is tense before
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care,
Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Silkeborg, Denmark
e-mail: • Use trauma mechanism, clinical exami-
K. D. Friesgaard
nation, age, GCS, motor posturing, and
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, CT findings to evaluate the risk of
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 245

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
246 B. L. Dahl and K. D. Friesgaard

increased intracranial pressure if actual • Mannitol 0.25–1  g/kg (beware of

measurement is not possible. osmotic diuresis, especially in hypovo-
• Consider measurement of ICP during laemic patients).
anaesthesia for acute surgery in trauma • Ask surgeon for surgical possibility to
patients, even for patients with normal remove mass lesion.
cerebral CT scan.

Anaesthesia basics:
37.2 Background
• Normoventilation PaCO2 = 4.5–5.5 kPa
(35–40 mmHg). In the analysis of perioperative anaesthesia and
• Avoid hypo- and hyperoxia. ICP control, the guidelines from the Brain
• Always head in neutral position if Trauma Foundation are of much value, although
possible. these guidelines do not have anaesthesia as its
• Always check cervical collar for neck primary aim. The basis of this chapter has to rely
pressure. on scientific evidence, basic physiology, experi-
• Always reverse Trendelenburg position ence, and common sense in the absence of Level
(rTP) 0–15° elevation of head. I evidence. Therefore, it is imperative to under-
• Keep ICP below 20  mmHg and CPP stand the relationship between cerebral blood
over 60 mmHg. flow (CBF), mean arterial blood pressure
• If ICP/CPP is not measured, keep sys- (MABP), cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP),
tolic blood pressure  >  100  mmHg (Pts intracranial pressure (ICP), and the clinical
50–69  years old) or >110  mmHg (Pts examination.
15–49 and +70 years old). The Monro-Kellie doctrine, formulated in the
• Dura tension should be evaluated by the 1820s, indicates that the cranium is a nonexpand-
surgeon or actually measured before able box containing the brain, cerebrospinal fluid
opening of dura. (CSF), and arterial and venous blood volume.
• Treatment of high dura tension or ICP CSF is formed at a rate of 0.3 mL/min. The total
should immediately be instituted amount of CSF is 140–200 mL with 25–35 mL in
before dura opening to avoid hernia- the ventricular system and the rest in the cranial
tion through the craniotomy. and spinal subarachnoid spaces. ICP is fairly
constant, as it is regulated by changes mainly in
Anaesthesia ICP problems: blood and CSF volumes.  In traumatic brain
injury, an intracranial haemorrhage or oedema
• Treatment if ICP is above 20 mmHg. may develop. If the compensatory changes in
• Is anaesthesia deep enough? blood volume and CSF are exhausted, ICP may
• Keep head in neutral position. increase rapidly even with minor changes in
• Increase rTP to 15°. intracranial volume, as indicated in the pressure-
• Increase ventilation to CO2 approxi- volume curve (Fig. 37.1).
mately 4  kPa (30  mmHg) or 3.5  kPa CPP is the difference between mean arterial
(26 mmHg) very shortly. blood pressure and ICP (CPP = MABP − ICP).
• Hypertonic saline 7.2%. 20–100  ml in Normally cerebral autoregulation (Fig.  37.2)
repeated doses (beware of hyponatrae- insures CBF of 50 mL/100 g brain/min (750 mL/
mia). In our intensive care setting, small min) within a range of MABP of approximately
doses of 20–100 mL 7.2% NaCl usually 50 and 160  mmHg. Below this value, CBF
control ICP. declines rapidly and EEG becomes isoelectric. At
CBF 5 mL/100 g/min, irreversible cell death hap-
37  Intracranial Pressure Reduction 247

Cerebral Pressure-Volume Curve mise and pressure on brain tissue and nerves
ICP leading to a decline in GCS, pupillary abnormali-
mmHg ties, and/or paralysis. Cushing’s response
(increase in blood pressure and bradycardia in
order to maintain CPP) is, compared to clinical
changes, a late sign of high ICP.
Anaesthesiologists dealing with trauma
patients, no matter if it is for neurosurgery or sur-
gery for other lesions, must be aware that an
increase in ICP might occur even though CT scan
is normal. In a prospective study of comatose
20 patients with abnormal CT scans, the incidence
of intracranial hypertension was 53–63%. If
patients with normal CT scans demonstrated 2 or
Intracranial Volume 3 adverse features (age > 40 years, unilateral or
bilateral posturing, or systolic blood pres-
Fig. 37.1  Relationship between intracranial volume and sure < 90 mmHg), the risk of intracranial hyper-
intracranial pressure (ICP). During the initial intracranial
volume increase, ICP is fairly constant because of com- tension was similar to that of patients with
pensatory mechanisms. When these mechanisms are abnormal CT scans. In patients with normal CT
exhausted, even small increases in volume lead to a scans, intracranial hypertension was found in
marked increase in ICP 13% of patients (Narayan et  al. 1982). Before
performing anaesthesia in a trauma patient, the
Cerebral Autoregulation demand for monitoring ICP must be evaluated. If
there are signs of brain injury or intracranial
CBF hypertension, ICP must be monitored during sur-
gery. In a retrospective study, Miller et al. (2004)
found that even midline shift, basal cisterns, ven-
tricular effacement, sulci compression, and grey/
white matter contrast did not correlate with the
initial ICP.
Intracranial hypertension is closely correlated
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure – CPP to death in severe TBI.  A randomized clinical
CPP = MABP – ICP trial of ICP monitoring with and without treat-
Fig. 37.2  Cerebral autoregulation. CBF of 50 mL/100 g/ ment will probably never be done; however, data
min are maintained in a range of MABP between 50 and suggest that normalization of ICP improves out-
160 mmHg. Below 50 mmHg, CBF decreases and above come. It is generally accepted that intracranial
160 mmHg CBF increases hypertension must be treated regardless of
whether it is actually monitored or diagnosed on
pens. MABP above 160 leads to an increase in clinical suspicion alone. Not monitoring ICP
CBF which again increases cerebral blood vol- while treating for intracranial hypertension can
ume and increases ICP and possibly adds to the be deleterious and result in poor outcome. This
formation of cerebral oedema. concept has been challenged. No difference in
In the injured brain, cerebral autoregulation outcome was found whether treatment was based
may be abolished globally or regionally. As a on measurement of ICP or clinical and radiologi-
consequence, there will be a direct correlation cal examination (Chestnut et  al. 2012). How to
between blood pressure and cerebral blood flow. measure ICP is described in Chaps. 29 and 40. A
As a result of increased ICP, brain herniation ventricular catheter connected to an external
might occur leading to further arterial compro- strain gauge transducer is the most accurate
248 B. L. Dahl and K. D. Friesgaard

method of monitoring ICP.  Parenchymal trans- Table 37.1  In a study of 1833 patients, the most fre-
ducers are good alternatives, while subarachnoid quently used measures to reduce ICP hypertension were
reverse Trendelenburg position, hyperventilation, cyst
or subdural fluid-coupled devices and epidural puncture, and mannitol (Cold 2008)
devices are less accurate. The threshold for ICP is
Number of Percent of
20–25  mmHg, above which treatment to lower Procedure patients total
ICP generally is recommended. Reverse Trendelenburg 188 10.3
position (rTP)
Hyperventilation 168 9.2
37.2.1 Perioperative Management Decompression (drainage or 74 4.0
cyst puncture)
of ICP Mannitol 56 3.1

Neuroanaesthesia is different from anaesthesia

for other procedures in the way that both the 37.2.2 Pre- and Postoperative Period
surgeon and the anaesthesiologist work on the
same organ—the brain. Removal of mass lesions In the pre- and postoperative period, it is impor-
might reduce the risk of intracranial hyperten- tant to anticipate ICP problems when planning
sion. Operative approach for correction of intra- premedication and pain management, as sedation
cranial hypertension may be restricted, if the might induce hypoventilation leading to hyper-
main reason for intracranial hypertension is capnia and increase in ICP.  If ICP is not
cerebral swelling as a consequence of brain ­monitored, clinical symptoms and CT findings
oedema or increased cerebral blood volume. are used for evaluation of the risk of ICH.
The control of intracranial hypertension under
such circumstances is based on the control of
intracranial blood volume via either control of 37.2.3 Positive End-Expiratory
cerebral venous distension (central venous pres- Pressure (PEEP)
sure, neck compression, dihydroergotamine) or
control by neurophysiologic mechanisms Adult respiratory distress syndrome develops in
including the chemical (PaCO2, PaO2 indometh- up to 20% of patients with severe head injury.
acin, theophyllamine), neurogenic, hormonal Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is often
(catecholamine), metabolic (hypnotics, analge- required to maintain oxygenation; however, PEEP
sics, hypothermia), and autoregulatory control might influence ICP through decreased venous
of the cerebral circulation. Control of cerebral outflow as well as venous return and reduced arte-
tissue water content is possible by osmotically rial blood pressure. The effect of PEEP is mainly
acting drugs like hypertonic saline and investigated in the ICU setting and the results are
mannitol. conflicting. Coughing, Valsalva manoeuvre, appli-
Studies from1994 to 2008 of mainly tumour cation of PEEP and CPAP, and neck compression
patients and patients with subarachnoid haemor- are supposed to increase ICP. Even application of
rhage in a total of 1833 patients might indicate a cervical collar for immobilization might increase
how intracranial hypertension is treated (Cold ICP (Raphael and Chotai 1994).
2008). The ICP-reducing procedures most fre- When patients are maintained in the 30-degree
quently used were (Table 37.1): head-up position (reverse Trendelenburg posi-
Only 0.8% of the patients were treated for tion—rTP), PEEP improves arterial oxygenation
traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, there is without increasing ICP (Frost 1977). In a study
no reason to believe that the treatment modali- including patients with head injury, SAH, or
ties are different in TBI. It is important to avoid hydrocephalus, PEEP at 5  cmH2O did not alter
hypotension, hypoxia, and ICP hypertension ICP, and the clinical relevance of ICP increase at
during the pre-, per-, and the postoperative PEEP levels of 10 and 15 cmH2O was question-
period. able, as CPP did not change and remained
37  Intracranial Pressure Reduction 249

Table 37.2  The effect of application of 5 and 10 cmH2O H  ead Flexion, Rotation,
PEEP on BP, ICP, and CPP (Duch and Cold 2008)
and Tilting
5 cmH2O 10 cmH2O Changes in head position, including maximal
Before After Before After flexion and lateral rotation, lead to an increase in
BP 70.9 68.2 75.3 72.3
ICP, and elevation of the head induces a fall in
ICP 5.7 6.7 5.1 8.2
ICP.  The most alarming increase in ICP is
CPP 65.4 61.5 70.2 65.1
observed during head-down position (Schneider
et  al. 1993; Mavrocordatos et  al. 2000). The
>60  mmHg. Application of PEEP at 10 and mechanisms are intracranial venous distension
15 cmH2O has been shown to produce an increase and an increase in cerebral blood volume
in ICP without significant effect on CPP (Videtta (Mchedlishvili 1988; Schreiber et  al. 2002).
et al. 2002). Generally, PEEP is considered as a Some studies indicate that moderate flexion of
valuable therapy for the comatose patient with the head 15–30° is associated with a decrease in
pulmonary disorders such as pneumonia or pul- ICP due to the improved venous drainage (Kanter
monary oedema (Frost 1977). Perioperatively, et al. 1991).
the effect of PEEP 5 and 10 cmH2O on BP, ICP,
and CPP has been investigated mainly in tumour Reverse Trendelenburg
patients (N = 13) (Table 37.2). Position (rTP)
The application of PEEP had a minor negative If ICP is not already monitored during crani-
effect on BP, ICP, and CPP (Duch and Cold otomy, subdural pressure can be measured
2008). In a retrospective study of 341 patients after opening the cranium, but before opening
with 28,644 paired observations of PEEP and the dura (Cold et  al. 1996). An i.v. needle is
ICP and CPP, an increase in PEEP of 1 cmH20 introduced under the dura and connected to a
resulted in a minor increase in ICP of 0.31 pressure monitor. Repeated measurements of
mmHg. This result suggests that PEEP can be subdural pressure and CPP at neutral position
applied safely (Boone et  al. 2017). The magni- and at varying degrees of rTP between 5 and
tude of these changes in ICP has to be weighted 15° can thus be obtained within a few minutes,
against the possibly positive effect of PEEP on and a decision concerning optimal position, as
atelectasis and oxygenation. regards the level of both ICP and CPP, can be
drawn. The optimal position is defined as the
position in which subdural ICP was as low as
37.2.4 Patient Position possible, with CPP remaining above 60 mmHg
or as high as possible. In patients operated for Head Elevation cerebral aneurysms, a considerable individual
In one study, the decrease in ICP during head variation in the optimal position from 0 to 15°
elevation was smaller than the decline in blood rTP was found. The optimal position was
pressure resulting in a decrease in CPP (Rosner 10–15° rTP (Juul and Cold 2008). It is recom-
and Coley 1986). In another study, head eleva- mended to optimize the position in trauma
tion was not accompanied by a change in CPP patients as well. During craniotomy for tumour
because the decrease in ICP corresponded to or haematoma, opening of the dura represents a
the decrease in BP (Feldman et  al. 1992). In critical moment. In order to avoid herniation of
comatose patients, CBF decreases gradually the brain tissue when the dura is opened, and to
with head elevation from 0 to 45°, from 46 secure optimal condition for the neurosurgeon,
to 29  mL/min/100  g. During head elevation, the same method was used. In a study of 692
the difference between arterial pressure and tumour patients, subdural ICP was the stron-
jugular pressure was the major determinant gest predictor of intraoperative brain swelling.
of CBF regardless of head position (Moraine It was possible to define thresholds of cerebral
et al. 2000). swelling. At a subdural ICP < 5 mmHg, brain
250 B. L. Dahl and K. D. Friesgaard

swelling rarely occurred (5% probability). At neurological symptoms as central pontine

ICP > 13 mmHg, brain swelling occurred with myelinolysis.
95% probability (Rasmussen et al. 2004). Osmotherapy is discussed in detail in
Chap. 61. Hyperventilation
Hyperventilation lowers subdural ICP signifi-
cantly independent of anaesthetic method, but the 37.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
effect differs between different medications. It is
effective during propofol-fentanyl, propofol-­ The general threshold of ICP is 20 mmHg. The
remifentanil, isoflurane-fentanyl, and approach to the treatment of intracranial pressure
sevoflurane-­fentanyl anaesthesia. The effect was should be individualized and modified by the
most pronounced during isoflurane/sevoflurane-­ response. The treatment modalities are in princi-
fentanyl anaesthesia and less effective during pal much the same as in adults. The patients
propofol-remifentanil/fentanyl anaesthesia. The should be properly sedated and positioned with
reason for the low CO2 reactivity during propofol the head in neutral position. PaCO2 should be
anaesthesia might be that CPP in propofol anaes- aimed at the lower end of eucapnia (PaCO2
thesia is lower and close to the reflection point on 4.5  kPa (35  mmHg)) and CPP should be main-
the pressure-volume curve where compensatory tained according to age.
mechanisms are exhausted (Juul and Cold 2008). If intracranial hypertension occurs in spite of
However, even though jugular bulb oxygen ten- this, apply RTP of up to 30° in normovolaemic
sion (SvjO2) was significantly lower during pro- patients under ICP and CPP control (40–
pofol anaesthesia, ischemia has never been 50  mmHg). Consider neuromuscular blockade.
described, probably because of the neuroprotec- Proceed to CSF drainage and hyperosmolar ther-
tive properties of propofol. For more detailed apy hypertonic saline (se-sodium <170  mEq/L)
information on hyperventilation, see Chap. 60. or mannitol (<320 mOsm/L). If surgery and ICP-­
reducing therapy are still ineffective, apply fur- M  annitol or Hypertonic ther hyperventilation (PaCO2  =  4–4.5  kPa
Saline (HS) (30–35  mmHg)). Treatment should now be
Mannitol is effective in reducing ICP in the man- guided with CBF, SjvO2, or tissue partial pres-
agement of traumatic intracranial hypertension in sure of oxygen (PtiO2) in the brain. If ICP is not
doses of 0.25–1.0 g/kg body weight. Current evi- normalized, you must proceed to second-tier
dence on the effect on outcome is not strong therapy, at the discretion of the treating physi-
enough to make recommendations on the use, cians (hyperventilation to CO2  =  30  mmHg
concentration, and method of administration of (4 kPa), barbiturate coma, decompressive crani-
hypertonic saline for the treatment of traumatic ectomy) (Kochanek et al. 2019).
intracranial hypertension. However, osmotherapy
seems effective when treating elevated ICP dur-
ing surgery. References
Which of mannitol and hypertonic saline are
more effective is debatable. Mangat et al. (2020) Boone MD, Jinadasa SP, Mueller A, et  al. The effect of
positive end-expiratory pressure and cerebral hemody-
found that the effect of bolus doses of hypertonic namics. Neurocrit Care. 2017;26(2):174–81. https://
saline was superior to mannitol on the duration of
increased ICP and decreased CPP during inten- Chestnut RM, Temkin N, Carney N, et  al. A trial of
sive care. intracranial-­
pressure monitoring in traumatic brain
injury. N Engl J Med. 2012;367(26):2471–81.
Pre-existing hyponatraemia should be Cold GE. Material included in the database. In: Cold GE,
excluded before administration of HS to avoid Juul N, editors. Monitoring of cerebral and spinal hae-
37  Intracranial Pressure Reduction 251

modynamics during neurosurgery. Berlin: Springer; Mavrocordatos P, Bissonnette P, Ravussion P. Effects of

2008. p. 59–66. neck position and head elevation on intracranial pres-
Cold GE, Tange M, Jensen TM, Ottesen S. Subdural pres- sure in anaesthetized neurosurgical patients: prelimi-
sure measurement during craniotomy. Correlation nary results. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2000;12:10–4.
with tactile estimation of dural tension and brain Mchedlishvili G.  Pathogenetic role of circulatory fac-
herniation after opening of dura. Br J Neurosurg. tors in brain oedema development. Neursurg Rev.
1996;10(1):69–75. 1988;11:7–13.
Duch B, Cold GE. Effect of positive end-expiratory pres- Miller MT, Pasquale M, Kurek S, et al. Initial head com-
sure on subdural intracranial pressure in patients puterized tomographic scan characteristics have a
undergoing supratentorial craniptomy. In: Cold GE, linear relationship with intracranial pressure after
Juul N, editors. Monitoring of cerebral and spinal hae- trauma. J Trauma. 2004;56:967–72.
modynamics during neurosurgery. Berlin: Springer; Moraine J-J, Berré J, Mélot C. Is cerebral perfusion pres-
2008. p. 255–72. sure a major determinant of cerebral blood flow during
Feldman Z, Kanter MJ, Robertson CS, et  al. Effect of head elevation in comatose patients with severe intra-
head elevation on intracranial pressure, cerebral perfu- cranial lesions? J Neurosurg. 2000;92:606–14.
sion pressure, and cerebral blood flow in head-injured Narayan RK, Kishore PR, Becker DP, et  al. Intracranial
patients. J Neurosurg. 1992;76:207–11. pressure: to monitor or not to monitor? A review of
Frost EA. Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on our experience with severe head injury. J Neurosurg.
intracranial pressure and compliance in brain-injured 1982;56:650–9.
patients. J Neurosurg. 1977;47:195–200. Raphael JH, Chotai R. Effects of cervical collar on cere-
Guidelines for the acute medical management of severe brospinal fluid pressure. Anaesthesia. 1994;49:437–9.
traumatic brain injury in infants, children and adoles- Rasmussen M, Bundgaard H, Cold GE.  Craniotomy
cents. Brain Trauma Foundation 2016. for supratentorial tumours: risk factors for brain
Juul N, Cold GE. In: Cold GE, Juul N, editors. Monitoring swelling after opening the dura mater. Anaesthesia.
of cerebral and spinal haemodynamics during neuro- 2004;59:229–36.
surgery. Berlin: Springer; 2008. p. 70. Rosner MJ, Coley IB. Cerebral perfusion pressure, intra-
Kanter MJ, Robertson CS, Sheinberg MA, et  al. cranial pressure, and head elevation. J Neurosurg.
Changes in cerebral haemodynamics with head 1986;65:636–41.
elevated vs. head flat. Intracranial pressure. 1991;8, Schneider GH, von Helden GH, Franke R, Lanksch WR,
abstract 079. Unterberg A. Influence of body position and cerebral
Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Carney N, et  al. Guidelines perfusion pressure. Acta Neurochir. 1993;59:107–12.
for the management of pediatric severe traumatic Schreiber SJ, Lambert UKW, Doepp F, Valdueza
brain injury, third edition: update of the brain trauma JM.  Effects of prolonged head-down tilt on inter-
foundation guidelines. Pediatr Crit Care Med. nal jugular vein cross-sectional area. Br J Anaesth.
2019;20:S1–S82. 2002;89:769–71.
Mangat HS, Wu X, Gerber LM, et al. Hypertonic saline Videtta W, Villarejo F, Cohen M, et al. Effects of positive
is superior to mannitol for the combined effect on end-expiratory pressure on intracranial pressure and
intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure cerebral perfusion pressure. Acta Neurochir Suppl.
burdens in patients with evere traumatic brain injury 2002;81:93–7.
Neurosurgery. 2020;86:221–30.
Part VII
Monitoring in Neurointensive Care

Christina Rosenlund 
and Bo-Michael Bellander
Secondary Clinical Assessment
Jacob Bertram Springborg
and Christina Rosenlund

Level II
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
• Always take into consideration the cur- Data are insufficient to support Level II recom-
rent medication of the patient when mendations for this subject.
evaluating the neurological state.
• The brainstem can anatomically be con- Level III
sidered as a three floor structure.
• Detailed motor and sensory examina- Repeated evaluation of consciousness and neuro-
tions are most often not possible or nec- logical status should be conducted. Clinical
essary in the neurointensive care unit. changes in neurointensive care patients should be
• Correlate neurological findings to infor- correlated with the more advanced monitoring
mation from the more technical physio- systems.
logical monitoring.

38.1 Overview

Recommendations Repeated neurological examinations should be

performed as part of monitoring neurological
Level I dysfunction in the neurointensive care unit, tak-
ing into consideration the pharmacological treat-
Data are insufficient to support Level I recom- ment of the patient. Deteriorations should be
mendations for this subject. correlated to changes in the supplementary phys-
iological monitoring, and together these observa-
tions should guide clinical decisions.
J. B. Springborg (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, University Clinic
of Neurosurgery, Copenhagen University Hospital, 38.2 Background
Copenhagen, Denmark
Patients with severe TBI are as part of their treat-
C. Rosenlund ment in the neurointensive care unit frequently
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University
Hospital, Odense, Denmark under the influence of various analgesics, seda-
e-mail: tives, and/or muscle relaxants. Moreover, many

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 255

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
256 J. B. Springborg and C. Rosenlund

of these patients are intubated and mechanically Coma Scale (GCS) was originally designed to
ventilated. Together, these conditions limit the evaluate the severity of brain dysfunction in the
clinical examination normally used to evaluate early posttraumatic period in patients with TBI
neurological function. Nevertheless, some form and not as a monitoring tool (Teasdale and Jennett
of basic clinical monitoring should, together with 1974). Nevertheless, the three components tested
the more technical, physiological monitoring are useful to monitor the depth and duration of
described in the next chapters, be initiated in the impaired consciousness, but should however
neurointensive care unit, and these repeated always be reported with the three separate scores
observations should guide clinical decisions. to appreciate in which components the patient
has deficits (King et  al. 2000). In intubated
patients, the verbal score is untestable and the
38.3 Measures of Consciousness summed GCS score is not directly applicable.
Models have been designed to estimate the verbal
Neurons of the reticular formation, particularly score from the eye opening score and the motor
those of the ascending reticular activating sys- score (Rutledge et al. 1996; Meredith et al. 1998),
tem, play a crucial role in maintaining b­ ehavioural but the use of such models has been questioned
arousal and consciousness. The level of con- (Chesnut 1997). A recent study recommends a
sciousness should repeatedly be evaluated to multidimensional use of the three-component
appreciate clinical improvement or deterioration, GCS, describing floor and ceiling effects of the
of course taking into consideration the level of individual components. In the range 3–7, the sum
analgesia and sedation (Table 38.1). The Glasgow score is primarily determined by the motor com-
ponent. In the range 8–12, the effect of the motor
component attenuates and the sum score is
Table 38.1  Site of lesion and relevant clinical test with
abnormal findings on neurological examination in the mainly influenced by the verbal and eye compo-
neurointensive care unit nents. The motor, eye, and verbal scores reach
Finding Site of lesion Test their ceiling effects at sum 13, 14, and 15, respec-
Loss of Reticular Glasgow Coma tively. The prognostic value of the three compo-
consciousness formation Scale nents combined, was consistently higher than
Pupillary Oculomotor Pupillary light that of the sum score alone (Reith et al. 2017).
dilation nerve or upper reaction and
brainstem diameter
Pinpoint pupils Middle Pupillary light 38.4 Symptoms and Signs
brainstem (pons) reaction and Involving the Eyes
diameter and the Brainstem
Eye deviation Frontal cortical Eye
(towards lesion) or upper examination
More comprehensive evaluations of the brain-
(midbrain) gaze stem function should also be conducted, and for
centres didactic reasons, the brainstem can be considered
Eye deviation Middle Eye a three floor structure consisting of the midbrain
(away from brainstem examination
(mesencephalon), pons, and medulla oblongata
lesion) (pontine) gaze
centre (Table 38.1).
Fixed eyes on Upper and Oculocephalic A detailed examination of the pupils and eyes
head rotation middle reflex should be repeated, and changes in the pupil light
brainstem reaction or diameter should be considered a warn-
Absent ciliary Middle Ciliary and
ing sign of pathology close to or in the midbrain or
and/or cornea brainstem cornea reflexes
reflex oculomotor nerve. Be aware that irregular/oval
Absent gag Lower brainstem Gag and cough pupils may be the first sign of a third nerve palsy,
and/or cough reflexes and thus indicate an imminent transtentorial herni-
reflex ation. The distinct pupillary abnormalities seen in
38  Secondary Clinical Assessment 257

lesions in or near the midbrain (dilated fixed pupils) cornea reflexes, which have an afferent limb in
and pons (pinpoint pupils) should be recognized, as the trigeminal nerve and an efferent limb in the
should the different horizontal eye deviation pat- facial nerve with a relay in the middle brainstem.
terns seen in lesions in the frontal cortical (devia- The reflexes disappear in deep coma and with
tion towards lesion), midbrain (deviation towards lesions in the pons.
lesion), and pontine (deviation away from lesion) Lower brainstem dysfunction can be tested by an
gaze centres. Lesions in the medial longitudinal examination of the gag reflexes with an afferent
fasciculus cause internuclear ophthalmoplegia, limb in the glossopharyngeal nerve and an efferent
which in the comatose patient is only assessable by limb in the vagus nerve and the cough reflex with
testing the oculocephalic reflexes. Vertical eye both an afferent and efferent limb in the vagus
deviation (downwards) can be seen with lesions in nerve. A formal assessment of lower brainstem dys-
the mesencephalon and in more pronounced brain- function in the unconscious patient is often reserved
stem lesions, which may also cause skew deviation. for patients where brain death is suspected.
Vertical gaze paresis can also be seen as a sign of Finally, evaluation of respiratory function is
increased ICP or a lesion in the pretectal area. In also a test of brainstem function, as the respira-
the unconscious patient, spontaneous roving eye tory regulatory centre is anatomically located in
movements may be present if the upper and middle this area (reticular formation). However, with
brainstem is intact, as they depend on normal func- controlled mechanical ventilation, the spontane-
tion of the oculomotor nuclei and connections from ous respiratory pattern is not recognizable.
these. Different forms of nystagmus can be seen
with lesions in the cerebellum and brainstem.
The oculocephalic and oculovestibular reflexes 38.5 Motor and Sensory Function
are anatomically complex, but mainly driven by
signals from the semicircular canals via the ves- When evaluating the best motor response during
tibular nuclei located between the pons and GCS assessment, a brief evaluation of the motor
medulla oblongata. From here, signals extend to function of all four extremities should be performed
the abducens and oculomotor nuclei in the pons and recorded. Abnormal flexion implies that the
and mesencephalon and from these to the lateral lesion is located in the cerebral hemispheres or
and medial rectus muscles of the eyes. In the internal capsule with disinhibition above the mid-
unconscious patient with a preserved oculoce- brain, and abnormal extension implies midbrain to
phalic reflex, the eyes will move in the orbit in the upper pontine dysfunction (Matis and Birbilis
opposite direction of head movements, apparently 2008). The muscle tone, deep tendon reflexes, and
“looking” at the same spot in the surroundings plantar reflexes are of less importance in the uncon-
(‘doll’s eyes phenomenon’), whereas with an scious patient, but assessment may serve as baseline
absent reflex, the eyes don’t move and just pas- for later comparison. Especially side differences are
sively follow when the head is turned. The reflex important to recognize, as they are indicative of
is suppressed in a conscious adult with normal focal pathology. Hyperactive reflexes together with
neurological function. An absent reflex is found in sympathetic storms (e.g. hypertension, tachycardia,
patients with upper and middle brain stem lesions. etc.) can be caused by paroxystic sympathetic
Caloric testing of the oculovestibular reflex with hyperactivity which should be addressed (see sepa-
cold water is a strong stimulus, which in the rate chapter). Moreover, repetitive testing of these
unconscious patient results in conjugated eye modalities may reveal spinal cord or peripheral
movements towards the ear that is rinsed. Ice nerve lesions not appreciated in the initial evalua-
water is normally only used as part of the diagno- tion of the patient or disclose improvements or dete-
sis of brain death - no eye movements then indi- riorations in such lesions.
cate lack of neural activity in this reflex loop, A comprehensive examination of sensory
compatible with brain death. modalities is most often not possible or neces-
Middle brainstem (pontine) impairment can sary in the neurointensive management of
be further tested by examining the ciliary and patients with severe traumatic brain injury, but
258 J. B. Springborg and C. Rosenlund

should of course be performed in patients with References

coexistent spinal cord or peripheral nerve lesions
as soon as the patient is able to cooperate. Chesnut RM. Appropriate use of the Glasgow Coma Scale
in intubated patients: a linear regression prediction of
Sensory stimulation is on the other hand impor- the Glasgow verbal score from the Glasgow eye and
tant to apply as a part of the ultra-early rehabili- motor scores. J Trauma. 1997;42:345.
tation, and included in the everyday monitoring King BS, Gupta R, Narayan RK.  The early assessment
of the patient will secure this even if the patient and intensive care unit management of patients with
severe traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. Surg
doesn’t respond to the examination (Padilla and Clin North Am. 2000;80:855–70.
Domina 2016). Matis G, Birbilis T.  The Glasgow Coma Scale—a brief
Neurointensive care unit nurses should be review. Past, present, future. Acta Neurol Belg.
trained in GCS scoring and evaluation of the 2008;108:75–89.
Meredith W, Rutledge R, Fakhry SM, Emery S,
pupils and motor response. Instructions for the Kromhout-­Schiro S. The conundrum of the Glasgow
actions that should be taken when deterioration is Coma Scale in intubated patients: a linear regres-
observed, should be available. How often the dif- sion prediction of the Glasgow verbal score from
ferent examinations should be performed depends the Glasgow eye and motor scores. J Trauma.
on the clinical condition of the patient, the time Padilla R, Domina A.  Effectiveness of sensory stimula-
from injury, and the current treatment of the tion to improve arousal and alertness of people in
patient, e.g. extensive stimulation is not mean- coma or persistent vegetative state after traumatic
ingful in a patient deeply sedated as part of intra- brain injury: a systematic review. Am J Occup Ther.
cranial pressure management. Reith FCM, Lingsma HF, Gabbe BJ, Lecky FE, Roberts
I, Maas AIR.  Differential effects of the Glasgow
Coma Scale Score and its components: an analysis
38.6 Specific Paediatric Concerns of 54,069 patients with traumatic brain injury. Injury.
Rutledge R, Lentz CW, Fakhry S, Hunt J.  Appropriate
Standard GCS scoring of non-verbal children is use of the Glasgow Coma Scale in intubated patients:
inapplicable. The paediatric modification of the a linear regression prediction of the Glasgow ver-
GCS is described in previous chapters. Take into bal score from the Glasgow eye and motor scores. J
Trauma. 1996;41:514–22.
consideration the normal development of the cen- Teasdale G, Jennett B.  Assessment of coma and
tral nervous system in children when evaluating impaired consciousness. A practical scale. Lancet.
the current neurological state. 1974;2:81–4.
A Wake-Up Test
in the Neurointensive Care 39
Management of Severe TBI: Pros
and Cons

Niklas Marklund

Recommendations 39.1 Overview

Level I Traumatic brain injury (TBI) may have a dynamic

and unpredictable clinical course. In the 1970s, a
There is a lack of Level I evidence to use, or to large number of TBI patients, who on admission to
avoid using, the Neurological Wake-up Test the hospital were awake and able to talk later died.
(NWT) in the neurocritical care monitoring of The entity “talk-and-die” was coined (Reilly et al.
TBI patients. 1975), describing TBI patients with relatively mild
initial, primary injuries who later had a fatal out-
Level II come due to secondary, and presumably “avoid-
able”, factors. These findings, among others, led to
Results from one randomized trial of a small improved organization of TBI care as well as the
cohort of TBI patients indicated that the NWT introduction of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
led to nonsignificantly shorter neurocritical care score (Teasdale and Jennett 1974). The risk factors
stay and time on ventilator. for neurological worsening in the mild-moderate
In the majority of evaluated studies, the NWT TBI population have been addressed in numerous
is associated with a systemic stress response that previous publications and guidelines (Astrand
is highly variable in severity. et al. 2016; Babl et al. 2017; Undén et al. 2013),
although rapid exacerbation of the neurological
Level III condition of the patient may be observed in all
forms and severities of TBI. In patients with severe
The NWT remains the best clinical monitoring TBI, e.g. ongoing hemorrhage or increased brain
tool in the neurocritical care unit. However, the swelling (Morris et al. 1998; Juul et al. 2000), may
added value of the NWT over multimodality lead to clinical deterioration that may go unnoticed
monitoring and neuroimaging has not been in intubated and sedated patients. The use of pre-
established. hospital sedation, paralysis, and intubation at the
scene of the accident (Pakkanen et al. 2016) makes
a neurological assessment difficult, although it is
N. Marklund (*) recommended that a post-resuscitation GCS score
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurosurgery, is obtained (Carney et  al. 2017; Smith and
Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, Weingart 2012) to achieve a TBI severity grading
Lund, Sweden and to enable clinical decisions (Garvin et  al.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 259

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
260 N. Marklund

2015). Most severe TBI patients require continued to an arousal reaction (Stover 2012). Several
care in a neurocritical care (NCC) unit where the terms to describe interruption of sedation strate-
basic management protocols include controlled gies during NCC are in use and include spontane-
ventilation, stress reduction using continuous ous awakening trials, spontaneous breathing
sedation, neuroimaging, and multimodality moni- trials, daily interruption of sedation (DIS or IS)
toring. Continuous sedation is an integral compo- trials, and lightening of sedation.
nent of NCC management; it prevents pain and To date, there are only scarce reports evaluat-
anxiety, controls agitation, and enables endotra- ing the NWT in NCC, and there are no clinical
cheal tube tolerance (Barr et  al. 2013; Patel and guidelines for using, or avoiding, the
Kress 2012; Oddo et al. 2016). In addition, con- NWT.  Surprisingly, systematic analyses of the
tinuous sedation reduces cerebral energy metabo- information achieved by the NWT in TBI, and
lism and oxygen consumption, attenuates the risk what clinical decisions are made based on this
of seizure, and facilitates ICP and temperature information, are rare. The NWT in NCC and its
control (Rhoney and Parker Jr 2001). Obviously, use may predominantly be based on personal
continuous sedation can mask important changes preferences and/or experience as well as locally
in the neurological condition of the patients adopted guidelines and traditions.
(Helbok and Badjatia 2009), and excessive seda- An obvious goal in the management of severe
tion may lead to significant morbidity (Girard TBI is the reduction of cerebral energy metabolic
et al. 2008; Pinhu et al. 2003; Kollef et al. 1998). demands in severe TBI, for which continuous
Since neurological worsening, commonly defined sedation is mandatory. The NWT, by definition,
as a decrease of ≥ two points on the motor compo- requires interruption of sedation although at pres-
nent of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS-M) score, ent there are no robust data showing that the NWT-
may occur in up to 40% of TBI patients during induced stress response results in a significant
NCC within the first 48 h post-injury (Maas et al. secondary brain injury. On the other hand, there
2006; Iaccarino et al. 2014)), clinical monitoring is are no strong arguments for a clinical benefit of the
also warranted. However, clinical examinations in NWT, although when it is used by personnel expe-
NCC are controversial and are not mentioned in rienced in the test, useful clinical information such
any recent guidelines, since they require sedation as neuroworsening or neuro-­improvement is com-
interruption which commonly elicits an undesired monly obtained. This remains the main argument
stress response. for implementing the NWT in management proto-
Thus, in the era of multimodal NCC monitor- cols for those TBI patients with a stable intracra-
ing, is there an additional benefit of using the neu- nial situation. There are also well-founded reasons
rological examination (here named the neurological for not using the NWT, including a fear of a NWT-
wake-up test, NWT), a test which requires seda- induced stress response and uncertainty about the
tion interruption? Furthermore, does the NWT added value of the NWTs in view of the possibili-
lead to changed management of the patient with ties for multimodality monitoring and modern
severe TBI, and what are its associated risks? neuroimaging. In this chapter, the pros and cons of
Advocates for using the NWT in TBI argue the NWT are summarized.
that this test is the only monitoring tool that can
reliably detect clinically important neurological
improvement or deterioration (Maas et al. 2008), Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
and the obtained information can be useful in • Propofol sedation is ideal when using
clinical decision-making. In the present over- the neurological wake-up test in TBI
view, the rather scarce literature on neurological patients on continuous sedation and
evaluation [here named the neurological wake-up mechanical ventilation.
test, NWT (Skoglund et al. 2009)] is presented. • Although modern multimodality moni-
Although the term “wake-up test” is used, the toring and neuroimaging provide
response should be considered more comparable
39  A Wake-Up Test in the Neurointensive Care Management of Severe TBI: Pros and Cons 261

general intensive care (Girard et  al. 2008;

v­aluable information on the injured Wittbrodt 2005). Importantly, no significant
brain, the neurological wake-up test adverse effects were noted by these procedures
remains a useful clinical monitoring (Girard et al. 2008; Wittbrodt 2005; Jackson et al.
tool in medically stable TBI patients 2010; Schweickert et  al. 2004). Although these
• The neurological wake-up test elicits a protocols can be combined with a neurological
stress response and should only be exam, the NWT, it was not the aim of these stud-
attempted in TBI patients with stable ies. In the NCC, there are several sedatives for
ICP, PtiO2, and/or CPP levels. use in the NCC where the most commonly used
• The choice may not be between multi- ones are propofol and midazolam although others,
modality monitoring and the NWT; TBI such as the selective α2-adrenergic agonist dex-
management strategies may include a medetomidine (Pajoumand et al. 2016; Schomer
combination of both. et al. 2019; Humble et al. 2016) or the N-methyl-­
• When performing the test, stop the seda- d-aspartate receptor antagonist ketamine (Oddo
tion and examine the patient in the supine et al. 2016), are gaining popularity. The selected
position. When the patient is sufficiently sedative obviously influences the possibility of
awake, evaluate if the patient obeys sim- using the NWT in the NCC setting.
ple commands, and score the response In the only randomized controlled trial
according to the motor component of the addressing a daily interruption of continuous
GCS. If the patient does not obey com- sedation (DIS) protocol in TBI, 21 TBI patients
mands, deliver a painful stimulus at the were compared to 17 TBI controls in whom con-
angle of the jaw and note the best motor tinuous sedation was used. The sedation interrup-
response. In addition, the presence of tion resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in the
focal neurological deficits and pupillary duration of mechanical ventilation and NCC stay
abnormalities is also evaluated. (7.7 days in TBI/DIS patients vs. 11.6 days in
controls and 14 vs. 17 days, respectively)
(Anifantaki et al. 2009).
There are numerous neuromonitoring possi-
39.2 Background bilities in modern NCC, such as ICP, CPP, intra-
cerebral microdialysis, brain tissue oxygen
Sedation and systemic as well as intracranial (PbtiO2), and jugular venous oxygen saturation
monitoring are key components of the NCC of (SjvO2) monitoring, among others. One impor-
TBI patients. TBI induces per se a marked sys- tant limitation of ICP monitoring is that although
temic biochemical stress response with the ICP elevations and brain herniation are com-
release of e.g., cortisol and the catecholamines monly linked, they can occur independently. As
norepinephrine and epinephrine. Continuous examples, in temporal contusions or following
sedation attenuates the TBI-induced stress decompressive craniectomy, worsening of the
response, helps achieving ICP and CPP control intracranial situation may occur without dis-
and reduces the cerebral energy metabolic tinctly increased ICP but be detected by an
demands (Rhoney and Parker Jr 2001). NWT. Thus, the NWT remains the gold standard
Furthermore, sedation facilitates mechanical for the detection of neurological deterioration
ventilation. Importantly, heavy sedation may even in the presence of advanced neuromonitor-
increase the risk of ventilator-associated pneu- ing (Helbok and Badjatia 2009).
monias, prolong mechanical ventilation, and lead For the NWT to be considered, it is imperative
to a higher mortality. Thus, protocols using daily that the patient shows stable ICP, CPP and PbtiO2
interruption of sedation and spontaneous breath- values at baseline, during c­ ontinuous sedation and
ing trials were associated with reduced duration NWT should not be used in patients with marked
of mechanical ventilation and length of stay in hyperthermia, status ­epilepticus, and/ or barbitu-
262 N. Marklund

rate treatment (Oddo et al. 2016; Marklund 2017). and epinephrine. NWT- induced changes in
When an NWT is planned, the continuous infu- plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH),
sion of sedatives is interrupted, although a low as well as serum norepinephrine and epinephrine
dose of analgesics may be maintained (Marklund levels, were evaluated and compared to baseline
2017; Beretta et al. 2011). The technique used to samples drawn during continuous sedation and
perform the NWT is described elsewhere prior to NWT. In addition, saliva cortisol was col-
(Marklund 2017), although in brief the patient lected by a sublingual swab (Skoglund et  al.
should be placed in the supine position and be suf- 2012). In eight TBI patients, the catecholamines
ficiently awakened from the sedation to enable epinephrine and norepinephrine levels were
further assessment. Then, the patient is requested increased by 87.5 and 40.4%, respectively. For
to obey simple commands, and if he/she does not, ACTH and cortisol, the NWT-induced increases
a painful stimulus is delivered at the angle of the were 72.5 and 30.7%, respectively. Although
jaw and the best GCS-M response is noted. In these stress hormone levels were all increased by
addition, the presence of focal neurological defi- the NWT, their increases in absolute numbers
cits as well as the pupil diameter, the presence of were minor. This study provided evidence for a
anisocoria, and the direct and indirect pupillary rather mild stress response induced by the
light reflexes must be evaluated in each NWT. NWT.  In contrast, in a mixed cohort of brain-
The potential benefits or risks associated with injured patients of which only four had a severe
the NWT have only been studied in a few reports. TBI, interruption of sedation was not performed
In an initial report, 127 NWTs in 12 TBI and 9 in 47% of patients due to increased ICP levels,
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients were hemodynamic instability, and sedation require-
evaluated (Skoglund et al. 2009). In all NWTs, a ments (Helbok et al. 2012). The authors then per-
stress response was observed including transient formed 54 interruption of sedation trials of which
increases in pulse rate and increased mean arte- a third could not be completed due to ICP crisis,
rial blood pressure (MABP). The ICP increased agitation, desaturation, or a combination of these
by a mean of 69%, from 13 to 23 mmHg, in TBI factors. In addition, reduced PbtiO2 levels were
patients, while the CPP showed a nonsignificant commonly observed. Importantly, in only one
5% increase during the NWTs. In 9 TBI patients, trial was a clinical worsening observed. Although
the ICP levels reached >30 mmHg, and the CPP there were only few TBI patients, these results
levels decreased to <50  mmHg in 4 patients. argue for careful risk stratifications and individu-
These ICP increases and/or CPP changes were alized assessments prior to initiating an NWT
predominately brief and transient (Skoglund (Stover 2012; Helbok et  al. 2012; Prisco and
et  al. 2009). In a subsequent study (Skoglund Citerio 2012).
et al. 2014), PbtiO2, SjvO2, and interstitial neuro- Surprisingly, there are only limited data avail-
chemistry as measured by cerebral microdialysis able showing how often the NWT alters clinical
were evaluated in 17 severe TBI patients. The decisions and patient management or detects
PbtiO2 remained unaltered during 51 NWTs, and neuroworsening. In the previously mentioned
no jugular venous catheter readings were exacer- study, evidence of a new focal neurological defi-
bated by the tests. Furthermore, the NWT did not cit was found only in one SAH patient and none
alter interstitial glucose, lactate, glycerol, gluta- in TBI patient (Helbok et al. 2012). If the NWT
mate, or the lactate/pyruvate ratio as measured by does not provide information needed for impor-
microdialysis. These data argue that despite an tant clinical decisions, its use cannot be justified.
NWT-induced stress response, no evidence of an However, if the NWT leads to more active man-
additional brain injury was observed (Skoglund agement, detection of relevant causes for neuro-
et al. 2014). Severe TBI is per se accompanied by worsening and/or improvement, and guides
a systemic biochemical stress response including clinical decisions, then the stress response can
the release of stress-related hormones such as be tolerated if the patient is carefully monitored
cortisol and the catecholamines norepinephrine during the NWT (Stocchetti et  al. 2017). Such
39  A Wake-Up Test in the Neurointensive Care Management of Severe TBI: Pros and Cons 263

studies could be crucial in interpreting the role choice of sedatives appears to decide the use of
of NWTs in TBI. the NWT. An individualized assessment based on
Another important question is how detrimental neuromonitoring and neuroimaging parameters
the NWT-induced stress response is to the injured is recommended. A study systematically evaluat-
brain. Although sedation per se has never been ing the NWT appears feasible and could define
shown to positively influence outcome, it facili- the role of the NWT in modern NCC and help
tates ICP and CPP control, reduces stress, and and determine its future role in the management
attenuates cerebral energy metabolism. Arguably, of severe TBI patients. The pros and cons of the
the NWT-induced stress response is likely to NWT may be summarized as follows (modified
increase cerebral metabolism and oxygen con- from (Marklund 2017)).
sumption, factors not desirable in the vulnerable
TBI patient (Rhoney and Parker Jr 2001; Stover Pros Cons
2012). Only when the ICP, CPP, and/or PbtiO2 Clinical decision-making A stress response,
recordings are within accepted limits at baseline, (e.g., extubation, including increased ICP
the NWT may be considered. Another valid argu- neuroimaging, surgery, and/or CPP, is elicited
tracheostomy, etc.)
ment against the routine implementation of the More active management No proven added value
NWT is the exclusion of unstable patients, since and detection of clinically over modern
these individuals may be those in whom the NWT important neurological multimodality
could add the most important information. changes (including a monitoring
dilated pupil or emerged
Such concerns may explain the variability of focal neurological deficit)
the use of the NWT.  In Scandinavia, ca 50% of Sedation interruption Increased brain
neurosurgical departments never used the NWT, reduces ventilation- metabolism and oxygen
with a marked variation in the frequency of NWTs associated adverse event consumption
used in the other 50% of centers (Skoglund et al. and shortens time on
ventilator (?)
2013). One reason for this variability may be the
use of midazolam in many neurosurgical depart-
ments, but p­resumably the fear of inducing a
NWT-induced stress response, and the questioned References
additional value of NWTs in modern multimodal-
Anifantaki S, Prinianakis G, Vitsaksaki E, Katsouli V,
ity NCC, may be a more common reason. A rea- Mari S, Symianakis A, et  al. Daily interruption of
sonable approach may be combining the use of sedative infusions in an adult medical-surgical inten-
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particular use these monitoring tools to define in 2009;65(5):1054–60.
Astrand R, Rosenlund C, Unden J, Scandinavian
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an NWT. Since important information of the clini- management of minor and moderate head trauma in
cal condition of the patient can be obtained using children. BMC Med. 2016;14:33.
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39.3 Summary Barr J, Fraser GL, Puntillo K, Ely EW, Gelinas C, Dasta
JF, et  al. Clinical practice guidelines for the man-
agement of pain, agitation, and delirium in adult
From a scientific perspective, there is evidence patients in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med.
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favor. The NWT is associated with a stress Beretta L, De Vitis A, Grandi E.  Sedation in neu-
rocritical patients: is it useful? Minerva Anestesiol.
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264 N. Marklund

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Intracranial Pressure (ICP):
Theoretical and Practical Aspects 40
Peter Reinstrup

Recommendations 40.1 Overview

Level I Monitoring brain functions is difficult in coma-

tose patients. Continuous ICP recording is of
There are insufficient data to support a Level I value in cases of severe head trauma, since the
recommendation for this topic. therapy of head-injured patients aims at prevent-
ing secondary injuries due to an elevated ICP
Level II and/or a low cerebral blood flow (CBF) due to
low cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), and ICP
There are insufficient data to support a Level II monitoring has been found to improve outcome
recommendation for this topic. (Alali et al. 2013). However, it must be noted that
a randomised controlled study evaluating out-
Level III come in severe TBI patients with and without
ICP devices, found no benefit in outcome in the
ICP monitoring is recommended and even man- ICP monitored group (Chesnut et  al. 2012).
datory when manipulating the cerebral perfusion Furthermore, one study concluded that place-
pressure (CPP) following traumatic brain injury ment of an ICP device worsens outcome
(TBI) as well as in patients with subarachnoidal (Piccinini et  al. 2017). Notwithstanding this,
haemorrhage (SAH) and suspected hydrocepha- insertion of an ICP device should be considered
lus. On the other hand, there is one report claim- following intracranial surgery, if complications
ing that the use of an ICP device by itself reduces are estimated as probable, and in a limited num-
outcome; this finding can, however, be due to the ber of cases also for evacuation of CSF, as well as
treatment in the ICP monitored group. for the differentiation between normal and low-
pressure states. In cases of a subarachnoid bleed-
ing, it is recommended to insert a ventricular
catheter, not only as a means for ICP measure-
ments, but also since it might become necessary
to drain ventricular fluid. Under normal circum-
stances, the pressure is isobaric throughout the
P. Reinstrup (*) intrathecal fluid system, when measured at a
Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care, similar level, i.e. with the patient in a supine posi-
Skånes University Hospital, Lund, Sweden tion. Pathological conditions like foramina

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 267

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
268 P. Reinstrup

Monroi cysts or obstructed flow through the

aqueduct may lead to differences between ven- ages solely related to an elevated ICP
tricular and spinal pressures. Local changes may has not been possible to establish, but it
exist between the supratentorial and infratento- is generally accepted that an ICP higher
rial parenchyma and even between different sites than 20  mmHg is abnormal. An ICP
in the same compartment. above 40  mmHg is always associated
The gold standard at our department in Lund with neurological symptoms such as
for continuous ICP measurement is a ventricular impaired consciousness accompanied
catheter connected to an external pressure trans- by abnormal electrical activity (EEG),
ducer placed at the highest point of the head with as well as pupillary dilatation. A persist-
a 6 mmHg addition of the registered pressure in ing pressure above 60  mmHg bears a
order to achieve a reference point at the supraten- high risk of being fatal.
torial origo of the brain in all clinical situations, • ICP and brain death? Supratentorial
with the alternative being a parenchymatous blood flow comes to an arrest when
pressure device with its zero reference at the tip mean ICP approaches the systolic arte-
of the catheter. Readings from the latter might, rial blood pressure. Since clinical brain
however, deviate from the true ICP values and the death criteria are based on the loss of
fact that even small changes in ICP can have a function of the cranial nerves emanating
dramatic impact on the patient, these deviations from the infratentorial space, it is possi-
may have clear consequences on the outcome if ble to have a supratentorial ICP indicat-
allowed to guide therapy. ing abolished circulation with preserved
functions in these nerves.
• Transcranial Doppler (TCD), optic
nerve sheet diameter (ONSD) or tym-
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
panic membrane displacement (TMD)
• If the ventricles are visible on the CT can be an aid in the decision of whether
scan, insertion of a ventricular ICP an ICP device is necessary or not since
device should always be considered. these parameters correlate to some
• If a parenchymatous device is to be extent with the ICP.
used, always assess the credibility of the • It is generally recommended to place the
readings by comparing with a recent CT ICP device in the non-dominant hemi-
scan. sphere, but in cases of acute subdural
• While most departments agree on an hematomas, the highest and therefore
upper limit for a normal ICP of most relevant pressure is found in the
20  mmHg, inter-centre differences in affected hemisphere (Chambers et  al.
ICP catheter zero point choice will 1998).
influence this limit and hence the esti-
mated CPP.
• Ventricular ICP recording curves should
always oscillate. Should the amplitude
diminish, the following causes have to 40.2 Background
be excluded: misplacement of the cath-
eter tip, air in the tubings, clotting of the Magendie observed in 1842 that the pressure in a
catheter or a collapse of the entire ven- meningocele sac in infants with spina bifida was
tricular system (Fig. 40.1). transmitted to the fontanel and that high pressure
• Is an elevated ICP as such deleterious in this system caused loss of consciousness. Key
for the brain? An upper limit for dam- and Retzius (1875) were the first to measure and
Knoll (1886) to record ICP in animals. Quincke
40  Intracranial Pressure (ICP): Theoretical and Practical Aspects 269

Fig. 40.1  ICP registration from a patient with an open tered. Following the two first closures, the drainage is
ventricular pressure device as shown in mmHg and with a again opened and the ICP curve follows the drainage level
5-min resolution, events going from left to right. The of 20  mmHg, whereas at the third closure (on the right
amplitude of the ICP diminishes to zero around the drain- side of the registration) the line is kept closed and regis-
age level of 20  mmHg. The drainage is closed on three tered mean ICP approaches 60 mmHg
occasions. During the closure the correct ICP is regis-

(1891) introduced lumbar puncture to the clinical utilised for ventricular pressure measurements
tools, opening up for studies of ICP using this and drainage. This is considered the gold stan-
route. Our present knowledge of brain physiol- dard for measuring ICP, using tubing from the
ogy and pathophysiology is to a large extent ventricular system to an extracranial pressure
based on continuous measurements of ICP. Under transducer, which must be positioned at a fixed
normal circumstances, the intrathecal fluid is iso- anatomical reference point on the head. Whereas
baric in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) system the chosen reference point for the zero level of
(Lenfeldt et al. 2007) when measured at similar this pressure device differs between centres, the
levels. However, local changes can exist in the technique originally described by Lundberg
parenchyma, and differences in ICP exist between builds on a reference zero point at the highest
the infratentorial and supratentorial compart- point of the head, simply for practical reasons.
ments, and this discrepancy is changing over time With such a set-up, the true ICP value at the
(Slavin and Misra 2003). ICP correlates to supratentorial origo or brain centre needs to be
changes in tissue oedema (intracellular and/or corrected by adding 5.9  mmHg resulting in a
interstitial) and changes in the amount of liquor maximum deviation from the ideal brain centre
and/or cerebral blood volume (CBV) (including of ≤1.8  mmHg in all clinical head positions. If
bleedings) to a certain degree. the Monro reference point is warranted as zero
reference point, 6.3  mmHg is added giving an
exact Monro-ICP deviating of ≤0.9 mmHg in all
40.2.1 Ventricular ICP Monitoring clinical head positions (Reinstrup et  al. 2019).
Different centres dealing with ICP measurements
The ventricular pressure was first measured in often use Monro or Meatus-Glabella as reference
humans by Hodgson in 1928. Guillaume and points. However, Monro is not an externally iden-
Janny (1951) reported the first cannulations of tifiable anatomical reference point, and its loca-
the ventricular system in order to measure tion is indeed described differently in different
ICP.  Lundberg (1960) developed the equipment centres. Meatus and Glabella are external ana-
for continuous measurements of ventricular ICP tomical reference points that have been intro-
in the late 1950s, and this is the technique still duced, but have yet to be evaluated. Although this
270 P. Reinstrup

a b

c d

Fig. 40.2 Deviation from supratentorial brain centre meatus. (a) Sagittal image with the head in supine posi-
(BC) using meatus-glabella as external anatomical refer- tion. (b) With a 45° head elevation. (c) Upright. (d) White
ence points. BC; ■ meatus projected to a midsagittal line with the transducer at glabella-nose tip with place-
image. The white line represents the zero reference point ment in 45° lateral position. Published in a Springer jour-
ICP with the transducer placed at the external auditory nal (Acta Neurochirurgica) - permission obtained

approach seems ideal with the patient lying strict 40.2.2 Complications with ICP
supine or lateral, it shows huge deviations (app Devices
±6 mmHg) from brain centre in clinical practice
(Fig.  40.2) (Reinstrup et  al. 2019). The risk of infection is approximately 1% per day
Parenchymatous devices all have their zero points with an intraventricular ICP catheter. It has been
at the tip of the catheter. The parenchymatous suggested that it is the drainage of liquor per se
ICP readings may, therefore, vary within approx- that causes the ventriculitis (Rossi et  al. 1998).
imately 0–10 mmHg depending on the placement Since drainage is most common in patients with
of the catheter tip and position of the head. blood in the ventricular system, the blood itself
40  Intracranial Pressure (ICP): Theoretical and Practical Aspects 271

could act as a bacterial growth substrate. Though with a mean difference of 10  mmH2O
rare, the insertion procedure of these catheters (0.75  mmHg) (Lenfeldt et  al. 2007). However,
might also give rise to complications such as intra- wave amplitudes have been found to be 2 mmHg
parenchymal bleedings and cerebrospinal fluid smaller in lumbar recordings, possibly due to
leakage (Guyott et  al. 1998; Rossi et  al. 1998). inertia of the spinal canal or smaller catheter bore
Hence, a normal coagulation screening test should (Eide and Brean 2006).
ideally be obtained before inserting a catheter.
In an attempt to overcome the drawbacks asso-
ciated with ventricular ICP measurements, a vari- 40.2.5 Infratentorial Versus
ety of extraventricular devices has been developed Supratentorial Intracranial
including subdural devices based on saline-filled Pressure
transducers, e.g. Richmond screw or Leeds bolt,
as well as extradural devices based on electrical Hitherto, the infratentorial volume down to the
impedance, e.g. Gaeltec and Ladd. Each of these foramen magnum has not been thoroughly inves-
devices is hampered by problems associated with tigated. In one attempt, Slavin and Misra (2003)
blockage of the lumen if the brain swells, as well used external ventricular drainage placed in a lat-
as baseline measurement drifts over time. eral ventricle together with infratentorial ICP
measurement using an intraparenchymal sensor
inserted into the cerebellum. In patients with var-
40.2.3 Parenchymatous ICP ious infratentorial pathologies, a difference in
Monitoring ICP was found between the infratentorial and
supratentorial compartments, a difference which
In the early 1990s, microsensors opened up for also changed over time.
catheters to be placed within the brain p­ arenchyma Following posterior fossa surgery, a parenchy-
for measurement of ICP. They were based on either matous pressure transducer was placed in the cer-
fibre optics (Camino) or electrical impedance ebellum and a Richmond bolt in the frontal area.
(Codman ‘Microsensor’, Spiegelberg). The read- During the first 12 h, the posterior fossa pressure
ings are comparable with those of the intraventricu- was 50% higher than that in the supratentorial
lar catheters; they are minimally invasive and have compartment in all patients. Over the next 12 h,
minimal baseline drift, but this drift, unfortunately, the supratentorial pressures were 10–15% higher
increases with time and can in rare cases reach than those measured in the posterior fossa, but
10 mmHg (Al-Tamimi et al. 2009). Hence, in order following 48 h of monitoring, the pressures had
to circumvent this drawback, Raumedic made a equilibrated (Rosenwasser et al. 1989).
catheter with an air duct to the tip, but even these
catheters have, so far, drift over time (Citerio et al.
2008). Despite these shortcomings, microcatheters 40.2.6 Non-invasive Methods
have become the standard method for measuring for Assessing ICP
ICP in many neurosurgical centres worldwide. It is
vital though to note that a number of neurosurgical ICP cannot be measured exactly by non-invasive
centres have reported on cases where these devices means, but crude estimates can be made to give
have given false values (Fernandes et al. 1998). the clinician a hint as to what the ICP is likely to
be. Such assessments are based on case history,
clinical symptoms (headache, vomiting, nausea),
40.2.4 Lumbar Versus Supratentorial and radiological investigations. It must be empha-
ICP Monitoring sised that a normal morphology of the brain, as
visualised by a CT or even an MR scan, never can
There is a good correlation between mean lumbar exclude an elevated ICP; consequently, a physi-
and ventricular pressures in the supine patient cian cannot rely solely on radiological features to
272 P. Reinstrup

interpret ICP. An MR imaging-derived elastance Transcranial Doppler (TCD) can be used to

index, on the other hand, correlates with ICP over estimate ICP. The calculations in a mathemati-
a wide range of ICP values (Alperin et al. 2000). cal model using arterial blood pressure and
This method as such is unfortunately hampered cerebral flow velocity should predict ICP with
with such a low sensitivity that it allows for dif- good accuracy (Schmidt et  al. 2002). A more
ferentiation only between normal and elevated straightforward method utilises the correlation
ICP notwithstanding it being complicated to between pulsatility index (PI) and ICP where
perform. ICP = 10.9 × PI − 1.3 or ICP ~ 10 × PI. This
Bedside technologies for estimation of ICP correlates well with ICP from 0 to 120 mmHg,
exist and may give a hint as to whether ICP is but is imprecise in the clinically relevant area
high or normal. All techniques require training around 20  mmHg (Bellner et  al. 2004).
and can have intra and inter-observer variance, However, the technique can be used to follow
and one has to be aware of coexisting disorders changes in ICP.
affecting the measurement. It is a good idea to
measure during a craniectomy or when a reliable
ICP device is present as a calibration tool and 40.2.7 When to Monitor ICP
then use the techniques to detect ICP variations
rather than the absolute numbers—these should Monitoring brain functions is difficult in coma-
never be interpreted in isolation, but ideally be a tose patients. Since one aim of the therapy of
part of a holistic evaluation of the patients’ intra- head-injured patients is to prevent secondary
cranial situation. There are a lot of upcoming new injuries to the brain due to high ICP and/or low
techniques, and the below-mentioned are only cerebral perfusion pressure, continuous record-
the most frequently used. ing of ICP has been found to be of value in cases
Tympanic membrane displacement (TMD) is of severe head trauma. Thus, in head-injured
a technique that builds on the communication of patients with intracranial mass lesions on the
the CSF via the perilymphatic duct, such that an admission CT, a persistent high ICP was observed
increase in ICP is directly transmitted to the foot- in 60% as compared to 13% in those with a nor-
plate of the stapes, thereby changing its initial mal CT, while the presence of at least two or
position and affecting the direction and magni- more of the following factors increased the inci-
tude of the acustic or stapedes displacement of dence of high ICP up to 60% in the group with a
the eardrum in response to sound. This TMD cor- normal CT: age above 40, systolic blood pressure
relates to ICP to some extent, but merely in below 90 mmHg, and motor posturing (Narayan
younger persons (Shimbles et al. 2005). et al. 1982).
Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) expands Insertion of an ICP device should be considered
during increased ICP as the subarachnoid space following intracranial surgery if complications are
surrounding the nerve communicates with the estimated as probable, in the presence of establish-
intracranial subarachnoid space. ONSD can be ing elevated intracranial pressure, in a limited
visualised using transocular ultrasound, CT or number of cases for the evaluation of CSF shunts
MRI (Sahu and Swain 2017). Measurements of and for the purpose of differentiating between nor-
the outer ONSD are performed 3 mm behind the mal and low-pressure states. Treatment of intracra-
optic globe or sclera, and an increased ONSD nial hypertension is also best guided by continuous
correlates to a high ICP, although with reserva- intracranial pressure monitoring (Johnston and
tions (Robba et  al. 2018). The cut-off diameter Jennet 1973). In cases of subarachnoid bleeding, it
indicating an ICP > 20 mmHg differs from 4.8 to is recommended to insert a ventricular catheter not
5.9 mm between studies that indicate the meth- only as a means for ICP measurements, but also
od’s problems in clinical use (Rajajee et al. 2011; because drainage of ventricular fluid might be nec-
Robba et al. 2018). essary (Sakowitz et al. 2006).
40  Intracranial Pressure (ICP): Theoretical and Practical Aspects 273

0:40 16:01:20 16:02:00 16:02:40 16:03:20 16:04:00

Fig. 40.3  An ICP tracing in a TBI patient during sedation min) the Lundberg C-waves (43 peaks in the picture) due
and artificial ventilation. The pressure is shown in mmHg to the ventilation. A slower wave (four peaks in the pic-
and between vertical lines passes 40 s. The fast undulation ture) of approx. 1/min, the so-called Lundberg B-wave, is
is due to the arterial pulse pressure and the slow part (12/ seen in sedated or sleeping patients

40.2.8 ICP Waveform Analysis why a CPPopt is not equivalent to an optimal

CPP for the brain tissue. Similar entities like PRx
Mean ICP has until recently been the sole infor- are PAx (correlation between ICP amplitude and
mation of interest obtained from the ICP devices, mean ABP variations) and RAC or (ICP ampli-
but an ICP recording contains additional infor- tude variations with CPP).
mation. ICP can be a stable parameter, but may Beside these ICP variations with ventilation
often fluctuate over time due to mainly cerebro- ABP, there are other variants with a lower fre-
vascular changes. The ICP curve has variations quency of 0.5–2/min and described by Lundberg
superimposed on the arterial pulse pressure (1960) as B-waves and seen during sedation or
curve, one of which has respiratory synchronicity sleep and might represent a sleep pattern, but oth-
and which is referred to as the Lundberg C or the erwise of unknown origin (Fig.  40.3). There is
Traube-Hering-Mayer waves (Lundberg 1960) agreement on B-waves being indicative of
(Fig.  40.3). During respiration, mainly during reduced intracranial compliance and an indicator
mechanical ventilation and hypovolemia, the car- for intact autoregulation (Spiegelberg et  al.
diac filling pressure varies with the ventilation 2016).
creating ABP changes, also described as pulse On top of this, some TBI patients develop
pressure variations (PPV) or systolic pressure plateau waves or A-waves as described by
variations (SPV). A completely functioning cere- Lundberg (1960), but still of unidentified origin
brovascular reactivity tries to keep the CBF con- even though one might suspect rapid changes in
stant and should be able to cope with these PPV arterial CBV (Fig.  40.4). Plateau waves have
and create a constant ICP curve. If the cerebro- been considered a malignant sign, but have been
vascular tree is malfunctioning, the PPV might shown not to be associated with a worse out-
also create covariations in ICP.  The covariation come (Castellani et al. 2009) if they are of rea-
between ICP and mean ABP variations is sonable duration.
described as the cerebrovascular pressure reactiv- During rising ICP, the arterial pulse pressure
ity index (PRx). A negative PRx reflects intact wave of the ICP curve increases in amplitude as a
cerebrovascular reactivity, whereas a positive sign of the decreased compliance in the CNS
PRx reflects impaired response (Czosnyka et al. (Fig. 40.5), while conversely, the ICP curve oscil-
2017). The PRx index might reflect cerebral lations become minute after a craniectomy.
autoregulation (Brady et al. 2008). PRx might be The introduction of digital registration has
utilised as a tool to estimate the optimal CPP facilitated analysis of the single cardiac curve
(CPPopt) (Steiner et al. 2001), CPPopt is the CPP itself, but until recently it was mainly the ampli-
where PRx displays the best vascular reactivity. tude which was used to interpret the status of the
In TBI there us an uncoupling of the CMR-CBF, brain (Eide and Kerty 2011).
274 P. Reinstrup

Fig. 40.4  ICP recording in a TBI patient showing plateau waves. The pressure is shown in mmHg, and there is 5 min
between vertical lines, events going from left to right

Fig. 40.5  ICP recording from a patient during a lumbar Fig. 40.6  Typical curve forms at normal (upper panel)
infusion of fluid (0.8 mL/min) showing a concomitant rise and slightly elevated (lower panel) ICP from the same
both in ICP and amplitude. The pressure is shown in patient. The pressure is shown in mmHg, and the paper
mmHg, and there is 5 min between vertical lines, events speed gives 1 s per vertical line, events going from left to
going from left to right right. The ICP curve created by the systolic pulse is usu-
ally tetrahumped, and the individual waves are called p1–
p4. This can be seen very vaguely on the left side of the
panel, whereas in the right side of the panel up to six
The ICP curve is usually tetrahumped and the humps can be identified. The curve during low ICP has a
individual waves are called P1–P4, respectively. prominent p1 (upper panel), but a prominent p2 is seen in
The appearance of the curve differs; under the lower panel where the ICP is higher
conditions of normal ICP, the P1 has the greatest
amplitude, whereas during states of elevated ICP, back and forth at the foramen of magnum with
the P2 waves often, but not always, become the high time resolution sampling. With concomitant
highest (Fan et al. 2008) (Fig. 40.6). Using phase registration of the ICP curve, it is possible to elu-
contrast MRI just below the skull base, flow in cidate the source of the cardiac cycle ICP curve.
the arteries and veins to and from the brain can be The difference between the arterial inflow and
measured as cardiac cycle CBF (ccCBF) on the venous outflow equals the cardiac cycle change
arterial and venous side, as well as CSF flow in CBV (ccCBV). ccCBV correlates to the P2 P3
40  Intracranial Pressure (ICP): Theoretical and Practical Aspects 275

P4 part of the area under the ICP curve even at value may deviate approximately ±6 mmHg from
different configurations of the curve (Unnerbäck the correct brain centre ICP in clinical practice
et al. 2019). As the venous outflow from the brain (Reinstrup et al. 2019). This error is not seen in
is rather constant and with knowledge of the the calculated CPP, even if the ABP transducer is
cerebrovascular tree, where the highest resistance at the same level. On top of this, the ABP trans-
is in the precapillary-capillary segments, this ducer is at the same level as the ICP transducer in
increase in CBV must equal the input on the arte- only 36% of the centres dealing with TBI (Rao
rial side, and an increase in P2 P3 P4 (see et al. 2013). At many centres, the ABP transducer
Fig. 40.6) must be due to a lost cerebrovascular is positioned in the bed resulting in huge differ-
tension in the large cerebral arteries, or in other ences in calculated CPP differences that are not
words it might present a malfunctioning cerebral accounted for in the literature (Rao et  al. 2013;
autoregulation. Hence, in the future, the curve Reinstrup et al. 2019). As an example, the proce-
form can be utilised to guide treatment in order to dure in Lund is to align the ICP transducer at the
optimise cerebral circulation. When the ICP highest point of the head and the ABP transducer
curve is converted to a volume-converted area in the bed at the atrium level. The Lund therapy
under the curve, this curve is explained by the concept aims to lower CPP down to 50 mmHg,
pulsatile part of the arterial ccCBF (Unnerbäck and if corrected for the transducer placement, it
2018). In the near future, there is therefore a pos- would be approximately 35 mmHg. Such a CPP
sibility to translate an ICP curve into a CBFICP has been extensively evaluated with microdialy-
(see Chap. 44). sis in the TBI patients’ penumbra zones and has
been found to be sufficient in deeply sedated
patients (Nordström et  al. 2003). Each centre
40.2.9 Cerebral Perfusion using CPP to guide therapy is familiar with their
Pressure (CPP) own way of dealing with this parameter, but in
articles presenting CPP concepts, it is really a
Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), as introduced challenge to determine the placement of the ICP
by Lassen (1959), is the difference between mean and ABP transducers, if mentioned at all, as well
arterial pressure (MAP) and intracranial pressure as the position of the patient in order to get an
(ICP) with both transducers at the same level. opinion of the actual used CPP. ICP monitoring is
CPP is used as a surrogate for online cerebral found to both improve and worsen outcome,
blood flow (CBF). An extremely low CPP results which can be based on the divergent way ICP-­
in hypoperfusion, while a high CPP causes ABP-­CPP are measured.
hyperperfusion leading to cerebral oedema dur-
ing normal conditions as well as in TBI. Keeping
the CPP within certain limits should secure for a 40.2.10 MR Compatibility
sufficient CBF. The optimal CPP parameter could
have been settled by the scientific community a Provided no metal is used in connection with the
long way back, but the CPP parameter has been ventricular ICP device, an MR scan can be per-
mistreated in such a way that it has become con- formed without risks. Many centres have dedi-
fusing. First of all, the optimal CPP differs cated equipment for ABP monitoring in the
between brain pathologies and over time age, scanning room, and these systems can be used
vessel status and brain metabolism, which has to also for ICP monitoring, provided the pressure
be accounted for when evaluating optimal transducer is situated well away from the scan-
CPP. However, this is not the main problem, but ning site.
rather the inconsistency in the placement of the Generally, all parenchymatous ICP devices
transducers between various centres (for details should be disconnected, and if placed via a bolt,
of the ICP transducer, see Sect. 40.2.1). If meatus-­ this must be non-magnetic. The Raumedic cath-
glabella is used as the ICP reference point, this eter is claimed to be approved for the use in the
276 P. Reinstrup

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Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring
Troels Halfeld Nielsen and Jon Axel Forsse

Recommendations regional metabolism, thermal diffusion probes

for measurements of CBF, and near-infrared
Level I spectroscopy that also measures brain tissue oxy-
genation. Common for all modalities is that they
There are insufficient data to support a Level I comprise a supplement to the routinely used ICP
recommendation for this topic. monitoring. These regional monitors have gained
increasing interest because they open up possi-
Level II bilities to develop treatment strategies aiming at
optimizing not only ICP, but also cerebral blood
There are insufficient data to support a Level II flow, oxygenation, and metabolism.
recommendation for this topic. In the last two decades, direct measurement
of brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) has
Level III become the most frequently used technique for
monitoring brain oxygenation because of its ease
Brain tissue oxygen below 5–15 mmHg is associ- of use and continuous measurement. It is used in
ated with higher mortality after severe TBI. Brain concert with ICP monitoring, most often placed
tissue oxygen monitoring is recommended as a in the least affected frontal lobe’s subcortical
part of a multimodal monitoring context in patients white matter, to best reflect global cerebral oxy-
at risk of cerebral ischemia and/or hypoxia. genation and provide information regarding
interventions such as ventilator adjustments,
fluid balance, positioning, and ultimately surgi-
41.1 Overview cal intervention.
In spite of the wide distribution of the tech-
Monitoring of brain tissue oxygenation repre- nique, there has been some debate as to exactly
sents one of an array of regional cerebral moni- what brain tissue oxygen monitors measure.
tors including microdialysis for measurements of PbtO2 is influenced by changes in FiO2, PaO2,
PaCO2 and MAP among others (Maloney-­
Wilensky and Le Roux 2010). Rosenthal et  al.
T. H. Nielsen (*) · J. A. Forsse demonstrated that PbtO2 primarily represents
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University the product of CBF and the arteriovenous oxy-
Hospital, Odense, Denmark gen tension difference (Rosenthal et  al. 2009),
e-mail:; suggesting that PbtO2 reflects the diffusion of;

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 279

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
280 T. H. Nielsen and J. A. Forsse

oxygen across the blood-brain barrier and deliv- mortality (van Santbrink et al. 1996). In a prospec-
ery, rather than cerebral oxygen metabolism. tive study including 34 patients, Bardt et  al.
Quite a few studies have tried to determine the reported a higher mortality rate after TBI in
normal values and ischemic values of PbtO2. patients with PbtO2  <  10  mmHg for more than
Normal values range between 23 and 48 mmHg, 30 min (56% vs. 9%) (Bardt et al. 1998). In 1998,
but values as low as 9 mmHg have been observed Valadka et  al. reported in a prospective observa-
in uninjured human brain (Meixensberger et  al. tional study an increased mortality after TBI with
1993; Pennings et al. 2008). Ischemic values range PbtO2 values less than 15 mmHg (Valadka et al.
from 10 to 25 mmHg in different studies (Chang 1998). Similarly, van den Brink et al. found in a
et al. 2009; Doppenberg et al. 1998; Kiening et al. prospective observational study of 101 patients
1996; Valadka et  al. 1998; van den Brink et  al. with TBI an increasing mortality after TBI with
2000; van Santbrink et  al. 1996; Zauner et  al. PbtO2 values less than 15 mmHg, with the likeli-
1997; Veenith et al. 2016). The wide range of both hood of death increasing with rising duration of
normal and ischemic values makes it difficult to time below 15 mmHg (van den Brink et al. 2000).
establish an ischemic threshold, but an interven- Accordingly, there is Level III evidence that brain
tion threshold at 20 mmHg is supported by current tissue oxygen below 5–15  mmHg is associated
expert opinion (Le Roux et al. 2014). with increased mortality.
Studies have been conducted to assess both the The association between PbtO2 levels after
relationship between PbtO2 levels and mortality severe TBI and outcome raises the question
after severe TBI (Chang et al. 2009; Doppenberg whether a therapy focused on optimizing PbtO2
et  al. 1998; Kiening et  al. 1996; Valadka et  al. (PbtO2-guided therapy) can improve outcome. In
1998; van den Brink et  al. 2000; van Santbrink 2004, Tolias et al. reported the effect of treatment
et al. 1996; Zauner et al. 1997; Bardt et al. 1998) of 52 patients with severe TBI with a FiO2 of 1.0
and the effect of a PbtO2-guided therapy on out- and compared the results with a cohort of 112
come (Chang et  al. 2009; van den Brink et  al. matched historical controls (Tolias et  al. 2004).
2000; Fletcher et  al. 2010; Martini et  al. 2009; All patients were monitored with PbtO2 probes
Meixensberger et  al. 2003, 2004; Tolias et  al. along with microdialysis to study cerebral metab-
2004; Okonkwo et al. 2017). Observational stud- olism. Although they found a decreased brain
ies support that episodes with hypoxia are associ- lactate and lactate/pyruvate ratio in the treatment
ated with increased mortality, and a recent phase group, no improvement in outcome in this group
II RCT supports evidence of a positive effect of could be demonstrated. In total, Stiefel et  al.,
PbtO2-guided therapy on outcome after severe Narotam et  al. and Spiotta et  al. studied 234
TBI, although the level of efficacy is yet to be patients with severe TBI managed according to a
determined (Okonkwo et al. 2017). PbtO2 optimizing protocol and compared them to
a control group managed with ICP-/CPP-guided
therapy only (Narotam et al. 2009; Spiotta et al.
41.2 Background 2010; Stiefel et  al. 2004). The three studies
reported quite similar results with decreasing
A relatively large number of clinical studies have mortality from around 44% in the control group
suggested a relation between measured PbtO2 lev- to around 25% in the treatment group.
els and mortality following TBI (Chang et  al. Additionally Narotam et al. found a significantly
2009; Doppenberg et al. 1998; Kiening et al. 1996; higher GOS in the treatment group compared to
Valadka et al. 1998; van den Brink et al. 2000; van the control group (3.55 vs. 2.71). These three
Santbrink et  al. 1996; Zauner et  al. 1997; Bardt studies, however, relied on historical controls
et al. 1998). In a prospective study of 22 patients with a significant mortality compared to today’s
with severe TBI, van Santbrink et al. demonstrated standard. In 2017 a multicentre phase II RCT of
that episodes with PbtO2  <  5  mmHg for at least 119 patients concluded that time with hypoxia
0.5  h were correlated to significantly increased could be reduced through a tiered intervention
41  Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring 281

protocol based on PbtO2 and that the results were

consistent with reduced mortality and more PbtO2 can reflect cerebral oedema and
favourable outcomes than ICP-only manage- therefore diffusion-limited delivery of
ment. The study was not powered for efficacy oxygen (diffusion limited hypoxia).
(Okonkwo et  al. 2017). Contrary to these find- • Always allow at least 1 h after implanta-
ings, Martini et  al. showed, in a retrospective tion of the PbtO2 catheter for stabiliza-
study comparing 506 patients managed by ICP-/ tion. To ensure that the PbtO2 probe is
CPP-guided therapy with 123 patients managed functioning correctly, always do an
with PbtO2-guided therapy, a higher mortality ‘oxygen challenge test’. That is, PbtO2
rate in the PbtO2 group, correcting for baseline should increase threefold when increas-
differences in severity of brain injury (Martini ing FiO2 to 1.0 for 2–5 min.
et al. 2009). In a similar, but smaller retrospective • Bear in mind that PbtO2 is a regional
study by Green et  al., there were no outcome measurement, and the interpretation of
improvements at discharge using additional the values should always be based on
PbtO2-guided therapy (Green et  al. 2013). the location of the probe; the probe
Noteworthy is that PbtO2-guided therapy can be could be placed in a traumatic contu-
associated with complications: in a retrospective sion, infarcted tissue, etc.
study of 41 patients, PbtO2-guided therapy was
associated with increased cumulative fluid bal-
ance, use of vasopressors and increased rates of
refractory intracranial hypertension and pulmo- References
nary oedema (Fletcher et al. 2010).
In conclusion, a high-level evidence-based Bardt TF, Unterberg AW, Hartl R, Kiening KL,
recommendation regarding PbtO2-guided therapy Schneider GH, Lanksch WR.  Monitoring of brain
cannot be given. tissue PO2 in traumatic brain injury: effect of cere-
bral hypoxia on outcome. Acta Neurochir Suppl.
Chang JJ, Youn TS, Benson D, Mattick H, Andrade N,
41.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns Harper CR, Moore CB, Madden CJ, Diaz-Arrastia
RR.  Physiologic and functional outcome correlates
of brain tissue hypoxia in traumatic brain injury. Crit
Studies of brain oxygen tension in paediatric TBI Care Med. 2009;37:283–90.
have shown that low PbtO2 and the amount of Doppenberg EM, Zauner A, Watson JC, Bullock
time with low PbtO2 are associated with poor out- R. Determination of the ischemic threshold for brain
come in children with severe TBI. The thresholds oxygen tension. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 1998;71:166–9.
Figaji AA, Adelson PD. Does ICP monitoring in children
seem to be identical to those in the adult popula- with severe head injuries make a difference? Am Surg.
tion. Further, episodes with reduced PbtO2 may 2009;75:441–2.
be seen without significant changes in normal Figaji AA, Fieggen AG, Argent AC, Leroux PD, Peter
physiological values (i.e. ICP, CPP, SaO2, PaO2, JC.  Does adherence to treatment targets in children
with severe traumatic brain injury avoid brain hypoxia?
etc.) (Figaji and Adelson 2009; Figaji et al. 2008, A brain tissue oxygenation study. Neurosurgery.
2009a, b). The numbers of included patients in 2008;63:83–91; discussion 91–92.
paediatric studies are small. Figaji AA, Zwane E, Thompson C, Fieggen AG, Argent
AC, Le Roux PD, Peter JC. Brain tissue oxygen ten-
sion monitoring in pediatric severe traumatic brain
injury. Part 1: relationship with outcome. Childs Nerv
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls Syst. 2009a;25:1325–33.
• A low or decreasing PbtO2 can reflect Figaji AA, Zwane E, Thompson C, Fieggen AG, Argent
low or decreasing CBF as a result of AC, Le Roux PD, Peter JC.  Brain tissue oxygen
tension monitoring in pediatric severe traumatic
high ICP/low CPP, hyperventilation, or brain injury. Part 2: relationship with clinical, physi-
low PaO2. Also, a low or decreasing ological, and treatment factors. Childs Nerv Syst.
282 T. H. Nielsen and J. A. Forsse

Fletcher JJ, Bergman K, Blostein PA, Kramer AH. Fluid in awake patients during functional neurosurgery:
balance, complications, and brain tissue oxygen ten- the assessment of normal values. J Neurotrauma.
sion monitoring following severe traumatic brain 2008;25:1173–7.
injury. Neurocrit Care. 2010;13:47–56. Rosenthal G, Hemphill JC 3rd, Manley G.  Brain tis-
Green JA, Pellegrini DC, Vanderkolk WE, Figueroa BE, sue oxygen tension is more indicative of oxygen
Eriksson EA. Goal directed brain tissue oxygen moni- diffusion than oxygen delivery and metabolism in
toring versus conventional management in t­raumatic patients with traumatic brain injury. Crit Care Med.
brain injury: an analysis of in hospital recovery. 2009;37:379–80.
Neurocrit Care. 2013;18:20–5. Spiotta AM, Stiefel MF, Gracias VH, Garuffe AM, Kofke
Kiening KL, Unterberg AW, Bardt TF, Schneider GH, WA, Maloney-Wilensky E, Troxel AB, Levine JM, Le
Lanksch WR. Monitoring of cerebral oxygenation in Roux PD.  Brain tissue oxygen-directed management
patients with severe head injuries: brain tissue PO2 and outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain
versus jugular vein oxygen saturation. J Neurosurg. injury. J Neurosurg. 2010;113(3):571–80.
1996;85:751–7. Stiefel MF, Heuer GG, Smith MJ, Bloom S,
Le Roux P, Menon DK, Citerio G. The international mul- MaloneyWilensky E, Gracias VH, Grady MS, LeRoux
tidisciplinary consensus conference on multimodality PD.  Cerebral oxygenation following decompressive
monitoring in neurocritical care: a list of recommen- hemicraniectomy for the treatment of refractory intra-
dations and additional conclusions. Neurocrit Care. cranial hypertension. J Neurosurg. 2004;101:241–7.
2014;21(2):282–96. Tolias CM, Reinert M, Seiler R, Gilman C, Scharf
Maloney-Wilensky E, Le Roux P. The physiology behind A, Bullock MR.  Normobaric hyperoxia–induced
direct brain oxygen monitors and practical aspects of improvement in cerebral metabolism and reduction
their use. Childs Nerv Syst. 2010;26:419–30. in intracranial pressure in patients with severe head
Martini RP, Deem S, Yanez ND, Chesnut RM, Weiss NS, injury: a prospective historical cohort-matched study.
Daniel S, Souter M, Treggiari MM.  Management J Neurosurg. 2004;101:435–44.
guided by brain tissue oxygen monitoring and outcome Valadka AB, Gopinath SP, Contant CF, Uzura M,
following severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg. Robertson CS.  Relationship of brain tissue PO2 to
2009;111:644–9. outcome after severe head injury. Crit Care Med.
Meixensberger J, Dings J, Kuhnigk H, Roosen K. Studies 1998;26:1576–81.
of tissue PO2 in normal and pathological human brain van den Brink WA, van Santbrink H, Steyerberg EW,
cortex. Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien). 1993;59:58–63. Avezaat CJ, Suazo JA, Hogesteeger C, Jansen
Meixensberger J, Jaeger M, Vath A, Dings J, Kunze E, WJ, Kloos LM, Vermeulen J, Maas AI.  Brain oxy-
Roosen K.  Brain tissue oxygen guided treatment gen tension in severe head injury. Neurosurgery.
supplementing ICP/CPP therapy after traumatic brain 2000;46:868–76; discussion 76–78.
injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003;74:760–4. van Santbrink H, Maas AI, Avezaat CJ.  Continuous
Meixensberger J, Renner C, Simanowski R, Schmidtke A, monitoring of partial pressure of brain tissue oxygen
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following severe head injury on neuropsychological 1996;38:21–31.
testing. Neurol Res. 2004;26:414–7. Veenith TV, Carter E, Geeraerts T, Grossac J,
Narotam PK, Morrison JF, Nathoo N.  Brain tissue oxy- Newcombe V, Outtrime J, Gee G, Lupson V, Smith
gen monitoring in traumatic brain injury and major R, Aigbirhio F, Fryer T, Hong Y, Menon DK, Coles
trauma: outcome analysis of a brain tissue oxygendi- JP. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of cerebral ischemia
rected therapy. J Neurosurg. 2009;111:672–82. and diffusion hypoxia in traumatic brain injury. JAMA
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2017;45(11):1907–14. bral substrate delivery and clearance: initial experi-
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Bouma GJ.  Brain tissue oxygen pressure monitoring Neurosurgery. 1997;41:1082–91; discussion 91–93.
Monitoring Microdialysis
Peter Reinstrup and Carl-Henrik Nordström

Recommendations parenchyma where the distal end of the catheter

is a dialysis membrane. The lumen is perfused
Level I with a fluid with a composition of electrolytes
similar to normal CSF.  By osmosis from the
There are insufficient data to support a Level I surrounding tissue, molecules are taken up into
recommendation for this topic. the perfusion fluid through the dialysis mem-
brane and collected in microvials. The irriga-
Level II tion fluid can then be analysed online bedside
(most commonly) or later at some convenient
There are insufficient data to support a Level II time. With the current technique, approximately
recommendation for this topic. 70% of the parenchymal substances most com-
monly analysed will be recovered in the perfu-
Level III sion fluid.
The variables analysed routinely are glucose,
With intracerebral microdialysis, it is possible to lactate, pyruvate, glycerol and glutamate. The
detect upcoming ischemia, mitochondrial dys- lactate/pyruvate ratio is a sensitive marker for the
function and cell death. detection of compromised oxidative metabolism
(e.g. during ischemia), whereas glycerol is con-
sidered to reflect the degradation of cell mem-
42.1 Overview branes. By positioning the catheter in an area of
interest, e.g. the penumbra zone surrounding a
Microdialysis is an invasive technique based on contused area, the method can provide an early
the placement of a small catheter into the brain warning of impending tissue damage before it is
reflected in global physiological variables or clin-
ical state.
It is recommended to use intracerebral micro-
P. Reinstrup (*)
Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care, dialysis as a complement to intracranial pressure
Skånes University Hospital, Lund, Sweden (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)
e-mail: monitoring in severe cases of TBI, subarachnoid
C.-H. Nordström haemorrhage and other severe cerebral condi-
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University tions treated during neurocritical care.
Hospital, Odense, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 283

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
284 P. Reinstrup and C.-H. Nordström

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls glucose concentrations often are within

• The microdialysis catheter can be placed normal limits.
either during a craniotomy in the operat- • Degradation of cell membranes is
ing theatre or at the neurointensive care reflected in a marked increase in
unit using local anaesthetics (Poca et al. interstitial glycerol levels irrespective
2006). of the underlying pathophysiological
• As the microdialysis catheter reflects mechanism.
the biochemical composition of a very
narrow zone surrounding the semiper-
meable membrane, it is important to
document its position in relation to focal 42.2 Background
brain lesions, e.g. by a CT or an MR
scanning. Microdialysis (Gr. mikros small  +  dia
• If the catheter is placed in the especially through + lysis dissolution) is primarily a tech-
vulnerable penumbra zone surrounding nique for extracting substances from a tissue in
a focal lesion, the microdialysis may order to analyse the chemical composition of
give an early warning of impending extracellular fluids, but the technique may be
deterioration before the risk is detected used also to deliver chemical substances to tis-
by global cerebral monitoring or clinical sues (e.g. drugs). The microdialysis method
state. was developed almost 40  years ago for moni-
toring chemical events in the animal brain and
Interpretation of bedside results is since long regarded as a reliable scientific
technique. In the late 1980s, techniques for
• In neurocritical care, microdialysis is using microdialysis for the monitoring of the
primarily used to evaluate cerebral human brain were explored. In 1995 CMA
energy metabolism by measuring the Microdialysis (Stockholm, Sweden) introduced
sole normal substrate (glucose) and the a sterile microdialysis catheter together with a
efficacy of oxidative metabolism, i.e. robust microdialysis pump and a bedside bio-
the lactate/pyruvate (LP) ratio. chemical analyser adapted to clinical condi-
Disintegration of phospholipids of cell tions. The instrumentation was originally
membrane is revealed by an increase in intended for subcutaneous and intramuscular
interstitial glycerol concentration. use, but with a slight modification of the micro-
• The results obtained should be com- dialysis catheter, it has mainly been used intra-
pared with the levels described in nor- cerebrally as an integrated part of routine
mal human brain by utilizing identical multimodality brain monitoring (Hillered et al.
analytical techniques. 2006; Nordström et al. 2017). Since microdial-
• Ischemia is characterized by an ysis is a technique permitting sampling of sta-
increased level of lactate accompanied ble biochemical compounds that traverse the
by marked decreases in the concentra- dialysis membrane, it has rapidly been accepted
tions of pyruvate and glucose. As a for research purposes.
result, the LP ratio is usually very high. The currently used equipment is manufac-
• Mitochondrial dysfunction is character- tured by M Dialysis AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
ized by a marked increase in lactate The perfusion fluid is a Ringer solution adjusted
concentration at a normal or elevated to be iso-osmolar to the composition of cerebral
level of pyruvate. As a result, the LP interstitial fluid. As a standard, a small pump
ratio is only moderately elevated while delivering a continuous flow of 0.3 μL/min is uti-
lized. From the pump, the fluid is lead through
42  Monitoring Microdialysis 285

thin tubing to the 10-mm-long microdialysis tine neurocritical care are glucose, pyruvate, lac-
membrane at the end of the catheter. The diame- tate, glutamate and glycerol. The analysis of the
ter of the microdialysis probe is approximately four biochemical variables usually takes
0.6  mm. At the tip of the probe, a small gold 6–10 min. When the technique is used as clinical
thread is implanted in order to be identifiable on routine—with a perfusion rate of 0.3  μL/min, a
CT or MR scanning but small enough not to membrane length of 10 mm and membrane per-
obscure the images. After having passed the meability cut-off set at 20  kDa—a recovery of
microdialysis membrane, the perfusion fluid con- approximately 70% of the true interstitial con-
tinues into a thin inner tube positioned within the centrations is obtained. When microdialysis is
tip of the microdialysis catheter (c.f. Fig. 42.1). performed as a routine clinical technique, this
Finally, the microdialysis perfusate is collected difference from the true interstitial levels is with-
into microvials which are routinely exchanged out clinical relevance. For scientific purposes, it
every 30 or 60 min to be analysed bedside utiliz- is possible to obtain true interstitial concentration
ing enzymatic techniques (c.f. Fig.  42.1). The levels by performing online estimation of relative
chemical variables usually monitored during rou- recovery.




Cell Energy
damage F-1,6-DP metabolism


G-3-P Pyruvate CO2


phospholipids NAD+ a-KG

Glycerol Lactate Glutamate

Oxygen availability
Cytoplasmatic redox state: La/py ratio Oxidative metabolism
(mitochondrial function)

Fig. 42.1  Schematic diagram of cerebral intermediary phosphate, G-3-P glycerol-3-­phosphate, FFA free fatty
metabolism with focus on the glycolytic chain and its rela- acids, α-KG α-ketoglutarate. Underlined metabolites in red
tion to glycerol and glycerophospholipids and to the citric colour are measured at the bedside with enzymatic tech-
acid cycle. F-1,6-DP fructose-1,6-diposphate, DHAP niques. Upper right corner shows the tip of the microdialy-
dihydroxyacetone-phosphate, GA-3P glyceraldehyde-­3- sis catheter and the analyser
286 P. Reinstrup and C.-H. Nordström

42.3 Chemical Variables 42.4 Bedside Diagnosis

Monitored During Routine of Cerebral Ischemia
Clinical Microdialysis and Mitochondrial
A simplified diagram of the biochemical vari-
ables and their relations is shown in Fig.  42.1. Since the brain is completely dependent on oxi-
Under normal conditions, glucose is the sole sub- dative energy metabolism, the LP ratio is a sensi-
strate for cerebral energy metabolism. In the cel- tive indicator of compromised energy metabolism
lular cytoplasm, it is degraded to pyruvate which in many pathological situations. Figure  42.2
enters into the mitochondria and—in the citrate compares the biochemical patterns in cerebral
cycle and in the presence of oxygen—is com- ischemia and mitochondrial dysfunction.
pletely metabolized to CO2 and H2O.  In the In severe ischemia, impaired blood supply
citrate cycle, the majority of the energy in the causes an insufficient delivery of oxygen as well
glucose molecule is recovered and transferred as glucose. The instantaneous increase in LP
into the formation of ATP from ADP. Under nor- ratio is pronounced due to a concomitant increase
mal circumstances, approximately 5% of pyru- in lactate and a decrease in pyruvate concentra-
vate is converted to lactate in the cytoplasm. This tions. Mitochondrial dysfunction may occur due
is a reversible equilibrium reaction in which to compromised mitochondrial uptake of pyru-
NADH is re-oxidized to NAD+ (Fig.  42.1). The vate (e.g. in bacterial meningitis) or a block in
calculated LP ratio reflects the efficacy of cere- one or more steps in the citrate cycle. This may
bral oxidative energy metabolism (i.e. oxygen occur during recirculation after transient cerebral
availability and mitochondrial function) in rela- ischemia or as an effect of various toxins
tion to tissue energy demands. (Nordström et  al. 2017). Figure  42.3 illustrates
In routine microdialysis, glutamate may also the variations in lactate, pyruvate and LP ratio in
be analysed. Glutamate is the main excitatory ischemia and mitochondrial dysfunction. In cere-
neurotransmitter in the brain. After its release, bral ischemia, a marked increase of the LP ratio
the interstitial glutamate level is during normal and a very low pyruvate level are noticed, while
conditions closely controlled by reuptake into the mitochondrial dysfunction is characterized by a
astrocytes through an energy demanding mecha- moderate increase in LP ratio and a normal or
nism. Hence, an increase in the interstitial level increased level of pyruvate.
of glutamate may indicate insufficient energy From a clinical point of view, it is important to
supplies. separate cerebral ischemia and mitochondrial
When the glycerophospholipids of cerebral dysfunction, since the two conditions demand
cellular membranes is decomposed, free fatty different therapy, n.b. to such a degree that the
acids and glycerol are released (Fig.  42.1). An efficacy of the therapeutic interventions may be
increase in cerebral interstitial glycerol concen- evaluated directly from the effects on the bio-
tration is generally considered to be a marker of chemical pattern obtained from microdialysis.
cell membrane degradation in the brain The biochemical pattern obtained when
(Hutchinson et al. 2015; Nordström et al. 2017). energy utilization rate exceeds the capacity of the
By utilizing the technique described above, the oxidative metabolism (e.g. during generalized
following reference values have been obtained in epileptic seizures) also exhibits the characteris-
normal human brain tissue (Reinstrup et al. 2000) tics of mitochondrial dysfunction. For bedside
(mean ± SD): glucose 1.7 ± 0.9 mmol/L, lactate diagnosis of ischemia and mitochondrial dys-
2.9 ± 0.9 mmol/L, pyruvate 166 ± 47 μmol/l, LP function, it is necessary to relate the level of the
ratio 23 ± 4, glutamate 16 ± 16 μmol/L and glyc- biochemical variables obtained to their normal
erol 80 ± 40 μmol/L. reference values (c.f. above).
42  Monitoring Microdialysis 287

Ischemia LP ratio dysfunction LP ratio

Glucose Glucose

F-1,6-DP F-1,6-DP

GA-3P citrate GA-3P citrate

Pyruvate Pyruvate

a-KG a-KG
Lactate Lactate

Oxygen availability
Cytoplasmatic redox state: La/Py ratio
Oxidative metabolism

Fig. 42.2  Schematic illustration of the biochemical pat- various conditions, and the text size represents the result-
terns during cerebral ischemia and mitochondrial dys- ing concentration. For explanation of abbreviations, see
function. The arrows indicate the change due to the Fig. 42.1

Ischemia Mitochondrial

La ratio La

Pyr Pyr

time time
Ischemia: increased LP ratio – decreased Py level
Mitochondrial dysfunction: increased LP ratio – normal or increased Py level

Fig. 42.3  Schematic diagrams of the changes in the intracerebral levels of lactate, pyruvate and the LP ratio during
ischemia and mitochondrial dysfunction
288 P. Reinstrup and C.-H. Nordström

42.5 Clinical Microdialysis: brain tissue in the opposite hemisphere records a

Possibilities and Limitations normal LP ratio.
The information obtained from the penumbra
The microdialysis catheter recovers the chemical zone gives an early warning of deterioration
composition of a very narrow interstitial zone before it is detected by global techniques or clini-
surrounding the semipermeable membrane. cal signs. When the microdialysis catheter is
Accordingly, it is necessary to document where positioned in such a way, the local technique pro-
the catheter is located in relation to a focal cere- vides for improved therapeutic interventions. The
bral lesion (e.g. from CT or MR scanning) limitations of a local technique are related to the
(Engström et al. 2005). Figure 42.4 illustrates the fact that the biochemical pattern obtained is often
biochemical information obtained from three not representative for the whole cerebral hemi-
intracerebral microdialysis probes in a patient sphere (Nordström et al. 2017).
with an extracerebral haematoma. In two micro- Presently, the main limitation of microdialysis
dialysis catheters inserted into the penumbra of from being used as a clinical routine is due to the
the focal lesion, a marked increase in LP ratio is fact that the perfusion fluid is collected into micro-
measured, while the catheter positioned in intact vials before its transfer to the analyser. During rou-




00:00 00:00
Early warning
Change of theraphy

Fig. 42.4  Comparison of the changes in LP ratio detected hemisphere. Upper right corner presents a microdialysis
by microdialysis catheters positioned in the penumbra catheter with its measuring zone
zone of a focal brain lesion and, in the opposite, normal
42  Monitoring Microdialysis 289

tine intensive care, this procedure is sometimes References

regarded as too labour-intensive. Further, the bio-
chemical pattern is obtained at relatively long Charalambides C, Sgouros S, Sakas D.  Intracerebral
microdialysis in children. Childs Nerv Syst.
intervals (usually 60  min). Techniques based on 2010;26(2):215–20.
microsensors for bedside online analyses of glu- Engström M, Polito A, Reinstrup P, Romner B, Ryding E,
cose, lactate and pyruvate have recently been pre- Ungerstedt U, Nordström CH. Intracerebral microdi-
sented and will presumably soon be available as a alysis in severe brain trauma: the importance of cath-
eter location. J Neurosurg. 2005;102(3):460–9.
clinical routine tool. Accordingly, we will in the Hillered L, Persson L, Nilsson P, Ronne-Engstrom
near future probably have the possibility to anal- E, Enblad P.  Continuous monitoring of cerebral
yse the key variables reflecting cerebral oxidative metabolism in traumatic brain injury: a focus
energy metabolism (glucose, pyruvate, lactate, LP on cerebral microdialysis. Curr Opin Crit Care.
ratio) continuously online and to display the pat- Hutchinson PJ, Jalloh I, Helmy A, et al. Consensus state-
terns obtained on a bedside monitor. ment from the 2014 international microdialysis forum.
Intensive Care Med. 2015;41(9):1517–28.
Nordström CH.  Assessment of critical thresholds for
cerebral perfusion pressure by performing bedside
42.6 Specific Paediatric Concerns monitoring of cerebral energy metabolism. Neurosurg
Focus. 2003;15(6):E5.
Children generally tolerate a lower CPP than Nordström CH, Koskinen LO, Olivecrona M. Aspects on
adults. However, the lowest acceptable limit for the physiological and biochemical foundations of neu-
rocritical care. Front Neurol. 2017;19(8):274.
normal brain functions has not been determined Poca MA, Sahuquillo J, Vilalta A, de los Rios J, Robles
in children and probably also varies with age and A, Exposito L. Percutaneous implantation of cerebral
between individuals. Hence, in anti-oedema ther- microdialysis catheters by twist-drill craniostomy in
apy utilizing a lowering of the CPP (e.g. the Lund neurocritical patients: description of the technique
and results of a feasibility study in 97 patients. J
concept), it is valuable to guide therapy by using Neurotrauma. 2006;23(10):1510–7.
results from intracerebral microdialysis analysis Reinstrup P, Ståhl N, Mellergård P, Uski T, Ungerstedt
(Nordström 2003). Few studies have been U, Nordström CH.  Intracerebral microdialysis in
directed specifically to cerebral microdialysis in clinical practice: baseline values for chemical ­markers
during wakefulness, anesthesia, and neurosurgery.
children suffering from TBI (Tolias et al. 2002; Neurosurgery. 2000;47(3):701–9.
Charalambides et al. 2010). There is however no Tolias CM, Richards DA, Bowery NG, Sgouros
reason to believe that the basic principles differ S.  Extracellular glutamate in the brains of children
between children and adults regarding cerebral with severe head injuries: a pilot microdialysis study.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2002;18(8):368–74.
energy metabolism.
Jugular Bulb Measurements
(SJVO2) 43
Bo-Michael Bellander and Peter Reinstrup

Recommendations mortality and improve outcome at 3 and 6 months

post-injury (Carney et  al. 2017; Cruz 1998; Le
Level I Roux et  al. 1997; Robertson 1993; Robertson
et al. 1995)
There are insufficient data to support a Level I
recommendation for this topic.
43.1 Overview
Level II
Jugular bulb venous oxygen saturation (SjvO2) is
There are insufficient data to support a Level II the percentage of oxygen bound to haemoglobin
recommendation for this topic. in the blood returning from the brain. This reflects
the residue of oxygen in the blood having passed
Level III the brain tissue. Measuring SjvO2 can provide
information about global hypoperfusion or
Jugular venous saturation measurements can be hypoxemia, but there are many pitfalls when
used to monitor cerebral oxygenation where a looking at focal brain pathologies.
jugular venous saturation (SjvO2) below 50%
should be considered as a treatment threshold
(Bratton et al. 2007). Jugular bulb monitoring of
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
arteriovenous oxygen content difference
• Global SjvO2 does not necessarily
(AVDO2), as a source of information for manage-
unmask focal or even regional
ment decisions, may be considered to reduce
• The jugular venous blood is not truly
B.-M. Bellander (*) mixed, and hence an ischemic area
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska might be drained by the opposite jugu-
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
lar vein.
Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University • Tissue with limited capacity for oxygen
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
extraction, e.g. re-perfused infarcted tis-
sue or tissue with mitochondrial dys-
P. Reinstrup
Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care,
function, will give false normal or even
Skånes University Hospital, Lund, Sweden high SjvO2.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 291

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
292 B.-M. Bellander and P. Reinstrup

transverse sinuses draining into the two internal

• The tip of the catheter has to be situated jugular veins is not evenly distributed (Fig. 43.1).
in the jugular bulb in order to avoid con- Most persons have a dominant flow in one of the
tamination from extracerebral blood internal jugular veins, and 5% show a no flow
(Fig. 43.1). situation in one vein. It is important to emphasise
• A radiographic check, lateral skull that the blood leaving the brain through one inter-
X-ray or CT, is mandatory before jugu- nal jugular vein can, but does not necessarily,
lar venous samples are used. The tip of emanate from the ipsilateral hemisphere; it may
the catheter should be located slightly more or less be “polluted” from the contralateral
medial to the mastoid bone at the level side (Fig.  43.1). An ischemic area might there-
of the mastoid base. fore to varying degrees be drained by the oppo-
• Rapid evacuation (≥10 mL/min) from a site jugular vein.
jugular bulb catheter increases the risk Access to the jugular bulb, the conjunction
for contamination of extracerebral blood between the transverse sinus and the intern jugu-
in the sample. lar vein, offers a method to analyse blood leaving
• A rapid injection of fluid in the retro- the brain. Blood chemistry from this site provides
grade catheter does not affect the brain. an insight into the correlation between the global
Even in situations of low CBF, a rapid cerebral blood flow (CBFglobal) and the cerebral
injection of contrast only reaches up to metabolic rate of O2 (CMRO2). The measuring is
the sinus confluens and drains again based on the insertion of a catheter in a retro-
through the contralateral sinus transver- grade direction into the internal jugular vein up to
sus (Fig. 43.1). the jugular bulb (Fig.  43.2). The ideal set-up is
using a catheter which can provide continuous
measurements in real time.
The method was introduced in the mid-1980s
43.2 Background (Garlick and Bihari 1987) and is today regarded
as an important part of modern multimodal moni-
Sixty-seven percent (range 22–97) of the cerebral toring in the NICU (Gopinath et al. 1994), even
blood flow (CBF) leaves through the internal though contradictory opinions have been pre-
jugular veins. The blood from the left and right sented (Latronico et al. 2000).

Fig. 43.1  Cerebral angiograms showing the sinuses and mainly through the left internal jugular vein. The right
the internal jugular veins. The left picture is taken after picture, from the same patient, is taken after injection of
injection in the left internal carotid artery (ICA), and in contrast in the right ICA. The blood from this hemisphere
this patient the blood from the left hemisphere leaves leaves through both internal jugular veins
43  Jugular Bulb Measurements (SJVO2) 293

Fig. 43.2  Both pictures are from the same patient. On the the bulb in the middle of the picture,and the internal jugu-
left side is a plain X-ray of the skull where the arrow is lar vein going down out of the picture. A catheter is seen
pointing at the tip of the catheter. On the right side is a in the internal jugular vein and just below the jugular bulb
plain X-ray during a 5  mL/s contrast injection, thereby are the extracerebral veins
visualising the sinus transverses up to sinus confluens and

43.2.1  Adequate Catheter base shows an increase in SjvO2 of more than

Positioning 10% in 33% of the patients (Jakobsen and
Enevoldsen 1989), indicating increased contami-
The catheter is threaded in a retrograded fashion nation. Rapid evacuation (10 mL/min) of jugular
to the jugular bulb, at which point a resistance venous blood tends to present with higher SjvO2
will be felt approximately 15  cm from the skin values than slow evacuation (2  mL/min), again
puncture, after which the catheter is withdrawn indicating contamination with extracerebral
1 cm. A radiographic check, either a skull X-ray blood (Matta and Lam 1997). Furthermore, a
(Fig. 43.2) or a CT scan is necessary before jugu- decrease in CBF and thereby reduced flow out
lar venous samples are collected. The tip of the through the internal jugular vein may lead to an
catheter should be located slightly medial to the increased proportion of extracerebral blood and a
mastoid bone at the level of the mastoid base false high SjvO2.
(Jakobsen and Enevoldsen 1989).

43.2.3  Normal Values of SjvO2

43.2.2  Contamination
with Extracerebral Blood Normal values for SjvO2 were established by
Gibbs and co-workers as early as in 1942 (Gibbs
Approximately 2.7% (0–6.6%) of the blood in et al. 1942), reporting on average values of 62%
the internal jugular vein is of extracerebral in ori- (range between 55 and 71%) (Woodman and
gin (Shenkin et al. 1948). A jugular bulb catheter Robertson 1995). In a recent report, the average
that is retracted more than 2 cm below the skull SjvO2 was 61% with the upper limit at 71%
294 B.-M. Bellander and P. Reinstrup

(Henson et  al. 1998), even though others have 43.2.6  SjvO2 Versus CBF
used 75% as an upper limit (Cormio et al. 1999).
A lower limit for SjvO2 has been suggested to be If CMR, as well as arterial blood pressure, arte-
55% (Cormio et al. 1997; Cruz 1993), but lower rial oxygen saturation and haemoglobin content
limits - down to 45% - has also been suggested are stable, changes in SjvO2 correspond to
(Chieregato et al. 2003; Chan et al. 2005). changes in CBF (Robertson et al. 1989). However,
alkalosis as e.g. induced by hyperventilation,
makes the tissue less able to extract oxygen; thus,
43.2.4  Factors Lowering SjvO2 a normal SjvO2 might occur despite a low tissue
pO2 and an ischemic cerebral metabolism.
Decreased Oxygen Delivery: One reason for a However, provided pH is <7.6, tissue extraction
decreased oxygen delivery is a reduced of O2 is not impaired, resulting in a SjvO2 that
CBF. There are several factors attenuating CBF, adequately reflects a tissue pO2 (Cruz et al. 1992).
one being increased cerebral vascular resistance The multitude of factors involved makes this an
(CVR) as during increased ICP, hyperventilation unreliable method to estimate CBF except for
and vasospasm (Schneider et  al. 1995), or by special cases.
endogenous or exogenous cerebral vasoconstric-
tors. A decrease in oxygen delivery can also be of
extracerebral origin as in hypotension, hypoxia 43.2.7  TBI Patients
or anaemia (Robertson et al. 1995).
Increased Cerebral Metabolism: Fever and In head trauma, patients’ SjvO2 has been reported
seizures increase oxygen consumption. Fever to average 68% (range: 32–96%) (Woodman and
increases the body’s metabolic rate by 10–13% Robertson 1995).
per centigrade. In piglets, a rise in temperature
from 38 to 42  °C increases CBF by 97% and
CMRO2 by 65% (Busija et al. 1988). The uncou- 43.2.8  Jugular Venous Desaturation
pling between CMR and CBF with an increased (SjvO2 ≤ 50%)
CBF will in this situation counteract a lowering
of the SjvO2. Seizures in rats increase CMRO2 by Jugular venous desaturation has been shown to
150–250% (Meldrum and Nilsson 1976), and it is occur on at least one occasion during the obser-
often difficult for the circulation to cope with vation time in 39% of severely brain-injured
such an increase, resulting in a lowering of SjvO2. patients. Approximately half of the episodes were
due to cerebral causes (intracranial hypertension
or vascular spasm), and the rest had systemic
43.2.5  Factors Increasing SjvO2 causes (hypotension, hypoxia, hypocarbia or
anaemia) (Robertson et al. 1995). Microdialysis
Decreased Cerebral Metabolism: Hypothermia of the injured brain tissue in concert with jugular
decreases CMRO2 by approximately 5% per centi- bulb measurements has shown increased concen-
grade (Woodman and Robertson 1995). Barbiturate trations of lactate and glutamate to occur in con-
coma treatment may reduce cerebral oxygen con- junction with SjvO2 < 50% in 7 out of 22 patients
sumption up to 50% (Pierce et al. 1962). With the (Robertson et al. 1995).
CBF-CMR coupling SjvO2 might not be changed,
but since barbiturates have a vasoconstrictive
effect in low concentrations, and in high concen- 43.2.9  Early Episodes
trations act as vasodilators, the SjvO2 can change of Desaturation
in unpredictable directions. Anaemia has been
shown to result in low SjvO2 values underestimat- Jugular venous desaturation was identified in six
ing the reduction in CBF (Cruz et al. 1993). out of eight patients during evacuation of a trau-
43  Jugular Bulb Measurements (SJVO2) 295

matic intracranial hematoma in the emergency regional ischemia was found to present with
operating room. In all six cases, SjvO2 increased unfavourable outcome, while patients with high
from 47 ± 10% to 63 ± 5% after the evacuation of SjvO2 due to excessive cerebral blood flow in
the hematoma (Robertson et  al. 1995). relation to the metabolic demands, hyperaemia,
Spontaneous episodes of desaturation have been had a favourable outcome (Cormio et al. 1999).
shown to occur frequently during the acute phase
(<48 h) of TBI, SAH and ICH (Schneider et al.
1995). Approximately one-third of patients with 43.2.12  AVDlactate
severe TBI present with cerebral desaturation on
admission (Vigue et al. 1999). Many episodes of An arteriovenous difference in lactate exceeding
desaturation are attributed to hyperventilation, 0.3 mmol/L, with the higher lactate in the jugular
insufficient cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) bulb, indicates ischemia as long as the peripheral
and severe therapy-resistant vasospasm serum level of lactate is <2.1 mmol/L (Artru et al.
(Schneider et al. 1995). In a study including 25 2004).
patients with severe TBI, a total of 42 episodes of
jugular bulb oxygen desaturation (<50%
>10  min) were observed. The majority of 43.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
­incidences, 83%, occurred within 48 h following
injury. Of the major associated secondary insults, There are no specific paediatric concerns due to
hypocapnia was involved in 45% of the episodes, lack of specific paediatric data.
hypoperfusion in 22%, raised ICP in 9% and a
combination of the above in 24% (Lewis et  al.
1995). References
Artru F, Dailler F, Burel E, Bodonian C, Grousson S,
Convert J, et  al. Assessment of jugular blood oxy-
43.2.10  SjvO2 ≤ 50% and Outcome gen and lactate indices for detection of cerebral
ischemia and prognosis. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol.
Episodes of desaturation among patients suffer- 2004;16:226–31.
ing from severe TBI (GCS  ≤  8) have a strong Bratton SL, Chestnut RM, Ghajar J, McConnell
Hammond FF, Harris OA, Hartl R, Manley GT,
association to poor outcome (Robertson et  al. Nemecek A, Newell DW, Rosenthal G, Schouten
1995). Mortality rate 3  months post-trauma J, Shutter L, Timmons SD, Ullman JS, Videtta W,
increased from 21% in the group of no incidence Wilberger JE, Wright DW. Guidelines for the manage-
of desaturation to 37% if one episode of desatura- ment of severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma.
tion occurred and 69% if multiple episodes of Busija DW, Leffler CW, Pourcyrous M.  Hyperthermia
desaturation occurred during the NICU stay increases cerebral metabolic rate and blood flow in
(Robertson et  al. 1995). In accordance, good neonatal pigs. Am J Phys. 1988;255:H343–6.
recovery or moderate disability (GOS 4–5) was Carney N, et al. Guidelines for the management of severe
traumatic brain injury, 4th edition. Neurosurgery.
found with incidences of desaturation at 44%, 2017;80(1):6–15.
30% and 15%, respectively. Chan MT, Ng SC, Lam JM, Poon WS, Gin T. Re-defining
the ischemic threshold for jugular venous oxygen sat-
uration—a microdialysis study in patients with severe
head injury. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2005;95:63–6.
43.2.11  SjvO2 ≥ 75% and Outcome Chieregato A, Calzolari F, Trasforini G, Targa L, Latronico
N.  Normal jugular bulb oxygen saturation. J Neurol
In a study including 450 severely head-injured Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003;74:784–6.
patients, increased mortality 6  months post-­ Cormio M, Robertson CS, Narayan RK. Secondary insults
to the injured brain. J Clin Neurosci. 1997;4:132–48.
trauma was found among those presenting with Cormio M, Valadka AB, Robertson CS. Elevated jugular
SjvO2 > 75% (Cormio et al. 1999). Patients with venous oxygen saturation after severe head injury. J
high SjvO due to O2 extraction problems or Neurosurg. 1999;90:9–15.
296 B.-M. Bellander and P. Reinstrup

Cruz J. On-line monitoring of global cerebral hypoxia in Lewis SB, Myburgh JA, Reilly PL. Detection of cerebral
acute brain injury. J Neurosurg. 1993;79:228–33. venous desaturation by continuous jugular bulb oxim-
Cruz J.  The first decade of continuous monitoring of etry following acute neurotrauma. Anaesth Intensive
jugular bulb oxyhemoglobinsaturation: manage- Care. 1995;23:307–14.
ment strategies and clinical outcome. Crit Care Med. Matta BF, Lam AM. The rate of blood withdrawal affects
1998;26(2):344–51. the accuracy of jugular venous bulb. Oxygen satura-
Cruz J, Gennarelli TA, Hoffstad OJ. Lack of relevance of tion measurements. Anesthesiology. 1997;86:806–8.
the Bohr effect in optimally ventilated patients with Meldrum BS, Nilsson B. Cerebral blood flow and meta-
acute brain trauma. J Trauma. 1992;33:304–10. bolic rate early and late in prolonged epileptic seizures
Cruz J, Jaggi JL, Hoffstad OJ.  Cerebral blood flow induced in rats by bicuculline. Brain. 1976;99:523–42.
rate of oxygen consumption? Crit Care Med. Pierce EC Jr, Lambertsen CJ, Deutsch S, Chase PE,
1993;21:1218–24. Linde HW, Dripps RD, et al. Cerebral circulation and
Garlick R, Bihari D. The use of intermittent and continu- metabolism during thiopental anesthesia and hyper-­
ous recordings of jugular venous bulb oxygen satu- ventilation in man. J Clin Invest. 1962;41:1664–71.
ration in the unconscious patient. Scand J Clin Lab Robertson C.  Desaturation episodes after severe head
Invest Suppl. 1987;188:47–52. injury: influence on outcome. Acta Neurochir Suppl
Gibbs EL, Lennox WG, Nims LF, Gibbs FA. Arterial and (Wien). 1993;59:98–101.
cerebral venous blood: arterial-venous differences in Robertson CS, Narayan RK, Gokaslan ZL, Pahwa R,
man. J Biol Chem. 1942;144:325–32. Grossman RG, Caram P Jr, et al. Cerebral arteriovenous
Gopinath SP, Robertson CS, Contant CF, Hayes C, oxygen difference as an estimate of cerebral blood flow
Feldman Z, Narayan RK, et  al. Jugular venous in comatose patients. J Neurosurg. 1989;70:222–30.
desaturation and outcome after head injury. J Neurol Robertson CS, Gopinath SP, Goodman JC, Contant CF,
Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1994;57:717–23. Valadka AB, Narayan RK. SjvO2 monitoring in head-­
Henson LC, Calalang C, Temp JA, Ward DS.  Accuracy injured patients. J Neurotrauma. 1995;12:891–6.
of a cerebral oximeter in healthy volunteers under Schneider GH, von Helden A, Lanksch WR, Unterberg
conditions of isocapnic hypoxia. Anesthesiology. A. Continuous monitoring of jugular bulb oxygen sat-
1998;88:58–65. uration in comatose patients–therapeutic implications.
Jakobsen M, Enevoldsen E. Retrograde catheterization of Acta Neurochir. 1995;134:71–5.
the right internal jugular vein for serial measurements Shenkin HA, Harmel MH, Kety SS.  Dynamic anatomy
of cerebral venous oxygen content. J Cereb Blood of the cerebral circulation. Arch Neurol Psychiatr.
Flow Metab. 1989;9:717–20. 1948;60:240–52.
Latronico NMD, Beindorf AEMD, Rasulo FAMD, Vigue B, Ract C, Benayed M, Zlotine N, Leblanc PE,
Febbrari PMD, Stefini RMD, Cornali CMD, et  al. Samii K, et  al. Early SjvO2 monitoring in patients
Limits of intermittent jugular bulb oxygen saturation with severe brain trauma. Intensive Care Med.
monitoring in the management of severe head trauma 1999;25:445–51.
patients. Neurosurgery. 2000;46:1131–9. Woodman T, Robertson SC.  Jugular venous oxygen
Le Roux PD, et al. Cerebral arteriovenous oxygen differ- saturation monitoring. In: Narayan RK, Wilberger Jr
ence: a predictor of cerebral infarction and outcome JE, Povlishock JT, editors. Neurotrauma. New  York:
in patients with severe head injury. J Neurosurg. McGraw-Hill; 1995. p. 519–53.
Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF)
and Cerebral Metabolic Rate (CMR) 44
Peter Reinstrup, Eric L. Bloomfield,
and Elham Rostami

Recommendations 44.1 Overview

Level I Over time, we have come to understand the

concepts of cerebral blood flow and its rela-
There are insufficient data to support a Level I tionship to pH changes and metabolism of the
recommendation for this topic. brain.
Current evidence from the research field of
Level II CNS injuries and pathologies tells us that insuf-
ficient cerebral blood flow can lead to ischaemic
There are insufficient data to support a Level II regions of the brain with poor clinical outcome.
recommendation for this topic. The challenge today is to find a non-invasive eco-
nomical hands-on method to measure CBF con-
Level III tinuously at bedside. With such techniques, one
could hope to foster better outcome for patients
Individualized treatment of traumatic brain injury with TBI.  Many of the present methods still
(TBI) can be guided by cerebral blood flow remain in the research realm; however, bedside
(CBF) measurements. Xenon-CT is currently a method which can be
used on daily basis in the neurointensive care unit
and fulfils some of the criteria mentioned above,
but not all. Hopefully, the future will see new
P. Reinstrup (*) avenues for CBF measurements that will fill in
Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care, the gap and give us continuous bedside CBF
Skånes University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
e-mail: measurements.
E. L. Bloomfield
Department of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, USA
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
• Measurement of CBF and CMR in TBI
E. Rostami
patients can give information about how
Department of Neurosurgery, Uppsala University
Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden to optimize the cerebral circulation.
• MR, CT and some of the SPECT tech-
Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden niques are not accurate in absolute blood

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 297

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
298 P. Reinstrup et al.

local areas with elevated metabolism, there will be

flow values, but gives excellent informa- a concomitant increase in the local CBF.  Under
tion regarding the relative distribution. normal circumstances, this coupling upholds the
• A crude estimation of the absolute blood constant relationship between the CMR and CBF
flow can be obtained by comparing the (Qiu et  al. 2008; Buxton 2002). The CBFglobal
relative CBF picture with the blood flow through the brain is determined by the CPP and the
through the cerebellum. Cerebellum cerebrovascular resistance (CVR) with CBF = CPP/
does under normal circumstances have a CVR. Within normal limits of mean arterial blood
constant high flow. pressure - MAP - (60–150 mmHg), the CPP does
• Appropriate safety measures must be not affect the CBF due to the cerebral auto-regula-
taken to minimize radiation exposure to tion (Fog 1938; Paulson et al. 1990).
medical staff and patients. In handling CVR is under neuronal and chemical control.
Xe, care should be taken to avoid The reason for the increase in CBF during
direct contact with any part of the body. increased metabolism is mainly due to the
Our safety rules involve 0.6 rad/min of increased CO2 production lowering the perivas-
exposure time for the surgeon and less cular pH (Kontos et  al. 1977; Reinstrup et  al.
than 5  μrad/min exposure to surround- 1992). A relaxation of the cerebral arteries can
ing personnel. also be attained due to the small extracellular
• Concerning information about 133Xenon, potassium increase as a result of the neuronal
the emitted photons from 133Xenon are membrane depolarization. The cerebral arteries
of low energy and can be absorbed by also react to global changes in CO2, with uniform
0.1  mm of lead to reduce exposure by changes in CBF such as during hyperventilation
90%. The physical half-life of 133Xe is (Reinstrup et  al. 1994), the normal response
5.27 days. being 1–2  mL/100  g  brain/mmHg change in
pACO2 or 7–10  mL/100  g brain/kPa change in
pACO2, depending on the measurement tech-
nique. The Kety and Schmidt (1948) technique,
44.2 Background which investigates global CBF, describes a CO2
response of 1  mL/100  g  brain/min. Another
44.2.1  Normal Brain investigation, looking at the response in the corti-
cal grey substance, reports a CO2 response of
The brain weight is only 2% of body mass, but it 1.8  mL/100  g brain/min (Messeter et  al. 1986).
receives 20% of the cardiac output. The reason for Lowering the CO2, as in hypocapnic hyperventi-
this is the high cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) that lation, therefore results in a vasoconstriction with
demands a constant delivery of oxygen and nutri- a lowering of the CBF. If the CMR and hence the
ents as well as removal of waste products such as CO2 production is constant, such a lowering of
CO2. CMR changes with activity and during deep the blood flow results in a gradual increase in the
sleep and sedation; anaesthesia can reduce O2 con- perivascular CO2. The concomitant lowering of
sumption down to 50% from the normal the perivascular pH may thus counteract the
(3.3  mL  O2/100  g brain/min or 29  mmol  glu- effect of the arterial hypocapnia, resulting in a
cose/100 g brain/min) (Reinstrup et al. 2008; Alkire reduced vasoconstrictive effect over time.
et al. 1995, 1997; Madsen et al. 1991; Kaisti et al. The neuronal tropic centres for metabolism
2002). Metabolism increases in areas with are in the cell bodies situated in the grey sub-
increased neuronal activity as in normal move- stance of the brain. With the strict coupling
ment-thinking (Ingvar and Philipson 1977; between CMR and CBF (Buxton 2002; Qiu et al.
Paradiso et al. 1999; Buxton 2002; Qiu et al. 2008). 2008), local differences in CMR create a similar
During pathological circumstances, as in epilepsy, uneven, but geographically correlated distribu-
O2 metabolism can increase up to 200%. In these tion of the CBF (see Fig. 44.1).
44  Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Cerebral Metabolic Rate (CMR) 299

Fig. 44.1  A slice 2 cm above the orbitomeatal line repre- 55 mL/100 g brain/min (The left picture (CMR-PET) has
senting the brain metabolism on the left and the corre- been published in Br J Anaesthesiol. The right (CBF-
sponding CBF (right 133Xenon SPECT). The CMRglu-Global SPECT) has been published in Anesthesiology)
was 27  mmol/100  g brain/min, and the CBFglobal was

44.2.2  CMR and CBF (Martin et al. 1997). Besides this, auto-regulation

(Enevoldsen and Jensen 1978; Jünger et al. 1997)
and the CO2 response (Obrist et  al. 1984;
44.2.3  Traumatic Brain Injury Enevoldsen and Jensen 1978; Schalén et al. 1991)
may be impaired, which can lead to hyperaemia.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects the cerebral The 3D picture of CMR and, even more pro-
circulation. The metabolic reactions to brain trauma nounced, the 3D CBF picture, do often show a
fuel the production and liberation of a variety of patchy pattern due to local changes in metabolism
biochemical substances, including vasoactive ones and vasoactive substances (Fig.  44.2). In TBI
(Golding et al. 1999). This might be the reason for patients, 3D investigations have indeed revealed
the change in CBFglobal over time. Generally after a that ischaemia occurs at a local level (Von Oettingen
brain trauma, CMRglobal is reduced up to 50%; the et al. 2002; Abate et al. 2008; Werner and Engelhard
reduction on CMR seems to correlate to the sever- 2007; Bouma et al. 1992; Coles et al. 2004; Inoue
ity of the brain trauma (Obrist et al. 1984). Not all, et  al. 2005), and that the presence of such isch-
but many patients follow a specific pattern (Obrist aemia is associated with poor neurological out-
et  al. 1984). In the hyper-acute phase after the come (Werner and Engelhard 2007; Bouma et al.
injury, CMRglobal is low with a similar reduction as 1992).
the CBFglobal. After approximately 12 h, the hyper-
aemic phase starts, and CBFglobal increases to nor-
mal awake values. If there is a low CMR, one could 44.2.4  Measuring CBF
invoke relative hyperaemia. Three days after the
trauma, the CBFglobal is back to the same low level For many neurologic or neurosurgical patients, an
as in the immediate phase after the trauma, but now ideal brain monitoring would be a non-­invasive,
there may be signs of vasospasm in many patients continuous 3D measurement of cerebral blood
300 P. Reinstrup et al.

Fig. 44.2  A traumatic brain injury with frontal contusions seen on the MR FLAIR on the left image. On the right image
is the corresponding CBF showing low perfusion in and adjacent to the frontal contusions

flow and metabolism in real time, but our present 44.2.5  M

 easuring the Global CBF
monitoring capacity is far from this situation. CBF (CBFglobal) (Kety-Schmidt)
measurements are still cumbersome and involve
remedies limiting such investigations in daily The Fick principle is used to calculate blood flow
usage. Prior to the Kety–Schmidt method, attempts through different organs where blood flow is
to get information of the CBF were based on equal to the quantity of a substance removed or
probes placed into the jugular vein to detect physi- added in time, divided by the difference between
ologic changes in cerebral blood flow. Over the arterial and venous concentrations of the sub-
years, a number of techniques have been utilized stance. This method for measuring organ blood
to measure blood flow in the arteries of the neck. flow was first applied to the brain in 1944 by C. F.
The measurement of cerebral venous outflow can Schmidt and S. S. Kety.
include heat clearance techniques in blood vessels They used inhalation of a highly diffusible,
and in brain tissue, hydrogen clearance, angiogra- inert gas (nitrous oxide (N2O)) and frequent mea-
phy, ultrasonography, diffusible and non-diffusible surements of the arterial N2O. To represent out-
tracer-based measurements of cerebral flow, laser put of blood leaving the brain, N2O concentration
Doppler, positron emission tomography (PET), is measured in the jugular bulb. N2O uptake in the
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and comput- brain per unit time is equal to the amount of N2O
erized tomography (CT). One has to be aware of brought to the brain by the arterial blood minus
the accuracy of the different techniques. Perfusion-­ the amount carried away in the cerebral venous
weighted MRI, CT perfusion and stable Xenon-CT blood. Thus, at a time when the N2O content of
CBF are in principle based on the same technol- the brain and its cerebral venous blood reached
ogy and might under- or overestimate CBF values equilibrium in approximately 10–15  min, the
where PET CBF shows low or high values, respec- brain content of nitrous oxide and CBF could be
tively (Heiss and Sobesky 2008; Shinohara et al. estimated. Kety and Schmidt (1946) found that
2010; Bergholt et al. 2000). Some of the important the CBFglobal was 54 mL/100 g brain/min in young
methods are briefly described below. healthy males.
44  Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Cerebral Metabolic Rate (CMR) 301

44.2.6  M
 easuring Global CMR the effect of minor changes of physiological vari-
(CMRglobal) ables (Mielck et al. 2004). This method has been
compared with Xenon-CT and showed a high
By combining the CBF measurements with arte- failure rate with consistent overestimation of per-
rial and jugular venous oxygen measurements, it fusion compared to Xenon-CT (Schutt et  al.
was possible to calculate the CMRO by the fol- 2001).
lowing equation:
CMRO = CBF × (CaO2 − CjvO2)
CaO2 is the arterial content of O2, and CjvO2 is 44.2.8  Ultrasound
the O2 content from the blood leaving the brain at
the jugular bulb. This method is a simple technique performing
The arterial or venous content of O2 (CxO2) is Doppler ultrasound examination of the extracra-
dependent on the O2 amount dissolved in plasma nial arteries in the neck. Several articles describe
and the O2 bound to haemoglobin. Since PaO2 flow and flow volume measurements in the inter-
reflects only free oxygen molecules dissolved in nal carotid artery and vertebral artery (Scheel
plasma and not those bound to haemoglobin, et  al. 2000; Albayrak et  al. 2007; Yazici et  al.
PaO2 alone does not give the CxO2 in the blood; 2005). The examination is performed in supine
for that, you need also to know how much oxygen position with the head slightly to the opposite
is bound to haemoglobin. The SaO2 and haemo- side. The vessel lumen diameter is measured at
globin give this. Many factors influence on these systole, and the cross-sectional area of each ves-
amounts, but in general: sel is calculated. Angle-corrected blood flow
CxO2/100 mL  =  O2  −  plasma  +  O2  −  haemoglo- velocity is measured with the pulsed Doppler and
bin = (Kplasma × pO2) + (Hb × Khaemoglobin × SO2) sample volume expanded to encompass the entire
vessel diameter (Fig. 44.3). The volume of blood
• If pO2 is in mmHg, Kplasma = 0.003. flow in each artery is calculated as time-averaged
• If pO2 is in kPa, Kplasma = 0.023. maximum flow velocity and multiplied with the
• If Hb is in g/100 mL, Khaemoglobin = 1.36. area. In theory it is a simple technique, though
• If Hb is in mmol/l, Khaemoglobin = 2.18. not in practice; it has never been evaluated against
the classic standard techniques previously
44.2.7  Alternative Methods
to Measure CBFglobal
44.2.9  Local–Regional CBF Double-Indicator Dilution
Technique Kety proceeded in his laboratory and developed
The transcerebral double-indicator dilution tech- techniques to present local CBF in animals by
nique is a rather new method to measure CBFglobal. inhalation of a diffusible radioactive gas (trifluo-
It is based on bolus injection of ice-cold indo- roiodomethane). Kety could obtain post mortem
cyanine green dye with a simultaneous recording slices of the brain showing relative CBF in differ-
of thermo- and dye-dilution curves in the aorta ent brain regions, and this is in fact the beginning
and the jugular bulb using combined fibre-optic of the later 3D CMR–CBF visualizations.
thermistor catheters. CBF was calculated from In 1961, Lassen and Ingvar (1961) introduced
the mean transit times of the dye and thermal the intra-carotid 85Krypton method introducing
indicator through the brain. However, the authors radioisotopes into CBF measurements in  vivo.
conclude that, as of yet, the accuracy and resolu- By rapid injection of this radioactive ß-emitter
tion of this technique is not high enough to detect and multiple (Geiger–Müller) ionization detec-
302 P. Reinstrup et al.

Fig. 44.3  Measurement of CBF with ultrasound at the text in the picture states it should be carotid artery). The
neck. Left picture is measurement in the internal carotid vertebral artery is found in between two vertebras that can
artery, and right is the vertebral artery (even though the be seen as dark shadows on each side

tors placed directly on the brain surface, they microprobe provides a sensitive, continuous and
were able to look at regional CBF in animals. The real-time assessment of intraparenchymal
washout curves of 85Krypton recorded on the dif- regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in absolute
ferent detectors were predominantly influenced flow values that is in good agreement with sXe-­
by the CBF in the tissue closest to the detectors. rCBF measurements (Vajkoczy et  al. 2000).
In order to penetrate the skull bone, Harper et al. However, it can yield false estimations if it is
(1964) substituted 85Krypton for 133Xenon and even slightly displaced.
started to use collimators for a higher resolution.
Mallett and Veall (1963) started with the inhala- 3D Brain Investigations
tion of 133Xenon, thereby making the method less Positron emission tomography (PET) and single-­
invasive. Obrist (Obrist et  al. 1975) applied the photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).
Kety–Schmidt equations so that intravenously In PET, the radioisotope decay creates emission
injected 133Xenon became a clinical method for of positrons resulting in production of gamma
investigating CBF and CMR.  These methods photons moving in opposite directions. This fact
gave excellent information of the cortical struc- makes it possible to pinpoint the exact location of
tures, but there is no information of deeper struc- the decay of the radioisotope. In SPECT, the
tures warranting 3D systems. tracer emits gamma rays making it more difficult
to determine its exact origin, and the spatial reso-
lution is therefore much better with PET.  This
44.2.10  T
 hermal Diffusion Flow can be seen in the figure above (see Fig.  44.1).
Probes The left picture being a CMR-PET study and the
right a CBF-SPECT study presenting slices
This is an invasive procedure that measures flow through the same brain areas. The basic tech-
by estimating the temperature gradient between nique requires injection of a radioisotope (radio-
two plates on the surface of the brain. It measures nuclide) where individual differences in binding
the blood flow only in the one area of cortex sites and attachments allow for investigations of
underlying it. The technique yields continuous different brain structures and brain functions.
values and has been used intraoperatively. The The foundation of these techniques is based on
44  Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Cerebral Metabolic Rate (CMR) 303

the detection of radioisotopes emitted by an The Xe/CBF measurement can be repeated after
emission-computed tomography. A computer an interval of 20 min, making it useful for inves-
calculates the three dimensions of the isotope tigating also autoregulation and CO2 response.
distribution, which allows for imaging of the Xenon-CT is fast and provides quantitative mea-
investigated volume into thin slices. In modern surements of CBF. The big advantage is that by
scanners, the correlation to brain structures is using a mobile CT scanner, CBF can be mea-
often accomplished with the aid of a CT X-ray sured at bedside with no need of transport of the
scan performed on the patient during the same patient to a different setting. The connection to a
session. CT scan also provides a CBF map coupled to the
The concept of emission tomography was anatomical location. Currently bedside
started in the late 1950s, and clinically useful Xenon-CT emerges as an economical and more
apparatus came in the 1970s and 1980s. The accessible imaging technique with few adverse
scanners are based on the placement of multiple effects that can be used in the routine NICU to
scintillation detectors in a ring around the head. measure CBF following TBI (Rostami et  al.
2014). However, it provides a snapshot of CBF
with low resolution compared to PET. Xenon-CT
44.2.11  Stable Xenon-CT has been combined with cerebral microdialysis
showing association between loss of CO2 reac-
Development of the stable Xenon-CT method tivity with increased ICP and increased lactate,
came shortly after the introduction of the CT in glutamate and glycerol and a fatal outcome
the mid-1970s. Xenon, with its high atomic num- (Doppenberg et al. 1999). Combining with brain
ber, attenuates X-rays, and thus in the CT scan, tissue pO2, Valadka et al. showed a linear rela-
one can directly measure its concentration in the tionship between pbrO2 and CBF (Valadka et al.
brain. Determination of the outflow or venous 2002). It has also been compared to PET
concentration is therefore not required when uti- (Bergholt et  al. 2000). Xe-CT/CBF showed
lizing the Fick principle. The input or arterial greater differences between high and low flow
concentration was established by Kelcz et  al. areas than PET CBF.  Correlation was found
(1978), determining the solubility of xenon in tis- within subjects between ROIs, but no agreement
sue and blood; this was the basis for converting or correlation between the methods could be
end-tidal xenon values to arterial concentrations. demonstrated.
The concentration of xenon in arterial blood
could therefore be determined from end-tidal
xenon measured by a thermo-conductivity analy- 44.2.12  CT Perfusion
ser. Now, by measuring the concentration of
xenon in the blood and brain and the time for CT perfusion was first described by Axel (1980,
which xenon has been administered and knowing 1983), but it has taken many years to develop the
the blood–brain partition coefficient for xenon, technique to be used in clinical practice. To
the CBF can be calculated, using a modified obtain information about cerebral blood flow
Kety–Schmidt formula for xenon. with the CT, an amount of intravenous contrast
Xenon in high concentrations is an anaes- medium is injected. The CT scanning and con-
thetic, and in the beginning, it was necessary to trast injection is started simultaneously. The CT
inhale it in such high concentrations, but the scanner runs the same slices over and over again,
improvements in CT scan technology in combi- while the contrast medium passes the brain. The
nation with the modern computer capabilities examination is based on the indicator dilution
have made the process of Xe/CBF more user- theory. Following administration of the intrave-
friendly. The risks of side effects are very low nous bolus of contrast medium, the X-ray density
using Xenon-CT, and no permanent morbidity or of the vessels and brain temporarily increases. In
sequela has been detected (Carlson et al. 2011). basic terms, the method is based on the determi-
304 P. Reinstrup et al.

nation of the speed by which the blood is travers- enous tracer. The overall goal of all-existing arte-
ing the brain or in other words, the mean transit rial spin labelling is to produce a flow-sensitized
time (MTT) as well as the cerebral blood volume image or ‘labelled’ image and a ‘control’ image,
(CBV). Conclusions about these parameters are in which the static tissue signals are identical. At
drawn from the extent and course over time of the the same time, one has to see that the magnetiza-
increase in density due to the contrast medium tion of the inflowing blood differs. Despite the
over time. These estimations require the use of remarkable progress in this technique, arterial
software-employing complex deconvolution spin labelling has still not replaced traditional
algorithms, but when the MTT and CBF is found, invasive methods (Petersen et al. 2006).
the CBF  =  CBV/MTT (Hoeffner et  al. 2004).
Some controversies exist concerning the accu-
racy of the quantitative results and their repro- 44.2.14  MR and CBFglobal
ducibility. Despite this, many clinics use CT
perfusion in evaluating their neurological patients There are four arteries (carotids and vertebrals) that
as it is the most convenient method, and some supply blood to the brain. With a flow-­sensitive
correlation to the PET methodology has been slice just under the skull base, the sum of these
found (Shinohara et al. 2010). flows represents the global CBF.  Phase-­contrast
MRI applying a brief magnetic field gradient in the
direction of flow and the phase shift in the magne-
44.2.13  MR Perfusion tization created by the flowing material, can pro-
vide such information. The phase shift is
The way of measuring CBF with MR is essen- proportional to the flow velocity given in pixels,
tially the same as the CT perfusion method. The and the flow velocity curve over the cardiac cycle
use of dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic provides the flow (Enzmann et al. 1994). The tech-
resonance imaging (DSC-MRI) for assessment of nique has a maximum error below 10% (Bryant
perfusion-related parameters is promising et al. 1984; Marks et al. 1992). So far, there is no
(Wirestam et al. 2009), but the concept is ham- correlation study comparing it to conventional
pered by a number of methodological complica- CBF methods, but the global CBF findings with the
tions. For example, an accurate registration of the technique (Marks et  al. 1992; Spilt et  al. 2002;
arterial input function, i.e. the concentration ver- Zarrinkoob et al. 2015; Unnerbäck et al. 2019a, b)
sus time curve in an appropriate tissue-feeding are in accordance to the normal CBF range (50–
artery, is interfered by different factors 60 mL/100 g/min) when the global MR-CBF find-
(Østergaard et  al. 1996; Wirestam et  al. 2009). ings are divided with the approximate brain weight.
Attempts to achieve absolute quantification of
perfusion parameters by standard DSC-MRI
have typically been characterized by overesti- 44.2.15  C
 BF from the ICP Curve
mated values of CBV and CBF (Knutsson et al. (CBFICP)
2007; Wirestam et  al. 2009), which is due to a
correspondingly underestimated arterial concen- Mosso (1881) found stronger brain pulsations
tration time integral. Hence, the majority of exist- during brain stimulation as a sign of increased
ing implementations of DSC-MRI provide only CBF.  In 1953 Ryder presented the commence-
relative perfusion values (Kaneko et  al. 2004), ment of the correlation between change in vol-
even though it clearly reflects absolute changes ume and ICP opening up for the pressure–volume
due to CO2 variations (Wirestam et al. 2009). relationship (Ryder et al. 1953). A lot of efforts
In 1992, Williams et al. (1992) found an alter- has been made to find the ICP–CBF correlation.
native to the above method using contrast, called The first real correlations were made by Hu et al.
arterial spin labelling. Arterial spin labelling uses (2010) looking at the ICP curve morphology,
magnetically labelled water protons as an endog- where different ICP appearances correlate to low
44  Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and Cerebral Metabolic Rate (CMR) 305

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Transcranial Doppler (TCD)
Peter Reinstrup and Jan Frennström

Recommendations special sites (windows) and register the flow veloc-

ity (FV) in the insonated artery at well-­defined
Level I depths. In this way, the FV can be registered in the
central arteries as well as in some of the veins. As a
There are insufficient data to support a Level I rule, a normal FV in an artery indicates an adequate
recommendation for this topic. circulation to the territory it supplies. High and low
FV does not necessarily have correlations to the
Level II CBF, since the diameter of the measured vessel is
unknown. If the FV is high, a differentiation
There are insufficient data to support a Level II between hyperaemia and vasospasm can be
recommendation for this topic. obtained by performing a Lindegaard index (LI),
which is the correlation between the FV in the mid-
Level III dle cerebral artery and the internal carotid artery.
The shape of the FV curve can in addition give
TCD is useful for the detection of vasospasm and an indication of increased intracranial pressure.
cerebral haemodynamic impairment following
spontaneous and traumatic subarachnoid haem-
orrhage. TCD gives an indication as to whether Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
the ICP is normal or high. • For a TCD investigation, it is best to
stand on the patient’s right side. Let the
left wrist rest on the patient’s forehead
45.1 Overview and insonate the MCA through the pos-
terior temporal window. By this
By using a 1–2 MHz pulsed transcranial Doppler approach, you will have your right hand
(TCD), it is possible to penetrate the skull bone at free to adjust the equipment.
• The normally high CBF is to a great extent
due to a low mean resistance in the cere-
P. Reinstrup (*)
Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care, bral circulation. This is reflected as a high
Skånes University Hospital, Lund, Sweden FV during diastole as compared to non-
e-mail: cerebral arteries of similar size (Fig. 45.1).
J. Frennström • Start insonating the middle cerebral
Department of Neurosurgery, Skåne University artery at a depth of 50 mm, and proceed
Hospital, Lund, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 309

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
310 P. Reinstrup and J. Frennström

skull bone is indeed obstructing ultrasound to

inwards until you find a flow which penetrate freely into the brain. After the age of
moves away from the probe at which 1  year, it is already impossible to identify indi-
point you have reached the anterior vidual structures within the brain with this tech-
communicating artery (ACA). This nique. However, in a brain-traumatized patient
finding strengthens that it is the upon whom a craniectomy has been performed,
MCA. Then follow the vessel out again, there is an artificial window through which it is
and register the highest FV value. possible to investigate the brain rather than using
a CT scan. On youngsters, the fontanel can be
utilized in a similar manner for improved resolu-
tion (Fig. 45.2).
45.2 Background There are many advantages of utilizing
TCD. It is non-invasive and inexpensive, can be
Ultrasound is sound waves with frequencies performed bedside, is easily repeated and can
greater than the upper limit of the human hearing, be used for continuous monitoring. TCD ultra-
i.e. above 20  kHz. Within medicine, ultrasound sound was introduced in 1982 by Aaslid et al.
has been utilized during the last 50 years to pen- (1982). A Doppler ultrasound beam of 2 MHz
etrate into the human body measuring the reflec- produced from a piezoelectric crystal is
tions that can be used for the imaging of soft bounced back from the erythrocytes in an indi-
tissues in the body. Superficial structures are vidual artery. The ultrasound examination of a
visualized at frequencies ranging from 7 to blood vessel by these means is referred as to
18  MHz, but in order to penetrate into deeper insonate the vessel. The TCD probe is placed
structures such as the liver or the kidneys, the fre- over different ‘acoustic windows’, i.e. specific
quency has to be lowered down to between 1 and areas of the skull where the bone layer is thin,
6 MHz. or through the foramen magnum. In order to
Unfortunately, the lower the frequency you help the investigator to insonate the artery, the
use, the lower resolution of the picture you get. signal is presented as a sound through a loud-
Also, the higher the density of a tissue, the less speaker as well. The reflected signal is received
the penetration of the sound wave, and the mature by the transducer and converted to an electric

Fig. 45.1  Pictures of the carotid arteries in the neck. The FV in the external carotid artery (ECA), whereas the inter-
common carotid artery is seen to the right in both pictures, nal carotid artery (ICA) is on the right
and the FV curves at the bottom. The left curve shows the
45  Transcranial Doppler (TCD) 311

Fig. 45.2  Ultrasound images of the brain. On the left similar detailed coronary view through the fontanel in a
hand is an axial slice showing highly detailed brain anat- 6-month-old child with hydrocephalus
omy in a craniotomized patient. On the right hand is a

Fig. 45.3  Left picture is a colour Doppler visualization the right side. Blue colours code for a flow direction
of the cerebral arteries showing the middle cerebral away from the probe, whereas red/orange code for flow
artery (MCA) pointing upward towards the Doppler towards the probe. The right picture shows a TCD
probe, the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) in the left side recording in the MCA
of the picture and the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) in

signal after the subtraction of the original emis- 45.2.1 Temporal Window
sion. The signal is pulsed, making it possible to
register from different distances or depths from Finding the thin bony layer of the temporal bone,
the probe. A computer converts the resulting ‘the temporal window’, can be difficult; it varies
signal into a graph that provides information in size and location with each patient and may
about the speed and direction of blood flow also differ individually from the one side to the
through the blood vessel being examined other. Furthermore, such a transtemporal window
(Fig. 45.3). is absent in up to 10% of the adult population,
312 P. Reinstrup and J. Frennström

and it is most difficult to find in older individuals, the use of this approach, and it is important to
females and black people. There are usually two start the investigation at a low power setting.
possible sites to penetrate with the ultrasound
wave in the temporal window: one situated
approximately 1 cm behind the corner of the eye 45.2.3 Suboccipital Window
and the other one a cm up and in front of the ear
meatus (Fig.  45.4). The transducer’s orientation The occipital or foraminal window allows for
should be pointed in a slightly upward direction, insonating the distal vertebral arteries (VA) and
pointing in between these two centres. The trans- the basilar artery (BA). When evaluating the ver-
ducer should be tilted and moved slowly over the tebrobasilar system, the best results are obtained
skin to pinpoint the best signal and highest flow with the patient lying on the side with the head
velocity. The temporal window can be used to extended forward to open up the gap between the
insonate the middle cerebral artery (MCA), the atlas and the cranium. The transducer is placed in
anterior cerebral artery (ACA), the posterior the nuchal crest (Fig.  45.5). The orientation
cerebral artery (PCA) and the terminal portion of should be towards the bridge of the patient’s nose.
the internal carotid artery (ICA) just prior to its The BA is found in the midline and the VA slightly
bifurcation. at each side. The depth of the anatomic structures
will vary with each patient depending upon the
thickness of the suboccipital soft tissue.
45.2.2 Transorbital Window Depths to investigate the cerebral arteries
together with their respective typical flow veloci-
The transorbital window gives access to the oph- ties (FV (cm/s))
thalmic artery (OA) as well as the internal carotid
3–6 cm Middle cerebral artery MCA 55 ± 12
artery at the siphon level. The transducer is gen-
6–8 cm Anterior cerebral artery ACA 50 ± 11
tly placed on the closed eyelid. The transducer
6–7 cm Posterior cerebral PCA 40 ± 10
should be pointed slightly medially (Figs.  45.4 artery
and 45.5). Damage to the eye has never been 3.5–7 cm Vertebral artery VA 40 ± 10
reported, but not every equipment is approved for 7.5–12 cm Basilar artery BA 40 ± 10


Fig. 45.4  The figures indicate the position and angle to bifurcation with the anterior and posterior artery is even-
insonate the MCA and ACA. A is the posterior temporal tually found as an additional flow directed away from the
window, and B is the anterior. MCA signal is found probe, i.e. a negative curve component. C anterior cere-
3–6 cm below the skin. Following the MCA inward, the bral artery is found at a depth of 6–8 cm
45  Transcranial Doppler (TCD) 313


Fig. 45.5  In the left picture C shows the horizontal angle vertebral artery (VA) and basilar artery (BA). Right pic-
to insonate the ophthalmic artery (OA), the anterior cere- ture shows the placement of the probe on the skin in the
bral artery (ACA) and the internal carotid artery (ICA), nuchal crest
whereas D indicates the angle by which to investigate the

45.2.4 TCD Flow Velocity (FV) ments for the evaluation of the cerebral
Correlation to Cerebral Blood circulation.
Flow (CBF)

TCD FV is measured in the basal arteries of the 45.2.5 CO2 Response

brain. If CBF is altered with an unchanged tone
in these large arteries, i.e. by changing the tone In healthy individuals, blood flow velocities in
only in the peripheral pial resistance arteries, the large intracranial arteries are in direct relation
there should be a direct positive correlation to the arterial CO2 concentrations (pACO2),
between the FV in the basal arteries and the reflecting global cerebral vasoconstriction and
CBF.  However, this direct correlation will be relaxation due to changes in pACO2 (Markwalder
altered if similar changes are taking place simul- et  al. 1984). Despite this, no correlation was
taneously in basal arteries and peripheral resis- found between the absolute values of CBF and
tance arteries. If the CBF regulating change in FV during CO2 provocation (Bishop et al. 1986;
arterial tone only occurs in the basal arteries, Clark et  al. 1996). Furthermore, this TCD/CBF
there is a direct negative correlation between correlation is absent also in patients with various
CBF and TCD FV readings, as described by brain pathologies, such as after subarachnoid
Giller et al. (1998) in the formula FV = cerebral haemorrhage (Romner et al. 1991) or following
blood flow/vessel diameter in the insonated traumatic brain injury (Reinstrup et al. 2011).
artery. Unfortunately, no general correlation has
been found between absolute CBF and FV
(Bishop et al. 1986; Clark et al. 1996). However, 45.2.6 Cerebrovascular
despite the limitation of the above-mentioned Autoregulation
assumption, the simplicity of the TCD technique
and its lack of invasiveness warrant for further Cerebral autoregulation is the self-adjustments
evaluations to determine whether it can replace of the cerebrovascular tree in order to maintain
considerably more complicated CBF measure- a sufficient cerebral blood flow during altera-
314 P. Reinstrup and J. Frennström

tions in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). to the autoregulatory compensatory dilatation,
TCD is valid for determination of the lower while later, this response will return to normal.
limit of CBF autoregulation, and changes in
CBF can be evaluated by TCD during changes
in cerebral ­perfusion pressure in normal sub- 45.2.7 High Flow Velocity (FV)
jects (Larsen et  al. 1994). TCD measurements and the Lindegaard Index (LI)
of FV and pulsative index (PI) before and dur-
ing pharmacological or mechanical manipula- Increased FV is found in vasospastic parts of an
tion of MAP and hence autoregulation, can be artery. The vasospasm can be very local, affect-
used to monitor the reactivity of the intracranial ing only millimetre-long segments of the artery;
vasculature tree (Aaslid et  al. 1989; Mahony hence, it is important to investigate as much of
et  al. 2000). The easiest and now widely used the artery as possible. High FV can also be caused
approach is the transient hyperaemic response by hyperaemia, and there is nothing in the curve
(THR) test first described in 1991 by Giller form that can be used to differentiate between
(1991). It involves a continuous recording of these two sources for a high FV. The ICA feeds
the MCA FV during which a 3- to 10-s com- the MCA, ACA and PCA. In case of vasospasm
pression of the ipsilateral common carotid in MCA, ACA and PCA, resulting in a reduced
artery is performed. This results in a sudden flow through some or all of them, the effect in the
reduction in the MCA FV, which in turn pro- feeding artery is a reduced flow as measured on
vokes a vasodilatation in the vascular bed distal the neck in the ICA.  Contrary to this, the flow
to the MCA if the autoregulation is intact through the ICA increases during hyperaemia.
(Fig.  45.6). Thus, following the release of the The ICA lumen is usually unchanged during dif-
compression, a transient increase, well above ferent intracranial pathologies resulting in a
the previous base level, is seen in MCA FV due direct relationship between FV and flow.

Fig. 45.6  Test of the

cerebral vasoreactivity
during TCD of the
MCA. Following onset
of the carotid artery
compression, there is an
immediate fall in
ipsilateral MCA FV
followed by a gradual
rise due to
autoregulation. On
release, there is a brief
overshoot due to the
45  Transcranial Doppler (TCD) 315

Lindegaard et al. (1988) used the MCA/ICA FV However, an artificially increased ICP brought
relationship to discriminate between hyperaemia about by increasing the pressure in the epidural
and vasospasm and to assess the severity of vaso- space brings about a more pronounced reduction
spasm. The MCA/ICA ratio is normally around 2 of flow velocities in the diastolic phase than in
with some age and sex variations (Krejza et  al. the systolic phase, i.e. increasing the pulse peak
2005). between systole and diastole. Furthermore, there
Generally, a flow velocity above 120 cm/s is is a lowering of the mean FV (Nagai et al. 1997).
indicative of a vasospasm. However, if the FV Looking at the PI equation, it should therefore be
increases slowly over days to this level, it seldom sensitive to increases in ICP, and such a correla-
gives rise to clinical symptoms. tion has indeed been found in children with
If MCA FV rises to between 120 and 150 cm/s hydrocephalus (Goh and Minns 1995; Govender
with a LI at 3–5, the vasospasm is considered et al. 1999; Nadvi et al. 1994), even though not
moderate. all findings have been positive (Hanlo et al. 1995;
If MCA FV is 150–220 cm/s and LI is >6, the Figaji et  al. 2009). In adults with various brain
vasospasm is generally severe, and if MCA pathologies and equipped with ventricular ICP
increases above 200 cm/s with LI > 6, the vaso- devices with a reference zero at the forehead
spasm is usually critical. level, a strong relationship was found between
Hyperaemia increases flow velocities in both ICP and PI, with ICP  =  10.93  ×  PI  −  1.28 or
MCA and ICA keeping LI unchanged <3, ICP ≈ 10 × PI (Bellner et al. 2004). It must be
whereas in cases of escalating vasospasm, FV is emphasized, however, that PI cannot be used as a
increased in the intracranial arteries with a substitute for an ICP device, but rather may be
reduced FV in the ICA, showing up as an ele- utilized as one additional tool in the evaluation of
vated LI. patients with suspected brain pathologies, in the
In order to evaluate the flow in the BA, one has guidance whether the patient might gain from an
to look at the intracranial/extracranial FV ratio in ICP device.
the posterior circulation, i.e. the ratio between
BA and one of the vertebral arteries measured
extracranially on the neck in analogy with the 45.3 Brain Trauma
MCA/ICA ratio. An FV threshold of 80 cm/s is
indicative of BA vasospasm. A normative value 45.3.1 Absolute FV
of a BA/extracranial VA FV ratio (BA/EVA) is
1.7. The BA/EVA is >2  in all patients with BA In comatose TBI patients, cerebral metabolic rate
vasospasm and generally <2 in patients without. (CMR) is reduced with up to 50%, and compared
Furthermore, the BA/EVA ratio shows a close to the normal coupling between CMR and CBF,
correlation with BA diameter and is >3  in all these patients have normal to supranormal CBF
patients with severe vasospasm (Soustiel et  al. values (Obrist et al. 1984). Most patients present
2002). EVA should be insonated at depths rang- with CBF changes over time, starting with low
ing from 45 to 55 mm. CBF values shortly after the trauma (Bouma and
Muizelaar 1992) evolving to a hyperaemic phase,
again substituted for a state of low CBF, but now
45.2.8 TCD, ICP and Pulsative due to vasospasm. It takes around 3 weeks before
Index (PI) the CBF returns to normal (Inoue et  al. 2005).
This development would be expected to show up
Pulsative index PI = systFV – diastFV/meanFV as changes in the TCD FV, but the FV starts ini-
was originally thought to describe the cerebro- tially at normal values with a normal LI and
vascular resistance, but this is probably not the hence does not reflect the low absolute CBF. The
case, since hyperventilation with vasoconstric- FV typically rises during the following 3 days up
tion does not increase PI (Czosnyka et al. 1996). towards 100 cm/s and stays elevated for the next
316 P. Reinstrup and J. Frennström

14 days (Martin et al. 1997). LI remains low, and and in the pial arteries by laser Doppler flowme-
thus the first increase in FV is due to hyperaemia. try, was more severely impaired in the cortex than
LI increases slowly over time indicating that the in the MCA during conditions of rising ICP and
reason for the high FV goes from hyperaemia to falling CPP.  However, providing CPP was kept
vasospasm. above 60 mmHg, cortical autoregulatory capacity
The infratentorial vascular territory is seldom was on level with that of the MCA (Zweifel et al.
investigated following TBI, despite the fact that 2010). In an investigation of TCD-measured
Soustiel and Shik found that one third of such autoregulation in TBI patients, a correlation
patients presented with high FV in the BA as a between the impaired autoregulation and out-
sign of vasospasm (2004). come was found (Sorrentino et  al. 2011). In
patients with minor head injuries, autoregulation
is impaired in 28% (Jünger et al. 1997).
45.3.2 CO2 Response

Arterial reactivity in brain-damaged areas is 45.3.4 Brain Death (Cerebral

impaired so that a reduced CO2 reactivity as mea- Circulatory Arrest)
sured with CBF correlates not only to the extent
of damaged tissue and thereby to the severity of TCD FV measurement is not a legally approved
the brain injury, but also to outcome (Cold et al. method to establish cerebral circulatory arrest,
1977; Schalén et al. 1991; Poon et al. 2005). In but it can give some useful information of the sta-
healthy subjects, blood flow velocities in the tus of circulation. In this context, it is mandatory
basal intracranial arteries are directly related to to investigate both the supratentorial and the
the pACO2 (Markwalder et  al. 1984). However, infratentorial compartments. As described above,
this correlation is absent in patients with sub- an increasing ICP brings about a reduction in
arachnoid haemorrhage (Romner et al. 1991). On flow velocity mainly in the diastolic phase, finally
the other hand, following TBI there is a more pro- leaving only a flow at the systolic peak in the
nounced change in TCD FV than in CBF upon basal arteries of the brain (Petty et  al. 1990).
changes in pACO2 (Reinstrup et al. 2011). A rela- Further elevation of the ICP leads to a reverberat-
tionship of individual reactivity indices between ing FV, or it is oscillating around zero, ending up
the two parameters concerning CO2 reactivity is with a brief peak in systole, called the ‘systolic
therefore not established, and CBF and mean FV spike’, and with a close to zero net flow through
are hence not exchangeable in patients with the brain (Langfitt et al. 1964). The final stage in
severe brain trauma. intracranial hypertension is a no-flow situation
revealing no Doppler signal as investigated in
animals (Nagai et al. 1997).
45.3.3 Autoregulation When using TCD to guide the appropriate
time for performing a four-vessel angiogram in
The correlation between CBF, as measured indi- cases where clinical diagnostics are inappropri-
rectly with changes in arteriovenous oxygen dif- ate, we usually start the angiography procedure
ference (AVDO2), and TCD during autoregulation when the FV is reverberating or only showing a
provocations has been established in healthy vol- systolic spike both supra- and infratentorially,
unteers (Larsen et al. 1994). However, the classic and so far, all angiograms have shown total cere-
correlation between CBF and TCD autoregula- bral circulatory arrest using such an approach.
tion has so far not been investigated for TBI However, hitherto no investigation has been con-
patients. Autoregulatory capacity, as measured ducted in order to correlate the TCD with angiog-
simultaneously in the basal arteries by TCD FV raphy during upcoming circulatory arrest.
45  Transcranial Doppler (TCD) 317

45.4 Specific Paediatric Concerns Giller CA. A bedside test for cerebral autoregulation using
transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Acta Neurochir.
Children between the age of 2 and 10 years have Giller CA, Hatab MR, Giller AM.  Estimation of ves-
a mFV of 95 cm/s and a PI of 0.95. After the tenth sel flow and diameter during cerebral vasospasm
year, the mFV are declining over the years to using transcranial Doppler indices. Neurosurgery.
finally reach 85 cm/s and the PI to 0.80 at the age Goh D, Minns RA. Intracranial pressure and cerebral arte-
of 20. Girls do generally have a higher mFV than rial flow velocity indices in childhood hydrocephalus:
boys (Brouwers et al. 1990). current review. Childs Nerv Syst. 1995;11:392–6.
Govender PV, Nadvi SS, Madaree A. The value of tran-
scranial Doppler ultrasonography in craniosynostosis.
J Craniofac Surg. 1999;10:260–3.
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Van Huffelen AC.  Transcranial pulsed doppler mea- GM.  Transcranial Doppler is valid for determination
surements of blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral of the lower limit of cerebral blood flow autoregula-
artery: reference values at rest and during hyper- ven- tion. Stroke. 1994;25:1985–8.
tilation in healthy children and adolescents in relation Lindegaard KF, Nornes H, Bakke SJ, Sorteberg W,
to age and sex. Ultrasound Med Biol. 1990;16(1):1–8. Nakstad P.  Cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid
Clark JM, Skolnick BE, Gelfand R, Farber RE, haemorrhage investigated by means of transcranial
Stierheim M, Stevens WC, Beck G Jr, Lambertsen Doppler ultrasound. Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien).
CJ.  Relationship of 133Xe cerebral blood flow to 1988;42:81–4.
middle cerebral arterial flow velocity in men at rest. J Mahony PJ, Panerai RB, Deverson ST, Hayes PD, Evans
Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1996;16:1255–62. DH. Assessment of the thigh cuff technique for mea-
Cold GE, Jensen FT, Malmros R. The effects of pACO2 surement of dynamic cerebral autoregulation. Stroke.
reduction on regional cerebral blood flow in the 2000;31:476–80.
acute phase of brain injury. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. Markwalder TM, Grolimund P, Seiler RW, Roth F, Aaslid
1977;21:359–67. R.  Dependency of blood flow velocity in the middle
Czosnyka M, Richards HK, Whitehouse HE, Pickard cerebral artery on end-tidal carbon dioxide partial
JD. Relationship between transcranial Doppler- deter- pressure—a transcranial ultrasound Doppler study. J
mined pulsatility index and cerebrovascular resistance: Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1984;4:368–72.
an experimental study. J Neurosurg. 1996;84:79–84. Martin NA, Patwardhan RV, Alexander MJ, Africk
Figaji AA, Zwane E, Fieggen AG, Siesjo P, Peter CZ, Lee JH, Shalmon E, Hovda DA, Becker
JC.  Transcranial Doppler pulsatility index is not a DP.  Characterization of cerebral hemodynamic
reliable indicator of intracranial pressure in chil- phases following severe head trauma: hypoperfusion,
dren with severe traumatic brain injury. Surg Neurol. hyperemia, and vasospasm. J Neurosurg. 1997;87:
2009;72:389–94. 9–19.
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Nadvi SS, Du Trevou MD, Van Dellen JR, Gouws E. The Romner B, Brandt L, Berntman L, Algotsson L, Ljunggren
use of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography as a B, Messeter K.  Simultaneous transcranial Doppler
method of assessing intracranial pressure in hydroce- sonography and cerebral blood flow measurements of
phalic children. Br J Neurosurg. 1994;8:573–7. cerebrovascular CO2-reactivity in patients with aneu-
Nagai H, Moritake K, Takaya M.  Correlation between rysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Br J Neurosurg.
transcranial Doppler ultrasonography and regional 1991;5:31–7.
cerebral blood flow in experimental intracranial hyper- Schalén W, Messeter K, Nordström CH.  Cerebral vaso-
tension. Stroke. 1997;28:603–37. reactivity and the prediction of outcome in severe
Obrist WD, Langfitt TW, Jaggi JL, Cruz J, Gennarelli traumatic brain lesions. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
TA.  Cerebral blood flow and metabolism in coma- 1991;35:113–22.
tose patients with acute head injury. Relationship Sorrentino E, Budohoski KP, Kasprowicz M, Smielewski
to intracranial hypertension. J Neurosurg. 1984;61: P, Matta B, Pickard JD, Czosnyka M. Critical thresh-
241–53. olds for transcranial Doppler indices of cerebral auto-
Petty GW, Mohr JP, Pedley TA, Tatemichi TK, Lennihan regulation in traumatic brain injury. Neurocrit Care.
L, Duterte DI, Sacco RL.  The role of transcranial 2011;14:188–93.
Doppler in confirming brain death: sensitivity, speci- Soustiel JF, Shik V.  Posttraumatic basilar artery vaso-
ficity, and suggestions for performance and interpreta- spasm. Surg Neurol. 2004;62:201–6.
tion. Neurology. 1990;40:300–3. Soustiel JF, Shik V, Shreiber R, Tavor Y, Goldsher
Poon WS, Ng SC, Chan MT, Lam JM, Lam WW. Cerebral D.  Basilar vasospasm diagnosis: investigation of a
blood flow (CBF)-directed management of venti- modified “Lindegaard Index” based on imaging stud-
lated head-injured patients. Acta Neurochir Suppl. ies and blood velocity measurements of the basilar
2005;95:9–11. artery. Stroke. 2002;33:72–7.
Reinstrup P, Ryding E, Asgeirsson B, Hesselgard K, Zweifel C, Czosnyka M, Lavinio A, Castellani G,
Unden J, Romner B. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and Kim DJ, Carrera E, Pickard JD, Kirkpatrick PJ,
transcranial doppler sonography (TCD) measurements Smielewski P.  A comparison study of cerebral
of cerebrovascular CO2-reactivity in patients with autoregulation assessed with transcranial Doppler
acute severe head injury. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. and cortical laser Doppler flowmetry. Neurol Res.
2011;20(1):54–9. 2010;32:425–8.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
or Cerebral Oximetry 46
Peter Reinstrup

Recommendations extracerebral tissues. Furthermore, as haemoglo-

bin absorbs infrared light, NIRS is affected by
Level I underlying blood of extravascular origin, such as
in subdural haematomas, contusions, subarach-
There are insufficient data to support a Level I noid blood, as well as changes in intravascular
recommendation for this topic. cerebral blood volume (CBV). These factors are
difficult to decipher, and at present, the use of
Level II NIRS in TBI patients is controversial. However,
by using more than one sensor and by focusing
There are insufficient data to support a Level II on trends, NIRS readings might be of value in
recommendation for this topic. this patient group.

Level III
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
NIRS can be used to detect upcoming intra- and • NIRS probes can be placed over hair
extracerebral haematomas. follicles, but the melatonin in the hair
affects the absorption of infrared
46.1 Overview • NIRS from one single probe is too dif-
ficult to interpret.
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) measures the • In patients with unilateral brain patholo-
oxygenation of the haemoglobin in the cerebral gies, a symmetrically placed contralat-
tissue lying just underneath a probe. The probe is eral probe should be used as reference.
most often placed on the forehead, since hair fol- • Never use the NIRS reading as the only
licles affect the readings. Some doubts have been monitoring device; changes in a NIRS
raised whether NIRS specifically measures the reading should be controlled with other
cerebral tissue or is contaminated by signals from techniques.
• Keep in mind that patients with total
brain infarctions can still have a normal
P. Reinstrup (*) NIRS value.
Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care,
Skånes University Hospital, Lund, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 319

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
320 P. Reinstrup

46.2 Background Though small, some absorption does occur

both in normal cerebral and extracerebral tissues.
Oximetry is a method for monitoring the oxy- Extracerebral tissue is not a homogenous layer,
genation of haemoglobin. With near-infrared but a composite of all the layers of the scalp,
spectroscopy (NIRS) it is possible to measure bone and dura. Each of these layers with individ-
oxygen saturation (SO2). Jobsis (1977) was the ual optical absorption characteristics may affect
first to report on this, and in 1985 came the first the results in a non-foreseeable manner.
report on cerebral oximetry in humans (Ferrari Especially melatonin, in hair and hair follicles,
et al. 1985). A proportion of the near-infrared absorbs near-infrared light to a high degree. The
light passing through tissues is absorbed. The effect on the oximeter reading from these extra-
absorption of light relates to the amount and cerebral layers is hence poorly understood
properties of the material through which the (Young et  al. 2000), and in adults, the infrared
light is passing based on the Beer–Lambert beam has to pass a thick layer of extracranial tis-
law. Tissues such as skin, bone and brain are sue twice. In order to minimize the influence of
transparent to the ­ near-­
infrared spectrum, the extracerebral tissue and extracerebral circula-
whereas the two chromophores oxy- and tion, different algorithms have been applied, and
deoxyhaemoglobin are not. Since the absorp- a number of techniques have been developed, but
tion characteristics of oxy- and deoxy-haemo- still without complete success (Al-Rawi and
globin are different at different wavelengths, it Kirkpatrick 2006).
is possible to quantify the cerebral oxygenation
of the blood with its venous/arterial relation-
ship of 70%/30%, by choosing two or more 46.2.1 Normal Values of NIRS
wavelengths where the absorption of oxy- and
deoxyhaemoglobin is maximally and mini- The normal value for cerebral oximetry or cere-
mally separated, i.e. between 700 and 850 nm bral regional oxygen saturation (rSO2) is 58–82%
(wavelength - nanometers). (Kim et al. 2000). The wide normal range makes
At 810 nm, the absorption of NIR is equal for it more optimal to follow the trend in the particu-
oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin, and hence it is the- lar patient rather than absolute values, and com-
oretically possible to measure the total amount of pare with contralateral measurements.
haemoglobin at this wavelength. With knowledge
of the amount of haemoglobin, it is possible to
calculate the CBV continuously when knowing 46.2.2 Factors Affecting NIRS
the haemoglobin concentration. However, so far
this technique is too unstable to be used in clini- An oximeter reading using NIRS is highly influ-
cal practice (Canova et al. 2011). enced by the venous blood since 70% of the nor-
An infrared beam penetrating into a tissue mal cerebral blood volume (CBV) is of venous
scatters in such a way that some of it is reflected origin. A venous saturation is giving an indica-
back to the surface from where it is emitted. To tion of the relationship between cerebral blood
this end, most apparatuses use reflectance- flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolism (CMR). The
mode NIRS in which the optical sensors are change in cerebral venous oxygenation is
placed ipsilateral to the transmitter; they described in detail in Sects. 43.2.4 and 43.2.5. An
exploit the fact that photons transmitted increased ICP will compromise CBF, thereby
through a sphere will traverse an elliptical path lowering NIRS.  But with a normal venous out-
in which the mean depth of penetration is pro- flow, an increased ICP will compress the thin-­
portional to the separation of the transmitter walled veins reducing the venous part of the
and the optical sensor. CBV. As a result, the NIRS reading should theo-
46  Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) or Cerebral Oximetry 321

retically increase as it would be more influenced tion with CMR and CBF and differences in ICP
by the arterial side. In fact Zuluaga et al. (2010) are factors that make a NIRS reading difficult to
found NIRS during increased ICP to generally interpret and therefore problematic to use in TBI
decline, but dispersed to both higher and lower patients (Weigl et al. 2016).

46.2.4 CBF Measurements with NIRS

46.2.3 TBI and Pathologic Brain
By using a contrast medium and looking at its
A major problem with NIRS is the diverse influ- passage and amount, it is possible to calculate
ence of underlying brain pathologies. In dead or the mean transit time (MTT) and CBV and
non-metabolizing tissue, the NIRS can show thereby calculate the local CBF under the
either high or low values (Dunham et al. 2002), probe. Indocyanine green is an ideal contrast
depending on the status of the sequestered blood. medium in conjunction with NIRS, as it has an
Extravasated blood can contain a varying degree absorption peak at 805 nm. However, a correla-
of oxyhaemoglobin, whereas in cerebral contu- tion to CBF has been found in some (Kuebler
sions, the non-metabolizing tissue does not affect et al. 1998; Keller et al. 2003), but not all stud-
the oxyhaemoglobin content even though the ies (Newton et al. 1997), and the method is not
flow through such a region is low (see Fig. 46.1). widely used.
In fact, NIRS has been used to detect the develop-
ment of intra- and extracerebral haematomas
using a wavelength of 760  nm, at which the 46.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
absorption is increased at the haematoma side
compared to the normal side (Gopinath et  al. In healthy children, the normal range for cerebral
1995), resulting in an increased NIRS reading at oximetry is 60–80% (95% confidence interval,
the haematoma side. In TBI the different underly- average is 68%). There are no studies investigat-
ing pathologies, haemoglobin level, manipula- ing NIRS and TBI in children.

Fig. 46.1  A CT scan showing contusions in the right 71% over the left side. The local CBF was low in the con-
frontal and temporal regions (left picture). CBF (middle tused area (middle picture) as was the CBV (right pic-
picture) and CBV (right picture) were measured simulta- ture). The reason for the high saturation in the contusion
neously with CT perfusion. Cerebral oximetry probes is most probably due to the extravasated blood, but can
were placed in a symmetrical manner bifrontally where also be influenced by the non-metabolizing tissue in the
the right sensor was placed over the frontal contusion (left contusioned area, even though both CBF and CBV were
picture). The reading was 94% over the contusion and low
322 P. Reinstrup

References Kim MB, Ward DS, Cartwright CR, Kolano J, Chlebowski

S, Henson LC. Estimation of jugular venous O2 satu-
ration from cerebral oximetry or arterial O2 satura-
Al-Rawi PG, Kirkpatrick PJ. Tissue oxygen index: thresh-
tion during isocapnic hypoxia. J Clin Monit Comput.
olds for cerebral ischemia using near-infrared spec-
troscopy. Stroke. 2006;37:2720–5.
Kuebler WM, Sckell A, Habler O, Kleen M, Kuhnle GE,
Canova D, Roatta S, Bosone D, Micieli G.  Inconsistent
Welte M, Messmer K, Goetz AE.  Noninvasive mea-
detection of changes in cerebral blood volume by near
surement of regional cerebral blood flow by near-
infrared spectroscopy in standard clinical tests. J Appl
infrared spectroscopy and indocyanine green. J Cereb
Physiol. 2011;110(6):1646–55, Epub 2011 Apr 7.
Blood Flow Metab. 1998;18:445–56.
Dunham CM, Sosnowski C, Porter JM, Siegal J, Kohli
Newton CR, Wilson DA, Gunnoe E, Wagner B, Cope M,
C. Correlation of noninvasive cerebral oximetry with
Traystman RJ.  Measurement of cerebral blood flow
cerebral perfusion in the severe head injured patient: a
in dogs with near infrared spectroscopy in the reflec-
pilot study. J Trauma. 2002;52:40–6.
tance mode is invalid. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab.
Ferrari M, Giannini I, Sideri G, Zanette E. Continuous non-
invasive monitoring of human brain by near infrared
Weigl W, Milej D, Janusek D, Wojkiewicz S, Sawosz
spectroscopy. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1985;191:873–82.
P, Kacprzak M, Gerega A, Maniewski R, Liebert
Gopinath SP, Robertson CS, Contant CF, Narayan RK,
A. Application of optical methods in the monitoring of
Grossman RG, Chance B. Early detection of delayed
traumatic brain injury: a review. J Cereb Blood Flow
traumatic intracranial hematomas using near- infrared
Metab. 2016;36(11):1825–43.
spectroscopy. J Neurosurg. 1995;83(3):438–44.
Young AER, Germon TJ, Barnett NJ, Manara AR, Nelson
Jobsis FF.  Noninvasive infrared monitoring of cerebral
RJ. Behaviour of near-infrared light in the adult human
and myocardial oxygen sufficiency and circulatory
head: implications for clinical near-infra red spectros-
parameters. Science. 1977;198:1264–7.
copy. Br J Anaesth. 2000;84:38–42.
Keller E, Nadler A, Alkadhi H, Kollias SS, Yonekawa
Zuluaga MT, Esch ME, Cvijanovich NZ, Gupta N,
Y, Niederer P.  Noninvasive measurement of regional
McQuillen PS. Diagnosis influences response of cere-
cerebral blood flow and regional cerebral blood vol-
bral NIRS to intracranial hypertension in children.
ume by near-infrared spectroscopy and indo- cyanine
Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2010;11(4):514–22.
green dye dilution. Neuroimage. 2003;20:828–39.
Clinical Neurophysiology: Evoked
Potentials 47
Birger Johnsen

Recommendations 47.1 Overview

Level I Evoked potentials (EPs) are objective, non-­

invasive tests that may assess brainstem damage
There are insufficient data to support a Level I and detect cognitive functions in comatose
recommendation for this topic. patients; EPs are therefore of predictive value in
TBI patients.
Level II EPs are electrical signals recorded from the
brain in response to different kinds of sensory
The presence of event-related potentials (ERPs) stimuli, for example, auditory or somatosensory
(P300 or MMN) in comatose TBI patients pre- stimuli. These responses directly track the affer-
dicts a favourable prognosis and justifies continu- ent volleys and appear with latencies less than
ation of intensive therapy. Bilateral absent 25 ms and are therefore also named short-latency
somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) indi- EPs. Event-related potentials (ERPs) are EPs
cate only 5% awakening, which may be consid- with longer latencies (up to 300  ms), and these
ered in the decision on continuation of intensive EPs reflect higher cortical functions (Duncan
therapy. et al. 2009).
EPs assess functional aspects of brain damage
Level III in addition to the clinical examination and in
addition to the assessment of structural lesions by
Results from evoked potentials (EPs) should imaging techniques.
always be interpreted in the actual clinical setting EPs of different modalities are of prognostic
and combined with clinical findings. value in TBI patients, with some modalities pre-
dictive for a favourable prognosis and others pre-
dictive for an unfavourable prognosis. Absence
of short-latency EPs predicts an unfavourable
outcome (Guérit et al. 2009), while the strongest
B. Johnsen (*) predictor for a good prognosis is the presence of
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, ERPs (Daltrozzo et al. 2007).
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 323

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
324 B. Johnsen

BAEPs is a bad prognostic sign; for example, in a

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls study of 64 TBI patients, Tsubokawa et al. (1980)
• EPs performed too early may show found that all 23 cases with absence of the later
over-optimistic results due to the risk of BAEP waves died or went into a permanent veg-
secondary damage in TBI patients etative state. On the other hand, the presence of
(Guérit et al. 2009). BAEPs in TBI patients is not a useful predictor
• Drugs may have a pronounced influence for a favourable outcome, as damage to brain
on ERPs (Duncan et al. 2009). regions outside the brainstem will not affect the
• EPs should be performed by experienced BAEPs.
neurophysiology technicians and be inter-
preted by clinical neurophysiologists.
• The predictive power of EPs should, 47.2.2 SSEP
together with clinical findings and
results of imagining techniques, be Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) are
taken into consideration in the handling recorded after electrical stimulation of the skin
of TBI patients. over a peripheral nerve of the limbs. When used
as a prognostic tool in comatose patients, the
most used technique is to stimulate the median
nerve at the wrist while recording responses from
47.2 Background the peripheral nerve at the elbow or at Erb’s point,
over the spine at level C7 and over the primary
The different EP modalities are easily per- sensory cortex. A systematic review of 41 articles
formed, often in less than 15  min in comatose on SSEP as a prognostic marker for awakening
patients. Significant abnormalities of EPs from coma in TBI patients showed only 5%
include the absence of responses, increases in awakening in case of bilateral absent SSEPs,
latencies, or increases in inter-peak latencies. 70% awakening in case of present, but abnormal
The absence of responses or the presence of SSEPs, and 89% awakening in case of normal
normal responses is the most reliable predictors, SSEPs (Robinson et  al. 2003). Amantini et  al.
although an increase in latencies, an increase in (2005) found that SSEP showed a good predic-
inter-peak latencies, or amplitude changes may tive value both for good and bad prognoses.
also be valuable. Graded SSEP at day 3 after head trauma was
found to correlate with functional and cognitive
outcome (Houlden et al. 2010).
47.2.1 BAEP

Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) 47.2.3 VEP

are signals generated in the brainstem and
recorded by scalp electrodes in response to click Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) are recorded
stimulation of the ears. Responses from the ear after visual light stimuli. VEPs are only rarely
and the neural pathways in the pons are recorded used as a prognostic tool in comatose patients
with latencies less than 10 ms. BAEPs are present (Guérit 2005).
in about 50% of TBI patients (Guérit 2005).
There are some controversies about the prognos-
tic ability of BAEPs, and some of these contro- 47.2.4 ERP
versies are probably caused by differences in
timing of the examinations and differences in cri- Event-related potentials (ERPs), also called cog-
teria for BAEP abnormalities. There is, however, nitive evoked potentials, reflect higher cortical
rather good agreement on the fact that absence of functions. ERPs are elicited by occasional differ-
47  Clinical Neurophysiology: Evoked Potentials 325

ent stimuli within a repetitive standard stimula- 47.2.6 Influence of Drugs

tion, the so-called oddball paradigm. P300 is a
positive response with a latency of about 300 ms Drugs interfering with EEG do also interfere
that can be measured as a response to infrequent, with EPs, and drugs may have large influence on
randomly presented stimuli, for example, a dif- EPs, in particular ERPs. Halogenated gases, pro-
ferent tone in a sequence of frequently presented pofol, and thiopental (membrane interference)
tones. Some attention or vigilance is required in may cause latency increase due to interference
order to obtain a P300 response, and it cannot be with subcortical conduction. In contrast, short-­
elicited in all normal subjects, which limits its latency EPs are very resistant.
sensitivity in predicting coma outcome. Another
kind of ERP, the mismatch negativity (MMN)
potential, is the brain’s automatic response to 47.2.7 Timing of Examinations
change in auditory stimulation, and it has the
great advantage of not being dependent on EPs performed too early after the trauma may
patient attention, as it can be recorded in coma- give false optimistic results if secondary brain
tose patients (Näätänen 2000). The MMN damage occurs, and some authors suggest serial
response occurs as a negative peak in the ERP examinations. Facco et  al. (1988) suggest that
100–250 ms after stimulation change. Kane et al. EPs have the best predictive value when per-
(1996) reported that the presence of a MMN formed 3–6 days post injury.
response in serial studies of TBI patients has a
specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 89.7%
for awakening. 47.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
In a meta-analysis, very high positive predic-
tive values for a favourable outcome were found There are only sparse results regarding the use of
for P300 (89%) and MMN (93%) when present. EPs in children. Robinson et al. (2003) found a
However, the sensitivity was not very high (76% higher chance for awakening and less disability
for P300 and 34% for MMN) (Daltrozzo et  al. in children with absent SSEPs compared with
2007). This meta-analysis showed equal predic- adults. Carter and Butt (2005) found that bilateral
tive power of P300 and MMN, and both tech- absent SSEPs had a specificity of 92% for an
niques are recommended (Daltrozzo et al. 2007). unfavourable outcome in 40 children with TBI. In
On the other hand, the absence of ERPs has no general, there is insufficient evidence of an age
predictive value for a bad prognosis, as these limit above which the same interpretation criteria
components are not always present in normal can be used as those used in adults (Guérit et al.
subjects and they are sensitive to other factors, 2009), and interpretations should therefore be
e.g. sedatives. made more cautiously in children.

47.2.5 Combinations of EP References

Amantini A, Grippo A, Fossi S, Cesaretti C, Piccioli A,
Peris A, Ragazzoni A, Pinto F. Prediction of ‘awaken-
Some authors combine findings from different ing’ and outcome in prolonged acute coma from severe
EP modality studies in indices for global cortical traumatic brain injury: evidence for validity of short
function and for brainstem conduction, which is latency SEPs. Clin Neurophysiol. 2005;116:229–35.
of prognostic value (Guérit 2005). Kane et  al. Carter BG, Butt W. A prospective study of outcome pre-
dictors after severe brain injury in children. Intensive
(1996) suggest that when short-latency EPs are Care Med. 2005;31(6):840–5. Epub 2005 Apr 28.
normal, ERPs may be performed in order to PubMed PMID: 15864546.
directly check brain function related to cognitive Daltrozzo J, Wioland N, Mutschler V, Kotchoubey
processes. B. Predicting coma and other low responsive patients
326 B. Johnsen

outcome using event-related brain potentials: a meta-­ Houlden DA, Taylor AB, Feinstein A, Midha R, Bethune
analysis. Clin Neurophysiol. 2007;118:606–14. AJ, Stewart CP, Schwartz ML.  Early somatosen-
Duncan CC, Barry RJ, Connolly JF, Fischer C, Michie sory evoked potential grades in comatose traumatic
PT, Näätänen R, Polich J, Reinvang I, Van Petten brain injury patients predict cognitive and func-
C. Event-related potentials in clinical research: guide- tional outcome. Crit Care Med. 2010;38(1):167–74 .
lines for eliciting, recording, and quantifying mis- PubMed PMID: 19829103.
match negativity, P300, and N400. Clin Neurophysiol. CCM.0b013e3181c031b3.
2009;120:1883–908. Kane NM, Curry SH, Rowlands CA, Manara AR, Lewis
Facco E, Munari M, Casartelli Liviero M, Caputo P, T, Moss T, Cummins BH, Butler SR.  Event-related
Martini A, Toffoletto F, Giron G. Serial recordings of potentials—neurophysiological tools for predicting
auditory brainstem responses in severe head injury: emergence and early outcome from traumatic coma.
relationship between test timing and prognostic power. Intensive Care Med. 1996;22:39–46.
Intensive Care Med. 1988;14:422–8. Näätänen R.  Mismatch negativity (MMN): perspectives
Guérit JM. Evoked potentials in severe brain injury. Prog for application. Int J Psychophysiol. 2000;37:3–10.
Brain Res. 2005;150:415–26. Robinson LR, Micklesen PJ, Tirschwell DL, Lew
Guérit JM, Amantini A, Amodio P, Andersen KV, HL.  Predictive value of somatosensory evoked
Butler S, de Weerd A, Facco E, Fischer C, Hantson potentials for awakening from coma. Crit Care Med.
P, Jäntti V, Lamblin MD, Litscher G, Péréon 2003;31:960–7.
Y. Consensus on the use of neurophysiological tests Tsubokawa T, Nishimoto H, Yamamoto T, Kitamura M,
in the intensive care unit (ICU): electroencephalo- Katayama Y, Moriyasu N. Assessment of brain- stem
gram (EEG), evoked potentials (EP), and electro- damage by the auditory brainstem response in acute
neuromyography (ENMG). Neurophysiol Clin. severe head injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
2009;39:71–83. 1980;43:1005–11.
Clinical Neurophysiology:
Continuous EEG Monitoring 48
Birger Johnsen

Recommendations seizures (NCSs), which most often can only be

diagnosed by EEG.  By the use of continuous
Level I EEG (cEEG) monitoring performed over one to
several days, it has been found that 11–18% of
There are insufficient data to support a Level I TBI patients had NCSs and 8% non-convulsive
recommendation for this topic. status epilepticus (NCSE) (Claassen et al. 2004;
Vespa 2005). Prolonged seizure activity may be
Level II harmful by causing secondary brain damage. The
aim of cEEG is to diagnose these subclinical sei-
There are insufficient data to support a Level II zures and to guide the clinician in the antiepilep-
recommendation for this topic. tic treatment. Based on expert opinion from 42
studies, it is recommended to do EEG in TBI
Level III patients with unexplained and persistent altered
consciousness (Claassen et al. 2013).
Continuous EEG monitoring is recommended in
TBI patients with unexplained altered conscious-
ness to detect epileptic seizures, in particular Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
non-convulsive seizures. • Neurointensivists should be trained in
detection of suspect EEG patterns and
recognizing usual EEG artefacts.
48.1 Overview Clinical neurophysiologists should per-
form further analyses remotely by use of
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the standard telemedicine.
diagnostic tool when there is clinical suspicion of • Without cEEG, the neurointensivists
epileptic seizures, in particular non-convulsive should be aware of subtle signs of NCSs:
lowering of level of consciousness,
myoclonia, nystagmus, eye deviation,
pupil abnormalities, autonomic instabil-
ity, or confusion (Friedman et al. 2009).
B. Johnsen (*)
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Aarhus • Drugs, especially sedatives, may have
University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark profound effect on the EEG.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 327

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
328 B. Johnsen

48.2 Background 1973; Krsek et al. 2004; DeGiorgio et al. 1992,

1996) suggest that prolonged seizure activity
48.2.1 EEG Diagnosis may cause damage to the brain. An association
between duration of status epilepticus and an
EEG is used in TBI patients to diagnose NCS, to unfavourable prognosis has been found (Young
differentiate epileptic and non-epileptic move- et al. 1996), and the chance of successful treat-
ments, to identify other toxic or metabolic con- ment is higher, and mortality is lower if immedi-
current factors in coma, and to diagnose locked-in ate treatment is instituted (Lowenstein and
state. EEG is most often the only way to diagnose Alldredge 1993; Towne et al. 1994). Wang et al.
NCSs and NCSE (Friedman et al. 2009). cEEG (2008) found that the presence of early seizures
monitoring in different groups of neurointensive in TBI patients is an independent risk factor for
patient has shown that a large fraction of patients poor outcome. Other studies have shown that sei-
suffers from NCS or NCSE, which could only be zures in TBI patients result in increases in intra-
diagnosed by EEG. cranial pressure and microdialysis lactate/
pyruvate ratio (Vespa et al. 2007). Furthermore,
NCSs and periodic discharges on EEG have been
48.2.2 Incidence of Seizures shown associated with the development of sec-
ondary brain injury (Vespa et  al. 2016). On the
Out of 13 TBI patients, 5 (38%) showed NCE other hand, aggressive antiepileptic treatment is
and 2 of those were in NCSE (Bergsneider et al. not without risk, as shown in a population of crit-
1997). Convulsive seizures within the first week ically ill elderly patients (Litt et al. 1998), empha-
of TBI have been estimated to occur in 4–14% of sizing that a correct diagnosis is important.
untreated patients (Annegers et al. 1980; Temkin Controlled outcome studies of the effects of
et al. 1990; Lee et al. 1995), and if NCSs are also cEEG and subsequent antiepileptic treatment of
taken into consideration, the incidence of sei- NCSs and NCSE have, however, not been done.
zures is higher (Friedman et al. 2009). Claassen
et  al. (2004) found NCSs in 18% of 51 TBI
patients, of which 8% were NCSE. Vespa (2005) 48.2.4 Technical Aspects
found 22% of patients with seizures, of which
half were NCSs. These figures may have been Sedatives, such as propofol cause EEG changes
affected by prophylactic anticonvulsant treat- including progressive slowing, burst suppression,
ment. In a study by Aquino et al. (2017), subclini- and suppression. Neurophysiology technicians
cal seizures were found in only 3.8% of the should be available for applying the electrodes
patients, probably because prophylactic anticon- and starting the monitoring. Bedside nurses and
vulsant treatment was used. Sutter et  al. (2011) neurointensivists should be trained in detection
showed that cEEG monitoring increases the fre- of suspicious EEG patterns and recognition of
quency of NCSE diagnosis in ICU patients. The usual artefacts and be able to prevent some of
use of continuous sedation with e.g. midazolam these, for example, by fixating an electrode.
may have further impact on the incidence of sei- Clinical neurophysiologists can perform further
zure activity (Olivecrona et al. 2009). analyses remotely by use of telemedicine at
another department or at home. Analyses of the
raw EEG from the huge amount of data generated
48.2.3 Are Non-convulsive Seizures by days of monitoring are not possible, and data
Harmful? analysing methods presenting compressed data in
the time or frequency domain are necessary.
Data from human (Lowenstein and Alldredge These methods should allow the clinical neuro-
1993; Towne et al. 1994; Young et al. 1996; Vespa physiologist to detect suspicious areas and subse-
et  al. 2010) and animal studies (Meldrum et  al. quently analyse the raw EEG of that area.
48  Clinical Neurophysiology: Continuous EEG Monitoring 329

48.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns Litt B, Wityk RJ, Hertz SH, Mullen PD, Weiss H, Ryan
DD, Henry TR.  Nonconvulsive status epilepticus in
the critically ill elderly. Epilepsia. 1998;39:1194–202.
NCSs and NCSE have also been described in Lowenstein DH, Alldredge BK.  Status epilepticus at
children with TBI (Jette et al. 2006). In a more an urban public hospital in the 1980s. Neurology.
recent study, cEEG identified seizures in 30% of 1993;43:483–8.
Meldrum BS, Vigouroux RA, Brierley JB. Systemic fac-
144 children with TBI, and more than half of tors and epileptic brain damage. Prolonged seizures
these had NCSE (O’Neil et al. 2015). in paralyzed, artificially ventilated baboons. Arch
Neurol. 1973;29:82–7.
Olivecrona M, et al. Absence of electroencephalographic
seizure activity in patients treated for head injury with
References an intracranial pressure-targeted therapy. J Neurosurg.
Annegers JF, Grabow JD, Groover RV, Laws ER Jr, O’Neill BR, Handler MH, Tong S, Chapman KE.
Elveback LR, Kurland LT. Seizures after head trauma: Incidence of seizures on continuous EEG monitor-
a population study. Neurology. 1980;30:683–9. ing following traumatic brain injury in children. J
Aquino L, Kang CY, Harada MY, Ko A, Do-Nguyen A, Neurosurg Pediatr. 2015;16(2):167–76. https://doi.
Ley EJ, Margulies DR, Alban RF. Is routine continuous org/10.3171/2014.12.PEDS14263. Epub 2015 May 8.
EEG for traumatic brain injury beneficial? Am Surg. PubMed PMID: 25955809.
2017;83(12):1433–7. PubMed PMID: 29336768. Sutter R, Fuhr P, Grize L, Marsch S, Rüegg S. Continuous
Bergsneider M, Hovda DA, Shalmon E, Kelly DF, Vespa video-EEG monitoring increases detection rate of
PM, Martin NA, Phelps ME, McArthur DL, Caron nonconvulsive status epilepticus in the ICU. Epilepsia.
MJ, Kraus JF, Becker DP.  Cerebral hyperglycolysis 2011;52:453–7.
following severe traumatic brain injury in humans: Temkin NR, Dikmen SS, Wilensky AJ, Keihm J, Chabal
a positron emission tomography study. J Neurosurg. S, Winn HR.  A randomized, double-blind study of
1997;86:241–51. phenytoin for the prevention of post-traumatic sei-
Claassen J, Mayer SA, Kowalski RG, Emerson RG, zures. N Engl J Med. 1990;323:497–502.
Hirsch LJ.  Detection of electrographic seizures with Towne AR, Pellock JM, Ko D, DeLorenzo
continuous EEG monitoring in critically ill patients. RJ.  Determinants of mortality in status epilepticus.
Neurology. 2004;62:1743–8. Epilepsia. 1994;35:27–34.
Claassen J, Taccone FS, Horn P, Holtkamp M, Stocchetti Vespa P. Continuous EEG monitoring for the detection of
N, Oddo M, Neurointensive Care Section of the seizures in traumatic brain injury, infarction, and intra-
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. cerebral hemorrhage: “to detect and protect”. J Clin
Recommendations on the use of EEG monitoring in Neurophysiol. 2005;22:99–106.
critically ill patients: consensus statement from the Vespa PM, Miller C, McArthur D, Eliseo M, Etchepare M,
neurointensive care section of the ESICM.  Intensive Hirt D, Glenn TC, Martin N, Hovda D. Nonconvulsive
Care Med. 2013;39(8):1337–51 . Epub 2013 May electrographic seizures after traumatic brain injury
8. Review. PubMed PMID: 23653183. https://doi. result in a delayed, prolonged increase in intracra-
org/10.1007/s00134-013-2938-4. nial pressure and metabolic crisis. Crit Care Med.
DeGiorgio CM, Tomiyasu U, Gott PS, Treiman 2007;35:2830–6.
DM. Hippocampal pyramidal cell loss in human status Vespa PM, McArthur DL, Xu Y, Eliseo M, Etchepare M,
epilepticus. Epilepsia. 1992;33:23–7. Dinov I, Alger J, Glenn TP, Hovda D. Nonconvulsive
DeGiorgio CM, Gott PS, Rabinowicz AL, Heck CN, Smith seizures after traumatic brain injury are associated with
TD, Correale JD. Neuron-specific enolase, a marker of hippocampal atrophy. Neurology. 2010;75(9):792–8
acute neuronal injury, is increased in complex partial . PubMed PMID: 20805525; PubMed Central
status epilepticus. Epilepsia. 1996;37:606–9. PMCID:PMC2938965.
Friedman D, Claassen J, Hirsch LJ. Continuous electro- WNL.0b013e3181f07334.
encephalogram monitoring in the intensive care unit. Vespa P, Tubi M, Claassen J, Buitrago-Blanco M,
Anesth Analg. 2009;109:506–23. McArthur D, Velazquez AG, Tu B, Prins M, Nuwer
Jette N, Claassen J, Emerson RG, Hirsch LJ. Frequency M.  Metabolic crisis occurs with seizures and peri-
and predictors of nonconvulsive seizures dur- odic discharges after brain trauma. Ann Neurol.
ing continuous electroencephalographic moni- 2016;79(4):579–90 . Epub 2016 Feb 28. PubMed
toring in critically ill children. Arch Neurol. PMID: 26814699.
2006;63:1750–5. Wang HC, Chang WN, Chang HW, Ho JT, Yang TM,
Krsek P, Mikulecká A, Druga R, Kubová H, Hlinák Z, Lin WC, Chuang YC, Lu CH.  Factors predictive
Suchomelová L, Mares P.  Long-term behavioral and of outcome in posttraumatic seizures. J Trauma.
morphological consequences of nonconvulsive status 2008;64:883–8.
epilepticus in rats. Epilepsy Behav. 2004;5:180–91. Young GB, Jordan KG, Doig GS. An assessment of non-
Lee ST, Lui TN, Wong CW, Yeh YS, Tzaan WC.  Early convulsive seizures in the intensive care unit using con-
seizures after moderate closed head injury. Acta tinuous EEG monitoring: an investigation of variables
Neurochir. 1995;137:151–4. associated with mortality. Neurology. 1996;47:83–9.
Imaging of Severe Traumatic Brain
Injury in the Neurointensive 49
Care Unit

Leif Hovgaard Sørensen and Kent Gøran Moen

Recommendations Early clinical MRI is important for prognosti-

cation, and if practically possible, all patients
Level I with severe TBI should be examined with MRI
within 2–4 weeks post injury.
There is insufficient data to support a level I rec- When traumatic cerebrovascular injury is sus-
ommendation for this topic. pected, a CT angiography should be performed
Level II

There is insufficient data to support a level II rec- 49.1 Overview

ommendation for this topic.
In severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), imaging is
Level III mandatory for visualizing the degree of injury as
well as the nature and location of the lesions in
Non-contrast-enhanced computer tomography the acute phase and in later phases as well
(NECT) is the preferred initial imaging modality (Duhaime et  al. 2010). Imaging is important in
in severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Follow-up triaging patients for acute intervention, for fol-
NECT should be based on results of the initial low-­up, and for evaluation of the long-term out-
scan and clinical course instead of routine serial come. In the acute phase, imaging with
imaging. non-contrast-enhanced computer tomography
(NECT) is still recommended as the most impor-
tant modality. However, early clinical MRI is rec-
L. H. Sørensen (*) ommended during the first 2–4  weeks after a
Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University severe TBI, for a more detailed injury evaluation
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
e-mail: and for better prognostication and planning of
rehabilitation. If a traumatic cerebrovascular
K. G. Moen
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, injury is suspected, a CT angiography (CTA)
Department of Neuromedicine and Movement should be performed immediately. Digital sub-
Science, Norwegian University of Science and traction angiography (DSA) is first considered
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway when a CTA is non-conclusive or if endovascular
Department of Radiology, Nord-Trøndelag Hospital therapy (EVT) is indicated.
Trust, Levanger Hospital, Levanger, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 331

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
332 L. H. Sørensen and K. G. Moen

proper treatment is initiated. Dividing injuries in

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls primary and secondary lesions is in many ways
• NECT is still the primary imaging arbitrary, as TBI rather should be seen as a
modality for severe TBI in the acute dynamic process (Gean and Fischbein 2010).
phase. Today, NECT is still the primary imaging
• Early follow-up NECT should be guided modality for TBI, due to widespread accessibil-
by the severity of the initial trauma, ity, compatibility with monitoring equipment,
results of the initial NECT, and serial clin- and fast scanning times with a quick clarification
ical examinations. Routine serial NECTs on whether neurosurgery is necessary or not.
only have therapeutic consequences for a Findings in the acute NECT are also known to
minority of the patients and seldom cause predict outcome in severe TBI (Englander et al.
changes in treatment strategy. 2003; Nelson et  al. 2010). NECT can precisely
• In severe TBI, a clinical MRI is recom- identify primary injuries and also early signs of
mended during the 2–4 first weeks after secondary injuries. But clinical MRI has a higher
the injury. sensitivity and specificity for detecting diffuse
• If a traumatic vascular injury is sus- axonal injuries (DAI), lesions in the brainstem,
pected, a CT angiography should be non-haemorrhagic contusions, small extra-axial
performed immediately. DSA should be haematomas, and lesions adjacent to bony struc-
reserved for cases where EVT is or may tures. Today’s literature supports that all patients
be indicated. who have suffered a severe TBI should be imaged
• Pitfalls with a clinical MRI during 2–4 weeks post injury
–– Not all acute extracerebral haemato- due to the prognostic value and the fact that
mas are of high density on CT: in NECT only shows “the tip of the iceberg” of all
severely anaemic patients and patients injuries after a TBI (Mutch et al. 2016; Cicuendez
with disseminated intravascular coag- et al. 2018; Moen et al. 2014).
ulation, subdural (SDH) and epidural If a traumatic vascular injury is suspected, a
(EDH) haematoma can be iso- or CTA should be performed immediately since
hypodense relative to the brain. medical treatment should be initiated early and
the indication for urgent DSA and possible
acute EVT must be clarified (Brommeland et al.
49.2 Background

TBI is defined as an alteration in brain function, 49.2.1 Skull Radiographs in TBI

or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by
an external force (Menon et  al. 2010). TBI is a Skull radiographs give no additional information
heterogeneous disease and span from primary to in the clinical management of acute TBI, and
secondary pathologies (Saatman et al. 2008). The most trauma centres no longer use skull x-rays as
primary injury happens at the time of accident a primary radiological modality since conven-
(i.e. focal contusions, haematomas, lacerations, tional radiographs cannot give precise informa-
fractures), while secondary pathologies develop tion on the intracranial injury (Parizel et  al.
over minutes, hours, or days after the primary 2005). Even in the initial assessment of paediat-
impact (i.e. hypoxic/hypotensive injury, brain ric mild TBI, skull x-rays have been abandoned
oedema, hydrocephalus, ischaemic lesions, sec- (Astrand et al. 2016). However, they are still used
ondary haemorrhages, infections, or leakage of in some centres in suspected non-accidental inju-
cerebrospinal fluid). Secondary injuries are ries as a part of the skeletal survey (Mutch et al.
potentially reversible or preventable if triage and 2016).
49  Imaging of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the Neurointensive Care Unit 333

49.2.2 Initial and Serial Non-contrast follow-up scans are important if the patient dete-
Computer Tomography riorates or after decompression of a mass lesion,
and Typical Findings since haemorrhagic contusions may grow signifi-
in Severe TBI cantly (Parizel et al. 2005).
Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage (tSAH)
NECT is still the primary initial imaging modal- is seen in approximately 60–80% of severe TBI
ity of choice in both moderate and severe TBI and is mainly located in sulci adjacent to contu-
patients in the acute phase, due to rapid scanning sions, but may also be found in the basal cisterns
times and efficient clarification of whether imme- as in aneurysmal SAH (Fukuda et  al. 1998). In
diate neurosurgical intervention is necessary these situations, it is important to find out whether
(Mutch et al. 2016; Parizel et al. 2005). NECT is the SAH is secondary to an aneurysm rupture or
also sensitive to skeletal injuries and foreign bod- is a true tSAH by performing a cerebral CTA. The
ies and is today accessible 24/7 in most hospitals. potential complications after tSAH are the same
Imaging findings from NECT have also shown to as for SAH following aneurysm rupture, such as
be useful in predicting clinical outcomes vascular spasms and hydrocephalus.
(Wintermark et al. 2015), and are important com- Subdural haematoma (SDH) is a bleeding in
ponents in the IMPACT prognostic models the space between the dura and the arachnoid,
(Steyerberg et al. 2008). If the clinical evaluation most commonly after rupture of bridging veins.
or initial scan suggests an ischaemic event or a SDH is reported in 12–29% of severe TBI patients
spontaneous aneurysmal rupture, the NECT (Bullock et al. 2006). SDH can cross the cranial
should be followed by an immediate CTA. sutures but not dural attachments, and thus a
A cerebral contusion is a focal area of brain SDH can never cross the midline. SDH is typi-
parenchymal disruption due to acute mechanical cally crescent shaped and hyperdense relative to
deformation. This is often due to impact of the the brain cortex in the acute phase (Kim and
brain parenchyma towards bony structures inside Gean 2011). At follow-up NECT after days to a
the skull, and the bulk of these lesions will fre- few weeks, it becomes increasingly isodense
quently be against the surface of the brain. In with the cerebral cortex, and in weeks to months,
NECT, cerebral contusions are reported in up to it becomes hypodense and will eventually reach
35% of patients with severe TBI (Iaccarino et al. attenuation values close to cerebrospinal fluid.
2014). Cerebral contusions are classified as Subdural collections with different ages in one
“coup” injuries when localized at the site of patient are not an uncommon finding (Fig. 49.1).
direct impact or “contrecoup” injuries when Large SDHs with mass effect and midline shift
localized on the opposite surface of the brain are usually removed as soon as possible with a
(Hijaz et  al. 2011). “Contrecoup” injuries are control NECT typically the following day. Small
typically larger in size than the “coup” injuries SDH with limited mass effect will often be
(Lolli et  al. 2016). Cerebral contusions can be treated conservatively, where follow-up scans
haemorrhagic or non-haemorrhagic and often must be considered due to risk of rebleeding or
scattered with normal tissue in between. increment in size over time.
Traumatic parenchymal haemorrhage or intrace- Epidural haematoma (EDH) is a bleeding
rebral haemorrhage can sometimes be difficult to between the skull and dura, most often from a lac-
differ from cerebral contusions, but are often erated meningeal artery, and is reported in up to
defined as a collection of confluent, relatively 22% of severe TBI patients (Leitgeb et al. 2013).
homogeneous blood within the brain paren- EDHs are nearly always associated with a skull
chyma, typically with a more deep location in the fracture and most often seen in the frontotemporal
brain. Cerebral contusions are most often located regions. They are typically biconcave and do not
in the anteroinferior frontal and temporal lobes cross cranial sutures but can cross the midline. In
and gyri near the Sylvian fissures. Cerebral con- the acute phase, EDHs are hyperdense, but if
tusions may not be seen on the initial NECT, and NECT is performed in the hyperacute phase with
334 L. H. Sørensen and K. G. Moen

an ongoing bleeding, the fresh blood will appear within a short time, and close observation is nec-
dark known as the “swirl sign” (Parizel et  al. essary with a liberal appreciation for follow-up
2005). EDH can expand to a life-­threatening size NECT (Fig. 49.2).
Also remember that not all acute extracerebral
haematomas are of high density on NECT: in
severely anaemic patients and patients with dis-
seminated intravascular coagulation, SDH or
EDH can be iso- or hypodense relative to the
Repeat head NECT is a standard practice for
TBI patients at many trauma centres, but so far
there is lack of consensus in the literature regard-
ing indications and at what time point(s) the fol-
low-­up scans should be done (Wang et al. 2006).
Instead of routinely performing serial NECT, it is
recommended that follow-up imaging should be
based on the results of the initial scan and the
clinical course (Smith et al. 2007). Routine use of
CT follow-up without a clear indication should
be avoided, as transportation from the ICU will
expose these often critically ill patients to a sig-
nificant risk for complications like haemody-
namic changes, desaturation, and increased
intracranial pressure (Lee et  al. 1997). A recent
Fig. 49.1  NECT image showing subdural haematomas
systematic review with subgroup analyses based
(SDHs) with different age with acute SDH (thin arrows), on injury severity also concluded that repeat head
chronic SDH (fat arrow), and subacute SDH (open arrow) NECT caused a change in management only for a

a b

Fig. 49.2  Acute epidural haematoma (EDH), (a): NECT 35 min after injury. (b): NECT 10 min after the initial scan
showing significantly increased size of the EDH. Also note the skull fracture (asterisk)
49  Imaging of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the Neurointensive Care Unit 335

a b

Fig. 49.3 (a) CT 1 h after a severe head injury. (b) 12 h later. The basal cistern is increasingly compressed (fat arrows).
Note occurrence of a small EDH (thin arrow)

minority of the patients (Reljic et al. 2014), indi- therapy (Bendinelli et al. 2013). CTP can visualize
cating that serial, predetermined NECT may not both focal and diffuse brain injuries and help in the
be as important as earlier thought. However, a prediction of progressing brain contusions and
follow-up scanning is mandatory whenever the outline areas of risk of secondary injuries (Soustiel
clinical status of a TBI patient is worsening, as et al. 2008). In cerebral contusions, cerebral blood
this might be due to increased intracranial pres- flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) are
sure due to an expanding haematoma, increased typically low, while mean transit time (MTT) is
cerebral oedema, development of hydrocephalus, significantly prolonged. For more details on CTP,
or other conditions that might need urgent neuro- we refer to Chap. 44 in this book (Fig. 44.1).
surgical intervention (Fig. 49.3).

49.2.4 Clinical MRI and Timing of MRI

49.2.3 Computer Tomography in Severe TBI
Perfusion (CTP) in Severe TBI
Already in 1986, Jenkins et al. proved that even
CT perfusion (CTP) imaging is a bolus tracking low-field MRI can visualize nearly twice as many
technique, which can provide valuable informa- abnormalities as NECT after TBI (Jenkins et al.
tion in the evaluation of tissue viability, as it can 1986), e.g. DAI and small extra-axial collections.
help to distinguish areas with preserved and Because of a better spatial and contrast resolu-
impaired autoregulation. This technique has tion, MRI is far more sensitive than NECT, espe-
shown to predict long-term outcome in severe TBI cially in detection of DAI, lesions in the
and characterize traumatic ischaemic conse- brainstem, non-haemorrhagic contusions, small
quences or clarify differential diagnoses of isch- extra-axial haematomas, and lesions adjacent to
aemic nature also with regard to guiding stroke bony structures that can be obscured by bony
336 L. H. Sørensen and K. G. Moen

artefacts on NECT (Parizel et  al. 2005; Gentry SWI is a high-resolution, velocity-­
1994). MRI in general gives a better overview compensated, 3D gradient echo sequence based
over all parenchymal injuries in the brain, where on both magnitude and phase data. SWI is highly
NECT sometimes is normal or only shows the sensitive and can reveal four to six times more
“tip of the iceberg” of lesions (Fig. 49.4). microhaemorrhages than T2∗GRE, mainly
A clinical MRI protocol in TBI should at least because SWI include phase information (Gean
consist of T1-weighted, T2-weighted (T2W), and Fischbein 2010; Sehgal et  al. 2005; Tong
T2W fluid-attenuated inversion recovery et al. 2003). FLAIR and DWI are sequences sen-
(FLAIR), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), sitive for depicting non-haemorrhagic lesions.
and T2∗ gradient echo (GRE) or SWI The FLAIR sequence is a spin echo sequence
weighted imaging) sequences. where the high signal from the cerebrospinal
T2∗GRE and SWI are gradient echo sequences, fluid (CSF) is suppressed by use of long inversion
both of which are sensitive for paramagnetic and time so that lesions adjacent to the CSF will be
diamagnetic substances, such as methaemoglo- easier to detect (Ashikaga et  al. 1997). White
bin, deoxyhaemoglobin, haemosiderin, and other matter hyperintensities (WMHs) or non-­
blood products (Fig. 49.5). haemorrhagic lesions depicted in FLAIR follow-

a b c

Fig. 49.4  A young male admitted with severe TBI after a (b), hyperintense lesions are shown in the subcortical
road traffic accident. CT at admission (a) showed no white matter (dashed arrow), in the corpus callosum
trauma-related pathology, but early clinical MRI within (marked with ring), and in the mesencephalon (arrow). In
1  week after the injury showed extensive diffuse axonal the transversal SWI sequence (c), multiple microhaemor-
injury, classified as grade 3. In the sagittal FLAIR sequence rhages are shown bifrontally (marked with rings)

a b c d

Fig. 49.5  MRI after a severe TBI with Glasgow Coma with rings. On the SWI image (c), additional DAI are
Scale score of 4. (a) T2 FLAIR image. (b) T2∗GRE marked with small arrows. Note the small SDH (dashed
image. (c) SWI image. (d) DWI image. DAI, which are arrows) which was not visible on NECT
visible on all of the shown MR sequences, are marked
49  Imaging of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the Neurointensive Care Unit 337

ing TBI, represent oedema in the acute stage and other important advantages: The TBI patient is
encephalomalacia or gliosis due to scarring in the typical young with hopefully many years ahead,
chronic stage (Parizel et  al. 2005). Diffusion-­ they have injured the most important and com-
weighted imaging (DWI) is based on changes in plex organ in the body, and a thorough injury
the Brownian movements of water molecules in evaluation with the most optimal modality seems
the brain, quantified by applying different justified. An early MRI can contribute to a more
amounts of diffusion weighting, thereby creating tailored discharge planning and rehabilitation
a map that indicates if there are areas in the brain (Wintermark et al. 2015), give a more correct or
with restricted or increased diffusion (Schaefer precise diagnosis, and thus be important for eco-
2001). This method was first used in stroke imag- nomical/insurance issues. An early MRI will bet-
ing but has also shown to be important for prog- ter explain symptoms, signs, and/or findings that
nostication in TBI (Huisman et al. 2003; Shakir cannot be clarified with NECT.  Another advan-
et al. 2016). For more details on the clinical MRI tage with MRI is the lack of ionizing radiation,
protocol and details on the different sequences opposed to NECT, which in particular is benefi-
and prognostication, we refer to Chap. 85 in this cial for this patient group with many young adults
book. and children.
As mentioned, clinical MRI outperforms We acknowledge that early clinical MRI in
NECT in detection of parenchymal lesions, and ICU patients is demanding since it is difficult to
clinical MRI has also for many years been rec- observe and treat critically injured patients in the
ommended as the primary imaging modality in MR scanner. Even with modern equipment, MRI
subacute and chronic stages of TBI due to this is more time-consuming than NECT; a complete
higher sensitivity (Parizel et al. 2005; Hesselink whole body NECT can be completed in less than
et al. 1988). However, clinical MRI has first been a minute. On the other hand, an MRI with all the
recommended when symptoms or findings could relevant sequences will usually take between 30
not be explained by the NECT. A recent system- and 45 min (Maas et al. 2017). This longer imag-
atic review concludes that early assessment of ing time can be a significant problem in ICU
deep cerebral structures with MRI in moderate patients. These patients often have equipment for
and severe TBI is important for prognostication monitoring and treatment, and to be able to per-
(Haghbayan et al. 2017). Since some prognosti- form early MRI, it is crucial that all equipment is
cally important lesions may disappear during the MRI compatible. This also applies to other metal-
first weeks post injury, imaging in the early phase lic foreign bodies (i.e. shrapnel), devices, or
has been regarded important (Brandstack et  al. implants (i.e. old aneurysm clip and pacemak-
2006; Moen et  al. 2012). Microhaemorrhagic ers). MRI is contraindicated until MRI compati-
lesions also to some degree attenuate in the bility is clarified. Early clinical MRI is
chronic stages, even though one study suggests challenging for the neuroanaesthesiologist, and
that lesions in SWI actually may grow between 1 imaging and accordingly time point for imaging
and 7  days after the trauma (Toth et  al. 2016). must therefore be arranged in close
Due to these dynamic processes, recent studies collaboration.
indicate that if it is practically possible, a clinical
MRI should routinely be performed within
2–4  weeks after the trauma in all patients with 49.2.5 Advanced MRI Methods
moderate to severe TBI (Mutch et  al. 2016; and the Role of Artificial
Cicuendez et  al. 2018; Moen et  al. 2014). MRI Intelligence (AI) in TBI
has also shown to depict a significantly larger
number of clinically meaningful lesions com- More advanced MRI techniques like MR spec-
pared to NECT in the general ICU population troscopy, diffusion tensor imaging, diffusion kur-
(Algethamy et  al. 2015). Besides the important tosis imaging, and functional MRI are seldom
prognostic role of an early MRI, there are also indicated in the acute or ICU phase of TBI and
338 L. H. Sørensen and K. G. Moen

therefore not further described in this chapter. almost all clinically significant BCVIs and very
However, these techniques can be indicated in the few strokes have been observed when CTA is
subacute or chronic stages after TBI or in research normal. Catheter angiography or DSA is still
protocols (Hunter et  al. 2012; Hulkower et  al. considered the gold standard in BCVI, but it is
2013). We refer to later chapters for more infor- impractical as a primary screening tool, since the
mation on some of these techniques and their expanded Denver criteria also make more patients
applicability in severe TBI. eligible for imaging and DSA is time-consuming
In the future, also artificial intelligence (AI) and only accessible at larger trauma centres and
will probably be more important in the image carries a higher risk for procedure-related com-
evaluation in TBI.  Since AI methods currently plications (Brommeland et al. 2018). MRI tech-
are not routinely in use, they will not be further nology and availability have also greatly
described, but methods are under development improved over the last decades with a compara-
for both cerebral microbleeds (van den Heuvel ble sensitivity and specificity to CTA (Fig. 49.6).
et  al. 2016) and white matter hyperintensities But MR angiography is too impractical and time-­
(Stone et al. 2016) in TBI research. consuming as an initial screening tool in this
patient group (Brommeland et al. 2018).
Arterial dissection is the most frequent cere-
49.2.6 Traumatic Cerebrovascular brovascular lesion after head and neck trauma
Injuries and Endovascular followed by vascular transections, arteriovenous
Therapy (EVT) in Severe TBI fistulas, formation of pseudoaneurysms, incar-
cerations with a vessel trapped between bony
Traumatic cerebrovascular injuries are divided fragments, and thrombosis. Dissection is defined
into blunt cerebrovascular injuries (BCVIs) and as an intramural haematoma mainly associated
penetrating cerebrovascular injuries. The latter with an intimal tear allowing the arterial blood to
will not be further described in this chapter. pass under the intima and propagate distally
BCVI has traditionally been considered as rare, resulting in stenosis, irregularity of the vessel
but in severe TBI, the incidence is reported to be lumen, and in some cases arterial dilatation (Zhao
over 9% (Esnault et  al. 2017). A recent clinical et al. 2007). On CTA and DSA, the typical dis-
guideline suggests using the expanded Denver section will present as a stenosis followed by a
screening criteria (Geddes et  al. 2016), and for
those fulfilling these criteria, an immediate CT
angiography (CTA) is recommended
(Brommeland et  al. 2018). CTA should be an
option in all trauma centres, since it is fast and
easy to perform. The scan should include carotid
and vertebral arteries from the aortic arch through
the base of the skull including the circle of Willis.
If BCVI is shown in the CTA, early antithrom-
botic treatment is advised as soon as considered
safe in addition to a re-examination with CTA at
7 days, either to confirm or to discard the diagno-
sis. The antithrombotic therapy should be contin-
ued for at least 3 months, and a final CTA control
at 3 months should be performed. Further treat-
ment will be individually dependent on the fol-
Fig. 49.6  Internal carotid artery (ICA) dissection. On
low-­up imaging. this axial T1-weighted image, the false lumen is visible as
In the above mentioned guideline, CTA is rec- a crescent-shaped, white structure (double arrow). The
ommended as a screening tool since CTA detects left ICA is normal (single arrow)
49  Imaging of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the Neurointensive Care Unit 339

tapering of the vessel lumen. Sometimes an inti- delay of days to weeks. The clinical findings are
mal flap indicating a true and a false lumen is vis- related to increased venous pressure with pulsat-
ible. Traumatic arterial dissection will improve or ing exophthalmos, vascular bruit, impaired motil-
resolve spontaneously in only 55% compared ity of the eye, glaucoma, dilated veins, and
with 85% in spontaneous dissections chemosis. DSA can give the definitive diagnosis
(Sturzenegger 1995). There is a risk of total as it will show early opacification of the cavern-
occlusion in 20% (Rao et al. 2011). The primary ous sinus and dilated draining veins. If an aneu-
treatment is anticoagulation therapy in order to rysm ruptures into the sphenoid sinus, it can
avoid thromboembolic complications. It is also result in a life-threatening epistaxis (Fig. 49.8).
important to preserve the patency of the vessel. EVT is the preferred method in treatment of
Endovascular therapy (EVT) with stenting, ves- traumatic aneurysms. One possibility is trapping
sel occlusion, or surgery is indicated in patients of the aneurysm using coils or balloons, thereby
that remain symptomatic on medical therapy or sacrificing the parent artery. This is an effective
where anticoagulation is contraindicated; the lat- and fairly safe procedure, provided that there are
ter might be the case in trauma patients. sufficient collaterals. ICA aneurysms in the cav-
Traumatic aneurysms represent only 1% of all ernous sinus can be treated using a closed stent,
intracranial aneurysms (20% in paediatric cases) as that segment of ICA is without branches. A CC
with internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysms in fistula may also be treated with EVT by placing
the cavernous segment as the most frequent type, coils or balloons in the fistula. If the embolic
representing nearly 50%; they are often associ- material cannot be placed safely, trapping of the
ated with skull base fractures (Krings et al. 2008). fistula can treat the lesion.
An aneurysm can give rise to compression of the
cranial nerves running in the cavernous sinus  –
most often the abducens nerve, as it is located in 49.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
the same compartment as ICA (Fig. 49.7).
If the aneurysm ruptures, it can give rise to a The general imaging recommendations indicated
carotid-cavernous fistula (CC fistula), which is a above are also valid in paediatric severe
direct communication between the intracavern- TBI.  NECT is still regarded the modality of
ous part of the ICA and the venous cavernous choice in the acute phase (Suskauer and Huisman
sinus. This can happen immediately or after a 2009), even though there are some small studies

a b c

Fig. 49.7  Pseudoaneurysm following a severe TBI. The before EVT and (c) after treatment with a closed stent.
patient presented with right-sided abducens palsy. (a) The patient is without any symptoms post stenting
MRA showing a pseudoaneurysm (arrow). (b) DSA
340 L. H. Sørensen and K. G. Moen

a b

Fig. 49.8  A traumatic intracavernous aneurysm presenting with severe epistaxis 2 weeks after a traffic accident. (a)
before EVT (arrow). (b) after coiling

with acute MRI in the paediatric TBI population References

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Serum Protein Biomarkers
in the Management of Severe 50
Traumatic Brain Injury

Eric Peter Thelin, David W. Nelson, Johan Undén,

Ramona Åstrand, and Bo-Michael Bellander

Recommendations Level II

Level I Retrospective and prospective clinical studies,

using S100B in the management of severe trau-
There is insufficient data to support Level 1 rec- matic brain injury (TBI), have indicated a robust
ommendations for this topic. capability to monitor ongoing injury and to predict

E. P. Thelin (*) B.-M. Bellander

Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University
Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Cambridge, UK e-mail:
D. W. Nelson
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology,
Section of Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
J. Undén
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,
Hallands Hospital, Halmstad, Sweden
Department of Operation and Intensive Care,
Hallands Hospital, Halmstad, Sweden
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
R. Åstrand
Department of Neurosurgery, Rigshospitalet,
Copenhagen University Hospital,
Copenhagen, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 343

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
344 E. P. Thelin et al.

outcome. Furthermore, there is evidence from pro-

spective trials of improved outcome prediction Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
using glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), ubiq- • Serum levels of protein biomarkers are
uitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1), potent outcome predictors - but kinetics
neuron-specific enolase (NSE), and neurofilament are important, as first day samples are
light (NF-L) in the management of severe TBI. usually stronger in outcome models.
• Serial sampling of protein biomarkers in
Level III neurocritical care TBI patients act as a
global marker for novel brain lesions.
Several other protein biomarkers show encourag- • While brain enriched, some proteins
ing results in outcome prediction and injury strat- like S100B and UCH-L1 seem to be
ification and to monitor injury processes and may released from extracranial tissues as
thus act as a secondary endpoint to determine well.
clinical efficacy in clinical trials, but more con- • A panel of brain biomarkers increases
trolled, prospective, and randomized trials are outcome prediction - use markers of dif-
needed. ferent cellular origin and temporal

50.1 Overview

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most

common causes of death and acquired disabil- 50.2 Background
ity, increasing in frequency worldwide causing
vast burdens on the affected as well as on soci- Organ-enriched proteins as markers of tissue fate
ety (Hyder et al. 2007; Roozenbeek et al. 2013). (“biomarkers”) in serum are used in several med-
The mainstay diagnostics for admitted severe ical specialties, such as cardiology (troponin) and
TBI patients remains to be radiological imag- gastroenterology (pancreas amylase). Similarly,
ing, preferably computerized tomography (CT), by measuring proteins in serum that are specifi-
to rule out space-occupying mass lesions which cally brain enriched, i.e., not present to any
may require surgical evacuation. While current greater extent in other tissues, one could in theory
TBI guidelines exist (Carney et al. 2017), they assess the amount of brain parenchyma that is
provide little solid evidence as how to monitor affected following TBI.  Unlike focal monitors,
the brain, and there are few metrics used apart brain biomarkers are “global” monitors and are
from intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring. currently not able to discriminate where in the
The ongoing pathophysiology in the aftermath CNS the injury is located, other than that of dif-
of severe TBI is complex, and development of ferent cellular origins and possibly lesion types.
secondary injuries is common. Additional However, this lack of regional specificity may be
methods, such as partial brain oxygen pressure mitigated by their sensitivity to capture lesion
and microdialysis catheters only monitor focal development.
brain regions and measurements from them, Leading authors in the field have identified the
which may be difficult to extrapolate to the desired properties of an ideal brain biomarker
entire brain. Because of this, there is a need for (Bakay and Ward 1983; Kleindienst et  al. 2007;
more readily available objective markers of Papa et al. 2008), e.g., a passive release from the
brain tissue fate after severe TBI, in order to injured central nervous system (CNS) to blood, an
predict injury severity and functional outcome, unlimited passage through the blood-brain barrier,
monitor deterioration, and determine treatment the ability to demonstrate both sensitivity and spec-
efficacy. ificity for CNS injury, a lack of effect on cells in the
50  Serum Protein Biomarkers in the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 345

CNS, and a rapid appearance in accessible biologi- marker serially, outcome prediction, as well as
cal fluids. Currently in the biomarker literature, acting as a surrogate endpoint in drug trials where
none of the introduced candidates fulfill all pro- higher levels would assume more affected brain
posed criteria. However, extensive research in the tissue. All these areas will be addressed in this
last decade has greatly increased the understanding chapter for the clinically most used protein bio-
of these proteins and improved their clinical utility markers today. While some of these proteins have
(Thelin et  al. 2016a, 2017a; Brophy et  al. 2011). been shown to provide relevant information if
Because of this, several protein biomarker candi- measured in cerebrospinal fluid, this chapter will
dates have been introduced and are currently used focus exclusively on the utility of serum levels.
locally in the management of TBI patients. However, serum levels are more likely to be
In severe TBI, there are several areas where influenced by extracranial injuries, especially in
biomarkers could be of use, including when dif- poly-/multitrauma situations, which will be high-
ferentiating between different types of injury, lighted. A summary of some characteristics for
patient stratification in trials, detecting and moni- the biomarkers presented in this chapter is avail-
toring secondary injury when sampling the bio- able in Table 50.1.

Table 50.1  An overview of the protein biomarkers presented in this chapter and some of their characteristics
Other tissue expressing Estimated effective
Predominant cellular protein (according to the serum half-life in
Protein origin in the central Human Protein Atlas) severe TBI (Thelin Properties as a biomarker in
biomarker nervous system (Sjostedt et al. 2015) et al. 2017a) moderate-to-severe TBI
S100B Perivascular Colon (ganglion), breast About 24 h – Most studied protein
astrocytes (myoepithelial cells), biomarker in TBI
adipose tissue, peripheral – Extracranial contribution
nerves, skin in serum early after
– Rapid clinical assays
NSE Neurons Pancreas (islets of About 48 h – Well-studied biomarker
Langerhans), erythrocytes, – Hemolysis in sample
colon (ganglion), peripheral should be adjusted for
nerves (as well as extracranial
– Rapid clinical assays
GFAP Astrocyte Not detected About 48 h – Brain-enriched
cytoskeleton biomarker
– Lacks rapid clinical
UCH-L1 Neurons Pancreas (islets of About 10 h – Few studies
Langerhans), colon – Lacks rapid clinical
(ganglion), kidney, testis, assays
peripheral nerves
NF-L Neurons and axons Not detected >2 weeks – Few studies
– Seem to present a
pathophysiology with
constantly increasing
– Lacks rapid clinical
346 E. P. Thelin et al.

50.3 C
 linically Used Protein with outcome, as compared to earlier levels
Biomarkers in TBI (Thelin et  al. 2016a). Presumably, but not deci-
sively, this is due to an influence of the extracra-
50.3.1 S100B nial contribution early after trauma and a better
discrimination between patients with and without
S100B is a relatively small protein (9–14  kDa) secondary brain injury development at about 24 h
primarily present in perivascular astrocytes in the post trauma (Thelin et al. 2017b).
CNS.  It belongs to a family of intracellular,
calcium-­ binding proteins and has a range of S  erial Sampling to Monitor
intra- and extracellular properties, both poten- Secondary Injury
tially beneficial and detrimental (Donato et  al. Development
2009). S100B is used as a marker for malignant Serial sampling of S100B is often performed in
melanoma treatment efficacy (Egberts et  al. studies of NCCU TBI patients. The true serum
2009), but has attracted a lot of interest for its half-life of S100B is relatively short; in post-­
role as a screening tool to rule out lesions in mild cardiac surgery patients, the half-life has been
TBI (Unden et al. 2013) and is the most studied shown to be as short as 25  min (Jonsson et  al.
protein biomarker in severe TBI in terms of 2000). This contrasts severe TBI patients, where
publications. the assumed ongoing injury and multi-­
compartmental release results in a slow release Extracranial Contribution and an effective half-life of about 24 h (excluding
The protein S100B is extensively expressed by that sampled immediately after trauma) (Thelin
non-CNS tissue; S100B mRNA is expressed only et al. 2017a). Studies have shown that serial sam-
1.44 times more in the cerebral cortex than in adi- pling of S100B is useful to detect any secondary
pose tissue (Sjostedt et  al. 2015) but also lesion development in patients with severe TBI
expressed in cells such as chondrocytes, Schwann (Thelin et  al. 2014; Unden et  al. 2007; Korfias
cells, melanocytes, and myocytes (Haimoto et al. et al. 2007; Raabe et al. 2004; Raabe and Seifert
1987). This is probably why trauma patients 1999; Olivecrona et  al. 2015). In a cohort of
without brain injury also may have high serum n = 250 NCCU TBI patients, it was found that if
levels of S100B (Unden et  al. 2005a; Anderson S100B is sampled every 12  h, a secondary
et  al. 2001; Thelin et  al. 2016b; Pfortmueller increase of even 0.05  μg/L is 89% specific and
et al. 2016). However, it has been shown that the 80% sensitive of CNS lesion development on
extracerebral contribution of S100B is relatively future CT scans (Thelin et al. 2014). This could
low (Pham et al. 2010) and likely affects the total not be detected using conventional NCCU moni-
levels of S100B primarily the first 12  h after toring. Similarly, Raabe et al. found in a cohort of
injury (Thelin et al. 2016a). severe TBI and SAH patients that in 21% of
cases, a secondary increase of S100B was the Outcome Prediction first sign of developing neurological complica-
In a systematic review article from 2013 (Mercier tions, prompting further diagnostic work-up
et  al. 2013), it was concluded that S100B was (Raabe et al. 2004).
associated with outcome in TBI, but that ade-
quate cutoff levels to discriminate mortality/ Injury Differentiation
unfavorable outcome were difficult to determine. Different intracranial lesions result in different
Research from our own group shows similar temporal profiles of S100B in serum (Herrmann
results (Thelin et al. 2013, 2016a), but also high- et al. 2000). The highest levels of S100B are seen
lights that the predictive accuracy of S100B var- in large parenchymal lesions or damages where
ies significantly over time after brain trauma. more brain is affected, as well as in escalating
Levels acquired in the range of 12–36  h after contusion size (Thelin et  al. 2013; Herrmann
trauma exhibit a clearly increased correlation et  al. 2000; Raabe et  al. 1998). In comparison,
50  Serum Protein Biomarkers in the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 347

epidural hematomas and diffuse axonal injury 48 h post trauma (Thelin et al. 2016a). Another
with limited parenchymal involvement usually extracranial source of NSE is erythrocytes, and
present with limited levels (Unden et al. 2005b; hemolysis may complicate interpretation in clini-
Ljungqvist et  al. 2017). S100B has also been cal scenarios as it leads to increasing levels of
shown to be associated with higher degree of dis- NSE in serum (Gao et al. 1997; Johnsson et al.
ruption of functional resting-state connectivity 2000). An equation, involving red blood cell
measured using functional magnetic resonance count and free hemoglobin, has been suggested
imaging (fMRI) (Thompson et  al. 2016). in order to adjust for the “false” increase contrib-
Moreover, it has been shown that higher uted by hemolysis (Tolan et al. 2013), but modern
Rotterdam (Maas et  al. 2005) and Stockholm clinical assays usually discard the sample if the
(Nelson et  al. 2010) computerized tomography free hemoglobin levels have increased above a
(CT) scores are related to higher levels of S100B certain threshold (Rundgren et al. 2014).
(Thelin et al. 2016a), exemplifying its utility as a
marker for injury differentiation. Outcome Prediction
In a systematic review article from 2016, it was Surrogate Endpoint concluded that serum NSE levels were associated
in Clinical Studies with outcome and mortality in TBI; however no
Studies have investigated S100B as a secondary clear thresholds could be identified (Mercier
endpoint metric (i.e., as a marker of brain tissue et  al. 2016). Furthermore, outcome prediction
fate). For example, in two randomized trials of seems less sensitive by the timing of sampling
erythropoietin (EPO), TBI patients in one trial after trauma (at least within 48  h after TBI)
showed lower levels in the treatment group as (Thelin et  al. 2016a), as compared to
compared to placebo, indicative of the treatment S100B. Moreover, if NSE is added to multivari-
efficacy (Li et al. 2016), while the other did not able outcome prediction models also including
show any significant difference between treat- S100B, it provides limited additional information
ment groups (Nirula et  al. 2010). These studies (Thelin et  al. 2016a), suggesting that, despite
corroborated biomarker levels with the functional their differing cellular origins, they represent a
outcome reported by the studies. This suggests similar pathophysiology.
possible utility for S100B to act as a surrogate
endpoint for treatment efficacy in clinical trials. S  erial Sampling to Monitor
Secondary Injury
50.3.2 Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE) The effective serum half-life of NSE is longer
than for S100B, suggested to be 30 h in extracor-
NSE is a 46 kDa phosphopyruvate hydratase, an poreal circulation patients without ongoing brain
enzyme of glycolysis, present in, among other injury (Johnsson et  al. 2000). In moderate-to-­
cells, the neuronal soma. Apart from being used severe TBI patients, where there might be a con-
to assess the severity of TBI, it is also a marker tinued release of NSE from the injured brain, a
for neuro-endocrinal tumors and is a metric to systematic review indicated that the effective
assess outcome following cardiac arrest half-life is somewhere closer to 48  h (Thelin
(Cronberg et al. 2011; Herman et al. 1989). It is et al. 2017a). This makes it more difficult to cor-
the second most studied biomarker in severe TBI relate secondary increases of NSE with imminent
following S100B. neurological deterioration. However, patients
Despite its name, NSE is expressed not only in with secondary brain injuries have been shown to
neurons, but to a large extent in other tissues, present more increasing trajectories of NSE in
such as endocrine and gastro-intestinal (Sjostedt serum (Woertgen et  al. 1997; McKeating et  al.
et al. 2015). In TBI patients, extracranial injuries 1998), but there is still insufficient data to suggest
have been shown to influence levels of NSE up to a threshold for secondary injury development.
348 E. P. Thelin et al. Injury Differentiation Outcome Prediction

Different trajectories have been suggested for dif- According to a meeting abstract from 2012 pre-
ferent types of intracranial pathologies (Herrmann senting a systematic review of 7 studies (Laroche
et  al. 2000), with more elevated levels in more et al. 2012), higher levels of GFAP are associated
“diffuse” injuries as classified by Marshall CT with less favorable outcome. More recent pro-
classification (Raabe et  al. 1998; McKeating spective studies have shown similar results
et al. 1998; Marshall et al. 1991). We have shown (Takala et al. 2016; Lei et al. 2015), but no defini-
that with escalating levels of intracranial severity, tive cutoffs for unfavorable outcome have been
based on Rotterdam and Stockholm CT scoring suggested.
systems, NSE significantly increases, albeit this
was not as robust as with S100B (Thelin et  al. S  erial Sampling to Monitor
2016a). Secondary Injury
Development Surrogate Endpoint Similar to NSE, the effective half-life for GFAP
in Clinical Studies in serum is longer than for S100B, close to 48 h
Similar to S100B, NSE has been used as a surro- on average (Thelin et al. 2017a). To our knowl-
gate marker of treatment effect in both trials of edge, there are no studies that have looked spe-
EPO and saline dextran fluid resuscitation (vs. cifically at the development of secondary injuries
crystalloid fluids) (Li et  al. 2016; Baker et  al. by monitoring GFAP, albeit prolonged increases
2009), suggesting its utility as a marker of brain of serum GFAP levels seem to be associated with
tissue fate in TBI trials. a more unfavorable outcome and increased ICP
(Thelin et  al. 2017a; Pelinka et  al. 2004). In a
cohort of milder TBI, Papa et  al. noted that
50.3.3 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein patients in need of neurosurgical interventions
(GFAP) had higher levels of GFAP (peaking at 4.0–
6.0  ng/mL at 8–24  h following injury) and
GFAP is an intermediate filament protein (50– returned to the same levels as the patient that did
55 kDa), present almost exclusively in astrocytes not need intervention (<1.0  ng/mL) 84  h after
in the adult CNS. Except for brain injury research trauma (Papa et al. 2016).
and management, there are no other current areas
of serum GFAP levels in clinical medicine. Injury Differentiation
Several studies indicate that GFAP levels are Extracranial Contribution higher in mass lesions as compared to diffuse
GFAP is one of the most brain-enriched proteins, injury (according to Marshall CT classifications)
expressing mRNA levels in cortex that are 374.81 (Pelinka et  al. 2004; Mondello et  al. 2011), see
times more common in the brain compared to the below for comments concerning a “glial/neuro-
second most enriched tissue (adipose tissue) nal ratio”. An association between escalating CT
(Sjostedt et  al. 2015). However, studies have scoring severity (Stockholm and Rotterdam CT
shown that both severe and mild TBI patients with scores) and increasing GFAP serum levels has
extracranial trauma exhibit increased levels of been shown (Thelin et al. 2019).
GFAP in blood compared to isolated TBI patients
(Papa et al. 2014; Pelinka et al. 2004), supported Surrogate Endpoint
by a recent study that indicated elevated levels in in Clinical Studies
orthopedic trauma patients (Posti et  al. 2017). To the best of our knowledge, there are no pub-
Nevertheless, the extracranial contribution seems lished studies using GFAP to assess treatment
limited if compared with S100B and NSE. efficacy in TBI trials.
50  Serum Protein Biomarkers in the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 349

50.3.4 Ubiquitin Carboxy-Terminal that UCH-L1 levels during the first 12  h after
Hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) trauma were substantially higher in patients that
needed neurosurgical intervention than in patients
UCH-L1 is an enzyme (25 kDa) that hydrolyzes that did not (approximately 5.5  ng/mL vs.
small C-terminal adducts of ubiquitin in order to <1.0 ng/mL) (Papa et al. 2016).
generate the ubiquitin monomer in neurons.
While it might have a role to play as a marker for Injury Differentiation
chronic liver disease (Wilson et al. 2015), it is inUCH-L1 has been shown to be moderately increased
the field of TBI where most research has been in diffuse brain injury categories, as defined by
done in the last 10 years. Marshall CT classification, when compared to more
focal injuries (Mondello et al. 2011). Mondello and Extracranial Contribution co-workers have suggested a “glial/neuronal ratio”
UCH-L1 has been suggested to be a highly brain-­ based on the serum GFAP:UCH-L1 ratio (Mondello
enriched protein, but is expressed to a large et  al. 2012b). They hypothesize GFAP to be a
degree in the kidney, colon, and testis as well “focal” injury marker, which when combined with
(Sjostedt et  al. 2015). Further, there are studies the marker of diffuse injury, UCH-L1, may be used
showing increased serum levels of UCH-L1  in to create a ratio describing the relation of injury bur-
response to extracranial trauma (Posti et al. 2017; den between these two pathophysiologies. Recently,
Papa et al. 2012a). In a recent study of 172 NCCU however a robust relationship has been established
TBI patients, S100B and UCH-L1 were the two between escalating injury severity as seen on CT
markers where the initial levels could be signifi- scoring systems and levels of UCH-L1 (Thelin et al.
cantly related to any extracranial multitrauma 2019), including both diffuse and focal injuries;
(Thelin et al. 2019). thus it seems to be elevated in all types of TBI
pathologies, depending on the injury severity. Outcome Prediction
Only a few studies have focused on serum levels Surrogate Endpoint
of UCH-L1 to predict outcome in severe TBI, but in Clinical Studies
these show promising results (Brophy et al. 2011; There is currently only one study available
Takala et  al. 2016; Mondello et  al. 2012a). investigating UCH-L1 as a surrogate endpoint
However, no exact thresholds have yet been sug- in TBI trials, thus warranting further studies.
gested concerning serum levels that may differ- UCH-L1 was used as a surrogate marker of
entiate unfavorable outcome and mortality from treatment efficacy in the Australian EPO-TBI
favorable outcome. trial studying the effect of EPO in TBI (Hellewell
et al. 2017), and similar to the negative results Serial Sampling to Monitor of the trial on outcome, there were no differ-
Secondary Injury ences in serum UCH-­L1 levels between EPO
Development and placebo.
According to Brophy et  al., the effective serum
half-life of UCH-L1 is about 7 h in mild TBI and
up to 10 h in severe TBI (Brophy et al. 2011), the 50.3.5 Neurofilament Light (NF-L)
shortest half-life among the biomarkers described
in this chapter. While several authors have noted NF-L is the smallest of the three neurofilament
a more increasing trajectory in patients with more subtypes (68 kDa), an intermediate filament pres-
unfavorable outcome (Thelin et al. 2017a), none ent in the cytoplasm in neuronal cells where it
have been able to determine its role in monitoring forms a part of the cytoskeleton. In CSF, as well
lesion progression. Papa and co-workers noted as in serum, NF-L is used to diagnose and assess
350 E. P. Thelin et al.

treatment in diseases such as multiple sclerosis ably as other types of intracranial lesions also
(MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) release NF-L.  However, Ljungqvist and co-­
(Malmestrom et al. 2003; Gaiottino et al. 2013). workers studied NF-L levels in small cohorts
In TBI, it is primarily studied in milder TBI, in of patients with only DAI lesions, as well as
order to assess trauma severity and potential low S100B levels (predominantly increased in
post-concussion symptoms (Shahim et al. 2018), more focal injuries), and noticed a correlation
although there are a few reports from severe TBI between NF-L and diffuse tractor imaging
cohorts. abnormalities (Ljungqvist et  al. 2017). It has
also recently been shown that NF-L is signifi- Extracranial Contribution cantly correlated to escalating CT injury sever-
There are no studies that report on elevated serum ity using Stockholm CT score (Thelin et  al.
levels of NF-L from extracranial trauma. We 2019).
studied how NF-L levels were correlated to extra-
cranial multitrauma in NCCU TBI patients, but Surrogate Endpoint
could not find any correlation with serum NF-L in Clinical Studies
levels (Thelin et al. 2019). To our knowledge, serum NF-L has not been
used in TBI studies that assessed treatment Outcome Prediction efficacy.
Two cohorts of severe TBI found that serum lev-
els of NF-L were correlated with functional out-
come (Shahim et  al. 2016) and that it added 50.3.6 Other Fluid Biomarkers
independent information if used in combination of Brain Injury
with S100B in outcome prediction models (Al
Nimer et  al. 2015), presumably representing a There are several other markers of TBI in the lit-
separate pathophysiology. erature, but many of them are not studied in detail
as the ones described in this chapter. The primary S  erial Sampling to Monitor Alzheimer proteins amyloid precursor protein
Secondary Injury (APP) and tau have shown promising results as a
Development serum marker of severe TBI (Thelin et al. 2019;
The same two cohorts were sampled serially, and Mondello et  al. 2014). Breakdown products of
it was noted that in a majority of patients, levels GFAP, as well as spectrin, are also promising
of NF-L in serum kept increasing over the first markers as they are suggested to be more stable
2  weeks (Shahim et  al. 2016; Al Nimer et  al. in serum than the initial protein (Berger et  al.
2015). Therefore, it seems as if there is either an 2012; Papa et  al. 2012b). Other neurofilament
extended production or slow breakdown of the proteins, including neurofilament medium
protein leading to late accumulation and a pro- (NFM) (Martinez-Morillo et  al. 2015) and the
longed effective half-life (exceeding 2  weeks). phosphorylated neurofilament heavy (pNFH)
Hence, serial sampling of NF-L suggests that val- (Blyth et  al. 2011), have also shown utility as
ues of NF-L might actually peak at a more markers for more severe TBI. Apart from brain-­
chronic phase of TBI than studied thus far. enriched proteins, metabolite and microRNA lev-
els have also been shown to have diagnostic Injury Differentiation properties following severe TBI (Oresic et  al.
In TBI cohorts with more mixed lesions, there 2016; Redell et  al. 2010). In summary, there is
were no correlation between serum levels of great interest in fluid biomarker development in
NF-L and the presence of diffuse axonal injury TBI that may advance the field in the upcoming
(DAI) on MRI (Al Nimer et al. 2015), presum- years.
50  Serum Protein Biomarkers in the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 351

50.3.7 Combination of Biomarkers The price for consumables in clinical assays

has also dropped, with a sample of S100B and
Several attempts have been made to combine bio- NSE now costing about 10 USD.  If sampled
markers to enhance accuracy with mixed results twice daily, this is approximately 150 USD a
(Thelin et  al. 2016a; Mondello et  al. 2011; Al week, which can be compared with prices for
Nimer et al. 2015; Vos et al. 2004; Czeiter et al. consumables for intracranial pressure (ICP) mon-
2012). Due to a lack of larger trials combining itoring (500 USD), microdialysis (650 USD), and
multiple available markers for model selection, it brain tissue oxygenation (550 USD).
is also difficult to say which biomarkers are
“best” at predicting outcome and injury type/
severity. In a recent study combining S100B, 50.3.9 Use of Protein Biomarkers
NSE, GFAP, UCH-L1, NF-L, and tau, it was for Severe Pediatric TBI
shown that GFAP was the most robust marker to
predict unfavorable outcome, and if NF-L was Due to varying baseline/reference levels of
added, it resulted in most independent informa- S100B in pediatric populations, S100B has not
tion in outcome prediction models (Thelin et al. been implemented as a screening tool in the
2019). Similarly, UCH-L1 was the marker most emergency room to rule out CT scans, in contrast
correlated to mortality. The same study also to adult patients (Piazza et al. 2007; Astrand et al.
revealed that many of the proteins are highly 2016; Bouvier et al. 2011, 2012). While there are
inter-correlated, with the exception of NF-L, sug- studies suggesting that serum S100B and NSE
gesting that if a panel of different protein bio- are useful outcome predictors in the severe pedi-
markers should be used to predict outcome, then atric TBI population (Berger et al. 2007), a sys-
preferably proteins with different cellular origin tematic review from 2014 suggests that UCH-L1
and temporal dynamics should be combined and GFAP are likely better pediatric serum mark-
(Thelin et al. 2019). ers for outcome (Daoud et al. 2014). In terms of
temporal sampling, a similar principle as can be
used in adults may be used in pediatric TBI,
50.3.8 Available Assays for Clinical where elevated trajectories suggest a more unfa-
Use vorable outcome with a larger burden of second-
ary injuries (Berger et al. 2010). In summary, a
Currently, only S100B and NSE are available as similar approach to the use of biomarkers in
clinical assays (Cobas, Elecsys, Roche severe TBI in adults could presumably be used in
Diagnostics), which takes minutes (about 18 min) children, though more research is warranted.
to run, allowing them to be implemented in clini-
cal decision-making (Smit et  al. 2005). GFAP
and UCH-L1 are available in tailored ELISAs but 50.4 Concluding Remarks
take about 3.5–4 h to run which may hamper their
utility in clinical management (Bazarian et  al. Protein biomarkers are emerging as valuable
2018). Point-of-care (POC) devices, being avail- tools in the management of severe TBI patients.
able bedside with a shorter run-time, will proba- Protein biomarkers should be used in a way so
bly be available in the upcoming years. For NF-L, that resources can be utilized optimally and treat-
there are ELISAs available, but more rapid and ment escalated in specific patients. Moreover,
sensitive options are available on the SIMOA® secondary increases in temporally sampled bio-
(Single Molecule Array) platform (Kuhle et  al. markers appear useful tools to monitor TBI, with
2016), also allowing for multiplexing several bio- increases triggering patient review and possibly
markers in a couple of hours. diagnostic and therapeutic measures. However,
352 E. P. Thelin et al.

they should be corroborated by other multimodal hydrolase-L1 and alphaII-spectrin breakdown product
145 kDa correlate with outcome after pediatric TBI. J
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ity and prevent unnecessary transportation or Blyth BJ, Farahvar A, He H, Nayak A, Yang C, Shaw
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kinetic progresses, our understanding of how lev- hydrolase L1 is associated with abnormal blood-­
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Cardiopulmonary Aspects
Karen-Lise Kobberø Welling, Malin Rundgren,
and Kirsten Møller

Abbreviations MV Mechanical ventilation

NIBP Noninvasive blood pressure
CBF Cerebral blood flow NICU Neurointensive care unit
CO Cardiac output PAC Pulmonary artery catheter
CPP Cerebral perfusion pressure PbtO2 Brain tissue oxygen tension
CRX Chest X-ray PPV Pulse pressure variation
CVP Central venous pressure RBC Red blood cells
DBP Diastolic blood pressure RCT Randomized controlled trial
ECG Electrocardiogramme SaO2 Arterial oxygen saturation
ETCO2 End-tidal CO2 SBP Systolic blood pressure
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale/Glasgow Coma ScvO2 Central venous saturation
Score SpO2 Peripheral oxygen saturation (as mea-
GOS Glasgow Outcome Score sured by pulse oximetry)
HR Heart rate SV Stroke volume
ICH Intracranial hypertension TBI Traumatic brain injury
ICP Intracranial pressure TEE Transoesophageal echocardiography
LPMV Lung-protective mechanical TTE Transthoracic echocardiography
ventilation VILI Ventilator-induced lung injury
MAP Mean arterial pressure

K.-L. K. Welling (*) K. Møller

Neurointensive Care Unit, Section 6021, Department Department of Neuroanaesthesiology, The
of Neuroanaesthesiology, The Neuroscience Centre, Neuroscience Centre, Rigshospitalet, University of
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark Department of Clinical Medicine, University of
e-mail: Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
M. Rundgren e-mail:
Neurointensive Care Unit, Department of Intensive
and Preoperative Care, Skåne University Hospital,
Lund, Sweden
Department of Clinical Sciences, Anesthesiology and
Intensive Care Medicine, Skåne University Hospital,
Lund University, Lund, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 357

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
358 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

• Assess cardiovascular function by per-
Level I forming a physical examination, mea-
surement of blood pressure, HR, and
There is insufficient evidence to support a level I urine output.
recommendation for this topic. • Central venous pressure (CVP) should
not be used for clinical decisions regard-
Level II ing fluid management.
• Monitoring of cardiac output (CO) has
Prolonged prophylactic hyperventilation (PaCO2 not been shown to provide benefit.
<25 mmHg (3.3 kPa)) is not recommended. • Serial measurements of the central
Hyperventilation should be avoided during the venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) may
first 24 h after traumatic brain injury (TBI), when provide information on changes in the
cerebral blood flow (CBF) is often critically balance between systemic oxygen deliv-
reduced. ery and utilization.
• The zero point of the transducer for
Level III invasive arterial pressure monitoring
should be at the level of the tragus (as
Patients with severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Score opposed to the right atrium) in patients
(GCS <9)) should undergo prehospital intuba- with severe TBI and intracranial pres-
tion, and hypoxia (PaO2 <60  mmHg (8  kPa)) sure (ICP) monitoring.
should be avoided. • While arterial blood gas analysis provides
Arterial blood pressure should be continu- information on systemic aerobic and
ously monitored in those with severe TBI, and anaerobic metabolism as well as oxygen-
hypotension (mean arterial pressure (MAP) ation and ventilation, this is not easily
<80  mmHg or systolic blood pressure (SBP) translated to the intrathecal environment.
<100–110 mmHg) should be avoided. • The optimal haemoglobin threshold is
Resuscitation with albumin has been associ- unknown in TBI.
ated with higher mortality rates compared with
saline. Respiratory
Central venous pressure (CVP) does not pre- • Protection of the airway and control of
dict preload or blood volume status. oxygenation and ventilation are main goals
In paediatric patients, cerebral perfusion pres- of mechanical ventilation in TBI patients.
sure (CPP) is age dependent and should be in the • The optimal level of systemic oxygen-
range between 40 and 50 mmHg, in the low range ation is unknown, but severe hypoxia
for infants and in the high range for older (<8 kPa) should be avoided, and extreme
children. hyperoxia (>16  kPa) may also be
• Continuous capnography should be
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls used for all intubated and mechanically
Circulatory ventilated patients in the neurointensive
• Monitoring of blood pressure and heart care unit (NICU) as well as during intra-­
rate (HR) may aid in predicting a crisis hospital and inter-hospital transfer.
before it becomes clinically overt and However, it is not a substitute for regular
may assist in evaluating the response to measurement of the arterial carbon
treatment. dioxide tension (PaCO2).
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 359

51.1 Overview
• Normoventilation (PaCO2 35–42 mmHg
(4.7–5.0  kPa)) is the goal in most TBI 51.1.1 Main Goals and Challenges
patients, and prolonged prophylactic for the Neurointensivist
hyperventilation (PaCO2 <25  mmHg
(3.3  kPa)) as well as hypoventilation Cardiopulmonary deterioration in the patient
(PaCO2 >45 mmHg (6.0 kPa)) should be with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) may
avoided because of the risk of critical result in secondary brain injury (Chesnut
brain tissue hypoxia, especially in the et al. 1993) primarily because of hypoxia and
first 24 h after injury. hypotension, although hypoventilation with
• Monitoring of cerebral tissue oxygen- increased arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) or iat-
ation is recommended, in particular for rogenic hyperventilation with reduced PaCO2
TBI patients who are mechanically is an additional concern immediately after
hyperventilated, but may also be benefi- injury. More recently, the possible detrimen-
cial for other patients with severe TBI. tal effect of hyperoxia in major trauma with
• There are no absolute contraindications brain injury has also been discussed (Rangel-
to the use of lung-protective ventilation Castilla et al. 2010). Although there is no gen-
in TBI. eral recommendation for the target arterial
• In patients with combined TBI and oxygen tension (PaO2), there is a general
ARDS, low tidal volumes (6  mL/kg or agreement that hypoxia (PaO 2 <60  mmHg
lower) are recommended and can be (8 kPa)) should be avoided; in most neuroin-
safely applied, provided that patients are tensive care units (NICU), the target PaO 2 is
normoventilated. probably between 75 and 100  mmHg
• Intracranial pressure (ICP) and, if pos- (10–14 kPa).
sible, cerebral tissue oxygenation Although many patients with TBI are young
(PbtO2) should be monitored in patients with no pre-existing cardiopulmonary prob-
undergoing permissive hypercapnia. lems and sustain isolated brain trauma with no
• Spontaneous breathing modes are not systemic injury, the average age of TBI victims
recommended for mechanical ventila- has increased (Brazinova et  al. 2016) with a
tion in the early phase of TBI, where potential increase in the prevalence of pre-
hypoventilation may trigger ICP existing pulmonary or cardiac disease; others
increases. However, such patients are may be affected by multiple trauma including
frequently capable of breathing sponta- cardiothoracic injury. Moreover, severe brain
neously with minimal ventilator support damage may in itself elicit systemic inflamma-
in later phases of the NICU stay, despite tion as well as excessive sympathetic activa-
persistent neurological impairment. tion, which may influence both cardiovascular
• Extubation success is predicted by younger and lung functions (Kalsotra et al. 2018). Thus,
age, presence of cough, and negative fluid the objective of cardiopulmonary monitoring
balance rather than by the Glasgow Coma and treatment is (1) to support systemic organ
Score (GCS) at extubation. function in general (as in other critically ill
• Early tracheostomy after severe TBI patients) and (2) to avoid secondary brain
(0–7 days) is not recommended. damage.
360 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

51.2 Background effects, ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) is

a concern even in brain-injured patients with
51.2.1 Cardiopulmonary previously healthy lungs. While most patients
Disturbances in TBI with TBI do not have a primary respiratory indi-
cation for intubation, the brain injury may elicit
Cardiopulmonary dysfunction is common in a systemic inflammatory response (Kalsotra
patients with severe TBI and may exist as a pre- et al. 2018), which may contribute to the subse-
morbid condition primarily in elderly patients, quent development of ARDS.  Thus, a preva-
may occur concomitantly to TBI, e.g. in multi- lence of ARDS of 8–31% with a threefold
ple trauma, or may develop as a consequence of increase in the odds of in-hospital mortality has
TBI, e.g. because of sympathetic storm. In been reported (Rincon et al. 2012). Furthermore,
either instance, cardiovascular or pulmonary ventilation in TBI patients is particularly
instability may result in hypotension or challenging in those with concomitant
hypoxia, leading to secondary brain damage. ARDS.  This is because the oxygenation and
Limited research has been performed on ventilation targets (so-called permissive hypoxia
patients suffering from concomitant severe and hypercapnia) as well as restrictive fluid
head trauma and cardiovascular problems or the therapy that are recommended for ARDS aim at
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) protecting the injured lung; this may concomi-
(Bragge et al. 2016). However, the management tantly trigger hypovolaemia, hypotension, and
goals of TBI may conflict in particular with cerebral arteriolar dilatation with ICP increases
those of severe ARDS. and vasogenic oedema, all of which may pro-
Even though many TBI patients have stable mote secondary brain injury.
haemodynamic and respiratory function, the risk In the later phase of their hospital stay, patients
of secondary brain injury mandates tight control with TBI frequently become capable of breathing
of cardiovascular as well as pulmonary character- spontaneously with minimal ventilator support
istics. In a prospective observational study of 699 despite persistent neurological impairment. A
patients with severe TBI who were alive and had systematic approach to weaning and extubation
a blood pressure and an arterial blood gas mea- may play a role in improving outcome (Bruni
surement on admission, the group without et  al. 2017), as may correct timing of tracheos-
hypoxia (PaO2 <60 mmHg or definite apnoea or tomy (Rizk et  al. 2011; Baron et  al. 2016;
cyanosis) or hypotension (systolic blood pressure Dunham et al. 2014).
(SBP) <90 mmHg) had a mortality of 27%,
whereas the mortality was 50% in those with
hypoxia alone, 65% in those with hypotension 51.3 Physiological Considerations
alone, and 75% in those with both hypoxia and and Monitoring
hypotension. Hypo- and hypercapnia as well as
hypertension may also be associated with unfa- 51.3.1 Circulatory
vourable outcomes; hypocapnia may lead to cere-
bral ischaemia, whereas both hypercapnia and Preload, Contractility,
hypertension may impair outcomes through an and Afterload
aggravation of vasogenic oedema and increased Arterial blood pressure is important to ensure
intracranial pressure. cerebral perfusion both in healthy people and in
In the severely brain-injured patient, intuba- those with TBI. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is
tion and mechanical ventilation may be life-­ the product of cardiac output (CO) and the sys-
saving, but is also associated with side effects temic vascular resistance (SVR, also known as
and life-threatening complications. Intubation the afterload). The arterial pressure curve and
and ventilation are mainly done to establish a heart rate (HR) are routinely monitored in most
free and safe airway, prevent hypoxemia, and critically ill patients. In contrast, neither preload,
maintain normocarbia. Despite these beneficial CO, nor SVR is routinely monitored; current
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 361

methods available for measurement of these vari- reperfusion injury. The use of hyperbaric hyper-
ables either use surrogate parameters or have low oxia has been investigated in RCTs, none of
accuracy (Hadian et al. 2010). which were classified as robust according to a
The Frank-Starling law describes the theoreti- subsequent meta-analysis (Bragge et  al. 2016);
cal relationship between cardiac preload and left however, the studies did demonstrate an associa-
ventricular stroke volume (SV). This relationship tion between the occurrence of hypoxia and
implies that the optimum SV depends on an opti- worse outcome. The optimum level of oxygen-
mum preload; below and above this optimal pre- ation is not known, but current guidelines
load, cardiac contractility is reduced because of ­recommend avoidance of arterial oxygen satura-
either hypovolaemia or overload. Furthermore, tion (SaO2) <90 or PaO2 <60  mmHg (8.0  kPa)
the minute volume of the heart (CO) is calculated and the maintenance of normoxia (Carney et al.
by multiplying SV by HR. Thus, preload optimi- 2017). As hyperoxia has some potential for harm,
zation, which is mainly done by fluid therapy, is a careful balance should be sought between ben-
considered important for optimal cardiac func- efit and risk when setting the oxygenation targets
tion. As described above, there is no well-definedin individual patients.
target for this procedure. Although most institu- In patients with preserved cerebrovascular
tions use repeated fluid boluses while simultane- carbon dioxide reactivity, cerebral resistance
ously evaluating cardiovascular parameters such arterioles will constrict to changes in arterial car-
as MAP, central venous pressure (CVP), central bon dioxide tension (PaCO2) by a pH-dependent
venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2), systolic vol- mechanism; this will reduce cerebral blood flow,
ume variation, or peripheral skin perfusion, none cerebral blood volume, and ICP.  Prophylactic
of these markers are reliable markers of circula- extreme hypocarbia was associated with a worse
tory function. outcome in severe TBI possibly due to cerebral
The importance of cardiac function for out- ischaemia (PaCO2 <25  mmHg (3.3  kPa)
come in TBI was studied in 139 patients without (Muizelaar et al. 1991); extreme hypercarbia may
pre-existing cardiac disease; of these, cardiac also be undesirable due to cerebral hyperperfu-
dysfunction, as diagnosed by echocardiography, sion with potential increases in cerebral blood
occurred in 22% during the first 2 weeks in TBI volume, ICP, and vasogenic oedema. Although
and was associated with a nine-fold increase in the thresholds for harm are debated (Godoy et al.
mortality (Prathep et  al. 2014). The severity of 2017; Coles et al. 2007), in general, severe hypo-
brain injury emerged as an independent risk fac- capnia (PaCO2 <25 mmHg (3.3 kPa)) is discour-
tor of cardiac dysfunction and may therefore aged, whereas normocapnia (PaCO2 35  mmHg
have “driven” the increased mortality. (4.7 kPa)) is encouraged. Thus, optimal ventila-
tion and oxygenation are important in the treat-
ment of TBI; however, normal values do not
51.3.2 Respiratory guarantee protection against cerebral ischaemia,
and treatment may have to be individualized Oxygenation, Ventilation, (Okonkwo et al. 2017).
and Compliance Optimal exchange of oxygen and carbon diox-
In normal individuals, breathing 100% oxygen ide in the lungs depends on open alveoli, a short
results in vasoconstriction of the cerebral blood alveolar to capillary diffusion distance, and a
vessels and a subsequent decrease in cerebral flow in the pulmonary capillaries that matches
blood flow (CBF). The vascular and tissue the airflow to the individual alveoli (also known
response to hyperoxia may change in TBI, and as ventilation-perfusion matching). Local
relatively little information is available about ventilation-­perfusion mismatch may manifest as
oxygen reactivity variables in TBI; although a shunt, in which the capillaries are perfused, but
hyperoxia may improve cerebral pressure auto- the alveoli are hypo- or unventilated (e.g. due to
regulation (Rangel-Castilla et  al. 2010), it may atelectasis caused by obstruction of the bronchi-
also be associated with augmented ischaemia-­ oles or external compression), or as increased
362 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

dead space, in which the alveoli are ventilated, ventilated patients due to mucus plugs, dimin-
but the capillaries are under- or unperfused (e.g. ished compliance, and pulmonary pathology. It
due to thrombus). Importantly, increasing the may be reduced with the use of PEEP or reversed
inspiratory oxygen fraction will usually not with recruitment manoeuvers, during which
increase arterial oxygenation if hypoxia is caused PEEP is temporarily increased to very high lev-
by a shunt. This is because the blood that per- els; however, intermittent or continuous use of
fuses the nonventilated parts will remain nonoxy- high PEEP levels has both been associated with a
genated by this intervention, whereas the risk of increased ICP in the patient with severe
ventilated parts of the lungs are already fully brain injury.
saturated and will not take up more oxygen. Pulmonary compliance (C) is a measure of the
Furthermore, an increased diffusion distance ability of the lungs to stretch (distensibility of
between an alveole and its perfusing capillary elastic tissue):
(e.g. due to interstitial oedema) will affect oxy-
C = ∆V / ∆P,
gen exchange relatively more than carbon diox-
ide exchange. Finally, an increase in dead space where V is volume and P is pressure. Low com-
will usually lead to ventilation failure and hyper- pliance indicates a stiff lung, and high compli-
capnia, because the (effective) alveolar ventila- ance indicates a pliable lung. Compliance is
tion is reduced, but not necessarily to hypoxia, highest at moderate lung volumes and much
unless the redistribution of blood leads to severe lower at volumes that are very low or very high.
hyperperfusion in the perfused parts of the lungs. Compliance can be divided into a static (no air-
During mechanical ventilation, inspiration is flow) and a dynamic (during airflow) compliance.
changed from the normal spontaneous negative The compliance measured in clinical practice is
intrathoracic pressure inspiration to positive always total pulmonary compliance, which is a
pressure inspiration, which increases intratho- function of lung compliance and chest wall (rib-
racic pressure and reduces venous return to the cage and diaphragm) compliance. Pneumonia,
heart (preload). As a consequence, many mechan- pulmonary oedema, or ARDS will decrease lung
ically ventilated patients may become function- compliance. Chest wall compliance is affected by
ally hypovolaemic immediately after intubation body position, muscle tonus, and intra-abdominal
and start of mechanical ventilation and may need hypertension (decreased compliance). Decreased
a fluid load or vasopressors (or both) to compen- compliance can markedly affect the total amount
sate for decreased cardiac output. Expiration is of work required for ventilation and may increase
passive, but a high positive end-expiratory pres- energy expenditure by up to 30% in the spontane-
sure (PEEP) will offset some of the increase in ously breathing patient.
intrathoracic pressure.
During the respiratory cycle in a mechanically
ventilated patient, some alveoli open and some 51.3.3 Basic Monitoring
collapse. Cyclic reopening of collapsed alveoli of the Patient with TBI
may cause shear or stress injury (atelectrauma)
especially in lungs with pre-existing lung dam- Any evaluation of the haemodynamic and respira-
age and is believed to be the main mechanism tory status of a TBI patient starts with a basic clini-
responsible for VILI, together with volutrauma cal examination. Is the skin warm and dry, or does
due to high tidal volumes and barotrauma due to the patient have a cold and clammy hand? Skin
high pulmonary pressures (Definition Task Force colour? Are the peripheral veins visible? Does aus-
et al. 2012; Davies et al. 2015). In healthy lungs, cultation reveal a heart murmur? Pulmonary wheez-
the risk of damage to the pulmonary tissue due to ing or rales or decreased breath sounds? Is there
collapse and reexpansion is considered low. jugular vein distension? Peripheral oedema? If pos-
Ventilation-perfusion mismatch caused by atel- sible, obtain the patient’s history of pre-existing car-
ectasis formation is common in mechanically diac or pulmonary problems and medications.
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 363

In order to avoid secondary brain injury by disease, e.g. hypertension. MAP is used to calcu-
correcting hypotension and hypoxia, the question late CPP (MAP-ICP  =  CPP), and a CPP more
is whether hypotension is caused by hypovolae- than 60  mmHg is recommended in adults and
mia, and, if so, how do we predict fluid respon- with age-specific goals in children (see chapter on
siveness (Michard and Teboul 2002; Bendjelid Cerebral Monitoring). In order to calculate CPP,
and Karim 2003) and how do we detect reasons MAP and ICP must be zeroed at the same level,
for respiratory deterioration? usually at the tragus of the external ear (McNett
et al. 2018). If the patient is hypotensive, the main Heart Rate and Rhythm interest is whether the patient is hypovolaemic
No TBI patient should be without continuous and responds with an increase in MAP with fluid
electrocardiography (ECG), usually as a three- administration (fluid responsiveness) or, alterna-
lead precordial monitoring, because of the tively, if vasopressors or inotropes are needed.
increased risk of significant disturbances in HR MAP should only be increased with vasopressors
or rhythm. However, more than 75% of arrhyth- after cardiac preload assessment and a fluid chal-
mias and ischaemic events have been reported to lenge, most commonly a bolus of crystalloid
go undetected by such continuous monitoring. (Muzevich and Voils 2009) (see chapter on vaso-
Also, ischaemic episodes commonly occur with- pressors), but in clinical practice in the NICU,
out significant changes in haemodynamic vari- administration of vasopressor and volume loading
ables. A standard 12-lead ECG can detect initially take place simultaneously in order to
ischaemia. It is usually defined as ST segment avoid even short periods of hypotension.
depression of more than 0.1 mV. Hypertension or When the patient is stable, the arterial cannula
tachycardia is known to elicit ischaemia. should be removed due to the risk of thrombosis
Continuous ECG is mainly useful for detecting and embolization. NIBP monitoring is used after
brady- or tachycardia with accompanying the patient has reached definite stabilization or in
changes in blood pressure. the rehabilitation period. Arterial Blood Pressure Urine Output

Patients with severe TBI should be monitored Except in a few notable situations mentioned
with an indwelling arterial line to obtain continu- below (diuretic treatment including treatment
ous blood pressure. Arterial pressure provides with mannitol and diabetes insipidus), sufficient
information on systolic and diastolic pressure as urine output usually indicates adequate organ
well as arterial waveform but provides little perfusion and volume status; and most cases of
information on flow and oxygen supply. Even so, low urine output are caused by hypovolaemia.
arterial blood pressure, usually expressed as the Thus, hourly urine output should be monitored in
mean, MAP (MAP = DBP + 1/3(SBP-DBP)), is all TBI patients. However, a normal urine output
often used as a surrogate parameter for organ may occur despite hypoperfusion or hypovolae-
flow, where SBP is systolic blood pressure and mia, if diuretics (including mannitol) have been
DBP is diastolic blood pressure. administered or in the case of diabetes insipidus;
Hypotension increases morbidity and mortal- such patients may become severely hypovolae-
ity in TBI (Juul et al. 2000; Nordström 2003). The mic and hypotensive, if the fluid deficit is not
threshold of blood pressure is not known, but cur- closely monitored and corrected. In Scandinavia,
rent guidelines recommend that maintaining SBP hyperosmolar therapy with hypertonic saline,
at >100 mmHg for patients 50–69 years old or at which does not lead to osmotic diuresis, has
>110  mmHg or above for patients 15–49 or largely replaced mannitol.
>70 years old may be considered to decrease mor-
tality and improve outcomes (Carney et al. 2017). Pulse Oximetry
The threshold of hypotension in the patient with Pulse oximetry for the monitoring of peripheral
TBI is probably dependent on age and pre-­existing oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a mainstay in ICU as
364 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

well as NICU monitoring. SpO2 is approximately Concomitant measurement of ETCO2 and

equal to arterial blood saturation (SaO2) and is PaCO2 allows for estimation of the physiologic
thus a marker of PaO2. It is usually applied to a dead space and total CO2 production. In patients
finger or a toe, but any site allowing proper orien- with normal lung function, ETCO2 is 0.5–1.0 kPa
tation of the light can be used. If the finger or toe lower than PaCO2, but this difference is affected
is cold or not well perfused, SpO2 may be inac- both by pulmonary and circulatory pathologies;
curate. SpO2 is also unreliable in patients with accordingly, capnography cannot substitute for
severe anaemia, skin pigmentation, or jaundice. estimation of PaCO2 (Eun and Seo 2011). The
The major advantage is that it is noninvasive, shape of the capnography curve also informs on
requires no calibration, and is usually available different pathologies; thus, the slope between
within seconds. Thus, onset or worsening of con- phases I and II may be reduced (i.e. the curve
ditions resulting in hypoxia can be immediately may be flattened) in bronchospasm or other con-
identified. In otherwise stable patients, procedures ditions associated with heterogeneous ventilation-­
such as endotracheal suctioning and positioning perfusion ratios, such as COPD.
may cause desaturation. SpO2 monitoring detects Although capnography is insufficient for the
this and allows the team to prevent and treat these ventilatory management of raised intracranial
potentially dangerous episodes of hypoxia. The pressure, it is invaluable for emergency situations,
pulse oximeter also acts as a simple perfusion where arterial blood gas sampling and measure-
monitor and displays HR.  Pulse oximeters typi- ment would be too slow and impractical, such as
cally have an accuracy within 2% in the area of ensuring endotracheal as opposed to oesophageal
SpO2 100 to 90 and are less accurate with SpO2 placement of the tube during intubation, and to
below 90. However, the clinically relevant distinc- detect dislocation of the endotracheal tube.
tion lies around a saturation of 90 (corresponding Besides dislocation of the tube, airway obstruc-
to PaO2 of 60 mmHg or 8.0 kPa), which definitely tion, and severe bronchospasm, a dramatic fall in
is a threshold for intervention (Carney et al. 2017). ETCO2 during controlled ventilation may also
indicate impending or manifest cardiac arrest. Monitoring of End-Tidal
and Arterial CO2 Central Venous Pressure
Capnography For years, central venous pressure (CVP) has
Continuous monitoring of end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) been used almost universally to guide fluid ther-
in intubated patients provides information on apy in critically ill patients. CVP is at best a poor
both ventilation and perfusion. Expired air is marker of central blood volume in adults, let alone
sampled from the ventilator tubing as close to the of the haemodynamic response to a fluid chal-
endotracheal tube as possible, and the CO2 con- lenge. Accordingly, CVP is not recommended to
centration or partial pressure is typically mea- guide fluid therapy in TBI (Gottlieb and Hunter
sured continuously in the air by the absorption of 2016; Eskesen et al. 2016; Cole 2008).
infrared light. The CO2 waveform is displayed on
the screen and consists of an inspiratory and an Venous Saturation
expiratory part. The ETCO2 is the maximal CO2 Central venous saturation (ScvO2) is determined
level, corresponding to the alveolar air at the end by CO, the blood haemoglobin concentration,
of expiration (which occurs with a delay on the arterial oxygen tension, and total oxygen con-
screen compared to the visually observed expira- sumption. A change in ScvO2 theoretically indi-
tion, as air flows from the alveoles to the capnog- cates that a change in oxygen transport and/or
raphy equipment). The expiratory component is demand has occurred. An absolute value of 0.68
divided into three phases. Phase I is the start of to 0.77 is considered normal. However, a change
the phase before CO2 appears, II is the rapid in ScvO2 is more important than the absolute
increase in CO2, and III (the plateau phase) repre- value; assuming that haemoglobin, arterial oxy-
sents the emptying of alveolar space. gen content, and oxygen consumption are
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 365

unchanged, ScvO2 reflects cardiac output. A In general, estimation or measurement of CO

decrease in ScvO2 is easier to interpret than an is of particular interest in situations where cardiac
increase in ScvO2, and in systemic inflammatory dysfunction is suspected, or if the patient does not
response syndrome or sepsis, peripheral shunting respond to fluid, and there is a therapeutic
or dysfunctional mitochondria may impair oxy- dilemma between the choice of vasopressors and
gen uptake, so that ScvO2 remains high. A low inotropes. Most studies of individualized goal-
ScvO2 has been associated with increased mortal- directed therapy and protocolled optimization of
ity and, when encountered, should prompt further haemodynamics by measurements of CO and
evaluation of the individual factors influencing derived parameters have been performed in
oxygen balance, i.e. intravascular volume status, patients having cardiac or other major surgery,
blood haemoglobin, arterial oxygen tension, and while there are few reports on monitoring of CO
cardiac function. As a general guideline, an ScvO2 and outcome in patients with TBI (Prathep et al.
value greater than 0.66 is considered adequate, 2014). Beyond a certain minimum, CO is usually
0.50 to 0.65 represents a limited cardiovascular not considered to affect CBF; thus, measurement
reserve, and less than 0.50 probably reflects inad- of CO is not recommended as a standard in these
equate tissue oxygenation (Rivers et al. 2001). patients. Lactate Echocardiography

During glycolysis, glucose is metabolized to pyru- and Doppler Techniques
vate, which may undergo reduction to lactate or be Echocardiography is widely used for evaluating
aerobically degraded in the mitochondria. Increased cardiac function, either by the noninvasive trans-
blood lactate levels may be due to intracellular thoracic (TTE) or the semi-invasive transoesoph-
hypoxia, e.g. caused by tissue hypoperfusion due ageal (TEE) approach. With the Doppler
to reduced aerobic degradation of pyruvate, but technique, pressures and blood flow velocities
may also result from increased glycolytic activity, can be measured. The method requires expensive
e.g. because of infusion of sympathomimetics or equipment and a trained specialist, but bedside
skeletal muscle activity. While an increase in blood basic critical care echocardiography to assess
lactate may indicate anaerobic metabolism, the global ventricular size and systolic function can
absence of increased blood lactate does not guaran- be taught to and performed by neurointensivists
tee adequate cellular oxygen supply. (Lazaridis 2012).
Oesophageal Doppler facilitates a rapid inter- Cardiac Output mittent noninvasive estimation of CO, but is not
Previously, haemodynamic monitoring in anaes- validated as a tool to replace invasive measure-
thesia and intensive care was based on the highly ment of CO at present.
invasive and risk-associated pulmonary artery
catheter (PAC), with no proven benefit on out- P  ulse Contour Analysis
come (Hadian et al. 2010). Almost no reports on of Arterial Pressure Curve
the use of PAC in TBI patients are available Analysis of the arterial pressure curve has gained
(Powner et al. 2005). Today, however, less inva- popularity in estimating cardiac output and fluid
sive methods for estimating CO are available, all responsiveness. Analysis of the arterial pressure
of which have strengths and limitations. These curve, either invasively or by skin-applied
methods include methods using the Fick princi- devices, is used to calculate/estimate CO based
ple (thermodilution, dye dilution, lithium dilu- on HR, MAP, and the arterial waveform. Preload
tion) and pulse contour methods as well as can be evaluated by cyclic respiratory variations
ultrasonic methods (transoesophageal echocar- in the arterial pressure, and a number of commer-
diography, oesophageal Doppler monitoring). cially available techniques use derived preload
Electrical bioimpedance is another technique parameters such as pulse pressure variation and
currently evolving. stroke volume variation to estimate fluid respon-
366 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

siveness. Recent studies suggest that these indi- In conclusion, advanced cardiopulmonary
ces are the most reliable predictors of fluid monitoring is not well validated in the TBI patient
responsiveness in different populations. population, but much information can be gained
from basic systemic monitoring. However, even Monitoring of Pulmonary when the patient appears haemodynamically and
Mechanics and Compliance respiratory stable, there is not guarantee that per-
Pulmonary compliance is a measure of the lung’s fusion in the cerebral microcirculation is suffi-
ability to stretch, and most modern ventilators cient nor that cerebral oxygenation is adequate
display and estimate peak inspiratory pressure, (see chapter on cerebral monitoring).
end expiratory pressure, and tidal volume and
calculates total static compliance, i.e. both lung
and chest wall compliances. Changes (fall) in 51.3.4 Cardiopulmonary Treatment
compliance are important in the TBI patient of the TBI Patient
because of the consequent impact on ventilation
and risk of inducing VILI and should lead to clin- Goal-Directed Therapy
ical examination and reflexion and adjustment of in Severe TBI: Which
the ventilator. Direction?
In most Scandinavian hospitals, the protocolled Chest X-Ray (CXR) management of TBI and treatment is based on the
CXR provides information on infiltration (aspira- American and/or European guidelines. There is
tion, pneumonia) or lung oedema, pneumotho- good evidence that protocolized care improves
rax, or pleural effusion and placement of tube and outcome. Different principles are used in the
catheters. Daily “routine” CXR is not recom- “Lund concept”, which is a protocol aimed at
mended, but CXR is a simple and fast examina- nonsurgical reduction of increased ICP (Grände
tion for acute respiratory deterioration or in the 2017). A second aim in the Lund concept is to
case of lack of respiratory improvement. improve brain perfusion and oxygenation around
Pneumonia occurs frequently in TBI patients and contusions by antagonizing vasoconstriction
is often due to associated chest trauma or aspira- through minimizing sympathetic discharge and
tion (Esnault et al. 2017). refraining from vasoconstrictors. As previously
stated, the threshold of blood pressure in severe Bronchoscopy TBI is not known and may be individual, but a
Bronchoscopy is used in the NICU as a diagnos- single systolic blood pressure of <90 mmHg has
tic or therapeutic tool to clear large amount of been shown to worsen outcomes in brain-injured
secretions, to provide specimens for cultures, and patients. However, normalization of blood pres-
to verify the position of the endotracheal tube or sure, blood volume, and plasma oncotic pressure
tracheostomy or facilitate replacement of the tra- as well as general supportive intensive care is an
cheostomy tube in emergency situations. With integrated part of the Lund treatment also.
the availability of bronchoscopes in most NICU Measurement of ICP and brain oxygen ten-
and available expertise, it is easy to perform. sion; medical management with anaesthetics,
However, long bronchoscopy sessions may con- analgesics, sedatives, and muscle relaxants;
tribute to hypoventilation and occult hypercarbia, hyperosmolar therapy; management of fever;
factors known to increase intracranial pressure. detection and treatment of infection; treatment of
Steps to minimize occult hypercarbia, such as seizures; blood glucose control; deep vein throm-
using the smallest bronchoscope available, mini- bosis; and early nutrition and electrolyte balance
mizing suctioning, and the length of time the are all general critical care issues that are very
bronchoscopy is in the endotracheal tube, should important after severe head injury and must be
be undertaken (Reilly et al. 1997). taken into account when planning and perform-
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 367

ing respiratory and circulatory treatment. There resuscitation with saline in acute trauma patients
are at present less than 200 completed random- with TBI after the SAFE-TBI post hoc study in
ized controlled trials dealing with acute TBI 2007 (SAFE Study Investigators, Australian and
management, mostly smaller (N  <  100) single-­ New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical
centre studies. Thus, research in management for Trials Group, Australian Red Cross Blood
acute severe brain injury has resulted in little Service, George Institute for International Health,
translatable evidence (Bragge et  al. 2016). et al. 2007), and clinical practices of intravenous
Mortality and morbidity is reduced when the fluid resuscitation have changed since then
patient with TBI is in a specialized neurointen- (Hammond et  al. 2017). Hypertonic saline is a
sive care environment (Elf et  al. 2002; Varelas very efficient agent for treatment of ICH and is
et al. 2004; Varelas et al. 2006). often used in the NICU in the medical treatment
of ICH but is not recommended in a general Maintenance of MAP trauma population.
and CPP There are no specific guidelines on fluid ther-
Cerebral autoregulation in the TBI patient is apy in TBI (see chapter on fluid haemodynamics
impaired, and hypotension occurring during the in patients with severe TBI) and only few RCTs
first 6 h after injury has the highest prediction for on this subject, one of which reported lower mor-
poor discharge GOS (Hardcastle and Benzon tality in patients receiving fresh frozen plasma
2014). In addition, many mechanically ventilated compared with placebo (Bragge et al. 2016).
patients show signs of hypovolaemia. In the
NICU, vasopressor administration is often uti- Transfusion
lized concurrently with fluid resuscitation in Current evidence supports restrictive over liberal
brain-injured patients to avoid even short episodes red blood cell transfusion practices in critically
of low CPP, making estimation of fluid balance ill patients. Blood products have potential adverse
even more difficult. A study on optimal CPP using effects, and there has been an absence of benefit
the concept of cerebrovascular pressure reactiv- from liberal transfusion strategies (Kramer and
ity-based individual CPP found that driving CPP Zygun 2009; Figaji et  al. 2009; Lelubre et  al.
in excess of optimal CPP did not yield improve- 2016; Holst and Perner 2011; Boutin et al. 2016).
ments in PbrO2 and should be avoided and that The association between transfusion and higher
CPP below optimal CPP might result in second- mortality seems to be stronger in patients who are
ary ischaemia (Jaeger et al. 2010). In adults, CPP transfused at higher haemoglobin levels (Boutin
should be kept >60 mmHg, while CPP in children et al. 2016). Further data on RBC transfusion and
is age dependent (Allen et al. 2014). haemoglobin levels in patients with TBI are
required. Presently it is prudent to limit transfu- W  hich Fluid and When sion since haemoglobin threshold is not known
to Transfuse? neither in adults nor in children.
Crystalloids are used as the main volume
expander in TBI where maintaining a normal Vasopressors
concentration of plasma sodium is important in The choice of vasopressor is guided by the clini-
avoiding worsening of cerebral oedema around cal characteristics of the patient and the goals of
contusions and controlling ICP.  Preservation of therapy (Muzevich and Voils 2009; Hylands et al.
normal potassium and chloride ions are also 2017). In general vasopressors are not recom-
issues in TBI patients. Crystalloids are associated mended in early trauma resuscitation, but in vic-
with general tissue oedema including the brain, tims with TBI where mortality is doubled by
and saline is associated with hyperchloraemic hypotension, they may be beneficial (Hylands
acidosis, if infused in large amounts. Albumin et  al. 2017). Aggressive vasopressor therapy
was associated with higher mortality rates than maintaining a CPP greater than 70  mmHg has
368 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

been associated with increased incidence of Scale) after 1 year of 1.87 (1.42–2.46); however,
ARDS. With emerging evidence of harm associ- no information was given regarding the definition
ated with aggressive fluid resuscitation, the alter- of hypoxia or whether it was observed before or
natives to vasopressor treatment in the NICU are during admission to hospital (Gómez et al. 2018).
limited. The ideal agent remains unknown. Hyperoxia, either during normobaria or hyper-
Human data are limited to norepinephrine, dopa- baria, has been suggested to improve outcome
mine, and phenylephrine, and based on the cere- after TBI. In 2012, a Cochrane systematic review
brovascular effects, norepinephrine and and meta-analysis reported that hyperbaric oxy-
phenylephrine are the preferred agents (Hylands gen therapy was associated with a reduction in
et  al. 2017). One RCT of vasopressin vs. cate- ICP, as well as a reduced risk of an unfavourable
cholamines for CPP control in TBI is ongoing outcome 1 month after injury (relative risk (RR)
(Hylands et  al. 2017; Van Haren et  al. 2013). for unfavourable outcome with hyperbaric oxy-
Interestingly, administration of beta-blockers gen therapy 0.74, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.88, P = 0.001)
early after TBI has been associated with improved and of dying (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.88,
survival in a large retrospective analysis (Ley P = 0.003) (Bennett et al. 2012), albeit based on
et al. 2018). low-quality studies. Subsequently, one small ran-
domized study of low quality reported an A  rterial Oxygen Partial improved functional outcome at 6  months in
Pressure (PaO2) mechanically ventilated TBI patients treated dur-
Arterial hypoxemia leads to cerebral arteriolar ing the first 6 h with an inspired oxygen fraction
vasodilation (Kontos et al. 1978), increases CBF (FiO2) of 80% compared to those ventilated with
in healthy humans (Kety and Schmidt 1948), and an FiO2 of 50% (Taher et al. 2016). Another ran-
may increase ICP in patients with TBI. Most stud- domized trial reported that 60 min of hyperbaric
ies showing a detrimental effect of hypoxia (usu- oxygen at 1.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA) fol-
ally defined as a PaO2 <60  mmHg) on outcome lowed by 3  h of normobaric hyperoxia (FiO2
after TBI have addressed the prehospital setting 100%), administered for 3  h, resulted in a 26%
(Chesnut et  al. 1993); in contrast, the effects of absolute reduction in 6-month mortality and a
hypoxia after admission to hospital or ICU are less 36% absolute increase in favourable outcome,
clear. A recent retrospective study from Australia compared to standard care (Rockswold et  al.
and New Zealand of 24,148 mechanically venti- 2013). However, the current evidence base is cur-
lated ICU patients with TBI, in whom the overall rently too weak to justify a recommendation for
in-hospital mortality was 17.2%, reported that or against hyperoxia in TBI patients.
hypoxia as defined by a worst arterial PaO2 In the future, the use of systemic oxygenation
<60  mmHg (8  kPa) within the first 24  h was targets to avoid secondary brain injury will prob-
detected in 4.9% of patients and was associated ably be replaced or supplemented by brain tissue
with an adjusted OR for in-­hospital mortality of oxygen tension-targeted therapy (Okonkwo et al.
1.15 (95% CI 0.96 to 1.38), compared to normoxia 2017). Current guidelines recommend avoidance
defined as PaO2 60–299  mmHg. Hyperoxia, of PaO2 <60  mmHg (8.0  kPa) and the mainte-
defined as a worst PaO2 >299 mmHg, was detected nance of normoxia. In the case of concomitant
in 12.9% and was associated with an OR of 0.97 severe ARDS, this recommendation should be
(95% CI 0.86–1.11). When patients were divided balanced against the ARDSNet target of a PaO2
into 17 subgroups according to PaO2 in 10 mmHg down to 55 mmHg (7.3 kPa). In the case of severe
increments using a PaO2 of 100–109 mmHg as the TBI and less severe ARDS, it may be prudent to
reference, only a PaO2 <40 mmHg (5.3 kPa) was aim for a slightly higher PaO2, whereas a patient
significantly associated with increased mortality at with mild TBI and severe ARDS may benefit
an OR of 1.52 (95% CI 1.03–2.25) (O’Briain et al. from a lower oxygen target. Monitoring brain tis-
2018). Gómez et  al. reported an adjusted OR of sue oxygen tension may further aid in defining
verified or suspected hypoxia for a poor neurologi- the correct oxygen target in these challenging
cal outcome (measured by the Glasgow Outcome patients.
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 369 Intubate: When and How mended for long-term sedation in children, but
Following severe brain injury, impaired con- can be used for induction. Ketamine is often used
sciousness and brainstem reflexes induce in the acute setting and has been associated with
hypoventilation and lead to aspiration. Therefore, increase in ICP; however, recent studies have
the majority of patients with severe TBI are intu- reported that ketamine is safe both for induction
bated and mechanically ventilated even though and sedation in patients with increased ICP and
most patients do not have a primary respiratory even may confer neuroprotective effects (Oddo
indication for intubation. Usually intubation et al. 2016; Wazen et al. 2013).
takes place in the emergency situation to protect Airway incidents do occur in the NICU (as
the airway and to control PaCO2. There are sev- they do in the general ICU) and pose the same
eral airway considerations and challenges spe- challenges, except that TBI patients are at a high
cific to the neurocritically ill patient: risk of cerebral ischaemia even after short
TBI patients with a GCS of <9 should be intu- hypoxic episodes.
bated to secure the airway. Besides the risk of After intubation, sedatives and analgesics are
collapse of the upper airway as well as aspiration used for control of pain, anxiety, agitation, and
of gastric contents and impaired cough reflexes, patient-ventilator synchrony. In the brain-injured
those with injury to the lower pons or medulla or patient, sedation and analgesia have additional
those with elevated ICP especially in the poste- indications, as they lower the cerebral metabolic
rior fossa may have an unstable ventilatory drive. rate of oxygen consumption and thus may reduce
For intubation, manual inline stabilization should ICP.  Sedation is also used to suppress seizures
be used if spinal trauma is suspected. Chin lift and reduce pain and agitation that may cause
and jaw thrust manoeuvers can be safely per- arterial hypertension and associated ICH. Overall,
formed without hyperextending the neck (which sedation and analgesia may protect the brain
is associated with a risk of cervical cord injury) (Oddo et  al. 2016). However, at the same time,
to relieve airway obstruction. In the case of facial the wish to perform serial neurological examina-
trauma, nasopharyngeal airways (as well as naso- tions renders long-acting sedatives and neuro-
gastric tubes) are contraindicated. During the muscular blockers generally undesirable.
process of intubation, patients are at risk of both
hypotension and hypoxia. Thus, with induction Advantages of intubation Disadvantages of
of anaesthesia and loss of sympathetic tone, a and sedation intubation and sedation
drop in CPP can occur, leading to ischaemia and Protects the airway, Induction and sedation
protects against aspiration, make serial
herniation, if ICP is elevated; conversely, hyper-
and makes it possible to examinations of
tension due to insufficient anaesthesia or analge- control PaO2 and PaCO2 consciousness difficult
sia may also increase ICP. Most strong analgesics, TBI patients will likely Sedation may lower
intravenous anaesthetics (except ketamine), and require additional invasive MAP and make fluid
neuromuscular blocker drugs are cerebral vaso- procedures with sedation/ challenges and
anaesthesia (monitor vasopressors necessary
constrictors, which will lead to reduced cerebral placement, craniotomy)
oxygen metabolism and blood flow and thus to a Facilitation of transport General side effects
decreased ICP in most TBI patients. between units including (gastrointestinal motility
All trauma patients are at risk of aspiration radiology lowered)
due to a full stomach. Thus, so-called rapid
sequence induction is usually preferred for intu-
bation. Suxamethonium, a fast-acting neuromus- W  hich Neurological Patients
cular relaxant, has been reported to increase ICP, Are at Risk of an Airway
but is not contraindicated in patients with a diffi- Catastrophe?
cult airway. Barbiturates, propofol, and etomi- Not every patient with abnormal airway protec-
date can be used; however, even a single dose of tion needs intubation. In the acute phase of severe
etomidate may precipitate hypocortisolism and TBI, airway protection is usually indicated and
adrenal insufficiency. Propofol is not recom- may be life-saving, but later, the concept “an ade-
370 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

quately protected airway” is more controversial. cations (aspiration, pulmonary contusion related
Normal airway function involves opening of the to chest trauma, etc.), and patients are at risk of
larynx, vocal folds, and cords during in- and developing ARDS (Definition Task Force et  al.
expiration and closure when the airflow stops; 2012; Rincon et al. 2012). In the presence of an
coordinated oropharyngeal sensory and muscle inflammatory state, an injurious ventilatory strat-
activity to move secretion, fluids, and food; a egy may significantly add to worsening lung
tight lower oesophageal sphincter and low gastric damage. Mechanical ventilation in this situation
pH; and a robust sensory response to fluid and presents significant challenges, because guide-
food at the glottis and lower airways, as well as lines recommending strategies in ARDS come
intact cough pathways. Finally, adequate respira- into conflicts with what is now considered best
tory muscle strength and tidal volumes are practice in TBI (Della Torre et al. 2017). ARDS
required to generate a strong cough. A clinically strategies may include lung-protective mechani-
unstable patient with impaired airway mainte- cal ventilation (LPMV), which is based on low
nance requires intubation, but a clinically stable tidal volumes and positive end-expiratory pres-
patient with impaired airway maintenance can sures (PEEP) to recruit collapsed alveolar paren-
often be managed without an endotracheal tube chyma. This reduces the sheer forces and the risk
by feeding through a tube (often enteral) and by of alveolar rupture and the release of inflamma-
attentive nursing and respiratory care. GCS is tory mediators that occur with repeated opening
routinely used but was not developed for neuro- and closing of collapsed alveoli (Definition Task
logic evaluation in the late phase of TBI and does Force et al. 2012; Finfer et al. 2019). Recruitment
not address the primary issues related to airway manoeuvers, permissive hypercapnia, and prone
protection. Gag reflex is also routinely assessed, position are also part of advanced ARDS treat-
but the gag reflex does not correlate well with ment. The tight interaction between respiratory
laryngeal closure airway protection and may be and cerebral dynamics clearly represents a poten-
absent in healthy subjects. tial risk for iatrogenic secondary brain damage,
Aspiration leads to fever, pneumonia, ARDS, when ARDS ventilation recommendations are
and systemic inflammation, all of which are asso- used; on the other hand, without sufficient arte-
ciated with worse neurologic outcomes and rial oxygenation, even an optimal CPP will not be
increased mortality. Intubation and sedation may sufficient to avoid brain damage. As mentioned
be required for different acute purposes but must above, the ARDSNet target of PaO2 (7.3  kPa)
be balanced against the need for an adequate neu- seems too low to be safely applied to patients
rological examination and avoidance of the com- with TBI. Hypercapnia is associated with c­ erebral
plications of intubation and MV, when possible. vasodilatation and increase in ICP. Hypercapnia,
which is usually accepted in LPMV, can be dan- Assessment of the Airway gerous in TBI patients. Conversely, hypocapnia
and Prediction of a Difficult and consequent cerebral vasoconstriction
Airway decrease ICP.  Therefore, in TBI patients, the
An airway evaluation should be performed in standard of care is to ventilate to low normocap-
every patient prior to intubation. In the uncon- nia (4.5–5  kPa), but this may be a challenge in
scious patient, the airway is more difficult to ARDS patients.
evaluate. A difficult airway algorithm should be High TV ventilation in patients with TBI has
adopted. been associated with development of ARDS. Even
though lung-protective ventilation has gained How to Set the Ventilator widespread use, many TBI patients are still ven-
After brain injury, a systemic inflammatory state tilated with high tidal volumes (Asehnoune et al.
develops, with inflammatory cells also migrating 2017; Asehnoune et  al. 2018). Brain-injured
to airways and alveolar spaces. In addition, the patient with healthy lungs or only moderately
TBI patients frequently suffer from lung compli- impaired lung function should be ventilated with
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 371

LPMV (tidal volume 6–7  mL/kg) (Bruni et  al. ICP and was an integrated part of the treatment
2017). When TBI and ARDS coexist, a balance until 10 years ago (Curry et al. 2008). However,
needs to be found between lung protection and the effects are transient, and the risks must be
CO2 control. There are no absolute contraindica- carefully considered before treatment, as dimin-
tions to the use of protective ventilation in TBI, ished CBF may lead to cerebral ischaemia and
and the PaCO2 should be set according to ICP tissue hypoxia. Therapeutic hyperventilation (at
and, preferably, brain parenchymal oxygen PaCO2 <3.3 kPa) has been debated as a mean to
electrodes. control posttraumatic intracranial hypertension
Presently, choice of ventilator rescue therapies (ICH), but is detrimental to neurologic outcome
in severe lung injury is best decided on a case-to-­ and should be avoided especially during the acute
case basis. phase of TBI, i.e. the first 24 h, where CBF is low
(Muizelaar et al. 1991). PEEP Prolonged prophylactic hyperventilation is
A high PEEP can improve pulmonary gas thus not recommended as first-line therapy to
exchange and respiratory mechanics by opening reduce ICP, but may be used briefly in emergen-
collapsed alveoli and keeping them open, reduc- cies, when other interventions fail, and as a
ing ventilation/perfusion mismatch. However, bridge to more definite treatment.
PEEP also has the potential to impair return of
venous flow from the cerebral veins to the heart, Weaning
decrease mean arterial pressure, and thus increase While it may be life-saving, mechanical ventila-
ICP and decrease CPP.  For many years, it was tion is also associated with life-threatening com-
considered prudent to use low or no PEEP in plications and side effects and should be
mechanically ventilated patients with brain discontinued as soon as possible. Weaning is ini-
injury. Recent investigations have challenged the tiated when the patient is clinically stable, that is,
potential harmful effect of PEEP in TBI patients there is no intracranial hypertension, hypoxemia,
with ARDS and found that in normovolaemic or hypotension. Most brain-injured patients are
patients, PEEP can be safely applied and may able to breathe spontaneously. Weaning is con-
even benefit cerebral brain tissue oxygenation sidered successful when the patient can sustain
providing that patients were normovolaemic spontaneous breathing unassisted or with mini-
(Della Torre et al. 2017; Asehnoune et al. 2017; mal support. Weaning delay and failure both
Nemer et al. 2015). Others have found a substan- increase the risk of complications and may pro-
tial difference in the effect of PEEP on ICP in long the NICU stay (Bruni et al. 2017; McCredie
ARDS depending on whether PEEP caused alve- et al. 2017). When weaning is successful, extuba-
olar hyperinflation or alveolar recruitment. With tion may be considered.
recruitment, a fall in PaCO2 may occur with a
subsequent reduction in ICP, but with hyperinfla- Extubation
tion (i.e., “over-recruitment”), the effect may be Criteria for extubation in the general ICU patient
opposite. Similarly, recruitment manoeuvers may include being awake and able to protect the air-
cause a significant elevation in ICP in patients way, breathing spontaneously with a PaO2/FiO2
with impaired autoregulation, but in TBI patients >200  mmHg (>27  kPa), FiO2 <40%, a PEEP
with ARDS, recruitment may improve <5 cm H2O, and only low levels of ventilator sup-
oxygenation. port (Girard et al. 2017).
Many TBI patients require minimal ventilator Hyperventilation support, but little evidence is available to guide
During acute hyperventilation, increased arterio- their extubation. The risk of extubation failure is
lar resistance reduces CBF and cerebral blood higher than in the general ICU population and has
volume and ultimately decreases ICP. Therapeutic been correlated with development of pneumonia
hyperventilation has been widely used to decrease and increased mortality, while delayed extubation
372 K.-L. K. Welling et al.

increases the risk of ventilator-­associated pneu- followed by general weaning of the respiratory
monia. GCS has been inconsistently reported as a support. Reintubation should always be considered
factor associated with extubation success, but has possible for patients who fail an extubation trial
never been validated in intubated patients; thus, (e.g. the patient’s airway should not be classified as
other tools to evaluate arousal are required excessively difficult, and doctors who are skilled at
(Peñuelas et al. 2015; Godet et al. 2017). A multi- airway management and the necessary devices and
centre observational study did not support the use drugs should be immediately available).
of GCS to help predict which TBI patient will fail
extubation. Instead, airway protection assess- Tracheostomy
ments, such as the presence of cough, should be In general, tracheostomy is associated with
used as part of the decision process. Younger age reduced time on mechanical ventilation and
and negative fluid balance also predicted extuba- length of stay in the ICU.  However, rates of
tion success. Neither delayed extubation nor tra- ventilator-­associated pneumonia are not
cheostomy was associated with improved decreased with tracheostomy.
outcome (McCredie et al. 2017). Performing a tracheostomy carries the risk of
Based on these considerations, we suggest the occult hypoxic or hypotensive periods, which
following criteria for extubating patients after may aggravate secondary brain injury. In patients
severe TBI: with severe TBI, early tracheostomy (<7  days)
has been associated with increases in ICP and
• The intracranial pathology has stabilized (e.g. with both increased and reduced in-hospital mor-
ICP is below 15 mmHg without sedation, and talities (Baron et al. 2016; Stocchetti et al. 2000;
no more than brief and rapidly reversible ICP Kocaeli et  al. 2008; Lu et  al. 2018). However,
increases occur during stimulation). early tracheostomy in patients with a reasonable
• Coughing occurs during tracheal suctioning chance of survival may result in better overall
and is considered sufficient to mobilize the clinical outcome (Rizk et al. 2011).
patient’s secretions from the trachea to the In conclusion, patients with severe TBI and a
pharynx; in a patient with a normal pre-trauma need for prolonged mechanical ventilation may
lung function, the PaO2 >10  kPa, PaCO2 benefit from early tracheostomy. However, the
<6.0  kPa, and pH >7.30 with the patient procedure may increase ICP and should not be
breathing on pressure support <10  cm H2O, performed before the intracranial pathology has
FiO2 of <40%, and PEEP <5  cm H2O (other stabilized.
limits may be defined for those with pre-­
existing pulmonary disease). Discharge from the NICU
• On these settings, the patient’s tidal volume is Discharge from the NICU to a neurosurgical
>5  mL/kg, and the respiratory rate is ward or a rehabilitation facility can take place
<30 breaths/min. when the patient is stable with respect to vital
• No or minimal circulatory support (e.g. nor- organ functions, in particular the cardiorespira-
adrenaline infusion <0.05  μg/kg/min) is tory and renal systems. Thus, the patient should
required. be able to defend his/her own airway and main-
• The patient is fasting. tain an acceptable oxygen saturation without
advanced respiratory care; hypoxaemia and
If these criteria are met, a trial of extubation can hypotension should be considered pathological
be carried out. In contrast, if one or more of the until proven otherwise, as should a low urine out-
points are not fulfilled, selected patients may put. Those with the highest risk of dying or read-
undergo extubation, e.g. if they can follow com- mission to intensive care should be discharged to
mands, whereas others may require tracheostomy an intermediate care unit (if available), rather
51  Cardiopulmonary Aspects 373

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KM. Impact of tracheostomy timing on outcome after Surg. 2013;75(6):1024–30; discussion 1030. http://
severe head injury. Neurocrit Care. 2011;15(3):481–9. Varelas PN, Conti MM, Spanaki MV, Potts E, Bradford
Rockswold SB, Rockswold GL, Zaun DA, Liu J.  A D, Sunstrom C, et al. The impact of a neurointensivist-­
prospective, randomized Phase II clinical trial to led team on a semiclosed neurosciences intensive care
evaluate the effect of combined hyperbaric and unit. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(11):2191–8. http://www.
normobaric hyperoxia on cerebral metabolism,
intracranial pressure, oxygen toxicity, and clinical Varelas PN, Eastwood D, Yun HJ, Spanaki MV, Hacein Bey L,
outcome in severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg. Kessaris C, et al. Impact of a neurointensivist on outcomes
2013;118(6):1317–28. in patients with head trauma treated in a neurosciences
.JNS121468. intensive care unit. J Neurosurg. 2006;104(5):713–9.
SAFE Study Investigators, Australian and New Zealand
Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group, Wazen RM, Kuroda S, Nishio C, Sellin K, Brunski JB,
Australian Red Cross Blood Service, George Nanci A. The emerging use of ketamine for anesthesia
Institute for International Health, Myburgh J, Cooper and sedation in traumatic brain injuries. CNS Neurosci
DJ, et  al. Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation Ther. 2013;19(6):390–5.
Renal Aspects
Jens Aage Kølsen-Petersen

Recommendations 52.1 Overview

Level I The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is widely

accepted as the single best estimate of the overall
There are insufficient data to support a Level I kidney function in health and disease (Kellum
recommendation for this topic. et al. 2012). In critically ill patients, renal func-
tion can be monitored by regular measurements
Level II of urinary output and plasma concentrations of
creatinine taking into account that P-creatinine
There are insufficient data to support a Level II will not raise until time has elapsed after the renal
recommendation for this topic. injury, while urinary output can be measured at
once under appropriate fluid supply.
Level III The GFR can be calculated as

Urinary output, changes in plasma concentra- U Creatinine ´ Vurine

Creatinine clearance =
tions of creatinine, creatinine clearance, and Pcreatinine

changes in acid-base status and electrolytes may
be used as surrogate parameters for kidney func- UCreatinine and P creatinine is the concentration of cre-
tion. At steady state, estimated glomerular filtra- atinine in urine and plasma, respectively, and Vurine
tion rate (eGFR) based on plasma creatinine, is the volume of urine. It must be considered that
age, gender, and race is preferred, while the gold GFR is overestimated with this method because
standard, measured GFR using, e.g. plasma of tubular secretion of creatinine. At low levels of
clearance of 51 CrEDTA, is expensive and GFR, this overestimation can be as high as 100%.
time-consuming. Alternatively, GFR can be estimated (eGFR)
based on plasma creatinine and certain patient
variables such as age, gender, and race (e.g.
CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease
Epidemiology), abbreviated (Modification of
Diet in Renal Disease) formulas).
J. A. Kølsen-Petersen (*)
Department of Anaesthesia, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 377

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
378 J. A. Kølsen-Petersen

output are non-specific markers of renal function

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls (Bellomo et al. 2004). Urea is formed in the liver
• Monitor urinary output hourly if rapid as a major end product of the metabolism of the
changes in kidney function are expected. nitrogen-containing substances. It is filtered in
• Monitor plasma concentrations of cre- the glomerulus but undergoes extensive tubular
atinine and urea daily together with reabsorption depending on the urine flow (Baum
acid-base status and electrolytes. If et al. 1975). Apart from the kidney function, the
renal function deteriorates, add esti- plasma urea concentration depends on the clini-
mated GFR or GFR calculated from 2 or cal situation, e.g. degree of catabolism, gastroin-
24-h urine samples. testinal bleeding, infection, administration of
• Creatinine [μmol  L−1]/urea [mmol  L−1] steroids, dietary protein, liver function, and
ratio below 10 indicates prerenal cause hydration. Urine output may be normal or high
(hypovolaemia) (Baum et al. 1975). despite severe renal failure (nonoliguric). The
combination of urine output, plasma creatinine,
and creatinine clearance provides the basis for
the RIFLE classification of acute renal failure
52.2 Background (Bellomo et al. 2004).
Estimated GFR (eGFR) calculated from equa-
Acute kidney injury is a common complication tions that take into account plasma creatinine and
that adversely affects outcome in critically ill certain patient variables (age, gender, race, and
trauma patients (Bagshaw et al. 2008). The kid- weight) has been shown to be clinically useful for
neys regulate intravascular volume, osmolality, evaluating kidney function in a broad range of
and acid-base and electrolyte balance and excrete clinical settings but has not been sufficiently vali-
the end products of metabolism and drugs. Most dated in non-steady-state situations with acute
of these functions depend on the kidney’s ability changes in renal function (Johnson 2011). An
to filtrate sodium and water. The glomerular fil- automated calculator using the best available
tration rate (GFR) is thus widely accepted as the equation, the Chronic Kidney Disease
best marker for the overall kidney function Epidemiology Collaboration formula (Johnson
(Kellum et al. 2012). The GFR can be measured 2011), can be assessed on the Internet
directly by clearance of a substance that is fil- equations/gfr-calculator/.
tered, but neither reabsorbed nor secreted, e.g.
inulin or 51 CrEDTA (Johnson 2005), which is
however expensive and time-consuming. The 52.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
clearance of creatinine, a product of muscle
metabolism, closely approximates the GFR The principles outlined above also apply for chil-
(Baum et  al. 1975). Creatinine is excreted at a dren. However, the reference values for the glo-
relatively constant speed depending on the mus- merular filtration rate and plasma creatinine
cle mass. It is filtered in the glomeruli and to a change as the child grows. GFR is often reported
minor extent (7–10%) secreted by the tubules in relative to body surface area, i.e. GFR per 1.73 m2.
the normal kidney. When kidney function The GFR is 15–30% of normal adult values at
declines and GFR decreases, the creatinine secre- birth, reaches 50% on the fifth to tenth day, and
tion can be even greater than the filtered load, gradually attains adult values in the second year
leading to an overestimation of the GFR (Bellomo of life. The normal plasma creatinine increases as
et al. 2004). For clinical purposes, however, it is the muscle mass increases and reaches adult val-
important to determine whether renal function is ues in puberty (Schwartz et al. 1976). The plasma
stable or getting worse or better. This can usually concentration of urea is normally 3–6  mmol/L
be determined by measuring plasma creatinine throughout childhood and increases in the same
alone (Kellum et al. 2012). Plasma urea and urine situations as mentioned above.
52  Renal Aspects 379

References Johnson D.  Estimated glomerular filtration rate: which

equation is best and how should it be used. Nephrology.
Bagshaw SM, et  al. A multi-center evaluation of early
Kellum JA, Lameire N, Aspelin P, Barsoum RS,
acute kidney injury in critically ill trauma patients.
Burdmann EA, Goldstein SL, Herzog CA, Joannidis
Ren Fail. 2008;30:581–9.
M, Kribben A, Levey AS, MacLeod AM, Mehta RL,
Baum N, et  al. Blood urea nitrogen and serum cre-
Murray PT, Naicker S, Opal SM, Schaefer F, Schetz
atinine. Physiology and interpretations. Urology.
M, Uchino S. Kidney disease: improving global out-
comes (KDIGO) acute kidney injury work group.
Bellomo R, et al. Acute renal failure—definition, outcome
KDIGO clinical practice guideline for acute kidney
measures, animal models, fluid therapy and infor-
injury. Kidney Int Suppl. 2012;2:1–138.
mation technology needs: the Second International
Schwartz GJ, et  al. A simple estimate of glomerular fil-
Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality
tration rate in children derived from body length and
Initiative (ADQI) Group. Crit Care. 2004;8:R204–12.
plasma creatinine. Pediatrics. 1976;58:259–63.
Johnson D.  The CARI guidelines. Evaluation of renal
function. Nephrology(Carlton). 2005;10(Suppl
Neuroendocrine Aspects
Marianne Klose and Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen

Recommendations 53.1 Overview

Level I Severe TBI may impact the hypothalamic-­

pituitary-­peripheral hormone system during the
There are insufficient data to support a Level I acute phase, but may also lead to long-term con-
recommendation for this topic. sequences in terms of persistent posttraumatic
hypopituitarism. Many factors have been shown
Level II to influence the normal adaptive hypothalamo-­
pituitary response to acute critical illness and its
Routine testing for pituitary insufficiency in the treatments including mechanisms affecting, e.g.
acute phase is not recommended, whereas imme- metabolism, hormone binding, and production.
diate treatment of hypoadrenalism is advised In TBI, there is an additional risk of structural
upon clinical suspicion. damage causing direct interruption of the normal
hypothalamic-pituitary function, with the risk of
Level III persistent damage. In the acute phase after TBI, it
is therefore particularly difficult to distinguish
Testing for pituitary insufficiency is recom- the two components.
mended upon clinical suspicion after moderate/ Anterior pituitary hormone alterations are fre-
severe TBI. quently encountered in the acute phase after
Testing for pituitary insufficiency is not rec- TBI.  However, the diagnosis entails plenty of
ommended in all TBI patients. problems, and the clinical relevance and thera-
If pituitary insufficiency is discovered and peutic implications of such endocrine changes
treated within the first year after TBI, it is recom- are still debated. Assessment of the growth hor-
mended to retest the patient after 1 year or more. mone, thyroid, and gonadal axes is not recom-
mended in the acute setting, as there is currently
no evidence to support a clinical benefit from
hormonal replacement in the critically ill.
Untreated adrenal insufficiency can on the other
M. Klose (*) · U. Feldt-Rasmussen
Department of Medical Endocrinology, Copenhagen hand be life-threatening. The diagnosis of adre-
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark nal insufficiency is mainly clinical, as biochemi-
e-mail:, cal assessment is difficult in the acute setting, and;, immediate treatment should be instituted on

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 381

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
382 M. Klose and U. Feldt-Rasmussen

c­ linical suspicion. If possible, a baseline plasma Over the last decades, long-term anterior pitu-
cortisol should be taken prior to treatment, as itary hormone deficiency has been reported with
very low concentrations highly support the diag- a prevalence of 15–83% in selected cohorts, sug-
nosis, whereas normal concentrations do not rule gesting that long-term posttraumatic hypopituita-
out hypoadrenalism. In these cases, the subse- rism might be a more common complication in
quent treatment response should guide further TBI than previously believed (Table  53.1).
treatment and follow-up. Although some studies have failed to show such
The temporal relationship between TBI high frequencies (van der Eerden et  al. 2010),
and  hypopituitarism is poorly understood. this has raised concerns whether undiagnosed
Longitudinal studies examining TBI patients at and thus untreated hypopituitarism may contrib-
variable time points from the acute phase to years ute to the mortality and severe morbidity seen in
after the trauma have reported transient, perma- TBI. The magnitude of this contribution remains
nent, and de novo deficiencies all through the
time span (Agha et  al. 2005; Kleindienst et  al.
2009; Klose et al. 2007b; Tanriverdi et al. 2006). Table 53.1  Symptoms and clinical findings in patients
with hypopituitarism
Part of this variation may be ascribed to diagnos-
tic difficulties, including those caused by the Peripheral Symptoms and clinical
Hormone hormone findings
stress of severe illness, but may also in some
GH IGF-1 (direct Fatigue, muscle
cases be related to medication effects. effects of GH weakness, depression,
in muscle and decreased muscle mass/
adipose tissue) increased fat mass,
decreased exercise
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
capacity, hyperlipidaemia,
• TBI patients may develop insulin resistance,
hypopituitarism. osteoporosis, growth
• Involvement of a specialized medical retardationa
endocrinologist is mandatory for proper FSH/ Testosterone, Oligo-/amenorrhoea,
LH oestradiol decreased libido,
choice of hypothalamic-pituitary tests infertility, erectile
as well as their interpretation. dysfunction, decreased
• Treatment of hypoadrenalism with pubic hair, thinning of
replacement dosages of hydrocortisone hair, depression, fatigue,
muscle weakness,
is recommended upon clinical suspi- osteoporosis
cion. Important diagnostic clues are TSH Thyroxine Fatigue, weakness, dry
haemodynamic instability despite ade- skin, constipation,
quate fluid resuscitation. bradycardia, cold
• Neither normal plasma sodium nor cor- intolerance, weight gain,
thinning of hair,
tisol excludes presence of severe life-­ depression,
threatening hypoadrenalism. hyperlipidaemia, oligo-/
• Patients with high ICP and basal skull amenorrhoea
fractures and those with persistent hypo- ACTH Cortisol Fatigue, muscle
weakness, nausea/
gonadal symptoms are at greater risk for vomiting, anorexia,
hypothalamo-pituitary damage. Diabetes diarrhoea, weight loss,
insipidus is a strong indicator for hypo- hypotension,
thalamo-pituitary damage. hypoglycaemia, oligo-/
amenorrhoea, pale skin
• Long-term treatment of pituitary hor-
ADH – Polyuria, nocturia, thirst
mone deficits should follow the general
GH growth hormone, FSH follicle stimulating hormone,
guidelines for treatments of these defi- LH luteinizing hormone, TSH thyroid stimulating hor-
ciencies whatever the cause. mone, ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
GH deficiency developed in childhood
53  Neuroendocrine Aspects 383

to be defined, and although some outcome ­studies concept comes from autopsy studies from fatally
have indicated clinical significance of posttrau- head-injured patients in which up to one third
matic hypopituitarism with important impacts on sustained anterior pituitary gland necrosis
health-related quality of life and lipid status (Ceballos 1966; Crompton 1971; Kornblum and
(Kelly et al. 2006; Klose et al. 2007c), the find- Fisher 1969). It is however unclear whether data
ings have not been consistent (Pavlovic et  al. from fatal cases can be generalized to explain
2010). Nevertheless, expert panels have proposed long-term hypopituitarism in TBI survivors. Two
recommendations for hormone assessment of recent MR studies may support the hypothesis.
pituitary insufficiency and consequent appropri- An observational case-control study including 41
ate replacement after moderate/severe TBI patients with non-lethal head trauma demon-
(Ghigo et al. 2005; Ho 2007; Tritos et al. 2015). strated acute changes in terms of pituitary
Unfortunately, the area lacks valid clinical, bio- enlargement, pituitary haemorrhages, infarctions,
chemical, or other predictors, and it has not yet signal abnormalities, and/or partial stalk transec-
been clarified which part of the TBI population tion in about 30% of adult TBI patients (Maiya
should be tested (Klose and Feldt-Rasmussen et  al. 2007). Secondly, other observational data
2008). Although some patients have profound have suggested that patients with long-term post-­
hormonal deficiencies and do benefit from treat- TBI hypopituitarism have a higher frequency of
ment, most patients seem to have subtle deficits. loss of pituitary volume or empty sella, abnormal
Data are still awaited to document the effect of pituitary gland signal heterogeneity, perfusion
hormone replacement therapy in such patients, deficits, and/or lack of posterior pituitary signal
and until data are available, one should be cau- as compared to TBI patients with normal pitu-
tious to introduce uncritical routine anterior pitu- itary function (Schneider et al. 2007). Likewise,
itary testing and replacement therapy. Meanwhile, Bavisetty et  al. (2008) reported the degree of
more pragmatic recommendations must be given, injury as defined by acute CT to be the strongest
e.g. pituitary evaluation should be considered at predictor for long-term deficiencies; Klose et al.
any stage when clinically indicated in a patient (2007a) reported that a normal CT excluded
who has suffered TBI (Table 53.1). Certain cate- development of long-term deficiencies, whereas
gories of patients may be at a greater risk, includ- indirect indicators of severe trauma including
ing those with increased ICP and diffuse axonal increased ICP were predictive of long-term defi-
injury, those with basal skull fractures, as well as ciency in their cohort of 104 patients; and
those with hypogonadal symptoms (Cuesta et al. Schneider et  al. found other indicators of more
2016), and should be considered at higher prior- severe TBI, such as diffuse axonal injury and
ity for pituitary assessment. basal skull fractures, to be predictive (Schneider
et  al. 2008). Most studies, however, failed to
show a relationship between injury-related fac-
53.2 Background tors and the development of long-term hypopitu-
itarism (Klose and Feldt-Rasmussen 2008), and
53.2.1 Anterior Pituitary Hormone the role of acute CT was recently contradicted by
Deficiency Following Kleindienst et  al. (2009) who did not find any
relationship between acute or late CT findings TBI: Aetiology and development of hypopituitarism (Table 53.2).
The aetiology of posttraumatic hypopituitarism Furthermore, the effects of transient stress
remains incompletely understood, but current from critical illness and medication are mecha-
evidence indicates the role of both primary nisms to be considered in the acute phase.
mechanical injury and secondary injury from Adrenal cortisol synthesis can be impaired by the
hypotension, hypoxia, anaemia, and brain swell- anaesthetic agent etomidate and the antifungal
ing causing restriction of flow in the hypophyseal agent ketoconazole; exogenous corticosteroid
portal vessels. Support of this pathophysiologic therapy may suppress the HPA axis and induce
Table 53.2  Recent publications on the prevalence of long-term posttraumatic anterior pituitary dysfunction

GCS Hypopituitarism Multiple GH ACTH LH/FSH TSH

Authors n <13 Total (%) hypopituitarism deficiencya deficiency deficiency deficiency Predictors
Kelly et al. (2000) 22 – 36 23 18 5 23 5 Diffuse brain swelling, GCS
Lieberman et al. 70 – 69 18 15 46 1 22 None
Agha et al. (2004) 102 100 29 6 11 (8) 13 12 1 None
Bondanelli et al. 50 86 54 12 28 (20) 0 14 10 GCS score
Popovic et al. 67 100 34 10 15 (8) 7 9 4 None
Aimaretti et al. 70 45 23 10 20 7 11 6 None
Leal-Cerro et al. 170b 100 25 16 6 6 17 6 None
Schneider et al. 70 78 36 4 10 9 20 3 None
Tanriverdi et al. 52 40 51 10 33 19 8 6 None
Herrmann et al. 76 100 24 7 8 2 17 2 None
Klose et al. (2007a) 104 58 15 6 15 5 2 2 Increased ICP, low GCS
Wachter et al. 53 24 25 2 2 4 1 6 None
Kleindienst et al. 23 78 83 30 39 0 48 0 Low GH first week
van der Eerden 107 28 <1 0 0 <1 0 0 ND
et al. (2010)
Krahulik et al. 87 - 21 0 14 0 6 0 GCS
Kokshoorn et al. 112 43% 5 4 3 2 1 0 BMI
Ulfarsson et al. 51 100% 28 6 22 0 4 2 None
M. Klose and U. Feldt-Rasmussen
Prodam et al. 54 100% 28 7 22 12 17 16 –
Silva et al. (2015) 160 31% 31 – 15 10 12 8 Intracranial bleed, MVA
Cuesta et al. (2016) 137c 100% 34 – 7 15 16 1 Hypogonadal symptoms
112d 100 33 – 14 21 19 5
Hannon et al. 32 100 31 3 19 19 3 – Acute setting
(2013) p-cortisol<300nmol/L,
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone, FSH follicle stimulating hormone, GCS Glasgow Coma Scale score, GH growth hormone, ICP intracranial pressure, LH luteinizing hor-
53  Neuroendocrine Aspects

mone, MVA motor vehicle accidents, ND not done, TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
Given as severe GHD (partial GHD)
Only 99 patients were tested
Referred with non-specific symptoms
Referred with symptoms of hypopituitarism
386 M. Klose and U. Feldt-Rasmussen

adrenal atrophy that may persist months after increased circulating free cortisol, and sup-
cessation, and hepatic metabolism of cortisol pressed cortisol breakdown (Boonen et al. 2013).
may be enhanced by drugs such as phenytoin. All these changes complicate assessment, as the
usual biochemical definitions of hypoadrenalism
cannot be used (Annane et al. 2017; Cooper and
53.2.2 Acute-Phase Anterior Stewart 2003). Therefore, the threshold that best
Pituitary Hormone Deficiency describes the patients at need for acute or chronic
glucocorticoid replacement is still to be defined.
Presence of hypothalamic-anterior-pituitary-­ A number of studies have assessed the acute
peripheral hormone alterations is a very common neuroendocrine changes following TBI, in order
phenomenon in the acute phase after TBI and to investigate the correlation to trauma severity,
may resemble the biochemical picture of central metabolic derangement, and variables that may
hypogonadism or hypothyroidism (Van den predict outcome (Cernak et al. 1999; Cohan et al.
Berghe et  al. 1998), whereas secretion of stress 2005; Della et al. 1998; Feibel et al. 1983; Hackl
hormones, such as prolactin, growth hormone et  al. 1991). The clinical implications of these
(GH), adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH), cortisol findings however remain unclear. Four longitudi-
(Annane et  al. 2000; Beishuizen et  al. 2001; nal studies have been designed to evaluate the
Hamrahian et  al. 2004), and vasopressin (AVP) relation between acute and long-term pituitary
(Jochberger et al. 2006), is increased. The degree hormone status after TBI.  Agha et  al. (2005)
of such alterations is typically related to disease found secondary gonadotropin, growth hormone
severity and associated with higher morbidity (GH), corticotrophin (ACTH), and thyrotropin
and mortality (Barton et al. 1987; De Groot 2006; (TSH) deficiency in 80%, 18%, 16%, and 2%,
Span et  al. 1992). The changes are not disease respectively, of 56 patients with moderate or
specific, but a hallmark in acute and critical ill- severe TBI.  At 1-year follow-up, hormonal
ness as such and appear to be part of important abnormalities had recovered in most patients,
adaptive mechanisms regulating the inflamma- whereas others had developed de novo deficien-
tory response, caused by cytokine activation cies, and although persistent GH and ACTH defi-
among other factors. Acute illness per se can also ciency was associated with more severe
result in variable changes of metabolism in all the acute-phase growth hormone and cortisol hypo-
hormone-binding proteins, and a number of drugs secretion, the authors were unable to identify bio-
used for life support in intensive care units affect chemical predictors of persistent hypopituitarism.
the binding of the hormones to their binding pro- Similar findings were described by others
teins. The interpretation of biochemical findings (Tanriverdi et  al. 2006; Klose et  al. 2007b;
thus entails plenty of problems, independent on Kleindienst et al. 2009). The existing data rely on
whether total or free hormone measurements are rather small cohorts only allowing for case
used; currently there are no reliable diagnostic description, and therefore clear conclusions and
cut-offs for anterior pituitary hormone deficiency recommendations on this issue are difficult.
in critically ill patients. Currently, no evidence exists to suggest intro-
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) duction of routine anterior pituitary hormone
axis deserves special interest, as untreated hypo- screening in critical illness, due to both the afore-
adrenalism may have a major impact on the mentioned diagnostic difficulties and lack of evi-
patient’s outcome. During critical illness, pro- dence of the beneficial effects from hormonal
found and variable changes occur in the HPA substitution. Treatment with pharmacological
axis, including HPA activation (Annane et  al. doses of GH has been shown to increase morbid-
2000; Hamrahian et al. 2004; Vanhorebeek et al. ity and mortality (Takala et al. 1999), whether or
2006), decreased cortisol-binding globulin not administration of thyroid hormone is benefi-
(CBG) the first week after admission (Beishuizen cial or harmful remains controversial (De Groot
et  al. 2001; Hamrahian et  al. 2004) leading to 2006; Stathatos et  al. 2001), and no conclusive
53  Neuroendocrine Aspects 387

clinical benefit has been demonstrated for andro- (Table 53.2). The diversity in the reported preva-
gen treatment in prolonged critical illness lence is likely to be explained by different study
(Angele et al. 1998). populations, study designs, and diagnostic proce-
Although the threshold that best describes the dures used. The high prevalence has recently lead
patients at need for glucocorticoid replacement in expert panels to include TBI in endocrine guide-
the acute setting remains to be defined, this com- lines regarding whom and when to test for hypo-
plication must be considered as potentially lethal. pituitarism, and several screening programmes
As a rule, baseline plasma cortisol of less than have been proposed (Behan et al. 2008; Fleseriu
100  nmol/L indicates adrenal insufficiency, et  al. 2016; Ghigo et  al. 2005;). Screening was
whereas normal or slightly elevated concentra- challenged by the study by van der Eerden et al.
tions do not exclude the diagnosis. Important (2010) including an emergency department-
diagnostic clues are haemodynamic instability based cohort. Partial hypocortisolism was
despite adequate fluid resuscitation, hyponatrae- reported in 1 out of 107 patients, indicating that
mia, and in rare cases hypoglycaemia. Treatment routine pituitary screening in unselected patients
of hypoadrenalism with stress dosages of hydro- after TBI is unlikely to be cost-effective. Current
cortisone is recommended upon clinical recommendations are directed towards patients
suspicion. with moderate and severe TBI, and there are data
Although only based on case reports, the clini- to suggest that persisting hypogonadal symptoms
cal data justify an increased attention towards the are more predictive of hypopituitarism than non-
potential presence of secondary hypoadrenalism specific symptoms in screening for pituitary dys-
occurring from the acute phase in TBI patients. In function (Cuesta et al. 2016).
order to illustrate the potential pitfall in diagnos- Very few data exist on the possible clinical
ing the causes of hyponatraemia in TBI patients, implication of anterior pituitary hormone defi-
Agha et  al. (2007) reported data from three ciency in TBI patients, and again data are con-
patients with severe TBI, who were initially mis- flicting. Kelly et al. (2006) described higher rates
diagnosed as SIADH. In two cases, hypoadrenal- of at least one marker of depression and reduced
ism was suspected due to the combination of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in
hyponatraemia, hypoglycaemia, and hypotension GH-deficient patients. Klose et al. (2007c) found
and in the third case because plasma sodium did that posttraumatic hypopituitarism was an inde-
not correct with fluid restriction. All three patients pendent predictor of the classical phenotypic fea-
had extremely low baseline cortisol of tures of hypopituitarism, including an
33–110  nmol/L and undetectable ACTH levels. unfavourable lipid and body composition profile,
The condition ameliorated in all of them upon as well as worsened HRQoL.  Bondanelli et  al.
glucocorticoid replacement. Patients may (2007) found that peak GH was an independent
­however present with far more subtle signs and predictor of poorer outcome as measured by
symptoms. rehabilitation scales evaluating cognition, dis-
ability, and functional dependency, whereas
Pavlovic et  al. (2010) found no correlation
53.2.3 Long-Term Anterior Pituitary between neuropsychological variables and stimu-
Hormone Deficiency lated peak GH or insulin-like growth factor I
(IGF-I) levels.
Anterior pituitary hormone deficiency following The impact of hypopituitarism on QoL, fatigue,
TBI has traditionally been considered very rare sleep changes, and hypogonadal symptoms was
and mainly reported as single cases or case series. recently challenged in a large national TBI cohort
With the increased focus on this potential com- (Klose et  al. 2015) as symptoms in that study
plication over the last decades, long-term anterior were more heavily explained by concurrent
pituitary hormone deficiency was reported with a comorbidities and their treatments, including
prevalence of 15–83% in selected cohorts treatment with opioids and antidepressants.
388 M. Klose and U. Feldt-Rasmussen

The negative effects of glucocorticoid, thyroid, ranges from 5 to 57%. GH and ACTH deficiency
and gonadal hormone deficiencies are well recog- are the most common, followed by gonadotro-
nized, as is the beneficial effect from appropriate pins and thyroid-stimulating hormone. Given the
replacement therapy. These deficiencies and their critical role of anterior pituitary hormones in the
treatment, however, have more distinct clinical regulation of growth, pubertal, and neurocogni-
features than GH deficiency, which is the most tive development in childhood, early detection of
frequently reported deficiency in TBI patients. hormone abnormalities following TBI is impor-
GH deficiency is associated with impaired linear tant. At this level it is recommended that, as in
growth and attainment of normal body composi- adults, treatment of long-term posttraumatic
tion in children, but in adults, the features are less hypopituitarism should follow the general guide-
specific with reduced lean body mass, decreased lines for treatments of the present deficiencies,
exercise capacity, reduced bone mineral density, whatever the cause (Acerini and Tasker 2007;
unfavourable changes in the lipid profile, and Tritos et al. 2015; Casano-Sancho 2017).
decreased QoL. There are only few available data
on treatment effect in TBI patients with anterior
pituitary hormone deficiency. To evaluate the References
effect of human GH replacement therapy as docu-
mented in the German Pfizer International Acerini CL, Tasker RC.  Traumatic brain injury induced
Metabolic (KIMS) database, clinical and other hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction: a paediatric per-
outcome variables were compared at baseline and spective. Pituitary. 2007;10:373–80.
Agha A, Rogers B, Sherlock M, O’Kelly P, Tormey W,
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Sunnerhagen KS, Lundgren-Nilsson A, Nilsson
Treatment in Neurointensive Care
Per-Olof Grände and Johan Undén
Guidelines for Treatment
of Patients with Severe Traumatic 54
Brain Injury

Per-Olof Grände and Niels Juul

Recommendations Level III

Level I There is Level III evidence supporting that care

of patients should be performed in a specialized
There are insufficient data to support a Level I neurointensive care unit. There is Level III evi-
recommendation of a single treatment algorithm dence from two smaller randomized studies giv-
and a specific guideline for TBI patients. ing support for the Lund therapy and one study
giving support for the US guidelines.
Level II

There is no Level II evidence supporting the 54.1 Overview of Guidelines

hypothesis that one of the described guidelines is
superior to another. 54.1.1 Comparing Guidelines
for the Adult

P.-O. Grände (*)

Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,
Lund University and Lund University Hospital,
Lund, Sweden
N. Juul
Department of Anaesthesia, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 395

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
US guideline, 2016,

updated version from 2007 European guidelines (EBIC) Addenbrooke guidelines Rosner protocol Lund concept
CPP, blood CPP 60–70 mmHg CPP > 60–70 mmHg CPP > 70 mmHg CPP >70 mmHg Optimal CPP 60–70 mmHg and
pressure MAP > 90 mmHg min 50 mmHg in selected cases if
normovolaemia. Blood pressure-­
reducing therapy is a
recommended option
Ventilation Volume-controlled Volume-controlled Volume-controlled Hyperventilation Volume-controlled
normoventilation. hyperventilation to 4.0– hyperventilation at a raised accepted normoventilation
Moderate 4.5 kPa in OBS. May be ICP to 3.5–4.0 kPa in OBS if
hyperventilation at raised intensified at high ICP SjO2 > 55%
Oxygenation PaO2 > 8 kPa PaO2 12–13 kPa Not specified Not specified PaO2 12–13 kPa
Analgesics, Not specified Yes. Not specified Propofol, midazolam, Not specified Deep sedation (midazolam,
sedatives Barbiturate and propofol fentanyl fentanyl,α2 agonist). No wake-up
at high ICP tests
Propofol in the weaning phase
ICP monitoring If abnormal CT scan and If considered desirable All patients with severe TBI All patients with All patients with severe TBI
unconscious severe TBI
ICP treatment ICP > 22 mmHg ICP > 20–25 mmHg ICP > 20–25 mmHg Not specified Early, independent of ICP
High-dose To control a high ICP if To control a refractory high Burst suppression pattern to Not used Not used. Low dose (1–3 mg/kg/h)
barbiturates haemodynamically stable ICP control a refractory high ICP for at most 2 days can be used at
refractory significantly raised ICP
Hyperosmolar Mannitol to control a Mannitol to control a raised Mannitol to control a raised Mannitol to control a Not used except to prevent acute
therapy raised ICP, 0.25–1 g/kg ICP, S-Osm < 315 mosm ICP, S-Osm < 320 mosm raised ICP if brain stem herniation and to offer
Hypertonic saline is an CPP < 70 mmHg space during brain operation
CSF drainage Not specified Can be used An option Can be used to Via ventricular drain from a
control CPP relatively high drainage level to
prevent ventricular collapse. CT
control of ventricular size
Fluids/fluid Normovolaemia Normovolaemia. Fluids not Normovolaemia. Fluids and Normovolaemia to Normovolaemia with albumin 20%
balance, Fluids not specified specified. Hb > 110 g/L optimal Hb values not moderate to be given slowly (s-alb
erythrocyte recommended discussed hypervolaemia 33–38 g/L) and erythrocytes
transfusion Hct 30–35% (leucocyte-depleted blood) to
Hb > 110 g/L (Hct 33%)
Crystalloids 1–1.5 L/day
P.-O. Grände and N. Juul
Vasopressors/ Can be used to maintain Recommended to maintain Recommended to maintain Recommended to If used, in lowest possible doses
inotropy CPP CPP CPP maintain a high CPP
Nutrition Enteral or parenteral Early enteral feeding Early enteral feeding Not specified Mainly enteral feeding. Full
nutrition, full supply replacement (15–20 kcal/kg/d)
after 1 week from day 2
Antiseizure Not recommended, but Not recommended Can be used Not discussed Not used
prophylaxis may be used in patients
with high risk of seizure
Surgical therapy Evacuation of epidural/ Evacuation of haematomas.
subdural haematomas. Decompressive craniectomy when
Craniectomy in exceptional in indicated to prevent brainstem
exceptional cases herniation
Temp control Active cooling is not Not discussed Active cooling to 33 °C if Not discussed Normothermia. High fever treated
recommended CPP <70 mmHg and pharmacologically. No active
ICP > 25 mmHg cooling
Comparison between various guidelines for treatment of severe isolated TBI in adults in terms of the latest updated version of US guidelines from 2016 (The Brain Trauma
Foundation; The American Association of Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2016), the European Brain Injury Consortium’s (EPIC) guidelines (Maas
et al. 1997), the Addenbrooke guidelines from Cambridge (Menon 1999), the Rosner protocol (Rosner et al. 1995) and the Lund concept (Grände 2006, 2017)
54  Guidelines for Treatment of Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
398 P.-O. Grände and N. Juul

54.1.2 The Brain Trauma Foundation Hyperosmolar Therapy

Guidelines (US Guidelines) US guidelines: Options for mannitol 0.25–1 g/kg
and the Lund Concept to serum osmol <320 mosm/L and for hypertonic
for Treatment saline to serum osmol <360 mosm/L.
of the Paediatric Population Lund concept: Not recommended.
Exceptionally it can be used to prevent acute
There are two paediatric guidelines available. brainstem herniation, e.g. under transportation,
The Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines from and to offer space during brain operation.
2010, the principles later also published by Bell
and Kochanek (2013), here called US guideline, Fluid/Fluid Balance
and the Lund concept (Grände 2006, 2017). The and Erythrocyte Therapy
US guidelines are mainly based on a meta-­ US guidelines: Normovolaemia. Type of fluids and
analytic approach, while the Lund concept has how to verify normovolaemia is not specified.
more of a physiological base. Lund concept: Normovolaemia. Moderate
crystalloid infusions combined with albumin Blood Pressure, CPP 20% as the main plasma volume expander result-
and Oxygenation ing in an albumin concentration of 32–38 g/L. The
US guidelines: CPP  =  40–65  mmHg. Min SBP albumin infusion should be given slowly.
70 mmHg + (2 × age)2, up to 1 year. Min systolic Erythrocyte transfusion (leucocyte-depleted
blood pressure (SBP) 90  mmHg  +  (2  ×  age)2 blood) to maintain a haemoglobin concentration
above 1 year. PaO2 > 8 kPa. of above 110 g/L.
Lund concept: CPP > 38–50 mmHg depend-
ing on age from newborn up to 18 years of age. Vasopressors
These values provide a normovolaemic condi- US guidelines: Vasopressors can be used to
tion. SBP not discussed. PaO2 12–13 kPa. increase CPP and SPB.
Lund concept: Vasopressors should be used in Initiation of ICP Treatment lowest possible dose.
US guidelines: At an ICP > 20–22 mmHg.
Lund concept: Early independent of ICP to Sedation, Analgesics
counteract an increase in ICP. and Musculorelaxation
US guidelines: Sedation, analgesics and muscle Use of Hyperventilation relaxation not specified and left to the treating
US guidelines: No prophylactic hyperventilation. physician. No propofol.
Mild hyperventilation 4.0–4.5  kPa at a raised Lund concept: Midazolam and fentanyl in
ICP.  More aggressive hyperventilation doses adapted to the age and individually pre-
(OBS < 4.0 kPa) may be considered at resistant venting stress and pain. No neuromuscular block-
intracranial hypertension. ade and no propofol.
Lund concept: Normoventilation, preferably
volume controlled. High-Dose Barbiturates
US guidelines: Can be used at a refractory high CSF Drainage ICP.
US guidelines: An option at a refractory intracra- Lund concept: Not recommended, but lower
nial hypertension. doses <2–3  mg/kg/h for at most 2  days can be
Lund concept: Intermittently with caution at a used at a refractory raised ICP.
high ICP with drainage from a relatively high
drainage level via ventricular drainage. CT con- Steroids
trol to detect and prevent ventricular collapse. US guidelines: Not used.
54  Guidelines for Treatment of Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 399

Lund concept: Not used. One moderate bolus line presented in 1997 (Maas et al. 1997) and the
dose of methylprednisolone can be accepted to Addenbrooke guideline from Cambridge, England,
reduce a life-threatening high fever. presented in 1999 (Menon 1999). Elucidatory ver-
sions of the Lund concept have been published Temperature Control (Grände 2006, 2017) as well as several updated
US guidelines: Active cooling to subnormal tem- versions of the US guideline, the latest in 2007 and
perature may be used as brain protection. 2016 (The Brain Trauma Foundation; The
Hyperthermia should be avoided. American Association of Neurological Surgeons;
Lund concept: Active cooling should not be Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2007, 2016).
used. High fever treated pharmacologically. In addition, national guidelines such as the Danish
(Welling et  al. 2010) have been published. All Antiseizure Prophylaxis guidelines except the Lund concept can be charac-
US guidelines: May be used in patients with a terized as cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)-
high risk of seizure. targeted guidelines and show similarities with the
Lund concept: Not used. US guidelines and are mainly based on meta-ana-
lytic surveys. The Lund concept instead is based Surgical on basal physiological principles for brain volume
US guidelines: Decompressive craniectomy an and perfusion control and can be characterized as
option to control a refractory high ICP. Surgical an intracranial pressure (ICP) and perfusion-tar-
evacuation of haematomas and contusions not geted therapy. While most traditional guidelines
discussed. including US guidelines are based only on clinical
Lund concept: Evacuation of large haemato- studies, the Lund concept also finds support from
mas and surgical available contusions. experimental studies. None of the published guide-
Decompressive craniectomy as a last measure to lines have been tested in larger randomized con-
counteract a refractory high ICP. trolled studies, but numerous investigations, some
with historical controls, have been published both
for the Lund concept and more conventional
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls guidelines (Grände 2006; Gerber et  al. 2013).
• All guidelines for treatment of severe head Modified versions of the Lund therapy have been
injury should be looked upon with hum- compared with more conventional treatments in
bleness, and there must be an individual two smaller randomized studies, showing better
evaluation of the treatment to choose. outcome with the Lund therapy (Liu et al. 2010;
Dizdarevic et  al. 2012). Also recent studies with
the US guideline have shown good outcome results
(Gerber et al. 2013). By now we cannot tell, how-
54.2 Background ever, that a specific guideline is better than another.
All guidelines recommend continuous mea-
54.2.1 Guidelines for the Adult surement of arterial pressure and ICP as well as
the use of artificial ventilation. No guideline rec-
Various guidelines have been presented during the ommends treatment with steroids, except that the
last 25  years for treatment of an isolated severe Lund concept accepts one bolus dose of Solu-­
traumatic brain injury in the adult, of which the Medrol (0.25–0.5 g to the adult) to reduce a life-­
most important are presented in the table above. threatening critically raised body temperature
The Rosner protocol (Rosner et al. 1995) and the (>39.5 °C). Active cooling is an option in some
Lund concept (Asgeirsson et al. 1994) were pre- conventional guidelines, but not in the Lund con-
sented in 1992–1995. The US guideline was pre- cept (see Chap. 58). Normal potassium and
sented in its first version in 1996 (Bullock et  al. sodium concentrations are generally recom-
1996). Other guidelines are the European guide- mended. A shift in the treatment paradigm has
400 P.-O. Grände and N. Juul

emerged recently in many “non-Lund centres” by the adult. Specific recommendations for children
accepting a lower CPP, indicating that the guide- and adolescents according to US guidelines are
lines have approached the Lund concept in some presented by the The Brain Trauma Foundation,
respects, even though the means to reach the goal Pediatric Guidelines (2010) and Bell and
are different (see Sect. 55.2 for details). Sedation Kochanek (2013) and for the Lund concept
should be sufficient to ameliorate the stress (Wahlström et al. 2005; Grände 2006), while the
response. Wake-up tests are controversial, but other guidelines do not specifically address the
still used in some centres. paediatric population. As for the adult, the US
There is a general recommendation that paediatric guidelines are based on meta-analytic
patients with severe head injury as soon as pos- surveys of clinical studies and are a CPP-targeted
sible should be transferred to a neurosurgical therapy, and the Lund therapy is based on physi-
unit. The patient should be intubated and receive ological principles for brain volume and brain
intensive care treatment as recommended in the perfusion regulation and is more of an ICP and
guidelines. There are some differences, though, perfusion-targeted therapy. The Lund concept
regarding the intensive care treatment, as can be also considers results from experimental studies.
seen from the different guidelines in the table
above. One difference is that US guidelines rec-
ommend that ICP treatment should not start References
before ICP is above 20–22  mmHg, while the
Lund concept recommends that it should start as Asgeirsson B, Grände PO, Nordström CH. A new therapy
soon as possible after arrival to the neurointen- of post-trauma brain oedema based on haemodynamic
principles for brain volume regulation. Intensive Care
sive care unit independent of ICP. Focus should Med. 1994;20(4):260–7.
be to prevent hypovolaemia, avoidance of Bell MJ, Kochanek PM. Pediatric traumatic brain injury
hypoxia, avoidance of hyper- or hypoglycaemia in 2012. The year with new guidelines and common
and avoidance of hyper- and hypoventilation. data elements. Crit Care Clin. 2013;29(2):223–38.
Bullock R, Chesnut RM, Clifton G, Ghajar J, Marion
Enteral feeding is the goal. The intensive care DW, Narayan RK, Newell DW, Pitts LH, Rosner MJ,
should endeavour to ensure normality in most Wilberger JW.  Guidelines for the management of
areas of the field, such as important physiological severe head injury. Brain Trauma Foundation. Eur J
parameters. Emerg Med. 1996;3(2):109–27.
Dizdarevic K, Hamdan A, Omerhodzic I, Kominlija-­
Smajic E.  Modified Lund concept versus cerebral
perfusion pressure-targeted therapy: a randomised
54.3 Guidelines for the Paediatric controlled study in patients with secondary brain isch-
Population emia. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2012;114(2):142–8.
Gerber LM, Chiu YL, Carney N, Härtl R, Ghajar J. Marked
Little substantial research has been performed for reduction in mortality in patients with severe traumatic
the paediatric population, defined as <18 years of brain injury. J Neurosurg. 2013;119:1583–90.
age. The paediatric brain injury remains poorly Grände PO.  The “Lund concept” for the treatment
of severe head trauma—physiological principles
investigated. Treatment of children and adoles- and clinical application. Intensive Care Med.
cents therefore is mainly based on deductions 2006;32(10):1475–84.
from guidelines developed for adults. Important Grände PO.  Critical evaluation of the Lund concept for
differences from the adult are lower blood pres- treatment of severe traumatic head injury, 25 years
after its introduction. Front Neurol. 2017;8:315.
sure and lower peripheral resistance in the whole
body, including the brain. This means that perfu- Liu CW, Zheng YK, Lu J, Yu WH, Wang B, Hu W, Zhu
sion of various organs and the brain is maintained KY, Zhu Y, Hu WH, Wang JR, Ma JP.  Application
at blood and CPP pressures lower than those rec- of Lund concept in treating brain edema after severe
head injury. Zhongguo Wei Zhong Bing Ji Jiu Yi Xue.
ommended for the adult. Like for the adult, 2010;22(10):610–3.
enteral feeding is to be preferred. The need of Maas AI, Dearden M, Teasdale GM, Braakman R,
energy/kg is much higher for children than for Chadon F, Iannotti F, Karimi A, Lapierre F, Stochetti
54  Guidelines for Treatment of Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 401

N, Unterberg A.  EBIC-guidelines for manage- traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 24 Suppl.
ment of severe head injury in adults. European 2007;1:S1–106.
Brain Injury Consortium. Acta Neurochir (Wien). The Brain Trauma Foundation; The American Association
1997;139(4):286–94. of Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological
Menon DK.  Cerebral protection in severe brain injury: Surgeons. Guidelines for management of severe
physiological determinants of outcome and their opti- traumatic brain injury 4th edition. J Neurosurg.
misation. Br Med Bull. 1999;55(1):226–58. 2016;354(6314):893–6.
Rosner MJ, Rosner SD, Johnson AH. Cerebral perfusion Wahlström MR, Olivecrona M, Koskinen LO, Rydenhag
pressure: management protocol and clinical results. J B, Naredi S.  Severe traumatic brain injury in pedi-
Neurosurg. 1995;83(6):949–62. atric patients: treatment and outcome using an intra-
The Brain Trauma Foundation; Pediatric Guidelines. cranial pressure targeted therapy—the Lund concept.
2010. Intensive Care Med. 2005;31(6):832–9.
The Brain Trauma Foundation; The American Association Welling KI, Eskesen V, Romner B, the Danish Neurotrauma
of Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological Committee. Neurointensive care of severe traumatic
Surgeons. Guidelines for the management of severe brain injury. Ugeskr Laeger. 2010;172:2091–4. (Danish).
The Lund Therapy: A Physiological
Approach 55
Per-Olof Grände and Peter Reinstrup

Recommendations 55.1 Overview of the Lund

Level I
1. A vasogenic brain oedema is a consequence
There have been no level I studies performed to of an unbalance of the hydrostatic and the col-
evaluate the Lund guidelines relative to any alter- loid osmotic pressure in the Starling fluid
native guidelines. equilibrium, providing a disrupted blood-
brain barrier (BBB). The intracranial pressure
Level II will however increase more than an increase
in hydrostatic capillary pressure or decrease in
There are no level II randomized studies that sup- colloid osmotic pressure, as the brain is
port any specific TBI guideline. enclosed in the rigid cranium. Details of this
mechanism have been described previously
Level III (see Grände 2017). Vasogenic brain oedema
may be confined by counteracting a raised
There have been several level III studies includ- hydrostatic capillary pressure, which can be
ing two smaller randomized studies giving some accomplished by antihypertensive treatment
support for the Lund therapy. (see (2) below). It may also be confined by
avoiding low colloid osmotic pressures (see
(3) below). A CPP of 60–65 mmHg should be
aimed at in most cases for the adult, but some-
what lower values may be necessary to reduce
P.-O. Grände (*) a significantly raised ICP.  The ICP-reducing
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, therapy should be started early after arrival to
Lund University and Lund University Hospital,
Lund, Sweden the intensive care, and normovolaemia is
e-mail: assured independent of prevailing ICP.
P. Reinstrup 2. An ICP measuring device should be installed.
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Zero baseline for ICP should be set in the ear
Lund University and Lund University Hospital, level (midlevel of the brain). Brain oedema
Lund, Sweden can be reduced by normalization of the nor-
Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care, mally raised arterial blood pressure (provid-
Skånes University Hospital, Lund, Sweden ing normovolaemia) by antihypertensive

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 403

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
404 P.-O. Grände and P. Reinstrup

therapy in terms of β1 antagonist (e.g. meto- vasopressors is small when following this
prolol 1 mg/mL, 1–2 mL/h i.v., or 50 mg × 1–2 therapy and should be avoided. If still used to
per os for an adult) and α2 agonist (clonidine obtain an adequate blood pressure, it should
diluted to 15  μg/mL, 0.5–1  mL/h i.v., or be used in lowest possible doses. Diuretics
150  μg  ×  1–2 per os for an adult or dexme- can be used (not mannitol).
detomidine 0.2–1.0  μg/kg/h i.v.). If blood 5. Anti-stress therapy in terms of midazolam

pressure is still too high, use also angiotensin 5 mg/mL (0–3 mL/h for an adult) and fentanyl
II antagonist (e.g. losartan 50 mg × 1–2 per os 0.05  mg/mL (0–3  mL/h for the adult). The
for an adult). If necessary, head elevation hypotensive drugs α2 agonist and ß1 antagonist
(max 15–20°) can be used to reduce cerebral (see under (1) above) also act as sedatives and
perfusion pressure (CPP). In children and reduce catecholamine concentration in
adolescents, the doses should be adapted to plasma. Catecholamine concentration in
their age. An arterial blood pressure resulting plasma is also kept low by avoiding noradren-
in too low CPP (CPP below 55  mmHg in alin and by not using active cooling. Wake-up
adults and below 40 mmHg in small children) tests should not be used until start of the
may be an indication of a concealed hypovo- weaning procedure, and do not extubate until
laemia to be treated with extra fluid substitu- ICP has stabilized at a relatively normal level.
tion before the start of the antihypertensive 6. If there are problems with persistent high ICP
treatment (see (4) below and Chap. 63). If (above 25  mmHg), the following measures
CPP is still too low, the antihypertensive treat- can be taken: (1) surgical removal of available
ment should be reduced. If there is a need of haematomas and contusions, (2) start of thio-
vasoconstrictors to maintain an adequate CPP, pental (pentothal, 50  mg/mL) initiated by
use lowest possible dose. It is important that treatment with a bolus dose of 1–3  mL fol-
baseline levels for ICP and blood pressure are lowed by a continuous infusion of 1–3  mg/
the same to get correct CPP values. kg/h for the adult for at most 2 days (be aware
3. Normalization of the plasma oncotic pressure of the risk with respiratory insufficiency with
with a colloid solution with the purpose to a more long-term use of this drug), or (3)
reduce brain oedema by improving transcapil- decompressive craniectomy. Osmotherapy to
lary absorption and to improve perfusion of the reduce ICP has side effects in terms of renal
brain. Preferably use 20% albumin solutions up and electrolyte disturbances and adverse
to a plasma albumin concentration of 32–36 g/L. rebound effects at its discontinuation and
4. A blood volume expanding therapy aimed at should be used only for acute prevention of
preservation of normovolaemia by infusion of brainstem herniation or to give space during
albumin (preferably 20% solutions) to normal brain surgery. Drainage of CSF—see under
albumin concentrations (32–36  g/L) and by (9) below. The therapy may be guided by data
maintenance of a haemoglobin concentration from a microdialysis catheter placed in the
above 110  g/L (always leucocyte-depleted penumbra zone.
blood). A crystalloid (normal saline 1.0–1.5 L/ 7. Use low-energy nutrition (15–20 kcal/kg/day
day for an adult and correspondingly lower from days 2–3 for an adult, but relatively more
volumes for children) can be given to obtain energy for children). An energy supply of
an adequate general fluid balance and urine 1200–1400 kcal/day to the adult is enough to
production. The blood pressure response from cover the basal metabolism under sedation
additional volumes of blood and albumin or and ventilatory support. If possible, use
passive leg elevation will show if a low blood mainly enteral nutrition (high doses of paren-
pressure can be explained by hypovolaemia. teral fat nutrition may cause fever). Avoid
The volaemic state can also be checked with over-­nutrition. Keep blood glucose in the
pulse pressure variations (PPV) (PPV > 10% range of 6–10  mmol/L, and electrolytes
may indicate hypovolaemia). The need for should be normal. If there are difficulties to
55  The Lund Therapy: A Physiological Approach 405

achieve enough energy supply with enteral

nutrition, add glucose (5–10%) with electro- • Normality of most physiological param-
lytes i.v. As a last measure, low doses of par- eters is worth aiming at.
enteral nutrition of fat and amino acids can be • Peep is mandatory to counteract
added. atelectasis.
8. Mechanical ventilation (preferably volume-­

controlled), keeping a normal PaO2 and a nor-
mal PaCO2. A temporary moderate
hyperventilation can be accepted for a short 55.2 Background
time period to prevent an acute brainstem her-
niation. PEEP (6–9 cm H20) is mandatory to While most traditional guidelines for treatment
prevent atelectasis. Inhalation of a ß2 agonist of severe head injury, including the US guide-
may help to clean the lung, but the doses lines, are based on a meta-analytic approach, the
should be reduced if there is a blood pressure Lund concept is in its main parts based on basal
fall and increase in ICP by a general ß2-­ haemodynamic physiological principles for con-
induced vasodilation. trol of brain volume and brain perfusion. The
9. Drainage of CSF can be performed via a ven- Lund concept therefore is presented separately in
tricular catheter (not by lumbar puncture) and this chapter. The physiological principles of the
should be performed from a relatively high Lund concept have later on found support in clin-
ICP pressure level to reduce the risk of ven- ical and experimental studies, including clinical
tricular collapse and brainstem herniation. A outcome studies involving adults and children.
CT scan can show if the drainage causes a ten- Recent updates of the US guidelines have moved
dency of ventricular collapse. closer to the Lund concept (The Brain Trauma
Foundation. The American Association of
Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls Surgeons 2007, 2016). The Lund concept has not
• Use the therapy within the framework of been changed since its introduction, except that
the guidelines. the venous vasoconstrictor dihydroergotamine
• Start the therapy early after arrival to the was deleted from the concept after a few years
intensive care unit to counteract the due to the potential side effects always inherent
development of brain oedema and an in vasoconstrictors (Grände 2017).
increase in ICP prophylactically. The Lund concept combines two main goals,
• A not too low haemoglobin concentra- namely, halting or treating the development of a
tion helps to avoid hypovolaemia and vasogenic brain oedema (the “ICP goal”) and a
optimize oxygenation of the penumbra simultaneously intensified support of the perfu-
zone (only leucocyte-depleted blood sion of the penumbra zone (the “perfusion goal”).
should be used). The purpose of the therapy is to improve outcome
• Osmotherapy should be avoided due to by preventing brainstem herniation and by reduc-
the risk of a rebound effect and adverse ing cell death in the vulnerable penumbra zone. A
renal effects and electrolyte distur- microdialysis study has shown that these goals
bances. It can still be used to prevent are reached with the Lund concept in spite of the
acute brainstem herniation, e.g. during use of antihypertensive treatment (Ståhl et  al.
transportation, and to allow space dur- 2001a). Most likely, this can be explained by
ing brain surgery. improved perfusion and oxygenation, especially
• Decompressive craniectomy can be of the penumbra zone. This effect may be referred
used to reduce ICP and prevent brain- to the avoidance of hypovolaemia with albumin
stem herniation. and blood transfusions, the avoidance of norepi-
nephrine, the avoidance of active cooling, and the
406 P.-O. Grände and P. Reinstrup

avoidance of wake-up tests (Skoglund et  al. the change in ICP at most can be 5–6 times larger
2012). than the initial change in the hydrostatic capillary
The Lund therapy strives towards normaliza- pressure.
tion of essential haemodynamic and biochemical The “perfusion goal” is aimed at maintaining
parameters. For an overview of its theoretical better perfusion and oxygenation of the penum-
background and therapeutic guidelines, see bra zone. This can be obtained by a low plasma
Grände (2006), Koskinen et  al. (2014), and concentration of catecholamines, by preventing
Grände (2017). The Lund therapy is applicable to hypovolaemia (counteracting baroreceptor reflex
all ages. Outcome studies with the Lund therapy activation), if possible by avoiding the use of
have so far been promising (Eker et  al. 1998; vasoconstrictors, by avoiding stress, by not using
Wahlström et al. 2005; Koskinen et al. 2014). No active cooling, and by avoiding low haemoglobin
level I and II studies have been performed regard- concentrations and hyperventilation (the patient
ing either the components of the traditional should be normocapnic) and by not using wake-
guidelines such as the US guideline and the ­up tests. A more normal haemoglobin concentra-
European guideline in their original versions tion will help to give a better oxygenation of the
(Bullock et al. 1996; Maas et al. 1997) or in their injured parts of the brain and to preserve a nor-
updated versions (The Brain Trauma Foundation. movolaemic state. The cytotoxic brain oedema
The American Association of Neurological may also be reduced by a better perfusion and
Surgeons; Congress of Neurological Surgeons oxygenation. Preservation of normovolaemia is
2007, 2016) or regarding the Lund concept essential to maintain perfusion by reducing acti-
(Grände 2006, 2017; Koskinen et al. 2014). Two vation of the baroreceptor reflex, resulting in less
smaller randomized studies comparing outcome peripheral vasoconstriction and lower catechol-
with a modified version of the Lund concept with amine concentration in plasma.
that of using conventional treatments, showed a Normal ICP stays in the range of 8–11 mmHg,
lower mortality rate with the Lund concept (Liu which is higher than the venous pressure outside
et  al. 2010; Dizdarevic et  al. 2012). Also US the dura of 0–3 mmHg. This pressure difference
guidelines have found support in a recent study will increase, subsequent to an increase in
(Gerber et al. 2013). ICP.  The pressure fall between the subdural
The “ICP goal” of the therapy is mainly based venous pressure and the extradural venous pres-
on the hypothesis that an imbalance between the sure (sometimes called the waterfall phenome-
transcapillary hydrostatic and the oncotic pres- non) will create a subdural passive venous
sures creating filtration will result in a vasogenic collapse, the resistance of which is directly
brain oedema, provided the blood-brain barrier related to the pressure fall. This means that a
(BBB) is passively permeable to small solutes. change in extradural venous pressure (e.g. a
Such a situation can exist in meningitis and after venous pressure increase by PEEP or a venous
a head trauma. In head trauma patients, the BBB pressure decrease by head elevation) will not be
may be disrupted, especially around cerebral transferred from the venous side into the brain, as
contusions. According to this hypothesis, the the brain is protected by the variable subdural
brain oedema can be counteracted or prevented venous collapse. By this passive mechanism, the
by reducing a raised hydrostatic capillary pres- brain will not be influenced by venous pressure
sure, as obtained by the antihypertensive treat- variations, and PEEP will not increase ICP from
ment and avoidance of vasopressors, and the venous side and can be used safely. Moderate
normalization of a lowered plasma oncotic pres- PEEP (6–9  cm H2O) is therefore an important
sure. As the brain is enclosed in a rigid cranium, component in the Lund concept to prevent devel-
the change in ICP by alteration in the vasogenic opment of atelectasis. Details of this physiologi-
brain oedema is much larger than the change in cal mechanism have been published previously
hydrostatic capillary pressure initiating the (see Koskinen et  al. 2014; Grände 2017).
oedema (Grände 2017). It can be calculated that Consequently, head elevation will not decrease
55  The Lund Therapy: A Physiological Approach 407

ICP from the venous side, but head elevation will A CT scan should be performed soon after
still decrease ICP due to the simultaneous reduc- arrival at the hospital. To counteract the devel-
tion in arterial pressure. opment of an increase in ICP, the therapy should
Our present knowledge regarding the risk of start early. If possible, extensive intracerebral
hyperventilation has been discussed in more bleedings and available contusions should be
detail in a special chapter of this book (Chap. 60). surgically evacuated. The Lund therapy is
Hyperventilation is not a component of the Lund applicable to all ages if doses and physiological
concept. parameters are adapted to the patient’s age
In contrast to several other studies (e.g. Tomita (Eker et al. 1998; Naredi et al. 1998; Wahlström
et al. 1994; Dubois et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2014), et al. 2005). The Lund therapy is not dependent
the randomized SAFE-TBI study (The SAFE on the actual autoregulatory capacity, and the
study investigators 2007) showed worse outcome benefit of evaluating autoregulatory capacity is
with albumin in TBI patient. The SAFE-TBI small.
study, however, has been strongly criticized and
has not changed the recommendations in the
Lund concept that isotonic albumin can be used 55.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
(Grände 2008, 2017). The use of albumin and
critical aspects of the SAFE-TBI study have been The principles of the Lund concept are applicable
discussed in the fluid chapter in this book (Chap. to all ages if doses of nutrition, pharmacological
63). To give albumin as plasma volume expander substances, and fluids are adapted to the age.
is also justified due to the relatively small vol- While a lowest CPP of 55  mmHg occasionally
umes of albumin needed to maintain normo- can be accepted in the adult, providing an optimal
volaemia when following the principles of the fluid therapy maintaining normovolaemia, rela-
Lund therapy (Koskinen et  al. 2014). See the tively lower values can be accepted in adoles-
chapter on fluid therapy. cents and children and CPP down to 38–40 mmHg
Vasopressors such as noradrenalin may com- in the smallest children, but always providing an
promise circulation of the penumbra zone optimal fluid therapy.
(Brassard et  al. 2009) and should therefore be
avoided or used in lowest possible doses. It has
also been shown that noradrenaline may trigger References
ARDS (Contant et al. 2001). Low-dose prostacy-
clin is an option to improve microcirculation and Brassard P, Seifert T, Secher NH. Is cerebral oxygenation
negatively affected by infusion of norepinephrine in
oxygenation of the penumbra zone (Grände et al. healthy subjects? Br J Anaetsth. 2009;102:800–5.
2000; Grände 2017). Bullock R, Chesnut RM, Clifton G, Ghajar J, Marion
Enteral nutrition is to be preferred, and over-­ DW, Narayan RK, Newell DW, Pitts LH, Rosner MJ,
nutrition should be avoided, especially when Wilberger JW.  Guidelines for the management of
severe head injury. Brain Trauma Foundation. Eur J
using parenteral nutrition. Blood glucose should Emerg Med. 1996;3(2):109–27.
be kept between 6 and 10 mmol/L, in agreement Chen D, Bao L, Lu S, Xu F.  Serum albumin and preal-
with the NICE-SUGAR study (Finfer et al. 2015). bumin predict the poor outcome of traumatic brain
Especially lower glucose concentrations than injury. PLoS One. 2014;9(3):1–7.
Contant CF, Valadka AB, Gopinath SP, Hannay HJ,
6  mmol/L in the blood should be avoided, as Robertsson CS.  Adult respiratory distress syndrome:
microdialysis studies have shown that the glu- a complication of induced hypertension after severe
cose concentrations in the penumbra zone nor- head injury. J Neurosurg. 2001;95:560–8.
mally are much lower (sometimes even Dizdarevic K, Hamdan A, Omerhodzic I, Kominlija-­
Smajic E.  Modified Lund concept versus cerebral
approaching zero) than in less injured tissues, perfusion pressure-targeted therapy: a randomised
which most likely cannot be fully compensated controlled study in patients with secondary brain isch-
by a lower metabolism (Grände et al. 2000; Ståhl emia. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2012;114(2):142–8.
et al. 2001b).
408 P.-O. Grände and P. Reinstrup

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roscience.2014.06.039. Review. B, Naredi S. Severe traumatic brain injury in pediat-
Liu CW, Zheng YK, Lu J, Yu WH, Wang B, Hu W, Zhu ric patients: treatment and outcome using an intra-
KY, Zhu Y, Hu WH, Wang JR, Ma JP.  Application cranial pressure targeted therapy—the Lund concept.
of Lund concept in treating brain edema after severe Intensive Care Med. 2005;31(6):832–9.
Pharmacological Neuroprotection
Niklas Marklund

56.1 Neuroprotection in TBI pound to be administered to TBI patients. Thus a

Level III recommendation for this topic cannot
Recommendations be provided.

Level I
There is no Level 1 evidence suggesting that any 56.2 Overview
pharmacological treatment option can improve
the outcome of TBI patients. Corticosteroids, A major problem in the management of severe
magnesium sulfate, erythropoietin, cannabinoids, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is that clinical out-
and progesterone are without demonstrated effi- come has not been markedly improved over the
cacy for TBI patients and should not be routinely last decades (Rosenfeld et  al. 2012). To date,
used. Hypothermia decreases ICP although an >1000 studies with a huge variety of exploratory
improved outcome of patients with severe TBI targets for the treatment of TBI are registered at
has not been demonstrated., and important pharmaco-
logical treatment targets are also continuously
Level II being explored in the experimental TBI setting. A
There are studies at a Level II evidence with sug- key concept in the management of TBI is that not
gested benefits. None of these pharmacological all cell death occurs at the time of primary injury;
treatments have as of yet been supported at a instead a cascade of molecular and neurochemi-
Level I and cannot be recommended. cal secondary events occur during the initial
hours and days with a complex temporal profile.
Level III Ultimately, this secondary injury cascade mark-
Numerous studies at a Level III evidence exist. edly exacerbates the primary injury as outlined in
These studies are currently not sufficient to rec- Chap. 6 of this book. As shown in numerous
ommend or suggest a pharmacological com- experimental TBI studies, there should be a pos-
sibility to attenuate the secondary injury cascades
by pharmacological means. This possibility for
improving TBI outcome has been explored over
N. Marklund (*) several decades, and many drugs with promising
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurosurgery, preclinical documentation have reached the clini-
Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, cal trial stage (see Maas et  al. (2010)), most of
Lund, Sweden which are regarded as neuroprotective.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 409

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
410 N. Marklund

Neuroprotection in TBI can be defined as “inter- several large placebo-controlled trials evaluating
ventions aimed at improving the patient’s outcome, compounds such as aptiganel, SNX-111, D-CPP-­
and preserving and restoring the integrity, function,ene, selfotel, and eliprodil. Invariably, they all
and connectivity of the brain cells not irremediably failed or even impaired outcome despite success-
damaged by the initial injury” (Zoerle et al. 2017). ful evaluation in preclinical models. To date,
With few exceptions, most TBI trials to date have NMDA receptor antagonists should not be used
been rather small, only rarely enrolling more than for neuroprotection in severe TBI. A positive role
1000 patients. In their comprehensive overview for NMDA receptor agonists was suggested in
published in 2016, Bragge and co-workers evalu- animal models of TBI, finding that they could
ated multicenter randomized control trials (RCTs) influence outcome by modifying post-injury
and found 47 completed pharmacological RCTs plasticity (Shohami and Biegon 2014).
and 8 ongoing. None of these pharmacological Another early event in severe TBI is calcium-
treatments showed a robust clinical benefit, and the and glutamate-induced mitochondrial dysfunction
vast majority targeted early neuroprotective mech- that may be prolonged. An important event is the
anisms (Bragge et al. 2016). The use of fluid man- opening of the mitochondrial permeability transi-
agement, hypertonic saline, mannitol, and various tion pore (mPTP), resulting in a reduced capacity
sedative compounds is covered in other chapters of for ATP production as well as the release of apop-
this book, and in the following paragraphs, outlin- tosis-inducing factors and generation of ROS
ing key pharmacological compounds as well as (Karlsson et al. 2019). Mitochondrial dysfunction
hypothermia, evaluated in several clinical trials formay lead to ongoing tissue atrophy (Xu et  al.
severe TBI. 2010) and is suggested by microdialysis monitor-
ing (Stovell et al. 2018; Lakshmanan et al. 2010).
Ciclosporin (CsA) is a commonly used drug for
56.2.1 Early Mechanisms immunosuppression and was also found neuropro-
tective due to, e.g., inhibition of the calcium-medi-
Rapid intracellular influx of calcium is an imme- ated mPTP activation and attenuation of ROS
diate event in severe TBI (see Chap. 6). Based on formation. Across numerous TBI models and time
the notion that excess calcium influx is detrimen- windows, CsA treatment has consistently resulted
tal, the calcium antagonist nimodipine was evalu- in neuroprotection with improved histological
ated in the Head Injury Trials (HITs) (see and/or behavioral outcome. In the clinical trial
Vergouwen et al. (2006)). A potential benefit in stage, it was found safe with promising, although
patients with traumatic subarachnoid hemor- not significant treatment results (Mazzeo et  al.
rhage was suggested and was explored in the 2009; Brophy et al. 2013). Microdialysis has also
HIT3 and HIT4 studies. In the larger HIT4 trial, a been used in combination with whole blood and
significantly impaired outcome in nimodipine-­ CSF sampling to determine the optimal dosing of
treated patients was observed, and nimodipine CsA (Brophy et al. 2013). To date, the available
cannot be recommended for any subtype of human data is insufficient to recommend its use in
severe TBI. Other immediate events of key patho- severe TBI. The open-label phase II Copenhagen
physiological importance are glutamate release Head Injury Ciclosporin study, evaluating two
leading to excitotoxicity and increased formation dosing regimens, is currently ongoing for severe
of reactive oxygen species (ROS), factors consis- TBI.  In a first feasibility study, ciclosporin was
tently identified as important targets in animal found safe, it passed the blood-brain barrier and
models of TBI (Marklund 2016; Marklund and showed signs of favorable changes in the levels of
Hillered 2011). Based on the observations that the biomarkers GFAP, NF-L, Tau, and UCH-L1
extracellular concentrations of glutamate and (Karlsson et al. 2019).
aspartate increase early after TBI, their N-methyl-­ Thus, mitochondrial dysfunction and glutamate
d-Aspartate (NMDA) receptors were targeted in excitotoxicity pave the way for increased oxidative
56  Pharmacological Neuroprotection 411

Fig. 56.1  Key events Immediate neuronal and

following severe Impact/ Primary injury glial cell death,
TBI. The secondary damage to blood vessels
injury process provides
pharmacological Microthrombosis EAA release
treatment targets that Secondary damage Opening of
have been successfully Reduced rCBF to vulnerable brain ion channels
evaluated in the regions
experimental TBI Regional ischemia Ca2+ influx
setting, while all being
Oedema and Mitochondrial
unsuccesful in the raised ICP
clinical trial setting. BBB damage
rCBF regional cerebral damage
blood flow; EAA Seizures Reactive oxygen
excitatory amino acids; Inflammation species
BBB blood-brain barrier
Neuronal and
glial cell death Axonal injury


stress post-TBI (O’Connell and Littleton-Kearney windows. Disappointingly, both compounds

2013). Following the formation of highly reactive, failed to demonstrate clinical efficacy, and there
oxygen-based radicals, ROS-induced lipid peroxi- were clear suggestions, at least in the high-dose
dation that includes oxidative damage to cellular group, that magnesium sulfate impaired the out-
and organelle ­membranes ensues. Although the come of severe TBI patients (Temkin et al. 2007;
extremely short-­ acting and reactive radical Maas et al. 2006). Some of the pharmacological
hydroxyl ion (OH-) is highly toxic to virtually targets are outlined in Fig. 56.1.
every structure in the cell, others such as the super-
oxide anion (O2−) and the nitrogen-based radicals
(reactive nitrogen species (RNS)), nitric oxide 56.2.2 Steroids
(NO), and peroxynitrite (ONOO−) have been eval-
uated as pharmacological targets in TBI (Frati Clinical trials initiated in the late 1970s and early
et al. 2017). However, both the superoxide radical 1980s began evaluating the corticosteroid dexa-
scavenger polyethylene glycol-conjugated super- methasone, and it was found to be ineffective in
oxide dismutase (PEG-SOD) and the improving outcome in cohorts of severely brain-­
21-aminosteroid lipid peroxidation inhibitor injured patients. The multicenter randomized
tirilazad failed to improve survival or functional MRC CRASH trial, enrolling more than 10,000
outcome in large phase III trials for TBI.  Since patients, was by far the largest TBI trial (until the
increased formation of O2−, NO, and ONOO− recently published CRASH-3 trial), and it evalu-
influences cerebral blood flow, they remain inter- ated methylprednisolone for patients with severe
esting targets for TBI, although at this point there TBI. The results showed a significant increase in
is no evidence for, or sufficiently tested, a ROS death and severe disability (Roberts et al. 2004). It
scavening drug being ready for clinical use. should be remembered that in this trial excessive
Finally, both the endocannabinoid dexanabi- doses of corticosteroids were administered. In an
nol and magnesium sulfate had unusually solid early study evaluating 396 severe TBI patients, the
preclinical documentation showing efficacy in synthetic corticosteroid triamcinolone was admin-
numerous animal models using prolonged time istered within 4  h after trauma and the outcome
412 N. Marklund

was improved by treatment in patients with a focal uate the inflammatory response, glutamate
lesion and a GCS score of <8 (Grumme et  al. release, and ROS production and positively influ-
1995). Currently, there is some renewed interest in ence neuronal metabolism. In animal models of
a lower-dose corticosteroid approach for selected TBI, it consistently improved histological out-
TBI patients such as those with cortical contu- come (Dietrich and Bramlett 2017). This arche-
sions. There are ­significant adverse effects, how- typical neuroprotectant has been applied in
ever, emphasizing that corticosteroids should not several clinical trials aiming at a temperature of
routinely be administered to TBI patients. 32–36.5  °C using various methods of cooling
(cooling blankets, gastric lavage, selective head
cooling, intravascular methods, etc.). A recent
56.2.3 Hormone Treatment Cochrane assessment (Lewis et al. 2017), updated
from an earlier 2009 review, evaluated 37 eligible
The most widely studied sex hormone progesterone trials including a total of 3110 randomized par-
repeatedly showed neuroprotective effects in sev- ticipants in both the adult and pediatric age
eral animal TBI models, attenuating cerebral edema groups. It was concluded that there are no high-­
and neuronal death and improving behavioral out- quality evidence showing that hypothermia is
come. Many, but not all preclinical studies were beneficial in the treatment of severe TBI.  The
performed on the bifrontal contusion model. An recent POLAR study (Cooper et al. 2018) evalu-
early clinical study found an improved 3- and ated early hypothermia (33–35  °C) for a mini-
6-month outcome when progesterone was adminis- mum of 72 h up to 7 days post-injury compared
tered to patients within 8  h following severe TBI to normothermia. A total of 500 patients were
(Xiao et al. 2008; Skolnick et al. 2014). Thus, two included. Even though hypothermia was initiated
phase III randomized trials were initiated (the rapidly (at a median of 1.8  h post-injury) and
ProTECT and SYNAPSE trials), of which the rewarming was slow, neurological outcomes
ProTECT trial used a very early <4-hour adminis- were not improved by 6 months. However, there
tration time window. Both the ProTECT and were no changes in the rates of pneumonia and
SYNAPSE trials were negative on the primary out- intracerebral hemorrhages. The Eurotherm study
come measures, and even though a recent meta- (Andrews et al. 2018) enrolled 387 patients from
analysis, evaluating eight RCTs, found an improved 47 centers in 18 countries. This trial used hypo-
outcome at 3 although not at 6 months post-injury thermia titrated to ICP control, where core tem-
(Pan et  al. 2019), to date, progesterone cannot be perature was initially reduced to 35 °C followed
recommended as a routine treatment for severe TBI. by incremental decreases to a lower limit of
Pituitary deficiency is a common finding in 32 °C if needed to maintain ICP at <20 mmHg.
survivors of severe TBI (Tritos et  al. 2015; Here, the titrated hypothermia approach success-
Marina et  al. 2015) and may influence clinical fully reduces ICP although mortality was higher
outcome. Thus, this is an important factor in the and functional outcome worse than in patients
clinical management of severe TBI. This does not treated with normothermia. This study builds on
imply, however, that early routine supplementa- many other findings that hypothermia reduced
tion of hormones early post-injury for neuropro- ICP and it is currently used in many stepwise ICP
tection is warranted. management protocols.
The reasons for the limited success by hypo-
thermia treatment are likely multifactorial.
56.2.4 Hypothermia However, the treatment is risky and should be
used with caution and only by experienced physi-
Increased body and brain temperature is a well-­ cians since adverse effects include arrhythmias,
known secondary injury insult in TBI since it coagulopathies, sepsis, and, in particular, pneu-
increases brain metabolism and exacerbates neu- monia. To avoid the risks associated with sys-
ronal injury. Hypothermia may effectively atten- temic hypothermia, selective brain cooling was
56  Pharmacological Neuroprotection 413

attempted in a small single-center trial in China, tial treatment targets in this complex system, ever-
showing reduced ICP and beneficial outcomes at increasing interest is generated for the action of
1 and 2 years post-injury (Qiu et al. 2006), results interleukin (IL)-1β and its receptor. IL-1β is a key
that await additional, multicenter studies. pro-inflammatory mediator, and when neutralized
In the pediatric population, similar findings of in experimental TBI, improved histological and
unaltered or even impaired outcome have been behavioral outcome is consistently found.
found (Bragge et al. 2016; Hutchison et al. 2008). Using a novel microdialysis approach in a
Together, these reports suggest that hypothermia single-center, phase II randomized control study
cannot currently be recommended for routine use of recombinant human IL1ra (rhIL1ra, anakinra)
for TBI, although coming studies may help defin- in severe TBI, the drug was found safe, to pene-
ing if subsets of TBI patients may benefit from trate the extracellular fluid of the brain  and to
hypothermia, and the most effective hypothermia modify the inflammatory response as evident by
protocol. comparison of the concentrations of 41 cytokines
and chemokines. This proof-of-concept study
provided evidence that an anti-inflammatory
56.2.5 Neuroinflammation drug may alter the local inflammatory response
and suggest an important role for microdialysis
There is robust clinical and experimental evidence in pharmacological studies on TBI (Helmy et al.
showing a rapid and complex inflammatory 2014). In a follow-up study, the IL1ra compound
response post-TBI.  A very rapid upregulation at shifted the chemokine profile from an M2
1 h post-injury of cytokine and chemokine mRNA, microglia phenotype to an M1, highlighting that
followed by their corresponding proteins, has been the microglial response may be modified by a
found in the experimental TBI setting. Immune study drug (Helmy et al. 2016).
cells are also found invading the injured brain tis- Glucocorticoids may be considered anti-­
sue, initially neutrophils at ca 24 h post-injury and inflammatory compounds, and did not improve
later T cells and macrophages at 3–5  days post- outcome in severe TBI, although the excessive
injury (Clausen et al. 2019). Locally, there is also doses used do not provide arguments either for or
a very early activation of resident microglial cells against inflammation as a treatment target in
that may then persist for years post-injury. Cellular TBI.  The optimal neuroinflammatory targets
membrane disruption caused by the mechanical have not yet been defined, nor in what TBI sub-
impact as well as secondary injury factors may type neuroinflammation may be most efficacious.
result in the release of damage-associated molecu- Furthermore, the complex temporal response of
lar patterns (DAMPs) that can trigger and amplify neuroinflammation makes timing of treatment a
neuroinflammation (Simon et al. 2017). challenge. However, neuroinflammation remains
Neuroinflammation should be recognized as a promising target for pharmacological treatment
an interaction between central and peripheral and neuroprotection in severe TBI. To date, there
components that are influenced by age, gender, are no specific drugs that can be recommended
type of TBI and its severity, and other factors. for administration to severe TBI patients.
Inflammation is often referred to as a double-­
edged sword possessing both beneficial and detri-
mental functions. The removal of injury debris 56.2.6 Others
may be one such positive action of the inflamma-
tory mediators. However, chronic neuroinflam- Erythropoietin (EPO)
mation is associated with an ongoing white matter EPO is a glycoprotein first used to treat patients
atrophy (Johnson et  al. 2013; Ramlackhansingh with anemia. It has numerous other functions and
et al. 2011) and may be associated with impaired is considered a neuroprotective drug with roles in
regeneration, posing a logical pharmacological apoptosis, radical oxygen species defense, inflam-
treatment target. Although there are many poten- mation, and angiogenesis. In experimental TBI, it
414 N. Marklund

is neuroprotective and improves functional out- increased infection rates and prolonged stay in
come in animal models (Peng et  al. 2014). The intensive care unit with their use (Chen et  al.
large interest in EPO for the treatment of clinical 2017), suggesting caution and that better evidence
TBI was  mainly  based on robust preclinical evi- is needed prior to beta-­blockers  being generally
dence (Liu et al. 2017). In general trauma patients, recommended to severe TBI patients.
thromboembolic events were increased by the
treatment although early mortality was reduced. Tranexamic Acid
More recently, the Erythropoietin in Traumatic Coagulation disorders are covered elsewhere in
Brain Injury (EPO-TBI) was published (Nichol this book. However, rapid correction of coagu-
et  al. 2015). It was a double-blind, placebo-con- lation abnormalities may be the best option to
trolled trial in >600 patients with moderate or achieve neuroprotection. In this chapter, only
severe TBI. EPO did neither improve neurological tranexamic acid (TXA) is discussed. In >20,000
outcome nor result in an increased number of adult trauma patients enrolled in the CRASH-2
patients with deep venous thrombosis. In a follow- study, early <3 h post-injury administration of
up post hoc analysis, it was suggested that a reduc- THX reduced the mortality due to bleeding
tion in mortality did occur with EPO although only (Roberts et al. 2013). Early intracranial bleed-
in those patients receiving one to two doses of the ing is common in severe TBI and associated
compound, not three (Gantner et  al. 2018). At with increased risk of death and disability, and
present, EPO cannot be recommended to severe increased fibrinolysis may worsen the injury
TBI patients outside of clinical trials. progression. The rationale for using  TXA is
that it inhibits the enzymatic breakdown of Beta-Blockers fibrinogen and fibrin and may thus prevent
Severe TBI elicits a severe stress reduction with hemorrhage, albeit at the price of an increased
increased pulse rate and, often, increased blood risk of thromboembolic complications. In the
pressure. Stress reduction using, e.g., clonidine CRASH-3 study, 12,737 TBI patients (9,202
and beta-blockers, is part of the Lund concept for patients treated within 3 hours post-injury)
the treatment of severe TBI covered elsewhere in were  administered THX or placebo where the
this book. Whether beta-blockers such as propran- primary outcome was death due to TBI within
olol and others have neuroprotective mechanisms 28 days of injury for patients treated within 3 h
of action remains a topic of debate. Emerging of injury. Secondary outcome measures
observational studies find improved outcome and included, e.g., vascular occlusive events, neuro-
reduced mortality in those patients provided beta- surgical blood loss, days in intensive care, and
blockers during neurocritical care. For instance, adverse events (Roberts et al. 2018). The results
in an observational study of >2200 patients in 15 of the CRASH-3 study showed that there was a
North American trauma centers, 50% of TBI small but significant reduction in head-injury
patients received beta-blockers, most on day 1 related deaths (mortality was 12.5% in the
post-injury. Administration of beta-­ blockers TXA group versus 14.0% in the placebo group),
resulted in lower mortality, and propranolol was implying and important role for fibrinolysis
superior to the other compounds (Ley et al. 2018). inhibitors in severe TBI  (CRASH-3 trial
In a smaller observational study, the use of beta- ­collaborators 2019).
blockers shortened hospital stay and markedly
improved clinical outcome in severe TBI patients
(Ahl et  al. 2017). Although these trials showed Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
much promise in the treatment of severe TBI, • If you see edema surrounding a trau-
beta-blockers have not been carefully evaluated in matic hematoma and consider using
a randomized, systematic fashion, and their use corticosteroids, evaluate the available
for the purpose of neuroprotection cannot be rec- evidence—which will make you refrain
ommended. Furthermore, there are studies finding
56  Pharmacological Neuroprotection 415

from using it. To date, these drugs have bance observed post-TBI and be related
not been shown to benefit TBI patients; to the slow recovery experienced by
instead high-dose treatment was shown many patients.
to impair the outcome of TBI patients in • Neuroinflammation remains a promis-
large clinical trials. Still, the interest for ing target for neuroprotection in severe
using a lower and more refined cortico- TBI, although the precise treatment tar-
steroid dose remains in selected centers, gets, timing, and compounds have not
particularly in patients with intracere- been established.
bral contusions. • Is pharmacological neuroprotection dead
• Hypothermia reduces ICP when applied for severe TBI? Well, not really but clearly
to patients with severe TBI and is used as suffering. The limitation of providing a
a late step in several ICP-lowering proto- drug in sufficient concentrations to the
cols w­ orldwide. The value of hypother- injured brain early enough post-injury will
mia for neuroprotection in severe TBI is remain a challenge. Likely, to target
at best limited, and the reader should be delayed and/or persistent mechanisms
aware of the studies finding impaired such as mitochondrial dysfunction, axonal
clinical outcome. Thus, routine use of injury and neuroinflammation, may have a
systematic hypothermia for severe TBI higher chance for success. Furthermore,
cannot be recommended which is sup- the attempt to improve outcome by using
ported by the two recent Eurotherm and a pharmacological compound targeting a
POLAR RCTs. In pediatric cases, hypo- single disease mechanism—the “silver
thermia has not resulted in improved bullet”—is likely futile.
outcome, and several studies show • The strict avoidance, detection, and treat-
impaired outcome by the treatment sug- ment of avoidable factors (seizures, fever,
gesting caution to induce hypothermia in hypotension, hypoxemia, hyper- and
children. The optimal cooling and hypoglycemia, low CPP, high ICP, etc.)
rewarming strategies, as well as the time probably remain the best available therapy
window of efficacy, have not been at the moment to provide neuroprotection
defined. for patients suffering from severe TBI.
• Recent RCTs evaluating erythropoietin
or progesterone did not show a clinical
benefit over control treatment.
• Attenuation of coagulation disorders,
although not strictly neuroprotection, 56.3 Background
may be a pharmacological way of atten-
uating lesion progression in TBI. In severe TBI, it is well-established that neuronal
• Large observational studies find that and glial cells as well as blood vessels may be dis-
administration of beta-blockers for rupted at time of impact and that the ensuing hem-
blood pressure reduction and/or stress orrhage and tissue laceration result in exacerbated
relief is associated with reduced mortal- injury to the brain tissue. One key component of
ity and improved outcome. However, the injury cascade is a massive disturbance of the
they have not as of yet been adminis- cellular ion homeostasis initiated by the marked
tered in a randomized fashion, and their release of the excitatory amino acid neurotrans-
role remains debatable. mitters glutamate and aspartate, in turn resulting in
• Mitochondrial dysfunction may be a an activation of glutamate receptors leading to
key to the energy metabolic distur- excitotoxicity (for overview, see Marklund and
Hillered (2011) and Chap. 6 in this volume). As a
416 N. Marklund

consequence of the glutamate release, cellular ties) associated with TBI may clearly influence
influx of Na+ and Ca2+ and efflux of K+ ensue and the brain injury and are insufficiently evaluated
lead to traumatic depolarization. The rapid influx in preclinical models. Also, much detailed patho-
of calcium leads to mitochondrial damage, axonal physiological knowledge from experimental TBI
injury, an increase in free radical production, and has not been confirmed in the  injured human
activation of calcium-dependent destructive prote- brain, and the brain penetration of putative neuro-
ases such as caspases and calpains resulting in protective compounds is frequently unknown.
cytoskeletal damage. The mitochondrial dysfunc- Finally, careful selection of patients in terms of
tion post-­TBI (Hiebert et  al. 2015) occurs at the injury type and severity based on detailed neuro-
time of increased energy demand due to activation radiology, age, and additional injuries combined
of energy-consuming ion transport systems and with improved secondary outcome measures is
cell repair enzymes. A high demand for glucose likely crucial in the future development of neuro-
also  occurs at time of reduced regional cerebral protective compounds for human TBI.
blood flow, and this uncoupling of blood flow and The pharmacological and hypothermia TBI
cerebral metabolism negatively influences the trials presented here have all frequently been crit-
injured brain (Marklund et  al. 2002; Chen et  al. icized in terms of study design, route of adminis-
2004). Injured mitochondria are also a potential tration, time window, and patient selection (e.g.,
source for increased production of reactive oxy- see Bragge et al. (2016); Marklund and Hillered
gen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS), and in combina- (2011)). In particular, it should be emphasized
tion with a  decreased anti-oxidant defense that that TBI is not one disease; instead the different
also occurs following TBI, induces damage to cel- subtypes of TBI may require markedly different
lular membranes and organelles by lipid treatments. It is inevitable that the vast clinical
peroxidation, protein oxidation, and nucleotide
­ heterogeneity creates difficulties when aiming to
breakdown (Hall 2015). design a clinical trial (Saatman et  al. 2008).
For obvious reasons, neuronal cell death has Presumably, many previous trials included
attracted the majority of attention in TBI research, patients in too good or too severe condition to
although the presence of delayed traumatic axo- enable detection of a treatment effect. Also, pre-
nal injury is increasingly recognized following clinical studies use rodent TBI models reaching
TBI (Tsitsopoulos et al. 2017). at most a moderate level of injury, and time win-
Inflammation may be a double-edged sword dows for drug administration beyond the first
following TBI.  Although some inflammatory post-injury hours are rather scarce in the experi-
pathways may be important for regenerative mental setting. Lack of early mechanistic end-
responses and repair, numerous experimental stud- points and the insensitivity of the more global
ies suggest that other parts of the immune response outcome measures are specific problems in clini-
is exacerbating the primary injury. The acute cal TBI research. Important lessons for future tri-
inflammatory response following TBI includes als include improved patient classifications,
breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) with knowledge of brain penetration of the study drug
edema formation, infiltration of peripheral immune and mechanism of its actions, and more carefully
cells with production of ROS, activation of resi- defined and detailed clinical outcome measures.
dent microglia and astrocytes, and intrathecal The difficulty of achieving high enough concen-
release of cytokines (Corps et al. 2015). trations of the drug early enough post-injury is
In this chapter, I reviewed the key clinical evi- another important obstacle in the pharmacology
dence for neuroprotection in patients with severe of TBI. Perhaps may other administration proto-
TBI.  Promising preclinical trials have failed cols, using for instance intranasal administration
when attempting to translate findings from ani- (Guennoun et  al. 2019), be evaluated in future
mal models into the clinical setting. Importantly, RCTs. More sophisticated RCT design, large
injury mechanisms, genetic background, gender, multicenter RCTs in priority areas, increased
age, type and severity of injury, metabolic state of focus on preclinical research, and alternatives to
the brain, and other conditions (e.g., other dis- RCTs, such as comparative effectiveness research
eases, medication, and coagulation abnormali- and precision medicine, are needed to fully
56  Pharmacological Neuroprotection 417

Fig. 56.2  The future “The silver bullet”

treatment of TBI may –?
need to include a
combination of drugs
instead of attempting to ost
use the “silver bullet.” mep
Modified from Pitkänen r ti
et al. 2005 ry
....or a cocktail of compounds...

Mitochondrial protectants?


o each specific TBI

......targeted to TB subtype?

implement acute TBI research for the benefit of include both neuroprotective drugs and com-
severe TBI patients. pounds enhancing regeneration. Until such phar-
macological treatments are developed, clinicians
should aim for further improvement in the moni-
56.4 Summary toring and neurointensive care management to
improve the outcome of severe TBI patients.
Currently, despite a relatively large number of
phase III randomized  clinical trials, there is no
neuroprotective compound with proven clinical References
benefit available for TBI patients. Whether or not
these failures are caused by inadequate trial Ahl R, Thelin EP, Sjolin G, Bellander BM, Riddez L,
Talving P, et  al. Beta-Blocker after severe traumatic
design, poor brain penetration and/or efficacy of brain injury is associated with better long-term func-
the compound, patient heterogeneity, insufficient tional outcome: a matched case control study. Eur J
preclinical documentation, or insensitive out- Trauma Emerg Surg. 2017;43(6):783–9.
come measures, among many other plausible rea- Andrews PJ, Sinclair HL, Rodriguez A, Harris B, Rhodes
J, Watson H, et al. Therapeutic hypothermia to reduce
sons, remains a matter of debate. Furthermore, intracranial pressure after traumatic brain injury:
there is seldom consensus among centers on gen- the Eurotherm3235 RCT.  Health Technol Assess.
eral neurointensive care management protocols, 2018;22(45):1–134.
which further increase patient heterogeneity. It is Bragge P, Synnot A, Maas AI, Menon DK, Cooper DJ,
Rosenfeld JV, et al. A state-of-the-science overview of
obvious that numerous mistakes have been made randomized controlled trials evaluating acute manage-
in the past when attempting to translate preclini- ment of moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J
cal information into the complex human situa- Neurotrauma. 2016;33(16):1461–78.
tion. The search for the “silver bullet” Brophy GM, Mazzeo AT, Brar S, Alves OL, Bunnell K,
Gilman C, et al. Exposure of cyclosporin A in whole
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roprotective mechanism showing efficacy in all fluid dialysate in adults with traumatic brain injury. J
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likely to be succesful. The future pharmacologi- Chen SF, Richards HK, Smielewski P, Johnstrom P,
Salvador R, Pickard JD, et  al. Relationship between
cal management of TBI patients will probably
418 N. Marklund

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Subacute Surgery
in Neurointensive Care 57
Terje Sundstrøm, Eirik Helseth,
and Knut Gustav Wester

Recommendations Level III

Level I Decompressive craniectomy is an option to treat

neurologic deterioration, herniation or intracra-
Decompressive craniectomy can reduce intracra- nial hypertension refractory to medical manage-
nial pressure (ICP) and mortality in severe trau- ment in children.
matic brain injury (TBI) with or without surgical Decompressive craniectomies should be large
lesions, but it does not improve the rate of patients and include duraplasty.
surviving with a favourable outcome. Post-operative complications can be avoided
by meticulous surgical technique and adequate
Level II choice of procedure.

There are insufficient data to support a Level II

recommendation for this topic. 57.1 Overview

The possibility of hydrocephalus, brain oedema

or a new or recurrent intracranial haematoma
must be investigated by repeated computed
T. Sundstrøm (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University tomography (CT) scans in case of neurological
Hospital, Bergen, Norway deterioration or intractable intracranial hyperten-
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of sion in a head-injured patient. Subacute surgery
Bergen, Bergen, Norway (secondary surgical intervention) should then be
e-mail:, considered.
E. Helseth The relevant surgical procedures and their
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, respective indications are described in Part V in this
Oslo, Norway book on acute surgical treatment; these principles
Department of Neurosurgery, Oslo University also apply to subacute surgery. Drainage of cerebro-
Hospital, Oslo, Norway spinal fluid is moreover discussed in the following
section. In general, the monitoring and treatment
K. G. Wester strategies described elsewhere in Parts VII and VIII
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway should be consulted for detailed information on tim-
e-mail: ing, thresholds and complementary interventions.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 421

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
422 T. Sundstrøm et al.

pared to those receiving conservative medical

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls treatment (Cooper et al. 2011). The craniectomy
• Continuously re-evaluate the level of treat- was performed early (within 72  h) in patients
ment according to new developments. with a moderately increased intracranial pressure
• ‘Do not treat the patient with a new CT (20 mmHg) for a short period of time (15 min)
scan’. and with diffuse brain injuries without mass
• Always look at the patient and think lesions. Twenty-three percent of the patients
about possible technical malfunctions assigned to conservative treatment nevertheless
and the reliability of the monitoring underwent a late craniectomy as a life-saving
equipment. intervention, and these patients were included in
• When doubt exists and consciousness is the final analyses demonstrating a poorer out-
depressed, intracranial pressure should come with craniectomy. This aggressive approach
always be monitored, and significant in a subgroup of patients does not really bring
mass lesions should be removed. clarification to the major problems. Early pro-
• The first 48 h are most critical in a surgi- phylactic craniectomy most likely does not have
cal perspective, but intracranial haema- any other effect than preventing a later craniec-
tomas can occur at any point in time tomy if the ICP cannot be controlled.
during neurointensive care. The randomized controlled Rescue-ICP study,
• Prophylactic craniectomy is an unwar- published in 2016, showed that decompressive
ranted procedure. craniectomy in patients with traumatic brain
• Decompressive craniectomy for refrac- injury and refractory high ICP resulted in lower
tory high intracranial pressure (ICP) mortality and higher rates of vegetative state and
may save lives, but many will have a severe disability than in patients receiving medi-
very poor functional outcome. cal care (Hutchinson et  al. 2016). The rates of
moderate disability and good recovery were simi-
lar in the two groups. The type of decompressive
craniectomy (bifrontal or unilateral) was decided
57.2 Background upon by the surgeon.
The ongoing Rescue-ASDH trial (http://www.
Two major randomized trials have investigated is a multicentre, pragmatic
the use of decompressive craniectomy in adults parallel-­group randomized trial of decompressive
(Cooper et  al. 2011; Hutchinson et  al. 2016). craniectomy versus craniotomy for adult patients
Decompressive craniectomy has also been stud- undergoing evacuation of acute subdural haema-
ied in two smaller randomized trials, one in adults toma. This study will probably help to define the
(Qiu et al. 2009) and one in children (Taylor et al. value of craniectomy in patients with acute sub-
2001). There is still uncertainty related to the dural haematoma.
effectiveness and safety of decompressive crani- In 2016, the Brain Trauma Foundation pub-
ectomy, but it may be a valid option in selected lished the fourth edition of the guidelines for the
patients (Sahuquillo and Arikan 2006; Ardissino management of severe traumatic brain injury
et al. 2019). For details, please refer to Chap. 26 ( In this update,
on decompressive craniectomy. they included recommendations for decompres-
The randomized controlled Decra study, pub- sive craniectomy. The authors stated that these
lished in 2011, concluded with an increased risk are living guidelines and that new studies, such as
of a poor outcome for patients with refractory the pending results of the Rescue-ICP trial
high intracranial pressure (ICP) undergoing (Hutchinson et al. 2016), would be incorporated
bifronto-temporoparietal craniectomy as com- as soon as they become available. However, these
57  Subacute Surgery in Neurointensive Care 423

recommendations have not been updated as of 57.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns

February 2020.
Intracranial haematomas or contusions diag- One small prospective, randomized study has
nosed by the initial CT scan can evolve with investigated the use of early bitemporal craniec-
enlargement of bleeding and/or perifocal oedema, tomy without duraplasty in children (Taylor et al.
thereby requiring surgery at a later stage. A recent 2001). The children had a median age of
systematic review and meta-analysis of mild TBI 120.9 months. Thirteen children were randomized
patients with brain injuries identified by CT scan, to craniectomy and 14 children to conservative
estimated the risk of clinical deterioration to be management; the median GCS scores were 6 and 5,
11.7% and neurosurgical intervention to be 3.5% respectively. Notably, children with GCS scores
(Marincowitz et al. 2018). higher than 8 were included in this study. The cra-
Delayed intracranial haemorrhage after blunt niectomy was performed at a median of 19.2  h
head trauma in patients with an initial, normal (range 7.3–29.3 h) after the accident. Children who
CT scan is very rare. In a recent study, the authors had sustained intracranial hypertension during the
found an incidence of 0.3% of delayed intracra- first day after admission (ICP 20–24  mmHg for
nial haemorrhage in older patients (55 years or 30  min, 25–29  mmHg for 10  min, 30  mmHg or
older), irrespective of anticoagulant or antiplate- more for 1 min) or had evidence of herniation (uni-
let use (Chenoweth et  al. 2018). This finding laterally dilated pupil or bradycardia) were eligible
clearly indicates that routine observation and for randomization. A trend was shown towards
serial cranial CT scans may not be warranted in greater improvement in intracranial pressure, less
these patients. time required in the intensive care unit and
Carotid dissection and cerebral vasospasms improved clinical outcome by adding decompres-
are other conditions to be aware of. Both condi- sive craniectomy to conventional medical treat-
tions can cause neurological deterioration in a ment. Based on this study, a Cochrane review
subacute manner. Carotid dissection is often concluded that decompressive craniectomy might
associated with neck trauma (e.g. seat belt injury) be justified in patients below the age of 18 years
and may be followed by development of a hemi- when full medical treatment is unable to control the
paresis without corresponding findings on initial intracranial pressure (Sahuquillo and Arikan 2006).
CT scans. Traumatic arterial spasms are not that In a systematic review, Ardissino et  al.
uncommon and have a similar time course to that reported a possible benefit of decompressive cra-
seen with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemor- niectomy in paediatric patients with TBI for
rhage. The clinical significance of vasospasms in reducing high ICP (>25  mmHg) refractory to
traumatic brain injury is still uncertain (Armin medical treatment. The authors also noted that
et al. 2008). this is supported by low-quality evidence only
New or recurrent haematomas are not infre- and that there are substantial uncertainties about
quent after acute surgery for head injuries the implications for long-term neurological out-
(Seifman et  al. 2011). The vasculature can be come (Ardissino et al. 2019).
injured, and clotting mechanisms can be compro- The third edition of the Brain Trauma
mised. Rebleeding at the operative site requiring Foundation guidelines for the acute management
reoperation has been reported in up to 7% of of paediatric severe traumatic brain injury was
patients undergoing craniotomy and evacuation of published in 2019 (Kochanek et al. 2019). Based
traumatic intracranial haematomas (Bullock et al. on 16 Class III treatment series, they provided a
1990). The use of correct surgical techniques and level III recommendation stating that decompres-
adequate choice of procedures are therefore sive craniectomy is suggested to treat neurologi-
essential to avoid post-operative complications cal deterioration, herniation or intracranial
(see Part V on acute surgical treatment). hypertension refractory to medical management.
424 T. Sundstrøm et al.

References Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Carney N, Totten AM, Adelson

PD, Selden NR, Davis-O’Reilly C, Hart EL, Bell MJ,
Bratton SL, Grant GA, Kissoon N, Reuter-Rice KE,
Ardissino M, Tang A, Muttoni E, Tsang K. Decompressive
Vavilala MS, Wainwright MS, Marincowitz C, Lecky
craniectomy in paediatric traumatic brain injury: a
FE, Townend W, Borakati A. Guidelines for the man-
systematic review of current evidence. Childs Nerv
agement of pediatric severe traumatic brain injury,
Syst. 2019;35:209–16.
third edition: update of the Brain Trauma Foundation
Armin SS, Colohan AR, Zhang JH. Vasospasm in traumatic
guidelines. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019;20(3S Suppl
brain injury. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;104:421–5.
Bullock R, Hanemann CO, Murray L, Teasdale
Marincowitz C, Lecky FE, Townend W, Borakati A, Fabbri
GM.  Recurrent hematomas following craniot-
A, Sheldon TA. The risk of deterioration in GCS 13-15
omy for traumatic intracranial mass. J Neurosurg.
patients with traumatic brain injury identified by com-
puted tomography imaging: a systematic review and
Chenoweth JA, Gaona SD, Faul M, Holmes JF, Nishijima
meta-analysis. J Neurotrauma. 2018;35:703–18.
DK, Sacramento County Prehospital Research
Qiu W, Guo C, Shen H, Chen K, Wen L, Huang H, Ding
Consortium. Incidence of delayed intracranial hemor-
M, Sun L, Jiang Q, Wang W.  Effects of unilateral
rhage in older patients after blunt head trauma. JAMA
decompressive craniectomy on patients with unilat-
Surg. 2018;153:570–5.
eral acute post-traumaticbrain swelling after severe
Cooper DJ, Rosenfeld JV, Murray L, Arabi YM, Davies
traumatic brain injury. Crit Care. 2009;13(6):R185.
AR, D’Urso P, Kossmann T, Ponsford J, Seppelt
I, Reilly P, Wolfe R, DECRA Trial Investigators,
Sahuquillo J, Arikan F.  Decompressive craniectomy for
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
the treatment of refractory high intracranial pressure
Clinical Trials Group. Decompressive craniectomy
in traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med.
Hutchinson PJ, Kolias AG, Timofeev IS, Corteen EA,
Seifman MA, Lewis PM, Rosenfeld JV, Hwang
Czosnyka M, Timothy J, Anderson I, Bulters DO,
PY. Postoperative intracranial haemorrhage: a review.
Belli A, Eynon CA, Wadley J, Mendelow AD,
Neurosurg Rev. 2011;34(4):393–407.
Mitchell PM, Wilson MH, Critchley G, Sahuquillo J,
Taylor A, Butt W, Rosenfeld J, Shann F, Ditchfield M,
Unterberg A, Servadei F, Teasdale GM, Pickard JD,
Lewis E, Klug G, Wallace D, Henning R, Tibballs
Menon DK, Murray GD, Kirkpatrick PJ, RESCUEicp
J. A randomized trial of very early decompressive cra-
Trial Collaborators. Trial of decompressive craniec-
niectomy in children with traumatic brain injury and
tomy for traumatic intracranial hypertension. N Engl
sustained intracranial hypertension. Childs Nerv Syst.
J Med. 2016;375:1119–30.
Management of Extracranial
Injuries 58
Nikolaj Preus Hatting and Rico Frederik Schou

Recommendations Stabilization in a neuro-ICU is recommended

only in isolated TBI; a dedicated trauma ICU is
Level I recommended in multitraumatized patients.
Physiological parameters should be main-
There is insufficient data to support a Level 1 tained within near-normal values. Of special con-
recommendation. cern is hypotension, where systolic blood
pressure above 90 mmHg is advised if concomi-
Level II tant uncontrollable internal bleeding is present.

Major extracranial injury is a prognostic factor

for mortality in TBI patients. 58.1 Overview

Level III The patient with multitrauma injuries (in addition

to traumatic brain injury (TBI)) is at increased
In the initial phase, only damage control surgery risk of adverse events and secondary cerebral
(DCS) is recommended. insults. After the initial assessment and primary
The trauma team should decide and agree survey (see other chapters), the trauma team is
upon the timing of the procedures. often presented with multiple injuries that require
ICP monitoring is recommended during extra- immediate treatment, preferably at the same time.
cranial surgery (DCS). Therefore, it is important for the trauma team
to consent upon an approach for managing the
injuries in a prioritized order.
In the initial phase, only the most life-­
threatening extracranial injuries should be
N. P. Hatting
Department of Neuroanesthesiology and treated. Damage control surgery (DCS), where
Neurointensive Care, Odense University Hospital, control of only hemorrhage and contamination is
Odense, Denmark managed, is recommended. It is focused surgery
e-mail: without any unnecessary or time-consuming pro-
R. F. Schou (*) cedures. DCS is always followed by a “second
Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical look” hours or days after the initial DCS. In the
Care, Odense University Hospital,
Odense, Denmark meantime, the patient should be admitted to the
e-mail: ICU for further stabilization.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 425

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
426 N. P. Hatting and R. F. Schou

If DCS is necessary, it is recommended to 2013). Pitfalls to avoid are hypotension, hypoxia,

monitor ICP perioperatively in addition to the fluctuations in PaCO2, hypo-/hyperglycemia,
standard monitoring setup for anesthesia. It is hypo-/hyperthermia, coagulopathy, and raised ICP
recommended to seek advice from a specialist in (Watanabe et al. 2018; van Leeuwen et al. 2012).
neuroanesthesiology or to invite for joint venture The trauma team should agree on a course of
and combine the knowledge of the trauma anes- action that will prioritize the management of the
thesiologist and the neuroanesthesiologist. primary brain injury in relation to extracranial
The timing for extracranial surgery should be injuries, also in accordance with the general prin-
considered carefully and weighed against the ciples for maintaining oxygen supply and ade-
severity of the TBI; non-vital surgery should be quate perfusion to vital organs.
postponed until the patient is stable and beyond The team should decide the timing of proce-
the acute phase (1–3 days). dures; intracranial and/or extracranial: resuscita-
tive DCS in the trauma bay area, management of
intrahospital transportation to operating theatre,
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
or stabilization in ICU area before and in between
• Team decision regarding timing of surgery.
surgery. If the patient is suffering from TBI, bilateral
• Establish ICP monitoring in patients lung contusion, multiple fractures, acid/base dis-
undergoing extracranial surgery, espe- order, and/or coagulopathy, it is indeed relevant
cially if GCS <9. to consider DCS if the magnitude of extracranial
• Seek advice from a neuroanesthesiolo- injuries, for example, includes large vessel dam-
gist and/or neurosurgeon regarding the age, tamponade, pelvic or large bone fractures
level of neuromonitoring, what values to with concurrent hemorrhage, or intraabdominal
aim for and management of potential organ damage needing resection (Rotondo et al.
adverse events in the perioperative 1993; Taeger et  al. 2005; Keel et  al. 2005;
period. DASAIM 2011).
• Choose and titrate anesthetic drugs and The anesthesiologist in care of the patient
opioids according to the level and extent should confer with the neurosurgeon and the neu-
of cumulative injuries. roanesthesiologist regarding the level of neuro-
• Hypovolemia due to bleeding is a major monitoring. Patients presenting with GCS <8
cause for hypotension in the multi- should not go through extracranial surgery with-
trauma patient. out ICP monitoring. In patients with a GCS 9–13,
• Beware of coagulopathy and ICP monitoring should be considered. Patients
hypotension. with GCS 14–15 should possibly only have ICP
monitoring established in the prospect of long-
lasting or very extensive extracranial surgery
(Farahvar et al. 2012; DASAIM 2011).
In the absence of ICP monitoring, ensuring a
58.2 Background MAP >80  mmHg is likely to ensure a CPP
>50 mmHg. Intraoperative hypotension has been
As for the patient with isolated TBI, the primary reported to occur in 60% of TBI patients under-
concern is to prevent secondary damage and going surgery for associated orthopedic surgery
injury from occurring. The multitrauma patient (Algarra, Lele et al. 2016).
has an increased mortality rate and an even It is recommended to achieve and maintain a
greater risk of adverse events; special care must systolic blood pressure above 90  mmHg (Brain
be undertaken to prevent and counter these com- 2007). When extracranial hemorrhage control is
plications (McMahon et al. 1999; Lingsma et al. achieved, target a systolic blood pressure 110–
58  Management of Extracranial Injuries 427

120 mmHg as comparative to isolated TBI (Berry 58.3 Specific Pediatric Concerns

et al. 2012; Brenner et al. 2012).
To ensure adequate circulation and perfusion, Knowing the pitfalls regarding the compensatory
normovolemia should be achieved using warm, mechanisms in infants and smaller children, it is
non-glucose-containing isotonic crystalloid possible to anticipate and intervene at the earliest
solutions. Hypertonic saline solutions increase possible time.
intravascular volume and decrease cerebral vol- The recommendation regarding pediatric
ume and hence ICP (Algarra, Deepak et  al. trauma patients follows the adult protocol, tak-
2016). The target value of s-Na+ should be 140– ing into account the difference in reference val-
150 mmol/L as hypernatremia (>150 mmol/L) is ues and the potential need for expertise in
correlated with increased early mortality extracranial pediatric surgery and anesthesia
(Verdantam et al. 2017). (Auner et al. 2014).
Albumin is currently not recommended in
any guidelines (SAFE Study 2004). Starches and
other colloids should be avoided. Vasopressors References
should be either phenylephrine or norepineph-
rine (Sookplung et al. 2011). Anemia is associ- Algarra NN, Lele AV, Prathep S, et  al. Intraoperative
ated with increased mortality and poor outcome secondary insults during orthopedic surgery in
in TBI (Hare et  al. 2008). However, many traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol.
cerebro-­ protective mechanisms become effec- Algarra NN, Deepak S.  Perioperative management
tive with anemia, and no studies have yet dem- of traumatic brain injury. Curr Anesthesiol Rep.
onstrated improvement in brain tissue 2016;6:193–201.
oxygenation with blood transfusion. Optimal Auner B, et  al. Pediatric multiple trauma. Chirurg.
hemoglobin level in TBI patients is unclear, but
Berry C, Ley EJ, Bukur M, Malinoski D, Margulies DR,
there is no benefit of liberal transfusion strategy Mirocha J, et al. Redefining hypotension in traumatic
(Hgb  >  6.2  mmol/L) (Salim et  al. 2008). brain injury. Injury. 2012;43(11):1833–7.
Management of ongoing hemorrhage should fol- Brain TF. Guidelines for the management of severe trau-
low international guidelines. matic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 2007;24(suppl
There are no guidelines for management of Brenner M, Stein DM, Hu PF, Aarabi B, Sheth K, Scalea
coagulopathy in TBI, though it is present in TM. Traditional systolic blood pressure targets under-
approximately one third of TBI patients and leads estimate hypotension-induced secondary brain injury.
to increased mortality and poor outcome (Talving J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012;72(5):1135–9.
et al. 2009; Watanabe et al. 2018). The CRASH-2 DASAIM Neuroanesthesia Group. Recommendation
for anesthetic management of patients with TBI
trial demonstrated that tranexamic acid was asso- and need for extracranial surgery. Danish Society
ciated with a reduction in mortality. for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine,
Hyper- and hypoglycemia after TBI are asso- DASAIM, Recommendation, Nov. 2011; 2011.
ciated with increased morbidity and mortality Sharma D, Vavilala MS.  Perioperative management
of adult traumatic brain injury. Anesthesiol Clin.
(Jeremitsky et  al. 2005). The current evidence
suggests a target glucose range of 5–8  mmol/L Farahvar A, et  al. Increased mortality in patients
(Sharma and Vavilala 2012). with severe traumatic brain injury treated with-
In the period of stabilization, the patient with out intracranial pressure monitoring. J Neurosurg.
isolated TBI will benefit from being admitted to 2012;117(4):729–34.
Hare GM, Tsui AK, McLaren AT, Ragoonanan TE,
neuro-ICU area. If the patient is multitraumatized Yu J, Mazer CD.  Anemia and cerebral outcome:
with concomitant extracranial injuries, a dedi- many questions, fewer answers. Anesth Analg.
cated trauma ICU is recommended over neuro-­ 2008;107:1356–70.
ICU as this lowers mortality rate (Lombardo Jeremitsky E, Omert LA, Dunham CM, Wilberger J,
et al. 2017) Rodriguez A. The impact of hyperglycemia on patients
with severe brain injury. J Trauma. 2005;58:47–50.
428 N. P. Hatting and R. F. Schou

Keel M, et al. Damage control in severely injured patients. Sookplung P, Siriussawakul A, Malakouti A, et  al.
Eur J Trauma. 2005;31:212–21. Vasopressor use and effect on blood pressure after
Lingsma H, et al. Prognosis in moderate and severe trau- severe adult traumatic brain injury. Neurocrit Care.
matic brain injury: external validation of the IMPACT 2011;15:46–54.
models and the role of extracranial injuries. J Trauma Taeger G, et  al. Damage control orthopedics in patients
Acute Care Surg. 2013;74(2):639–46. with multiple injuries is effective, time saving and
Lombardo S, et  al. Neuro, trauma, or med/surg inten- safe. J Trauma. 2005;59(2):409–16; discussion 417.
sive care unit: Does it matter where multiple injuries Talving P, Benfield R, Hadjizacharia P, Inaba K, Chan
patients with traumatic brain injury are admitted? LS, Demetriades D.  Coagulopathy in severe trau-
Secondary analysis of the American Association matic brain injury: a prospective study. J Trauma.
for the Surgery of Trauma Multi-Institutional Trials 2009;66:55–61.
Committee decompressive craniectomy study. J van Leeuwen N, et  al. Prognostic value of major extra-
Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017;82(3):489–96. cranial injury in traumatic brain injury: an indi-
McMahon CG, et al. Unexpected contribution of moder- vidual patient data meta-analysis in 39,274 patients.
ate traumatic brain injury to death after major trauma. Neurosurgery. 2012;70(4):811–8.
J Trauma. 1999;47(5):891–5. Verdantam A, et  al. Morbidity and mortality associated
Rotondo MF, et  al. Damage control: an approach for with hypernatremia in patients with severe traumatic
improved survival in exsanguinating penetrating brain injury. Neurosurg Focus. 2017;43(5):E2.
abdominal injury. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):375–83. Watanabe T, et al. Outcomes after traumatic brain injury
Myburgh J, et al. Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation with concomitant severe extracranial injuries. Neurol
in patients with traumatic brain injury (SAFE-Study). Med Chir (Tokyo). 2018;58(9):393–9.
N Engl J Med. 2004;350:2247–56.
Salim A, Hadjizacharia P, DuBose J, Brown C, Inaba K,
Chan L, et al. Role of anemia in traumatic brain injury.
J Am Coll Surg. 2008;207:398–406.
CSF Drainage
Lars-Owe D. Koskinen

Recommendations was of little use in influencing ICP while later

CSF removal had a more pronounced effect
Level I (Papo et al. 1981). In a prospective study of 31
patients, it was shown that various volumes of
There are insufficient data to support a Level I CSF intermittent drainage significantly decreased
recommendation for this topic. the ICP with a few mmHg, but in only six sub-
jects the decrease was more than 3  mmHg and
Level II lasted for more than 10 min (Kerr et al. 2000). In
a second prospective study from the same group,
There are insufficient data to support a Level II dose responses of 1, 2 and 3 ml of CSF drainage
recommendation for this topic. in 58 severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) patients
with ICP exceeding 20  mmHg were reported
Level III (Kerr et al. 2001). The ICP decreased by 2.4, 3.4
and 4.5  mmHg, respectively, immediately after
Continuous or intermittent CSF drainage is rec- drainage. Ten minutes post-drainage, there was
ommended in situations with increased ICP still an effect of the drainage, but approaching the
(>20  mmHg) when other measures have failed, pre-drainage levels. A small transient improve-
such as surgical removal of space-occupying hae- ment in cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) was
matomas and contusions and optimization of observed after drainage but no concomitant effect
ventilation and sedation. on cerebral blood flow or regional cerebral oxy-
genation. In a retrospective study of 23 sTBI
patients with ICP over 25 mmHg, CSF drainage
59.1 Overview decreased the ICP by 5.7  mmHg studied 4  min
after opening of the drain (Akbik et  al. 2017).
In an early retrospective study of 39 patients, The CPP was increased by 4.1 mmHg and brain
intermittent or continuous CSF drainage was tissue oxygenation by 1.15 mmHg. A prospective
applied, and it was concluded that early drainage study of 24 subjects, with sustained elevated ICP
after other ICP decreasing measures, showed that
L.-O. D. Koskinen (*) in about 50% of the cases, the ICP was brought
Department of Clinical Science-Neurosciences/ under control after continuous drainage
Neurosurgery, Umeå University and Umeå University (Timofeev et al. 2008). The effect of continuous
Hospital, Umeå, Sweden
CSF drainage was studied in an observational

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 429

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
430 L. D. Koskinen

r­etrospective study of 20 sTBI patients 24  h

before and after drainage (Lescot et  al. 2012). Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
The mean ICP decreased from about 18 mmHg to • CSF drainage can be used when other
about 11 mmHg. The need for osmotherapy was measures have failed.
diminished during the drainage. However, the • An intermittent drainage is often pre-
threshold for drainage was 20 mmHg, which was ferred over continuous.
not reached before drainage. A retrospective • The drainage should be against a pres-
study on prospective collected data using a sure of 15–20 mmHg or higher in order
matched control design in sTBI showed that the to avoid slit ventricles.
mean ICP in the continuous drainage group was • If the drain stops functioning, this can
5.66 mmHg lower than in the closed intermittent be due to blood, debris, mechanical tub-
drainage group (Nwachuku et al. 2014). The ICP ing problems, stopcocks or empty ven-
burden was also reduced in the continuous drain- tricles. Empty ventricles are a serious
age group as compared to the closed. However, complication to CSF drainage due to
the clinical outcome at 6 months was unaffected. increased risk of brainstem herniation.
In a prospective study of 45 patients with sTBI • Some drainage systems are sensitive to
and 55 patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage wrong position of the drainage reservoir
(SAH) presenting refractory ICP elevation, a resulting in non-functioning airing
combination of ventriculostomy and lumbar valves.
drainage was shown to reduce the ICP but not to • If empty ventricles, close the drain for
affect outcome (Tuettenberg et al. 2009). In that 20 min and check the function again.
study, 12% of the patients were presented with • Beware of a dislocation of the ventricu-
cerebral herniation, and 6% died due to hernia- lar catheter and the relative high risk of
tion. Some studies have shown an improved out- infection.
come after using CSF drainage (Timofeev et al. • Be aware of the increased risk of
2008; Ghajar et al. 1993). cerebral herniation during drainage,
Unfortunately, many of the publications do especially with lumbar drainage.
not consider whether other simultaneous mea-
sures such as hyperventilation, osmotherapy and
level of sedation interact with the ICP decreasing
effect of CSF drainage. Further, the effect on ICP 59.2 Background
is often studied and reported for a limited time
period, making it difficult to draw any solid High ICP is generally considered as one of the
conclusions. main factors influencing the final clinical out-
The decrease in ICP after CSF drainage can- come after TBI (Miller et al. 1977; Narayan et al.
not be expected to be long-lasting and may not be 1982; Eisenberg et  al. 1988; Jiang et  al. 2002;
effective in all subjects as the loss of CSF by time Schreiber et  al. 2002; Olivecrona et  al. 2010;
will be replaced by brain oedema. It is discussed Marmarou et al. 1991). It has also been reported
whether removal of constitutes of the CSF might that those who respond to a given ICP-reducing
have a negative effect on cerebral function and therapy have a reduced risk of mortality (Farahvar
repair. In cases with very narrow ventricles, free- et al. 2011). Several causes of raised ICP can be
hand ventriculostomy can be difficult. The identified including haematomas, contusions,
method maybe complicated by CSF leakage and oedema, disturbance in CSF outflow and resorp-
infections. tion. The rationale for removing CSF is based on
59  CSF Drainage 431

the Monro-Kellie doctrine (Monro 1783; Kelly Farahvar A, Gerber LM, Chiu YL, Hartl R, Carney N,
Ghajar J. Response to intracranial hypertension treat-
1824), giving space for diffuse cerebral oedema, ment as a predictor of death in patients with severe
for example. CSF drainage is thus applied in traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg. 2011;114:1471–8.
patients with or without signs of acute hydro- Ghajar JBG, Hariri RJ, Patterson RH. Improved outcome
cephalus. Lundberg (1960) presented some evi- from traumatic coma using only ventricular cerebro-
spinal fluid drainage for intracranial pressure control.
dence that CSF drainage decreases elevated Adv Neurosurg. 1993;21:5.
ICP.  It is well understood that drainage of CSF Jiang JY, Gao GY, Li WP, Yu MK, Zhu C. Early indica-
can be effective in reducing ICP in the emergency tors of prognosis in 846 cases of severe traumatic brain
situation. It is also commonly pointed out in text- injury. J Neurotrauma. 2002;19:869–74.
Jones PA, Andrews PJ, Easton VJ, Minns RA. Traumatic
books and publications that CSF drainage is an brain injury in childhood: intensive care time series
effective treatment of elevated ICP, but the scien- data and outcome. Br J Neurosurg. 2003;17:29–39.
tific evidence is spare. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t].
Kelly G. Appearances observed in the dissection of two
individuals; death from cold and congestion of the
brain. Trans Med Chir Sci Edinb. 1824;1:85.
59.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns Kerr EM, Marion D, Sereika MS, Weber BB, Orndoff AP,
Henker R, et al. The effect of cerebrospinal fluid drain-
The age of the paediatric patient must be consid- age on cerebral perfusion in traumatic brain injured
adults. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2000;12:324–33.
ered in deciding the optimal and critical ICP level [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Research Support,
(Jones et al. 2003). Furthermore, the lower CSF U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S.].
volume in children must be taken into account Kerr EM, Weber BB, Sereika SM, Wilberger J, Marion
when deciding the volume to be drained. In 22 DW. Dose response to cerebrospinal fluid drainage on
cerebral perfusion in traumatic brain-injured adults.
paediatric patients, the ICP decreased after CSF Neurosurg Focus. 2001;11:1–7.
drainage (Shapiro and Marmarou 1982). A study Lescot T, Boroli F, Reina V, Chauvet D, Boch A-L,
reporting on the use of a combination of CSF Puybasset L. Effect of continuous cerebrospinal fluid
drainage by ventriculostomy and lumbar drain- drainage on therapeutic intensity in severe traumatic
brain injury. Neurochirurgie. 2012;58:235–40.
age in 16 patients showed that ICP was unaf- Levy DI, Rekate HL, Cherny WB, Manwaring K, Moss
fected in two patients who died; in the remaining SD, Baldwin HZ. Controlled lumbar drainage in pedi-
14 patients, an abrupt and lasting decrease in ICP atric head injury. J Neurosurg. 1995;83:453–60. [Case
was observed (Levy et  al. 1995). Continuous Reports].
Lundberg N.  Continuous recording and control of ven-
drainage of CSF appears more effective in reduc- tricular fluid pressure in neurosurgical practice. Acta
ing the ICP than intermittent drainage (Shore Psychiatr Scand Suppl. 1960;36:1–193.
et al. 2004). In a multicentre study of 41 paediat- Marmarou A, Anderson RL, Ward JD, Choi SC, Young
ric patients, it was shown that the mean ICP was HF, Eisenberg HM, et al. Impact of ICP instability and
hypotension on outcome in patients with severe head
significantly higher (43 ± 26 mmHg, n = 3) in the trauma. J Neurosurg. 1991;75:59–66.
deceased group as compared to the survivors Miller JD, Becker DP, Ward JD, Sullivan HG, Adams WE,
(13 ± 4 mmHg, n = 38) (Wahlström et al. 2005). Rosner MJ. Significance of intracranial hypertension
in severe head injury. J Neurosurg. 1977;47:503–16.
[Research Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S.].
Monro A. Observations on the structure and function of
References the nervous system. Edinburgh: Creech & Johnson;
Akbik OS, Krasberg M, Nemoto EM, Yonas H.  Effect Narayan RK, Kishore PR, Becker DP, Ward JD, Enas GG,
of cerebrospinal fluid drainage on brain tissue oxy- Greenberg RP, et al. Intracranial pressure: to monitor
genation in traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. or not to monitor? A review of our experience with
2017;34:3153–7. severe head injury. J Neurosurg. 1982;56:650–9.
Eisenberg HM, Frankowski RF, Contant CF, Marshall [Research Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S.].
LF, Walker MD.  High-dose barbiturate control of Nwachuku EL, Puccio AM, Fetzick A, Scruggs B, Chang
elevated intracranial pressure in patients with severe Y-F, Shutter LA, et  al. Intermittent versus continu-
head injury. J Neurosurg. 1988;69:15–23. [Clinical ous cerebrospinal fluid drainage management in adult
Trial Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, severe traumatic brain injury: Assessment of intracra-
U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S.]. nial pressure burden. Neurocrit Care. 2014;20:49–53.
432 L. D. Koskinen

Olivecrona M, Wildemyr Z, Koskinen LO. The apolipopro- J Neurotrauma. 2004;21:1113–22. [Comparative

tein E epsilon4 allele and outcome in severe traumatic Study (Multicenter Study Research Support, Non-­-
brain injury treated by an intracranial pressure-­targeted U.S. Gov’t Research Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S.].
therapy. J Neurosurg. 2010;112:1113–9. [Randomized Timofeev I, Dahyot-Fizelier C, Keong N, Nortje J,
Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t]. Al-Rawi PG, Czosnyka M, et al. Ventriculostomy for
Papo I, Caruselli G, Luongo A.  CSF withdrawal for the control of raised ICP in acute traumatic brain injury.
treatment of intracranial hypertension in acute head Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;102:99–104. [Clinical
injuries. Acta Neurochir. 1981;56:191–9. Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t].
Schreiber MA, Aoki N, Scott BG, Beck JR. Determinants Tuettenberg J, Czabanka M, Horn P, Woitzik J, Barth M,
of mortality in patients with severe blunt head injury. Thome C, et al. Clinical evaluation of the safety and
Arch Surg. 2002;137:285–90. efficacy of lumbar cerebrospinal fluid drainage for the
Shapiro K, Marmarou A.  Clinical applications of the treatment of refractory increased intracranial pressure.
pressure-volume index in treatment of pediatric head J Neurosurg. 2009;110:1200–8.
injuries. J Neurosurg. 1982;56:819–25. [Research Wahlström MR, Olivecrona M, Koskinen LO, Rydenhag
Support, U.S. Gov’t, P.H.S.]. B, Naredi S. Severe traumatic brain injury in pediat-
Shore PM, Thomas NJ, Clark RS, Adelson PD, Wisniewski ric patients: treatment and outcome using an intra-
SR, Janesko KL, et al. Continuous versus intermittent cranial pressure targeted therapy – the Lund concept.
cerebrospinal fluid drainage after severe traumatic Intensive Care Med. 2005;31:832–9. [Multicenter
brain injury in children: effect on biochemical m
­ arkers. Study Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t].
Niels Juul

Recommendations more than 20 years because it can cause a rapid

reduction in ICP. Brain swelling and elevated ICP
Level I develop in 40% of patients with severe TBI
(Miller et al. 1977), and high or uncontrolled ICP
There are insufficient data to support a Level I is one of the most common causes of death and
recommendation for this topic. neurologic disability after TBI (Becker et  al.
1977). Therefore, the assumption has been made
Level II that hyperventilation benefits all patients with
severe TBI. In a 1995 survey, Ghajar et al. found
Prophylactic hyperventilation should be avoided. that hyperventilation was being used by 83% of
US trauma centres (Ghajar et  al. 1995). This
Level III number has declined over the years, but as recent
as 2008, the BrainIT group made a survey in
Hyperventilation is recommended as a temporis- European centres showing that early prophylactic
ing measure for the reduction of ICP. hyperventilation was used in more than 50% of
Hyperventilation should be avoided during the cases (Neumann et  al. 2008). However, hyper-
first 24 h after injury when CBF often is critically ventilation reduces ICP by causing cerebral vaso-
reduced. If hyperventilation is still used, it is rec- constriction and a subsequent reduction in CBF
ommended to monitor brain oxygen delivery by and cerebral blood volume and not by reducing
SjO2 or PtiO2 measurements or other means of brain oedema (Raichle and Plum 1972). Research
continuous brain oxygen monitoring. conducted over the past 20 years clearly demon-
strate that CBF during the first day after injury is
less than half that of normal individuals (Bouma
60.1 Overview et  al. 1992; Muizelaar et  al. 1989; Robertson
et al. 1988) and that there is a risk of causing or
Aggressive hyperventilation (arterial PaCO2  ≤  worsening cerebral ischaemia with aggressive
3.3 kPa) has been a cornerstone in the manage- hyperventilation, especially in the already isch-
ment of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) for aemic penumbra zone. Histologic evidence of
cerebral ischaemia has been found in most vic-
N. Juul (*) tims of severe TBI who died (Graham and Adams
Department of Anaesthesia, Aarhus University 1971; Ross et  al. 1993). A randomised study
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark found significantly poorer outcomes at 3 and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 433

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
434 N. Juul

6  months when prophylactic hyperventilation during the first 5 days following severe TBI in a
was used, as compared to when it was not total of 67 patients. CBF measurements were
(Muizelaar et al. 1991). Thus, limiting the use of obtained during the first 24 h after injury in one
hyperventilation following severe TBI may help study, and they were less than 18 mL/100 g/min
to improve neurologic recovery following injury in 31.4% of patients (Bouma et al. 1992). In the
or at least avoid iatrogenic cerebral ischaemia. second study, the mean CBF during the first few
hours after injury was 27 mL/100 g/min (Marion
et al. 1991). The third study measured CBF with
a thermodiffusion blood flow probe, again during
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
the first 5  days post-injury, in 37 severe TBI
• If the ICP is stable and below 20 mmHg,
patients (Sioutos et  al. 1995). Twelve patients
keep the PaCO2 above 4.5 kPa.
had a global CBF less than 18 mL/100 g/min up
• If the patient is monitored with ETCO2
to 48 h post-injury.
and the pulmonary condition is stable,
compare ETCO2 with PaCO2 on a regu-
lar basis (once or twice a day). This will
60.2.2 PaCO2/CBF Reactivity
diminish the need for arterial blood gas
and Cerebral Oxygen
monitoring since the difference between
PaCO2 and ETCO2 will, for all good
measures, be approximately the same if
Three Class III studies provide the evidence base
the pulmonary condition is stable.
for this topic (Imberti et  al. 2002; Oertel et  al.
• If the ventilator is on pressure control
2002 and Sheinberg et al. 1992). Results associ-
and you want to decrease PaCO2,
ating hyperventilation with SjO2 and PtiO2 values
increase the frequency of ventilations
in a total of 102 patients are equivocal. One study
rather than the tidal volume because this
showed no consistent positive or negative change
will not alter the difference between
in SjO2 or PtiO2 values (Imberti et  al. 2002). A
ETCO2 and PaCO2.
second study associated hyperventilation with a
• If the ventilator is on volume control
reduction of PaCO2 and subsequent decrease in
and you increase the minute volume,
SjO2 from 73% to 67%, but the SjO2 values never
keep an eye on the tidal volume to
dropped below 55% (Oertel et  al. 2002). The
decrease the risk of overextension of the
third study reported hyperventilation to be the
second most common identifiable cause of jugu-
• It is easier to keep adequate ventilation
lar venous oxygen desaturation in a sample of 33
volume if the ventilator setting is on vol-
patients (Sheinberg et  al. 1992). Studies on
ume control.
regional CBF showed significant variation in
reduction in CBF following TBI.  Two studies
indicated lowest flows in brain tissue surrounding
contusions or underlying subdural haematomas
60.2 Background and in patients with severe diffuse injuries
(Marion et  al. 1991; Salvant and Muizelaar
60.2.1 CBF Following TBI 1993). Similarly, a third study found that CO2
vasoreactivity was most abnormal in contusions
Three studies provide Class III evidence that and subdural haematomas (McLaughlin and
CBF can be dangerously low soon after severe Marion 1996). Considering that CO2 vasoreactiv-
TBI (Bouma et  al. 1992; Marion et  al. 1991; ity could range from almost absent to three times
Sioutos et  al. 1995). Two CBF measurements normal in these patients, there could be a danger-
were performed with xenon-CT/CBF method ous reduction in CBF during hyperventilation,
60 Hyperventilation 435

especially in areas surrounding contusions or 60.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns

underlying subdural clots. Only one of these
three studies (Marion et  al. 1991) had adequate There are no specific paediatric concerns; chil-
design and sample to be included as evidence. dren should be treated in accordance with the
Two studies associated hyperventilation-induced adult guidelines.
reduction in CBF with a significant increase in
oxygen extraction fraction, but they did not find a
significant relationship between hyperventilation References
and change in the CMRO2 (Diringer et al. 2002;
Becker DP, Miller JD, Ward JD, Greenberg RP, Young
Hutchinson et al. 2002). HF, Sakalas R. The outcome from severe head injury
with early diagnosis and intensive management. J
Neurosurg. 1977;47:491–502.
60.2.3 Effect of Hyperventilation Bouma GJ, Muizelaar JP, Stringer WA, Choi SC, Fatouros
P, Young HF. Ultra-early evaluation of regional cere-
on Outcome bral blood flow in severely head-injured patients
using xenon-enhanced computerized tomography. J
One Class III study involving 890 patients intu- Neurosurg. 1992;77:360–8.
bated prehospitally showed adverse outcome for Davis DP, Idris AH, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB,
Velky T, Vilke GM, Hoyt DB.  Early ventilation and
both hypo- and hypercapnic patients; intubated outcome in patients with moderate to severe traumatic
patients arriving at the trauma centre with an brain injury. Crit Care Med. 2006;34:1202–8.
PaCO2 between 4.0 and 6.5 kPa had a better sur- Diringer MN, Videen TO, Yundt K, Zazulia AR, Aiyagari
vival than those who had been hypo- or hyper- V, Dacey RG Jr, Grubb RL, Powers WJ.  Regional
cerebrovascular and metabolic effects of hyperventila-
ventilated, after adjustment for confounding tion after severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg.
factors (adjusted OR 2.17) (Davis et al. 2006). 2002;96:103–8.
One Class II RCT of 113 patients used a strati- Ghajar J, Hariri RJ, Narayan RK, Iacono LA, Firlik K,
fied, randomised design to compare outcomes of Patterson RH. Survey of critical care management of
comatose, head-injured patients in the United States.
severe TBI patients provided normal ventilation Crit Care Med. 1995;23:560–7.
(PaCO2 4.66 ± 0.25 kPa; n = 41; control group), Graham DI, Adams JH. Ischaemic brain damage in fatal
hyperventilation (PaCO2 3.33 + 0.25 kPa; n = 36) head injuries. Lancet. 1971;1:265–6.
or hyperventilation with tromethamine (n = 36) Hutchinson PJ, Gupta AK, Fryer TF, al-Rawi PG,
Chatfield DA, Coles JP, OConnell MT, Kett-White R,
(Muizelaar et al. 1991). One benefit of hyperven- Minhas PS, Aigbirhio FI, Clark JC, Kirkpatrick PJ,
tilation is the minimisation of cerebrospinal fluid Menon DK, Pickard JD. Correlation between cerebral
(CSF) acidosis. However, the effect on CSF pH blood flow, substrate delivery, and metabolism in head
may not be sustained due to a loss of HCO−3 buf- injury: a combined microdialysis and triple oxygen
positron emission tomography study. J Cereb Blood
fer. Tromethamine (THAM) buffer treatment was Flow Metab. 2002;22:735–45.
introduced to test the hypothesis that it could Imberti R, Bellinzona G, Langer M. Cerebral tissue PO2
reverse the effects of the loss of buffer. Patients and SjvO2 changes during moderate hyperventila-
were stratified based on the motor component of tion in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. J
Neurosurg. 2002;96:97–102.
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4–5). The Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) score blood flow changes caused by severe head injuries. J
was used to assess patient outcomes at 3, 6 and Neurosurg. 1991;74:407–14.
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vasoresponsivity within and around cerebral contu-
4–5, the 3- and 6-month GOS scores were signifi- sions. J Neurosurg. 1996;85:871–6.
cantly lower in the hyperventilated patients than Miller JD, Becker DP, Ward JD, Sullivan HG, Adams WE,
in the control or THAM groups. However, the Rosner MJ. Significance of intracranial hypertension
effect was not sustained at 12 months. The rec- in severe head injury. J Neurosurg. 1977;47:503–10.
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should be avoided. blood flow and metabolism in severely head-injured
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Jens Aage Kølsen-Petersen

Recommendations Electrolytes should be monitored, and plasma

sodium maintained below 155 mmol/L. Restrict
Level I mannitol use prior to ICP monitoring to patients
with signs of transtentorial herniation or progres-
There are insufficient data to support a Level I sive neurological deterioration not attributable to
recommendation on this topic. extracranial causes.

Level II
61.1 Overview
Reduction in intracranial pressure (ICP) has been
consistently demonstrated with both mannitol Reducing the volume of the intracranial content,
and hypertonic saline. decreasing ICP and increasing cerebral perfusion
Mannitol is effective for control of raised pressure (CPP) by drawing water out of the brain
intracranial pressure (ICP) at doses of 0.25–1 g/ into the vascular compartment along an osmotic
kg body weight. Mannitol should be avoided with gradient is a cornerstone in the medical treatment
arterial systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg. of elevated ICP (Carney et al. 2017; Gu et al. 2018).
Hypertonic saline (HTS) can be infused intra- Solutions of mannitol and hypertonic saline are
venously as a bolus or continuous infusion in effective to reduce ICP and are used frequently
concentrations of 1.6–7.5%. in clinical practice (White et al. 2006; Bhardwaj
2007; Carney et al. 2017; Mangat 2018; Gu et al.
Level III 2018). Both solutions exert an early effect on ICP
due to optimisation of rheological properties of
The choice of mannitol or hypertonic saline as the blood resulting in decreased blood viscosity
a first-line hyperosmolar agent should be left and haematocrit, increasing cerebral blood flow
to the treating physician. The plasma sodium, (CBF) and oxygen delivery, resulting in reflex
renal condition and intravascular volume status autoregulatory vasoconstriction of cerebral arte-
of the patient should be included in the decision. rioles that reduces CBV and ICP. This is followed
by an osmotic shrinkage of brain cells that peaks
after 15–30 min (Ziai et al. 2007).
J. A. Kølsen-Petersen (*) In the absence of definitive evidence regarding
Department of Anaesthesia, Aarhus University administration regimens related to different kinds
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark of brain injury and side effects such as osmotic

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 437

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
438 J. A. Kølsen-Petersen

diuresis, kidney failure and rebound cerebral 61.2.1 Mannitol

oedema, the clinician must weigh the value of
long-standing clinical acceptance and safety Mechanism of Action
(mannitol) against a newer, potentially more The exact mechanism behind the ICP-lowering
effective therapy with a limited clinical record effect of mannitol in the injured brain is still con-
(hypertonic saline). troversial. It is generally proposed to be bipha-
sic with an immediate effect on blood rheology
followed by an osmotic effect on brain water
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls (Diringer and Zazulia 2004; Knapp 2005; Ogden
• When osmotherapy is required for intra- et al. 2005; Carney et al. 2017). Infusion immedi-
cranial hypertension, administer a bolus ately lowers ICP because of cerebral autoregula-
of  20% mannitol 0.25–1.0  g/kg or tory vasoconstriction in response to (1) increased
1–2 mL/­kg, 3–5.6% NaCl over 10–20 min. cerebral perfusion pressure and oxygenation due
Alternatively, use a continuous IV infu- to osmotically induced plasma volume expansion
sion of 3–5.6% NaCl 1–2 mL/kg/h. and increased cardiac output (Rosner and Coley
• Use hypertonic saline for patients who 1987; White et  al. 2006) and/or (2) increased
are hypotensive with sinus tachycardia microcirculation due to shrinkage of erythrocytes
due to prerenal dehydration because and endothelial cells and decreased haematocrit
mannitol induces osmotic diuresis, and blood viscosity (Burke et  al. 1981; Ogden
which may worsen hypotension. et al. 2005). After 15–30 min, an osmotic gradi-
• Maintain Na between 145 and ent is established over the blood–brain barrier
155 mmol/L. (BBB) that draws water from the brain into the
• Monitor sodium and potassium every intravascular space (Paczynski 1997; Diringer
4  h. Allow Na to normalise gradually and Zazulia 2004; Bratton et al. 2007). The water
after ICP has been stabilised. efflux depends on (1) the osmotic gradient cre-
ated, (2) the osmotic reflection coefficient of the
membrane for that solute (ranging from 0 to 1,
where 1 is impermeable) and (3) the hydraulic
61.2 Background conductivity of the membrane (Diringer and
Zazulia 2004). Mannitol has a reflection coeffi-
The effect of circulating osmotic agents on the cient of 0.9 over the intact blood–brain barrier.
brain was first described by Weed and McKibben Infusion of mannitol to normal rabbits and
using intravenous infusion of 30% NaCl solu- monkeys in clinical doses (Diringer and Zazulia
tions in doses from 2.2  mL/kg to 8.8  mL/ 2004) and to brain-injured rats in supra-clinical
kg in cats (Weed and Mckippen 1919). Later, doses (Todd et al. 2006) reduces brain water by
hyperosmolar solutions of urea, glycerol and approximately 2%. The rather modest decrease
sorbitol were used in the treatment of elevated in brain water may explain why the initial ICP
ICP (Knapp 2005). These agents were largely seems to be important for the ICP-lowering effect
replaced by mannitol in the 1960s (Knapp 2005). of mannitol since the intracranial compliance
Within the last two decades, concentrated saline curve is steeper at a higher pressure. In a recent
solutions have received renewed attention (Gu meta-analysis of 18 clinical studies, it was found
et al. 2018). In this chapter, only mannitol and that the ICP decrease was significantly greater
hypertonic saline will be discussed, since they when initial ICP was higher than 30 mmHg com-
are the main substances used in current clinical pared to when it was lower. The dose of manni-
practice (Ragland and Lee 2016; Carney et  al. tol seemed to be of less importance (Sorani and
2017). Manley 2008).
61 Osmotherapy 439

A longer-lasting effect on ICP, though never associated with acute tubular necrosis and renal
satisfactorily documented, has been attributed failure (Knapp 2005). However, the data support-
to accelerated absorption of cerebrospinal fluid ing this are limited and come from studies with
brought about by the plasma hyperosmolarity hypovolaemic patients (Diringer and Zazulia
(Paczynski 1997; White et al. 2006). 2004; Knapp 2005).
Infusion of hyperosmolar solutions leads to Dose and Pharmacokinetics plasma dilution and acute hyponatraemia fol-
The Brain Trauma Foundation recommends a lowed by osmotic diuresis with a loss of ‘free
dose of mannitol for control of elevated ICP after water’ that results in hypernatraemia (Paczynski
traumatic brain injury of 0.25–1.0  g/kg body 1997). Potassium, phosphate and magnesium
weight (Carney et al. 2017), whereas other authors are lost in urine, putting the patient at risk for
recommend 1–1.5 g/kg (Ragland and Lee 2016). electrolyte disturbances (Paczynski 1997).
The peak ICP-lowering effect is seen 15–30 min Hyperkalaemia has been reported after infusion
after infusion and lasts about 60 min (Sorani and of mannitol in clinical doses (Hassan et al. 2007),
Manley 2008), although a duration of 6 h or more even complicated with ventricular tachycardia
has been reported (Bratton et al. 2007). (Seto et  al. 2000). Measuring electrolytes and
There are insufficient data to support a stan- serum osmolality every 2–6 h has been proposed
dard treatment (Carney et  al. 2017; Oddo et  al. (Knapp 2005).
2018). Intermittent boluses may be as good as Continuous or repeated administration of
continuous infusion. Mannitol is not metabolised mannitol may lead to osmotic equilibration
in mammalian tissues and is excreted unchanged between the intra- and extracellular compart-
in the urine with an elimination half-life of 0.5– ments through the accumulation of intracellu-
2.5 h (Paczynski 1997). In the presence of intact lar osmolytes in the brain and risk of rebound
renal function, accumulation within tissues is cerebral oedema when the hyperosmolar infu-
unlikely to occur (Paczynski 1997). sion is stopped (Diringer and Zazulia 2004).
Furthermore, mannitol may cross even the intact Side Effects BBB (reflection coefficient 0.9) and especially
Infusion of mannitol may cause hypotension the injured BBB and may cause water movement
that challenges the cerebral perfusion through back into the brain (Diringer and Zazulia 2004).
two different mechanisms. Firstly, rapid infu- There may be a risk of midline shift in the pres-
sions may cause a decrease in systemic vascu- ence of a unilateral lesion (Diringer and Zazulia
lar resistance and hypotension, especially in the 2004). However, mannitol is not metabolically
hypovolaemic patient (Paczynski 1997; Ragland trapped in the brain, and by time it would exit
and Lee 2016). However, it is rarely a clinical the way it entered, down its concentration gradi-
problem during infusions of 0.5–1.5  g/kg over ent (Diringer and Zazulia 2004). The matter of
15–30  min (Paczynski 1997). Secondly, manni- rebound cerebral oedema after mannitol adminis-
tol is a strong osmotic diuretic that may cause a tration is controversial (Paczynski 1997; Diringer
diuresis five times the infused volume (Paczynski and Zazulia 2004).
1997). Hence, a reduction in intravascular vol-
ume often accompanies infusion, rendering the Clinical Studies
patient at risk for hypovolaemia (Knapp 2005). In spite of the reduction in ICP and its clinical
Consequently, appropriate fluid replacement is use for more than 60 years, the beneficial effect
important, e.g. with 0.9% sodium chloride. A of mannitol on outcome is still debated (Grape
Foley catheter is recommended. and Ravussin 2012; Grände and Romner 2012).
Mannitol is excreted unchanged in the urine. In a recent Cochrane review on mannitol for
A serum osmolality >320  mOsm/L has been traumatic brain injury (Wakai et al. 2013), only
440 J. A. Kølsen-Petersen

four randomised controlled clinical studies were Infusion of hypertonic saline has several other
found (Schwartz et  al. 1984; Smith et  al. 1986; consequences that may benefit the brain. Plasma
Sayre et al. 1996; Vialet et al. 2003). The authors volume increases due to almost instantaneous
of the Cochrane review concluded that there is mobilisation of water from the intracellular
insufficient reliable evidence to make recom- compartment of mainly erythrocytes and endo-
mendations on the use of mannitol in the man- thelial cells into the vascular fluid spaces along
agement of patients with traumatic brain injury the osmotic gradient (Tølløfsrud et al. 1998). The
(Wakai et  al. 2013). The latest guideline from mean arterial pressure (MAP) and hence the CPP
the Brain Trauma Foundation restates that man- are better preserved or even augmented com-
nitol is effective for control of raised intracranial pared to mannitol (Berger et  al. 1994; Qureshi
pressure and that the use of mannitol prior to et al. 1999). A typical dose in trauma of 250 ml
ICP monitoring should be restricted to patients 7.5% NaCl expands plasma volume by about two
with signs of transtentorial herniation or progres- to three times the infused volume (Vassar and
sive neurological deterioration not attributable to Holcroft 1992; Kramer 2003; Järvelä et al. 2003).
extracranial causes (Carney et al. 2017). In addition to increased preload, HTS infu-
Although mannitol is a time-honoured means sion decreases both right (Kien et al. 1991) and
of treating intracranial hypertension, hypertonic left ventricular afterload through hyperosmotic-­
saline is emerging as an alternative. Hypertonic induced arteriolar vasodilation (Read et al. 1960;
saline (HTS) is efficacious in the treatment of Gazitùa et al. 1971; Goertz et al. 1995). Despite
cerebral oedema and elevations in ICP even in reports of short-lived hyperosmotic-induced
cases refractory to mannitol (Ogden et al. 2005; impairment of cardiac contractility (Gazitùa et al.
White et  al. 2006; Bhardwaj 2007; Tyagi et  al. 1971), overall cardiac performance increases
2007; Ziai et  al. 2007; Ragland and Lee 2016; because of augmented preload and decreased
Mangat 2018; Gu et al. 2018). afterload (Goertz et al. 1995). In a porcine model
of haemorrhagic shock and brain injury, HTS
resuscitation was found to decrease ICP and
61.2.2 Hypertonic Saline increase cerebral perfusion pressure, pial arte-
riolar diameter, cerebral blood flow and cerebral Mechanism of Action oxygen delivery compared to resuscitation with
The principal ICP-lowering effect of hypertonic Ringer’s lactate (Schmoker et al. 1991; Shackford
saline (HTS) infusion is possibly due to osmotic et al. 1994).
mobilisation of water from the brain to the intra- In addition to these salutary effects, HTS
vascular space (Ogden et al. 2005; Bratton et al. infusion improves the microcirculation through
2007; Tyagi et al. 2007). Sodium chloride has a shrinkage of erythrocytes and ischaemic swollen
reflection coefficient of 1.0 over the intact blood– endothelial cells (Mazzoni et al. 1989; Mazzoni
brain barrier, making it, theoretically, more effi- et  al. 1990; Corso et  al. 1998). Thus, enhanced
cient than mannitol with a reflection coefficient microcirculation was demonstrated in animal
of 0.9 (Bhardwaj 2007; Himmelseher 2007). It visceral organs after resuscitation from haemor-
appears from animal studies that the integrity of rhagic (Maningas 1987; Kreimeier et  al. 1988;
the BBB is important for the effect of hypertonic Kreimeier et al. 1990; Behrman et al. 1991; Bauer
saline (White et al. 2006). Thus, hypertonic crys- et al. 1993; Vollmar et al. 1994; Corso et al. 1998)
talloid infusions (3% to 6.5%) primarily dehy- and endotoxic (Oi et al. 2000) shock compared to
drated the uninjured parts of the brain, while the infusion of Ringer’s lactate (Pascual et al. 2003).
water content in the injured parts was unaffected Reduction in endothelial–leukocyte interaction
by fluid tonicity (Wisner et al. 1990; Shackford decreases capillary plugging by activated stick-
et al. 1992). Similar results come from MRI scans ing leukocytes, which further augments nutri-
of a patient with traumatic brain injury after infu- tional flow (Nolte et al. 1992; Bauer et al. 1993;
sion of 18% HTS (Saltarini et al. 2002). Vollmar et  al. 1994; Härtl et  al. 1997; Pascual
61 Osmotherapy 441

et  al. 2002). Recovery of the microcirculation ing those with brain injury often use 250  mL
may explain why both the resting membrane 7.5% NaCl with or without added colloid (Wade
potential and cell volume changed towards pre- et  al. 1997a; Wade et  al. 1997b; Cooper et  al.
shock values after infusion of hypertonic saline 2004; Bulger et al. 2010) based on animal experi-
compared to isotonic saline with equal amounts ments (Dubick et al. 1995).
of Na and Cl in bled rats (Nakayama et al. 1985), The pharmacokinetics were studied in healthy
and it may also explain why oxygen consumption men after infusion of 7.5% NaCl 5 mL/kg over
(VO2) returned to above baseline after resuscita- 30 min (Drobin and Hahn 2002). Plasma volume
tion with HTS in haemorrhaged larger animals was increased by approximately 25% at the end
(Kramer et al. 1986; Kreimeier et al. 1990). of infusion and decreased over the next 240 min
Finally, recent studies found hypertonicity to with a half-life about 60  min. The efficacy of
affect immune responses in animals and in human ICP reduction and the exact duration of the ICP-­
blood cell cultures. It was shown that hypertonic- lowering effect are difficult to predict in general.
ity attenuated neutrophil cytotoxicity (Hampton Most studies show that ICP remains decreased
et  al. 1994; Rosengren et  al. 1994; Rizoli et  al. 1–2 h after infusion (Himmelseher 2007).
1998; Ciesla et al. 2000; Pascual et al. 2002) and
at the same time upregulated immunologic pro- Side Effects
tection furnished by lymphocytes (Junger et  al. Infusion of hypertonic saline increases the
1997; Loomis et  al. 2001; Loomis et  al. 2003). plasma concentrations of sodium and chloride.
The few clinical studies, conducted to date, spe- The increase in Cl induces a hyperchloraemic
cifically addressing the immune effect of hyper- acidosis (Kolsen-Petersen et  al. 2005) that is
tonic saline infusion, showed little, if any, effect unlikely to be clinically relevant, except in the
on markers of immune function, and large clinical most severe cases (Gunnerson et  al. 2006). The
trials did not convincingly demonstrate benefit in increase in Na depends on the dose, concentra-
terms of morbidity or mortality (Kolsen-Petersen tion and speed of administration of the HTS solu-
2004). Whether the observed immunomodulatory tion (Kolsen-­Petersen 2004). In trauma patients,
properties of hypertonic saline infusion translate Na generally reached 150–155  mM measured
into a clinically significant effect is thus still an 30–60 min after infusion of 250 mL NaCl 7.5%
open question. with or without colloids over 1–5 min (Maningas
et al. 1989; Vassar et al. 1991; Mattox et al. 1991; Dose and Pharmacokinetics Younes et  al. 1992; Vassar et  al. 1993a; Vassar
There is no evidence, yet, to support one con- et al. 1993b). Plasma Na exceeded 155 mM in one
centration of sodium chloride or administration tenth of trauma patients receiving a 250 mL bolus
­protocol over another for the control of elevated of HSD (Mattox et al. 1991; Younes et al. 1992).
ICP (Tyagi et  al. 2007; Carney et  al. 2017; Sodium levels below 160  mEq/L are generally
Mangat 2018; Gu et al. 2018). HTS as both bolus well tolerated without worsened outcome in the
and continuous infusions lowers ICP (Tyagi et al. neurologic intensive care unit (Aiyagari et  al.
2007). Concentrations between 1.6% and 7.5% 2006). Thus, as long as plasma sodium is kept
have been used successfully (Himmelseher 2007; in the recommended range (145–155  mmol/L),
Tyagi et al. 2007; Gu et al. 2018). Many studies the hypernatraemia possibly benefits ICP and is
used 200–300 mL of 3% NaCl since it is equios- unlikely to adversely affect outcome (White et al.
molar with a ‘standard’ 20% mannitol regimen 2006; Bhardwaj 2007; Himmelseher 2007).
(White et al. 2006). The goal is ICP control with a A rapid increase in plasma Na in patients with
sodium level between 145 and 155 mmol/L either chronic hyponatraemia carries the risk of central
through continuous infusion of 3% HTS solu- pontine myelinolysis. Consequently, pre-existing
tion 1–2  mL/kg/h (Bhardwaj 2007) or through chronic hyponatraemia should be excluded before
repeated doses of 250  ml (White et  al. 2006). administration of hypertonic saline, especially
Studies with hypotensive trauma patients includ- in malnourished and alcoholics (Bratton et  al.
442 J. A. Kølsen-Petersen

2007). No human studies with HTS have demon- (APTT) and decreased platelet aggregation when
strated central pontine myelinolysis (Tyagi et al. 10% or more of the plasma was replaced by 7.5%
2007). Even a mean peak sodium concentration HTS, raising concerns of potential coagulopathy
of 171 mmol/L after continuous infusion of 3% after HTS infusion (Reed et al. 1991). In a later
NaCl in a paediatric intensive care unit caused experiments on euvolaemic and haemorrhaged
no signs on myelinolysis on MRI or post-­mortem swine, no coagulopathy was found after infusion
(Khanna et al. 2000; Peterson et al. 2000). of 4 mL/kg 7.5% NaCl with 6% dextran (Dubick
Highly concentrated sodium chloride infu- et  al. 1993). None of the clinical trials involv-
sions, albeit effective in reducing ICP, may ing patients with active haemorrhage from pen-
impair the BBB and lead to increased water etrating or other non-tamponaded blunt injuries
accumulation in the injured brain (Himmelseher produced evidence that these solutions increase
2007). Thus, infusion of 40  ml of 20% NaCl blood loss or mortality (Vassar and Holcroft
over 20  min 1–5  days after traumatic brain 1992).
injury decreased the volume of the non-contused
hemisphere, whereas it increased the volume of Clinical Studies
the contused hemisphere based on quantitative HTS solutions have been studied for resusci-
assessments of CT scans (Lescot et  al. 2006). tation of patients with traumatic brain injury.
The exact clinical relevance of this observation Subgroup analysis in randomised prospective
remains to be determined (Himmelseher 2007). clinical trials with hypotensive trauma patients
As with mannitol, continuous osmotherapy with showed that infusion of 250 mL 7.5% NaCl with
HTS may lead to accumulation of intracellular 6% dextran 70 (HSD) in addition to standard of
osmolytes and rebound oedema when serum care increased survival to discharge compared to
sodium returns towards normal (Ogden et  al. Ringer’s lactate alone (Vassar et  al. 1991) and
2005; White et al. 2006). that the effect was caused by HSD (Vassar et al.
Potassium has been reported by some authors 1993a). Subsequent analysis of individual patient
to decrease because of dilution and urinary loss data from trials comparing HSD with isotonic
in exchange for sodium (Qureshi and Suarez crystalloid solution included 223 hypotensive
2000; Kolsen-Petersen et al. 2005). In other stud- trauma patients with head injury and concluded
ies, however, a transient increase was found of that patients treated with HSD solutions are twice
about 0.5 mM after infusion of 7.5% NaCl 4 mL/ as likely to survive until discharge (Wade et  al.
kg (Kolsen-Petersen et al. 2005). 1997b). However, two prospective randomised
In a single study of resuscitation of burn double-blinded trials of prehospital infusion of
patients, HTS was associated with a fourfold hypertonic saline in trauma patients with GCS
increase in acute renal failure compared with a <9 found no significant difference in mortality or
historical control group receiving Ringer’s lac- neurologic outcome compared to Ringer’s lactate
tate (Huang et al. 1995). However, no correlation (Cooper et  al. 2004) and normal saline (Bulger
was found between serum sodium and biochemi- et  al. 2010). It can be argued, though, that the
cal markers of kidney function in retrospective ICP-lowering effect of a single dose of HTS is
chart studies in kids with traumatic brain injury temporary and further doses or infusion may be
(Peterson et al. 2000) or adults with elevated ICP needed in order to show benefit.
(Froelich et al. 2009) treated with continuous 3% Control of ICP in the intensive care unit by
HTS infusion. Nevertheless, patients with Na repeated doses or infusion of HTS has been
>155  mmol/L had a higher risk of developing investigated in several small, mainly observa-
blood urea nitrogen >8.9  mmol/L or creatinine tional or retrospective studies in both children
>132.6 μmol/L (Froelich et al. 2009). and adults with traumatic brain injury (White
Dilution of normal human plasma with hyper- et  al. 2006; Bhardwaj 2007; Gu et  al. 2018).
tonic saline significantly increased prothrombin From these studies, it appears that HTS solutions
(PT) and activated partial thromboplastin times are efficacious in ameliorating cerebral oedema
61 Osmotherapy 443

and reducing ICP after brain injury and surgery. 61.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
However, definitive human trials using hard end-
points are lacking (White et al. 2006; Bhardwaj In a recent guideline from the Brain Trauma
2007; Carney et al. 2017). Foundation, regarding acute medical manage-
ment of severe traumatic brain injury in infants,
children and adolescents, it was concluded that
61.2.3 Sugar or Salt? there is Class II evidence supporting the use of
3% hypertonic saline, 6.5–10 mL/kg for the acute
Mannitol and HTS for treatment of elevated ICP treatment of intracranial hypertension in severe
have been compared in small clinical studies paediatric TBI, and Class III evidence supporting
using equiosmolar regimens (White et al. 2006; its use as a continuous infusion, 0.1–1.0 mL/kg/h
Li et  al. 2015; Gu et  al. 2018). Based on these during the intensive care unit course (Kochanek
human trials, it appears that HTS may be more et  al. 2012). There is insufficient evidence to
effective than mannitol in reducing ICP and has support or refute the use of mannitol, concentra-
a longer duration of action (White et  al. 2006; tions of hypertonic saline higher that 3% or other
Ziai et al. 2007; Mangat et al. 2015; Carney et al. hyperosmolar agents for the treatment of severe
2017). HTS may even reduce ICP refractory to paediatric TBI (Kochanek et al. 2012). This calls
mannitol administration (Ziai et al. 2007; Mangat for further investigations in children aimed at
2018). Whether this affects mortality is, as yet, identifying the best hyperosmolar agent and the
unknown. optimal treatment regimen and evaluating the
The two regimens are compared in Table 61.1. long-term neurology outcome.

Table 61.1  Comparison of mannitol and hypertonic saline

Mannitol Hypertonic saline
Dose Bolus 0.25–1.0 g/kg = 1.25–5 mL/ Bolus 1–2 ml/kg 3–5.6% NaCl or infusion 1–2 ml/
kg 20% mannitol kg/t 3–5.6% NaCl. Target [Na+] 145–155 mmol/L
Effectiveness Reflection coefficient 0.9. Reflection coefficient 1.0.
Effect may decrease with repeated Potentially greater and more prolonged effect. May
administration work when mannitol refractory
Effect on mortality Unknown Unknown
Rheologic effect Yes Yes
Diuretic effect Osmotic diuresis up to five times Diuresis up to twice infused volume via decreased
infused volume ANP
Haemodynamic Diuresis may compromise Augments intravascular volume, maintains MAP,
effect intravascular volume causing CVP and CO
hypovolaemia and hypotension Increased microcirculation
Other effects Antioxidant via free-radical Restores resting membrane potential and cell
scavenging volume
Maximum serum 320 mOsm/L 360 mOsm/L
Potential for rebound Yes Yes
Half-life 2–4 h Unknown
Known and potential Hypotension, rebound elevation in Rebound elevation in ICP, hypo- and
adverse effects ICP, hypokalaemia, haemolysis, hyperkalaemia, congestive heart failure, haemolysis,
renal failure coagulopathy, central pontine myelinolysis
ANP atrial natriuretic peptide; MAP mean arterial pressure; CVP central venous pressure; CO cardiac output
Adapted after Ziai et al. (2007) and Knapp (2005)
444 J. A. Kølsen-Petersen

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Barbiturates for ICP Management
Mads Rasmussen

Recommendations 62.1 Overview

Level I The ICP-lowering and cerebral protective effects

of barbiturates are believed to be due to the cou-
There are insufficient data to support a Level I pling of cerebral blood flow to regional cerebral
recommendation for this topic. metabolic demand. By suppression of cerebral
metabolic demand, barbiturates reduce cerebral
Level II metabolism inducing vasoconstriction and thereby
lower cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood vol-
Prophylactic administration of barbiturates to ume and thus ICP.  Other effects of barbiturates
induce burst suppression EEG is not recom- include alterations in vascular tone and resistance
mended. Barbiturate administration can be and inhibition of excitotoxicity (Shapro 1985).
used to control elevated ICP refractory to maxi- During the last six decades, barbiturates have
mum standard medical and surgical treatment. been used to manage high ICP (Horsley 1937).
Haemodynamic stability is essential before and Currently, high dosages of barbiturates are used
during barbiturate therapy. in patients with severe head injury and high ICP
refractory to standard medical and surgical treat-
Level III ment. This practice is recommended by the Brain
Trauma Foundation Guidelines because this is
No barbiturate regimen has been shown to be the only second-level measure for which there
superior to another. We still lack any study is Level II evidence to reduce intracranial pres-
showing improved outcome with barbiturate sure (Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines 2016;
therapy. Carney et al. 2017).
A systematic review conducted by the
Cochrane Injuries Group concluded that there is
no evidence that barbiturate therapy in patients
with severe head injury improves outcome in
spite of the ICP-reducing effect. Barbiturate ther-
M. Rasmussen (*) apy results in a fall in blood pressure in one of
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, four patients. This hypotensive effect may offset
Section of Neuroanaesthesia, Aarhus University any ICP-lowering effect on cerebral perfusion
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark pressure (Roberts and Sydenham 2009).

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 449

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
450 M. Rasmussen

A number of different therapeutic regimens or no pentobarbital (Eisenberg et al. 1988). The

using thiopental have been applied. No docu- results indicated a 2:1 benefit for those treated
mentation has been presented, however, that one with pentobarbital with regard to ICP control.
regimen is superior to another. I suggest the fol- A smaller proportion of the patients in the bar-
lowing protocol: biturate group had uncontrolled ICP (68% ver-
Use a loading dose of 10  mg/kg over 30  min sus 83%). The relative risk for uncontrolled ICP
followed by infusion of 5 mg/kg/h for 3 h and a was 0.81 (95% CI 0.62–1.06). Ward et al. (1985)
subsequent infusion of 1–3  mg/kg/h thereafter. allocated 53 patients with severe head injury to
If the effect is absent after the initial 30  min, it receive either pentobarbital or no pentobarbi-
is unlikely that barbiturate therapy will work and tal (Ward et  al. 1985). Similar to the Eisenberg
you should discontinue further thiopentone infu- study, mean ICP was lower in the barbiturate-
sion. The need for barbiturate therapy can be re-­ treated patients. There was no difference in
evaluated. An electroencephalographic monitoring 1-year mortality. Hypotension (systolic blood
may be used to evaluate the existence of a burst pressure  <  80  mmHg) occurred in 54% of the
suppression pattern, which implies near-maximal patients in the pentobarbital group and in 7% of
reduction in cerebral metabolism. the patients in the control group.

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls 62.2.2 Barbiturate Therapy Versus

• Initiate barbiturate therapy only in hae- Mannitol: Effect
modynamically stable patients. on Intracranial Pressure
• Patients may receive vasopressors to
counteract severe hypotension. Schwartz et al. compared prophylactic pentobar-
• Use barbiturate therapy in patients with bital and mannitol for ICP control in 59 patients
ICP greater than 20 mmHg refractory to with severe head injury. Pentobarbital was less
other standard treatments with appropri- effective than mannitol for control of elevated
ate sedation (propofol/midazolam), ICP, and there was no difference in mortality
mannitol, hypertonic saline, ventricular between the two drugs (RR = 1.21; 95% CI 0.75–
drainage and moderate hyperventilation 1.94) (Schwartz et al. 1984).
(3.6–4.5 kPa).

∗Use lowest possible doses. 62.2.3 Pentobarbital Versus

Thiopental for ICP Control

Pérez-Bárcena et  al. randomised 44 patients

62.2 Background suffering from severe head injury to either pen-
tobarbital or thiopental. Inclusion criteria were
62.2.1 Effect of Barbiturate Therapy GCS <8 after resuscitation or neurological
on Intracranial Pressure deterioration during the first week after trauma
and with an ICP >20  mmHg refractory to first
Two studies have examined the effect of bar- tier measures as defined by the Brain Trauma
biturate administration on intracranial pres- Foundation.
sure. Eisenberg et  al. randomly assigned 73 Fewer patients had uncontrollable ICP with
patients with severe head injury with GCS of thiopental. There was no significant difference
4–8 and intractable ICP to either pentobarbital with regard to neurological outcome. Incidence
62  Barbiturates for ICP Management 451

of hypotension was equal in the two groups References

(Pérez-Bárcena et al. 2008).
Adelson PD, Bratton SL, Carney NA, Chesnut RM, du
Coudray HE, Goldstein B, Kochanek PM, Miller HC,
Partington MD, Selden NR, Warden CR, Wright DW,
62.2.4 Systematic Review American Association for Surgery of Trauma, Child
of Barbiturate Randomised Neurology Society, International Society for Pediatric
Controlled Trials Neurosurgery, International Trauma Anesthesia
and Critical Care Society, Society of Critical Care
Medicine, World Federation of Pediatric Intensive
In 1999 and 2009, the Cochrane Injuries Group and Critical Care Societies. Guidelines for the man-
completed a systematic review of barbiturates for agement of severe traumatic head injury in infants,
acute traumatic brain injury. They included data children and adolescents. Chapter 13. The use of bar-
biturates in the control of intracranial hypertension in
from six trials. The pooled risk ratio for death severe pediatric brain injury. Pediatr Crit Care Med.
(barbiturate versus no barbiturate) was 1.09 2003;4(3 suppl):S49–52.
(95% CI 0.81–1.47). Two randomised studies Carney N, Totten AM, O’Reilly C, Ullman JS, Hawryluk
­examined the effect of barbiturates on ICP. In one GW, Bell MJ, Bratton SL, Chesnut R, Harris OA,
Kissoon N, Rubiano AM, Shutter L, Tasker RC, Vavilala
study, the results indicated that ICP was better MS, Wilberger J, Wright DW, Ghajar J. Guidelines
controlled with barbiturate treatment. In another for the management of severe traumatic brain injury,
study, however, there was no effect on ICP with fourth edition. Neurosurgery. 2017;80(1):6–15. https://
prophylactic barbiturate treatment. Barbiturate PubMed
PMID: 27654000.
therapy is associated with increased incidence Eisenberg HM, Frankowski RF, Contant CF, Marshall LF,
of hypotension (RR = 1.80; 95% CI 1.19–2.70) Walker MD. High-dose barbiturate control of elevated
(Roberts and Sydenham 2009), depressed cardiac intracranial pressure in patients with severe head
output and respiratory depression including adult injury. J Neurosurg. 1988;69:15–23.
Ellens NR, Figuera BE, Clarc JC. The use of barbiturate-­
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (Ellens induced coma during cerebrovascular neurosurgical
et al. 2015). procedures. A review of the literature. Brain Circ.
Horsley JS. The intracranial pressure during barbital nar-
cosis. Lancet. 1937;1:141–3.
62.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns Kochanek PM, Carney N, Adelson PD, Ashwal S, Bell MJ,
Bratton S, Carson S, Chesnut RM, Ghajar J, Goldstein
B, Grant GA, Kissoon N, Peterson K, Selden NR,
The 2012 Guidelines (Kochanet et  al. 2012) Tasker RC, Tong KA, Vavilala MS, Wainwright MS,
recommend barbiturate therapy in haemody- Warden CR, American Academy of Pediatrics-Section
namically stable patients when maximal medi- on Neurological Surgery; American Association of
cal and surgical therapy has failed to control Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological
Surgeons; Child Neurology Society; European Society
ICP.  Concerns regarding barbiturates include of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care; Neurocritical
reductions in blood pressure and cardiac output Care Society; Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research
and increased intrapulmonary shunt, while a spe- Group; Society of Critical Care Medicine; Paediatric
cific concern in children is the wide variability in Intensive Care Society UK; Society for Neuroscience
in Anesthesiology and Critical Care; World Federation
drug clearance. When barbiturate therapy is used, of Pediatric Intensive and Critical CareSocieties.
continuous arterial blood pressure monitoring Guidelines for the acute medical management of
and cardiovascular support to maintain adequate severe traumatic brain injury in infants, children, and
CPP are suggested. The suggested therapeutic adolescents – second edition. Pediatr Crit Care Med.
2012;13(Suppl 1):S1–82.
regime mentioned in the overview section may Pérez-Bárcena J, Llompart-Pou JA, Homar J, Abadal JM,
be used as a guide with careful consideration of Raurich JM, Frontera G, Brell M, Ibáñez J, Ibáñez
age and weight (Adelson et al. 2003). J.  Pentobarbital versus thiopental in the treatment of
452 M. Rasmussen

refractory intracranial hypertension in patients with son of pentobarbital and mannitol. Can J Neurol Sci.
traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. 1984;11:434–40.
Crit Care. 2008;12(4):R112. Shapro HM. Barbiturates in brain ischemia. Br J Anaesth.
Roberts I, Sydenham E. Barbiturates for acute traumatic 1985;57:82–95.
brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009;(4):CD Ward JD, Becker DP, Miller JD, Choi SC, Marmarou A,
000033. Wood C, Newlon PG, Keenan R.  Failure of prophy-
Schwartz ML, Tator CH, Rowed DW, Reid SR, Meguro lactic barbiturate coma in the treatment of severe head
K, Andrews DF. The University of Toronto head injury injury. J Neurosurg. 1985;62:383–8.
treatment study: a prospective, randomized compari-
Management of Fluids
and Electrolytes 63
Per-Olof Grände and Niels Juul

Recommendations 63.1 Overview

Level I The infusion of plasma volume expanders is

essential after a TBI to counteract hypovolaemia.
There are insufficient data to support a Level I Hypovolaemia increases the risk of compromised
recommendation for a specific fluid therapy in circulation in the most injured part of the brain.
traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. A recent experimental study on the cat showed
that significant hypovolaemia develops rather
Level II quickly after a traumatic head injury (Bentzer
and Grände 2017).
There has been one Level II study (the SAFE-­TBI The support for saline or other crystalloid solu-
study) supporting the use of normal saline rather tions as the main plasma volume expanders in TBI
than 4% hypotonic albumin in TBI patients. patients is supported by the results of the SAFE-
TBI study (The SAFE Study Investigators 2007).
Level III This fluid regimen is cheaper than other fluid regi-
mens using albumin or synthetic colloids.
There have been several Level III studies sup- A crystalloid solution is distributed throughout
porting the use of albumin in TBI patients. the whole extracellular space of the body, which
There are insufficient data to support the use means that only 20–25% of the volume infused
of synthetic colloids in severe TBI. will stay intravascularly and the rest will be rela-
tively quickly distributed to the interstitial space
of the body. The maintenance of normovolaemia
with saline or other crystalloids therefore means
the need for large volumes, resulting in intersti-
tial oedema with potential side effects in terms of
P.-O. Grände (*) increased lung water, greater diffusion distances
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Lund
University and Lund University Hospital, and an increased risk of compartment syndrome.
Lund, Sweden What may be more important in TBI patients is
e-mail: that distribution of crystalloids will occur also to
N. Juul the brain interstitium, provided the blood–brain
Department of Anaesthesia, Aarhus University barrier (BBB) is disrupted and becomes perme-
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark able for small solutes. There is apparently a risk

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 453

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
454 P.-O. Grände and N. Juul

that the use of crystalloids will trigger the devel- the interstitium can be reduced by maintaining
opment of tissue oedema not only in organs away the hydrostatic capillary pressure low. This can
from the brain but also in the brain itself in TBI be accomplished by avoiding high arterial pres-
patients (Grände 2006; Jungner et al. 2010). sures and avoidance of vasopressors such as nor-
Albumin has a molecular weight of 69  kDa adrenaline (Dubniks et  al. 2007; Nygren et  al.
and is the most essential natural plasma protein. 2010). The leakage can also be reduced using
In contrast to synthetic colloids, all the molecules low infusion rates (Bark and Grände 2014) and
are of the same size, are negatively charged and higher concentrations of the albumin solution.
are not degraded to smaller molecules. As will Physiotherapy may also reduce the need for albu-
be discussed below, the fact that albumin is not min by stimulating the lymphatic drainage sys-
degraded may be an advantage by exerting a more tem. As discussed below, the need for albumin
sustained plasma volume expansion, but it may infusions may also be reduced by avoidance of
also be a disadvantage if albumin accumulates in low haemoglobin concentrations.
the interstitium. Allergic reactions with albumin By increasing the plasma oncotic pressure,
are rare. The protein concentration in plasma is albumin may induce absorption of fluid from the
reduced after a TBI, reflecting increased leak- brain, provided BBB is permeable to small sol-
age of plasma proteins to the interstitium— utes (Tomita et al. 1994; Grände 2006; Jungner
being beyond the recirculation capacity of the et  al. 2010). This regime may be questioned if
lymphatic system (Bentzer and Grände 2017; the BBB is disrupted to a large extent, resulting
Haskell et  al. 1997). According to the two-pore in leakage of albumin to the brain. However, con-
theory for transvascular fluid exchange (Rippe sidering the low protein concentration in cere-
and Haraldsson 1994), plasma proteins are trans- brospinal fluid of 2–3 g/L at most after a severe
ferred to the interstitium through the relatively head injury, most likely reflecting approximately
few large pores at the end of the capillary net- the same concentrations in the brain interstitium,
work and in venules, following the fluid stream these concentrations are very low compared
mainly through convection. The hydrostatic pres- to the normal plasma protein concentration of
sure is the dominating force in the large pores, as approximately 60  g/L.  Protein leakage cannot
the transcapillary oncotic absorbing force is sig- therefore have any significant influence on the
nificantly reduced across these pores. This means transcapillary oncotic absorbing force in the
that even in the normal state, there is a continu- brain. The plasma oncotic effect may help to
ous leakage of plasma and plasma proteins from maintain ICP at an adequate level or to reduce
the intravascular space to the extravascular space a raised ICP.  There are insufficient data to give
through these pores, but the capacity of the recir- support for the use of synthetic colloids to severe
culating lymphatic system is large enough to pre- TBI patients.
vent hypovolaemia and tissue oedema. The loss
of plasma fluid is dependent on the number of
large pores and on the magnitude of the force of 63.1.1 Erythrocyte Transfusion
the hydrostatic pressure. This means that there
is a risk that the more albumin infused to com- No studies have been performed to date that
pensate for hypovolaemia, the more leakage of can be used for guidance in the treatment with
plasma fluid there will be. Thus, the use of albu- erythrocyte transfusion in patients with severe
min as plasma volume expander should include TBI.  One study from Canada (Hébert et  al.
measures that reduce the transcapillary leakage 1999) could not show any beneficial effects of
to volumes below the capacity of the lymphatic erythrocyte transfusion in a general intensive
system. According to physiological principles care material, but no TBI patients were included
of transcapillary fluid exchange as described by and leukocyte-depleted blood was not used. A
the two-pore theory, leakage of plasma fluid to more recent study, on the other hand, showed
63  Management of Fluids and Electrolytes 455

that higher haemoglobin concentrations are 63.1.2 How to Confirm the Status

associated with improved outcome after sub- of the Volumetric State
arachnoid haemorrhage (Naidech et  al. 2007),
and another study showed improved oxygen- A relatively normal protein and haemoglobin
ation of red blood cell transfusion regardless concentration may help to maintain an adequate
of baseline haemoglobin concentration (Zygun intravascular volume. The use of Swan-Ganz cath-
et  al. 2009). Due to the uncertainty regarding eters, PiCCO catheters and other advanced vascu-
optimal haemoglobin concentration, very low lar monitoring devices is rarely indicated in the
haemoglobin concentrations down to 70  g/L treatment of TBI patients. The arterial blood pres-
(4.3 mmol/L) have been accepted in many neu- sure response on a bolus dose of a plasma volume
rointensive care units, while other units aim at expander or erythrocytes, the arterial blood pres-
a haemoglobin concentrations above 110  g/L, sure response following leg tilting and the PPV
as also recommended in the Lund concept (see index of the arterial curve may be tools by which
Chap. 58). to evaluate the volumetric state of the patient.
Low haemoglobin concentrations mean
larger plasma volume to maintain normovolae-
mia. This means a greater need for plasma vol- 63.1.3 Guidance on Fluid Treatment
ume expanders to reach normovolaemia from With Crystalloids and Albumin
a hypovolaemic state, which also means more
transcapillary leakage of plasma and more tis- The use of crystalloids as the dominating plasma
sue oedema according to the two-pore theory. volume expander means that relatively large vol-
It has also been shown in the dog that plasma umes must be infused to maintain normovolae-
leakage to the interstitium is higher with a low mia, and there is often a need for vasopressors
haemoglobin concentration than with a more to keep an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure.
normal one (Valeri et  al. 1986). These consid- Be aware of the fact that this fluid therapy means
erations indicate that haemoglobin concentra- general tissue oedema, including the lung and the
tion is of importance in the fluid therapy of TBI injured brain with a disrupted BBB and that there
patients, and a relatively normal haemoglobin is a potential risk of hyperchloraemic acidosis
level may be optimal. Normalisation of a low when using large volumes of saline.
haemoglobin value also improves oxygenation In spite of the SAFE-TBI study, there is still
of the injured brain (Smith et  al. 2005; Dhar support for the use of albumin up to relatively
et al. 2009). This may be of special importance normal albumin concentrations (33–37  g/L), if
for outcome in TBI patients as the hypoxic pen- used adequately. Even though 20% albumin is
umbra zone is the critical area of a traumatised to be preferred, also lower concentrations can
brain to be saved. be used. Avoid over-transfusion with albumin.
As transplantation from another human In addition, a crystalloid solution should be used
being, blood transfusion does have side effects. (e.g. 1–1.5 L/day for an adult) to maintain an ade-
Especially, it has proinflammatory effects when quate fluid balance and urine production.
using non-leukocyte-depleted blood and when The need for albumin as a plasma volume
using blood stored for longer periods of time. expander can be restricted by (1) giving albu-
Side effects of erythrocyte transfusion can be min at a low infusion rate (e.g. 100 mL of 20%
reduced by using leukocyte-depleted blood and albumin over 4  h), (2) avoiding high arterial
fresher blood products (Bilgin et  al. 2011). It pressures by avoiding vasopressors and using
is still not verified, however, to what extent the antihypertensive treatment at supranormal blood
blood volume expanding effect and oxygenation pressures and (3) avoiding low haemoglobin
effect of blood transfusion in TBI patients over- concentration (>110  g/L) (leukocyte-depleted
ride any potentially adverse effects. blood should be used).
456 P.-O. Grände and N. Juul

63.1.4 Electrolytes be treated with sodium substitution in combina-

tion with fluid substitution in volumes related to
As with other patients in the intensive care set- the amount of urine production. If the polyuria
ting, preservation of normal concentrations is extensive, the patient may be treated with low
of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and doses of ADH analogue. Adrenal gland failure
chloride ions is important in patients with a
­ may occur early after a traumatic brain injury and
severe head injury. The infusion of potassium can be diagnosed from analysis of pituitary and
should be adapted to maintain its concentra- adrenal hormones. If it results in severe hypogly-
tion within normal limits of 3.6–4.4 mmol/L. It caemia, hypotension and hyponatraemia, treat-
is especially emphasised that low concentra- ment with adrenocorticotropin hormones can be
tions of sodium may have severe adverse effects considered.
in head-injured patients, as hyponatraemia can
be associated with the development of brain
oedema. Hypotonic solutions (both for albu- 63.1.5 Vasopressors
min and crystalloid solutions) therefore must be
avoided. If not adequately treated, hyponatrae- Previously, all traditional guidelines recom-
mia is quite common in these patients. Note the mended the use of vasopressors to maintain a
risk with adverse hyperchloraemic acidosis with CPP of above 70 mmHg, and both inotropic sup-
large volumes of crystalloids resulting in high port and vasoconstrictors such as phenylephrine
values of chloride ions. Treatment with osmoth- and noradrenaline were used. By the change
erapy in terms of hypertonic saline or mannitol in the recommendations of CPP from a mini-
may cause pronounced adverse hypernatremia. mal value of 70 mmHg down to 50–60 mmHg
Hyponatremia, hypocalcaemia, hypophospha- in the update of the US guidelines from 2007
taemia, hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia (The Brain Trauma Foundation 2007) and to
may appear in head trauma patients, and these 60–70  mmHg in the latest update from 2016
electrolytes should be determined regularly and (The Brain Trauma Foundation 2016), the need
if necessary be adequately supplemented. for vasopressors has been reduced, if these
Hyponatraemia after a head injury can be guidelines are followed.
classified by the cerebral salt-wasting syndrome The use of lowest possible dose of vasopres-
(CSWS) and the syndrome of inappropriate sors is recommended with the Lund therapy.
antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH). In Still, CPP stays in the range of 60–70  mmHg
CSWS, there is an elevation of brain natriuretic in most patients using this guideline in spite
peptide (BNP) levels, which results in reduction of the use of antihypertensive therapy. Most
in the efficacy of aldosterone and hence reduction likely this is due to a more strict treatment of
in the ability to reabsorb sodium in the kidneys. hypovolaemia by albumin infusions towards
This results in excretion of salt in the urine. The a relatively normal albumin concentration in
SIADH is more common in neurological patients plasma and by giving erythrocyte transfusion at
and results from an excessive secretion of antidi- low haemoglobin concentrations. According to
uretic hormone; water is retained with risk of the principles behind the Lund therapy, the use
hypervolaemia and reduced plasma sodium and of lowest possible dose of vasopressors may
should be treated with sodium substitution in reduce the increase in ICP, reduces the need
combination with diuretics. CSWS is a more rare for plasma volume expanders and results in a
cause of hyponatraemia, but it may be diagnosed less compromised microcirculation and better
as hyponatraemia in combination with excessive oxygenation of hypoxic areas of the brain and
production of slightly hypertonic urine. It should in the rest of the body (see Chap. 55).
63  Management of Fluids and Electrolytes 457

echolamine release. Avoidance of hypovolae-

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls mia is essential in patients with severe TBI for
If using a crystalloid (always isotonic solu- maintenance of perfusion and oxygenation of the
tions) as the main plasma volume expander, injured brain, especially the most injured parts
be aware of the following: of the brain (Rise et  al. 1998). This means that
there is a need for transfusion with blood volume
• Relatively large volumes are needed to expanders to restore blood volume to a normo-
maintain normovolaemia. volaemic condition.
• Crystalloids are associated with general In principle, we lack generally accepted
tissue oedema, including the injured clinical studies that could be used for guidance
brain. on fluid treatment in these patients. Saline and
• Saline is associated with hyperchlorae- albumin are the most common plasma volume
mic acidosis. expanders used in clinical practice today for TBI
patients. The only randomised study regarding
If using albumin (always isotonic solu- fluid therapy in severe TBI patients published
tions) as plasma volume expander, the need so far (The SAFE Study Investigators 2007)
of albumin and the risk of hypovolemia showed better outcome with normal saline than
may be reduced by: with 4% hypotonic albumin, while other smaller
studies have all indicated beneficial effects with
• Using high-concentration solutions. albumin (Tomita et al. 1994; Dubois et al. 2006;
• Using low infusion rates. Bernard et  al. 2008; Rodling Wahlström et  al.
• Avoiding high blood pressures and 2009; Jungner et al. 2010). A large recent study
vasopressors. also showed that low serum albumin and preal-
• Avoiding low haemoglobin concen­ bumin predict a significantly worse outcome of
trations. traumatic brain injury (Chen et  al. 2014). The
• Frequent physiotherapy to activate the SAFE-­TBI study has resulted in more frequent
lymphatic recirculation system. use of normal saline and other crystalloids and
much less frequent use of albumin during the last
few years in many neurointensive care units all
over the world.
63.2 Background Traditional guidelines such as the American
Guidelines or the European Brain Injury
As in other trauma patients, the TBI patient suf- Consortium guidelines—in their original or
fers from a general increase in microvascular updated versions for treatment of TBI—do not
permeability, resulting in an increase in transcap- suggest any strategies for fluid management
illary leakage of plasma fluid to the interstitium (Bullock et al. 1996; Maas et al. 1997; Stocchetti
(Bentzer and Grände 2017). This leakage results et al. 2001; The Brain Trauma Foundation 2007;
in hypovolaemia if the transcapillary escape rate 2016). Thus, no consensus about the type of fluid
(TER) (normally 5–8% of total plasma volume substitution, which volumes and infusion rates to
per hour) is increased above the capacity of the use, or which concentration of albumin solution to
lymphatic recirculation system (Haskell et  al. use for an optimal fluid treatment, has been devel-
1997). If not adequately treated, most patients oped. We also lack studies and recommendations
with severe TBI suffer from hypovolaemia, about the optimal haemoglobin concentration in
resulting in activation of the baroreceptor reflex patients with severe TBI, an issue of importance
with increased sympathetic discharge and cat- not only regarding oxygenation of the brain, but
458 P.-O. Grände and N. Juul

also regarding maintaining of an adequate blood The fact that norepinephrine was used in
volume, as erythrocytes comprise a large propor- high doses in the SAFE-TBI study to reach a
tion of the blood volume. This is of added impor- CPP of above 70  mmHg may have been nega-
tance at a time where restraints, due to the risk of tive for outcome in the albumin group. It has been
transfusion with contaminated blood, give rise to documented both experimentally and in patients
strict local criteria for blood transfusion. The two that norepinephrine induces a significant loss
main plasma volume-­expanding alternatives used of plasma proteins to the interstitium (Dubniks
today, crystalloids and albumin, in combination et  al. 2007; Nygren et  al. 2010). Increased loss
with their most important physiological features of plasma by norepinephrine can be explained
have been described above. according to the two-pore theory for transcap-
The unexpected results from the SAFE-TBI illary exchange by an increase in hydrostatic
study may indicate that normal saline is a bet- capillary pressure and convection (Rippe and
ter choice than 4% albumin as plasma volume Haraldsson 1994). Especially for the albumin
expander in TBI patients. The SAFE-TBI study group, this may have resulted in extracranial
has been criticised, however, for several reasons complications in terms of general tissue oedema
(Drummond et al. 2011; Van Aken et al. 2012). and ARDS (Contant et  al. 2001; Grände 2008)
It was a subgroup study of 350 patients selected and hypovolaemia. Thus, even though the SAFE-­
from a much larger study with 7000 general TBI study has been the only randomised study to
intensive care patients not designed to identify be published so far regarding fluid therapy in TBI
how human albumin affects outcome in patients patients and to formally fulfil the demand for a
with TBI. The SAFE-TBI study has been criti- Level II study, after critical evaluation, the results
cised because of this and the fact that subgroup cannot be used for a general recommendation of
analyses are always doubtful from a statistical avoiding albumin and using only normal saline
point of view, especially if the groups differ at or other crystalloids as plasma volume expander.
baseline. This was also the case in the SAFE- With the lack of recommendations in conven-
TBI study regarding baseline ICP and number tional guidelines on how to treat patients with
of older patients, both differences negative for severe TBI regarding plasma volume substitu-
the albumin group. More important, however, tion, this chapter has described the two main
was that they used a hypotonic human albumin alternatives used in clinical practice today: (1)
solution of 250 mosm/kg compared with normal a fluid regime using mainly crystalloids as rec-
plasma osmolarity of 290 mosm/kg. Hypotonic ommended by the SAFE-TBI study and (2) an
solutions are contraindicated in TBI patients alternative regimen based on physiological and
due to the risk of brain oedema development. pathophysiological principles for transcapillary
Van Aker and co-workers (Van Aken et al. 2012) fluid exchange using albumin as colloid com-
even declared that the albumin compound was bined with crystalloids. In principle, the latter
not the deleterious factor in the SAFE-TBI regimen agrees with that suggested in the Lund
study, but that it just confirmed that hypo- concept for treatment of severe TBI patients
tonic solutions are deleterious in TBI patients. (Grände 2006, 2017), which is described in
Considering the critic raised and the unexpected another chapter of this book (Chap. 55). This
results of the SAFE-­ TBI study, it is reason- regimen recommends 1–1.5  L of an isotonic
able to conclude that this study alone cannot be crystalloid combined with albumin 20% up to
used to question the use of albumin in severely 33  g/L and normovolaemia. Synthetic colloids
injured TBI patients. It was also concluded in such as HES solutions and gelatin have previ-
a recent review that evidence from trials, no ously been given as plasma volume expanders in
matter how impressive, should be interpreted TBI patients in Europe, but no human trials have
with caution when only one trial is available been published giving support on TBI patients.
(Ioannidis 2005). This statement is applicable to A recent study also showed in a general inten-
the SAFE-TBI study. sive care material that HES solutions may cause
63  Management of Fluids and Electrolytes 459

renal insufficiency. Gelatin consists of small mol- Grände PO. Time out for albumin or a valuable therapeutic
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on plasma volume loss in the rat under increased per- Koskinen LO, Naredi S.  Fluid therapy and the
meability. Intensive Care Med. 2007;33(12):2192–8. use of albumin in the treatment of severe trau-
Dubois MJ, Orellana-Jimenez C, Melot C, De Backer D, matic brain injury. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
Berre J, Leeman M, Brimioulle S, Appoloni O, Creteur 2009;53(1):18–25.
J, Vincent JL. Albumin administration improves organ Smith M, Stiefel MF, Magge S, Frangos S, Bloom S,
function in critically ill hypoalbuminemic patients: a Gracias V, Le Roux PD. Packed red blood cell trans-
prospective, randomized, controlled, pilot study. Crit fusion increases local cerebral oxygenation. Crit Care
Care Med. 2006;34:2536–40. Med. 2005;33(5):1104–8.
Grände PO.  The “Lund Concept” for the treatment Stocchetti N, Penny KI, Dearden M, Braakman R,
of severe head trauma  – physiological principles Cohadon F, Iannotti F, Lapierre F, Karimi A, Maas
and clinical application. Intensive Care Med. A, Murray GD, Ohman J, Persson L, Servadei F,
2006;32(10):1475–84. Teasdale GM, Trojanowski T, Unterberg A, European
460 P.-O. Grände and N. Juul

Brain Injury Consortium. Intensive care management Tomita H, Ito U, Tone O, Masaoka H, Tominaga B. High
of head-injured patients in Europe: a survey from the colloid oncotic therapy for contusional brain edema.
European brain injury consortium. Intensive Care Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien). 1994;60:547–9.
Med. 2001;27(2):400–6. Valeri CR, Donahue K, Feingold HM, Cassidy GP,
The Brain Trauma Foundation. The American Association Altschule MD.  Increase in plasma volume after the
of Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological transfusion of washed erythrocytes. Surg Gynecol
Surgeons. Guidelines for the management of severe Obstet. 1986;162(1):30–6.
traumatic brain injury 3rd edition. J Neurotrauma. Van Aken HK, Kampmeier TG, Ertmer C, Westphal
2007;24(Suppl 1):S1–106. M.  Fluid resuscitation in patients with traumatic
The Brain Trauma Foundation. The American Association brain injury: what is a SAFE approach? Curr Opin
of Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological Anaesthesiol. 2012;25:563–5.
Surgeons. Guidelines for management of severe ACO.0b013e3283572274.
traumatic brain injury 4th edition. J Neurosurg. Zygun DA, Nortje J, Hutchinson PJ, Timofeev I, Menon
2016;354(6314):893–6. DK, Gupta AK.  The effect of red blood cell trans-
The SAFE Study Investigators. Saline or albumin for fluid fusion on cerebral oxygenation and metabolism
resuscitation in patients with traumatic brain injury. N after severe traumatic brain injury. Crit Care Med.
Engl J Med. 2007;357:874–84. 2009;37:1074–8.
Sedation: Including Pain
Treatment and Withdrawal 64

Geir Olav Dahle

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Level I • A strategy to reduce the incidence of
withdrawal symptoms is to gradually
There are insufficient data to support a Level I reduce drug doses.
recommendation for sedation and analgesia. • In trauma emergency situations, ket-
amine is probably safe to use.
Level II

Prophylactic use of barbiturates to the level of

burst suppression on EEG is not recommended. 64.1 Overview
Barbiturate administration to control elevated ICP
can be used, but careful control of hemodynamic Several different sedative and analgesic agents
stability and pulmonary side effects is essential have been used for sedation and analgesia in
during barbiturate therapy. Propofol can be used severe TBI (Table  64.1). Treatment of pain and
for the control of ICP, but high-dose propofol can avoidance of stress and agitation with the help of
be associated with significant morbidity. sedatives and analgesics could theoretically help
to keep ICP within acceptable levels. Sedation
Level III and analgesia may thus be beneficial. However,
sedation with long-acting sedative drugs makes
When barbiturates and propofol are used, nor- it difficult to perform repeated neurological
movolemia must be maintained in order to avoid exams (wake-up tests). All sedative agents have
hypotension. To minimize the risk for the pro- adverse hemodynamic effects. The scientific
pofol infusion syndrome, the maximum dose of evidence for the effect of sedation and analge-
propofol administered should be below 4  mg/ sia in patients with severe TBI has been lacking.
kg/h, and caution must be taken when propofol In the last two guideline editions from the Brain
infusion exceeds 48 h, especially in children. Trauma Foundation from 2007 and 2017, a chap-
ter on “Anesthetics, Analgesics, and Sedatives”
has been added, but they contain relatively few
G. O. Dahle (*) ­recommendations based on high quality evidence
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, (Carney et al. 2017).
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 461

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
462 G. O. Dahle

Table 64.1  Effects of commonly employed anesthetics/analgesics in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
Anesthetic/analgesic Cerebral
agent metabolism ICP Adverse effects Comments
Propofol ⇓ ⇔ Hypotension propofol Maintain normovolemia <4 mg/kg/h
(⇓) infusion syndrome
Midazolam ⇓ ⇔ Long duration
Barbiturates ⇓ ⇓ Hypotension Maintain normovolemia
Monitor with EEG
Ketamine ⇔ ⇔ Hemodynamic stability
Limited data available in severe TBI
Dexmedetomidine ⇔ Hypotension Limited data available in severe TBI
(⇓) Bradycardia Maintains arousal
Opioids ⇔ ⇔ Hypotension Maintain normovolemia Continuous
(⇑) infusion

64.2 Background dial failure, lactic acidosis, hyperkalemia, rhab-

domyolysis, lipemia, and acute renal failure and
Administration of sedatives and analgesics is is often fatal in reported cases. In a recent struc-
necessary for stress reduction in the treatment tured review of experimental studies and 153
of severe TBI.  The scientific evidence regard- case reports, TBI was associated with increased
ing which drugs to use is scarce, and all avail- risk for development of PRIS together with high
able drugs used have their pros and cons. Specific and prolonged duration of propofol treatment and
concern should be taken when using propofol for development of fever (Krajcova et al. 2015). To
longer periods of time and in high doses, due to avoid PRIS, a maximum infusion rate of 4  mg/
the propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS). kg/h in patients with severe TBI is recommended.
Caution is also warranted when propofol infu-
sion exceeds 48 h. If lactic acidosis develops or
64.2.1 Propofol the need for inotropic support increases, in the
absence of obvious reasons, propofol should be
Propofol is extensively used for sedation in criti- discontinued (Carney et  al. 2017; Oddo et  al.
cally ill patients, including patients with severe 2016; Otterspoor et al. 2008).
TBI. The drug has a rapid onset and short dura-
tion, which makes it possible to examine a patient
neurologically short after termination of infusion 64.2.2 Midazolam
(wake-up tests). In experimental studies, propo-
fol has been shown to reduce cerebral metabo- Midazolam is commonly used for sedation in
lism, and in clinical studies, it has maintained or neurosurgical intensive care units. The drug has
decreased ICP. Propofol can cause hypotension, minimal cardiovascular effects, at least in the
and careful titration is therefore needed in hemo- normovolemic patient. Since midazolam has
dynamically unstable or hypovolemic patients a high volume of distribution, it will accumu-
(Carney et  al. 2017; Flower and Hellings 2012; late continuous infusion for a prolonged period
Oddo et al. 2016). of time. This results in substantially prolonged
Although propofol has been administered sedation and subsequent difficult assessment of
safely in millions of patients during the last three patients after termination of infusion. Midazolam
decades, some patients, both children and adults, reduces cerebral metabolism and blood flow, but
develop the propofol infusion syndrome. This in a more variable fashion compared to propo-
syndrome includes adverse effects with myocar- fol. This may be because it is more difficult to
64  Sedation: Including Pain Treatment and Withdrawal Symptoms 463

achieve burst suppression with benzodiazepines. 64.2.4 Ketamine

Even though some studies indicate more ICP
reduction with propofol, meta-analyses still have Ketamine is a short-acting N-methyl-d-aspartate
not shown different outcome nor intracerebral (NMDA) receptor antagonist with rapid onset
pressure control between management with mid- of action associated with better hemodynamic
azolam and propofol sedation in patients with stability than other sedatives. Traditionally, ket-
TBI.  More sufficiently powered studies are still amine was withheld in patients with TBI as early
needed (Gu et  al. 2014; Oddo et  al. 2016; DJ studies indicated it being associated with an
Roberts et al. 2011). increase in ICP. However, ketamine is becoming
more accepted for use in TBI after more recent
studies have not managed to confirm this asso-
64.2.3 Barbiturates ciation in children nor adults (Zeiler et al. 2014).
Lately, ketamine also has received increased
Historically, barbiturates have been used as attention, as it may exhibit neuroprotective prop-
sedative agents in TBI.  However, because of erties with greater restriction of cortical spread-
more severe side effect than alternative sedative ing depolarization compared to other sedatives,
agents, barbiturates are nowadays reserved for including midazolam and propofol during TBI,
anesthesia induction, for treatment of refrac- subarachnoid hemorrhage, and malignant stroke
tory elevated ICP, and for treatment of status (Hertle et al. 2012).
epilepticus. Current guidelines from the Brain
Trauma Foundation restrict the recommenda-
tion of high-­dose barbiturates to the treatment 64.2.5 α2-Agonists
of elevated ICP refractory to other treatment,
including appropriate sedation with other drugs Dexmedetomidine is an α2-agonist commonly
(Carney et al. 2017). Barbiturates are believed used as a sedative in intensive care units. It pro-
to decrease ICP by the coupling of decreased duces a unique sedation that maintains arousal
cerebral metabolic demands to reduced cerebral despite deep level of sedation. Dexmedetomidine
blood flow, thus reducing cerebral blood vol- causes minimal respiratory depression, has opioid-­
ume and intracranial pressure. In a systematic sparing effects, and may reduce delirium. Lately,
review updated in 2012, the Cochrane Injuries the drug has been proposed for sedation in TBI
Group concluded that there is no evidence sup- patients. Studies have shown comparable effects
porting improved outcome with barbiturate to propofol with regard to sedation (Erdman et al.
therapy in patients with severe TBI based on 2014; Humble et al. 2016). However, it has also
data from six trials (Roberts and Sydenham been associated with hypotension, which may
2012). The lack of effect could be due to hypo- have negative consequences for cerebral perfu-
tensive effects induced by the barbiturates, sion in TBI (Pajoumand et al. 2016). Today, there
especially in hypovolemic patients, abolishing is not enough evidence to recommend the use of
the positive effect which lowered ICP could dexmedetomidine for the sedation of TBI patients.
have on the cerebral perfusion pressure. When Alpha2-agonists may also be used in com-
barbiturates are used, caution must therefore bination with sedatives and analgesics for
be taken to maintain normovolemia in order stress reduction in severe TBI.  This therapeutic
to avoid hypotension. High-dose barbiturates approach is used in the “Lund concept,” where
may also trigger the development of ARDS clonidine is used for two purposes: reduction of
(Ellens et al. 2015). Barbiturate therapy should systolic blood pressure and reduction of stress
preferably be monitored by continuous electro- response. Dexmedetomidine may however be a
encephalography in order to titrate the lowest better choice than clonidine, as it is more selec-
possible dose (Carney et  al. 2017; Flower and tive and thus less prone to α1-mediated vasocon-
Hellings 2012). striction (Grände 2017).
464 G. O. Dahle

64.2.6 Analgesics ing. Consensus regarding the best strategy to

avoid drug withdrawal symptoms in critically ill
The most commonly used analgesics in patients patients is lacking (Awissi et al. 2013; Barr et al.
with severe TBI have been opioid agonists. 2013; Devlin et al. 2010).
Morphine is the most extensively used, but fen-
tanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, and remifentanil are
also used. The choice of opioid agonist often 64.3 Specific Pediatric Concerns
relies on the clinical situation. If steady seda-
tion with control of ICP and minimal reaction Children seem to be overrepresented among
to stimuli is needed, a moderate to long-lasting the reported cases of propofol infusion syn-
opioid agonist, i.e. morphine, may be appropri- drome. This could be due to their lower glycogen
ate. Otherwise, the need of early neurological stores and higher dependency on fat metabo-
assessment may require a shorter-acting opioid lism (Kam and Cardone 2007; Krajcova et  al.
agonist, i.e. remifentanil (Flower and Hellings 2015; Otterspoor et  al. 2008). Administration
2012; Karabinis et al. 2004; Oddo et al. 2016). of benzodiazepines and/or opioids for sedation
Studies have shown an increase in ICP and a in critically ill children may induce withdrawal
decrease in MAP after bolus doses of opioid ago- symptoms after termination of the drugs. To
nists. The underlying mechanism of opioid effects reduce the incidence of withdrawal symptoms,
on ICP is not evaluated in detail. Opioids may the total doses of benzodiazepines and/or opioids
induce histamine release, leading to a decrease administered should be kept as low as possible
in cerebral vascular resistance and a fall in sys- to control ICP. A daily tapering rate of 10–20%
temic blood pressure. Elevation of ICP by opioid has been recommended in several studies; how-
agonists could also be caused by a compensa- ever, this strategy did not result in total absence
tory autoregulatory cerebral vasodilation follow- of withdrawal symptoms (Ista et  al. 2007). The
ing a decrease in MAP.  To avoid a reduction in European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal
MAP and in order to use opioid agonists safely, Intensive Care recommends the use of standard-
patients with a severe TBI should always be kept ized iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome assessment
normovolemic, and it may be better to administer instruments (i.e., WAT-1 or SOS) during taper-
analgesics in continuous infusion instead of giv- ing of sedation with opioids or benzodiazepines
ing bolus injections (Albanese et al. 1999; Flower (Harris et al. 2016).
and Hellings 2012; Roberts et al. 2011).

64.2.7 Withdrawal
Albanese J, et  al. Sufentanil, fentanyl, and alfentanil in
Opioid and benzodiazepine administration for a head trauma patients: a study on cerebral hemodynam-
longer period of time (>5–7 days) increases the ics. Crit Care Med. 1999;27(2):407–11.
Awissi DK, et al. Alcohol, nicotine, and iatrogenic with-
risk of abstinence symptoms after termination drawals in the ICU. Crit Care Med. 2013;41(9 Suppl
of the drugs. The risk of withdrawal abstinence 1):S57–68.
increases with abrupt termination or rapid taper- Barr J, et  al. Clinical practice guidelines for the man-
ing. Prevention and management of withdrawal agement of pain, agitation, and delirium in adult
patients in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med.
symptoms are important in that it can aggravate 2013;41(1):263–306.
patient distress. One strategy to reduce the inci- Carney N, et al. Guidelines for the management of severe
dence of withdrawal symptoms has been wean- traumatic brain injury, fourth edition. Neurosurgery.
ing the drugs slowly over several days. Also, 2017;80(1):6–15.
Devlin JW, et  al. Adverse drug events associated with
utilization of α2-agonists (clonidine, dexmedeto- the use of analgesics, sedatives, and antipsychotics
midine) for avoidance of withdrawal symptoms in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2010;38(6
is used. Evidence is somewhat limited but grow- Suppl):S231–43.
64  Sedation: Including Pain Treatment and Withdrawal Symptoms 465

Ellens NR, Figuera BE, Clarc JC. The use of barbiturate-­ literature review. “Assessment remains troublesome”.
induced coma during cerebrovascular neurosurgical Intensive Care Med. 2007;33(8):1396–406.
procedures A review of the literature. Brain Circ. Kam PC, Cardone D.  Propofol infusion syndrome.
2015;1:140–5. Anaesthesia. 2007;62(7):690–701.
Erdman MJ, et al. A comparison of severe hemodynamic Karabinis A, et al. Safety and efficacy of analgesia-based
disturbances between dexmedetomidine and propofol sedation with remifentanil versus standard hypnotic-­
for sedation in neurocritical care patients. Crit Care based regimens in intensive care unit patients
Med. 2014;42(7):1696–702. with brain injuries: a randomised, controlled trial
Flower O, Hellings S. Sedation in traumatic brain injury. [ISRCTN50308308]. Crit Care. 2004;8(4):R268–80.
Emerg Med Int. 2012;2012:637171. Krajcova A, et  al. Propofol infusion syndrome: a struc-
Grände PO.  Critical evaluation of the lund concept for tured review of experimental studies and 153 pub-
treatment of severe traumatic head injury, 25 years lished case reports. Crit Care. 2015;19:398.
after its introduction. Front Neurol. 2017;8:315. Oddo M, et al. Optimizing sedation in patients with acute
Gu JW, et  al. Comparison of the safety and efficacy of brain injury. Crit Care. 2016;20(1):128.
propofol with midazolam for sedation of patients with Otterspoor LC, et  al. Update on the propofol infu-
severe traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis. J Crit sion syndrome in ICU management of patients
Care. 2014;29(2):287–90. with head injury. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol.
Harris J, et al. Clinical recommendations for pain, seda- 2008;21(5):544–51.
tion, withdrawal and delirium assessment in critically Pajoumand M, et  al. Dexmedetomidine as an adjunct
ill infants and children: an ESPNIC position statement for sedation in patients with traumatic brain injury. J
for healthcare professionals. Intensive Care Med. Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016;81(2):345–51.
2016;42(6):972–86. Roberts I, Sydenham E.  Barbiturates for acute trau-
Hertle DN, et al. Effect of analgesics and sedatives on the matic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
occurrence of spreading depolarizations accompany- 2012;12:Cd000033.
ing acute brain injury. Brain. 2012;135(Pt 8):2390–8. Roberts DJ, et  al. Sedation for critically ill adults with
Humble SS, et  al. ICU sedation with dexmedetomi- severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review
dine after severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj. of randomized controlled trials. Crit Care Med.
2016;30(10):1266–70. 2011;39(12):2743–51.
Ista E, et al. Withdrawal symptoms in children after long-­ Zeiler FA, et al. The ketamine effect on ICP in traumatic
term administration of sedatives and/or analgesics: a brain injury. Neurocrit Care. 2014;21(1):163–73.
Anne Berit Guttormsen, Bram Johan de Hoog,
and Jennie Witte Hernæs

Recommendations intensive care patients. Both hypocaloric nutri-

tion and hypercaloric nutrition seem harmful.
Level I
Level III
Additional parenteral nutrition (PN) should be
avoided in patients who tolerate enteral nutrition Evaluation of nutritional status, i.e. body weight,
(EN) to target energy intake. height, weight loss and food intake, the last week
There are insufficient data to support Level I before admission is recommended. Continuous
recommendation for when to start artificial nutri- infusion of insulin is feasible to control blood
tion, the preferable route of feeding (enteral (EN) sugar in the intensive care setting. Both hypo-
or parenteral (PN)), the energy and protein require- glycaemia and hyperglycaemia are deleterious in
ments and the level of blood sugar in patients with patients with TBI. The suggested target range for
severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). blood sugar is 6–9 mmol/L.

Level II
65.1 Overview
There is Level II evidence supporting that start-
ing tailored nutrition early improves outcome in Individual nutritional support is an impor-
tant component in patient care and might
contribute to better outcome and optimal reha-
A. B. Guttormsen (*) bilitation (Singer et al. 2011; Carney et al. 2017).
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Hyperglycaemia is associated with worse out-
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
come, and serum glucose of 6–9 mmol/L seems
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of optimal (Béchir et  al. 2010; Meierhans et  al.
Bergen, Bergen, Norway
e-mail: 2010; Kansagara et al. 2011).
In the acute phase, nutrition is the third
B. J. de Hoog
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, priority after stabilisation of vital functions
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway (ventilation, haemodynamics) and intracranial
e-mail: pressure. Enteral nutrition (EN) is preferred
J. W. Hernæs and should be initiated within 24–48 h after the
Eating Disorders Unit, Skaraborgs Hospital, injury. EN should be supplied through a soft
Skövde, Sweden
tube through the mouth (only if the patient is

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 467

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
468 A. B. Guttormsen et al.

on a ventilator) or nasal cavity to the stomach. Parenteral nutrition (PN) might be added if
In the rehabilitation phase, percutaneous enteral nutritional needs are not gained within 3–7 days
gastrostomy (PEG) may be the preferable route. (Singer et al. 2018). However, the EPaNIC study
The technique is debatable and has complica- (Casaer et al. 2011), comparing early (24–48 h)
tions (Kurien et al. 2010). If less than 1500 kcal and late (8 days) PN in critically ill patients, has
(1500  mL) is a­dministered, EN needs to be questioned early initiation of PN if EN fails.
supplemented with vitamins and micronutrients Several studies point out that about 80% of tar-
to cover basal requirements. To increase energy geted energy should be provided in the ICU set-
intake, a concentrated EN formula may be used, ting (Singer et  al. 2011). In the intensive care
i.e. 1.5–2 kcal/mL. In a recent publication per- phase, most TBI patients have a multi-lumen
formed in Australian and New Zealand inten- central venous catheter. One of the lumens
sive care units, higher energy intake given as an should be dedicated to i.v. nutrition if PN is
energy dense solution did not affect survival in a needed. PN with lower osmolality can be sup-
general ICU population (Chapman et al. 2018). plied via a peripheral line for a shorter period of
EN containing fibre may be used to normalise time, i.e. 2–3 days. The line should be inspected
bowel function, especially in the rehabilitation at least once a day and changed on clinical indi-
phase. There are possible interactions between cation rather than routinely (Webster et al. 2015).
continuous EN and peroral medications. Be PN is most conveniently administered from
aware that concomitant administration of EN three-chamber bags comprising glucose, fat and
might diminish or delay absorption of phenytoin amino acids. These solutions contain 1 kcal/mL
(Cook et al. 2008). solution; the content of glucose, fat and amino
acids differs between manufacturers. Bags for
Table 65.1  Nutrition guideline peripheral administration contain <1  kcal/mL,
TBI patients that cannot eat should start artificial i.e. administered volume must be higher to reach
nutrition energy target.
If there are no contraindications for EN, insert a
Energy supply should be tailored. Stress
gastric feeding tube and start EN within 24–48 h
Measure (indirect calorimetry) or estimate EE metabolism is unpredictable, and therefore
(25–50 kcal/kg/24 h, dependent on days after injury). energy demand is best measured with indirect
Repeat at regular intervals, preferably every week in calorimetry (Cook et al. 2008; Rattanachaiwong
unstable patients and Singer 2018). Although recommended, few
Use a feeding protocol to increase and monitor EN
departments use indirect calorimetry because
If EE cannot be measured, increase EN to 70% of
target in the first week. PN may be added if energy
the equipment is expensive and the technique
target is not reached after 5–7 days is cumbersome. If the ventilator has volumetric
Use small bowel feeding when gastric retention measurement of end-tidal CO2, this measure
prevents full EN can be used to estimate energy expenditure
Assess protein requirement and loss once to twice (Stapel et  al. 2015). Overfeeding is harmful
weekly in intensive care until nitrogen balance is
(Griffiths 2007; Turner 2010; Casaer et  al.
Stable patients who can feed themselves should be 2011) due to increased metabolism, excessive
assessed regularly for malnutrition with a screening CO2 and heat production and a risk that body
tool (Kondrup et al. 2003) temperature will increase. These metabolic
Fortify ordinary food and give ONS, EN or PN if changes might increase ICP (dilatation of brain
needed. Measure body weight at least once a week
arteries), especially in patients that are not on
ONS oral nutritional supplements in the form of liquid sip
a ventilator.
feeds, bars, puddings and powders, EN enteral nutrition,
PN parenteral nutrition
65 Nutrition 469

The following basal needs can be used when

calculating energy and nutrient requirements, but –– In patients with gastric retention, a
individual adaptations must be considered. motility agent can be added like
erythromycin (200  mg  ×  2–3/day)
Catabolic state 25 kcal/kg/24 h over a period of maximal 3 days.
–– In case of gastrointestinal paresis
Anabolic state 30–50 kcal/kg/24 ha
due to opioids, use peripherally
Glucose requirements functioning antagonists: naloxone
Glucose 2–3 g/kg/24 h 3–6  mg  ×  3 orally or parenteral
Lipid requirements methylnaltrexone.
Lipid 0.5–2 g/kg/24 h –– In failed enteral nutrition, also treat
Protein requirements constipation.
Protein 1–1.5 g/kg/24 t (~0.16–0.24 g N/ –– If motility agents do not solve gastric
(nitrogen) kg/24 h)
retention, the feeding tube can be
Electrolyte requirements
Sodium 1–1.4 mmol/kg/24 h (might be
positioned in the small bowel.
considerably higher in salt-wasting –– If need for EN for more than
conditions) 2–4  weeks, PEG might be the pre-
Potassium 0.7–0.9 mmol/kg/24 h ferred route.
Phosphate 0.15–0.30 mmol/kg/24 h • Parenteral nutrition
Magnesium 0.04 mmol/kg/24 h –– During administration of PN, a cen-
Calcium 0.11 mmol/kg/24 h
tral venous access is preferable.
The highest energy supply during rehabilitation. In the –– Daily requirements should be admin-
rehabilitation phase body weight should guide energy
supply istered by three-chamber bags. Trace
elements and micronutrients (water-­
soluble and fat-soluble vitamins)
65.1.1 Fluid Requirements must be added.
• Amount of energy
The supplement of fluid is an integrated part of –– In the rehabilitation phase, body
nutritional support. The basal requirement of weight should be measured one to
fluid is approximately 30  mL/kg/24  h, and the two times a week.
administered volume has to be adjusted accord- –– Stable body weight, or slowly
ing to the clinical situation. increased body weight, hints that
energy supply is sufficient. Be aware
that oedema will also increase body
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls weight.
• Ordinary food and oral nutritional
–– If the patient is able to drink and/or
eat, he/she should be encouraged to 65.2 Background
do so. Measure food intake.
• Enteral nutrition After TBI, dysphagia are common, leading to mal-
–– Start EN with 20 mL/h of a standard nutrition, dehydration and aspiration pneumonia.
solution (1.0 kcal/mL). Increase with TBI induces a hypermetabolic response medi-
10–20 mL every 8 h while monitor- ated by cytokines, other inflammatory mediators,
ing gastric retention. Modest increase hormones (norepinephrine, epinephrine, ACTH
in delivery may prevent diarrhoea. and cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin and
vasopressin) and endorphins (Cook et al. 2008).
470 A. B. Guttormsen et al.

Concomitant production of glucose coupled with Mifflin-St-Jeor and Ireton-Jones (Frankenfield

insulin resistance leads to hyperglycaemia. et  al. 2007), are inaccurate, and indirect calo-
Due to a hypermetabolic response, resting rimetry should be used if available. Patients with
energy expenditure (REE) might be increased severe TBI can lose 10–15% of lean body mass in
compared with estimates done according to the one week if nutritional intervention is not started.
Harris-Benedict formula (Frankenfield et  al. Tailored energy intake probably improves out-
2007). There is an inverse relationship between come (Singer et al. 2011).
Glasgow Coma Scale score and REE.  Energy During intensive care, patients with TBI might
requirement is difficult to predict because many have problems with fluid and electrolyte (primar-
factors influence metabolism. Muscle relaxants, ily sodium) balance. It is therefore mandatory to
mechanical ventilation, opioids and sedation closely monitor fluid balance, serum sodium and
all reduce REE.  Agitation, seizures, increased excretion of sodium in the urine to avoid hypo-
body temperature and catecholamines increase natraemia and hypovolaemia. Stress metabolism
metabolism. induces a catabolic state with gluconeogenesis
EN is preferred if tolerated (Lochs et al. 2006; and breakdown of skeletal muscle. Loss of nitro-
Singer et al. 2018). However, failed enteral feed- gen and muscle is high (>20 gN/24 h or >600 g
ing because of high gastric residual volume is a of muscle tissue/24  h). Restoration of nitrogen
common problem in critically ill patients (Fraser balance is often not achieved until 2–3  weeks
and Bryant 2010). Prokinetic drugs can enhance after injury. Protein requirements are a matter of
gastric motility. Metoclopramide 10 mg q 3–4/day debate in critically ill patients (Wolfe et al. 1983;
is used in general intensive care patients, but may Larsson et al. 1990; Ishibashi et al. 1998; Seron
not be effective in TBI patients. Erythromycin is Arbeloa et  al. 1999). There is scarce evidence
a motilin agonist. Its use as prokinetic to achieve supporting that amino acid infusion of more than
nutritional goals may be equivalent to small 1.5  g/kg/day leads to a better nitrogen balance.
bowel feeding in the short term (Boivin and Levy It may instead lead to augmented urea produc-
2001). There are resistance issues with erythro- tion. Correcting nitrogen balance will not reverse
mycin, and it is not efficient with prolonged use the catabolic state (Clifton et  al. 1986; Streat
(Nguyen et al. 2007). Combining both agents has and Hill 1987; Young et  al. 1987) but will lead
better results with prolonged feeding (Fraser and to a positive nitrogen balance earlier (Twyman
Bryant 2010). There are no studies on the effect et  al. 1985). Supplementation of amino acids
of methylnaltrexone on opioid-induced constipa- is necessary to maintain protein syntheses. It is
tion in TBI patients. Small bowel feeding is rec- possible to calculate nitrogen balance in patients
ommended if gastric feeding is still unsuccessful with normal renal function. To do so, 24-h urine
despite motility agents. It may also reduce the is collected to measure urea excretion. Nitrogen
incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in supply  =  (protein intake (g))/6.25, and nitrogen
patients at risk (Heyland et al. 2003). loss = urine urea (mmol) times 0.028 + 4 g (cor-
PN is indicated in heavily sedated patients recting for non-urinary loss) (Sobotka 2004).
(barbiturate coma) due to gastric retention and Studies on cerebral glucose level using
GI paralyses, or if EN does not reach nutritional microdialysis suggest that a blood glucose level
requirements. Close monitoring of electrolytes between 6 and 9  mmol/L results in optimal
(sodium, potassium and phosphate), acid-base cerebral glucose concentration in TBI patients.
balance, blood glucose, liver status and triglycer- Insulin therapy started at blood glucose levels
ides are important during the critical care phase above 7 mmol/L had positive effect on cerebral
of injury. metabolism (Béchir et al. 2010; Meierhans et al.
In TBI patients, standard equations for esti- 2010). Kansagara and collaborators (Kansagara
mating energy demand, such as Harris-Benedict, et al. 2011) have performed a systematic review
65 Nutrition 471

summarising available data from 1950 to 2010. for death and poor cerebral outcome in children
They conclude that tight blood glucose control (Cochran et al. 2003).
often causes hypoglycemia and that there is no
consistent evidence that tight blood glucose con-
trol is better than a less strict glycemic control. References
Still, evidence is conflicting (Bilotta and Rosa
2012; Shi et al. 2016). ESPEN guidelines advo- Béchir M, Meierhans R, Brandi G, Sommerfeld J,
cate a serum glucose level below 10  mmol/L Fasshauer M, Cottini SR, Stocker R, Stover JF. Insulin
(Singer et  al. 2018). During intensive care, differentially influences brain glucose and lactate in
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Management of CNS-Related
Infection 66
Christian A. Helland, Steinar Skrede,
and Jens Kjølseth Møller

Recommendations Strict adherence to a sterile protocol for inser-

tion and maintenance of a closed system is advised.
Level I The EVD should be removed on a timely fashion.
Parenteral antibiotic treatment should be
There are insufficient data to support Level I rec- guided by the results of CSF gram stain and
ommendations for this topic. microbiological culture.
In patients with clinical signs of post-­
Level II operative meningitis or VRI (ventriculostomy-
related infections), systemic administration of
Use of antimicrobial-impregnated CSF drains is vancomycin combined with either ceftriaxone
recommended. or meropenem as empirical therapy is recom-
Periprocedural antibiotic prophylaxis is mended for coverage of gram-positive microbes,
recommended. including coagulase-negative staphylococci
(CoNS), Staphylococcus aureus and gram-nega-
Level III tive bacilli, taking local bacteria and susceptibil-
ity patterns into account.
Prophylactic catheter exchange, irrigation of cath- Meropenem i.v. is recommended as empirical
eters or prolonged prophylactic antibiotic therapy therapy in the event of a gram-negative isolate.
for patients with an EVD is not recommended. Subsequent antimicrobial treatment should be
adjusted to bacterial culture and susceptibility
C. A. Helland (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, Haukeland University
Hospital, Bergen, Norway 66.1 Overview
S. Skrede Central nervous system (CNS) infection is a seri-
Department of Medicine, Section of Infectious ous complication to head trauma or to invasive
Diseases, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, procedures, most commonly implantation of an
Bergen, Norway
external ventricular drain (EVD). The etiological
agents associated with these infections (e.g. resis-
J. K. Møller
Department of Clinical Microbiology, Vejle Hospital,
tant gram-negative bacilli and staphylococci) are
Vejile, Denmark different to those found in community-­acquired
e-mail: meningitis, and the pathogenic mechanisms are
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 473
T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
474 C. A. Helland et al.

different. Furthermore, the diagnosis may be dif- Progressively advancing CSF pleocytosis,
ficult to establish as both clinical presentation and declining CSF glucose and increasing CSF pro-
CSF abnormalities related to trauma and surgery tein define deterioration of the CSF biochemical
in these patients confound the usual diagnostics. profile.
This chapter focuses on management of drain-­ An operational algorithm for the management
related infections, as these require highly special- of ventriculostomy-related infections (VRIs) is
ised handling. Furthermore, it also focuses on the shown in Fig. 66.1.
evaluation, diagnosis and management of CNS Risk factors for external CSF drain-related
infection in the traumatic brain injury (TBI) patient. infections are prophylactic catheter exchange,
If possible, the drain should be removed - or unnecessary manipulation of catheters, neurosur-
exchanged. gical procedures, cranial fractures, haemorrhagic
In the following, EVD-related infections are CSF and CSF leaks. The use of antimicrobial-­
defined by the presence of clinical symptoms of impregnated catheters shows promise in prevent-
CNS infection such as new fever, nuchal rigidity, ing CSF infections; however, further studies are
decreased mental status and neurological dete- required. Antibiotic therapy should not be insti-
rioration. Supporting the clinical diagnosis are tuted in patients with external CSF drains pro-
laboratory parameters indicating a deterioration phylactically, as such use of systemic antibiotics
of the biochemical profile of the CSF and/or a selects for more resistant pathogens leading to
positive gram stain/culture from CSF. increased mortality in neurosurgical infection.

Patient with external CSF-

drain&systemic infection

Consider ventriculitis/CNS Consider infection site other than

infection CNS eg, VAP, CRBSI, UTI, SSI,

Obtain CSF sample:

Obtain relevant microbiological
Cell count, glucose,
samples, work-up
protein, Gram stain,
culture, PCR

No organism found
Gram positive organism Gram negative organism
by microscopy

Confirmatory sample
Progressively deteriorating CSF
(if second sample is sterile, CSF cell count, glucose and
Confirmatory sample parameters or clinical
consider discontinuing protein without progression

Await culture

Ceftriaxone 4g x1 +consider Initiate antimicrobial Meropenem iv 2g x 3 +

intrathecal vancomycin until Meropenem iv 2g x 3 therapy based on isolated Vancomycin iv x 2-3 (total of
culture results organism 30-60 mg/kg/d, max 40 mg/d

Fig. 66.1  Operational algorithm/flow chart for management of VRIs. VAP ventilator associated pneumonia; CRBSI
catheter-related blood stream infection; UTI urinary tract infection; SSI surgical site infection
66  Management of CNS-Related Infection 475

This chapter focuses mainly on the manage-

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls ment of drain-related CNS infections, as these
• Obtain microbiological samples before require highly specialised knowledge. This chap-
initiating antimicrobial therapy: ter also suggests a general empirical treatment
–– CSF for gram stain, culture, noncul- strategy for CNS infections in the TBI patient.
ture diagnostic laboratory (PCR),
cell count, glucose and protein
–– Blood cultures  ×  2 (from central 66.2.1 Diagnosis
venous catheter and peripheral blood)
–– Sputum for culture/PCR The interpretation of studies on infections related
–– Swabs/aspirates from possible surgi- to external ventricular drains (EVDs) has been
cal site infection (SSI) impeded by the lack of a universally agreed upon
–– Urine for culture definition of ventriculostomy-related infection
–– Faeces for Clostridium difficile (if (VRI), which has made a comparison of results
patient has diarrhoea) exceedingly difficult.
• Consider other origins of infection: Previously, VRI has been defined by a posi-
ventilator-­associated pneumonia (VAP), tive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture drawn from
catheter-related bloodstream infection an EVD or lumbar puncture (LP) (Mayhall et al.
(CRBSI), urinary tract infection (UTI), 1984) without taking the CSF biochemical profile
Clostridium difficile enterocolitis, sinus- or the clinical status of the patient into consider-
itis and surgical site infection (SSI). ation. This definition has led to an overestimate
• Duration of treatment is individualised of the true incidence, as the possibility of con-
and adjusted to microbial aetiology. It tamination or colonisation was not taken into
may range from 10 to 14 days for confir- account. Efforts to establish more stringent diag-
mation of gram-positive microbes. The nostic criteria for VRI have been partly hindered
treatment in gram-negative infections is by the fact that both clinical symptoms and labo-
given for 14 (up to 21) days. ratory findings can be relatively non-specific. The
• In ventriculostomy-related infection traditional symptoms of CNS infection—nuchal
(VRI), we recommend intrathecal ther- rigidity, fever, decreased level of consciousness
apy (primarily vancomycin or gentami- and neurological deterioration—can be diffi-
cin) sparingly used, but to be considered cult to ascertain in the brain trauma patient with
in situations where intravenous antibiotic decreased level of consciousness. Furthermore,
therapy failed when the primary EVD the less pathogenic organisms that are commonly
has been removed or if the causal microbe isolated in VRI, such as coagulase-­ negative
displays susceptibility limited to antibi- staphylococci, generally cause mild symptoms.
otics with poor CSF penetration. Moreover, the aseptic CNS inflammation caused
• If institutional CSF infection rate is by the presence of a foreign body, e.g. an EVD,
>10%, an investigation of the institu- can create a similar CSF profile as seen in CNS
tional procedures for the insertion and infection with pleocytosis, decreased CSF glu-
care of the EVD should be initiated cose and increased CSF protein.
Lozier et  al. have proposed new diagnostic
criteria for VRI where the abnormal CSF pro-
66.2 Background file is not defined in absolute terms, but rather
viewed as a change of the biochemical profile
CNS infection in the TBI patient is primarily of the patient compared to previous examination
caused by the breach of barriers due to trauma or results. By these criteria, ventriculitis is defined
by neurosurgical interventions such as the place- by the presence of clinical symptoms of CNS
ment of CSF drains. infection such as fever, nuchal rigidity, decreased
476 C. A. Helland et al.

mental status and neurological deterioration in tion such as new fever, nuchal rigidity, decreased
conjunction with progressively advancing CSF mental status and neurological deterioration.
pleocytosis, declining CSF glucose, increasing Supporting the clinical diagnosis are labora-
CSF protein and a positive gram stain/culture. tory parameters indicating a deterioration of the
VRI is defined by the same laboratory find- biochemical profile of the CSF (advancing CSF
ings, but no clinical symptoms other than fever. A pleocytosis, declining CSF glucose and increas-
suspected VRI is defined by abnormal CSF pro- ing CSF protein) and/or a positive gram stain/
file, lack of clinical symptoms other than fever culture from CSF.
and the absence of a positive gram stain/culture.
In a patient with an expected CSF profile and no
other symptoms of infection than fever, the find- 66.2.2 Epidemiology
ing of a positive gram stain/culture is considered
a contaminant. If isolated in repeat culture from In patients with EVD, the reported frequency of
the same patient with no changes in CSF profile infection is ranging from 0% to more than 20%
or clinical status, it is deemed colonisation of the(Tunkel et  al. 2017). The overall pooled inci-
catheter (Lozier et al. 2002). dence of EVD-related CSF infection in a large
The Centers for Disease Control and meta-analysis was 11.4 per 1000 catheter days
Prevention´s National Healthcare Safety Network (Ramanan et al. 2015).
definition of nosocomial ventriculitis or meningi- The true incidence of VRI remains elusive due
tis includes at least one of the following criteria to the varying definitions of drain-related CNS
(CDC/NHSN 2017): infection. Ventriculostomy-related infections have
a reported low mortality from 0 to 2.8%, but they
• Organism cultured from CSF are associated with increased morbidity (Bota
• At least two of the following symptoms with et al. 2005; Flibotte et al. 2004; Holloway et al.
no other recognised cause in patients aged 1996). The majority of reports show a prepon-
>1 year: fever >38 °C or headache, meningeal derance of gram-positive cocci—mainly coagu-
signs or cranial nerve signs, or at least two of lase-negative staphylococci and Staphylococcus
the following symptoms with no other recog- aureus—consistent with skin flora comprising up
nised cause in patients aged ≤1  year: fever to 75–85% of isolates. Gram-­negative bacilli are
>38 °C or hypothermia <36 °C, apnoea, bra- also commonly isolated and normally comprise up
dycardia, irritability and at least one of the to 15–20%. Fungi, although occasionally found,
following: are still a rare cause of VRI. The mortality of VRI
–– Increased white cells, elevated protein and appears to depend on the causative agent, as stud-
decreased glucose in CSF ies with a large proportion of gram-negative infec-
–– Organisms seen on gram stain of CSF tions report a far higher mortality rate of up to
–– Organisms cultured from blood 58% (Ramanan et al. 2015; Buckwold et al. 1977;
–– Positive nonculture diagnostic laboratory Lu et al. 1999; Lyke et al. 2001; Mombelli et al.
test from CSF, blood or urine 1983). Gram-­negative CNS infections have been
–– Diagnostic single-antibody titre (immuno- associated with the prophylactic use of antibiotics
globulin M) or fourfold increase in paired covering the gram-positive spectrum, thus select-
sera (immunoglobulin G) for organism. ing for gram-negative organisms, multi-resistant
bacteria and fungi (Lyke et al. 2001; Alleyne et al.
However, a nonculture diagnostic labora- 2000; Aucoin et  al. 1986; Korinek et  al. 2006;
tory test or antibody titres for specific organisms May et al. 2006; Poon et al. 1998; Stoikes et al.
are not often used in patients with healthcare-­ 2008). Furthermore, a long hospital stay in head
associated ventriculitis or meningitis. trauma patients also predispose for gram-­negative
In conjunction with this, VRI is defined as CNS infection (Buckwold et al. 1977; Mombelli
the presence of clinical symptoms of CNS infec- et al. 1983; Berk and McCabe 1980).
66  Management of CNS-Related Infection 477

66.2.3 Risk Factors procedures in the insertion and management of

the EVD in order to prevent infection.
A number of risk factors for VRI of relevance to There is controversy in the literature concern-
head trauma patients have been identified. Several ing the significance of the duration of catheteri-
reports show that haemorrhagic CSF increases sation as pertaining to the risk of infection. A
the risk of VRI (Mayhall et al. 1984; Holloway number of studies have found duration of drain-
et  al. 1996; Aucoin et  al. 1986; Sundbärg et  al. age to be a risk factor for VRI with variable data
1988). Cranial fractures, both basilar cranial regarding when the infection rate starts increas-
fractures and depressed cranial fractures, have ing. Several of these reports suggest that more
also been demonstrated to have a statistically than 5 days of catheterisation is a risk factor for
significant association with VRIs (Mayhall et al. VRI (Mayhall et al. 1984; Holloway et al. 1996;
1984; Holloway et al. 1996; Aucoin et al. 1986). Aucoin et al. 1986; Clark et al. 1989; Paramore
Likewise, neurosurgical procedures such as cra- and Turner 1994), and one report by Holloway
niotomy have been reported to increase the inci- et  al. notes a decline in infection after day 10
dence of VRIs (Mayhall et  al. 1984; Holloway (Holloway et  al. 1996). However, other reports
et al. 1996; Sundbärg et al. 1988). Interestingly, demonstrate increasing infection rates up to day
it has also been shown that concomitant systemic 6, after which infection rates decline (Paramore
infection increases the risk of VRI. It is not always and Turner 1994; Kanter et al. 1985). Conversely,
by the same organism causing the systemic infec- numerous studies show no relationship between
tion, leading to the speculation that this could be duration of EVD and infection (Sundbärg et  al.
due to relative immunosuppression caused by the 1988; Korinek et al. 2005; Pfisterer et al. 2003;
systemic infection (Bota et  al. 2005; Holloway Smith and Alksne 1976; Winfield et  al. 1993).
et al. 1996; Clark et al. 1989). Duration of treatment as a risk factor for VRI is
Regarding risk factors pertaining to the cath- not supported from the findings in a recent meta-­
eter, maintenance of a closed drainage system analysis (Ramanan et al. 2015). As the incidence
has been hypothesised to be essential to prevent and mechanism of infection depends on the local
infection. In line with this theory, irrigation of practice regarding sterile technique and mainte-
the EVD has been demonstrated to significantly nance of a closed system in the management of
increase the risk of CNS infection (Mayhall et al. external ventricular drains, we believe that a uni-
1984; Aucoin et  al. 1986). Recently, Korinek fying conclusion pertaining to duration of cath-
et al. reported that the implementation of a rigid eterisation as a risk factor may not be possible
protocol for insertion and care for the EVD, with to draw.
strict adherence to sterile technique and mainte-
nance of a closed system, resulted in a signifi-
cant reduction in drain-related infections from 66.2.4 Prevention
12.2 to 5.7%. Protocol violations such as catheter
manipulations and inappropriate CSF sampling In order to prevent ventriculostomy-related infec-
were major risk factors for infection in this study, tions, various interventions such as prophylactic
as the score for protocol violation was four times catheter exchange, tunnelling of external ventric-
higher in the infected group than in non-infected ular drains, prophylactic antibiotics and impreg-
patients (Korinek et al. 2005). Another major risk nated catheters have been investigated. The
factor for infection identified in this study was results of these interventions will be reviewed in
CSF leakage around the EVD in concurrence this section.
with other reports (Holloway et  al. 1996; Lyke Based on the assumption that duration of
et al. 2001; Sundbärg et al. 1988; Bogdahn et al. catheterisation is a risk factor for VRI, prophy-
1992; Rebuck et  al. 2000; Schade et  al. 2005). lactic catheter exchange has been proposed as
These studies emphasise the importance of main- a means to decrease EVD-related infections
tenance of a closed system and adherence to strict (Mayhall et  al. 1984). However, prophylactic
478 C. A. Helland et al.

catheter exchange does not reduce the likelihood onstrated significant reduction in CSF infection in
of VRI (Holloway et al. 1996). On the contrary, patients receiving prophylactic antibiotics before
some studies suggest a higher CSF infection rate the drainage period compared to those who did
with routine revision of EVDs as opposed to no not receive antibiotics. This reduction, however,
change (Arabi et al. 2005; Wong et al. 2002). In was at the expense of more resistant pathogens
line with these observations, several studies have such as MRSA and Candida species and a higher
reported a correlation between multiple catheters mortality rate in the prolonged antimicrobial arm
and VRI (Sundbärg et al. 1988; Clark et al. 1989; (Poon et al. 1998). Other studies have shown no
Rebuck et  al. 2000; Arabi et  al. 2005; Lo et  al. effect on infection rates by the administration
2007). This correlation, however, has been dis- of prophylactic antibiotics (Mayhall et al. 1984;
puted by others, who report no such association Alleyne et al. 2000; Aucoin et al. 1986; May et al.
(Mayhall et al. 1984; Holloway et al. 1996; Lyke 2006; Stoikes et  al. 2008; Rebuck et  al. 2000;
et al. 2001; Alleyne et al. 2000). Based on these Rosner and Becker 1976), but a shift towards
reports, a single external ventricular drain can multi-drug-resistant organisms, fungi and gram-
be used as long as clinically indicated, unless a negative microbes was likewise observed among
change is necessary because of CSF infection or patients receiving continuous antibiotic treatment
catheter malfunction. We do not recommend pro- (Aucoin et  al. 1986; May et  al. 2006; Stoikes
phylactic change of catheters. et  al. 2008). The shift towards more resistant
The use of an extended tunnelling technique pathogens can lead to higher mortality rates and
for EVDs has been proposed to reduce infec- significant morbidity in the infected group (Lyke
tion rates and was initially reported to result in a et al. 2001).
zero rate of infection (Friedman and Vries 1980). This is in striking contrast to reported low
However, subsequent studies reported drain-­ mortality rates (0–2.8%) in patient groups
related infections despite tunnelling of catheters, where no prophylactic antibiotics were given
but reported lower rates of infection than untun- (Bota et al. 2005; Flibotte et al. 2004; Holloway
nelled catheters (Khanna et al. 1995; Kim et al. et  al. 1996; Schade et  al. 2005). On the basis
1995; Leung et  al. 2007). Tunnelling of EVDs of these reports and the availability of an effi-
has become common practice amongst neuro- cacious alternative (antimicrobial-impregnated
surgeons and shown to reduce infection rates in EVD catheters, see below), the administration
the context of central venous catheters (CVCs) of prolonged prophylactic antibiotics is not
(Mermel 2000). supported, as there is insufficient evidence sup-
Another common practice in order to prevent porting a reduction in infection incidence. More
drain-related infection is the administration of importantly, several studies using prophylactic
prophylactic antimicrobial therapy, either peri- antibiotics demonstrate increased mortality and
procedural or for the duration of the drainage morbidity due to a selection for more resistant
period. A recent meta-analyses reported a reduc- microorganisms.
tion of infection rate by approximately 50% in Antimicrobial-impregnated catheters are
patients (Sheppard et al. 2018). This number is in commonly used in clinical practice, both in CSF
accordance with the figures reported for systemic shunts and in EVD.  They are impregnated with
periprocedural antimicrobial prophylaxis for either minocycline or clindamycin, combined
VP-shunts (Haines and Walters 1994; Langley with rifampicin.
et  al. 1993; Ratilal et  al. 2006). Although no Their ability to significantly reduce the risk
RCTs have been conducted, the use of peripro- of infection is well documented for CSF shunts
cedural antibiotics for the insertion of EVDs is (Govender et  al. 2003; Thomas et  al. 2012;
recommended (Tunkel et al. 2017). Parker et  al. 2011; Parker et  al. 2015). Similar
There are several studies on the effect of results have been reported for antimicrobial-­
giving systemic antibiotics before the drainage impregnated EVDs (Zabramski et  al. 2003;
period. One randomised prospective study dem- Tamburrini et  al. 2008). Although other studies
66  Management of CNS-Related Infection 479

do not report a significant difference in favour of Overall, the implementation of a strict pro-
anti-microbial EVDs (Wong et  al. 2008), meta- tocol for insertion and care for the catheter with
analyses and pooled analysis from systematic emphasis on sterile technique and avoidance of
reviews demonstrate a significant reduction of unnecessary catheter manipulation still remains
VRI in favour of antimicrobial impregnated EVD the best way to prevent drain-related CNS
(Thomas et al. 2012; Sonabend et al. 2011; Cui infection.
et al. 2015).
Although there were no reports of induction
of bacterial resistance in these studies (Zabramski 66.2.5 Treatment
et  al. 2003; Tamburrini et  al. 2008; Wong et  al.
2008), the concern has been expressed from The principles for empirical treatment of patients
in  vitro studies demonstrating induced resistance with nosocomial meningitis are generally equal
in staphylococci exposed minocycline-rifampicin to those for treatment of acute bacterial menin-
catheters (Sampath et al. 2001; Tambe et al. 2001). gitis (van de Beek et al. 2016). The antimicrobial
However, the increased rifampicin resistance of agent(s) must penetrate the CNS, attain adequate
staphylococci in vivo by these catheters has still not concentration and have bactericidal activity
been found in other clinical trials (Turnbull et al. against the infecting microbe.
2018). Another cause for concern is reports dem- With clinical symptoms of CNS infection
onstrating significant increase in Candida coloni- in conjunction with CSF findings as described
sation when using minocycline-­rifampicin-­coated above, antimicrobial therapy should be initi-
CVCs (Sampath et al. 2001; Leon et al. 2004). ated after appropriate cultures. When possible,
Catheters impregnated with silver nanopar- antimicrobial therapy should be tailored to the
ticles have also been studied for use in external specific microorganism and its in vitro suscepti-
drainage. In CVCs, the efficacy of silver-coated bility. Preferably, treatment should be monitored
catheters has still not been demonstrated, but the by infectious specialist or by staff in units experi-
results in external drains seem to be encouraging. enced in selecting antibiotic therapy and in clini-
In vitro studies have demonstrated their antibac- cal treatment.
terial effect and indicated that silver toxicity is not CSF device infections usually appear early
a problem (Galiano et al. 2008; Roe et al. 2008). and are therefore most often, but not exclusively,
Previous studies reported reduction in positive caused by skin flora. The most important patho-
CSF cultures in patients with silver-­impregnated gens associated with VRI are coagulase-negative
catheters (Lackner et  al. 2008; Fichtner et  al. staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus as well
2010). In the ‘SILVER trial’, silver-­impregnated as gram-negative bacilli (van de Beek et al. 2010).
catheters significantly reduced the risk of VRI Empirical therapy with intravenous vancomy-
(Keong et al. 2012), which was further supported cin plus third-generation of cephalosporin is war-
in a meta-analysis (Cui et al. 2015). ranted (van de Beek et al. 2010). Targeted therapy
Silver resistance has previously been described should be given whenever possible. In cases with
in burn units due to use of silver as an antiseptic, coagulase-negative staphylococci that are methi-
and there is concern that the use of silver-coated cillin susceptible, oxacillin is the first choice. In
catheters will select for antibiotic resistance as susceptible cases with unfavourable response,
studies suggest that silver resistance can confer oral rifampicin can be an additional antimicro-
cross-resistance to multiple antibiotics (McHugh bial therapy. Vancomycin is the drug of choice
et al. 1975; Pirnay et al. 2003). in methicillin-resistant CoNS.  In this situation,
Based on the documented efficacy, we recom- doses must be high with concentrations >15–
mend the use of antimicrobial-impregnated cath- 20 μg/mL. Staphylococcus aureus are most com-
eters in preventing VRI.  There is no conclusive monly methicillin sensitive and should be treated
evidence for the preference of antimicrobial or as for CoNS as described above. Other possible
silver-impregnated for the prevention of VRI. gram-positive microbes are Propionibacterium
480 C. A. Helland et al.

acnes, which should be treated with benzyl- Recommended doses of selected antimicro-
penicillin in monotherapy. The empirical choice bial agents administered by the intraventricular
to treat a presumptive gram-negative pathogen route are summarised in Table 66.1 (Tunkel et al.
should be determined on basis of the local antimi- 2017).
crobial susceptibility pattern of these pathogens. Antimicrobial agents administered intrathe-
Meropenem is the recommended empirical cally should be preservative-free.
choice or, if contraindicated, alternative agents When administered through a ventricular
are either aztreonam or a fluoroquinolone that drain, the drain should be clamped for 15–60 min
offer gram-negative covering. to allow for equilibration of agent in the CSF
Once a pathogen is identified and susceptibil- before opening the drain (Cook et al. 2009).
ity patterns are available, treatment will be cus- Intraventricularly administered gentamicin is
tomised accordingly for optimal management not recommended in neonates (McCracken et al.
(Tunkel et al. 2017; van de Beek et al. 2010). 1980).
In many VRI cases, the meningeal inflamma- With regard to the duration of antimicrobial
tion is milder, and this can hamper the distribu- therapy in healthcare-associated meningitis and
tion of systemically administered antimicrobials ventriculitis, it should be adjusted to microbiolog-
to CNS.  Other factors adding to the difficulty ical aetiology. In general, gram-positive microbes
in eradicating the microbiological agents caus- can be treated for a shorter time than gram-nega-
ing VRI or nosocomial meningitis/ventriculitis
are troublesome pattern of susceptibility (e.g. Table 66.1 Recommended dosage of antimicrobial
multidrug-­resistant gram-negative bacilli). agents administered by the intraventricular route
Intraventricular antimicrobial therapy should Antimicrobial agent Daily intraventricular dose
be considered for patients with healthcare-­ Amikacin 5–50 mga
associated ventriculitis and meningitis, in which Amphotericin B 0.01–0.5 mg in 2 mL of
deoxycholate 5% dextrose in water
the infection responds poorly to systemic antimi-
Colistin (formulated as 10 mg
crobial therapy or where the microbe is resistant colistimethate sodium)
to relevant antibiotics and susceptible to agents Daptomycin 2–5 mgb
that do not pass the blood brain barrier well Gentamicin 1–8 mgc,d,e
(Tunkel et al. 2017). Polymyxin B 5 mg
Intrathecal administration bypasses the Quinupristin/dalfopristin 2–5 mg
blood-­CSF barrier. Therefore, it has the advan- Tobramycin 5–20 mg
tage (at least theoretically) to achieve high CSF Vancomycin 5–20 mgd,e,f
concentrations without high systemic blood con-
The usual intraventricular dose is 30 mg daily
One study used 10 mg every day for 2 days and more than
centrations and hence lower systemic toxicities 10  mg every 48  h. Another study used 5  mg or 10  mg
(Tunkel et  al. 2017; Wen et  al. 1992; Ng et  al. every 72 h. Data are based on isolated case reports
2014). However, it remains to confirm the effi- c
Dose is 4–8 mg in adults
cacy and safety of this route of administration,
Dosage recommendations in adults based on ventricle
size/volume are as follows: (1) Slit ventricles: 5 mg van-
as it has not been demonstrated in controlled comycin and 2  mg gentamicin. (2) Normal size: 10  mg
trials. However, the experience reported with vancomycin and 3  mg gentamicin. (3) Enlarged ventri-
intraventricular or intrathecal administration of cles: 15–20 mg vancomycin and 4–5 mg gentamicin
several antimicrobials (e.g. vancomycin, genta-
Recommendations for frequency of administration based
on external ventricular drain output over 24 h are as fol-
mycin, polymyxin B, amikacin, colistin) sug- lows: (1) <50  mL/24  h: every third day. (2)
gests no severe or irreversible toxicity (van de 50–100 mL/24 h: every second day. (3) 100–150 mL/24 h:
Beek et al. 2010; Ng et al. 2014; Ziai and Lewin every day. (4) 150–200 mL/24 h: increase the dosage by
2009). Nonetheless, penicillins and cephalospo- 5  mg of vancomycin and 1  mg of gentamicin and give
once daily. (5) 200–250 mL/24 h: increase the dosage by
rins should not be administered by the intrathe- 10 mg of vancomycin and 2 mg of gentamicin and give
cal route because of their neurotoxicity (Wen once daily
et al. 1992). f
Most studies used a 10-mg or a 20-mg dose
66  Management of CNS-Related Infection 481

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Management of Extracranial
Infections 67
Jan-Erik Berdal

Recommendations prospective, point-prevalence study across 1265

ICUs in 75 countries, 51% of patients were con-
Level I sidered infected, and 71% were receiving antibi-
otics (Vincent et al. 2009). The lungs were the
There are no Level I recommendations. most common focus of infections, followed by
abdominal and bloodstream infections (BSI),
Level II and mortality rates in infected patients were
twice those of non-infected (33.1% vs 14.8%).
There are a number of Level II recommendations Distinguishing between community-acquired,
for the majority of infection issues discussed in hospital-acquired, and ICU-acquired infections
this chapter. was not attempted in EPIC II, but data from sur-
veillance studies of ICU-acquired infections
Level III show a similar pattern and infection burden. The
European Centre for Disease Prevention and
There are a large number of recently published Control (ECDC) 2018 report on ICU health
major guidelines and their supporting literature care-associated infections (HAI) noted that
giving support for the recommendations given in 8.4% of patients staying in an ICU for more
this chapter. than 2 days presented with at least one ICU-
acquired health care-associated infection, 6%
pneumonias, 4% bloodstream infections (BSI),
67.1 Overview and 2% with urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Close to all of the episodes of pneumonia and
Infections acquired in the intensive care unit UTI were associated with intubation or indwell-
(ICU) are a major cause of morbidity and excess ing catheters, respectively, and almost half of
mortality. In the Extended Prevalence of BSI episodes were catheter related (European
Infection in Intensive Care (EPIC II) study, a Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
2018). Data on nosocomial infections in specific
neuro-intensive care units are sparse, but show a
J.-E. Berdal (*) similar spectrum and infection density with
Infectious Diseases Department, Akershus University HAP, VAP, UTIs, and BSI dominating. Post-­
Hospital, Nordbyhagen, Norway
craniotomy and external drain-related infec-
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway tions constitute a smaller share, with variations

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 485

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
486 J.-E. Berdal

in frequency depending on the case mix and

length of stay in the units (Dettenkofer et  al. in brain injury patients peaking 5–7
1999; Laborde et al. 1993). days post-injury.
Traumatic brain injury patients may be at par- • Brain injury-induced immunosuppres-
ticular risk for pneumonia. In a study from a large sion, a result of dysregulated brain-­
traumatic head injury database, pneumonia immune interactions, contributes to the
occurred in 41% of patients, developing at infection proneness in brain injury
intermediary and late stages, 5–11 days after
­ patients of diverse etiologies.
injury, and having a significant negative effect on • Antibiotic treatment should be guided
overall outcome (Jürgen et al. 1992). Brain injury by microbial sampling results, and
has been shown to induce immunosuppression in empiric treatment should be informed
both animal and humans. It is thought to be the by regularly updated local hospital and
result of dysregulated brain-immune interactions, ICU antibiograms.
which may last for weeks and contribute to the • Treatment lengths are being shortened
infection proneness in brain injury patients of to one week for most ventilator-­
diverse etiologies (Busl 2018). The diagnosis of associated pneumonia (VAP), UTIs, and
infection after brain injury is complicated by the BSIs except S. aureus infections, aimed
high frequency of fever, being a manifestation of at reducing the growing concerns of
both infection and the brain injury per se. Fever antibiotic resistance pressure and risk of
was in one study reported in 87% of patients in C. difficile infections.
the first week, correlated to severity of injury
(Stocchetti et al. 2002).
A high exposure to antibiotics and long hospi-
tal stays put the neuro-intensive care unit patients 67.2 Hospital- and Ventilator-­
at risk for Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs). Acquired Pneumonia
CDI illness may range from mild self-limiting
diarrhea to fulminant and life-threatening colitis. 67.2.1 Prevention
From 2003 onward, the emergence and spread of
more virulent strains (BI/NAP1/027) associated Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is by far
with fluoroquinolone use have led to large out- the most common nosocomial infection in gen-
breaks with more severe disease. After treatment eral and neuro-intensive care units (Busl 2018;
in the intensive care unit, patients with reduced Vincent et al. 2009). It is defined as pneumonia
consciousness and neurologic deficits continue to occurring 48  h after hospital admittance.
be at risk for nosocomial infections, in particular Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a sub-
HAP due to the increased risk of micro and macro group of HAP and defined as pneumonia occur-
aspirations. In the following sections, the preven- ring 48  h after intubation. The category health
tion and management of the aforementioned care-associated pneumonia (HCAP) has been
infections will be discussed. External drain-­ abandoned, realizing that risk of pneumonia
related infections and suggestions for general with antibiotic-resistant organisms is more
empiric therapy for CNS infections in the TBI dependent on local resistance patterns and recent
patients are discussed separately in Chap. 66. antibiotic treatment than on residence in a
health-care facility (Kalil et  al. 2016). Further
discussion will focus on VAP, as it is of particu-
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls lar concern in ICUs.
• Nosocomial infections are common in The risk of VAP is a function of (1) the length
neuro-intensive care units, and pneumo- of invasive mechanical ventilation because cumu-
nia is by far the most common infection lative risk increases with time, (2) the accumula-
tion and leakage of oropharyngeal and gastric
67  Management of Extracranial Infections 487

fluids from above the endotracheal tube cuff, and higher prevalence of resistance, SOD and SDD
(3) the microbial composition of these fluids, all have not been widely adopted for the prevention
potentially modifiable. Preventive strategies have of VAP.
therefore focused on preventing intubation
choosing noninvasive ventilation whenever pos-
sible, and when unavoidable, using weaning and 67.2.2 Diagnosis
sedation protocols to keep ventilation time as
short as possible (Blackwood et  al. 2011). New lung infiltrate, new onset of fever, purulent
Because intubation as such poses an increased sputum, leukocytosis, and decline in oxygenation
risk for VAP, a balance must be struck between are the classic clinical criteria for diagnosis.
too early extubation that may necessitate re-­ There is insufficient data to support routine use of
intubation and shortening of ventilation time. A invasive airways sampling with quantitative cul-
strategy to reduce aspiration of gastric fluids has tures thresholds (104 colony forming units/mL
focused on positioning, keeping the patient in a for BAL) used as a trigger to withhold or stop
semi-recumbent (45°) rather than supine posi- antibiotics. Clinical criteria alone may however
tion. This has however proven hard to achieve in overestimate the incidence of VAP, and antibiotic
real-life outside studies, because patients inevita- discontinuation in patients with suspected VAP
bly slide down the bed. Raising the bed to at least whose invasive quantitative culture results are
30° is a recommended compromise (Hellyer below the diagnostic threshold for VAP may
et al. 2016). Reduction of leakage into the lungs decrease unnecessary antibiotic use and reduce
can be achieved by keeping and regularly check- antibiotic-related adverse events. There is no evi-
ing for correct cuff pressure and, increasingly, in dence that this strategy worsens outcomes (Kalil
patients expected to need more than very short et  al. 2016). Noninvasive or invasive microbial
mechanical ventilation, by utilizing endotracheal (when performed) sampling should always be
tubes with a designated suction catheter draining used to guide and adjust antibiotic therapy.
the otherwise inaccessible fluid pool above the Although only a minority of VAP episodes are
cuff but underneath the vocal cords. In different accompanied with bacteremia, blood cultures
meta-analyses, this strategy has been shown to should be performed as part of diagnostic
both reduce length of ventilation and ICU stay workup, not the least to confirm or exclude other
and VAP and is recommended in VAP prevention infectious complications. Biomarkers such as
bundle (Hellyer et al. 2016). Decontamination of CRP and PCT should not be used to overrule a
oral secretions with chlorhexidine has been clinical decision to initiate therapy, but can be
shown to decrease VAP incidence, however with- useful in the re-evaluation of the diagnosis and
out reduction in mortality. In a recent meta-­ stopping or shortening of antibiotic therapy.
analysis, there was a signal of increased mortality
(Price et al. 2014), and chlorhexidine mouthwash
is no longer recommended in VAP prevention 67.2.3 Antibiotic Treatment
bundles. Selective oral decontamination (SOD)
and selective digestive decontamination (SDD) Empiric antibiotic treatment for VAP should con-
with oral administration of broad-spectrum non- sist of antibiotics with activity against both S.
absorbable antibiotics have been found to reduce aureus and Pseudomonas, such as piperacillin/
VAP incidence, but studies have mostly been tazobactam and carbapenems, with de-escalation
conducted in settings with a low prevalence of to narrower antibiotics when possible according
resistant microbes (de Smet et al. 2009). Together to culture results (Kalil et al. 2016). An alterna-
with increasing concerns of antibiotic usage-­ tive carbapenem-sparing “escalation” strategy is
driven resistance development, a modest effect preferable if local antibiograms show a low
on mortality with a high number needed to treat occurrence of Pseudomonas and extended-­
(NTT), and lack of data from countries with spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing
488 J.-E. Berdal

microbes. In an escalation strategy, empiric ther- for CRBSI is very poor (Safdar and Maki 2002).
apy is commenced with a third-generation cepha- Probable CRBSI can be diagnosed with positive
losporin and escalated to a carbapenem only if peripheral blood culture when there is no other
necessitated by culture results and poor response apparent source of the bloodstream infection, and
to therapy, as cultures do not necessarily findings of S. aureus, coagulase-negative staphy-
discriminate between infections and coloniza-
­ lococci, and Candida species should increase sus-
tion, leading to many false positives and antibi- picion (Kiehn and Armstrong 1990). A definite
otic overtreatment. The need for coverage for diagnosis requires finding the same microorgan-
MRSA or multi-drug-resistant organisms is ism from the catheter tip if removed or that blood
highly dependent on local resistance patterns. culture drawn from the catheter becomes positive
Major guidelines emphasize the need to establish ≥2  h before simultaneously drawn blood culture
local resistance surveillance preferably both at from a peripheral vein (Rijnders et  al. 2001).
hospital and ICU levels and regularly communi- Unless patients are hemodynamically unstable or
cate antibiogram results to clinicians. otherwise appearing severely ill, catheters need
A recent Cochrane analysis did not find evi- not be removed in suspected CRBSI, but results of
dence for improved outcomes with antibiotic blood cultures can be awaited before management
combination therapy (Arthur et al. 2016). Unless decisions. In general, short-term catheters (<14
necessitated by high local resistance patterns days) should be removed. Long-term catheters can
risking under-coverage with monotherapy, com- be managed with catheter retention and antibiotic
bination therapy is neither recommended for lock solutions depending on the organism.
empiric nor directed therapy for hard-to-treat Isolation of S. aureus, gram-negatives, entero-
organisms such as Pseudomonas. A fixed short-­ cocci, and Candida generally requires catheter
course treatment length of 7 days was not inferior removal if feasible, whereas coagulase-­negative
to 10–14 days in recent meta-analyses of six staphylococci can be treated with a short 7–10-day
RCTs (Pugh et  al. 2015) and is now recom- antibiotic course or with catheter removal without
mended length of treatment (Kalil et  al. 2016). antibiotic therapy if not longer needed. For more
Longer courses may reduce relapse rates in VAP details on the multiple variables determining man-
due to Pseudomonas and other non-fermenting agement, more comprehensive guidelines should
microbes, but the supporting evidence is weak. In be consulted (Mermel et al. 2009).
“possible” but low probability VAP, stopping S. aureus bacteremia carries a risk of meta-
antibiotics after 3 days may be possible (Pugh static spread by bloodstream seeding, in particu-
et al. 2015). lar with bacteremia persisting >72  h in spite of
therapy. Blood cultures should thus be repeated
daily until negative and deep-seated infectious
67.3 Intravascular Catheter-­ complications, foremost endocarditis and skele-
Related Infections (CRBSI) tal infections, should be sought when appropri-
ate. If ruled out, a 14-day antibiotic course is
Indwelling catheters are a leading cause of blood- sufficient for uncomplicated S. aureus bactere-
stream and health care-associated infections in mia, but the jury is still out on the safety of even
general, with ICU and chronically ill cancer shorter durations. Vancomycin is the preferred
patients at particular risk. Catheter-related blood empiric antibiotic when MRSA is prevalent and
stream infections (CRBSI) are associated with also the safest empiric option for coagulase-­
increased morbidity and mortality, but tend to be negative staphylococci, but beta-lactam antibiot-
overdiagnosed, leading to unnecessary catheter ics such as cloxacillin are more potent and
removals (Raad et al. 2007). The clinical diagnosis preferred for susceptible staphylococci. The need
is challenging. Fevers and chills in ICU patients for empiric gram-negative coverage must be
are nonspecific, and though catheter insertion site decided on a case-by-case basis depending on the
inflammation has a high specificity, the sensitivity host factors and severity of presentation.
67  Management of Extracranial Infections 489

67.4 Urinary Tract Infections Enterobacteriaceae are by far the most impor-
tant organisms, and third-generation cephalospo-
Despite figuring prominently on the list of nos- rins or penicillins with increased gram-negative
ocomial infections, notably in the aforemen- spectrum are reasonable options, with the need
tioned EPIC II study (Vincent et al. 2009), the for added initial coverage for Pseudomonas or
true magnitude of ICU-acquired UTIs is hard to ESBL-producing microbes with a carbapenem
discern. Clinical UTI diagnosis is challenging depending on the severity of presentation, host
in the ICU, with a near-universal use of urinary factors, and local antibiograms. Because patients
catheters and the resulting unreliability of clini- who are at increased risk of developing organ
cal symptoms of dysuria, pollakisuria, and uri- failures and renal failure in particular congregate
nary retention in their presence. Inability of in the ICU, aminoglycosides, otherwise excellent
communicating symptoms in sedated and venti- antibiotics for UTIs, are less attractive.
lated patients adds to diagnostic uncertainty
(Shuman and Chenoweth 2010). The placement
of a catheter leads to universal bacterial coloni- 67.5 C
 lostridium difficile
zation within few days of insertion, and dip- Infections
stick tests for leukocytes and protein frequently
become positive in the presence of a catheter. CDI is a major cause of health care-associated
The diagnosis thus becomes one of exclusion infections (HAI) and the most common cause of
when no other source of infection can be found. antibiotic associated diarrhea, accounting for
In the ICU patient, this is further complicated 10–25% of cases and nearly all cases of pseudo-
by the difficulty of differentiating infectious membranous colitis (Bartlett 1994). C. difficile is
from noninfectious causes of inflammation, acquired by the fecal-oral route from asymptom-
with both being able to cause fever, elevated atic carriers or patients, via transiently colonized
inflammatory markers, and hemodynamic hands of health personnel, or via contaminated
instability. A more confident diagnosis can be surfaces and equipment. Antibiotic disruption of
made with a close temporal relation between the gut flora promotes transition from coloniza-
the placement of the catheter and a presumed tion to symptomatic disease, and both length of
infectious episode, the rare UTI episodes which treatment and exposure to multiple antibiotics
are blood culture positive, or when a CT scan increase the risk. Certain antibiotics, notably qui-
reveals pyelonephritis or obstructions. The nolones, have been linked to the spread of more
most important preventive measures are avoid- virulent strains like the hypervirulent ribotype
ance of catheterization whenever possible and 027. However, in clinical practice, any antibiotic
limiting the duration when catheterization is can cause CDI and must therefore be prescribed
unavoidable (Lo et al. 2008). with CDI risk in mind. Broad-spectrum antibiot-
Asymptomatic bacteriuria should not be ics are nevertheless recognized to pose the greater
treated with antibiotics. When UTIs are treated in risk, and antibiotic stewardship with feedback on
catheterized patients, the catheter should be appropriate use of narrow-spectrum antibiotics
replaced if it has been in place for more than has been shown to significantly reduce CDI inci-
7–14 days, as the formation of a biofilm may dence (Fowler et  al. 2007). Nonmodifiable risk
impair clearance of infection. There is increasing factors are high age, general debility, and serious
evidence to support a shorter antibiotic duration underlying disease. Chemotherapy and neutrope-
of 7 days, also in bacteremic UTIs, at least in nia also promote CDIs (Guh and Kutty 2018).
patients who are rapidly stabilized (van The entry point for the clinical diagnosis is diar-
Nieuwkoop et al. 2017; Yahav et al. 2018). As in rhea, defined as ≥3 loose stools in 24 h. Diarrhea
the case of VAP, local resistance data should can be profuse in colitis but may be absent in
guide antibiotic therapy. seriously ill patients with paralytic ileus and toxic
490 J.-E. Berdal

megacolon. Fever, abdominal pain, and leuko- References

cyte count >15 × 109 cells/L are markers of severe
disease, and values >25 × 109 cells/L with lactate Arthur LE, Kizor RS, Selim AG, van Driel ML, Seoane
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America (IDSA) (McDonald et  al. 2018). Decontamination of the digestive tract and orophar-
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and if ileus is present, i.v. metronidazole Healthcare-associated infections acquired in intensive
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tions of severe head injury. J Neurosurg. 1992;77:901–
67.6 Specific Pediatric Concerns 7.
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of adults with hospital-acquired and ventilator-­
clines) where age limitations for usage in chil- associated Pneumonia: 2016 Clinical Practice
dren are given, most antibiotics can safely be Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society
administered respecting weight-based dosage of America and the American Thoracic Society.
recommendations. There are very limited data for Clin Infect Dis. 2016;63:e61–e111. https://doi.
FMT in children.
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Kiehn TE, Armstrong D.  Changes in the spectrum of management. Lancet Infect Dis. 2007;7:645–57.
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tals. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2008;29:S41–50. eters∗. Crit Care Med. 2002;30:2632–5. Shuman EK, Chenoweth CE. Recognition and prevention
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Carroll KC, Coffin SE, et al. Clinical practice guide- intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2010;38:S373–9.
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infections: advances in diagnosis, prevention, and Madrid, April 21–24. 2018.
Temperature Management
Per-Olof Grände and Peter Reinstrup

Recommendations Other sites have been vagina, bladder, ear, oral

and oesophagus. Measurement of brain tem-
Level I perature with a temperature probe inserted in the
brain (positioned in the parenchyma or in a ven-
Active cooling to subnormal temperature in tricle) has shown that brain temperature is only
traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients does not slightly higher (≈ 0.3  °C) than body core tem-
improve outcome. perature in spite of the much higher metabolism
of the brain (Mellergård and Nordström 1991).
Level II The high blood flow to the brain will counteract
a difference between body core temperature and
There is support for the avoidance of high fever, brain temperature. Normal rectal temperature is
but no support for active cooling. 36.7 ± 0.7 °C.
Based on experimental and clinical studies,
Level III there is a general view that high fever is detrimen-
tal to TBI patients (Thompson et  al. 2003). An
Level III studies support the use of active cooling important goal in the treatment of these patients
in TBI patients, a conclusion not supported from has therefore been to prevent or reduce fever. So
Level I or II studies. Paracetamol can be used to far, we lack evidence-based consensus regarding
reduce fever in TBI patients. how to reduce temperature in TBI patients. Fever
can be reduced pharmacologically by affect-
ing the hypothalamic thermostat or by active
68.1 Overview cooling of the patient. During the last 15 years,
it has also been suggested that active cooling to
Body temperature can be measured at different subnormal temperatures (32–34  °C) should be
sites where rectal temperature is the classical beneficial due to its well-known neuroprotective
standard position for body core measurement. effect, as demonstrated in animal studies after
brain ischaemia and also in humans after near
drowning in cold water and after active cooling
P.-O. Grände (*) · P. Reinstrup
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, following heart resuscitation (Polderman 2008;
Lund University and Lund University Hospital, Grände et al. 2009; Sandestig et al. 2014). There
Lund, Sweden was no improved outcome, however, in a recent
e-mail:; randomised heart resuscitation hypothermia study

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 493

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
494 P.-O. Grände and P. Reinstrup

in the group treated with active cooling down Local cooling of the brain has been discussed
to 33  °C compared to a temperature of 36  °C to reduce complications of systemic cooling,
(Nielsen et  al. 2013). The fact that hypothermia such as pulmonary complications and coagula-
decreases an increased intracranial pressure has tion disturbances. Selective brain cooling can be
also been taken as an indication for beneficial obtained by a cooling cap or by intranasal cool-
effect of hypothermia in head trauma patients ing with circulating cold water via a tubing/bal-
(Polderman 2008; Andrews et al. 2015). loon system inserted into the nose. Local cooling,
The mechanisms behind the suggested especially with an intranasal cooling technique,
hypothermia-­ induced neuroprotection are not so far has had difficulty in reducing brain tem-
clarified, but the reduced neuronal metabolism, perature, and additional technical development
reduced inflammatory response, reduction in is necessary before it can be recommended
toxic substances such as glutamate and a scav- (Springborg et al. 2013).
enging effect are discussed to be involved. It was In spite of the fact that reduction of fever by
therefore believed that active cooling should be active cooling to a normal temperature or lower
beneficial in TBI patients. In this chapter, we give has been used in clinical practice in TBI patients
recommendations on how and when temperature for decades, there have been no randomised or
should be reduced and the goal temperature in larger studies confirming any beneficial effect
TBI patients, based on the results of the most of this therapeutic measure on outcome. Several
recent studies and current knowledge in this field. smaller studies have suggested that there is
It is concluded that active cooling is associated improved outcome with active cooling (Marion
with side effects and that we lack support for its et  al. 1997; Adelson et  al. 2005), but, as men-
use in TBI patients, and it can therefore not be tioned, the best trials on children and adults could
recommended (see below). not confirm such an effect (Clifton et  al. 2001,
2011; Hutchison et  al. 2008). The well-known
hypothermia-induced reduction in ICP most
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls likely is an effect of hypothermia-induced vaso-
• Avoid active cooling in TBI patients. constriction with a simultaneous decrease in cere-
• Too high body temperature can be bral blood flow and blood volume. The ICP effect
reduced by affecting the thermostat of hypothermia to 33–35 °C on outcome in TBI
pharmacologically with paracetamol patients starting with an ICP above 20 mmHg was
(1  g  ×  2–4  p.o.). A persistent life- recently analysed in a large multicentre European
threatening high fever above 39 °C can randomised study (Andrews et  al. 2015). As
be reduced with one bolus dose of met- expected, they found that ICP decreased with
ylprednisolone (Solu-­ Medrol) (0.25– hypothermia, but there was no improvement in
0.5 g i.v.). outcome, and the study was interrupted in advance
• Normothermia is the optimal temperature. due to signs of adverse effects.
A comprehensive analysis of the best studies
supported the view that active cooling to sub-
normal temperatures has no beneficial effect on
68.2 Background outcome in TBI patients; instead, these studies
indicated that active cooling even worsens out-
68.2.1 Active Cooling of the TBI come. This conclusion was supported by a recent
Patient Cochrane analysis (Sydenham et al. 2009). Thus,
we still lack any support for the view that treat-
There have been many studies on TBI patients ment of a severe head injury with or without fever
that have analysed the effect of active cooling to and with or without a raised ICP by active cooling
normal and subnormal temperatures on outcome. to normal or subnormal temperature is beneficial.
Cooling of the whole body (systemic cooling) Thus, at this stage, active cooling systemically
has been used in most studies so far. or locally cannot be recommended as a general
68  Temperature Management 495

therapy or a therapy to reduce temperature or ICP the hypothalamic thermostat available in clini-
in TBI patients. cal practice. Paracetamol can be used to reduce
There are some specific characteristics that fever, but it reduces temperature by only about
may explain why the well-established neuropro- 0.5 °C in acceptable doses. In higher doses, it has
tective effect of active cooling does not improve side effects in terms of inhibition of the endog-
outcome in TBI patients (Grände et  al. 2009; enous production of prostacyclin, and it has toxic
Sandestig et  al. 2014). Active systemic or local effects on the liver.
cooling always means a difference between the Steroids (e.g. methylprednisolone) effectively
body or brain temperature and the temperature reduce fever by affecting the hypothalamic tem-
stipulated by the hypothalamic thermostat. This perature centre. A randomised study on TBI
difference creates a pronounced metabolic stress patients (the CRASH study), including both
with the purpose of restoring body temperature to moderately injured and more severely injured
the level before cooling, resulting in an increase patients (GCS <14), analysed the effect of routine
in plasma catecholamines. Muscle shivering is use methylprednisolone (Edwards et  al. 2005).
a visible component of this stress response, but It showed worse outcome in TBI patients given
the increase in stress and catecholamine release steroids. Note that steroids were given in a very
most likely is present without shivering. There is high dose of more than 20  g for 2 days in that
a great risk that the increased catecholamine con- study and were used independently of fever or
centration after active cooling will further reduce not and independently of the severity of the head
the already compromised circulation of the pen- injury. The results of the CRASH study support
umbra zone. There is also a risk that ventilatory the conclusion that corticosteroids in high doses
adjustment to the hypothermia-induced lower should not be used in the treatment of moderate
metabolism is not performed, leading to a con- and severe head injury and especially not for sev-
dition corresponding to hyperventilation, result- eral days. This does not mean, however, that the
ing in worse perfusion of the penumbra zone. fever-reducing effect of just one bolus dose of
Hypothermia also means a lower blood pressure, methylprednisolone at the relatively low dose of
resulting in more frequent use of vasopressors, 0.25–0.5 g to an adult with a severe TBI cannot
which may not only reduce perfusion of the pen- be used to reduce a life-threatening high fever.
umbra zone, but also increase the risk of develop- Such a dose may significantly reduce fever for
ment of ARDS (Robertson et al. 1999) and loss of up to 2 days, and the beneficial fever-reducing
plasma volume to the interstitium (Dubniks et al. effect most likely overrides the potential adverse
2007; Nygren et al. 2010). Finally, reduction of effects shown by the 20–30 times larger doses in
the body temperature to subnormal values may the CRASH study and the well-known adverse
induce coagulation disturbances and increase the effect of a very high fever. A subsequent increase
volumes of contusional bleedings (Rundgren and in blood glucose can be controlled by insulin.
Engström 2008).

68.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns

68.2.2 Pharmacological Reduction
of Fever The highest-quality randomised trials performed
for the adult and the paediatric population have
From a physiological point of view, fever should not shown any beneficial effects of active cool-
be treated by adjusting the hypothalamic thermo- ing following TBI (Clifton et  al. 2001, 2011).
stat. Several types of new temperature-reducing The best paediatric study performed so far
substances have been tested experimentally, but (Hutchison et  al. 2008) strongly indicated that
so far none of these substances can be used clini- hypothermia even worsens outcome. This means
cally due to severe side effects. This means that that a­ ccording to our present knowledge, active
at the moment, paracetamol and steroids are the hypothermia should not be used in the paediatric
only temperature-reducing substances affecting population.
496 P.-O. Grände and P. Reinstrup

References Hypothermia therapy after traumatic brain injury in

children. N Engl J Med. 2008;358(23):2447–56.
Marion DW, Penrod LE, Kelsey SF, Obrist WD,
Adelson PD, Ragheb J, Kanev P, Brockmeyer D, Beers
Kochanek PM, Palmer AM, Wisniewski SR, DeKosky
SR, Brown SD, Cassidy LD, Chang Y, Levin H. Phase
ST. Treatment of traumatic brain injury with moderate
II clinical trial of moderate hypothermia after severe
hypothermia. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(8):540–6.
traumatic brain injury in children. Neurosurgery.
Mellergård P, Nordström CH.  Intracerebral tem-
perature in neurosurgical patients. Neurosurgery.
Andrews PJ, Sinclair HL, Rodriguez A, Harris BA,
Battison CG, Rhodes JK, Murray GD, Eurotherm3235
Nielsen N, Wetterslev J, Cronberg T, Erlinge D, Gasche
Trial Collaborators. Hypothermia for intracranial
Y, Hassager C, Horn J, Hovdenes J, Kjaergaard J,
hypertension after traumatic brain injury. N Engl J
Kuiper M, Pellis T, Stammet P, Wanscher M, Wise MP,
Med. 2015;373(25):2403–12.
Åneman A, Al-Subaie N, Boesgaard S, Bro-Jeppesen
J, Brunetti I, Bugge JF, Hingston CD, Juffermans NP,
Clifton GL, Miller ER, Choi SC, Levin HS, McCauley
Koopmans M, Køber L, Langørgen J, Lilja G, Møller
S, Smith KR Jr, Muizelaar JP, Wagner FC Jr, Marion
JE, Rundgren M, Rylander C, Smid O, Werer C,
DW, Luerssen TG, Chesnut RM, Schwartz M.  Lack
Winkel P, Friberg H, TTM Trial Investigators. Targeted
of effect of induction of hypothermia after acute brain
temperature management at 33°C versus 36°C after
injury. N Engl J Med. 2001;344(8):556–63.
cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med. 2013;369(23):2197–
Clifton GL, Valadka A, Zygun D, Coffey CS, Drever P,
Fourwinds S, Janis LS, Wilde E, Taylor P, Harshman
Nygren A, Redfors B, Thorén A, Ricksten
K, Conley A, Puccio A, Levin HS, McCauley SR,
SE.  Norepinephrine causes a pressure-dependent
Bucholz RD, Smith KR, Schmidt JH, Scott JN, Yonas
plasma volume decrease in clinical vasodilatory
H, Okonkwo DO. Very early hypothermia induction in
shock. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010;54:814–20.
patients with severe brain injury (the National Acute
Polderman KH.  Induced hypothermia and fever control
Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia II): a randomised
for prevention and treatment of neurological injuries.
trial. Lancet Neurol. 2011;10(2):131–9.
Lancet. 2008;7(371):1955–69.
Dubniks M, Persson J, Grände PO. Effect of blood pressure
Robertson CS, Valadka AB, Hannay HJ, Contant CF,
on plasma volume loss in the rat under increased per-
Gopinath SP, Cormio M, Uzura M, Grossman
meability. Intensive Care Med. 2007;33(12):2192–8.
RG.  Prevention of secondary ischemic insults
Edwards P, Arango M, Balica L, Cottingham R, El-Sayed
after severe head injury. Crit Care Med.
H, Farrell B, Fernandes J, Gogichaisvili T, Golden N,
Hartzenberg B, Husain M, Ulloa MI, Jerbi Z, Khamis
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H, Komolafe E, Laloë V, Lomas G, Ludwig S, Mazairac
ation of the effects of hypothermia on the coagulation
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system. Anesth Analg. 2008;107(5):1465–8.
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R, Svoboda P, Trenkler S, Venkataramana NK,
thermia in children and adults with severe traumatic
Wasserberg J, Yates D, Yutthakasemsunt S, CRASH
brain injury. A review. Ther Hypothermia Temp
trial collaborators. Final results of MRC CRASH, a
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randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous
corticosteroid in adults with head injury-outcomes at 6
Springborg JB, Springborg KK, Romner B. First clinical
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experience with intranasal cooling for hyperthermia in
Grände PO, Reinstrup P, Romner B.  Active cooling in
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Sydenham E, Roberts I, Alderson P.  Hypothermia for
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traumatic head injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
Hutchison JS, Ward RE, Lacroix J, Hébert PC, Barnes
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McIntosh TK.  Hyperthermia following traumatic
PG, Morris KP, Moher D, Singh RN, Skippen PW,
brain injury: a critical evaluation. Neurobiol Dis.
Hypothermia Pediatric Head Injury Trial Investigators
and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group.
Elisabeth Ronne-Engström and Jon Axel Forsse

Recommendations 69.1 Overview

Level I There are no randomised, controlled, double-­

blind studies regarding treatment of early seizures
There are insufficient data to support a Level I after TBI, but observational studies support that
recommendation regarding either treatment for seizures should be treated as soon as they occur.
early posttraumatic seizures (PTS) or anti-seizure The basic idea of neurointensive care of TBI is
prophylaxis after head trauma. to identify and treat conditions that compromise
the brain’s supply and use of oxygen and glucose.
Level II Seizure activity in the acute phase impairs this
in a number of ways and can therefore worsen
Early posttraumatic seizures should be treated. the brain injury. Neuronal firing causes a massive
Anticonvulsants may be used to decrease the release of the potentially neurotoxic transmit-
incidence of early PTS (within 7 days of injury). ter glutamate (GLU). In order to clear the syn-
aptic space from GLU, there is an efficient glial
Level III uptake; however, it is highly energy dependent.
Seizures increase energy demand, which can
When seizures occur, it is important to re-­ cause an energy failure in the brain developing
evaluate the clinical situation with respect to into manifest ischaemia. Seizure activity can also
intracranial lesions requiring surgical interven- cause significant changes in cerebral blood flow,
tion. Prophylactic anti-seizure therapy may be with both increases and decreases observed.
considered as a treatment option to prevent early It is debated whether anticonvulsant prophy-
PTS in young paediatric patients and infants at laxis after head trauma should be used or not.
high risk for seizures following head injury. The Brain Trauma Foundation states in its latest
review that an adequate treatment with phenytoin
or levetiracetam reduces the incidence of early
E. Ronne-Engström (*)
Department of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Uppsala seizures, but that evidence of effect on outcome is
University, Uppsala, Sweden lacking (Carney et al. 2017). A major confound-
e-mail: ing factor is that earlier studies based their con-
J. A. Forsse clusions only on clinically observable seizures.
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University The Brain Trauma Foundation states that further
Hospital, Odense, Denmark studies are needed and that such studies should

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 497

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
498 E. Ronne-Engström and J. A. Forsse

use continuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring to iden- 69.1.2 The Relation of Seizures
tify seizures. Once seizures occur, they could to the Acute Brain Injury
either be a result of the original trauma or an indi-
cation that new intracranial lesions have devel- There are several mechanisms by which seizure
oped. Treatment of repeated seizures and status activity in the acute phase can exacerbate the brain
epilepticus is a matter for qualified neurointen- trauma. Neuronal firing causes a massive release
sive care, multimodality monitoring and a team of the potentially neurotoxic transmitter glutamate
approach including neurosurgeons, neurologists, (GLU). Extracellular GLU release during seizure
neurophysiologists and neurointensivists. activity has been demonstrated with intracerebral
microdialysis in patients with chronic epilepsy
(During and Spencer 1993; Ronne-Engstrom
69.1.1 Background et  al. 1992) and in TBI patients (Vespa et  al.
1998). Another problem is that the postsynaptic
Seizures occurring after traumatic brain injury glial uptake of GLU is highly energy dependent
(TBI) are usually described as either early (within (Magistretti and Pellerin 1999). Seizure activity
first week after trauma) or late (thereafter). These can thus cause a significant increase in the energy
are two qualitatively different phenomena, prob- demand. In the acute phase after trauma, with an
ably to some extent with separate pathophysi- already strained brain metabolism, an increased
ological mechanisms. The true incidence of early energy demand can result in manifest ischaemia
seizures is presently discussed. Based on clini- due to energy failure with demands higher than
cal observations, the incidence was estimated to availability (Samuelsson et  al. 2007). Seizure
~10%. However, continuous EEG monitoring activity can also cause significant changes in cere-
shows that early seizures are more common and bral blood flow (CBF). This has been demonstrated
are seen in up to 50% of TBI patients who are with several techniques, e.g. cortical blood flow
admitted to neurointensive care. Early seizures measurements using laser Doppler fibre attached
are more often seen in younger children and the to subdural strip electrodes (Ronne-Engstrom
elderly and in those with subdural/epidural hae- et al. 1993). Increased as well as decreased CBF
matomas (alone or in combination with brain was detected during seizures, and both these situ-
contusions) (Bennett et  al. 2017; Arndt et  al. ations are potentially harmful. Increased CBF can
2016; Vespa et  al. 1999; Ronne-Engstrom and increase ICP by vasodilatation, and a decreased
Winkler 2006). CBF can worsen an energy failure situation. The
Late seizures manifest as posttraumatic blood flow changes are probably coupled with
epilepsy and develop in approximately 5% dynamic changes in metabolic demands. Vespa
of TBI.  Posttraumatic epilepsy accounts for showed that patients with TBI and repetitive non-­
20% of symptomatic epilepsy in the popula- convulsive seizures had both higher mean ICP and
tion (Lowenstein 2009) and is more common higher lactate/pyruvate ratio measured with intra-
after penetrating injury, severe closed injury, cerebral microdialysis, marking perturbed energy
focal lesions and age >65 (Pohlmann-Eden and metabolism (Vespa et al. 2007).
Bruckmeir 1997; Annegers and Coan 2000).
Early seizures are also believed to be a risk
factor for posttraumatic epilepsy, and there seems 69.2 NICU Management
to be a time window for therapeutic intervention
before the traumatic brain scar matures into a 69.2.1 Seizure Monitoring
chronic epileptic region.
There are two main indications for monitoring The general idea with NICU monitoring is to
and treatment of seizures after head trauma: to identify and treat conditions that compromise the
avoid worsening of traumatic brain injuries in the oxygen and glucose supply to the brain or increase
acute phase and to avoid fatal status epilepticus. metabolic demands, e.g. fever and epileptic sei-
69 Seizures 499

zures. As EEG patterns depend on the integrity of something has changed. This could be the
the brain structures as well as on the cerebral blood development of a brain contusion, subdural
flow and metabolism, continuous EEG is theoreti- haematoma or a cortical venous thrombosis.
cally an ideal monitoring modality. EEG is in fact One should also keep in mind the possibility of
so far the only available method for online real- withdrawal symptoms for alcohol/drug addicts
time monitoring of the brain’s functions. There are with TBI. Early posttraumatic seizures should
still problems with the technique, such as the avail- be treated as soon as they occur, which is easier
ability of EEG reading on a 24-h basis. However, if the unit has a protocolled treatment. The sug-
since EEG today is done digitally, computerised gested treatments below are from the Uppsala
treatment of the EEG signal can facilitate the EEG University Hospital treatment program for sei-
reading. An example of this is the use of the trends zures in neurointensive care. Single seizures
of the EEG’s total power (Vespa 2005). High val- could be treated with diazepam 10  mg i.v. or
ues can indicate seizure activity, and when this is lorazepam 2–4 mg i.v. Secondary prophylaxis
found, raw EEG during this time period is studied. with phenytoin or levetiracetam should be
Another advantage of digital EEG is that it allows considered.
for web-based reading. In case of repeated seizures, treatment as
well as prophylaxis should be started. It is pre-
ferred that continuous EEG monitoring is used
69.2.2 Prophylaxis to ensure that the patient becomes seizure-free
from the treatment. Respiration and cardiovas-
It is debated whether anticonvulsant prophylaxis cular functions should also be monitored, and
should be used or not. A major confounding fac- the threshold for intubation and mechanical
tor when reading the literature is that early studies ventilation should be low. The choice of phar-
base their conclusions only on clinically observ- macological substances should be based on local
able seizures. The Brain Trauma Foundation has in guidelines for sedation of intubated patients.
their guidelines for treatment of TBI also reviewed Propofol infusion is often used. A bolus dose of
the scientific basis for anti-­ seizure prophylaxis 1–3  mg/kg is given, followed by 1–5  mg/kg/h.
(Carney et al. 2017). Their conclusion is that there Treatment should not extend 48 h. Midazolam
is evidence that an adequate treatment with phe- infusion is also efficient. Midazolam is admin-
nytoin reduces the incidence of early seizures, but istered with a bolus of 0.2  mg/kg i.v. followed
not that of posttraumatic epilepsy. Valproate may by 0.1–0.5 mg/kg/h. To this is added phenytoin
have a comparable effect but may also be associ- infusion, 15–20 mg FE/kg, followed by intermit-
ated with a higher mortality. They also state that tent doses of 250 mg FE/kg × 3. It is important
more studies are needed on the effect on outcome that adequate serum concentrations are achieved
by reducing early seizures and that such studies and daily checks are advised. Levetiracetam can
should use continuous EEG monitoring to identify be used at this stage as an alternative to phe-
seizures. Using drugs with anticonvulsant proper- nytoin and may have a preferable adverse event
ties, e.g. midazolam, in sedating intubated patients profile (initial dose 500 mg × 2 daily, oral or i.v.
could be an alternative to anti-seizure prophylaxis. with loading dose 30–70 mg/kg max 3 g consid-
No seizures were monitored in a study were most ered safe).
of the patients were sedated with thiopental and If seizures still are present, lorazepam, leve-
midazolam (Olivecrona et al. 2009). tiracetam, lamotrigine, carbamazepine or val-
proate can be added. Anticonvulsant drugs have
many side effects including interaction with other
69.2.3 Treatment of Seizures drugs, skin reactions, deranged liver function and
haematologic disturbances, such as clotting dis-
When seizures occur, it is important to turbances, which can be especially serious for
evaluate the clinical situation to see if TBI patients.
500 E. Ronne-Engström and J. A. Forsse

Status epilepticus that does not resolve with

the treatment above can be treated with thio- Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
pental infusion. Bolus dose is 100–250  mg and • When seizures occur, exclude develop-
is followed by 50 mg every 2–3 min until EEG ment of new intracranial lesions needing
is low voltage without seizure activity or burst surgical intervention.
suppression. This is followed by an infusion of • Remember possible withdrawal symp-
3–5 mg/kg/h. There should be at least a period of toms for alcohol/drug addicts with TBI.
12–24 h free from seizures before the treatment • Treatment of single seizures:
stops. The patient with thiopental treatment must –– Intravenous diazepam 10  mg or
be on mechanical ventilation with a strict con- lorazepam 2–4 mg.
trol on electrolytes, temperature and vital organ –– Consider prophylaxis with phenytoin.
functions. • Treatment of repeated seizures:
–– Start continuous treatment as well as
–– Monitor vital functions and EEG.
69.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns –– Low threshold for intubation and
artificial ventilation to enable more
There are only a few studies in the literature intense treatment.
regarding children and early posttraumatic sei- –– Propofol infusion is commonly used.
zures. In one study, 7% had immediate seizures A bolus dose of 1–3 mg/kg is followed
(Emanuelson and Uvebrant 2009). This contrasts by infusion of 1.0–7.5  mg/kg/h until
to a study showing that as much as 68% of chil- seizure activity is relieved. Midazolam
dren with moderate and severe TBI developed can also be used, combined with pro-
early posttraumatic seizures. The two groups pofol or as monotherapy, and starts
probably represent different severities of TBI with a bolus of 0.2 mg/kg i.v. followed
(Liesemer et  al. 2011). In a large retrospective by infusion of 0.1–0.5 mg/kg/h.
cohort study from 2017, Bennet et al. concluded –– Phenytoin is added as prophylaxis
that posttraumatic seizures were diagnosed in with 15–20  mg FE/kg i.v. followed
25.2% of children with severe TBI (Bennett by 250 FE × 3. It is important that
et al. 2017). adequate serum concentrations are
The Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines achieved, and daily checks are
state that prophylactic use of anti-seizure ther- advised. Levetiracetam is considered
apy is not recommended for children with severe a sufficient alternative to phenytoin.
traumatic brain injury (TBI) for preventing late –– If seizures persist, lorazepam, leveti-
posttraumatic seizures (Level II) (Kochanek racetam, lamotrigine, carbamazepine
et  al. 2012). However, it may be considered a or valproate can be added.
treatment option in young paediatric patients and • Treatment of status epilepticus if not
infants at high risk, for the prevention of early resolved with the treatment above:
seizures (Level III). –– Thiopental infusion. Bolus dose is
Treatment of seizures and status epilepti- 100–250 mg and is followed by 50 mg
cus in children should follow similar strategies every 2–3 min until EEG is low volt-
as in adults. However, the doses and choices of age without seizure activity or burst
drugs should be carefully considered after the suppression. This is followed by an
individual circumstances. For example, propo- infusion of 3–5 mg/kg/h. There should
fol is only recommended for starting sedation of be 12–24 h free from seizures before
children >1 month of age and should not be used the treatment stops. Note: the patient
for continuous sedation >24 h (Kaye et al. 2017). must be on mechanical ventilation
Continuous EEG monitoring can be very valu- with strict control of electrolytes, tem-
able in paediatric patients. perature and vital organ functions.
69 Seizures 501

References Magistretti PJ, Pellerin L.  Astrocytes couple synap-

tic activity to glucose utilization in the brain. News
Physiol Sci. 1999;14:177–82.
Annegers JF, Coan SP.  The risks of epilepsy after trau-
Olivecrona M, et al. Absence of electroencephalographic
matic brain injury. Seizure. 2000;9(7):453–7.
seizure activity in patients treated for head injury with
Arndt DH, Goodkin HP, Giza CC.  Early posttraumatic
an intracranial pressure-targeted therapy. J Neurosurg.
seizures in the pediatric population. J Child Neurol.
Pohlmann-Eden B, Bruckmeir J.  Predictors and dynam-
Bennett KS, DeWitt PE, Harlaar N, Bennett TD. Seizures
ics of posttraumatic epilepsy. Acta Neurol Scand.
in children with severe traumatic brain injury. Pediatr
Crit Care Med. 2017;18(1):54–63.
Ronne-Engstrom E, Winkler T. Continuous EEG monitor-
Carney N, Totten AM, O’Reilly C, Ullman JS, Hawryluk
ing in patients with traumatic brain injury reveals a
GWJ, Bell MJ, Bratton SL, Chesnut R, Harris OA,
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Kissoon N, Rubiano AM, Shutter L, Tasker RC,
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Vavilala MS, Wilberger J, Wright DW, Ghajar
Ronne-Engstrom E, et  al. Intracerebral microdialysis of
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extracellular amino acids in the human epileptic focus.
matic brain injury, fourth edition. Neurosurgery.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1992;12(5):873–6.
Ronne-Engstrom E, Carlson H, Blom S, Flink R, Gazelius
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glutamate and spontaneous seizure in the conscious
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human brain. Lancet. 1993;341(8861):1607–10.
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Emanuelson I, Uvebrant P. Occurrence of epilepsy during
Samuelsson C, et  al. Cerebral glutamine and gluta-
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Kaye AD, Fox CJ, Padnos IW, Ehrhardt KP, Diaz JH,
Vespa P. Continuous EEG monitoring for the detection of
Cornett EM, Chandler D, Sen S, Patil S. Pharmacologic
seizures in traumatic brain injury, infarction, and intra-
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cerebral hemorrhage: “to detect and protect”. J Clin
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Vespa P, et al. Increase in extracellular glutamate caused
Kochanek PM, Carney N, Adelson PD, Ashwal S, Bell MJ,
by reduced cerebral perfusion pressure and seizures
Bratton S, Carson S, Chesnut RM, Ghajar J, Goldstein
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of severe traumatic brain injury in infants, children,
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vulsive and convulsive seizures after traumatic brain
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injury as detected by continuous electroencephalo-
Liesemer K, et al. Early post-traumatic seizures in mod-
graphic monitoring. J Neurosurg. 1999;91(5):750–60.
erate to severe pediatric traumatic brain injury: rates,
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risk factors, and clinical features. J Neurotrauma.
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Lowenstein DH. Epilepsy after head injury: an overview.
crisis. Crit Care Med. 2007;35(12):2830–6.
Epilepsia. 2009;50(Suppl 2):4–9.
Paroxysmal Sympathetic
Hyperactivity 70
Christina Rosenlund

Recommendations 70.1 Overview

Level I Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity is defined

by dystonia (paroxystic increase in muscle tone)
Hypermetabolism and nitrogen loss follow acute and at least one of the following symptoms
severe cerebral injury, and high protein diet is below:
1. Hyperthermia
Level II 2. Arterial hypertension
3. Tachypnoea
Weight loss following dystonia is causing prob- 4. Tachycardia
lems in rehabilitation settings. 5. Sweating
It is a recommendation that full nutritional 6. Hypersalivation/increase in bronchial secretion
replacement be instituted by day 7 post-injury.
About 15–20% nitrogen calories in nutritional Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity can
replacement reduce nitrogen loss. cause systemic disorders, contractures (joints)
and excessive weight loss because of a massive
Level III loss of muscle protein. If there are clinical signs
of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity and
If there are clinical signs of paroxysmal sympa- other explanations for the symptoms are ruled
thetic hyperactivity and other explanations for out, it is recommended to try treatment with
the symptoms are ruled out, it is recommended to intrathecal baclofen. The differential diagnoses
try treatment with intrathecal baclofen. for these symptoms are as follows:
If there is no response to treatment with a lum-
bar dosage of 200  g baclofen, further testing is • New cerebral lesions Hydrocephalus
without purpose. • Shunt infection Shunt dysfunction Systemic
infection Cardiac disorder

When the decision to treat is made, a test dose

of baclofen is given to test the response to
C. Rosenlund (*) treatment.
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University
Hospital, Odense, Denmark

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 503

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
504 C. Rosenlund

The test dose is given through a lumbar punc- The dosage can be increased with 10–15% every
ture; 2 ml CSF is sent to microbiological exami- 6 h until maximal effect is reached (disappearance
nation. Give only one dose of baclofen per day. of symptoms) while observing for effect and/or side
effects. The spinal catheter can be used for 3–6
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
days. The patient must be observed for signs of
Dosage adults
infection, and daily measurement of CRP and leu-
 (Baclofen) 100 g 200 g
Dosage children
kocytes is necessary. Sometimes the paroxysmal
 <10 kg 25 g 35 g 50 g sympathetic hyperactivity has disappeared com-
 10–30 kg 35 g 50 g 75 g pletely within a few days of treatment with baclofen
 >30 kg 50 g 75 g 100 g (<1 week). If this is not the case and the treatment
cannot be discontinued, the patient needs to get a
If there is an effect on the symptoms (reduc- subcutaneous pump implanted. Side effects of the
tion or disappearance of symptoms) following treatment are rare and are in that case related to an
administration of 100 g, consider placing a spinal overdose (Ertzgaard et al. 2017; Rosenlund 2017):
catheter and an external pump. If there is no
response to treatment with 200 g, further testing • Urine retention Muscle hypotonia Excessive
is without purpose. This is also the recommenda- salivation
tion following the third test dosage when treating • Confusion, vertigo and somnolence Nausea,
children (Rosenlund 2017). vomiting
Placement of a spinal catheter for continuous • Depression of respiration (very seldom) Coma
infusion with baclofen through an external pump • Convulsions
(Rosenlund 2017): • Interaction: antihypertensives and tricyclic
antidepressants (Ertzgaard et al. 2017)
1. Pre-puncture antibiotics (dicloxacillin 1 g i.v.
or cefuroxime 1.5 g i.v.).
2. Use a thin epidural/spinal catheter. Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
3. Sterile cover after thorough cleansing. • If the patient has an external drain from
4. The catheter is placed in the subarachnoid the ventricular system, you can use this
space via puncture at level L3/L4. to administrate baclofen. NB. The dos-
5. The catheter is lead approximately 10  cm in age of baclofen is of the dosage given
cranial direction. through a lumbar puncture, i.e. test dos-
6. Catheter loop at access point. Sterile drape age is 15 g instead of 100 g baclofen.
afterwards. • It is possible to give bolus baclofen
7. The catheter is fastened with a patch along the through the spinal catheter instead of
back and fixated at the level of the clavicle. administering continuous baclofen. The
8. A catheter filter is mounted. maximal dosage is 200  g (adults), and
9. An injection pump is mounted. the bolus interval must be at least 6 h.
• Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity
Initial dosage is 5–10 g/h, which gives a daily has previously been called autonomic
dose of 120–240  g. Treatment dosages of up to dysfunction.
800  g/day can be necessary to have maximal
effect on the condition, in a few cases even more
than that. With a concentration in the injection
pump of 50  g baclofen/ml, the infusion is pro- 70.2 Background
grammed to run at a speed of 0.1–0.2 ml/h.
Dosage baclofen (50 g/ml): 70.2.1 Dystonia

g/h 5 10 15 20 25 30 The stretch and bend reflexes are under normal

ml/h (à 10 g/ml) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 circumstances regulated from the superior cen-
g/24 h 120 240 360 480 600 720 tres in the brainstem and the brain through-­
70  Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity 505

neurons, which are balancing the stimulating and underlie the more severe end of the paroxysmal
inhibitory impulses. Damage to the brain or spi- sympathetic hyperactivity spectrum. The combi-
nal cord can cause a downregulation of the nation of this theory also supports the fact that
threshold for synaptic excitation at the level of some patients with paroxysmal sympathetic
the segmental anterior horn cell, which causes an hyperactivity has a short period of the symptoms
abnormal increase in reflex activity. This is the while others have the syndrome for months and
definition of spasticity, clinically seen as even years, suggesting that those with more rapid
­resistance of the muscle to stretch until a point of recovery of the supraspinal inhibition has less
sudden collapse (clasp-knife effect). Dystonia is brainstem involvement. Available data suggest
a variant of spasticity and are clinically charac- that allodynic hyper-responsiveness in paroxystic
terised as abnormal, involuntary and often pain- sympathetic hyperactivity develops as a conse-
ful contractions of muscles with both agonistic quence of impaired control by higher cortical
and antagonistic functions, resulting in a persist- centres, resulting in sympathetic storms.
ing contracture, for example, torticollis and tali- Maladaptive spinal cord plasticity is also possi-
pes equinus (club foot) (Baguley et al. 2014; Hilz ble, with subclinical allodynic or sympathetic
et  al. 2018; Hughes and Rabinstein 2014; Laxe over-responsiveness persisting for at least 5 years
et al. 2013). after injury (Meyfroidt et al. 2017).
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity typi-
cally appears following diffuse and severe cere-
70.2.2 Paroxysmal Sympathetic bral lesions, such as diffuse axonal injury,
Hyperactivity hypoxia and severe CNS infection, and is charac-
terised by tachycardia, tachypnoea, arterial
A review of 349 paroxysmal sympathetic hyper- hypertension, sweating, hypersalivation, hyper-
activity case reports published before 2010 found secretion and dystonia. Paroxysmal sympathetic
that about 80% of cases followed TBI, 10% fol- hyperactivity (‘paroxystic autonomic instability
lowed anoxic brain injury, 5% followed stroke disorder’, ‘dysautonomia’, ‘autonomic dysfunc-
and the remaining 5% occurred in association tion’) is paroxysmal in nature and can be pro-
with hydrocephalus, tumours, hypoglycaemia, voked by minor sensory stimuli (light touch or a
infections or unspecified cases. Prevalence is sound). The condition is often clinically visible
reported from various countries in a range from in the period of coma remission, when the patient
8% to 33%. In one study, the prevalence was is out of, or reduced in, sedation from days to a
affected by the time of assessment, with 24% of few weeks after the cerebral damage (Meyfroidt
the patients meeting the criteria for paroxysmal et  al. 2017; Baguley et  al. 2014; Rosenlund
sympathetic hyperactivity 7 days after injury, 2017). Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity can
decreasing to 8% after 2 weeks. The overall clini- result in systemic dysfunction, contractures and a
cal impression is that paroxystic sympathetic severe weight loss because of loss of muscle pro-
hyperactivity is an independent risk factor for tein (Caldwell et al. 2013). The initiating time for
poorer neurological outcomes in patients who neurorehabilitation is delayed because of a pro-
had a brain injury (Meyfroidt et al. 2017) longed stay in the intensive care unit. The condi-
Current theories regarding the pathophysiol- tion can be fatal and can alternatively persist for
ogy propose that combinations of diffuse or focal weeks, months or even years if left untreated,
injuries disconnect one or more cerebral centres resulting in painful contractures and problems
from caudal excitatory centres. Disconnection is regarding rehabilitation and care. If the condition
thought to cause spinal circuit excitation; parox- is not treated with intrathecal baclofen, it is often
ysm then resolves in response to recovery of the chosen to sedate the patient in order to get control
inhibitory drivers. The periaqueductal grey mat- over the symptoms. Sedation is not a treatment as
ter has been described as a central inhibitory such, and the patients are still suffering from par-
driver that implicates midbrain lesions in the oxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity. Prolonged
functional or structural disconnections that sedation increases the risk of complications such
506 C. Rosenlund

as bacteraemia, ventilation-associated pneumo- day. It has been shown that the earliest normalisa-
nia (VAP), secondary complications to immobil- tion of the nitrogen balance begins in the third
ity/inactivity and those related to drugs week posttraumatically and often later than that.
(accumulation, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, It is also shown that there is a tendency for the
circulatory problems) (Baguley et  al. 2014). nitrogen loss to increase in the beginning of the
Baclofen treatment has been shown to eliminate posttraumatic phase with a peak in the second
the autonomic symptoms and dystonia in several week. Most of the parenteral and enteral dietary
studies (Hinson et al. 2017; Hilz et al. 2018; Kim products for hypermetabolic conditions have a
et  al. 2018; Letzkus et  al. 2016; Mathew et  al. maximal content of protein of 20%. Excessive
2016; Samuel et al. 2016). There are no reported weight loss is still the result because the nitrogen
complications to the treatment except for a few balance will be negative despite the reduced
with catheter-related infections or ruptures and nitrogen loss (Brain Trauma Foundation et  al.
the risk of withdrawal symptoms if treatment is 2007). Weight loss is a huge problem in patients
too abruptly stopped. In some cases, it is suffi- suffering from paroxysmal sympathetic hyperac-
cient to treat only for a few days (3–4) in the tivity (Baguley et al. 2014).
acute phase, which means that the patient does
not need further treatment. Intrathecal baclofen
treatment is used in Denmark in the neurointen- 70.2.4 Baclofen
sive care units and is given to patients suffering
from paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity fol- Baclofen (4-amino-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-gamma-­
lowing a severe cerebral injury hence diffuse aminobutyric acid) is a well-known and well-­tested
axonal injury (DAI), stroke (e.g. malignant arte- product, which has been used as treatment for spi-
ria cerebri media infarction), anoxic damage, nal spasticity for the last 40 years and for dystonia
CNS infection, sequelae from subarachnoid for the latest years as well, also when the dystonia
haemorrhage or CNS tumours (Rosenlund 2017). is a part of a paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity
(Leland Albright 1996; Sidenius 2010; Kock-
Jensen 2007). Baclofen has an agonistic impact on
70.2.3 Weight Loss the GABA-B receptors, which binds to and stimu-
lates the pre-synaptic GABA-B receptors in the
It is well documented (Brain Trauma Foundation brainstem and spinal cord. Baclofen inhibits the
et al. 2007) that hypermetabolism and excessive mono- and poly-synaptic reflexes and GABA
nitrogen loss follow acute severe cerebral injury. metabolism hence spasticity. When administered
Thus, it is found that a resting patient, in coma intrathecally, the dosage needed to treat is much
and with an isolated TBI, has an energy expendi- lower compared with orally administered baclofen,
ture of 140% of expected metabolic rate (vari- especially because of the poor passage of orally
ability 120–250%). The same patient in relaxation administered baclofen across the blood-brain bar-
(pancuronium bromide or barbiturate) has an rier (Sidenius 2010; Meythaler et al. 1999).
energy use of 100–120% of the expected meta-
bolic rate. This finding suggests that most of the
excessive use of energy is related to muscle tone. 70.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns
Less than 10% of the expended calories are from
protein resources under normal circumstances Children are treated as adults except regarding
(healthy, average men). In a patient with an acute the dosage (see Sect. 65.1). There are no ran-
severe cerebral injury, who receives a total cover- domised studies to document the effect of intra-
age of expended energy through the diet includ- thecal treatment with baclofen on paroxystic
ing 10 g of nitrogen/day, the catabolism of protein sympathetic hyperactivity. There is on the other
reaches as high as 30% of the energy sources hand a convincing amount of cases that show the
used; this results in a loss of nitrogen of 14–25 g/ effectiveness of the treatment (Meyfroidt et  al.
70  Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity 507

2017). Baclofen itself is a well-known pharmaco- Hughes JD, Rabinstein AA. Early diagnosis of paroxys-
mal sympathetic hyperactivity in the ICU.  Neurocrit
logic compound with no side effects when admin- Care. 2014;20(3):454–9.
istered intrathecally. Paroxysmal sympathetic s12028-013-9877-3.
hyperactivity is a potentially fatal condition and Kim HS, Kim NY, Kim YW.  Successful Intrathecal
at least a condition that complicates and lowers Baclofen therapy for intractable paroxysmal sym-
pathetic hyperactivity in patient with Pontine
the outcome significantly for the patients. Hemorrhage: a case report. Clin Neuropharmacol.
Kock-Jensen C. Intrathekal baclofen through bolus/
References external pump. Hammel: Regionshospitalet Hammel
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AA, Dolce G, Hendricks HT, Consensus Working autonomia influence the outcome of traumatic brain
Group. Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after injured patients admitted in a neurorehabilitation unit?
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definition, nomenclature, and diagnostic criteria. 9/02699052.2013.823648. Epub 2013 Oct 8
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org/10.1089/neu.2013.3301. Epub 2014 Jul 28 treatment of cerebral palsy. J Child Neurol.
Brain Trauma Foundation; American Association of 1996;11(2):77–83.
Neurological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological Letzkus L, Keim-Malpass J, Kennedy C.  Paroxysmal
Surgeons; Joint Section on Neurotrauma and Critical sympathetic hyperactivity: autonomic instability and
Care, AANS/CNS, Bratton SL, Chestnut RM, Ghajar muscle over-activity following severe brain injury.
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2013;28(3):370–3. Meythaler JM, Guin-Renfroe S, Grabb P, Hadley MN.
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of oral baclofen in the management of spasticity: injury: 1-year experience. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
a rationale for Intrathecal Baclofen. J Rehabil Med. 1999;80(1):13–9.
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Hilz MJ, Liu M, Roy S, Wang R.  Autonomic dysfunc- treatment. Guideline. Odense University Hospital.
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brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2017;32(5):E50– udgave, 1.oplag 2010;327.
Prophylaxis Against Venous
Thromboembolism (VTE) 71
in Patients with Traumatic
Brain Injury (TBI)

Ulf Schott and Morten Zebitz Steiness

Recommendations there is no expansion or risk for expansion of

hematomas, evaluated by coagulation assays and
Level I repetitive CT scans. This area is a typical gray
zone area, and there is a high variance when
No evidence level I in guiding thromboprophy- LMWH actually is started due to concerns of
laxis in TBI exists and stresses the need for ade- hematoma progression. Cava filters should be
quately powered prospective randomized trials to considered in complex cases.
guide clinical management in different types and
severities of TBI.
71.1 Overview
Level II
Patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI)
There are reliable data supporting mechanical are at significant risk of developing venous
thromboprophylaxis of the lower extremities thromboembolic complications. Patients with
should start as early as possible and be continued intracerebral hemorrhages generally have an
until full mobilization. Several guidelines also altered coagulation profile and often have exces-
recommend this. sive coagulation after the bleeding has stopped.
While in neurointensive care, these patients are
Level III often unconscious or sedated and lie still for long
periods, potentially causing blood stasis in the
Pharmacological prophylaxis with a low molecu- deep veins (Kaufman et  al. 1983). Intracerebral
lar weight heparin (LMWH) should be used in hemorrhages are an indirect evidence of injured
combination with mechanical prophylaxis, when endothelial cells in the brain; some TBI patients
have damaged endothelium in other parts of the
body as well. The injured areas cause inflamma-
U. Schott tion, increasing the concentration of acute phase
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,
Institution of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, reactants, making the blood even more hyper-
Lund, Sweden coagulative. All these factors are included in
e-mail: Virchow’s triad, a theory that explains the patho-
M. Z. Steiness (*) genesis of venous thrombosis. Venous thrombo-
Spine Section, Department of Neurosurgery, Aalborg embolism (VTE) is estimated to occur in 20%
University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark of patients with TBI, so guidelines recommend

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 509

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
510 U. Schott and M. Z. Steiness

the use of mechanical and pharmacologic throm- trauma while monitoring the patient’s progress
boprophylaxis (Kaufman et  al. 1983; Knudson with consecutive CTs to avoid initiating LMWH
et al. 2004; Haddad and Arabi 2012). The more in patients with an expanding intracerebral hem-
severe pulmonary embolism (PE) was estimated orrhage (ICH) (Haddad and Arabi 2012; Minshall
to occur in 0.38% of patients with severe TBI et al. 2011; Dudley et al. 2010).
(Page et al. 2004). Advanced age, excess weight, The risks and benefits of LMWH were evalu-
and the severity of the TBI all increase the risk ated by Dudley et al. in a retrospective study of
of VTE. 287 TBI patients. In this study, patients received
There are no specific pediatric concerns, LMWH treatment between 48 and 72  h post-­
except that children are less prone to thrombotic trauma after two CTs showing no sign of hem-
complications than adults. After start of puberty, orrhage expansion. There was a low incidence
children have the same risk as adults. of VTE (7.3%), and only one patient (0.4%)
A number of studies have demonstrated the had a symptomatic expansion of a pre-exist-
efficacy and safety of mechanical prophylaxis ing ICH (Dudley et  al. 2010). No difference in
with either graduated compression stockings or VTE frequencies was seen between two types of
intermittent pneumatic compression. The relative LMWH—enoxaparin and dalteparin.
risk of venous thrombosis has been reduced to A large observational cohort study of 2468
>50% (Skillman et  al. 1978; Turpie et  al. 1989) TBI patients compared early (<72  h) and late
without any changes in mean arterial pressure, (>72  h) initiation of LMWH.  The patients who
intracranial pressure (ICP), or central venous received early prophylaxis had lower incidences
pressure as documented by Davidson et al. (1993). of both deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and PE
There is a general consensus that thromboprophy- without any increased risk of neurosurgical inter-
laxis of the lower extremities should start as early vention or death (Byrne et al. 2016). Two other
as possible and be continued until full mobiliza- studies have corroborated these results (Koehler
tion, which is also highlighted in guidelines from et al. 2011; Jamjoom and Jamjoom 2013).
the Neurocritical Care Society and the Society of A small randomized, double-blinded pilot
Critical Care Medicine (Nyquist et al. 2016). study found that patients with minor TBIs who
Among elective neurosurgical patients, there received LMWH after a stable CT within 24 h post
is level I evidence regarding pharmacologi- trauma (34 patients) had ICH progression rates
cal prophylaxis (Agnelli et  al. 1998), but these similar to the placebo group (28 patients) (Phelan
data cannot automatically be transferred to TBI et al. 2012). Norwood et al. (2002) found similar
patients. Studies among patients with TBI sug- results in a prospective, single-cohort observa-
gest that LMWH is efficacious in reducing the tional study including 150 patients. Kurtoglu et al.
risk of VTE.  However, data also show a trend found no significant differences in mortality or the
toward an increased risk of intracranial bleeding. incidence of DVT or pulmonary embolism (PE)
LMWH seems to be favorable on survival and in a small prospective, randomized, controlled
VTE frequencies as compared to unfractionated trial on brain and spinal trauma patients who were
heparin (Benjamin et al. 2017). treated with either intermittent graded pneumatic
There is no clear evidence indicating when it compression devices (60 patients) or LMWH (60
is safe to initiate LMWH treatment. Case studies patients). LMWH was administrated after a stable
suggest that LMWH prophylaxis should not be control CT within 24  h post trauma. There was
initiated before a 24-h control computed tomog- only one exacerbation of an epidural hematoma
raphy (CT) scan has been performed, demon- in each group (Kurtoglu et al. 2004). In a recent
strating no progression in existing hematomas systematic review of 21 studies, Margolick et al.
or new intracranial bleedings (Black et al. 1986; concluded that pharmacological prophylaxis
Gerlach et  al. 2003; Kleindienst et  al. 2003; started 24–48  h post trauma was safe in “low”-
Norwood et al. 2002). Later studies suggest start- hemorrhagic-risk TBIs with no expansion upon
ing LMWH between 24 and 72 hours (h) after the repeated CT scans (Margolick et al. 2018).
71  Prophylaxis Against Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) 511

The largest prospective study comes from half-life, and the option of better reversal with
Australia (Skrifvars et al. 2017), but is actually a protamine (Minshall et al. 2011). Dengler et al.
post hoc analysis of the erythropoietin in t­ raumatic retrospectively evaluated heparin and LMWH in
brain injury (EPO-TBI) trial that included twice- TBI patients and found no difference in DVT or
weekly lower limb ultrasound screening. VTE hemorrhage expansion using intracranial pres-
was defined as an ultrasound-proven proximal sure monitoring devices. In that study, heparin
DVT or a clinically detected PE. Of 603 patients, was not reserved for the more severe TBI cases
119 (19.7%) developed VTE, mostly compris- (Dengler et al. 2016).
ing DVT (102 patients, 16.9%) with a smaller In addition to the risks discussed above,
number of PE events (24 patients, 4.0%) even brain trauma patients can also develop an early
if mechanical and pharmacological prophylaxis acute coagulopathy of trauma shock (aCoTS)
were adopted in most cases. (Johansson et  al. 2011) or a later disseminated
However, a national UK survey among 62 intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC usually
neurosurgeons indicated a wide variation when occurs 6–72 hours’ post trauma (Mukhopadhyay
LMWHs were actually started in different types et al. 2013). Both aCoTS and DIC are strong pre-
of TBIs, with median LMWH initiation from 1 dictors of a poor outcome after TBI.
to 7 days after trauma (Jamjoom et  al. 2016). Coagulation monitoring in trauma has evolved
ICP monitoring with or without intraventricu- to involve tests like thromboelastography (TEG®/
lar drainage of hemorrhagic cerebrospinal fluid ROTEM®) and thrombin generation (TGA) to
(CSF) may also affect when LMWH treatment better reflect hypo- or hypercoagulation than
is started, sometimes first after catheter with- standard laboratory coagulation tests (Johansson
drawal. A recent retrospective study of 155 et  al. 2011; Miao et  al. 2017). A recent trauma
patients, however, indicated that both standard study reported that although TGA parameters
heparin and LMWH were safe to administer indicated hypercoagulable states, they did not
while using active invasive monitoring devices identify patients with DVT or PE (Voils et  al.
(Dengler et al. 2016). A concern is at withdrawal, 2016). Hincker et  al. identified a preoperative
when to optimally stop and when to readminister hypercoagulable ROTEM® both with thrombo-
LMWH. plastin reagent InTEM and tissue factor reagent
In complex multitrauma patients who survived ExTEM activated profiles (clot formation time
to ICU admission, prescreened for high VTE risk, (CFT), alpha angle (AA), and maximal clot for-
TBI did not further increase the risk for VTE, mation (MCF)) in 10 out of 333 noncardiac sur-
especially in patients receiving pharmacological gery patients who developed postoperative DVTs
and mechanical thromboprophylaxis (Valle et al. even after LMWH or heparin thromboprophy-
2014). Byrne et  al. found LMWH to be supe- laxis. There was no indication of this hyperco-
rior to heparin in preventing PE in patients after agulation in the activated partial thromboplastin
major trauma. Their propensity-matched analysis time (aPTT), protrombin time (PT), or platelet
included 153,474 patients. The matched results count analyses (Hincker et  al. 2014). In TBI
were 1.4% PE in patients receiving LMWH patients and other trauma patients, alcohol can
and 2.4% PE in the group that received heparin induce a hypocoagulable thromboelastographic
(Byrne et al. 2017). profile in the initial trauma setting, possibly
Minshall et al. compared the safety and effi- explaining the DVT-reducing effect of alcohol
cacy of heparin with the LMWH enoxaparin (Cook et al. 2015).
and found that patients who received LMWH There are several types of LMWHs. They
after TBI had fewer complications. However, all inhibit the common coagulation pathway by
patients receiving heparin had more severe indirectly inhibiting factor Xa (fXa) and directly
TBIs, suggesting that heparin was favored by inhibiting factor IIa (fIIa) to varying extents
the physicians treating those patients, perhaps as described by each type’s anti-fXa/anti-fIIa
due to better monitoring capabilities, a shorter ratio. The current gold standard for monitoring
512 U. Schott and M. Z. Steiness

LMWH treatment measures the anti-fXa activ- hemorrhagic patterns. Still, there are many issues
ity in a patient’s plasma. However, this method remaining to optimize its efficiency and safety
neglects its anti-fIIa effect. TGA reflects the (Shen et al. 2015; Carney et al. 2017). Vena cava
LMWH ­inhibition of both fXa and fIIa, poten- filters are also an option in many trauma centers,
tially providing a better analysis that describes especially in multitrauma patients with lower
the full effect of the LMWH (Thomas et  al. limb, pelvic, and spinal fractures together with
2015). Usually thromboprophylactic doses of TBI (Jeremitsky et al. 2013).
LMWH do not need laboratory monitoring other
than platelet count to detect heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia. Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Also, the LMWH enoxaparin is primarily • Today we have no optimal laboratory
eliminated through the kidneys, making renal technique to monitor various anticoagu-
insufficiency an important factor for potential lants or thromboprophylactic drugs.
accumulation and thereby increased bleeding • There is a thin balance between aggra-
risk. Body weight (BW) is also known to affect vating TBI haemorrage with too early
the enoxaparin dose response (Costantini et  al. pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis and
2013), with low BW posing a risk of overdose increasing risk for thromboembolism by
and high BW leading to potentially insufficient delaying it.
thromboprophylaxis under the standard dose • Clinical judgement and evaluation from
regimes. Individual differences in bleeding risk repetitive CT scans during the first 2–5
and dose response to LMWH further compli- (or longer) days is the mainstay.
cate this issue. LMWHs are generally adminis- • Calf compression and then starting with
tered by a subcutaneous injection once a day and low dose LMWH thromboprophylaxis
exhibit peak and trough effects during treatment. after 2–4 days if the TBI induced haem-
The LMWH anti-fIIa effect can be reversed with orrhage seems to be stabilised is recom-
protamine more or less depending on the spe- mended by most guidelines.
cific type of LMWH’s anti-fXa/anti-fIIa ratio • High alert to stop LMWH if haemor-
(Thomas et al. 2015). rhage is expanded – protamin can revert
Finally, recent guidelines from Neurocritical some of its effect depending on the anti-
Care Society (NCS) and Society of Critical Care Xa/anti-Iia ratio of the specific LMWH.
Medicine (SCCM) recommend to start LMWH in • LMWH should be stopped 12 h before
patients with stable hematomas and no ongoing manipulation or withdrawal of intrace-
coagulopathy within 48  h after hospital admis- rebral pressure monitoring/ventricular
sion together with mechanical devices (Nyquist drainage catheters.
et al. 2016). This strategy is also recommended • Simultaneous DIC, thrombocytopenia
by the updated TBI guidelines from the UK Brain should be resolved/treated before con-
Trauma Foundation (Carney et  al. 2017). They sidering LMWH.
consider that the benefits outweigh the risks—
the survey referred to above indicates however
that these guidelines are not followed (Jamjoom
et al. 2016). A concern is the severity of the TBI References
and the risk for a progressive hemorrhagic injury
(PHI). A risk score to predict PHI has been sug- Agnelli G, Piovella F, Buoncristiani P, et al. Enoxaparin
gested and might increase the safety of LMWH plus compression stocking compared with compres-
administration after TBI (Yuan et al. 2012). The sion stocking alone in the prevention of venous throm-
boembolism after elective neurosurgery. N Engl J
systematic review by Shen et  al. (2015) con- Med. 1998;339:80–5.
cludes that LMWH thromboprophylaxis appears Benjamin E, Recinos G, Aiolfi A, et al. Pharmacological
to be safe among TBI patients with stabilized thromboembolic prophylaxis in traumatic brain
71  Prophylaxis Against Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) 513

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Coagulopathy (Bleeding
Tendency) 72
Bo-Michael Bellander,
Alexander Fletcher-­Sandersjöö,
and Martin Engström

Recommendations Level III

Tranexamic acid should be administered within 3 Routine clinical practice includes early and repeated
hours to patients with multitrauma that includes monitoring of coagulation, using a traditional labora-
head injury (CRASH-2 collaborators, 2011), and tory determination including prothrombin time (PT),
considered for patients with isolated TBI as well activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) platelet
(The CRASH-3 collaborators 2019). counts, and fibrinogen and/or a viscoelastic method.
Despite weak scientific evidence, platelet
Level I transfusion is recommended to maintain a plate-
let count above 50 × 109/L and, in case of ongo-
The addition of TBI to hemorrhagic shock is ing bleeding, above 100 × 109/L.
associated with worsened coagulopathy and
increased mortality (Galvagno et al. 2017).
Tranexamic acid administered within 3 hours Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
after trauma improves outcome in patients suffer- • Ensure access to early and repeated
ing from major multitrauma (CRASH 2, 2011). monitoring of coagulation status and
Tranexamic acid administered within 3 hours after platelet function.
trauma reduces head injury-related death in patients • Multitrauma and isolated TBI patients
suffering from isolated TBI (CRASH 3, 2019). behave differently.
• Ensure that a protocol is established for
Level II massive transfusion practice and treat-
ment of patients with anticoagulants and
Normalization of INR is associated with antiplatelet agents.
improved mortality in patients with acute trau- • Thromboembolic prophylaxis should be
matic coagulopathy and isolated TBI. instituted early in patients with TBI.

B.-M. Bellander (*) A. Fletcher-Sandersjöö

Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Hospital, Solna, Sweden
Department of Neurosurgery, M. Engström
Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Health Care, Region Halland,
Stockholm, Sweden Halmstad, Sweden
e-mail: e-mail:

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 515

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
516 B.-M. Bellander et al.

72.1 Introduction: TBI extensive thromboembolic complications occur

and Bleeding in 6–13% of patients after TBI (Narayan et  al.
2008a, b). In a study analyzing the presence of
Approximately 30–50% of patients suffering secondary peaks of the biomarker S100B, nearly
from cerebral contusions present hemorrhagic 30% of patients with TBI developed intrace-
progression on the second CT scan after admis- rebral thromboembolic complications (Thelin
sion to the hospital (Beaumont and Gennarelli et al. 2014). Thus, it is important to monitor the
2006; Juratli et al. 2014; Alahmadi et al. 2010; temporal changes between hemorrhagic diathe-
Narayan et  al. 2008a). Hematoma progression sis and thromboembolism in patients suffering
after TBI has also been shown for epidural hema- from TBI.
tomas (EDH) (Zangbar et  al. 2016), traumatic
subarachnoid hemorrhage (trSAH) (Chieregato
et  al. 2005), and acute subdural hematomas 72.2 Who Is Going to Bleed?
(acSDH) (Oertel et al. 2002; Asan 2018). In fact,
progressive intracranial bleeding is among the Considering the adverse effects associated with
leading causes of preventable death following hemorrhage progression following TBI, iden-
TBI (McCully and Schreiber 2013; Wafaisade tifying patients prone to bleeding is crucial.
et al. 2010; Talving et al. 2009). Acute traumatic Risk factors for hemorrhagic progression fol-
coagulopathy (ATC) is common following trau- lowing isolated TBI have been identified in the
matic brain injury (TBI) (Kumar 2013). It has literature and thoroughly presented in a recent
been shown to increase the risk for hemorrhagic review (Maegele et  al. 2017) (Table  72.1). In
progression (Stein et  al. 1992) and is an inde- general, increased risk is associated with old
pendent predictor of complications (Stein et al. age, more severe injury, and shock (Alahmadi
2002) and poor outcome, following TBI (Juratli et al. 2010; Chieregato et al. 2005; Oertel et al.
et al. 2014; Murray et al. 2007; Selladurai et al. 2002; Wafaisade et al. 2010; Talving et al. 2009;
1997; Harhangi et al. 2008). In addition to ATC, Maegele et al. 2017; Epstein et al. 2015; Chang
patients suffering from TBI are getting older et  al. 2006), and laboratory findings may fur-
(Roozenbeek et  al. 2013). Thus, the amount of ther strengthen the predicted risk (Juratli et  al.
TBI patients on anticoagulant and antiplatelet 2014; Maegele et  al. 2017; Karri et  al. 2017;
drugs (Siracuse et  al. 2010) has increased with Lustenberger et al. 2010).
an associated increased risk for hemorrhagic It is important to note that the definition of ATC
progression. varies between different publications (Epstein
Hemorrhagic progress occurs even when con- et  al. 2014). The international normalized ratio,
ventional coagulation measurements are normal INR, ≥1.3 appears to be one of the most preva-
(Allard et al. 2009). This has led to the adoption lent definitions, although it only measures “the
of complementary tests, for example, analysis extrinsic pathway” of the coagulation cascade.
methods to measure platelet function (Nekludov By adding APT time also, the intrinsic pathway
et  al. 2007a). Still the development of new bio- of the coagulation pathway will be covered. If
markers and laboratory tests are needed to support the patient exhibits a pathological level of INR,
future preventive measures and targeted therapies. APT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin) time, or
Posttraumatic bleeding, due to torn arteries platelet count, the risk for hemorrhagic progres-
and/or veins, that can be surgically controlled, sion increases up to 85% (Stein et al. 1992).
differs from coagulopathic bleeding with its The development of platelet dysfunction that
inability to form clots at the capillary bed and develops following TBI despite the absence of
subsequent diffuse bleeding and is not covered ongoing antiplatelet medication leads to a subse-
in this chapter. quent increased risk for hemorrhage.
In contrast to increased bleeding, thrombo- Hyperfibrinolytic activity (Cotton et  al.
embolic complications also follow TBI.  More 2012) and a high FDP/fibrinogen ratio (Lee
72  Coagulopathy (Bleeding Tendency) 517

Table 72.1  Risk factors for progressive hemorrhage several different factors, including consumption
Clinical risk factors Laboratory risk factors coagulopathy, inhibition of coagulation, fibrino-
Age ≥50 years and 75 years B-glucose >8 mmol/L lysis, platelet dysfunction (Laroche et al. 2012),
Male sex (Oertel et al. 2002) Base deficit >6 mmol/L and injuries to the neurovascular unit (Simard
GCS ≤8 before intubation Hb <124 g/L et  al. 2012). Below, we present the most stud-
Worsened GCS between CT Tissue plasminogen ied mechanisms behind coagulopathy in patients
1 and 2 (Chang et al. 2006) activators (tPA) ↑
with TBI.
Pathological pupil reaction D-Dimer ↑
CT findings showing Thrombocytopenia
 – trSAH 72.3.1 Consumption Coagulopathy
 – acSDH (Chang et al.
2006) Consumption of coagulation factors and iatro-
 – Edema genic hemodilution from fluid therapy following
 – Midline shift
general trauma may severely impair the ability to
 – Initial size of ICH
(Chang et al. 2006) hemostasis after severe bleeding following multi-
 – Effacement of basal trauma (Armand and Hess 2003). Tissue hypoper-
cisterns (Chang et al. fusion, defined as arterial blood gas (ABG) base
2006) deficit (BD) >6 mmol/L, in combination with the
ISS ≥16 Thrombocyte TBI is necessary to create coagulopathy (Brohi
et  al. 2007; Cohen et  al. 2007). Hypoperfusion
SAP ≤90 mmHg Fibrinogen ↓
Shock index (=HR/SAP) FDP (Fibrin
has been suggested to initiate coagulopathy by
≥1 Degradation Product)/ activating protein C (Cohen et  al. 2007), prob-
fibrinogen ratio ↑ ably with a subsequent inhibition of coagulation
Iv fluids <2 L prehospital INR ≥1.3 factors Va and VIIIa (Rittirsch et al. 2008).
Time from trauma and first APT time (Oertel et al.
CT scan (Oertel et al. 2002) 2002)
Two of the following: age
>50, SI ≥1, and abnormal
72.3.2 Drug-Induced Coagulopathy
pupil reaction Anticoagulants
Warfarin induces an anticoagulant effect by
et al. 2018) are correlated to outcome. Depletion blocking the vitamin K cycle. Vitamin K is nec-
of plasma levels of fibrinogen is an independent essary to complete the synthesis of coagulation
predictor for massive transfusion in the multi- factors II, VII, IX, and X in the liver. Ongoing
trauma patient (Nakamura et  al. 2017) and is warfarin treatment increases the risk for intra-
an important parameter to follow closely (See cranial bleeding (Alrajhi et al. 2015; Smits et al.
Table 72.1). 2007) and mortality (Siracuse et al. 2010; Franko
et  al. 2006; Batchelor and Grayson 2012). The
risk for a positive CT scan for TBI patients on
72.3 Why Do They Bleed? warfarin is approximately 5% in minimal TBI
(GCS 15) and 22% in mild TBI (GCS 14–15)
Approximately half of patients with traumatic (Alrajhi et al. 2015). The risk for delayed hem-
intracerebral contusions show hemorrhagic prog- orrhage 6–24 h after a negative first CT scan is
ress within the first 24 h (Narayan et al. 2008a). approximately 1% in these patients (Chauny
A primary CT scan performed early after injury et  al. 2016). Even non-anticoagulated patients
may of course increase the risk for hemorrhagic often present an increased INR at admission fol-
progression on the follow-up CT scan (Oertel lowing TBI.  Mortality decreases substantially,
et al. 2002), but is this not the only explanation. from 65–69% to 20–25%, if INR is normalized
This bleeding tendency appears to be due to following TBI (Epstein et  al. 2016). Warfarin
518 B.-M. Bellander et al.

can be reversed using prothrombin complex be beneficial in 26 of 31 patients suffering from

concentrate (PCC), aiming at a reduction of bleeding during factor X inhibition (Allison et al.
INR to <1.3 (Epstein et  al. 2015). To the best 2018) and is recommended by the European
of our k­ nowledge, there are no studies that have Heart Rhythm Association (Steffel et al. 2018).
assessed early prophylactic treatment with PCC
or FFP in patients taking warfarin and suffering Platelet Inhibitors
from minimal or mild TBI to prevent hemor- Platelet inhibitors are more common in the elderly
rhage. According to present recommendations at and also increase the risk of bleeding complica-
the Karolinska University Hospital, intracranial tions (Serebruany et  al. 2004). Acetylsalicylic
bleeding in patients taking warfarin should be acid irreversibly acetylates platelet cyclooxygen-
reversed with prothrombin complex concentrate ase by blocking thromboxane (Multiplate ASPI),
(PCC), which has a direct effect and a half-life thereby inhibiting the formation of prostaglan-
of 6–8 h, and vitamin K, which has its maximum din. Clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor block
effect after 6–12 h. the ADP P2Y12 receptor (Multiplate ADP). In
New oral anticoagulants (NOAC), such as patients on platelet inhibitors who suffer from
the reversible direct thrombin inhibitor dabi- mild TBI (GCS 13–15), approximately 9–13 %
gatran and the factor X inhibitors rivaroxaban, have an intracranial hemorrhage on their initial
apixaban, and edoxaban, seem to result in lower CT scan (Vedin et al. 2019; Moustafa et al. 2018;
mortality following TBI when compared to war- Uccella et al. 2018). Of note, patients on aspirin
farin (Maung et al. 2016). Initially, there were no had the highest hematoma rate, 35%, compared
available reversal agents for NOACs until idaru- to patients on clopidogrel, warfarin, dabigatran,
cizumab was introduced for dabigatran. Recently, rivaroxaban, or apixaban in a blended TBI cohort
a reversal agent for rivaroxaban and apixaban, of 1847 patients (Kobayashi et al. 2017).
named Andexanet alfa (Connolly et  al. 2019), In TBI patients on platelet inhibitors, aspirin,
has been approved by the FDA and is on inquiry clopidogrel, or both, a platelet count of less than
in the EU (Burnett et  al. 2017). An updated 135  ×  109/L has been predictive of both radio-
expert consensus decision pathway on manage- graphic and clinical deterioration (Joseph et  al.
ment of bleeding in patients on oral anticoagu- 2014). Inhibiting this by platelet transfusion has
lant was published by the American College of limited effect as the platelet inhibitors will have
Cardiology (Tomaselli et  al. 2017). The use of the same effect on the transfused platelets as on
anticoagulants is included in the Scandinavian the patient’s own platelets as long as there is a
guidelines as a risk factor for the development significant circulating concentration of the agent
of intracranial hemorrhage (Unden et  al. 2013). (Makris et al. 2013). When assessing the timing of
According to present recommendations at the platelet transfusions in patients on platelet inhibi-
Karolinska University Hospital, patients on tors with traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, a
NOAC who suffer from minor TBI (GCS 15) 9.5% progression in hemorrhage size was found.
with normal CT scans should still be admitted for When adding the presence of subdural hematoma
observation and their anticoagulation temporar- and lower admission Glasgow coma score, pre-
ily paused. Patients with mild to severe TBI, or dictors of hemorrhage progression, to a logistic
with intracranial hemorrhage on their CT scan, regression analysis, there remained no signifi-
should be administered a reversal agent (if pos- cant difference in minutes to platelet transfusion
sible) and have the plasma concentration of the (Pandya et al. 2018). A slight increased mortality
NOAC measured. For dabigatran, the half-life of for TBI patients on antiplatelet medication has
the reversal agent is shorter than that for the anti- also been presented in a meta-­analysis (Batchelor
coagulant; thus a new dose might be necessary and Grayson 2013), but the literature is limited
8–12 h later. For patients where no reversal agent concerning this issue (Beynon et  al. 2012), and
exists, four units of factor PCC 20–30 U/kg BW the increased mortality has also been suggested
should be administered. PCC has been shown to to be associated with the severity of pre-existing
72  Coagulopathy (Bleeding Tendency) 519

conditions rather than the ­antiplatelet medica- believed to be most important for ADP. The test
tions itself (Sumiyoshi et al. 2017). is insensitive to ASA and NSAIDs.
The thrombin receptor activating peptide
(TRAP) test reagent consists of a thrombin
72.3.3 Thrombocytopenia receptor activating peptide (TRAP-6) which is a
and Platelet Dysfunction platelet activator that stimulates platelet aggrega-
tion via the thrombin receptors. The test reacts to
Thrombocytopenia is associated with progres- drugs that are GpIIb/IIIa antagonists. The TRAP
sive bleeding (Engström et  al. 2005; Carrick reaction is inhibited by abciximab (ReoPro) and
et  al. 2005) and affects outcome negatively tirofiban (Aggrastat) with little or no inhibition of
(Juratli et  al. 2014). In 310 patients with blunt ASA or clopidogrel.
severe TBI, a platelet count of <100 × 109/L has Early platelet dysfunction, assessed by using
been associated with a ninefold adjusted risk of TEG-PM, is prevalent after severe TBI and
death, and a platelet count of <175 × 109/L has correlates with mortality (Davis et  al. 2013;
been identified as a significant predictor of hem- Kutcher et  al. 2012). Patients not on antiplate-
orrhagic progression (Schnuriger et al. 2010). let treatment suffering from TBI and presenting
In addition to platelet inhibitors, platelet dys- a low responsiveness to arachidonic acid (AA),
function can be initiated by the trauma per se and using TEG-PM, at admittance to the hospital
plays a role in bleeding progression (Wohlauer were likely to develop bleeding complications
et al. 2012). A normal platelet count does not tell later (Nekludov et  al. 2007a). Similar findings
us anything about platelet function, and coagula- have been shown concerning the ADP-receptor
tion disturbances may occur even when standard response after TBI compared to uninjured con-
parameters for coagulation are normal (Allard trols (Castellino et al. 2014). Thus, analyzing the
et al. 2009). Platelet dysfunction can be revealed thrombocyte function might increase the chance
using multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA; to identify potential progressive bleeders after
e.g. Multiplate®, thromboelastography with TBI (Gozal et al. 2017).
platelet mapping (TEG-PM), etc.), which can In a retrospective analysis of 178 TBI patients,
detect platelet responsiveness. By using MEA the treated at a NICU, MEA analysis showed that
receptor function on the platelets can be assessed ASPI levels were low after TBI and increased
and used to evaluate clotting performance fol- in a time-dependent fashion. Patients on cyclo-
lowing TBI, even in patients without known anti- oxygenase (COX) inhibitors demonstrated lower
platelet therapies. ASPI levels than non-treated patients. Platelet
The ASPI-test reagent consists of arachidonic transfusion increased the ASPI levels. In uni-
acid which is the substrate for the enzyme cyclo- variate analysis, the initial ASPI and TRAP
oxygenase in the platelets. Cyclooxygenase con- values were significant predictors of outcome,
verts arachidonic acid to thromboxane A2 which but not of lesion progression. The findings were
is a potent platelet activator. When cyclooxygen- though not confirmed in multivariable analysis
ase is blocked, the formation of thromboxane (Lindblad et al. 2018) which might be explained
A2 is inhibited and no or little platelet activa- by the retrospective nature of the study and by
tion can occur. This test is primarily sensitive to the plethora of different treatments the patients
acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and nonsteroid anti-­ were exposed to.
inflammatory drugs (NSAID).
The Multiplate’s adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) test reagent consists of ADP which acti- 72.3.4 Fibrinolysis
vates platelets via the ADP receptor. The test is
sensitive to drugs such as clopidogrel, prasugrel, Primary fibrinolysis is an important part of acute
and ticagrelor. These drugs have a mechanism coagulopathy after trauma (Kashuk et  al. 2010).
of action through the P2Y12 receptor, which is Approximately 2–10% of patients admitted due
520 B.-M. Bellander et al.

to general trauma suffer from severe hyperfibri- affected by a traumatic contusion can be defined
nolysis, defined as lysis index >3% after 30  min as the contusion, penumbra and para-penumbra.
(LI30) in rotation thromboelastometry (ROTEM) The contusion itself is where tissue and microves-
analysis, which has been correlated to progressive sels are disrupted with an immediate hemorrhage
bleeding (Karri et al. 2017), increased injury sever- at impact. Outside the contusion lies the penum-
ity, increased number of transfusions, longer venti- bra, were the energy does not shear microvessels
lator treatment, longer in-hospital stay, and higher immediately, but instead activates molecular pro-
mortality (Cotton et al. 2012; Cardenas et al. 2014). cesses initiating events that will lead to micro-
Physiological fibrinolysis following gen- vascular disruption and delayed progressive
eral trauma is defined as LI30 0.8–3% using hemorrhage (Simard et  al. 2009). Outside the
ROTEM.  Fibrinolysis shutdown (Moore et  al. penumbra lies the para-penumbra, where the
2016) has been proposed as another pathological transmitted energy at impact is not enough to cre-
event after general trauma. While hyperfibrinoly- ate delayed vascular impairment, but may initiate
sis is defined as LI30 >3% in ROTEM analysis, other pathophysiological events such as apoptosis
fibrinolysis shutdown is defined as LI30 <0.8%. It (Patel et  al. 2010). The SURF-receptor blocker
mainly affects males of older age with lower num- glibenclamide has been suggested as a possible
ber of thrombocytes. Both hyperfibrinolysis and treatment targeting the penumbra zone and has
fibrinolysis shutdown have been shown to corre- been shown to significantly lower the expansion
late to mortality (Moore et al. 2016). A relation- of cerebral contusions on CT scans (Khalili et al.
ship between fibrinolysis in multitrauma patients 2017). Glibenclamide inhibits the sulfonylurea
with severe TBI and subsequent progressive receptor 1 (Sur1)-regulated NC(Ca-ATP) channel
hemorrhage has been shown (Karri et al. 2017). which is upregulated in cells of the neurovascular
Patients suffering from isolated TBI that develops unit after traumatic brain injury. The channel has
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in been connected to edema formation and delayed
combination with hyperfibrinolysis show a signif- secondary hemorrhage (Simard et al. 2012).
icant higher mortality compared to patients with Other mechanisms may include complement
DIC without hyperfibrinolysis (58.9% and 10.7%, activation where the terminal membrane attack
respectively) (Wada et al. 2017). complex has been shown to attack neurons in the
border zone after TBI (Bellander et al. 2001) but
also lead to disintegration of the blood-brain bar-
72.3.5 Injury to the Neurovascular rier (Stahel et al. 2001).
Unit: Microvascular Failure

The hemorrhagic progression of contusions may 72.3.6 General Trauma Versus

continue for hours or even days after admission Isolated TBI
to hospital, thoroughly reviewed by Kurland and
co-workers (Kurland et  al. 2012) who stressed It has been suggested that the mechanism of
the hypothesis that the progression is not only trauma-induced coagulopathy and platelet dys-
the result from coagulopathy but also involves a function following isolated TBI differs from
delayed, progressive microvascular failure initi- general (extracranial) trauma. In isolated TBI,
ated by the impact. Even if coagulopathy after there is less blood loss and thus less shock.
TBI presents a risk for poor outcome, Kurland Moreover, the brain parenchyma contains more
and co-workers state that the literature does not tissue factor (TF) than other organs (Mackman
support a simple causative relationship between 2009), and the disintegrated blood-brain barrier
coagulopathy and progressive delayed hemor- may allow for interactions between circulating
rhage (Kurland et al. 2012). plasma proteins and the brain parenchyma after
Microvessels may be fractured immediately at TBI (Chang et  al. 2016). Patients with pen-
impact, but also hours or days later. The zones etrating TBI also appear to be more coagulo-
72  Coagulopathy (Bleeding Tendency) 521

pathic than patients with blunt TBI (Folkerson Platelet-derived microparticles exposing
et al. 2018). p-selectin, and endothelial microparticles expos-
In general trauma, bleeding-induced shock, ing tissue factor, have presented a significantly
generation of thrombin-thrombomodulin com- increased transcranial gradient (cerebrove-
plex (which inhibits both thrombin-catalyzed nous > arterial) in patients suffering from severe
fibrin formation and factor V activation), and TBI. This indicates that the microparticles gener-
activation of coagulant and fibrinolytic pathways ated in the injured brain lead to a similar systemic
have been recognized as conditions explaining coagulative response as seen in multitrauma
early acute coagulopathy (Rossaint et al. 2016), (Nekludov et al. 2014).
further exacerbated by hemodilution due to The presence of MP from platelets, endo-
resuscitation (Chang et al. 2016), consumption of thelial cells, and astrocytes released after
coagulation factors, hypothermia, hypoperfusion-­ trauma can be analyzed using flow cytometry
induced metabolic acidosis, and inflammation (Nekludov et  al. 2017). They reflect patho-
(Floccard et al. 2012). logical changes in the damaged brain, but also
A post hoc analysis from the Pragmatic, function as a link between the coagulation and
Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios complement system.
(PROPPR) trial (Holcomb et al. 2015) found that Thus, it is important to monitor the temporal
patients with TBI in combination with hemor- course of this complicated chain of events, to sup-
rhagic shock showed higher serum lactate, higher port the physician’s decision-making concerning
activated prothrombin times, and lower plate- future therapeutical interventions.
let counts compared to patients with isolated
TBI.  Mortality 30 days after injury was higher
in the group of isolated TBI and in the group 72.4 Preventive Measures
with TBI and hemorrhagic shock, compared to and Therapy
the group with only hemorrhagic shock and the
group of patients without TBI and hemorrhagic Considering the detrimental effects associ-
shock. An adjusted odds of death were 8–11 ated with coagulopathy and TBI, treatment
times higher in the groups with TBI (Galvagno of coagulopathy should start as early as pos-
et al. 2017). sible (Rossaint et  al. 2016). Correction of
TBI alone has been shown to induce profound INR, medically or spontaneously, decreases
platelet dysfunction (Castellino et al. 2014). The mortality significantly, from 65–70% down
increased number of circulating microparticles, to 20–25% (Epstein et  al. 2016). The use of
exclusive for TBI (Nekludov et  al. 2014), has plasma and platelets concentrates, as well as
been associated with outcome (Morel et al. 2008). different recombinant coagulation factors and
Microparticles (MP) are small particles emanat- hemostatic drugs like tranexamic acid and
ing from different cell types, including activated desmopressin, is part of the neurosurgeon’s
platelets and endothelial cells, as well as astro- armament, but the subsequent effects on
cytes. They carry the same receptors on the cell outcome are debatable. The reasons for this
surface as the parent cells, and they can promote might be patient heterogeneity and inexact
a physiological response, such as initiating neu- outcome measures, which are general prob-
roinflammation and activating coagulation, by lems in performed randomized clinical trials
expressing various types of proinflammatory or concerning TBI (Bullock et  al. 2002). Thus,
procoagulative markers. Circulating MP is part there are today no specific guidelines for the
of the biological response after TBI. treatment of coagulopathy following isolated
In TBI, brain-derived microparticles have TBI and why treatments generally are fol-
been shown to act as disseminating factors lead- lowing those for general trauma, including
ing to consumption coagulopathy in mice (Tian massive transfusion protocols and the use of
et al. 2015). viscoelastic assays.
522 B.-M. Bellander et al.

72.5 Protocol for Massive severe bleeding, the protocol for massive transfu-
Transfusion sion should be followed.

Blood Sampling
• Blood type grouping and base test 72.5.2 Local Procoagulants
• APTT, PK (INR), TPK, and fibrinogen
• Arterial blood gas analysis (Hb, pH, Ca2+) During surgery there are different local proco-
• Viscoelastic analysis, e.g., thromboelastog- agulant products that can be used.
raphy (TEG) or thromboelastometry Collagen-based agents, such as Avitene,
(ROTEM) which is an active absorbable collagen hemostat,
that accelerate clot formation.
modified from Karolinska Trauma Center Gelatin-based agents, e.g., Floseal, which is
a tissue glue consisting of gelatin and thrombin.
1. Transfuse erythrocyte concentrate, plasma,
The gelatin granules swell to produce a tampon-
and platelet concentrate as 4:4:1. ade effect, and when the blood meets the throm-
2. Fibrinogen concentrate 2–4 g i.v. bin, the high concentrations of human thrombin
3. Tranexamic acid 2 g i.v. convert fibrinogen into fibrin monomers, acceler-
4. Calcium glubionate 10  mL i.v. until serum ating clot formation, and a strong clot is formed.
level of free Ca2+ >1 mmol. Another gelatin-based resorbable hemo-
Treat acidosis (ABG repeatedly) and static is Spongostan, which may be dipped into
hypothermia. tranexamic acid to prevent local fibrinolysis.
6. Monitor coagulation using thromboelastome- Cellulose-based agents, e.g., Surgicel, which
try (ROTEM®). is a hemostatic agent made of an oxidized cel-
7. If need of transfusion exceeds one erythrocyte lulose polymer to control postsurgical bleeding.
concentrate/10  kg BW and hour despite Fibrin and synthetic glue, e.g., Tisseel,
abovementioned measures and adequate sur- which is a two-component tissue glue consist-
gical measures, consider recombinant FVIIa ing of fibrinogen, fibronectin, factor XIII, bovine
(NovoSeven®). Prior to administration of aprotinin and plasminogen, human thrombin, and
FVIIa, try fibrinogen 4  g  +  tranexamic acid calcium chloride dihydrate. The fibrin adhesion
2 g + 2 units of platelet concentrates. system initiates the final phase of physiological
blood coagulation and is possible to administer
Transfusion Targets as spray.
• Hb ≥100 g/L Another example is TachoSil, which consists
• Fibrinogen >2 g/L of a matrix including human fibrinogen and
• APT time: normal thrombin that can be used to cover the bleed-
• Free Ca2+ >1 mmol/L ing site
• TPK >100 × 109
• PK(INR) <1.3
• APT time: normalization 72.5.3 Coagulation Factors
• Body temp >36.5 °C
• pH >7.2 Prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) is
made up of blood clotting factors II, IX, and X,
and some versions also contain factor VII.  The
72.5.1 Ongoing Cerebral Bleeding risk for associated thromboembolic compli-
cations is (though not well studied) why the
If hemorrhagic diathesis is recognized, it is European Trauma Bleeding Guidelines pres-
important to promptly correct potential hypother- ently recommend PCC primarily for emergency
mia and acidosis. In a multitrauma situation with reversal of vitamin K antagonists and in patients
72  Coagulopathy (Bleeding Tendency) 523

where bleeding is evident due to a delayed ini- in mortality between transfused and not trans-
tiation of coagulation, assessed using visco- fused patients (Kumar et al. 2015).
elastic monitoring (Rossaint et  al. 2016). The Platelet transfusion has been shown to correct
use of recombinant coagulation factor VII is low TBI-induced platelet MEA values (Lindblad
only recommended if the traumatic coagulopa- et  al. 2018; Nekludov and Bellander 2008;
thy persists despite all other attempts to control Naidech et al. 2012).
bleeding (Rossaint et al. 2016). Massive transfusion with high platelet ratio
(platelets:RBC ≥1:2) was associated with F  resh Frozen Plasma (FFP) improved survival in massively transfused
and Cryoprecipitate trauma patients (Brasel et al. 2011), while plate-
Infusion of FFP in patients with severe head let transfusion to patients suffering from moder-
injury does not always appear to improve outcome ate thrombocytopenia, defined as platelet count
(Anglin et  al. 2013; Etemadrezaie et  al. 2007), 50–107 × 109/L, did not affect outcome (Anglin
despite for a subgroup of patients suffering from et al. 2013).
multifocal intracranial hemorrhage if the plasma Despite a weak scientific evidence, platelet
is administered early, within 4  h after trauma, transfusion is recommended to maintain a plate-
(Chang et  al. 2017) or in combination with red let count above 50 × 109/L and, in case of ongo-
blood cells and platelets (Chang et  al. 2017). ing bleeding, above 100 × 109/L (Rossaint et al.
FFP is recommended to maintain INR and APTT 2016).
<1.5 times normal control, and FFP or fibrinogen
concentrate in combination with red blood cell
transfusion is recommended when massive hem- 72.5.5 Fibrinogen
orrhage is expected (Rossaint et al. 2016).
Fibrinogen is the final component in the coagula-
tion cascade. In addition to its role in the coagu-
72.5.4 Platelet Transfusion lation system, fibrinogen also is a pleiotropic
protein with essential roles in inflammation and
Platelet transfusion is questioned due to its short tissue repair (Davalos and Akassoglou 2012). It
half-life and risk for transfusion complications is not detectable in normal brain tissue, but when
leading to a worse outcome when transfused BBB disintegrates, fibrinogen enters the CNS and
(Spiess 2010). The American Association of acts as a primary astrocyte activation signal, with
Blood Banks (AABB) performed a major review a subsequent deposition of inhibitory proteogly-
concerning platelet transfusion and was not able cans inducing glial scar formation (Schachtrup
to give any recommendation regarding platelet et al. 2010).
transfusion for patients receiving antiplatelet In multitrauma, plasma fibrinogen reaches crit-
therapy who suffer from an intracranial hemor- ical low levels at an early stage and is the primary
rhage. There are weak recommendations based coagulation factor deficiency during major bleed-
on low-quality evidence that platelet transfu- ing (Chambers et al. 2011). It is associated with
sion may benefit patients having elective central increased blood loss and transfusion requirements
venous catheter placement with a platelet count in trauma (Rourke et  al. 2012). In a retrospec-
less than 20 × 109 cells/L and for patients having tive analysis of 1266 multitrauma patients, a high
elective diagnostic lumbar puncture with a plate- FDP/fibrinogen ratio on arrival was shown as a
let count less than 50  ×  109  cells/L (Kaufman predictor of 28-day mortality (Lee et al. 2018). Its
et  al. 2015). Kumar performed a review on 11 role in bleeding control is pivotal, and it appears
papers including 1.300 patients suffering from reasonable to maintain plasma fibrinogen as early
intracranial hemorrhage, concerning prophylac- as possible. Even though fibrinogen in patients
tic platelet transfusion and found that the overall with isolated TBI is significantly higher than in
results did not indicate any significant difference trauma patients without TBI (Yuan et  al. 2016),
524 B.-M. Bellander et al.

it should not be overlooked. Administration of diac surgery, administration of desmopressin

fibrinogen concentrate effectively treats early reduced red cell transfusions, blood loss, and
and critical fibrinogen depletion (Schochl et  al. risk of reoperation due to bleeding (Desborough
2014) and is recommended when there is signifi- et  al. 2017a). However, in a recent Cochrane
cant bleeding with viscoelastic signs of fibrinogen report of randomized control trials including
dysfunction or plasma level of fibrinogen is less a total of 3874 patients receiving desmopres-
than 1.5–2.0 g/L (Rossaint et al. 2016). sin during surgery, the authors concluded that
the reduction in volume of red cells transfused
and total blood loss was small and clinically
72.5.6 Antifibrinolytic Treatment unimportant (Desborough et  al. 2017b). The
administration of platelets and desmopressin
Prospective randomized clinical trials using the to patients suffering blunt TBI is not associated
antifibrinolytic agent tranexamic acid (TXA) with a decreased risk for early radiographic
have shown improved outcome following general hemorrhage progression (Kim et al. 2015) and
trauma (The CRASH-2 collaborators, 2011; Cole is only recommended for patients treated with
et  al. 2015; Morrison et  al. 2012) even though platelet inhibiting drugs or with von Willebrand
contradictory findings have been reported (Valle disease (Rossaint et al. 2016).
et al. 2014; Harvin et al. 2015). Still, the European
Trauma Bleeding Guidelines recommend prehos-
pital use of TXA on patients suffering from major 72.6 Who Will Develop
multitrauma (grade 1B) within 3 h after trauma Thromboembolic
(Rossaint et al. 2016; Jokar et al. 2017). Complications?
The CRASH-3 randomized trial found that
early (< 3 h) administration of TXA was associated 72.6.1 Hypercoagulability
with a non-significant reduction of head injury-
related mortality in patients with isolated TBI (The Approximately 54% of patients not subjected to
CRASH- 3 collaborators, 2019). However, there prophylaxis against thromboembolism develop
was a significant reduction in head injury-related deep vein thrombosis (Geerts et  al. 1994). More
mortality when TXA was administered within 3 extensive thromboembolic complications occur
h to patients with mild-to-moderate TBI. Thus, after TBI in 6–13% of patients with TBI (Narayan
time and severity seemed to be key parameters et al. 2008a, b). However, microthrombosis can be
underlying these findings, with early administra- detected in most patients who have died as a result
tion decrease the extent of the bleeding before the of TBI (Stein et al. 2004). The number of micro-
hemorrhagic volume may become dangerous, and thrombi, or “shock bodies,” appears to increase dur-
late administration could be inadequate once a sig- ing the first 8–9 days after TBI (Huber et al. 1993;
nificant hemorrhage has accumulated. There has Lafuente and Cervos-Navarro 1999). Furthermore,
also been some debate regarding the use of “head nearly 40% of patients suffering from TBI presents
injury-related mortality” as the primary outcome secondary peaks in the serum levels of the bio-
variable, as oppose to “all-cause mortality” which marker S100B during their NICU stay. The major-
was used in CRASH 2 study. Based on this trial, ity of these secondary peaks corresponds to CT- or
many argue that there is enough evidence to sup- MRI-verified ischemia or cerebral infarcts within
port early TXA in moderate-to-mild TBI, while it the first 3 weeks after admission (Thelin et  al.
is too scarce to support its use in severe TBI. 2014). The cause of this is unclear, but hyperco-
agulability may be one explanation, and if so, these
findings indicate that thromboembolic complica-
72.5.7 Desmopressin tions following TBI might be even more common
than previously known. The brain is a rich source
In a retrospective meta-analysis including 596 of tissue factor (Keimowitz and Annis 1973) which
patients with platelet dysfunction during car- may stimulate the development of intravascular
72  Coagulopathy (Bleeding Tendency) 525

coagulation in the brain. TBI patients show increas- aggregation and release of serotonin is signifi-
ing changes in thromboelastography indicating an cantly increased if complement is present (Polley
increasing hypercoagulability over the days after and Nachman 1978). Complement activation can
the initial TBI (Massaro et al. 2015). A maladaptive thus be an explanation for changes in platelet
protein C response to trauma and hypoperfusion has reactivity after TBI.
been suggested to cause an immediate coagulopa-
thy followed by a chronic susceptibility to thrombo-
embolic events (Lustenberger et al. 2010; Laroche 72.7 Specific Pediatric Concerns
et al. 2012). The complement activation elicited by
the TBI (Bellander et al. 2001) interferes with the Massive bleeding is less common after pediatric
coagulation system on several levels (Ekdahl et al. trauma.
2016) and may contribute to the coagulopathy after Age-related changes in the coagulation sys-
TBI (Nekludov et al. 2007b). tem occur during the first months after birth.
The reference intervals for prothrombin time,
activated partial thromboplastin time APTT, and
72.6.2 Inflammation fibrinogen are similar to adults, while many other
assays may differ (Christiaans et al. 2014).
Interaction between the complement, coagu-
lation, and kallikrein/kinin systems is well
described (Ekdahl et al. 2016). The complement 72.8 Conclusions
system, which is a phylogenetically old part of
our innate immune system, is activated by the TBI Post-traumatic coagulopathy and hypercoagu-
(Bellander et  al. 1996, 2001). The anaphylactic lopathy are important players in the development
toxin C5a, which is formed during complement of secondary injuries after traumatic brain injury.
activation, is one of the most potent inflammatory The intricate interaction between the different
mediators capable of stimulating chemotaxis of biochemical cascades and the temporal course is
inflammatory cells to the lesion area. The finally important to identify and understand. We need to
assembled terminal membrane complex C5b-9 be able to define what targeted treatments should
(membrane attack complex; MAC) has cyto- be instituted to each individual patient and at
lytic capability which, attach to neurons in the what time point to minimize these devastating
peripheral zone of cerebral contusions, creating effects and improve patient outcome.
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Jens Jakob Riis

Recommendations or adverse effect in using low to moderate doses

of corticosteroids in brain trauma patients.
Level I The previously recommended high-dose
methylprednisolone to patients with trauma-­
Administration of high-dose corticosteroids in induced spinal transection has now been aban-
brain trauma patients is harmful with significant doned for some years in many Nordic trauma
side effects and should not be used. centres because of the following:

Level II 1 . Lack of evidence for beneficial effect

2. Harmful effect on brain trauma patients with
Data are insufficient to support Level II recom- spinal cord injuries
mendations on this topic. 3. Significant side effects such as hyperglycae-
mia, gastric ulcers/bleeding, increased risk of
Level III infection, psychosis and impaired wound
Data are insufficient to support Level III recom-
mendations on this topic. Cerebral oedema caused by head trauma can
be seen as an isolated phenomenon or can be seen
after removal of an acute subdural haematoma. In
73.1 Overview brain trauma, the cerebral oedema is a mixture of
vasogenic and cytotoxic oedema (Papadopoulos
Because no studies have shown benefit in using et  al. 2004). Today, it has not been proven that
steroids in brain trauma, the use of corticoste- corticosteroids to brain trauma patients have the
roids has for long been controversial and there- same beneficial effect as it has in patients with
fore been questioned. The randomised CRASH brain tumours and meningitis. Administration of
study showed that mortality was increased in corticosteroids in order to decrease traumatically
patients receiving very high doses of steroids. No induced oedema, e.g. around cerebral contusions,
consensus exists, however, regarding the benefits has not been widespread due to lack of evidence.
Serious side effects in brain injured patients are
J. J. Riis (*) probably another explanation.
Department of Neurosurgery, Aalborg University The purpose of using corticosteroids in brain
Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark trauma patients has been targeting the oedema

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 533

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
534 J. J. Riis

surrounding, e.g. contusions and the general both moderately injured patients and more
cerebral oedema and inflammation arising after severely injured patients—all included patients
the insult (Dearden et  al. 1986; Giannotti et  al. had a GCS of 14 or less. Ten thousand and eight
1984; Kamano 2000; Rabinstein 2006). patients had been included when the study was
As shown by Audibert et  al. (2009) and closed. The relative risk (RR) for death for all
Ginsbury and Busto (2003), hyperpyrexia is neg- causes was 1.18 (95% CI; 1.09–1.27; p = 0.001).
atively influencing prognosis in traumatic brain There was no increase in complications (infec-
injury. A moderate single dose of corticosteroid tions, gastric bleedings, etc.) in the groups allo-
has also been used in head trauma patients with cated to corticosteroids, which is contrary to the
very high fever (Grände 2006). findings in the Cochrane review mentioned ear-
lier (Alderson and Roberts 2005). The reason
for the increased mortality has never been eluci-
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls dated, but the irrelevantly very high doses of
• Avoid using corticosteroids in brain methylprednisolone used may have affected
trauma patients, especially in high outcome negatively (Roberts et al. 2004).
doses. Because of that, corticoids are no longer given
routinely to brain trauma patients. Since the last
edition of this book, no new scientific evidence
has emerged that contradicts this practice,
73.2 Background although some authors have emphasised that
low-dose corticosteroids may be used under spe-
A systematic review in British Medical Journal cific circumstances (Grände 2006; Giannotti
by Alderson and Roberts (1997) suggested that et  al. 1984; Kamano 2000). In a recent study
the mortality in brain trauma patients was reduced (Huijben et al. 2018), corticosteroids were used
with approx. 1–2% if given corticosteroids. Two very infrequently and for targeting vasopressor-­
thousand patients were included in this study that resistant hypotension and sepsis.
encouraged the use of corticosteroids. The above-mentioned Cochrane review
Corticosteroids to patients with brain tumours (Alderson and Roberts 2005) states that “the larg-
with peritumoural oedema is a well-established est trial with about 80% of all randomised partici-
routine, and the effect is significant, e.g. on hemi- pants found a significant increase in the risk ratio
paresis. The tumour-induced oedema is thought of death with steroids of 1.15 (95% CI 1.07–1.24)
to be secondary to disrupted BBB, and the mech- and a relative risk of severe disability of 1.05
anism of action by corticosteroids is supposed to (95%; CI 0.99–1.07).
be decreasing the permeability of tight junctions The risk of GI bleeding, hyperglycaemia and
and stabilising the damaged BBB (Raslan and infection was also increased. This is of special
Bhardwaj 2007; Sinha et al. 2004). concern because hyperglycaemia is hazardous in
The randomised CRASH study (Roberts patients with cerebral contusions. The impor-
et al. 2004) has become a cornerstone regarding tance of keeping blood sugar within normal range
the use of corticosteroids in brain trauma. It was in patients with brain trauma has been empha-
supposed to include 2000 patients, but the inclu- sised in many trials (Jeremitsky et al. 2005; Laird
sion was terminated prematurely because an and Miller 2004; Rovlias and Kotsou 2000; Salim
interim analysis showed that 21% of patients et al. 2009; Yag et al. 1989).
given corticosteroids were dead within 2 weeks So far, the use of corticosteroids has also been
compared to 18% in the group given placebo. directed against the inflammatory response after
The patients received either a bolus dose of 2 g head injury, but the exact role of inflammatory
of methylprednisolone within 8 h after the head mediators in brain trauma is not fully elucidated
injury, and afterwards 0.4 g/h for the next 48 h, and the use of corticosteroids in this setting is not
or an infusion of placebo. The study included justified.
73 Corticosteroids 535

Overall, there is no evidence that administra- Grände PO. The “Lund concept” for the treatment of severe
head trauma– physiological principles and clinical
tion of (high-dose) corticosteroids in traumatic applications. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32:1475–84.
brain injury has any beneficial effect on survival Huijben JA, et  al. Variation in general supportive and
or long-term outcome; actually Level 1 evidence preventive intensive care management of traumatic
states that administration of very-high-dose corti- brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers par-
ticipating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma
costeroids to brain trauma patients is harmful and Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain injury
increase mortality without any obvious benefit (CNETER-TBI) study. Crit Care. 2018;22(1):90.
for the patients (Roberts et al. 2004). Jeremitsky E, Omert LA, et  al. The impact of hyper-­
glycaemia on patients with severe head injury. J
Trauma. 2005;58:47–50.
Kamano S.  Are steroids really ineffective for
73.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns severely head injured patients? Neurosurg Focus.
2000;8(1):Article 7.
High-dose corticosteroids in paediatric patients Laird AM, Miller PR.  Relationship of early hyper-­
glycaemia to mortality in trauma patients. J Trauma.
with brain trauma should not be used. 2004;56(5):1058–60.
Papadopoulos MC, Saadoun S, et  al. Molecular mech-
anisms of brain tumour edema. Neuroscience.
References 2004;129:1011–20.
Rabinstein AA.  Treatment of brain edema. Neurologist.
Alderson P, Roberts I. Corticosteroids in acute traumatic
Raslan A, Bhardwaj A. Medical management of cerebral
brain injury: systematic review of randomised con-
edema. Neurosurg Focus. 2007;22(5):E12: 1–E12:9.
trolled trials. Br Med J. 1997;314:1855–9.
Roberts I, Yates D, et  al. Effect of intravenous corti-­
Alderson P, Roberts IG.  Corticosteroids for acute trau-
costeroids on death within 14 days in 10008 adults
matic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
with clinically significant head injury (MRS CRASH-­
trial). Lancet. 2004;364:1321–8.
Rovlias A, Kotsou S.  The influence of hyperglycaemia
Audibert G, Baumann A, et al. Deleterious role of hyper-
on neurological outcome in patients with severe head
thermia in neurocritical care. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim.
injury. Neurosurgery. 2000;46:335–43.
Salim A, Hadjizachoria A, et  al. Persistent hyper-­
Dearden NM, Gibson JS, et al. Effect of high-dose dexa-
glycaemia in severe traumatic brain injury; an indepen-
methasone on outcome from severe head injury. J
dent predictor of outcome. Am Surg. 2009;75(1):25.
Neurosurg. 1986;64:81–8.
Sinha S, Bastin ME, et  al. Effect of dexamethasone on
Giannotti SL, Weiss MH, et  al. High dose glucocorti-
peritumoural oedematous brain: a DT-MRI study. J
costeroids in the management of severe head injury.
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2004;75:1632–5.
Neurosurgery. 1984;15:497–501.
Yag B, Ott L, et  al. Relationship between admis-
Ginsbury MD, Busto R.  Combating hyperthermia in
sion hyperglycaemia and neurologic outcome
acute stroke: a significant clinical concern. Stroke.
of severely brain injured patients. Ann Surg.
Management of Acute Psychiatric
Problems 74
Arne Einar Vaaler

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Level I • Target the agitation in the emergency
There are insufficient data to support a Level 1 • Benzodiazepines are always effective
recommendation for this topic. and safe with the exceptions of ongoing
alcohol intoxication or severe respira-
Level II tory problems.
• Mood-stabilizing antiepileptics (e.g.,
There are insufficient data to support a Level 2 valproate or carbamazepine) are effec-
recommendation for this topic. tive as add-on in numerous situations.
• Antipsychotics are used worldwide.
Level III However, they have side effects that
may increase the agitation.
Patients with recent TBI are in acute life crises • Patients with TBI are especially more
often complicated by substance abuse, polyphar- prone to side effects from antipsychotics.
macy, challenging behavior, and multiple psychi- • If an antipsychotic is used, choose low-­
atric and somatic conditions. Single clinical dose second-generation (quetiapine,
factors or combinations may induce or increase olanzapine).
symptoms and disruptive behavior. Clinical deci- • Treat abstinence from opiates and
sions have to be made in spite of limited control nicotine.
of possible risk factors. Benzodiazepines and • Some patients are extremely agitated
mood-stabilizing antiepileptics are safe and due to a combination of causes.
effective options in numerous clinical situations. Sometimes general anesthesia with bar-
Antipsychotics should be used with caution. biturates, propofol, or medical GHB is

A. E. Vaaler (*)
Department of Mental Health, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Trondheim, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 537

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
538 A. E. Vaaler

74.1 Background Table 74.1  Ten domains of de-escalation

1.  Respect personal space
There is a lack of scientific evidence, handbooks, 2.  Do not be provocative
3.  Establish verbal contact
and guidelines in the pharmacological, emer-
4.  Be concise
gency treatment of patients with neuropsychiatric
5.  Identify wants and feelings
disorders following a traumatic brain injury 6.  Listen closely to what the patient is saying
(TBI) (Plantier et al. 2016). The patients have not 7.  Agree or agree to disagree
received sufficient attention in RCTs. 8.  Lay down the law and set clear limits
In psychiatric emergency services, a similar 9.  Offer choices and optimism
lack of scientific evidence is compensated for by 10.  Debrief the patient and staff
“expert consensus guidelines” (Allen et al. 2005)
with principles of treatment based on “first do no From Fiskind. “Calming agitation with words not drugs –
10 commandments for safety.” Current Psych 2002; 1(4)
harm.” The guidelines indicate alternatives for Reprinted with permission from Current Psychiatry/
psychoactive medications having both positive Frontline Medical Communications. All rights reserved
effects in numerous clinical situations and mini-
mal potential to increase the acute, clinical chal-
lenges (Allen et  al. 2005; Garriga et  al. 2016). have adverse effects, and even reasonable treat-
The present overview is based on these principles ment options may leave the patient feeling trau-
adapted to the emergency patients with acute matized and angered.
TBI. The prime focus is on the treatment in inten-
sive care the first days after the trauma and not on
the long-term psychopharmacological treatment 74.2 Problematic Behavior
and rehabilitation. A guideline for the long-term
pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric Agitation, a state of extreme arousal, physical rest-
disorders after TBI has recently been published lessness, hypervigilance, or of heightened irritabil-
(Plantier et al. 2016). ity, can be seen in numerous clinical situations.
When patients wake up in the intensive care Agitation predicts imminent violent behavior
after any TBI, the psychiatric symptoms, func- towards oneself or others (Hankin et  al. 2011;
tion, and behavior are consequences of both the McClure et al. 2015). Escalation from anxiety to
recent injury, and the medical history and behav- agitation and violent behavior is unpredictable,
iors often years prior to the event. The challenges and violent behavior often occurs without warning
in treatment and care are comparable to the mul- signs (Hankin et al. 2011). The priority in inten-
titude of problems presenting to psychiatric acute sive care units is to decrease the agitation in order
and emergency services. The patients are in acute to prevent further deterioration and aggressive
life crises complicated by substance abuse, poly- incidents. A therapeutic ward attitude towards the
pharmacy, challenging behavior, and multiple patients based on the principles of de-escalation
psychiatric and somatic conditions (Zealberg and (“talking down”) is reassuring for many (Table
Brady 1999). Single clinical factors or combina- 74.1) (Fiskind 2002; Richmond et al. 2012).
tions may induce or increase symptoms and dis-
ruptive behavior. The clinicians may face
complex and dynamic situations with limited 74.3 Etiology of Agitated,
knowledge of the background, lack of coopera- Problematic Behavior
tion from the patient, and possibilities of fast
deterioration with increasing behavioral prob- Agitation may be due to any general medical
lems. Clinical decisions have to be made in spite condition causing brain dysfunction, substance
of limited control of possible risk factors. abuse, a primary psychiatric disorder, the recent
Immediate interventions or lack of such may both TBI, or a combination of multiple factors (Table
74  Management of Acute Psychiatric Problems 539

Table 74.2 Medical and psychiatric conditions that may started without knowledge about possible trigger
cause agitation
factors for the agitation.
Agitation from general medical condition
•  Head trauma
•  Encephalitis, meningitis, or other infection
• Encephalopathy (particularly from liver or renal 74.4 Comorbid Substance Abuse
•  Exposure to environmental toxins Agitation related to substance abuse may be due
• Metabolic derangement (e.g., hyponatremia, to acute intoxication, abstinence, and/or long-­
hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia) term sequela causing organic brain dysfunction.
• Hypoxia It is very frequent in emergency settings. A
•  Thyroid disease
Norwegian study found traces of multiple sub-
•  Seizure (postictal)
• Toxic levels of medication (e.g., psychiatric or
stances in nearly 50% of patients admitted to psy-
anticonvulsant) chiatric inpatient care with 15% showing positive
Agitation from intoxication/withdrawal screens for amphetamines (Mordal et  al. 2010).
• Alcohol Methamphetamine (MA) is the dominating
• Other drugs (cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine, bath salts, amphetamine. MA abuse induces excessive neu-
inhalants, methamphetamines) rotoxicity, and 40% of the users exhibit global
Agitation from psychiatric disorder
neuropsychological impairment (Panenka et  al.
•  Psychotic disorder
2013). This suggests that a number of patients
•  Manic and mixed states
•  Agitated depression with recent TBI have neurocognitive dysfunc-
•  Anxiety disorder tions also prior to the event.
•  Personality disorder The most frequent substance is alcohol.
•  Reactive or situational agitation (adaptive disorder) Frequently used substances are also cannabi-
•  Autism spectrum disorder noids, stimulants, new psychoactive substances
Undifferentiated agitation (NPS), gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), and opi-
   (Presumed to be from a general medical oids. In intensive care, it is possible only to have
condition until proved otherwise)
a very limited overview of possible compounds.
From Garriga et al. “Assessment and management of agi- More than a thousand new, different substances
tation in psychiatry: Expert consensus.” The world jour-
nal of biological psychiatry 2016; 17
have been described only in the last 10 years.
Reprinted with permission from Eduard Vieta (corre- Acute intoxications are usually not in need of
sponding author) and Siegfried Kasper (chief editor). All specific treatment. In polysubstance abuse, intoxi-
rights reserved cation and abstinence may be present simultane-
ously. Symptoms and behaviors due to abstinence
74.2) (Garriga et  al. 2016; Battaglia 2005). are usually the acute, therapeutic challenge.
Substance abuse is very frequent prior to TBI. The Immediate treatment is vital to prevent deterioration
longer time from the trauma to the clinical evalu- into delirious conditions and increased harm. Most
ation, the higher the probability of abstinence. somatic disorders, infections, and trauma increase
Complicating conditions like seizures, infections, the possibility of development into delirium.
and hypoxia tend to increase the agitation. Prior “The expert consensus guidelines” for psychi-
long-term use of psychoactive medications like atric emergency services generally recommend
antidepressants (AD), antipsychotics (AP), or BNZ as first-line treatment of abstinence in most
benzodiazepines (BNZ) may increase the agita- situations with a known substance, all situations
tion as an effect of the sudden discontinuation. with an unknown agent, and in clinical situations
Usually the clinician will have some clues with abstinence after use of multiple substances.
about the factors that fuel the agitation. These The exceptions are patients still in acute intoxica-
factors have to be targeted immediately. However, tion from alcohol, or patients with chronic, severe
sometimes anti-agitation treatment must be respiratory disorders.
540 A. E. Vaaler

BNZ are standard treatment of abstinence acid. Adding a transdermal opioid will be help-
from alcohol in most countries. BNZ are also ful for the frequent opioid abstinence. Almost
safe first-line options in abstinence from stimu- all of them are smokers making it wise also to
lants, hallucinogens, new psychoactive sub- add nicotine replacement in some form (Allen
stances, and GHB. et al. 2011).
Substances may have specific effects on cardiac
function (hallucinogens, opioids), induce seizures
(cocaine), or increase extrapyramidal side effects 74.5 Organic Brain Disorders
(EPS) when used together with AP (stimulants)
(van Harten et al. 1998; Toce et al. 2018). In addi- A number of acute organic brain disorders and dys-
tion of being an immediate hazard to the somatic functions are associated with sudden behavioral
health, these “side-effects” from the substances changes dominated by polymorphous psychiatric
may increase the agitation and the challenging symptoms, agitation, and risk of violent behavior.
behavior. AP may induce acute EPS, prolong the The conditions are often induced by paroxysmal
QTc, and lower the seizure threshold, thus further cerebral hyperactivity, including epileptic seizures.
enhancing these hazards. Reservation in the use of After TBI, these conditions may be an effect of the
AP is wise. If an AP should be used in this clinical recent trauma, sequela from past trauma, or absti-
situation, the indication is add-on to further reduce nence from abuse of alcohol, psychoactive drugs, or
agitation after other anti-­ agitation medications substances prior to the trauma (Vaaler et al. 2010;
have been started. Low-­ dose second-generation Boutros et al. 2015). Immediate medication may be
AP should be preferred before a first-generation. needed before an exact diagnosis can be established.
The effects of BNZ can be increased by add- Psychotropic medications lowering the seizure
ing a mood-stabilizing antiepileptic like valproic threshold may increase the cerebral hyperactivity.
acid or carbamazepine. These compounds will AP should thus be used with caution. The principles
decrease the agitation, have mood-stabilizing of “first do no harm” suggest raising the seizure
properties, prevent paroxysmal cerebral hyperac- threshold with BNZ and fast-acting, mood-stabiliz-
tivity and seizures, and reduce effects of antipsy- ing antiepileptics (Allen et  al. 2005; Riss et  al.
chotic or antidepressant rebound. The immediate 2008). Valproic acid loading is usually safe and
effect of valproic acid can be increased by using effective. BNZ is also an effective alternative both
loading doses. This means starting with a high in monotherapy and as an add-on medication.
dose (20–30  mg/kg/day. i.v./p.o.) and gradually
decreasing it after a few days.
Sometimes substance-related conditions 74.6 Affective Disorders,
induce medical emergencies with extreme agita- Depression, and Suicide
tion, confusion, psychosis, hypertension, and
rhabdomyolysis. One example is withdrawal Patients suffering from depressive episodes domi-
from “around-the-clock” use of GHB and related nated by agitation, panic, and desperation pose a
compounds. Even very high doses of BNZ may special risk for imminent suicidal acts (McClure
not be sufficient indicating the use of barbitu- et al. 2015; Popovic et al. 2015). When admitted to
rates, propofol, or pharmaceutical GHB (van the emergency department after suicide attempts,
Noorden et al. 2015). AD and especially SSRIs (selective serotonin reup-
People living a life dominated by polysub- take inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin-norepineph-
stance abuse, personality disorders, and lack of rine reuptake inhibitors) must be discontinued due
social structure are at risk of violence both as their potential to increase agitation and suicidal
perpetrators and as victims. These patients intention. If high-­dose AD has been used for more
pose a special challenge in emergency settings than 1–2 moths, the patient may suffer a discon-
when having a TBI of any kind. However, also tinuation reaction (AD rebound) which also have
these patients usually accept BNZ and valproic anxiety and agitation as core symptoms. In such
74  Management of Acute Psychiatric Problems 541

cases continuing small-dose AD for a few weeks is focusing, sustaining, and shifting attention
wise. Valproic acid may be helpful for AD rebound indicate delirium (Stowell et al. 2012). Agitation
as well as having effects on the affective disorder, and ­psychosis are frequently associated with
mood-­stabilizing properties, and effects on the fre- the condition. Delirium indicates an ongoing
quent comorbid substance-related disorders. medical disorder affecting brain function, or a
Even though these patients suffer from depres- rapid change in the established environment of
sive episodes, the prime target for treatment is the brain. The latter may take part with a sud-
not “the depression” with the class of drugs den withdrawal from a chronically ingested
called AD.  The anxiety, panic, desperation, and agent like alcohol or medication, or a recent
major sleep problems are all symptoms second- ingestion of a drug like an anticholinergic in an
ary to the depressive episode. These are the elderly person (Wilson et al. 2012). In medical
symptoms fueling the agitation and thus the conditions causing delirium (e.g., hypoxia,
prime targets in the pharmacological treatment. electrolyte imbalance, hypoglycemia), a cor-
BNZ and mood-stabilizing antiepileptics are the rection of the cause usually also reduces the
drugs of choice. However, AP in the form of low-­ agitation.
dose quetiapine (50–100  mg) or olanzapine BNZ is the drug of choice in delirious condi-
(5–10 mg) may be helpful in inducing sleep even tions complicated by agitation. In the elderly
though this is off-label use. patient a more cautious use of BNZ may be indi-
cated. Second-generation antipsychotics in low
doses are an alternative both in monotherapy and
74.7 Psychoses as add-on.

In the emergency setting, psychotic symptoms

may be present in a number of conditions like 74.9 Catatonia
affective disorders and depressions, abstinence
from substances and medication, paroxysmal Patients with symptoms of catatonia are admitted
cerebral hyperactivity, delirium, or schizophre- to intensive care due to clinical presentations of
nia. The presence of psychosis does not primarily stupor (Jaimes-Albornoz and Serra-Mestres
indicate the use of AP.  Anxiety secondary to 2012). Catatonia may be caused by numerous
delusions and hallucinations fuels the agitation. neurological, medical, pharmacological, and psy-
Thus, addressing the agitation is the prime prior- chiatric conditions. It can also be a syndrome
ity also when psychotic symptoms are present. secondary to TBI.  The symptoms are highly
In patients with known psychiatric disorders polymorphous but dominated by motor, affective,
(schizophrenia, bipolar 1 disorder), there is an autonomous, and behavioral signs. It may present
increased indication for use of low-dose as a retarded-stuporous or an exited variety. Both
AP.  Second-generation AP are preferred over forms may present in a patient at different times
first-generation. If the patient cannot cooperate during the same episode of the illness.
with peroral medication, intramuscular olanzap- Catatonia may develop into a life-threatening
ine is an alternative. BNZ has an effect on the form called lethal or malignant catatonia with
agitation as well as an additive antipsychotic autonomous symptoms like hyperthermia,
effect to the AP (Wilson et al. 2012). tachycardia, hypertension, thromboembolism,
diaphoresis, and alternating excitement and stu-
por. Malignant catatonia may be secondary to a
74.8 Delirium variety of general medical or psychiatric causes,
or a complication to antidopaminergic (neuro-
Fluctuating symptoms dominated by a rapid leptic malignant syndrome) (NMS) (Strawn
onset, clouding of consciousness, altered level et al. 2007) or serotonergic compounds (seroto-
of awareness, and problems with directing, nergic syndrome).
542 A. E. Vaaler

BNZ and especially lorazepam are the drug of 2005; Wilson et  al. 2012). This is especially
choice for catatonia. AP should be avoided at least apparent for olanzapine and quetiapine. However,
in the acute phase. Electroconvulsive therapy risperidone has a relatively high frequency of
(ECT) may be life-saving for patients unrespon- EPS, especially in elevated doses.
sive to lorazepam (Zisselman and Jaffe 2010). SGA may also induce cardiac arrhythmias. A
special caution is warranted for ziprasidone.
SGA also lower the seizure threshold, however,
74.10 Agitation from Unknown probably not in the same extent as FGA.
or Possibly Multiple Factors There are studies indicating a general caution
when using AP after TBI due to a possible
If agitation has to be managed immediately in the increased risk of cognitive side effects, as well as
emergency department, BNZ is the drug of choice an increased risk of developing NMS (Plantier
as first-line treatment. An antiepileptic mood sta- et  al. 2016). AP have been used in this clinical
bilizer is generally safe as add-on. situation for many years. This indicates that AP is
effective as an anti-agitation medication.
However, in the emergency department after a
74.11 T
 he Different Classes TBI, AP may give rise to more problems than
of Drugs in Agitation they solve. If a patient wakes up from anesthesia
and suddenly experiences EPS, this will induce
74.11.1  First-Generation AP (FGA) immediate anxiety, agitation, and anger. Thus a
general rule is to use non-pharmacological
FGA (e.g., haloperidol and zuclopenthixol) approaches or use alternatives to AP in patients
inhibit dopaminergic transmission in the brain with TBI (Plantier et al. 2016).
giving a relatively immediate anti-agitation
effect. Due to its long tradition, haloperidol is
probably still the most used drug for the purpose 74.11.3  BNZ
worldwide. Parenteral haloperidol has an effect
on agitation after 30 min lasting up to 24 h. The BNZ are safe, well tolerated, and accepted by the
side-effects causing behavioral problems are EPS patients in most clinical emergency situations
including dystonia, akathisia, and Parkinson-like (Starcevic 2014). The few exceptions are patients
symptoms. Dystonia and akathisia may be exten- in acute alcohol intoxication or patients with an
sive and painful, increasing the discomfort and underlying severe respiratory condition. BNZ are
agitation. All FGA have potentials to induce car- as effective as haloperidol in calming agitation in
diac arrhythmias, lowering the seizure threshold, most clinical situations. Most studies have been
and induce symptoms of catatonia including conducted with lorazepam. It can be given orally,
NMS (Battaglia 2005). intramuscularly, or intravenously in increments
of 1–2 mg (Battaglia 2005).

74.11.2  Second-Generation AP
(SGA) 74.11.4  Other Groups of Drugs

The SGA or “atypical antipsychotics” (e.g., ris- Fast-acting mood-stabilizing antiepileptics (e.g.,
peridone and olanzapine) are combined sero- valproate, carbamazepine, and oxcarbamazepine)
tonin/dopamine antagonists. The pharmacological have anti-agitation effects in a number of clinical
profile and thus the side-effect profile are differ- situations. They can be used in monotherapy or
ent between the SGA. The SGA generally have as add-on to BNZ and/or AP.
comparable effects on agitation as FGA.  The Transdermal opioids and nicotine replacement
advantage of some SGA is the reduced risk of have documented effects in the emergency
imminent EPS (dystonia and akathisia) (Battaglia populations.
74  Management of Acute Psychiatric Problems 543

Clonidine has a documented, rapid effect in clinical and clinical findings. Drug Alcohol Depend.
suppressing symptoms of opiate abstinence (Toce Plantier D, Luaute J, S. group. Drugs for behavior dis-
et  al. 2018). Clonidine is also used in akathisia orders after traumatic brain injury: systematic review
induced by AP and insomnia induced by stimu- and expert consensus leading to French recommen-
lants. However, data from populations of patients dations for good practice. Ann Phys Rehabil Med.
in intensive care is lacking. Popovic D, Vieta E, Azorin JM, Angst J, Bowden
CL, Mosolov S, Young AH, Perugi G.  Suicide
attempts in major depressive episode: evidence
from the BRIDGE-­ II-­
Mix study. Bipolar Disord.
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Part IX
Rehabilitation and Follow-Up

Olli Tenovuo
Rehabilitation After Severe TBI
Nada Andelic, Solrun Sigurdardottir,
and Olli Tenovuo

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls • During the recovery phase after end of
• Prevention of secondary insults due to sedation, patients often present with
autonomic dysfunction, upper airway severe hypertension, tachycardia, spon-
dysfunction/dysphagia, severe endo- taneous hyperventilation, fever and pro-
crine disturbances and detection and fuse sweating, and excessive amount of
treatment of nonconvulsive seizures will salivation. These symptoms are often
improve the final outcome (tertiary misdiagnosed and consequently given
prevention). the wrong treatment. The patient is
• It is imperative to develop rehabilitation returned to sedation, artificially venti-
programs at the neurointensive care that lated, and given antibiotic treatment. In
are able to encounter adverse reactions many cases, these symptoms are due to
to the primary injury (detect and treat autonomic dysfunction and they should
secondary and tertiary injury). be treated accordingly.

75.1 Overview
N. Andelic
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation for severe TBI should begin as
Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway early after injury as possible (Andelic et  al.
Research Centre for Habilitation and Rehabilitation 2012). Growing evidence supports the effective-
Models and Services, Faculty of Medicine, Institute ness of intensive rehabilitation once the patient
of Health and Society, University of Oslo, is medically stable (Turner-Stokes et al. 2015).
Oslo, Norway
e-mail: Internationally, cognitive rehabilitation is pro-
vided in 95% of rehabilitation facilities serving
S. Sigurdardottir
Department of Research, Sunnaas Rehabilitation the patients with TBI, including combinations
Hospital, Bjørnemyr, Norway of individual, group, and community-based
e-mail: therapies (Cicerone et  al. 2000). A systematic
O. Tenovuo (*) review (Cicerone et  al. 2011) suggested that
Department of Clinical Medicine, Turku Brain Injury comprehensive holistic neuropsychological
Centre, Turku University Hospital, University of
rehabilitation is able to improve functional
Turku, Turku, Finland

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 547

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
548 N. Andelic et al.

independence, community integration, and pro- tion needs and designing effective rehabilitation
ductivity, even years after the injury. A holistic interventions for patients with severe TBI
approach is also considered as a treatment stan- (Scarponi et al. 2009). To make the ICF practical
dard for patients with behavioral and psycho- for everyday use, the comprehensive and brief
logical disorders following acquired brain ICF Core Sets have been developed in order to
injuries (Cattelani et al. 2010). Inclusion of fam- describe the functional profile of patients with
ily members during the rehabilitation process is TBI (see Table  75.1). The comprehensive ICF
important and their needs should be addressed Core Sets reflect the entire spectrum of typical
(Norup et al. 2015). problems that a patient with TBI may face, and
can serve as a checklist to guide the multidisci-

75.2 Definition of Rehabilitation Table 75.1 Brief ICF Core Sets for traumatic brain

World Health Organization (WHO) defines reha- ICF code ICF category title
Body functions
bilitation as “a set of measures that assist indi-
b164 Higher-level cognitive functions
viduals, who experience or are likely to b152 Emotional functions
experience disability, to achieve and maintain b130 Energy and drive functions
optimum functioning in interaction with their b760 Control of voluntary movement
environments” (World Health Organization functions
2001). Consequently, rehabilitation reduces the b144 Memory functions
impact of a broad range of health conditions, b280 Sensation of pain
including neurological diseases and brain inju- b140 Attention functions
b110 Consciousness functions
ries. In contrast to other medical specialties,
Body structures
which focus on prevention and treatment of dis-
s110 Structure of brain
ease, rehabilitation focuses on the improvement Activities and
in physical and cognitive functioning and inde- participation
pendence. During the last decades rehabilitation d230 Carrying out daily routine
outcomes have been extended to include not only d350 Conversation
levels of impairment, but also domains of activity d450 Walking
and participation and a quality of life. Severe TBI d720 Complex interpersonal interactions
d845 Acquiring, keeping, and
causes physical and mental impairments, as well
terminating a job
as problems in speech, movement, sensation, and d5 Self-care
self-care. However, behavioral, cognitive, and d920 Recreation and leisure
emotional impairments are often the most impor- d760 Family relationships
tant barriers to successful community reintegra- Environment
tion and require detailed, coordinated assessment factors
and a comprehensive holistic rehabilitation e310 Immediate family
approach to achieve the best outcomes. e580 Health services, systems, and
The International Classification of
e115 Products and technology for
Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) pro- personal use in daily living
vides a framework that can be used for all aspects e320 Friends
of rehabilitation. The ICF views health condi- e570 Social security services, systems,
tions from biological, personal, and social (bio-­ and policies
psycho-­ social) perspectives and targets body e120 Products and technology for
personal indoor and outdoor
functions and structure, activity and participa- mobility and transportation
tion, environmental factors, and personal factors
(World Health Organization 2001). Using the ects2/neurological-conditions/development-of-icf-core-
ICF model is the key in identifying the rehabilita- sets-for-traumatic-brain-injury-tbi
75  Rehabilitation After Severe TBI 549

plinary assessment of functioning. The brief ICF clinical trials (Konigs et al. 2018) have also sug-
Core Sets capture the essence of patient’s func- gested that more intensive training, initiated early
tioning and disability and is used when a brief after the injury, may be the most effective reha-
assessment is necessary, for example, in single-­ bilitation strategy for patients with brain
discipline settings or in primary care. injuries.
Neurorehabilitation is usually provided by mul-
tidisciplinary teams, which include two or more of
the following disciplines working in a coordinated 75.3 Models of Rehabilitation
effort: a physiatrist or physician with specialized Services Delivery Following
training in TBI rehabilitation, neuropsychologist, Severe TBI
rehabilitation nurse, psychologist, physical thera-
pist, occupational therapist, social worker, speech The continuity and quality of care from early to
therapist, psychiatrist, and eventually pharmacolo- late phases following TBI should be the main
gist. The rehabilitation team is working with the issue involved in the organization of rehabilita-
patient and his/her family in partnership (person- tion services for patients with TBI.  This is a
centered approach). Rehabilitation professionals major concern within the rehabilitation field of
share a common goal to help individuals with phys- severe TBI in the Nordic countries (Andelic et al.
ical and cognitive impairments to function opti- 2012; Borg et  al. 2011; Godbolt et  al. 2015;
mally, either by focusing on the impairment itself or Sorbo et  al. 2005). According to Borg et  al.
the activities affected by the impairment. The work- (2011), “there is a wealth of data lending support
ing alliance in holistic neuropsychological rehabili- to a clinical management model that integrates
tation has been studied in Denmark, indicating that neurointensive care and a qualified rehabilitation
a good working alliance is the basis of successful program and ensures a continuum of care in the
rehabilitative work (Schonberger et al. 2006). early rehabilitation process.” This statement is
The available research supports that multidis- supported by a study of cost-effectiveness of the
ciplinary neurorehabilitation has a great potential continuous chain of rehabilitation after severe
to improve functional recovery after severe TBI, TBI (Andelic et al. 2014), which indicated that a
through neuroplasticity and development of com- continuous chain of rehabilitation had lower hos-
pensatory mechanisms (Hylin et  al. 2017). pitalization costs and better health outcomes than
Neuroplasticity has been defined as “the ability a broken chain of rehabilitation over a period of 5
of the nervous system to respond to intrinsic and years. Growing evidence indicates the effective-
extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, ness of early rehabilitation in individuals with
function, and connections” (Cramer et al. 2011). severe TBI (Andelic et  al. 2012; Sorbo et  al.
The crucial parameters that can influence the 2005; Engberg et  al. 2006). Moreover, medical
rehabilitation efficiency are timing and intensity care has improved greatly for patients with “dis-
of rehabilitative training (Hylin et  al. 2017; orders of consciousness” (Engberg et  al. 2006),
Konigs et al. 2018). However, the exact time win- and this subpopulation has specific rehabilitation
dow to introduce rehabilitative training is still needs that should be targeted using neurological,
unclear. The experimental research suggests that radiological, and neurophysiological assessments
an early onset, but not immediately after the (Whyte et al. 2013).
injury, is more beneficial for both structural plas-
ticity and functional recovery (Hylin et al. 2017).
In addition, the training intensity may influence 75.4 A
 cute (Early) Care
both the rate of behavioral changes and neural Rehabilitation
consequences associated with new learning
(Hylin et al. 2017). A Cochrane review (Turner-­ A coordinated rehabilitation already starts during
Stokes et  al. 2015) and recently published sys- the acute trauma care at ICU after hemodynamic
tematic review and meta-analysis of controlled and intracranial pressure (ICP) stabilization of
550 N. Andelic et al.

the patient, in the state when he/she is emerging is for patients who are able to participate and
from coma (Konigs et  al. 2018). In addition to show improvements but are not yet ready to
traditional acute care efforts (i.e., maintaining return home after discharge from acute hospital.
joint and limb flexibility, bowel and bladder func- Comprehensive, inpatient neurorehabilitation
tion, skin care, and pulmonary function), reha- aims to reduce impairment; increase physical,
bilitation focuses on preventing complications cognitive, and psychosocial independence; com-
and promoting functional recovery through mul- pensate for disability; and minimize distress of
tisensory stimulation. Such interventions are the patient as well as family caregivers. Based on
directed at the daily multisensory stimulation, the patient’s needs, this may contain physical,
positioning, range of movement exercises, and cognitive, and behavioral therapies provided by a
mobilization (Andelic et al. 2012; Mackay et al. specialized multidisciplinary team through a
1992). Early multidisciplinary neurorehabilita- goal-oriented rehabilitation plan. There is evi-
tion, provided in the trauma center within 2 dence that more intensive neurorehabilitation in
weeks after injury, increased gains in self-care, the inpatient rehabilitation facility for at least
mobility, and cognition compared with usual care 20 h per week promotes recovery in global func-
while also reducing the length of hospital stay tioning compared to the program at routine inten-
(Andelic et al. 2012). Moreover, an early stimula- sity (10 h per week) (Zhu et al. 2007). Moreover,
tion of visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and intensive multidisciplinary neurorehabilitation
gustatory modalities, as well as stimulation of with focus on neuropsychological rehabilitation
sensory modalities using autobiographic stimuli and psychotherapy (>25  h per week) increased
provided by the family members, promotes func- the likelihood of better productive status in the
tional recovery of patients in coma (Abbasi et al. long-term perspective (Sarajuuri et al. 2005).
2009; Moattari et al. 2016). A significant proportion of patients with motor
In the early stage of recovery, extreme agita- deficits (73%) improve in their physical ability
tion is frequently seen during the period of post-­ and ambulation during the first 6 months follow-
traumatic amnesia, with psychotic symptoms ing TBI (Katz et al. 2004). The recovery of motor
incorporated into confusion and inattention function after severe TBI is an active process sup-
(Ponsford et  al. 2014a). Neuropsychiatric prob- ported by physiotherapy and occupational ther-
lems (e.g., psychosis, agitation, aggression, apy and aimed at improving strength, endurance,
depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress mobility, sitting and standing balance, coordina-
disorder) are major barriers for rehabilitation tion, walking, as well as independence in daily
during this phase as well as in the later phases tasks (i.e., dressing, washing, cooking, and lei-
following TBI and should be treated by environ- sure activities). Physical exercises may modulate
mental adaptations in order to keep the patients the motor cortex; for example, it has been
and caregivers safe. If these efforts are insuffi- reported that the density of the primary motor
cient, pharmacotherapy should be added cortex was increased with more intense exercise,
(Iaccarino et al. 2015). whereas activity of the primary sensory cortex
and the prefrontal cortex was not altered with
exercise (Brummer et  al. 2011). In addition,
75.5 Inpatient Post-Acute repetitive task-specific training provided by
Rehabilitation occupational therapist incorporates motor pro-
gramming, which is important for accurate tim-
When sufficient medical stability in the acute ing, speed, coordination, and reconstruction of
care has been achieved, more intensive inpatient the whole task (Hubbard et al. 2009). Spasticity
rehabilitation may be provided at a hospital ward can be a particular problem after severe TBI and
or at a specialized acute or subacute rehabilita- should be treated in order to avoid muscle con-
tion unit. The primary focus is the restoration of tractures and functional limb deficits. A passive
lost functional skills. In general, this level of care stretching, heat and cold, use of orthoses, and
75  Rehabilitation After Severe TBI 551

positioning are important in order to prevent con- behavioral deficits that prevent community
tractures. A number of studies have demonstrated ­integration and alter the family dynamics. Family
the efficacy of botulinum toxin in the manage- members have a very important role in helping
ment of troublesome limb spasticity post-stroke the patient through the rehabilitation process.
or following TBI (Dong et  al. 2017). The patients who make the best recovery after
Communication deficits such as dysarthria and TBI are those whose families are actively
aphasia require assessment and interventions involved in rehabilitation. However, it is impor-
provided by speech therapist in order to improve tant that the family members focus primarily on
understanding and expressing written and spoken their role that provides love and affection and not
language and speech clarity. In addition, the on a “therapist” role.
speech therapists may assess swallowing difficul- For many patients, severe TBI becomes a
ties (dysphagia) and provide guidance on how chronic disease, and rehabilitation team members
this should be managed safely. Patients with very are important sources of support and counseling
severe motor, communication, and cognitive defi- in the community and vocational reintegration.
cits may require different assistive devices to Cognitive therapy may aim to enhance mental,
reduce disability and promote participation. psychological, and independent functioning;
These may include wheelchairs, mechanical lifts, occupational therapy to help patients to manage
bracing to maintain positioning, orthoses, walk- daily activities and vocational skills; physiother-
ers and canes, adaptive technologies for apy (somatic or relaxation exercises) to regain
­communication (from simple pointing boards to walking, balance, or physical hobby activities;
more complex preprogrammed artificial voice and speech therapy to help patients to restore
communicators), and environment controlling speech and communication. As the patient with
devices. Assistive devices should be selected severe TBI may experience prolonged social iso-
carefully and fitted properly. To minimize a mis- lation due to difficulties to fulfill or resume an
match between the patient’s need and the device, accepted social role, the rehabilitation team
a comprehensive assessment of needs and coordi- should also focus on reestablishing of social and
nation between the patient, rehabilitation team, recreational activities. Depression and fatigue
orthotists, device vendors, and family members, may frequently influence social participation and
and knowledge of home environment are needed should be addressed if needed. Driving can be a
(Iaccarino et al. 2015). difficult issue for patients because it is a highly
desired goal. However, relicensing may be con-
sidered first 6–12 months after a severe TBI
75.6 Outpatient Rehabilitation depending on conditions such as cognitive
impairment, visual field defects, or seizures that
Following an inpatient rehabilitation stay, indi- may affect driving safety.
viduals with ongoing disability may need further Efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of multidis-
treatment as an outpatient at variable rehabilita- ciplinary rehabilitation in working age adults
tion facilities. Some may receive support from a found evidence that intensive neurorehabilitation
community-based rehabilitation team/therapist in residential settings may improve community
working with the person in his/her home. The integration after severe TBI (Turner-Stokes et al.
main aims are to facilitate continued progress and 2015). In a controlled clinical trial, intensive mul-
successful community reintegration (family, tidisciplinary outpatient neuropsychological reha-
social, and work reintegration). In addition to bilitation program (5 h per day, 4 days per week)
previously mentioned efforts, services may con- based on the milieu model, with more group-based
tain vocational rehabilitation, recreational ther- interventions provided in a therapeutic environ-
apy, and psychosocial counseling. First after the ment, resulted in greater improvements in commu-
discharge from hospital environment, patients nity integration, productivity, life satisfaction, and
and their families may realize the cognitive and self-efficacy (Cicerone et al. 2008). In a large con-
552 N. Andelic et al.

trolled randomized study of community-based 75.7 Cognitive Rehabilitation

rehabilitation after severe TBI, the interventions
were based on individualized goals in collabora- Cognitive rehabilitation is defined as “a system-
tion with the patient and the multidisciplinary atic, functionally oriented service of therapeutic
team, and better outcomes (personal care, commu- activities that is based on the assessment and
nity mobility, socializing, employment, psycho- understanding of the patient’s brain-behavioral
logical well-being) were shown in the treatment deficits” (Cicerone et al. 2000). Taking into con-
group compared to the control group (Powell et al. sideration the frequent cognitive disabilities after
2002). Another large study also showed that inten- severe TBI in, e.g., memory, attention, concentra-
sive programs resulted in functional improve- tion, and executive functions, neuropsychologi-
ments, whereas supported living programs cal assessment is often useful as the first step in
produced stable functioning (Eicher et al. 2012). cognitive rehabilitation and should be essential
The Common Data Element (CDE) recom- part of any rehabilitation program and interven-
mendations (Hicks et  al. 2013) are intended to tion (Ponsford et  al. 2014b). Understanding of
apply to rehabilitation research conducted within the principles and mechanisms of neuroplasticity
acute hospital, inpatient rehabilitation, and out- also holds potential for developing treatments for
patient settings. For adults, the outcome measure cognitive deficits after brain injury (Nordvik
recommended as a core recommendation is the et al. 2014). The most common sequels of severe
Glasgow Outcome Score  – Extended (see TBI are in the areas of cognition, communica-
Table 75.2). tion, behavioral functioning, and mental health.
These deficits vary greatly among individuals
Table 75.2  Core and basic rehabilitation outcome mea- with severe TBI and represent a complex system
sures based on CDE recommendations for adults with of comorbidities in a single individual. The com-
moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (Hicks et al. 2013) plexity of disabilities often present challenges in
Assessment Instruments treatment program design and are dependent on
Core measure: many factors beyond those that are used to grade
Glasgow Outcome injury severity. Outcomes can thus be very het-
erogeneous, and clinicians need to rely on the
Neuropsychological Basic measures:
functions: best available evidence to guide clinical practice
Memory Rey Auditory Verbal in TBI.  Using the Manual for Cognitive
Learning Test (RAVLT) or Rehabilitation published by the American
California Verbal Learning Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM)
can be recommended, but it is not freely avail-
Speed of processing Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale (WAIS-IV), able. The set of guidelines by the INCOG group
Processing Speed Index (Bayley et al. 2014) focused on TBI can also be
Attention and mental Trail Making Test (TMT) recommended in the clinical practice.
Psychological status Brief Symptom
Inventory-18 Item (BSI-18)
Quality of life Satisfaction with Life Scale
75.8 Cognitive Interventions
Global outcome Disability Rating Scale Restoration, compensation, and meta-cognition
(DRS) interventions are commonly used approaches in
Motor and cognitive Functional Independence cognitive rehabilitation, used in all phases of
activity limitations Measure (FIM): Motor
recovery and in different settings (e.g., inpatient,
Subscale and Cognition
Subscale outpatient, and community). In the 1970s to
Societal participation Craig Handicap Assessment 1980s, the restorative approach was impairment-­
and Reporting Technique, focused with the aim to restore lost function
Short Form (CHART-SF) through drill and practice activities, often used in
75  Rehabilitation After Severe TBI 553

the acute and post-acute phases of recovery. Attention. For mild-moderate attentional
However, restorative interventions are controver- impairment, training with metacognitive strate-
sial, showing disappointing effect and lack of gies applied in everyday life and dual-task train-
generalization to real-world tasks. From the ing (i.e., each task trained separately and then
1990s, cognitive rehabilitation started to focus on together) are recommended. For severe atten-
compensatory strategy training with the aim to tional impairment, dual-task training and envi-
lessen the disabling impact of impairment, often ronmental modification is recommended
with the use of internal and/or external strategies. (Cicerone et  al. 2011; Ponsford et  al. 2014b).
Compensatory strategies are often used after cog- However, training on basic tasks of reaction time
nitive recovery has occurred (i.e., 1–2 years post-­ or focused attention in the acute phase and prac-
injury), showing more success (Wilson et  al. tice on computerized tasks without intervention
2009). Metacognitive strategies are those that fos- by a professional are not recommended.
ter anticipation and planning, response monitor- Memory. For mild-moderate memory impair-
ing, and self-evaluation and can be applied in all ment, both internal (e.g., visual imagery, repeated
phases of cognitive rehabilitation. Rehabilitation practice) and external (i.e., mobile/smartphone,
programs need to target the level of cognitive dys- notebook, whiteboard) compensatory devices are
function with certain intensity and should be theo- recommended. External compensatory devices
retically based according to principles of cognitive and errorless learning can benefit persons with
remediation (Sohlberg and Turkstra 2011) as well severe memory problems, even for those who are
as promote generalization, incorporating also many years post-injury (Cicerone et  al. 2011;
metacognitive and emotional strategies. Velikonja et al. 2014).
Interventions can be applied through technology Executive functions and self-awareness. For
and compensatory strategies that may allow the patients who are aware of their cognitive deficits,
individuals with cognitive impairment to more using of metacognitive strategies (e.g., goal set-
fully participate in their life activities such as ting, goal management training (GMT) (Tornas
work, family life, and society. et  al. 2016), problem orientation and problem
Goal Assessment. Setting goals are important in solving) and their applications in everyday life is
cognitive TBI rehabilitation. It encourages patients recommended (Cicerone et  al. 2011; Tate et  al.
to define their own goals and increases their self- 2014). However, reviews have drawn varying
awareness as well as engagement to rehabilitation conclusions regarding effective treatment for
interventions. Identifying goals of treatment allows self-awareness, where the INCOG group sup-
the rehabilitation to be monitored in a consistent ports the use of direct corrective feedback.
manner. Goals need to be identified by their time
frame (short or long term) and rehabilitation setting
(inpatient or outpatient). Short-term goals often 75.9 Virtual Reality
focus on changes at the level of activity (e.g., ADL)
or functioning (e.g., behavioral), while long-term Virtual reality (VR) represents a new, 3D syn-
goals are often set at the level of participation (e.g., thetic environment created by computer graphics,
work). The SMART acronym (specific, measur- where the patient interacts with and controls his/
able, achievable, realistic, and timed) offers a prac- her movements within the VR using a joystick or
tical means to define goals in a concrete manner a keyboard. VR allows the development of real-­
(Bovend’Eerdt et al. 2009). life, context-specific experiences, such as cook-
Both the INCOG group guidelines for TBI ing in a virtual kitchen, driving a virtual car, or
(Ponsford et al. 2014b; Velikonja et al. 2014) and shopping in a virtual supermarket. In these eco-
Cochrane reviews (Cicerone et  al. 2000, 2011) logically valid VR environments, patients can be
have drawn similar conclusions for cognitive assessed and trained (cognitive, sensory, motor,
interventions for attention, memory, and execu- and social training) while maintaining experi-
tive functions: mental control over stimulus measurement and
554 N. Andelic et al.

delivery. There is evidence that such training may clinical practice. The use of smart technologies
improve brain plasticity and regenerative pro- and new brain imaging has an important future in
cesses (Zanier et al. 2018). However, the use of the rehabilitation of patients with a variety of
VR in clinical practice is still limited by the cognitive difficulties and disabilities. There is
accessibility and costs. also need for international collaboration to estab-
lish a research base for practice-based evidence
from larger multicenter clinical trials (Bodien
75.10 Telerehabilitation et al. 2018; Maas et al. 2017) in order to define
the effective service provision and to reach con-
Telerehabilitation involves interventions deliv- sensus on the best evidence-based practice of
ered via telecommunication and the Internet (i.e., TBI rehabilitation.
video and teleconferencing technologies; mobile
phones; telehealth and telemedicine) in order to
improve accessibility of healthcare services for References
patients with disabilities or geographic barriers.
There is evidence that telerehabilitation may be Abbasi M, Mohammadi E, Sheaykh Rezayi A.  Effect
of a regular family visiting program as an affective,
equally effective, but not superior to other forms auditory, and tactile stimulation on the consciousness
of rehabilitation (Betts et  al. 2018). level of comatose patients with a head injury. Japan J
Telerehabilitation may incorporate specific cog- Nursing Science. 2009;6:21–6.
nitive interventions or educational and training Andelic N, Bautz-Holter E, Ronning P, et al. Does an early
onset and continuous chain of rehabilitation improve the
strategies, which may result in positive outcomes long-term functional outcome of patients with severe
(Betts et al. 2018). However, current evidence is traumatic brain injury? J Neurotrauma. 2012;29:66–74.
limited due to small number of studies, lack of Andelic N, Ye J, Tornas S, et al. Cost-effectiveness analy-
standardized intervention parameters and out- sis of an early-initiated, continuous chain of rehabilita-
tion after severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma.
come measures, and larger sample sizes. Further 2014;31:1313–20.
research is needed on resource allocation and Bayley MT, Tate R, Douglas JM, et  al. INCOG guide-
costs to guide the decision-makers and clinical lines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic
practice. brain injury: methods and overview. J Head Trauma
Rehabil. 2014;29:290–306.
Betts S, Feichter L, Kleinig Z, et al. Telerehabilitation ver-
sus standard care for improving cognitive function and
75.11 Future Prospects quality of life for adults with traumatic brain injury: a
systematic review. Internet J Allied Health Sci Pract.
2018;16:article 9.
There have been increasing efforts at summing Bodien YG, McCrea M, Dikmen S, et  al. Optimizing
up what is the current “scientific knowledge outcome assessment in multicenter TBI trials: per-
base” within the field of brain injury rehabilita- spectives from TRACK-TBI and the TBI endpoints
tion. Systematic reviews have mostly relied on development initiative. J Head Trauma Rehabil.
randomized controlled trials and expert consen- Borg J, Roe C, Nordenbo A, et al. Trends and challenges
sus and less on small patient groups reflecting in the early rehabilitation of patients with traumatic
personalized care. Rehabilitation of severe TBI brain injury: a Scandinavian perspective. Am J Phys
comprises many phases: from emergency and in-­ Med Rehabil. 2011;90:65–73.
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Neuropsychological rehabilitation theory, m ­odels,
Long-Term Follow-Up
Olli Tenovuo, Nada Andelic,
and Solrun Sigurdardottir

76.1 Overview A number of studies have addressed the ways

to cope with the sequels of TBI (Mueller et  al.
The long-term sequels of severe TBI include 2018). While this “try to make it” approach might
increased mortality and reduced life expectancy; be the only option in many cultures and health
increased morbidity to many health problems, systems, at least in low- and middle-income
including neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, countries, this does not mean that these patients
and psychiatric disorders; poor ability to adjust in do not need professional support or that coping is
changing life situations due to cognitive prob- not important. There is full consensus within the
lems, and psychosocial problems including diffi- healthcare system that other chronic conditions
culties in maintaining relationships and alienation such as hypertension or diabetes require regular
(Wilson et al. 2017). Despite a reasonable num- medical follow-up in order to prevent later com-
ber of studies describing these lifelong conse- plications and consequences, although the
quences (Masel and DeWitt 2010), there are few patients finally are themselves responsible for
studies, which have tried to address how these how they take care of themselves (active self-­
problems should be managed by the healthcare management). In the case of severe TBI, despite
system (Stocchetti and Zanier 2016). knowing the increased risk for many severe med-
ical conditions, regular medical care is rare after
the first year post-injury, even though these
O. Tenovuo (*) patients are not able to take care of themselves
Department of Clinical Medicine, Turku Brain Injury equally with those having healthy brains and
Centre, Turku University Hospital, University of ­normal cognition.
Turku, Turku, Finland
N. Andelic
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 76.2 Supportive Rehabilitation
Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway
Research Centre for Habilitation and Rehabilitation Rehabilitation is commonly considered to mean
Models and Services, Faculty of Medicine, Institute
of Health and Society, University of Oslo, the actions during the acute and subacute period
Oslo, Norway of recovery, aiming at restoring physical, cogni-
e-mail: tive, and social functioning (see Chap. 20).
S. Sigurdardottir However, especially in severe TBI, it is common
Department of Research, Sunnaas Rehabilitation to see impairment in the individual’s functioning
Hospital, Bjørnemyr, Norway
in all these three levels, as well as restrictions in

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T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
558 O. Tenovuo et al.

participation and reduced quality of life, when dispose these patients for many everyday
the planned rehabilitation has ended. Individuals problems in modern society. For example, indi-
with severe TBI may live with multiple different viduals might struggle with understanding of
disabilities in need of long-lasting, and in some financial and legal issues, seeking for social wel-
cases permanent, rehabilitation in order to fare, and adopting in new technologies and regu-
enhance participation and quality of life, to main- lations. In addition, severe TBI is associated with
tain the achieved level of functioning, or to pre- psychosocial deficits and increased risk of devel-
vent decline, which otherwise would take place, oping psychiatric diseases, which may cause
e.g., because of the additive effects of injury and emotional distress in family members, friends,
aging. and work colleagues. Once a “stable” life situa-
It is generally accepted that patients with tion is reached, this balance is often delicate and
marked spasticity are in need of constant physio- easily ruined when the patient faces new chal-
therapy, and occasionally surgical interventions lenges, such as divorce, loosing friends, or loos-
such as tendon lengthening and tenotomies, in ing work (Arango-Lasprilla et  al. 2008; Kelley
order to maintain functioning and prevent, e.g., et al. 2014).
contractures and pain. Although spasticity is Deficits in executive functioning, especially
fairly uncommon after a TBI, the need is inde- when combined with the often-occurring poor
pendent of the etiology of spasticity. A long-­ self-awareness, may drive the life of these
lasting and increased spasticity and decreased patients in chaos. In order to prevent these prob-
ambulation are among the main factors associ- lems, cognitive rehabilitation may be needed not
ated with development of heterotopic ossification only during the first 1–2 years after the injury, but
(in the hips, elbows, and shoulders). Physiotherapy possibly much longer, at least when big life
is important both as a preventive effort and the changes or major stressors occur. The problem is
mainstay of therapy. In addition, a radiation ther- often that the patient—especially if living
apy and surgery can be considered as late inter- alone—is unable to seek for help in these situa-
ventions in order to prevent new bone growth and tions. Offering every patient with severe TBI a
to restore motion (Chalidis et al. 2007). lifelong follow-up is not cost-effective or possi-
A much more common indication for long-­ ble in any healthcare system. Instead, these
lasting physiotherapy after a TBI is impaired bal- patients should have a place with sufficient
ance, which may stem from many different expertise and understanding, where they could
causes commonly seen after a severe TBI (Perez get in contact easily and with a low threshold if
et al. 2018). Poor balance is a significant risk for the achieved balance of life is threatened.
new TBIs or other severe injuries, such as femur Offering preventive measures and low-threshold
fractures. From the point of maintaining physical services is definitely cost saving for the society.
functioning, some patients may have multitrauma Cognitive supportive rehabilitation can be car-
and thus increased need for physical well-being; ried out in many ways, but a common require-
they may also have poor initiation, fatigue, and ment is the provider’s understanding of
executive dysfunction that limit their ability to TBI-related, usually invisible problems. Few
take care of their physical condition. This combi- places have a sufficient supply of neuropsycholo-
nation easily leads to a vicious circle, necessitat- gists, who are experienced with TBI rehabilita-
ing supportive rehabilitation to prevent it. tion. Other options are psychologists,
Many patients with severe TBI—especially psychotherapists, or (semi)professional support
without other major injuries—do have fairly nor- persons, who have both knowledge and prefera-
mal physical functioning, but severely impaired bly also experience in the field of TBI rehabilita-
cognition (Dikmen et  al. 2009). The most fre- tion. In some cases, when there is a severe
quent sequels of severe TBI—memory problems, problem in self-awareness, the most efficient way
poor attention and initiation, impaired communi- of support may be to offer counseling for the
cation, executive dysfunction, and fatigue—pre- proxies.
76  Long-Term Follow-Up 559

76.3 Medical Professional tell their problems properly, and may well give an
Follow-Up impression of well-­being, due to the invisible
nature of their problems. The specialized unit
A major problem in many healthcare systems is should still be easily consulted, if needed.
the lack of coordination and contingency of care Over the last decades, the Chronic Care Model
for patients with TBI (Maas et  al. 2017). (CCM) (Wagner et al. 1996) has been used in the
Typically, the acute stage is taken care of by neu- management of patients with chronic illnesses
rosurgeons, but after hospital discharge, the fol- (such as diabetes, chronic cardiovascular disease,
low-­up may be at a neurologist, physical medicine and cancer) in order to address chronic needs of
specialist, occupational medicine, basic health- the patients and integrate care across specialists
care, or nowhere at all. There is a high risk for and primary care providers. Such a model may
these patients to fall in-between, which easily probably capture the complexity of TBI care and
leads to even more complex problems by time. It be applicable to the long-term healthcare man-
is not rare that patients will at some point drift to agement. However, the knowledge-base on the
psychiatric care and be considered to suffer from implementation and effectiveness of this model
depression and anxiety, personality disorder, in TBI care is still lacking.
panic disorder, substance abuse, or psychosis
(Ponsford et al. 2018). While it is common that
these kinds of psychiatric disorders develop after 76.4 Social/Psychosocial Support
a TBI, the underlying cause may remain unrecog-
nized, leading frequently to insufficient or lack- Depending on the social security and insurance
ing therapeutic responses or even deterioration of system of the country, patients with TBI easily
the clinical condition. end up in complex, problematic situations includ-
One of the major challenges in clinical TBI ing independence, financial resources, insurance
medicine is the endless individuality, and this coverage, medical insurance, work, and commu-
applies also to chronic stages. Therefore, clinical nity participation, which may last for years.
expertise and experience are crucial if aiming at Although cases with litigation are more common
high-quality follow-up for these patients. Due to in milder TBI cases, they may occur also after a
the vast number of TBIs, the highest level of care severe TBI.  The working ability is frequently
cannot be offered for all patients. In an ideal impaired as a consequence of combined physical
pathway of care for severe TBI after the initial and cognitive deficits. However, fatigue and
hospital period, specialized outpatient clinics or executive problems are the most disabling condi-
rehabilitation units for TBI will treat these tions, which may be difficult to comprehend by
patients. These must have access for multidisci- authorities or working environment. Patients are
plinary assessments, including physician, reha- sometimes offered a sheltered working environ-
bilitation nurse, neuropsychologist, speech ment, whereas the return to previous work posi-
therapist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, tions is fairly rare.
and social worker. This unit should be responsi- The chronic stress that these situations may
ble for the follow-up until the patient’s situation cause and the patient’s frequent inability to han-
has sufficiently stabilized, which includes assess- dle and cope with them may effectively destroy
ments of vocational rehabilitation, medications the benefits from rehabilitation and cause deteri-
needed, and eventual need for long-term rehabili- oration of the patient’s clinical condition.
tation. Thereafter, a family doctor or some other Therefore, sufficient social and sometimes legal
doctor from basic healthcare could do long-term support may be important in order to avoid
follow-up, someone who has the possibility to exhaustion of the limited cognitive and psychic
follow the patient in the long run. A stable thera- resources.
peutic relationship is especially important for Similarly, these patients often end up in prob-
these patients, because they are often unable to lems in their relationships or in establishing new,
560 O. Tenovuo et al.

participating in volunteer activities, or taking patient and his/her family is of major importance
care of children and may develop various psychi- in the long run.
atric disorders, either by reactive or organic
mechanisms. Secondary psychiatric problems
combined with the cognitive TBI sequels are a References
difficult, but common combination and may
require long-lasting therapeutic support. As for Arango-Lasprilla JC, Ketchum JM, Dezfulian T, Kreutzer
JS, O'Neil-Pirozzi TM, Hammond F, Jha A. Predictors
all care for TBI, sufficient understanding about of marital stability 2 years following traumatic brain
the nature of TBI and its symptoms is a prerequi- injury. Brain Inj. 2008;22(7–8):565–74. https://doi.
site for successful care. org/10.1080/02699050802172004.
Care for patients with severe TBI in the Chalidis B, Stengel D, Giannoudis PV. Early excision and
late excision of heterotopic ossification after traumatic
chronic phase is frequently provided by nonpro- brain injury are equivalent: a systematic review of
fessionals and family caregivers, who are in the literature. J Neurotrauma. 2007;24(11):1675–86.
need of information and family interventions to
manage this situation (Hart et  al. 2018). Many Dikmen SS, Corrigan JD, Levin HS, Machamer J,
Stiers W, Weisskopf MG.  Cognitive outcome fol-
family caregivers experience increasing, multi- lowing traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma
faceted burden related to the extent and type of Rehabil. 2009;24(6):430–8.
care provided, difficulties adapting to the role of HTR.0b013e3181c133e9.
a caregiver, and social disintegration, leading to Hart T, Driver S, Sander A, Pappadis M, Dams-O’Connor
K, Bocage C, et al. Traumatic brain injury education
psychological distress and low quality of life. In for adult patients and families: a scoping review. Brain
general, family support services after TBI may Inj. 2018;32(11):1295–306.
depend on the country, region and available 2699052.2018.1493226.
local resources. Especially in healthcare sys- Kelley E, Sullivan C, Loughlin JK, Hutson L, Dahdah MN,
Long MK, et al. Self-awareness and neurobehavioral
tems where the resources are limited, this field outcomes, 5 years or more after moderate to severe
can easily become a low priority, despite the brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2014;29(2):147–
fact that it may be appropriate to assume that the 52.
patient outcome is influenced by the support Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD, Andelic N, Bell
MJ, Belli A, et al. Traumatic brain injury: integrated
provided by the family caregiver (Norup et  al. approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and
2015). The major challenge is that the needs of research. Lancet Neurol. 2017;16(12):987–1048.
family caregivers are not identified systemati-
cally and in a differentiated manner, and they Masel BE, DeWitt DS. Traumatic brain injury: a disease
process, not an event. J Neurotrauma. 2010;27(8):1529–
are not addressed by proper interventions. 40.
Therefore, it is important to advise family care- Mueller C, Wesenberg S, Nestmann F, Stubbs B,
givers to seek help and social support when they Bebbington P, Raymond V.  Interventions to enhance
need it. coping after traumatic brain injury: a systematic
review. Int J Ther Rehabil. 2018;25(3). https://doi.
Norup A, Perrin PB, Cuberos-Urbano G, Anke A,
76.5 Conclusion Andelic N, Doyle ST, et al. Family needs after brain
injury: a cross cultural study. NeuroRehabilitation.
An ultimate goal of treatment and rehabilitation 208.
after severe TBI is to give patients a meaningful Perez H, Green RE, Mochizuki G.  Spectral analysis of
existence and a life within their expectancies. centre of pressure identifies altered balance control
Despite its importance, the number of studies on in individuals with moderate-severe traumatic brain
injury. Disabil Rehabil. 2018:1–9.
long-term treatment/rehabilitation possibilities is 1080/09638288.2018.1501101.
still very limited and should be improved. Given Ponsford J, Alway Y, Gould KR.  Epidemiology and
the facts that severe TBIs cause persistent, life- natural history of psychiatric disorders after TBI.  J
long, multidimensional consequences, the indi- Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2018;30(4):262–70.
vidualized care and tailored rehabilitation to each
76  Long-Term Follow-Up 561

Stocchetti N, Zanier ER.  Chronic impact of traumatic Wilson L, Stewart W, Dams-O’Connor K, Diaz-Arrastia
brain injury on outcome and quality of life: a narra- R, Horton L, Menon DK, Polinder S.  The chronic
tive review. Crit Care. 2016;20(1):148. https://doi. and evolving neurological consequences of traumatic
org/10.1186/s13054-016-1318-1. brain injury. Lancet Neurol. 2017;16(10):813–25.
Wagner EH, Austin BT, Von Korff M. Improving outcomes
in chronic illness. Manag Care Q. 1996;4(2):12–25.
Part X
Outcome and Prognosis

Teemu Luoto
General Overview
Eirik Vikane and Teemu Luoto

77.1 General Aspects Disability and Health (ICF) has been developed.
This comprehensive classification constitutes a
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of wide range of categories that aims to cover all the
death and disability and is a critical health and relevant aspects of functioning after TBI (Laxe
socioeconomic problem worldwide (Hyder et al. et al. 2013). Two versions of the classification are
2007; Roozenbeek et  al. 2013). TBI results in available: (1) comprehensive core set (139 ICF
cognitive, behavioural and physical impairment, categories) and (2) brief core set (23 ICF
which significantly impacts independent living categories).
and social skills, interpersonal relationships, The introduction of the GCS in 1974 and the
social and leisure activities and participation in Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) in 1975 have
work or school. However, due to diffuse and vari- been of great importance to the standardization
able pathophysiological effects, there is a consid- of injury severity and outcome after TBI (Teasdale
erable variability in outcomes between and Jennett 1974; Jennett and Bond 1975).
individuals with TBI, even with severe injury Although GCS serves as the cornerstone in the
(Ponsford 2013). TBI results in different impair- clinical assessment of patients with TBI, it falls
ments in the physical and mental functions, short in its prognostic abilities. Whereas GOS
which not only produces life changes to the (more recently Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended
patient, but also to the patient’s family and others [GOS-E]) gives a good gross characterization of
with a relation to the patient (Laxe et al. 2015). the patient’s global TBI outcome, it lacks detail
To help in providing information regarding the on different outcome domains (e.g. cognitive and
identification of patients’ problems and needs as social functioning). More recently, the National
well as planning, implementation and coordina- Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
tion of the rehabilitation process, the WHO (NINDS) and several co-sponsoring federal
International Classification of Functioning, agencies developed data standards for clinical
TBI research. Out of this effort, Common Data
Elements (CDEs) were produced in order to
E. Vikane (*)
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, improve research and clinical treatment, increase
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway data quality and promote data sharing in the field
e-mail: of TBI (Hicks et al. 2013; The National Institute
T. Luoto of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Department of Neurosurgery, Tampere University n.d.). By harmonizing the data elements among
Hospital and Tampere University, Tampere, Finland different international studies, the comparability

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566 E. Vikane and T. Luoto

of inter-study findings can be established. The rotrauma biomarkers, genetic factors) findings
CDEs encompass a variety of prognostic factors into the equation.
as well as different outcome domains. The main Severe TBI is associated with an increased
multidimensional outcome domains are (1) risk of multiple comorbidities acutely or chroni-
recovery of consciousness, (2) physical function- cally after injury, and the injury may even accel-
ing, (3) neuropsychological impairment, (4) erate cognitive ageing (Wood 2017). These
global outcome, (5) health-related quality of life, diseases and conditions can complicate recovery
(6) TBI symptoms and (7) psychological status. and result in an unfavourable outcome. Some of
the most common TBI-related comorbidities
include (1) somatic problems (e.g. post-traumatic
77.2 Mortality and Morbidity epilepsy, headache and dementia), (2) psychiatric
disorders (e.g. depression and post-traumatic
The overall TBI mortality has been stable around stress disorder), (3) neuropsychological sequelae
25% of the last two decades, and approximately (e.g. cognitive deficits and behavioural changes)
50% have a favourable outcome after a severe and (4) neurosurgical problems (e.g. post-­
TBI (Lindfors et  al. 2018; Murray et  al. 2018). traumatic hydrocephalus and syndrome of the
The mortality is highest within the first week trephined). Additionally, a minority of patients
post-injury. Some studies have observed an with severe TBI have a very poor recovery and
improvement in mortality rates among younger remain in a vegetative or minimally conscious
patients, whereas the mortality among elderly state. The aforementioned aspects of severe TBI
TBI patients is still high. The mortality increases recovery and outcome are discussed in detail in
from 50% at the age of 70 to above 75% at the the following chapters.
age of 86 years and older (Murray et  al. 2018;
El-Menyar et  al. 2018). Higher mortality is in
particular observed among elderly patients with References
lower level of consciousness, high-energy
trauma, one pupil fixed and dilated and more El-Menyar A, Consunji R, Abdelrahman H, Latifi R,
Wahlen BM, Al-Thani H.  Predictors and time-­
extensive intracranial pathology (Herou et  al. based hospital mortality in patients with iso-
2015). lated and polytrauma brain injuries. World J Surg.
Different prognostic calculators for TBI have 2018;42(5):1346–57.
been developed (Perel et  al. 2008; Steyerberg Gao J, Zheng Z.  Development of prognostic models for
patients with traumatic brain injury: a systematic
et al. 2008; Gao and Zheng 2015). In these prog- review. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8(11):19881–5.
nostic models (e.g. IMPACT and CRASH), dif- Herou E, Romner B, Tomasevic G. Acute traumatic brain
ferent injury characteristics, clinical parameters injury: mortality in the elderly. World Neurosurg.
and neuroradiological findings are combined to 2015;83(6):996–1001.
Hicks R, Giacino J, Harrison-Felix C, Manley G, Valadka
predict outcome in individual patients. The mod- A, Wilde EA.  Progress in developing common data
els provide estimates of prognostic probabilities elements for traumatic brain injury research: ver-
with an inherent degree of uncertainty. Common sion two--the end of the beginning. J Neurotrauma.
outcome measures used in these prognostic mod- 2013;30(22):1852–61.
Hyder AA, Wunderlich CA, Puvanachandra P, Gururaj
els are mortality and GOS/GOS-E as a global G, Kobusingye OC.  The impact of traumatic brain
outcome scale (Maas et al. 2015). The prognostic injuries: a global perspective. NeuroRehabilitation.
model risk factors that have the most detrimental 2007;22(5):341–53.
effect on TBI outcome are the following: (1) age, Jennett B, Bond M. Assessment of outcome after severe
brain damage. Lancet. 1975;1(7905):480–4.
(2) GCS motor score, (3) pupillary reactivity and Laxe S, Zasler N, Selb M, Tate R, Tormos JM, Bernabeu
(4) secondary insults (hypotension, hypoxia and M. Development of the International Classification of
hypothermia) (Maas et  al. 2015). In the future, Functioning, Disability and Health core sets for trau-
outcome models can possibly be improved by matic brain injury: an International consensus process.
Brain Inj. 2013;27(4):379–87.
integrating biomarker (e.g. blood-based neu-
77  General Overview 567

Laxe S, Cieza A, Castano-Monsalve B.  Rehabilitation Ponsford J.  Factors contributing to outcome follow-
of traumatic brain injury in the light of the ing traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation.
ICF. NeuroRehabilitation. 2015;36(1):37–43. 2013;32(4):803–15.
Lindfors M, Vehvilainen J, Siironen J, Kivisaari R, Roozenbeek B, Maas AI, Menon DK. Changing patterns
Skrifvars MB, Raj R.  Temporal changes in outcome in the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury. Nat Rev
following intensive care unit treatment after trau- Neurol. 2013;9(4):231–6.
matic brain injury: a 17-year experience in a large Steyerberg EW, Mushkudiani N, Perel P, Butcher I, Lu J,
academic neurosurgical centre. Acta Neurochir. McHugh GS, et al. Predicting outcome after traumatic
2018;160(11):2107–15. brain injury: development and international validation
Maas AI, Lingsma HF, Roozenbeek B.  Predicting out- of prognostic scores based on admission characteris-
come after traumatic brain injury. Handb Clin Neurol. tics. PLoS Med. 2008;5(8):e165; discussion e.
2015;128:455–74. Teasdale G, Jennett B.  Assessment of coma and
Murray GD, Brennan PM, Teasdale GM.  Simplifying impaired consciousness. A practical scale. Lancet.
the use of prognostic information in traumatic brain 1974;2(7872):81–4.
injury. Part 2: graphical presentation of probabilities. J The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
Neurosurg. 2018;128(6):1621–34. Stroke (NINDS). https://www.commondataelements.
Perel P, Arango M, Clayton T, Edwards P, Komolafe
E, Poccock S, et  al. Predicting outcome after trau- Wood RL.  Accelerated cognitive aging following
matic brain injury: practical prognostic models severe traumatic brain injury: a review. Brain Inj.
based on large cohort of international patients. BMJ. 2017;31(10):1270–8.
Somatic Consequences
Johan Ljungqvist

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Level I • Somatic consequences are common
after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and
There are insufficient data to support a Level I require prompt recognition and treat-
recommendation for this topic. ment in order to optimize the neurologi-
cal outcome for the patient.
Level II • General treatment guidelines are often
adequate also for patients with TBI.
There are insufficient data to support a Level II • Patients with clinical signs of adrenal
recommendation for this topic. insufficiency require immediate treat-
ment, and screening for hormone defi-
Level III ciency should be considered, as this
occurs also in the subacute and chronic
There is no evidence to support the use of antiepi- phase after TBI.
leptic drugs to reduce the risk of late-onset sei-
zures after TBI in adults. Hormone deficiency is
a common finding after severe TBI and screening
should be considered. 78.1 Background

Traumatic brain injury should not be consid-

ered a distinct event, as a sequence of damage
occurs to the central nervous system that con-
tinues to affect the patient in the subacute and
chronic periods after injury. While some
sequelae, such as seizures, are more common
J. Ljungqvist (*) within the first months after injury, levels of
Department of Neurosurgery, Sahlgrenska University fatigue often increase during the first year after
Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden severe TBI.
Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology,
Sahlgrenska Academy University of Gothenburg,
Gothenburg, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 569

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
570 J. Ljungqvist

78.2 Post-traumatic Seizures the relevance and therapeutic implications of

these findings are uncertain (Klose and Feldt-
Late seizures are seizures that occur later than 1 Rasmussen 2015; Tolli et al. 2017). The general
week after TBI.  Depending on the series, the prevalence of post-traumatic hypopituitarism
incidence of late seizures ranges from 1.9 to has been reported to be 27%, growth hormone
>30% (Frey 2003). The wide range likely reflects deficiency being the commonest deficiency
the variability in the populations studied, particu- (Schneider et  al. 2007). For clinicians who see
larly with respect to injury severity. In a popula- patients in the subacute or chronic phase after
tion study by Annegers and colleagues, the TBI, it is important to recognize clinical signs of
standardized incidence ratio for late seizures in adrenal insufficiency and to institute immediate
patients with severe TBI was 17.0 (95% confi- treatment (Klose and Feldt-Rasmussen 2015).
dence interval, 12.3–23.6) (Annegers et al. 1998), Patients with overt post-traumatic multiple pitu-
and in a Finnish study, the incidence was 24.5% itary hormone deficiencies also require treat-
(Asikainen et al. 1999). Older age, early seizures, ment, and screening for hormone deficiency
and more severe TBI have been associated with should be considered (Klose and Feldt-
an increased risk of late seizures (DeGrauw et al. Rasmussen 2015; Tolli et al. 2017).
2018). Moreover, injuries that involve depressed
skull fractures, dural penetration, and focal tissue
destruction are at particular risk. In a series by 78.4 Paroxysmal Sympathetic
Englander and colleagues, patients with bipari- Hyperactivity
etal contusions had a cumulative probability of
late post-traumatic seizures of 66%, and patients Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity occurs in
with dural penetration along with bone and metal about 10% of patients after severe TBI, particu-
fragments, 62.5% (Englander et al. 2003). larly those with worse outcomes (c.f. Chap. 73)
Late seizures often occur within the first year (Hendricks et  al. 2010; Fernandez-Ortega et  al.
of injury (Annegers et al. 1998; Englander et al. 2012). The condition may persist for weeks to
2003), but the increased risk after TBI may per- months and is characterized by “periodic epi-
sist for up to 10 or 20 years (Annegers et al. 1998; sodes of increased heart rate and blood pressure,
Frey 2003). sweating, hyperthermia, and motor posturing,
A Cochrane review from 2015 did not find often in response to external stimuli” (Meyfroidt
evidence to support the use of antiepileptic drugs et al. 2017). In the subacute and chronic phases
to reduce the risk of late seizures or mortality after TBI, it is important to diagnose paroxysmal
(Thompson et  al. 2015). Similarly, a review by sympathetic hyperactivity and to optimize treat-
Picenna and colleagues found no evidence for the ment. The main goals of treatment, suggested by
effectiveness of pharmacological treatments in Meyfroidt and colleagues, are “to avoid the trig-
the prevention or treatment of symptomatic sei- gers that provoke the paroxysms, to mitigate the
zures in adults with post-traumatic epilepsy; excessive sympathetic outflow, and to address the
however, they did find limited high-level evi- effects of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity
dence for the effectiveness of levetiracetam for on other organ systems through supportive ther-
children with post-traumatic epilepsy (Piccenna apy” (Meyfroidt et al. 2017).
et al. 2017). See also Chap. 69.

78.5 Headache and Pain

78.3 Hypopituitarism
Complaints of frequent or continuous headache
Hypopituitarism, or presence of pituitary hor- are common after TBI.  The International
mone alterations, is commonly found in the Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition
acute phase after TBI (c.f. Chap. 56). However, (ICHD-3) defines “headache attributed to trauma
78  Somatic Consequences 571

or injury to the head and/or neck”, which encom- Thorough examination, appreciation of the
passes both a new headache that occurs after the complex nature of the pathophysiology of the
trauma and worsening of a pre-existing headache disease, and awareness of coexisting symptoms
after the trauma (Headache Classification (such as fatigue and depression) are important
Committee of the International Headache Society factors in the management of post-traumatic
(IHS) 2018). Different studies have shown a headache and pain. Therefore, physical therapy,
prevalence of significant headache at 1 year after psychologic evaluation, and cognitive therapy
trauma in 18–33% of patients (Lew et al. 2006; may be more effective than pharmacologic treat-
Kamins and Charles 2018). Nordhaug and col- ment (Kamins and Charles 2018).
leagues found that patients hospitalized after
mild head injury had an increased risk of new-­
onset headache (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.05–2.87) as 78.6 Fatigue and Sleep Disorders
well as an increased risk of exacerbation of previ-
ously reported headache (OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.24– Fatigue is a common sequela of TBI that affects a
3.02) compared to a control group (Nordhaug majority of patients, regardless of injury severity
et al. 2018). Other chronic pain syndromes also and regardless of time since the injury (Mollayeva
occur more frequently compared to the general et al. 2014; Beaulieu-Bonneau and Ouellet 2017).
population, particularly in patients with mild TBI Cantor and colleagues found that 75% of the
(Nampiaparampil 2008). Patients with severe sample of individuals with TBI, included in their
TBI may have difficulties reporting or processing study, reported significant levels of fatigue as
their symptoms because of other cognitive or opposed to 40% of those in a non-injured com-
executive impairments. parison group (Cantor et al. 2008). Lequerica and
Headache and pain are associated with other colleagues followed patients longitudinally and
consequences of TBI such as post-traumatic found that less than half of their patients experi-
depression, cognition, and fatigue, but the causal- enced a remission of fatigue over time (Lequerica
ity is not known (Kumar et al. 2018). Hoffmann et al. 2017). Beaulieu-Bonneau and Ouellet also
and colleagues found a relationship between pain performed a longitudinal study and found a pat-
and community participation at 1 year after tern of reduction of fatigue levels in patients with
injury, but this relationship became insignificant mild TBI, stable fatigue levels in patients with
when depression was taken into account, hence moderate TBI, and increased fatigue levels in
demonstrating the complex relationship between patients with severe TBI (Beaulieu-Bonneau and
different sequelae of TBI (Hoffman et al. 2007). Ouellet 2017). An increase of fatigue over time in
Management of chronic headache and pain in patients with severe TBI could possibly be linked
patients with TBI is difficult because of the com- to increased levels of awareness and overall
plex underlying mechanisms (Kamins and Charles activity (Bjorkdahl et al. 2016; Beaulieu-Bonneau
2018) and the relative paucity of studies on spe- and Ouellet 2017). Fatigue is also strongly linked
cific post-traumatic headache or pain. However, a to post-traumatic depression, with fatigue pre-
majority of studies have reported that patients ceding depression (Kumar et al. 2018).
present with tension-type or migraine-­like head- There is no objective measure or generally
aches, and for these symptoms, simple analgesics accepted definition of fatigue after TBI, but the
and nonsteroid inflammatory drugs are commonly experience of fatigue can be both physical and
used (Lew et al. 2006). Prophylactic therapies and cognitive. Cantor and colleagues noted that
acute migraine-­specific treatments may also be fatigue is “often associated with a felt sense of
given. Overuse of analgesics is not uncommon in disproportionate exertion and associated mental
patients with chronic headache, including patients or physical exhaustion and inability to perform”
after TBI, and this could lead to a paradoxical (Cantor et al. 2013). The “Mental Fatigue Scale”
increase in headache that may become refractory is a questionnaire for the self-assessment of men-
(Lew et al. 2006). tal fatigue that describes the condition (Johansson
572 J. Ljungqvist

et  al. 2009). The scale includes 15 questions in References

different areas associated with mental fatigue,
i.e., fatigue in general, lack of initiative, mental Annegers JF, Hauser WA, Coan SP, Rocca WA.  A
population-­based study of seizures after traumatic
fatigue, mental recovery, concentration difficul- brain injuries. N Engl J Med. 1998;338(1):20–4.
ties, memory problems, slowness of thinking, Asikainen I, Kaste M, Sarna S.  Early and late posttrau-
sensitivity to stress, increased tendency to matic seizures in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation
become emotional, irritability, sensitivity to light patients: brain injury factors causing late seizures and
influence of seizures on long-term outcome. Epilepsia.
or noise, as well as decreased or increased dura- 1999;40(5):584–9.
tion of sleep or diurnal variations (Johansson Beaulieu-Bonneau S, Ouellet MC. Fatigue in the first year
et al. 2009). after traumatic brain injury: course, relationship with
Fatigue is closely linked to other sequelae of injury severity, and correlates. Neuropsychol Rehabil.
TBI, including cognitive deficits, insomnia, anxi- Bjorkdahl A, Esbjornsson E, Ljungqvist J, Skoglund T,
ety, depression, and pain, and it affects global Sunnerhagen KS.  Decline in cognitive function due
well-being (Beaulieu-Bonneau and Ouellet to diffuse axonal injury does not necessarily imply a
2017). Despite the association between fatigue corresponding decline in ability to perform activities.
Disabil Rehabil. 2016;38(10):1006–15.
and sleepiness, sleep does not seem to have a Cantor JB, Ashman T, Gordon W, Ginsberg A, Engmann
restorative effect on fatigue (Cantor et al. 2013). C, Egan M, Spielman L, Dijkers M, Flanagan
However, problems with sleep are also common S. Fatigue after traumatic brain injury and its impact
after TBI, and in a meta-analysis by Mathias and on participation and quality of life. J Head Trauma
Rehabil. 2008;23(1):41–51.
Alvaro, 50% of patients suffered from sleep dis- Cantor JB, Gordon W, Gumber S.  What is post TBI
turbance after TBI, and 25–29% had a diagnosed fatigue? NeuroRehabilitation. 2013;32(4):875–83.
sleep disorder (insomnia, hypersomnia, apnea) Cantor JB, Ashman T, Bushnik T, Cai X, Farrell-­
(Mathias and Alvaro 2012). Thus, it is important Carnahan L, Gumber S, Hart T, Rosenthal J, Dijkers
MP.  Systematic review of interventions for fatigue
to recognize and treat these conditions to avoid after traumatic brain injury: a NIDRR traumatic brain
their potential impact on recovery and outcome. injury model systems study. J Head Trauma Rehabil.
While there are no structural neuroimaging 2014;29(6):490–7.
correlations of fatigue that can be used in routine DeGrauw X, Thurman D, Xu L, Kancherla V, DeGrauw
T. Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury-associated
practice, structural and functional MRI studies epilepsy and early use of anti-epilepsy drugs: an anal-
have given some clues. Schonberger and col- ysis of insurance claims data, 2004-2014. Epilepsy
leagues have found a relation between cognitive Res. 2018;146:41–9.
fatigability and right frontal and temporal brain Englander J, Bushnik T, Duong TT, Cifu DX, Zafonte
R, Wright J, Hughes R, Bergman W.  Analyzing risk
lesions as well as to the total lesion load factors for late posttraumatic seizures: a prospective,
(Schonberger et  al. 2017). Moreover, the group multicenter investigation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
speculates that the findings “could be the result of 2003;84(3):365–73.
decreased functional connectivity of attentional Fernandez-Ortega JF, Prieto-Palomino MA, Garcia-­
Caballero M, Galeas-Lopez JL, Quesada-Garcia G,
networks that results in accelerated exhaustion Baguley IJ.  Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity
during cognitive task performance” (Schonberger after traumatic brain injury: clinical and prognostic
et al. 2017). Wylie and colleagues have demon- implications. J Neurotrauma. 2012;29(7):1364–70.
strated a relationship between fatigue and activa- Frey LC. Epidemiology of posttraumatic epilepsy: a criti-
cal review. Epilepsia. 2003;44(s10):11–7.
tion in the caudate nucleus, a structure involved Headache Classification Committee of the International
in the control of motor processes and cognitive Headache Society (IHS). The International
behavior (Wylie et al. 2017). Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition.
There is currently insufficient evidence to rec- Cephalalgia. 2018;38(1):1–211.
Hendricks HT, Heeren AH, Vos PE.  Dysautonomia
ommend or contraindicate any treatments of after severe traumatic brain injury. Eur J Neurol.
fatigue after TBI (Cantor et al. 2014). However, 2010;17(9):1172–7.
several pharmacological studies are underway, Hoffman JM, Pagulayan KF, Zawaideh N, Dikmen S,
and studies of cognitive behavioral therapy have Temkin N, Bell KR.  Understanding pain after trau-
matic brain injury: impact on community participa-
shown promising results in pilot studies (Cantor tion. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;86(12):962–9.
et al. 2014; Nguyen et al. 2017).
78  Somatic Consequences 573

Johansson B, Berglund P, Ronnback L.  Mental fatigue Nampiaparampil DE.  Prevalence of chronic pain after
and impaired information processing after mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review. JAMA.
and moderate traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj. 2008;300(6):711–9.
2009;23(13–14):1027–40. Nguyen S, McKay A, Wong D, Rajaratnam SM, Spitz
Kamins J, Charles A.  Posttraumatic headache: basic G, Williams G, Mansfield D, Ponsford JL. Cognitive
mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Headache. behavior therapy to treat sleep disturbance and
2018;58(6):811–26. fatigue after traumatic brain injury: a pilot ran-
Klose M, Feldt-Rasmussen U.  Hypopituitarism in domized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
traumatic brain injury-a critical note. J Clin Med. 2017;98(8):1508–1517.e1502.
2015;4(7):1480–97. Nordhaug LH, Hagen K, Vik A, Stovner LJ, Follestad T,
Kumar RG, Gao S, Juengst SB, Wagner AK, Fabio A. The Pedersen T, Gravdahl GB, Linde M.  Headache fol-
effects of post-traumatic depression on cognition, lowing head injury: a population-based longitudinal
pain, fatigue, and headache after moderate-to-severe cohort study (HUNT). J Headache Pain. 2018;19(1):8.
traumatic brain injury: a thematic review. Brain Inj. Piccenna L, Shears G, O’Brien TJ.  Management of
2018;32(4):383–94. post-traumatic epilepsy: an evidence review over the
Lequerica AH, Botticello AL, Lengenfelder J, last 5 years and future directions. Epilepsia Open.
Chiaravalloti N, Bushnik T, Dijkers MP, Hammond 2017;2(2):123–44.
FM, Kolakowsky-Hayner SA, Rosenthal J.  Factors Schneider HJ, Kreitschmann-Andermahr I, Ghigo E,
associated with remission of post-traumatic brain Stalla GK, Agha A. Hypothalamopituitary dysfunction
injury fatigue in the years following traumatic brain following traumatic brain injury and aneurysmal sub-
injury (TBI): a TBI model systems module study. arachnoid hemorrhage: a systematic review. JAMA.
Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2017;27(7):1019–30. 2007;298(12):1429–38.
Lew HL, Lin PH, Fuh JL, Wang SJ, Clark DJ, Walker Schonberger M, Reutens D, Beare R, O’Sullivan R,
WC.  Characteristics and treatment of headache after Rajaratnam SMW, Ponsford J. Brain lesion correlates
traumatic brain injury: a focused review. Am J Phys of fatigue in individuals with traumatic brain injury.
Med Rehabil. 2006;85(7):619–27. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2017;27(7):1056–70.
Mathias JL, Alvaro PK.  Prevalence of sleep distur- Thompson K, Pohlmann-Eden B, Campbell LA, Abel
bances, disorders, and problems following trau- H. Pharmacological treatments for preventing epilepsy
matic brain injury: a meta-analysis. Sleep Med. following traumatic head injury. Cochrane Database
2012;13(7):898–905. Syst Rev. 2015;(8):CD009900.
Meyfroidt G, Baguley IJ, Menon DK. Paroxysmal sympa- Tolli A, Borg J, Bellander BM, Johansson F, Hoybye
thetic hyperactivity: the storm after acute brain injury. C.  Pituitary function within the first year after trau-
Lancet Neurol. 2017;16(9):721–9. matic brain injury or subarachnoid haemorrhage. J
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the course, predictors and consequences. Neurosci with traumatic brain injury is associated with caudate
Biobehav Rev. 2014;47:684–716. activation. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):8973.
Neuropsychiatric Consequences
Salla Koponen

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
Level I • A psychiatric consultation should be
considered, when a patient with TBI has
There are insufficient data to support a Level I disabling psychiatric symptoms. Major
recommendation for this topic. depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress
disorder, and anxiety disorders are com-
Level II mon after TBI.
• All psychotropic agents should be started
A subset of individuals with major depressive at a low dose to avoid side effects.
disorder after TBI probably respond to antide-
pressive medication.

Level III 79.1 Overview

Individuals with severe TBI are susceptible to the Mental disorders and other neurobehavioral
side effects of psychotropic agents. Agents with changes are commonly seen after traumatic brain
significant anticholinergic effects should be injury (TBI). They typically cause significant dis-
avoided. Benzodiazepines are not recommended ability and poorer quality of life. In patients with
due to their effects on cognitive function and severe TBI, the decreased health-related quality
impulse control. of life has been associated with depressive symp-
toms (Grauwmeijer et  al. 2018) and posttrau-
matic stress symptoms (Bosma et  al. 2018).
Substance use disorders are known to be com-
mon prior to severe TBI (Alway et al. 2016a), and
substance use often continues causing difficulties
in the rehabilitation. To improve the outcome of
severe TBI, neuropsychiatric consequences need
to be recognized and managed at an early stage.
S. Koponen (*) A psychiatric consultation should be considered,
Department of Psychiatry, Hospital District of when a patient has apparent symptoms of, for
Helsinki and Uusimaa, Helsinki, Finland example, posttraumatic stress disorder or moder-

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 575

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
576 S. Koponen

ate to severe major depressive disorder. be considered first (Fisher et  al. 2015). In a
Unfortunately, the evidence-based knowledge of Cochrane review by Fleminger et al. (2006), the
their treatment after TBI is scarce. Patients with best evidence of effectiveness for agitation or
severe TBI are particularly susceptible to the side aggression after TBI was found for propranolol
effects of psychotropic agents. For acute neuro- and pindolol at high doses, but even this evidence
psychiatric conditions, see Chap. 74. was weak. In clinical practice, beta-blockers are
not commonly used due to their cardiovascular
effects. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhib-
79.2 Neurobehavioral Changes itors) or antiepileptics are usually the first choice
to treat severe impulsivity or aggressive behavior
In a study with 120 individuals with severe TBI, after TBI (Arciniegas and Wortzel 2014).
the most common neuropsychiatric symptoms Buspirone can also be used. Benzodiazepines
(assessed with the Neuropsychiatric Inventory, should be avoided, as they impair impulse control
NPI) were apathy (42%), irritability (37%), dys- and cognitive function. Antipsychotics, particu-
phoric or depressed mood (29%), disinhibition larly first-generation (typical) antipsychotics,
(28%), eating disturbances (27%), and agitation should also be avoided due to their side effects
(24%) (Ciurli et al. 2011). The high occurrence of (e.g. extrapyramidal side effects). All psychotro-
apathy is noteworthy, as apathy often impedes the pic medications should be started at a low dose
rehabilitation attempts. In apathy, the diminished and the dose should be increased slowly. Before
motivation can manifest itself in diminished goal- starting any psychotropic medication for agitation
directed behavior, goal-directed cognitive activ- or aggression, pain and other somatic etiological
ity, or emotions (Arnould et al. 2016). factors should be excluded. It is meant to be said
Impulsivity is another well-known conse- that pain and other somatic factors can cause agi-
quence of TBI. It can be defined as a tendency to tation or aggression. There are no evidence-based
experience strong reactions (especially in asso- means to manage apathy.
ciation with negative affects), a difficulty to think
and reflect on the consequences of an act, or a
difficulty to remain focused on a task (Arnould 79.3 Mental Disorders
et al. 2016). Particularly after severe TBI, impul-
sive aggressive behavior may also be seen. The diagnosis and treatment of the following rela-
A marked personality change has been found tively common mental disorders is important to
in 33% of patients with severe TBI (Diaz et  al. enable patients to benefit from the rehabilitation of
2012). The diagnosis of organic personality dis- TBI. The diagnostics is often complicated, as the
order can be applied in these cases (F07.0  in symptoms of many mental disorders, e.g., major
ICD-10). The prominent symptoms of organic depressive disorder, overlap with the symptoms of
personality disorder are usually either apathetic chronic TBI. The data on the effectiveness of phar-
features or impulsive and aggressive features. macotherapy and psychotherapeutic interventions
The assessment of neurobehavioral changes is in individuals with TBI is insufficient.
often complicated by the lack of self-awareness
after severe TBI. Information from family mem-
bers or other caregivers is essential to carry out a 79.3.1 Major Depressive Disorder
reliable assessment.
The evidence-based knowledge of the manage- An increased risk of depression has been found in
ment of neurobehavioral symptoms is scarce. individuals with TBI (Tsai et al. 2014; Perry et al.
Chronic impulsive or aggressive behavior is often 2016). In a study with 559 patients, 53% had
targeted with pharmacotherapy. However, the major depressive disorder (MDD) during the
data to support this approach is insufficient. 12-month follow-up after TBI (Bombardier et al.
Consequently, psychosocial interventions should 2010). Subjects with severe TBI also had an
79  Neuropsychiatric Consequences 577

increased risk of depression in all three above- chotropic medications, including antidepres-
mentioned studies. According to some reports, sants, should be started at a low dose to avoid
MDD has been more common after mild TBI side effects. In one study, sertraline (SSRI)
(26%) than after moderate to severe TBI (15%) appeared to be efficacious in preventing depres-
(Ouellet et al. 2018). Depression prior to injury is sion after TBI (Jorge et al. 2016). Tricyclic anti-
a predictor of the development of MDD after TBI depressants are not recommended (in doses
(Bombardier et  al. 2010; Cnossen et  al. 2017; needed to treat depression) due to their anticho-
Ouellet et al. 2018). In clinical practice, particu- linergic side effects. Bupropion should be
larly patients with a history of MDD should be avoided after severe TBI, as it increases the risk
monitored for depressive symptoms after TBI. of epileptic seizures.
The core symptoms of MDD are depressed Psychotherapeutic interventions should be
mood, marked loss of interest or ability to enjoy considered, although all patients with severe TBI
activities (anhedonia), and decreased energy. The are not able to benefit from these interventions
diagnosis of MDD can be difficult after TBI, as due to impaired cognitive function and lack of
there is an overlap in some symptoms of MDD self-awareness. There is very limited knowledge
and TBI.  The symptoms seen in both of these of the effectiveness of psychotherapy in patients
conditions are decreased energy, sleep distur- with TBI (Gertler et al. 2015; Wiart et al. 2016).
bance of any type, diminished ability to concen- In clinical practice, primarily cognitive behav-
trate, and irritability. This overlap should be ioral methods have appeared to be useful after
taken into account also when interpreting self-­ severe TBI.
rating scales for depression, such as Beck The risk of bipolar disorder is also increased
Depression Inventory (BDI). After severe TBI, after TBI (Tsai et  al. 2014; Perry et  al. 2016).
the lack of self-awareness can also complicate However, milder and more rapid fluctuation in
the diagnosis of depression. mood, not fulfilling the criteria of mania or hypo-
Although the diagnostic criteria of MDD are mania, is remarkably more common after TBI.
not fulfilled, TBI patients may have milder
depressive symptoms. In this case, the ICD-10
diagnosis of “adjustment disorder with depressed 79.3.2 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
mood” can be used. Patients with this kind of
adjustment disorder should be followed, as Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can evolve
depressive symptoms may worsen and eventually after an exceptionally threatening event, e.g.,
fulfill the criteria of MDD, causing more disabil- assault or motor vehicle accident. In addition,
ity. Psychosocial treatment for depressive symp- some individuals develop a subsyndromal
toms should be considered at an early stage. PTSD.  In this case, the diagnostic criteria of
Suicide risk should be monitored especially in PTSD are not fulfilled, but anxiety and other
individuals whose TBI is a consequence of a sui- posttraumatic symptoms can nevertheless be dis-
cide attempt or who otherwise have a history of abling and should be treated.
suicidal behavior. TBI is associated with an PTSD is more common in patients with mild
increased suicide risk (Madsen et al. 2018). TBI, but it can also develop after severe TBI,
Antidepressive agents are used to treat MDD even when no conscious memory of the event is
after TBI, although the evidence to support this is present (Bahraini et al. 2014; Alway et al. 2016b).
insufficient (Price et al. 2011; Salter et al. 2016; After moderate to severe TBI, PTSD was found
Fann et al. 2017; Kreitzer et al. 2019). SSRIs are in 17% of 85 patients during a 4-year follow-up
usually preferred, but SNRIs (serotonin-­period (Alway et al. 2016b). The onset of PTSD
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) and mir- was typically delayed: it peaked between 6 and
tazapine can also be used. In addition, mirtazapine 12 months after TBI (Alway et al. 2016b). Thus,
often has a beneficial effect on sleep, but in some the mental state of patients should be followed
individuals, it causes daytime sleepiness. All psy- even after the first few months.
578 S. Koponen

The diagnosis of PTSD is often challenging in Bonneau et  al. 2018). Patients with mild TBI
patients with TBI.  The symptoms of PTSD are returned to alcohol use earlier than those with
diverse, and there is an overlap in symptoms of moderate to severe TBI (Beaulieu-Bonneau et al.
PTSD and TBI.  Sleep disturbance, irritability, 2018). In clinical practice, substance use should
and difficulty in concentrating are common be brought up, and counselling and access to
symptoms in both conditions (Bahraini et  al. addiction services should be ensured.
2014). The core symptoms of PTSD are p­ ersistent
re-experiencing of the traumatic event (e.g.,
nightmares or flashbacks), avoidance of trauma-­ References
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J.  A prospective examination of Axis I psychiat-
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with TBI is insufficient. Antidepressive agents, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatr Clin North
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also needed. Mirtazapine can be used to treat A, Paradis-Giroux A, Ouellet MC. Alcohol and drug
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ders were found in 38% of 161 patients (Alway quality of life and self-reported functioning across
et al. 2016a). The occurrence of alcohol or drug 12 months after severe traumatic brain injury. Arch
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follow-up, alcohol and drug use declined during with severe traumatic brain injury: prevalence, phe-
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Neuropsychological Perspectives
Aniko Bartfai and Eirik Vikane

Recommendations sive disorders) in the later stage after a TBI

(Anghinah et  al. 2018; Hammond et  al. 2017;
Level I Fann et al. 2017).

There are insufficient data to support a Level I

recommendation for this topic. Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
• The principles of proactive intervention
Level II should permeate the whole hospital set-
ting (physical environment, treatment
Neuropsychological assessment, behavioral philosophy, staff-patient relationship,
treatment, and cognitive rehabilitation after and staff education) when treating
a severe TBI are recommended (American patients with severe TBI.
Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Brain • In the early stage, it is essential to pro-
Injury-Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group, vide the patients with a relatively quiet,
Disorders of Consciousness Task Force, et  al. structured environment where external
2010; Bayley et  al. 2014; Schrijnemaekers stimulation can easily be regulated.
et al. 2014). • When insight is severely impaired,
patients might deny suffering an injury.
Level III Despite having obvious problems, they
still might want to return to their home
There is limited evidence for pharmacological or work.
treatment of behavioral disturbances or other
psychiatric symptoms (except major depres-

A. Bartfai (*)
Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department
of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
E. Vikane
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 581

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
582 A. Bartfai and E. Vikane

80.1 Neuropsychological relationship, and staff education) treating patients

Perspectives with acute severe TBI.
on the Rehabilitation Measurements to characterize injury sever-
in the Early Stages After ity in the acute stage, such as the GCS, Reaction
Severe Traumatic Brain Level Scale (RLS), and Pediatric Trauma Score
Injury (PTS), are described in Chap. 7. The Center for
Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury, COMBI
In the early stage of recovery after severe TBI, (, is an online resource
patients, if responsive at all, exhibit changes in regarding outcome measurement in brain injury
arousal, altered responsivity, behavioral distur- rehabilitation. COMBI is a collaborative project
bances, and psychiatric symptoms. For acute and of many brain injury centers in the United States.
chronic psychiatric conditions following TBI, see For each measure, rating forms in English, train-
Chaps. 74 and 79, respectively. About a third of ing information, and data on validity and reli-
patients show impaired awareness, and about the ability are provided along with a reference list
same proportion might show agitated behavior of studies using the instrument. Some frequently
and lack of insight into their injury. An essential used scales oriented toward characterization of
early observation to describe these phenomena functional cognitive status will be presented here.
was Kurt Goldstein’s description of “catastrophic For patients with post-traumatic amnesia
anxiety,” a state of altered consciousness, per- (PTA), the Galveston Orientation and Amnesia
ception, and cognition (Goldstein 1952). Today, Test (GOAT) was developed to evaluate cogni-
we know that a considerable proportion of dis- tion serially during the subacute stage of recovery
ruptive, challenging behavior is related to prob- (Levin et al. 1979). This practical scale measures
lematic communication. Communication-related orientation to person, place, time, and memory
problems include verbal aggression, profanity, for events preceding and following the injury.
verbal outbursts, shouting, sexually inappropri- The questions are rated with error points sub-
ate language, and sometimes physical aggres- tracted from 100. When the patient scores at least
sion as a substitute for defective communication 75 points on the GOAT on 2 consecutive days,
(Ylvisaker et al. 2007). In contrast, patients with the period of PTA is considered ceased.
negative symptoms, such as apathy, withdrawal, Disorders of consciousness (DOC) are dis-
and passivity, are much less noticed and they in cussed in detail in the chapter about minimally
fact receive less attention regarding treatment. conscious and vegetative state.
Behavioral interventions require specialized
expertise. Thus, the task of a neuropsychologist
in an acute TBI setting is fivefold: 80.1.1 Neuropsychological
Assessments in the Early
1 . Diagnosis (cognitive, emotional) Stages After Moderate or
2. Therapeutic support to the patient Severe Brain Injury
3. Planning and managing behavioral interven-
tions, including teaching the other team There are wide variations in the behavioral effects
members of a brain injury. Treatment and rehabilitation
4. Representing the neuropsychological per-
need to be individually tailored for each patient.
spective in teamwork, including supervision Neuropsychological evaluation in the early stage
and teaching of staff after injury aims to provide detailed information
5. Providing support to the family on the patient’s cognitive status, resources, and
limitations. The neuropsychological examina-
The principles of proactive intervention should tion can be carried out while the patient is still
permeate the whole hospital setting (physical in PTA if the patient can cooperate concerning
environment, treatment philosophy, staff-patient other cognitive dimensions (e.g., concentration,
80  Neuropsychological Perspectives 583

communication, spatial abilities, learning of new of reference made up of two major elements: (1)
information, and executive functions). However, familiarity with the current body of knowledge
the examination needs to be tailored considering of neuropsychological findings and (2) personal
the short attention span, high fatigability, motor, experience of a wide range (Walsh 1995).
and other limitations. The traditional model of a There are shorter fixed neuropsychologi-
neuropsychological assessment in an office with cal batteries for patients with more cognitive
an extensive battery of standardized, psycho- capacity, such as the Repeatable Battery for
metrically evaluated tests needs to be abandoned. the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status,
For bedside assessment or early assessment RBANS, a screening tool following head injury
in the ward, simple and flexible methods are (Randolph et  al. 1998). It is a standardized
needed. Luria’s neuropsychological investiga- screening instrument for adults. The test provides
tion, systematized by Anne-Lise Christensen, the following measurements: immediate and
was developed with these requirements in mind delayed memory, visuospatial and constructional
(Christensen and Luria 1979). ability, attention, and language. It is comprised
Luria’s basic approach, to evaluate systemati- of 12 subtests that take approximately 30  min
cally cognitive functions, starting with easy tasks to administer. The RBANS is recommended for
and then to increase the complexity, can be uti- screening in an acute care setting and tracking
lized by using easier tasks presented in different recovery by conducting repeated measures.
textbooks. Lezak’s neuropsychological assess- For isolated syndromes, such as neglect, dys-
ment is a significant source for these kinds of executive behavior, and impairment in everyday
tests (Lezak et al. 2012). Another book contain- attention and memory, there are tests, which
ing useful information is the handbook of Strub are more closely related to everyday problems.
and Black providing a simplified explanation of Occupational therapists can also use these tests.
examination procedures on assessment of level The Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive
of consciousness, language, memory, and atten- Syndrome (BADS) includes tests for impairment
tion (Strub and Black 2000). Start with simple, in planning, organization, problem-solving, and
straightforward tasks in each modality. Observe attention (Evans et al. 1997). The test measures
not only what the patient can do but also how the six cognitive areas: temporal judgment, mental
patient performs. This assessment situation is not flexibility, problem-solving, planning, strat-
aimed at establishing numerical data for perfor- egy formation, and performance monitoring.
mance and cognitive capacity, but as a base for Furthermore, the Dysexecutive Questionnaire
treatment planning. How does the patient deal (DEX) can be used to assess problem areas con-
with the failure during the execution of an earlier cerning personality, motivation, and behavioral
easy task? Does the patient try to find other solu- problems. The Rivermead Behavioural Memory
tions or give up? What are the emotional reac- Test includes 14 subtests assessing aspects of
tions? It is crucial to guide the patient if the patient visual, verbal, recall, recognition, and immedi-
is unable to carry out the task. For rehabilitation, ate and delayed everyday memory (Wills et  al.
it is essential how the patient utilizes the provided 2000). Additionally, prospective memory skills
cues. What kind of strengths can the patient rely and the ability to learn new information can be
on during the challenging period of recovery assessed. The Behavioral Inattention Test (BIT)
and rehabilitation? The examination procedure is designed to assess the presence and the extent
is based on hypothesis testing, recommended by of visual neglect on a sample of everyday prob-
both Luria and Edith Kaplan within the context lems faced by patients with visual inattention
of the Boston Process Approach (Christensen and (Halligan et  al. 1990). The Test of Everyday
Luria 1979; Casaletto and Heaton 2017; Kaplan Attention (TEA) is designed to measure three
1988). This approach puts high demands on the aspects of attentional functioning: selective
clinical neuropsychologist. As Walsh puts it, the and sustained attention and mental shifting
method requires the clinician to develop a frame (Robertson et al. 1996).
584 A. Bartfai and E. Vikane

80.1.2 Behavioral Disturbances 4. Assurance of adequate amount of choice and

Lack of insight—when insight is severely 5. Engagement in personally meaningful
impaired, patients might deny suffering an injury. activities
Despite having obvious problems, they might 6. Exercising with desired people
want to return to their home or work. There is 7. Planned development of positive behavioral
also a risk for psychotic perceptions, psychotic momentum before difficult tasks
symptoms, misunderstandings, and paranoid 8. Assurance of errorless learning with proper
ideation. Patients are often restless and agitated antecedent supports/prompts
and might try to pull out catheters. When able to 9. Planned guarantee of positive, supportive
walk around, they might wander into the rooms communication from communication
of other patients or leave the ward unit. Sexually partners
disinhibited behavior is particularly challenging 10. Development of positive communication

both for the staff and family. Other patients might alternatives to negative behavior (Bayley
also be at risk. et al. 2014)

Ylvisaker and co-workers conclude that

80.1.3 Management of Challenging behavioral intervention in general should be
Behavior in an Institutional considered a practice guideline for behavior
Setting problems after TBI affecting both children and
adults, both in the acute and post-acute stages of
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an applied recovery. Individuals with challenging behavior
form of behavior therapy to develop procedures after TBI should be provided with systematically
of observable changes in behavior. The method organized behavioral interventions and support,
has been used to modify behavior in persons with consistent with the available evidence based on
varying cognitive and communication capaci- individualized functional behavior assessments.
ties in connection with challenging behavior
(Ylvisaker et  al. 2007). Initially, the focus was
more concentrated on sanctions, negative conse- 80.1.4 General Considerations
quences of undesired behavior, or positive con- for the Rehabilitation Setting
sequences of a behavioral change in the desired
direction. Lately, the emphasis has shifted to In the early stage, it is essential to provide the
proactive interventions to structure the environ- patients with a relatively quiet, structured envi-
ment and communication to minimize frustration ronment where external stimulation can easily
and challenging behavior, i.e., method of posi- be managed. Structuring the environment assists
tive behavior interventions and support (PBIS) in regaining orientation to place, time, and per-
(Ylvisaker et al. 2007). son. Single rooms or stable partitions from other
Ylvisaker and his co-workers summarize the patients are recommended, along with clear and
active elements of this approach: easy signs on doors to identify who is staying in
which room or functionality, such as the bath.
1. Specifically planned environmental A large calendar on the wall showing the cur-
structuring rent date and dimming lights overnight might
2. Proactive adjustment of tasks and assist in regaining orientation to time. A few
expectations large photographs of the most important persons
3. Provision of meaningful and well-­understood in the patient’s life provide a connection to the
daily routines (possibly including external past and identity, mainly if nursing and treat-
graphic organizers to ensure orientation to ment staff utilizes this information in their daily
tasks, schedules, and habits) work and interaction with the patient. A few
80  Neuropsychological Perspectives 585

emotionally relevant objects might also be help- foremost nurse’s aides have significant variations
ful. However, avoid the clutter of many things in training concerning TBI.  Motor impairments
around the patient, and store gifts from visitors. might necessitate assistance in personal care, and
For the patient to remember this critical period in the presence of cognitive and communication
life, a simple notebook can be introduced. Family impairments often require adjustments in the typi-
and visitors could be encouraged to document a cal care process. Care plans need to be adjusted
visit or note events the patient might have been following the patients difficulties. Difficulties with
interested in or want to participate in, had he/she communication, comprehension, and memory
been in good health. Generous visiting hours are require other strategies like more written infor-
recommended. mation and repeated oral information. Patients
Similar principles should apply for the design and their significant others seek information from
of the entire ward. Digital locks to open entrance nurses regarding unusual behavior, need for care,
doors might be an easy way to limit disoriented and expectations for recovery. It is essential that
patients to the ward. The codes are available to nurses and nurse aides provide correct informa-
everybody, but some cognitive skills are required tion (Oyesanya et al. 2017). The staff also needs to
for their use. The day a patient can apply the be familiar with concepts, such as disinhibition of
code, usually, the patient is also responsible and behavior, emotional dyscontrol, neglect, and dif-
oriented to behave safely. Noise, clutter, and dis- ferent forms of communication problems.
tracting or dangerous objects need to be avoided Thus, staff education is essential and currently,
and handled by the staff in a safe manner. Clear given the shortage and significant turnover in hos-
floor plans and proximity to training areas for pital staff, a never-ending task. Routine continu-
physiotherapy and occupational therapy facilitate ing education and team supervision is crucial. At
spatial learning and memory, enabling increased the Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine, Danderyd
independence. University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, there
Limited attention span, poor memory, and is a model for continuing education for the staff
cognitive and physical fatigability put strong on the inpatient ward. An ongoing course, where
time constraints on rehabilitation. In the inpa- classes are given once a month, during each aca-
tient setting, short, repeated training sessions demic year. It is organized locally, and clinical
are recommended. Regular routines for schedul- staff, physicians and representatives of each pro-
ing 30- or 45-min rehabilitation sessions often fession in the rehabilitation team serve as instruc-
exceed capacity. On the other hand, with training tors. A small, practical examination is given at the
hours between 9 AM–4 PM, the afternoons and end of each course.
evenings are very long for restless, disoriented TBI often places new demands for the patient
patients needing external stimuli for structure. regarding personal care and skills of daily liv-
Transdisciplinary teamwork, where occupational ing. Hemiplegia and impaired motor coordina-
therapists and physiotherapists teach and delegate tion require new strategies and skills in personal
rehabilitation exercises to nurses or nurse’s aides, care in a situation where cognitive capacity is
might allow the scheduling of short training ses- limited for new learning. The patient needs to get
sions. Repetitive sessions also promote learning. acquainted with new routines on the ward, learn
new names, and learn how to find their way in the
ward and in training areas while being confused
80.1.5 Considerations for Staff and having a restricted attention span and inad-
Support and Education equate capacity for new learning.
Among the more successful techniques for
In the inpatient rehabilitation phase after severe teaching information for patients with moder-
TBI, nurses and nurse’s aides are closest to the ate or severe TBI, is the technique of errorless
patient. They play an essential role and spend the learning. The basic idea is to enable the encod-
most time with the patient. However, nurses and ing of new information, learning without error.
586 A. Bartfai and E. Vikane

To achieve this, patients are given correct infor- self-­

management training involving teaching
mation at each learning occasion (Tailby and and internalization of personal responsibility.
Haslam 2003). This method is often counterin- In practical terms, self-management requires
tuitive to hospital staff, who are used to other problem-­ solving, decision-making, establishing
problem-­solving techniques currently applied in goals, planning, and cooperating with health-care
the school system. To allow a patient to guess an providers—requiring the very same cognitive
answer (e.g., “What is my name?”) makes the and executive functions which are often impaired
task more difficult. Guessing results in conflict- after TBI.  These problems would automatically
ing information and hampers new learning. The disqualify brain injury patients from participa-
proper procedure for the staff is to give the correct tion in self-management. However, there are
answer immediately (e.g. “My name is Daisy.”). considerable variations in the type and level of
Research shows that elaborating an answer is impairments in higher cognitive functions, and
helpful (e.g. “Daisy, like the flower.”). After sev- the resources and motivation of an individual
eral occasions, the clues can be shortened (e.g., patient should be taken into account to a greater
“My name is Dai….”), and later even less infor- extent, than customary in today’s praxis. We have
mation is given (e.g., “My name starts with a D.” recently found that chronic patients after mod-
and so on). The advantages of errorless learning erate acquired brain injury regarded themselves
have been repeatedly documented for patients as personally responsible, even if the action was
with severe memory impairment. The method carried out by another person (Markovic et  al.
can be successfully applied for skill learning. 2018). Thus, increased self-management seems
Adherence to apply this technique needs a lot of to be a possibility in this patient group, but the
effort from the staff and requires both education method needs significant adjustments (Corrigan
concerning the rationale of the method and sup- and Hammond 2013).
port during everyday work, as an essential part of Although the comprehensive health-care sys-
staff education. tems in the Scandinavian countries extend in to
the chronic phase after a TBI, several studies
have found that the patient’s immediate family,
80.2 Neuropsychological spouses, and parents carry a heavy load in daily
Perspectives on the Long-­ life (Manskow et  al. 2015; Doser and Norup
Term Outcome After Severe 2016). Results indicate that not only the severity
Traumatic Brain Injury of the injury is associated with increased care-
giver burden, but also unmet needs for the care-
80.2.1 General Considerations giver are important for the experience of burden.
Feelings of loneliness, dysexecutive functioning,
In contrast with earlier expectations about the lack of social network, and depression are other
static long-term nature of the disability for a per- contributing factors that may increase caregiver
son after a moderate or severe TBI, recent longi- burden. There are some differences in the reac-
tudinal studies show that the brain injury initiates tion pattern between spouses and parents to a
fluctuations in the functional status during the TBI patient. Spouses face a significant change
whole lifetime (Hart et  al. 2018). Moreover, in roles for the whole family, while parents
a third of this population declines in function might have to slip back into an unexpected and
within a 10-year perspective (Corrigan and unwanted role of renewed parenting. Studies
Hammond 2013). Thus, TBI should be treated indicate that over a more extended time range,
as a chronic condition and should be managed spouses were more distressed and depressed
as such with appropriate self-management and (Manskow et al. 2015).
competent support to prevent deterioration dur- Based on clinical observation and exami-
ing lifetime (Hart et al. 2018). nation, pharmacological treatment may be an
Generally, in health care, the focus on man- option in addition to behavioral treatment for
agement of chronic conditions has shifted to behavioral disturbances or other psychiatric
80  Neuropsychological Perspectives 587

symptoms in the later stage after a TBI.  The training the underlying assumption is that the
treatment follows the same principles as in the function level of the impaired cognitive domain
earlier stages described in earlier chapters, with can be elevated by using different strategies.
the main principle “start low, go slow.” Single A strategy can be internal or external. An
studies demonstrate promising results of aman- example of an internal memory strategy would be
tadine on decreasing aggression and to improve creating a categorized list in your mind, for exam-
functional outcome after a TBI (Hammond et al. ple, before going to the grocery store. Placing the
2017; Liepert 2016). Selective serotonin reuptake different groceries in different groups according
inhibitors are widely used for major depression to some principle, like vegetables, dairy prod-
after a TBI, but pharmacological studies dem- ucts, hygiene products, etc., would make them
onstrate conflicting results on efficacy (Fann easier to remember. One external memory strat-
et al. 2017). Due to evidence still being limited, egy would be to write a shopping list at home and
there is a need for research on the effectiveness take it to the store.
of pharmacological treatment in the later stages Cognitive training of specific areas, such as
after a TBI (Fann et al. 2017). working memory, attention, or language, is a
hierarchic training based on cognitive theory.
The training is goal-oriented and measurable, and
80.2.2 Behavioral Outcome goals and subgoals are also organized in a hier-
and Rehabilitation archic order. A successful practice should also
contain elements of generalization to everyday
There is a wide variation in the outcome after situations. The above distinction is frequently
moderate to severe brain injury. Generally, fac- used for pedagogical purposes, but in reality,
tors that influence the outcome after TBI are both approaches contain elements from one of the
admission GCS, age, educational level, duration other. Compensatory strategies require the learn-
of PTA, and length of stay in the intensive care ing of new compensatory method or the use of
unit (Ludin and Rashid 2018). Improved neuro- assistive technology (Bartfai and Boman 2014).
surgical procedures and developments in acute Cognitive training, on the other hand, involves
care have contributed to a more favorable out- the training of strategies for everyday situations
come. Occasionally, patients do recover to a great (Toglia 1991).
extent, having only mild cognitive problems, such
as decreased mental energy, mental fatigue, and
concentration difficulties, but the major part of 80.2.3 Cognitive Training
patients with moderate to severe brain injury do
exhibit motor, cognitive, or behavioral symptoms. Cognitive training is resource-intensive, and
In the Scandinavian countries, the majority of 15–20 1-h individual training sessions within
patients receive rehabilitation during the first year a 5–6-week period are required as a minimum.
after TBI when recovery is at its fastest. Access to A neuropsychologist, occupational therapist, or
rehabilitation is limited after the early years fol- speech and language therapist usually performs
lowing a TBI, although studies have shown that it. These methods are relatively new and also need
patients after moderate and severe TBI (including an intensive teaching program for the therapists.
older patients) can make significant, meaningful For TBI, an international group of researchers
improvements beyond the acute phase of recovery and clinicians has provided specific instructions
(Rosenbaum et al. 2018). (INCOG guidelines) for further clinical praxis
Methods for remediation of impairment in implementation (Bayley et al. 2014). One inter-
cognitive functions can be grouped in two major active program, Goal Management Training, has
categories: (1) the use of compensatory tech- demonstrated some promising results to improve
niques, such as memory books, and (2) cognitive emotional regulation skills and executive func-
training of specific cognitive areas, such as train- tions after a TBI (Tornas et al. 2016; Stamenova
ing of attention or language. In compensatory and Levine 2018). ­Computer-­assisted cognitive
588 A. Bartfai and E. Vikane

training methods have been developed for some est requirement for assessor training, and high
functions, such as working memory and language reliability. However, they exhibit a ceiling effect,
training (Spencer-Smith and Klingberg 2015; particularly in the region of mild to moderate
Des Roches and Kiran 2017). Bogdanova and cognitive impairment. Current studies recom-
colleagues summarize the positive results in their mend the use of additional neuropsychological
review (Bogdanova et al. 2016). An essential fea- measures (as described earlier in this chapter).
ture of computer-based cognitive training is the There is also the possibility to use larger, psy-
need of regular personal coaching. chometrically more evaluated batteries, such
as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales and
Wechsler Memory Scales (Lezak et al. 2012). In
80.2.4 Assistive Technology Sweden, the use of the Wechsler scales is man-
for Compensating Cognitive datory, as a basis for a decision for publicly sup-
Impairment ported personal assistance.

The use of assistive technology to compensate

cognitive impairment has a long tradition in the 80.2.6 Support and Education
Scandinavian countries. Examples are timers for Family and Carers
for electric stoves, reminders to turn off run-
ning water, locks to entrance doors, and similar As mentioned earlier, the immediate family,
safety features at home (Boman et  al. 2010). parents, and spouses carry a lifelong burden.
Mobile devices can assist persons with moder- Patients with a moderate and severe brain injury
ate to severe cognitive impairments to increase might also require additional external support
independency outside the home environment in daily living involving many external carers
(Leopold et al. 2015). Finding a suitable device, simultaneously, sometimes in 24/7 shifts. Laws
teaching the use, and providing the patient with and regulations vary in the Scandinavian coun-
assistive devices are the tasks of the occupational tries, but the common denominator is that exter-
therapist. The rapid technological development nal carers have widely differing educational
has created a lot of products, which could be used backgrounds and knowledge within the field of
for assistive purposes. However, persons with brain injury and require information and educa-
brain injury often have concomitant problems tion. Carers also change very frequently. Thus,
to use these new functionalities and require still support and education for significant others is a
extensive training or simplified solutions. complicated matter. Some help and education
for families and carers is provided during the
discharge phase of rehabilitation and also some
80.2.5 Neuropsychological outpatient settings. The extent of this support is
Assessments in the Late largely depending on the organization of care in
Stages After Moderate the different countries. However, the patients’
to Severe Brain Injury need for continuity and flexibility in the ser-
vices delivered is rarely met. Systematic educa-
GCS describes only the patient’s initial sta- tional programs are rare, although some studies
tus after brain injury. Glasgow Outcome Scale have indicated beneficial effects on outcome.
(GOS) and its extended version (GOS-E) are Long-distance communication on the telephone
the most frequently used outcome measures in or the Internet should be utilized to a greater
TBI research and clinical praxis. These are rec- extent as proven by a recent Australian study
ommended due to advantages of brevity, mod- (Lorig et al. 2013).
80  Neuropsychological Perspectives 589

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Neurosurgical Challenges
Jussi P. Posti

Level II
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
• Syndrome of the trephined is often There are insufficient data to support a Level II
reversed by cranioplasty. Cranioplasty recommendation for this topic.
performed within 3 months after decom-
pressive hemicraniectomy may further Level III
enhance recovery.
• In patients treated with decompressive There are insufficient data to support a Level III
hemicraniectomy, post-traumatic hydro- recommendation for this topic.
cephalus should be managed with cra- Patients with severe traumatic brain injury
nioplasty and case-dependently, with or (TBI) present diverse subacute phase complica-
without shunting with adjustable or tions that may necessitate neurosurgical atten-
gravity-controlled devices. tion. The most commonly occurring matters are
• Synthetic implants should be preferred in syndrome of the trephined (SOT), post-traumatic
cranioplasty. Autologous bone should not hydrocephalus (PTH) and post-traumatic cere-
be used in young patients and smokers brospinal fluid (CSF) fistulae. They may already
and in case of a fracture in the bone flap. develop during the initial hospital stay following
TBI, but not unfrequently, patients are referred to
a neurosurgical centre presenting with late-onset
post-traumatic hydrocephalus or subtle and long-­
81.1 Subacute Phase Complications lasting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage from
the nose or ear.
Level I
81.1.1 Syndrome of the Trephined
There are insufficient data to support a Level I
recommendation for this topic. SOT, “sinking skin flap syndrome” or “para-
doxical herniation” (Choi et  al. 2011; Joseph
J. P. Posti (*) and Reilly 2009), is a condition observed in
Clinical Neurosciences, Department of Neurosurgery some neurosurgical patients who have undergone
and Turku Brain Injury Centre, Turku University decompressive craniectomy (DC), see Chap. 26.
Hospital and University of Turku, Turku, Finland
e-mail: The condition is most often described in male

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 591

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
592 J. P. Posti

patients after TBI, manifesting as an unexplained after subsequent cranioplasty (CP). SOT has been
neurological and cognitive decline (Ashayeri associated with a long interval between DC and CP
et  al. 2016). SOT was first described by Grant and with larger bone defect size, but the findings
and Norcross in 1939 as an aggregate symptom show unreliable consistency in relation to symptom
comprising headache, dizziness, pain/discom- onset and clinical improvement (Ashayeri et  al.
fort at the DC site, apprehension and/or mental 2016; Jeyaraj 2015; Paredes et  al. 2015). It has
depression (Grant and Norcross 1939). The con- been proposed that the effect of atmospheric pres-
dition was first thought to be psychiatric in nature sure on reduced CSF flow, decreased cerebral per-
and caused by the open cranial vault. During the fusion and disturbed glucose metabolism constitute
following decades, SOT has been redefined many the syndrome (Ashayeri et al. 2016). Figure 81.1
times. Along with cognitive and motor deficits, shows a patient case with SOT.
delayed dysautonomic syndrome (Romero et al. The severity of the symptoms usually fluc-
2013), levodopa-resistant parkinsonian symp- tuates, and the incidence of the syndrome in
toms (Bijlenga et al. 2007), midbrain syndrome patients treated with DC has been reported
with eye movement disorders (Gottlob et  al. to vary between 1 and 24% (Honeybul 2010;
2002), disturbed and altered sensory functions Sedney et  al. 2016). Based on clinical experi-
(Joseph and Reilly 2009), orthostatic headaches ence, it is likely that the syndrome is underdiag-
(Mokri 2010) and impaired speech and language nosed. SOT is important to recognise, because
­function (Hagan and Bradley 2017) have all been it usually indicates the need for an earlier CP to
reported to be a part of the syndrome. reverse the debilitating symptoms and improve
Ashayeri et  al. reported in a recent systemic the eventual outcome (Coelho et  al. 2014; Di
review article (Ashayeri et al. 2016) that SOT can be Stefano et al. 2016; Posti et al. 2018). Ashayeri
identified as a composition of symptoms including et  al. concluded that the syndrome commonly
three main components: (1) long-term neurological occurs in male patients at 5.1 ± 10.8 months after
deficits usually beginning weeks to months after DC with defect ranging from 88.3  ±  34.4  cm2
craniectomy, (2) presentation not depending on the with improvement within 3.8 ± 3.9 days after CP
location of the lesion and (3) clinical improvement (Ashayeri et al. 2016).

a b

Fig. 81.1  Forty-two-year-old man with a history of pri- impairment were partially reversed after cranioplasty. (a)
mary decompressive craniectomy due to traumatic brain Axial CT scan showing a left-sided sinking flap and
injury before cranioplasty exhibiting typical syndrome of chronic phase of frontobasal injury, (b) 3D reconstruction
the trephined. The bone flap was left out after evacuation of the CT scan
of subdural haematoma. Cognitive deficits and speech
81  Neurosurgical Challenges 593

81.1.2 Post-traumatic Hydrocephalus the procedure is associated with significant

complications. It has been reported that ear-
PTH is an excess accumulation of intraventricu- lier CSF diversion is associated with improved
lar CSF following TBI. Up to half of the patients recovery in patients with PTH (Kowalski et al.
who have sustained TBI may develop PTH 2018). However, there are no evidence-based
(Kowalski et  al. 2018). In patients treated with guidelines on CSF diversion in patients with
DC, the incidence of PTH has been reported to PTH.  Based on our experience, adjustable or
be up to 36% (Vedantam et al. 2017). It has been gravitation-­regulated devices are the preferred
demonstrated that DC after TBI is associated choice for CSF diversion to reduce the risk of
with development of PTH especially in paediat- overdrainage. There are contradictory reports on
ric patients (Fattahian et al. 2018). However, the the benefit of endoscopic third ventriculostomy
association of PTH with DC has been challenged in management of PTH (De Bonis et  al. 2013;
(Rahme et al. 2010). Singh et  al. 2008). It has also been suggested
The diagnosis of PTH is based on a combi- to avoid CSF diversion in patients treated with
nation of clinical characteristics and ventricular DC, because CP reliably improves CSF dynam-
enlargement. Neither one alone is satisfactory ics and may reverse verticulomegaly (Ashayeri
for diagnosis, because signs and symptoms may et al. 2016).
be difficult to distinguish from the presentation
of the injury per se, and ventricular enlarge-
ment may be due to a compensatory widen- 81.1.3 Post-traumatic CSF Fistulae
ing after loss of brain parenchyma. PTH most
commonly occurs in the first few months after Traumatic nasal CSF fistulae result from a dural
injury. Kammersgaard et  al. found that 25% and arachnoidal disruption and are most often
of patients were diagnosed within 2 weeks, found in association with a frontal sinus, sphe-
50% within 3 weeks and 75% within 8 weeks noid sinus, ethmoid bone, cribriform plate and
of rehabilitation (Kammersgaard et  al. 2013). sphenoethmoid recess fractures (Banks et  al.
Denes and colleagues presented a mean time for 2009; Friedman et al. 2001; Prosser et al. 2011)
CSF diversion of 80 days (range 20–270 days) that communicate with the nasal cavity and para-
after TBI in a similar series of patients (Denes nasal sinuses. CSF leakage into middle ear or
et  al. 2011). A gradual decline in functional from the ear typically occurs in association with
status during the first months of the rehabili- fractures of petrous part of the temporal bone.
tation phase, coupled with a progressive ven- In case of a temporal fracture extending from
tricular enlargement shown on repeat computed the greater wing of the sphenoid to the sphenoid
tomography (CT) scans, is key to the diagnosis sinus, rhinorrhoea may also occur (Friedman
of PTH. et al. 2001; Oh et al. 2017).
The acute presentation of PTH causing ele- Leakage of CSF from the nose or ear can
vated intracranial pressure may also include pap- result in meningitis or intracranial abscess if
illoedema, headache, seizures and deteriorating left untreated. A traumatic fistula may also be
neurological status during the subacute recovery detected by intracranial air on CT, with or without
phase of TBI (Denes et al. 2011; Kammersgaard post-traumatic leakage of CSF, and be manifested
et al. 2013; Li et al. 2008). However, PTH does by intracranial infection after basal skull fracture.
not necessarily cause elevated ICP and does not Post-traumatic CSF leakage usually begins within
associate with gait disturbance, urinary inconti- 2 days following TBI.  The late-­ onset leakage
nence or dementia observed in normal pressure may be defined as a presentation at least 1 week
hydrocephalus (Kammersgaard et al. 2013; Tribl after TBI (Oh et al. 2017). The incidence of post-
and Oder 2000). traumatic CSF leakage that occurs years after TBI
Careful selection of patients benefiting from is unknown, but may be higher than is generally
a ventriculoperitoneal shunt is important, as recognised. The rate of meningitis associated with
594 J. P. Posti

persistent CSF leakage is reported to be 7–30%, 81.2.1 Introduction

and the rate increases over time if the leakage
continues (Friedman et al. 2001). Cranial reconstruction (CP) is a common neuro-
Management of CSF leakage is variable and surgical procedure with a high complication rate
remains somewhat controversial. Conservative with infection being the commonest complication
management is commonly advocated because (De Bonis et  al. 2012; Piitulainen et  al. 2015a).
28–85% of traumatic CSF leaks will be sponta- Although CP is considered a routine procedure,
neously blocked (Bell et al. 2004; Friedman et al. it is associated with significant morbidity in some
2001; Mincy 1966). The mechanism behind the patients: complication rates of 10–40% have been
spontaneous block is usually coagulated blood or reported, often leading to reoperations, long-term
inflammatory adhesions at the site of the meningeal antibiotic treatment, increased need for rehabili-
disruption and associated skull fracture (Friedman tation and poor neurological recovery (Bobinski
et al. 2001). The efficacy of prophylactic antibiot- et al. 2013; Coulter et al. 2014; Halani et al. 2017;
ics is controversial and is currently not supported Piitulainen et  al. 2015b). The number of CPs is
by the latest Cochrane systematic review (Ratilal increasing due to the utilisation of DC in the neuro-
et  al. 2015). Management of CSF leakage usu- surgical emergency setting. During the first decade
ally begins conservatively with bed rest. If the after the millennium shift, CPs are performed
leakage is not resolved within 24 h, an interven- in 20–25 per 1,000,000 inhabitants per year in
tion should be considered. The site of leakage Europe, the Middle East and Asia (Servadei 2011).
should be detected using a thin-slice CT scan. As In the procedure, the cranium is repaired by
a first-tier therapy, we advocate the use of lumbar returning the previously removed autologous
drainage in case of small non-displaced fractures bone flap or by placing a synthetic implant in the
following blunt trauma and in case of late-onset bony defect area. A successful CP will restore the
CSF leakage. If the leakage is not resolved with contour of the cranium and cosmesis, protect the
lumbar drainage within days, or if the fracture site brain and restore the physiological ICP, CSF flow
suggests a high risk that leakage will continue, sur- and cerebral metabolism (Ashayeri et  al. 2016;
gical treatment should be undertaken. Coelho et  al. 2014; Di Stefano et  al. 2016). CP
also prevents hemisphere collapses and midline
displacements. A recent systematic review sug-
81.2 Cranioplasty gests that cerebral perfusion is decreased after
DC and CP significantly improves cerebral per-
fusion (Halani et al. 2017).
Recommendations CP is reported to improve cognitive, language
and motor performance and thus the procedure
Level I is important for patients who suffer from the
sequela of severe TBI and DC (Malcolm et  al.
There are insufficient data to support a Level I 2017; Sakamoto et al. 2006; Shahid et al. 2017;
recommendation for this topic. Stiver et  al. 2008). Cognitive and neurological
deficits occur typically in patients with severe
Level II TBI after DC (Ashayeri et al. 2016), and due to
the serious nature of the condition, patients with
There are insufficient data to support a Level II severe TBI are also prone to develop surgical
recommendation for this topic. complications after CP.  It is generally accepted
that CP is advocated for patients treated with DC,
Level III because CP improves functional outcome, but
there is a lack of consensus about selection of
There are insufficient data to support a Level III patients for cranial reconstruction (Halani et  al.
recommendation for this topic. 2017). It has recently been reported in a relatively
81  Neurosurgical Challenges 595

small cohort that a successful CP predicts favour- trigger inflammatory responses and should also
able functional outcome 1 year after the proce- be biocompatible and biologically inert, radiolu-
dure, and the rate of major complications was not cent, lightweight, osteoinductive and osteocon-
affected by the neurological state of a patient at ductive and mechanically strong. Furthermore,
the time of CP (Posti et al. 2018). the material should be suitable for custom design
However, some patients appear unfit for CP to perfectly cover the bony deficit and provide
due to poor recovery, and often there are con- acceptable cosmesis (Zanotti et al. 2016).
cerns of causing additional harm with surgery to a Most commonly, cryopreserved autologous
patient with unfavourable outcome. Furthermore, bone is utilised in cranial reconstruction, but a
selection of materials and timing of CP are a part variety of synthetic materials has been intro-
of the complex clinical decision-­making related duced. In a recent systematic review comprising
to the procedure. 2 randomised, 14 prospective and 212 retrospec-
tive studies, after autologous bone flap (32%),
the most commonly utilised materials were tita-
81.2.2 Materials nium (18%), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)
(16%), hydroxyapatite (HA) (9%) and polyether
The choice of CP material has received substan- ether ketone (PEEK) (2%), while in 23% of the
tial interest as a potential modifiable risk factor procedures, other synthetic materials were used
(Korhonen et  al. 2018; Piitulainen et  al. 2015b; (van de Vijfeijken et al. 2018).
Schwarz et al. 2016; Yadla et al. 2011). Despite the There is a multitude of prospective and retro-
common prevalence of the procedure in the neuro- spective studies on different CP implant materi-
surgical practice, there is still no clear consensus als. The single-material and single-surgeon series
regarding the most appropriate material to be used. often present results that are strikingly good, but
The choice of material is usually done at dis- larger cohorts including multiple materials or
cretion of a surgical team, single surgeon or insti- more than one centre present higher complica-
tution consensus based on the patient clinical tion rates.
characteristics or implant costs. Theoretically, the Table 81.1 demonstrates summary properties
ideal material for CP should possess many favour- of autologous bone, HA, titanium, PMMA and
able characteristics. It should not conduct heat or PEEK in the context of CP. Glass fibre-reinforced

Table 81.1  Summary of common materials utilised in cranioplasty

Biocompatibility Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Osteointegration/osteoconduction Yes Yes Noa Noa Noa Yes
Durability Good Moderate Good Good Good Good
Aesthetic outcome Goodb Good Moderatec Good Good Good
Infection rate Moderate Low Low High Low Lowd
Paediatric usage Yes Yes Possibly No No Yes
Radiolucency Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Resterilisation Possibly No Yes No No No
Toxicity No No Possible Possible No No
Literature Wide Wide Wide Widee Narrow Minimal
AB autologous bone, HA hydroxyapatite, Ti titanium, PMMA polymethyl methacrylate, PEEK polyether ether ketone,
FRC-BG glass fibre-reinforced composite–bioactive glass
May exhibit some fibrous tissue ingrowth or bone formation at the implant margins
Aesthetic result may be compromised by bone resorption
Aesthetic result may be compromised by heat and cold conduction properties
Minimal body of literature suggests low infection rate
Literature is mainly outdated
596 J. P. Posti

composite–bioactive glass (FRC–BG) implant (Woodhall and Spurling 1945). PMMA is a

is a novel option for CP and presented in the mouldable acrylic resin with strength similar to
table due to author’s own research and clinical the cranial bone tissue, and it has widely been
experience. used in craniofacial reconstruction. Acrylic
resins do not conduct heat, and they are stable, Autologous Bone ­durable, chemically inert, well tolerated by tis-
Frozen autologous bone flap is traditionally used sue and easily placed and modified (Shah et al.
for primary reconstruction because it is biocom- 2014; Zanotti et  al. 2016). In terms of CP,
patible, cheap, viable and readily available and PMMA is the cheapest, most widely used and
has equivalent strength characteristics to the cra- easiest material to produce (Moreira-Gonzalez
nial bone. Additionally, there is no risk of disease et  al. 2003; Marchac and Greensmith 2008).
transmission (Zanotti et  al. 2016). Autologous Furthermore, PMMA does not interfere in imag-
bone shows osseointegration capacity and is ing studies, electroencephalography or radio-
suitable for paediatric CP (Da Silva et al. 2007; therapy (Chiarini et  al. 2004). PMMA has also
Rocque et al. 2013). However, the use of autolo- raised a special interest in computer-assisted
gous bone may be limited due to bone flap con- design and 3D printing as a promising implant
tamination following scalp lacerations or bony material (Kim et al. 2012; Morales-gómez et al.
fracture. Increased storage costs and international 2018). These techniques have decreased the need
regulations have led to discontinuation of institu- for intraoperative moulding.
tional bone banking activity in some European Due to the lack of porosity, PMMA implants
centres. cannot be infiltrated by new bone tissue. PMMA
Recent studies suggest that problems after interferes with vascularisation and does not have
CP with autologous bone are more frequent than osseointegration capacity and does not interact
was thought previously, the most common prob- with the surrounding tissue (Goiato et al. 2009;
lem being bone flap resorption. The risk factors Zanotti et al. 2016). Focal and systemic inflam-
of resorption are younger age, shunt-dependent matory and allergic responses to PMMA have
hydrocephalus, current smoking and injury-­ been described (Goodman et  al. 1991; Goon
related bone flap fractures (Dünisch et al. 2013; et  al. 2008; Khader and Towler 2016; Zanotti
Korhonen et al. 2018). A recent review and meta-­ et  al. 2016). It has been reported that PMMA
analysis suggests that infection rates are similar may be susceptible to higher or similar infection
between autologous bone and synthetic materials rate that is reported using autologous bone and
in both overall CP population and patients with other synthetic implants (Bobinski et  al. 2013;
TBI (Malcolm et al. 2018). Nevertheless, a recent Cho and Gosain 2004; Gosain 2005; Höhne et al.
systematic review including a larger set of studies 2018; van de Vijfeijken et al. 2018). Some of the
without subanalysis of patients with TBI suggests PMMA implants are moulded and cut intraopera-
that infection rates are higher in autologous bone tively without polishing. This may result in bacte-
than synthetic materials (van de Vijfeijken et al. rial adhesion and biofilm deposition, which could
2018). CPs performed with autologous bone are contribute to an increased infection rate com-
significantly associated with more reoperations pared to other synthetic materials (Katsikogianni
mostly due to bone flap resorption (Malcolm et al. et  al. 2004; van de Vijfeijken et  al. 2018). Due
2018). Based on the current knowledge, it can be to these properties of the material, resterilisation
suggested that an initial synthetic implant should cannot be suggested. In terms of paediatric CP,
be considered especially in younger patients and PMMA implants are not recommended, because
in a case of a fragmented bone flap. the material does not accommodate bone growth
of the skull (Goiato et  al. 2009; Zanotti et  al. Polymethyl Methacrylate 2016). However, Fiaschi and colleagues reported
Methyl methacrylate was discovered in 1939 a series of 12 paediatric CPs performed with
and was extensively experimented in the 1940s custom-­made PMMA implants with acceptable
81  Neurosurgical Challenges 597

results with a relatively long follow-up interval These features promote osteogenesis, which
(Fiaschi et al. 2016). can result in partial or complete bone forma-
tion through osteoinduction and osteoconduction Polyether Ether Ketone (Fricia et  al. 2015; Martini et  al. 2012; Zanotti
PEEK is an aromatic semicrystalline polymer et al. 2016). HA is one of the commonest forms of
that is resistant to high temperatures, displays calcium phosphate for clinical use. Traditionally,
strength and elastic properties that are similar it has been available as a nonabsorbable ceramic
to cranial bone and is chemically inert (Zanotti and has been widely studied (Di Rienzo et  al.
et  al. 2016). Though being resistant to tem- 2012; Zanotti et  al. 2016). HA is radiolucent
peratures even as high 300  °C, the material (Goiato et al. 2009). HA cement has been exten-
does not conduct heat (Camarini et  al. 2011; sively used for CP in adults (van de Vijfeijken
Lethaus et al. 2014), and thus, PEEK implants et  al. 2018), and it has also been used in chil-
can be sterilised in moist and dry heat (Zanotti dren during growth stage (Gosain 1997). Due to
et al. 2016). PEEK does not interfere in imag- porous structure of HA, resterilisation is not pos-
ing (Kurtz and Devine 2007). Custom PEEK sible. Reconstruction of large bony defects can
implants can be shaped by computer-assisted be difficult, because significant remodelling can
design/computer-assisted manufacture technol- occur as the cement hardens and may even break
ogy to fit the specific size of any given defect into fragments (Frassanito et al. 2013), and thus
(Camarini et al. 2011). HA is probably most suitable for reconstruction
Currently, the literature on usage of PEEK of small defects (Ratnayake et al. 2017). The use
in CP is scarce. Many studies report promising of HA cement in combination with tantalum and
results in utilising PEEK in CP (Punchak et  al. titanium mesh provides structural support and
2017; van de Vijfeijken et  al. 2018). In a meta-­ increased stability of the implant construction
analysis by Punchak et  al., the authors report a (Durham et al. 2003).
trend towards lower postoperative complication The infection rates of HA implants have been
rates after PEEK CP procedures compared to reported to be very low in a recent systematic
autologous bone CP procedures. Furthermore, review (van de Vijfeijken et  al. 2018). The sys-
in two studies, among patients undergoing tematic review included a Finnish study in which
PEEK and titanium mesh CP, lower failure rates HA implants exhibited also a very low infection
of PEEK versus titanium mesh implants have rate, but the implants were relatively small com-
been reported (Punchak et al. 2017; Zhang et al. pared to other materials (Piitulainen et al. 2015b).
2018). PEEK does not possess osteomimetic In a relatively small study cohort, HA implants
properties, and thus its utilisation in paediatric had a lower infection rate than titanium implants,
CP should be considered with caution, as in the but at the same time, have a higher postopera-
case of PMMA.  However, porous polyethylene tive risk for epidural haematoma (Lindner et al.
shows revascularisation and soft tissue ingrowth 2017), which may be attributed to the implant
into pores of the implant margin (Wheeler et al. design and required surgical technique.
2000). At the moment, PEEK implants are expen-
sive (van de Vijfeijken et al. 2018). Titanium
Titanium, introduced for CP in 1965, is currently Hydroxyapatite the only metal used in CP (Blake et  al. 1990;
Calcium phosphates (tricalcium phosphate Goldstein et al. 2013). The advantages over other
and HA) have been used to fill cranial defects metals include good biocompatibility, resistance
throughout the twentieth century (Harris et  al. to infection, mechanical strength and inex-
2014). Calcium phosphates present excellent tis- pensiveness (Honeybul et  al. 2018). Titanium
sue compatibility and the advantages of being implants are used in two forms: intraoperatively
osteoactive and radiolucent with characteristics moulded and preformed (standard plates and cus-
that mimic bone tissue. tom made) (Joffe et al. 1999). Titanium is biolog-
598 J. P. Posti

ically inert and is considered a reliable material 1994; Wang et al. 2012). Studies on outcome of
for CP providing a good long-term clinical out- CPs utilising PE implants are rare. However, in
come (Zanotti et al. 2016). small case series, successful utilisation of PE
The disadvantages of titanium are related to implants has been reported in adolescents (Lin
the heat and cold conduction properties and sub- et al. 2012) and adults (Kumar et al. 2016).
optimal quality of follow-up imaging due to radi- Recently, a FRC–BG implant has been devel-
opaqueness (Cabraja et  al. 2009; Zanotti et  al. oped to mimic the properties and structure of the
2016). However, titanium is MRI-compatible. cranial bone (Vallittu 2017). The advantages of
Titanium produces less imaging artefacts when FRC–BG implants are strong and lightweight
combined with ceramics or other metals (Ducic design, and they have low thermal conductivity.
2002; Khader and Towler 2016). Based on our The composite material allows computer-assisted
clinical experience, mesh titanium implants pro- design/computer-assisted manufacture tech-
duce less artefacts, but may still interfere with, nology for custom design. FRC–BG implants
e.g. tumour resection evaluation on follow-up have a porous structure, which allows extracel-
imaging. Heat and cold conduction may interfere lular liquid perfusion and ingrowth of bone with
with the aesthetic results of CP with titanium. bacteriostatic and osteoinductive properties by
One of the largest concerns related to utilisation bioactive glass (Aitasalo et al. 2014). These prop-
of titanium in CP is its tendency to cause thin- erties promote new bone formation (Tuusa et al.
ning of subcutaneous tissue leading to implant 2008). We have recently reported about FRC–BG
exposure and subsequent removal of the implant implant safety, cosmesis and biocompatibility
(Frodel 2008; Thien et  al. 2015). Sun et  al. in children (Piitulainen et  al. 2015b, 2019) and
reported that patients showing hypersensitivi- adults (Piitulainen et al. 2015a; Posti et al. 2015).
ties to more than three kinds of metal had higher FRC–BG implants are radiolucent and no toxic
risks of titanium implant exposure, and they sug- adverse events have been detected (Piitulainen
gested that a routine allergy screening should be et al. 2019; Posti et al. 2015).
performed before titanium CP (Sun et al. 2018).
Titanium has been successfully used in adults
(Honeybul et al. 2018; Lindner et al. 2017) and 81.2.3 Timing
adolescents (Williams et al. 2016). However, tita-
nium does not exhibit capacity for growth and DC leaves a large bony defect in the calvarium
may be problematic for applications in paediatric exposing the brain to atmosphere pressure result-
cranioplasty. Titanium exhibits lower infection ing in disturbance of physiological brain perfu-
rate than autologous bone (Honeybul et al. 2017) sion (Picard and Zanardi 2013) and cerebrospinal
and intraoperatively moulded PMMA implants fluid circulation (Fodstad et al. 1984). CP is typi-
(Höhne et al. 2018). cally delayed several months after DC to allow
the patient to recover from the acute phase of Other Materials injury and ensure resolution of elevated intra-
Utilisation of polyethylene (PE) in CP was cranial pressure. CP is of paramount importance
originally reported in 1950 and was considered for patients who show capacity for recovery,
an advantageous material compared with other because the procedure may reverse cognitive,
available materials for CP of that time (Eben and language and motor deficits—in other words,
Dillard 1950). PE is inert and non-resorbable and SOT (Ashayeri et  al. 2016; Sakamoto et  al.
has low tissue reactivity and high long-term struc- 2006; Shahid et  al. 2017; Stiver et  al. 2008).
tural stability (Goiato et  al. 2009). Later, bone Consequently, timing of CP has attracted much
ingrowth into porous PE was reported (Klawitter discussion.
et al. 1976), and the material was introduced in Malcolm et al. conducted a systematic review
facial deformity (Frodel and Lee 1998) and cra- and meta-analysis on the relation of complications
nial reconstruction procedures (Couldwell et  al. following CP to procedure timing (Malcolm et al.
81  Neurosurgical Challenges 599

2016). The analysis comprised 25 articles includ- Early postoperative complications include
ing 3126 CP procedures of which 1421 were intracranial postoperative haematoma or CSF
early (within 3 months) and 1795 late (beyond collection, skin flap necrosis, wound dehiscence
3 months). The results suggest that early CP is and implant infection. Meticulous perioperative
associated with greater odds of hydrocephalus haemostasis should be maintained during CP in
than late CP, but otherwise early CP is as safe as order to avoid postoperative haematoma. CSF
late CP. Subsequently, the same group conducted collection indicates meningeal disruption and is
a systematic review on the effect of timing for CP usually a self-limiting condition. The initial DC
to augment neurological outcome (Malcolm et al. should be planned so that the skin incision is
2017). The analysis comprised 8 articles includ- placed beyond the bone deficit (see Chap. 26). In
ing 551 CP procedures of which 248 were early CP, the initial incision line should always be used
and 303 late. The results demonstrated that CP is to preserve vasculature and prevent flap necrosis
associated with improved neurological function and wound dehiscence. Primary implant infec-
and that early CP may further enhance recovery. tions are likely rare, because synthetic implants
The optimal CP timing remains a controver- are sterilised by manufacturers and carefully
sial issue. Both of the reviews include hetero- packed. In the past at our centre, when autolo-
geneous studies with groups of patients with gous bone flaps were used, we obtained swab
different indications for DC. Most of the patients sample before storage. If bacterial growth was
had undergone DC due to trauma in both datasets. detected, the bone flap was discarded.
Currently, there are no published clinical trials Late postoperative complications include late
examining the effect of timing of CP on neuro- infection, exposure of implant and loss of implant
logical outcome. Hence, the latter study included fixation. Latent infection or (allergic) reaction
only retrospective and observational studies. In to implant material such as titanium (see Sect.
the future, large prospective studies are needed to may result in late wound dehiscence
standardise the best timing of performing CP in and implant exposure. Based on our experience,
patients with predefined indications for DC.  To implant exposure necessitates implant removal
achieve viable and clinically relevant results, and antibiotic therapy. Subsequent CP should not
the DC and CP techniques, implant materials be undertaken before contrast-enhanced and diffu-
and design, complication types and quantitative sion MRI sequences, and blood infection param-
neurological outcome assessments need to be rig- eters have been totally normalised and wound is
orously standardised. Based on the current evi- perfectly healed. We recommend waiting at least
dence and considering the overall outcome, early 3–6 months before re-CP. Implant migration may
CP can be considered preferable while recognis- occur because of growth of skull when non-ossi-
ing the possible risk of post-CP hydrocephalus. fying synthetic implant materials are used. Loss
of fixation may also lead to implant migration.
In these cases, the original implant may be pre-
81.2.4 Complications served using refixation in a revision procedure, if
the wound has remained intact.
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Minimally Conscious
and Vegetative State 82
Alison K. Godbolt

Recommendations Evidence for treatments other than amanta-

dine is insufficient to allow a recommendation,
Level I despite some promising examples.
The American Academy of Neurology’s rec-
Treat with amantadine, unless contraindicated, ommendations in additional areas can be found
if assessment confirms a PDOC, commencing in their 2018 practice guideline.
treatment 4–16 weeks post injury.

Level II Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

• Rule out other explanations for lack of
Repeated assessment including standardized response before concluding that the
behavioural scales is needed before a diagnosis patient has a disorder of consciousness:
of a PDOC (VS or MCS) can be confirmed. Are they sedated, in pain, suffering from
an infection or other complication, or
Level III did they just sleep badly?
• Use the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised
When sufficiently medically stable for discharge (CRS-R) repeatedly, in addition to clini-
from acute care, patients with STBI and likely cal assessment, for increased sensitivity
PDOC should be referred to rehabilitation ser- in detecting signs of consciousness.
vices with specialized interdisciplinary teams • Treat with amantadine to promote
for further assessment, medical management and recovery unless there is a good reason
rehabilitation care. not to.
Assessment of conscious level should be pre-
ceded by assessment for and treatment of other
conditions that could contribute to impaired
behavioural responses. 82.1 Terminology

Severe traumatic brain injury (STBI) is usually

A. K. Godbolt (*) followed by some period of coma (i.e. uncon-
University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, sciousness with no eye opening). Patients who
and Department of Clinical Sciences, Karolinska survive usually emerge from coma, begin to
Institute, Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden communicate and gradually regain a greater or

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 605

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
606 A. K. Godbolt

lesser degree of independence. A small group of that only one of 61 patients had a PDOC (defined
patients, however, open their eyes, but show no or as Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended score = 2)
extremely limited behavioural signs of conscious- a year after injury. A systematic review (van Erp
ness, and are described as having a disorder of et  al. 2014) including acquired brain injury of
consciousness (DOC). Prolonged DOC (PDOC, different aetiologies (including STBI) found a
≥4 weeks (Royal College of Physicians 2013)) reported prevalence of VS/UWS of 0.2–6.1 per
encompasses vegetative state (VS) (Jennett and 100,000 population. Overall, prognosis is better
Plum 1972) and minimally conscious state (MCS) for patients with PDOC of traumatic aetiology
(Giacino et  al. 2002). In VS, patients show no than for other aetiologies.
behavioural signs of consciousness. In contrast,
in MCS, patients show “clearly discernible” but
inconsistent signs of ­consciousness, for example, 82.3 Theoretical Model
sustained visual tracking, localization of painful
stimuli and/or attempts at communication, with- Work by Schiff and others has provided a model
out these reaching a functional level. Emergence for the underlying pathophysiological substrates
from MCS is marked by the emergence of func- for PDOC.  The “meso-circuit” model (Schiff
tional communication and/or functional object 2010) emphasizes the central role of the thalamus
use. The term “vegetative” has unfortunately and the disturbance of brain networks involved
derogatory connotations, and the alternative term in maintaining impaired consciousness and also
“unresponsive wakefulness syndrome” (UWS) is suggests mechanisms for the effect of medica-
used by some authors (Laureys et al. 2010). tions known to promote consciousness such as

82.2 Epidemiology
82.4 Diagnosis
There is a lack of robust data regarding incidence
and prevalence of PDOC after STBI, due to mul- Diagnosis of a PDOC is based on a synthesis of
tiple factors. Some studies pre-date the definition the following: exclusion or minimization of other
of MCS in 2002 (prior to which some, but not all, factors that can impact behavioural responses (e.g.
MCS patients would have been classified as in a sedation from medications, critical illness neuro/
VS); there is a lack of consensus regarding rou- myopathy, pituitary disturbance and other medi-
tines for systematic assessment, a lack of ICD-10 cal complications), findings on clinical examina-
codes to document the occurrence of PDOC and tion, use of standardized behavioural assessment
a lack of systematic follow-up. A few prospective scales and knowledge of radiological and elec-
studies have attempted epidemiological estimates. troencephalogram (EEG) findings. Patients with
Godbolt et  al. (2013) used data from a Swedish STBI are very sensitive to factors such as pain,
prospective longitudinal study of STBI (n = 114) sleep disturbance, environmental noise and the
in adults aged 18–65 years to estimate the annual amount of sensory stimulation of all types, and
rates of post-traumatic disorders of conscious- there is a risk that these factors contribute to the
ness (PT-DOC) persisting for specified time peri- absence of behavioural responses. Optimization
ods after injury. PT-DOC persisting for at least of the patient’s general condition through care-
3 months occurred in three per million working- ful attention to these aspects is a prerequisite for
age people (ages 18–65) annually. More transient interpretation of behavioural responses.
PT-DOC, present 3 weeks after injury, but not at 3 Despite growing interest in sophisticated tech-
months, occurred in five per million working-age nological methods for identifying consciousness
people. Longer lasting PT-DOC, persisting 1 year (e.g. with functional magnetic resonance imag-
after injury, had an annual incidence of 1.4 per ing (fMRI) (Monti et  al. 2010) or high-density
million working-age people. A Norwegian pro- EEG (Cruse et al. 2011)), at the time of writing
spective study of STBI (Andelic et al. 2012) found this chapter, these methods are not established in
82  Minimally Conscious and Vegetative State 607

routine health care. fMRI and high-density EEG correct yes/no responses to 6/6 basic situational
have shown preserved consciousness in a small questions on two consecutive evaluations, whilst
minority of patients who seem to be in VS when functional object use can be confirmed by gen-
assessed with behaviourally based methods, but erally appropriate use of at least two different
these methods are insufficiently sensitive and objects on two consecutive evaluations (Giacino
specific to be useful in the clinical care of indi- et al. 2002). Operational difficulties remain, how-
vidual patients. Jox et  al.’s 2012 opinion article ever, for patients who after STBI commonly have
on ethical aspects of using new diagnostic and severe motor impairments, poor vision or hear-
treatment methods remains a relevant basis for ing, language deficits and/or confusion. A prac-
discussions with patients’ relatives. tical guide to evaluation, taking such difficulties
into consideration, is found in the 2013 British
National Guidelines on PDOC (electronic annex
82.4.1 Standardized Scales 1a, via this
It is now well established that the use of standard- national-clinical-guidelines).
ized behaviourally based assessment scales adds
sensitivity to clinical examination in the detection
of signs of awareness (Schnakers et  al. 2009). 82.5 Prognosis
Of the available scales, a 2010 review (Seel
et  al. 2010) recommended the Coma Recovery Prognosis for recovery of consciousness and
Scale-­ Revised (CRS-R) most highly, despite further improvement thereafter is variable and
some limitations. CRS-R is available in several can be surprisingly good (Katz et  al. 2009;
languages, including Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Godbolt et  al. 2013). Some patients who ini-
German, French, Dutch and Norwegian. Several tially meet the criteria for PDOC go on to
other scales had acceptable psychometric prop- regain independence in personal care, and a
erties, and a limited literature suggests that the few even return to work. However, assessment
Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation of prognosis for individual patients remains
Technique (SMART) methodology may have imprecise. For those patients who show no
some advantages in terms of sensitivity to or limited recovery over an extended period,
very subtle behavioural signs of consciousness relatively little is known about how best to
(Godbolt et al. 2012). Whichever scale is chosen, promote quality of life and what little commu-
assessments should be repeated to avoid missing nicative ability the patient may have. Patients
reproducible but inconsistent signs of conscious- who improve from VS/UWS to MCS in the
ness that may be masked by other treatable or early months after injury have a better progno-
transient factors (e.g. lack of sleep, pain). sis for recovery of consciousness and function,
emphasizing the relevance of discriminating
between these conditions.
82.4.2 Confirming Emergence
from the Minimally Conscious
State (MCS) 82.6 Management

Patients are considered to have emerged from Careful attention must initially be given to
MCS if they demonstrate functional communi- optimization of the patient’s general condition
cation and/or functional object use. In clinical including treatment of complications and may be
practice, patients commonly show a fluctuation followed by methods targeting promotion of con-
in ability, and it can be unclear whether conscious sciousness more directly, such as pharmacother-
responses are sufficiently consistent to be able to apy, rehabilitation therapy, sensory stimulation
confirm emergence from MCS. Functional inter- and neuromodulation. The evidence base, other
active communication can be demonstrated via than for amantadine, is generally weak.
608 A. K. Godbolt

82.6.1 Sensory Stimulation

(Box 82.1) (b) Physiotherapy-­based methods
incorporating sensory stimulation,
Sensory stimulation has an interesting theoretical for example, the Affolter method,
basis and has been used in some centres for many have been used for many years in
years, but like many other complex interventions some countries in Europe and are
within neurorehabilitation has a poor evidence considered by their users to have
base for effect. Recently, theoretical models have worthwhile effects. No published
been proposed promoting multimodal rather evaluations of effect could be found
than unimodal sensory stimulation (Abbate et al. in the English language literature.
2014), but sufficient research data to guide clini-
cal practice is lacking.
82.6.2 Pharmacotherapy

The first priority should be to review the patient’s

Box 82.1. Sensory Stimulation for PDOC:
medications and minimize sedation. If no
Examples of Studies
improvement is observed, drugs aimed at pro-
1 . Specific methods (unimodal
moting consciousness can be considered.
The strongest evidence of benefit is from
(a) FAST, Familiar Auditory Sensory
treatment with the dopamine agonist and
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antago-
• Pape et al. (2015), RCT, n = 7
nist amantadine. A methodologically robust
treatment group, TBI: Greater
randomized controlled study (Giacino et  al.
improvement on one of two
2012) demonstrated more rapid improvement
behavioural measures of con-
in patients treated with amantadine compared
sciousness for treatment group.
to placebo, without any difference in unwanted
(b) Music therapy
effects between the study arms. The trial design
• Magee and O’Kelly (2015),
treated patients only for a relatively short time
review: Indirect evidence for
period, for largely logistical research reasons,
positive effects on arousal and
and there remains a lack of data regarding when
or whether to stop treatment for patients who
(c) Other auditory stimulation
improve on amantadine. A pragmatic approach
• Cheng et al. (2013), case series,
can be taken with a planned dose reduction and
n = 86, within-subject compari-
cessation of treatment for a period when the
son. Auditory localization dem-
patient’s functional level is considered to have
onstrated more frequently in
stabilized (usually from several months to a few
response to patient’s own name
years after injury), with follow-up and reinstate-
than to a bell.
ment of treatment if reduction in function occurs.
2. Multimodal stimulation
The insomnia medication zolpidem (a sedative,
(a) Auditive, tactile, kinetic, olfactory
hypnotic drug) has been shown to have useful
and/or gustatory stimulation in vari-
paradoxical effects, with improved awareness,
ous combinations.
in a small minority of patients (1 in 15 patients,
• Padilla and Domina (2016),
Whyte and Myers 2009), which was however not
review. Some evidence of
confirmed in a larger study (clinically relevant
effect, but conclusions not fully
improvement in 0 of 60 patients (Thonnard et al.
82  Minimally Conscious and Vegetative State 609

82.6.3 Neuromodulation (Box 82.2) 82.6.4 Maintaining Function

and Preventing Complications
Neuromodulation, for example, with transcranial (Box 82.3)
magnetic stimulation or direct current stimulation,
is a promising technique which is often combined In recent years, literature has emerged (Whyte
with some form of traditional therapy, whereby the et al. 2013; Godbolt et al. 2015) highlighting that
brain is “primed” for maximal neuroplastic effects medical complications are common in patient
from therapy. Research is still at a relatively early with PDOC over an extended period (weeks to
stage (Ragazzoni et al. 2017), and it is likely to be months, including the period after discharge
some years before evidence-­based clinical recom- from neurosurgical care). As medical complica-
mendations can be formulated. tions and/or their consequences can impact the
patient’s arousal level and ability to interact with
the environment, their prevention and continuing
Box 82.2. Neuromodulation for PDOC: A management is an important element in promot-
Promising Intervention for the Future ing function and a necessity before attempting to
tDCS, transcranial direct current assess a possible PDOC due to STBI.
stimulation Active follow-up by physicians with brain
• Ragazzoni et al. (2017), review injury expertise (e.g. rehabilitation medicine spe-
–– One randomized, controlled, cialists) is necessary for optimal detection and
cross-over study (n = 55), no clear management of complications such as continu-
effect ing paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity, late
–– One non-randomized, controlled detection of hydrocephalus, heterotopic ossifica-
study (n = 10), effect only in MCS tion and pituitary dysfunction, amongst others.
2. rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic See earlier chapters in this book for discussion of
stimulation specific complications. A summary of other fac-
• Ragazzoni et al. (2017), review tors is given in Box 82.3.
–– Two small controlled studies, case
reports, case series. Conflicting
results Box 82.3. Treatments Aiming to Maintain
• Controlled study did not show effect Function and Prevent Complications
(Cincotta et al. 2015). 1. Spasticity management and prevention
3. Median nerve stimulation of contractures
• Included in multimodal approach in • Includes some or all of specialized
the case series of deFina et al. (2010), seating (wheelchair to promote an
inconclusive optimal, relaxed sitting position),
4. Deep brain stimulation positioning through 24  h to mini-
• Vanhoecke and Hariz, review (2017), mize spasticity, orthotics, passive
sceptical, ethical issues, “no clear movements, tip table, pharmaco-
evidence” logical treatment of spasticity (but
5. Vagal stimulation note risk of sedation with enteral
• Single case study showed improve- treatment)
ment (Corazzol et al. 2017) 2. Epilepsy management
6. Epidural spinal cord stimulation 3. Respiratory management with mobili-
• Ragazzoni et al. (2017), review, case zation of secretions
studies, uncontrolled case series, • May include positioning, use of
inconclusive findings positive expiratory pressure (PEP)
breathing, assisted coughing
610 A. K. Godbolt

82.6.5 National Guidelines

4. Urinary tract management
• Some patients may have symptoms Several countries have published national guide-
related to a neurogenic bladder. A lines for the care of patients with PDOC. Of par-
few are managed with a suprapubic ticular interest for the clinician are the American
catheter. Urinary stones and Academy of Neurology guidelines (Giacino et al.
related problems may 2018) and the British Royal College of Physicians
occur. guidelines (2013).
5. Gastrointestinal management
• Most patients require feeding via
gastrostomy tube and require bowel 82.6.6 Concluding Remarks
management monitoring and
interventions. Careful assessment of patients with PDOC is
• Mouth hygiene can be a challenge central to medical and rehabilitation manage-
when mouth opening is limited. ment and is also necessary in order to give an
6. Prevention of pressure sores adequate basis for consideration of ethical issues.
• Regular turning needed. Air mat- Brain injury competence continues to be neces-
tresses may however trigger sary after initial neurosurgical care and can be
spasticity. found within several related medical specialties,
7. Environmental regulation with some differences in national traditions and
• It is generally accepted that work distributions. Specialities include rehabili-
excessive sensory stimulation can tation medicine (physiatry in the USA) and neu-
have negative effects with “over- rology. The needs and involvement of relatives of
loading” of neural networks, patients with PDOC after STBI should be consid-
resulting in fatigue and/or further ered, and dialogue with health-care professionals
reduced arousal and/or cognitive encouraged.
function. How this aspect is best
balanced against the need to avoid
understimulation (sensory depri-
vation), and synthesized with
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Specific Paediatric Concerns
Olga Calcagnile, Catherine Aaro Jonsson,
and Ingela Kristiansen

Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
Level I • The developing brain is more vulnerable
to the effects of traumatic brain injury
There are insufficient data to support a level I rec- (TBI), and younger age is not a positive
ommendation for this topic. outcome predictor.
• Fine motor skills are more affected than
Level II gait after trauma.
• Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) is a
There are insufficient data to support a level II severe consequence of TBI.
recommendation for this topic. • PTE is less common among young chil-
dren, and the incidence increases from
Level III the age of 15.
• About 50% of children with PTE after
It is recommended that service providers should severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI)
consider attention remediation to assist recov- develop an intractable epilepsy.
ery and to involve family members as active • Post-traumatic headache has a higher
treatment providers in the rehabilitation plan. prevalence after mild TBI than more
severe TBI.
• In sTBI, chronic headache is mostly
reported among younger children.
• Balance hope of recovery and aware-
O. Calcagnile (*) ness of deficits when giving early infor-
Department of Paediatric Medicine, Halland Regional mation to parents.
Hospital, Halmstad, Sweden
• The fastest improvement in recovery
C. A. Jonsson happens during the first 1–2 years after
Child and Youth Rehabilitation, Östersunds Hospital,
Östersund, Sweden
injury. Rehabilitation is needed to opti-
e-mail: mize recovery and the re-entry into
I. Kristiansen
everyday life.
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, • Patients with severe injuries tend to
Uppsala University and Uppsala University fall behind in long-term cognitive
Childrens’ Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 613

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
614 O. Calcagnile et al.

the high capacity of brain plasticity in children

development, but outcome differs con- compared to adults. However, new studies have
siderably between individuals. opened the debate on how instead the developing
• The most typical cognitive deficits are brain is more vulnerable to TBI. In animal mod-
related to attention, processing speed, els, for instance, it has been shown that post-­
problem-­solving and memory. injury apoptotic cell death increases in immature
• Social deficits are linked to functions brains, that cerebral blood flow and metabolism
such as inhibitory control, mental flexi- are age-dependent and finally that biomarkers
bility, communicative abilities and the may be development specific (Giza et al. 2007).
understanding of other people’s thoughts Outcome reports on paediatric population are
and feelings. very limited, and only few recommendations
• Both social and cognitive functioning have been identified for paediatric severe TBI
are promoted in familiar settings with (sTBI).
few distractors.
• Family function is a predictor of cogni-
tive and social outcome. Families need 83.2 Sensorimotor Consequences
help to understand TBI-related deficits
and how to cope with them. Strictly sensorimotor outcomes are seldom
• Recovery should be promoted through reported in recent articles. Sensorimotor func-
individualized rehabilitation with fam- tions involve both sensory and motor activity and
ily and network integration. pathways. Motor disabilities are often judged as
• Promote recovery by assessment of cog- less incapacitating than cognitive and social
nitive and social function in the early impairments; however, enduring sensorimotor
recovery phase. These assessment deficit can also lead to significant reduction in
results should be utilized in the planning quality of life. After sTBI, paediatric patients
of rehabilitation interventions and also often regain sensorimotor skills and gait, but bal-
the preparation of the return to home ance, speed and fine motor tasks are impaired
and school. even several years after trauma. Fine motor skills
• There is a clear risk of chronic cognitive seem to be more affected than gait after trauma,
and social deficits. Assessment after the especially considering speed and coordination
recovery phase aids long-term (Kuhtz-Buschbeck et al. 2003).
prognostication. Injury localization has been shown in several
• If lingering deficits are found, function- studies not to be a predictor for long-term out-
ing in everyday life can still improve come. It is important to keep in mind that the
with coping strategies. Those include brain is a qualitative organ and very limited inju-
having intellectual knowledge of defi- ries may have a devastating impact (Lambregts
cits, being able to recognize when defi- et al. 2018). As for the other aspects of long-term
cits actually disturb function and, neurological outcome, younger age is not a posi-
finally, being able to plan in advance tive predictor. In relation to sensorimotor func-
how to maximize functioning. tions, pre-school children do not recover faster
compared to older children. The duration of loss
of consciousness and a higher number of injured
brain areas have been identified as negative out-
83.1 Overview come predictors (Kuhtz-Buschbeck et al. 2003).
Nevertheless, studies have shown that chil-
For many years, there has been the widespread dren suffering from TBI have a better general
opinion that TBI in the paediatric population neurological outcome compared to children with
would generate fewer long-term sequelae due to non-traumatic brain injuries (nTBI) (e.g. tumours,
83  Specific Paediatric Concerns 615

infections, encephalopathies). An explanation could as well be the consequence of more severe

could be that nTBIs often generate more deep injuries. Some head computed tomography (CT)
and diffuse pathology while TBI is often more findings (contusions, oedema and haemorrhages,
focal (Lambregts et  al. 2018). However, it is and the presence of skull fractures) are also con-
important to keep in mind that also TBI may sidered additional risk factors. Nevertheless, chil-
present a diffuse pathology, especially when dren with PTS do not have a higher risk to
dealing with diffuse axonal injuries (DAI). develop PTE (Christensen et al. 2009; Keret et al.
Moreover, around 40–50% of children with
83.3 Post-traumatic Seizures PTE after sTBI develop an intractable epilepsy;
in Children and Adolescents their quality of life is poorer compared to chil-
dren that have suffered a similar injury, but have
Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) is a severe conse- not developed epilepsy. PTE is a clear negative
quence of all types of TBI, from mild to severe. outcome predictor and has even been associated
Post-traumatic seizures (PTS) occur within with developmental delay and increased mortal-
7  days from injury and can be prophylactically ity (Keret et al. 2018).
treated with anti-epileptic drugs. PTE, on the
other hand, may develop even after 15 years from
the original trauma, and prophylactic anti-­ 83.4 P
 ost-traumatic Chronic Pain
epileptic treatment to avoid debut of PTE has in Children and Adolescents
been shown to be ineffective. PTE occurs at all
ages, but some aspects are specific for the paedi- Chronic pain syndromes are often caused by
atric population (Keret et al. 2018). TBI. Studies in the adult population have shown
The mechanisms of PTE are so far not fully a high prevalence for chronic headache, shoulder
understood. Particular interest has lately been pain, complex regional pain and peripheral nerve
focused on the neuroinflammation processes that impairments. In the paediatric population on the
follow the initial injury cascade and how this pro- other hand, studies mostly focus on prevalence of
cess is related to epileptogenesis. In children, the chronic headache leaving the other aspects of the
brain may be more affected by the inflammatory chronic pain syndrome mostly unreported
cascade, thus being more vulnerable to develop (Nampiaparampil 2011).
seizures; however, findings are still inconclusive Contrary to the general belief, post-traumatic
(Lucke-Wold et al. 2015). headache has a higher prevalence after mild TBI
PTS seems to occur with a higher frequency (mTBI) than after more severe injuries. Chronic
among children younger than 7 years compared headache affects mostly teenage girls (around
to late adolescents and adults (respectively 40–50% of girls 12  months after mTBI com-
around 30% of young children with sTBI and 8% pared to 15% of boys) and often has a migraine
of late adolescents). On the other hand, PTE is component. This mirrors the adult population
less common among young children. PTE inci- where post-­traumatic headache is more preva-
dence increases from the age of 15 (8–15% of lent among women that have suffered a mTBI
sTBI) to reach a maximal incidence among the (Blume et  al. 2012). A different scenario con-
elderly (Evans and Shachter 2018; Christensen cerns sTBI.  In this case, chronic headache is
et al. 2009; Keret et al. 2018). mostly reported among younger children (more
There is no agreement between different stud- than 30% of children 5–12  years old) with no
ies on what may be the key risk factors for devel- difference between sexes. These results support
oping PTE; however, researchers agree that there the theory that developing brains are more sensi-
is a clear connection between PTE and the sever- tive to TBI than adolescent or adult brains
ity of TBI. In some studies, PTE was associated (Blume et  al. 2012). There is no correlation
even with the length of hospitalization, but that between the localization of head trauma and the
616 O. Calcagnile et al.

site where headache will develop, and all forms recommended that service providers should con-
of headache syndromes are represented sider attention remediation to assist recovery
(migraine, tension headache, etc.). (van’t Hooft et  al. 2005; Butler and Copeland
The last aspect that should be considered is 2002) and that service providers should consider
the major limitation when dealing with paediatric involving family members as active treatment
reports. Except for late adolescents, studies are providers in the rehabilitation plan (Braga et al.
mostly based on parental reports, and data should 2005).
be handled with caution. Moreover, in the paedi-
atric population, it is difficult to isolate the preva-
lence of headache that is the result of trauma 83.6 Cognitive Outcome
from any headache syndrome that would have
manifested itself over time. Nevertheless, head- A meta-analytic review reports attention, pro-
ache prevalence seems to be significantly higher cessing speed, problem-solving and memory as
among paediatric TBI patients than among age- the cognitive functions most at risk after sTBI in
and sex-matched controls (Blume et al. 2012). childhood or adolescence (Babikian and Asnarow
2009). Three years after injury, the patients with
sTBI tend to fall behind the development of
83.5 C
 ognitive and Social Long-­ peers, but the heterogeneity between patients is
Term Outcome large, and the result appears to be influenced by a
subgroup of children with the most severe defi-
Moderate and severe TBIs are often collapsed to cits (Babikian and Asnarow 2009). Large hetero-
a joint group in paediatric. This chapter therefore geneity is one of the most common results in
partly also includes findings from the moderate outcome studies of paediatric TBI, even within
TBI literature. The knowledge base of cognitive severity groups (Chapman et  al. 2001).
outcome of TBI has been growing during the last Independently from severity of TBI, fatigue and
decades, while the understanding on social out- an overwhelming, sustained sense of exhaustion
come is largely premature and limited. The con- is commonly reported after injury (Crichton et al.
nections between white matter and grey matter 2017; Ponsford et  al. 2012); it is connected to
within the frontal and temporal lobes are the most cognitive, physical, affective components and
common locations of axonal injuries (Vik et  al. impairs social and school functioning (Crichton
2006). Frontal regions are most frequently et al. 2017). Long-term cognitive outcome after
involved in focal TBI (Mendelsohn et al. 1992). TBI in childhood is influenced by several factors
These injury-prone regions have a prolonged as presented in Fig. 83.1.
developmental trajectory throughout childhood Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) is found to be
and adolescence (Gogtay et  al. 2004) and are a stronger predictor than Glasgow Coma Scale
strongly connected to cognitive and social func- (GCS) of long-term functioning and participa-
tions (Anderson et  al. 2017). Accordingly, both tion in daily life for school-­aged children and
cognitive (Aaro Jonsson et al. 2009; Aaro Jonsson adolescents (Briggs et  al. 2015). Susceptibility
et al. 2014; Anderson et al. 2012; Babikian and weighted imaging (SWI) is shown to be more
Asnarow 2009; Ewing-Cobbs et  al. 1997; sensitive than CT in detecting traumatic lesions
Halldorsson et  al. 2013; Horneman and and can be used to predict cognitive outcome
Emanuelson 2009; Treble-Barna et  al. 2017a) after paediatric TBI (Ryan et al. 2016b).
and social functions are vulnerable after paediat- Brain reserve capacity (BRC) refers to varia-
ric TBI (Anderson et  al. 2017; Beauchamp and tions in previous insults, genetics or exposure to
Anderson 2010; Halldorsson et al. 2013; Fyrberg neurotoxic agents at some time prior to receiving
et  al. 2007; Horneman et  al. 2005; Wilkinson a brain injury, giving individuals a different BRC
et al. 2017; Renström et al. 2012; Rosema et al. (Dennis et al. 2007). In the event of an accident
2012; Ryan et al. 2016a; Ryan et al. 2018). It is or illness affecting the brain, individuals with
83  Specific Paediatric Concerns 617

Initial CTBI Long-term

treatment rehabilitation

Primary Secondary BRC Plasticity Long-term

injury of injury of Recovery of functions cognitive
CTBI CTBI CRC Development of functions outcome

Age at injury

Time since injury

Present age

Coping with deficits


Fig. 83.1  Modifiers of long-term cognitive outcome of childhood TBI (CTBI), from Aaro Jonsson 2013

higher levels of BRC will be deficit-free for lon- tivity and constrain organization of networks
ger period of time than individuals with lower mediating cognitive skills (Levin 2003). Kaufman
levels (Dennis et al. 2007). et al. (2017) describe rehabilitation with children
The concept of cognitive reserve capacity as working with a moving target. It occurs within
(CRC) concerns the way in which these networks the context of an ongoing developmental process,
are used (Stern 2002), and pre-injury behavioural since children may have to relearn the skills they
functioning has been reported to be a predictor of just established, while peers are moving on learn-
post-injury behavioural functioning (Catroppa ing new tasks.
and Anderson 2008; Fay et al. 2009). Cognitive outcome differs with the time since
Plasticity is the underlying function of brain injury. The most pronounced recovery occurs
recovery. It works through modulation of the during the first year after the injury (Chadwick
neurogenesis, through changes in the strength of et al. 1981; Ewing-Cobbs et al. 1997; Yeates et al.
synapses and reorganization of neural circuits 2002). Since sTBI often results in impaired cog-
(Johnston 2009). nitive abilities, development is at large risk of
Age at Injury. Severe injuries received at a being affected by reduced cognitive functions. A
younger age are associated with a poorer out- neuropsychological assessment in the early stage
come (Anderson et al. 2000, 2005). The recovery of recovery provides guidance on how to promote
of older children from sTBI is better than that of recovery, while an assessment after 1–2  years
younger ones and is more closely aligned to the provides long-term prognostic information of
recovery seen in adults (Anderson et  al. 2000). deficits.
Developing skills are more vulnerable than estab- The present age at assessment, influences
lished skills (Anderson et al. 2000; Slomine et al. the character of the cognitive deficits. Frontal
2002; Lehnung et al. 2001; Kaufman et al. 2017), damage acquired early in life may exhibit its
possibly reflecting that injury at the time of most ­ prominent sequelae in later childhood
myelination can disrupt development of connec- when the executive and self-regulating pro-
618 O. Calcagnile et al.

cesses associated with the frontal lobe are criti- Social competence is intimately linked with
cal to psychological development (Taylor and cognitive functions as inhibitory control and
Alden 1997). Outcome can also vary depend- mental flexibility (Treble-Barna et  al. 2017b;
ing on the different expectations that the child Levan et  al. 2016), as well as communicative
or adolescent receives from the environment at functions, such as expressive and receptive abili-
various ages. ties (Fyrberg et al. 2007). Deficits of social func-
Coping with Deficits. Family function predicts tion are associated with negative consequences
cognitive long-term outcome (Anderson et  al. for school performance (Treble-Barna et  al.
2012). In a study of parental burden conducted 2017a; Anderson et al. 2017), quality of life and
within the first months of their children’s TBI, general welfare (Ryan et al. 2016a). In daily life,
Stacin et  al. (2008) found that a higher age at a person with social dysfunction induced by an
injury was related to higher levels of parental sTBI can be slower in the perception of the social
stress. It may be explained by concerns relating interaction and more impulsive. Social function-
to a return to school and expectations related to ing can be facilitated in familiar situations with
academic performance. An alternative reason put few distractors, while the opposite may increase
forward by the authors is that deficits in cognitive social problems.
neuropsychological functions may be more Brain regions identified as contributing to
apparent in older children, thus contributing to social cognitive skills are represented as a “social
the burden of the parents of the children in this network” comprising the prefrontal cortex, tem-
age group. The use of denial as a coping strategy poro-parietal junction, insula and amygdala
was related to an increase in parental burden and (Anderson et al. 2017). Due to the vulnerability
distress (Stacin et al. 2008). of these brain regions, it is likely that injuries in
Gender seems to influence outcome after these specific areas will disrupt developing social
TBI, although very few results of the influence networks in the immature brain (Anderson et al.
of gender have been reported from the paediat- 2017). Accordingly, right frontal pole thickness
ric population. Girls have been shown to have has been found to predict social problems (Levan
stronger memory function than boys after injury et al. 2016). Children with sTBI have been found
(Donders and Hoffman 2002; Donders and to have poorer functions related to the concept of
Woodward 2003). Theory of Mind (ToM) (Ryan et al. 2016b). This
implies limitations in the basic ability to under-
stand other people’s beliefs, based on knowledge
83.7 Social Outcome of what others know. It also implies the under-
standing of how indirect speech, involving irony
Social function refers to the way an individual and empathy, can influence the listener. sTBI
operates in a social environment by relying on patients have been shown to have significantly
social skills and interacting with others poorer ToM, which on the other hand has been
(Beauchamp and Anderson 2010). Younger age at associated with more frequent behaviour prob-
insult (Ryan et  al. 2016a), pre-injury function, lems and abnormal social brain network mor-
injury severity, mental health of the parents and phology (Ryan et al. 2016b). Furthermore, poorer
the child’s self-esteem (Catroppa et al. 2017) are ToM and pragmatic language were predicted by
predictors of poorer social outcomes after TBI. A subacute alterations in diffusivity of the dorsal
brain insult has an impact on post-injury social cingulum and middle cerebellar peduncles
functions, but the social support an individual 2 years after injury (Ryan et al. 2018).
with TBI receives also influences the recovery A nationwide Swedish register study investi-
trajectory (Ryan et al. 2016a). Thus, both injury gated long-term medical and social outcomes
and non-injury factors should be considered associated with TBI in childhood (Sariaslan et al.
when identifying children at risk for long-term 2016). All individuals born between 1973 and
difficulties in social and behavioural domains. 1985, who had sustained one or more TBIs before
83  Specific Paediatric Concerns 619

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Socioeconomic Consequences
Olli Tenovuo, Marek Majdan, and Nada Andelic

84.1 Overview TBIs on public health and economy, the funding

for TBI research has severely lagged behind
All analyses have shown that traumatic brain compared to many other, less significant health
injury (TBI) is a major public health problem, problems (Zitnay et al. 2008). This situation has
also from a socioeconomic viewpoint. A recent started to change first during the last few years,
review estimated that in the US, the annual costs mainly due to investments triggered by the big
of TBI for mankind are about 400 billion US dol- number of military TBIs in the United States
lars, representing 0.5% of the total annual global ( and the
output (Maas et al. 2017). As discussed later in International Initiative for Traumatic Brain Injury
this chapter, calculations of costs do not account Research (InTBIR) initiative (Tosetti et al. 2013;
for many indirect consequences and may thus be
gross underestimates. While milder cases consti-
tute the vast majority of TBIs and therefore have
a major socioeconomic impact, at an individual 84.2 C
 osts for Acute Care
level, the severe cases are much more expensive of Severe TBIs
in all respects. Considering the vast impact of
Severe TBI is a major medical emergency, requir-
ing in most cases high-level specialized care in
O. Tenovuo (*)
Department of Clinical Medicine, Turku Brain Injury trauma centers, treatment at intensive care unit
Centre, Turku University Hospital, University (ICU) often for long periods, as well as long stay
of Turku, Turku, Finland in hospital and rehabilitation centers. The costs
M. Majdan for acute care of severe TBI consist of emergency
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health care at the accident site; transport; multidisci-
Sciences and Social Work, Trnava University, plinary care at the emergency department (ED),
Trnava, Slovak Republic
e-mail: ICU, and wards; surgical measures; consultations;
imaging and laboratory costs; medications; and
N. Andelic
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, (sub)acute rehabilitation. At an individual level,
Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, Oslo, Norway these costs may of course be highly variable—
Research Centre for Habilitation and Rehabilitation from those who die at the scene, to those who
Models and Services, Faculty of Medicine, Institute need ICU care for several weeks, multiple opera-
of Health and Society, University of Oslo, tions, and several months’ in-hospital care. In one
Oslo, Norway Finnish study from the year 2009, the mean treat-

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 623

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
624 O. Tenovuo et al.

ment cost for cases with severe TBI was 16,380 € study, the average costs per patient for in-hospital
(Tuominen et al. 2012). This is in line with some rehabilitation were about 70,000 € (SD 60000 €).
other reports, giving direct medical costs of about The cost for the first year following the injury
18,030 € and 21,500 € during the first post-injury accounted for more than 90% of the total 5-year
year (Chen et  al. 2012; Scholten et  al. 2015). A hospital-based rehabilitation of patients with
more recent Finnish study reported 39,809 $ aver- severe TBI (Andelic et al. 2014). The few reports
age costs for the first post-injury year in severe having tried to estimate the total costs of TBI,
TBI (Raj et  al. 2018). However, for those with have suggested that only about 15% of total costs
very serious TBI, total hospitalization costs in the are caused by direct medical costs (Finkelstein
trauma center and local hospitals are considerably et al. 2006). The indirect socioeconomic conse-
higher during the first year post-injury (about quences of severe TBI are innumerous (Tenovuo
130,000 €) (Andelic et al. 2014). et al. 2013), and most of them have been studied
There is no reliable data about the percentage very little. Roughly, these can be divided to lost
of cases with severe TBI among those admitted to life years, lost productivity (=inability to work),
hospital. Undoubtedly, all cases with severe TBI and other indirect consequences, which include
who are alive at the ED will be admitted, but the socioeconomic sequels for the individual, prox-
severity of the others admitted may be variable, ies, working environment, health care, social
depending on the local policy and resources, not security, and legal system as well as intangible
taking into account the variable definitions of costs (the quantification of pain, social and psy-
severe TBI. This is reflected, e.g., in the prelimi- chological limitations, and reduced physical
nary results of the Collaborative European functioning).
NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI
(CENTER-TBI) data (, show-
ing surprisingly that about one-third of cases 84.3.1 Lost Years of Life
(>1600 cases in 20 European countries) with TBI
treated at the ICU had “mild” TBI based on the Severe TBI causes lost years of life not only as
Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) (unpublished data). acute mortality but also as increased risk for late
Using an estimate that about one-third of hospital mortality and reduced life expectancy. An esti-
admissions have severe TBI, this would mean mated 82,000 deaths because of TBI occur in
about 700,000 cases in Europe annually (Majdan Europe each year (Majdan et al. 2016), causing
et  al. 2016). Based on these figures, the direct on the average 24.3  years of life lost (YLL),
medical costs for severe TBI in Europe are about which is considered as the social cost (Majdan
14 billion € annually. In addition, a study looking et al. 2017). The value of a lost life year has not
at hospital admissions due to TBI in 25 European been agreed upon internationally and may be
countries found high variability in the proportion considered to depend on the GDP of the country
of TBI treated as day cases (e.g., admitted but in question. Most estimates use values from
discharged the same day), which can reflect dif- about 50,000 € to 130,000 € per lost life year
ferent care policies across the countries and make (e.g., Yabroff et al. 2008). Using these figures, the
comparisons even harder (Majdan et al. 2016). socioeconomic value of TBI deaths in Europe
would equal from about 100 to 260 billion
84.3 Severe TBI and Late By definition, a TBI resulting in death shortly
Socioeconomic Sequels after the injury belongs naturally to the severe
TBI category. However, the mortality from TBI is
Severe TBI leads to significant costs in terms of not confined to acute mortality only (Ventura et al.
long-term rehabilitation and outpatient care. 2010). There are several studies, which show a
However, limited cost data exists in European permanent excess mortality after a TBI compared
countries. In a Norwegian 5-year follow-up to normal age- and sex-matched population
84  Socioeconomic Consequences 625

(Brooks et al. 2015a, b). The effect size in various hand, also salaries and GDP have risen, which
studies differs, and a meta-analysis of these was probably compensates the age shift in TBI inci-
performed within the Global Burden of Disease dence. Using the calculations from the above-­
study, which shows that persons after TBI have a mentioned study, early retirement from TBI
2.18 times higher risk of death, compared to the would cause about 150 billion € extra costs annu-
general population (Haagsma et  al. 2016). The ally in Europe. This is in line with estimates done
reduced life expectancy from TBI has been esti- in the United States.
mated to be 6  years (Haagsma et  al. 2016) and The percentage of patients who return to work
has been shown to be highly dependent on the after a severe TBI is variable, not least because of
severity of the injury (Brooks et  al. 2015a, b). inclusion criteria used for this kind of studies. In
Calculations of costs from this increased late a Norwegian study, about 50% of preinjury-­
mortality and reduced life expectancy have not employed patients with severe TBI returned to
been published. As increased late mortality and work (Sigurdardottir et al. 2018), and similar fig-
reduced life expectancy are “two sides of the ures have been published in other studies. On the
same coin”, an estimate of the socioeconomic other hand, a Danish nationwide study showed
cost can however be made. With about 700,000 that only 16% of those with severe TBI achieved
cases of severe TBI annually in Europe, a 6-year a stable position in work-life (Odgaard et  al.
reduction in the expected remaining life results in 2017). Even fewer studies have assessed the
3.2 million YLLs per year. Using the same value working ability and productivity in those who
as above, this would mean a cost between 160 have returned to work. A study done in patients
and 416 billion €. Thus, when giving an equal with mild TBI showed that many patients have
value for every YLL, the increased late mortality lowered productivity despite having returned to
after a severe TBI causes higher costs than the work (Silverberg et al. 2018). Due to the lack of
acute mortality. proper studies, it is not possible to estimate the
costs of lowered productivity in those who return
and stay at work after a severe TBI.
84.3.2 Lost Productivity

Lost productivity after a TBI, which is one of the 84.3.3 Other Indirect Costs
indirect economic costs, results either from
inability to return or stay at work or from reduced Severe TBI is a condition, which greatly affects
working capacity. Several studies and meta-­ not only the person her/himself, but also his/her
analyses have assessed return to work after a TBI family, relatives, friends, and working commu-
(Saltychev et al. 2013; Sigurdardottir et al. 2018). nity. The socioeconomic costs of the conse-
As expected, the risk for inability to work is high- quences have been scarcely studied. Only the
est after a severe TBI. This risk, however, depends caregiver burden has been assessed, as well as
on social and cultural factors, such as the level of how a severe TBI in a parent affects children or
social security, degree of employment in the soci- vice versa, but not from an economic viewpoint.
ety, and professional profile of the society. In However, clinical experience clearly shows that a
these respects, the differences within Europe are severe TBI in the family causes distress, mental
much smaller than differences, e.g. between problems, and loss of productivity in the family
European countries and low-income countries in members; especially in case of children, these
Africa and Asia. may have lifelong consequences.
A Finnish study gave a mean cost of 1.4 mil- Even if persons after TBI do not suffer from
lion € for lost productivity after a severe TBI physical disabilities, they are often not able to go
(Tuominen et  al. 2012). As the mean age of back to normal life (Humphreys et al. 2013), and
patients with TBI has risen, this cost might have the fact that they remain living with their families
diminished during the last 10 years. On the other causes distress in family members even 4 years
626 O. Tenovuo et al.

post-injury (Brooks et  al. 1986; Jacobs 1988). on how the value of human life is calculated. It
This stress tends to be higher in partners than par- should be noted that socioeconomic analyses of
ents and correlates well with the injury severity. TBI have many uncertainties and that there may
Young families have most problems coping with be significant differences between countries and
TBI and its consequences (Verhaeghe et  al. cultures. In any case, as a more detailed analysis
2005). A study following up patients for 24 years of socioeconomic costs of severe TBI in Europe
after TBI showed that tasks, such as financial alone as shown in this chapter gives a similar fig-
management or shopping, were causing difficul- ure, as has been suggested for global annual costs
ties in most cases, while only about a third of from all TBIs (Maas et al. 2017), it is possible that
patients returned to full-time employment the costs of TBI for our society are far more than
(Colantonio et al. 2004). any estimates have suggested.
Several studies and reviews have shown that
TBI is not only an event, but also the start of a
chronic health condition that predisposes for References
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indirect consequences cause socioeconomic Finkelstein EA, Corso PS, Miller TR. The Incidence and
costs, which are poorly known but undoubtedly Economic Burden of Injuries in the United States.
New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2006.
very significant. Haagsma JA, Graetz N, Bolliger I, et al. The global bur-
den of injury: incidence, mortality, disability-adjusted
life years and time trends from the Global Burden of
84.4 Conclusions Disease study 2013. Inj Prev. 2016;22:3–18.
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costs of traumatic brain injury: a literature review.
The socioeconomic costs of severe TBI are known Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2013;5:281–7.
to be remarkable, but as many indirect, yet very Jacobs HE. The Los Angeles head injury survey: proce-
costly consequences, have not been covered in the dures and initial findings. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
studies done, all existing figures are probably Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD, et  al. Traumatic
severe underestimates. In Europe alone, epidemi- brain injury  – integrated approaches to improve pre-
ological data and cost analyses suggest that annual vention, clinical care, and research. Lancet Neurol.
costs may exceed 500 billion €, depending, e.g. 2017;16:987–1048.
84  Socioeconomic Consequences 627

Majdan M, Plancikova D, Brazinova A, Rusnak M, study with a one-year follow-up of neurocognitive and
Nieboer D, Feigin V, Maas A. Epidemiology of trau- behavioural outcomes. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2018
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sis. Lancet Public Health. 2016;1:e76–83. Silverberg ND, Panenka WJ, Iverson GL. work productiv-
Majdan M, Plancikova D, Maas A, et  al. Years of life ity loss after mild traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys
lost due to traumatic brain injury in Europe: a Med Rehabil. 2018;99:250–6.
cross-sectional analysis of 16 countries. PLoS Med. Tenovuo O, Bullock MR, Zafonte RD. International sys-
2017;e1002331:14. tems of care and research agendas. In: Zasler ND,
Odgaard L, Johnsen SP, Pedersen AR, Nielsen JF. Return to Katz DI, Zafonte RD, editors. Brain injury medi-
work after severe traumatic brain injury: a nationwide fol- cine – principles and practice. New York, NY: Demos
low-up study. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2017;32:E57–64. Medical; 2013.
Raj R, Bendel S, Reinikainen M, Hoppu S, Luoto T, Tosetti P, Hicks RR, Theriault E, Phillips A, Koroshetz
Ala-Kokko T, Tetri S, Laitio R, Koivisto T, Rinne W, Draghia-Akli R, Workshop Participants. Toward
J, Kivisaari R, Siironen J, Higgins A, Skrifvars an international initiative for traumatic brain injury
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following ICU admission after traumatic brain injury. Tuominen R, Joelsson P, Tenovuo O. Treatment costs and
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Sariaslan A, Sharp DJ, D'Onofrio BM, Larsson H, Fazel traumatic brain injury: a population-based study. Arch
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Subacute MR Imaging: Traumatic
Axonal Injury, Brainstem Lesions 85
and Prognostic Factors

Toril Skandsen, Kent Gøran Moen, and Anne Vik

Recommendations Level II

Level I Extensive traumatic axonal injury has been asso-

ciated with less favourable outcome, and many of
There is insufficient data to support a Level I rec- these lesions are best depicted on MRI in the early
ommendation for this topic. phase. Patients with severe TBI should therefore
preferably be examined with magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) within the first few weeks.

Level III

T. Skandsen (*) There are no Level III recommendations for

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, this topic.
Department of Neuromedicine and Movement
Science, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
St. Olav’s Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Important MRI Findings and Sequences
Trondheim, Norway
e-mail: • Most patients with severe TBI have
K. G. Moen traumatic axonal injury (TAI), more
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, often in younger than elderly patients.
Department of Neuromedicine and Movement
• Commonly, patients have TAI in concert
Science, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway with other lesions, such as contusions
and haematomas.
Department of Radiology, Nord-Trøndelag Hospital
Trust, Levanger Hospital, Levanger, Norway • Primary brainstem injury is common;
e-mail: most of these are TAI lesions.
A. Vik • Patients with low acute Glasgow Coma
Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Scale (GCS) scores, not explained by
Science, Norwegian University of Science increased intracranial pressure, may
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
have bilateral TAI lesions in brainstem
Department of Neurosurgery, St. Olav’s Hospital, and/or thalamus.
Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 629

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
630 T. Skandsen et al.

• Patients with a normal computed tomog- • The scan protocol takes 30–60 min, and
raphy (CT) scan may have TAI. even small patient movements can cause
• Patients with a CT scan showing only a motion artefacts that severely reduce the
few subcortical punctate haemorrhages, quality of the scans.
or modest peri-mesencephalic subarach- • Many patients will enter a phase with
noid or intraventricular haemorrhage, confusion and agitation (post-traumatic
may have widespread TAI. amnesia) during recovery. One should
• Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery therefore consider light sedation during
(FLAIR): look for high signal in the cor- scanning or let a nurse sit close to the
pus callosum and dorsal part of the patient during scanning in order to repeat
brainstem indicating TAI (Fig. 85.1) and the instructions and keep the patient calm.
non-haemorrhagic cortical contusions • To obtain scans of high quality and an
in the frontal and temporal lobes. These assessment by a neuroradiologist expe-
lesions attenuate with time. rienced with severe TBI, it may be ben-
• Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) eficial to perform MRI while the patient
or T2∗GRE: look for small dark spots is still in the trauma centre.
(microbleeds) indicating TAI (Fig. 85.2).
Contraindications and Precautions
Prognosis: Information to the Family
• Early MRI is not decisive for the acute
• Clinical MRI often reveals lesions not neurosurgical treatment and can first be
previously detected by CT, so empha- performed when the patient’s condition
size that this was to be expected. is stable regarding intracranial pressure
• The most serious finding is that of wide- and vital body functions.
spread TAI with bilateral brainstem or tha- • Some external orthopaedic fixations are
lamic involvement. Statistically, this too magnetic to be in the MRI scanner.
implies a high risk of severe disability, but Internal orthopaedic fixations, as well as
notably, also some of these patients even- material used in craniofacial surgery,
tually have a favourable outcome. are usually compatible with MRI.

MRI Quality, Timing and Precautions

• MRI examination in the acute or sub-

acute phase needs to be planned, and
communication with the neuroradiolo-
gist is essential.
• For intensive care unit (ICU) patients
that require continuous monitoring or
assisted ventilation, the MRI must be
planned in cooperation with the staff.
Local conditions, such as the number of
monitoring ports on the MRI system,
MRI compatibility of equipment, dis-
tance to the MRI unit and access to
anaesthesiology personnel during the
examination, can be decisive for timing
of the examination. Fig. 85.1  Sagittal FLAIR image. Arrows show lesion in
the corpus callosum and upper brainstem indicating DAI
85  Subacute MR Imaging: Traumatic Axonal Injury, Brainstem Lesions and Prognostic Factors 631

85.2 Background

85.2.1 Clinical MRI in Patients

with Severe TBI

MRI is more sensitive than CT in detection of

traumatic parenchymal lesions (Gentry et  al.
1988; Yuh et  al. 2013) and thus better demon-
strates the brain damage. MRI has been rec-
ommended if the patient’s clinical condition is
worse than what should be expected based on the
CT scan (Parizel et  al. 2005; Wintermark et  al.
2015). But, regardless of focal lesions that often
are revealed in severe TBI, the CT scan may only
show the tip of the iceberg of potential lesions
present. It should therefore be emphasized that
only MRI can reliably depict important traumatic
Fig. 85.2 Transversal T2∗-weighted gradient echo pathoanatomic entities such as traumatic axo-
image shows micro-haemorrhages in the white matter nal injury (TAI), non-haemorrhagic contusions,
indicating DAI
brainstem lesions and early trauma-induced isch-
emia. Thus, it is now recommended that patients
85.1 Overview with severe TBI should be examined with clini-
cal MRI, preferably during the first 2–4  weeks
Computed tomography (CT) is insufficient in (Moen et al. 2014; Mutch et al. 2016; Cicuendez
the diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury (DAI) et al. 2019).
and brainstem injury. Such injuries are very
common and clinically important in severe
traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially in the 85.2.2 The MRI Sequences Used
context of high-­energy trauma. Magnetic res- in Head Injury
onance imaging (MRI) is the superior image
modality to gain an overview of the traumatic Today, a typical MRI scan protocol in head
lesions in the brain parenchyma. The neuroana- trauma is performed without contrast at a system
tomic and prognostic information provided by with a field strength of 1.5 or 3 T and consists of
MRI is important during the subacute phase of T1- and T2-weighted imaging, fluid-attenuated
clinical management and rehabilitation. Thus, inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence, diffusion-­
MRI should be considered in all patients with weighted imaging (DWI) and T2∗-weighted
severe TBI. gradient echo sequence (GRE) or susceptibility-
The lesions in TAI are either haemor- weighted imaging (SWI) (Haacke et  al. 2010;
rhagic or non-haemorrhagic. The haemor- Mutch et al. 2016).
rhagic lesions mostly consist of microbleeds, FLAIR is a T2-weighted sequence where the
detected with a T2∗-weighted gradient echo high T2 signal from the cerebral spinal fluid is
sequence or susceptibility-­ weighted imaging. suppressed, while the signal from traumatic brain
The non-­haemorrhagic lesions are best visible oedema or gliosis remains bright, thus increas-
in T2-weighted imaging, especially fluid-attenu- ing the detectability of tissue injury (Fig. 85.1). In
ated inversion recovery (FLAIR). Since the non-­ the acute and subacute stage, FLAIR sequences
haemorrhagic lesions attenuate over time, MRI are used for the detection of oedema, while in the
should preferably be performed during the first chronic stage, the hyperintensities represent gliotic
few weeks post-injury, in order to depict these. scarring secondary to the TBI (Parizel et al. 2005).
632 T. Skandsen et al.

T2∗GRE and SWI reveal very small haem- severe TBI who survived the acute phase. TAI
orrhages associated with TAI, often referred to was often depicted in concert with other lesions
as ‘microbleeds’. These techniques utilize the such as contusions and haematomas (Lagares
paramagnetic properties of the degradation prod- et al. 2009; Skandsen et al. 2010).
ucts of haemoglobin which induce a focal signal The clinical course of TAI is characterized by
loss, a ‘blooming effect’, and the haemorrhages initial loss of consciousness which is followed
appear dark on the scan (Fig.  85.2). The sensi- by a period of post-traumatic confusion that
tivity to detect microbleeds is better at higher can last for weeks (Povlishock and Katz 2005).
field strengths (Scheid 2007), and SWI is far Patients without large contusions or haemato-
more sensitive to blood products than T2∗GRE mas, who do not wake up or exhibit severe agi-
(Haacke et al. 2009). tation and confusion when sedation is stopped,
Diffusion-weighted imaging is a technique often have a widespread TAI that cannot be
which provides image contrast, resulting from diagnosed with CT.
the Brownian movements of water molecules in The patterns of lesions depicted in the white
the brain tissue (Schaefer 2001). DWI can reli- matter with MRI were found to be identical to
ably distinguish between vasogenic oedema what had previously been found in the autopsy
(increased diffusion) and cytotoxic oedema and animal studies (Gentry et  al. 1988; Adams
(restricted diffusion). DWI is most useful in et al. 1989). Thus, in several MRI studies, a mod-
the acute phase and could identify white matter ified grading of TAI has been used: TAI stage 1
lesions not seen on other conventional sequences (lesions confined to the lobar white matter in the
during the first 48 h (Huisman et al. 2003). The hemispheres or cerebellum), TAI stage 2 (lesions
DWI contains both diffusion and T2 information. in corpus callosum) and TAI stage 3 (lesions in
These images are compared to the computed the brainstem). Lesions in the deep nuclei such
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map where as basal ganglia and thalami have not been
the T2 effects have been eliminated while the included in this classification. However, most
diffusion effects remain. The areas that appear lesions depicted in these locations are increas-
bright on the DWI scan are dark on the ADC map ingly r­ ecognized as TAI lesions and are typically
if they represent restricted diffusion. found in patients with TAI in other locations
(Moe et al. 2018).
Clinical MRI does not show the axonal
85.2.3 Traumatic Axonal Injury injury directly; rather TAI is indirectly depicted
as oedema (non-haemorrhagic) or small micro-
Traumatic axonal injury (TAI), here used synon- bleeds surrounding the axons. The microbleeds
ymously with the alternative term ‘diffuse axonal are depicted with either T2∗GRE or SWI and
injury’, is an important injury type in TBI. TAI are typically visible for a long time, months or
has been related to the rotational and deceleration years (Moen et  al. 2012). In contrast, the non-­
forces associated with high-energy traumas, as haemorrhagic lesions attenuate during the first
traffic accidents, some sports accidents and falls weeks and thus may be missed if MRI is per-
from high heights. However, trauma with lower formed late (Moen et al. 2012).
energy may lead to TAI.  It has previously been
called ‘shearing injury’. The initial mechanical
strain and the following cellular events eventu- 85.2.4 Brainstem and Thalamus
ally leading to disconnection or recovery of the Injury
axons are complex processes and still not fully
understood, but primary axotomy is considered Traumatic brainstem injury can be characterized
to be uncommon (Smith et al. 2013). as primary, directly caused by the forces of the
In cohort studies, TAI has been found in the trauma, or secondary, resulting from the isch-
majority of patients under the age of 65 with aemia associated with herniation of the brain.
85  Subacute MR Imaging: Traumatic Axonal Injury, Brainstem Lesions and Prognostic Factors 633

Primary brainstem lesions comprise TAI, which the prognostic models including MRI findings
are the most common, contusions, haemorrhages had a better discriminatory capacity than models
and lacerations (Blumbergs et al. 2008). The pons with the established prognostic factors identified
and mesencephalon are predilection sites, and the in the IMPACT and CRASH models.
lesions may be unilateral or bilateral. TAI in the In a systematic review and meta-analysis,
thalamus is often seen in conjunction with TAI in brainstem injury was strongly associated with
the brainstem, both of which are lesions seldom increased risk of death and severe disability
depicted on CT (Moe et  al. 2018). Contusions (Haghbayan et al. 2017). Moreover, some studies
in the brainstem are seldom. These are typi- using early MRI have found that bilateral involve-
cally superficial with a unilateral distribution and ment of the brainstem was a particularly severe
without other signs of widespread TAI. These are finding (Firsching et  al. 1998; Skandsen et  al.
hypothesized to be caused by direct impact from 2011; Hilario et al. 2012). However, patients with
the free edge of the tentorium. brainstem lesions may have a good outcome, and
With the increasing use of early MRI, it has that is important to bear in mind when counsel-
been shown that brainstem injury is present in ling the family on individual cases.
almost half of patients with severe TBI surviving Location in the brainstem also matters, and
the acute phase (Firsching et al. 2001; Skandsen TAI lesions in the substantia nigra and tegmen-
et  al. 2011; Hilario et  al. 2012). Especially, the tum (Abu Hamdeh et al. 2017) or within brain-
unilateral lesions in the brainstem and thalamus stem nuclei of the ascending arousal network
are associated with higher GCS score and hence (Izzy et al. 2017) correlated more strongly with
may be seen also in less severe TBI (Moe et al. a poor recovery.
2018). In contrast, patients with bilateral TAI
lesions in the brainstem or in the thalamus have
been found to have especially low level of con- 85.2.6 Advanced MR Methods
sciousness in the acute phase (Moe et al. 2018).
Other clinical signs in surviving patients with Several methods require post-processing of MRI
injury in the brainstem and thalamus are pro- data and are therefore less available in clinical
longed disorder of consciousness, central motor diagnostics today. Examples are diffusion ten-
signs with paresis, spasticity or abnormal postur- sor imaging (DTI), MR spectroscopy, functional
ing, dysphagia and ophthalmoplegia. Periods of magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and differ-
autonomic dysfunction (paroxysmal sympathetic ent methods for measurement of brain volumes.
hyperactivity) with hypertonia, tachycardia, Since DTI is increasingly used in MRI research
rigidity and profuse sweating can be observed. and is proposed to be a sensitive biomarker of
TAI, this method will be briefly described.
In nerve fibres, diffusivity is greater in the
85.2.5 Prognosis: Traumatic Axonal direction of the axon (axial) than perpendicular
Injury, Brainstem Injury to the fibres, diffusion anisotropy. DTI is based
and Thalamus Injury on sampling of diffusion-weighted images for
many directions (Le Bihan et al. 2001) and com-
Patients with mild and moderate TBI may also putation of an index of the diffusion anisotropy,
have TAI.  Hence, the presence of TAI does not e.g., fractional anisotropy (FA) values (Marquez
rule out a good outcome. However, recent studies de la Plata et al. 2011). If the microstructure of
have found that especially the extent of TAI in the the axon is damaged (as in TBI), this can result in
splenium of the corpus callosum and in the brain- decreased axial diffusivity and lower FA values.
stem as well as in the thalamus is associated with Both micro-haemorrhagic and non-­
an increased risk of disability (Moen et al. 2014, haemorrhagic TAI lesions are associated with
Cicuendez et  al. 2017, Haghbayan et  al. 2017, damage of the underlying white matter micro-
Cicuendez 2019). These studies also showed that structure in DTI studies (Moen et al. 2016; Toth
634 T. Skandsen et al.

et al. 2018). But DTI also depicts axonal damage Cicuendez M, Castano-Leon A, Ramos A, Hilario A,
Gomez PA, Lagares A. Prognostic value of corpus cal-
where the white matter appears to be normal in losum injuries in severe head trauma. Acta Neurochir.
clinical MRI sequence (Hulkower et al. 2013); it is 2017;159(1):25–32.
therefore potentially a more sensitive method for Cicuendez M, Castano-Leon A, Ramos A, Hilario A,
detecting TAI. In a longitudinal DTI study of very Gomez PA, Lagares A. The added prognostic value of
magnetic resonance imaging in traumatic brain injury:
severe TBI, it could be demonstrated that normal- the importance of traumatic axonal injury when per-
ization of the DTI indices was larger in the patients forming ordinal logistic regression. J Neuroradiol.
who recovered function (Sidaros et al. 2008). 2019;46(5):299–306.
DTI is expected to become more useful in the Douglas DB, Iv M, Douglas PK, Anderson A, Vos SB,
Bammer R, Zeineh M, Wintermark M. Diffusion ten-
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e.g., FA values in different brain areas in healthy Firsching R, Woischneck D, Diedrich M, Klein S, Ruckert
humans (Haacke et al. 2010; Douglas et al. 2015). A, Wittig H, Dohring W.  Early magnetic resonance
imaging of brainstem lesions after severe head injury.
However, recent reviews concluded that DTI is J Neurosurg. 1998;89(5):707–12.
not yet ready for use in individual patients with Firsching R, Woischneck D, Klein S, Reissberg S,
TBI and that more longitudinal data are needed Dohring W, Peters B.  Classification of severe head
(Hulkower et al. 2013; Douglas et al. 2015). injury based on magnetic resonance imaging. Acta
Neurochir. 2001;143(3):263–71.
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head trauma: review of the distribution and radio-
85.3 Specific Paediatric Concerns pathologic features of traumatic lesions. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol. 1988;150:101–10.
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Children with severe TBI are at risk for long-­ YC.  Susceptibility-weighted imaging: technical
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learning disabilities. It is important for the pae- Neuroradiol. 2009;30(1):19–30.
diatricians, rehabilitation professionals and neu- Haacke EM, Duhaime AC, Gean AD, Riedy G, Wintermark
M, Mukherjee P, Brody DL, DeGraba T, Duncan TD,
ropsychologists to have a thorough diagnostic of Elovic E, Hurley R, Latour L, Smirniotopoulos JG,
the brain injury, and like for adults, MRI findings Smith DH. Common data elements in radiologic imag-
can inform about prognosis (Smitherman et  al. ing of traumatic brain injury. J Magn Reson Imaging.
2016). We recommend that MRI is performed 2010;32(3):516–43.
Haghbayan H, Boutin A, Laflamme M, Lauzier F, Shemilt
in all cases of severe paediatric TBI. One should M, Moore L, Zarychanski R, Douville V, Fergusson
consider performing the examination while the D, Turgeon AF.  The prognostic value of MRI in
child is still under sedation to avoid additional moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: a sys-
anaesthesia later. tematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care Med.
Hilario A, Ramos A, Millan JM, Salvador E, Gomez PA,
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hemorrhagic lesions in the substantia nigra and mes- Neuroradiol. 2013;34(11):2064–74.
encephalic tegmentum indicate poor long-term out- Huisman TA, Sorensen AG, Hergan K, Gonzalez RG,
come. J Neurotrauma. 2017;34(2):341–52. Schaefer PW. Diffusion-weighted imaging for the
Adams JH, Doyle D, Ford I, Gennarelli TA, Graham DI, evaluation of diffuse axonal injury in closed head
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Lagares A, Ramos A, Perez-Nunez A, Ballenilla F, Alday Schaefer PW. Applications of DWI in clinical neurology.
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Neurodegeneration and Dementia
following Traumatic Brain Injury 86
Niklas Marklund

first post-injury hours-days in approxi-
Level I mately 30% of severe TBI patients.
Carriers of the APOE ε4 allele may have
There is Level 1 evidence that severe TBI can an increased risk for Aβ aggregation.
lead to lasting, chronic consequences including • In most large population-based studies,
dementias and other neurodegenerative diseases TBI is associated with an increased risk
including Parkinson’s disease. of developing AD.
• Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Level II (CTE) and other tauopathies have been
associated with TBI.  Predominantly,
Numerous studies point to an increased aggrega- CTE has been linked to sport-related
tion of tau and amyloid-beta in severe TBI. repeated mild TBI. Increased tau aggre-
gation and phosphorylation has been
Level III observed in long-term (not short-term)
survivors of severe TBI.
Numerous observational studies suggest a link • TBI has been linked to an increased risk
between TBI and neurodegeneration. for Parkinson’s disease in large
population-­based studies.
• The risk for other neurodegenerative
Tips and Tricks
disorders, such as frontotemporal
• Amyloid-beta (Aβ) aggregates/plaques, dementia, appears to be increased
the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease among TBI patients. At autopsy, numer-
(AD), are found at autopsy or in surgi- ous proteins linked to neurodegenera-
cally resected brain tissue within the tion have increased expression and/or
accumulate in injured axons. The risk
factors contributing to post-TBI degen-
eration have not been established
although axonal injury and neuroin-
N. Marklund (*)
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurosurgery, flammation are implicated in this
Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, process.
Lund, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 637

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
638 N. Marklund

tical atrophy at long term following the initial

• PET imaging, at least for Aβ and tau, is impact (Johnson et al. 2012) and accumulation of
increasingly used and may be useful to numerous proteins related to neurodegeneration
follow individuals post-TBI to establish (Kenney et al. 2018). As for the clinical studies,
the time course for tau and/or Aβ aggre- the available evidence is summarized below.
gation as well as to develop novel thera-
pies preventing long-term development
of dementia and other neurodegenerative 86.2 Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for 60–80% of
all dementias. There are recent large-scale popu-
lation studies finding a risk increase for AD after
86.1 General Aspects TBI. Additionally, TBI patients seem to develop
AD at a younger age (Mendez et al. 2015) and
This chapter deals with the risks of developing have an increased risk for mild cognitive impair-
neurodegenerative disorders, including demen- ment, a common precursor of dementia (Perry
tia and Parkinson’s disease, following traumatic et al. 2016). It should be mentioned that a num-
brain injury (TBI). A large number of studies ber of studies exist that have failed to document
have found evidence for TBI being a chronic this association [see (Mendez 2017; Huang et al.
brain disorder with often devastating long-term 2018)], including a nation-wide study evaluating
consequences. For instance, when TBI is sus- early-onset dementias (Nordstrom et  al. 2014).
tained in childhood, there may be an increased Here, the risk of developing young-onset demen-
risk of disability, psychiatric illness, and pre- tia after TBI was examined in ca 800,000 Swedish
mature death later in life (McKinlay et al. 2002; military recruits, of whom 45,000 sustained a
Masel and DeWitt 2010; Whiteneck et al. 2016; TBI over a three-decade period. In this cohort,
Wilson et  al. 2017). In addition, TBI results in the risk for AD was not markedly increased by
excess mortality, not only in the moderate-severe TBI after multivariate adjustments. However,
TBIs, but surprisingly also in those individuals most reports and meta-analyses conclude that
with mild TBI (Wilson et al. 2017). As described a single moderate to severe TBI is a risk factor
elsewhere in this book, disabling and persist- for AD.  For instance, in a prospective study of
ing cognitive impairment, personality changes, US World War II veterans, 548 veterans with a
and decreased quality of life are exceedingly single moderate or severe TBI were compared
common in survivors of severe TBI.  Moreover, to 1228 without, an increased risk of both AD
in contrast to the common notion of a gradual and non-­AD dementias after TBI was observed
improvement with time in most TBI survivors, a (Plassman et  al. 2000). A statewide study in
variety of studies indicate that up to one-half of California evaluated the association between
patients show either no improvement or a slow TBI and dementia in 164,661 patients and found
and gradual decline (Millar et al. 2003; McMillan that moderate to severe TBI increased the risk of
et  al. 2012; Corrigan et  al. 2014; Moretti et  al. dementia in patients >55  years old with a haz-
2012; Himanen et  al. 2006). In fact, post-TBI ard ratio (HR) of ≥1.3 (Gardner et al. 2014). In
neuroimaging studies have found brain atrophy to a nation-wide Swedish study (Nordstrom and
the same degree as observed in Alzheimer’s dis- Nordstrom 2018), all individuals aged ≥50 years
ease (AD) (Cole et al. 2018). At autopsy, immu- (n ≥ three million) with a diagnoses of dementia
nohistochemical studies have provided evidence and TBI were tracked, and by using three dif-
that TBI is a chronic disease process leading to ferent cohorts, an increased dementia risk after
atrophy of cortical and white matter structures TBI was found with an adjusted odds ratio of
associated with persistent neuroinflammation, 1.8. This association was strongest in the first
white matter degeneration, and progressive cor- post-injury year. It should be noted that all TBI
86  Neurodegeneration and Dementia following Traumatic Brain Injury 639

severities were included, but the risk was higher the vicinity of cortical contusions. Furthermore,
for patients with more severe TBI or multiple tau levels correlated with markers for axonal
TBIs. In a recent Danish study (Fann et al. 2018), injury indicating an association with white mat-
132 093 individuals (4.7%) had at least one TBI ter pathology and release of tau (Magnoni et al.
during 1977–2013, and 126 734 (4.5%) had inci- 2012). Although microdialysis studies are often
dent dementia during 1999–2013. The fully limited by the lack of adequate controls, this
adjusted risk of all-­ cause dementia in people technique is suitable for the acute evaluation of
with a history of TBI was higher (HR 1.24) than tau, and Aβ, release in severe TBI (Tsitsopoulos
in those without a history of TBI, as was the spe- and Marklund 2013; Marklund et  al. 2009). As
cific risk of AD (HR 1.16). The risk of dementia for in  vivo detection, the rapid development of
was highest in the first 6 months after TBI. The tau tracers may make positron-emission tomog-
younger a person was when sustaining a TBI, the raphy (PET) imaging a useful tool to study the
higher the HRs for dementia were when the risk importance of tau in severe TBI.
was stratified by the time since TBI. Importantly, A meta-analysis of 22 case studies revealed
TBI victims had an increased risk of dementia that TBI increased the risk of Parkinson’s dis-
also when compared to individuals with non- ease (PD) by 57% with a pooled odds ratio of 1.6
TBI trauma. Overall, many reports find a relative (Jafari et al. 2013). A large retrospective cohort
2–14-fold risk increase of dementias following study of 165,799 TBI patients aged ≥55  years
TBI, and plausibly the largest meta-analysis to implies a 44% risk increase for PD after TBI
date found an overall odds ratio of 1.4 for AD in (Gardner et  al. 2014) and adds to other reports
TBI victims (Perry et al. 2016) without apparent finding an association between TBI and PD
gender differences. Carriers of the apolipopro- (Perry et al. 2016; Gardner et al. 2018). Since the
tein E (APOE) ε4 alleles have an increased risk study by Gardner and colleagues (Gardner et al.
for AD.  When one APOE Ɛ4 is present, there 2014) also found an increased risk for AD, there
is a threefold increase that AD will occur at a may be either common denominators or several
younger age, one possible reason being impaired disease processes leading to a variety of neurode-
proteolytic breakdown and clearance of Aβ. generative diseases post-TBI.
Thus, there may also be a link between this allele Pooled clinical and neuropathologic data
and worse outcome in TBI. from three prospective cohort studies indicate
that TBI with a loss of consciousness leads to
an increased risk for AD, Lewy body accumula-
86.3 Other Dementias tion, progression of parkinsonism, as well as PD
and Neurodegenerative (Crane et  al. 2016). The risk is higher in those
Disorders with a more severe injury. Importantly, even in
those injured prior to the age of 25, there was an
An increasing number of selected athletes all increased risk suggesting markedly prolonged
having sustained several sport-related concus- duration of the pathological processes leading to
sions/mild TBIs during their career have been neurodegeneration.
observed to develop a dementia-like clinical pic- In addition to the previously reported studies
ture. At autopsy, these athletes were commonly on AD and PD, TBI can also increase the risk of
found to show increased irregular deposition of non-AD dementias with a focus on frontotempo-
phosphorylated tau in neurons as well as in glia ral dementias (FTD) (Huang et al. 2018). A ret-
at the depth of cortical sulci (Mez et  al. 2017). rospective case-control study of 80 FTD patients
Long-term survivors of single, severe TBI also and 124 controls demonstrated that TBI increases
show increased presence of neurofibrillary tan- the risk of developing FTD with an odds ratio of
gles of tau (Johnson et al. 2012). Using microdi- 3.3 (Rosso et  al. 2003). A larger retrospective
alysis, tau levels were markedly higher in patients case-control study of 845 veterans found an asso-
with severe TBI when the probes were placed in ciation between TBI and FTD with an odds ratio
640 N. Marklund

of 4.4 (Kalkonde et al. 2012). A large population or from autopsy material. Rather recently, ever
study from Taiwan evaluating >140,000 patients improving PET techniques using tracers for tau or
found a >4 times increased risk of FTD during Aβ have shown promise in following TBI-related
the coming 4 years following TBI, and this risk pathology in  vivo and over time. To date, there
increase was particularly pronounced in those are no therapies counteracting the disease drivers
aged <65 years (Wang et al. 2015). for neurodegeneration post-TBI, and these novel
techniques are likely instrumental in developing
novel treatment options. Tissue analysis of Aβ
86.4 Pathophysiology aggregates/plaques post-TBI has been performed
both at autopsy (Roberts et  al. 1994; Smith and
Most neurodegenerative disorders have hallmark Weingart 2012) and in surgically resected tissue
histological findings. These include abnormal (Abu Hamdeh et al. 2018; Ikonomovic et al. 2004;
aggregation, misfolding and/or accumulation of pro- Furst and Bigler 2016). In these studies, ca 30%
teins such as Aβ aggregates/plaques, neurofibrillary of TBI patients had plaques/aggregates of Aβ,
tangles (NFTs) of p-tau, α-synuclein accumulation occurring across all age groups and as early as a
in PD, and transactive response DNA-binding pro- few hours post-injury. In the postmortem study of
tein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) in FTD. Why TBI appears patients with a single moderate-severe TBI sur-
to increase these pathological processes is unclear, viving 1–47 years, Aβ was also found in approxi-
and whether TBI initiates or merely accelerates this mately 30% of the cases (Johnson et  al. 2012;
pathophysiology remains unknown. Importantly, Johnson et  al. 2009). Aβ aggregation has been
although tau and Aβ have received most research linked to axonal injury, since accumulation of
attention, multiple proteinopathies may coexist in Aβ is observed in injured axons after TBI (Smith
TBI victims (Kenney et al. 2018). et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2009). Amyloid precursor
The hallmark findings of AD, increased depo- protein (APP), the hallmark immunohistochemi-
sition of Aβ aggregates/plaques and NFTs of cal marker of axonal injury, also accumulates in
phosphorylated tau, are observed in increased fre- damaged axons and co-localizes with β-secretase
quency in long-term TBI survivors. The Aβ aggre- (BACE1) and the presenilin subunit (PS1) of
gates have been observed as early as a few hours γ-secretase, providing the means for cleavage of
post-injury in ca 30% of severe TBI patients and APP into Aβ (Chen et al. 2009). The Aβ species
have been associated with the formation of poten- accumulating in the axonal bulbs of brains from
tially neurotoxic Aβ protofibrils and oligomers TBI patients is Aβ42, the peptide most prone to
(Abu Hamdeh et  al. 2018). These findings were aggregate into plaques (Uryu et al. 2007). In the
more pronounced in the carriers of the known presence of the APOE ε4 allele, the Aβ clearance
AD-associated APOE ε4 genotype. Also in indi- is impaired, and this may increase the formation of
viduals surviving many years following a single neurotoxic Aβ protofibrils and oligomers, leading
severe TBI, there is increased Aβ aggregation to increased Aβ aggregation (Abu Hamdeh et al.
(Johnson et al. 2012). In contrast, the other hall- 2018). It should be mentioned that the plaques
mark finding of AD, NFTs have not been observed observed acutely in TBI are not identical to those
early post-injury, although this pathology is found observed in AD. Those found in TBI are more dif-
at the time of death in higher density and in wider fuse in nature than those found in advanced AD
distribution in brains of long-term survivors of (Ikonomovic et al. 2004).
single severe TBI. The reasons for the increased Tau, a microtubule-associated protein found in
tau and Aβ aggregations have not been estab- axons, forms the hyperphosphorylated aggregates
lished, although they have been linked to axo- (NFTs) found in the brains of AD patients and of
nal and white matter pathology and a persistent individuals suffering from the neurodegenearive
inflammatory response. To date, most information disorders named tauopathies. Chronic traumatic
of TBI-related pathology comes from histologi- encephalopathy (CTE) is considered one of these
cal analyses from surgically resected brain tissue tauopathies. In experimental TBI, there is an
86  Neurodegeneration and Dementia following Traumatic Brain Injury 641

increased expression, as well as phosphorylation, et al. 2018; Scott et al. 2016; Gatson et al. 2016;
of tau (Tsitsopoulos and Marklund 2013). This Ramlackhansingh et al. 2011).
early tau phosphorylation is observed in injured
axons and white matter, although not in the neuro-
nal cell body or dendrites (Ojo et al. 2016). A small 86.5 Conclusions
subset of patients have been found to display p-tau
immunoreactivity in acute postmortem TBI brains Most, but not all, population-based studies indi-
(Smith et al. 2003; Uryu et al. 2007). Tau-positive cate that TBI leads to increased risk of develop-
glia cells have also been found in the brains of up ing various neurodegenerative disorders such as
to 20% of severe TBI patients (Smith et al. 2003; FTD, AD, CTE, and PD.
Uryu et  al. 2007). Long-term survivors of a sin- Tissue analysis of TBI victims, either from sur-
gle severe TBI have shown increased presence of gically resected tissue or at autopsy, indicates that
NFTs at autopsy. This increase was noted only in TBI results in a number of proteinopathies (e.g.,
those patients surviving longer than 4–5  months accumulation of amyloid-beta, tau, and TDP-43),
post-injury (Johnson et al. 2012). NFTs have been persisting or exacerbating for many years post-
most prominently found in the superficial cortical injury. Thus, TBI appears to elicit a polypathol-
layers, with clustering in the depths of the sulci. ogy, which may be related to axonal injury. In the
This accumulation pattern has not been observed near future, this neurodegenerative process can be
in controls in whom most tau pathology situates followed in  vivo with the aid of recently devel-
in the transentorhinal cortex and hippocampus oped PET tracers, possibly enabling the develop-
(Johnson et al. 2012). In TBI patients younger than ment of novel treatment options.
60 years of age, 34% had tau pathology, whereas
tau was only observed in 9% of controls (Johnson
et  al. 2012). There are some crucial differences
between the tau pathology observed in TBI and
that in AD. For instance, there is much more astro- Abu Hamdeh S, Waara ER, Moller C, Soderberg L, Basun
cytic tau in CTE compared to AD.  Additionally, H, Alafuzoff I, et  al. Rapid amyloid-beta oligomer
NFTs are preferentially deposited in layers II and and protofibril accumulation in traumatic brain injury.
III of the post-TBI cortex in contrast to the prefer- Brain Pathol. 2018;28(4):451–62.
Chen XH, Johnson VE, Uryu K, Trojanowski JQ, Smith
ential deposition of tau in layers V and VI in AD. DH.  A lack of amyloid beta plaques despite persis-
Obviously, tissue histopathology is merely for tent accumulation of amyloid beta in axons of long-­
postmortem diagnostics and research purposes, term survivors of traumatic brain injury. Brain Pathol.
not for therapeutics or patient follow-up. Novel 2009;19(2):214–23.
Cole JH, Jolly A, de Simoni S, Bourke N, Patel MC, Scott
tools to follow Aβ and tau aggregation in vivo are G, et al. Spatial patterns of progressive brain volume
rapidly being developed. The use of molecular loss after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury.
imaging such as PET to detect and to monitor Brain. 2018;141(3):822–36.
amyloid and tau deposition and neuroinflam- Corrigan JD, Cuthbert JP, Harrison-Felix C, Whiteneck
GG, Bell JM, Miller AC, et  al. US population esti-
mation is rapidly improving. These tools have mates of health and social outcomes 5 years after reha-
allowed researchers to visualize the pre-mortem bilitation for traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma
deposition of Aβ using, e.g., Pittsburgh compound Rehabil. 2014;29(6):E1–9.
B (PiB) or flutemetamol. Tau tracers are also rap- Crane PK, Gibbons LE, Dams-O'Connor K, Trittschuh
E, Leverenz JB, Keene CD, et  al. Association of
idly being improved and used for the detection traumatic brain injury with late-life neurodegenera-
of tauopathies and AD pathology. Research in tive conditions and neuropathologic findings. JAMA
TBI using these novel tools is still scarce, but an Neurol. 2016;73(9):1062–9.
increasing number of studies are ongoing. These Fann JR, Ribe AR, Pedersen HS, Fenger-Gron M,
Christensen J, Benros ME, et  al. Long-term risk of
studies may lead to an increased understanding dementia among people with traumatic brain injury
of the post-TBI disease process and to the devel- in Denmark: a population-based observational cohort
opment of, e.g., antibody-based treatment (Lee study. Lancet Psychiatry. 2018;5(5):424–31.
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DE, Yaffe K.  Dementia risk after traumatic brain 2009;110(6):1227–37.
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Yaffe K.  Mild TBI and risk of Parkinson disease: a McKinlay A, Dalrymple-Alford JC, Horwood LJ,
chronic effects of neurotrauma consortium study. Fergusson DM.  Long term psychosocial outcomes
Neurology. 2018;90(20):e1771–e9. after mild head injury in early childhood. J Neurol
Gatson JW, Stebbins C, Mathews D, Harris TS, Madden Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2002;73(3):281–8.
C, Batjer H, et  al. Evidence of increased brain McMillan TM, Teasdale GM, Stewart E.  Disability in
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and amyloid-beta pathology many years after a sin- the risk of dementia diagnosis: A nationwide cohort
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Part XI
Research in Severe TBI

Niklas Marklund
Neurointensive Care Unit
as a Platform for Advanced 87
Clinical Research

Per Enblad, Tim Howells, and Lars Hillered

Recommendations ing of physiological parameters (e.g., arterial

It is not possible to recommend how the opti- blood pressure and temperature) and intracranial
mal neurointensive care (NIC) platform for parameters (e.g., intracranial pressure, cerebral
advanced clinical research should be organized perfusion pressure, brain tissue oxygenation,
and equipped according to evidence-based medi- neurochemistry, and neurophysiology) and com-
cine principles. Instead, the following advices are puterized collection of high-resolution data,
given according to the experience from our own make it possible to obtain a direct insight into
and other centers. We believe it is fundamen- human brain injury processes. The use of modern
tal that the NIC unit is organized in a way that imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance
research and development are integrated with imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomog-
routine care. It is also of outmost importance that raphy (PET), is enhancing our understanding
controlled and standardized conditions are cre- of the mechanisms underlying these processes.
ated for the management of the patients. Finally, New monitoring techniques can be validated and
we believe that information technology systems critical thresholds defined. The NIC unit also
set up for acquisition and analysis of the large plays an important role in translational research
amounts of monitoring data generated will pro- bridging the gap between the laboratory and the
vide unique possibilities for explorative clinical patients and in the development of new treat-
research and that this approach will be beneficial ment and management strategies. The Uppsala
for clinical research and for management and NIC unit is an important platform in our Centre
outcome of the patients (Elf et al. 2002). of Excellence Neurotrauma (www.neurotrauma.
se) and played a central role in recent network
activities: the BrainIT Group (www.brainit.
87.1 Overview org) and Uppsala Berzelii Technology Centre
for Neurodiagnostics (
The neurointensive care (NIC) unit provides an Partners/Uppsala_Berzelii_Technology_Centre_
excellent environment for clinical explorative for_Neurodiagnostics/).
research. Continuous multimodality monitor- The aims of this chapter are first to describe
the cornerstones of the NIC research platform
and second to give a few examples of research in
P. Enblad (*) · T. Howells · L. Hillered which important knowledge was gained by tak-
Department of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Uppsala ing advantage of this platform.
University, Uppsala, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 647

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
648 P. Enblad et al.

87.2.2 Multimodality Monitoring

Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls and Computerized Data
• Establish a research group including Acquisition and Analysis
various different competences, e.g., Systems
neurosurgeons, neurointensivists,
research nurses, engineers, program- Multimodality monitoring generates enor-
mers, and statisticians. mous amounts of valuable data. It is crucial to
• Involve all members of the staff in the set up a computer-based system for collection
research projects and give them regular and acquisition of data. One example is the
feedback. Odin Monitoring System software (formerly
• Try to make all graduated members of the Edinburgh Browser), which has been
the research group responsible for their developed over several years by the computer
own parts of the overall research pro- scientist Tim Howells in collaboration with
gram to avoid conflicts. clinicians, initially in Edinburgh and during
• Try to establish interdisciplinary net- the last decades in Uppsala. This system can
work activities to enable translation of be networked to all beds in the NIC unit for
knowledge between basic science, tech- collection, analysis and visualization of demo-
nological science, and the NIC setting. graphic data, physiological minute-by-minute
monitoring data, and treatment data. The soft-
ware has been extended to include functions
for high-resolution waveform data analysis,
87.2 Background which can be used in autoregulation and com-
pliance studies. Another computer system spe-
87.2.1 Organization cially designed for NIC is the ICM+ software
of the Neurointensive developed at the University of Cambridge by
Care Unit Peter Smielewski and Marek Czosnyka. This
software is focused on signal acquisition and
It is important to create a culture for all mem- processing and has been used extensively in
bers of the NIC staff where research and develop- autoregulation and compliance studies and
ment is integrated with clinical routine. The goal also in the management of hydrocephalus
should be to create a controlled and standardized patients. The Sensometrics software devel-
management environment for the patients resem- oped at the National Hospital in Oslo has also
bling the conditions in the laboratory in terms been used extensively in brain injury research,
of maintaining clear and consistent standards based on the analysis of intracranial and sys-
for patient care. This can be achieved by imple- temic pressure signals. A fourth example is
mentation of standardized management protocol the ICUpilot system developed by the former
systems similar to the Good Laboratory Practice CMA Microdialysis AB, currently manufac-
(GLP) standards. It is also of outmost importance tured by M Dialysis AB in Sweden (www.
to establish a multidisciplinary research group for integration and analysis
comprising, e.g., neurosurgeons, neurointensiv- of microdialysis and other monitoring data.
ists, neurophysiologists, neurochemists, research Other software systems are also available on
nurses, engineers, programmers, and statisticians. the market.
87  Neurointensive Care Unit as a Platform for Advanced Clinical Research 649

87.3 I llustrative NIC Research using PRx in routine clinical decision-making

Projects remains to be established. It is therefore impor-
tant to refine our understanding of existing
87.3.1 High-Resolution Waveform measures of autoregulation and to develop new
Data Analysis for Monitoring measures, with the goal of clinical application
of Autoregulation clearly in mind. Modern NIC software systems
and Compliance including functions for high-resolution wave-
form data analysis provide an excellent tool for
Earlier, the dominant school of intensive care such studies.
management of patients with traumatic brain The monitoring of intracranial compliance
injury (TBI) held that the most critical factor in NIC may provide valuable information about
was maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure intracranial compensatory volume reserve and
(CPP) (Rosner et al. 1995). Other neurosurgical risk of developing high ICP. Various approaches
centers have taken a more cautious approach have been used to estimate intracranial compli-
to elevating CPP (CPP-oriented therapy) and ance (Marmarou et  al. 1975; Robertson et  al.
have focused primarily on lowering intracra- 1989; Yau et  al. 2002; Czosnyka et  al. 2001).
nial pressure (ICP) (ICP-oriented therapy) (Elf There is currently no compliance monitoring
et al. 2002; Eker et al. 1998). A study of CPP method that is widely used in practical clini-
and ICP management strategies involving our cal care. The most widely studied measures of
own center found evidence that some patients intracranial compliance are computed from the
responded better to CPP-oriented management ICP waveform. One such ICP waveform-based
and others did better when given ICP-oriented measure of compliance is the RAP index, which
treatment (Howells et al. 2005). We also found has been validated in a number of clinical stud-
that pressure autoregulation status was the key ies (Castellani et al. 2009; Czosnyka et al. 2007;
to determining the optimal strategy. The Brain Kim et al. 2009; Timofeev et al. 2008a, b). The
Trauma Foundation guidelines have moved in RAP index is calculated as the moving cor-
this direction, recommending that CPP man- relation between mean ICP and the ICP pulse
agement be carefully targeted based in part on amplitude over a time window of about 4  min.
pressure autoregulation status (Bratton et  al. The ICP pulse amplitude itself has also been
2007). Most measures of autoregulation used studied and validated as a measure of compli-
are based on the response of ICP to changes ance (Czosnyka et al. 2001; Bentsen et al. 2008;
in systemic blood pressure. The best available Eide and Sorteberg 2007, 2011). A third metric
measure for continuous assessment of autoreg- that has been proposed is the ascending slope of
ulation status is the Pressure Reactivity Index the ICP pulse waveform (Contant et  al. 1995).
(PRx) from the Cambridge group, calculated Compliance-based management of subarachnoid
as a moving correlation coefficient between hemorrhage according to the ICP pulse ampli-
40 consecutive samples of values for ICP and tude has been the subject of a randomized clini-
mean arterial blood pressure averaged for a cal trial (RCT), showing promising results (Eide
period of 5 s (Czosnyka et al. 1997; Guendling et al. 2011). Future NIC studies within this field
et al. 2006). PRx is well validated as a measure may foster the development of compliance mon-
of pressure autoregulation, but the best way of itoring into a valuable clinical management tool.
650 P. Enblad et al.

87.3.2 Development Ischemic Energy Metabolic Crisis

of Neurochemical Monitoring Following TBI
Methods from Bench to Bed Based on pioneering work of Graham and col-
leagues in the 1970s, ischemia was identified as
Based on cerebral microdialysis (MD) studies in an important component of severe TBI. This con-
our animal models of stroke and traumatic brain cept was based on autopsy data from patients suc-
injury (TBI) in the 1980s in collaboration with cumbing to severe TBI (Graham et al. 1978). In
Ungerstedt et  al. (Hillered et  al. 1989; Nilsson the NIC setting, much effort is directed towards
et al. 1990), we set out to explore the usefulness minimizing secondary ischemia owing to intra-
of MD monitoring in the NIC setting in patients cranial hypertension and low perfusion pressure,
with TBI and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). to prevent progression of the primary brain dam-
Our seminal observations strongly supported a age. Studies have been done to validate MD bio-
potentially important role for MD as a neuro- markers of cerebral ischemia using, e.g., PET. In
chemical monitoring tool (Persson and Hillered particular, the LPR has been suggested to be a
1992). The MD method has eventually become sensitive and specific marker of ischemia (Enblad
a widespread tool for neurochemical monitor- et  al. 1996, 2001; Hutchinson et  al. 2002).
ing and research in neurosurgery and NIC with Another advantage of the LPR (unlike individual
over 1400 publications on PubMed to date. MD MD biomarkers) is that it is a quantitative mea-
is a unique tool for harvesting of neurochemi- sure, independent of the extraction efficiency of
cal signals in the human brain and has together the MD catheter (Persson and Hillered 1996). A
with neuroimaging methods (CT, PET, MRI) number of validation studies collectively suggest
provided important new insights into the neu- a typical MD-biomarker pattern of ischemia as
rochemistry of acute human brain injury. MD shown in Table 87.1.
is currently used in the NIC setting mainly for
energy m­ etabolic monitoring, monitoring of cel- Nonischemic Energy Metabolic Crisis
lular distress biomarkers, and protein biomarker Following TBI
sampling and as an emerging tool in neurophar- In recent years, due to the refinement of modern
macology (Hutchinson et al. 2015). NIC as well as preventive measures in the soci-
ety with e.g. safer cars and a variety of protec- Energy Metabolic tive gears, the most severe injuries are fewer,
Monitoring and the problem of overt secondary ischemia has
Low-molecular-weight cutoff MD in the NIC diminished. Instead the complexity of energy
setting has been chiefly used for monitoring of metabolic alterations following TBI has been
energy metabolic perturbation (glucose, lactate, increasingly acknowledged. With the combined
pyruvate, lactate/pyruvate ratio (LPR)), excito- use of multimodal monitoring and neuroimaging
toxicity (glutamate), membrane phospholipid methods, a new concept of nonischemic energy
degradation/oxidative stress (glycerol), and urea metabolic crisis has emerged (see Hillered and
metabolism, driven by the availability of dedi-
cated point-of-care analytical tools (M Dialysis Table 87.1  Typical MD-marker pattern of overt cerebral
AB, Solna, Sweden). There are numerous reviews ischemia
on the application of MD in clinical neurosur- Glucose Lactate Pyruvate LPR
gery, with a few of the most recent referred to Ischemia ↓↓ ↑↑ ↓↓ ↑↑
here (Hutchinson et al. 2015; Zeiler et al. 2017a, ↓↓ marked decrease, ↑↑ marked increase, LPR lactate/
b; Helbok and Beer 2017). The following discus- pyruvate ratio (For references, see Hillered et al. (2005)
sion will focus on TBI. and Hutchinson et al. (2015))
87  Neurointensive Care Unit as a Platform for Advanced Clinical Research 651

Enblad 2008). Using MD-LPR as a surrogate end of mortality whereas high MD-pyruvate was
point marker, studies by the Houston and UCLA associated with reduced mortality. Apparently, in
groups revealed that the occurrence of high LPR addition to MD-glucose and LPR, MD-pyruvate
levels (LPR >30–40) without hypoxia/ischemia is a biomarker of energy metabolic crisis that
measured by brain tissue oximetry and PET, deserves increased attention in NIC.
respectively, was surprisingly frequent after TBI
(Hlatky et al. 2004; Vespa et al. 2005). Apparently, Spreading Depolarization (SD) Following
such LPR elevations were often characterized by Acute Brain Injury
a pyruvate close to or only slightly below the SD is a depolarization wave spreading across the
critical level (Table 87.2), but without a dramatic cerebral cortical surface observed in the 1940s
lactate and LPR increment (or critically low brain following brain injury in experimental animals
pO2). This phenomenon was tentatively named as a cortical spreading depression (Leao 1947).
Type 2 LPR elevation (Hillered et al. 2006) to be SD in the form of peri-infarct depolarization is
distinguished from the classical Type 1 LPR ele- thought to be an important mechanism for the
vation seen in ischemia, with more pronounced recruitment of penumbral tissue to infarction in
pyruvate reductions (and critically low brain pO2) experimental stroke (Gill et al. 1992). Because of
in combination with a markedly increased lactate the difficulty involved in measuring SD, it was
and LPR (Table 87.1). The Type 2 LPR phenom- not until 2002 that SD was reported to occur in
enon may reflect several possible energy meta- the human brain following acute injury using
bolic changes following TBI, including a relative subdural strip electrodes (Strong et  al. 2002).
shortage of brain glucose (in spite of normal or It has now become clear that SD is a common
high blood glucose), dysfunction of the glyco- feature of human TBI and neurovascular brain
lytic pathway, shunting of glucose to competing injury. In patients who have undergone craniot-
pathways such as the pentose phosphate pathway omy, SD occurs in 50–60% of TBI and in 70%
(Dusick et al. 2007), and perturbed mitochondrial of SAH patients (Feuerstein et  al. 2010). SD is
function (Nielsen et al. 2013). Thus, the emerg- thought to be an important secondary injury
ing picture is that the post-traumatic brain may mechanism by challenging the energy metabolic
frequently suffer from a complex nonischemic capacity of the brain tissue to restore ion homeo-
energy metabolic crisis unrelated to classical stasis. By the use of rapid sampling MD in com-
hypoxia/ischemia. The potential importance of bination with subdural strip electrodes, SDs have
nonischemic energy crisis as a secondary injury been shown to lead to marked, transient reduc-
mechanism following clinical TBI was suggested tions of MD-glucose and concomitant increases
by data showing an association between low of MD-lactate, posing a risk of brain glucose
brain glucose during NIC and poor 6-month clin- depletion when occurring repeatedly, despite
ical outcome (Vespa et  al. 2003). In a study by an adequate blood supply (Hashemi et al. 2009;
Timofeev et al. (2011) on 223 TBI patients, mul- Feuerstein et  al. 2010). Thus, the SD phenom-
tivariate logistic regression analysis showed that enon may be an additional important mechanism
high levels of MD-glucose and LPR (together leading to nonischemic energy metabolic crisis
with PRx and age) were independent predictors following TBI.

Table 87.2  Tentative critical MD levels in secondary cerebral energy crisis

Glucose Lactate Pyruvate LPR
Critical level <1.0 mmol/L >3.0 mmol/L <120 μmol/L >30
Conservatively chosen based on Reinstrup et al. (2000), Schulz et al. (2000), Oddo et al. (2008), Meierhans et al. (2010),
and Hutchinson et al. (2015)
652 P. Enblad et al.

Brain Glucose and Insulin Management glucose is a common phenomenon during NIC,

in the NIC Setting putting the acutely injured brain at risk for sec-
Experimental studies decades ago suggested that ondary energy metabolic crisis and aggravated
hyperglycemia at the onset of cerebral ischemia brain damage related to the phenomena dis-
aggravates brain damage by producing more cussed above. Conversely, blood glucose levels
pronounced lactic acidosis leading to increased >10 mmol/L should be avoided (Jeremitsky et al.
oxidative stress (Siesjo 1981; Li et  al. 1999). 2005). The need for controlling brain glucose,
There is evidence that hyperglycemia in the acute particularly to avoid critically low levels fre-
phase of TBI is associated with poor outcome quently observed despite a normal or high blood
irrespective of injury severity (Liu-DeRyke et al. glucose, has in our view strengthened the indica-
2009). Correcting hyperglycemia >10  mmol/L tion for brain glucose monitoring with MD in the
was shown to reduce mortality after severe TBI NIC setting, although a specific treatment algo-
(Jeremitsky et al. 2005), and many neurosurgical rithm remains to be assessed.
centers avoid blood glucose values >10 mmol/L
as a routine precaution. A new direction was Monitoring of Cellular
taken by van den Berghe and colleagues, present- Distress Biomarkers
ing evidence that keeping blood glucose between MD-glutamate and MD-glycerol are widely used
4.4 and 6.1  mmol/L reduced morbidity and biomarkers of cellular distress caused by exci-
mortality in surgical and medical intensive care totoxicity and membrane phospholipid degra-
patients (Van den Berghe et al. 2001, 2006). This dation/oxidative stress, respectively, in the NIC
data created widespread attention even though setting. These biomarkers can be readily ana-
follow-up studies failed to confirm the positive lyzed at the bedside with the dedicated MD ana-
effects of tight glycemic control in surgical and lyzers available in many neurosurgical centers
medical critical care patients (Arabi et al. 2008; worldwide. MD-glutamate was recommended
Brunkhorst et al. 2008). In the NIC setting, tight as a useful biomarker in NIC monitoring at the
glycemic control (5.0–6.7  mmol/L) produced Stockholm Consensus Meeting on MD monitor-
signs of metabolic distress (reduced MD-glucose ing (Bellander et  al. 2004). The importance of
and increased MD-LPR and MD-glutamate) MD-glutamate as a biomarker in TBI patients was
without any improvement in 6-month outcome emphasized by the Houston group demonstrating
in severe TBI patients (Vespa et al. 2006). Along a relationship between MD-glutamate and mor-
the same line, Oddo and colleagues showed that tality as well as 6-month functional outcome in
tight glycemic control (4.4–6.7 mmol/L) in NIC a prospective study on 165 severe TBI patients
patients with severe traumatic and neurovascular (Chamoun et al. 2010). In the Cambridge study,
brain injury was associated with an increased averaged MD-glutamate levels were significantly
prevalence of energy metabolic crisis (brain higher in TBI patients who died (Timofeev et al.
MD-glucose <0.7  mmol/L  +  MD-LPR >40), 2011). In the consensus statement from the 2014
associated with a higher mortality rate at dis- International Microdialysis Forum in Cambridge,
charge (Oddo et al. 2008). Data from Meierhans monitoring of MD-glutamate is an option and
and colleagues studying brain energy metabolic may be useful for estimating prognosis in TBI
alterations with MD at different blood glucose (Hutchinson et al. 2015). Although widely used,
levels in 20 patients with severe TBI support the there is still concern as to the precise interpre-
notion that MD-glucose levels below 1 mmol/L tation of the biomarker signals. For example,
should be avoided and suggest that the optimal glutamate accumulation in the interstitial fluid
blood glucose range may be 6–9 mmol/L in the (ISF) following brain injury may be derived from
NIC setting (Meierhans et al. 2010). several different sources and by different mecha-
In summary, both hyper- and hypoglycemia nisms, making the interpretation problematic (see
are important adverse factors in the NIC setting. Hillered et al. 2005). Also, glycerol accumulation
It has become increasingly clear that low brain in the ISF following brain injury may reflect dif-
87  Neurointensive Care Unit as a Platform for Advanced Clinical Research 653

ferent phenomena, including increased mem- introduction of high-molecular-weight cutoff

brane phospholipid degradation, oxidative stress, (100  kDa or more) MD catheters, potentially
and de novo synthesis from glucose. Recent data allowing for studies on the proteomics of acute
using 13C-labeled glucose and MD suggest that brain injury, has lately been met with consider-
de novo synthesis from glucose following experi- able enthusiasm. The basic assumption is that
mental TBI only accounts for a few percent of sampling of protein biomarkers directly in the
the MD-glycerol signal (Clausen et  al. 2011), injured human brain by MD delivers neurochem-
leaving membrane phospholipid degradation and ical signals with an improved temporal and spa-
oxidative stress as the dominating sources of the tial resolution compared to conventional protein
MD-glycerol signal. Oxidative stress follow- biomarker sampling from vCSF or blood. MD
ing TBI is thought to be closely associated with thus offers a unique opportunity for biomarker
excitotoxicity, i.e., glutamate-mediated intracel- sampling in the brain, potentially avoiding both
lular accumulation of Ca2+ leading to, e.g., phos- dilution and chemical degradation of the protein
pholipase activation, membrane phospholipid biomarkers. A number of feasibility studies have
degradation, and formation of arachidonic acid been published reporting the potential of moni-
(see Hillered et  al. 2005). Another end product toring various proteins in the NIC setting, includ-
of this phospholipid degradation process is glyc- ing cytokines (Hillman et al. 2005; Helmy et al.
erol (Marklund et al. 1997), which has also been 2009, 2010; Zeiler et al. 2017b), amyloid-β and
implicated as a biomarker of oxidative stress Tau protein (Brody et  al. 2008; Marklund et  al.
(Lewen and Hillered 1998; Merenda et al. 2008). 2009), VEGF and FGF2 (Mellergard et al. 2010),
In an attempt to validate glycerol as a biomarker and other proteins (for references, see Dahlin
of oxidative stress, we performed a study on et  al. 2010; Maurer 2010). However, several
MD-8-iso-PGF2α, a widely used biomarker of methodological issues have emerged, such as
oxidative stress, in six patients with severe TBI potential perfusion fluid loss, low and unstable
(Clausen et  al. 2012). We found a significant, protein recovery, and biofouling, questioning the
strong correlation between MD-8-iso-PGF2α and robustness of high-molecular-weight cutoff MD
MD-glycerol and between MD-8-iso-PGF2α and methodology (Dahlin et  al. 2010). Apparently,
MD-glutamate, supporting the close association protein trafficking across such MD membranes
between oxidative stress and excitotoxicity also is a highly complex process involving a number
in the human brain following TBI, and that the of aspects potentially affecting the in  vivo pro-
MD-glycerol signal is reflecting oxidative stress tein and fluid recovery, such as various physical
to a large degree. In the 2014 Consensus state- properties of proteins, membrane biofouling, and
ment, monitoring of MD-glycerol is an option in encapsulation (Helmy et  al. 2009; Dahlin et  al.
TBI as a biomarker of cerebral injury (Hutchinson 2010). When a foreign material is inserted into
et al. 2015). a living organism, a tissue response will occur,
In summary, MD-glutamate and MD-glycerol starting with protein adsorption to the material
provide important neurochemical information on surface followed by the interaction with host
excitotoxic and oxidative stress-related second- cells leading to a phenomenon called biofouling
ary injury following acute brain injury in the NIC (Anderson et  al. 2008). Biofouling has severe
setting. These biomarkers may become increas- implications for MD, as it may lead to decreased
ingly useful for proof-of-principle testing before protein recovery and inflammatory responses
moving to large-scale clinical trials and as sur- and limit the duration of accurate in  vivo sam-
rogate end point markers in neuroprotective drug pling (Wisniewski et  al. 2001). Biofouling of
development. MD catheters following 42-h in vivo dialysis in
human brain has been documented by electron Protein Biomarker Sampling microscopy (Helmy et al. 2009). Because of the
Biomarkers are currently predicted to play an methodological issues involved with in vivo MD
increasingly important role in future NIC.  The protein sampling, we started a multidisciplinary
654 P. Enblad et al.

collaborative effort within the Uppsala Berzelii polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) amplifica-
Technology Centre for Neurodiagnostics (http:// tion, with a very high sensitivity and specificity (Assarsson et  al. 2014). PEA allows for simul-
Technology_Centre_for_Neurodiagnostics/) to taneous analysis of up to 92 biomarkers in 1 μL
improve our understanding of the mechanisms samples. Our working hypothesis is that the
involved with protein trafficking across high-­ combination of MD and PEA technology will
molecular-­ weight cutoff MD membranes. The provide a powerful tool for temporal mapping of
main results from this project were that addition biomarkers for complex secondary injury mecha-
of Dextran 500 (kDa) to the crystalloid MD per- nisms, such as neuroinflammation, directly in
fusate stabilized the microfluidity over the MD the human brain (Hillered et al. 2014). Thus far,
membrane, resulting in a more stable fluid recov- we have used several PEA panels to screen for
ery close to the targeted 100% level for stable ~500 potential biomarkers in MD samples every
diffusion across the MD membrane (Dahlin et al. 3 h over the first 5 days upon arrival of the TBI
2010). Furthermore, by modification of the high patients to our NIC unit. Secondly, we have used
MWCO MD membrane surface with Pluronic a dedicated PEA panel for temporal mapping
F-127 (Poloxamer 407), we could demonstrate of 92 biomarkers of inflammation in a similar
a dramatic reduction of protein adsorption to the manner. This study provides a unique data set
MD membrane (Dahlin et al. 2012). This modi- with individual temporal trends for 69 potential
fied MD methodology was validated in a porcine inflammatory biomarkers in patients with TBI,
model of acute brain injury (Purins et al. 2011), supporting our hypothesis that the combination
showing that the fluid recovery was stable and of MD and PEA is a powerful tool to map the
close to 100% during the stepwise ICP interven- complex inflammatory cascade in the injured
tion. This effect was accompanied by a more robust human brain (Dyhrfort et  al. 2019). The tech-
protein biomarker sampling performance (Dahlin nique offers new possibilities of protein profiling
et al. 2014). The same MD method was recently of complex secondary brain injury pathways.
used in a diffuse TBI model in rats to monitor 27 Additionally, in collaboration with Olink
protein biomarkers of inflammation during the Proteomics AB, industrial partner in the Uppsala
first 6 hours after injury that were difficult to study Berzelii Centre, we have developed a prototype
in patients (Clausen et al. 2019). We are striving of a dedicated PEA panel of 21 promising bio-
to translate the use of this MD methodology into markers of TBI aimed for bedside use in the NIC
the NIC setting, pending further research on the unit. This panel is currently being validated in
safety of the surface modification in the human MD samples from TBI patients in another paral-
brain. Meanwhile, we have developed a new MD lel study in progress.
perfusate with a Dextran 500 additive in collabo-
ration with M Dialysis AB, an industrial partner Neuropharmacology
in the Uppsala Berzelii Centre. This perfusate was Cerebral microdialysis is considered to have a
recently CE certified for human use and available great potential for monitoring of free target drug
as a clinical tool for MD biomarker sampling (M concentrations and as a tool in clinical drug devel-
Dialysis AB, Stockholm, Sweden). opment in the NIC setting (Helmy et  al. 2007).
Finally, we started to use a novel powerful This concept was put forth by Alves et al. (2003)
analytical technology within the Uppsala Berzelii in a study with the glutamate release inhibitor
Centre project for multiplexed protein biomarker Topiramate®, showing that the initial dose given
analyses in very small MD samples. The meth- systemically had to be raised markedly to achieve
odology called Proximity Extension Assay adequate free drug concentration in NIC patients
(PEA) utilizes assays with dual oligonucleotide-­ with severe TBI.  The study also showed that
conjugated antibodies for each antigen. Antigen MD may be used as a surrogate end point tool
binding is followed by an enzymatic ligation of in the NIC setting to obtain proof of concept, in
the oligonucleotides and quantitative real-time this case lowering of interstitial glutamate levels
87  Neurointensive Care Unit as a Platform for Advanced Clinical Research 655

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Current State of the Art
in Neurotrauma Research 88
Andrew I. R. Maas, David K. Menon,
and Niklas Marklund

Recommendations Level III

Level I There are numerous high-quality experimental

studies both in rodents and in higher-order spe-
There are numerous studies at an evidence Level cies finding treatments that modulate key patho-
I evaluating neuroprotective therapies with prom- genic mechanisms and improve histological and/
ising preclinical documentation. None of these or behavioral outcome.
have found improved outcome over control treat- There are examples of single-center or non-­
ments in severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). randomized trials finding clinical benefit of an
experimental therapy, results that await confir-
Level II mation in larger trials or that later failed at the
multicenter, randomized controlled trial stage.
There are numerous studies at an evidence Level
II evaluating therapies with promising preclinical
documentation. Although promising results of an 88.1 Introduction
experimental therapy were obtained in a few of
these reports, none could be confirmed at an evi- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been described
dence Level I. as “the most complex disease of the most com-
plex organ in the human body.” Neurotrauma
research poses formidable challenges, and these
A. I. R. Maas (*) have to be addressed and overcome in order to
Department of Neurosurgery, Antwerp University advance clinical care. This is much needed as the
Hospital and University of Antwerp,
Edegem, Belgium currently available evidence underpinning guide-
e-mail: line recommendations for treatment of patients
D. K. Menon with TBI is not strong. Of the 27 recommenda-
Division of Anaesthesia, University of Cambridge, tions in the fourth edition of the Guidelines for
Cambridge, UK the Management of Severe TBI, only eight are
Neurosciences Critical Care Unit, Addenbrooke’s based on evidence of high or moderate quality,
Hospital, Cambridge, UK and of these, only one is graded as a Level I rec-
N. Marklund ommendation, the highest level (Carney et  al.
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurosurgery, 2017). Despite ostensibly convincing evidence
Lund University, Skåne University Hospital,
for efficacy of many putative neuroprotective
Lund, Sweden

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 659

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
660 A. I. R. Maas et al.

agents in experimental studies, translation to the emerged from such animal experiments. In view
clinic has failed, and there are as yet no neuro- of the TBI complexity and heterogeneity, a vari-
protective agents available with proven clinical ety of animal models are needed to mimic the
benefit. Why is this? Is that perhaps because different facets of human TBI. Across numerous
benefits of targeting one isolated mechanism get reports using these models, hundreds of pharma-
lost amidst the complexity of TBI in the clinical cological compounds have been found effica-
situation with many confounding features? Does cious on histological and/or behavioral outcome.
it then make sense to target only a single mech- However, when evaluated in clinical randomized
anism, in the hope of finding a “silver bullet”? controlled trials (RCTs), none of these promis-
Have clinical trials been well conducted with ing compounds were able to achieve an improved
sufficiently large sample sizes and appropriate outcome in the complex clinical situation (see
end points? Are currently accepted end points below). Although there are numerous reasons for
sufficiently sensitive to detect benefits in all the failure of the RCTs, thoroughly discussed in
severities of TBI? Does it make sense to expect this chapter, concerns have been raised on the
to find benefit 6 months after injury following a validity of the experimental TBI models and
specific treatment that was used only in the first whether they at all can be used to develop suc-
few days? cessful human therapies. The key question is
Research in neurotrauma should be a “closed thus: can the complexity of severe human TBI
loop,” in which experimental research informs be mimicked by preclinical models? In the fol-
clinical management and treatment through lowing paragraphs, we address this question by
translational research and feedback from the describing key animal models and their limita-
clinical setting informs design and targets for tions, species used, and experimental trial design.
experimental research—in other words, “from Later in this chapter, translational approaches to
bench to bedside and back.” In the clinical set- explore key experimental findings in the human
ting, we now much better appreciate the hetero- setting are described.
geneity of TBI as a disease and have come to
recognize that the concept of “one size fits all”
does not apply to TBI.  Current research has a 88.2.1 Common Animal Models,
strong focus on developing precision medicine Their Strengths,
approaches, aimed to better characterize TBI in and Limitations
(subgroups of) patients and to permit appropriate
targeting of therapy. It is here that experimen- The heterogeneity of human TBI (Saatman et al.
tal research has yielded huge progress in better 2008) calls for the use of different TBI models
understanding the pathophysiologic processes (Marklund 2016). The most common ones are
and their detection in TBI. listed in Table 88.1.
In this chapter, we aim to present the current To mimic a focal TBI/contusions, the con-
state of the art in neurotrauma research with a trolled cortical impact (CCI) is the most widely
specific focus on experimental, translational, and used. Here, a craniotomy is performed, and a
clinical research. piston delivers an impact to the exposed dura.
The depth of the impact is adjusted according to
the hypothesis of the study, and the CCI is fast,
88.2 Experimental Neurotrauma reproducible, and easy to use. It can be used
Research in any species, and even if it is considered a
predominately focal TBI model, it has aspects
Animal models of TBI have long been used to of widespread neurodegeneration (Marklund
explore pathogenic mechanisms and to evalu- 2016; Hall et  al. 2005). It has advantages in
ate novel therapies in TBI.  Without doubt, key the study of contusion development as well as
discoveries of relevance for human TBI have cell death mechanisms. Commonly, the injury
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research 661

Table 88.1  Examples of animal models, and the human TBI subtype they aim to mimic
TBI subtype Animal model Strengths Limitations
Contusion/ CCI Easy and fast to perform, adjustable Craniotomy, too large lesion,
focal TBI injury level white matter injuries
Weight drop Adjustable injury level Imprecise impact mechanism
Diffuse I/A Widespread axonal injury Not, e.g., for mice or pigs
cFPI Widespread axonal injury, brain stem Mortality, technically challenging
Nonimpact Mimics diffuse axonal injury, produces In NHP and pigs/piglets only,
acceleration unconsciousness costs and ethics
Mixed lFPI Adjustable, mimics human Mortality, technically challenging
Weight drop Easy, fast, no craniotomy needed Used only in mice
CCI controlled cortical impact, FPI Fluid percussion injury, c central, l lateral, I/A impact acceleration (Marmarou
model), NHP nonhuman primate

involves a large part of the hemisphere and may Important strengths of animal models include
in many studies have been too extensive to be the possibility for strict control of physical
clinically relevant. parameters, injury mechanisms, baseline char-
To mimic a diffuse TBI, the most common acteristics such as genetics, age and gender,
rodent models are the impact/acceleration model and the use of histological end points (Risling
(Marmarou) in rats and the central (midline) fluid et  al. 2019). The vast majority of experimental
percussion injury (cFPI) model. They both pro- TBI research is performed in the rodent species.
duce widespread axonal injury, although they Although the differences to the human anatomy
may not replicate all features of diffuse axonal and structure pose key limitations, it should be
injury as observed in humans. One advantage of noted that important features observed in human
the cFPI model is its use in both rats and mice as TBI, such as the development of post-traumatic
well as in the pig, although it is technically chal- seizures, oligodendrocyte death, axonal injury,
lenging. At impact, an apnea and post-traumatic as well as post-traumatic white and grey matter
seizures are observed, and there is some immedi- atrophy are also observed in the rodent (Flygt
ate mortality. For the study of axonal pathology et  al. 2016; Bolkvadze and Pitkanen 2012;
post-TBI, both models provide relevant informa- Bramlett and Dietrich 2002; Pischiutta et  al.
tion that has to some extent been replicated in the 2018). Perhaps the most important limitation of
human setting (Flygt et  al. 2013; Thomas et  al. the rodent model is that none mimics a severe
2018; Ma et al. 2019). TBI. Only in the pig/piglet and in particular the
To mimic a “mixed” TBI, e.g., a model with nonhuman primate is prolonged unconscious-
features of both focal/contusional and diffuse ness observed when the nonimpact acceleration
TBI, the lateral FPI model (Thompson et  al. models are used (Sorby-Adams et  al. 2018).
2005) and the weight drop model as developed by Thus, it is incorrect to state that a rodent TBI is
Shohami and co-workers (Liraz-Zaltsman et  al. “severe”, at least in comparison with the defini-
2018) are useful. There is here a more substantial tion used in humans. Instead, injury severity in
component of axonal injury, but a less extensive rodents can be assessed using a combination of
contusion when compared to the CCI model. The the peak pressure (in the fluid percussion model),
injury mechanisms (impact and brain displace- post-­traumatic apnea and/or righting reflex time,
ment) and the resulting behavioral impairment weight loss and intracranial pressure increases,
and histological characteristics appear clinically lesion volume, and behavioral outcomes such as
relevant (Thompson et al. 2005). the neurological severity scores.
662 A. I. R. Maas et al.

88.2.2 Species Used the focus to using large animal models in TBI
research (Sorby-Adams et al. 2018). A variety of
Due to their availability, low costs, reproduc- species including canine, feline, ovine, porcine,
ibility, and large amount of available normative and nonhuman primate (NHP) models have been
data, rodents will continue to be extensively used used. To date, the majority of large-animal stud-
in experimental TBI research. Rodent studies ies use pigs and sheep. FPI, CCI, and penetrating
enable detailed dissection of numerous injury TBI models have been used in sheep in occasional
mechanism using modern molecular biology reports, although pigs, long considered to mimic
techniques that include genetic manipulations. human physiology (Finnie 2012), dominate TBI
However, there are limited similarities between research to date. Although the cFPI model was
the rodent and human brains. Rodents have large previously common, the CCI model is currently
olfactory bulbs, small cerebral cortices, arranged the most widely used in the pig (Sorby-­Adams
differently than the human cortex, and a small et  al. 2018). In addition, the nonimpact accel-
white matter proportion compared with higher eration models were successfully used in adult
species. In addition, the cortex of higher-order miniature pig and later modified for use in pig-
species contains numerous high-velocity neu- lets. With these models, increased ICP, reduced
rons due to their enhanced processing capacity CPP, and brain oxygenation have been observed
(Marklund and Hillered 2011; Cai and Wang (Friess et  al. 2011). In contrast to rodent mod-
2016). In contrast to rodents, large animal spe- els, porcine models have also successfully been
cies have well-­developed meninges, and rodents used to study brain edema, resuscitation and
do not develop herniation due to mass lesion polytrauma, and hemorrhagic TBI.  It was sug-
to the extent humans do. In view of the impor- gested (Sorby-Adams et  al. 2018) that preclini-
tance of axonal injury in humans, the different cal guidelines established in experimental stroke
thresholds to injury in gray and white matter tis- could be used also for TBI.  Here, large animal
sue are an additional limitation to the translatory models should be the last preclinical step before
value of rodents in TBI research in view of their commencement of clinical trials. However, as we
smaller white matter tracts (Cai and Wang 2016). argue in the coming sections of this chapter, this
Furthermore, in their comprehensive review of may not be enough for successful translation of
the different TBI-induced changes in cerebral therapies into the clinical setting.
glucose metabolism, inflammatory processes,
axonal integrity, and water homeostasis, Agoston
and colleagues (Agoston et al. 2019) showed that 88.2.3 Study Design and Outcome
there are huge interspecies differences in the time Measures
course of the trajectories of these pathogenic
events. For instance, the immediate post-injury The causes for the repeated failures of RCTs
increase in glucose uptake lasts 3–6 h in animals in TBI are multifactorial. Contributing fac-
and 7–10 days in humans, and the TBI-induced tors may be, e.g., profound inter-center vari-
neuroinflammatory response may be 4–30 times ability in clinical care, wrong dose and time
faster in rats than in humans (Agoston et  al. window of the administered drug, and patient
2019). Thus, a “rat day” may be markedly dif- heterogeneity, among many others. However,
ferent than a “human day.” How to evaluate long-­ the preclinical studies preceding the clinical
term consequences of TBI in species with such development should also be critically assessed.
vast differences in life expectancies also remains Obvious concerns are whether the TBI models
controversial. Perhaps most importantly, rodent used to evaluate the drug reflect the clinical
brains are lissencephalic, whereas the brains of conditions and whether patient heterogeneity
humans and other higher-order species are gyr- is adequately addressed in the experimental
encephalic (Marklund and Hillered 2011). These stage. For instance, the vast majority of rodent
important differences have somewhat shifted TBI research is conducted on young male
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research 663

animals, which does not reflect current clini- 88.3 Translational Research
cal epidemiology. Furthermore, the time win- in Neurotrauma
dow for initiation of treatment is commonly
much shorter in the experimental setting than Translational research in TBI is complex and chal-
what later is used in the RCT. Importantly, pro- lenging. As reviewed in the previous paragraphs,
longed time windows should be explored, as experimental models do not fully replicate the
should the brain penetration of the evaluated mix of heterogeneous pathologies seen in human
compound. Furthermore, the outcome measures TBI, and disease biology may differ between ani-
used in experimental TBI may not sufficiently mal models and the human brain. Standardization
compare with the human situation (Hanell and can be achieved in the experimental setting, but
Marklund 2014). Factors such as communica- in the more “dirty” clinical setting, extracranial
tion difficulties, personality disorders, psycho- injuries and second insults contribute to the dis-
logical issues, and quality of life factors are all ease process. Uncertainty exists on how pharma-
crucial to human outcome, but difficult to assess cokinetics of novel drugs can be translated from
in animals. However, more complex outcome animal models to the clinical situation and how
measures are possible and recommended also experimental studies may inform timing and
in experimental TBI research. It could also be duration of drug administration. More detailed
considered that standard animal housing is too understanding of the type, impact, and temporal
sensory deprived to allow clinically relevant profile of pathophysiological processes in human
research and that an environmental enrichment TBI is necessary to inform choice, timing, and
design should be used more often. There are duration of drug therapy.
thus numerous methods to improve the transla-
tional value of experimental TBI research, and
additional strategies are provided in the coming 88.3.1 Current Approaches:
section of this chapter. Problems, Pitfalls,
The answer to the question if the complexity and Opportunities
of clinical TBI is mimicked by preclinical mod-
els, may well be “not really” or at best “only in The traditional approach to translational research
part.” This is particularly true for severe TBI, is to first perform early phase I clinical trials to
and at most a moderate level of TBI severity test human toxicology in healthy volunteers;
is achieved in most studies. It is recommended then proceed to phase II studies for safety test-
that the researcher aim to refine the animal ing, dose finding studies, and proof of concept
model for maximum clinical applicability and in patients with the disease; and finally conduct
whenever possible, try to establish key findings phase III efficacy oriented studies (Fig.  88.1).
also in the human setting (tissue, neuroimag- This conventional translational drug develop-
ing, biomarkers). Another strategy is to explore ment pipeline is based on drugs that emerge from
promising pharmacological approaches in a preclinical models and are sequentially tested in
preclinical multicenter setting. The Operation phase I clinical trials for human toxicology and
Brain Trauma Therapy (OBTT) consortium in then phase II and III clinical trials to evaluate
the USA (Kochanek et al. 2018) is one example efficacy (Fig.  88.1). It is now increasingly rec-
of such strategy, and a similar European initia- ognized that many older preclinical studies may
tive is ongoing across several centers. While have been poorly designed to facilitate clinical
rodents will continue to have a dominating role translation, since either the disease model or the
in TBI research, especially in studies exploring way in which the drug was used bore inadequate
injury mechanisms and in initial evaluation of relevance to human disease (Janowitz and Menon
potential therapies, the use of large animal mod- 2010). More recent efforts have focused on bet-
els will likely become increasingly important in ter preclinical studies, with a procedural rigor
the near future. that replicates human clinical trials in terms of
664 A. I. R. Maas et al.

Fig. 88.1 Conventional
approach to translational
research Molecular mechanism

Candidate drug

Animal model of efficacy

route of translation Assumption of


Identical mechanism
Favorable pharmacology
Identical concept

Phase I Phase II Phase III

predefined hypotheses, strict protocols, blinded These expectations have led to the assump-
assessment of outcome, and stringent assess- tion that efficacy demonstrated in experimental
ment of replicability of results (Kochanek et al. models targeted primarily to contusional brain
2016). These efforts merit strong endorsement injury or diffuse injury will hold across the
and will undoubtedly improve the state in which broad and heterogeneous spectrum of clinical
new investigational therapies are delivered by TBI.  Evidence shows that these assumptions
preclinical scientists to the clinical translational were wrong for a large proportion of neuro-
pipeline. However, even where such preclinical protective compounds evaluated in clinical TBI
studies are optimally designed, this conventional in the past (Janowitz and Menon 2010) and
translational pathway makes assumptions that that these errors persist in more recent trials
are unsafe and may well be wrong. These include of investigational drugs in TBI (Stein 2015).
expectations that: We need a better translational model for drug
• The molecular mechanisms demonstrated in One suggested option (Sorby-Adams et  al.
animal models have the same temporal profile 2018) has been to test novel drugs that ini-
and outcome impact in human TBI. tially have shown efficacy in rodent models in
• Regional pharmacokinetics and biodistribu- larger gyrencephalic species (cats, dogs, pri-
tion of new drugs are identical in animal mod- mates) before moving into clinical studies. This
els and human disease. approach has some merit, particularly in demon-
• Pharmacodynamic models that have been strating drug safety in a second species. It may
developed in the laboratory (e.g., receptor also demonstrate efficacy against physiological
kinetics) can be directly replicated in targets (such as intracranial hypertension), which
human TBI. are less prominent in rodent models. However,
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research 665

we would argue that testing the drug higher up patients at an early stage of drug development.
the evolutionary ladder still does not provide a They include the following.
faithful representation of its efficacy in man.
Once preclinical safety testing is complete, and
TBI models demonstrate efficacy of a molecule, 88.3.2 Access to Tissue Biofluids
we believe that the evaluation of such a candidate and Tissue
molecule would be best served by a translational
pipeline which: Access to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is commonly
available in more severe patients with TBI, either
• Rapidly and effectively determines whether through ventriculostomies inserted for intracra-
the molecular mechanism that has been effec- nial pressure (ICP) monitoring or CSF drainage
tively targeted in experimental models exists for raised ICP, or at the time of placement of a
in human TBI, how much it contributes to ventriculoperitoneal shunt at the subacute stage
human disease, when it is initiated, and how in the small proportion of patients who have
long it remains active. It would also be critical persistent post-traumatic hydrocephalus. This
to identify and validate molecular or imaging last subset of patients also provides a cohort in
biomarkers of this mechanism. whom CSF can be relatively easily accessed at
• Determines whether the agent, when adminis- chronic stages after TBI. Access to CSF enables
tered by the intended route, in a dose that is detection of molecular biomarkers of disease
demonstrated to be safe by preclinical testing, processes and neural injury, which allows us to
reaches its putative site of action in the brain establish the presence and magnitude of a patho-
in concentrations that are adequate to modu- physiological process (e.g., cytokines to charac-
late the molecular process it is targeted at. terize neuroinflammation), document its point of
• Establishes that the agent, at the brain concen- initiation and subsequent time course in clinical
trations achieved in human TBI, modulates TBI (thus determining windows for the initiation
the target mechanism in a way that modifies and duration of therapy), and quantify the effect
levels of biomarkers that quantify it. of interventions against the target.
Cerebral microdialysis (CMD) now forms
These requirements are best met by a trans- part of routine clinical monitoring in several
lational pipeline that incorporates strong ele- centers worldwide (Hutchinson et al. 2015). The
ments of experimental medicine. This approach primary aim of CMD, in terms of clinical prac-
to developing new pharmacological therapies tice, is to monitor cerebral energy metabolism
is made more practicable by the tools that have (through measurement of glucose, lactate, and
been used to improve clinical TBI outcomes pyruvate levels), glutamate release, and glyc-
through non-pharmacological approaches. These erol generation (as a marker of membrane phos-
improvements in clinical outcome have been pholipid breakdown in ongoing tissue injury).
largely based on our ability to monitor and treat However, particularly with the advent of CMD
physiological targets (e.g., intracranial pres- catheters with 100-kDa cutoffs (Hutchinson
sure (ICP), brain hypoxia, and changes in brain et  al. 2005), there is the increasing opportunity
chemistry), coupled with the use of neuroimag- to access the brain extracellular fluid to measure
ing for diagnosis and prognostication. The moni- levels of biomolecules (Oddo and Hutchinson
toring and diagnostic modalities developed in 2018) and also determine if novel drugs can
this context can be used to create more rational achieve therapeutically relevant concentrations
paradigms of neuroprotective drug development. in the brain following human TBI (Helmy et al.
These tools provide opportunities to investigate 2016). Such assessment of regional pharmaco-
disease biology, proof of mechanism (PoM), kinetics (PK) of new agents can form part of a
pharmacokinetic validation, and proof of con- phase II study. However, modern microdosing
cept (PoC) in small, carefully selected cohorts of approaches to studying drug biodistribution (see
666 A. I. R. Maas et al.

below), coupled with ultrasensitive assays, may et al. 2017) are being pursued for their diagnos-
allow us to examine blood–brain barrier penetra- tic and prognostic potential, they may also offer
tion with small (and pharmacodynamically inef- options for therapy.
fective—and hence safe) doses of novel agents
at a relatively early stage of drug development.
Finally, CMD can be used to demonstrate that 88.3.3 Neuroimaging
novel agents result in changes in levels of down- of Pathophysiology, Disease
stream mediators as expected from their biol- Evolution, and Drug
ogy—as proof of concept (Helmy et  al. 2016). Distribution
Increasingly, CMD is being used to interrogate
metabolic pathways in the brain (Gallagher et al. Neuroimaging in TBI conventionally employs
2009; Carpenter et  al. 2014), and analysis of X-ray computed tomography, which is pri-
these results may suggest the use of novel energy marily used for detecting surgical lesions and
substrates, whose efficacy can be tested in pre- providing prognostic information. However,
liminary studies using CMD (Stovell et al. 2018). serial CT imaging also provides a marker of
TBI is one of the few acute neurological disease evolution in TBI, since it quantifies
diseases in which routine clinical management lesion progression, and the change in imaging
provides access to brain tissue at the time of the from baseline at presentation thus represents
acute insult. Resection of space occupying contu- an intermediate end point of drug efficacy. An
sions, undertaken as part of a management strat- example is the use of novel (possibly genetically
egy to control ICP, provides (in the form of the targeted) interventions acting on the ABCC8/
margins of the resected contusion tissue) a tar- TRPM4 locus to reduce edema after TBI (Jha
geted sampling of the traumatic penumbra, where et al. 2019). More recently, magnetic resonance
pathophysiology is most active and where many imaging (MRI) has shown enormous promise in
agents might be expected to have their prime TBI and can aid in characterizing acute patho-
site of action. These tissue samples can be used physiology—examples include differentiating
to document pathophysiology and measure drug cytotoxic from vasogenic edema and detecting
levels. traumatic axonal injury. Serial imaging can also
While the discussion above has (appropriately) be used to demonstrate disease progression in
focused on access to tissue and biofluids in the the acute (Newcombe et  al. 2013) and chronic
brain, it is important to recognize that the expand- (Newcombe et  al. 2016) phases. MRI can also
ing role for blood biomarkers in the routine clini- show evidence of benefit from acute interven-
cal management of TBI (Mondello et  al. 2011) tions—such as the reversal of pericontusional
offers opportunities for translational research. cytotoxic edema by acute normobaric hyperoxia
First, biomarker measurement in humans may (Veenith et  al. 2017). The ability to measure
provide a bridge to emerging rigorous preclini- change from baseline, and to examine the effect
cal research that uses biomarkers as an interme- of interventions to modulate such disease pro-
diate outcome (Mondello et  al. 2016). Second, gression, may increase sensitivity to detect drug
biomarker measurement may allow more secure benefit in early stage studies and identify patient
diagnosis of TBI, especially in milder injury or subgroups most likely to benefit.
CT-negative patients with severe injury (who may In terms of molecular imaging, the modal-
have diffuse axonal injury), and stratify patients ity with the best track record is positron emis-
prognostically (Turgeon et  al. 2013). Further, sion tomography (PET) (Sorby-Adams et  al.
changes in biomarker level relate to disease 2018). Oxygen PET is increasingly being used
evolution, and modulation of such evolution by as a research tool in clinical TBI to character-
drugs can provide evidence of their effect - either ize acute physiology of energy failure, providing
good or bad (Scott et  al. 2018). Finally, while information not just on classical ischemia, but
some biomarkers, such as microRNAs (Mateen also novel mechanisms such as diffusion hypoxia
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research 667

(Menon et  al. 2004; Veenith et  al. 2016) and 88.3.4 Intermediate and Late
mitochondrial dysfunction (Vespa et  al. 2005). Imaging End Points
Critically, these same approaches can be used to
show whether interventions can improve (Nortje In TBI, functional outcome is most commonly
et al. 2008) or worsen (Coles et al. 2007) energy assessed at 6–12  months post-injury, which
metabolism in TBI. More recently, PET ligands poses a logistic challenge and results in large
for the Translocator Protein (TSPO) have been proportions of missing outcomes (Richter et al.
used to label activated microglia and image neu- 2019). Consequently, physiological markers,
roinflammation in the acute (Donat et  al. 2017) such as ICP, have been suggested as a surrogate
and chronic (Ramlackhansingh et al. 2011) phase outcome. However, although severe intracranial
after TBI.  Such imaging of neuroinflamma- hypertension may be a marker of mechanis-
tion can also be used as a proximate end point tic efficacy and is known to be a predictor of
to examine the efficacy of drugs that modulate mortality, it has a less robust (or no) relation-
neuroinflammation (Scott et  al. 2018)—and ship to the more relevant end point of func-
integrating the measurement of blood biomark- tional outcome (Balestreri et  al. 2006). Brain
ers into these studies can help dissect mechanis- imaging may provide a more relevant surrogate
tic efficacy from possible benefit. There is also outcome by identifying the impact of an inter-
enormous current interest in using a range of vention on tissue fate. Although conventional
PET ligands to image amyloid (Hong et al. 2014) MRI outperforms CT for assessing tissue sur-
and tau (Mohamed et  al. 2019) deposition after vival (Amyot et  al. 2015), it is an insensitive
TBI.  Given the increasing recognition that TBI measure of selective neuronal loss and covert
can be a chronic disease in a subgroup of patients, axonal injury (Newcombe et  al. 2011). Newer
such imaging is critical to identify patient subsets imaging techniques provide the opportunity to
that show such pathology. Given that interven- study the effects of drugs on more subtle mark-
tions aimed at these neurodegenerative processes ers of injury, such as tissue injury and neuro-
may take years to decades to show clinical bene- nal survival. While late MRI can provide useful
fit, serial imaging with such ligands, underpinned intermediate outcome measures, based on vol-
by serial MRI to examine changes in evolving tis- ume loss on conventional sequences (Marcoux
sue fate, provides a key realistic means of early et al. 2008), diffusion tensor imaging can detect
demonstration of efficacy of interventions that occult microstructural injury (Newcombe et al.
target accumulation of such molecules. Finally, 2011). Some injury mechanisms in TBI may
although not yet applied to TBI, microdosing result in selective neuronal loss (SNL) rather
with PET, the administration of subtherapeutic than pan-necrosis; SNL can be detected with
concentrations of a radiolabeled version of target 1
H-MR spectroscopy (Marcoux et  al. 2008)
molecules, coupled with the high sensitivity of and PET with the benzodiazepine ligand,
PET imaging, allows characterization of regional [11C]-flumazenil (Kawai et al. 2010).
pharmacokinetics and calibration of drug–target
interactions (Burt et al. 2017). The technique can
quantify receptor occupancy and assess compet- 88.3.5 Reverse Translation: The Role
ing candidate molecules, or different doses of a of Genomics
single candidate drug, in humans in the clinical
setting in which the drug might be deployed. Thus far, we have focused on how a range of
This allows choices to be made between compet- tools applicable to clinical TBI may be used to
ing candidate compounds at an early stage and transport drugs that have emerged from preclini-
provides a rational approach to drug develop- cal research through the translational pipeline.
ment, shortening critical time lines and possibly However, the imminent availability of results
increasing success rate for drug development from genome-wide association studies may
from current levels. offer additional opportunities. Conventionally,
668 A. I. R. Maas et al.

genomics has been promoted for improved

Molecular mechanism
stratification of patients in trials and perhaps the

selection of patients more likely to respond to a

Candidate drug
given intervention. However, genomic medicine
may also provide opportunities for a paradigm
Animal model of efficacy
altering approach, by identifying therapeutic
targets that emerge from a data-driven, unbiased
analysis of the genetic variations that drive TBI Confirmation of Phase I: Safety in
experimental efficacy healthy volunteers
outcome. Emerging examples, thus far based on
candidate gene analysis, support this paradigm

Experimental clinical
Proof of mechanism

stage refined route

and may hold most promise in the repurposing
of established drugs with known safety profiles
in other indications for use to improve outcomes Regional pharmacology
in TBI. This framework has led to the preclinical
(and phase II) evaluation of glibenclamide (Jha Proof of concept
et al. 2018a, b) as a treatment for cerebral edema
post-TBI (through its action on SUR1/ABCC8,

which is now known to drive edema develop-

Phase II Phase III
ment in TBI and stroke) and maraviroc (an anti-
HIV agent) as a treatment in TBI models (Joy
et al. 2019). Fig. 88.2  Alternative approach to translational research

88.3.6 Translational Outlook We propose the systematic introduction of

an additional stage in drug development for TBI
Thus, many clinical monitoring techniques in (Fig. 88.2) that incorporates experimental medi-
TBI can be used in translational research, and cine. The recent substantial refinement in clinical
these opportunities could be utilized system- research tools, coupled with the previous failure
atically to overcome some of the obstacles and of conventional approaches, makes TBI a prime
pitfalls during translational research in TBI. The target for such a strategy. However, such a refine-
comprehensive failure of attempts at translating ment of translational research should also benefit
neuroprotection in TBI may be partly due to an drug development in other diseases and organ
incomplete understanding of human disease biol- systems.
ogy and partly to missed opportunities for opti-
mization of drug design and dosage during early
translation. Emerging experience over the last 88.4 Clinical Research
few years suggests that the tools used for clini-
cal monitoring in TBI could address these issues. Clinical research in neurotrauma is a dynamic
The impact of such research on pharmacology and challenging field. Over the years, epide-
and disease biology could be large because the miology in high-income countries is chang-
multitude of potentially useful treatments far sur- ing, approaches to management have evolved,
passes not just the financial investment and time and new technologies have been introduced to
available for drug development, but also (and monitor the more severely injured patients. Most
perhaps more critically) access to patient popula- research originates from high-income countries,
tions for trials. but over 90% of neurotrauma occurs in low- and
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research 669

middle-income countries (LMICs). Initiatives employed strict enrollment criteria, typically

have been taken to address this discordance. The focusing on prognostic variables and pre-injury
Lancet Commission on Global Surgery called morbidity. Such approach is statistically ineffi-
attention for the lack of neurosurgical services cient (Roozenbeek et al. 2009, 2012) and reduces
in many LMICs and strongly advocated univer- generalizability of findings. Importantly, elderly
sal access to safe, affordable surgical and anes- patients (≥65  years of age) are consequently
thesia care when needed saves lives, prevents disenfranchised from research to improve their
disability, and promotes economic growth. This outcome, and these constitute 28% of the TBI
is particularly relevant to neurotrauma and its population in a recent study (Maas et al. 2015).
research. The WFNS-WHO Liaison Committee Recognition of the relevance of large-scale obser-
(Meara et al. 2015) actively seeks to advance the vational studies to generate high-quality evidence
care for neurotrauma in LMICs, and the NIHR is increasing. Comparative effectiveness research
Global Health Research Group on Neurotrauma (CER) can exploit the heterogeneity of TBI in
was established and is coordinated by Cambridge terms of type of injury, management, and out-
University ( They come and would permit assessment of therapeu-
initiated the Global Neurotrauma Outcomes tic approaches in real-world situations. This is,
Study (GNOS:, however, methodologically challenging because
which is currently enrolling across the world. of a high risk of “confounding by indication”:
GNOS aims to provide a global picture of the Patients receiving a specific intervention are not
management and outcomes of patients undergo- selected at random, but decisions on treatment
ing emergency surgery for TBI. In addition, this approaches are influenced by patient character-
will establish a platform and clinical network to istics, disease course, physician preferences, and
facilitate future research in global neurotrauma other uncontrolled factors. As a consequence,
and neurosurgery. finding an association between an intervention
Research in TBI has had a strong focus on and outcome may not be causal. An illustra-
patients with moderate to severe TBI. The great- tive example would be finding an association
est burden of TBI is, however, caused by mild between ICP monitoring (generally performed
TBI.  The CENTER-TBI registry that enrolled in the sickest patients) and poorer outcome. In
patients across all severities showed that 81% all TBI research, it is important to recognize the
of all patients were classified as having a continuum of care along the chain of trauma care
mild TBI.  Of patients seen in the Emergency (Fig.  88.3), which may substantially influence
Room and discharged or admitted to the hos- the chance of finding benefits in the acute hos-
pital ward, approximately 95% had a mild pital phase.
TBI. Importantly, 28% of these had not attained If severe second insults occur in the prehos-
a full recovery at 6 months after injury. These pital phase, the battle may already be lost no
data highlight a need for increased research matter how good and effective hospital care
efforts in mild TBI. may be. Likewise, if benefits may occur from a
RCTs are considered the gold standard for novel intervention in the acute hospital setting,
generating evidence in medical research to sup- it may be impossible to demonstrate efficacy at
port treatment recommendations. In TBI, chal- 6 months if such benefits are not consolidated by
lenges are posed by the heterogeneity of the good post-acute care. This may have occurred in
population—in terms of type of injury, clinical the BEST TRIP trial on ICP (Chesnut et al. 2012)
severity, and variations in treatment. Approaches conducted in two LMICs, where post-acute care
commonly used to reduce heterogeneity have was completely lacking.
670 A. I. R. Maas et al.

dispatch surgeon/ physician post-acute
centre EMS EMS physician care institute
care institute



Fig. 88.3  The chain of trauma care

88.5 Clinical Trials in TBI tality or better outcome in the intervention group,
six showed higher mortality or poorer outcome,
Most RCTs have been conducted in patients with and 22 found no significant effect between inter-
moderate to severe TBI. Many of these trials have vention groups.
been underpowered, and only few showed statis-
tically significant results. In a systematic review
of 191 completed RCTs (Phase 2 and Phase 3), 88.5.1 RCTs on Neuroprotective
Bragge et  al. (Bragge et  al. 2016) found that Agents
only 26 could be considered robust (high quality
with sufficient numbers), of which six showed a Of the 22 RCTs on neuroprotective agents, three
­statistically significant effect (three positive and reported higher mortality (CRASH, SNX-111,
three negative). Table 88.2 presents an overview and Magnesium (Roberts et  al. 2004; Temkin
of large Phase 3 trials (published and unpub- et  al. 2007)). One RCT on a neuroprotective
lished), conducted in moderate to severe TBI. agent (HIT III: Nimodipine) showed benefit
Of the 32 RCTs listed in this table, four con- (Harders et al. 1996). The most convincing evi-
cerned surgical management, six concerned med- dence came from the CRASH trial: This was
ical management, and 22 aimed to demonstrate a mega trial that enrolled 10,008 patients and
efficacy of putative neuroprotective agents. Since reported increased mortality and poorer long-­
2000, an increase can be noted in investigator-­ term outcome in the intervention group (meth-
driven RCTs on medical or surgical management. ylprednisolone). This trial forms the evidence
Of the 16 RCTs that started recruitment in 2000 base for the Level I Guideline recommendation
or later, seven (44%) investigated medical or sur- not to use steroids for the treatment of TBI. The
gical management, compared to only 3/16 (19%) beneficial effects of nimodipine in patients with
in older RCTs. Overall, the results have been dis- traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, reported in
appointing: Only four RCTs showed lower mor- HIT III, should be interpreted with caution. First,
Table 88.2  Overview of large phase III trials in moderate to severe TBI (published and unpublished)
targeted/treatment Year of Published/
Study + agent approach Study population N pat Start of treatment study Status reference Result
POLAR hypothermia Various GCS ≤ 8 511 ≤3 h 2010– Completed Cooper et al. No significant
intracerebral 2017 (2018) difference
RESCUEicp Decompressive Abnormal CT and 408 Within 6 h of 2004– Completed Hutchinson et al. Decreased
craniectomy vs raised ICP randomization 2014 (2016) mortality, but
standard care higher number
for raised ICP of patients with
STITCH Early surgery vs Early surgery within 170 ≤48 h 2009– Halted by Gregson et al. Mortality
standard care 12 h vs initial 2012 funding (2015) significantly
for contusions conservative agency lower in early
management surgery group
Eurotherm Various ICU admission for TBI 387 ICP > 20 mmHg 2009– Stopped for Andrews et al. Outcome
intracerebral and ICP monitoring for at least 5 min 2014 safety (2018) significantly
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research

processes within 10 days of reasons poorer in

injury hypothermia
EPO-TBI Multiple targets GCS 3–12 606 ≤24 h 2010– Completed Nichol et al. No effect on
2014 (2015) 6-month GOSE,
possibly lower
mortality in
patients without
a mass lesion
EPO Multiple targets GCS motor score ≤ 6 200 ≤6 h 2006– Completed Robertson et al. No significant
2012 (2014) effect
Hydrocortisone + fludrocortisone Prevention of GCS ≤ 8 336 ≤24 h 2010– Completed Asehnoune et al. No significant
vs placebo hospital 2012 (2014) effect, but trend
acquired to efficacy in
pneumonia subgroup with
SYNAPSE/progesterone studies Multiple targets GCS ≤ 8 1179 ≤8 h 2010– Completed Skolnick et al. No significant
2013 (2014) effect
Table 88.2 (continued)

targeted/treatment Year of Published/
Study + agent approach Study population No. pat. Start of treatment study Status reference Result
PROTECT III/progesterone Multiple targets GCS 4–12 882 ≤4 h 2010– Terminated Wright et al. No significant
studies 2013 for reasons (2014) effect
of futility
BEST TRIP ICP guided GCS ≤ 8 324 ≤48 h 2008– Completed Chesnut et al. No significant
management vs 2011 (2012) difference
clinical imaging
CRASH-2 IBS tranexamic acid Fibrinolysis GCS ≤ 14 270 ≤8 h 2008– Completed Perel et al. (2012) No significant
2010 effect on 28-day
DECRA Early GCS ≤ 8 and ICP 155 ≤48 h 2002– Completed Cooper et al. Poorer outcome
decompressive monitoring 2010 (2011) on the GOSE
craniectomy vs ICP > 20 for 15 min
standard care within a 1-h period
The Brain Trial Bradykinin (β2 GCS ≤ 12 228 ≤8 h 2007 Terminated Shakur et al. No significant
receptor) (2009) effect
SAFE study Saline vs GCS ≤ 13 460 No time limit 2001– Completed; SAFE Study Significantly
Subgroup analysis of patients albumin specified; used as 2003 subgroup Investigators; higher mortality
with TBI resuscitation fluid analysis Australian and in patients
up to 28 days New Zealand treated with
after ICU Intensive Care albumin
admission Society Clinical
Trials Group;
Australian Red
Cross Blood
Service; George
Institute for
Health and
Myburgh (2007)
A. I. R. Maas et al.
Pharmos/dexanabinol (Maas Glutamate Motor score 2–5 + CT 861 ≤ 6 h 2000– Completed Maas et al. No significant
2006) excitotoxicity, abnormalities 2004 (2006) effect
CRASH/steroid trial (Roberts Inflammatory GCS < 15 10,008 ≤8 h 2000– Completed 2005 (CRASH Higher
2004) response/edema 2004 trial) mortality
(Roberts et al.
Magnesium Various GCS 3–12 and/or 499 ≤8 h 1998– Completed Roberts et al. Poorer outcome
intracerebral intracranial surgery 2004 (2004), Temkin at low dose
processes et al. (2007) Higher
mortality at
high dose
Large versus limited Standard large GCS 4–8 486 Not specified 1998– Completed Jiang et al. (2005) Significantly
decompressive craniectomy craniectomy vs Unilateral contusion or 2001 better outcome
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research

limited swelling with mass in patients with

craniectomy effect large
Pfizer/CP-101606 Glutamate GCS 4–8 404 ≤8 h 1997– Completed Yurkewicz et al. Non-significant
excitotoxicity 2000 (2005) effect
Parke Davis/SNX-111 Calcium GCS 4–8 237 ≤12 h 1997– Terminated No Higher
channel blocker 1998 by DSMB mortality
for safety
NABIS/hypothermia Various GCS 3–8 392 ≤6 h 1994– Halted Clifton et al. No effects on
intracerebral Motor score 1–5 1998 (2001) outcome
processes Reduced
incidence of
ICP, 30 mmHg
Table 88.2 (continued)

targeted/treatment Year of Published/
Study + agent approach Study population No. pat. Start of treatment study Status reference Result
CBF targeted management Cerebral Motor score ≤5 189 ≤12 h 1994– Completed Robertson et al. No significant
ischemia 1997 (1999) effects on
incidence of
incidence of
Saphir/D-CPP-ene Glutamate Not obeying 924 ≤12 h 1995– Completed No No significant
excitotoxicity commands, 1 reactive 1997 effect reported
Cerestat/aptiganel Glutamate GCS 4–8 532 ≤8 h 1996– Terminated No No significant
excitotoxicity GCS 3 if pupils are 1997 effect
Selfotel Glutamate GCS 4–8 693 ≤8 h and within 1994– Terminated Morris et al. No significant
excitotoxicity 4 h of admission 1996 (1999) effect
Eliprodil study Glutamate GCS 4–8 452 ≤12 h 1993– Completed No No significant
excitotoxicity 1995 effect reported
Tirilazad domestic trial Lipid GCS ≤ 8: 85% 1155 ≤4 h 1991– Terminated No No significant
peroxidation GCS 9–12: 15% 1994 effect reported
Tirilazad international trial Lipid GCS ≤ 8: 85% 1120 ≤4 h 1992– Completed Marshall et al. No significant
peroxidation GCS 9–12: 15% 1994 (1998) effect
Bradycor/CP-0127 Bradykinin (β2 GCS 3–8 139 ≤8 h 1996 Completed (Marmarou et al. 12%
receptor) (1999) improvement in
antagonist fav. outcome
(P = 0.26)
PEG-SOD Free radical GCS ≤ 8 1562 Within 8 1993– Completed Young et al. No significant
damage 1995 (1996) difference
HIT IV Nimodipine Calcium GCS < 15 + traumatic 592 ≤12 h 1997– Completed No No significant
mediated subarachnoid 1999 effect
damage hemorrhage
A. I. R. Maas et al.
HIT III Nimodipine Calcium TSAH 123 ≤12 h 1994 Completed Harders et al. Significant
mediated (1996) reduction in
damage unfavorable
HIT II Nimodipine Calcium Not obeying 852 12 h of not 1989– Completed A multicenter No significant
mediated commands obeying 1991 trial of the effect on overall
damage commands within efficacy of population
24 h of injury nimodipine on
outcome after
severe head
injury (1994)
HIT I Nimodipine Calcium Not obeying 351 24 h 1987– Completed Bailey et al. No significant
mediated commands 1989 (1991) effect
Dexamethasone-mega dose trial Various GCS ≤ 13 300 ≤3 h 1986– Completed Gaab et al. (1994) No significant
intracerebral 1989 effect
Triamcinolone steroid trial Various Severe head injury, not 396 ≤4 h 1985– Completed Grumme et al. No significant
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research

intracerebral further defined 1990 (1995) effect

In red are the surgical trials, in green medical management trials, and with no color the medication/neuroprotection trials
676 A. I. R. Maas et al.

the trial was relatively small (n = 123), it was not had relatively mild injury—few required therapy
considered as robust in the systematic review by for refractory intracranial hypertension. While
Bragge et al. (Bragge et al. 2016), and larger tri- POLAR is a key study in informing us about the
als in the broader population of severe TBI failed failure of prophylactic hypothermia as a univer-
to show benefit of nimodipine. sal primary neuroprotective intervention in TBI,
it tells us little about whether it could provide
benefit in the context of refractory intracranial
88.5.2 RCTs on Medical Management hypertension as a rescue therapy. In this situa-
tion, the benefits of ICP control may outweigh
Of the six RCTs on medical management, two the known hazards associated with the interven-
showed poorer outcome in the intervention group tion. We need a study that specifically addresses
(SAFE study and Eurotherm). The SAFE study the use of therapeutic (not prophylactic) hypo-
was a large-scale RCT investigating the benefits thermia in this context—which is where it is most
of 4% albumin over saline as resuscitation fluid commonly employed by centers that continue to
in 6997 patients admitted to the ICU (Finfer et al. use it. The contextual contrast here is similar
2004). While in the overall population no differ- to that between DECRA and RESCUEicp (see
ences were found in outcome between interven- below). Like RESCUEicp, the population for
tion groups, in a subgroup analysis of 460 patients such a study would be less than 20% of the ICU
with moderate to severe TBI, mortality was sig- TBI population—the study would not be easy to
nificantly higher in patients treated with albumin recruit to and complete, but is essential if we are
(SAFE Study Investigators; Australian and New to have high-quality evidence to adopt or discard
Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials the use of hypothermia in this setting.
Group; Australian Red Cross Blood Service;
George Institute for International Health and
Myburgh 2007). As a consequence, albumin is no 88.5.3 RCTs on Surgical Management
longer recommended in the treatment of TBI.
Eurotherm was designed as a pivotal RCT to Four large-scale RCTs have been conducted on
demonstrate benefit of hypothermia in the treat- the surgical management of TBI with a focus on
ment of patients with severe TBI (Andrews et al. decompressive craniectomy and the surgical treat-
2015). Originally designed to recruit 1800–2000 ment of contusions—all showing a significant
patients, the protocol was later amended to a sam- effect. Jiang et al. in a study on 486 patients with
ple size of 600 patients. The trial was stopped for severe TBI who required a decompressive craniec-
safety reasons after recruitment of 387 patients tomy convincingly demonstrated that a large cra-
in 47 centers from 18 countries. Outcome as niectomy resulted in better outcome compared to
assessed by the GOSE at 6  months after injury a more limited decompression (Jiang et al. 2005).
was significantly poorer in the hypothermia The DECRA trial, however, showed that the early
group and mortality significantly higher. While use of Decompressive Craniectomy (DC) for mod-
Eurotherm allowed recruitment of patients up to est increases of ICP in patients with diffuse injuries
10 days after injury, the POLAR study (Cooper was associated with poorer outcome (Cooper et al.
et  al. 2018), which was in part conducted in 2011). In contrast, RESCUEicp (Randomized
parallel, aimed to initiate hypothermia as soon Evaluation of Surgery with Craniectomy for
as possible, preferably already in the prehospi- Uncontrollable Elevation of Intracranial Pressure)
tal phase. This study recruited 511 patients and targeted refractory severe intracranial hyperten-
found no significant effect of hypothermia. The sion (Hutchinson et  al. 2016). This trial showed
poorer outcome with hypothermia in Eurotherm a significant reduction in mortality in patients
and the absence of beneficial effects of hypother- treated with DC, but this came at the cost of a 9%
mia in POLAR have been considered reasons increase in survival with severe dependence at
for abandoning the use of hypothermia in TBI 6 months. However, at 12 months, there were 13%
by some. However, patients recruited to POLAR more survivors who were independent at home.
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research 677

The different results obtained in DECRA versus demonstrated adverse consequences of second-
RESCUEicp may be related to the different popu- ary insults (hypoxia and hypotension), and the
lations studied (in DECRA, only patients with dif- TARN (Patel et  al. 2005) showed a 2.15-fold
fuse injuries), to indications/timing (early DC in increase in the odds of death adjusted for case
DECRA vs refractory raised ICP in RESCUEicp), mix for patients with severe TBI treated in non-­
or to complications of DC performed in these dif- neurosurgical center compared to those treated at
ferent settings. RESCUEicp has highlighted that a neurosurgical center. This forms a strong argu-
long-term outcome evaluation is advisable, and ment for transferring and treating all patients with
the ethical concerns of possibly increasing severe severe head injury in a setting with 24-h neuro-
­dependence by performing a DC should motivate surgical facilities. In contrast to common belief,
taking individual wishes of patients and their rela- participation in an observational study may by
tives into consideration when considering to per- itself promote quality of care for the individual
form a DC. It should be noted that neither study patient. Sir Graham Teasdale, one of the world
addresses primary decompression in patients oper- leaders in the field of TBI, when asked if he
ated for a mass lesion. This is currently ongoing would ever personally consent to participation in
in RESCUE-ASDH. The STITCH trial (Surgical a clinical trial on TBI once answered that he cer-
Trial in Traumatic Intracerebral Haemorrhage) tainly would, but would wish to be allocated to
investigated benefits of early surgery versus an the placebo group. This reflects the understand-
initial conservative approach in patients with con- ing that patients allocated to a placebo group
tusion (Gregson et  al. 2015). Unfortunately, the within a trial may benefit from closer scrutiny
trial was stopped after inclusion of 170 patients of their clinical course and better adherence to
due to an administrative decision of the funding guidelines while not being exposed to any addi-
agency. This is regrettable as on analysis mortal- tional risk of an investigational treatment. Similar
ity in patients undergoing early surgery was sig- benefits apply to observational studies.
nificantly reduced, but no statistically significant The potential of meta-analyses across stud-
effect on the primary end point of functional out- ies was clearly demonstrated by the International
come (GOSE at 6 months) could be demonstrated Mission on Prognosis and Analysis of random-
due to the relatively low sample size. The results ized Controlled Trials in TBI (IMPACT) stud-
of and issues raised by RCTs on the surgical man- ies (Maas et  al. 2007). The IMPACT studies
agement of TBI strongly motivate future research aimed to improve the design and analyses of
to identify subgroups of patients who are most clinical trials by analyzing individual patient
likely to benefit and also those who are not likely data across eight RCTs and three observational
to benefit. studies. These studies laid the basis for standard-
ization of data collection in TBI (Common Data
Elements: https://www.commondataelements.
88.5.4 Observational Studies, developed prognostic models for
and the Potential of Individual moderate and severe TBI, and proposed recom-
Patient Data Analyses Across mendations for increasing statistical power in
Studies RCTs (Maas et  al. 2013). These recommenda-
tions included targeting of a broad population,
Much of our understanding of and care for TBI applying covariate adjustment, and using an ordi-
have come from observational studies. nal analysis rather than the traditional dichoto-
Previous observational studies include the mization of outcome. The IMPACT prognostic
Traumatic Coma Data Bank (TCDB) in the USA, models remain current and are the most widely
the Core Data Survey of the European Brain used and best validated models for predicting
Injury Consortium (Eisenberg et al. 1990; Murray outcome. Substantial differences in outcome
et al. 1999), and studies by the Trauma Audit and were demonstrated: On analyses of data from
Research Network (TARN) in the UK (http:// 9578 patients recruited in 265 centers, the risk The TCDB unequivocally of unfavorable outcome was 3.3 times higher
678 A. I. R. Maas et al.

between centers at the lower end of the outcome approaches and, when subjected to CER, iden-
range compared to those at the higher end (97.5th tification of best practices. An increased focus
versus 2.5th percentile) (Lingsma et  al. 2011). of research should be targeted to patients with
In a similar analysis of 9987 patients from the milder forms of TBI, and studies across all sever-
CRASH trial that also enrolled subjects from ities need to include elderly patients, a subgroup
LMICs, a 6.6-fold difference was found. These in which the incidence of TBI is increasing rap-
differences in outcome highlight the potential idly but is currently seldom included in clinical
for comparative effectiveness research in large- studies. Research on TBI should be stimulated
scale observational studies. Observational stud- in LMICs to address specific aspects of manage-
ies, however, have suffered from a relative lack of ment in these settings.
funding as reviewers for grant applications often TBI is a global disease that requires global
demand hypothesis-driven research. Recognition efforts to prevent its occurrence in the general
of the relevance of observational studies has sub- population and to improve outcome for patients.
stantially increased over the past 5  years and is TBI has a rich history of academic collaborations,
embodied by the formal establishment of InTBIR and existing networks should be strengthened
(International Initiative for Traumatic Brain and new networks developed. This will require
Injury Research: as collabo- commitment from governmental and nongovern-
ration of funding agencies. Over 11 large-scale mental funding agencies, which currently only
studies are currently being conducted under the have few mechanisms to support TBI research on
umbrella of InTBIR.  The largest are CENTER-­ a global basis.
TBI (Collaborative European NeuroTrauma
Effectiveness Research in TBI: www.Center-tbi.
eu) and CREACTIVE (Collaborative Research 88.7 Summary
on Acute Traumatic brain Injury in intensive
care medicine) in Europe and TRACK-TBI This chapter aimed to summarize past, pres-
(Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge ent, and future research in TBI.  It is clear that
in Traumatic Brain Injury) and ADAPT there have never been better tools available to
(Approaches and Decisions in Acute Pediatric study the complexity of TBI than those exist-
TBI Trial) in the USA. Overall, the InTBIR stud- ing today. With rapidly developing methodology
ies will likely include over 40,000 patients with for neuroimaging, monitoring, pharmacology,
TBI of all severities, many of whom will pro- and big data analysis, the use of large observa-
vide data on genomics, biomarkers, and imaging tional studies will expand our knowledge of the
to facilitate precision medicine approaches for pathobiology of TBI.  To enable the translation
TBI.  The concept of large-scale observational of therapies to clinical benefit, refined animal
studies combined with CER has attracted global models are needed. The rodent models should
interest, and projects are evolving in Australia, be used to dissect pathogenic mechanisms and to
China, and India. screen for novel therapeutic options. It is likely
that higher-­order species, particularly the pig/
piglet models, should be used more extensively
88.6 T
 he Future of Clinical prior to embarking on large-scale clinical stud-
Research in TBI ies. In addition, improved translational efforts
are being evaluated where experimental medi-
While RCTs will remain a major pillar for dem- cine will play an important role. Here, small but
onstrating effectiveness of specific interven- extensively characterized cohorts of patients will
tions and management strategies for TBI, we be studied using detailed monitoring that will
anticipate an increased focus on high-quality include tissue, biomarker, and imaging analysis.
prospective observational studies, which have a Although RCTs are considered the gold stan-
large potential for developing precision medicine dard, challenges are posed by the heterogeneity
88  Current State of the Art in Neurotrauma Research 679

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A Blood samples, 129–132

ABCDE principles, 95 BNZ, see Benzodiazepine
Acceleration, 25–31 Brain death, 145, 148, 150
Acid-base status, 377, 378 Brain injuries, 575
Acute neurosurgery, 219 Brain metabolism, 450
Acute phase complications, 183 Brain oedema, 430
Acute/adult respiratory distress syndrome Brainstem damage, 323, 324
(ARDS), 359, 360, 362, 368, 370, 371, 451 Brainstem herniation, 146–148, 150
Acute subdural haematoma, 221 Brain stem injury, 629–634
Aged, 15–17 Brain tissue oxygen, 195–197
Agitation, 537–542 Brain tissue oxygen monitoring, 279–281
Air, 86–87
Albumin, 453–458
α2-agonists, 463, 464 C
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 637–641 Cardiac output, 358, 360, 362, 365
Ambulance, 83, 87 Catheter related bloodstream infections (CRBSI), 485, 488
Amyloid-beta (Aβ), 637 CBF, see Cerebral blood flow
Anaemia, 364 CDIs, see Clostridium difficile infections
Anaesthesia, 233–238, 239–243, 245–251 cEEG, see Continuous EEG
Analgesics, 233–237 Central nervous system (CNS) infection, 473–481
Anesthetics, 233–237 Cerebral autoregulation, 313–314
Aneurysm, 191–194 Cerebral biomarkers, 346
Angiography, 207, 331, 332, 338 Cerebral blood flow (CBF), 196, 197, 297–305, 309,
Animal models, 660–664, 678 313–316, 320, 321
Antipsychotic medication, 537, 540, 541 Cerebral edema, 36, 43–44
ARDS, see Acute/adult respiratory distress syndrome Cerebral injury, 346
Arterial pressure, 407 Cerebral metabolic rate (CMR), 297–305
Arteriovenous oxygen content difference (AVDO2), 291 Cerebral microdialysis, 650, 654
Artificial ventilation, 434, 435 Cerebral oximetry, 319–321
Assessment, 605–607, 610 Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), 267, 268, 272, 273,
Axonal injury, 37, 40, 41, 45–46 275, 358, 363, 367–371, 373, 403, 404, 407
Cerebral regional oxygen saturation (rSO2), 320
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) infection, 473–481
B Cerebrovascular trauma, 331, 338–339
Baclofen, 503–507 Cervical collar, 207, 208
Barbiturates, 461–463 Cervical CT-scan, 123, 125
Behavioral symptoms, 577 Cervical fracture, 127
Benzodiazepine (BNZ), 537, 539–542 Cervical fracture-dislocation, 127
Biomarkers, 650–655 Cervical MRI-scan, 123, 126
Biomechanic, 25–31 Cervical spine, 207–208
Blast, 109–112 Cervical spine injury, 105–107
Blood glucose, 470, 471 Challenging behavior, 582, 584
Blood pressure, 69, 70, 72–73, 239–242, 358, 360, 363, Check list, 77
366, 373, 449–451 Child/children, 21–23, 358, 363, 367, 369, 373

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 685

T. Sundstrøm et al. (eds.), Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury,
686 Index

Child abuse, 22 Electrolytes, 129–132, 453–459

Chronic diseases, 16, 17 Elevated ICP, 250
Chronic headache, 613, 615 Enteral nutrition, 467–469
Clinical assessment, 61–64, 255–258 Entrapment, 205
Clinical care, 10–11 Epidemiology, 4, 6
Clinical trials, 409–412, 414–417 Epidural, 163–167, 169, 170
Closed fracture, 187, 190 Epidural haematoma, 221
Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs), 486, 489–490 Epilepsy, 498, 499
CMR, see Cerebral metabolic rate Epileptic seizure, 327
CNS infection, see Central nervous system infection Erythrocyte transfusion, 454–456
Coagulation, 131, 515–517, 519–523, 525 Ethics in ICU, 153, 154
Cognition, 613, 614, 616–618 External ventricular drainage (EVD), 196, 199–200
Cognitive function, 323 Extracerebral haematoma, 219–221
Cognitive rehabilitation, 547, 552, 553, 581 Extracranial injury, 425–427
Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness
Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI), 669, 678
Communicating with relatives, 153 F
Communication, 77, 153–155 Facial fracture, 203–205
Comorbidity, 16 Fatigue, 569, 571–572
Computerized data acquisition, 648 Fistula, 193
Consciousness, 255, 256 Focal injury, 40
Continuity in care, 588 Follow-up, 557–560
Continuous EEG (cEEG), 498–500 Fracture, 187–190
Contusion, 164, 167–170 Frailty, 16, 17
Cooling techniques, 494 Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR), 52, 54, 56
Corticosteroids, 149–150, 409, 411–412, 414, 495,
Costs, 623–626 G
CPP, see Cerebral perfusion pressure GCS, see Glasgow Coma Scale
Craniectomy, 159, 161 General surgeon, 221, 222
Craniocerebral trauma, 333 GFR, see Glomerular filtration rate
Cranioplasty (CP), 591, 592, 594–599 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), 51–58, 61–64, 69–72, 74
complications, 594, 595, 597–599 Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 377, 378
materials, 595, 596, 598, 599 Glucocorticoid, 386–388
Craniotomy, 159–161 Glucose, 129–131, 283–286, 289
Creatinine, 377, 378 Growth hormone deficiency, 386, 388
Critical information, 77 Guidelines, 51, 53, 56–58
Crystalloids, 453–459 Gunshot wound, 174
CSF-drainage, 429–431
CSF infection, see Cerebrospinal fluid infection
CSF leakage, 187–189 H
c-spine, 208 Haematoma, 159–161, 163–171
CT, 207, 208 HAP, see Hospital acquired pneumonia
Headache, 570–571
Head CT-scan, 115
D Head trauma imaging, 115–122
Damage control, 425 Heparin, 510–512
Debridement, 212, 213 Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP), 485–488
Deceleration, 37 Hyperglycemia, 533–535
Decompression, 160 Hyperoxia, 358, 359, 361, 368
Decompressive craniectomy, 177–184, 421–423 Hypertonic saline, 437, 438, 440–443
Denver criteria, 192 Hyperventilation, 358, 359, 371
Diabetes insipidus, 382 Hypoadrenalism, 381, 382, 386, 387
Diffuse injury, 40 Hypogonadism, 386
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 633, 634 Hypopituitarism, 381–388, 570
Disrupted BBB, 403, 406 Hypothyroidism, 386

Echocardiography, 361, 365 ICP, see Intracranial pressure
Education of staff, 581, 582, 585–586 ICU, see Intensive care unit
Index 687

IED, see Improvised explosive device Mitochondrial dysfunction, 283, 284, 286–287
Improvised explosive device (IED), 109–111 Moderate, 53, 56
Incidence, 3–6 Monitoring, 195–201, 241, 267, 269–272, 275, 283–289,
Information, 154, 155 291, 292, 299, 300
Injury Severity Score (ISS), 61, 64 Mood disorders, 576, 577
Inotropics, 234, 237 Morbidity, 566
In-patient rehabilitation, 550–553 Mortality, 3–6, 566
Intensive care unit (ICU), 485–489 MRI, see Magnetic resonance imaging
International Initiative for Traumatic Brain Injury Multimodal, 196
Research (InTBIr), 678 Multimodality monitoring, 647, 648, 650
Intracerebral, 164, 169–170 Multimodal monitoring, 279, 498
Intracerebral hematoma, 319, 321 Multitrauma, 225–228, 425, 426
Intracranial dynamics, 647, 649, 650 Muscular relaxation, 236–237
Intracranial pressure (ICP), 195–201, 267–276, 309, 315,
316, 429–431, 449–451
Intubation, 70–72 N
Ischemia, 283, 284, 286–287 NAI, see Non-accidental injuries
Neurocritical care, 259, 260
Neurodegeneration, 637–641
J Neuroimaging, 331–340
Jugular bulb measurement, 291–295 Neurointensive care, 421–423, 647–655
Neurological status, 255
Neuroprotection, 409–417
K Neuropsychiatry, 538
Ketamines, 461–463 Neuropsychological assessments, 581–583, 588
Kidney failure, 378 Neuropsychological perspectives, 581–588
Kinematics, 25–29 Nitrogen, 503, 506
Non-accidental injuries (NAI), 121–122
Non-convulsive seizure, 327, 328
L Non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE), 327–329
Laceration, 211, 213–215 Non-technical skills, 153, 155
Lactate, 283–287, 289 Normoventilation preferred, 435
Leukocyte-depletion, 454, 455 Normovolaemia, 403, 404, 406, 407, 453,
Lindegaard index, 309, 314–315 455, 457, 458
Linear, 25–31 Nutrition, 503
LMWH, see Low molecular weight heparin
Local hospital, 219–222
Long-term outcome, 565, 566 O
Lost life years, 624 Occlusion, 193, 194
Low- and middle-income countries, 9–12 Oedema, 421, 423
Low molecular weight heparin Oncotic pressure, 404, 406
(LMWH), 509–512 Open, 175
Open fracture, 187, 188
Operative technique, 180–183
M Opioids, 462–464
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 331, 332, 335–338, Organ donation, 145, 146, 148
340, 629–634 Organ donor, 145–150
Mannitol, 437–443 Osmotherapy, 250
Mass casualty incident (MCI), 101–103 Outcome, 582, 586–588, 613–619
Maxillofacial fracture, 203–205 Out-patient rehabilitation, 551–553
MCI, see Mass casualty incident Overfeeding, 468
Mechanism, 109–112 Oxygenation, 69–74, 239, 240
Medical imaging, 115–127
Medication, 510, 512
Meningitis, 473, 476, 479, 480 P
Mental disorders, 575–578 Paediatric, 21–23, 613–619
Metabolism, 506 Pain, 570–571
Microdialysis, 195–198, 200, 283–289 Parenteral nutrition, 467–469
Midazolam, 462–463 Parkinson’s disease, 637–639
Mild, 52–57 Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity, 503–507, 570
Minimally conscious state, 605–610 Pathophysiology, 35–48
688 Index

PbtO2, 279–281 Secondary brain injury, 225–228, 359, 360, 363,

Pediatric, 358, 363, 367, 369, 373 368, 372
PEEP, see Positive end-expiratory pressure Secondary surgery, 421
Penetrating, 173–175 Sedation, 259–263
Penumbra zone, 495 Seizure prophylaxis, 499, 500
Perioperative, 235, 245, 246, 248, 249 Seizures, 497–500
Pharmacological reduction of fever, 495 Severe, 51–53, 55–58, 63, 64, 84, 85
Pharmacology, 416 Severe head injury, 366
Physiology, 246 Severe head trauma, 360
Pituitary, 381–388 Severe TBI, 35–48, 395–400, 500, 581, 582, 585–587
Poor outcome, 136–139 Severity, 51–57
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), 248–249 Shrapnel, 174
Post-traumatic, 575, 577–578 Sinus injury, 193, 194
Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE), 613, 615 SJVO2, 291–295
Post-traumatic fistulae, 591, 593–594 Skull base, 187–189
Post-traumatic hydrocephalus (PTH), 591, 593 Sleep disorders, 571–572
Post-traumatic seizures, 570 Social function, 614, 616, 618
Predicting outcome, 136–139 Social support, 559–560
Predictors, 613–618 Socioeconomic, 623–626
Prehospital, 77, 84, 87 Soft-tissue injury, 211–216
Prevalence, 3, 4, 6 Somato-sensory evoked potentials
Prevention, 22–23, 25–31 (SSEPs), 323–325
Primary survey, 96 SOT, see Syndrome of the trephined
Priority, 425, 426 Spinal cord injury (SCI), 105–107
Productivity, 624, 625 SSEPs, see Somato-sensory evoked potentials
Prognosis, 135–140, 323, 325 Stress disorders, 575, 577–578
Prognostication, 135, 136, 138, 139 Subacute surgery, 421–423
Prolonged disorder of consciousness, 606, 607 Subdural, 163–165, 167–171
Prophylaxis venous thromboembolism, 509–512 Syndrome of the trephined (SOT), 591–592, 598
Propofol, 461–464
Protein biomarkers, 343–352
Psychiatric, 537–543 T
Psychosocial support, 559–560 TAI, see Traumatic axonal injury
Psychotherapy, 576–578 Tau, 637–641
Psychotropic drugs, 575–577 TBI, see Traumatic brain injury
Pulmonary embolism (PE), 510, 511 TBI management, 280
Pyruvate, 283–287, 289 Telerehabilitation, 554
Temperature, 195, 201
Thrombocyte dysfunction, 517
R Thromboembolic complications, 516, 522, 524–525
Randomized controlled trial (RCT), 659, 660, 662, 663, Transcapillary fluid exchange, 404, 406
669, 670, 676–678 Transfer, 83, 84, 86, 87
Reaction Level Scale (RLS), 51, 52, 54, 55, 62 Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in
Rebound effect, 438, 439, 442, 443 Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI), 678
Rehabilitation, 547–554, 557–560, 605, 607, 609, 610 Translational research, 660, 663–668
Renal function, 377, 378 Transportation, 83–87
Research infrastructure, 647–655 Trauma center, 91–93
Resources, 10, 11 Trauma patient evaluation, 95
Reverse Trendelenburg position (rTP), 246, 248–250 Trauma protocol, 95–98
Risks, 509–512 Trauma team, 77–80, 91–93
RLS, see Reaction Level Scale concept, 91–93
Rotational, 25–30 leader, 91, 92
rTP, see Reverse Trendelenburg position Traumatic, 575, 578
Traumatic axonal injury (TAI), 629–634
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 51, 61–64, 69–73, 84,
S 109–112, 226, 259–263, 323–325, 358–373,
Safety, 510–512 409–417, 425–427, 486, 493–495, 505, 506,
Scalp injury, 212, 213 509–512, 565, 566, 613–619, 637–641,
Scar, 213–216 659–679
SCI, see Spinal cord injury Traumatic spine injury, 105, 106
Index 689

Treatment, 605, 607–609 Venous thromboembolism (VTE), 509–512

Treatment withdrawal, 135–140 Ventilation, 239, 241, 242, 246
Triage, 64, 101, 102, 225, 425 Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), 485–489
Ventilator induced lung injury (VILI), 360, 362, 366
Ventriculostomy-related infection (VRI), 473–480
U Vessel injury, 191–194
Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS), 606, 607 VILI, see Ventilator induced lung injury
Urinary output, 377, 378 Virtual reality, 553–554
Vital functions, 78, 79
Volume control preferred, 434
V VRI, see Ventriculostomy-related infection
VAP, see Ventilator associated pneumonia VTE, see Venous thromboembolism
Various guidelines, 397, 399
Vascular injuries imaging, 120
Vasospasm, 309, 314–316 W
Vault, 187–188, 190 Wake-up test, 259–263
Vegetative state, 605–610 Waveform analysis, 273–275
Venous saturation, 364–365 White blowout fracture, 203–205

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