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It's Ducking Serious Now || minsung

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stray Kids (Band)
Relationship: Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know
Character: Lee Minho | Lee Know, Han Jisung | Han, Kim Seungmin, Hwang
Additional Tags: Mentioned Seo Changbin, Explicit Sexual Content, Top Lee Minho |
Lee Know, Bottom Han Jisung | Han, Office Sex, Author Is Sleep
Deprived, jisung is a horny employee, minho is a naughty boss,
seungmin just wants a normal job, please read notes :)), Cock Warming,
hyunjin doesn't know anything abt his friend lol
Series: Part 2 of what the duck?
Stats: Published: 2021-06-10 Words: 4031

It's Ducking Serious Now || minsung

by minsungstreet2514


Ever since that fateful Friday, Jisung has been playing hide and seek with his department's
director, Minho.

But his boss surely knows how to get him to show what he truly feels..


Jisung wants to have another round of their office sex.


Hiiii! Decided to make a part two cuz...why not. Hahaha.

Just a little TMI/rant/words to say lol

I'm not really good with expressing but I just wanna thank everyone who have been giving
me support, especially those who leave feedback on almost all of my works. I really
appreciate you guys
As some of you may have noticed, I don't update as much as I do before (which is like
everyday or every other day), and I haven't moved with the requests either.
Lately, I've been getting some not-so-nice messages on my curiouscat and it has affected
my view in writing, and somehow making me doubt my skills. I was really in a slump these
past few days and I contemplated whether to continue writing or halt everything.
I write for fun, I write during my free time, and I write because I love my ships and my
readers as well.
I'll try to be more active this weekend, and hopefully I can have a more positive outlook and
I'll do my best to block all the negative vibes lol. I'll probably finish my own prompts first
before going back to the requests, so please be patient (〒﹏〒)

- this is a work of fiction, if you do not like the association of celebrity names in a story,
this is not for you
- mind the tags
- office sex is sexc, but make sure you won't get fired if you get caught

Happy reading

See the end of the work for more notes

“What’s up with you?”

“Just fucking move, Hyunjin. Hurry up!”

It’s been a week since the fateful Friday afternoon in Jisung’s life happened. That one time he had
sex with their department’s director, and his life had never been more complicated.

When he woke up, Minho was no longer there, but someone else was guarding him. He was glad
for the blanket wrapped around his body because he definitely wouldn’t like the fact that someone
was watching him sleep…naked. He was instructed that he could use the shower in Minho’s
personal bathroom, which he didn’t even know existed. Like, why would an office have a shower?
For employee hookups? That’s the only logical reason he could think of.

“I can just wear my clothes again.”

“Mr. Lee already paid for all this. Don’t worry about it. I mean, I’d rather wear new branded
clothes rather than to smell like sex on my way home.” Seungmin retorted. He did have a point,
Jisung could’ve only hoped that he would say it in a nicer way.

He was thankful that the clothes fit him just fine, and he didn’t have to worry about the stares he’d
get when travelling with his soiled and sweaty clothes.

“Where’s Mr. Lee, by the way?”

“He’s in a meeting with some people, I was supposed to drive him there but he told me to just look
after you and lock the office once you’re out.”

“Oh, well, thanks for that. I really appreciate it.”

“I think I’m being paid enough to do things outside the job.”

Jisung slept like a rock that night. One minute he was just eating dinner, and the next thing he
knew it was a Saturday morning, and he even slept in his new clothes.

When he checked his phone, he noticed that he has a lot of notifications from Minho, some missed
calls, and messages asking if he got home safely and if Seungmin gave him everything he needed.

Jisung screamed on his pillow, it really took him a good night’s sleep before it could sink in that he
had sex with his boss. Minho fucked him in his office. They made out. All that was too much to
process for his nut of a brain in the morning, and he decided to answer the messages a little later,
until he couldn’t answer them anymore.

What was he supposed to say anyway?

Thank you for the sex, now I can finally sleep well at night.

I’m glad my sexual frustrations were resolved by my hot director.

I wouldn’t mind doing that again, Mr. Lee.

Jisung rolled all over his bed when the last thought came up. Surely that won’t happen again. And
why would he even want to have sex with his superior who’s oozing with sex appeal, anyway?
That’s just wrong and he holds his work etiquettes at heart. Well, until yesterday.

He threw his phone somewhere on his bed, telling himself that he’ll respond in a while.

Which he never did throughout the weekend.

And this is how the most awkward work week began.

Jisung was glad that Minho was away most of the time due to some high management thing that he
doesn’t quite understand, being busy meeting with the other bosses, so when he needs to go to
Minho’s office to drop anything, he would make sure that he’d go during the times that Minho’s
away. He would hide as much as he could as to not spark any conversation between them.
“Why do I feel like you’re avoiding Director Lee?”

“Me? Pfft. Why would I avoid my boss, stupid?”

“Every time you see him, you panic, and he’s barely on the floor.”

“I just…I didn’t get back to him when he sent me a message this weekend, and I feel bad because,
he’s like, my boss.”

Jisung decided to leave the part as to why Minho would send him a message, because he knew his
friend can’t keep a secret.

“I’m pretty sure it’s fine. Mr. Lee’s like the most laid-back director out there.”

Jisung didn’t know if his mind was broken but the word ‘laid-back’ surely reminded him of
something else, and it wasn’t related to the actual meaning of the word.

Jisung didn’t know how he happened to avoid Minho at all cost during the past few days. Before
he knew it, Friday already came. He was determined to keep his little game of hide-and-seek with
his boss one more day, and he promised himself that he would apologize this weekend for not
being able to talk to him personally.

When he got to the office, Minho was already heading out to the opposite direction with Changbin,
the head of the I.T. Department. He let out a sigh of relief knowing that he won’t be coming for the
next few hours and he didn’t need to constantly look over his shoulder.

He began to focus on his work, only to be disturbed by a hand on his shoulder.

When he turned his swivel chair around, well, there he was, Lee Minho, with an iced coffee on his
other hand, smiling down innocently at poor Jisung, who seemed betrayed because he really
thought he had some time to spare before he goes hiding.

“My office?”

“I uhhhh…I still have a lot of plans to finish, sir.”

“You know that’s not true. I’ll be waiting for you, Mr. Han.”

And off he went, walking down the hallway until he disappeared from Jisung’s sight.

What the fuck am I going to do?

Jisung thought of ignoring the invitation, saying that he was too busy that it slipped his mind, but
everybody else on their stations saw the interaction and they’d probably start reminding him about
it. He thought of faking a sickness and going to the clinic but then again, he’s not a good liar.

He was left with no option, to face the man he somehow ‘ghosted’ after some good sex and maybe
come up with an explanation why he didn’t reply to his messages, which weren’t even about the
sex but just straight up asking how he was doing.

He decided to just have a go for it. With shaky legs, he started traveling down the corridor that
would lead to Minho’s office. He knocked three times, and when he heard Minho answer from the
other side, he went in, holding his breath as memories from last Friday started surging in.

“You’re here! Come sit with me.” Minho tapped on the cushion beside him, and all the things that
happened last week started racing into Jisung’s thoughts. He finally exhaled the air he has been
keeping, slowly walking towards Minho until he finally settled on the space beside him, his whole
body tense, with his hands resting on his knees.

“I know you’ve been avoiding me, Jisung. Did I go too far?”

Jisung looked up only to see an expression he never thought Minho would pull off. He was
pouting. This boss of his, was pouting, like a kid who didn’t get his favorite toy, paired with sad cat

“N-no! I was just…embarrassed. That’s all, sir.” Jisung waved his hands defensively. He didn’t
know whether to feel guilty or cringe over what his boss was doing.

“Why would you be?”

“Sir…you’re my boss.”

“And? What about it? We’re not allowed to mess around because of that?”

“I guess…no. I mean…kinda…?”

“Oh, come on, it’s not like that.”

Minho eventually lifted Jisung up and made him seated between his legs and Jisung could do
nothing because he’s basically feeling like jelly with just the slightest touch from Minho. His
backside being pressed against Minho’s crotch, the man wasn’t even hard but Jisung was starting
to get turned on already. He let his back rest on Minho’s chest.

“I don’t mind doing it again with you, but of course, only if you’re up for it.”

“Like…right now?”

“I didn’t say anything.” Minho’s pout was replaced with a sly grin as he rested his chin on Jisung’s
shoulder. “Do you…want to do it now?” Minho asked, his voice going two tones lower, making
Jisung feel things.

“It’s still work hours, Mr. Lee.”

“Ohhhh, so you want to do it later after work?”

Jisung only blushed even more. He felt like he was just really setting himself up, not that he didn’t
like the idea, though.

“That’s not— I didn’t mean it like that. Aren’t you even mad at me?”

“Hmmm? Why would I be?” Minho had his arms wrapped around Jisung now and Jisung felt the
same hotness he had last time.

“Because I didn’t get back to you.”

“I figured you were shy about all this so I didn’t bother, but I just can’t keep up with this game of
trying to hide from you.”

Oh. So it wasn’t Jisung who was good at hiding.

“I’m really sorry about that, I really didn’t know how to respond to your messages, sir.”

“That’s alright. Can I kiss you now?”

Jisung looked over his shoulder, and there it was again, Minho making a cute face all of a sudden
that it would feel illegal to turn him down. How he does it, Jisung would never understand.

“Yes, of course.”

Minho didn’t waste any second, crashing his lips with Jisung’s as soon as he got his permission,
and Jisung wasn’t complaining. He put one of his hands on Minho’s cheek, pulling him closer
while the other held his arms that are wrapped around his stomach.

It didn’t take long for Minho’s hands to start roaming around Jisung’s body, making their way to
his chest while they continued to kiss on Minho’s couch. Next thing Jisung knew, he was moaning
against their kiss, Minho’s fingers brushing along his nipples through his clothes. Minho continued
doing that until Jisung started whimpering, his body moving against Minho’s front, trying to get
more of him involved. Minho smiled through the kiss before pulling away, watching Jisung’s face
all flushed in front of him, his eyes telling him how needy he was for something more. One of his
hands cupped Jisung’s bulge, and he indulged in the way Jisung shut his eyes, hands clutching on
his thighs as he started rubbing his dick through his pants, all while his other hand busied itself
still with his chest.

“You like that?”

Jisung nodded, laying his head on Minho’s shoulder as he watched his hands stimulate his body
more. He moved his hips forward, trying to grind on Minho’s hand on his crotch. He didn’t care
about the noises he was making, and all of the embarrassment and shyness these past few days
were easily forgotten. Jisung might’ve actually regretted not getting back to Minho sooner because
they might’ve done this a lot sooner, too, and that thought pained him.

They were so into it when they were disrupted by Minho’s phone ringing, again. Minho’s hand
didn’t leave Jisung’s bulge, though, the hand on Jisung’s chest was the one he used to pick his
phone up and press on the answer button, putting the caller on speaker and setting the phone beside
them. Once Minho’s other hand was free, Jisung quickly grabbed onto it, shoving Minho’s fingers
in his mouth, like how they did it last time, too. Jisung felt proud when Minho smiled at his action,
letting Jisung suck on his fingers while his other hand jerks him off, and still having the poise to
have a formal conversation with the caller. Jisung did his best to quiet himself down, focusing his
lips on Minho’s digits while his cock longed for release.

What he did not expect was for Minho to stop rubbing his crotch as soon as the call ended. He
immediately straightened himself up and turned around to look at Minho with a betrayed
expression, fingers still in his mouth like it was a normal thing to do now.

“What is it, Jisung?” Minho asked teasingly, slowly pulling his fingers out of Jisung’s mouth, and
it was time for Jisung to make a cute face. On his defense, he was doing it subconsciously.

“Why…why did you stop?”

“Oh! It’s lunchtime already and I have a meeting afterwards with one of the CEOs so I have to keep


“Don’t be sad, baby.” Minho lifted Jisung’s chin with his clean hand. “Let’s just say I’m making it
even since you didn’t get back to me.”

Jisung bit his bottom lip. He understood why Minho’s getting back at him, but he was painfully
horny, and he would’ve cum if only Minho continued what he was doing moments ago.

“But I want you to fuck me.”

“I will, later.” Minho kissed him one last time before ushering him to stand up.

“It’s going to be so hard walking with this fucking tent. With all due respect sir, I kind of hate you
for this.”

“Hmmm, I think these will do.” Minho handed Jisung some folders to hold so he could somehow
conceal the aching hard-on he had for their make out session. “It’ll make sense more if you come
out of my office with something, you know?”

Jisung was about to head towards the door, when he made a dramatic turn and looked at Minho
with expectant eyes.

“Later…did you mean that sir?”

“Well, someone’s excited.”

“Never mind. Pretend I didn’t ask anything.” Jisung grabbed onto the doorknob when he heard
Minho softly laughing at his own amusement.

“Of course, Mr. Han. Like I said, if you’re up for it, then so am I.”


Jisung jolted from his seat when he felt Hyunjin’s hand shaking him aggressively.

“You’re zoning out. I’ve been talking to you for five minutes straight and not once have you

“Oh…sorry. Just have a lot in my mind.”

“Like what?”

Being bent over Minho’s work desk, maybe get to ride him, or suck him again, probably just him
being banged against the walls of his office. Something like that.

“Work stuff.”

“Come on! It’s Friday already. You need to loosen up.”

Maybe in a few hours I will.

Jisung didn’t know how he pulled it off but he was glad he was able to take the ‘promise’ out of
his mind as he got back to work after lunch. He was in his normal productive state, with a clear

That didn’t last very long when Minho decided to text him,

“5pm at my office [winking sticker]”

If Jisung was confused before, then he was definitely more confused now because how the fuck is
he hot and cute at the same time?

Jisung looked at the time. It was only 3:30 pm. Just an hour and a half of suffering and putting his
legs together so he doesn’t pop off a boner to let everyone know that he’s going to get wrecked in
his boss’ office. He decided to grab the really easy workloads because he wasn’t ready to mess up
their financial sheets if he accidentally typed ten zeroes while he daydreamed of Minho’s dick
inside him.

Every time he checks at the time, he was slowly getting convinced that his computer was broken
with how slow it was moving. He felt like an hour had already past when it’s only been twenty
minutes and he could feel his cock itching to be free from his pants.

Eventually, 5pm arrived and Jisung quickly finished up all his remaining works, his hands shaking
a bit with excitement as he turned off his computer. He waited for a few minutes to pass so that
most of his co-workers would be out, and the rest doing overtime wouldn’t catch him running off
to Minho’s office.

Though, the disappointment was real when he was met with an empty cold room when he entered
the office. He was about to text Minho where he was, when he received the message.

“Stuck in a meeting. Be there in a few, sweetie. Check the drawers if you need anything. [winking


Jisung put his things down on the sinful couch before walking around the room, running his fingers
on the desk where he got railed last time, biting his lip thinking if he’ll be fucked the same way

Curiosity caught up to him so he went to Minho’s drawer, hoping that there wouldn’t be anything
too valuable in there because he’s the only one Minho could blame if something gets lost.
Thankfully, there were just the basic office supplies, pens, clips, staplers, a bottle of lube and some
condoms. Just the everyday necessities to keep you up in an office life.

Jisung decided to take them and he walked back to the couch. He thought for a bit. Should he jerk
off or stretch himself up while waiting for Minho? Both options were tempting, and he was getting
really horny at this point. He shrugged, telling himself that whatever his hands decided to do first,
then he’ll stick with it. He took off his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt, letting them fall to his
back in case he accidentally cums in his stomach. He then unbuckled his belt, unzipping his pants
to let it fall off to his ankles, and finally, pulling his boxers off with it, so he’s only left with his

He put his legs up and grabbed the bottle of lube, putting some on his fingers and some on his rim
as well. He wasn’t an expert when it comes to it but he was too lost in his thoughts to care. He
began to replay in his mind how Minho did it last time, trying to mimic his moves. Jisung sighed at
the feeling of the first finger going in. It didn’t feel as good as Minho doing it, but the pleasure was
there. He relaxed himself, eager to get the second finger in. He winced a bit when he finally did it,
continuing to stretch himself and work his way through the small amount of sting down there.

“Well, what do we have here?”

Jisung immediately turned his head to the door, where Minho was standing, grinning as looked at
Jisung’s position on his couch.

Jisung was about to pull his fingers out when Minho stopped him, rushing to his side to grab his

“One more finger, sweetie.”

“But I want you.” Jisung whimpered.

“You can do it, Jisung. Just one more, then we can fuck.”

Minho pulled Jisung closer to him so they could kiss, lips and tongue sliding against each other as
he let his hand guide Jisung into adding one more inside him. Jisung nipped on his bottom lip as a
reaction, and Minho’s face scrunched a bit at the pain. Jisung didn’t seem to notice though,
because was too focused in opening himself up.

Minho broke the kiss, loving how it was Jisung’s turn to pout, he wasn’t saying anything but his
expressions definitely screamed ‘please fuck me now’.

“Okay, I think that’s enough, Jisung. You can pull them out now.”

Jisung quickly pulled them out, regretting his sudden action as felt his gaping hole clench over
nothing, getting more desperate for Minho’s dick inside him.

“Hmmm, so how do you want this to go?” Minho slowly started undressing, and Jisung just wanted
to hurry the fuck out of him if only he wasn’t his literal superior and he still has some respect left
for this confusing man.

“I don’t care. Just please…”

“But I want you to choose it this time.” Minho teasingly replied, basking on Jisung’s hungry eyes
on him as he took his time on pulling his pants down.

“Just…fuck me against the walls or something. Anything! Please, sir.”

“Hmmm, only if you start calling me by my name.”

Minho was now putting the condom on him, waiting for Jisung to respond to his request.

“Okay, fine. Minho. Now can we pleasee?”

“I guess having a gym membership is going to finally pay off.”

Minho scooped Jisung with his arms, standing up and pressing him against the nearest wall, not
wanting to waste too much energy looking for the right spot. Jisung instinctively wrapped his
limbs around Minho.

“Aren’t you going to take my shirt off?”

“Oh no, you look hotter this way.”

Minho slowly lowered his hold on Jisung’s body, and he could hear the low whimpers Jisung let
out when he felt the tip rub against his rim. Minho gently pushed his way in, with Jisung’s eyes
rolling to the back of his head, his hands gripping on Minho’s back for support.

Minho pushed Jisung harder onto the walls as he began to fuck the daylight out of him. Jisung at
this point was straight up a moaning mess. Even with Minho’s hands on his ass supporting his
weight, he felt like his body was about to give out.


On the other hand, Minho was focused on Jisung’s appearance. The sweaty forehead, the fluttering
eyes, the slack mouth, his dress shirt flowing freely with every pound, it was turning him as much
as Jisung’s tight hole wrapped around his dick.

“Jisung, I’m close.”

Minho leaned closer, placing his forehead on Jisung’s shoulder as he felt himself getting closer to
his orgasm. He squeezed on Jisung’s cheeks as he continued fucking into him, his throbbing cock
filling him up just like he needed hours ago, hitting the right angles, and driving him crazier at each

Minho’s thrusts grew erratic, he wanted to hold on a little longer but Jisung’s body didn’t help him
from busting inside the condom, but he didn’t stop penetrating him, working his way through the
oversensitivity as he helped Jisung get to his climax as well, which wasn’t far behind. Jisung let
out one last shaky moan as he tightened the hold of his legs around Minho’s waist, painting both of
their stomachs with white stains as he came untouched.

They began to catch their breaths, and Jisung whined when Minho pulled out before setting his
foot down on the floor, making him stumble a bit.

“We good there?”

“My legs just feel a little numb.”

“I see. Let’s clean up?” Minho supported Jisung as they entered his personal bathroom, making
sure that they’ve freshened up before presenting themselves to the outside world.

After a much needed shower, they both got changed, with Minho giving Jisung a set of new clothes
once again.

“Sir, you really shouldn’t have bothered.”

“Jisung, lighten up. I told you to call me Minho, no one’s besides us, anyway.”

“Okay, Minho. You really shouldn’t have bothered.”

“What? You expect me to let you out smelling and looking all fucked up? No!”

Minho helped Jisung fix his tie before doing his own. Jisung observed him, biting his lip because
Minho looked so hot even with the simple movement of his hands.

“I wish you could’ve stayed more inside me.”

“Yeah? We can do that at my place if you’re up for it.” Minho suggested, and Jisung was quite
surprised with the invitation, contradictory to Minho’s sincere face.

“What? You don’t want to? It’s fine if y—“

“You’re serious?”


“And you think I’m going to decline that?!”

Minho giggled, amused by his employee’s bluntness, like he wasn’t just playing hide and seek with
him for these past few days. He pressed a kiss on his lips before escorting him outside, taking the
fire exit to go one level down before going to the elevator, because Jisung still didn’t want to be the
floor’s hot topic for hooking up with his hot boss…for now.

And he most certainly did not let the opportunity to cockwarm Minho in his luxury car pass by
him, with them just pressing soft kisses all over each other’s faces while Minho’s dick is up in his
ass, with Minho’s coat acting as a blanket to cover them up, as they travelled down the road to get
to Minho's house.

Because they still have the driver to worry about, a Kim Seungmin who is tired of all of his boss’
antics, and just wanted to have a raise…again.

End Notes

thanks for reading!

Scream with me! Talk to me (✿◠‿◠) (im lonely pls bother me with anything lol)


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