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12th IFAC/IEEE Workshop on Discrete Event Systems

Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

On Relative Observability of Timed

Discrete-Event Systems
Kai Cai ∗ Renyuan Zhang ∗∗ W.M. Wonham ∗∗∗

Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University, Japan. This work was
supported in part by Program to Disseminate Tenure Tracking System,
MEXT, Japan. kai.cai@ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp.
Department of Traffic and Control Engineering, Northwestern
Polytechnical University, China. ryzhang@nwpu.edu.cn.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Toronto, Canada. This work was supported in part by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Grant no. 7399.

Abstract: We study new observability concepts in supervisory control of timed discrete-event

systems (DES) under partial observation. Known concepts in the literature are timed observ-
ability and weak observability; neither, however, is closed under set union, and consequently
the supremal (weak) observable sublanguage of a given language need not exist in general. In
the first part of this paper, we extend our previous work on relative observability to timed
DES: a fixed, ambient language is given, relative to which timed observability is tested. Relative
observability is stronger than timed observability, weaker than normality, and closed under set
union. An algorithm is presented for computing the supremal relatively observable sublanguage
of a given language. In the second part, we identify relative weak observability by exploiting
forcible events to preempt the clock event tick. Relative weak observability is stronger than
weak observability, weaker than normality, and closed under set union; we present an algorithm
for computing the supremal relatively weakly observable sublanguage of a given language.

Keywords: Timed supervisory control, partial observation, relative observability, relative weak
observability, timed discrete-event systems

1. INTRODUCTION need not exist the supremal weakly observable sublan-

guage of a given language.
Recently we introduced the new concept of relative observ- In this paper, we introduce relative observability and
ability (Cai et al. (2013)) in supervisory control of discrete- relative weak observability for timed supervisory control,
event systems (DES) under partial observation. Relative extending respectively Lin and Wonham (1995) and Takai
observability is stronger than observability, weaker than and Ushio (2006). First, we introduce timed relative ob-
normality, and preserved under set union; hence there servability, and prove that it is stronger than timed ob-
exists the supremal relatively observable sublanguage of servability, weaker than normality, and closed under set
a given language. In this paper, we study relative observ- union. An algorithm is presented for computing the supre-
ability of timed DES in the Brandin-Wonham framework mal relatively observable (and controllable, Lm (G)-closed)
(Brandin and Wonham (1994); Wonham (2013)). sublanguage of a given language. Second, we introduce
relative weak observability, and prove that it is stronger
Observability is a familiar concept in untimed supervi- than weak observability, weaker than normality, and closed
sory control under partial observation: Lin and Wonham under set union. We present an algorithm for computing
(1988), Cieslak et al. (1988). This concept was extended the supremal relatively weakly observable sublanguage of a
(Lin and Wonham (1995)) to timed supervisory control in given language. The concepts proposed and the relations
the Brandin-Wonham framework. Like its untimed coun- proved, together with those of Lin and Wonham (1995)
terpart, timed observability is not preserved under set and Takai and Ushio (2006), are summarized in Fig. 1.
union; consequently, the supremal observable sublanguage
of a given language need not exist in general. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we review the basics of the Brandin-Wonham timed su-
Timed observability was further studied in Takai and pervisory control framework. Section 3 introduces timed
Ushio (2006), where the concept of weak observability relative observability and investigates its properties; an
was proposed for a distinct class of timed supervisors. In algorithm is presented to compute the supremal relative
particular, the observability requirement for the special observable sublanguage. Section 4 introduces relative weak
event tick is relaxed by exploiting choices of forcible events observability and studies its properties and computational
(formal definitions are given below). Weak observability, issue. Finally in Section 5 we state our conclusions.
however, is also not preserved under set union, and there

978-3-902823-61-8/2014 © IFAC 208 10.3182/20140514-3-FR-4046.00005

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

normality {Tσ |σ ∈ Σact } is the set of marker states. Starting from
q0 , TDES G executes state transitions in accordance with
its transition function δ. Let q = (a, {tα |α ∈ Σact }) ∈ Q
relative observability relative weak observability and σ ∈ Σact ; δ is defined at (q, σ), written δ(q, σ)!, if δact
of Gact is defined at (a, σ) (i.e. δact (a, σ)!) and timer tσ
satisfies (i) 0 ≤ tσ ≤ uσ − lσ when σ ∈ Σspe , and (ii)
tσ = 0 when σ ∈ Σrem . The new state q 0 = δ(q, σ) is given
observability weak observability by q 0 = (δact (a, σ), {t0α |α ∈ Σact }), where t0σ is set to be
(Lin and Wonham, 1995) (Takai and Ushio, 2006) its default value tσ0 as in (2); for other timers tα , α 6= σ,
the reader is referred to detailed updating rules given in
Fig. 1. Observability concepts and their relations in super- Brandin and Wonham (1994); Wonham (2013),Chapter 9.
visory control of timed DES under partial observation. On the other hand, δ(q, tick)! if no timer of a prospective
event is zero, and q 0 = δ(q, tick) = (a, {t0α |α ∈ Σact }), i.e.
2. PRELIMINARIES ON TIMED DES there is no change in the activity component a of q, while
the rules for updating timers are again referred to Brandin
This section reviews the timed DES (TDES) model pro- and Wonham (1994); Wonham (2013),Chapter 9.
posed by Brandin and Wonham (Brandin and Wonham Let Σ∗ be the set of all finite strings of elements in Σ =
(1994); Wonham (2013),Chapter 9). First consider the ˙
Σact ∪{tick}, including the empty string ². We introduce
untimed DES model the languages generated by TDES G in (4). The transition
Gact = (A, Σact , δact , a0 , Am ). (1) function δ is extended to δ : Q × Σ∗ → Q in the usual way.
Here A is the finite set of activities, Σact is the finite set The closed behavior of G is the language L(G) := {s ∈
of events, δact : A × Σact → A is the (partial) activity Σ∗ |δ(q0 , s)!}, and the marked behavior is Lm (G) := {s ∈
transition function, a0 ∈ A is the initial activity, and L(G)|δ(q0 , s) ∈ Qm }. Let K ⊆ Σ∗ be a language; its prefix
Am ⊆ A is the set of marker activities. Let N denote closure is K := {s ∈ Σ∗ |(∃t ∈ Σ∗ )st ∈ K}. We say K is
the natural numbers {0, 1, 2, ...}. We introduce time into Lm (G)-closed if
Gact by assigning to each event σ ∈ Σact a lower time K ∩ Lm (G) = K. (5)
bound lσ ∈ N and an upper time bound uσ ∈ N ∪ {∞},
such that lσ ≤ uσ ; typically, lσ represents a delay in TDES G is nonblocking if Lm (G) = L(G).
communication or in control enforcement, while uσ is often To use TDES G in (4) for supervisory control, it is neces-
a hard deadline imposed by legal specification or physical sary to specify certain transitions that can be controlled
necessity. With these assigned time bounds, the event set by an external supervisor. First, as in the untimed theory
˙ rem (∪˙
Σact is partitioned into two subsets: Σact = Σspe ∪Σ Wonham (2013), we need a subset of events that may be
denotes disjoint union) with Σspe := {σ ∈ Σact |uσ ∈ N} disabled. Since disabling an event usually requires prevent-
and Σrem := {σ ∈ Σact |uσ = ∞}; here “spe” denotes ing that event indefinitely from occurring, only remote
“prospective”, i.e. σ will occur within some prospective events belong to this category. Thus let a new subset
time (with a finite upper bound), while “rem” denotes Σhib ⊆ Σrem denote the prohibitible events; the supervisor
“remote”, i.e. σ will occur at some indefinite time (with is allowed to disable any prohibitible event. Next, and
no upper bound), or possibly will never occur at all. specific to TDES, we bring in another category of events
A distinguished event, written tick, is introduced which which can preempt event tick. Note that tick may not be
represents “tick of the global clock”. Attach to each event disabled, inasmuch as no control technology can stop the
σ ∈ Σact a (countdown) timer tσ ∈ N, whose default value global clock indefinitely. On this basis let a new subset
tσ0 is set to be Σf or ⊆ Σact denote the forcible events; a forcible event
½ is one that preempts event tick: if, at a state q of G,
uσ if σ ∈ Σspe ,
tσ0 := (2) tick is defined and so are one or more forcible events,
lσ if σ ∈ Σrem .
then tick can be effectively erased from the current list
When timer tσ > 0, it decreases by 1 (counting down) if of defined events (contrast with indefinite erasure). There
event tick occurs; and when tσ = 0, event σ must occur is no particular relation postulated a priori between Σf or
(resp. may occur) if σ ∈ Σspe (resp. if σ ∈ Σrem ). Note and any of Σhib , Σrem or Σspe ; in particular, a remote event
that while tick is a global event, each timer tσ is local may be both forcible and prohibitible. It is now convenient
(with respect to σ). Also define the (integer) timer interval to define the controllable event set Σc := Σhib ∪˙ {tick}.
Tσ by ½ Here designating both Σhib and tick controllable is to
[0, uσ ] if σ ∈ Σspe , simplify terminology. We emphasize that events in Σhib
Tσ := (3)
[0, lσ ] if σ ∈ Σrem . can be disabled indefinitely, while tick may be preempted
only by events in Σf or . The uncontrollable event set Σu is
Based on (1)-(3), the TDES model G is given by Σu := Σ − Σc = Σspe ∪(Σ˙ rem − Σhib ).
G := (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , Qm ), (4) We introduce the notion of controllability as follows. Let
where Q := A × {Tσ |σ ∈ Σact } ( denotes Cartesian K ⊆ L(G) and s ∈ K; define the eligible event subset
product) is the finite set of states, a state q ∈ Q being of
EK (s) := {σ ∈ Σ|sσ ∈ K}. (6)
the form q = (a, {tσ |σ ∈ Σact }) (i.e. a (1 + |Σact |)-tuple);
Σ := Σact ∪{tick} is the finite set of events; δ : Q × Σ → Q We say K is controllable wrt. G in (4) if, for all s ∈ K,
is the (partial) state transition function; q0 = (a0 , {tσ0 |σ ∈
Σact }) (tσ0 as in (2)) is the initial state; and Qm ⊆ Am ×

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

 E ˙
(s) ∩ (Σu ∪{tick}) admissible supervisor V such that Lm (V /G) = K if and
 L(G)
if EK (s) ∩ Σf or = ∅, only if
EK (s) ⊇ (7)
 EL(G) (s) ∩ Σu
 (i) K is observable (in (9));
if EK (s) ∩ Σf or 6= ∅.
Thus K controllable means that an event σ is eligible (ii) K is controllable (in (7));
to occur in K if (i) σ is currently eligible in L(G), and (iii) K is Lm (G)-closed (in (5)).
(ii) either σ is uncontrollable or σ = tick when there is
no forcible event currently eligible in K. Controllability While controllability and Lm (G)-closedness are properties
plays the central role in the TDES supervisory control closed under set union, observability is not; consequently
framework developed in Brandin and Wonham (1994) for the supremal sublanguage that satisfies the above three
the case of full-event observation. conditions (or the optimal supervisor) need not exist in
general. This problem motivates us to propose the concept
3. SUPERVISORY CONTROL OF TDES WITH of relative observability, which is closed under set union.
3.2 Relative Observability of TDES
The Brandin-Wonham TDES framework has been ex-
tended to the partial-event observation case by Lin and Fixing a sublanguage C ⊆ Lm (G), we introduce relative
Wonham (1995), where the concepts of observability and observability which sets C ⊆ L(G) to be the ambient
normality of TDES were introduced. This work is first language in which observability is tested.
reviewed. Then we introduce relative observability, which Definition 2. Let K ⊆ C ⊆ Lm (G). We say K is relatively
is weaker than normality, stronger than observability, and observable with respect to C, G, and P , or simply C-
closed under set union. Computation of the supremal rel- observable, if for every pair of strings s, s0 ∈ Σ∗ with
atively observable (and controllable, Lm (G)-closed) sub- P s = P s0 there holds
language of a given language will be discussed.
(∀σ ∈ Σc ) sσ ∈ K, s0 ∈ C, s0 σ ∈ L(G) ⇒ s0 σ ∈ K (10)
3.1 Lin and Wonham’s Result ˙
where Σc = Σhib ∪{tick}.

Let Σo ⊆ Σ be a subset of observable events. Define the Relative observability was first proposed in Cai et al.
natural projection P : Σ∗ → Σ∗o according to (2013) for untimed DES. For TDES here, we extend the
concept by accounting for the event tick which may be
P (²) = ², ² is the empty string; preempted only by a forcible event, in contrast with direct
², if σ ∈
/ Σo , disablement of prohibitible events.
P (σ) = (8)
σ, if σ ∈ Σo ;
If C1 ⊆ C2 ⊆ L(G) are two ambient languages, it follows
P (sσ) = P (s)P (σ), s ∈ Σ∗ , σ ∈ Σ. easily from Definition 2 that C2 -observability implies C1 -
As usual, P is extended to P : P wr(Σ∗ ) → P wr(Σ∗o ), observability. Namely, the smaller the ambient language,
where P wr(·) denotes powerset. Write P −1 : P wr(Σ∗o ) → the weaker the relative observability. In the special case
P wr(Σ∗ ) for the inverse-image function of P . where the ambient C = K, Definition 2 becomes standard
observability (Lin and Wonham (1995)) for the given K.
A supervisor V under partial observation is any map This immediately implies the following.
V : P L(G) → P wr(Σ). Denote by V /G the closed-loop
system where G is under the supervision of V ; then the Proposition 3. If K ⊆ C is C-observable, then K is also
closed language L(V /G) ⊆ L(G) is defined inductively observable.
according to
The reverse statement need not be true (Cai et al. (2013)).
(i) ² ∈ L(V /G); An important way in which relative observability differs
from observability is the exploitation of a fixed ambient
(ii) s ∈ L(V /G), σ ∈ V (P s), sσ ∈ L(G) ⇒ sσ ∈ L(V /G). C ⊆ L(G). Let Ki ⊆ C, i = 1, 2. For (standard)
The marked language Lm (V /G) of V /G is defined by observability of each Ki , one checks lookalike string pairs
Lm (V /G) := L(V /G) ∩ Lm (G). only in Ki , ignoring all candidates permitted by the other
language. Observability of Ki is in this sense ‘myopic’, and
A supervisor V is nonblocking if Lm (V /G) = L(V /G), consequently, both Ki being observable need not imply
and admissible if for each s ∈ L(V /G), that their union K1 ∪ K2 is observable. The fixed ambient
language C, by contrast, provides a ‘global reference’:
(i) Σu ⊆ V (P s);
no matter which Ki one checks for relative observability,
(ii) EL(G) (s) ∩ V (P s) ∩ Σf or = ∅ & tick ∈ EL(G) (s) ⇒ all lookalike string pairs in C must be considered. This
tick ∈ V (P s). more stringent requirement renders relative observability
algebraically well-behaved: an arbitrary union of relatively
Let K ⊆ Lm (G), and recall Σc = Σhib ∪{tick}. We say K observable languages is again relatively observable.
is observable (wrt. G and P ) if for every pair of strings
s, s0 ∈ Σ∗ with P s = P s0 there holds Proposition 4. Let Ki ⊆ S C, i ∈ I (some index set), be C-
observable. Then K = {Ki | i ∈ I} is also C-observable.
(∀σ ∈ Σc )sσ ∈ K, s0 ∈ K, s0 σ ∈ L(G) ⇒ s0 σ ∈ K. (9)
Theorem 1. (Lin and Wonham (1995)) Let K ⊆ Lm (G) A proof is in Cai et al. (2013) (identical to the untimed
be a nonempty language. There exists a nonblocking, case). Whether or not K ⊆ C is C-observable, write

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

O(K, C) := {K 0 ⊆ K | K 0 is C-observable} (11) to solve a partial-observation supervisory control problem

of a Guideway example.
for the family of C-observable sublanguages of K. Note
that the empty language ∅ is trivially C-observable, thus a 4. NEW SUPERVISORY CONTROL OF TDES WITH
member of O(K, C). By Proposition 4, moreover, O(K, C) PARTIAL OBSERVATION
has a unique supremal element supO(K, C) given by
supO(K, C) := {K 0 | K 0 ∈ O(K, C)}. (12) A new type of supervisory control for TDES was proposed
by Takai and Ushio (2006), and a weak observability
This is the supremal C-observable sublanguage of K. An condition derived for the case of partial observation. This
algorithm that computes supO(K, C) was presented in Cai work is first reviewed. Then we introduce relative weak
et al. (2013). observability, which is stronger than weak observability
Finally, we show that relative observability is weaker than but closed under set union. Computation of the supremal
normality of TDES (Lin and Wonham (1995)), a property relatively weakly observable (and controllable, Lm (G)-
that is also preserved by set unions. A sublanguage K ⊆ C closed) sublanguage of a given language will be discussed.
is (L(G), P )-normal if
4.1 Takai and Ushio’s Result
K = P −1 P K ∩ L(G). (13)
This implies that no string in K may exit K via an Again let Σo ⊆ Σ be a subset of observable events, and
unobservable transition. Thus normality excludes, when P : Σ∗ → Σ∗o be the natural projection. A supervisor
control is present, the disablement of unobservable, pro- V under partial observation is any map V : P L(G) →
hibitible events, or the preemption of tick in case tick P wr(Σact ) × P wr(Σf or ) such that for each t ∈ P L(G),
is unobservable. Relative observability, by contrast, does V (t) = (V1 (t), V2 (t)) satisfies the following two conditions:
not impose this restriction, i.e. one may exercise disable- (i) Σu ⊆ V1 (t);
ment/preemption over unobservable events.
Proposition 5. If K ⊆ C is (L(G), P )-normal, then K is (ii) V2 (t) ⊆ V1 (t) ∩ Σf or .
C-observable. Here V1 (t) is the set of events in Σact to be enabled, which
must always include the uncontrollable subset Σu ; V2 (t)
3.3 Algorithm is the set of events in Σf or to be forced to occur, which
must be enabled by V1 . The closed language L(V /G) of the
Let K ⊆ Lm (G) be a nonempty specification lan- closed-loop system V /G is defined inductively according to
guage. Since K-observability, controllability, and Lm (G)-
closedness are all closed under set union, there exists a (i) ² ∈ L(V /G);
unique supremal sublanguage of K that satisfies these (ii) s ∈ L(V /G), σ ∈ Σact ∩ V1 (P s), sσ ∈ L(G) ⇒ sσ ∈
three properties. Denote this supremal sublanguage by L(V /G);
K ↑ ; by Proposition 3, K ↑ is observable, controllable,
and Lm (G)-closed. Therefore, by Theorem 1, there ex- (iii) s ∈ L(V /G), EL(G) (s) ∩ V2 (P s) = ∅, s.tick ∈ L(G) ⇒
ists a nonblocking, admissible supervisor V such that s.tick ∈ L(V /G).
Lm (V /G) = K ↑ .
The marked language Lm (V /G) of V /G is defined by
Now we present an algorithm to compute K ↑ . Let G and Lm (V /G) := L(V /G) ∩ Lm (G).
K be finite-state (trim) TDES (as in (4)) with marked
languages Lm (G) and K, respectively. A supervisor V is nonblocking if Lm (V /G) = L(V /G).
Algorithm 1: Input G, K, and P : Σ∗ → Σ∗o . Let K ⊆ Lm (G). We say K is weakly observable (wrt. G
and P ) if the following two conditions hold:
1. Set K0 = K.
(1) K is observable with respect to Σhib , i.e. for every pair
2. For i ≥ 0, apply the algorithm in Wonham and Ramadge of strings s, s0 ∈ Σ∗ with P s = P s0 there holds
(1987) with inputs G and Ki to obtain Hi such that
(∀σ ∈ Σhib ) sσ ∈ K, s0 ∈ K, s0 σ ∈ L(G) ⇒ s0 σ ∈ K.
Lm (Hi ) is the supremal controllable and Lm (G)-closed
sublanguage of Lm (Ki ).
(2) For each t ∈ P (K), there exists a subset
3. Apply the algorithm in Cai et al. (2013) with inputs G,  
Hi , and P : Σ∗ → Σ∗o to obtain Ki+1 such that Lm (Ki+1 ) [
F (t) ⊆  EK (s) ∩ Σf or
is the supremal K-observable sublanguage of Lm (Hi ). If
s∈K∩P −1 (t)
Ki+1 = Ki , then output K↑ = Ki+1 . Otherwise, advance
i to i + 1 and go to Step 2. such that for each s ∈ K ∩ P −1 (t) with tick ∈ EL(G) (s)
there holds
Algorithm 1 terminates in finite steps, inasmuch as both
algorithms used in Steps 2 and 3 remove states and/or tick ∈ EK (s) ⇔ EL(G) (s) ∩ F (t) = ∅. (14)
transitions from K. The complexity of Algorithm 1 is
Weak observability is identical to observability with re-
exponential in the state size of K, because the algorithm
spect to Σhib , but exploits choices of forcible events to
in Cai et al. (2013) is of this complexity.
address preemption of the event tick. It was shown (Takai
For an illustrative example of Algorithm 1, the reader is and Ushio (2006)) that if K is observable and controllable,
referred to Cai et al. (2014), where Algorithm 1 is applied then it is weakly observable.

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

Theorem 6. (Takai and Ushio (2006)) Let K ⊆ Lm (G) (1) K is C-observable with respect to Σhib , i.e. for every
be a nonempty language. There exists a nonblocking pair of strings s, s0 ∈ Σ∗ with P s = P s0 there holds
supervisor V such that Lm (V /G) = K if and only if (∀σ ∈ Σhib ) sσ ∈ K, s0 ∈ C, s0 σ ∈ L(G) ⇒ s0 σ ∈ K.
(i) K is weakly observable (in (14));
(2) For every pair of strings s, s0 ∈ Σ∗ with P s = P s0 there
(ii) K is controllable (in (7)); holds
(iii) K is Lm (G)-closed (in (5)). s.tick ∈ K, s0 ∈ C, s0 .tick ∈ L(G), s ≡ s0 ⇒ s0 .tick ∈ K.

Like observability, weak observability is not closed under The first condition above is the relative observability of
set union; consequently the supremal sublanguage that K with respect to Σhib . The second condition deals with
satisfies the above three conditions (or the optimal su- the event tick: two lookalike strings s, s0 ∈ C which satisfy
pervisor) need not exist in general. This motivates us to s ≡ s0 are required to have identical one-step continuations
propose relative weak observability below, which is closed of tick, if allowed in L(G), with respect to membership in
under set union. K. This is weaker than relative observability with respect
to tick, inasmuch as the requirement is imposed only on
Remark 1. The implementation of the supervisor V =
lookalike strings satisfying s ≡ s0 . Therefore the following
(V1 , V2 ) in Theorem 6 is as follows. After a string s ∈ L(G)
result is immediate.
such that s.tick ∈ L(G), V observes the string t = P s ∈
P L(G). Then V enables all events in V1 (t), and forces Proposition 8. If K ⊆ C is C-observable, then K is also
all events in V2 (t) = F (t). If one or more events in F (t) weakly C-observable.
is eligible after s, then tick is preempted; if no event in
F (t) is eligible after s, then tick is enabled. In comparison, As a corollary of Propositions 8 and 5, relative weak
the implementation of the supervisor V in Theorem 1 is observability is weaker than normality. Next, we show
simpler inasmuch as no explicit F (t) is needed for tick that relative weak observability is stronger than weak
preemption; indeed, V directly decides to enable or disable observability.
tick, and controllability ensures the availability of forcible Proposition 9. If K ⊆ C is weakly C-observable and
events for the disabling/preempting action. controllable, then K is also weakly observable.
For the proof refer to Cai et al. (2014). As with relative
4.2 Relative Weak Observability observability, the fixed ambient language C, as well as the
equivalence relation ≡, renders relative weak observability
Fixing a sublanguage C ⊆ Lm (G), we introduce rela- algebraically well-behaved: an arbitrary union of relatively
tive weak observability which sets C ⊆ L(G) to be the weakly observable languages is again relatively weakly
ambient language (as is done in Definition 2 for relative observable.
observability). The key idea here is to distinguish differ- Proposition 10. Let Ki ⊆ C, i ∈ IS (some index set), be
ent ‘control patterns’ for tick preemption in each set of
weakly C-observable. Then K = {Ki | i ∈ I} is also
lookalike strings; we do so by imposing on each such set
a special equivalence relation. The equivalence classes of weakly C-observable.
this equivalence relation have mutually disjoint subsets
For the proof refer to Cai et al. (2014). Whether or not
of forcible events, so that in each equivalence class tick
preemption may be carried out independently. K ⊆ C is weakly C-observable, write
WO(K, C) := {K 0 ⊆ K | K 0 is weakly C-observable}
Let P : Σ∗ → Σ∗o and s ∈ L(G). Write [s] := {s0 ∈ (15)
L(G)|P s0 = P s} for the set of lookalike strings to s in
L(G). Define a binary relation ≡ on [s] as follows: for for the family of weakly C-observable sublanguages of
all s, s0 ∈ [s], s ≡ s0 if either (i) EL(G) (s) ∩ EL(G) (s0 ) ∩ K. Note that the empty language ∅ is trivially weakly
Σf or 6= ∅ or (ii) there exist s1 , ..., sk ∈ [s], k ≥ 1, such that C-observable, thus a member of WO(K, C). By Propo-
sition 10, moreover, WO(K, C) has a unique supremal
EL(G) (s) ∩ EL(G) (s1 ) ∩ Σf or 6= ∅ element supWO(K, C) given by
.. [
. supWO(K, C) := {K 0 | K 0 ∈ WO(K, C)}. (16)
EL(G) (sk ) ∩ EL(G) (s0 ) ∩ Σf or 6= ∅. This is the supremal weakly C-observable sublanguage of
In words, two strings s, s0 ∈ [s] satisfy s ≡ s0 if either (i) K. The next subsection presents an algorithm to compute
they are followed by some common forcible events that are supWO(K, C).
eligible in L(G), or (ii) there is a finite chain of strings in
[s] that ‘connects’ s to s0 through some common forcible 4.3 Algorithm
events that are eligible in L(G). This implies that s ≡ s0
is false (s, s0 ∈ [s]) if and only if for every s00 ∈ [s] with As noted immediately above Proposition 8, the only dif-
s00 ≡ s0 there holds EL(G) (s) ∩ EL(G) (s00 ) ∩ Σf or = ∅. ference between relative weak observability and relative
It is easily verified that ≡ is reflexive, symmetric, and observability is the treatment of the event tick: in the
transitive, and thus an equivalence relation on [s]. former, essentially, tick may be treated independently for
Definition 7. Let K ⊆ C ⊆ Lm (G). We say K is relatively lookalike strings that do not belong to the same equiva-
weakly observable with respect to C, G, and P , or simply lence class of ≡. Thus our idea of computing the supremal
weakly C-observable, if the following two conditions hold: relatively weakly observable sublanguage of a language K

WODES 2014
Cachan, France. May 14-16, 2014

is as follows: (1) identify equivalence classes of ≡, and ing behavior improvement; in practice the latter will be
relabel tick using distinct event labels tick1 , tick2 , ... for case-dependent. Nevertheless, since we have designed algo-
distinct equivalent classes; (2) apply the algorithm in Cai rithms for both observability concepts, our suggestion is as
et al. (2013) to compute the supremal relatively observable follows. First compute the supremal relatively observable
sublanguage of K; and finally (3) relabel tick1 , tick2 , ... sublanguage K1 (of a given specification language K);
back to tick. if the tick preemption behavior of K1 is ‘satisfactory’,
then use K1 . Otherwise, compute the supremal relatively
Let G = (Q, Σ, δ, q0 , Qm ), C, and K be finite-state (trim) weakly observable sublanguage K2 of K; comparing K2
TDES (as in (4)) with marked languages Lm (G), C, and with K1 , if the improvement of tick preemption behavior
K, respectively. is ‘significant’, then use K2 .
Algorithm 2: Input G, C, K, and P : Σ∗ → Σ∗o .
1. For each t ∈ P (L(G)), use the subset construction
technique (Wonham (2013), Section 2.5) to find the subset
We have studied two new observability concepts in su-
Q(t) := {q ∈ Q|(∃s ∈ P −1 (t))δ(q0 , s) = q}. pervisory control of timed DES under partial observa-
For each q ∈ Q(t), write EL(G) (q) := {σ ∈ Σ|δ(q, σ)!}. tion. First, we have introduced timed relative observabil-
Then for each pair (q, q 0 ) ∈ Q(t) × Q(t), q ≡ q 0 if either ity, which is stronger than timed observability, weaker
(i) EL(G) (q) ∩ EL(G) (q 0 ) ∩ Σf or 6= ∅ or (ii) there exist than normality, and closed under set union. An algorithm
q1 , ..., qk ∈ Q(t), k ≥ 1, such that has been presented for computing the supremal relatively
observable, controllable, and Lm (G)-closed sublanguage
EL(G) (q) ∩ EL(G) (q1 ) ∩ Σf or 6= ∅ of a given language. Second, we have identified timed
.. relative weak observability, which is stronger than weak
. observability, weaker than normality, and closed under set
EL(G) (qk ) ∩ EL(G) (q ) ∩ Σf or 6= ∅. union. An algorithm has been presented for computing
Thus for each Q(t) we identify the equivalence classes of the supremal relatively weakly observable sublanguage of
≡, say Q1 (t), Q2 (t), .... For tick defined at some state in a given language.
Qi (t), i = 1, 2, ..., relabel it by ticki . Do the corresponding
relabeling in C and K, and denote the relabeled generators REFERENCES
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servability concepts for timed supervisory control. Timed Wonham, W.M. (2013). Supervisory Control of Discrete-
relative observability is conceptually simpler (since its Event Systems. Systems Control Group, ECE Dept,
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tick preemption behavior. The decision as to which ob-
servability concept to use therefore depends on how much
extra information is needed to achieve the correspond-


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